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Evaluation or Testing of Pharmaceutical Aerosols

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Tndusrial Phomay 1 Uni5


Evaluaion 0ashing Aronols

Dr. Parjanaya Shukla

Dr.M.9.3ingh Cloms
) lammoabilhy and Combushbiihy
0 flash oint
) fJamu axtension
() Physicochumical charactarishs.
(1) Vabaur pranur
(ii) Densiky
Ciii) Moisturs contant
v) Idenhficahon of opallant )
Conuntrals - propallanB Mdio.

Performanu. xate.
ci Agroao valv1 dischorga
Ui Spray pattern
ii) Doaaga toith maevad valvas
(IV) Net contents
(Vtoam stabilbhy
v) Poriclu Siza detarminabom
n) akage
bioJogita CharacterisHics.

fJamfJam Exbension Tk pToduct is sprayed oT

abo 4 AC oto o
Depanding on K naurA o Ki foamulahn K
lom xtendid

h Qxact Jangh is muasured wih Atalu

flash Poiok Dne by SBandavd Tag Ohan Gs Aphanaus

Th aTOAOJ oduet is chillud to -2s°f tronmld
+R test apparatus
HemperadurA ImTeasd slowly and K tamparakurs a
which vabaur ianita is taken as flash þoint.
)VabouT r s A - Thu prwUrL con bs mas.ured
simply wilh o brmuTA gauge or Dr. Parjanga Shuhla
spacial 0quipment Dr. M. P. Stngh Classe

Ai impoton
4i Ra th promara vOriabon pom
bs detay mintd excenive vaviahon indicates prsanca
ouy in Kiadspau

4)Denaih_-Thu dasiby an amosol may b

datermined Krough a hydromater 0r a pycnomekar

6) MoisturA-Kar nlko
on Gas chomabograbh
has also ben wsed

6) Idemicabon 'robellants
Cas chromatograbhy and 0.
inrared spackrophotom.ehy Kave
been ad toidenhfy ropallans and i
TopOY Hon

Aarozol Valve Diachorge Rata

This i daBorminud by tabing on arOka psoduch o
known Wight and diachavging9 tKi contens 0
0 givgn imL

A Wighs d otngiven Hm

Chong in wight PeT Hmis it dischavqe suate.

xepd I 9 o m Stcond,

(3) Dozaq2 i h Meteied V'alvas

AcaTaally wughed lhd Containe and dispans

Srveral dosage
Th COntaineT i awighad and diluna
in wght Ia dividad by numb1r d dose Dr. Parlanya Shukla
dispensad Dr. M.P. 8tngh Classes

(9)Naf Contenta
Th uniformity in contant o tontainTs oabatch. is
datrmined y
tiTA aight tara d containaY. 1ken containuTh ar
i l d and u wighad

dilu nu in waght gives tR n contands

(lo) foam Stability-Depending on ts tybe arOA0O

stabibty oom varis rom. faw AAconds to kouTA 07
moTA R R stability o ta oom con bs datsrminad by
Visud evaluaion
v Datminng hmu takan tor o tartain ma to
onahrdta foom
(ji1) Deteymininq Hma token for a uod inhoduud
into oam to fail
(v) Uzing otahnad viMomater.

(1)arhicl Sine Datnminahon

Mean uamant c porhicl sie d aRTOAO is many
don by oo mahods-

i Cacod: Tmpocdo Mahod

Parhtus aT rojaetsd kough a a&riLs anozzlss and
aJaw &lidus af a VA hiqh vslou ty.
Th JoTq4T paTicdus ars colctad iat a low
veloity sBaqe and omallur porkclis or Dr. Parjanya Shukla
colludad o kigh valouk Hate.
Dr. M. P. 8ingh Clasaea

i) lighB -Scaty Dacay T h arHcl Aiz is datarminud by

muauin4 chang in intanaity o Tyndall btom

afty agTOAOJ is allowad to sath unday tusbuent


(12 Biological TostsTis tast in pa7fomad to evaluate

R Reropuic a4fiuiany and toxicity
o tK aRYOAOJ rodu c .

Thrna pauhc Ackvity

Th doraqe oroduch Kas to b datsrmi nud oT
inhalahomagrosoJs and Kis musk ba sdatd to
avHclu he dishbubon.

Topical praporabons oT appbiid to tesB aas in K

Aual manner and asovphon oKerapeubic agenh can
b delrminud.

i) Toxicity Toxiuky 4eing Ahould indude both topical

and inhalabm o4ac
xlerOpols appliad topically may be initaing and /oT
CausLs chilng allach

xTnbalahm toxiiby must bs don by expasing test

animals to vapouIA spiayad om an aToD containst.

By-Dr. Makndra Pratab Sing&

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