Rizal Midterm Reviewer
Rizal Midterm Reviewer
Rizal Midterm Reviewer
RIZAL AND THE CAMPAIGN FOR various districts of Manila. A few months
later, however, the Supreme Council of the
Liga dissolved the society.
Rizal firmly believed that the fight for Filipino
The reformist leaders found out that most of
liberties had assumed a new phase:
the popular councils which Bonifacio had
It must be fought in the Philippines not in Spain.
organized were no longer willing to send
funds to the Madrid propagandists because,
“The battlefield is in the Philippines,” he told
like Bonifacio, they had become convinced
countrymen in Europe, “There is where we should
that peaceful agitation for reforms was futile.
meet…There we will help one another, there together
Afraid that the more radical rank and file
we will suffer or triumph perhaps.”
members might capture the organization and
unwilling to involve themselves in an
enterprise which would surely invite
July 03, 1892, Jose Rizal and other
reprisals from the authorities, the leaders of
nationalists and masons like Apolinario
the Liga opted for dissolution.
Mabini, Deodato Arellano and Andres
The Liga membership split into two groups:
Bonifacio, gathered in the house of Doroteo
the conservatives formed the Cuerpo de
Ongjunco, a Chinese mestizo in Kalye Ylaya,
Compromisarios which pledged to continue
Tondo, Manila for the establishment of the La
supporting the La Solidaridad while the
Liga Filipina.
radicals led by Bonifacio devoted themselves
Jose Rizal started writing the La Liga
to a new and secret society, the Katipunan,
Filipina‘s constitution in Hong Kong. The
which Bonifacio had organized on the very
constitution embodies the organizational
day Rizal was deported to Dapitan.”
structure or blue print of the society.
According to Renato Constantino (1975)
1. To unite the whole archipelago into one
The La Liga Filipina ―constituted a forward
compact, vigorous, and homogenous body;
step in the reformist ideas of the times in the
2. Mutual protection in every want and
sense that the new group La Liga sought to
involve the people directly in the reform
3. Defense against all violence and injustice;
movement. Many elements of society who
4. Encouragement of instruction, agriculture,
were anxious for change were attracted to the
and commerce;
According to Teodoro Agoncillo (1990) The
La Liga Filpina is ―a civic society which
embodies Jose Rizal‘s vision for the
The Spanish authorities were so alarmed and
betterment of the Philippines. According to
considered the La Liga dangerous so they
Floro C.Quibuyen (1999)
secretly arrested Rizal on the night of July
6, 1892. After the arrest of Jose Rizal, the La
Liga became inactive.
Through the efforts of some of its members it
was reorganized. However, the society was
split into two different paths – reform and
Constantino (1975) puts it: “At first the Liga
was quite active. Bonifacio in particular
exerted great efforts to organize chapters in
RIZAL’S EXILE, TRIAL AND Formal classes were conducted between
MARTYRDOM two and five o'clock, he sat in a hammock,
while the boys sat on a long bamboo
Jose Rizal taught his students arithmetic,
July 6, 1892- Wednesday, Rizal went to
geometry, English and Spanish. In one
Malacañang Palace to resume his series of
day, Rizal requires them to speak only
interviews with governor general.
English; on the next day, only Spanish.
July 7, 1892- the Gaceta de Manila published
If any boy forgot and spoke the wrong
the story of Rizal’s arrest which produced
language he had to wear rattan handcuffs.
indignant commotion among the Filipino
The best student was called "emperor"
people, particularly the members of the
and sat at the head of the bench. The
newly organized Liga Filipina.
poorest sat at the foot, and had to jump,
The same issue of the Gaceta (July 7, 1892) dance, and take exercises before the
contained Governor General Despujol’s others.
decree deporting Rizal to “one of the islands
This system was similar to the one he
in the South”.
experienced in Ateneo Municipal.
