Dissimilar Interface and Joint Strength of SS 304 and Titanium Friction Stir Spot Welds: A Numerical and Experimental Analysis
Dissimilar Interface and Joint Strength of SS 304 and Titanium Friction Stir Spot Welds: A Numerical and Experimental Analysis
Dissimilar Interface and Joint Strength of SS 304 and Titanium Friction Stir Spot Welds: A Numerical and Experimental Analysis
Received: 3 April 2023 / Accepted: 17 October 2023 / Published online: 31 October 2023
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2023
The joining of Ti to stainless steel would allow cost-effective and light weight designs for many applications. For friction
stir spot welding of Ti to steel with lap configuration, dwell time is an important process parameter. The higher dwell time
promotes higher heat generation, which helps material movement and mixing for joint creation. However, higher dwell time
also leads to higher peak temperature and incubation time, which encourage undesirable IMC formation. This research
focuses on the impact of dwell duration on the elemental diffusion and IMC growth during FSSW of CP-Ti and SS 304.
This research numerically and experimentally analyzes the diffusion of elements, intermetallic compound formation, and
shear strength of stainless steel 304 and titanium dissimilar friction stir spot welds. The temperature profiles from numerical
thermal model show that the peak temperatures at the dissimilar joint interface increases as dwell time increases. The dif-
fusion model and characterization results reveal that Ni, Fe, and Cr diffuse across the dissimilar joint interface from steel to
titanium side. Since Ni, Fe, and Cr are β-Ti stabilizers, the β-Ti stabilizes next to the dissimilar interface. The α-β Ti needles
are observed between the stabilized β-Ti and α-Ti region towards base material. The numerical predictions of β-Ti and Fe-Ti
IMC compare well against the experimental results. From shear strength (tensile) tests, the maximum shear strength (tensile)
of ~ 8 kN is achieved from the SS 304-CP-Ti joint performed with 10 s dwell time. At the joint interface, the presence of
β-Ti strengthens the joint and the presence of Fe-Ti IMCs encourages abrupt brittle failure and reduces strength. With dwell
times less than 10 s, the Fe-Ti IMC thickness is less than 1 μm, which leads to higher shear strength (tensile) with higher
β-Ti thickness as dwell time increases. With 20 s dwell time, the Fe-Ti IMC thickness of about 1 μm leads to reduced shear
strength (tensile). The EDS analysis of the fracture surfaces reveal that dissimilar SS 304-CP-Ti joints failed from the dis-
similar interface containing Fe-Ti IMC.
3486 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2023) 129:3485–3496
comparatively less brittle than Fe-Ti. The complete elimi- more deformation of Al plate and weld defects were formed
nation of the IMC formation is extremely difficult during at the joining interface. Alaeibehmand et al. performed the
dissimilar joining. However, improved joint performance FSSW of aluminium (AA6061) and dual phase (DP600)
can be achieved by reducing the IMC growth. The fusion steel with a pinless tool [21]. At the dissimilar interface, a
welding processes involve melting and solidification during gray band of F e2Al5Zn0.4 IMC was reported. Furthermore,
joint formation, leading to significant intermixing and high the band towards the SS side had a smooth interface, in com-
temperatures for a relatively longer period. These factors parison to discontinuous and rough interface on Al side.
