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Warship Commander II 1967-1997 (Enola Games, 1984)

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Positive radar contact--it was a Kresta II, one of the most powerful warships in the Soviet Navy, and closing fast. If the
Harpoon salvo didn 't get him, his torpedo-carrying SSN-14 SILEX missiles would reduce our Spruance class destroyer
to scrap iron. Our radar detector had picked up his fire control radar emissions. I watched on the radar display as the
Harpoons dove in on the Kresta at just under the speed of sound . The Russians fought back hard. Surface to air missiles
burst around the incoming Harpoons, knocking one out . The rest came in through a hail of proximity fused 57mm shells.
They got two more. The Kresta's Side Globe jammers pulled another two off the ship and into the ocean, while its chaff
rocket launchers covered the ship in an umbrella of airborne tinfoil. Another Harpoon overshot and missed. In despera-
tion , the Soviet skipper pushed his big cruiser hard-a-starboard , firing with his 30mm mounts. He dodged one, but the
last one impacted amidships, diving in through the deck and exploding just above the keel. The Russians don 't build
ships for survivability--they're all offensive. The Harpoon 's warhead detonated in the engine room , snapping the keel.
Within minutes, the once proud cruiser was a mass of secondary explosions. I had one more order to five--" All hands
stand by to pick up su rvivors."

In the nerve center of a modern warship, decisions are made that decide the fate of men and sh ips within seconds. There
are no second-place winners at sea today. WARSHIP COMMANDER accurately and completely simulates the dynamic
and multi-faceted war at sea of today and tomorrow.

Modern warships range in size from the huge aircraft carriers like the Ni mitz class to the tiny but deadly missile bc 'lts.
The weapons of today's warships have changed greatly since those of World War II. The surface-to-surface missile has
replaced the big gun. These deadly weapons give even the smallest ship tremendous punch . How do you defeat them?
You jam them with electronic warfare, you blind them with chaff, you shoot them down with guns and missiles, or you
sink him before he sinks you. All of this is shown in great detail in WARSH IP COMMANDER, the first and most accurate
and complete simulation of modern naval surface actions. Playable with board game equipment, min iature ship models,
or counters, WARSHIP COMMANDE R has complete rules for all of the major elements of modern naval surface actions.
There is complete data on all of the major guns, torpedoes, surface-to-s1:1rface missiles , and surface-to-air missiles of NATO
and the Warsaw Pact with rules which accurately simu late their use in surface actions. Also, there are detailed rules
dealing with all aspects of electronic warfare, including ECM and ECCM equipment, in addition to radars and radar detec-
tors; detai led information on over one hundred NATO and Warsaw Pact radars is included. The effects of damage and
the process of damage control is accurately portrayed . There is even a detailed description of modern warships and equip-
ment to help the player learn and understand what modern naval warfare is all about; WARSHIP COMMANDER is much
more than just a game , it is a total learning experience .

This NEW edition of the classic Warship Commander rules contains information on the most up to date weapons plat-
forms and systems: the reactivated New Jersey class battleship, the AEGIS cruiser, the newest Soviet ships - Kirov,
Sovremenny, Udaloy, Slava. The vastly expanded Ship Characteristics section now provides data on many more vessels
from France, Italy, and the Netherlands to the People's Republic of Ch ina. In addition , the earlier edition rules have been
revised and updated to reflect recent declassified information as well as the lessons of the Falklands War. Even players
of the earlier edition of Warship Commander will find much n·ew ~nd valuable information in Warship Commander II.


Present Day Tactical
Naval Combat
Revised and Updated

This manual must be burned or sunk before it is possible/or

it to fall into the hands of an enemy.

Copyright, 1984, by Ken Sm1gelski

Published in US by: ENOLA GAMES, P.O. Box 1900, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201
Published 1n UK by: NAVWAR, 48 East View, Barn~t, Herts ENSSTN
Printed in USA
Present Day Tactical
Naval Combat
Revised and Updated

This manual must be burned or sunk before it is possible/or

it to fall into the hands of an enemy.

