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Qamar Muhammad Noman 00657679 Avt Academy, 1486

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Unit IG2: Risk assessment

Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely
claiming that the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy
for further information).

Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning
Partners’ while completing all parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be
downloaded from the relevant resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.

Part 1: Background

You should aim to complete this section in 150 - 200 words.

Topic Comments
Name of organisation* Qatar chemical industries
Site location* Doha industrial zone Qatar.
Number of workers 600
Qatar chemical industries is a major manufacturer of inorganic chemicals for water treatment
plants, chemicals of oil refineries, paper, and other markets, as well as a supplier and
exporter of a wide range of Dyes and Chemicals. Qatar chemical industries is also a major
silicate producer in Qatar. This Qatar chemical industries plant is ISO 9001:2008 and
22716:2007 accredited. This firm manufactures a significant amount of sodium silicate and
potassium silicate in the world and exports half of its production to the Gulf and Europe.
There were several machines in use, including a crusher unit, a mixer plant, a rotatory kiln,
General description of the organisation
and a cooler and dryer. Qatar chemical industries’ manufacturing plant used equipment to
produce sodium and potassium silicates. Typically, activities were undertaken including
raw material preparation, fed into mixer after weighting scales, making sodium silicates
lumps, filtration process and crushing activity.
The production plant was operating in 3 rotating shifts and around 200 workers were
working in each shift of eight hours. Workers are all young and some employees in the
management staff are of old ages.
Description of the area to be included in the The assessment will cover the Production Area, Crusher section, Rotatory Kiln section,
risk assessment Dissolving section, cooler and dryer area.
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HSE Manager (who is reported by HSE executives and supervisors) has responsibility of
Any other relevant information
all the matters related to Health and safety environment.
You should aim to complete this section in 100 - 200 words.
Note: this section can be completed after you have competed your risk assessment.
Codes of practices of ILO’s have wonder full data related to Chemicals Production industry
then I have access to British HSE Policies after manufacturing as above it was also full
informative and cover all the matters related to Chemical Producing Plant.
Outline how the risk assessment was https://www.hse.gov.uk/toolbox/machinery/index.htm
carried out this should include: I also consulted with company HSE manager about safety related arrangements in the
• sources of information consulted; plant
• who you spoke to; and After see the information related to health and safety of workers in Qatar chemical
• how you identified: industries and chemicals then I went through all the premises for hazard identification and
- the hazards; talked to workers and supervisor about their health and safety related issues the
- what is already being done; and information that they know about their health and safety was good.
- any additional controls/actions I read their audits reports, previous inspection reports, ill health data, accident and incident
that may be required. reports to see what types of accidents had occurred over the last 6 months and whether
any of these accidents recurring at the same place. I also checked the reasons for sick
absence and analysis work process. I also check their method of working and procedure.
After accessing the control measures, I also referred to some of the HSE’s approved codes
of practices for guidance documents. For example, for the safety of fire measurements I
redirected them with data of fire safety https://www.hse.gov.uk/toolbox/fire.htm .

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Part 2: Risk Assessment
Organisation name: Qatar chemical industries Private Ltd
Date of assessment: February 1st, 2022
Scope of risk assessment: Rotatory Kiln section, Dissolving section, Production Area, Crusher section, cooler and dryer area.
Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions Timescales
category and and how? doing? are required? for further Responsible
hazard actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Slips and Workers, supervisors 1. Proper ventilation system 1. All power cables must be 2 days Area
trips and visitors was installed. removed from the floor. supervisor

Electrical 2. Workers were using 2. Training should be delivered to 1 Week HSE Officer
cables from A large number of staff proper PPE`s. area workers about safe usage of
various were present in the power tools.
handheld area to perform 3. Area was well lit.
power tools different tasks 3. Electrical sockets should be Finance
were left Exposure to this installed at various locations to 3 weeks manager
unrouted on stumbling hazard will eliminate usage of extension leads.
the crushing cause falling of workers
section's floor, resulting in numerous 4. Weekly inspection system must HSE
posing a injuries, bone fractures, be implemented to maintain the 1 Month manager
tripping hazard cuts, bruises, facility and eliminate all hazards.
to employees. dislocation of bone and
face injuries. 5. Unauthorized access in working 2 days Area In
area must be stopped. charge