prevent any significant reduction of IMCs growth. The effect of tool penetration, pin length, and interlayer
The materials do not melt and solidify with solid-state materials has been studied on the IMCs in the dissimilar
joining techniques, which can reduce IMC formation. Fric- FSSW joints. The dwell time is another critical process input
tion stir welding (FSW) is one such technique explored for which affects the joint properties and IMC formation. More
dissimilar joining [13]. A few studies have explored the dwell time promotes higher heat generation, which helps
welding of steels and Ti with FSW. Various phases and IMCs material movement and mixing for joint creation. However,
like sigma, F e2Ti, Cr2Ti, Fe2Ti4O, and α-Ti were noticed in more dwell time also leads to a higher peak temperature and
the FSW of CP-Ti and AISI 316L, which adversely affected incubation time for IMC formation. This research focuses on
the joint strength [14]. Zhang et al. performed FSW in lap the impact of dwell duration on the elemental diffusion and
configuration for Ti6Al4V plates with colonies of β grains IMC growth during the FSSW of CP-Ti and SS 304. Further-
and α grains [15]. The stir zone had fine lamellar α + β more, the effectiveness of dwell time is evaluated towards
microstructure, which led to improved tensile strength and the inhibition/reduction of IMC formation and growth dur-
elongation. The underwater FSW and FSW with liquid nitro- ing dissimilar FSSW. For this purpose, the microstructure
gen were explored for welding Al and Mg alloys to control and phases, including IMCs and mechanical properties, are
the grain size [16]. Due to lower peak temperatures dur- investigated for the SS 304 and CP-Ti joints prepared with
ing the processes, the brittle IMCs were reported to be sup- different dwell times.
pressed. The joints from underwater FSW of Al–Mg alloy
and low carbon steel exhibited improved mechanical proper-
ties due to the stir zone with refined grains [17].
2 Numerical approach
Friction stir spot welding (FSSW) is similar to FSW and
used for fabricating spot welds. The dissimilar FSSW faces
A three-dimensional thermal model is created for the FSSW
similar challenges as FSW. Boucherit et. al. noticed Al-Cu
of SS 304 and CP-Ti, which estimates the temperature pro-
IMCs in the FSSWed joints of Al and Cu [18]. A Zn inter-
file at the joint interface. Figure 1 presents a schematic of
layer between Al and Cu during FSSW inhibited the forma-
the FSSW process. The thermal and diffusion models are
tion of A
l4Cu9 IMC; however, the shear tensile characteris-
discussed in the following sub-sections. Table 1 lists the
tics remained unaffected, with respect to the joints without
properties of both tool and workpiece materials [22].
Zn interlayer. For low carbon steel and Al 6063, the impact
of pin length on dissimilar FSSWed joints was studied by
Piccini et al. [19]. An increase in the tool penetration and
reduction in the pin length led to improved load bearing 3 Thermal model
capacity of the dissimilar joints. Similarly, with more tool
penetration, higher tensile shear loads were achieved for dis- The thermal model predicts the workpieces’ temperature
similar FSSWed joints of Al–Mg alloy and low-carbon steel during FSSW. The model consists of a three-dimensional
[20]. However, excessive penetration led to deterioration of transient conduction heat transfer equation, as shown below
joint properties. The excessive tool penetration resulted in [23]:
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2023) 129:3485–3496 3487
Table 1 Material properties of workpiece and tool materials Table 2 Diffusion constant and Phases Do (mm2/s) A (kJ/mol)
activation energy for β-Ti and
Material Density Thermal Thermal diffusivity Fe-Ti phases [34] β-Ti 5.37 × 10−2 272.9
(kg/m3) conductivity (m2/s)
(W/m–K) Fe-Ti 2.52 × 10−5 228.2
3488 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2023) 129:3485–3496
mild steel backing plates were used to support the work- 5 Results and discussion
pieces on the work table. The welds were prepared with
a dwell time of 0 s, 2.5 s, 5 s, 10 s, and 20 s. For micro- 5.1 Temperature distribution
structural investigation, the 8-mm-long samples were
prepared from the middle of the joints, revealing the The numerical model is used to capture the joint interface
transverse cross-section of the weld zone. These samples temperature during FSSW. Figure 2 a and b present the tem-
were mechanically polished, then electropolished for 8 s perature distributions at vertical cross-section (xz plane;
at 20 V and − 10 °C using an electrolyte consisting of Fig. 1) at mid-width (10 mm from workpiece edges) and xy
perchloric acid, ethanol, and butanol. To analyze the weld plane containing the dissimilar interface (Fig. 1), respec-
cross-section, the Zeiss optical microscope was used. The tively, for the dwell time of 20 s. Figure 3 a–c show the
energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) captured the ele- temperature distributions in the xy and xz planes containing
mental distribution on a scanning electron microscope the dissimilar interface for the dwell times of 2.5 s, 5 s, and
(Gemini SEM 300). Four joints were prepared for each 10 s, respectively.