Copyright, 1984, by Ken Sm1gelski

Published in US by: ENOLA GAMES, P.O. Box 1900, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201
Published 1n UK by: NAVWAR, 48 East View, Barn~t, Herts ENSSTN
Printed in USA
13. Active homing--determining if a target is AA TABLE ........................... . . ... ' ............... _,45
TABLE OF CONTENTS: XIV. TORPEDOES. 21 acquired ............... .................. . ..... 34
1. Effectiveness of torpedoes 21 14. Active homing--target priority and size........... . .... 35 TORPEDO RESULTS CHART ...... .
1 2. Sequence of play . 21 15 Actlve missile homing ..................................... 36 48
I. INTRODUCTION. I. Torpedo Coverage Area Table
3. Torpedo launching 21 16. Spotting missiles in flight ............. , , ................. , 36 II. Torpedo Accuracy Table.
11. MODERN NAVAL WARFARE .. 1 4. Torpedo movement . 22 17. Countermeasures against missiles . . . ......... 37 llt. Torpedo Results Table
1 Naval developments since World War II 1 5. Torpedo patterns, guidance, homing, and range . 22 18. ECM before target acquisition ............................. 37
2. Modern US ship design 2 6. Determining torpedo damage. 22 19. ECM after missiles acquire targets...... . ....... 37 TORPEDO DAMAGE TABLES ................................ 48
3. Modern Soviet ship design 2 7. Determining the area of coverage. 22 20. Firing at missiles--requirements ........................... 38
4. European navies ........... . 2 8. Determining if torpedo hits are scored 23 21. Procedures for finng at missiles .......................... , 38 TORPEDO DATA TABLE .................................. , .. 50
5. Ship design 2 9. Determining the type of torpedo damage. 24 22. Adjustments lo the AA gun accuracy rates ................. 39
6. Propulsion systems 3 10. Damage adjustments. 24 23. Adjustments to SAM accuracy rates .......... 40 RADAR DETECTION TABLE................... 50
7. Fire control ... 3 11. Reloading 24 24. Effects of accuracy adjustments . . . . . . . ............... 40
8. Gunnery 3 12. "Foxers" .. 24 25. Long range SA M's . .............. . . ............... 40 RADAR ADJUSTMENT TABLE....................... 51
9. Torpedoes 4 13. Fishtailing. 24 26. Determining if the SSM hits its target ............. 41
10. Missiles 4 14. Torpedo fire control 24 27. Determining SSM damage. . ....................... 41 RADAR GUIDE........................................ 51
11. Electronic Warfare. 5 28. Special SSM. . .................................. , , . 41
12. Communications 7 XV. ELECTRONIC WARFARE .. 24 29 SSM's and armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. , ... 41 SSM DATA TABLE ............... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 54
30 SSM damage to aircraft carriers . . . . . . . ........... , , ... 41
111. NECESSARY EQUIPMENT .. 7 Part A: Introduction 24 31. SSM damage to tankers and oilers ......................... 41 SSM VISUAL SIGHTING TABLE ....................... , ..... ; 55
1. Description of electronic warfare 24 32. SSM damage to ships with poor 41
IV. GAME SCALE ......... 8 2. Basic sequence of play. 24 shock mountings ....... , ................................. 41 SSM DAMAGE TABLES ...................................... 55
3. Necessary equipment 24 33 SSM reloading ................ , ................ , .......... 41
V. PREPARING FOR PLAY 8 34. Using SA M's as SS M's . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. 41 SHIP CHARACTERISTICS TABLES ............. . 59
Part B: Radar 25 Part 1: Basic ship date
.. 25
VI. SEQUENCE OF PLAY--SURFACE ACTIONS 8 1. Functions of radar .. . CHARTS AND TABLES Part 2: Weapons
2. Types of radar .......... _. 25 Part 3: Electronic&
9 3. Basic radar search procedures 25 COLLISSION DAMAGE CHART ............................... 42 Date Notes
4. Ad1ustments to the number picked when the Notes on the US Navy
9 Radar Adjustment Table is consulted ............ . 26 GUNNERY DATA TABLE ..................................... 43 Notes on the British Naily
1. Basic movement procedures 9 5. Restrictions on the use of radars in a search mode 26 Notes on the Soviet Navy
2. "Dummy" counters ........ . 9 6. Effects and duration of detection by radar. 26 GUNNERY RESULTS CHART ............ , .................... 43
3. Basic movement rules. 9 7. Restrictions on the use of radars in a fire (Includes Gunnery Accuracy Tables, Gunnery Firing Tables, and Area
4 Movement on the playing surface. 9 control mode ... 26 Hit Tables).
27 USING THE TDD ........................................... . 68
5. Turning 9 8 Fire control tracking procedures .
9 GUNNERY DAMAGE CHART ................................. 44
6. Moving Evasively ... Superstructure EXPANDED SEQUENCE OF PLAY ............................ 69
7. Acceleration. ········· 9 Part C: Passive sensors . . . . . . .......... . 27 Deck
8. Deceleration. ........... 10 1. Description of passive sensors. 27 Hull SOURCES USED ............................... . ...... 58
9. Reversing engines 10 2. The requirements for using radar detectors 27
10. Backward movement. 10 3. Radar detection procedure 27
11. Collisions 10 4. Radar detectors and tire control 28
12 Collision damage ... ········· 11 5. Effects of detection by radar detectors . 28
6. Duration of radar detection . 28
IX. VISUAL SIGHTING 11 7. Radio detectors. 28
1. Introduction 11
2. Visibility procedures 11 Part D: Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) .. 28
3. Visibility restrictions
11 2. Types of ECM equipment 28 W.arship Commander was the first and probably most detailed and ac- read thorougn1y.
4. Basic visual sighting distances
3. Restrictions on the use of radar jamrners. 28 curate simulation of modern naval combat available; it has also proven 2. The rules for "toxers" have been changed somewhat.
X. GUNFIRE AGAINST SHIPS 11 4. Noise jamming procedures. 29 to be one of our most popular titles. Some time ago, the first edition went F. Electronics:
1. Gunfire requirements 11 5 Deception jamming . 29 out of print, but the demand for the book never slackened. However, since 1. The adjustment to radar system accuracy when attempting to detect
2. Firing procedures. 12 6. Deception jamming--false target generation . 29 1978 when Warship Commander first appeared, many new weapon missiles has been increased, so missiles are now more difficult to detect.
3. Accuracy adjustments 12 7. Deception jamming--range or velocity systems were developed, and more importantly, much more data on cur- 2. Unlil recently, most ship-borne jammers were simple deception jam-
4. Ammunition 13 gate pull off 30 rently existing equipment, especially electronics, has been made available. mers, without noise jamming capability.
5. Ship design and size. 13 8. Chaff--introduction 30 The recent Falklands War also provided much useful information on naval 3. Chaff systems are now rated A, B, or C. A rated systems are re-
6. Determining gunnery damage 14 9. Requirements for using chaff .. 30 equipment in action. Consequently, we decided to revise and update lhe cent automatic systems designed to fire both flares and chaff as soon
7. Effects of gunnery damage .. 14 10. Chaff launching procedures. 30 rules, rather than merely reprinting them. The basic system of play has as hostile radar is detected; 8-rated systems are manual chaff systems.
8. Damage adjustments. 14 11. Effects of chaff . 30 not been changed, although some of the details have been in order to The C rating is reserved primarily tor chaff shells fired from guns. The
9 Armor penetration 15 12. Duration of chaff 30 correct errors a:id update data; the data tables have all been revised to main effects of the ratings appear in the "Effects of Chaff' rule.
10. Fire control 15 13. Reloading chaff launchers. 30 conform to the most up to date information now available. In addition, 4. Monopulse radars can now be jammed by all A·rated ECM systems,
11. Automatic self-defense guns 15 14. Reflectors and blip enhancers 30 in response to the request for more ship data, we have greatly expanded and such jamming is more effective than it previously was.
15 Radio and data link jamming 31 the Ship Characteristics Table to include vessels from a larger number 5. Frequency agility now makes deception jamming very difficult.
16. Infra-red jamming 31 of countries (including most of NATO) as well as the recently launched 6. Phased array radars, such as SPY-1, are resistant to noise jamm-
17. Decoys .. 31 ships. The new, updated Warship Commander II now provides all the ing as indicated in the "Reducing Gain" rule.
XI. DAMAGE. 16 data needed for the naval warfare enthusiast to accurately simulate modern G. Surface to surface missiles:
1 Effects of damage 16 Part E: Electronic Counter-countermeasures (ECCM) 31 naval combat well into the 1990~. 1. Some newer Soviet missiles can be tired at targets located by radar
2. Flotation 17 1. Introduction 31 detectors. '
3. Fire l7 2. Methods of operation of radars . 31 The fol!owing is a summary of the major rule changes: 2. The SSM fire control radars on Soviet ships are not used for target
3. The effects of radar's method of operation 31 A. Gunnery: tracking; they are designed to track the missile and any targeting aircraft
XII. DAMAGE CONTROL . 18 4. Frequency agility 32 1. The separate firing tables for each gun have been eliminated due in order to allow mid-course correction. This is explained in the "Re-
1. Damage control--basic rules .. 18 5. Reducing gain .. 32 to lack of space. A new system (using a single firing table with separate quirements tor Launching SSMs" and the "Missile Movement" rules.
2. Damage control parties and tasks .. 18 6. Moving target indicator (MTI) 32 accuracy rates for each gun) has replaced it, so the firing procedures are 3. Missiles capable of multiple methods of homing (Radar, IA, home
3. Determining success of damage control attempts. 18 7. J ittered PRF . 32 now somewhat different. on jamming) need not be set for the type of homing to be used. All systems
4. Flooding control . 18 2. The Manual Override rule has been eliminated, as the short dura- are in use simultaneously; they are complementary, not competitive. As
5. Fire fighting 19 XVI. SURFACE TO SURFACE MISSILES (SSM"S) . . . 32 tion of nearly all gunnery actions makes the rule unnecessary. explained in the "Active Homing-Target Priority and Size" rule, such
6. Weapons repair .. 19 1. Introduction. ........... . 32 B. Damage: missiles first attempt to detect a target by radar. If a target is detected,
7 Electronics repair . 19 2. Basic SSM procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 1. Several factors contrfbut1ng ·to increased flooding and fire damage then IA, if available, is used to reject chaff targets. If the missile is unable
8. Propulsion system repair . 19 3. SSM sequence of play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 have been added. to detect a target by radar due to jamming, a home on jamming function
9. Flight deck repair . 20 4. Requirements for launching SS M's .................. 32 2. A new type of damage, called a "Damage Control Hit," has been allows it to lock onto the jammer.
5. SSM launching procedure ...... ·.......................... 32 added. 4. The effects of the chaff system ratii:igs on SSM acquisition appears
XIII. COMMUNICATIONS AND DATA LINK 20 6. Semi-active homing--description and The two changes above, as well as the damage control change below, 1n the "ECM after Target Acquisition" rule as well as the rule indicated
1. Communication. . ....... . . . ". ' ... 20 restrictions ................................ , .............. 33 are in accordance with recent data concerning the sinking of the Sheffield . in (3) above.
2 Short range communications 20 7. Active homing--descriptlon and restrictions ......... , ...... 33 C. Damage Control: 5. Some of the newer SAM fire control radars and launchers can
3. Long range communications 20 8. Missile movement .. , ........•. , .... , .......... , ........... 33 1. Fire fighting: Uncontrolled fires aboard recently built ships spread engage more than one target simultaneously, as indicated in the "Firing
4. Uses of communication 20 9. Misslle flight trajectory ...... , ... , .... , .. , , , . , , , ... , ••.. , .. 34 more rapidly than on older vessels. at Missiles-Requierments'' rule.
5. Effects of communication 20 10. Semi-active missile homing ............................... 34 D. Communications: 6. The SS-N-14 missile carriers only an acoustic homing torpedo, not
6. Data link 20 11. Active rnissile--target acquisition and homing . . . . . . 34 1. Data link is more easily jammed. a nuclear depth charge.
7. Communications procedures 20 12 Active homtng--determining the missile's E. Torpedoes: H. Data changes:
a. Laser communication . . 21 area of search ....................... . ... " .... 34 1. Extensive changes have been made to the procedures tor deter- 1. All tables have been revised and should 'be read carefully when
mining hits by acoustic homing torpedoes, so these sections should be required.
13. Active homing--determining if a target is AA TABLE ........................... . . ... ' ............... _,45
TABLE OF CONTENTS: XIV. TORPEDOES. 21 acquired ............... .................. . ..... 34
1. Effectiveness of torpedoes 21 14. Active homing--target priority and size........... . .... 35 TORPEDO RESULTS CHART ...... .
1 2. Sequence of play . 21 15 Actlve missile homing ..................................... 36 48
I. INTRODUCTION. I. Torpedo Coverage Area Table
3. Torpedo launching 21 16. Spotting missiles in flight ............. , , ................. , 36 II. Torpedo Accuracy Table.
11. MODERN NAVAL WARFARE .. 1 4. Torpedo movement . 22 17. Countermeasures against missiles . . . ......... 37 llt. Torpedo Results Table
1 Naval developments since World War II 1 5. Torpedo patterns, guidance, homing, and range . 22 18. ECM before target acquisition ............................. 37
2. Modern US ship design 2 6. Determining torpedo damage. 22 19. ECM after missiles acquire targets...... . ....... 37 TORPEDO DAMAGE TABLES ................................ 48
3. Modern Soviet ship design 2 7. Determining the area of coverage. 22 20. Firing at missiles--requirements ........................... 38
4. European navies ........... . 2 8. Determining if torpedo hits are scored 23 21. Procedures for finng at missiles .......................... , 38 TORPEDO DATA TABLE .................................. , .. 50
5. Ship design 2 9. Determining the type of torpedo damage. 24 22. Adjustments lo the AA gun accuracy rates ................. 39
6. Propulsion systems 3 10. Damage adjustments. 24 23. Adjustments to SAM accuracy rates .......... 40 RADAR DETECTION TABLE................... 50
7. Fire control ... 3 11. Reloading 24 24. Effects of accuracy adjustments . . . . . . . ............... 40
8. Gunnery 3 12. "Foxers" .. 24 25. Long range SA M's . .............. . . ............... 40 RADAR ADJUSTMENT TABLE....................... 51
9. Torpedoes 4 13. Fishtailing. 24 26. Determining if the SSM hits its target ............. 41
10. Missiles 4 14. Torpedo fire control 24 27. Determining SSM damage. . ....................... 41 RADAR GUIDE........................................ 51
11. Electronic Warfare. 5 28. Special SSM. . .................................. , , . 41
12. Communications 7 XV. ELECTRONIC WARFARE .. 24 29 SSM's and armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. , ... 41 SSM DATA TABLE ............... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 54
30 SSM damage to aircraft carriers . . . . . . . ........... , , ... 41
111. NECESSARY EQUIPMENT .. 7 Part A: Introduction 24 31. SSM damage to tankers and oilers ......................... 41 SSM VISUAL SIGHTING TABLE ....................... , ..... ; 55
1. Description of electronic warfare 24 32. SSM damage to ships with poor 41
IV. GAME SCALE ......... 8 2. Basic sequence of play. 24 shock mountings ....... , ................................. 41 SSM DAMAGE TABLES ...................................... 55
3. Necessary equipment 24 33 SSM reloading ................ , ................ , .......... 41
V. PREPARING FOR PLAY 8 34. Using SA M's as SS M's . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. 41 SHIP CHARACTERISTICS TABLES ............. . 59
Part B: Radar 25 Part 1: Basic ship date
.. 25
VI. SEQUENCE OF PLAY--SURFACE ACTIONS 8 1. Functions of radar .. . CHARTS AND TABLES Part 2: Weapons
2. Types of radar .......... _. 25 Part 3: Electronic&
9 3. Basic radar search procedures 25 COLLISSION DAMAGE CHART ............................... 42 Date Notes
4. Ad1ustments to the number picked when the Notes on the US Navy
9 Radar Adjustment Table is consulted ............ . 26 GUNNERY DATA TABLE ..................................... 43 Notes on the British Naily
1. Basic movement procedures 9 5. Restrictions on the use of radars in a search mode 26 Notes on the Soviet Navy
2. "Dummy" counters ........ . 9 6. Effects and duration of detection by radar. 26 GUNNERY RESULTS CHART ............ , .................... 43
3. Basic movement rules. 9 7. Restrictions on the use of radars in a fire (Includes Gunnery Accuracy Tables, Gunnery Firing Tables, and Area
4 Movement on the playing surface. 9 control mode ... 26 Hit Tables).
27 USING THE TDD ........................................... . 68
5. Turning 9 8 Fire control tracking procedures .
9 GUNNERY DAMAGE CHART ................................. 44
6. Moving Evasively ... Superstructure EXPANDED SEQUENCE OF PLAY ............................ 69
7. Acceleration. ········· 9 Part C: Passive sensors . . . . . . .......... . 27 Deck
8. Deceleration. ........... 10 1. Description of passive sensors. 27 Hull SOURCES USED ............................... . ...... 58
9. Reversing engines 10 2. The requirements for using radar detectors 27
10. Backward movement. 10 3. Radar detection procedure 27
11. Collisions 10 4. Radar detectors and tire control 28
12 Collision damage ... ········· 11 5. Effects of detection by radar detectors . 28
6. Duration of radar detection . 28
IX. VISUAL SIGHTING 11 7. Radio detectors. 28
1. Introduction 11
2. Visibility procedures 11 Part D: Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) .. 28
3. Visibility restrictions
11 2. Types of ECM equipment 28 W.arship Commander was the first and probably most detailed and ac- read thorougn1y.
4. Basic visual sighting distances
3. Restrictions on the use of radar jamrners. 28 curate simulation of modern naval combat available; it has also proven 2. The rules for "toxers" have been changed somewhat.
X. GUNFIRE AGAINST SHIPS 11 4. Noise jamming procedures. 29 to be one of our most popular titles. Some time ago, the first edition went F. Electronics:
1. Gunfire requirements 11 5 Deception jamming . 29 out of print, but the demand for the book never slackened. However, since 1. The adjustment to radar system accuracy when attempting to detect
2. Firing procedures. 12 6. Deception jamming--false target generation . 29 1978 when Warship Commander first appeared, many new weapon missiles has been increased, so missiles are now more difficult to detect.
3. Accuracy adjustments 12 7. Deception jamming--range or velocity systems were developed, and more importantly, much more data on cur- 2. Unlil recently, most ship-borne jammers were simple deception jam-
4. Ammunition 13 gate pull off 30 rently existing equipment, especially electronics, has been made available. mers, without noise jamming capability.
5. Ship design and size. 13 8. Chaff--introduction 30 The recent Falklands War also provided much useful information on naval 3. Chaff systems are now rated A, B, or C. A rated systems are re-
6. Determining gunnery damage 14 9. Requirements for using chaff .. 30 equipment in action. Consequently, we decided to revise and update lhe cent automatic systems designed to fire both flares and chaff as soon
7. Effects of gunnery damage .. 14 10. Chaff launching procedures. 30 rules, rather than merely reprinting them. The basic system of play has as hostile radar is detected; 8-rated systems are manual chaff systems.
8. Damage adjustments. 14 11. Effects of chaff . 30 not been changed, although some of the details have been in order to The C rating is reserved primarily tor chaff shells fired from guns. The
9 Armor penetration 15 12. Duration of chaff 30 correct errors a:id update data; the data tables have all been revised to main effects of the ratings appear in the "Effects of Chaff' rule.
10. Fire control 15 13. Reloading chaff launchers. 30 conform to the most up to date information now available. In addition, 4. Monopulse radars can now be jammed by all A·rated ECM systems,
11. Automatic self-defense guns 15 14. Reflectors and blip enhancers 30 in response to the request for more ship data, we have greatly expanded and such jamming is more effective than it previously was.
15 Radio and data link jamming 31 the Ship Characteristics Table to include vessels from a larger number 5. Frequency agility now makes deception jamming very difficult.
16. Infra-red jamming 31 of countries (including most of NATO) as well as the recently launched 6. Phased array radars, such as SPY-1, are resistant to noise jamm-
17. Decoys .. 31 ships. The new, updated Warship Commander II now provides all the ing as indicated in the "Reducing Gain" rule.
XI. DAMAGE. 16 data needed for the naval warfare enthusiast to accurately simulate modern G. Surface to surface missiles:
1 Effects of damage 16 Part E: Electronic Counter-countermeasures (ECCM) 31 naval combat well into the 1990~. 1. Some newer Soviet missiles can be tired at targets located by radar
2. Flotation 17 1. Introduction 31 detectors. '
3. Fire l7 2. Methods of operation of radars . 31 The fol!owing is a summary of the major rule changes: 2. The SSM fire control radars on Soviet ships are not used for target
3. The effects of radar's method of operation 31 A. Gunnery: tracking; they are designed to track the missile and any targeting aircraft
XII. DAMAGE CONTROL . 18 4. Frequency agility 32 1. The separate firing tables for each gun have been eliminated due in order to allow mid-course correction. This is explained in the "Re-
1. Damage control--basic rules .. 18 5. Reducing gain .. 32 to lack of space. A new system (using a single firing table with separate quirements tor Launching SSMs" and the "Missile Movement" rules.
2. Damage control parties and tasks .. 18 6. Moving target indicator (MTI) 32 accuracy rates for each gun) has replaced it, so the firing procedures are 3. Missiles capable of multiple methods of homing (Radar, IA, home
3. Determining success of damage control attempts. 18 7. J ittered PRF . 32 now somewhat different. on jamming) need not be set for the type of homing to be used. All systems
4. Flooding control . 18 2. The Manual Override rule has been eliminated, as the short dura- are in use simultaneously; they are complementary, not competitive. As
5. Fire fighting 19 XVI. SURFACE TO SURFACE MISSILES (SSM"S) . . . 32 tion of nearly all gunnery actions makes the rule unnecessary. explained in the "Active Homing-Target Priority and Size" rule, such
6. Weapons repair .. 19 1. Introduction. ........... . 32 B. Damage: missiles first attempt to detect a target by radar. If a target is detected,
7 Electronics repair . 19 2. Basic SSM procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 1. Several factors contrfbut1ng ·to increased flooding and fire damage then IA, if available, is used to reject chaff targets. If the missile is unable
8. Propulsion system repair . 19 3. SSM sequence of play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 have been added. to detect a target by radar due to jamming, a home on jamming function
9. Flight deck repair . 20 4. Requirements for launching SS M's .................. 32 2. A new type of damage, called a "Damage Control Hit," has been allows it to lock onto the jammer.
5. SSM launching procedure ...... ·.......................... 32 added. 4. The effects of the chaff system ratii:igs on SSM acquisition appears
XIII. COMMUNICATIONS AND DATA LINK 20 6. Semi-active homing--description and The two changes above, as well as the damage control change below, 1n the "ECM after Target Acquisition" rule as well as the rule indicated
1. Communication. . ....... . . . ". ' ... 20 restrictions ................................ , .............. 33 are in accordance with recent data concerning the sinking of the Sheffield . in (3) above.
2 Short range communications 20 7. Active homing--descriptlon and restrictions ......... , ...... 33 C. Damage Control: 5. Some of the newer SAM fire control radars and launchers can
3. Long range communications 20 8. Missile movement .. , ........•. , .... , .......... , ........... 33 1. Fire fighting: Uncontrolled fires aboard recently built ships spread engage more than one target simultaneously, as indicated in the "Firing
4. Uses of communication 20 9. Misslle flight trajectory ...... , ... , .... , .. , , , . , , , ... , ••.. , .. 34 more rapidly than on older vessels. at Missiles-Requierments'' rule.
5. Effects of communication 20 10. Semi-active missile homing ............................... 34 D. Communications: 6. The SS-N-14 missile carriers only an acoustic homing torpedo, not
6. Data link 20 11. Active rnissile--target acquisition and homing . . . . . . 34 1. Data link is more easily jammed. a nuclear depth charge.
7. Communications procedures 20 12 Active homtng--determining the missile's E. Torpedoes: H. Data changes:
a. Laser communication . . 21 area of search ....................... . ... " .... 34 1. Extensive changes have been made to the procedures tor deter- 1. All tables have been revised and should 'be read carefully when
mining hits by acoustic homing torpedoes, so these sections should be required.
naval warfare. The first ol these was the ~s~~ulness of the submanne.
I. INTRODUCTION: Although relatively few in number and pnm1t1ve by modern ~tandards. World War ll, mechanical computers were used to compute firing
the German U-boat in the first half of World War 11 was_ a serious threat solutions for shipborne weapons. After World War II the much faster improvement· to the ECM suite carried on board ships called DPEWS,
Warship Commander is a set of rules for recreating present day naval to the allied war effort. The allies expended ~uch _time and energy analog computer was developed. The computers on most modern is beginning. Improved fire control systems, using digital computers,
actions using military miniatures or cardboard counters. The rules can against these vessels, finally defeating them pnmarily by using large ships are analog. Recently, the digital computer, was developed. It have been installed on some new ships which will enable them to
be used with military miniatures of any scale, although we recommend numbers of aircraft to detect and attack the:m _on the surface. World operates faster than the analog computer, thus increasing accuracy. respond quickly to any missile threat. Finally, the US Navy has
the new 1:3000 scale models. The game 1s designed to be played by War II submarines had to spend most of their time on the surface an? As computers improved, combat procedures became more developed its own surface to surface missile, the Harpoon, which is
two players or teams. Regardless of the number of player~. Warship were very slow when submerged. Toward the end of the war, when it automated. Currently, several countries are working on a completely being installed on frigates, destroyers, and cruisers. Modernized US
Commander is a thoroughly playable, highly detailed, and was too late to have an effect, the Germans developed snorkel- automated lire control system; the computer will automatically direct Navy ships are again capable of engaging surface, sub-surface, and air
equipped submarines that seldom needed to surface and could travel targets without the aid of aircraft carriers.
exceptionally realistic game. the appropriate weapons against any enemy target detected by radar
atmost as fast submerged as they could when surfaced. Such subs or other sensors without any human linger on the trigger or order
warship Commander is the culmination of three years of research in~o would have been very difficult to detect and co~ld not have been being given.
defeated by the methods available c:it that time. Current day 3. MODERN SOVIET SHIP DESIGN:
the weapons, tactics, and battle damage of World War It as. well a~ in
submannes are based on this type of design and constitute one of the Another recent development that has had a great effect on modern Until the 1960's, the Soviet Navy was rather weak. tt had no aircraft
depth research into present day nav_al. weapons and tactics. It is a
most important types of vessels carriers, and in fact, no prior experience with carrier operations, and
highly detailed an.d unique game, and 111s unlike ~nyother naval_ ~ame naval warfare was the development of the surface to surface "missile.
These were developed in the 1950's and provide an accurate anti- its main force of cruisers and destroyers was no match for the Western
ever produced. Most of the game's mechanics wil! be as unf_amll1ar to
The other important development was electronic warfare. Elec~ronic shipping weapon to navies without aircraft carriers. Even the US, navies. Recent developments have changed this In the late 1950's and
the veteran naval wargamer as they are to the novice. For this reas~n.
warfare began in World War ti to combat the threat posed by aircraft which has a large number of aircraft carriers, now uses a surface to early 1960's, the Soviet Navy, to some extent, overcame its lack of
we strongly recommend that players learn. th~ game gradually, adding aircraft carriers by developing long range anti-shipping missiles and
in new complexities only alter the basic ideas are ma~tered. '!Je and submarines. Radar was used from the earliest days of the war to surface missile. Surface to surface missiles ($$M's) are usually
detect affcraft well beyond visual sighting range. ~ater, a .radar was difficult to detect at long range, and are available in such large installing these weapons on heavy bombers and newly built cruisers,
suggest that players should first learn to play surface actions using destroyers and missile boats. These missiles. some with ranges of over
one ship per player, with neither side possessing torpedoes, developed which could detect surface targets, and finally ,_fire con.trol numbers that it is very difficult to defeat them with the essentially long
radars were developed which could a~l?w accurate fl_ri~Q .against range, slow firing surface to air missiles. The most effective weapon a hundred miles, gave Soviet ships and aircraft greater striking
electronics, or missiles. It w1!1 only be nece_ssa~y to _rea~ through the capability than any Western ship, other than the carriers, and made
rules sections up to and including Commun1cat1ons 1n this c~se. Once unseen targets at night or under cond1t1ons of poor v1s1b1l_1ty. T~e against SSM's is the small and medium caliber anti-aircraft gun. Thus,
efficient US fire control radar was responsible for the great victory in the development of anti-shipping missiles has revived interest in naval them a threat to Western naval operations. More importantly, however,
these basic rules are mastered. torpedoes should be included. the Soviets greatly enlarged their submarine fleet. adding nuclear
Electronics should be added afterwards, and do not attempt to add Surigao Strait and it was an effective airborne search radar that guns. Many ships built in the 1950's treated guns solely as a secondary
enabled allied aircraft to defeat surfaced U-boats. weapons system; guns on modern ships are an integral part of the powered submarines armed with ballistic nuclear missiles,
missiles until the Electronics rules are thoro~ghly mastered. As the submarines designed to sink other submarines and submarines
game becomes more familiar, the number of ships used byea~h P!ayer ship's main defensive system.
As radar became an effective weapon, col:lnt_ermeasures were designed to attack ships, a type largely extinct in the West. Currently,
can be gradually increased. H_owe~er, Warship Commander IS h~ghly the Soviet submarine fleet is the largest in !he world. The Soviets view
detailed and is designed primarily f~r small-scale naval actions, developed against it. A device to detect radarem1ss1ons, called ~etox, Improvements in communications have also had an effect. One
was installed on German submarines which enabled submarii:ies to significant development has been the development of data hnk. Data their submarines in the same manner that the US Navy views its aircraft
therefore, we believe that the game 1s mos.t enioyable when the carriers. These are the ships having the greatest value, and will be
number of ships commanded by each player is kept rather small. detect airborne radar beyond the effective range of the radar. Th ts was link is a direct communication link between computers which allow
later countered by an airborne radar which operated at_a ~reque~cy many ships to be immediately aware of all of the information available protected at all costs. Any naval war involving the Soviet Union would
which the Metox could not detect. The Japanese had a s1m1lar device to the sensors of all ships. This data is accurate enough to allow firing surely involve anti-submarine warfare to a very great degree, and it
Since information on modern ships a_nd weap.oi:is is not readily could very well be the decisive element in the naval war.
available we have included a large section describing modern naval by 1943 which they used in the battle of Kula Gulf. - ships having data lrnk are able to fire accurately against targets not
warfare a'nd how it rel8tes to the rules of t_he game We rec_om~end t~at actually detected by their own sensors. Another important
The Soviets have recently begun building aircraft earners, but these
all players read this section before reading the rules, as 1t will provide In addition to detecting devices, other .equipm_ent w~s de~,elope.~ development is communication by satellite which is much more
which would make the radars ineffective. Window , or cha_ff , dtlficuH to detect (and jam) than normal radio communications. carriers differ greatly from their Western counterparts. While Western
the information needed to thoroughly understand the rules. In order to carriers are large, and carry a very large number of the most advanced
play Warship Commander well, a player will n.eed to .thoroughly consisted of aluminum strips cut to half the teng~h of the opposing Satellites are also capable of detailed reconnaissance over wide areas,
radar frequency. This would reflect. m ost radar s1gn.~ts b<;tck to !he aircraft, Soviet Kiev class carriers are fairly small, carry a relatively
understand modern n21vi:il warfare, not just memorize a series of rules. greatly increasing the ability of task forces to detect and intercept each
transmitter resulting in an electronic 1smokescreen behind which
other. Surprise attacks will probably be a rarity in modern war. small number of low performance VSTOL aircraft and/or helicopters,
aircraft coUld escape radar detection. ~ater, "noi~e" jammers were yet are heavily armed with anti-air missiles, surface to surface missiles,
developed. These were basically radio t~ansm1tters t~at woul_d and anti-submarine weapons. The Soviet carriers, while no match for
II. MODERN NAVAL WARFARE: Modern naval weapon systems are radically different from World War
Western carriers, still seem to be able to perlorm a large array of
broadcast a loud noise on th~ trequencx atwh1c~ the opposing ~adar is II weapon systems, relying on great accuracy rather than volume of
operating. Since radar receives range 1nformat1on by n:ieasunng the fire. For this reason, modern ships have much fewer weapons. but functions, and are probably extremely good at anti-submarine
1. NAVAL DEVELOPMENTS SINCE WORL.D WAR. II: warfare. Their main purpose is still unknown.
When comparing present day ships with their World War II time it takes for a sound wave to travel from the transmitter, echo a.ft these weapons are much more effective than earlier weapons. The
counterparts, one is immediately struck by the fact that World War 11 the target, and return to the.receiver. i~ s~ould bE'. clear that ra.d~r will niost effective weapon against ships is still aircraft, but now surface-
ships, usually bristlihg with armament, seem t~ ~e m~ch bet.ter be unable to determine range 1f 11 1s cont1nuall~ ~ece.1.v1ng a to-surface missiles provide great combat power for those countries
broadcasted signal, since it would be ~nablE'. to d1st1i:igu1sh the 4. EUROPEAN NAVIES:
weapon systems th~n current day ships of s1m1lar size which without aircraft carriers. SSM's may result in the revival of In many ways, the navies of Western Europe are somewhat more
frequently carry only one or two guns or missile laui:i'?hers. Yet. broadcasted signal from the echo. These 1amm1n~ techniques were effectiveness of ships other than carriers. Until these missiles
used much more extensively than most people realize. Cha~f was use~ advanced than the US Navy. While the US Navy could afford to build
modern ships are mu,g,h more capable of fulfilling th.e trad1t1~nal ~aval appeared, frigates, destroyers, and cruisers in the US Navy were
large aircraft carriers, the Western European countries could not, so
tasks than were their ~arid War 11 counterparts, and 1n m~st s1tuat1~n.s, throughout most of the war in both the European. an~ Pac~f1c theater_s, relegated to the secondary function of providing anti-aircraft and anti-
ultimately, 20,000 tons of chaff wa~ pr<?duce.d. No1seiamm1ng b~gan 1_n instead, they concentrated on building improved smaller ships.
1f a modern warship were ever to engage a ~orld War II v1ntage~h1p1n submarine support tor carriers. SSM's allow such ships to again be
Western European navres concentrated on developing electronic
action, the World Wa~ II ship would have little chance of surv1v1ng: 1943. The Bth Air Force used noise Jamming to great effec_t 1n their useful in surface to surface actions.
bomber offensive, greatly reducing their losses. Many ships were countermeasures and have succeeded in designing more effective
equipped with jammers which successfully detested th~ threat created equipment than that available in the current US Navy. Also, Western
Modern ships are the,:culmination of an evolutionary process in ship
by German glide bombs. Since the war, a great deal of llmeand.e!1ergy Europe navies have developed and widely deployed a number of
design that began with the development of the Dre~dnough_t at the turn 2. MODERN U.S. SHIP DESIGN:
has been expended on the development of electronic warfare; 1t 1s one advanced surface to surface missiles, such as the Exocet and Otomat.
of this century. At th~t time, the gun was the main offe~s1ve weapon Throughout the 1950's and into the 1960's, the U.S. Navy built ships
of the most important components of modern naval warfare Most of the European ships built within the last ten years or so are
and the ships carrying the lar~est num~er <?f the heav1e~t guns_. the conforming to lhe developments experienced in World War II. The
battleships comprised the main naval fighting force. Th_1s persisted main striking force was concentrated in the large aircraft carriers; all equipped with such missiles. Although the Western European navies
During the war, guided missiles were developed. S~b~equently, most would have difficulty coping with a large scale attack, they should be
until the be9inning of fJorld War II at which time i,t was realized ~hatthe other ships existed to sink submarines and protect aircraft carriers
most effective weapori in naval warfare at that time was the airplane. countries found that these weapons made ideal ant1-a1rcraft we~pons very useful in small scale battles and anti-submarine warfare.
from aircraft which might succeed in evading the carrier's combat air
The aircraft carrier becpame the most important naval weapon, and th.e since they could be fired to extremely long ranges (twenty miles or 'patrol. Thus. most surface ships built after the war were armed with
battleships were mair11y relegated to shore bombardme_nt a.nd anti- more) and had good accuracy even at l?ng range. The development of several surface-to-air missile launchers, sonar and anti-submarine
the surface-to-air guided missile eliminated the need for most guns S. SHIP DESIGN:
aircraft support. In fact. in the major naval battles which 1~volve:d weapons, and only one to four guns of either 3" or 5" caliber, usually
aircraft carriers, the l~rge guns were useless; the only etf~ct1ve ship since missiles were much more effective against aircraft than guns Present day ships are designed to tolerate more battle damage than
mounted on the side. One ship, the Long Beach, was originally
borne weapons were the smaller anti-aircr~ft weapons. "':his resul.ted could be Guns now became secondary weapons, useful only for shore completed without any guns at all, but later, two obsolete 5"/38 were their World War II predecessors. Most present day vessels can
in a great increase in the number of small caliber guns earned by s_h1p_s, bombardment and as a back up for the main weapon systems withstand a great amount of underwater damage without sinking due
mounted on it due to pressure from Washington. The differences
and frequently larger caliber gun mounts were removed from ships in to improvements in compartmentalization. Soviet ships are not as well
between types of ships began '"to disappear. Cruisers as well as
order to mak~ room, for the small caliber_ AA mounts. Thus, the Precision guided weapons led to further developmen~s .in the compartmented as NATO vessels, while British and Canadian ships
destroyers were equipped with anti-submarine weapons, and are particularly well compartmented
armament of ships be9an to ch~nge from a surfa~e-to-surface ro.le to a electronic equipment used by ships. Mod_ern long ran~e m1s~1l_es a~e destr.oyers became about as large as cruisers. Improved radars were
surface-to-air role; and the main purpose of ships o~her lhan_ aircraft incapable of operating without radar guidance, and 1n add1t1on, in developed. Surprisingly, the US did not make a great effort to improve
order to take advantage of the long range of su.ch weapons, long range A controversial feature found on recent US frigates, destroyers and
carriers was being transformed from that of an offensive force into that its electronic countermeasures equipment, apparently believing that
search radars became more necessary. For this reason, more and cruisers is the use of aluminum in super-structures. While aluminum
of an anti-aircraft screen for the carriers. their ships were armed with enough "hard Kill" weapons to make ECM
better radars were installed on ships. Of col:lrse, as electronic greatly reduces weight, it also reduces the ability to absorb damage.
equipment unnecessary. Even today, the ECM equipment on most US Aluminum is particularly vulnerable to fire because it melts at a much
Interestingly, in early World War II night actions when aircraft co~ld detection and fire control systems became more important, the need ships is inadequate to the demands of modern naval combat.
tor electronic countermeasures arose. lower temperature than steel The British and Canadians refuse to use
not operate. the large caliber gun was. s!ill not t~e most ~ffect1ve aluminum at all, preferring steel for both superstructures and hulls.
weapon. Because visibility was greatly l1m1ted at night, med1~m a~d Recently. US Naval philosophy has begun to change. Due to great
small caliber guns could be brought in_lo the range ~here their rapid Modern weapons rely on electronic sensors, and electronic w~rfare is increases in Soviet naval strength, the US Navy has apparently
perhaps the most important element of m_odern wa~are The. s1d~ that In one respect Soviet-designed ships are superior to NATO ships. Roll
rates of fire more than made up for their shorter maximum range and become worned that its reliance solely on the aircraft carrier and "hard stabilizers have been fitted on approximately 70°/o of Soviet destroyers
smaller shell. 1n the first battle of Guadalcanal, US 8" cruisers an~ 5" controls the electromagnetic spectru~ will be the~1de that will w.1n ~he kill" weapons might be misplaced There can only be a limited number
next war at sea. All navies constantly improve th~1r radars and similar and frigates, while such devices have been installed on only about 30%
destroyers succeeded in knocking a 14". gun ba_ttleship out of action. of aircraft earners, currently thirteen, and they cannot be everywhere
sensors to make them more resistarit to.electronic counterme~sures, of American destroyers. Roll stabilizers greatly reduce the effects of
Although effective, even small and medium caliber guns_ were not as at once. The proliferation of the surface to surface missile, which can heavy seas on a ship, thereby reducing crew discomfort and
useful in night actions as was the torpedo. Even when a1rcralt cou!d while also improving their own electronic i::ountermeasure devices t_o knock most ships out of action with a single hit, has increased the
make them more effective against opposing radars. The el~ctron1c increasing combat effectiveness. In rough weather, most small Soviet
not operate, the gun was not necessarily the prime naval weapon in danger to the carriers, and the large number of such missiles available
battle, called "The Wizard's War" by Churchill, is no less real 1n peace s~ips will operate more effectively than most NATQ vessels of asimilar
World War 11. to the Soviets makes ii unlikely that all threats could be defeated by size.
time. "hard kill" weapons alone. For this reason the US Navy has recently
Aside from revealing the importance of aircraft and, conversely, .the begun a program to improve the effectiveness of its smaller ships. To
The development of computers has also affected naval weapons In Since World War II, there has been some experimenting with new
decline in importance in gunnery, World War_ll also wa.s responsible increase the ability of the ships to defeat missiles, an automatic 20mm
types of hulls for patrol boats and small ships. The new types of hull
for two other developments which play a prominent parl 1n current day Vulcan AA cannon, the Phalanx, will be installed on many ships. An
designs include hydrofoils, hovercraft, and surface effect ships.
naval warfare. The first ol these was the ~s~~ulness of the submanne.
I. INTRODUCTION: Although relatively few in number and pnm1t1ve by modern ~tandards. World War ll, mechanical computers were used to compute firing
the German U-boat in the first half of World War 11 was_ a serious threat solutions for shipborne weapons. After World War II the much faster improvement· to the ECM suite carried on board ships called DPEWS,
Warship Commander is a set of rules for recreating present day naval to the allied war effort. The allies expended ~uch _time and energy analog computer was developed. The computers on most modern is beginning. Improved fire control systems, using digital computers,
actions using military miniatures or cardboard counters. The rules can against these vessels, finally defeating them pnmarily by using large ships are analog. Recently, the digital computer, was developed. It have been installed on some new ships which will enable them to
be used with military miniatures of any scale, although we recommend numbers of aircraft to detect and attack the:m _on the surface. World operates faster than the analog computer, thus increasing accuracy. respond quickly to any missile threat. Finally, the US Navy has
the new 1:3000 scale models. The game 1s designed to be played by War II submarines had to spend most of their time on the surface an? As computers improved, combat procedures became more developed its own surface to surface missile, the Harpoon, which is
two players or teams. Regardless of the number of player~. Warship were very slow when submerged. Toward the end of the war, when it automated. Currently, several countries are working on a completely being installed on frigates, destroyers, and cruisers. Modernized US
Commander is a thoroughly playable, highly detailed, and was too late to have an effect, the Germans developed snorkel- automated lire control system; the computer will automatically direct Navy ships are again capable of engaging surface, sub-surface, and air
equipped submarines that seldom needed to surface and could travel targets without the aid of aircraft carriers.
exceptionally realistic game. the appropriate weapons against any enemy target detected by radar
atmost as fast submerged as they could when surfaced. Such subs or other sensors without any human linger on the trigger or order
warship Commander is the culmination of three years of research in~o would have been very difficult to detect and co~ld not have been being given.
defeated by the methods available c:it that time. Current day 3. MODERN SOVIET SHIP DESIGN:
the weapons, tactics, and battle damage of World War It as. well a~ in
submannes are based on this type of design and constitute one of the Another recent development that has had a great effect on modern Until the 1960's, the Soviet Navy was rather weak. tt had no aircraft
depth research into present day nav_al. weapons and tactics. It is a
most important types of vessels carriers, and in fact, no prior experience with carrier operations, and
highly detailed an.d unique game, and 111s unlike ~nyother naval_ ~ame naval warfare was the development of the surface to surface "missile.
These were developed in the 1950's and provide an accurate anti- its main force of cruisers and destroyers was no match for the Western
ever produced. Most of the game's mechanics wil! be as unf_amll1ar to
The other important development was electronic warfare. Elec~ronic shipping weapon to navies without aircraft carriers. Even the US, navies. Recent developments have changed this In the late 1950's and
the veteran naval wargamer as they are to the novice. For this reas~n.
warfare began in World War ti to combat the threat posed by aircraft which has a large number of aircraft carriers, now uses a surface to early 1960's, the Soviet Navy, to some extent, overcame its lack of
we strongly recommend that players learn. th~ game gradually, adding aircraft carriers by developing long range anti-shipping missiles and
in new complexities only alter the basic ideas are ma~tered. '!Je and submarines. Radar was used from the earliest days of the war to surface missile. Surface to surface missiles ($$M's) are usually
detect affcraft well beyond visual sighting range. ~ater, a .radar was difficult to detect at long range, and are available in such large installing these weapons on heavy bombers and newly built cruisers,
suggest that players should first learn to play surface actions using destroyers and missile boats. These missiles. some with ranges of over
one ship per player, with neither side possessing torpedoes, developed which could detect surface targets, and finally ,_fire con.trol numbers that it is very difficult to defeat them with the essentially long
radars were developed which could a~l?w accurate fl_ri~Q .against range, slow firing surface to air missiles. The most effective weapon a hundred miles, gave Soviet ships and aircraft greater striking
electronics, or missiles. It w1!1 only be nece_ssa~y to _rea~ through the capability than any Western ship, other than the carriers, and made
rules sections up to and including Commun1cat1ons 1n this c~se. Once unseen targets at night or under cond1t1ons of poor v1s1b1l_1ty. T~e against SSM's is the small and medium caliber anti-aircraft gun. Thus,
efficient US fire control radar was responsible for the great victory in the development of anti-shipping missiles has revived interest in naval them a threat to Western naval operations. More importantly, however,
these basic rules are mastered. torpedoes should be included. the Soviets greatly enlarged their submarine fleet. adding nuclear
Electronics should be added afterwards, and do not attempt to add Surigao Strait and it was an effective airborne search radar that guns. Many ships built in the 1950's treated guns solely as a secondary
enabled allied aircraft to defeat surfaced U-boats. weapons system; guns on modern ships are an integral part of the powered submarines armed with ballistic nuclear missiles,
missiles until the Electronics rules are thoro~ghly mastered. As the submarines designed to sink other submarines and submarines
game becomes more familiar, the number of ships used byea~h P!ayer ship's main defensive system.
As radar became an effective weapon, col:lnt_ermeasures were designed to attack ships, a type largely extinct in the West. Currently,
can be gradually increased. H_owe~er, Warship Commander IS h~ghly the Soviet submarine fleet is the largest in !he world. The Soviets view
detailed and is designed primarily f~r small-scale naval actions, developed against it. A device to detect radarem1ss1ons, called ~etox, Improvements in communications have also had an effect. One
was installed on German submarines which enabled submarii:ies to significant development has been the development of data hnk. Data their submarines in the same manner that the US Navy views its aircraft
therefore, we believe that the game 1s mos.t enioyable when the carriers. These are the ships having the greatest value, and will be
number of ships commanded by each player is kept rather small. detect airborne radar beyond the effective range of the radar. Th ts was link is a direct communication link between computers which allow
later countered by an airborne radar which operated at_a ~reque~cy many ships to be immediately aware of all of the information available protected at all costs. Any naval war involving the Soviet Union would
which the Metox could not detect. The Japanese had a s1m1lar device to the sensors of all ships. This data is accurate enough to allow firing surely involve anti-submarine warfare to a very great degree, and it
Since information on modern ships a_nd weap.oi:is is not readily could very well be the decisive element in the naval war.
available we have included a large section describing modern naval by 1943 which they used in the battle of Kula Gulf. - ships having data lrnk are able to fire accurately against targets not
warfare a'nd how it rel8tes to the rules of t_he game We rec_om~end t~at actually detected by their own sensors. Another important
The Soviets have recently begun building aircraft earners, but these
all players read this section before reading the rules, as 1t will provide In addition to detecting devices, other .equipm_ent w~s de~,elope.~ development is communication by satellite which is much more
which would make the radars ineffective. Window , or cha_ff , dtlficuH to detect (and jam) than normal radio communications. carriers differ greatly from their Western counterparts. While Western
the information needed to thoroughly understand the rules. In order to carriers are large, and carry a very large number of the most advanced
play Warship Commander well, a player will n.eed to .thoroughly consisted of aluminum strips cut to half the teng~h of the opposing Satellites are also capable of detailed reconnaissance over wide areas,
radar frequency. This would reflect. m ost radar s1gn.~ts b<;tck to !he aircraft, Soviet Kiev class carriers are fairly small, carry a relatively
understand modern n21vi:il warfare, not just memorize a series of rules. greatly increasing the ability of task forces to detect and intercept each
transmitter resulting in an electronic 1smokescreen behind which
other. Surprise attacks will probably be a rarity in modern war. small number of low performance VSTOL aircraft and/or helicopters,
aircraft coUld escape radar detection. ~ater, "noi~e" jammers were yet are heavily armed with anti-air missiles, surface to surface missiles,
developed. These were basically radio t~ansm1tters t~at woul_d and anti-submarine weapons. The Soviet carriers, while no match for
II. MODERN NAVAL WARFARE: Modern naval weapon systems are radically different from World War
Western carriers, still seem to be able to perlorm a large array of
broadcast a loud noise on th~ trequencx atwh1c~ the opposing ~adar is II weapon systems, relying on great accuracy rather than volume of
operating. Since radar receives range 1nformat1on by n:ieasunng the fire. For this reason, modern ships have much fewer weapons. but functions, and are probably extremely good at anti-submarine
1. NAVAL DEVELOPMENTS SINCE WORL.D WAR. II: warfare. Their main purpose is still unknown.
When comparing present day ships with their World War II time it takes for a sound wave to travel from the transmitter, echo a.ft these weapons are much more effective than earlier weapons. The
counterparts, one is immediately struck by the fact that World War 11 the target, and return to the.receiver. i~ s~ould bE'. clear that ra.d~r will niost effective weapon against ships is still aircraft, but now surface-
ships, usually bristlihg with armament, seem t~ ~e m~ch bet.ter be unable to determine range 1f 11 1s cont1nuall~ ~ece.1.v1ng a to-surface missiles provide great combat power for those countries
broadcasted signal, since it would be ~nablE'. to d1st1i:igu1sh the 4. EUROPEAN NAVIES:
weapon systems th~n current day ships of s1m1lar size which without aircraft carriers. SSM's may result in the revival of In many ways, the navies of Western Europe are somewhat more
frequently carry only one or two guns or missile laui:i'?hers. Yet. broadcasted signal from the echo. These 1amm1n~ techniques were effectiveness of ships other than carriers. Until these missiles
used much more extensively than most people realize. Cha~f was use~ advanced than the US Navy. While the US Navy could afford to build
modern ships are mu,g,h more capable of fulfilling th.e trad1t1~nal ~aval appeared, frigates, destroyers, and cruisers in the US Navy were
large aircraft carriers, the Western European countries could not, so
tasks than were their ~arid War 11 counterparts, and 1n m~st s1tuat1~n.s, throughout most of the war in both the European. an~ Pac~f1c theater_s, relegated to the secondary function of providing anti-aircraft and anti-
ultimately, 20,000 tons of chaff wa~ pr<?duce.d. No1seiamm1ng b~gan 1_n instead, they concentrated on building improved smaller ships.
1f a modern warship were ever to engage a ~orld War II v1ntage~h1p1n submarine support tor carriers. SSM's allow such ships to again be
Western European navres concentrated on developing electronic
action, the World Wa~ II ship would have little chance of surv1v1ng: 1943. The Bth Air Force used noise Jamming to great effec_t 1n their useful in surface to surface actions.
bomber offensive, greatly reducing their losses. Many ships were countermeasures and have succeeded in designing more effective
equipped with jammers which successfully detested th~ threat created equipment than that available in the current US Navy. Also, Western
Modern ships are the,:culmination of an evolutionary process in ship
by German glide bombs. Since the war, a great deal of llmeand.e!1ergy Europe navies have developed and widely deployed a number of
design that began with the development of the Dre~dnough_t at the turn 2. MODERN U.S. SHIP DESIGN:
has been expended on the development of electronic warfare; 1t 1s one advanced surface to surface missiles, such as the Exocet and Otomat.
of this century. At th~t time, the gun was the main offe~s1ve weapon Throughout the 1950's and into the 1960's, the U.S. Navy built ships
of the most important components of modern naval warfare Most of the European ships built within the last ten years or so are
and the ships carrying the lar~est num~er <?f the heav1e~t guns_. the conforming to lhe developments experienced in World War II. The
battleships comprised the main naval fighting force. Th_1s persisted main striking force was concentrated in the large aircraft carriers; all equipped with such missiles. Although the Western European navies
During the war, guided missiles were developed. S~b~equently, most would have difficulty coping with a large scale attack, they should be
until the be9inning of fJorld War II at which time i,t was realized ~hatthe other ships existed to sink submarines and protect aircraft carriers
most effective weapori in naval warfare at that time was the airplane. countries found that these weapons made ideal ant1-a1rcraft we~pons very useful in small scale battles and anti-submarine warfare.
from aircraft which might succeed in evading the carrier's combat air
The aircraft carrier becpame the most important naval weapon, and th.e since they could be fired to extremely long ranges (twenty miles or 'patrol. Thus. most surface ships built after the war were armed with
battleships were mair11y relegated to shore bombardme_nt a.nd anti- more) and had good accuracy even at l?ng range. The development of several surface-to-air missile launchers, sonar and anti-submarine
the surface-to-air guided missile eliminated the need for most guns S. SHIP DESIGN:
aircraft support. In fact. in the major naval battles which 1~volve:d weapons, and only one to four guns of either 3" or 5" caliber, usually
aircraft carriers, the l~rge guns were useless; the only etf~ct1ve ship since missiles were much more effective against aircraft than guns Present day ships are designed to tolerate more battle damage than
mounted on the side. One ship, the Long Beach, was originally
borne weapons were the smaller anti-aircr~ft weapons. "':his resul.ted could be Guns now became secondary weapons, useful only for shore completed without any guns at all, but later, two obsolete 5"/38 were their World War II predecessors. Most present day vessels can
in a great increase in the number of small caliber guns earned by s_h1p_s, bombardment and as a back up for the main weapon systems withstand a great amount of underwater damage without sinking due
mounted on it due to pressure from Washington. The differences
and frequently larger caliber gun mounts were removed from ships in to improvements in compartmentalization. Soviet ships are not as well
between types of ships began '"to disappear. Cruisers as well as
order to mak~ room, for the small caliber_ AA mounts. Thus, the Precision guided weapons led to further developmen~s .in the compartmented as NATO vessels, while British and Canadian ships
destroyers were equipped with anti-submarine weapons, and are particularly well compartmented
armament of ships be9an to ch~nge from a surfa~e-to-surface ro.le to a electronic equipment used by ships. Mod_ern long ran~e m1s~1l_es a~e destr.oyers became about as large as cruisers. Improved radars were
surface-to-air role; and the main purpose of ships o~her lhan_ aircraft incapable of operating without radar guidance, and 1n add1t1on, in developed. Surprisingly, the US did not make a great effort to improve
order to take advantage of the long range of su.ch weapons, long range A controversial feature found on recent US frigates, destroyers and
carriers was being transformed from that of an offensive force into that its electronic countermeasures equipment, apparently believing that
search radars became more necessary. For this reason, more and cruisers is the use of aluminum in super-structures. While aluminum
of an anti-aircraft screen for the carriers. their ships were armed with enough "hard Kill" weapons to make ECM
better radars were installed on ships. Of col:lrse, as electronic greatly reduces weight, it also reduces the ability to absorb damage.
equipment unnecessary. Even today, the ECM equipment on most US Aluminum is particularly vulnerable to fire because it melts at a much
Interestingly, in early World War II night actions when aircraft co~ld detection and fire control systems became more important, the need ships is inadequate to the demands of modern naval combat.
tor electronic countermeasures arose. lower temperature than steel The British and Canadians refuse to use
not operate. the large caliber gun was. s!ill not t~e most ~ffect1ve aluminum at all, preferring steel for both superstructures and hulls.
weapon. Because visibility was greatly l1m1ted at night, med1~m a~d Recently. US Naval philosophy has begun to change. Due to great
small caliber guns could be brought in_lo the range ~here their rapid Modern weapons rely on electronic sensors, and electronic w~rfare is increases in Soviet naval strength, the US Navy has apparently
