NDDS Books Pharma
NDDS Books Pharma
NDDS Books Pharma
Course Objectives
To provide the learner with knowledge of basic principles and the different types of Novel
Drug Delivery Systems
Course Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, the learner shall be able to:
1. Understand the basic concept of NDDS
2. Discuss the different NDDS for different routes-oral, transdermal, ocular, transmucosal and
3. Explain the need and concepts of targeting and active & passive targeting
4. Elaborate on principles and targeting systems for brain, colon, lymphatics and tumors
5. Discuss the various multiparticulate systems for targeting
Sr. Topic Book to be No.
N referred of
o. hour
1 Fundamentals of Novel drug delivery systems: --Novel drug 1
Basic Concepts delivery systems,
Advantages and Disadvantages, edited by Yie W.
Limitations of conventional dosage Chein, Marcel
forms dekker series, Vol
--Novel drug
delivery system
by Prof. A.K.
controlled drug
delivery novel
carriers systems
Ed. S. P. Vyas,
R.K. Khar
Oral Controlled Drug Delivery Systems: --Novel drug 8
4 a) Matrix and reservoir systems- Diffusion and dissolution- delivery systems,
controlled systems edited by Yie W.
b) Multi particulate drug delivery systems (Pellets)- need and Chein, Marcel
significance of pelletization, techniques- pan coating, extrusion dekker series, Vol
and spheronization, equipments, evaluation 50
c) Osmotic Systems- Basic principles, classification-
Implantable osmotic pumps, oral osmotic pumps, applications --Modern
& evaluation Pharmaceutics,
d) Gastro retentive drug delivery systems (GRDDS)- Regional edited by
variability in intestinal absorption and concept of absorption Bankers and
window, Design of GRDDS technologies- low density (Floating Rhodes, 4th
systems), Swelling and expanding systems, Mucoadhesive systems, edition, Informa
high density systems. Evaluation of GRDDS.. Healthcare, Vol.
Science and
Practice of
--Controlled drug
delivery, concepts
& advances
Suresh P. Vyas
and Roop K.
--Novel drug
delivery system
by Prof. A.K.
--Progress in
Controlled and
Novel Drug
Delivery Systems
- by N.K. Jain
5 Ocular drug delivery systems: --Modern 4
Limitations of conventional systems, in situ gelling systems, Ocular Pharmaceutics,
inserts: Non-erodible and Erodible inserts edited by
Particulate systems for ocular delivery-liposomes & Bankers and
nanoparticles, ocular iontophoresis, evaluation. Rhodes, 4th
One example of each system edition, Informa
Special edition,
Vol. 121
--Controlled and
Novel drug
delivery. Edited
by N.K. Jain
--Controlled and
Novel drug
delivery. Edited
by N.K. Jain
--Novel drug
delivery system
by Prof. A.K.
7 Transmucosal drug delivery systems: --Novel drug 4
Concept of bioadhesion/ mucoadhesion delivery systems,
Advantages and disadvantages of transmucosal drug edited by Yie W.
delivery, Bioadhesive polymers Chein, Marcel
Theories of mucoadhesion dekker series, Vol
Factors affecting mucoadhesion transmucosal permeability, 50
Formulation considerations: emphasis on buccal drug delivery,
Evaluation of mucoadhesive strength --Controlled and
Novel drug
delivery. Edited
by N.K. Jain
--Novel drug
delivery system
by Prof. A.K.
Parenteral Controlled drug delivery systems- --Novel drug 5
8 Need and Various approaches, Details of Implantable Systems – delivery systems,
employed, diffusion-controlled systems, activation-controlled systems edited by Yie W.
and feedback-regulated systems. One example of each. Chein, Marcel
Biocompatibility issues of implantable systems dekker series, Vol
--Controlled drug
delivery, concepts
& advances
Suresh P. Vyas
and Roop K.
controlled drug
delivery novel
carriers systems
Ed. S. P. Vyas,
R.K. Khar
--Advances in
controlled and
Novel drug
delivery Edited
by NK Jain -
--Controlled and
Novel drug
delivery. Edited
by N.K. Jain