6. Hazard signs should be installed 1 week Finance

with mandatory PPEs signs. manager

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions Timescales
category and and how? doing? are required? for further Responsible
hazard actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Fire Workers, visitors might 1. Fire extinguishers are 1. Barricade area and remove all 1 day Area
be harmed. available on site. the scattered waste material from Supervisor
Unattended site.
piles of scrap In case of arson or hot 2. Permit to work system is
and other work (welding, cutting, used for hot work. 2. Provide proper area for waste 5 days Plant
flammable grinding), fire can occur collection and place garbage bins. manager
materials were and could result in 3. Warning signs are
scattered property damage and placed. 3. Provide garbage trucks and 1 month Finance
throughout the loss of personnel. allocate duties to remove daily manager
site. scrape and garbage.

4. Develop and implement regime 1 week HSE

of maintenance of waste Manager
management at workplace.

Electricity Workers, Technicians, 1. Train the workers to work 1. Provide Personal Protective 1 week HSE
by passers in electrical environment. equipment to save from Manager
The high- electrocution should provide.
power There were no safety 2. Emergency shutdown
generator was signs placed in that button is provided. 2. High voltage warning signs 2 days HSE Officer
not properly section and area was should be pasted.
barricaded, no barricaded. 3. Health surveillance is
and the wires Moreover, wires were provided at the site. 3. Barricaded the area of 1 day HSE
were not randomly in that exposure. Executive
properly section and workers
placed. were working without 4. Wires should be arranged in a 4 days Power room
personal precautions pattern to avoid electric shock. supervisor
which may lead to

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions Timescales
category and and how? doing? are required? for further Responsible
hazard actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
electrocution, electric 5. Emergency response team 2 weeks HSE
shock, earthing and should be arranged. supervisor
high voltage shock
causing death. 6. Authorised staff should be Power room
allowed in that section. 3 days supervisor

Vibration Worker only 1. Health surveillance of 1. Train the workers to recognize 1 week HSE
workers is provided. the first symptom of vibration effect. supervisor
During the
drilling Worker was using drill 2. Warm environment is 2. Medical check-up should be 1 week HSE
process, a machine for drilling present there. provided on daily basis. manager
massive holes in the wall for the
amount of installation of portable 3. Anti-vibration hand gloves must 2 weeks Finance
vibrations water filtration plant be provided to the worker and manager
were with the water training should be provided to
produced. dispenser, handle of educate about the compliance of
drill machine was PPE’s.
broken, single handed
contact without anti 4. Exchange the shift of worker with 1 day Area
vibration gloves is competent person. supervisor
arising multiple hazards
Continuous exposure 5. Drill machine should be sent to 1 day Area
to massive vibrations the maintenance shop for adequate supervisor
can result in maintenance and installation of
numbness, blenching safety handle.
of fingers, reduction in HSE
the dexterity, fingers 6. Regime of portable power tools 1 week supervisor
numbness, hand arm record management and

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions Timescales
category and and how? doing? are required? for further Responsible
hazard actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
vibration syndrome and maintenance of faulty ones must be
stability issues. implemented and supervise to
minimize hazards.

Working at Worker involved in 1. Barricading of the area 1. Maintain or replace the 10 days HSE
height working where worker is working at scaffolding tower. Supervisor
The overhead There was no safety 2. Arrange safety net, airbags and 2 weeks HSE
steam harness used and 2. Safety shoes and gloves fall arrestor system. manager
pipelines were worker was maintaining were provided.
being the overhead steam 3. Third party scaffolding tower 15 days Finance
maintained by pipelines without should be provided. manager
a fitter using a isolation. The
damaged scaffolding tower was 4. Double lanyard safety harness 1 week Finance
mobile broken with one leg. should be provided. manager
scaffold. Fitter may be fall leads
to, dislocation of joints, 5. Isolate the steam line using 2 days HSE
broken bones, severe bypass valve. supervisor
head injury due to
absence of helmet and 6. Personal protective equipment 6 days HSE officer
sudden death. and helmet should be provided.