perhaps the most important element of m_odern wa~are The. s1d~ that In one respect Soviet-designed ships are superior to NATO ships. Roll
rates of fire more than made up for their shorter maximum range and become worned that its reliance solely on the aircraft carrier and "hard stabilizers have been fitted on approximately 70°/o of Soviet destroyers
smaller shell. 1n the first battle of Guadalcanal, US 8" cruisers an~ 5" controls the electromagnetic spectru~ will be the~1de that will w.1n ~he kill" weapons might be misplaced There can only be a limited number
next war at sea. All navies constantly improve th~1r radars and similar and frigates, while such devices have been installed on only about 30%
destroyers succeeded in knocking a 14". gun ba_ttleship out of action. of aircraft earners, currently thirteen, and they cannot be everywhere
sensors to make them more resistarit to.electronic counterme~sures, of American destroyers. Roll stabilizers greatly reduce the effects of
Although effective, even small and medium caliber guns_ were not as at once. The proliferation of the surface to surface missile, which can heavy seas on a ship, thereby reducing crew discomfort and
useful in night actions as was the torpedo. Even when a1rcralt cou!d while also improving their own electronic i::ountermeasure devices t_o knock most ships out of action with a single hit, has increased the
make them more effective against opposing radars. The el~ctron1c increasing combat effectiveness. In rough weather, most small Soviet
not operate, the gun was not necessarily the prime naval weapon in danger to the carriers, and the large number of such missiles available
battle, called "The Wizard's War" by Churchill, is no less real 1n peace s~ips will operate more effectively than most NATQ vessels of asimilar
World War 11. to the Soviets makes ii unlikely that all threats could be defeated by size.
time. "hard kill" weapons alone. For this reason the US Navy has recently
Aside from revealing the importance of aircraft and, conversely, .the begun a program to improve the effectiveness of its smaller ships. To
The development of computers has also affected naval weapons In Since World War II, there has been some experimenting with new
decline in importance in gunnery, World War_ll also wa.s responsible increase the ability of the ships to defeat missiles, an automatic 20mm
types of hulls for patrol boats and small ships. The new types of hull
for two other developments which play a prominent parl 1n current day Vulcan AA cannon, the Phalanx, will be installed on many ships. An
designs include hydrofoils, hovercraft, and surface effect ships.
n1ost firing was done slowly so that the fall of shot could be spotted and Some smaller short range SAM's are equipped with an optical tracking
Hydrofoils are boats whose hulls are designed to lift out of the water at It might appear that systems using one set of engines ror cruise only the firing solution corrected. In modern gunnery, spotting the fall of system which enables them to engage targets without radar assistance
high speed. Contact with the water is retained only by the foils and another set tor high speed operations are less efficient fhan those shot is not very important, and guns can fire at their maximum rate at provided the target can be visually !racked from the launching
protruding from the bottom of the hulls. Reducing the amount of hull which use both sets during high speed operat"lons. This is not the case. all times. limited only by ammunition supply, platform.
that is actually in contact with the water greatly reduces the amount of In order to use two different types of engines simultaneously, a very
drag. For this reason, hydrofoils are capable of very high speed heavy and expensive set of gears is required; frequently, the advantage The maximum rate of tire of modern guns has increased over that of Many SAM's can be used against surface targets but are not very
(frequently around 50 kts) with relatively small engines. Also, since of using all of the engines simultaneously is more than offset by.the guns rrom earlier periods. Most modern guns are loaded automatically effective in that role as they have an arcing trajectory which is ideal for
only a small part of the craft touches the water, the effects of heavy additional weight and expense. Incidentally, ships having all gas and those that are not have improved machinery that aids 1n loading. engaging air targets, but it results in the fact that the SAM's can hit
seas are greatly reduced. Hydrofoils are very stable in bad wi;:ather, turbine propulsion usually have two different types of gas turbine All of this increases the maximum rate of fire. Some guns have no crew surface targets only within a very limited area. Also. the SAM's
much more so than conventional boats of similar size. Hydrofoils can engines, one designed for low speed (and some fuel economy) and the at all, while other guns have a crew to supplement the automatic warheads are small, to reduce weight and increase speed.
operate in a conventional mode, but the relatively small size of their other designed for high speed. The engines of the Spruance class are loading system. Interestingly, gun crews for short periods of time can
engines makes them very slow. of this .type, which can be abbreviated COGAG. load guns faster than the automatic loader, and can double the rate of SSM's and AS M's are designed solely to engage s·urface targets and
fire of a gun for several minutes before exhaustion slows them down, at are completely ineffective against air targets. They have very large
Hovercraft are vessels equipped with giant fans which create an air which time rhe automatic loader will take over. In an emergency, a ship warheads, and, when compared to SAM's, rather low speeds
cushion on which the vessel flies. When moving, hovercraft never having a gun that can be manually loaded has an advantage over ships (generally Mach 9 for surface skimmers) Most SSM's and ASM's are
actually touch the water; drag is reduced to zero. For this reason. 7. FIRE CONTROL: having purely automatic weapons. active homing, that is, the missiles themselves contain all of the
hovercraft are capable of extremely high speeds; some hovercraft can During World War II, tire control solutions were usually plotted by a equipment needed to acquire a target. SSM's and ASM's can acquire
move at 100 kts. Hovercraft should be very useful 1n amphibious mechanical computer. Later, analog computers could provide a more In addition to being more accurate and having higher rates of fire, targets by one of the following methods:
warfare due to their high speed and also to the fact thal shallow water accurate solution as less time was required for its calculations. Recent modern guns have one other advantage over earlier weapons. Modern
is no obstacle to them. Hovercraft also have a limited ab1hty to travel digital computers are even faster than analog, thereby providing gun ammunition is generally heavier than World War II ammunition, a. Radar: Radar homing missiles are equipped with a radar
over small patches of land as well as water. greater accuracy and shorter response times. In the game. units are and improvements in explosives have also made them capable of which detects the target.
given a fire control rating from A to H which represents the causing more damage. For example, a modern 5'/54 HE will cause b. Anti-radiation: Anti-radiation missiles are equipped with
Surface effect ships are very similar to hovercraft and also travel on a effectiveness of its fire control system. An "A" system is a lully- about as much damage as a World War rt 6" HE round. Improved fuses radar receivers and will detect and acquire targets using
cushion of air. The main difference between hovercraft and surface automated system based on a modern digital computer. Such systems make modern gun rounds more reliable against both surface and air radar.
effect ships is that the "hulls" of hovercraft are usually made of automatically detect and fire upon targets without the need for human targets c. Infra-red: Infra-red homing missiles detect the heat radiated
rubberized canvas, while surface effect ships have rigid hulls. Surface interference, and are the most accurate and fastest systems available. by ships, and they home in on the largest source of heat.
effect ships having a much greater displacement than hoverc~aft are Few ships have all A systems, but many ships have secondary Should modern ships come to within gun range of each other, d. Home on jamming: Missiles designed to home on jamming
capable of being built. As with hovercraft, surface effect ships are weapons which have their own self-contained fire control systems improved accuracy, high rates of fire, and improved explosives can detect the presence of "noise" jamming and will home in
capable of extremely high speeds. rated A. The Vulcan-Phalanx and Soviet 23mm systems are examples guarantee that a great deal of damage will be sustained within a very on the source of this 1amming.
of "A" rated secondary weapon systems. "B" systems are modern short period of time. Therefore, any damage sustained by the gunnery
6. PROPULSION SYSTEMS: manual fire control systems based on digital computers. These system of a ship involved in such an action could well be dec1s1ve. The homing heads of sotne missiles can operate only tor short periods
As In World War II, most large modern _ships are propelle~ by_oil systems are somewhat slower and less accurate than A systerns, but of time. Before such missiles can be launched, they must be
burning steam turbine engines. Steam engines can produce fairly high they are still extremely effective The US MK86 system installed on the 9. TORPEDOES: programmed to turn on their homing heads at a time when the target
power and are economical on fuel ii cruising speed is not exceeded Spruance class is an example of a "B" system. "C" s~1stems are syslems Torpedoes are no longer an important anti-shipping weapon due to will be within the area searched by the homing head. 1n order to
However, as the speed of a ship increases, the amount of power built around early digital computers or the rnost niodern analog their short range. Most current torpedoes are designed for sinking accomplish this, the firing unit must track the target with a proper fire
required to increase the speed also increases but at a disproportionate computers. "D" systems are older than "C" systems and are built submarines, so are acoustic homing and have rather small explosive control radar. The computer will calculate the target's course and
rate. The amount of power required for a ship to accelerate from 90°/o of around analog computers. The US MK68 system is a "D" system as are charges. While some ships, especially Soviet ones, carry torpedoes determine the time the missile's homing head should activate This
its maximum speed up to its maximum speed is about the same most Soviet systems. An "E" system is a system based on a very early which can be used against both submarines and surface targets, most information is immediately programmed into the missile which can
amount that is required for the ship to accelerate from 0 up to 50°/o of its analog computer. Some old Soviet ships have "E"' systems. An "F" do not. The MK46 torpedo carried on most US and many NATO ships then be fired.
maximum speed. Thus, steam turbine engines must greatly increase system is actually similar to a "D", being built around similar analog is not capable of being used against surface targets; its minimum
fuel consumplion whenever the cruising speed iS exceeded. Other computers. but where" D" systems are designed primarily to deal with depth is well below the depth at which it can strike or damage a ship. The homing heads of some missiles can operate for much longer
main disadvantages of steam turbines are slow acceleration rates, and surface targets, "F" systems are designed to engage air targets. "F" Most submarines still carry a few anti-shipping torpedoes, but these periods Such missiles may be programmed to begin searching for
the fact that it takes several hours to start up an engine systems are inaccurate against surface targets but are more accurate are frequently old World War II models, useful primarily for self targets as soon as they are launched, and they will continue searching
than "D" systems when engaging fast moving air targets. The US MK56 defense. until they acquire a target or reach their maximum range. Before these
Nuclear powered ships also have conventional steam turbines, but use system is an example of an "F" system. A "G" systerri is a World War II missiles are fired, it is not necessary for the firing unit to track the
nuclear power rather than oil as their source of fuel. Unlike oil, nuclear system based on a mechanical computer. The "H" system is actually There are three basic types of torpedoes; straight running, pattern target, and the firing unit may even launch such missiles at targets
fuel is not expended and nuclear powered ships have a practically no system at all; it is local control. All units which do not l)av.e an running, and wire guided. Straight running torpedoes will move 1n the whose bearing is known but whose range is unknown. Missiles fired in
unlimited range and can travel at their maximum speed practically at operating computer must use the accuracy rates and response times direction they are launched until they either hit a target or reach their this manner are less accurate than those programmed to intercept a
all times. Since nuclear fuel is not expended. there is no need to given lor H systems. maximum range. Pattern running torpedoes wrll move 1n a pattern, target that has been tracked by a fire control radar, because missiles
conserve it to increase range. frequently elliptical, until they detect and home in on a target. Wire fired at untracked targets must be set to search a very wide area. Since
Fire control systems accept data received by visual sighting and by guided torpedoes are connected to the launching platform by a thin missile homing heads can search only a small section of such areas at
While steam turbines are common for large ships, they are bulky and electronic Sensors and compute firing information that is then wire along which the launching unit can transmit guidance one time. it is possible for the missile to pass by the target without
inefficient for small ships. The most common propulsion system for transferred to the appropriate weapon. The systems are, of course, information. Wire guided torpedoes can be steered by the tiring unit. detecting it.
smaller ships is'the diesel engine. These engines, similar to large truck greatly dependent upon the data gathered by electronic sensors and
engines, can provide enough power for small ships to enable them lo visual sighting since incorrect data wHI result in a false solut"1on. Most Torpedoes may either be rion-homing or acoustic homing. Non- Some missiles have the capability for mid-course guidance. This
move about as fast as the larger ships. In addition, diesel engines can lire control systems are designed to obtain information prin1arily from homing torpedoes cannot detect targets and will hit a target only if it means that the course originally programmed into a missile can be
be started up in only a few minutes. and have a very rapid acceleration fire control radars which, under most conditions, provide the most intercepts it. Acoustic homing torpedoes are equipped with sonar and altered, after it is fired, by a unit having the proper radio equipment.
rate. As with steam engines, fuel consumption greatly increases as accurate data. However, if the fire control radar is not operating or if it can detect targets. If the torpedo's sonar detects a target, the torpedo Mid-course guidance is a feature found on all long range missiles. The
speed increases, so diesel-powered ships normally cruise at less than is jammed, data can be obtained from search radars and by the visual will automatically steer toward its sonar contact and attempt to hit 1t. missile can be fired in the general direction of the target, then when it
maximum speed. sighting of the gun director, but such data is not as accurate as th'.3-t Non-homing torpedoes are used only against surface targets; acoustic approaches the vicinity of the target, fr\:ndly ships, aircraft, or
obtained from a fire control radar. If search radars and the main homing torpedoes are used against submarines and occasionally helicopters can track the target and transm~1 the accurate data to the
A new development in naval propulsion has been the development of director are knocked out, the fire control system cannot function. against surface targets. Acoustic torpedoes are the most effective missile. Missiles without mid-course guidance cannot be re-
the gas turbine engine. Gas turbines are modified je~ aircraft engines, weapon against submarines since they are relatively last, can dive to programmed after firing.
characteri-sed by very rapid acceleration rates and high power. A ship After processing the data, the fire control solution is used to direct the deep levels, and can detect and home in on submarines very
propelled by gas turbines can accelerate from a full stop to its proper weapon to the correct position. This ts done automatically. The accurately. They are less useful against surface ships because only In order to have sufficient time to plot an accurate in(ercept course, the
maximum speed in about one minute. Gas turbines are suitable for use fire control solution will take tnto account practically every factor about two torpedoes can be fired in one direction at the same time. If target must be detected by the missile thirty seconds before it reaches
in large ships and have already been installed on the US Spruance which affects accuracy including temperature and the pitch and yaw more were fired, the torpedoes would begin homing in on each other. the target's position. For this reason, targets which are less than thirty
class and Soviet Krivak class destroyers. of the firing platform. After firing begins. the computer continues to Also, frequently these torpedoes home in on the wake of ships, since seconds away from the missile at the time its homing head activates
calculate data received to update the firing solution. sonar waves bounce off the wake. Finally, acoustic torpedoes can be may not be acquired by the missile.
The main disadvantage of the gas turbine, and what has hindered its deflected by towed rioise makers ("foxers") which are carried by many
development for many years, is the fact that the amount of fuel A ship's fire control system is at the heart of its combat capability. If the ships (and submarines). After a missile acquires a target and begins homing in, it can be
expended does not decrease to any large extent as the speed computer sustains damage or if all active sensors and directors are defeated by electron.ic countermeasures (ECM) or shot down. For
decreases Gas turbines expend large amounts of fuel at low speeds as knocked out, the system cannot function. Also, most NATO .ships 10. MISSILES: such action to be taken against a missile, the missile must be detected
well as at high, and ships equipped with gas turbines usually have a concentrate the consoles controlling the radars and weapons 1n the The most important weapons carried on modern ships are missiles. by the opposing force as early as possible. A missile can be detected
much lower range than other ships. In order to overcome this Combat Information Center (!he CIC). If the CIC is hit the fire control There are two types of missiles: anti-aircraft missiles (called SAM's) by radar or visual sighting. In addition, radar homing missiles can be
disadvantage, many ships were built with two sets of engines, one set system cannot function. On many NATO ships, the CIC is well below and surface-to-surface missiles (called SS M's). Aircraft frequently are detected by radar detectors as soon as their homing heads activate. To
for cruising and gas turbines for high speed operations. The type of the waterline, bu! on most US ships, the CIC is in the superstructure. a equipped with air~to-surface missiles (ASM's) which are similar to avoid detection for as long as possible, many missiles are designed to
propulsion systems carried by such ships is designated by the more vulnerable position. Sov"1et-designed ships do not have a SSM's. SAM's are designed to shoot down air targets. They are very fly at surface skimming altitude (usually five to ten meters above the
abbreviations COSAG, COOOG, COOAG. etc In the abbreviation, the concentrated CIC as NATO ships do, but rathe( the co111f'ol consoles fest, with a relatively long range and small warhead. Most SAM's are water) which, combined with their small size, makes them difficult to
CO stands for combined. The letter following CO refer to the type of are located in various parts of the ship, fO soviet ships wil' not lose all semi-active homing; that Is, they mount a small radar In the nose which detect. Whenever possible, the homing heads of radar homing missiles
cruise engines: S means steam tui"bine, 0 means diesel, and G means of their weapons should the CIC be hit. However, the dispersal of the homes in on targets tracked bye mlsalle guidance radar mounted on are not activated untll the last possible moment In order to prevent
gas turbine. This is followed by 0 or A. "O" stands for "or"; in such control centers makes the command process more difficult, the firing ship. A SA~ target mu1t fl rat be detected by radar orvlaual early detection by radar detectors.
ships, only the cruise engines are used at low speed, and when high increas·1ng the amount of time needed to respond to a threat. sighting. The SAM'• ship-mounted guldanoe radar Is then locked-on
speed is desired, the cruise engines are turned off and the high speed lo tho target and wili autom1tlc1lly track the target. The ml11U1 l1 then Once an SSM or ASM haa been detected, all nell breaks loose on the
engines are used exclusively. "A" stands tor "and''; in such ships the launched. In It• nos• 11 R radar receiver which reoelvea the guldaneo opposing ships. Warfare has often been described as hours of
cruise engines remain on during high speed and their power is added radar's signals that "echo" from the target, and the missile wlll boredom punctuated by minutes of sheer terror. In modern naval
to that of the high speed engines. Flnally, the last letter refers to the 8. GUNNERY: automatically fly to Intercept the source of the echo. Modern SAM's warfare, the terror is more Intense than ever before in the history of
type of engine used for high speed operations; as before, S means Gunnery is much more accurate today than dunng World War II due are extremely accurate. war. Modern captains must make a split·second decision to defeat
steam, D means diesel, and G means gas turbine. primarily to improvements in theftre control systems. In World War II, 4
n1ost firing was done slowly so that the fall of shot could be spotted and Some smaller short range SAM's are equipped with an optical tracking
Hydrofoils are boats whose hulls are designed to lift out of the water at It might appear that systems using one set of engines ror cruise only the firing solution corrected. In modern gunnery, spotting the fall of system which enables them to engage targets without radar assistance
high speed. Contact with the water is retained only by the foils and another set tor high speed operations are less efficient fhan those shot is not very important, and guns can fire at their maximum rate at provided the target can be visually !racked from the launching
protruding from the bottom of the hulls. Reducing the amount of hull which use both sets during high speed operat"lons. This is not the case. all times. limited only by ammunition supply, platform.
that is actually in contact with the water greatly reduces the amount of In order to use two different types of engines simultaneously, a very
drag. For this reason, hydrofoils are capable of very high speed heavy and expensive set of gears is required; frequently, the advantage The maximum rate of tire of modern guns has increased over that of Many SAM's can be used against surface targets but are not very
(frequently around 50 kts) with relatively small engines. Also, since of using all of the engines simultaneously is more than offset by.the guns rrom earlier periods. Most modern guns are loaded automatically effective in that role as they have an arcing trajectory which is ideal for
only a small part of the craft touches the water, the effects of heavy additional weight and expense. Incidentally, ships having all gas and those that are not have improved machinery that aids 1n loading. engaging air targets, but it results in the fact that the SAM's can hit
seas are greatly reduced. Hydrofoils are very stable in bad wi;:ather, turbine propulsion usually have two different types of gas turbine All of this increases the maximum rate of fire. Some guns have no crew surface targets only within a very limited area. Also. the SAM's
much more so than conventional boats of similar size. Hydrofoils can engines, one designed for low speed (and some fuel economy) and the at all, while other guns have a crew to supplement the automatic warheads are small, to reduce weight and increase speed.
operate in a conventional mode, but the relatively small size of their other designed for high speed. The engines of the Spruance class are loading system. Interestingly, gun crews for short periods of time can
engines makes them very slow. of this .type, which can be abbreviated COGAG. load guns faster than the automatic loader, and can double the rate of SSM's and AS M's are designed solely to engage s·urface targets and
fire of a gun for several minutes before exhaustion slows them down, at are completely ineffective against air targets. They have very large
Hovercraft are vessels equipped with giant fans which create an air which time rhe automatic loader will take over. In an emergency, a ship warheads, and, when compared to SAM's, rather low speeds
cushion on which the vessel flies. When moving, hovercraft never having a gun that can be manually loaded has an advantage over ships (generally Mach 9 for surface skimmers) Most SSM's and ASM's are
actually touch the water; drag is reduced to zero. For this reason. 7. FIRE CONTROL: having purely automatic weapons. active homing, that is, the missiles themselves contain all of the
hovercraft are capable of extremely high speeds; some hovercraft can During World War II, tire control solutions were usually plotted by a equipment needed to acquire a target. SSM's and ASM's can acquire
move at 100 kts. Hovercraft should be very useful 1n amphibious mechanical computer. Later, analog computers could provide a more In addition to being more accurate and having higher rates of fire, targets by one of the following methods:
warfare due to their high speed and also to the fact thal shallow water accurate solution as less time was required for its calculations. Recent modern guns have one other advantage over earlier weapons. Modern
is no obstacle to them. Hovercraft also have a limited ab1hty to travel digital computers are even faster than analog, thereby providing gun ammunition is generally heavier than World War II ammunition, a. Radar: Radar homing missiles are equipped with a radar
over small patches of land as well as water. greater accuracy and shorter response times. In the game. units are and improvements in explosives have also made them capable of which detects the target.
given a fire control rating from A to H which represents the causing more damage. For example, a modern 5'/54 HE will cause b. Anti-radiation: Anti-radiation missiles are equipped with
Surface effect ships are very similar to hovercraft and also travel on a effectiveness of its fire control system. An "A" system is a lully- about as much damage as a World War rt 6" HE round. Improved fuses radar receivers and will detect and acquire targets using
cushion of air. The main difference between hovercraft and surface automated system based on a modern digital computer. Such systems make modern gun rounds more reliable against both surface and air radar.
effect ships is that the "hulls" of hovercraft are usually made of automatically detect and fire upon targets without the need for human targets c. Infra-red: Infra-red homing missiles detect the heat radiated
rubberized canvas, while surface effect ships have rigid hulls. Surface interference, and are the most accurate and fastest systems available. by ships, and they home in on the largest source of heat.
effect ships having a much greater displacement than hoverc~aft are Few ships have all A systems, but many ships have secondary Should modern ships come to within gun range of each other, d. Home on jamming: Missiles designed to home on jamming
capable of being built. As with hovercraft, surface effect ships are weapons which have their own self-contained fire control systems improved accuracy, high rates of fire, and improved explosives can detect the presence of "noise" jamming and will home in
capable of extremely high speeds. rated A. The Vulcan-Phalanx and Soviet 23mm systems are examples guarantee that a great deal of damage will be sustained within a very on the source of this 1amming.
of "A" rated secondary weapon systems. "B" systems are modern short period of time. Therefore, any damage sustained by the gunnery
6. PROPULSION SYSTEMS: manual fire control systems based on digital computers. These system of a ship involved in such an action could well be dec1s1ve. The homing heads of sotne missiles can operate only tor short periods
As In World War II, most large modern _ships are propelle~ by_oil systems are somewhat slower and less accurate than A systerns, but of time. Before such missiles can be launched, they must be
burning steam turbine engines. Steam engines can produce fairly high they are still extremely effective The US MK86 system installed on the 9. TORPEDOES: programmed to turn on their homing heads at a time when the target
power and are economical on fuel ii cruising speed is not exceeded Spruance class is an example of a "B" system. "C" s~1stems are syslems Torpedoes are no longer an important anti-shipping weapon due to will be within the area searched by the homing head. 1n order to
However, as the speed of a ship increases, the amount of power built around early digital computers or the rnost niodern analog their short range. Most current torpedoes are designed for sinking accomplish this, the firing unit must track the target with a proper fire
required to increase the speed also increases but at a disproportionate computers. "D" systems are older than "C" systems and are built submarines, so are acoustic homing and have rather small explosive control radar. The computer will calculate the target's course and
rate. The amount of power required for a ship to accelerate from 90°/o of around analog computers. The US MK68 system is a "D" system as are charges. While some ships, especially Soviet ones, carry torpedoes determine the time the missile's homing head should activate This
its maximum speed up to its maximum speed is about the same most Soviet systems. An "E" system is a system based on a very early which can be used against both submarines and surface targets, most information is immediately programmed into the missile which can
amount that is required for the ship to accelerate from 0 up to 50°/o of its analog computer. Some old Soviet ships have "E"' systems. An "F" do not. The MK46 torpedo carried on most US and many NATO ships then be fired.
maximum speed. Thus, steam turbine engines must greatly increase system is actually similar to a "D", being built around similar analog is not capable of being used against surface targets; its minimum
fuel consumplion whenever the cruising speed iS exceeded. Other computers. but where" D" systems are designed primarily to deal with depth is well below the depth at which it can strike or damage a ship. The homing heads of some missiles can operate for much longer
main disadvantages of steam turbines are slow acceleration rates, and surface targets, "F" systems are designed to engage air targets. "F" Most submarines still carry a few anti-shipping torpedoes, but these periods Such missiles may be programmed to begin searching for
the fact that it takes several hours to start up an engine systems are inaccurate against surface targets but are more accurate are frequently old World War II models, useful primarily for self targets as soon as they are launched, and they will continue searching
than "D" systems when engaging fast moving air targets. The US MK56 defense. until they acquire a target or reach their maximum range. Before these
Nuclear powered ships also have conventional steam turbines, but use system is an example of an "F" system. A "G" systerri is a World War II missiles are fired, it is not necessary for the firing unit to track the
nuclear power rather than oil as their source of fuel. Unlike oil, nuclear system based on a mechanical computer. The "H" system is actually There are three basic types of torpedoes; straight running, pattern target, and the firing unit may even launch such missiles at targets
fuel is not expended and nuclear powered ships have a practically no system at all; it is local control. All units which do not l)av.e an running, and wire guided. Straight running torpedoes will move 1n the whose bearing is known but whose range is unknown. Missiles fired in
unlimited range and can travel at their maximum speed practically at operating computer must use the accuracy rates and response times direction they are launched until they either hit a target or reach their this manner are less accurate than those programmed to intercept a
all times. Since nuclear fuel is not expended. there is no need to given lor H systems. maximum range. Pattern running torpedoes wrll move 1n a pattern, target that has been tracked by a fire control radar, because missiles
conserve it to increase range. frequently elliptical, until they detect and home in on a target. Wire fired at untracked targets must be set to search a very wide area. Since
Fire control systems accept data received by visual sighting and by guided torpedoes are connected to the launching platform by a thin missile homing heads can search only a small section of such areas at
While steam turbines are common for large ships, they are bulky and electronic Sensors and compute firing information that is then wire along which the launching unit can transmit guidance one time. it is possible for the missile to pass by the target without
inefficient for small ships. The most common propulsion system for transferred to the appropriate weapon. The systems are, of course, information. Wire guided torpedoes can be steered by the tiring unit. detecting it.
smaller ships is'the diesel engine. These engines, similar to large truck greatly dependent upon the data gathered by electronic sensors and
engines, can provide enough power for small ships to enable them lo visual sighting since incorrect data wHI result in a false solut"1on. Most Torpedoes may either be rion-homing or acoustic homing. Non- Some missiles have the capability for mid-course guidance. This
move about as fast as the larger ships. In addition, diesel engines can lire control systems are designed to obtain information prin1arily from homing torpedoes cannot detect targets and will hit a target only if it means that the course originally programmed into a missile can be
be started up in only a few minutes. and have a very rapid acceleration fire control radars which, under most conditions, provide the most intercepts it. Acoustic homing torpedoes are equipped with sonar and altered, after it is fired, by a unit having the proper radio equipment.
rate. As with steam engines, fuel consumption greatly increases as accurate data. However, if the fire control radar is not operating or if it can detect targets. If the torpedo's sonar detects a target, the torpedo Mid-course guidance is a feature found on all long range missiles. The
speed increases, so diesel-powered ships normally cruise at less than is jammed, data can be obtained from search radars and by the visual will automatically steer toward its sonar contact and attempt to hit 1t. missile can be fired in the general direction of the target, then when it
maximum speed. sighting of the gun director, but such data is not as accurate as th'.3-t Non-homing torpedoes are used only against surface targets; acoustic approaches the vicinity of the target, fr\:ndly ships, aircraft, or
obtained from a fire control radar. If search radars and the main homing torpedoes are used against submarines and occasionally helicopters can track the target and transm~1 the accurate data to the
A new development in naval propulsion has been the development of director are knocked out, the fire control system cannot function. against surface targets. Acoustic torpedoes are the most effective missile. Missiles without mid-course guidance cannot be re-
the gas turbine engine. Gas turbines are modified je~ aircraft engines, weapon against submarines since they are relatively last, can dive to programmed after firing.
characteri-sed by very rapid acceleration rates and high power. A ship After processing the data, the fire control solution is used to direct the deep levels, and can detect and home in on submarines very
propelled by gas turbines can accelerate from a full stop to its proper weapon to the correct position. This ts done automatically. The accurately. They are less useful against surface ships because only In order to have sufficient time to plot an accurate in(ercept course, the
maximum speed in about one minute. Gas turbines are suitable for use fire control solution will take tnto account practically every factor about two torpedoes can be fired in one direction at the same time. If target must be detected by the missile thirty seconds before it reaches
in large ships and have already been installed on the US Spruance which affects accuracy including temperature and the pitch and yaw more were fired, the torpedoes would begin homing in on each other. the target's position. For this reason, targets which are less than thirty
class and Soviet Krivak class destroyers. of the firing platform. After firing begins. the computer continues to Also, frequently these torpedoes home in on the wake of ships, since seconds away from the missile at the time its homing head activates
calculate data received to update the firing solution. sonar waves bounce off the wake. Finally, acoustic torpedoes can be may not be acquired by the missile.
The main disadvantage of the gas turbine, and what has hindered its deflected by towed rioise makers ("foxers") which are carried by many
development for many years, is the fact that the amount of fuel A ship's fire control system is at the heart of its combat capability. If the ships (and submarines). After a missile acquires a target and begins homing in, it can be
expended does not decrease to any large extent as the speed computer sustains damage or if all active sensors and directors are defeated by electron.ic countermeasures (ECM) or shot down. For
decreases Gas turbines expend large amounts of fuel at low speeds as knocked out, the system cannot function. Also, most NATO .ships 10. MISSILES: such action to be taken against a missile, the missile must be detected
well as at high, and ships equipped with gas turbines usually have a concentrate the consoles controlling the radars and weapons 1n the The most important weapons carried on modern ships are missiles. by the opposing force as early as possible. A missile can be detected
much lower range than other ships. In order to overcome this Combat Information Center (!he CIC). If the CIC is hit the fire control There are two types of missiles: anti-aircraft missiles (called SAM's) by radar or visual sighting. In addition, radar homing missiles can be
disadvantage, many ships were built with two sets of engines, one set system cannot function. On many NATO ships, the CIC is well below and surface-to-surface missiles (called SS M's). Aircraft frequently are detected by radar detectors as soon as their homing heads activate. To
for cruising and gas turbines for high speed operations. The type of the waterline, bu! on most US ships, the CIC is in the superstructure. a equipped with air~to-surface missiles (ASM's) which are similar to avoid detection for as long as possible, many missiles are designed to
propulsion systems carried by such ships is designated by the more vulnerable position. Sov"1et-designed ships do not have a SSM's. SAM's are designed to shoot down air targets. They are very fly at surface skimming altitude (usually five to ten meters above the
abbreviations COSAG, COOOG, COOAG. etc In the abbreviation, the concentrated CIC as NATO ships do, but rathe( the co111f'ol consoles fest, with a relatively long range and small warhead. Most SAM's are water) which, combined with their small size, makes them difficult to
CO stands for combined. The letter following CO refer to the type of are located in various parts of the ship, fO soviet ships wil' not lose all semi-active homing; that Is, they mount a small radar In the nose which detect. Whenever possible, the homing heads of radar homing missiles
cruise engines: S means steam tui"bine, 0 means diesel, and G means of their weapons should the CIC be hit. However, the dispersal of the homes in on targets tracked bye mlsalle guidance radar mounted on are not activated untll the last possible moment In order to prevent
gas turbine. This is followed by 0 or A. "O" stands for "or"; in such control centers makes the command process more difficult, the firing ship. A SA~ target mu1t fl rat be detected by radar orvlaual early detection by radar detectors.
ships, only the cruise engines are used at low speed, and when high increas·1ng the amount of time needed to respond to a threat. sighting. The SAM'• ship-mounted guldanoe radar Is then locked-on
speed is desired, the cruise engines are turned off and the high speed lo tho target and wili autom1tlc1lly track the target. The ml11U1 l1 then Once an SSM or ASM haa been detected, all nell breaks loose on the
engines are used exclusively. "A" stands tor "and''; in such ships the launched. In It• nos• 11 R radar receiver which reoelvea the guldaneo opposing ships. Warfare has often been described as hours of
cruise engines remain on during high speed and their power is added radar's signals that "echo" from the target, and the missile wlll boredom punctuated by minutes of sheer terror. In modern naval
to that of the high speed engines. Flnally, the last letter refers to the 8. GUNNERY: automatically fly to Intercept the source of the echo. Modern SAM's warfare, the terror is more Intense than ever before in the history of
type of engine used for high speed operations; as before, S means Gunnery is much more accurate today than dunng World War II due are extremely accurate. war. Modern captains must make a split·second decision to defeat
steam, D means diesel, and G means gas turbine. primarily to improvements in theftre control systems. In World War II, 4
discover their range, bearing and altitude. Normal air search r~dars a~e
threats that often move al supersonic spee~s. ~emember tha~ the NATO and Soviet doctnne calls for ships at war to turn off all radars
two dimensional and can only detern:ii_ne range and bearing. This target echo. Chaff, however, is particularly useful against radar
Soviet Navy will, whenever possible, attack with aircraft, submarine~j except when absolutely necessary By remaining in this condition,
information is not sufficient lo allow firing at the _target. In order to homing missiles, since the missiles obviously have no"radarman" and
and ships using SSM's, ASM's, torpedoes, bor:ibs. and guns, a called EMCON, the ships will avoid revealing their positions
obtain altitude, another radar is needed: Som~ ships use a separate have great difficulty distinguishing a chaff echo from a target echo.
coordinated to arrive within a 90 second period. ~aturat1ng the prematurely. As some missiles can be fired off information provided by
defenses. NATO captains have 90 seconds to deal with all of these height finding radar which can determine altitude and_ range ?nly.
When a target is detected by the air s.earch radar, the .height f1noer is radar detectors alone, detection could be devastating. Thus, in a
th reals modern war ship-borne radars will be used infrequently and only when An ECM device which is used to some degree is a blip enhancer. Blip
directed at it to determine the altitude. Other ships ha~e ttiree enhancers are electronic devices which greatly increase the size of the
In most situations, approximately thirty seconds is ~equir~d for a ship dimensional air search radars which can detect ranQe. bearing, 1d ;u. necessary; both the US and Soviet Navy will rely on aircraft radars for
early detection of opposing forces. unit's radar echo, thus, for example, making helicopters or small boats
altitude simultaneously. Such radars are more effect!ve than the .wo appear as large ships on the opposing radar. The Israelis used blip
to respond to a missile contact, although automatic _equ1p~en\(e.g.
dimensional search radar and height finder cor:ib1nat1on, but they are enhancers very effectively in the 1973 war using helicopter-mounted
Fire control systems rated A) can greatly re~uce this reaction . 1~~­ very expensive and bulky. Ships equipped with 30 radars ar~ also The third eleme11t of modern electronic warfare is electronic
Frequently, there are only a few secon~s available before the m!ss~ e blip enhancers to attract the SS-N-2 STYX missiles. The missiles
strikes its target, but this is sufficient to en~ag_e the m1ss1 e 1 equipped with normal 20 air search radars because the max1rnurn
range of a 30 radar is much less than that of a 20 radar, as the anten11<:1
countern1easure or l:CM. ECM are techniques and devices designed
to deny to the opposing force the use of their radars. ECM techniques locked onto the helicopters, which would then climb rapidly. The
successfully_ The proper ECM can quickly dr~w ~missile away from a include noise jamrnir1g. deception jamming, and the use of chaff, missiles were unable to follow this maneuver and fell into the sea.
required by the 30 is much larger than that required by the 20, su a Some ships and aircraft may carry radar reflectors which are
target, and three second of firing against a m1ss1le at close range can decoys, blip enhancers, and reflectors. Nearly all ships carry some
long range 30 radar would have a prohibitively large antenna. mechanical devices capable of increasing the size of the radar echo.
frequently shoot it down. form of ECM equiprnent. Most carry 1ammers that are capable of both
noise and deception jamming, and many also carry chaff launchers. Their effect is similar to that of blip enhancers, b:.it they cannot be
The second main type of radar is the fire contro! radar. While search turned off.
When attempting to defeat SS M's by ECM or weapons, i\i~ imft~~~~~~ radars have wide beams in order to s~arch a wide area, fire con.trol
Reflectors and decoys are not widely used.
to realize that not all of such weapons and _equ1p~en 1 ~ e_
a a inst atl missiles. Home on jamming and ant1-rad1at1on m1ss_1les can radars have narrow "pencil" beams, wh1e;h concent,rate the energy tnto Another device that could be used effectively is the decoy. Decoys are
Noise jamming involves broadcasting noise at the frequency the
b~ defeated by turning off jam.mers or radars: 0th.er EC_M ~ev1ces a~e a narrow beam so they can obtain the highly detailed range, bea~1ng,
and speed information necessary for the use of weapons. Because ol opposing radar is operating. When noise jammed, a radar will be equipped with blip enhancers and/or noise jammers and used to
ineffective against such missiles. lnfra-re.d ~om1ng m1s~l~s ~a~ be unable to distinguish the target echo from the broadcasted signal; so simulate ships or attract missiles. Apparently, no country at this time
their narrow beam, these radars must be pointed_ directly at a target or uses decoys It is probably very difficult to make a very small decoy
defeated only by flares Radar homing m1ss1les can be .e ea e . Y instead of a "blip'" occuring on the radar screen at the position of the
chaff and deception ja~m1ng: noise jamming is ineffective aga1~st they will be unable to detect it. For this reason, fire control radars can appear as a large ship. However, if this problem can be solved, decoys
only be used against targets that have already been detected either by opposing unit, a large white strobe will appear which blanks out the
homing missiles since it merely den.ies range information, not bearing could be a great aid in the defense against missiles.
visual sighting or another radar. Occassionally, if a target has already entire section of the screen 1n the direction of the jamming. By
information and a moving missile really does not n~ed ra~ge reducing gain, the width of the strobe can be reduced to that of a thin
been detected by a passive detector, a fire control radar m_ay be
information.in order to hit its target. Guns are u~ually effective aga1~~t ointed toward the target's bearing and used to search for it. b_ut line across the screen from its center out to the edge in the direction of ECM has proven to be a very vital element.in naval warfare. In 1967,
most missiles although some missiles are designed to fly_ above. ~ four SS-N-2's were fired at the Israeli destroyer, Ellat. All hit. In 1971,
frequenlly, the radar will still be unable to detect the target due to its the jamrnirig. Thus, noise jamming will deny range information, but
maximum ran'ge of guns. Surface to air missile.s are effective .agat_ns will always reveal the relative bearing of the jam mer. At close range, the Indian Navy fired thirteen SS-N-2's at Pakistani ships and twelve
missiles flying at high altitude, but less so against surface sk1r:i~1ng narrow beam. hit. None of these targets had ECM. In 1973, the Israelis equipped their
radar signals are str•Jnger than jamming signals, and noise jamming
missiles because their guidance radars are not designed _to pie h'up becomes ineffective as the radar "burns through" the jamming. missile boats with chaff launchers and cheap Italian deception
Recently the search and fire control functions have been combined jammers. During the Yorn Kippur War, over fifty SS-N-2's were fired at
tai els against a background .of ~e.a clutter, and _their arc 1ng
Into a single radar set, called a track_-while-sc~n (T.YJSl ra~ar. which
trafectories greatly increases their m1n1mum range against ~uch ve ~Y
these Israeli vessels, and no hits were scored.
can search an area while atthesamet1me, sending a pencil beam out If a noise jarnme1· is operating on a single frequency, it is easy for the
low targets. The fairly large minimum r.an~e of most SAM s usua Y toward targets it detected. While a fire control radar can track only one jammed radar's operator to simply tune the radar to another
limits their effectiveness to high angle m1ss1les which can be detected The fourth element of electronic warfare is electronic counter-
target at a time, TWS radars can track~ rather large num~er of targets unjammed frequency. To prevent noise jamming from being defeated countermeasures (ECCM). These are devices built into radars thatare
at long ranges. simultaneously in addition to perform1n_g a search function. Curre~t so easily, jarnrners are designed to operate in several different ways. designed to minimize the effect of opposing ECM. One ECCM device
TWS radars are essentially two dimensional and so cannot track air The first method, described above, is called spot jamming; the is built into the method of operation of the radars. Initially, all radars
If a missile is not defeated by ECM or weapons, it u~uall}:' h~s a very jam mer's energy is cbncentrated on only one frequency. Jammers can
targets. In addition, for tracking single targets, TW~ radars are less were simple pulsed systems, and ECM was originally designed to
high chance of hitting its target, although early So,v1et m1ss1les have also operate in a barrage jamming mode. Barrage jamming is the
efficient than fire control radars because the energy 1_n TWS radars is combat such systems. The conical scan radars, which include most of
great difficulty in hitting small targets. Since SSM .s have ~ery. 1a_ri9e used to search as well as track, while the ener_gy of a f1 ,re contr<?I r3dar opposite of spot jamming; in barrage jamming, the energy of the the currently available fire control radars, are examples of simple,
warheads they can do a great amount of damage. High ang e m1ss1 es jammer is spread over a large number of frequencies. Thus, barrage
is concentrated at one point. For this reaso~, 1nforma~1on provided by pulsed radars. One of the earlier attempts to build a radar that was
usually d0 more critical damage than surface skimmers because t.hey jamming produces a weaker signal than spot jamming, but it
dive into a ship and penetrate deeply into its vit~ls be!or_e exploding. a TWS radar is less accurate than that prov1d~d by a _fire cont~ol radar resistant to ECM was the development of the continuous wave radar.
and it takes the TWS radar longer to acquire the 1nformat1c_:>n. Th~ simultaneously jams a much larger number of frequencies. Another Continuous wave radars are not pulsed; they merely continuously
For this reason, some normally surface skimming missiles. sue~ a.s technique, called swept jamming, is intermediate in effect. In swept
Har oon and Otomat, are designed to pop up and dive. o~to_t e1r dispersal of the ene~gy of the TWS radar into both searching an transmit a radar signal in the desired direction. Since the signal is
jamming, a concentrated jamming signal is swept across a larger
targ~ts al the end of their flight. T~e. surface to surfa.ce r:i1ss1le is the tracking also makes 1t more vulnerable to ECM.
number of frequencies, one after another. In the game, it will not be
continuous, such radars are unable to determine range. Instead,
continuous wave radars measure the change in the target's Doppler,
rime weapon against ships and 11 1s constantly being_ improved to necessary to choose the mode of jamming because we have based the
~ake it more accurate and less susceptible to opposing ECM and The second element of electronic warfare is the radar dete~tor. Radar
detectors are receivers designed to intercept radar ~1gnals ~nd effect of noise jan1ming on the best type of jamming that can be used
and in this way, can measure the speed of the target and determine if it
is moving closer or farther away from the radar. Doppler refers to the
weapons. determine its frequency, pulse repetition rate, and other 1nformat1on under the various circumstances. In the game, a ship having a modern change in pitch of a sound coming from a moving source. As the
which would allow the radar to be identifie_d. Early radar d~tectors, radar detector also gets better results with its noise jammer. Such source approaches the receiver, the pitch of the sound rises while as
11. ELECTRONIC WARFARE: . . radar detectors unlike earlier detectors, can give more accurate and the source recedes from the receiver, the pitch of the sound descends.
Modern warfare Is electronic warfare. The side which con~rols the many of which are still used today especially by the Soviets ~nd
Americans scanned each frequency individually in order to det~rm1 ne current information on the frequencies being used by the opposing The continuous wave radars are able to measure the change in pitch of
electromagnetic spectrum and denies its use .to the :ne~y will be t~e radar, enabling the crew to tune its noise jammer to only those
winner of the next war. A ship unable .to use its el~c,ron1c sensors is if any rada~ was being used. II one was detecte:d, it wo~ld provide the the target echo and thus determine its speed. Since these radars can
information indicated above, as well as the relative bearing o! the ra~ar frequencies, rather than being forced to spread the jammer's energy easily determine target speed, they can filter out noise jamming (which
helples·s, unable to strike at the enemy or repel his blow. over a wider area. has no Doppler), and, to some extent, chaff (which moves very slowly).
source. The crew would then check data .books t~ determine which
radar fit the information received. Thus, while radar 1~pulses would be Originally, normal deception jamming techniques did not work
The first component of electronic warfare is radar. Shipboard radars The other basic type of jamrning is deception jamming. A deception against continuous wave radars, but this has been corrected and they
detected fairly rapidly (in about a le":' sec~nds) and its type (search_ or
are of \wo basic types: search and fire control. Search radars have~ jam mer records the radar impulses it receives and re-transmits them are now subject to range or velocity gate pull off. Continuous wave
fire control) could be readily determined, 11 cou!d take up to_abou_t !1ve
broad beam and are designed to detect targets at long ran~es. Ad after a short delay. Thus, the opposing radar receives not only the radars are very useful due to their resistance to noise jamming and
minutes or so before the exact name of the radar woul~ be 1dent.1f1ed
search radars can search 360°. M_ost. do this by rapidly rotating an target echo, but also the re-transmitted signal which appears on the chaff, but since they are unable to determine range, they can only be
Modern digital radar detectors search all fre9uenc1es practically
sweeping the surrounding area with its beam. A recent dev_elc_:>pment radar screen as another target echo. Modern deception 1ammers are used for missile guidance, where range information is unnecessary.
has been the fixed array radar in which the antennas are built into t~f slmultaneously. The detector's computer stores 1nformat1on on eve~y
known radar. When a radar ls detected, the comp.uter searches this capable of producing a number of echos at any range and bearing
superstructure of the ship. Such radars do not rota_te but_ are st1 I desired. T/1e false targets can even be made to appear to move. False
information to determine the name of the radar it detected. Thus, An attempt to combine the advantages of continuous wave with the
capable of a 360° search. Fixed arr~y radar, while being very target gei-1eratior; can be very effective, however, a good radarman can
modern radar detectors can provide the type of all detected rad~rs ability to determine range resulted in the development of the pulse
expensive, has a larger range than rotating radars frequently distinguish fa!se targets from actual targets. As the fire
within a very few seconds after detection, and in a!I respe~ls provide doppler radar. A pulse doppler radar operates like a pulse~ _radar and
control radars have a very narrow beam that is directed at a very small
the necessary information much faster than earlier equipment. All can obtain range information in the same manner. In add1t1on, pulse
Radar beams do not follow the curvature of the earth; th~y are direct area, it is not practical to attempt to create a number of false targets for
radar detectors are capable of detecting radars well beyond Lhe doppler radars measure doppler similar to continuous wave radars
line of sight and cannot detect units that are_ over .the horizon, th_ougt them_ However, a similar technique. called range or velocity gate pull
effective range of the radar itself. This is because the radar scatters and can to some extent eliminate chaff and to a lesser degree, noise,
beams do bend slightly and the radar horizon 1s therefore sl1g_ht Y off, is very effective against fire control radars. When a fire control
farther away than the visual horizon. The distance to t~e radar horizon "noise" over a much larger area than the area 11 ~an a~t.ually sear~h radar has locked onto a target, that target, or any other unit within the Pulse doppler fire control radars can control most weapons, and some
This noise can be detected and the radar can be 1dent1!1~d by 11. ~he recent search radars are pulse doppler also.
is based on both the height (or altitude) of the s"'.arch1ng ~ntenna a~d radar's beam, rney use the deception jam mer to generate a false echo
the size or altitude of the unit for wh1<?h the ~adar 1s_search1ng. ~e ha e noise will even "spill" over the radar horizon thus, allowing a unit to that slowly moves away from the target. The radar frequently follows
computed the radar horizons for vanous sized ships and for different detect a radar beyond the horizon. Most ship radars ~an be detected at the false echo_ When the radar's beam is moved far enough away from The most recent development in fire control radars has been the
altitude levels and the results of the calculations are given on the Radar a distance equal to about two to three times the maximum range o_f the development of the monopulse radars. Monopulse radars have several
the target, tt1e jamrrier is turned off, and the radar's tracking attempt is
radar, while airborne radars can be detected out to about five tirnes broken_ re.ceivers, usually three or four, which are separated from each other.
Detection Table.
their range. When the echo is received by the receivers, the radar can use the
The frequency at which the .radar operates has a great bearing on it~ Chalf is a very widely used and effective ECM. Chaff consists of differences in the signal received by each receiver to determine the
ESM, the process of detecting electronic emissions, is as.important in target's range and bearing. The operation of a monopulse radar is
effectiveness. Low frequencies produce very long_ ranges and are use peace time as it is in war. Currently, NATO and So~1et ships ar_e aluminum strips cut in such a way as to reflect the opposing radar
for high altitude air search radars when~ the distance to the radar signals. Chaff can actually perform two functions: it can create a analogous to some degree, to the use of a steroscopic range finder
attempting to gather as much info~mation as possible 01, 1 he.1r which compares separate images to arrive at the actual range. The
horizon can be very long. High frequencies produce shorter ranges opponent's radars. This information will be used to update radar da,a "cloud" sufficiently large enough to hide a unit from radar detection.
but greater reflection from small targ.ets. High frequ~n~1es are used for and it also can create a large number of ship-sized echos Chaff main value of monopulse radars is that normal range or velocity gate
books and computer programs to enable more accurate pull off is ineffective against them, and when an MTI filter (see below)
surface search radars where the maximum range 1s l1m1ted by the radar determinations of radar types and functions. Each radar set has a therefore performs a function similar to that of both noise and
horizon. Although air search radars and su~face search radars are deception jamming and is therefore useful against both search and tire is added to the radar, it becomes resistant to most ECM normally used
basically different, their functions overlap sl1ghtly .. Some air search unique electronic "signature" that is slightly different than that of ariy against fire control radars. Range or velocity gate pull off can be used
control radars. In actual fact, chaff is more useful against fire control
radars can detect surface targets at close range, while surface search other radar set, even other sets of the sam~ type. Modern E;~1 radars because their narrow beams can easily be captured by chaff. To against monopulse radars in only certain situations. If two jamming
radars can detect low flying aircraft equipment is making it possi_ble to often. determine t~e _actual nan ii_ cf be realty effective against a wide beam search radar, the chaff would units are within the main beam of the radar, their echos will blur into
the ship itself just by detecting one of its radar em1ss1ons need to be very evenly distributed over a wide area and in practice, this one large echo and the radar will lock onto the center of that echo
Air search radars are divided into two basic types: 20 .a~d 30. Since seldom occurs. Many radars carry devices which can cancel out chaff which should be somewhere between the two jamming units.