weld condition (dwell time), to achieve one sample for The temperature of the workpieces is the highest at the
microstructural investigations (SEM and EDS) and three top and reduces towards the bottom. The highest tempera-
for tensile strength testing. Electron back scattered dif- tures at the top correspond with the maximum heat genera-
fraction (EBSD) analysis was performed on Zeiss Gemini tion at the tool shoulder-SS 304 contact. Figure 2 b shows
Crossbeam 350 SEM at 10 k × magnification over 22 × 17 the temperature variation at the xy plane containing the dis-
μm 2 with a step size of 0.05 μm. The X-ray diffraction similar interface for 20 s dwell time. Figure 3 also shows the
(XRD) scans were performed with PANalytical Empyrean temperature contours for dwell time of 2.5 s, 5 s, and 10 s.
equipment (2θ in the range of 20–100°, dwell time of 1 s, From Figs. 2 and 3, it can be seen that the maximum tem-
step size of 0.05°), and 2θ data were analyzed with the peratures are noticed beneath the tool-SS 304 contact with
high score plus software. The MTS landmark machine the plate. The maximum temperature is predicted at a small
was used for tensile strength testing, and the fracture sur- distance from the center and then decreases as the distance
face was scanned with SEM and EDS. increases. Such a temperature distribution is due to (i) non-
uniform heat generation from center to periphery, which can
be noticed from Eq. 2, where the heat generation increases
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2023) 129:3485–3496 3489
Fig. 3 Predicted temperature profiles containing dissimilar interfaces for a 2.5 s, b 5 s, and c 10 s dwell times
as radius increases, and (ii) the maximum heat loss from 5.2 Diffusion estimation
conduction is at the outer periphery, right below the tool-
SS 304 contact. The dwell time also affects the temperature As the material heats up during the FSSW process, Fe, Cr,
field, and the same can be noticed in Fig. 3 a, b and c. With and Ni diffuse from SS 304 into CP-Ti. Similarly, Ti dif-
increasing dwell time, the peak temperature rises. The peak fuses from CP-Ti into SS 304. For the numerical estimation
temperatures for the dwell times of 20 s, 10 s, 5 s, and 2.5 s of elemental diffusion, the activation energies and diffusion
are 1321 K, 1276 K, 1134 K, and 792 K, respectively. At the constants are presented in Table 4. Table 4 also shows the
tool-SS 304 contact, the maximum temperature of 1321 K diffusion coefficients for Cr, Fe, Ni into Ti, and Ti into Fe
is predicted for a dwell time of 20 s (Fig. 2a), which is less for the peak temperature of 1321 K, corresponding to the
than the melting point of SS 304 (1450 °C). The temperature representative joint prepared with 20 s dwell time [34].
decreases along the depth (-z direction). Fick’s second law of diffusion was solved with these diffu-
Furthermore, for the CP-Ti-SS 304 interface, the maxi- sion coefficients to estimate the concentration of Cr, Fe, Ni
mum temperature of 1192 K is predicted, which is less than in Ti, and Ti in Fe.
