10.3 Biology
10.3 Biology
10.3 Biology
3 Fermentation
READING TOOL Compare and Contrast As you read your textbook, compare and contrast
fermentation and cellular respiration using the Venn diagram. Make sure to list the similarities in the
center of the diagram.
Lesson Summary
As you read, circle the
answers to each Key
Fermentation Question. Underline any
words you do not understand.
KEY QUESTION How do organisms generate energy when
oxygen is not available?
When oxygen is not present, glycolysis is maintained by a pathway BUILD Vocabulary
that makes it possible to continue to produce ATP without oxygen.
fermentation process by which
The combined process of this pathway and glycolysis is called cells release energy in the absence
fermentation. In the absence of oxygen, fermentation releases of oxygen
energy from food molecules by producing ATP. Suffixes Suffixes are endings
During fermentation, cells convert NADH to NAD+ by passing added to a word to change
high-energy electrons back to pyruvic acid. This allows glycolysis to the meaning of a word. When
the suffix tion is added to a
keep going and to produce a steady supply of ATP. Fermentation
word, the meaning “action” or
is an anaerobic process that occurs in the cytoplasm of cells. “act of” is added to the word.
Sometimes, glycolysis and fermentation are together referred to as So fermentation is the “act of
anaerobic respiration. There are two slightly different forms of the fermenting.” Make a list of three
process: alcoholic fermentation and lactic acid fermentation. other scientific words that have
-tion as a suffix.
Write labels to show where each process is occurring and the name of each process.
Then answer the questions below.
2 NAD + 2 ADP
cycles cycles
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2 Pyruvic Acid
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