aircraft operate in a three d1mens1onal environment, 1t 1s important to The information provided by radar detectors is so valuable that r11 rrcr~\ Similarly, an aircraft at low altitude can bounce its jamming signal off
echos, and a good radarman can distinguish a chaff echo from a real
the surface of the earth in addition to sending it directly at the radar;
5 6
discover their range, bearing and altitude. Normal air search r~dars a~e
threats that often move al supersonic spee~s. ~emember tha~ the NATO and Soviet doctnne calls for ships at war to turn off all radars
two dimensional and can only detern:ii_ne range and bearing. This target echo. Chaff, however, is particularly useful against radar
Soviet Navy will, whenever possible, attack with aircraft, submarine~j except when absolutely necessary By remaining in this condition,
information is not sufficient lo allow firing at the _target. In order to homing missiles, since the missiles obviously have no"radarman" and
and ships using SSM's, ASM's, torpedoes, bor:ibs. and guns, a called EMCON, the ships will avoid revealing their positions
obtain altitude, another radar is needed: Som~ ships use a separate have great difficulty distinguishing a chaff echo from a target echo.
coordinated to arrive within a 90 second period. ~aturat1ng the prematurely. As some missiles can be fired off information provided by
defenses. NATO captains have 90 seconds to deal with all of these height finding radar which can determine altitude and_ range ?nly.
When a target is detected by the air s.earch radar, the .height f1noer is radar detectors alone, detection could be devastating. Thus, in a
th reals modern war ship-borne radars will be used infrequently and only when An ECM device which is used to some degree is a blip enhancer. Blip
directed at it to determine the altitude. Other ships ha~e ttiree enhancers are electronic devices which greatly increase the size of the
In most situations, approximately thirty seconds is ~equir~d for a ship dimensional air search radars which can detect ranQe. bearing, 1d ;u. necessary; both the US and Soviet Navy will rely on aircraft radars for
early detection of opposing forces. unit's radar echo, thus, for example, making helicopters or small boats
altitude simultaneously. Such radars are more effect!ve than the .wo appear as large ships on the opposing radar. The Israelis used blip
to respond to a missile contact, although automatic _equ1p~en\(e.g.
dimensional search radar and height finder cor:ib1nat1on, but they are enhancers very effectively in the 1973 war using helicopter-mounted
Fire control systems rated A) can greatly re~uce this reaction . 1~~­ very expensive and bulky. Ships equipped with 30 radars ar~ also The third eleme11t of modern electronic warfare is electronic
Frequently, there are only a few secon~s available before the m!ss~ e blip enhancers to attract the SS-N-2 STYX missiles. The missiles
strikes its target, but this is sufficient to en~ag_e the m1ss1 e 1 equipped with normal 20 air search radars because the max1rnurn
range of a 30 radar is much less than that of a 20 radar, as the anten11<:1
countern1easure or l:CM. ECM are techniques and devices designed
to deny to the opposing force the use of their radars. ECM techniques locked onto the helicopters, which would then climb rapidly. The
successfully_ The proper ECM can quickly dr~w ~missile away from a include noise jamrnir1g. deception jamming, and the use of chaff, missiles were unable to follow this maneuver and fell into the sea.
required by the 30 is much larger than that required by the 20, su a Some ships and aircraft may carry radar reflectors which are
target, and three second of firing against a m1ss1le at close range can decoys, blip enhancers, and reflectors. Nearly all ships carry some
long range 30 radar would have a prohibitively large antenna. mechanical devices capable of increasing the size of the radar echo.
frequently shoot it down. form of ECM equiprnent. Most carry 1ammers that are capable of both
noise and deception jamming, and many also carry chaff launchers. Their effect is similar to that of blip enhancers, b:.it they cannot be
The second main type of radar is the fire contro! radar. While search turned off.
When attempting to defeat SS M's by ECM or weapons, i\i~ imft~~~~~~ radars have wide beams in order to s~arch a wide area, fire con.trol
Reflectors and decoys are not widely used.
to realize that not all of such weapons and _equ1p~en 1 ~ e_
a a inst atl missiles. Home on jamming and ant1-rad1at1on m1ss_1les can radars have narrow "pencil" beams, wh1e;h concent,rate the energy tnto Another device that could be used effectively is the decoy. Decoys are
Noise jamming involves broadcasting noise at the frequency the
b~ defeated by turning off jam.mers or radars: 0th.er EC_M ~ev1ces a~e a narrow beam so they can obtain the highly detailed range, bea~1ng,
and speed information necessary for the use of weapons. Because ol opposing radar is operating. When noise jammed, a radar will be equipped with blip enhancers and/or noise jammers and used to
ineffective against such missiles. lnfra-re.d ~om1ng m1s~l~s ~a~ be unable to distinguish the target echo from the broadcasted signal; so simulate ships or attract missiles. Apparently, no country at this time
their narrow beam, these radars must be pointed_ directly at a target or uses decoys It is probably very difficult to make a very small decoy
defeated only by flares Radar homing m1ss1les can be .e ea e . Y instead of a "blip'" occuring on the radar screen at the position of the
chaff and deception ja~m1ng: noise jamming is ineffective aga1~st they will be unable to detect it. For this reason, fire control radars can appear as a large ship. However, if this problem can be solved, decoys
only be used against targets that have already been detected either by opposing unit, a large white strobe will appear which blanks out the
homing missiles since it merely den.ies range information, not bearing could be a great aid in the defense against missiles.
visual sighting or another radar. Occassionally, if a target has already entire section of the screen 1n the direction of the jamming. By
information and a moving missile really does not n~ed ra~ge reducing gain, the width of the strobe can be reduced to that of a thin
been detected by a passive detector, a fire control radar m_ay be
information.in order to hit its target. Guns are u~ually effective aga1~~t ointed toward the target's bearing and used to search for it. b_ut line across the screen from its center out to the edge in the direction of ECM has proven to be a very vital element.in naval warfare. In 1967,
most missiles although some missiles are designed to fly_ above. ~ four SS-N-2's were fired at the Israeli destroyer, Ellat. All hit. In 1971,
frequenlly, the radar will still be unable to detect the target due to its the jamrnirig. Thus, noise jamming will deny range information, but
maximum ran'ge of guns. Surface to air missile.s are effective .agat_ns will always reveal the relative bearing of the jam mer. At close range, the Indian Navy fired thirteen SS-N-2's at Pakistani ships and twelve
missiles flying at high altitude, but less so against surface sk1r:i~1ng narrow beam. hit. None of these targets had ECM. In 1973, the Israelis equipped their
radar signals are str•Jnger than jamming signals, and noise jamming
missiles because their guidance radars are not designed _to pie h'up becomes ineffective as the radar "burns through" the jamming. missile boats with chaff launchers and cheap Italian deception
Recently the search and fire control functions have been combined jammers. During the Yorn Kippur War, over fifty SS-N-2's were fired at
tai els against a background .of ~e.a clutter, and _their arc 1ng
Into a single radar set, called a track_-while-sc~n (T.YJSl ra~ar. which
trafectories greatly increases their m1n1mum range against ~uch ve ~Y
these Israeli vessels, and no hits were scored.
can search an area while atthesamet1me, sending a pencil beam out If a noise jarnme1· is operating on a single frequency, it is easy for the
low targets. The fairly large minimum r.an~e of most SAM s usua Y toward targets it detected. While a fire control radar can track only one jammed radar's operator to simply tune the radar to another
limits their effectiveness to high angle m1ss1les which can be detected The fourth element of electronic warfare is electronic counter-
target at a time, TWS radars can track~ rather large num~er of targets unjammed frequency. To prevent noise jamming from being defeated countermeasures (ECCM). These are devices built into radars thatare
at long ranges. simultaneously in addition to perform1n_g a search function. Curre~t so easily, jarnrners are designed to operate in several different ways. designed to minimize the effect of opposing ECM. One ECCM device
TWS radars are essentially two dimensional and so cannot track air The first method, described above, is called spot jamming; the is built into the method of operation of the radars. Initially, all radars
If a missile is not defeated by ECM or weapons, it u~uall}:' h~s a very jam mer's energy is cbncentrated on only one frequency. Jammers can
targets. In addition, for tracking single targets, TW~ radars are less were simple pulsed systems, and ECM was originally designed to
high chance of hitting its target, although early So,v1et m1ss1les have also operate in a barrage jamming mode. Barrage jamming is the
efficient than fire control radars because the energy 1_n TWS radars is combat such systems. The conical scan radars, which include most of
great difficulty in hitting small targets. Since SSM .s have ~ery. 1a_ri9e used to search as well as track, while the ener_gy of a f1 ,re contr<?I r3dar opposite of spot jamming; in barrage jamming, the energy of the the currently available fire control radars, are examples of simple,
warheads they can do a great amount of damage. High ang e m1ss1 es jammer is spread over a large number of frequencies. Thus, barrage
is concentrated at one point. For this reaso~, 1nforma~1on provided by pulsed radars. One of the earlier attempts to build a radar that was
usually d0 more critical damage than surface skimmers because t.hey jamming produces a weaker signal than spot jamming, but it
dive into a ship and penetrate deeply into its vit~ls be!or_e exploding. a TWS radar is less accurate than that prov1d~d by a _fire cont~ol radar resistant to ECM was the development of the continuous wave radar.
and it takes the TWS radar longer to acquire the 1nformat1c_:>n. Th~ simultaneously jams a much larger number of frequencies. Another Continuous wave radars are not pulsed; they merely continuously
For this reason, some normally surface skimming missiles. sue~ a.s technique, called swept jamming, is intermediate in effect. In swept
Har oon and Otomat, are designed to pop up and dive. o~to_t e1r dispersal of the ene~gy of the TWS radar into both searching an transmit a radar signal in the desired direction. Since the signal is
jamming, a concentrated jamming signal is swept across a larger
targ~ts al the end of their flight. T~e. surface to surfa.ce r:i1ss1le is the tracking also makes 1t more vulnerable to ECM.
number of frequencies, one after another. In the game, it will not be
continuous, such radars are unable to determine range. Instead,
continuous wave radars measure the change in the target's Doppler,
rime weapon against ships and 11 1s constantly being_ improved to necessary to choose the mode of jamming because we have based the
~ake it more accurate and less susceptible to opposing ECM and The second element of electronic warfare is the radar dete~tor. Radar
detectors are receivers designed to intercept radar ~1gnals ~nd effect of noise jan1ming on the best type of jamming that can be used
and in this way, can measure the speed of the target and determine if it
is moving closer or farther away from the radar. Doppler refers to the
weapons. determine its frequency, pulse repetition rate, and other 1nformat1on under the various circumstances. In the game, a ship having a modern change in pitch of a sound coming from a moving source. As the
which would allow the radar to be identifie_d. Early radar d~tectors, radar detector also gets better results with its noise jammer. Such source approaches the receiver, the pitch of the sound rises while as
11. ELECTRONIC WARFARE: . . radar detectors unlike earlier detectors, can give more accurate and the source recedes from the receiver, the pitch of the sound descends.
Modern warfare Is electronic warfare. The side which con~rols the many of which are still used today especially by the Soviets ~nd
Americans scanned each frequency individually in order to det~rm1 ne current information on the frequencies being used by the opposing The continuous wave radars are able to measure the change in pitch of
electromagnetic spectrum and denies its use .to the :ne~y will be t~e radar, enabling the crew to tune its noise jammer to only those
winner of the next war. A ship unable .to use its el~c,ron1c sensors is if any rada~ was being used. II one was detecte:d, it wo~ld provide the the target echo and thus determine its speed. Since these radars can
information indicated above, as well as the relative bearing o! the ra~ar frequencies, rather than being forced to spread the jammer's energy easily determine target speed, they can filter out noise jamming (which
helples·s, unable to strike at the enemy or repel his blow. over a wider area. has no Doppler), and, to some extent, chaff (which moves very slowly).
source. The crew would then check data .books t~ determine which
radar fit the information received. Thus, while radar 1~pulses would be Originally, normal deception jamming techniques did not work
The first component of electronic warfare is radar. Shipboard radars The other basic type of jamrning is deception jamming. A deception against continuous wave radars, but this has been corrected and they
detected fairly rapidly (in about a le":' sec~nds) and its type (search_ or
are of \wo basic types: search and fire control. Search radars have~ jam mer records the radar impulses it receives and re-transmits them are now subject to range or velocity gate pull off. Continuous wave
fire control) could be readily determined, 11 cou!d take up to_abou_t !1ve
broad beam and are designed to detect targets at long ran~es. Ad after a short delay. Thus, the opposing radar receives not only the radars are very useful due to their resistance to noise jamming and
minutes or so before the exact name of the radar woul~ be 1dent.1f1ed
search radars can search 360°. M_ost. do this by rapidly rotating an target echo, but also the re-transmitted signal which appears on the chaff, but since they are unable to determine range, they can only be
Modern digital radar detectors search all fre9uenc1es practically
sweeping the surrounding area with its beam. A recent dev_elc_:>pment radar screen as another target echo. Modern deception 1ammers are used for missile guidance, where range information is unnecessary.
has been the fixed array radar in which the antennas are built into t~f slmultaneously. The detector's computer stores 1nformat1on on eve~y
known radar. When a radar ls detected, the comp.uter searches this capable of producing a number of echos at any range and bearing
superstructure of the ship. Such radars do not rota_te but_ are st1 I desired. T/1e false targets can even be made to appear to move. False
information to determine the name of the radar it detected. Thus, An attempt to combine the advantages of continuous wave with the
capable of a 360° search. Fixed arr~y radar, while being very target gei-1eratior; can be very effective, however, a good radarman can
modern radar detectors can provide the type of all detected rad~rs ability to determine range resulted in the development of the pulse
expensive, has a larger range than rotating radars frequently distinguish fa!se targets from actual targets. As the fire
within a very few seconds after detection, and in a!I respe~ls provide doppler radar. A pulse doppler radar operates like a pulse~ _radar and
control radars have a very narrow beam that is directed at a very small
the necessary information much faster than earlier equipment. All can obtain range information in the same manner. In add1t1on, pulse
Radar beams do not follow the curvature of the earth; th~y are direct area, it is not practical to attempt to create a number of false targets for
radar detectors are capable of detecting radars well beyond Lhe doppler radars measure doppler similar to continuous wave radars
line of sight and cannot detect units that are_ over .the horizon, th_ougt them_ However, a similar technique. called range or velocity gate pull
effective range of the radar itself. This is because the radar scatters and can to some extent eliminate chaff and to a lesser degree, noise,
beams do bend slightly and the radar horizon 1s therefore sl1g_ht Y off, is very effective against fire control radars. When a fire control
farther away than the visual horizon. The distance to t~e radar horizon "noise" over a much larger area than the area 11 ~an a~t.ually sear~h radar has locked onto a target, that target, or any other unit within the Pulse doppler fire control radars can control most weapons, and some
This noise can be detected and the radar can be 1dent1!1~d by 11. ~he recent search radars are pulse doppler also.
is based on both the height (or altitude) of the s"'.arch1ng ~ntenna a~d radar's beam, rney use the deception jam mer to generate a false echo
the size or altitude of the unit for wh1<?h the ~adar 1s_search1ng. ~e ha e noise will even "spill" over the radar horizon thus, allowing a unit to that slowly moves away from the target. The radar frequently follows
computed the radar horizons for vanous sized ships and for different detect a radar beyond the horizon. Most ship radars ~an be detected at the false echo_ When the radar's beam is moved far enough away from The most recent development in fire control radars has been the
altitude levels and the results of the calculations are given on the Radar a distance equal to about two to three times the maximum range o_f the development of the monopulse radars. Monopulse radars have several
the target, tt1e jamrrier is turned off, and the radar's tracking attempt is
radar, while airborne radars can be detected out to about five tirnes broken_ re.ceivers, usually three or four, which are separated from each other.
Detection Table.
their range. When the echo is received by the receivers, the radar can use the
The frequency at which the .radar operates has a great bearing on it~ Chalf is a very widely used and effective ECM. Chaff consists of differences in the signal received by each receiver to determine the
ESM, the process of detecting electronic emissions, is as.important in target's range and bearing. The operation of a monopulse radar is
effectiveness. Low frequencies produce very long_ ranges and are use peace time as it is in war. Currently, NATO and So~1et ships ar_e aluminum strips cut in such a way as to reflect the opposing radar
for high altitude air search radars when~ the distance to the radar signals. Chaff can actually perform two functions: it can create a analogous to some degree, to the use of a steroscopic range finder
attempting to gather as much info~mation as possible 01, 1 he.1r which compares separate images to arrive at the actual range. The
horizon can be very long. High frequencies produce shorter ranges opponent's radars. This information will be used to update radar da,a "cloud" sufficiently large enough to hide a unit from radar detection.
but greater reflection from small targ.ets. High frequ~n~1es are used for and it also can create a large number of ship-sized echos Chaff main value of monopulse radars is that normal range or velocity gate
books and computer programs to enable more accurate pull off is ineffective against them, and when an MTI filter (see below)
surface search radars where the maximum range 1s l1m1ted by the radar determinations of radar types and functions. Each radar set has a therefore performs a function similar to that of both noise and
horizon. Although air search radars and su~face search radars are deception jamming and is therefore useful against both search and tire is added to the radar, it becomes resistant to most ECM normally used
basically different, their functions overlap sl1ghtly .. Some air search unique electronic "signature" that is slightly different than that of ariy against fire control radars. Range or velocity gate pull off can be used
control radars. In actual fact, chaff is more useful against fire control
radars can detect surface targets at close range, while surface search other radar set, even other sets of the sam~ type. Modern E;~1 radars because their narrow beams can easily be captured by chaff. To against monopulse radars in only certain situations. If two jamming
radars can detect low flying aircraft equipment is making it possi_ble to often. determine t~e _actual nan ii_ cf be realty effective against a wide beam search radar, the chaff would units are within the main beam of the radar, their echos will blur into
the ship itself just by detecting one of its radar em1ss1ons need to be very evenly distributed over a wide area and in practice, this one large echo and the radar will lock onto the center of that echo
Air search radars are divided into two basic types: 20 .a~d 30. Since seldom occurs. Many radars carry devices which can cancel out chaff which should be somewhere between the two jamming units.
aircraft operate in a three d1mens1onal environment, 1t 1s important to The information provided by radar detectors is so valuable that r11 rrcr~\ Similarly, an aircraft at low altitude can bounce its jamming signal off
echos, and a good radarman can distinguish a chaff echo from a real
the surface of the earth in addition to sending it directly at the radar;
5 6
counters bearing the exact same designation. For example, there must placed beneath the ship and "dummy" counters are called "Radar
res ond to it while remaining outside the ran!;!e. of the enemy's be four "Medium Missile, 1" counters, four "Medium Missile, 2" Search Counters".
a ain the radar will be unable to determine. that it is receiving two se:Sors. Although data link is extreme_ly valuable, 1t is rather new and counters, etc_ Abou', one of these sets per ship wtll be sufficient. These
sF nais and will lock onto the point lyi~g directly b_etwee:n th.e two will fail to function properly on occasion. counters indicate the size of the missile, so determine the srze As indicated in the movement rules, the counters indicated in rules 2
51·~nals Of course these techniques require that both 1amm1ng s1gna_ls
· inate in the ~ain beam of the radar; if both are no! in the m13:1n A new communications device being installed o:n some US ships ;s
designations of the needed counters by checking the size of the
missiles carried by each ship on the SSM Data table. Of the counters tn
and 3 will be moved in lieu of the actual ship models until the unit is
visually sighted. In addition, the counters placed beneath the counters
onim the radar will pick up the two separate si~nals .and can easily laser si nailing Laser communicat'lons allow ships to commun1ca e (e). about ten of each per side should be all that rs required. In fact, will be moved along with them.
~:terrTiine the I rue target. A third technique for J_amm1ng t~o.nof~11!~ with otRer ship~ in a direct line of sight, in a s1m1lar man~er to_ she.rt probably much !ewer of the Flare and Chaff counters will be required.
radars requires the use ol Cross Eye. Cross E_ye 1s curren y_ 1ns a. ran e communications, but with the advantage th_at 1am_m1ng is Of the counters in (f) there should be at least two times as many 7. On a piece of paper. the players will secretly indicate the manner in
on US B-52's·. it is not known ii it has yet be~n installed on ships. It is 8 cur~ently impossible. Ships .would be ~ble to cc;immun1cate with other counters as there are actual ships. Allhough this sounds like a great which their units will move until an enemy contact is made. The players
jam mer having two receivers and transm1tte~s separated as_ far as ships with lasers even if their conventL~na.1 radios have been k_no~ked deal of counters, most ot them will not be used in any single game. It is must wnte down the speed at which their units will move, the direction,
ossible from each other. The signals received at o~e point are out As with short range radio commun1cat1ons, lasercof!lmun1?at1ons recommended that the players be provided with a sheet of "blank" and the point at which any turns will be made. If a uni! is going to turn,
iransmitted back to the radar from the opposite point. 'v'.'.1tht~e phg:e is directional and line of sight; ships cannot communicate via laser counters which can be filled 1n as required during the game. the player must indicate the direction of the turns and the number of
shifted b 180°. This generates large angle errors in e ra r. with units beyond the visual honzon. degrees. There is no set style in which this information is to be written,
Although YCross Eye is helpful, it can bE'. defeated by the mo;opulse It is recommended that the counters in a through c should be different but it should be clear.
radar if the radar operator \s welt trained. Mon~ful:e r~h:;sm~~~ PART 1: SURFACE ACTIONS colors for each team. Most of the counters in e will be used by both
sides. so they should be a third color. The main exception is the Example: A player may indicate that his ships will move one behind the
extremely large and e.xpensive, but th~yea~=d~~se o~~;~econverting
countries are developtng new monopu.s 111. NECESSARY EQUIPMENT: ''Missile" counters; these should be of the same color as the counters other forward for 15", then the lead ship will turn 45° to port. All ships
older equipment to monopulse processing. representing the team's ships, etc. will follow the leader's track.
This ame is designed to be played with miniatu~e ship m~de1s on a
Frequency agility is a device built into some ra~adr~ t~ e;~bl~~~e~C~ fairly ~arge playing area. Although models of any size u.~ to 1.1200 mh~y IV. GAME SCALE: Once a contact is made with any enemy unit by any method (visual
ter noise jamming to some degree. As 1n 1ca e 1n be used, the best size is 1;3000 s~ale models. In addition to the s 1p sighting, active or passive sensor), the units rriay move as desired
~~~t?on above noise ·amming is effective against a radar onl~ when the models, the following equipment 1s necessary. Each ship model represents one actual vessel. One inch on the playing thereafter as long as contact is held with at least one opposing unit; the
noise is trans'mitted at the radar's operating frequ~ncy_ requenc~ surface equals 1/3 of an nautical mile (2000 yds); one turn equals 2 written directions will no longer be binding. Beginning with the second
agility is a device that changes the radar's operating fre.qu~I'c~. a 1. A playing area. This must be a flat area at least 6' long on each minutes of real time. If using a very large playing area, the game scale turn following the turn in which all enemy contacts are lost, all units
random from pulse to pulse. Spot 1am~ing is completel~l1;ebaer~a1~: side. may be increased accordingly. Thus, each inch may equal one-sixth or must continue moving 1n a straight line until another enemy contact is
against frequency agile radars, a~~ 1n many cases, o 2. A number of rulers for mov'1ng ship mod~ls. one-twelfth of a nautical mile If space permits. made; no further turning will be allowed until a new contact is
jamming can counter frequency ag1hty. 3 A tong ruler or tape measure !or measuring ranges. obtained.
4: A number of acetate sheets or plastic.page protectors for use V. PREPARING FOR PLAY:
Another ECCM device is Moving Target Indicator (MTI) f.._1TI devices on the Tactical Data Displays described later. . a. On the same piece of paper indicated in 7, the players will indicate
easure and raduatly filter out signals which are not moving. Rada~s 5 A number of grease pencils or felt tip pens to write ~n the 1. The game is normally played by two players or teams. The players the phase in which each ship's radar, sonar and ECM devices will be
;quipped wit~ MTI are a~out as effective as pulse doppler radars in · page protectors (be sure that the ink from the pens.will not decide upon the situation and the number and type of ships, etc., that turned on and off. Until at least one enemy unit is contacted by any
filtering out chaff and noise. bead up and disappear when used on the plastic page each side will use. They must then designate the starting areas for both method, the ship's electronic equipment can only be used as indicated
protectors). h' h II ture sides. The starting areas are the areas of the playing surface where on the paper. Once a contact is made with an enemy unit (including
Finaily, Jittered pulse repetition frequency (PAF) i.s in~\~dedd1np~;ni~ 6 A deck (or decks) of playing cards from w 1c a pie each player is allowed to initially set up his forces. In most cases, the torpedoes, missiles, etc., as well as ships and aircraft) by any method
radars The time between pulses of radars h.av1ng JI ~re · cards are removed, leavi~g onl)' ace (one) through ten. starting areas should begin at the edge of the playing area and extend (visual sighting, active or passive sensors), electronic devices may be
andoml changed from pulse to pulse, and all signals which could not 7. Several twenty-sided ~ec1ma.1 dice. to a depth of approximately 6" - 12" toward the center. The length of used as desired. The unit making the actual contact and all units with a
~ossibly Ybe true echos are filtered out. This technique greatly_ redu~es a Several standard six-sided dice.
the effect'1veness of deception jamm'1ng be~ause many lamming
signals transmitted at the wrong moment, are filtered out by the radar.
s: A number of cardboard cou.nters (of 1h" or%" square). The
each starting area·should normally be several feet. The starting areas
need not be directly opposite each other. Thus, if one player's starting
area is at the North edge of the playing area, his opponent's starting
data link connection to it may begin using the devices as desired
beginning with the phase the contact occurs; alt other units may use
the devices as desired beginning with the following phase prov'1ded
following counters are required. . " ...
a. A numberofcountersbearingthedes1gnat10~ small, area need not be at the South edge. There should normally be at least they are in communication with the unit making contact. Units which
The developments In ECM and ECCM occur co~tinl:lously with new each will be numbered (e.g. Sm.all~1; Smatl-2, Small.-3. 60" between the starting areas unless the players desire that units be are not in communication with the contacting unit may not use
ECCM making old ECM equipment obsolete, which •.s then rep!aced etc.) and will have an arrow p~1nt1ng toward one side within radar or visual sighting range at the start of the game. electronics as desired until they become aware of the contact. See
by new ECM equipment resistant to ECCM E~ectron1c wa~fare 1~ the to indicate the front of the unit Section XIII tor further informarion on data link and other forms of
most dynamic, multi-faceted, and ever changing element 1n mo ern 2. Each team will then place the counters that will represent their ships communication.
warfare. at the start of the game face up anywhere within their starting areas.
The size ind'1cated on the counter must correspond with the size of the If the units make a contact which is subsequently lost, the units may
12 COMMUNICATIONS: · · Sh ship it represents: still use electronics as desired during the phase following the phase in
Th.e radio is still the most common means of comf!Jun.1cat 1 o~s. d's which the contact is lost. Thereafter, however, no change can be made
are usually equipped with a short range commun1cat1on s~1tet'an a a. Ships of under 1000 tons - use "Small counters. in the use of electronics until another contact is made. In other words,
long range communication suite. Short ranQe commu~·;~el~~o~~ b. Ships of between 1000 and 10,000 tons - use "Medium" any device used by the unit during the phase after contact is lost must
I"1 1't d by the radar horizon i e the UHF radio waves o counters. continue to be used and no new devices may be turned on until
r ;; g~ sets travel only in a str~igh·i line and do not follow the cu~vail!re b. A number of counters similar to those '1n (a) but c. Ships of over 10.000 tons - use "Large" counters. another contact is made.
of the earth. The main advantage of short ran~e UHF co ~mun1~~a~o1 ~ bearing the designation "Medium". .
· th t the radio waves can be concentrated in a sm.a 1I earl'! , c. A number of counters similar to those in (a) but The counters must be placed so that the arrow is pointing in the VI. SEQUENCE OF PLAY - SURFACE ACTIONS:
~irec~ed at the receiver. Since all of the wave~ travel in one ~~e~t~ft~ bearing the designat\on "Large". . . direction the ship is heading.
only the transmission cannot be detected ~r l~mmed excep y VHF d. A number of counters similar to those des~rib,?d.1n (al,: The following sequence of play will be followed each turn:
I in ' directly in the path ol the transm1ss1on. Long ~ange (b) and (c) but also beanng the des1gnat1on Missile 3. At the same time, the players may place a number of counters in the
Zomgmunication sets are used for communications extendtng beyond in ~ddition°to "Small", "Medium", or "Large". starting area which will not represent any ship, but will be used merely 1. The player moving first will move any or all of his units as desired.
the radar horizon. The range of such sets is probably several h':ln~~ed to confuse the opposing players. These are called "Dummy" counters 2. Both players will resolve all attempts at visual sighting. This begins
miles Unlike short range communication, long range commun1ca ion The counter$ used will be the same type as those used to represent the first combat phase of the turn_
signais cannot be concentrated into narrow beam; they must be more actual ships. The size designations used may be any size desired by 3. Both players will resolve the use of all electronic searching
or less omni-directional to be effective. Hence. ~ong range
communication is easily detectable. All ships carry radio d~te~or~
similar to world war 11 •'Huff-Duff" with a range of seve~a un re
MIS~ILE t the player using them. A team may use no more than two "Dummies"
for every actual ship in its force.
4. Both players will resolve all gunfire.
5. Both players will resolve the use of surrace to surface missiles.
miles. ln addition to revealing the me~sage being sent, ~ad10 detectors 4. Each player will be provided with a Tactical Data Display for each of 6. Both players will resolve the use of torpedoes.
can also determine the relative bearing ol the transmitter. his ships. The Tactical Data Display (TDD) will indicate the size of the 7. Both players will resolve all attempts at damage control. This ends
ship, the equipment carried, and the amount of damage sustained by the initial combat phase of the turn.
e. A number of counters bearing only the following
New 0 ortunities for secure long range communications ha~e been it. A sample TDD is included in the back of the rule book to show you 8. Both players will resolve radio and signal communications
realize~pby the development of the communication satellite. S_1n~e the designations: the format The TDD's must be kept within plastic page protectors (communication phase)
satel1'1tes operate at a very high altitude, they a~efrequentlyhw1th~n ~~e because it will need to be frequently erased and updated as the game 9. The player moving second will move any or all of his units as
radar horizon of both receiver and transmitter e~en t oug e 1) Chaff goes on. Grease pencils or felt tip pens should be used on the TDD's desired. _
receiver is at a great distance fro_m the transm1~ter. ~he~efore, 2) Flare/Illumination since they are easily erased. Opposing players should never be 1 O. Both players will resolve all attempts at visual sighling. This begins
dlrectlonal radio wa1Jes can be transm1tt.ed to ~he s.atell1te wh 1ch in turn 3) Torpedo allowed to see the other player's TDD's. the second combat phase of the turn.
will relay the message to the receiver via a d1~ect1onal radio b~am. ~~ 4) Blip 11. Both players will resolve the use of all electronic searching
this way, the security .cl .short range commun1cat1ons can be roug 5) Noise 5. On each ship's Tactical Data Display, the owning player will record equipment.
6) Radar the size and numencal designation ol the counter representing the
to long range transm1ss1ons. 7) Real 12. Both players will resolve all gunfire.
ship before the game begins. 13. Both players will resolve the use of SSM's
A recent important advance in communica.tion . has been t~e 14. Both players will resolve the use ol torpedoes.
development of the data link. Data link essent1a_lly 1s an automa~~~ f. A number of counters bearing no designation at all 6. If radar is being used in the game, two additional counters will be 15. Both players will resolve all attempts at damage control. This ends
short ran e UHF communication system connecting computers ~·. (blank counters) placed face down underneath all ol the ship and "dummy" counters the second combat phase.
one anot~er When information becomes a1Ja1lable to a computer, it _1s already placed on the playing area_ The top counter placed under the 16. Both players will resolve radio and signal communications
immediately·. automatically, transmitted ~o alt ot_her computers in The number or each type of counter that w111 be necessary is r~ally counters representing real units must indicate "blip". while the bottom (communications phase). This ends the complete turn.
range so that all computers receive the _1nlo_rma.t1on .. As with other dependent on the size of the game. However, the follow1n!il guidelines counter must indicate "real". For all "Dummy" counters, both counters
short range UHF communication, data l1~k 1~ ~1rect1ona1 and very may be used: the counters indicated in (a), (b),,,and (cl will re~esent placed beneath it must be blank Exception: as indicated in the ECM NOTE: Movement is alternate although combai is simultaneous. The players must determine
difficult to detect and jam. Tactically, data link 1s 1mpor~ant because it the ships and also will be used as ''dummies_. There must e one section of the Electronic Warfare rules, the top counter placed beneath before the game begins_which side will move d_uring t_he initial movement phase or the !urn.
allows units to engage targets beyond the range of the1~ own sensors counter indicating the proper size for each ship used, and an. equal a "Dummy" may indicate ''blip" if a deception jammer is being used and which will move during the second. They will continue moving in this way throughout !he
thereby increasing effective weapon range and reduc1~.g res~onse number to use as dummies. The counters in (d) will repre~e~t m1ss11es. (see the ECM rules section for further information). The two counters entire game.
times It is possible for a single ship or aircraft to act as~ scout for a Missile counters must be made up in sets, each set consisting of four
large~ force. If the scout detects the enemy, the entire force can
counters bearing the exact same designation. For example, there must placed beneath the ship and "dummy" counters are called "Radar
res ond to it while remaining outside the ran!;!e. of the enemy's be four "Medium Missile, 1" counters, four "Medium Missile, 2" Search Counters".
a ain the radar will be unable to determine. that it is receiving two se:Sors. Although data link is extreme_ly valuable, 1t is rather new and counters, etc_ Abou', one of these sets per ship wtll be sufficient. These
sF nais and will lock onto the point lyi~g directly b_etwee:n th.e two will fail to function properly on occasion. counters indicate the size of the missile, so determine the srze As indicated in the movement rules, the counters indicated in rules 2
51·~nals Of course these techniques require that both 1amm1ng s1gna_ls
· inate in the ~ain beam of the radar; if both are no! in the m13:1n A new communications device being installed o:n some US ships ;s
designations of the needed counters by checking the size of the
missiles carried by each ship on the SSM Data table. Of the counters tn
and 3 will be moved in lieu of the actual ship models until the unit is
visually sighted. In addition, the counters placed beneath the counters
onim the radar will pick up the two separate si~nals .and can easily laser si nailing Laser communicat'lons allow ships to commun1ca e (e). about ten of each per side should be all that rs required. In fact, will be moved along with them.
~:terrTiine the I rue target. A third technique for J_amm1ng t~o.nof~11!~ with otRer ship~ in a direct line of sight, in a s1m1lar man~er to_ she.rt probably much !ewer of the Flare and Chaff counters will be required.
radars requires the use ol Cross Eye. Cross E_ye 1s curren y_ 1ns a. ran e communications, but with the advantage th_at 1am_m1ng is Of the counters in (f) there should be at least two times as many 7. On a piece of paper. the players will secretly indicate the manner in
on US B-52's·. it is not known ii it has yet be~n installed on ships. It is 8 cur~ently impossible. Ships .would be ~ble to cc;immun1cate with other counters as there are actual ships. Allhough this sounds like a great which their units will move until an enemy contact is made. The players
jam mer having two receivers and transm1tte~s separated as_ far as ships with lasers even if their conventL~na.1 radios have been k_no~ked deal of counters, most ot them will not be used in any single game. It is must wnte down the speed at which their units will move, the direction,
ossible from each other. The signals received at o~e point are out As with short range radio commun1cat1ons, lasercof!lmun1?at1ons recommended that the players be provided with a sheet of "blank" and the point at which any turns will be made. If a uni! is going to turn,
iransmitted back to the radar from the opposite point. 'v'.'.1tht~e phg:e is directional and line of sight; ships cannot communicate via laser counters which can be filled 1n as required during the game. the player must indicate the direction of the turns and the number of
shifted b 180°. This generates large angle errors in e ra r. with units beyond the visual honzon. degrees. There is no set style in which this information is to be written,
Although YCross Eye is helpful, it can bE'. defeated by the mo;opulse It is recommended that the counters in a through c should be different but it should be clear.
radar if the radar operator \s welt trained. Mon~ful:e r~h:;sm~~~ PART 1: SURFACE ACTIONS colors for each team. Most of the counters in e will be used by both
sides. so they should be a third color. The main exception is the Example: A player may indicate that his ships will move one behind the
extremely large and e.xpensive, but th~yea~=d~~se o~~;~econverting
countries are developtng new monopu.s 111. NECESSARY EQUIPMENT: ''Missile" counters; these should be of the same color as the counters other forward for 15", then the lead ship will turn 45° to port. All ships
older equipment to monopulse processing. representing the team's ships, etc. will follow the leader's track.
This ame is designed to be played with miniatu~e ship m~de1s on a
Frequency agility is a device built into some ra~adr~ t~ e;~bl~~~e~C~ fairly ~arge playing area. Although models of any size u.~ to 1.1200 mh~y IV. GAME SCALE: Once a contact is made with any enemy unit by any method (visual
ter noise jamming to some degree. As 1n 1ca e 1n be used, the best size is 1;3000 s~ale models. In addition to the s 1p sighting, active or passive sensor), the units rriay move as desired
~~~t?on above noise ·amming is effective against a radar onl~ when the models, the following equipment 1s necessary. Each ship model represents one actual vessel. One inch on the playing thereafter as long as contact is held with at least one opposing unit; the
noise is trans'mitted at the radar's operating frequ~ncy_ requenc~ surface equals 1/3 of an nautical mile (2000 yds); one turn equals 2 written directions will no longer be binding. Beginning with the second
agility is a device that changes the radar's operating fre.qu~I'c~. a 1. A playing area. This must be a flat area at least 6' long on each minutes of real time. If using a very large playing area, the game scale turn following the turn in which all enemy contacts are lost, all units
random from pulse to pulse. Spot 1am~ing is completel~l1;ebaer~a1~: side. may be increased accordingly. Thus, each inch may equal one-sixth or must continue moving 1n a straight line until another enemy contact is
against frequency agile radars, a~~ 1n many cases, o 2. A number of rulers for mov'1ng ship mod~ls. one-twelfth of a nautical mile If space permits. made; no further turning will be allowed until a new contact is
jamming can counter frequency ag1hty. 3 A tong ruler or tape measure !or measuring ranges. obtained.
4: A number of acetate sheets or plastic.page protectors for use V. PREPARING FOR PLAY:
Another ECCM device is Moving Target Indicator (MTI) f.._1TI devices on the Tactical Data Displays described later. . a. On the same piece of paper indicated in 7, the players will indicate
easure and raduatly filter out signals which are not moving. Rada~s 5 A number of grease pencils or felt tip pens to write ~n the 1. The game is normally played by two players or teams. The players the phase in which each ship's radar, sonar and ECM devices will be
;quipped wit~ MTI are a~out as effective as pulse doppler radars in · page protectors (be sure that the ink from the pens.will not decide upon the situation and the number and type of ships, etc., that turned on and off. Until at least one enemy unit is contacted by any
filtering out chaff and noise. bead up and disappear when used on the plastic page each side will use. They must then designate the starting areas for both method, the ship's electronic equipment can only be used as indicated
protectors). h' h II ture sides. The starting areas are the areas of the playing surface where on the paper. Once a contact is made with an enemy unit (including
Finaily, Jittered pulse repetition frequency (PAF) i.s in~\~dedd1np~;ni~ 6 A deck (or decks) of playing cards from w 1c a pie each player is allowed to initially set up his forces. In most cases, the torpedoes, missiles, etc., as well as ships and aircraft) by any method
radars The time between pulses of radars h.av1ng JI ~re · cards are removed, leavi~g onl)' ace (one) through ten. starting areas should begin at the edge of the playing area and extend (visual sighting, active or passive sensors), electronic devices may be
andoml changed from pulse to pulse, and all signals which could not 7. Several twenty-sided ~ec1ma.1 dice. to a depth of approximately 6" - 12" toward the center. The length of used as desired. The unit making the actual contact and all units with a
~ossibly Ybe true echos are filtered out. This technique greatly_ redu~es a Several standard six-sided dice.
the effect'1veness of deception jamm'1ng be~ause many lamming
signals transmitted at the wrong moment, are filtered out by the radar.
s: A number of cardboard cou.nters (of 1h" or%" square). The
each starting area·should normally be several feet. The starting areas
need not be directly opposite each other. Thus, if one player's starting
area is at the North edge of the playing area, his opponent's starting
data link connection to it may begin using the devices as desired
beginning with the phase the contact occurs; alt other units may use
the devices as desired beginning with the following phase prov'1ded
following counters are required. . " ...
a. A numberofcountersbearingthedes1gnat10~ small, area need not be at the South edge. There should normally be at least they are in communication with the unit making contact. Units which
The developments In ECM and ECCM occur co~tinl:lously with new each will be numbered (e.g. Sm.all~1; Smatl-2, Small.-3. 60" between the starting areas unless the players desire that units be are not in communication with the contacting unit may not use
ECCM making old ECM equipment obsolete, which •.s then rep!aced etc.) and will have an arrow p~1nt1ng toward one side within radar or visual sighting range at the start of the game. electronics as desired until they become aware of the contact. See
by new ECM equipment resistant to ECCM E~ectron1c wa~fare 1~ the to indicate the front of the unit Section XIII tor further informarion on data link and other forms of
most dynamic, multi-faceted, and ever changing element 1n mo ern 2. Each team will then place the counters that will represent their ships communication.
warfare. at the start of the game face up anywhere within their starting areas.
The size ind'1cated on the counter must correspond with the size of the If the units make a contact which is subsequently lost, the units may
12 COMMUNICATIONS: · · Sh ship it represents: still use electronics as desired during the phase following the phase in
Th.e radio is still the most common means of comf!Jun.1cat 1 o~s. d's which the contact is lost. Thereafter, however, no change can be made
are usually equipped with a short range commun1cat1on s~1tet'an a a. Ships of under 1000 tons - use "Small counters. in the use of electronics until another contact is made. In other words,
long range communication suite. Short ranQe commu~·;~el~~o~~ b. Ships of between 1000 and 10,000 tons - use "Medium" any device used by the unit during the phase after contact is lost must
I"1 1't d by the radar horizon i e the UHF radio waves o counters. continue to be used and no new devices may be turned on until
r ;; g~ sets travel only in a str~igh·i line and do not follow the cu~vail!re b. A number of counters similar to those '1n (a) but c. Ships of over 10.000 tons - use "Large" counters. another contact is made.
of the earth. The main advantage of short ran~e UHF co ~mun1~~a~o1 ~ bearing the designation "Medium". .
· th t the radio waves can be concentrated in a sm.a 1I earl'! , c. A number of counters similar to those in (a) but The counters must be placed so that the arrow is pointing in the VI. SEQUENCE OF PLAY - SURFACE ACTIONS:
~irec~ed at the receiver. Since all of the wave~ travel in one ~~e~t~ft~ bearing the designat\on "Large". . . direction the ship is heading.
only the transmission cannot be detected ~r l~mmed excep y VHF d. A number of counters similar to those des~rib,?d.1n (al,: The following sequence of play will be followed each turn:
I in ' directly in the path ol the transm1ss1on. Long ~ange (b) and (c) but also beanng the des1gnat1on Missile 3. At the same time, the players may place a number of counters in the
Zomgmunication sets are used for communications extendtng beyond in ~ddition°to "Small", "Medium", or "Large". starting area which will not represent any ship, but will be used merely 1. The player moving first will move any or all of his units as desired.
the radar horizon. The range of such sets is probably several h':ln~~ed to confuse the opposing players. These are called "Dummy" counters 2. Both players will resolve all attempts at visual sighting. This begins
miles Unlike short range communication, long range commun1ca ion The counter$ used will be the same type as those used to represent the first combat phase of the turn_
signais cannot be concentrated into narrow beam; they must be more actual ships. The size designations used may be any size desired by 3. Both players will resolve the use of all electronic searching
or less omni-directional to be effective. Hence. ~ong range
communication is easily detectable. All ships carry radio d~te~or~
similar to world war 11 •'Huff-Duff" with a range of seve~a un re
MIS~ILE t the player using them. A team may use no more than two "Dummies"
for every actual ship in its force.
4. Both players will resolve all gunfire.
5. Both players will resolve the use of surrace to surface missiles.
miles. ln addition to revealing the me~sage being sent, ~ad10 detectors 4. Each player will be provided with a Tactical Data Display for each of 6. Both players will resolve the use of torpedoes.
can also determine the relative bearing ol the transmitter. his ships. The Tactical Data Display (TDD) will indicate the size of the 7. Both players will resolve all attempts at damage control. This ends
ship, the equipment carried, and the amount of damage sustained by the initial combat phase of the turn.
e. A number of counters bearing only the following
New 0 ortunities for secure long range communications ha~e been it. A sample TDD is included in the back of the rule book to show you 8. Both players will resolve radio and signal communications
realize~pby the development of the communication satellite. S_1n~e the designations: the format The TDD's must be kept within plastic page protectors (communication phase)
satel1'1tes operate at a very high altitude, they a~efrequentlyhw1th~n ~~e because it will need to be frequently erased and updated as the game 9. The player moving second will move any or all of his units as
radar horizon of both receiver and transmitter e~en t oug e 1) Chaff goes on. Grease pencils or felt tip pens should be used on the TDD's desired. _
receiver is at a great distance fro_m the transm1~ter. ~he~efore, 2) Flare/Illumination since they are easily erased. Opposing players should never be 1 O. Both players will resolve all attempts at visual sighling. This begins
dlrectlonal radio wa1Jes can be transm1tt.ed to ~he s.atell1te wh 1ch in turn 3) Torpedo allowed to see the other player's TDD's. the second combat phase of the turn.
will relay the message to the receiver via a d1~ect1onal radio b~am. ~~ 4) Blip 11. Both players will resolve the use of all electronic searching
this way, the security .cl .short range commun1cat1ons can be roug 5) Noise 5. On each ship's Tactical Data Display, the owning player will record equipment.
6) Radar the size and numencal designation ol the counter representing the
to long range transm1ss1ons. 7) Real 12. Both players will resolve all gunfire.
ship before the game begins. 13. Both players will resolve the use of SSM's
A recent important advance in communica.tion . has been t~e 14. Both players will resolve the use ol torpedoes.
development of the data link. Data link essent1a_lly 1s an automa~~~ f. A number of counters bearing no designation at all 6. If radar is being used in the game, two additional counters will be 15. Both players will resolve all attempts at damage control. This ends
short ran e UHF communication system connecting computers ~·. (blank counters) placed face down underneath all ol the ship and "dummy" counters the second combat phase.
one anot~er When information becomes a1Ja1lable to a computer, it _1s already placed on the playing area_ The top counter placed under the 16. Both players will resolve radio and signal communications
immediately·. automatically, transmitted ~o alt ot_her computers in The number or each type of counter that w111 be necessary is r~ally counters representing real units must indicate "blip". while the bottom (communications phase). This ends the complete turn.
range so that all computers receive the _1nlo_rma.t1on .. As with other dependent on the size of the game. However, the follow1n!il guidelines counter must indicate "real". For all "Dummy" counters, both counters
short range UHF communication, data l1~k 1~ ~1rect1ona1 and very may be used: the counters indicated in (a), (b),,,and (cl will re~esent placed beneath it must be blank Exception: as indicated in the ECM NOTE: Movement is alternate although combai is simultaneous. The players must determine
difficult to detect and jam. Tactically, data link 1s 1mpor~ant because it the ships and also will be used as ''dummies_. There must e one section of the Electronic Warfare rules, the top counter placed beneath before the game begins_which side will move d_uring t_he initial movement phase or the !urn.
allows units to engage targets beyond the range of the1~ own sensors counter indicating the proper size for each ship used, and an. equal a "Dummy" may indicate ''blip" if a deception jammer is being used and which will move during the second. They will continue moving in this way throughout !he
thereby increasing effective weapon range and reduc1~.g res~onse number to use as dummies. The counters in (d) will repre~e~t m1ss11es. (see the ECM rules section for further information). The two counters entire game.
times It is possible for a single ship or aircraft to act as~ scout for a Missile counters must be made up in sets, each set consisting of four
large~ force. If the scout detects the enemy, the entire force can
VII. MEASUREMENT: 4. Submerged subs may pivot go0 at one time regardless of b. Acceleration rates for conventional and nuclear steam engines: 10. BACKWARD MOVEMENT:
Whenever the measurement of distances is required, always measure
a. A ship with engines_ reversed will move directly backward rather
1. If the ship's current speed at the beginning of the phase is
from the bridge (or cockpit. if measuring .from an airpraft}. FC?r s. Ships which are listed as highly maneuverable on the Ship less than 50°/o of its maximum rated speed, its sj1eed may be
than forward. The maximum reverse speed of a ship is based upon its
maximum forward speed:
example, if 1O" separates the bridges of two.ships, those sh1i;>s are said Characteristics Table (such as the Spruance c1~ss DD) i:iay increased by up to as much as is listed below:
to be 10" away from each other, regardless 1f some other points on the increase the angle of pivot by 45°. Thus, such ships may pivot
go0 the first time they pivot during the turn. 135° the second Forward Speed Reverse Speed
ships are closer or more distant than 10". Maximum Speed Increase 2.5 - 7.5 kts
time, and so on. 2.5 kts
to 10 kts 2.5 kts 10.0 - 17.5 kls 5.0 kts
VIII. MOVEMENT: 11-20kts 5 kts 20.0 - 27.5 kts 7 .5 kts
&. During any point during 8: shif;l'S move, t.he moving player 21 - 30 kts 10 kts
may designate any or all of his ships as m.ak1ng an eme~ge~cy 30.0 - 37.5 kts 10.0 kts
1. BASIC MOVEMENT PROCEDURES: 31-40kts 15 kts 40.0 - 47.5 kts
turn. Ships making emergency turns may increase the p1vot1ng 12.5 kts
Until a unit is located by visual sighting, the actual m~del will ~~t 41-50k1s 20 kts 50.0 - 57.5 kts
angle by 45°, but they will incur a greater speed loss (see (~) 15.0 kts
appear on the playing surface. Instead, the counter bearing the units
designation will be moved on the playing s~rface in its place. When !he below) than if making a normal turn, and the accuracy of their 2. If the ship's current speed at the beginning of the phase is
weapon systems will be reduced during the subsequent combat If a ship's speed exceeds 57.5 kts, continue pattern above to determine
unit is finally visually sighted, the counter 1s removed from the playing between 50o/o and 75% of its maximum speed, its speed may be its reverse speed.
surface and the actual ship model is placed at its location. phase. increased by 2.5 kts if its maximum speed is 30 kts or less, or by
up to 5 kts if its maximum speed exceeds 30 kts. b. The reverse speed of a ship is based upon its maximum forward
2. ""DUMMY COUNTERS"": c. Whenever a ship pivots, its movement s~e~d is red~ced by 1" f<!r speed .unreduced for battle damage. If a ship's maximum forward
As noted in the Setting Up section of the rules, each teem will be that turn. The number of degrees pivoted ts immaterial, the cost is 3. If the ship's current speed at the beginning of the phase is speed 1s reduced due to battle damage or other causes, its maximum
provided with a number of "Dummy" counters which can t:>e set up in always 1''. equal to or greater than 75% of its speed, its speed may be reverse speed will remain the same. However, if damage reduces a
the starting areas. These counters may be moved as desired by the increased by no more than 2.5 kts, regardless of its maximum ship's maximum forward speed to less than its rated reverse speed, the
owning player in onler to mislead his opponent as to th~ actual Exceptions: speed. ship's reverse speed will equal its current forward speed; a ship's
location of his ships. These counters may be moved as desired and 1. If a ship's speed is less than 10 kts, the movement cost for reverse speed can never exceed its maximum forward speed.
they may be removed from play and then brought back into play at any pivoting will be equal to its speed. . c. Acceleration rates tor dlesel and gas turbine engines: Ships
time the owning player desires to do so. 2. If a ship is making an emergency turn, its movement speed equipped with these engines can increase their speed by up to 50% of 11. COLLISIONS:
will be reduced by 2" rather than one. . their maximum speed each turn. Example: A ship with a maximum a. Collisions can occur when:
3. BASIC MOVEMENT RULES: 3. Submerged subs will suffer no movement pen!lty 1f they tu~n speed of 30 kts can increase its speed by up to 15 kts each turn until its
The following basic movement rules will apply to all movement: 90° or less during the turn. If th~y tl!rn o~er 90 0 , ~he subs will speed equals 30 kts. 1. Ships are within 1" of each other at the end of a movement
lose 1" of speed following the pivot 1n wh1c~ 90 is ~xceeded. phase.
a. The maximum distance a ship may move during a turn is ~ailed its Submerged subs making emergency turns will lose 1 for every d. Combined engines:
current speed. A ship must move its full current speed _dunng each pivot, rather than the normal 2". 2. A ship moves across the path of another ship which has
turn· it may not move either faster or slower than this speed. As 1. Ships which use one type of engine for cruising and another already moved during that movement phase passing astern of it
expl3.ined below, the current speed of a ship may be changed each d. After a ship has pivoted and paid the movement penal~y. it m~st for high speed (e.g. CODOG) will accelerate at th~ rate of the and within 1" of its position.
turn by acceleration or deceleration. then move directly forward for 1" before being all.owed t~ pivot again. type of engines being used.
Once it has moved this distance, it has completed its turning.maneuver 3. A ship moves across the bow of another ship that has not yet
b. Ships must move directly forward unless the engines are reversed, and may either continue to move directly forward o~ begin another 2. Ships which cruise on one type of engine and use both those moved during that movement phase and passes within 1" of its
in which case they must move directly backward. To change the pivot. This required movement need not b~ comple:ted 1n t~e same turn engines and another type of engine when high speed is desired position.
direction in which a ship's bow is pointing, players must follow the that the pivot was accomplished; i.e., a ship may P!v~t during one turn (e.g. COSAG) will accelerate as follows: if the ship's speed atthe
turning procedures given below (rule 5). If a ship is represented by a and move 1" forward in the subsequent turn 1f 1t does not have beginning of the phase is less than its cruising speed, the ship In all cases above, the distance is measured from bridge to bridge.
counter, the arrow on the counter indicates the direction in which the sufficient speed remaining after pivoting. The example shows a 3000 will accelerate at the rate of its cruise engines; if the ships speed
is equal to or greater than its cruise speed, it Will accelerate at b. At the end of a movement phase in which a collision is possible, roll
bow is pointing. ton destroyer accomplishing a 180° turn.
the rate of its high speed engines. one six-sided die to determine if a collision actually occurs. If the
c. Ships may not move through each other or within 1" _of each other number rolled, after adjustment, is 4 or higher, a collision occurs.
NEW Adjust the number rotted as follows:
without the possibility of collision. II such a move is attempted, 90° PIVOT END OF MOVEMENT STARTING e. Accelerating In reverse: When a ship accelerates in reverse, use its
immediately consult the collision rules below. If no collision occurs, maximum forward speed to determine the rate of acceleration, rather
COST - 1'" (~THIS TUAN ··· POSITION 1. Subtract 1 if either of the involved ships has a displacement