July 14, 1892, shortly after midnight (that is
Another subject in Rizal‘s school was the
12:30 am of July 15, 1892) – Rizal was
"Nature study" wherein his students
brought under heavy guard to the steamer
helped him collect specimens of flowers,
Cebu which was sailing for Dapitan. This
shells, insects, and reptiles.
steamer under Captain Delgras departed at
1:00 AM, July 15, sailing south, passing A large number of collection of shells,
Mindoro and Panay and reaching Dapitan on snakes and insects collected by Jose Rizal
Sunday, the 17 th of July at 7:00 in the and his students are housed in the Manila
evening. Jesuit Museum.
It was published in 1887 in Berlin,
Germany through the financial aid from
Maximo Viola.
The title means “Touch Me Not”. It is a Latin
version of words spoken by Jesus in Mary
Magdalene after the resurrection (John
The original English translation is “The Social
Cancer‟. In the introduction, Jose Rizal
dedicated the novel to the Philippines
[„fatherland‟] hoping that by exposing the
social cancer, reforms will be granted for its
It was written in Spanish which intended to
raise political consciousness in relation to the
current state of affairs in the Philippines.
Jose Rizal hoped that through this novel, THE CHARACTERS OF NOLI
Spain the mother country will be aware of the Crisostomo Ibarra - also known in his full
conditions of the Philippines and grant her name as Juan Crisostomo Ibarra y
the needed reforms for the betterment and Magsalin, a Filipino who studied in Europe
progress of the country and its people. for 7 years, the love interest of Maria
Rizal proposed a book writing project to the Clara. Son of the deceased Don Rafael Ibarra.
Filipino members of the Circulo Hispano- The main and most important character in
Filipino. The book would deal on the socio- the novel manifesting in him the Filipino who
cultural and political aspects of life in the acquired European idea through his
Philippines. education in Europe.
Most of the members wanted to write about
the characters and activities of the Filipino
Elias - Ibarra's mysterious friend, a master This kind of character was manifested on
boater, also a fugitive. He was referred to at some Filipinos of that time.
one point as "the pilot". He wants to Pedro - abusive husband of Sisa who
revolutionize his country. In the past, Ibarra's loved cockfighting.
grandfather condemned his grandfather of Don Rafael Ibarra - known in the plot as a
burning a warehouse, making Elias the concerned citizen and property owner
fugitive he is. The character that Rizal placed who was a father of Crisostomo Ibarra.
to represent the Filipino masses who suffered Padre Damaso who played an antagonist role
from Spanish brutalities and abuse due to called him a heretic and filibustero due to his
their powerlessness in the novel and in real view on relating to liberalism in society.
Philippines social situation of that time. The School Master - A teacher at San Diego
Maria Clara - Maria Clara de los Santos, who's view in the novel represented the
Ibarra's sweetheart; the legitimate weak and useless education in the
daughter of Father Damaso and Pia Alba. Philippines. He attributes the problem from
In her, Ibarra has fallen inlove, she also facilities and methods of learning that the
mirrored the Filipin owoman of religious friars implemented in the country.
upbringing and orientation, and through her Tandang Pablo - The leader of the rebels,
love toIbarra, and she represents true loyalty whose family was destroyed because of the
and religiosity of the woman in real Filipino Spaniards.
society. Basilio - the elder son of Sisa.
Father Damaso - also known in his full Crispin - the younger son of Sisa who died
name as Damaso Verdolagas, a friar and from the punishment of the soldiers from the
Maria Clara's biological father. An false accusation of stealing an amount of
antagonist in character and represents the in money.
Christian works for the Catholic friars who Padre Sibyla - Hernando de la Sibyla, a
are in the church. Filipino friar. He is described as short and
Sisa - the mother of Basilio and Crispin has fair skin.
who became insane after losing his sons. Padre Salvi - also known in his full name
She represented in the novel unfortunate as Bernardo Salvi, a secret admirer of Maria
Filipina mothers losing her two sons; Basilio Clara.
and Crispin. In the novel, Sisa loses her sanity. The Alferez chief of the Guardia Civil,
Captain Tiago - also known in his full name mortal enemy of the priests for power in San
as Don Santiago de los Santos, the known Diego.
father of Maria Clara but not the real one, Don Tiburcio - Spanish husband of Doña
lives in Binondo. An illegal opium leader Victorina who was limp and submissive to
who subsequently was a landlord. He his wife; he also pretended to be a doctor.