7. Train the worker to work safely 1 week HSE officer

at height.

8. Permit to work system should 4 days HSE

be implement and grant the worker manager
a valid work permit.

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions Timescales
category and and how? doing? are required? for further Responsible
hazard actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Health, Operator, workers and 1. Exhaust fan properly 1. Supervisor must be notified and 2 Day HSE
welfare and supervisor might be Working on workers and area should be barricaded. Executive
working harmed. Machine operators.
Environment 2. Heat resistant gloves and 1 Week Plant
Continuous exposure 2. Drinking water also clothing should be provided to the Manager
to intense temperature available near workers. workers for all work activities in
The can result in heat area.
temperature in stress, sweating, heat
the Kiln exhaustion, skin burns, 3. There should be replacement of 3 months Finance
section was dehydration, muscle damaged insulation with adequate, Manager
high due to the cramps, visual strong, robust enough and
enclosed disturbance, tingling, satisfactory insulation material.
structure of the hand numbness and
space, and a weakness. 4. System of regular physical 1 Week Safety
rotatory kiln inspection and periodic Officer
operator and maintenance system should be
other people implemented.
were present
in the area to 5. Local exhaust ventilation should 1 Month Finance
conduct be installed in high temperature Controller
several area.
6. Water cooler should install in 1 Week Plant
working area. manager

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions Timescales
category and and how? doing? are required? for further Responsible
hazard actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Manual All the workers that are Dust masks, gloves and 1.Tool box talk must be available 1 day HSE Officer
handling involved in the manual other safety are provided to to every worker.
handling can be workers.
harmed. 2.Sack trucks and trollies must be 1 week Finance
Shifting of the The workers were Energy booster drinks are provided to eliminate manual manager
heavy material manually shifting the provided to workers. handling.
of the finished finished products to the
products to the storage area, in this 3.Make all the safety measures 1 week HSE
storage area activity they were and SOP for manual handling and Manager
by manually repeatedly adopting implement those strictly.
bad postures of the
lifting and placing 4.Give a frame work with rotation 2 weeks Area
operation due to which of job for the workers. Manager
the workers can get
back bone pain, legs 5.To minimize effects of manual 1 week Area
pain WRULD, stress handling rest breaks must be manager
and fatigue etc. scheduled.

6. Manual handling risk HSE Officer HSE Officer

assessment should be performed.