MOV~i!:·>:o ~·~~:-·~:
the intended movement may be completed; ii a collision occurs, both than its maximum reverse speed. Example: If a ship has a maximum
forward speed of 30 kts and a maximum reverse speed of 10 kts, its of less than 1000 tons or is listed as highly maneuverable.
ships are stopped at the point of impact.
MOVE 1"> \ / acceleration rate when moving in reverse will be based on a maximum

d. A ship's movement speed is expressed in ~erms ol .knots. For game FORWARD/ speed of 30 kts. 2. Add 1 if both of the involved ships have a displacement of
10,000 tons or more.
purposes, each ship is assigned a speed that 1s a multiple of 2.5; round FORWARD
off the actual speed of the ships to the ne•re1t multiple of 2.5 kts.
3. Add 1 for each ship that does not have a functioning CIC and
bridge (see Damage and Damage Control).
For example: A ship with an actual speed of 36 kts will, for game ., ·.. POSITION
purposes, be assumed to have a speed of 35 kts, while a ship whose
actual speed is 32 kts will be assumed to have a speed of 32.5 kts.
a. A ship's deceleration rate is based Upon its displacement and its
maximum rated speed. The number of knots by which a ship's speed c. If a collision occurs, the involved ship which moved last is assumed
COST - 1" may be reduced each turn is as follows: to be the ship which caused the collision, while the other ship is
e. Except where specifically indicated, a player may move hi_s sh~ps considered to be the one which was collided with. Players then
determine the point of collision, and immediately move the ships as
only during his own movement phase; a player may not move his ships NOTE: The movement cost for pivoti.ng does not actu~lly !educe the Ship's Displacement Deceleratlon ·Rate indicated below:
during his opponent's movement phase or any combat phase. number of kts at which the ship is travelling. Thus, a ship wit~ a stieed Under 1000 tons 25 kts/turn
of 30 kts which pivots and so loses 1" of speed for that turn will still be 1000 - 1999 tons 20 kts/turn 1. tf the ships ended the movement phase within 1" of each
4. MOVEMENT OF THE PLAYING SURFACE: considered to have a speed of 30 kts for all purposes. 11 the ship does 2000 - 9999 tons 15 kts/turn
During each turn, all units moving on the playing surface represented not pivot during its next turn, it will continue to move at a speed of 30 other, the collision occured at the point occupied by the ship
10,000 - 29,999 tons 12.5 kts/turn collided with at the end of its move. Move the ship causing the
by either a counter or ship model, will be moved Y•" for every 2.5 ~ts of kts assuming it neither accelerates nor deceterates. 30,000 tons and over 10 kts/turn
current speed. Thus, a ship having a current speed of 20 kts will be collision in such a way that its bow is as close as possible to the
moved 2" per turn, while a ship having a speed of 22.5 kts will be moved bridge of the ship collided with (without having the models
6. MOVING EVASIVELY: physically lying on top of each other), but do not change the
2Y.''. During his movement phase, a player i'nay indicate that one or ~ore of facing direction of either ship.
his ships will move evasively during the phase. He must designate b. Double the deceleration rate if...the ship's maximum rated speed
5. TURNING: which ships will move in this manner before he actually ~oves th~m. (i.e., it.s speed as listed on the Ship Data Chart) was between 45and 85
a. Turning may be accomplished at any time during a ship's move. kts; triple the deceleration rate if the ship's maximum rated speed 2. If the collision occured when a ship passed astern or across
Ships which move evasively will be una.ble to t!-lrn and w1.ll lose 1 of the bow of another ship, the point of collision is at the point
exceeds 85 kts.
Turning requires three steps: movement speed during the phase. Th1s.IC?SS 1s treat~d 1n the same where the paths of the ships crossed. Move the ship co1lided
1. Changing facing direction. . manner as the speed loss for turni~g .. Le., 111s ~ot considered to effect with so that its bridge is at the point of collision. Next, move the
2. Paying the appropriate movement cost. c. Reduce the deceleration rate by 50% (rounding upward to the
the number of kts at which the ship 1s travelling. ship causing the collision so that its bow is as close as possible
3. Moving directly forward for a certain distance (as indicated nearest 2.5 kts) if the ship's maximum rated speed is between 11and25
kts inclusive, reduce the deceleration rate by 750/o if the ship's to the bridge of the ship collided with (without actually resting
below) before .attempting another turn. For example: A ship with a speed of Jo
kts which loses 1" for moving
maximum rated speed is 10 kts or less. on top of the model). Change the facing direction of both ships
b. The firsl slep in turning is changing the ship's lacing direction. evasively will still be considered to have a speed of 30 kts. to what it was at the point of collision.
Pivot the ship on its bow until it faces the new direction. The maximum
n.umber of degrees that a ship may pivot at one time is as follows: By moving evasively, a ship will reduce its chance ~f being hit by d. A ship may not both accelerate and decelerate during the same
enemy fife, but at the same time, its own accuracy will be reduced. turn. d. When two ships collide, their current speed immediately becomes
0, and players must follow the normal acceleration rules beginning on
1. Ships displacing 10,000 tons or more may pivot no more than the following turn to regain speed. The ship causing the collision must
45° at one time. 7. ACCELERATION: . move in reverse during that turn or neither ship may move.
a. Introduction: A ship's acceleration rate 1s depend~nt ~pon th~ type
2. Ships displacing less than 1000 tons may pivot up to 90° at of engines being used, the ship's maxi mu~ ~peed (1.e., its maximum 9. REVERSING ENGINES: e. Now, determine the damage sustained by each ship. For NATO and
one time. speed as indicated on the Ship Characteristics Table, unredu~ed .for In order to reverse engines, a ship must decelerate to a speed of 10kts Israeli warships, roll one decimal die and consult proper table on the
damage, sea state, etc.) and the ship's current speed at the beg1~n1ng or less in accordance with Rule 8 above. Beginning on the following Collision Damage Chart. There are several different damage tables
3. Ships having a displacement of between 1000 and 10,000 of the phase. The acceleration rates given bel'!w are the maximum turn, the ship may start to accelerate in the opposite direction in based on the size difference between the involved ships with separate
tons may pivot no more than 45° the first time they pivot during a rates by which a ship can increase its speed. Ships may accelerate.at accordance with Rule 7. For acceleration purposes only, such ships sections for the ship whtch caused the collision and for the ship
turn, up to go 0 the second time they pivot, 45° the third time, go0 less than the maximum rate. No ship may accele!a~e beyond its are considered to have a speed of Oat the beginning of the phase of collided with; be sure to use the proper table. To determine which table
again the fourth time and so on In the same manner. maximum speed as indicated on the Ship Characteristics Table. initial acceleration. to use, ascertain which of the situations below apply:

• 10
VII. MEASUREMENT: 4. Submerged subs may pivot go0 at one time regardless of b. Acceleration rates for conventional and nuclear steam engines: 10. BACKWARD MOVEMENT:
Whenever the measurement of distances is required, always measure
a. A ship with engines_ reversed will move directly backward rather
1. If the ship's current speed at the beginning of the phase is
from the bridge (or cockpit. if measuring .from an airpraft}. FC?r s. Ships which are listed as highly maneuverable on the Ship less than 50°/o of its maximum rated speed, its sj1eed may be
than forward. The maximum reverse speed of a ship is based upon its
maximum forward speed:
example, if 1O" separates the bridges of two.ships, those sh1i;>s are said Characteristics Table (such as the Spruance c1~ss DD) i:iay increased by up to as much as is listed below:
to be 10" away from each other, regardless 1f some other points on the increase the angle of pivot by 45°. Thus, such ships may pivot
go0 the first time they pivot during the turn. 135° the second Forward Speed Reverse Speed
ships are closer or more distant than 10". Maximum Speed Increase 2.5 - 7.5 kts
time, and so on. 2.5 kts
to 10 kts 2.5 kts 10.0 - 17.5 kls 5.0 kts
VIII. MOVEMENT: 11-20kts 5 kts 20.0 - 27.5 kts 7 .5 kts
&. During any point during 8: shif;l'S move, t.he moving player 21 - 30 kts 10 kts
may designate any or all of his ships as m.ak1ng an eme~ge~cy 30.0 - 37.5 kts 10.0 kts
1. BASIC MOVEMENT PROCEDURES: 31-40kts 15 kts 40.0 - 47.5 kts
turn. Ships making emergency turns may increase the p1vot1ng 12.5 kts
Until a unit is located by visual sighting, the actual m~del will ~~t 41-50k1s 20 kts 50.0 - 57.5 kts
angle by 45°, but they will incur a greater speed loss (see (~) 15.0 kts
appear on the playing surface. Instead, the counter bearing the units
designation will be moved on the playing s~rface in its place. When !he below) than if making a normal turn, and the accuracy of their 2. If the ship's current speed at the beginning of the phase is
weapon systems will be reduced during the subsequent combat If a ship's speed exceeds 57.5 kts, continue pattern above to determine
unit is finally visually sighted, the counter 1s removed from the playing between 50o/o and 75% of its maximum speed, its speed may be its reverse speed.
surface and the actual ship model is placed at its location. phase. increased by 2.5 kts if its maximum speed is 30 kts or less, or by
up to 5 kts if its maximum speed exceeds 30 kts. b. The reverse speed of a ship is based upon its maximum forward
2. ""DUMMY COUNTERS"": c. Whenever a ship pivots, its movement s~e~d is red~ced by 1" f<!r speed .unreduced for battle damage. If a ship's maximum forward
As noted in the Setting Up section of the rules, each teem will be that turn. The number of degrees pivoted ts immaterial, the cost is 3. If the ship's current speed at the beginning of the phase is speed 1s reduced due to battle damage or other causes, its maximum
provided with a number of "Dummy" counters which can t:>e set up in always 1''. equal to or greater than 75% of its speed, its speed may be reverse speed will remain the same. However, if damage reduces a
the starting areas. These counters may be moved as desired by the increased by no more than 2.5 kts, regardless of its maximum ship's maximum forward speed to less than its rated reverse speed, the
owning player in onler to mislead his opponent as to th~ actual Exceptions: speed. ship's reverse speed will equal its current forward speed; a ship's
location of his ships. These counters may be moved as desired and 1. If a ship's speed is less than 10 kts, the movement cost for reverse speed can never exceed its maximum forward speed.
they may be removed from play and then brought back into play at any pivoting will be equal to its speed. . c. Acceleration rates tor dlesel and gas turbine engines: Ships
time the owning player desires to do so. 2. If a ship is making an emergency turn, its movement speed equipped with these engines can increase their speed by up to 50% of 11. COLLISIONS:
will be reduced by 2" rather than one. . their maximum speed each turn. Example: A ship with a maximum a. Collisions can occur when:
3. BASIC MOVEMENT RULES: 3. Submerged subs will suffer no movement pen!lty 1f they tu~n speed of 30 kts can increase its speed by up to 15 kts each turn until its
The following basic movement rules will apply to all movement: 90° or less during the turn. If th~y tl!rn o~er 90 0 , ~he subs will speed equals 30 kts. 1. Ships are within 1" of each other at the end of a movement
lose 1" of speed following the pivot 1n wh1c~ 90 is ~xceeded. phase.
a. The maximum distance a ship may move during a turn is ~ailed its Submerged subs making emergency turns will lose 1 for every d. Combined engines:
current speed. A ship must move its full current speed _dunng each pivot, rather than the normal 2". 2. A ship moves across the path of another ship which has
turn· it may not move either faster or slower than this speed. As 1. Ships which use one type of engine for cruising and another already moved during that movement phase passing astern of it
expl3.ined below, the current speed of a ship may be changed each d. After a ship has pivoted and paid the movement penal~y. it m~st for high speed (e.g. CODOG) will accelerate at th~ rate of the and within 1" of its position.
turn by acceleration or deceleration. then move directly forward for 1" before being all.owed t~ pivot again. type of engines being used.
Once it has moved this distance, it has completed its turning.maneuver 3. A ship moves across the bow of another ship that has not yet
b. Ships must move directly forward unless the engines are reversed, and may either continue to move directly forward o~ begin another 2. Ships which cruise on one type of engine and use both those moved during that movement phase and passes within 1" of its
in which case they must move directly backward. To change the pivot. This required movement need not b~ comple:ted 1n t~e same turn engines and another type of engine when high speed is desired position.
direction in which a ship's bow is pointing, players must follow the that the pivot was accomplished; i.e., a ship may P!v~t during one turn (e.g. COSAG) will accelerate as follows: if the ship's speed atthe
turning procedures given below (rule 5). If a ship is represented by a and move 1" forward in the subsequent turn 1f 1t does not have beginning of the phase is less than its cruising speed, the ship In all cases above, the distance is measured from bridge to bridge.
counter, the arrow on the counter indicates the direction in which the sufficient speed remaining after pivoting. The example shows a 3000 will accelerate at the rate of its cruise engines; if the ships speed
is equal to or greater than its cruise speed, it Will accelerate at b. At the end of a movement phase in which a collision is possible, roll
bow is pointing. ton destroyer accomplishing a 180° turn.
the rate of its high speed engines. one six-sided die to determine if a collision actually occurs. If the
c. Ships may not move through each other or within 1" _of each other number rolled, after adjustment, is 4 or higher, a collision occurs.
NEW Adjust the number rotted as follows:
without the possibility of collision. II such a move is attempted, 90° PIVOT END OF MOVEMENT STARTING e. Accelerating In reverse: When a ship accelerates in reverse, use its
immediately consult the collision rules below. If no collision occurs, maximum forward speed to determine the rate of acceleration, rather
COST - 1'" (~THIS TUAN ··· POSITION 1. Subtract 1 if either of the involved ships has a displacement

MOV~i!:·>:o ~·~~:-·~:
the intended movement may be completed; ii a collision occurs, both than its maximum reverse speed. Example: If a ship has a maximum
forward speed of 30 kts and a maximum reverse speed of 10 kts, its of less than 1000 tons or is listed as highly maneuverable.
ships are stopped at the point of impact.
MOVE 1"> \ / acceleration rate when moving in reverse will be based on a maximum

d. A ship's movement speed is expressed in ~erms ol .knots. For game FORWARD/ speed of 30 kts. 2. Add 1 if both of the involved ships have a displacement of
10,000 tons or more.
purposes, each ship is assigned a speed that 1s a multiple of 2.5; round FORWARD
off the actual speed of the ships to the ne•re1t multiple of 2.5 kts.
3. Add 1 for each ship that does not have a functioning CIC and
bridge (see Damage and Damage Control).
For example: A ship with an actual speed of 36 kts will, for game ., ·.. POSITION
purposes, be assumed to have a speed of 35 kts, while a ship whose
actual speed is 32 kts will be assumed to have a speed of 32.5 kts.
a. A ship's deceleration rate is based Upon its displacement and its
maximum rated speed. The number of knots by which a ship's speed c. If a collision occurs, the involved ship which moved last is assumed
COST - 1" may be reduced each turn is as follows: to be the ship which caused the collision, while the other ship is
e. Except where specifically indicated, a player may move hi_s sh~ps considered to be the one which was collided with. Players then
determine the point of collision, and immediately move the ships as
only during his own movement phase; a player may not move his ships NOTE: The movement cost for pivoti.ng does not actu~lly !educe the Ship's Displacement Deceleratlon ·Rate indicated below:
during his opponent's movement phase or any combat phase. number of kts at which the ship is travelling. Thus, a ship wit~ a stieed Under 1000 tons 25 kts/turn
of 30 kts which pivots and so loses 1" of speed for that turn will still be 1000 - 1999 tons 20 kts/turn 1. tf the ships ended the movement phase within 1" of each
4. MOVEMENT OF THE PLAYING SURFACE: considered to have a speed of 30 kts for all purposes. 11 the ship does 2000 - 9999 tons 15 kts/turn
During each turn, all units moving on the playing surface represented not pivot during its next turn, it will continue to move at a speed of 30 other, the collision occured at the point occupied by the ship
10,000 - 29,999 tons 12.5 kts/turn collided with at the end of its move. Move the ship causing the
by either a counter or ship model, will be moved Y•" for every 2.5 ~ts of kts assuming it neither accelerates nor deceterates. 30,000 tons and over 10 kts/turn
current speed. Thus, a ship having a current speed of 20 kts will be collision in such a way that its bow is as close as possible to the
moved 2" per turn, while a ship having a speed of 22.5 kts will be moved bridge of the ship collided with (without having the models
6. MOVING EVASIVELY: physically lying on top of each other), but do not change the
2Y.''. During his movement phase, a player i'nay indicate that one or ~ore of facing direction of either ship.
his ships will move evasively during the phase. He must designate b. Double the deceleration rate if...the ship's maximum rated speed
5. TURNING: which ships will move in this manner before he actually ~oves th~m. (i.e., it.s speed as listed on the Ship Data Chart) was between 45and 85
a. Turning may be accomplished at any time during a ship's move. kts; triple the deceleration rate if the ship's maximum rated speed 2. If the collision occured when a ship passed astern or across
Ships which move evasively will be una.ble to t!-lrn and w1.ll lose 1 of the bow of another ship, the point of collision is at the point
exceeds 85 kts.
Turning requires three steps: movement speed during the phase. Th1s.IC?SS 1s treat~d 1n the same where the paths of the ships crossed. Move the ship co1lided
1. Changing facing direction. . manner as the speed loss for turni~g .. Le., 111s ~ot considered to effect with so that its bridge is at the point of collision. Next, move the
2. Paying the appropriate movement cost. c. Reduce the deceleration rate by 50% (rounding upward to the
the number of kts at which the ship 1s travelling. ship causing the collision so that its bow is as close as possible
3. Moving directly forward for a certain distance (as indicated nearest 2.5 kts) if the ship's maximum rated speed is between 11and25
kts inclusive, reduce the deceleration rate by 750/o if the ship's to the bridge of the ship collided with (without actually resting
below) before .attempting another turn. For example: A ship with a speed of Jo
kts which loses 1" for moving
maximum rated speed is 10 kts or less. on top of the model). Change the facing direction of both ships
b. The firsl slep in turning is changing the ship's lacing direction. evasively will still be considered to have a speed of 30 kts. to what it was at the point of collision.
Pivot the ship on its bow until it faces the new direction. The maximum
n.umber of degrees that a ship may pivot at one time is as follows: By moving evasively, a ship will reduce its chance ~f being hit by d. A ship may not both accelerate and decelerate during the same
enemy fife, but at the same time, its own accuracy will be reduced. turn. d. When two ships collide, their current speed immediately becomes
0, and players must follow the normal acceleration rules beginning on
1. Ships displacing 10,000 tons or more may pivot no more than the following turn to regain speed. The ship causing the collision must
45° at one time. 7. ACCELERATION: . move in reverse during that turn or neither ship may move.
a. Introduction: A ship's acceleration rate 1s depend~nt ~pon th~ type
2. Ships displacing less than 1000 tons may pivot up to 90° at of engines being used, the ship's maxi mu~ ~peed (1.e., its maximum 9. REVERSING ENGINES: e. Now, determine the damage sustained by each ship. For NATO and
one time. speed as indicated on the Ship Characteristics Table, unredu~ed .for In order to reverse engines, a ship must decelerate to a speed of 10kts Israeli warships, roll one decimal die and consult proper table on the
damage, sea state, etc.) and the ship's current speed at the beg1~n1ng or less in accordance with Rule 8 above. Beginning on the following Collision Damage Chart. There are several different damage tables
3. Ships having a displacement of between 1000 and 10,000 of the phase. The acceleration rates given bel'!w are the maximum turn, the ship may start to accelerate in the opposite direction in based on the size difference between the involved ships with separate
tons may pivot no more than 45° the first time they pivot during a rates by which a ship can increase its speed. Ships may accelerate.at accordance with Rule 7. For acceleration purposes only, such ships sections for the ship whtch caused the collision and for the ship
turn, up to go 0 the second time they pivot, 45° the third time, go0 less than the maximum rate. No ship may accele!a~e beyond its are considered to have a speed of Oat the beginning of the phase of collided with; be sure to use the proper table. To determine which table
again the fourth time and so on In the same manner. maximum speed as indicated on the Ship Characteristics Table. initial acceleration. to use, ascertain which of the situations below apply:

• 10

I~ I
1. Situation 1 - The ship causing the collision has a units and on the TDD's of all units connected to a sighting unit by data
link. This information is recorded 1n the Visual Radar box. lf a unit
1. The target must be in range. Ranges are listed on the
Gunnery Data T.a.tNe. AJways measure range from the bridge of
which is - ID 1he _,·s base aa:uracy . - . Then, oon-
sult 1he adjusDnertt section of the Gumeiy Resulls T-and appl\I
displacement that is at least 50°/o greater than the displacement
rl of the ship collided with. which was previously sighted is no longer 1n sighting range of a unit, the firing ship to the bf"idge of the target. any -opiiale - adjusamenls, H any, ID the aa::ura:y raE
' erase its designation from the unit's TDD. of Ille weapon. The "'5Ull is 1he At$ml Aauacy-of Ille gun_
1: ~· Situation 2 - The ship collided with has a displacement that 2. The -guns must be ~e to bear on tne target. This is
'!' 1s at least 50°/o greater than the displacement al the ship causing 3. VISIBILITY RESTRICTIONS: determined as follows. -:The~ligurecan newerbe_ID_maieed
i; the collision. a. No unit can visually sight another unit if it is beyond the Visual the highest aa:uracy !BE gM!n oo 1he Gunnery firing T - or
'ii Sighting Distance. a. Bow weapons may fire dtrecUy forward or u.p to an be less than 1 _ If the actual figure does maieed 1he highest raie
3. Situation 3 - Neither situation 1 nor situation 2 apply. angJe of 135° from that dVection. Y-. on the table, rt is reduced tllequal lllat r.IE; iftheadual ligure
Consult lhe proper table and sustain the damage indicated. b. All units can visually sight in all directions, i.e., within a 360° radius. ls less than 1, ft is inueased to 1 .
b. Stern weapons may fire directly aste-m M up to an
For British and Canadian warships, do the same. but subtract 1 from c. The presence of other units will not affect the visual sighting ability angE of 1 35,, from that dtrection_
the die roll when consulting the damage chart. It the result is 0, the ship of a unit. 4. Choose - type of ammumtion being used.
will sustain the damage listed for number one. c. Weap~ns mounterf on the sjde may flre dfrectly

For Soviet and Warsaw Pact warships and warships of all other
countries other than NATO and Israel .. roll the die two times and
sustain all ol the damage indicated by both rolls.