the melting of CP-Ti (1668 °C). The numerically calculated Figure 4 a shows the SEM image of the dissimilar inter-
peak temperatures for each weld dwell were used to estimate face from the CP-Ti-SS 304 joint, prepared with 20 s dwell
the elemental diffusion coefficients (Cr, Ni, Fe in Ti, and Ti time. From the EDS line scan (Fig. 4a), the concentration
in Fe). These were further used to predict the β-Ti and Fe-Ti profile of elements is shown in Fig. 4b. Figure 4 c shows the
IMC thicknesses for different dwell times. numerically predicted concentration profile of elements. The
Table 4 Activation energies, diffusion constants, and diffusion coefficients (for 1321 K peak temperature with a representative dwell time of
20 s) for the elemental diffusion [34]
Inter-diffusion Cr into Ti Fe into Ti Ni into Ti Ti into Fe
3490 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2023) 129:3485–3496
Fig. 4 a SEM image, b concentration profile of elements obtained from EDS line scan, and c concentration profile of elements from numerical
prediction, for the representation CP-Ti-SS 304 joint prepared with 20 s dwell time
predicted elemental concentration profile well captures the β-Ti phase and Fe-Ti IMC near the interface. Figure 6 a to
concentration profile of elements observed from the EDS d show the micrographs for the joints prepared with dwell
scan. From Fig. 4b, Fe diffused in Ti to a longer distance times of 0 s, 2.5 s, 5 s, and 10 s, respectively. Primarily, SS
from dissimilar interface, in comparison to the diffusion of 304 consists of austenitic phase (γ-Fe) and CP-Ti consists
Ti into Fe. Some Cr and Ni from the SS side also diffused of the α-Ti phase.
towards the Ti side. The predicted concentration profiles During FSSW, the temperature rise led to the phase trans-
compare well with the experimentally observed profiles. formation from α-Ti to β-Ti near CP-Ti side of the dissimilar
interface, which further transforms back majorly to α-Ti.
5.3 Microstructural analysis Any phase transformation with SS 304 was not noticed, as
the peak temperatures were not high enough to trigger the
During FSSW process, as the rotating tool contacts the γ-Fe to δ-Fe transformation (~ 1500 K [36]). The Fe-Ti IMCs
work piece, heat generates between tool and SS304. The were noticed at the dissimilar SS 304-CP-Ti interface, which
heat generated at the interface is conducted to CP-Ti plate are discussed in next sub-section. The β-transus temperature
beneath SS304 and leads to a non-uniform temperature field for CP-Ti is 882 ± 2 °C [37] and during FSSW transforma-
in the joining materials, as discussed in Sect. 5.1. At higher tion of α-Ti to β-Ti takes place. During cooling, the β-Ti
temperature, diffusion of elements from one side to another transforms back into α-Ti. However, Cr Fe, and Ni diffuse
side takes place and affects the formation of different phases from SS 304 side to CP-Ti side, which are the β-Ti stabiliz-
during cooling. Figure 5 shows the schematic of the phase ers at lower temperatures [38]. This leads to β-Ti next to the
transformation mechanism at the dissimilar interface. From dissimilar interface in the Fe/Cr/Ni rich region and α-β Ti
Fig. 5, the temperature rise accelerates the diffusion of ele- needles between β-Ti and α-Ti regions, as β-Ti transforms
ments across the boundary, which influences the stability of to α-Ti during cooling, which can be seen in Fig. 5c. Same
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2023) 129:3485–3496 3491
kind of α-β Ti needles was also seen in different joints made interface. Figure 7 a shows the EBSD phase map near the
between SS and Ti [39–41]. joining interface. The β-Ti formed next to α-β Ti needles.
From Fig. 6, the α-β needles band is thickest for 5 s The phase fraction of β-Ti is ~ 20%. Near the interface, nee-
weld dwell and its thickness reduces as the weld dwell time dle structures are rich in β-Ti and, away from the interface,
increases. The peak temperature increases with dwell time, the major phase is α-Ti. On the SS304 side, no phase trans-
which encourages the higher/more diffusion of β-Ti stabiliz- formation is observed and primarily γ-austenite phase is pre-
ing elements (Fe, Cr, Ni) towards the CP-Ti side. More β-Ti sent. X-ray diffraction (XRD) is also performed to further
(from stabilizing effect of Fe, Cr, Ni) reduces the thickness confirm the phases. In addition to γ-austenite, α-Ti, and β-Ti,
of α-β needles. This promotes higher thickness of β-Ti and the Fe-Ti IMCs are also noticed from XRD 2θ plot (Fig. 7b).
lower thickness of α-β needles band as dwell time increases Similar peaks of β-Ti and Fe-Ti IMCs were also reported by
(Fig. 6a–d). previous studies [39, 40, 42, 43] on the joining of SS to Ti.