represented a businessman who used his Doña Consolacion - wife of the Alferez,
money to work for him even in religious life another woman who passed herself as a
and obligations. Peninsular; best remembered for her
Pilosopong Tasyo - also known as Don abusive treatment of Sisa. Being the only
Anastacio, portrayed in the novel as competitor of Captain Tiago in godliness, she
pessimistic, and mad by his neighbors. He did everything to pretend that she was really
portrays the role of a Philosopher who was religious by showing off to the public what
completely misunderstood in many aspects, she could contribute to the Church.
he argues with the belief of the Catholic Captain General (no specific name) - The
Church and social changes and concerns in most powerful official in the Philippines; a
the novel. hater of secular priests and corrupt officials;
Dona Victorina - Victorina de los Reyes de and a friend of Ibarra.
Espadaña, a woman who poses herself as a
Peninsulares. Wife of Don Tiburcio de Summary of Noli
Espadana, known in the novel as a trying hard Having completed his studies in Europe, Juan
rich woman who abhors anything that is Crisostomo Ibarra came back to the Philippines after
Filipino and clings for Spanish way of life. a 7-year absence. In his honor, Captain Tiago threw a
get together party, which was attended by friars and
other prominent figures. In an unfortunate incident, showed the power struggle between the
former curate Father Damaso belittled and slandered Spanish civil authorities and Spanish clergies.
Ibarra. But Ibarra brushed off the insult and took no
offense. Jose Rizal criticized religious fanaticism of
Filipinos. The Noli Me Tange re-portrayed the
Ibarra went to see Maria Clara, his love interest, a religious fanaticism of Filipino through the
beautiful daughter of Captain. Their long-standing mindless religiosity exhibited by main
love was clearly manifested in this meeting, and characters in the novel. The Spanish clergies
Maria Clara cannot help but reread the letters her were blamed as the perpetrators of religious
sweetheart had written to her before he went to fanaticism.
Europe. Before Ibarra left for San Diego, Lieutenant Jose Rizal emphasized that education is a
Guevarra, a Guardia Civil, revealed to him the prerequisite of reform, progress and social
incidents preceding the death of his father, Don change . Rizal emphasized through the
Rafael Ibarra, a rich haciendero of the town. character of Crisostomo Ibarra how education
would bring about progress and social
According to the Lieutenant, Don Rafael was unjustly change. In the novel Ibarra planned to
accused of being a heretic and filibuster. Father establish a school that will educate the
Damaso's animosity against Ibarra's father was Filipinos but was not realized due to the
aggravated by another incident when Don Rafael opposition of Spanish clergies who had
helped out on a fight between a tax collector and a personal grudge on him.
student fighting, and the former's death was blamed
on him, although it was not deliberate. Suddenly, all EL FILIBUSTERISMO
of those who thought ill of him surfaced with
additional complaints. Sa Filipino, “Ang Pilibusterismo”. Samantalang sa
Ingles ay “The Reign of the Greed”
THOUGHTS AND IDEAS OF JOSE RIZAL IN THE Jose Rizal dedicated the novel to the
NOVEL GOMBURZA –the three priests who were
Social cancer Jose Rizal referred to the social executed in Bagumbayan for being implicated
cancer as the abuses and injustices in the Cavity Mutiny in 1872.
committed by the Spanish authorities and Like the Noli Me Tangere, it was written in
clergies and the defects of Filipinos (See the Spanish and intended to raise political
Introduction of the Noli Me Tangere) which consciousness in relation to the state of
constituted the prevailing social conditions of affairs in the Philippines observed by Rizal.
that time. The theme of the El Filibusterismo focuses on
The “flaws‟ in the main characters of the revolution as an alternative solution to
novel reflect the traits of Spanish authorities reforms that failed to create significant
and clergies and the Filipinos who have change in the country. However, Jose Rizal
imbibed and/or assimilated these “defects‟ also emphasized the danger of a revolution
cause and perpetuated by the Spanish that is built upon hatred and vengeance or
colonial regime. personal vendetta.
