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p6 BT Ce En300328 Test Report Bluetooth Edr

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MRT Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd Report No.

: 2005RSU006-E1
Phone: +86-512-66308358 Report Version: V01
Web: www.mrt-cert.com Issue Date: 02-07-2021

EN 300 328 V2.2.2 Bluetooth

Applicant: Escape BVBA

Address: Ter Heidelaan 50a, 3200 Aarschot, Belgium

Product: Portable Indoor/Outdoor Wireless Speaker System

Model No.: ESCAPE P6 BT

Brand Name: ESCAPE

Standards: EN 300 328 V2.2.2 (2019-07)

AS/NZS 4268: 2017
Result: Complies

Test Date: May 14, 2020 ~ January 08, 2021

Reviewed By:

Kevin Guo
Approved By:

Robin Wu

The test results relate only to the samples tested.

The test results shown in the test report are traceable to the national/international standards through the
calibration of the equipment and evaluated measurement uncertainty herein.
The test report shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of MRT Technology (Suzhou)
Co., Ltd.
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Report No.: 2005RSU006-E1

Revision History

Report No. Version Description Issue Date Note

2005RSU006-E1 Rev. 01 Draft Report 02-07-2021

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Report No.: 2005RSU006-E1

Description Page
1. General Information ............................................................................................................... 6
1.1. Applicant....................................................................................................................... 6
1.2. Manufacturer ................................................................................................................ 6
1.3. Testing Facility .............................................................................................................. 6
1.4. Feature of Equipment under Test .................................................................................. 7
1.5. Product Specification Subjective to this Report ............................................................. 7
1.6. Channel List ................................................................................................................. 8
1.7. Application Form for Testing ......................................................................................... 9
1.8. Standards Applicable for Testing ................................................................................. 10
1.9. Test Environment Condition ......................................................................................... 11
2. Test Configuration of Equipment under Test ......................................................................11
2.1. Test Mode .................................................................................................................... 11
2.2. Test Software ............................................................................................................... 11
3. Test Summary ...................................................................................................................... 12
4. RF Output Power .................................................................................................................. 13
4.1. Limit ............................................................................................................................ 13
4.2. Test Setup .................................................................................................................. 13
4.3. Test Procedure ........................................................................................................... 13
4.4. Test Result .................................................................................................................. 14
5. Power Spectral Density........................................................................................................ 15
5.1. Limit ............................................................................................................................ 15
5.2. Test Setup .................................................................................................................. 15
5.3. Test Procedure ........................................................................................................... 15
5.4. Test Result .................................................................................................................. 15
6. Duty Cycle, Tx-sequence, Tx-gap ....................................................................................... 16
6.1. Limit ............................................................................................................................ 16
6.2. Test Setup .................................................................................................................. 16
6.3. Test Procedure ........................................................................................................... 16
6.4. Test Result .................................................................................................................. 16
7. Accumulated Transmit Time, Frequency Occupation and Hopping Sequence ............... 17
7.1. Limit ............................................................................................................................ 17
7.2. Test Setup .................................................................................................................. 18
7.3. Test Procedure ........................................................................................................... 18
7.4. Test Result .................................................................................................................. 19
8. Hopping Frequency Separation .......................................................................................... 21
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8.1. Limit ............................................................................................................................ 21

8.2. Test Setup .................................................................................................................. 21
8.3. Test Procedure ........................................................................................................... 21
8.4. Test Result .................................................................................................................. 22
9. Medium Utilization (MU) Factor ........................................................................................... 23
9.1. Limit ............................................................................................................................ 23
9.2. Test Setup .................................................................................................................. 23
9.3. Test Procedure ........................................................................................................... 23
9.4. Test Result .................................................................................................................. 23
10. Adaptivity .............................................................................................................................. 24
10.1. Limit ............................................................................................................................ 24
10.2. Test Setup .................................................................................................................. 25
10.3. Test Procedure ........................................................................................................... 25
10.4. Test Result .................................................................................................................. 25
11. Occupied Channel Bandwidth ............................................................................................. 26
11.1. Limit ............................................................................................................................ 26
11.2. Test Setup .................................................................................................................. 26
11.3. Test Procedure ........................................................................................................... 26
11.4. Test Result .................................................................................................................. 27
12. Transmitter Unwanted Emissions in the Out-of-Band Domain ......................................... 29
12.1. Limit ............................................................................................................................ 29
12.2. Test Setup .................................................................................................................. 29
12.3. Test Procedure ........................................................................................................... 29
12.4. Test Result .................................................................................................................. 30
13. Transmitter Unwanted Emissions in the Spurious Domain............................................... 31
13.1. Limit ............................................................................................................................ 31
13.2. Test Setup .................................................................................................................. 31
13.3. Test Procedure ........................................................................................................... 32
13.4. Test Result .................................................................................................................. 33
14. Receiver Spurious Emissions ............................................................................................. 36
14.1. Limit ............................................................................................................................ 36
14.2. Test Setup .................................................................................................................. 36
14.3. Test Procedure ........................................................................................................... 37
14.4. Test Result .................................................................................................................. 38
15. Receiver Blocking ................................................................................................................ 41
15.1. Limit ............................................................................................................................ 41
15.2. Test Setup .................................................................................................................. 42
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15.3. Test Procedure ........................................................................................................... 42

15.4. Test Result .................................................................................................................. 43
16. Measurement Uncertainty.................................................................................................... 45
17. List of Measuring Instrument .............................................................................................. 46
Appendix A - Test Setup Photograph ......................................................................................... 50
Appendix B - EUT Photograph .................................................................................................... 51

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1. General Information
1.1. Applicant
Escape bv
Ter Heidelaan 50a, 3200 Aarschot, Belgium

1.2. Manufacturer
Escape bv
Ter Heidelaan 50a, 3200 Aarschot, Belgium

1.3. Testing Facility

Test Site – MRT Suzhou Laboratory
Laboratory Location (Suzhou - Wuzhong)
D8 Building, No.2 Tian’edang Rd., Wuzhong Economic Development Zone, Suzhou, China
Laboratory Location (Suzhou - SIP)
4b Building, Liando U Valley, No.200 Xingpu Rd., Shengpu Town, Suzhou Industrial Park, China

Laboratory Accreditations
A2LA: 3628.01 CNAS: L10551
FCC: CN1166 ISED: CN0001
VCCI: R-20025, G-20034, C-20020, T-20020

Test Site – MRT Shenzhen Laboratory

Laboratory Location (Shenzhen)
1G, Building A, Junxiangda Building, Zhongshanyuan Road West, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China
Laboratory Accreditations
A2LA: 3628.02 CNAS: L10551
FCC: CN1284 ISED: CN0105