For all merchants, roll the die three times and sustain all of the
indicated damage.
d. The presence of land will block the visual sighting ability of all
ships, although in some scenarios, the players may decide that the
heigh I of the land is so low that it will only block the line of sight-of the
smaller ships.


a. The following visual sighting distances apply only during daylight
perpendicu:lar to the sh-i.p -in the djrection they are
mounted or u:p to an ang:le of 90° from that dJrecticm.

3. The gun must not a:lr-eady 'have been fired during the co.mbat
phase. Each gun may be fired only oooe du.ring eacti combal
5. Using Ult! actual ac:curai:y fig1n:e obtained, ro-11 one deciimal
die for each firing tJIM and oonsutt the Gunnery Firtng Tilt*..
Cross refer tile actual acc~acy rate witt1 the numbers roUed to


II. Adjust - --
base ....-

of damage points S!lWlined IJy-

damage points .. - ;,,

and when there is neither fog nor bad weather. 4. 11 ertner the target or the tiring stijp has a disp.'1.cement of -4 -.5 to dof I- 1111oit'"'lhe-numberal--
pointssustainadana..coraonapieceol _ _ _ of_
12. COLLISION OAMAGE: under 1000 ~ins, TIO s:t;ij:p of ower 1000 ions m.ust Jie doiiredly
Max. f;m,g sl!i!>, - ........, al the lalgl!l s1lip and the number al
a. Flooding: When flooding occurs, the basic number of flotation Sighting Ship Ship Being Sighted Vl1lblllly Range between the lfi.rer and the taq_;et. Similarly, if sdiller t~e ta'fgld or
points to be sustained by the ship wilt be as follows: the f.iring sn•:p has a displacement of between 1000 ant:! 10 ODD ~ l>Oints s.-ned by Hle mriiet.
Over 10,000 tons Over 10,000 tons 18 miles (54"') ~ns. f!IO ship of ove_r 10,00D tons m.u.st lie di,rectly between, the
1. Minor Flooding - 1/a of the ship's Maximum Flotation 1000 • 10,000 1ons 16 miles (48"'}
firer and tlhe target. A sh4p :is considered t[) be Jy;ing between two d. Detenn1ne tihe damage sl.'l'Stained by eacih targe1 Slhii.p tn accon:ianoe
Under 1000 tons 12 miles (36"') with Rti.fe 6 below.
Allowance. 1000 - 10,000 Ions Over 10,000 tons 16 miles (48"') other s:hips .if its bridge -rs G·ir-ec.•Uy -on a :1tne extending from the
1000 • 10,000 tons 14 miles (42"') br'idge of the ff!r~og sTI,ip to tne :bridge of the target.
2. Moderate Flooding - % of the ship's Maximum Flotation Under 1000 tons 10 miles (30")
Allowance. Under 1000 lons Over 10,000 tons 14 miles (42") 5. At tile time t!lf fi~ing, the target mu.51 be eit::Aer vts.lD1le to ·or e.T_t_
1000 • 10,000 tons 12 miles (36") .tocated by !bhe radar of the f·i·rin1J :Sh·ip, or it must be vistble tom
3. Heavy Flooding - 'h of the ship's Maximum Flotation Under 1000 tons 8 miles (24") Wcated Dy the adfve sensors .of a fri-endly J.J:njt _having a data ilijn:k I. 11l"""'5e tile IU:CUBcy rare by
Allowance. ro-r~.ned:ion w,itJh 1:fne fiirri~ :sf!l4:p_ Tne concept of being ,IO:cated :by ~ment exreeding 10,DllO t<ms
b. Fog: Fog can greatly reduce the maximum Visual Sighting aetiive sensors w1il I tbe full!l:y exip:laiined ~n the Electron:ic Warfa·re
4. Very Heavy Flooding - % of the ship's Maximum Flotation distances, sometimes to as low as one-third of a mile (1 "). Decide ~.of the H:~iles_. wt11 k! ttle concept of Data Li r.ik .is ·explained 2. Decrease - accuracy .rate by 2 ijf Ille 1arget !las a
Allowance. before the game the maximum Visual Sighting Distance through fog. If 11n the ·Cmnm1i1fll11c.aiti:ons Seaion. lfu;plaoement of less than 1000 l!OOS.
::I the distance between opposing ships exceeds this distance, they will
be unable to visually sight each other. G:u;nfi.re :is mot per·m·itted agairu;t targets wh1ich a.re .located only b.Tmget.,eed
b. Engine Damage: If a ship sustains engine damage due to collision
its maximum speed will be reduced as follows:
c. Night: On bright, moonlit nights reduce all Visual Sighting Ranges
by .pass:ive :sensors.
1. Add 3 to the :accuracy rare if ti!le 1tafget ts mrt maV~ng.
i, 1. Minor Damage 5 kts by V2; on normal nights, reduce Visual Sighting Ranges by %. On Ii: All~ surface targ.e;ts mlil5t Mve been 1:n:itiail;ly :located by '\lii_su.al
2. ADd 2 if iits speed is !tess tharn -oT eqiu1a'I ro 10 ik!ts.
2. Moderate Damage 10 kts especially dark nights (no moon or cloud cover) reduce Visual Sighting or a'l1 actrve sert5!llr of eithler 1he fli,rar or .a uniit jn
I !1
3. Major Damage h of the maximum speed
1 Sighting Ranges by 7ti. Round off all results upward to the nearest 1/3 mnr;t~:Uinii.cati~ wfth the Ii rer dur,i n9 a ptiase pr'~·or to ttae phase
mile. of flt!ri"9·; that ~s .. a surtace ta·rget may.not be_ fif'ed upon d.ur.iing 3. Aad 1 ;f its Sll8ed is 11 - 2ll t;;s_
4. Very Severe Ship is dead in water
the combat phla.se ;it +s :irn~itia:Hy ·located. ,M·iss,~le .a.nd :airoraft
d. Night Time Visual Aids: targets however, may be fiired upon duoring '!Jhe pbase ttley are '- Subtraci 1 if Ille large!'s 5l>eed is <Kl - 59 Jrts_
c. Electronlcs Damage: Whenever a ship sustains electronics
damage, roll one decimal die and consult the table below to determine j.n1itiaUy :located.
1. Searchlights: Each player may decide to turn on 5. Subtract 2 if Ille large!'s Si-dis 60-19 Mis.
which piece of electronic equipment is KO'ed. If the ship sustained
severe electronics damage, roll the die two limes; it it sustained very searchlights during any Visibility Phase. If he does so, the lights 7. Eaoh gun mount-may be ifired39ainst-G111lyonesu-rfacetairget
must remain on until the following Visibility Phase. Ships with duirin-g each ·phase_, aTI.d ,if may not tire at surlaoe taf'"gets if it f1~red &. SiUbtract 3 tt the target's~ is 80 ta or moire.
severe electronics damage, roll the die three limes. It the ship does not 1

have the equipment listed on the table or if the equipment was already searchlights on can visually sight all units which are within five at the iHrcraft IJT m1issii:le targets du:ring the same pti.ase. As Wfill
knocked out, roll again until the table calls for damage to equipment miles (15") of their positions, but they, themselves, can be Ge .i:nllicat:ed .lalef, .a DJ.Jn .may f.i-re at ·more than one .a-irc:ratt or c. T..tng
which is on the ship and in working order. visually sighted by au opposing units out to the maximum m'nille d11n:ing .a :ptlase.
daylight range. 1~ U the target ;pivmed 46-90° OOring :the t1L01n of fli1din9, :reDilllOe
1- Air Search Radar 6 - Sec SAM FC Radar t f all·I of the .req-u;ire-1111le'nts aT·e :rnet, the .gun ·mot.1nts ;may be tired. - accuracy nne by 1-
2- Surface Search Radar 7 - SSM - FC Radar 2. Starshells: These may be f,1red from any gun of 3" (76mm)
3- Main Gun FC Radar 8 - Radar Detector caliber or greater during the Visibility Phase of the turn at units 2. !'IRING PROCEDURE'
4- Main SAM FC Radar 9 - Radar Jammer located by active sensors (or visual sighting). The maximum e. The acllJJal ;p;rocess o1 tiini'fll9 .g.uns wii~ll :be .s4multaneoillS-:fnr all 11J1niits,
5 - Sec Gun FC Radar 10 - Sonar range to which starshells can be fired is equal to 75°/o ol the but tile :process of 5'li1Staiiniing dama-ge, as wi:l I be ex:p4aiined :below, :is
gun's maximum range. In order to fire a starshell, the player mJ't Slimu~taneous. 3. n the ti'l'iing -5"j;p pW-oted 46-90° duirmg ltltlle_ tum of ming,
must indicate which gun will do so, and designate the ship being :reduce tne accuracy rare :by 1 ooirly !if ttheflirniog sh~p's iliireoontro:I
For the effects of all damage, see the Damage and Damage Control :rati'fllg js F, ·G, o.r 'H.
sections of the rules. fired upon. He will then place an illumination marker beyond the IL The p:layer ·llliho moved second du.r'i'l'lg precediirng ·Movemen1 Phase
target, but within 1" of its bridge. All ships within 1" of the mwaou:nces ttlle targets tor eacti of :titis fi.1'1!!'19 stiips. Ht1s opponent wirll
marker will be immediately illuminated. The illumination marker then Do tne sa r.ne. '· 'ilf the rliiifling smp piw-ated over 90'° or mowed ev~_y cduriing

t.ne tum , 'reduce the accuracy nlll:e Dy 1 ~f iits fiire OOl!ltmil system iis
will remain in place for one full turn. During that time. if any ship
passes within 1" of the marker it will be illuminated All ships c. Both :p•layers win then :'liire eaeh gun in any Drder they·desitr-e. The -C. DorE;-a=ncy1Jy2i1ds~ireamilrol-ngisF.,
G., or t-L T.t:.ere iis newer any :reductioln due to the mtM!men:t of the
As mentioned in the Movement section of the rules, ship models will which are illuminated can be visually sighted just as if it were *I'S ·reqllJl:ired to tire eacti gun moul!nt are as fol-lows: ·fjining .sb~ ;if the srn:iip's tma corrrtrol system :is :rated A or B.
not be placed on the playing surface until they are visually sighted by daylight.
at teast one opposing unit. Visual sighting can occur only during the 1~ Resolve the USE!_ of the gun's FC radar, H .any.
Ships that were illuminated during a Visual Sighting Phase will cease 5. U ettne.r the lfii'1il'llQ ·DJ target shq> :made ain emergemcy tum,,
Visibility Phases of each turn. :rediuce ttie aecwacy rate Dy an addiilllkmal 1.
to be illuminated at the end of the next Movement Phase if they are not 2. Meas·u·re range to :bhe taryet.
2. VISIBILITY PROCEDURES: within 1" of the marker at that time; ships which passed within 1" of an
3. Det-erm:i:rne the Daltery's acwTacy. To do itlitis., ~M:it .oomsu1tt ithte '~"' If the l.llrget ship mal<es a 1Bll emergency dluim, -

a. If "units (i.e., ships, aircraft, missiles) represented by either counters illumination marker which did not illuminate them during the prior
Visual S1ghtinQ Phase will cease to be illuminated at the end of the G'""""Y Data T - . T•~is table indicates 1he base acooracy ra11e """~"'cy """ ..
~1 be noaooee
i.y 3.
or actual models, are being moved on the playing surface and there is
s<!me doubt as to whether or not they are visually sighted, the players Movement Phase following the Movement Phase in which they passed "'ine !II'"· "'1<I .~ a1so 'llodicases"""
long, amd .ay long) of lhe gun. C - r e lile -
baOOs (snort, mei>iwn,
l~llg raroge &cepli:m: 11-fioing J i l i p - an emsgencyn.m liullllasa
will take a ruler and measure the distance between all such units and within 1 '.' of the illumination marker if they are not within 1" of the
marker at that time. Remove the illumination markers at the end of the d i <1>e range band figures giwn on tl1e table. If tile aclual ~ fire corittn>I syslern rated A or B, no accuracy penalty wiillt oca11r,,
e~ch opposing unit during the visibility segment of the turn. If the ramg1"is ,1e5s !l1mn m - 1 to lrne
distamle ;lisled Jor "'Short Range '· as the ;movement of a firing shi~soequi~ wi~l;I newer affedl the
Visual Sighting Phase following the Visual Sighting Phase during
distance between those units is equal to or less than the maximum lhe Ii"' >is occming a1 snort range. If U!e aaual lining range ma:eeiis llCClllllCY al its guns.
Visual .s~ghtlng Distance (given below), the unit is visually sighted. If
th.e unit 1s represented by a counter, immediately replace the counter
which they were fired.
"'is distance. but •is less•- or ""ll'al IO Ille dmnce Hsled lDT
'"~iium Range,"' Ure lfire ·ts l>CCUfli:llQ at .medium range. Simiar- 6. If fl<ing during tt>e ilirsl comba! phase ol a him, tile pll"""
with the actual model. If the distance exceeds the maximum Visual ly, Ollhe- range exx:eedsh! 'meditJm rartgelgi,,,,, but is less ·who5e chance to mawt occurs during titne second nKM!lllllefrt
Sighting Distance, the unit is not visually sighted. If any such unit Is X. GUNFIRE AGAINST SHIPS:
tlmn or equal ID lire ""L<llllQ Ra<nge" -..:.., ll>e lire ,js at loT!l!l pnma will no! yet lmw llad'"" opportllnily lo m ...... lf """al his
represented by an actual model, immediately replace the model with a
counter. 1. GUNFIRE REOUIREMENTS: ,range, - if tile •ange exx:eeds lhis dislanoe, .it ,. a1 wry •lorl!l .ships >is firing or l>8ing - ....,.., he mmt imiiadl! befan! the
•· During the gunfire segment of each combat phase, all ships may iange. --"'"""""!l ll>e range 11aoo, ronsi.itt tile """ c:or-1
l\djusmen!T-. ~>be proper ranye- ""lllh lbe
.-ution of any lll'jng ii sud! slnlj>s willI piiw;I or "Mooe
b. Determine which units visually sighted opposing units. Write the
name or designation of each sighted unit on the TD D's ol all sighting
simultaneously fire their guns if the firing requirements are met. The
firing requirements are as follows: Fire Comrol ratil1g of !lie """"'°", - c h ;115 loond on lhe Sl>ip
Charaderistics Tab~. Tbe resutt wiill be :a pl.us ·m miinlUS irnilll!llber
& - ! ( " duMg,. ~ ,,_.,,.,, phme. Hewiilli l>e
'91!~1i"ed ID
"'°"" llhe ....... m:conlingty cmmg liis - -
(if ii la dll ~-j.
11 12

I~ I
1. Situation 1 - The ship causing the collision has a units and on the TDD's of all units connected to a sighting unit by data
link. This information is recorded 1n the Visual Radar box. lf a unit
1. The target must be in range. Ranges are listed on the
Gunnery Data T.a.tNe. AJways measure range from the bridge of
which is - ID 1he _,·s base aa:uracy . - . Then, oon-
sult 1he adjusDnertt section of the Gumeiy Resulls T-and appl\I
displacement that is at least 50°/o greater than the displacement
rl of the ship collided with. which was previously sighted is no longer 1n sighting range of a unit, the firing ship to the bf"idge of the target. any -opiiale - adjusamenls, H any, ID the aa::ura:y raE
' erase its designation from the unit's TDD. of Ille weapon. The "'5Ull is 1he At$ml Aauacy-of Ille gun_
1: ~· Situation 2 - The ship collided with has a displacement that 2. The -guns must be ~e to bear on tne target. This is
'!' 1s at least 50°/o greater than the displacement al the ship causing 3. VISIBILITY RESTRICTIONS: determined as follows. -:The~ligurecan newerbe_ID_maieed
i; the collision. a. No unit can visually sight another unit if it is beyond the Visual the highest aa:uracy !BE gM!n oo 1he Gunnery firing T - or
'ii Sighting Distance. a. Bow weapons may fire dtrecUy forward or u.p to an be less than 1 _ If the actual figure does maieed 1he highest raie
3. Situation 3 - Neither situation 1 nor situation 2 apply. angJe of 135° from that dVection. Y-. on the table, rt is reduced tllequal lllat r.IE; iftheadual ligure
Consult lhe proper table and sustain the damage indicated. b. All units can visually sight in all directions, i.e., within a 360° radius. ls less than 1, ft is inueased to 1 .
b. Stern weapons may fire directly aste-m M up to an
For British and Canadian warships, do the same. but subtract 1 from c. The presence of other units will not affect the visual sighting ability angE of 1 35,, from that dtrection_
the die roll when consulting the damage chart. It the result is 0, the ship of a unit. 4. Choose - type of ammumtion being used.
will sustain the damage listed for number one. c. Weap~ns mounterf on the sjde may flre dfrectly

For Soviet and Warsaw Pact warships and warships of all other
countries other than NATO and Israel .. roll the die two times and
sustain all ol the damage indicated by both rolls.

For all merchants, roll the die three times and sustain all of the
indicated damage.
d. The presence of land will block the visual sighting ability of all
ships, although in some scenarios, the players may decide that the
heigh I of the land is so low that it will only block the line of sight-of the
smaller ships.


a. The following visual sighting distances apply only during daylight
perpendicu:lar to the sh-i.p -in the djrection they are
mounted or u:p to an ang:le of 90° from that dJrecticm.

3. The gun must not a:lr-eady 'have been fired during the co.mbat
phase. Each gun may be fired only oooe du.ring eacti combal
5. Using Ult! actual ac:curai:y fig1n:e obtained, ro-11 one deciimal
die for each firing tJIM and oonsutt the Gunnery Firtng Tilt*..
Cross refer tile actual acc~acy rate witt1 the numbers roUed to


II. Adjust - --
base ....-

of damage points S!lWlined IJy-

damage points .. - ;,,

and when there is neither fog nor bad weather. 4. 11 ertner the target or the tiring stijp has a disp.'1.cement of -4 -.5 to dof I- 1111oit'"'lhe-numberal--
pointssustainadana..coraonapieceol _ _ _ of_
12. COLLISION OAMAGE: under 1000 ~ins, TIO s:t;ij:p of ower 1000 ions m.ust Jie doiiredly
Max. f;m,g sl!i!>, - ........, al the lalgl!l s1lip and the number al
a. Flooding: When flooding occurs, the basic number of flotation Sighting Ship Ship Being Sighted Vl1lblllly Range between the lfi.rer and the taq_;et. Similarly, if sdiller t~e ta'fgld or
points to be sustained by the ship wilt be as follows: the f.iring sn•:p has a displacement of between 1000 ant:! 10 ODD ~ l>Oints s.-ned by Hle mriiet.
Over 10,000 tons Over 10,000 tons 18 miles (54"') ~ns. f!IO ship of ove_r 10,00D tons m.u.st lie di,rectly between, the
1. Minor Flooding - 1/a of the ship's Maximum Flotation 1000 • 10,000 1ons 16 miles (48"'}
firer and tlhe target. A sh4p :is considered t[) be Jy;ing between two d. Detenn1ne tihe damage sl.'l'Stained by eacih targe1 Slhii.p tn accon:ianoe
Under 1000 tons 12 miles (36"') with Rti.fe 6 below.
Allowance. 1000 - 10,000 Ions Over 10,000 tons 16 miles (48"') other s:hips .if its bridge -rs G·ir-ec.•Uy -on a :1tne extending from the
1000 • 10,000 tons 14 miles (42"') br'idge of the ff!r~og sTI,ip to tne :bridge of the target.
2. Moderate Flooding - % of the ship's Maximum Flotation Under 1000 tons 10 miles (30")
Allowance. Under 1000 lons Over 10,000 tons 14 miles (42") 5. At tile time t!lf fi~ing, the target mu.51 be eit::Aer vts.lD1le to ·or e.T_t_
1000 • 10,000 tons 12 miles (36") .tocated by !bhe radar of the f·i·rin1J :Sh·ip, or it must be vistble tom
3. Heavy Flooding - 'h of the ship's Maximum Flotation Under 1000 tons 8 miles (24") Wcated Dy the adfve sensors .of a fri-endly J.J:njt _having a data ilijn:k I. 11l"""'5e tile IU:CUBcy rare by
Allowance. ro-r~.ned:ion w,itJh 1:fne fiirri~ :sf!l4:p_ Tne concept of being ,IO:cated :by ~ment exreeding 10,DllO t<ms
b. Fog: Fog can greatly reduce the maximum Visual Sighting aetiive sensors w1il I tbe full!l:y exip:laiined ~n the Electron:ic Warfa·re
4. Very Heavy Flooding - % of the ship's Maximum Flotation distances, sometimes to as low as one-third of a mile (1 "). Decide ~.of the H:~iles_. wt11 k! ttle concept of Data Li r.ik .is ·explained 2. Decrease - accuracy .rate by 2 ijf Ille 1arget !las a
Allowance. before the game the maximum Visual Sighting Distance through fog. If 11n the ·Cmnm1i1fll11c.aiti:ons Seaion. lfu;plaoement of less than 1000 l!OOS.
::I the distance between opposing ships exceeds this distance, they will
be unable to visually sight each other. G:u;nfi.re :is mot per·m·itted agairu;t targets wh1ich a.re .located only b.Tmget.,eed
b. Engine Damage: If a ship sustains engine damage due to collision
its maximum speed will be reduced as follows:
c. Night: On bright, moonlit nights reduce all Visual Sighting Ranges
by .pass:ive :sensors.
1. Add 3 to the :accuracy rare if ti!le 1tafget ts mrt maV~ng.
i, 1. Minor Damage 5 kts by V2; on normal nights, reduce Visual Sighting Ranges by %. On Ii: All~ surface targ.e;ts mlil5t Mve been 1:n:itiail;ly :located by '\lii_su.al
2. ADd 2 if iits speed is !tess tharn -oT eqiu1a'I ro 10 ik!ts.
2. Moderate Damage 10 kts especially dark nights (no moon or cloud cover) reduce Visual Sighting or a'l1 actrve sert5!llr of eithler 1he fli,rar or .a uniit jn
I !1
3. Major Damage h of the maximum speed
1 Sighting Ranges by 7ti. Round off all results upward to the nearest 1/3 mnr;t~:Uinii.cati~ wfth the Ii rer dur,i n9 a ptiase pr'~·or to ttae phase
mile. of flt!ri"9·; that ~s .. a surtace ta·rget may.not be_ fif'ed upon d.ur.iing 3. Aad 1 ;f its Sll8ed is 11 - 2ll t;;s_
4. Very Severe Ship is dead in water
the combat phla.se ;it +s :irn~itia:Hy ·located. ,M·iss,~le .a.nd :airoraft
d. Night Time Visual Aids: targets however, may be fiired upon duoring '!Jhe pbase ttley are '- Subtraci 1 if Ille large!'s 5l>eed is <Kl - 59 Jrts_
c. Electronlcs Damage: Whenever a ship sustains electronics
damage, roll one decimal die and consult the table below to determine j.n1itiaUy :located.
1. Searchlights: Each player may decide to turn on 5. Subtract 2 if Ille large!'s Si-dis 60-19 Mis.
which piece of electronic equipment is KO'ed. If the ship sustained
severe electronics damage, roll the die two limes; it it sustained very searchlights during any Visibility Phase. If he does so, the lights 7. Eaoh gun mount-may be ifired39ainst-G111lyonesu-rfacetairget
must remain on until the following Visibility Phase. Ships with duirin-g each ·phase_, aTI.d ,if may not tire at surlaoe taf'"gets if it f1~red &. SiUbtract 3 tt the target's~ is 80 ta or moire.
severe electronics damage, roll the die three limes. It the ship does not 1

have the equipment listed on the table or if the equipment was already searchlights on can visually sight all units which are within five at the iHrcraft IJT m1issii:le targets du:ring the same pti.ase. As Wfill
knocked out, roll again until the table calls for damage to equipment miles (15") of their positions, but they, themselves, can be Ge .i:nllicat:ed .lalef, .a DJ.Jn .may f.i-re at ·more than one .a-irc:ratt or c. T..tng
which is on the ship and in working order. visually sighted by au opposing units out to the maximum m'nille d11n:ing .a :ptlase.
daylight range. 1~ U the target ;pivmed 46-90° OOring :the t1L01n of fli1din9, :reDilllOe
1- Air Search Radar 6 - Sec SAM FC Radar t f all·I of the .req-u;ire-1111le'nts aT·e :rnet, the .gun ·mot.1nts ;may be tired. - accuracy nne by 1-
2- Surface Search Radar 7 - SSM - FC Radar 2. Starshells: These may be f,1red from any gun of 3" (76mm)
3- Main Gun FC Radar 8 - Radar Detector caliber or greater during the Visibility Phase of the turn at units 2. !'IRING PROCEDURE'
4- Main SAM FC Radar 9 - Radar Jammer located by active sensors (or visual sighting). The maximum e. The acllJJal ;p;rocess o1 tiini'fll9 .g.uns wii~ll :be .s4multaneoillS-:fnr all 11J1niits,
5 - Sec Gun FC Radar 10 - Sonar range to which starshells can be fired is equal to 75°/o ol the but tile :process of 5'li1Staiiniing dama-ge, as wi:l I be ex:p4aiined :below, :is
gun's maximum range. In order to fire a starshell, the player mJ't Slimu~taneous. 3. n the ti'l'iing -5"j;p pW-oted 46-90° duirmg ltltlle_ tum of ming,
must indicate which gun will do so, and designate the ship being :reduce tne accuracy rare :by 1 ooirly !if ttheflirniog sh~p's iliireoontro:I
For the effects of all damage, see the Damage and Damage Control :rati'fllg js F, ·G, o.r 'H.
sections of the rules. fired upon. He will then place an illumination marker beyond the IL The p:layer ·llliho moved second du.r'i'l'lg precediirng ·Movemen1 Phase
target, but within 1" of its bridge. All ships within 1" of the mwaou:nces ttlle targets tor eacti of :titis fi.1'1!!'19 stiips. Ht1s opponent wirll
marker will be immediately illuminated. The illumination marker then Do tne sa r.ne. '· 'ilf the rliiifling smp piw-ated over 90'° or mowed ev~_y cduriing

t.ne tum , 'reduce the accuracy nlll:e Dy 1 ~f iits fiire OOl!ltmil system iis
will remain in place for one full turn. During that time. if any ship
passes within 1" of the marker it will be illuminated All ships c. Both :p•layers win then :'liire eaeh gun in any Drder they·desitr-e. The -C. DorE;-a=ncy1Jy2i1ds~ireamilrol-ngisF.,
G., or t-L T.t:.ere iis newer any :reductioln due to the mtM!men:t of the
As mentioned in the Movement section of the rules, ship models will which are illuminated can be visually sighted just as if it were *I'S ·reqllJl:ired to tire eacti gun moul!nt are as fol-lows: ·fjining .sb~ ;if the srn:iip's tma corrrtrol system :is :rated A or B.
not be placed on the playing surface until they are visually sighted by daylight.
at teast one opposing unit. Visual sighting can occur only during the 1~ Resolve the USE!_ of the gun's FC radar, H .any.
Ships that were illuminated during a Visual Sighting Phase will cease 5. U ettne.r the lfii'1il'llQ ·DJ target shq> :made ain emergemcy tum,,
Visibility Phases of each turn. :rediuce ttie aecwacy rate Dy an addiilllkmal 1.
to be illuminated at the end of the next Movement Phase if they are not 2. Meas·u·re range to :bhe taryet.
2. VISIBILITY PROCEDURES: within 1" of the marker at that time; ships which passed within 1" of an
3. Det-erm:i:rne the Daltery's acwTacy. To do itlitis., ~M:it .oomsu1tt ithte '~"' If the l.llrget ship mal<es a 1Bll emergency dluim, -