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions Timescales
category and and how? doing? are required? for further Responsible
hazard actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Hazardous Workers and 1. Gloves and safety shoes 1. Ensure use of filtering face- 1 day HSE Officer
substance supervisor might be were provided. piece respirators for workers.
Workers were 2. Arrange portable forced draft 1 month Finance
in mixing area Continuous exposure 2. Area barricading and fans to lower the concentration of manager
of soda ash with sodium silicate safety signs were installed. dust.
and sand dust in mixing area
without PPE’s may cause respiratory 3. Installation of exhaust hoods and 1 week Maintenance
and there is problems e.g., include sprinkler system on mixing machine staff
exposure of burning sensation, should be placed.
sodium silicate coughing and HSE
and other wheezing, laryngitis, 4. Provide workers work related 2 weeks Supervisor
dusty shortness of breath, trainings and supervision to use of
substances. headache, nausea and required PPE at workplace.
vomiting. High 2 Months Area
5. Equipped the area with local
concentrations may Supervisor
exhaust ventilation (LEV) system.
cause lung damage.
Work Workers might be 1. There is fined programme 1.Provide properly fit coveralls to 3 days Finance
machinery harmed. when worker wear loses worker working in this section Manager
and clothes, he fined from area
equipment. manager.
2.Repair the safety guard to avoid Maintenance
1 Day
entanglement hazard staff
This can cause
The drive 2. Electrical engineer
entanglement with
assembly or monitored the activity daily. 3.Install new robust safety guard Plant
moving parts and other tripping devices as per 1 Week Manager
gear box of
(wheels/motor/rotating requirements
gears) which can cause
crusher mill in
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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions Timescales
category and and how? doing? are required? for further Responsible
hazard actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
sodium silicate bruises, cuts and may 4.Conduct inspection regime to 2 Week HSE
crushing leads to serious check and maintain all damage supervisor
section has personal injuries like protecting guards
damage bone dislocation or
protecting bone fracture.
guard and 1 Month HSE
5.Develop and implement system
operators Manager
working over of routine inspection and
there have maintenance of all the machinery
loose cloths. and safety guards.
Safe Workers and visitors 1. Warning signs about 1. Display sign boards of speed 3 days HSE
movement of might be harmed. speed were installed at the limit and pedestrian crossing Manager
People and workplace. points.
vehicles 1 week
2. Assign duty of traffic warden to HSE
Traffic lay out manage traffic. executive
2. Safety officer check daily
plan of the There is a high risk of
facility was transport activity and report 3. Perform a detailed survey and 3 Weeks HSE Officer
collision between
poor. Speed vehicles and to HSE manager. risk assessment of traffic
limit signs pedestrians. This will movement.
were not result in cuts, bruises,
installed, physical injuries, 4. Implement traffic lay out plan HSE
speed and supervise it strictly. 2 Months supervisor
breaking or fracturing
breakers and of bones and even
pedestrian death. 5. Instruction and information Safety
crossing points should be given to the all workers 1 Month Officer
were not about traffic accidents and control
present at the measures.
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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions Timescales
category and and how? doing? are required? for further Responsible
hazard actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
facility. Vehicle
drivers were
speeding and
were crossing
the road

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Part 3: Prioritise 3 actions with justification for the selection
Suggested word counts
Moral, general legal and financial arguments for all actions: 300 to 350 words
For EACH action:
Specific legal arguments: 100 to 150 words
Likelihood AND severity: 75 to 150 words
How effective the action is likely to be in controlling the risk: 100 to 150 words

Moral, general legal and financial arguments for ALL actions

Moral, general legal and financial
Qatar chemical industries Private Ltd has a moral obligation to protect all employees from
injuries so that they can return home safely. It is intolerable in our civilian society for staff to
be injured or killed while at work. Its employer’s moral duty to provide safe system of work.
Our workers and staff management staff come to work, not to be put risk of any injury or ill.
Employer has a moral duty to provide safe plant, safe working condition and safe access and
aggress. Ill health conditions or un safe conditions could be contracted or injuries that could
occur will have a major impact on the lives of the workers and their family and friends.

Qatar chemical industries Private Ltd has legal requirement to protects its workers under the
ILO’s safety and Health Convention (C155)

There are legal laws and regulations that are set by Enforcement Authorities. When
Company signs these regulations, company will be complying with these regulations and
laws. If company will not comply with enforcement authority, company will be fined from
criminal court. Qatar chemical industries Private Ltd has also signs these laws and
regulation. If company goes wrong, its reputation in the market will be decreased and
company will pay compensation claims and civil claims. The legal fees will be very high and
there may be chance of bankrupt of the company. The fees will not recoverable from
insurance claims.

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Financial arguments can be broken into these costs;
• Injuries of workers (lost working time, medical cots replacement worker wages,
sick pay without working hours, low morale of workers resulting in reduced
productivity and cost associated with loss of medical treatment of the workers.
• Repair and replace equipment and infrastructure costs and repair of damaged
• Cost associated with accident investigation loss of time, money.
• Cost associated with recruiting new staff and training.
• Disruption and loss of business and future orders.