Test Site – MRT Taiwan Laboratory

Laboratory Location (Taiwan)
No. 38, Fuxing 2nd Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 333, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Laboratory Accreditations
TAF: L3261-190725
FCC: 291082, TW3261 ISED: TW3261

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1.4. Feature of Equipment under Test

Product Name: Portable Indoor/Outdoor Wireless Speaker System
Model No.: ESCAPE P6 BT
Brand Name: ESCAPE
Bluetooth Version: V5.0 (Single mode for BR/EDR)
Operating Temperature: 0 ~ 60℃
Product Voltage: 100-120/220-240V ~ 50/60Hz; 100W
Test Device Serial Number: P6 BT 2004P0202F8C

1.5. Product Specification Subjective to this Report

Operating Frequency: 2402~2480MHz
Channel Number: 79
Channel Spacing: 1MHz
Type of modulation: GFSK, Pi/4 DQPSK, 8DPSK
Data Rate: 1Mbps (GFSK), 2Mbps (Pi/4 DQPSK), 3Mbps (8DPSK)
Antenna Type: Omni Antenna
Antenna Gain: 2dBi
Note: Above antenna information is provided by applicant.

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1.6. Channel List

For Bluetooth
Channel Frequency Channel Frequency Channel Frequency
00 2402 MHz 01 2403 MHz 02 2404 MHz
03 2405 MHz 04 2406 MHz 05 2407 MHz
06 2408 MHz 07 2409 MHz 08 2410 MHz
09 2411 MHz 10 2412 MHz 11 2413 MHz
12 2414 MHz 13 2415 MHz 14 2416 MHz
15 2417 MHz 16 2418 MHz 17 2419 MHz
18 2420 MHz 19 2421 MHz 20 2422 MHz
21 2423 MHz 22 2424 MHz 23 2425 MHz
24 2426 MHz 25 2427 MHz 26 2428 MHz
27 2429 MHz 28 2430 MHz 29 2431 MHz
30 2432 MHz 31 2433 MHz 32 2434 MHz
33 2435 MHz 34 2436 MHz 35 2437 MHz
36 2438 MHz 37 2439 MHz 38 2440 MHz
39 2441 MHz 40 2442 MHz 41 2443 MHz
42 2444 MHz 43 2445 MHz 44 2446 MHz
45 2447 MHz 46 2448 MHz 47 2449 MHz
48 2450 MHz 49 2451 MHz 50 2452 MHz
51 2453 MHz 52 2454 MHz 53 2455 MHz
54 2456 MHz 55 2457 MHz 56 2458 MHz
57 2459 MHz 58 2460 MHz 59 2461 MHz
60 2462 MHz 61 2463 MHz 62 2464 MHz
63 2465 MHz 64 2466 MHz 65 2467 MHz
66 2468 MHz 67 2469 MHz 68 2470 MHz
69 2471 MHz 70 2472 MHz 71 2473 MHz
72 2474 MHz 73 2475 MHz 74 2476 MHz
75 2477 MHz 76 2478 MHz 77 2479 MHz
78 2480 MHz -- -- -- --

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1.7. Application Form for Testing

Modulation Type
FHSS other forms of modulation
Adaptivity Equipment
Non-Adaptive Equipment:
The maximum RF Output Power (e.i.r.p.): … dBm
The maximum (corresponding) Duty Cycle: … %
Adaptive Equipment without the possibility to switch to a non-adaptive mode:
The equipment has implemented an LBT based DAA mechanism:
⚫ In case of equipment using modulation different from FHSS:
The equipment is Frame Based equipment
The equipment is Load Based equipment
The equipment can switch dynamically between Frame Based and Load Based
The equipment has implemented an non-LBT based DAA mechanism
The equipment can operate in more than one adaptive mode
Adaptive Equipment which can also operate in a non-adaptive mode
The Worst-Case Operational Mode for Each of The Following Tests
RF Output Power: 3.26dBm
Power Spectral Density:
Duty cycle, Tx-Sequence, Tx-gap:
Dwell time, Minimum Frequency Occupation & Hopping Sequence: 60.42ms, 1, 95%
Medium Utilization:
Occupied Channel Bandwidth: 1.19MHz
Transmitter unwanted emissions in the OOB domain: -47.02dBm/MHz
Transmitter unwanted emissions in the spurious domain: -60.6dBm
Receiver spurious emissions: -65.6dBm
Receiver Blocking: 3.3%
Antenna Category
Integral antenna (antenna permanently attached)
Temporary RF connector provided
No temporary RF connector provided
Dedicated antenna (equipment with antenna connector)

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Device Type
Stand-alone equipment
Combined equipment
Plug-in radio device
Operating Conditions
AC Mains DC
AC Voltage Range: 100-120/220-240V State DC Voltage: 16V 3.3A
Type of DC Source Internal DC supply
External power supply or AC/DC adapter
Temperature Range: 0 ~ 60℃
Geo-location Capability Supported by the Equipment
The geographical location determined by the equipment is not accessible to the user.

1.8. Standards Applicable for Testing

The EUT complies with the requirements of ETSI EN 300 328 V2.2.2 and AS/NZS 4268: 2017.

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2. Test Configuration of Equipment under Test

2.1. Test Mode

Test Mode
Mode 1: Transmit by DH5
Mode 2: Transmit by 2DH5
Mode 3: Transmit by 3DH5
Mode 4: Receive by DH5
Mode 5: Receive by 2DH5
Mode 6: Receive by 3DH5

2.2. Test Software

The test utility software used during testing was “BlueTest3”, and the version was “V2.6.9”.

2.3. Test Environment Condition

Ambient Temperature 15°C ~ 35°C

Relative Humidity 20%RH ~ 75%RH

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3. Test Summary
Clause Test Item Result Remark
(EN 300328) (Pass/Fail)
Transmitter Parameter
RF Output Power Pass --
Maximum Equivalent Isotropically Only for equipment using N/A
Radiated Power (E.I.R.P.) Spectral Density wide band modulations
Hopping Frequency Requirements Pass --
Occupied Channel Bandwidth Pass -- Transmitter Unwanted Emissions in the
Pass -- Out-of-Band Domain Transmitter Unwanted Emissions in the
Pass -- Spurious Domain
Receiver Parameter
Receiver Spurious Emissions Pass --
Receiver Blocking Pass --
Adaptive Test Item
Only applicable for
Adaptivity N/A adaptive equipment
output power >10dBm
Non-Adaptive Test Item
Duty Cycle, Tx-Sequence, Tx-gap N/A Only applicable for
non-adaptive equipment
Medium Utilization (MU) Factor N/A output power >10dBm
Geo-location Mechanism This device doesn’t have
Geo-Location Capability N/A geo-location capability.
Note 1: The device belongs to adaptive equipment.
Note 2: For radiated spurious emission test, every axis (X, Y, Z) was also verified. The test results
shown in the following sections represent the worst-case emissions.
Note 3: “N/A” means that the test item is not applicable, and the details refer to relevant section.