a. If "units (i.e., ships, aircraft, missiles) represented by either counters illumination marker which did not illuminate them during the prior
Visual S1ghtinQ Phase will cease to be illuminated at the end of the G'""""Y Data T - . T•~is table indicates 1he base acooracy ra11e """~"'cy """ ..
~1 be noaooee
i.y 3.
or actual models, are being moved on the playing surface and there is
s<!me doubt as to whether or not they are visually sighted, the players Movement Phase following the Movement Phase in which they passed "'ine !II'"· "'1<I .~ a1so 'llodicases"""
long, amd .ay long) of lhe gun. C - r e lile -
baOOs (snort, mei>iwn,
l~llg raroge &cepli:m: 11-fioing J i l i p - an emsgencyn.m liullllasa
will take a ruler and measure the distance between all such units and within 1 '.' of the illumination marker if they are not within 1" of the
marker at that time. Remove the illumination markers at the end of the d i <1>e range band figures giwn on tl1e table. If tile aclual ~ fire corittn>I syslern rated A or B, no accuracy penalty wiillt oca11r,,
e~ch opposing unit during the visibility segment of the turn. If the ramg1"is ,1e5s !l1mn m - 1 to lrne
distamle ;lisled Jor "'Short Range '· as the ;movement of a firing shi~soequi~ wi~l;I newer affedl the
Visual Sighting Phase following the Visual Sighting Phase during
distance between those units is equal to or less than the maximum lhe Ii"' >is occming a1 snort range. If U!e aaual lining range ma:eeiis llCClllllCY al its guns.
Visual .s~ghtlng Distance (given below), the unit is visually sighted. If
th.e unit 1s represented by a counter, immediately replace the counter
which they were fired.
"'is distance. but •is less•- or ""ll'al IO Ille dmnce Hsled lDT
'"~iium Range,"' Ure lfire ·ts l>CCUfli:llQ at .medium range. Simiar- 6. If fl<ing during tt>e ilirsl comba! phase ol a him, tile pll"""
with the actual model. If the distance exceeds the maximum Visual ly, Ollhe- range exx:eedsh! 'meditJm rartgelgi,,,,, but is less ·who5e chance to mawt occurs during titne second nKM!lllllefrt
Sighting Distance, the unit is not visually sighted. If any such unit Is X. GUNFIRE AGAINST SHIPS:
tlmn or equal ID lire ""L<llllQ Ra<nge" -..:.., ll>e lire ,js at loT!l!l pnma will no! yet lmw llad'"" opportllnily lo m ...... lf """al his
represented by an actual model, immediately replace the model with a
counter. 1. GUNFIRE REOUIREMENTS: ,range, - if tile •ange exx:eeds lhis dislanoe, .it ,. a1 wry •lorl!l .ships >is firing or l>8ing - ....,.., he mmt imiiadl! befan! the
•· During the gunfire segment of each combat phase, all ships may iange. --"'"""""!l ll>e range 11aoo, ronsi.itt tile """ c:or-1
l\djusmen!T-. ~>be proper ranye- ""lllh lbe
.-ution of any lll'jng ii sud! slnlj>s willI piiw;I or "Mooe
b. Determine which units visually sighted opposing units. Write the
name or designation of each sighted unit on the TD D's ol all sighting
simultaneously fire their guns if the firing requirements are met. The
firing requirements are as follows: Fire Comrol ratil1g of !lie """"'°", - c h ;115 loond on lhe Sl>ip
Charaderistics Tab~. Tbe resutt wiill be :a pl.us ·m miinlUS irnilll!llber
& - ! ( " duMg,. ~ ,,_.,,.,, phme. Hewiilli l>e
'91!~1i"ed ID
"'°"" llhe ....... m:conlingty cmmg liis - -
(if ii la dll ~-j.
11 12
d. Ranging In: The accuracy of guns wlll be reduced due to the need 2. High Capaclly (H C): This is a high explosive warhead d. British and Canadian ships are exceptionally well built. Decrease 1. If the gunnery accuracy is reduced by 1 (due to the loss of
tor ranging in only during the combat phase that the target Is lnltlally the number of damage points sustained by British and Canadian ships ra~ars, directors, damage to the fire control system, etc.), or the
normally used against shore installations and small boats. It has
fired upon by the firing ship. Ranging In reduces the ship's accuracy more explosive charge than common ammunition, so it can by 1/6 (round off to nearest point if necessary; if the result ends in 1h, ship loses up to 1/3 of its operational guns, reduce by one-third
for only one combat phase. If the firing ship continues firing upon the cause more topside damage; however, it explodes on contact so round downward). the total number of cards remaining face down next to the
same target during the following phase, there will be no ranging In it will do little damage below decks. When a ship scores hits with damaged ship. Round the Joss off upward if necessary.
penalty during the phaee. However, 11 the firing ship shifts its fire onto H C, increase the number of damage points scored by 1/3 Example: If a ship has tour cards remaining face down next to it
~n.other target, it must range 1n again; also, if the firing ship ceases (round fractions upward to nearest digit). However. when 6. DETERMINING GUNNERY DAMAGE: end it loses one-third of its guns, it loses two of those four cards'.
f1rtng for one phase, it must again range in when it again opens lire consulting the Gunfire Damage Chart, if the result indicates that 1. After all gunfire has been completed during a combat phase add up These cards are discarded immediately.
even if it is firing on the same target. a penetration is required, no damage will be sustained. the total number of damage points scored by both sides. The re'sult will
~e ~he nur:nber of cards that must be randomly picked from the deck 2. If the gunnery accuracy is reduced by 2 or the ship loses
Exception: If a firing ship shifts fire onto another target ship that is less 3. ~haped Charge (S C): Shaped Charge warheads are 1nd1cated 1n Item 2 of the Necessary Equipment Section of this rule between 1/3 and 1/2 (inclusive) of its operatlonal guns, reduce
than 3" (1 nautical mile) away from its prior target, ranging in is designed to penetrate armor plate. Shaped Charge rounds will book .. Each card will r~solve the effects of one damage point. the number of the ship's remaining damage cards by 1/2.
unnecessary. penetrate any thickness of armor, but reduce the damage points Sometimes, however, during combat phases in which there is a great
scored by 50% when using Shaped Charges. deal of gunfire, more damage points may be scored than the total 3. If gunnery a~cura~y is redl:Jced by 3 or the ship loses between
number of available cards. When this occurs, keep track of the total 1/2 and 2/3 (1nclus1ve) of its operational guns, reduce the
Exampl_e: If a ship op.ens fire during the third combat phase of the
4. Semi-armor piercing (SAP): This type of ammunition has a number of cards each ship hes on a piece of paper. In this case, draw number of the ship's remaining cards by 2/3.
gan_le, its accuracy will be reduced for ranging in on that phase. If
dun_ng t~~ next combat phase it continues firing on the same target or smaller explosive charge than Common HE but will penetrate only the number of cards needed in step (b) below (i.e., one card for
every fol!r damage points scored). When step (b) is completed, record 4. If gunnery accuracy is reduced by 4 or the ship loses between
begins f~n~g on another target that is within 3" of the prior target, more armor. Reduce the damage points scored by 25% when
2/3 and 3/4 (inclusive) of its operational guns, reduce the
ranging 1n 1s ~nnecessary, so the accuracy of the gun tire will not be using SAP. on the piece of paper the number of cards each ship has remaining
then .resh~ffle _all cards and draw the number needed tor step (c)'. number of the ship's remaining cards by 3/4.
red~ced for this reason. I~. ho~e~er, the firer switches to another target
during t_hat phase, ral"g1ng 1n 1s necessary. In addition, if the firer b. Shell types: Continue 1n this manner until all <;lemage is resolved.
5. If gunnery accuracy is reduced by5 or the ship loses between
cea_ses f1r~ng for th_at c~mbat phase, and during any subsequent phase 3/4 and 5/6 (inclusive) of its operational guns, reduce the
reopens fire, ranging 1n is necessary regardless of the target. ·t. The common, unaaslated shell is the vehicle used to carry b. After pi~ki.ng _the cards, place one of them face down for every
damage point being re~ol.ved next to the model of the ship.that caused number of the ship's remaining cards by 5/6.
most warheads. All tables are based on using unassisted shells.
The penalty for ranging in is dependent upon the rating of the Firer's the damage. When this 1s completed, turn over simultaneously the
number of each •hip's cards equal to 25% of the total number of 6. If gunnery accuracy is reduced by 6 or more, or more than 5/6
Fire Control System: 2. Rocket Assisted Projectile (RAP): When using RAP, the of th~ s.hip's operational guns are knocked out, discard all of the
maximum range of the gun is extended by 1/3. When gunnery damage points scored by the ship during that phase. That is, if
one card has been picked for every damage point scored that phase rema1n1ng damage cards.
A, B - 1 determining acc1,1racy, reduce the actual range 1/3.
C, D, E - 2 tl!rn over 25% of each ship's cards, but if the total number of cardS
picked equalled 1/4 of the total number of damage points scored that d. All of the damage caused by cards ·which are turned over at the
F, G. H - 3 Example: If the actual range is 18", the accuracy of a RAP round same time is cumulative, so if a ship loses 1 from its gunnery accuracy
All ships not using a fire controtor;TWS radar - 1 additional will be the same as that of a normal round fired at a range of 12". turn, turn all of them over. If the total number of a ship's cards is not
equally divisible by 4, round off the number of cards to be turned (or 1/4 of its guns) based on one damage card and another 1 from its
All Soviet designed ships - 1 additional RAP rounds may have HC, COM or Shaped Charge warheads, accuracy (or 1/4 of its guns) based on another card, it will lose 1/2of its
but in all cases, reduce the damage points scored by 25% over downward to the nearest multiple of four. Thus, if a ship has
scored f~ur to seven points during a phase, turn over only one card; if it cards.
e. Silnge finder
3. Long-Range Boost Assist Projectiles (LABA): The same as scored eight through eleven points, turn over two.
Exa_mple: If a ~hip firing two guns scored twenty damage points
1. Und~r normal conditions, ships will obtain range information RAP, but the gun's range is increased by 2/3 while the number of during a phase, 11 would have a pile of twenty cards pt aced near it. Alter
from a fire control radar. However, if the fire control radar is not damage points scored is reduced by 50%. c. Take each of th,e cards turned over (one ata time) and do as follows:
t~is is done, five of these cards (25%) will be turned over
oper~ting or en~aging other targets, range information may be simultaneously, and any damage caused by them will be sustained. If
obtat~ed from e1t~er the search radar or visual spotting. Visual 4. Guided Projectlles: These projectiles are not yet 1. Using the suit of the card, determine if any damage will be
c~used. If. the target ship's displacement is under 1000 tons, it at the sam~ time, this ship's fire control radar is knocked out, forcing it
spotting.may be either director control or local control. Director operational, but they may be within a few years. Basically, these to rely on its search radar for range information, its accuracy rate will
contr?I 1s more accurate than local control, but it cannot be are shells which are guided by active or passive means to the w:111 sustain d~mage regardless of the suit. If the target ship's
d1sp1i:icement 1s 1000 tons or over, it will sustain damage if the be reduced by 1 (per Rule 3 (e) above), so 1/3 of its remaining cards will
use~ 1f the director has been knocked out, or either the director target in a similar manner as missiles. Guided Projectiles will be discarded, leaving it with ten cards not yet turned over. If one of the
or fire control radar 1s being used on another target during the have a range equal to 1/3 less than the normal gun range. They card is a club, spade or diamond. If damage is sustained, go on
to Step (2). ship's guns is also knocked out, the number of remaining cards must
phase. See the Electronic Warfare Rules for further information may have a H C, H E or Shaped Charge warhead and may be be reduced by 1/2, since the ship has lost 1/2 of its currently operating
on using search radars to secure range information. rocket assisted (RAP) which would increase its range out to guns. Thus, the ship has only five cards remaining next to it.
normal gun range in return for less damage capability. The 2. Using the number on the card, consult the Area Hit Table for
2. If a ship relies on its search radar which is notTWS, subtract 2 actual accuracy rate of Guided Projectiles will always be 12. the gun being used to determine whether the target sustains the
from its accuracy rate: if it relies on visual spotting from its damage in the hull, superstructure, or deck. 8. DAMAGE ADJUSTMENTS:
director, subtract 3 from the accuracy rate. a. The Gunnery Damage Tables indicate the damage to be sustained
c. Fu1es by the target ship. AU of the damage listed next to the number rolled
3'. Then, take two decimal dice and designate one as the ten's
3. If a ship tires from local control, it will be treated as if its fire die and the other as the unit's die. Roll the dice and combine the must be_sustaine.d. If the ship does not have the equipment listed, or if
1. Standard - The standard fuse for HE and Shaped Charges is the equipment hsted has already been knocked out, the ship will
control system is rated H. If a ship's fire control system is rated ten's die with the unit's die to obtain a number between 01 and
a delayed action tuse, while the standard fuse for HC is one that usually sustain no damage. However, if a piece of equipment is listed in
H, it does not require information either from radar or from the 00 (100). Using this number, consult the proper Gunnery
explodes on impact. The rules already take into· account the parentheses, Example: "1 Sec SAM FC radar (or 1 Main SAM FC
gun director, so no reduction would apply. Damage Table (hull, superstructure, or deck) to determine the
action of these fuses. radar)", that piece of equipment in parentheses will sustain the
damage _sustainE'.d. by the target. All of the damage sustained is
Note: In order for a ship to receive information from a search or cumulative, and 1t 1s assumed to occur simultaneously. See rule damage If the piece of equipment preceding it is already knocked out
TWS radar. the radar must be operational and turned on; it is not 2. Proximity fuse (VT) - These fuses can be used with any type or non-existent; if ~he ~quipm~nt preceding the parentheses ls not yet
of projectile and with any warhead except Shaped Charge. 7 below for the effects of gunnery damage.
necessary that the radar actually detect the target. Fire control ~necked out, the~ 1t will sustain the damage, and the equipment listed
radars, however, cannot provide any information unless they These fuses explode in the air over the target resulting in greater in parentheses will be undamaged.
successfully track the target (see the Electronics Rules for opportunity for damage to unprotected parts of ',he d .. After resolving ~11. of the damage required in step (c), turn overone-
further details). superstructure, but little damage elsewhere. To simulate this, if th1rd of th~ remaining number of each ship's cards (rounding off b. So~e results are preceded by A, P or PA. Such results can only
using VT fuses, increase the accuracy rate by 1. When downward 1f necessary) and resolve the damage as in (c). occur tf the shell can penetrate the position indicated. See the Armor
f. Capping the T: A ship is considered to be Capping the T of an determining damage (see 6 below), if the card is a club, spade or Penetra~ion Rl!les ~or a full explanation. Frequently, another damage
opposing ship if it is located off the bow or stern of the target. See the diamond, the damage will be sustained by the superstructure; if e. After resolving ~ll_of the damage required in step (d), turn overone- result will be given 1n parentheses next to these. If such is the case the
diagram below; if the firing ship is anywhere within the areas marked a heart, no damage will be sustained by the target even if the half of the rema1n1ng number of cards (rounding downward if damage listed in parentheses will occur if the shell is unable to
A, it is considered to be Capping the T of the target unit. If the firing target is smaller than 1000 tons. When consulting the necessary) and resolve the damage as in (c). penetrate the position indicated, or if the position indicated has
ship is Capping the T of the target, reduce the firing ship's accuracy by Superstructure Damage Table, ignore any Fire result or any already been destroyed or was non-existent. If the position indicated
result calling for vibration damage or damage to main gun or f. After r~s~lving all of the damage required in step {e), turn over all of b~ A, P or PA can be penetrated, the results indicated in parentheses
1. A SAM mounts. All other damage will be sustained in the normal the remBJn1ng cards and resolve the remaining damage in the same
manner. manner.

g. As damage is sustained by a ship, keep track of it on the ship's TDD.

will not occur. If no other result is listed in parentheses next to an A, P
or PA result, no damage will be sustained if penetration does not

The effects of all types of damage is explained in the Damage Rules
section of this book.
c. Shi.PS over 10,000_ Ions: If damage is sustained, ignore any result
occunng_ af~er the first comma on the result line. Example: If the
•· It the target has a displacement of less than 1000 tons, increase the Remember that the cards. that are placed next to a ship represent the
damage indicated by the table reads: "1 main SAM mount, 1 surface
search radar KO", the ship will only lose the SAM mount, not the radar.
/'90:~" number of damage points scored by 1f.? (round downward if necessary
to nearest lull point).
damage caused by the ship, not the damage the ship is to sustain itself.
d. Ships of under 1000 tons: If the card governing the roll of dice is a
4. AMMUNITION: B 7. EFFECTS OF GUNNERY DAMAGE: ~eart, ignore any result occuring after the first comma on the result
b. If the target's displacement exceeds 10,000 tons, decrease damage a. All of the damage will be assumed to occur simultaneously and will !1n~. If the card is of any other suit, the ship will sustain all damage
Each round consists of a combination of warhead, shell and fuse. be immediately effective.
During each combat phase. each gun battery may fire only one by 1/3. 1nd1cated.
combination of warhead, shell and fuse types. The types available for b. If the damage affects the ship's speed the speed loss will be
use against ships as as follows: c. Soviet-designed ships are more susceptible to battle damage than e. Poor aho«?k mountings: Many ships are listed on the Ship Data
are ships designed in NATO countries. To simulate this, increase the effective during the next movement phase. ' Chart as having poor shock mountings. Whenever such ships sustain
nu_mber of damage points scored when the target is a Soviet-designed gunnery damage, in addition to the damage indicated on the Gunnery
•· Warheads: ship by i;.. (round oft to the nearest point if necessary); if the resutt ends c. !f the: damage affects gunnery, the ship's fire power will be reduced Dam~ge Tab~C?. look also at the damage result given for the number
in 1h, round it downward to the nearest point. Example: If a Soviet ship as indicated beginning with the next combat phase, and In addition, that 1s one h~ghe_r than t_he number actually rolled (e.g. if a 22 was
1. Common H E (HE): This 1s the standard type of warhead
sustains six damage points, increase the· number of damage points to the amount of damage it can cause during the remainder of the current rolled, the ship will sustain the damage listed for number 22, but also
used in anti-ship firing. It has a moderate size high explosive
seven, not eight. combat phase will be affected as follows:
warhead and is designed to penetrate into a hull before
exploding. The damage tables are based on H E ammunition. 13 14
d. Ranging In: The accuracy of guns wlll be reduced due to the need 2. High Capaclly (H C): This is a high explosive warhead d. British and Canadian ships are exceptionally well built. Decrease 1. If the gunnery accuracy is reduced by 1 (due to the loss of
tor ranging in only during the combat phase that the target Is lnltlally the number of damage points sustained by British and Canadian ships ra~ars, directors, damage to the fire control system, etc.), or the
normally used against shore installations and small boats. It has
fired upon by the firing ship. Ranging In reduces the ship's accuracy more explosive charge than common ammunition, so it can by 1/6 (round off to nearest point if necessary; if the result ends in 1h, ship loses up to 1/3 of its operational guns, reduce by one-third
for only one combat phase. If the firing ship continues firing upon the cause more topside damage; however, it explodes on contact so round downward). the total number of cards remaining face down next to the
same target during the following phase, there will be no ranging In it will do little damage below decks. When a ship scores hits with damaged ship. Round the Joss off upward if necessary.
penalty during the phaee. However, 11 the firing ship shifts its fire onto H C, increase the number of damage points scored by 1/3 Example: If a ship has tour cards remaining face down next to it
~n.other target, it must range 1n again; also, if the firing ship ceases (round fractions upward to nearest digit). However. when 6. DETERMINING GUNNERY DAMAGE: end it loses one-third of its guns, it loses two of those four cards'.
f1rtng for one phase, it must again range in when it again opens lire consulting the Gunfire Damage Chart, if the result indicates that 1. After all gunfire has been completed during a combat phase add up These cards are discarded immediately.
even if it is firing on the same target. a penetration is required, no damage will be sustained. the total number of damage points scored by both sides. The re'sult will
~e ~he nur:nber of cards that must be randomly picked from the deck 2. If the gunnery accuracy is reduced by 2 or the ship loses
Exception: If a firing ship shifts fire onto another target ship that is less 3. ~haped Charge (S C): Shaped Charge warheads are 1nd1cated 1n Item 2 of the Necessary Equipment Section of this rule between 1/3 and 1/2 (inclusive) of its operatlonal guns, reduce
than 3" (1 nautical mile) away from its prior target, ranging in is designed to penetrate armor plate. Shaped Charge rounds will book .. Each card will r~solve the effects of one damage point. the number of the ship's remaining damage cards by 1/2.
unnecessary. penetrate any thickness of armor, but reduce the damage points Sometimes, however, during combat phases in which there is a great
scored by 50% when using Shaped Charges. deal of gunfire, more damage points may be scored than the total 3. If gunnery a~cura~y is redl:Jced by 3 or the ship loses between
number of available cards. When this occurs, keep track of the total 1/2 and 2/3 (1nclus1ve) of its operational guns, reduce the
Exampl_e: If a ship op.ens fire during the third combat phase of the
4. Semi-armor piercing (SAP): This type of ammunition has a number of cards each ship hes on a piece of paper. In this case, draw number of the ship's remaining cards by 2/3.
gan_le, its accuracy will be reduced for ranging in on that phase. If
dun_ng t~~ next combat phase it continues firing on the same target or smaller explosive charge than Common HE but will penetrate only the number of cards needed in step (b) below (i.e., one card for
every fol!r damage points scored). When step (b) is completed, record 4. If gunnery accuracy is reduced by 4 or the ship loses between
begins f~n~g on another target that is within 3" of the prior target, more armor. Reduce the damage points scored by 25% when
2/3 and 3/4 (inclusive) of its operational guns, reduce the
ranging 1n 1s ~nnecessary, so the accuracy of the gun tire will not be using SAP. on the piece of paper the number of cards each ship has remaining
then .resh~ffle _all cards and draw the number needed tor step (c)'. number of the ship's remaining cards by 3/4.
red~ced for this reason. I~. ho~e~er, the firer switches to another target
during t_hat phase, ral"g1ng 1n 1s necessary. In addition, if the firer b. Shell types: Continue 1n this manner until all <;lemage is resolved.
5. If gunnery accuracy is reduced by5 or the ship loses between
cea_ses f1r~ng for th_at c~mbat phase, and during any subsequent phase 3/4 and 5/6 (inclusive) of its operational guns, reduce the
reopens fire, ranging 1n is necessary regardless of the target. ·t. The common, unaaslated shell is the vehicle used to carry b. After pi~ki.ng _the cards, place one of them face down for every
damage point being re~ol.ved next to the model of the ship.that caused number of the ship's remaining cards by 5/6.
most warheads. All tables are based on using unassisted shells.
The penalty for ranging in is dependent upon the rating of the Firer's the damage. When this 1s completed, turn over simultaneously the
number of each •hip's cards equal to 25% of the total number of 6. If gunnery accuracy is reduced by 6 or more, or more than 5/6
Fire Control System: 2. Rocket Assisted Projectile (RAP): When using RAP, the of th~ s.hip's operational guns are knocked out, discard all of the
maximum range of the gun is extended by 1/3. When gunnery damage points scored by the ship during that phase. That is, if
one card has been picked for every damage point scored that phase rema1n1ng damage cards.
A, B - 1 determining acc1,1racy, reduce the actual range 1/3.
C, D, E - 2 tl!rn over 25% of each ship's cards, but if the total number of cardS
picked equalled 1/4 of the total number of damage points scored that d. All of the damage caused by cards ·which are turned over at the
F, G. H - 3 Example: If the actual range is 18", the accuracy of a RAP round same time is cumulative, so if a ship loses 1 from its gunnery accuracy
All ships not using a fire controtor;TWS radar - 1 additional will be the same as that of a normal round fired at a range of 12". turn, turn all of them over. If the total number of a ship's cards is not
equally divisible by 4, round off the number of cards to be turned (or 1/4 of its guns) based on one damage card and another 1 from its
All Soviet designed ships - 1 additional RAP rounds may have HC, COM or Shaped Charge warheads, accuracy (or 1/4 of its guns) based on another card, it will lose 1/2of its
but in all cases, reduce the damage points scored by 25% over downward to the nearest multiple of four. Thus, if a ship has
scored f~ur to seven points during a phase, turn over only one card; if it cards.
e. Silnge finder
3. Long-Range Boost Assist Projectiles (LABA): The same as scored eight through eleven points, turn over two.
Exa_mple: If a ~hip firing two guns scored twenty damage points
1. Und~r normal conditions, ships will obtain range information RAP, but the gun's range is increased by 2/3 while the number of during a phase, 11 would have a pile of twenty cards pt aced near it. Alter
from a fire control radar. However, if the fire control radar is not damage points scored is reduced by 50%. c. Take each of th,e cards turned over (one ata time) and do as follows:
t~is is done, five of these cards (25%) will be turned over
oper~ting or en~aging other targets, range information may be simultaneously, and any damage caused by them will be sustained. If
obtat~ed from e1t~er the search radar or visual spotting. Visual 4. Guided Projectlles: These projectiles are not yet 1. Using the suit of the card, determine if any damage will be
c~used. If. the target ship's displacement is under 1000 tons, it at the sam~ time, this ship's fire control radar is knocked out, forcing it
spotting.may be either director control or local control. Director operational, but they may be within a few years. Basically, these to rely on its search radar for range information, its accuracy rate will
contr?I 1s more accurate than local control, but it cannot be are shells which are guided by active or passive means to the w:111 sustain d~mage regardless of the suit. If the target ship's
d1sp1i:icement 1s 1000 tons or over, it will sustain damage if the be reduced by 1 (per Rule 3 (e) above), so 1/3 of its remaining cards will
use~ 1f the director has been knocked out, or either the director target in a similar manner as missiles. Guided Projectiles will be discarded, leaving it with ten cards not yet turned over. If one of the
or fire control radar 1s being used on another target during the have a range equal to 1/3 less than the normal gun range. They card is a club, spade or diamond. If damage is sustained, go on
to Step (2). ship's guns is also knocked out, the number of remaining cards must
phase. See the Electronic Warfare Rules for further information may have a H C, H E or Shaped Charge warhead and may be be reduced by 1/2, since the ship has lost 1/2 of its currently operating
on using search radars to secure range information. rocket assisted (RAP) which would increase its range out to guns. Thus, the ship has only five cards remaining next to it.
normal gun range in return for less damage capability. The 2. Using the number on the card, consult the Area Hit Table for
2. If a ship relies on its search radar which is notTWS, subtract 2 actual accuracy rate of Guided Projectiles will always be 12. the gun being used to determine whether the target sustains the
from its accuracy rate: if it relies on visual spotting from its damage in the hull, superstructure, or deck. 8. DAMAGE ADJUSTMENTS:
director, subtract 3 from the accuracy rate. a. The Gunnery Damage Tables indicate the damage to be sustained
c. Fu1es by the target ship. AU of the damage listed next to the number rolled
3'. Then, take two decimal dice and designate one as the ten's
3. If a ship tires from local control, it will be treated as if its fire die and the other as the unit's die. Roll the dice and combine the must be_sustaine.d. If the ship does not have the equipment listed, or if
1. Standard - The standard fuse for HE and Shaped Charges is the equipment hsted has already been knocked out, the ship will
control system is rated H. If a ship's fire control system is rated ten's die with the unit's die to obtain a number between 01 and
a delayed action tuse, while the standard fuse for HC is one that usually sustain no damage. However, if a piece of equipment is listed in
H, it does not require information either from radar or from the 00 (100). Using this number, consult the proper Gunnery
explodes on impact. The rules already take into· account the parentheses, Example: "1 Sec SAM FC radar (or 1 Main SAM FC
gun director, so no reduction would apply. Damage Table (hull, superstructure, or deck) to determine the
action of these fuses. radar)", that piece of equipment in parentheses will sustain the
damage _sustainE'.d. by the target. All of the damage sustained is
Note: In order for a ship to receive information from a search or cumulative, and 1t 1s assumed to occur simultaneously. See rule damage If the piece of equipment preceding it is already knocked out
TWS radar. the radar must be operational and turned on; it is not 2. Proximity fuse (VT) - These fuses can be used with any type or non-existent; if ~he ~quipm~nt preceding the parentheses ls not yet
of projectile and with any warhead except Shaped Charge. 7 below for the effects of gunnery damage.
necessary that the radar actually detect the target. Fire control ~necked out, the~ 1t will sustain the damage, and the equipment listed
radars, however, cannot provide any information unless they These fuses explode in the air over the target resulting in greater in parentheses will be undamaged.
successfully track the target (see the Electronics Rules for opportunity for damage to unprotected parts of ',he d .. After resolving ~11. of the damage required in step (c), turn overone-
further details). superstructure, but little damage elsewhere. To simulate this, if th1rd of th~ remaining number of each ship's cards (rounding off b. So~e results are preceded by A, P or PA. Such results can only
using VT fuses, increase the accuracy rate by 1. When downward 1f necessary) and resolve the damage as in (c). occur tf the shell can penetrate the position indicated. See the Armor
f. Capping the T: A ship is considered to be Capping the T of an determining damage (see 6 below), if the card is a club, spade or Penetra~ion Rl!les ~or a full explanation. Frequently, another damage
opposing ship if it is located off the bow or stern of the target. See the diamond, the damage will be sustained by the superstructure; if e. After resolving ~ll_of the damage required in step (d), turn overone- result will be given 1n parentheses next to these. If such is the case the
diagram below; if the firing ship is anywhere within the areas marked a heart, no damage will be sustained by the target even if the half of the rema1n1ng number of cards (rounding downward if damage listed in parentheses will occur if the shell is unable to
A, it is considered to be Capping the T of the target unit. If the firing target is smaller than 1000 tons. When consulting the necessary) and resolve the damage as in (c). penetrate the position indicated, or if the position indicated has
ship is Capping the T of the target, reduce the firing ship's accuracy by Superstructure Damage Table, ignore any Fire result or any already been destroyed or was non-existent. If the position indicated
result calling for vibration damage or damage to main gun or f. After r~s~lving all of the damage required in step {e), turn over all of b~ A, P or PA can be penetrated, the results indicated in parentheses
1. A SAM mounts. All other damage will be sustained in the normal the remBJn1ng cards and resolve the remaining damage in the same
manner. manner.

g. As damage is sustained by a ship, keep track of it on the ship's TDD.

will not occur. If no other result is listed in parentheses next to an A, P
or PA result, no damage will be sustained if penetration does not