Justification for action 1

Double lanyard safety harness should be provided. (Hazard Category “Working at height”)
C167 - Safety and Health in Construction Convention, 1988 (No. 167) article 14 required
Specific legal arguments
that in the absence of alternative safe means of access to elevated working places,
suitable and sound ladders shall be provided. They shall be property secured against
inadvertent movement. All scaffolds and ladders shall be constructed and used in
accordance with national laws and regulation.
R175 - Safety and Health in Construction Recommendation, 1988 (No. 175) stated that A
personal fall safety scheme intended for use with an anchor must be firmly secured to at
least one anchor, and each anchor and the means of attachment to it must be appropriate
and of adequate strength and stabilisation to accommodate any practicable loading.
The likelihood of serious personal injuries is high because the worker was maintaining
Consideration of likelihood AND
overhead steam pipelines while using a damage scaffolding tower and there was no
provision of safety harness and fall arrestor system for which worker can be saved from fall
from height. There was no safety harness used and worker was maintaining the overhead
steam pipelines without isolation. The scaffolding tower was broken with one leg. Fitter may
be fall leads to, dislocation of joints, broken bones, severe head injury due to absence of
helmet and sudden death.

I set the category when suggesting the severity in following way:

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Minimal: no injury or damage happened.
Minor: injury happened requiring the first aid treatment and/or unimportant damage to the
equipment and machinery.
Major: injury happened requiring the hospital treatment, requiring recovery time, and/or
important damage to equipment and machinery.
Fatal: injuring which causing disability or death, and loss of equipment, machinery or
The severity rating for this hazard set as Major and fatal because injury required hospital
treatment disability and even death.eg head injuries.
How effective the action is likely to be The mechanical fitter was working at height more than 10 feet to maintain the overhead
in controlling the risk. This should steam pipelines which has leakage problems, but he was using the damaged scaffold and
include: there was provision of safety harness required. Instead of damaged scaffold third party
• the intended impact of the action; certified scaffold and double lanyard harness have major impact on the working activity
• justification for the timescale that because it will decrease the likelihood and severity of this hazard.
you indicated in your risk In this regards I recommended to provide a double lanyard safety harness with a timescale
assessment; and of 1 week so that safety for work at height could be carried out and work will be remained on
• Whether you think the action will routine. Site manager will follow up the recommended action after discussion with finance
fully control the risk. manager in a given time period.
This action will maximum control the risk of fall of person with other control measures.

Justification for action 2

There should be replacement of the damaged insulation with adequate, strong, robust
enough and satisfactory insulation material to maintain the temperature (Health, welfare and
working Environment)
ILO recommendation (R164) Occupational Safety and Health 1981 required that “No worker
Specific legal arguments
should be required to work regularly in an extreme temperature. Accordingly, the competent
authority should determine either maximum or minimum standards of temperature, or both,
having regard to the climate and to the nature of the establishment, institution or
administrative service and of the work”.
This law has set out certain health and safety procedures that employers must adhere to.
This law explain that employer has a responsibility to maintain the worksite clean and

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hygienic condition, provide suitable control measures to maintain the temperature at

The likelihood of serious ill health is high as temperature in the Kiln section was high due
Consideration of likelihood AND
to the enclosed structure of the space, and a rotatory kiln operator and other people were
present in the area to conduct several activities. Continuous exposure to intense temperature
can result in heat stress, sweetening, heat exhaustion, skin burns, dehydration, muscle
cramps, visual disturbance, tingling, hand numbness and weakness. There were many
workers present at this area and are at risk and the current controls are ineffective to prevent

The severity rating of this hazard is set to be major because condition will require hospital
treatment. E.g., skin burns.
How effective the action is likely to be Placing of satisfactory insulation material to maintain the temperature will be the major impact
in controlling the risk. This should on the working environment because it will maintain the temperature at work area and
include: workers will not suffer from any ill-health condition. The likelihood and the severity will be
• the intended impact of the action; decreased and workers morale will be increased.
• justification for the timescale that
you indicated in your risk I have given a time scale of 3 months for this to be completed as plans will need to draw up
assessment; and and the budget for this recommendation will need be agreed with Finance Manager. I would
• whether you think the action will hope that this will be the maximum amount of time will need to be complete.
fully control the risk.
This action will maximum control the risk of ill health at work after implementing the
satisfactory material in the workplace to maintain the temperature.