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4. RF Output Power
4.1. Limit
For Adaptive Frequency Hopping Systems
The maximum RF output power for adaptive Frequency Hopping equipment shall be equal to or less
than 20dBm.
For Adaptive Wide Band Modulations Systems
The maximum RF output power for adaptive equipment using wide band modulations other than
FHSS shall be equal to or less than 20dBm.
Test Conditions Limit
Normal and Extreme Temperature Conditions 20 dBm (E.I.R.P)

4.2. Test Setup

Conducted Measurements

4.3. Test Procedure

1. Make the EUT transmit continuously.
2. Connect the power sensor to one of transmit ports, other ports connect with 50Ω impedance.
3. Use the software & trigger function to measure one burst (TXOn time) power and measure total 12
bursts power continuously, then add total power level and compute the average power level P0

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4.4. Test Result

Portable Indoor/Outdoor
Product Test Engineer Dandy Li
Wireless Speaker System
Test Site WZ-TR3 Test Date 2020/05/21

Test Data Channel Frequency Average Power (dBm) Max EIRP Limit Result
Mode Rate No. (MHz) Normal Extreme Power (dBm)
(Mbps) 25℃ 0℃ 60℃ (dBm)
DH5 1 00 ~ 78 2402 ~ 2480 1.12 1.26 1.05 3.26 20 Pass
2DH5 2 00 ~ 78 2402 ~ 2480 -1.81 -1.67 -1.95 0.33 20 Pass
3DH5 3 00 ~ 78 2402 ~ 2480 -1.85 -1.73 -2.04 0.27 20 Pass
Note: Max EIRP Power (dBm) = Average Power (dBm) + Antenna Gain (dBi), Antenna Gain=2dBi.

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5. Power Spectral Density

5.1. Limit
For equipment using wide band modulations other than FHSS, the maximum Power Spectral
Density is limited to 10dBm per MHz.

5.2. Test Setup

5.3. Test Procedure

Refer to ETSI EN300 328 V2.2.2 (2019-07) Clause (Option 1).

5.4. Test Result

This requirement applies to all types of equipment using wide band modulations other than FHSS.
So this item is not applicable.

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6. Duty Cycle, Tx-sequence, Tx-gap

6.1. Limit
The Duty Cycle shall be equal to or less than the maximum value declared by the manufacturer.
The Tx-sequence time shall be equal to or less than 10 ms. The minimum Tx-gap time following a
Tx-sequence shall be equal to the duration of that proceeding Tx-sequence with a minimum of 3.5

6.2. Test Setup

6.3. Test Procedure

Refer to ETSI EN300 328 V2.2.2 (2019-07) Clause

6.4. Test Result

These requirements apply to non-adaptive frequency hopping equipment or to adaptive frequency
hopping equipment operating in a non-adaptive mode.
These requirements do not apply for equipment with a maximum declared RF Output power of less
than 10dBm E.I.R.P. So this item is not applicable.

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7. Accumulated Transmit Time, Frequency Occupation and Hopping

7.1. Limit
For Non-Adaptive Frequency Hopping Systems
The Accumulated Transmit Time on any hopping frequency shall not be greater than 15 ms within
any observation period of 15 ms multiplied by the minimum number of hopping frequencies (N) that
have to be used.
In order for the equipment to comply with the Frequency Occupation requirement, it shall meet either
of the following two options:
Option 1: Each hopping frequency of the hopping sequence shall be occupied at least once within a
period not exceeding four times the product of the dwell time and the number of hopping frequencies
in use.
Option 2: The occupation probability for each frequency shall be between ((1 / U) × 25 %) and 77 %
where U is the number of hopping frequencies in use.
The hopping sequence(s) shall contain at least N hopping frequencies where N is either 5 or the
result of 15 MHz divided by the minimum Hopping Frequency Separation in MHz, whichever is the

For Adaptive Frequency Hopping Systems

Adaptive Frequency Hopping systems shall be capable of operating over a minimum of 70 % of the
band specified 2400-2483.5MHz.
The Accumulated Transmit Time on any hopping frequency shall not be greater than 400 ms within
any period of 400 ms multiplied by the minimum number of hopping frequencies (N) that have to be
In order for the equipment to comply with the Frequency Occupation requirement, it shall meet either
of the following two options:
Option 1: Each hopping frequency of the hopping sequence shall be occupied at least once within a
period not exceeding four times the product of the dwell time and the number of hopping frequencies
in use.
Option 2: The occupation probability for each frequency shall be between ((1 / U) × 25 %) and 77 %
where U is the number of hopping frequencies in use.
The hopping sequence(s) shall contain at least N hopping frequencies at all times, where N is either
15 or the result of 15 MHz divided by the minimum Hopping Frequency Separation in MHz,
whichever is the greater.

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7.2. Test Setup

7.3. Test Procedure

Refer to ETSI EN300 328 V2.2.2 (2019-07) Clause

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7.4. Test Result

Test Site WZ-TR3 Test Engineer Dandy Li

Test Date 2020/05/14
Test Item Accumulated Transmit Time

Test Mode Frequency Dwell Time Number of Hops Maximum Dwell Limit
(MHz) per Hop per Channel in a Time in a 6s (ms)
(ms) 6s Period Period (ms)
2402 0.38 61 23.00 ≤ 400
2480 0.38 61 23.12 ≤ 400
2402 1.63 31 50.50 ≤ 400
2480 1.63 30 48.93 ≤ 400
2402 2.88 20 57.56 ≤ 400
2480 2.88 21 60.42 ≤ 400

Test Site WZ-TR3 Test Engineer Dandy Li

Test Date 2020/05/14
Test Item Frequency Occupation

Test Mode Frequency Actual Hopping Number Limit

(MHz) for Each Hopping
Frequency within a Period
2402 2 ≥1
2480 1 ≥1
2402 2 ≥1
2480 2 ≥1
2402 3 ≥1
2480 3 ≥1

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Test Site WZ-TR3 Test Engineer Dandy Li

Test Date 2020/05/14
Test Item Hopping Sequence

Test Mode Occupied Band Limit Channel Number Limit

DH1 95% ≥ 70% 79 ≥ 15
DH3 95% ≥ 70% 79 ≥ 15
DH5 95% ≥ 70% 79 ≥ 15

Test Result Pass

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8. Hopping Frequency Separation

8.1. Limit
For Non-Adaptive Frequency Hopping Systems
The Hopping Frequency Separation shall be equal to or greater than the Occupied Channel
Bandwidth, with a minimum separation of 100 kHz.