5.4 EBSD phase map and XRD 5.5 β‑Ti and Fe‑Ti IMC estimation
Electron back scattered diffraction (EBSD) analysis was per- Figure 8 shows experimentally measured and numerically
formed at higher magnification on a representative sample predicted β-Ti and Fe-Ti IMC thicknesses. The IMC thick-
(20 s dwell), to confirm the phases present at the joining nesses were measured from the SEM images (Figs. 4a
3492 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2023) 129:3485–3496
Fig. 7 A EBSD phase map and b XRD 2θ plot of the joining interface
and 6). From Fig. 8, both β-Ti and Fe-Ti IMC thicknesses 5.6 Shear strength (tensile) results
increase as dwell time increases. The higher dwell time pro-
motes more heat generation, which leads to higher peak tem- For each FSSW condition, three shear strength (tensile)
perature (Eq. 1) and encourages more IMC formation (Eqs. 8 tests were conducted. Figure 9 displays the tensile shear
and 9). The β-Ti thicknesses for 0 s, 2.5 s, 5 s, 10 s, and 20 s test results for various dwell times. Shear strength (tensile)
weld dwell are 1.5 μm, 2.6 μm, 5.8 μm, and 11.1 μm, respec- goes up from ~ 4.5 to ~ 8 kN as dwell time goes up from 2.5
tively. The numerically predicted β-Ti thicknesses for 2.5 s, to 10 s. Furthermore, an increase in dwell time to 20 s led to
5 s, 10 s, and 20 s dwell time are 0.5 μm, 1 μm, 4.2 μm, and reduced shear strength (tensile) of ~ 7 kN. From Fig. 9, the
9.1 μm, respectively. Similarly, the Fe-Ti IMC thicknesses β-Ti thickness also increases as the dwell time increases. The
for 2.5 s, 5 s, 10 s, and 20 s dwell time from SEM images are β-Ti is relatively ductile, and the α-β alloys of Ti are known
0.2 μm, 0.3 μm, 0.7 μm, and 1 μm, respectively. Also, the to exhibit higher strengths as compared to pure (α or β) Ti.
predicted IMC thicknesses for corresponding dwell times are The presence of β-Ti at dissimilar interfaces tends
0.1 μm, 0.2 μm, 0.3 μm, and 2 μm, respectively. Numerically to improve joint strength. However, as the temperature
predicted thicknesses are in accordance with experimental increases with higher dwell time, the Fe-Ti IMC also
observations. The β-Ti and Fe-Ti IMC thickness were not increases at the dissimilar interface. The Fe-Ti IMCs are rel-
predicted for 0 s dwell time as the plunging phase was not atively more brittle. The excessive presence of Fe-Ti IMCs
modelled. At high dwell times, the model over predicts the at dissimilar interfaces would promote abrupt brittle failure
Fe-Ti IMC thickness. This could be due to inconsistent dif- and lower the strength. This suggests that with lower dwell
fusion constant and activation energy for Fe-Ti (Table 2) at times (up to 10 s), the presence of β-Ti and relatively less
high temperature, from high dwell time. Fe-Ti IMC (thickness < 1 μm (Sect. 5.5)) leads to improved/
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2023) 129:3485–3496 3493
Ti 52.2 54.6 45
Ni 5.2 5 4.8
Cr 5 4.4 6
3494 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2023) 129:3485–3496
IMC) thicknesses at the dissimilar interface are estimated funding acquisition, project administration, writing—reviewing and
numerically. The presence of these phases was further con- editing.
firmed by the EBSD phase map and XRD 2θ analysis. The
following inference can be made from the analysis:
Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests.
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