Justification for action 3

Arrange portable forced draft fans to lower the concentration of dust (Hazard category;
Hazardous Substance)
C170 - Chemicals Convention, 1990 (No. 170) article 6 required that To avoid, reduce, or
Specific legal arguments
remove occupational health hazards caused by hazardous substances, all appropriate and
practical steps should be taken to replace unsafe or less risky chemicals, procedures, or
techniques with unhealthy ingredients, procedures, or techniques, to stop radioactive
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material contamination and shield employees from harmful radiations, and to When a worker
is at risk of being exposed to a chemical, physical, or biological response that might endanger
his or her health, suitable measures must be taken.

R177 - Chemicals Recommendation, 1990 (No. 177) stated that for hazardous substance
that, Smoke, gas leakage, dust, and any other noxious or hazardous impurities produced
during work should be eliminated or made harmless to the greatest extent possible.
The likelihood of serious ill health is high because workers were in mixing area of soda ash
Consideration of likelihood AND
and sand without PPE’s and there is exposure of sodium silicate and other dusty substances.
Continuous exposure with sodium silicate dust in mixing area may cause respiratory
problems e.g., include burning sensation, coughing and wheezing, laryngitis, shortness of
breath, headache, nausea and vomiting. High concentrations may cause lung damage. So,
all the current controls are ineffective to prevent injuries.

Please see the justification of action 1 for severity chart. The severity of the hazard is set to
major due to continue exposure of sodium silicate dust. In the case of inhaling high exposure
of sodium silicate dust required hospital treatment.
How effective the action is likely to be Portable forced draft fans will decrease the silicates dust from the workplace and workers
in controlling the risk. This should will not inhale dust. This will decrease the amount of dust particles and the likelihood and
include: severity will also be decreased. The respiratory issues in the workers will also be decreased
and worker’s morale will increased and will work with good morale.
• the intended impact of the action;
• justification for the timescale that
For installation of draft fans, I gave 1 month to complete this installation. This installation will
you indicated in your risk
take time and agreed the action with finance Manager so I gave 1 month.
assessment; and
• whether you think the action will
fully control the risk. The action will maximum control the risk of respiratory issue as installation of draft fan at the

Part 4: Review, communicate and check

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Suggested word counts for each section:
• Planned review date or period and reasoning for this: 50 - 100 words
• How the risk assessment findings will be communicated and who needs to know the information: 100 - 150 words
• Follow up on the risk assessment: 100 - 150 words.
Planned review date/period with This risk assessment suggests the policy is no longer effective. Due to others circumstances
reasoning that might require a review of policy when after assessing the control measures, company
was changing its manual process into automatic machinery process so I set the date of
review 12 months. The risk assessment will be reviewed on date February 1, 2023.
How the risk assessment findings will After that I will conduct a meeting with HSE Manager and Area Manager for recommendation
be communicated AND who you which I have suggested in this report. I will give the summary of findings and control
need to tell measures for risk areas. (This meeting will with follow). Risk assessment findings will be
communicated in training schedule and also communicated through display on notice boards
of different department. The findings of risk assessment will be included in the tool box talk
where safety responsible person give instruction to workers about safety, and will
communicate these finding through sending by email or company intranet to all relevant
departments where I’ll also advice the workers what actions are to be taken. A summary of
the report and corrective actions will also post on the company computer intranet and notice
boards so all the workers have access to it and read.
How you will follow up on the risk I have taken reminders for 15 days before completion of the action. I will tell to the responsible
assessment to check that the actions persons to check the progress against each section. I will also physically monitor the
have been carried out performance by checking: There is provision of health and safety training as per requirement,
Completion of committee meetings to schedule, They are completing the inspection of the
areas to schedule. If the action should be on target or what issues and reasons are to be in
the way to complete business. If any of actions are not going to complete, I will speak to the
HSE manager and Finance manager that my commendation is not on target what should be
changes and also to look if additional corrective action is available for the action. Actions that
are very late completion of project will be referred to responsible person Finance manager
via HSE Manager.

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