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I-Mete Advanced Energy Brochure

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Higher Reliability Measure ay Optimise Energy : ficient power usa Lower Costs Regular monitoring of electric ABOUT INVENDIS istechnolagies sa leading manufacturer of OT fare and software products Itc ing remote optimising customers that facilitate in r ly and efficiently nsumption gl assets effec Peer a} seers Mete - ApvANcED ENERGY MANAGEMENT METERS Invendis smart energy meters are ideal Stas aM) ea etree aU Rea Telia laa eke oo Reales ano wireless gateways. They help the user / POUR Me in ao PRCT] tea eeu tel Me aaron ora] me etre ae eet oan a eal co consumer awareness leading to waste irre Wot aoa ono os Sv © Invendis is first in the industry who specializes in delivering efficient, White-Labeled solutions for remote monitoring and enerey management for OEMs. Bundled with our wide Array of software solutions, we can design and deliver customizable smart meters based on the OEM Requirement. HELPING THE a ) Wifi GPRS” BACne! RS-485 @zigbee PLANET COMMUNICATION INTERFACES, { Invendis i-mete enables smart-grid users with innovative ‘Mete Smart metering systems that enable measurement of energy _ consumption. Our solutions allow and support multiple wired and wireless communication protocols needed to interconnect the smart metering infrastructure which significantly increases the efficiency in energy | consumption through allowing for more flexible adjustments in | homes/offices, and also reduces consists partly of smart meters, data concentrators, smart - fej the number of vehicles needed plugs and in-home user devices. Invendis i-mete supports designers with a unique system-level application | fied operations/ 1. maintenance. This leads to know-how and a wide range of energy metering ICs, 8- _ | reduced emissions and, as a and 32-bit microcontrollers, highly-efficient power supply - consequence, fewer impacts of and management devices and sensors i | climate change eee! Puy Kanne) - ADVANCED ENERGY MANAGEMENT METERS SMART DISTRIBUTION PANEL METERS Smart multifunction distribution panel meters monitors and measures all electrical parameters the gathering and transfer of energy usage information in near real-time CONTROL METERS Generator controller is precisely designed for automatically switching between the two power sources viz Grid and Generator \VAF METERS True RMS type digital meters for use in three phase four wire LT electrical systems. The design is based on proven micro-controller technology DC Meters Designed to monitor and control DC systems and measure a wide range of parameters such as voltage, current, power and energy SINGLE PHASE METERS Single-phase electricity meters are designed essentially to measure energy consumption. This helps and encourage consumers to embrace energy-sawy behaviour to optimize their costs eee eee ae Cee ei aa Mete - Smart DisTRIBUTION PANEL METERS ae Lea aol panel meters monitors and measures all CT me a Coc CU ea Sa To Co EU Cl UE Cole CoM aU) Cir il OM CU 1 Rt ma Cae le EMR eer tt ET3010 ET4001 £74021 see es Lae Seer eet ated Peter) APPLICATIONS / USAGE - Motor control centres erty - Genset Panels See ea ee UT Tee Toned Boa Tact Tatas Be SAT ata ET5001 eel eed eee __| Reverses Mete - ApvaANcED ENERGY METER i-Mete meters capture all parameters and transmit it V, A, F, kw, KVA, kVAr, kWh, kVAh, kvarh, PF, Runhr, Onhr, Intr, Phase angle, THD, Events, Neutral current, Max Demand (with RTC) with 3 relay outputs. The parameters can be integrated with GSM module for data transmission over GPRS. ET5011 FINANCIAL OPERATIONAL CUSTOMER BENEFITS BENEFITS BENEFITS APPLICATIONS / USAGE eM a oT Bee CS Mite Cae) Cn Rete D at aera cd Commercial buildings to capture peak ee Re CR a a nce NCU Mal Coy Pc m ute mC tec ual Pec na td WED VAL ely va DME Improving the accuracy of meter reads, energy theft detection and response to power outages, while eliminating the need for on-site meter reading Financial gains to power companies by reducing equipment and maintenance costs, enabling faster restoration of electric service during outages