For Adaptive Frequency Hopping Systems

The minimum Hopping Frequency Separation shall be 100 kHz.

8.2. Test Setup

8.3. Test Procedure

Refer to ETSI EN300 328 V2.2.2 (2019-07) Clause (Option 1).

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8.4. Test Result

Test Site WZ-TR3 Test Engineer Dandy Li

Test Date 2020/05/14

Test Mode Channel Frequency Hopping Frequency Limit Result

No. (MHz) Separation (MHz) (MHz)
DH5 39 2441 1.0 ≥ 0.1 Pass
2DH5 39 2441 1.0 ≥ 0.1 Pass
3DH5 39 2441 1.0 ≥ 0.1 Pass

Hopping Frequency Separation

DH5 2DH5


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9. Medium Utilization (MU) Factor

9.1. Limit
The maximum Medium Utilization factor for non-adaptive Frequency Hopping equipment shall be
10 %.

9.2. Test Setup

9.3. Test Procedure

Refer to ETSI EN300 328 V2.2.2 (2019-07) Clause

9.4. Test Result

This requirement does not apply to adaptive equipment unless operating in a non-adaptive mode.
In addition, this requirement does not apply for equipment with a maximum declared RF Output
power level of less than 10dBm E.I.R.P. or for equipment when operating in a mode where the RF
Output power is less than 10dBm E.I.R.P. So this item is not applicable.

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10. Adaptivity
10.1. Limit
LBT based Detect and Avoid (Load Based Equipment may implement an LBT based spectrum
sharing mechanism as described in IEEE 802.11-2012 clauses 9, 10, 16, 17, 19 and 20 or in IEEE
802.15.4-2011, clauses 4, 5 and 8.)

Adaptivity Limit
The CCA observation time shall be not less than 18 us.
The Channel Occupancy Time shall be less than 13 ms.
The minimum idle period shall be not less than 18 us.
When adding the interference signal, the EUT shall stop transmissions on the current operating

Short Control Signaling Transmissions Limit

Short Control Signaling Transmissions shall have a maximum ratio of 10% within an observation
period of 50ms.
Adaptive equipment shall comply with the requirements in the presence of an unwanted Signal with
characteristics as below.
Unwanted Signal Parameters
Wanted signal mean power Unwanted signal Unwanted signal power Type of interfering
from companion device frequency (dBm) signal
(dBm) (MHz)

2395 or 2488.5
-30 -35 CW
(see note 1)
Note 1: The highest frequency shall be used for testing operating channels within the range 2400 MHz
to 2442 MHz, while the lowest frequency shall be used for testing operating channels within the range
2442 MHz to 2483.5 MHz.
Note 2: The level specified is the level in front of the UUT antenna. In case of conducted
measurements, this level has to be corrected by the actual antenna assembly gain.
With the interfering signal present, adding the unwanted signal, the EUT didn’t resume any normal
transmissions. When remove the interference and unwanted signal, the EUT was allowed to start
transmissions again on this channel.

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10.2. Test Setup

10.3. Test Procedure

Refer to ETSI EN300 328 V2.2.2 (2019-07) Clause

10.4. Test Result

This requirement does not apply for equipment with a maximum declared RF Output power level of
less than 10dBm E.I.R.P. or for equipment when operating in a mode where the RF Output power is
less than 10dBm E.I.R.P. So this item is not applicable.

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11. Occupied Channel Bandwidth

11.1. Limit
The Occupied Channel Bandwidth shall fall completely within the band given in 2.4GHz to

11.2. Test Setup

11.3. Test Procedure

Refer to ETSI EN300 328 V2.2.2 (2019-07) Clause

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11.4. Test Result

Test Site WZ-TR3 Test Engineer Dandy Li

Test Date 2020/05/14

Test Mode Data Rate Channel Frequency 99% Bandwidth Frequency Range Result
(Mbps) No. (MHz) (MHz) (MHz)
DH5 1 00 2402 0.88 2401.56 Pass
DH5 1 78 2480 0.87 2480.44 Pass
2DH5 2 00 2402 1.18 2401.41 Pass
2DH5 2 78 2480 1.18 2480.59 Pass
3DH5 3 00 2402 1.19 2401.40 Pass
3DH5 3 78 2480 1.19 2480.60 Pass

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DH5 Occupied Channel Bandwidth

Channel 00 (2402MHz) Channel 78 (2480MHz)

2DH5 Occupied Channel Bandwidth

Channel 00 (2402MHz) Channel 78 (2480MHz)

3DH5 Occupied Channel Bandwidth

Channel 00 (2402MHz) Channel 78 (2480MHz)

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12. Transmitter Unwanted Emissions in the Out-of-Band Domain

12.1. Limit
The transmitter unwanted emissions in the out-of-band domain but outside the allocated band, shall
not exceed the values provided by the mask in figure.

12.2. Test Setup

Conducted Measurements

12.3. Test Procedure

Refer to ETSI EN300 328 V2.2.2 (2019-07) Clause

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12.4. Test Result

Test Site WZ-TR3 Test Engineer Dandy Li

Test Date 2020/05/21
Test Mode Hopping Mode

Test Data Rate Frequency Range Worst Level Total Worst Level Limit Result
Mode (Mbps) (MHz) (dBm/MHz) (dBm/MHz) (dBm/MHz)

1 2400-2BW ~ 2400-BW -67.57 -65.57 -20 Pass

1 2400-BW ~ 2400 -65.29 -63.29 -10 Pass
1 2483.5 ~ 2483.5+BW -67.15 -65.15 -10 Pass
1 2483.5+BW ~ 2483.5+2BW -67.52 -65.52 -20 Pass
2 2400-2BW ~ 2400-BW -67.15 -65.15 -20 Pass
2 2400-BW ~ 2400 -61.60 -59.60 -10 Pass
2 2483.5 ~ 2483.5+BW -67.60 -65.60 -10 Pass
2 2483.5+BW ~ 2483.5+2BW 68.28 70.28 -20 Pass
3 2400-2BW ~ 2400-BW -67.74 -65.74 -20 Pass
3 2400-BW ~ 2400 -60.17 -58.17 -10 Pass
3 2483.5 ~ 2483.5+BW -49.04 -47.04 -10 Pass
3 2483.5+BW ~ 2483.5+2BW -49.02 -47.02 -20 Pass
Note: Total Worst Level (dBm/MHz) = Worst Level (dBm/MHz) + Antenna Gain (dBi), Antenna Gain = 2.00dBi.