Jose Rizal viewed the friars as the major LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM Matapos ang
cause of the social cancer. Jose Rizal isang taon, isinaayos angbanghay (plot) ng
emphasized in the novel that the friars nobela at sa ilangbahagi ng mga kabanata
hindered the attainment of progress, justice PARIS, FRANCE and MADRID, SPAIN
and reforms in the Philippines. Pagdaragdag ng ilan pang kabanata ng Nobela
The country became stagnant and backward BIARITZ, FRANCE and GHENT, BELGIUM
because the friars controlled almost every Natapos ang manuskripto ng nobela noong
aspect of the Filipinos (this could also be Marso 29, 1891
inferred in his essay on the “On the Indolence
Rizal also exposed the power and influence of NOVEL
the friars that they were the ones who 1. Jose Rizal‟s thoughts of how justice must be
practically ran the government. He also attained Jose Rizal through the characters of
Kabesang Tales and Simoun discussed the
moral issues in attaining justice especially Simoun and Kabesang Tales how Filipinos have
when the injustices were committed by imbibed these defects brought about by the
Spanish authorities. Spanish colonial regime.
2. Revolution as an alternative to reform Jose
Rizal discussed the alternatives for the ETIKANG TAGALOG/MAKAMISA
Philippines and Filipinos in the debate between • It is considered as the third and unfinished
Simoun and Basilio about reform and revolution. novel of Jose Rizal. It is believed that Rizal
started writing this in 1892 while he was in
a. Simoun tried to convince Basilio that Hong Kong.
revolution is the only way to attain • The manuscript was first compiled under the
independence and progress. drafts of the Noli Me Tangere and was only
b. Basilio remained naïve and maintained that discovered in 1987 by Prof. Ambeth Ocampo.
social change could be achieved through the • “Makamisa‟ is the title given by Prof. Ambeth
reforms that Spain will grant the Philippines. Ocampo who wrote the English translation of
c. He was hoping to alleviate the physical ills of the novel.
the Filipinos and live his own life and fulfill • “Etikang Tagalog‟ is the title given by Dr. Nilo
his ambition of becoming a doctor. Jose Rizal Ocampo who wrote the Tagalog translation of
posited that rebellion or revolution that will the novel.
topple the Spanish colonial regime could be • It is considered as the third and unfinished
an alternative for the failure of reforms novel of Jose Rizal. It is believed that Rizal
coming from Spain. started writing this in 1892 while he was in
d. The failure of the rebellion was attributed not Hong Kong.
on the idea of rebellion as a means of social • The manuscript was first compiled under the
change but on the motives and qualities of the drafts of the Noli Me Tangere and was only
people who supported and perpetrated the discovered in 1987 by Prof. Ambeth Ocampo.
rebellion. • “Makamisa‟ is the title given by Prof. Ambeth
Ocampo who wrote the English translation of
3. Qualities that a leader of social change must
the novel.
possess Jose Rizal might be advocating rebellion
• “Etikang Tagalog‟ is the title given by Dr. Nilo
as a means of social change but killed Simoun -
Ocampo who wrote the Tagalog translation of
the main character that instigated rebellion
the novel.
against the Spanish authorities. Historians and
Thoughts and ideas of Jose Rizal in the novel
Rizal scholars inferred that Simoun was killed in
• The “defects‟ of the Spanish clergies and the
the novel for he was not worthy to lead the
Filipinos Jose Rizal exposed in the novel the
qualities and defects of the Spanish clergies
a. It was pointed out that though the motive of and the Filipinos. The novel revolves. around
rebellion is noble and justified (social the qualities of Padre Agaton and his actions
transformation), Simoun‟s objectives were during and after officiating a Sunday mass.
personal hatred and vengeance for the • The novel attempts to portray how the lives
injustices committed to him and to his family of the town folks were affected by Padre
and loved ones. Simoun manipulated others Agaton (a Spanish friar). Rizal also portrayed
to get his vengeance. the religious fanaticism which the Filipinos
b. The failure of revolution was further had imbibed from the Spanish clergies
explained by Rizal through the character of
Father Florentino who stressed the
importance of education, justice and morality
in the attainment of freedom.