Detects meter failures early, accommodating faster service restoration, and improving the accuracy and flexibility of ET56001 - DC Enercy METER APPLICATIONS / USAGE RO Ct ese Telecom and other DC load measurement. DC current measurement in Telecom Rectifiers, UPS, Load banks etc. are Bar This is used as tenant billing meter for a Br MCR le Counter DC Ammeter Current & Ampere Reading Ideal for Distribution power panel, Monitor Battery current flows Ability to monitor and check current flow for any circuit Counter DC Ammeter Ideal for Power monitoring requirements in telecom towers Billing assistance based on distribution of different telecom loads Coupled with Shunt for current measurement RS485 interface to Transmit data to a monitoring system / datalogger. Highly efficient in monitoring energy with any remote monitoring system. SNO Medel No v A ww wn Y Energy Billing Y Commercial Building r . Y Residential, hotels Y Control panels wt . . . . Y Motor Control Centres eee! Puy -Mete - i-Control Enercy METER ET 8000 cost. “Automatic transfer of load from source 1 to source 2 for generator applications. “Controls generator ON/OFF based on availability of grid © smooth transfer of load from grid to generator and vice versa local start/stop push buttons Y Built-in 8 1/Os. © ideal for applications in generator ATS panel both in commercial and telecom gensets. “Compact design, adaptable for any retrofit uses SNO Medel No v n He Peete ET 8000 integrates functions required for Automatic Transfer Switch control in Diesel Genset applications. It provides Mains Metering, AME and ATS control to supplement the primary engine controller. It also provides a high level of system protection, not available with conventional metering, improving reliability and reducing system Applications & Usage “Field Configurable Limits on Mains/Dg Electrical parameters Y Mains Inhibit for AMF operation by pass. Field Configurable timers / Values on mains and genset Y Power distribution panels Y Motor Control Centres Y Configurable for Single-Dual output for Start-Stop logic Y Remote Start or Emergency Stop of Engine © unit suitable for 12/24 V DC Separate control for Engine / Contactor control © Display electrical parameters ns w va va Pr watd aun Mete - VAF Enercy METER TO RAR SS ean a Race ne Oren R aR Co eo RCE CY eM ee motes technology, resulting in compact and accurate meters. The meter uses state of the art eer ec NOS Rect ON AM erm aad SON NC eacomG a CN Ree eR RRR ela at Cree kere et a ote nar es ET 2071 cee Voltage, ampere and frequency for panel meter Instantaneous readings of voltage, current. and Palen frequency. Ideal for_—e| distribution panels ET 2081 Voltage, ampere and frequency for panel meter area Raatelali cel Instantaneous readings of voltage, current and frequency. c Captures the RPM and run hours Pease iat me area Ideal for Generator Monitoring, electrical distribution panels ' ee . " ee ° ee eco Co iret (° RE rotereee ay Pies Mete - SINGLE PHASE Enercy METER Te RS Ce aCe mera: ity meters are designed essentially to measure energy consumption. This helps utilities better manage customer services and encourage Cee See Ou eka ea ee aCe a OE eae Cat Mai eee lie oe mc Tee Rete ae Ung Corel nr a cel oY Recta Ce enue Rte cen oe Technical Specifications Type - Single Phase AC fol Coeane) Se CUe ee eeetieareare ET 2081 Ideal for monitoring energy usage of individual lena Lye ERROR LT loud: Nollecle (ast Tale BPI Retrofit unit with 15A socket to monitor energy usage of any electronic appliances Caan es ees Maree EAT] Unique energy reset feature allows the user to See la eee St ced keep a track of energy spend across different DE Eee onan laeae eed appliances LED. Ideal for monitoring home appliances, machinery 5 loads in small scale/ SME industries Kee Tohet Cen AW Additional Feature - Comes with 154 ere CEs Applications / Usage Fale eS fle teloda Tse v Reinier Mena Ener Household and industrial appliances Y Appliance energy monitoring with energy reset. © Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Panels eee Leah [o RPE everest Teer Diba csedicd

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