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13. Transmitter Unwanted Emissions in the Spurious Domain

13.1. Limit
Transmitter Limits for Spurious Emissions
Frequency Range Maximum Power Bandwidth
30 MHz to 47 MHz -36dBm 100 kHz
47 MHz to 74 MHz -54dBm 100 kHz
74 MHz to 87.5 MHz -36dBm 100 kHz
87.5 MHz to 118 MHz -54dBm 100 kHz
118 MHz to 174 MHz -36dBm 100 kHz
174 MHz to 230 MHz -54dBm 100 kHz
230 MHz to 470 MHz -36dBm 100 kHz
470 MHz to 694 MHz -54dBm 100 kHz
694 MHz to 1 GHz -36dBm 100 kHz
1 GHz to 12.75 GHz -30dBm 1 MHz
Note: These limits are e.r.p. for emissions up to 1 GHz and e.i.r.p. for emissions above 1 GHz.

13.2. Test Setup

30MHz ~ 1GHz Test Setup:

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1GHz ~ 12.75GHz Test Setup:

13.3. Test Procedure

Refer to ETSI EN300 328 V2.2.2 (2019-07) Clause

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13.4. Test Result

Test Site WZ-AC1 Test Engineer Antony Yang

Test Date 2021/01/08 Test Mode DH5

Channel Frequency Reading Substitution Measure Limit Margin Detector Polarization

No. (MHz) Level Factor Level (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dB) (dBm)
60.0 -102.6 25.7 -76.9 -54.0 -22.9 RMS Horizontal
103.4 -101.3 19.0 -82.3 -54.0 -28.3 RMS Horizontal
54.3 -98.3 25.5 -72.8 -54.0 -18.8 RMS Vertical
98.9 -101.3 28.2 -73.1 -54.0 -19.1 RMS Vertical
4807.0 -65.3 17.0 -48.3 -30.0 -18.3 Peak Horizontal
10823.0 -70.0 28.3 -41.7 -30.0 -11.7 Peak Horizontal
6786.9 -68.5 20.4 -48.1 -30.0 -18.1 Peak Vertical
8984.1 -68.2 24.8 -43.4 -30.0 -13.4 Peak Vertical
58.6 -86.3 25.6 -60.7 -54.0 -6.7 Peak Horizontal
101.3 -83.3 18.8 -64.5 -54.0 -10.5 Peak Horizontal
56.2 -103.0 25.9 -77.1 -54.0 -23.1 RMS Vertical
88.7 -98.2 31.1 -67.1 -54.0 -13.1 RMS Vertical
4959.8 -67.5 17.7 -49.8 -30.0 -19.8 Peak Horizontal
7439.0 -66.2 22.3 -43.9 -30.0 -13.9 Peak Horizontal
4959.8 -61.6 16.7 -44.9 -30.0 -14.9 Peak Vertical
7439.0 -65.2 22.3 -42.9 -30.0 -12.9 Peak Vertical
Note: Measure Level (dBm) = Reading Level (dBm) + Factor (dB)

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Report No.: 2005RSU006-E1

Test Site WZ-AC1 Test Engineer Antony Yang

Test Date 2021/01/08 Test Mode 2DH5

Channel Frequency Reading Substitution Measure Limit Margin Detector Polarization

No. (MHz) Level Factor Level (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dB) (dBm)
55.3 -98.3 26.3 -72.0 -54.0 -18.0 RMS Horizontal
95.3 -95.3 18.8 -76.5 -54.0 -22.5 RMS Horizontal
90.3 -102.3 31.6 -70.7 -54.0 -16.7 RMS Vertical
100.3 -105.3 28.4 -76.9 -54.0 -22.9 RMS Vertical
4724.8 -67.9 16.9 -51.0 -30.0 -21.0 Peak Horizontal
7063.0 -68.8 21.9 -46.9 -30.0 -16.9 Peak Horizontal
4801.1 -67.0 16.4 -50.6 -30.0 -20.6 Peak Vertical
7897.3 -68.1 22.6 -45.5 -30.0 -15.5 Peak Vertical
56.7 -102.3 25.8 -76.5 -54.0 -22.5 RMS Horizontal
91.1 -89.3 19.1 -70.2 -54.0 -16.2 RMS Horizontal
55.4 -98.3 25.8 -72.5 -54.0 -18.5 RMS Vertical
97.4 -102.3 28.0 -74.3 -54.0 -20.3 RMS Vertical
5030.3 -68.1 18.2 -49.9 -30.0 -19.9 Peak Horizontal
9665.6 -69.4 27.3 -42.1 -30.0 -12.1 Peak Horizontal
4959.8 -65.3 16.7 -48.6 -30.0 -18.6 Peak Vertical
7439.0 -68.6 22.3 -46.3 -30.0 -16.3 Peak Vertical
Note: Measure Level (dBm) = Reading Level (dBm) + Factor (dB)

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Report No.: 2005RSU006-E1

Test Site WZ-AC1 Test Engineer Antony Yang

Test Date 2021/01/08 Test Mode 3DH5

Channel Frequency Reading Substitution Measure Limit Margin Detector Polarization

No. (MHz) Level Factor Level (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dB) (dBm)
98.4 -95.6 18.6 -77.0 -54.0 -23.0 RMS Horizontal
179.4 -102.3 28.2 -74.1 -54.0 -20.1 RMS Horizontal
47.3 -102.6 23.8 -78.8 -54.0 -24.8 RMS Vertical
98.3 -98.1 28.2 -69.9 -54.0 -15.9 RMS Vertical
5230.0 -54.7 17.6 -37.1 -30.0 -7.1 Peak Horizontal
7444.9 -67.7 22.2 -45.5 -30.0 -15.5 Peak Horizontal
4466.3 -68.5 15.5 -53.0 -30.0 -23.0 Peak Vertical
7068.9 -69.3 21.9 -47.4 -30.0 -17.4 Peak Vertical
58.6 -86.2 25.6 -60.6 -54.0 -6.6 Peak Horizontal
106.3 -98.3 19.4 -78.9 -54.0 -24.9 RMS Horizontal
52.3 -98.3 25.3 -73.0 -54.0 -19.0 RMS Vertical
114.3 -102.3 31.9 -70.4 -54.0 -16.4 RMS Vertical
5065.5 -69.2 18.2 -51.0 -30.0 -21.0 Peak Horizontal
7533.0 -68.4 22.4 -46.0 -30.0 -16.0 Peak Horizontal
4959.8 -67.1 16.7 -50.4 -30.0 -20.4 Peak Vertical
10870.0 -69.0 28.8 -40.2 -30.0 -10.2 Peak Vertical
Note: Measure Level (dBm) = Reading Level (dBm) + Factor (dB)

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Report No.: 2005RSU006-E1

14. Receiver Spurious Emissions

14.1. Limit
Spurious Emissions Limits for Receivers
Frequency Range Maximum Power Measurement Bandwidth
30 MHz to 1 GHz -57dBm 100 kHz
1 GHz to 12.75 GHz -47dBm 1 MHz
Note: These limits are e.r.p. for emissions up to 1 GHz and e.i.r.p. for emissions above 1 GHz.

14.2. Test Setup

30MHz ~ 1GHz Test Setup:

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1GHz ~ 12.75GHz Test Setup:

14.3. Test Procedure

Refer to ETSI EN300 328 V2.2.2 (2019-07) Clause

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14.4. Test Result

Test Site WZ-AC1 Test Engineer Antony Yang

Test Date 2021/01/08 Test Mode DH5

Channel Frequency Reading Substitution Measure Limit Margin Detector Polarization

No. (MHz) Level Factor Level (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dB) (dBm)
92.2 -98.6 19.0 -79.6 -57.0 -22.6 RMS Horizontal
143.3 -99.6 26.3 -73.3 -57.0 -16.3 RMS Horizontal
72.2 -99.3 29.2 -70.1 -57.0 -13.1 RMS Vertical
85.3 -102.3 31.9 -70.4 -57.0 -13.4 RMS Vertical
3167.9 -55.5 -7.7 -63.2 -47.0 -16.2 Peak Horizontal
4689.5 -56.8 -4.9 -61.7 -47.0 -14.7 Peak Horizontal
2656.8 -47.1 -9.3 -56.4 -47.0 -9.4 Peak Vertical
5000.9 -56.3 -4.1 -60.4 -47.0 -13.4 Peak Vertical
49.9 -102.7 28.1 -74.6 -57.0 -17.6 RMS Horizontal
91.1 -95.6 19.1 -76.5 -57.0 -19.5 RMS Horizontal
83.3 -105.0 31.4 -73.6 -57.0 -16.6 RMS Vertical
88.3 -102.3 31.1 -71.2 -57.0 -14.2 RMS Vertical
1904.8 -48.5 -12.3 -60.8 -47.0 -13.8 Peak Horizontal
6428.5 -57.1 0.0 -57.1 -47.0 -10.1 Peak Horizontal
2662.6 -48.4 -9.1 -57.5 -47.0 -10.5 Peak Vertical
4160.8 -56.0 -5.9 -61.9 -47.0 -14.9 Peak Vertical
Note: Measure Level (dBm) = Reading Level (dBm) + Factor (dB)

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Report No.: 2005RSU006-E1

Test Site WZ-AC1 Test Engineer Antony Yang

Test Date 2021/01/08 Test Mode 2DH5

Channel Frequency Reading Substitution Measure Limit Margin Detector Polarization

No. (MHz) Level Factor Level (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dB) (dBm)
93.1 -95.3 18.9 -76.4 -57.0 -19.4 RMS Horizontal
101.7 -94.3 18.8 -75.5 -57.0 -18.5 RMS Horizontal
60.1 -95.6 24.8 -70.8 -57.0 -13.8 RMS Vertical
85.3 -95.3 31.9 -63.4 -57.0 -6.4 RMS Vertical
2457.0 -52.4 -9.9 -62.3 -47.0 -15.3 Peak Horizontal
4160.8 -56.0 -5.9 -61.9 -47.0 -14.9 Peak Horizontal
2662.6 -47.4 -9.1 -56.5 -47.0 -9.5 Peak Vertical
3708.4 -53.5 -6.9 -60.4 -47.0 -13.4 Peak Vertical
60.3 -95.3 25.8 -69.5 -57.0 -12.5 RMS Horizontal
97.3 -99.6 18.6 -81.0 -57.0 -24.0 RMS Horizontal
47.6 -97.3 23.8 -73.5 -57.0 -16.5 RMS Vertical
84.3 -98.3 31.8 -66.5 -57.0 -9.5 RMS Vertical
3573.3 -56.2 -6.9 -63.1 -47.0 -16.1 Peak Horizontal
4419.3 -56.4 -5.3 -61.7 -47.0 -14.7 Peak Horizontal
1693.3 -43.7 -13.7 -57.4 -47.0 -10.4 Peak Vertical
3731.9 -53.6 -6.5 -60.1 -47.0 -13.1 Peak Vertical
Note: Measure Level (dBm) = Reading Level (dBm) + Factor (dB)

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Report No.: 2005RSU006-E1

Test Site WZ-AC1 Test Engineer Antony Yang

Test Date 2021/01/08 Test Mode 3DH5

Channel Frequency Reading Substitution Measure Limit Margin Detector Polarization

No. (MHz) Level Factor Level (dBm) (dB)
(dBm) (dB) (dBm)
88.3 -89.5 19.6 -69.9 -57.0 -12.9 RMS Horizontal
143.3 -95.7 26.3 -69.4 -57.0 -12.4 RMS Horizontal
81.5 -98.3 32.5 -65.8 -57.0 -8.8 RMS Vertical
97.4 -98.2 28.0 -70.2 -57.0 -13.2 RMS Vertical
2415.9 -51.0 -9.6 -60.6 -47.0 -13.6 Peak Horizontal
4448.6 -56.1 -5.3 -61.4 -47.0 -14.4 Peak Horizontal
2662.6 -48.3 -9.1 -57.4 -47.0 -10.4 Peak Vertical
4507.4 -56.5 -5.0 -61.5 -47.0 -14.5 Peak Vertical
60.3 -94.3 25.8 -68.5 -57.0 -11.5 RMS Horizontal
103.3 -95.3 19.0 -76.3 -57.0 -19.3 RMS Horizontal
51.3 -96.3 25.1 -71.2 -57.0 -14.2 RMS Vertical
86.3 -97.3 31.7 -65.6 -57.0 -8.6 RMS Vertical
3232.5 -56.3 -8.4 -64.7 -47.0 -17.7 Peak Horizontal
4507.4 -56.5 -5.0 -61.5 -47.0 -14.5 Peak Horizontal
1710.9 -45.5 -13.1 -58.6 -47.0 -11.6 Peak Vertical
2468.8 -49.2 -10.2 -59.4 -47.0 -12.4 Peak Vertical
Note: Measure Level (dBm) = Reading Level (dBm) + Factor (dB)

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Report No.: 2005RSU006-E1

15. Receiver Blocking

15.1. Limit
For equipment that supports a PER or FER test to be performed, the minimum performance criterion
shall be a PER or FER less than or equal to 10%. For equipment that does not support a PER or a
FER test to be performed, the minimum performance criterion shall be no loss of the wireless
transmission function needed for the intended use of the equipment.
Wanted signal mean power from Blocking Blocking signal Type of blocking
companion device (dBm) signal power (dBm) signal
frequency (see note 3)
(-139dBm + 10*log10(OCBW) + 10dB)
or (-74dBm + 10dB) whichever is less -34 CW
(see note 2)
Note 1: OCBW is in Hz.
Note 1: In case of radiated measurements using a companion device and the level of the wanted
signal from the companion device cannot be determined, a relative test may be performed using a
wanted signal up to PMIN + 26 dB where PMIN is the minimum level of wanted signal required to meet
the minimum performance criteria as defined in clause in the absence of any blocking
Note 3: The level specified is the level at the UUT receiver input assuming a 0dBi antenna assembly
gain. In case of conducted measurements, this level has to be corrected for the (in-band) antenna
assembly gain (G). In case of radiated measurements, this level is equivalent to a power flux density
(PFD) in front of the UUT antenna with the UUT being configured / positioned as recorded in clause

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15.2. Test Setup

15.3. Test Procedure

Refer to ETSI EN 300 328 V2.2.2 (2019-07) Clause

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Report No.: 2005RSU006-E1

15.4. Test Result

Blocking Signal Calibration Plots
2300MHz 2380MHz

2504MHz 2584MHz

Note: This interference level has been included the antenna gain, antenna gain = 2dBi.

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Report No.: 2005RSU006-E1

Test Site WZ-SR4 Test Engineer Amy Zhang

Test Date 2020/05/19

Channel Wanted Signal Mean Blocking Blocking Type of PER PER Result
No. Power from Signal Signal Blocking Test Limit
Companion Device Frequency Power Signal Result (%)
(dBm) (MHz) (dBm) (%)

2300 -32.0 1.2 Pass

00 -67.71 CW < 10
2380 -32.0 0.5 Pass
2504 -32.0 0.1 Pass
78 -67.69 CW < 10
2584 -32.0 1.9 Pass

2300 -32.0 2.6 Pass

00 -66.39 CW < 10
2380 -32.0 3.3 Pass
2504 -32.0 3.1 Pass
78 -66.38 CW < 10
2584 -32.0 2.4 Pass
Note 1: The Wanted Signal Mean Power from Companion Device (dBm) = -139dBm + 10*log10
(OCBW) + 10 or (-74 dBm + 10 dB) whichever is less.
Note 2: Blocking Signal Power (dBm) = -34 dBm + Antenna Gain (dBi), Antenna Gain = 2.0dBi.
Note 3: We used the receiver category 2 to assess this item.

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Report No.: 2005RSU006-E1

16. Measurement Uncertainty

Where relevant, the following measurement uncertainty levels have been estimated for tests
performed on the apparatus:
Parameter Uncertainty
Occupied Channel Bandwidth 5%
RF Output Power, Conducted 1.5 dB
Power Spectral Density, Conducted 3 dB
Unwanted Emissions, Conducted 3 dB
All Emissions, Radiated 6 dB
Temperature 3℃
Humidity 5%
DC and Low Frequency Voltages 3%
Time 5%
Duty Cycle 5%

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Report No.: 2005RSU006-E1

17. List of Measuring Instrument

Transmitter Spurious Emissions and Receiver Spurious Emissions (WZ-AC1)

Instrument Manufacturer Type No. Asset No. Cali. Interval Cal. Due Date
EMI Test Receiver R&S ESR7 MRTSUE06001 1 year 2022/01/04
EXA Signal Analyzer Keysight N9010B MRTSUE06558 1 year 2021/07/23
Loop Antenna Schwarzbeck FMZB 1519 MRTSUE06025 1 year 2021/11/08
Bilog Period Antenna Schwarzbeck VULB 9168 MRTSUE06172 1 year 2021/08/08
Horn Antenna Schwarzbeck BBHA 9120D MRTSUE06023 1 year 2021/09/27
Microwave System Amplifier Agilent 83017A MRTSUE06076 1 year 2021/11/14
Thermal Hygrometer testo 608-H1 MRTSUE06403 1 year 2021/07/26
Anechoic Chamber TDK Chamber-AC1 MRTSUE06212 1 year 2021/04/30

Transmitter Spurious Emissions and Receiver Spurious Emissions (WZ-AC2)

Instrument Manufacturer Type No. Asset No. Cali. Interval Cali. Due Date
MXE EMI Receiver Keysight N9038A MRTSUE06125 1 year 2021/07/02
Loop Antenna Schwarzbeck FMZB 1519 MRTSUE06025 1 year 2021/11/08
Bilog Period Antenna Schwarzbeck VULB 9162 MRTSUE06022 1 year 2021/05/26
Broad-Band Horn Antenna Schwarzbeck BBHA 9120D MRTSUE06171 1 year 2021/10/25
Broadband Coaxial
Schwarzbeck BBV 9718 MRTSUE06176 1 year 2021/11/14
Thermal Hygrometer Minggao ETH529 MRTSUE06170 1 year 2021/12/08
Anechoic Chamber RIKEN Chamber-AC2 MRTSUE06213 1 year 2021/04/30

Transmitter Spurious Emissions and Receiver Spurious Emissions (SIP-AC1)

Instrument Manufacturer Type No. Asset No. Cali. Interval Cali. Due Date
EMI Test Receiver R&S ESR3 MRTSUE06612 1 year 2021/07/02
EXA Signal Analyzer Keysight N9010B MRTSUE06559 1 year 2021/07/23
Loop Antenna Schwarzbeck FMZB 1519 MRTSUE06025 1 year 2021/11/08
Bilog Period Antenna Schwarzbeck VULB9168 MRTSUE06645 1 year 2021/08/30
Double Ridged Horn Antenna R&S HF907 MRTSUE06610 1 year 2021/08/30
Preamplifier EMCI EMC051845SE MRTSUE06600 1 year 2021/11/12
Thermal Hygrometer testo 608-H1 MRTSUE06620 1 year 2021/12/03
Anechoic Chamber RIKEN SIP-AC1 MRTSUE06554 1 year 2021/12/24

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Report No.: 2005RSU006-E1

Transmitter Spurious Emissions and Receiver Spurious Emissions (SIP-AC2)

Instrument Manufacturer Type No. Asset No. Cali. Interval Cali. Due Date
EMI Test Receiver R&S ESR3 MRTSUE06613 1 year 2021/07/02
MXA Signal Analyzer Keysight N9020B MRTSUE06604 1 year 2021/09/26
Loop Antenna Schwarzbeck FMZB 1519 MRTSUE06025 1 year 2021/11/08
Bilog Period Antenna Schwarzbeck VULB9168 MRTSUE06646 1 year 2021/08/30
Horn Antenna Schwarzbeck BBHA9120D MRTSUE06648 1 year 2021/11/26
Horn Antenna Schwarzbeck BBHA9170 MRTSUE06599 1 year 2021/11/26
Preamplifier EMCI EMC051845SE MRTSUE06644 1 year 2021/11/12
Preamplifier EMCI EMC184045SE MRTSUE06602 1 year 2021/10/13
Thermal Hygrometer testo 608-H1 MRTSUE06624 1 year 2021/12/03
Anechoic Chamber RIKEN SIP-AC2 MRTSUE06781 1 year 2021/12/24

Transmitter Spurious Emissions and Receiver Spurious Emissions (SIP-AC3)

Instrument Manufacturer Type No. Asset No. Cali. Interval Cali. Due Date
EMI Test Receiver R&S ESR3 MRTSUE06612 1 year 2021/07/02
EXA Signal Analyzer Keysight N9010B MRTSUE06559 1 year 2021/07/23
Loop Antenna Schwarzbeck FMZB 1519 MRTSUE06025 1 year 2021/11/08
Bilog Period Antenna Schwarzbeck VULB9168 MRTSUE06647 1 year 2021/08/08
Double Ridged Horn Antenna R&S HF907 MRTSUE06611 1 year 2021/09/13
Horn Antenna Schwarzbeck BBHA9170 MRTSUE06598 1 year 2021/11/26
Preamplifier EMCI EMC012645SE MRTSUE06642 1 year 2022/01/15
Preamplifier EMCI EMC184045SE MRTSUE06641 1 year 2022/01/15
Thermal Hygrometer testo 608-H1 MRTSUE06622 1 year 2021/12/03
Anechoic Chamber RIKEN SIP-AC3 MRTSUE06782 1 year 2021/12/24

Conducted Test Equipment (WZ-TR3)

Instrument Manufacturer Type No. Asset No. Cali. Interval Cali. Due Date
EXA Signal Analyzer Agilent N9020A MRTSUE06106 1 year 2021/04/14
EXA Signal Analyzer Keysight N9010B MRTSUE06607 1 year 2022/01/07
USB wideband power sensor Agilent U2021XA MRTSUE06030 1 year 2021/10/22
USB wideband power sensor Keysight U2021XA MRTSUE06446 1 year 2021/06/11
USB wideband power sensor Keysight U2021XA MRTSUE06447 1 year 2021/06/11
Temperature & Humidity
BAOYT BYH-150CL MRTSUE06051 1 year 2021/10/22
Thermal Hygrometer testo 608-H1 MRTSUE06401 1 year 2021/07/26

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Report No.: 2005RSU006-E1

Conducted Test Equipment (SIP-SR5)

Instrument Manufacturer Type No. Asset No. Cali. Interval Cali. Due Date
Signal Analyzer R&S FSV40 MRTSUE06218 1 year 2021/04/14
PXA Signal Analyzer Keysight N9030B MRTSUE06395 1 year 2021/08/30
USB wideband power sensor Agilent U2021XA MRTSUE06595 1 year 2021/09/26
USB wideband power sensor Agilent U2021XA MRTSUE06596 1 year 2021/09/26
Temperature Chamber BAOYT BYG-408CS MRTSUE06847 1 year 2021/03/31
Thermal Hygrometer testo 622 MRTSUE06629 1 year 2021/11/25

Adaptivity (Channel Access Mechanism) (WZ-SR4)

Instrument Manufacturer Type No. Asset No. Cali. Interval Cali. Due Date
EXA Signal Analyzer Agilent N9020A MRTSUE06106 1 year 2021/04/14
EXA Signal Analyzer Keysight N9010B MRTSUE06607 1 year 2022/01/07
Signal Analyzer R&S FSV40 MRTSUE06218 1 year 2021/04/14
Vector Signal Generator Agilent E4438C MRTSUE06026 1 year 2021/10/22
MXG X-Series Microwave
Keysight N5183B MRTSUE06197 1 year 2021/08/30
Analog Signal Generator
Thermal Hygrometer testo 608-H1 MRTSUE06222 1 year 2021/10/25

Adaptivity (Channel Access Mechanism) (SIP-SR4)

Instrument Manufacturer Type No. Asset No. Cali. Interval Cali. Due Date
Signal Analyzer R&S FSV40 MRTSUE06218 1 year 2021/04/14
PXA Signal Analyzer Keysight N9030B MRTSUE06395 1 year 2021/08/30
RF Signal Generator Keysight E8257D MRTSUE06453 1 year 2021/07/02
Vector Signal Generator R&S SMU200A MRTSUE06489 1 year 2021/03/05
Thermal Hygrometer testo 622 MRTSUE06628 1 year 2021/11/25

Receiver Blocking (WZ-SR4)

Instrument Manufacturer Type No. Asset No. Cali. Interval Cali. Due Date
EXA Signal Analyzer Agilent N9020A MRTSUE06106 1 year 2021/04/14
EXA Signal Analyzer Keysight N9010B MRTSUE06607 1 year 2022/01/07
Wideband Radio
R&S CMW 500 MRTSUE06243 1 year 2021/10/20
Communication Tester
Vector Signal Generator R&S SMBV100A MRTSUE06279 1 year 2021/04/14
Bluetooth Test Set Anritsu MT8852B-042 MRTSUE06389 1 year 2021/06/11
Thermal Hygrometer testo 608-H1 MRTSUE06222 1 year 2021/10/25

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Report No.: 2005RSU006-E1

Receiver Blocking (SIP-SR5)

Instrument Manufacturer Type No. Asset No. Cali. Interval Cali. Due Date
Signal Analyzer R&S FSV40 MRTSUE06218 1 year 2021/04/14
PXA Signal Analyzer Keysight N9030B MRTSUE06395 1 year 2021/08/30
Vector Signal Generator R&S SMU200A MRTSUE06489 1 year 2021/03/05
RF Signal Generator Keysight E8257D MRTSUE06453 1 year 2021/07/02
Wideband Radio
R&S CMW 500 MRTSUE06243 1 year 2021/10/20
Communication Tester
Bluetooth Test Set Anritsu MT8852B-042 MRTSUE06389 1 year 2021/06/11
Thermal Hygrometer testo 622 MRTSUE06629 1 year 2021/11/25

Software Version Function

EMI Software V3 EMI Test Software

The End

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Report No.: 2005RSU006-E1

Appendix A - Test Setup Photograph

Refer to “2005RSU006-ET” file.

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Report No.: 2005RSU006-E1

Appendix B - EUT Photograph

Refer to “2005RSU006-EE” file.

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