The effects of all types of damage is explained in the Damage Rules
section of this book.
c. Shi.PS over 10,000_ Ions: If damage is sustained, ignore any result
occunng_ af~er the first comma on the result line. Example: If the
•· It the target has a displacement of less than 1000 tons, increase the Remember that the cards. that are placed next to a ship represent the
damage indicated by the table reads: "1 main SAM mount, 1 surface
search radar KO", the ship will only lose the SAM mount, not the radar.
/'90:~" number of damage points scored by 1f.? (round downward if necessary
to nearest lull point).
damage caused by the ship, not the damage the ship is to sustain itself.
d. Ships of under 1000 tons: If the card governing the roll of dice is a
4. AMMUNITION: B 7. EFFECTS OF GUNNERY DAMAGE: ~eart, ignore any result occuring after the first comma on the result
b. If the target's displacement exceeds 10,000 tons, decrease damage a. All of the damage will be assumed to occur simultaneously and will !1n~. If the card is of any other suit, the ship will sustain all damage
Each round consists of a combination of warhead, shell and fuse. be immediately effective.
During each combat phase. each gun battery may fire only one by 1/3. 1nd1cated.
combination of warhead, shell and fuse types. The types available for b. If the damage affects the ship's speed the speed loss will be
use against ships as as follows: c. Soviet-designed ships are more susceptible to battle damage than e. Poor aho«?k mountings: Many ships are listed on the Ship Data
are ships designed in NATO countries. To simulate this, increase the effective during the next movement phase. ' Chart as having poor shock mountings. Whenever such ships sustain
nu_mber of damage points scored when the target is a Soviet-designed gunnery damage, in addition to the damage indicated on the Gunnery
•· Warheads: ship by i;.. (round oft to the nearest point if necessary); if the resutt ends c. !f the: damage affects gunnery, the ship's fire power will be reduced Dam~ge Tab~C?. look also at the damage result given for the number
in 1h, round it downward to the nearest point. Example: If a Soviet ship as indicated beginning with the next combat phase, and In addition, that 1s one h~ghe_r than t_he number actually rolled (e.g. if a 22 was
1. Common H E (HE): This 1s the standard type of warhead
sustains six damage points, increase the· number of damage points to the amount of damage it can cause during the remainder of the current rolled, the ship will sustain the damage listed for number 22, but also
used in anti-ship firing. It has a moderate size high explosive
seven, not eight. combat phase will be affected as follows:
warhead and is designed to penetrate into a hull before
exploding. The damage tables are based on H E ammunition. 13 14
XI. DAMAGE: Roll again, if the system indicated by the table has already been
look at the damage result given for number 23). If that result indicates Armor will prevent certain damage from occuring .if t~e ~mmunition destroyed. Only the weapon system indicated by the die roll will be
either engine damage or damage to any radar, radar detector or used is unable to penetrate the armor at the point 1nd1cated. The 1. EFFECTS OF DAMAGE: affected, all other weapon systems will continue to operate normally.
jammer, the ship will sustain that damage in addition to its normal Damage Table indicates the damage which requires armor a. Weapons Systems: When a damage table indicates that a weapon's
damage. Exception: If the ship is larger than 10,000 tons, it will ~ot penetration. If the area hit is the hull, the belt armor must be penetrated mount 1s knocked out, all weapons in that mount will be unable to j. Fire Control System: If a fire control system is knocked out, firing
sustain any .additional damage if that damage occurs after the first for damage to occur; if the area hit is the deck, the deck armor must be function as soon as the damage occurs. wi It only be possible for the wea1::>ons by local control. The fire control
comma in the result line). In all cases, the ship will sustain only the penetrated. However. 1f the Damage Table indicates that a gun mount rating of the ship is immediately reduced to H. In addition, the data link
additional engine or electronics damage, not any other damage listed is to be knocked out if penetration occurs, only the turret armor must Example: If a twin gun mount is knocked out, both guns will be will cease to function if all fire control systems are knocked out.
on the line. Also, if the ship sustains normal engine damage and the be penetrated. inoperable.
damage result given tor the number that is one higher than the number k. Magazine: 1f a magazine explodes, determine whether the
rolled also calls tor engine damage, the ship will sustain only the Special: Certain aircraft carriers have hulls built of high tension steel b. Radars, radar detectors, sonar and jammers: When the damage explosion occured in the bow or the stern. If alt of the ships guns are
engine damage that is of the greater severity, it will not sustain both the which acts as armor; -such ships can never sustain any hull damage table indicates that such a device is knocked out, the device indicated located in the bow of the ship, the explosion occured in the bow; if all
engine damage indicated next to the number rolled and also the unless the armor is penetrated, even if the Damage Table indicates that will immediately cease functioning. are located in the stern, the explosion occurred in the stern. If the ship
engine damage indicated on the next line. penetration is not required. has guns both in the bow and the stern, roll one six-sided die; if there
c. Gun directors: When a gun director is knocked out, it will are an equal number of guns on both the bow and the stern, the
t. Damage to Aircraft Carriers: In addition to the normal damage b. Armor penetration is as follows: immediately cease functioning, and, in addition, one gun fire control explosion is in the bow if the roll is 1/2/3 and in the stern if the roll is
indicated by the Damage Table, aircraft carriers will also sustain the radar is also knocked out and ceases functioning. The guns controlled 4/5/6. If the ship has more guns in one area than in another, the
following damage: 1. Common HE: Guns of 7" caliber or less which fire Common by that director and radar may still fire by local control. When finng a explosion will occur in the area having the most guns on a roll of 1/2/3
HE shells can penetrate only light belt and turret armor at all gun by local control, assume its fire control system rating is H, rather or 4 and in the other area it the roll is 5/6.
ranges; they cannot penetrate any deck armor. Guns of 8" than its normal rating.
1. If the deck is to sustain damage and the number rolled when
consulting the Gunnery Damage Table is 01 through 10, one caliber or more can penetrate moderate belt and turret armor Regardless of where the explosion occurred, all sonar. radar, radar
elevator is knocked out if the deck armor can be penetrated by out to six miles range (18"), and light belt and turret armor at all d. Bridge: On most modern ships, the bridge is_ usually vacant during detectors and jammers are knocked out. The ship will also sustain
the ammo used. ranges. In addition, they can penetrate light deck armor at general quarters; all fighting and navigating occurs in the CIC. 1200 points of Flooding damage. If the explosion occurred in the bow,
ranges equal to or exceeding twelve miles (36"); they cannot However, the bridge can operate as a secondary command point 1f the all weapons forward of the bridge are knocked out; if the explosion
2. The suit of the card picked when consulting the Damage penetrate any deck armor at all at ranges of under twelve miles. CIC is knocked out. Therefore, if a ship's CIC is operating, a hit on the occurred in the stern, all weapons aft of the bridge are knocked out,
Table will determine if any aircraft are knocked out. If the carrier Common HE cannot penetrate heavy armor at any range. bridge will have no effect. However, if the CIC has already been and in addition, propeller damage is sustained. Roll one six-sided die
has twenty-five or fewer aircraft (and helicopters) on board at 2. Shaped Charge: Shaped Charge rounds can pen~trate any knocked out, a ship sustaining subsequent bridge damage must move to determine additional damage.
the time the damage is sustained, it will lose one aircraft (or thickness of armor at any range regardless of the cahber of the directly forward for one full turn. The ship may not accelerate,
helicopter) whenever a spade is picked. If the carrier has gun. decelerate, or move evasively. After one full turn is completed, the ship 0, 1 - All generators KO, very severe engine damage, all main
may move normally. FC systems KO, fire level 6; increase flooding by 600 points.
twenty-six through fifty planes on board, one will be destroyed
whenever a spade or club is picked. If the carrier has fifty-one 3. Semi-armor Piercing Rounds: Guns of 7" caliber or less
through seventy-five aircraft on board, one aircraft will be which fire SAP rounds can penetrate moderate belt and turret e. Communications: When a ship's communications are knocked 2 - Very severe engine damage, all main FC systems KO, fire
destroyed whenever a club, spade or diamond comes up. If the armor out to a range of six miles {18"), and light belt and turret out, it will be unable to receive or pass·on movement information level 6, two generators KO.
carrier has over seventy-five planes on board, one plane will be armor at all ranges. In addition, they can penetrate light deck unless laser signalling is available. Such ships must remain within 3" of
destroyed for every damage card. armor at ranges equal to or exceeding twelve miles (36"). Guns the flagship or be part of a chain of ships that are within 3" of each 3 - Very severe engine damage, all main FC systems KO, two
of 8" caliber or larger which fire SAP rounds can penetrate other and one of which is the flagship. If the ship without generators KO, increase flooding by 600 points, fire level 4.
3. Fires: Whenever an aircraft is destroyed, a level 1 fire will moderate and light belt and turret armor at all ranges, and can communications is not within 3" of the flagship, or part of the chain of
break out if the card picked to determine damage was a 1, 5, or penetrate light deck armor at ranges equal to or exceeding nine ships, it must be moved directly toward the flagship (unless evading 4 - Major engine damage, two generators KO, fire level 6.
miles (27"). mlssiles or torpedoes). If the flagship loses its communications, all
10. Also when consulting the Damage Table, look at the damage
other ships must be within 3" of It or be part of a chain of ships within 3" 5 - Major engine damage, one generator KO, fire level 4.
that is listed for the number that is one higher than the number
actually rolled (e.g., if a 22 was rolled look at the damage 4. High Capacity Rounds: This type of shell cannot penetrate cl each other and ona of which la tha flagship. Shlpo with laser
indicated for number 23). If that result is a fire, the carrier will any armor at all regardless of the caliber of the gun. signalling can continue receiving end passing on Information to units 8, 7 .. Moderate engine damage, one generator KO, fire level 4.
sustain that fire damage in addition to the damage indicated within daylight visual olghtlng range 10 that they ara not required to
next to the number actually rolled. 5. VT- Fused shells: Any shell equipped with a VT fuse cannot remain with 3" of any ship, Subtract 1 from th1 roll for Soviet and Chinese designed ships; add 1
penetrate any armor at all. for British and Canadian designed ships.
Exceptions: If the ship is larger than 10,000 tons and the fire Ships without communlc1t1on1 01nno1 r101lv1 or 0111 en t1ra1t
damage occurs afterthe first comma in the result line, it will not 10. FIRE CONTROL: Information except via data llnk, If 0!)1r1tlonal. Thu1, It wlll be unliDle I. Propell•r: If a propeller Is knocked out, the ship's maximum speed
a. The accuracy of a ship's guns is based primarily on its fire control to take any action against targets or ml11lle1, etc., which are not wlll normally be reduced by 50%. However, If the ship has ontv one
be sustained. Also, regardless of displacement, if the ~esult directly visible to it or located by Its own sensors, nor may any other
indicated next to the number actually rolled calls tor a fire to system which is rated A through H depending on its effectiveness. The propeller, it is dead in the water. Also, if a ship suffers propeller
accuracy figures given for systems A through G ~re based on the •Jnit take action aaainst anv taraet, missile, etc. that has only been damage due to a magazine explosion. it is dead in the water.
break out. and in addition, the result indicated by the number
that is one higher than that actually rolled also indicates a fire, assumption that range data is being secured bye fire control radar. located by the ship without communications. Of course. if the data link
However, if the fire control radar is not operating, range data can be is operational, the ship can pass on and receive all target information m. Engines: If a ship sustains engine damage, its maximum speed will
the ship will only sustain the higher of the two fire levels
secured by one of these other, less effici~nt methods: via the data link with any other ship possessing the data link (see the be reduced as indicated hetow:
indicated; it will not sustain both (e.g. if a 21 is rolled and the Data Link rules in the Electronics Section).
result line calls for "Fire Level 1" and result number 22 indicates 1. Search Radar: The Search Radar may be used to obtain
"Fire Level 2'', the ship will only sustain a Level 2 fire. Minor damage -- lose 5 kts.
range data, but as indicated in the Accuracy Adjustment Rules; f. Data Link: If the data link is knocked out, 1t becomes of course, Moderate damage -- lose 10 kts.
the accuracy will be reduced. immediately inoperable. See the Electronics Section for data link Major damage -- lose 50°/o of the maximum speed.
4. Whenever a damage card indicates damage to a carrier's information.
deck or superstructure, the carrier will sustain flight deck 2. Optical Sighting: If neither the fire control nor the Search Very severe damage -- ship is dead in the water.
damage in addition to other damage (if any) indicated by the Radar is operational, range data can be secured visually by the
radar director (if it is operational). This is the least efficient g. Steering circuits and rudder damage: Any ship sustaining damage All Soviet-designed ships, all merchant ships, and all ships with only
Damage Table. Flight deck damage is recorded in points. to the rudder or steering circuits must move directly forward unlil the
Normally, for every card indicating deck or superstructure method of securing range information, resulting in an accuracy one engine will lose double the amount indicated above (e.g., they will
reduction of 3 (per Rule 3 (e)). Gun directors are slaved to the damage is repaired. lose 20 kts if moderate damage is sustained).
damage, the carrier will sustain 50 points of flight deck damage;
however, the following adjustment apply: fire control radar, so if the fire control radar is being used
against one target, the director may not be used against h. Generators: Most ships have a number of generators (usually British and Canadian designed ships will lose only 1/2 of the speed
another. about four). If a ship has at least two generators functioning, it may loss indicated above.
a. If the card is a heart, no flight deck damage occurs
operate in the normal manner. If a ship has only one generator
unless an aircraft is destroyed.
b. If neither the radars nor the directors are operational, or if the fire functioning, it may move at up to 75%of its maximum speed, but it may n. Flooding: As indicated in the Flotation Rules below, each ship can
b. If an aircraft is destroyed by the same card, increase control system itself is not operation, guns may still be fired by local not use any radars, sonars, radar detectors or jammers. In addition, it take a certain amount of flooding before it sinks. The amount of
the damage by 50 points. If the card is a heart, the damage control. If this is done, the ship will be assumed to have e fire control may fire no weapons except those capable of being manually flooding is recorded in units called Flotation Points. The number of
sustained will total only 50 points. system rating of H, so use that column on the Accuracy Table to operated. If a ship loses alt of its generators,. it may not move, use any Flotation Points a ship sustains is based on the severity of the flooding
determine accuracy. Local control can only be used it the target Is radar, sonar, radar_detector or jam mer, or fire any weapon other than and the weapon causing it:
visually sighted by the firing ship at the time of firing. small. manually operated ones.
c. If the deck is hit and the ammo used can penetrate the Severity Gunllre Mlnlles end Torp1.
deck armor, increase the damage by 50 points unless the Note: Some guns are incapable of firing without radar fire control. The Very minor llood1ng 114 ~ FD rating
card is a heart. I. Combat Information Center (CIC): If the CIC on a NATO designed Minor !lood1ng 50 points 1/2 ~ FD rating
Gunnery Data Table will indicate which guns are under this restriction. ship is knocked out, the ship will be unable to fire any weapons other Normal flood111g 100 points FD rating
Such guns may not fire by optical sighting or local control. than those with a local control facility. In addition, the Fire Control Heavy flooding 150 points 1''> ~FD rating
g. Damage to tankers and oller1: In addition to the normal damage Very heavy llood1ng
sustained, look to the numbers that are either one or two higher or one System rating will immediately drop to H. The ship must also move 200 points 2 ~ FD rating
11. AUTOMATIC SELF-DEFENSE GUNS: directly forward, without turning, accelerating, decelerating or moving
or two lower than the number actually rolled. If any of these numbers Many ships are equipped with secondary guns.for close in fire against evasively for one full turn. The FD (Flotation Damage) ratings of missiles and torpedoes are
indicate a fire, the ship will sustain the fire in addition to the normal aircraft and missiles. Such guns are not tied into the main fire control
damage. If several fires are indicated, the ship will sustain only the system, so each will have its own FC rating. When firing such guns, use found on their respective data charts. The FD rating is a measurement
highest level indicated. If the CIC on a Soviet or Chinese designed ship is knocked out, roll one of the amount of floodinQ that will normally be caused by a sinQle hit
the FC rating pertaining to the guns being used. Most modern six-sided die to determine which weapons control system has been
.I' with that weapon. Double the flooding level if the target's crew was not
secondary guns are automatic and have an FC rating of A, even though knocked out:
i E.G. If a tanker (or oiler) is hit and the result number is 22, look at the the FC rating of the main battery Is usually leas. Such Secondary at battle stations.
results for numbers 20 through 24. If any of these indicate a fire, the batteries will always have their own FC radars, and cannot use the 1. SAM 0 . Fire: Whenever the damage table indicates that a lire br~a~s o~t.
I' ship will sustain only the highest fire level indicated. main FC radar. If the secondary battery has an AFC rating, It may not 2. Gun add the fire level indicated to any other fire already e.x1st.1ng 1n
be used If It• FC radar Is not operating; local control ls Impossible with 3. SSM accordance with Rule 3 below. The damaQe caused by fire is also
9. ARMOR PENETRATION: such weapons. Many secondary guns are not capable of firing against 4. ASW explained in Rule 3. Double the fire level indicated for ships built after
a. Most modern ships are unarmored, but the Ship Characteristics ships. If no Gunnery Firing Table exists for a certain gun, thlS mean• 5, 6: Roll again until 1-4 is rolled. 1960. In addition, always double the fire level if the targel's crew was not
Table will indicate those which stilt carry armor and its thickness. that the weapon Is incapable of engaging ships. at battle stations. These adjustments are cumulative.
XI. DAMAGE: Roll again, if the system indicated by the table has already been
look at the damage result given for number 23). If that result indicates Armor will prevent certain damage from occuring .if t~e ~mmunition destroyed. Only the weapon system indicated by the die roll will be
either engine damage or damage to any radar, radar detector or used is unable to penetrate the armor at the point 1nd1cated. The 1. EFFECTS OF DAMAGE: affected, all other weapon systems will continue to operate normally.
jammer, the ship will sustain that damage in addition to its normal Damage Table indicates the damage which requires armor a. Weapons Systems: When a damage table indicates that a weapon's
damage. Exception: If the ship is larger than 10,000 tons, it will ~ot penetration. If the area hit is the hull, the belt armor must be penetrated mount 1s knocked out, all weapons in that mount will be unable to j. Fire Control System: If a fire control system is knocked out, firing
sustain any .additional damage if that damage occurs after the first for damage to occur; if the area hit is the deck, the deck armor must be function as soon as the damage occurs. wi It only be possible for the wea1::>ons by local control. The fire control
comma in the result line). In all cases, the ship will sustain only the penetrated. However. 1f the Damage Table indicates that a gun mount rating of the ship is immediately reduced to H. In addition, the data link
additional engine or electronics damage, not any other damage listed is to be knocked out if penetration occurs, only the turret armor must Example: If a twin gun mount is knocked out, both guns will be will cease to function if all fire control systems are knocked out.
on the line. Also, if the ship sustains normal engine damage and the be penetrated. inoperable.
damage result given tor the number that is one higher than the number k. Magazine: 1f a magazine explodes, determine whether the
rolled also calls tor engine damage, the ship will sustain only the Special: Certain aircraft carriers have hulls built of high tension steel b. Radars, radar detectors, sonar and jammers: When the damage explosion occured in the bow or the stern. If alt of the ships guns are
engine damage that is of the greater severity, it will not sustain both the which acts as armor; -such ships can never sustain any hull damage table indicates that such a device is knocked out, the device indicated located in the bow of the ship, the explosion occured in the bow; if all
engine damage indicated next to the number rolled and also the unless the armor is penetrated, even if the Damage Table indicates that will immediately cease functioning. are located in the stern, the explosion occurred in the stern. If the ship
engine damage indicated on the next line. penetration is not required. has guns both in the bow and the stern, roll one six-sided die; if there
c. Gun directors: When a gun director is knocked out, it will are an equal number of guns on both the bow and the stern, the
t. Damage to Aircraft Carriers: In addition to the normal damage b. Armor penetration is as follows: immediately cease functioning, and, in addition, one gun fire control explosion is in the bow if the roll is 1/2/3 and in the stern if the roll is
indicated by the Damage Table, aircraft carriers will also sustain the radar is also knocked out and ceases functioning. The guns controlled 4/5/6. If the ship has more guns in one area than in another, the
following damage: 1. Common HE: Guns of 7" caliber or less which fire Common by that director and radar may still fire by local control. When finng a explosion will occur in the area having the most guns on a roll of 1/2/3
HE shells can penetrate only light belt and turret armor at all gun by local control, assume its fire control system rating is H, rather or 4 and in the other area it the roll is 5/6.
ranges; they cannot penetrate any deck armor. Guns of 8" than its normal rating.
1. If the deck is to sustain damage and the number rolled when
consulting the Gunnery Damage Table is 01 through 10, one caliber or more can penetrate moderate belt and turret armor Regardless of where the explosion occurred, all sonar. radar, radar
elevator is knocked out if the deck armor can be penetrated by out to six miles range (18"), and light belt and turret armor at all d. Bridge: On most modern ships, the bridge is_ usually vacant during detectors and jammers are knocked out. The ship will also sustain
the ammo used. ranges. In addition, they can penetrate light deck armor at general quarters; all fighting and navigating occurs in the CIC. 1200 points of Flooding damage. If the explosion occurred in the bow,
ranges equal to or exceeding twelve miles (36"); they cannot However, the bridge can operate as a secondary command point 1f the all weapons forward of the bridge are knocked out; if the explosion
2. The suit of the card picked when consulting the Damage penetrate any deck armor at all at ranges of under twelve miles. CIC is knocked out. Therefore, if a ship's CIC is operating, a hit on the occurred in the stern, all weapons aft of the bridge are knocked out,
Table will determine if any aircraft are knocked out. If the carrier Common HE cannot penetrate heavy armor at any range. bridge will have no effect. However, if the CIC has already been and in addition, propeller damage is sustained. Roll one six-sided die
has twenty-five or fewer aircraft (and helicopters) on board at 2. Shaped Charge: Shaped Charge rounds can pen~trate any knocked out, a ship sustaining subsequent bridge damage must move to determine additional damage.
the time the damage is sustained, it will lose one aircraft (or thickness of armor at any range regardless of the cahber of the directly forward for one full turn. The ship may not accelerate,
helicopter) whenever a spade is picked. If the carrier has gun. decelerate, or move evasively. After one full turn is completed, the ship 0, 1 - All generators KO, very severe engine damage, all main
may move normally. FC systems KO, fire level 6; increase flooding by 600 points.
twenty-six through fifty planes on board, one will be destroyed
whenever a spade or club is picked. If the carrier has fifty-one 3. Semi-armor Piercing Rounds: Guns of 7" caliber or less
through seventy-five aircraft on board, one aircraft will be which fire SAP rounds can penetrate moderate belt and turret e. Communications: When a ship's communications are knocked 2 - Very severe engine damage, all main FC systems KO, fire
destroyed whenever a club, spade or diamond comes up. If the armor out to a range of six miles {18"), and light belt and turret out, it will be unable to receive or pass·on movement information level 6, two generators KO.
carrier has over seventy-five planes on board, one plane will be armor at all ranges. In addition, they can penetrate light deck unless laser signalling is available. Such ships must remain within 3" of
destroyed for every damage card. armor at ranges equal to or exceeding twelve miles (36"). Guns the flagship or be part of a chain of ships that are within 3" of each 3 - Very severe engine damage, all main FC systems KO, two
of 8" caliber or larger which fire SAP rounds can penetrate other and one of which is the flagship. If the ship without generators KO, increase flooding by 600 points, fire level 4.
3. Fires: Whenever an aircraft is destroyed, a level 1 fire will moderate and light belt and turret armor at all ranges, and can communications is not within 3" of the flagship, or part of the chain of
break out if the card picked to determine damage was a 1, 5, or penetrate light deck armor at ranges equal to or exceeding nine ships, it must be moved directly toward the flagship (unless evading 4 - Major engine damage, two generators KO, fire level 6.
miles (27"). mlssiles or torpedoes). If the flagship loses its communications, all
10. Also when consulting the Damage Table, look at the damage
other ships must be within 3" of It or be part of a chain of ships within 3" 5 - Major engine damage, one generator KO, fire level 4.
that is listed for the number that is one higher than the number
actually rolled (e.g., if a 22 was rolled look at the damage 4. High Capacity Rounds: This type of shell cannot penetrate cl each other and ona of which la tha flagship. Shlpo with laser
indicated for number 23). If that result is a fire, the carrier will any armor at all regardless of the caliber of the gun. signalling can continue receiving end passing on Information to units 8, 7 .. Moderate engine damage, one generator KO, fire level 4.
sustain that fire damage in addition to the damage indicated within daylight visual olghtlng range 10 that they ara not required to
next to the number actually rolled. 5. VT- Fused shells: Any shell equipped with a VT fuse cannot remain with 3" of any ship, Subtract 1 from th1 roll for Soviet and Chinese designed ships; add 1
penetrate any armor at all. for British and Canadian designed ships.
Exceptions: If the ship is larger than 10,000 tons and the fire Ships without communlc1t1on1 01nno1 r101lv1 or 0111 en t1ra1t
damage occurs afterthe first comma in the result line, it will not 10. FIRE CONTROL: Information except via data llnk, If 0!)1r1tlonal. Thu1, It wlll be unliDle I. Propell•r: If a propeller Is knocked out, the ship's maximum speed
a. The accuracy of a ship's guns is based primarily on its fire control to take any action against targets or ml11lle1, etc., which are not wlll normally be reduced by 50%. However, If the ship has ontv one
be sustained. Also, regardless of displacement, if the ~esult directly visible to it or located by Its own sensors, nor may any other
indicated next to the number actually rolled calls tor a fire to system which is rated A through H depending on its effectiveness. The propeller, it is dead in the water. Also, if a ship suffers propeller
accuracy figures given for systems A through G ~re based on the •Jnit take action aaainst anv taraet, missile, etc. that has only been damage due to a magazine explosion. it is dead in the water.
break out. and in addition, the result indicated by the number
that is one higher than that actually rolled also indicates a fire, assumption that range data is being secured bye fire control radar. located by the ship without communications. Of course. if the data link
However, if the fire control radar is not operating, range data can be is operational, the ship can pass on and receive all target information m. Engines: If a ship sustains engine damage, its maximum speed will
the ship will only sustain the higher of the two fire levels
secured by one of these other, less effici~nt methods: via the data link with any other ship possessing the data link (see the be reduced as indicated hetow:
indicated; it will not sustain both (e.g. if a 21 is rolled and the Data Link rules in the Electronics Section).
result line calls for "Fire Level 1" and result number 22 indicates 1. Search Radar: The Search Radar may be used to obtain
"Fire Level 2'', the ship will only sustain a Level 2 fire. Minor damage -- lose 5 kts.
range data, but as indicated in the Accuracy Adjustment Rules; f. Data Link: If the data link is knocked out, 1t becomes of course, Moderate damage -- lose 10 kts.
the accuracy will be reduced. immediately inoperable. See the Electronics Section for data link Major damage -- lose 50°/o of the maximum speed.
4. Whenever a damage card indicates damage to a carrier's information.
deck or superstructure, the carrier will sustain flight deck 2. Optical Sighting: If neither the fire control nor the Search Very severe damage -- ship is dead in the water.
damage in addition to other damage (if any) indicated by the Radar is operational, range data can be secured visually by the
radar director (if it is operational). This is the least efficient g. Steering circuits and rudder damage: Any ship sustaining damage All Soviet-designed ships, all merchant ships, and all ships with only
Damage Table. Flight deck damage is recorded in points. to the rudder or steering circuits must move directly forward unlil the
Normally, for every card indicating deck or superstructure method of securing range information, resulting in an accuracy one engine will lose double the amount indicated above (e.g., they will
reduction of 3 (per Rule 3 (e)). Gun directors are slaved to the damage is repaired. lose 20 kts if moderate damage is sustained).
damage, the carrier will sustain 50 points of flight deck damage;
however, the following adjustment apply: fire control radar, so if the fire control radar is being used
against one target, the director may not be used against h. Generators: Most ships have a number of generators (usually British and Canadian designed ships will lose only 1/2 of the speed
another. about four). If a ship has at least two generators functioning, it may loss indicated above.
a. If the card is a heart, no flight deck damage occurs
operate in the normal manner. If a ship has only one generator
unless an aircraft is destroyed.
b. If neither the radars nor the directors are operational, or if the fire functioning, it may move at up to 75%of its maximum speed, but it may n. Flooding: As indicated in the Flotation Rules below, each ship can
b. If an aircraft is destroyed by the same card, increase control system itself is not operation, guns may still be fired by local not use any radars, sonars, radar detectors or jammers. In addition, it take a certain amount of flooding before it sinks. The amount of
the damage by 50 points. If the card is a heart, the damage control. If this is done, the ship will be assumed to have e fire control may fire no weapons except those capable of being manually flooding is recorded in units called Flotation Points. The number of
sustained will total only 50 points. system rating of H, so use that column on the Accuracy Table to operated. If a ship loses alt of its generators,. it may not move, use any Flotation Points a ship sustains is based on the severity of the flooding
determine accuracy. Local control can only be used it the target Is radar, sonar, radar_detector or jam mer, or fire any weapon other than and the weapon causing it:
visually sighted by the firing ship at the time of firing. small. manually operated ones.
c. If the deck is hit and the ammo used can penetrate the Severity Gunllre Mlnlles end Torp1.
deck armor, increase the damage by 50 points unless the Note: Some guns are incapable of firing without radar fire control. The Very minor llood1ng 114 ~ FD rating
card is a heart. I. Combat Information Center (CIC): If the CIC on a NATO designed Minor !lood1ng 50 points 1/2 ~ FD rating
Gunnery Data Table will indicate which guns are under this restriction. ship is knocked out, the ship will be unable to fire any weapons other Normal flood111g 100 points FD rating
Such guns may not fire by optical sighting or local control. than those with a local control facility. In addition, the Fire Control Heavy flooding 150 points 1''> ~FD rating
g. Damage to tankers and oller1: In addition to the normal damage Very heavy llood1ng
sustained, look to the numbers that are either one or two higher or one System rating will immediately drop to H. The ship must also move 200 points 2 ~ FD rating
11. AUTOMATIC SELF-DEFENSE GUNS: directly forward, without turning, accelerating, decelerating or moving
or two lower than the number actually rolled. If any of these numbers Many ships are equipped with secondary guns.for close in fire against evasively for one full turn. The FD (Flotation Damage) ratings of missiles and torpedoes are
indicate a fire, the ship will sustain the fire in addition to the normal aircraft and missiles. Such guns are not tied into the main fire control
damage. If several fires are indicated, the ship will sustain only the system, so each will have its own FC rating. When firing such guns, use found on their respective data charts. The FD rating is a measurement
highest level indicated. If the CIC on a Soviet or Chinese designed ship is knocked out, roll one of the amount of floodinQ that will normally be caused by a sinQle hit
the FC rating pertaining to the guns being used. Most modern six-sided die to determine which weapons control system has been
.I' with that weapon. Double the flooding level if the target's crew was not
secondary guns are automatic and have an FC rating of A, even though knocked out:
i E.G. If a tanker (or oiler) is hit and the result number is 22, look at the the FC rating of the main battery Is usually leas. Such Secondary at battle stations.
results for numbers 20 through 24. If any of these indicate a fire, the batteries will always have their own FC radars, and cannot use the 1. SAM 0 . Fire: Whenever the damage table indicates that a lire br~a~s o~t.
I' ship will sustain only the highest fire level indicated. main FC radar. If the secondary battery has an AFC rating, It may not 2. Gun add the fire level indicated to any other fire already e.x1st.1ng 1n
be used If It• FC radar Is not operating; local control ls Impossible with 3. SSM accordance with Rule 3 below. The damaQe caused by fire is also
9. ARMOR PENETRATION: such weapons. Many secondary guns are not capable of firing against 4. ASW explained in Rule 3. Double the fire level indicated for ships built after
a. Most modern ships are unarmored, but the Ship Characteristics ships. If no Gunnery Firing Table exists for a certain gun, thlS mean• 5, 6: Roll again until 1-4 is rolled. 1960. In addition, always double the fire level if the targel's crew was not
Table will indicate those which stilt carry armor and its thickness. that the weapon Is incapable of engaging ships. at battle stations. These adjustments are cumulative.
1. As soon as a ship sustains cumulative flot~tion d~_mage equal higher than it actually is (round the increase downward if necessary).
p. Electronic damage: Whenever a damage tEi:ble in~icates that a ship uncontrolled during the next damage control phase, the additional
to 250;0 of its Maximum Flotation Allowance: its .max1m_u~ spee_d Thus, such ships which actually have a level 4 fire raging will be treated
sustains minor electronics damage, roll a decimal die: and C?nsult th_e flotation points will be added to the original amount of uncontrolled
is reduced by 5 kts. In addition, roll one s1x-s1ded d!e; ~fa 1 !s as if the fire level were actually 6. The ship is in a sinking condition as
table below to determine which piece of elect~on1c equipment is flooding when determining how many more Flotation points the ship
rolled, one main gun mount is also knocked out, w~11e if a 2 !S soon as the fire lever reaches 22, since 22 increased by 50% equals 33. wilt receive.
knocked out. If the ship sustains severe elec_tronics dam~ge, roll the All US-designed ships, except for aircraft carriers, are considered to
die two times, and the ship will lose both pieces of ~qu1pmen~. If it rolled, one main SAM mount is knocked out. Otherwise, there is have aluminum superstructures.
sustains very severe electronics damage, ~oll the die ~hree times. no damage. Example: If a ship sustains 100 points of flotation damage which
Double the number of required rolls if the ship had over six ra~ar sets remains uncontrolled at the end of the subsequent damage control
at the beginning of the game. If the ship does not have the equ1pme~t 2. As soon as a ship sustains cumulative Flota~ion da!11age XII. DAMAGE CONTROL (Optional): segment of the phase, it will then receive an additional 10 points. If the
listed on the table or if it has already been knc;:ick~d _out, roll_ again un~11 equal to 50% of its Maximum Flotation Allowanc~, 1t~ max1!'llum flooding remains uncontrolled at the end of the next damage control
the table calls for damage to equipment which 1s 1n working order. speed will be reduced by another 5 kts. Roll the s1x-s1ded die (as 1. DAMAGE CONTROL - BASIC RULES: phase, it will receive additional damage equal to 11 points (100 +10><
in (1) above) to determine if any guns orSAMs are kno?ked out. 10%).
During the damage control segments of the turns, both players will
1 - Air Search Radar 6 - Sec SAM FC Radar Aircraft carriers will be unable to launch or recover aircraft as resolve al I damage control attempts of each of their ships. Each ship
2 - Surface Search Radar 7 - SSM FC Radar soon as their cumulative flotation damage equals 50% or more has a number of damage control parties, each of which can be b. If a ship is engaged in flooding control, all uncontrolled flooding
3 - Main Gun FC Radar a - Radar Detector of the Maximum Flotation Allowance. assigned to accomplish one task. For each of his ships, one at a time, will become controlled if the proper number is rolled. The proper
4 - Main Gun FC Radar g - Radar Jammer the owning player will assign each of the ship's damage control parties number is as follows:
,, 5 - Sec Gun FC Radar 10 - Sonar 3. As soon as a ship sustains cumulative flot~tion d~mage equal to a task and will then roll one decimal die for each task undertaken to
to 75% of its Maximum Flotation Allowance, its maximum speed determine the outcome. 1. If the amount of uncontrolled flooding is equal to or less than
11:,, If the results table indicates that all electronics are knocked out, all will be reduced by another 5 kts. Roll the six-sided die a~a1n (as 25% of the ship's Maximum Flotation Allowance, the number
·I; radars, sonars, radar detectors and jammers are knocked out. in (1) above) to determine if any gun or SAM's short-c1rcu1t. 2. DAMAGE CONTROL PARTIES AND TASKS: rolled must be 5 or higher.
4. Whenever the number of flotation points sustaine~ b~ a ~hip a. The number of damage control parties on board a ship is dependent 2. If the amount. of uncontrolled flooding is greater than 25%
q. Elevator Damage· As will be e~plaine~ in the ~ircraft Operations upon its size:
Segment of the rules, Aircraft Garners which sustain elevator damage exceeds its Maximum Flotation Allowance, the ship is s1nk.1~g. but less than or equal to 50% of the ship's Maximum Flotation
wilt have their ability to launch and recover planes reduced. Ships which are sinking are not capa~le of any ac:t1v1ty Allowance, the number rolled must be 7 or higher.
whatsoever; that is, the ship may not move, fire, use ~ny act!veor 1. Ships of under 1000 tons and all merchants - 2 parties.
I r. Flight Deck Damage: Aircraft carriers which have on.repaired flight passive sensors, visually sight, etc. The crew must 1m.m.e_d1ately
abandon ship, and no further dame1:ge co~trol acbv1t1es are 2. Ships of 1000 - 10,000 tons - 3 parties. 3. If the amount of uncontrolled flooding Is greater than 50%
deck damage will be unable to launch and/or.recover aircraft. See the but less than or equal to 75% of the ship's Maximum Flotation
Aircraft Operations segment for further details_ possible. If the total number of flotation po1nt_s sustained by~ Allowance, the number rolled must be 8 or higher.
ship equals 25°/o more than its Maximum Flotatic~n.All?w~nce, it 3. Ships of over 10,000 tons - 5 parties.
s. Weapons Damage: Whenever a damage table indicates weapl'.!ns sinks immediately and is removed from play. If 1t is s1nk1ng but
Increase the number of parties by two if the ship is an aircraft carrier. 4. If the amount of uncontrolled flooding is greater than 75% of
damage, roll a decimal die and consult the table bel<?w ~o detern:i1ne the number of flotation points is less ~han 25°/o m?re tha.n the the ship's Maximum Flotation Allowance, the number rolled
which weapon is knocked _01:1t .. If ~he Dama.ge Table 1nd1cates minor Maximum Flotation Allowance, the ship does not 1mmed1ately must be 9 or higher.
damage, roll the die once; 1f 1t 1nd1cates maier weapons d.am.age, r~ll sink and remains on the playing surface. Pick on.e card a~ the b. If not a single one of a ship's crew-served weapons is fired during a
the die two times. If the target does not have the weapon 1nd1ca~ed ~n end of each friendly movement phase for every friendly ship ~n phase, the owning player may increase the number 61 damage parties
As always, a roll of o is considered to be a roll of 10. The die roll will be
the table below, roll again until the table indicates a weapon that is sttll this condition. If the card picked is an ace of spades, the ship by two beginning with that phase. If he chooses to do so, none of the
adjusted as in Rule 3 above, and in addition, the following adjustments
operational on the target. immediately sinks; otherwise, it remains afloat. ship's crew-served weapons may be fired during the phases in which will apply to attempts to control flooding:
the number of damage parties is increased and also during the phase
Number Rolled Weapon Knocked Out following the phase in which this occurs. Crew-served weapons are all
3. FIRE: f' · · f - 1 for all Soviet and Warsaw Pact warships and all warships
1 1 Main gun mount weapons which re9uire at least one man to operate; fully automatic from countries other than NATO or Israel.
a. Fire on a ship is measured in levels. A level 1 (on~) ire 1s a minor _ire weapons which require no crew, such as the US Phalanx-Vulcan
2 1 Main SAM mount The maximum fire level possible is thirty-two. All fires are c~mulattve.
3 1 Main ASW mount System, may be fired even when the number of damage parties is 2 for all merchant ships except super-tankers.
so two level one fires equal one level two f_ire;_two level two f1res equal increased.
4 1 SSM mount one level four fire, etc. If a ship is on fire, 1t will be affected as follows
5 1 Torpedo bank 3 for super-tankers.
6 1 Chaff launcher c. If two friendly ships are within 1" of each other and neither moved
1. Levels 1 - 8 - No effect.
7 1 Sec. gun mount (nor will move) over 1" during the turn, all of the damage control
parties on both ships may be used to repair damage on one of them. c. Once flooding is controlled, no additional flotation hits will be
8 1 Sec. SAM mount 2. Levels 9-16 - Subtract 1 from accuracy rates if usin_g visual reoeived. However, controlled flooding will remain controlled only if at
9 1 Sec. ASW mount sighting for fire control. In addition, as ~oon as the fire. level least one of the ship's damage control parties is assigned to flooding
10 One Sec. gun and d. The possible tasks to which damage control parties can be
exceeds 8, the ship will sustain minor eng~ne da~age. I~ will not assigned are: control during every damage control phase. If at least one party is
One Sec. SAM mount sustain further engine damage due to fire until the fire-level assigned to flooding control, the flooding will automatically remain
exceeds 16. 1. Flooding control. controlled; if no party is assigned to flooding control, all controlled
2. Fire fighting. flooding will again become uncontrolled, and the proper die roll will be
t Damage Control Hit: If a damage control hit is sustaine~. a decim~I Example: lf the fire level on a ship becomes 9, i~ immedi8te_ly needed to again bring it under control. Any party assigned to flooding
die must be rolled for the ship at the start of each turf!. Until a 9 or 0 is 3. Weapons repair.
suffers minor engine damage per Rule 1 (m); 1t will not sustain 4. Propulsion system repair. control can attempt to control new floodlng while at the same time
rolled, the ship may not form any damage control part1~s (per rul~ Xll,2 further damage when the fire level reaches 10, 11, 12, etc. up to keeping old flooding under control. Such parties are not penalized In
below); in other words, the ship will be unable to flgh_t fires, flooding, or 5. Electrical equipment repair.
16. 6. Flight deck repair. any way in their attempts to perform either function.
make any repairs until a 9 or 0 is rolled. Once 9 or O 1~ rolle~. such .par·
ties may be formed any time thereafter; no further die roll 1s required. 3. Levels 17- 24 - Subtract 2 from accuracy rates if using visual Each damage control party can be assigned to only one task per d. Damage control parties assigned to flooding control may be able to
sighting for fire control. In addition, as soon as the fire level phase, but more than one party can be assigned to the same task. reduce lhe amount of controlled flooding the ship sustained. This may
exceeds 16 the ship will sustain moderate engine damage (per only be attempted during phases in which there is no uncontrolled
Note: Whenever a ship suffers a speed loss due to any cause, it will 0
flooding. If the number rolled is 9 or O (after any adjustments indicated
decelerate automatically to its new speed at th.e end of the combat Rule 1(m)). Also, roll one six-sided die and consult the table e. The damage control parties on all Soviet. Warsaw Pact, Chinese.
below for additional damage: in Rule 3). reduce the amount of controlled flotation damage as
phase, a ship need not follow normal deceleration rules when battle and Soviet-allied ships may be assigned to flooding control-, fire follows:
damage reduces its speed. fighting, and flight deck repair only; they are not capable of attempting
1 - One main gun mount KO. weapons repair, propulsion system repair, or electronic equipment NATO and Israeli warships·
repair. 25 points
Soviet and all other warships - 15 points
2. FLOTATION: . 2 - One main SAM mount KO. All merchants except super-tankers • 10 points
a. Whenever a ship sustains flooding damage, it will receive a cert~1n Super-tankers - 5 points
number of flotation points which represents the _amou~t of flood~ng 3. One main ASW mount KO.
the ship sustains. Undamaged ships have .no flotation points. Flooding The ship will be treated as if this flooding never occurred, but if speed
damage is cumula-ive, so keep a ~unn1ng total of the number. of 4 - All SSM mounts KO.
3. DETERMINING SUCCESS OF DAMAGE CONTROL ATTEMPTS: or armament was lost due to the flooding (per Damage Rule 2 above), it
flotation points received by each ship. W~en the num~er of flotation will not be regained until repaired by a weapons or propulsion system
points received by a ship ~xceeds its rr:iax1mum Flotation Allc:iwance, 5. One secondary gun mount and one secondar~ .SAM After all of a ship's damage control parties are assigned to a task, roll
one decimal die for-each task attempted to determine the results. repair party. '
the ship will sink. The maximum Flotation Allowance for a ship never mount KO In addition, roll the die again for additional
damage. Adjust the die roll as follows:

b. A ship's Maximum Flotation Allowanc~, is a numb~r of points equal 6 - All fire control systems KO. +1 for every damage control party assigned to the task other
to its displacement in tons. Thus, the Maximum Flotation Allowance of than the initial party. That is, if one party Is assigned to the task,
a 10,000 ton ship is 10,000 points. Adjust this as follows: Both the engine damage and the additional damage will occur there will be no die roll increase. However, if two parties are
as soon as the lire level exceeds 16; no further damage due to assigned, increase the roll by 1; if three are assigned increase by
2; if four are assigned, increase the roll by 3, etc. 5. FIRE FIGHTING:
1. Reduce it by 1/4 (round the loss downward to the nearest lire will occur until the fire level exceeds 24.
a. Whenever a fire breaks out on a ship, it is liable to increase in
point) for all Soviet warships. intensity until 11 is controHed At the end ol any damage control phase
4. Levels 25 - 32 - The ship becomes dead in the water and all
weapons are inoperable. in which a fire is not controlled, increase the fire by the number of
2. Increase by 1/6 for all British and Canadian warships. 4..FLOODING CONTROL: levels eaual to 10% of the number of uncontrolled levels (round
5. Levels 33 or higher ·The ship is in a sinking conditio~ and. is a. Whenever a ship sustains Flooding damage, it will immediately upward to the nearest level if necessary). Double the rate of increase (to
3. Reduce it by 1/2 for merchant ships and all normal tankers. receive the number of flotation points indicated by the damage table. 20%) for all ships built after 1960.
assumed to have suffered flotatior damage exceeding its
Maximum Flotation Allowance (see Rule 2, c (4)). At the end of each damage control phase in which the Flooding is not
4. Reduce it by 3/4 for super-tankers. "Controlled", the ship will receive additional Flotation points equal to b. JI at least one of the ship's damage control parties is engaged in fire
Special: Ships with aluminum superstructu.res (s~ch as most US- 10% of the amount of uncontrolled Flooding (round upward to the fighting, all uncontrolled fires on the ship wilt c_ome u~der ~antral if t~e
c. The effects of flotation damage are as follows: nearest point if necessary). The additional flotation points are also proper numbers are rolled First, roll the decimal die as 1nd1cated 1n
des1gned ships) will sustain fire damage as 1f the fire level were 50%
considered uncontrolled flooding, so if the flooding remains Rule 3 above. If the number rolled after adjustment is 0 or more (0
17 18 equals 10), there is a chance that the fire will coll)e under control. If the
1. As soon as a ship sustains cumulative flot~tion d~_mage equal higher than it actually is (round the increase downward if necessary).
p. Electronic damage: Whenever a damage tEi:ble in~icates that a ship uncontrolled during the next damage control phase, the additional
to 250;0 of its Maximum Flotation Allowance: its .max1m_u~ spee_d Thus, such ships which actually have a level 4 fire raging will be treated
sustains minor electronics damage, roll a decimal die: and C?nsult th_e flotation points will be added to the original amount of uncontrolled
is reduced by 5 kts. In addition, roll one s1x-s1ded d!e; ~fa 1 !s as if the fire level were actually 6. The ship is in a sinking condition as
table below to determine which piece of elect~on1c equipment is flooding when determining how many more Flotation points the ship
rolled, one main gun mount is also knocked out, w~11e if a 2 !S soon as the fire lever reaches 22, since 22 increased by 50% equals 33. wilt receive.
knocked out. If the ship sustains severe elec_tronics dam~ge, roll the All US-designed ships, except for aircraft carriers, are considered to
die two times, and the ship will lose both pieces of ~qu1pmen~. If it rolled, one main SAM mount is knocked out. Otherwise, there is have aluminum superstructures.
sustains very severe electronics damage, ~oll the die ~hree times. no damage. Example: If a ship sustains 100 points of flotation damage which
Double the number of required rolls if the ship had over six ra~ar sets remains uncontrolled at the end of the subsequent damage control
at the beginning of the game. If the ship does not have the equ1pme~t 2. As soon as a ship sustains cumulative Flota~ion da!11age XII. DAMAGE CONTROL (Optional): segment of the phase, it will then receive an additional 10 points. If the
listed on the table or if it has already been knc;:ick~d _out, roll_ again un~11 equal to 50% of its Maximum Flotation Allowanc~, 1t~ max1!'llum flooding remains uncontrolled at the end of the next damage control
the table calls for damage to equipment which 1s 1n working order. speed will be reduced by another 5 kts. Roll the s1x-s1ded die (as 1. DAMAGE CONTROL - BASIC RULES: phase, it will receive additional damage equal to 11 points (100 +10><
in (1) above) to determine if any guns orSAMs are kno?ked out. 10%).
During the damage control segments of the turns, both players will
1 - Air Search Radar 6 - Sec SAM FC Radar Aircraft carriers will be unable to launch or recover aircraft as resolve al I damage control attempts of each of their ships. Each ship
2 - Surface Search Radar 7 - SSM FC Radar soon as their cumulative flotation damage equals 50% or more has a number of damage control parties, each of which can be b. If a ship is engaged in flooding control, all uncontrolled flooding
3 - Main Gun FC Radar a - Radar Detector of the Maximum Flotation Allowance. assigned to accomplish one task. For each of his ships, one at a time, will become controlled if the proper number is rolled. The proper
4 - Main Gun FC Radar g - Radar Jammer the owning player will assign each of the ship's damage control parties number is as follows:
,, 5 - Sec Gun FC Radar 10 - Sonar 3. As soon as a ship sustains cumulative flot~tion d~mage equal to a task and will then roll one decimal die for each task undertaken to
to 75% of its Maximum Flotation Allowance, its maximum speed determine the outcome. 1. If the amount of uncontrolled flooding is equal to or less than
11:,, If the results table indicates that all electronics are knocked out, all will be reduced by another 5 kts. Roll the six-sided die a~a1n (as 25% of the ship's Maximum Flotation Allowance, the number
·I; radars, sonars, radar detectors and jammers are knocked out. in (1) above) to determine if any gun or SAM's short-c1rcu1t. 2. DAMAGE CONTROL PARTIES AND TASKS: rolled must be 5 or higher.
4. Whenever the number of flotation points sustaine~ b~ a ~hip a. The number of damage control parties on board a ship is dependent 2. If the amount. of uncontrolled flooding is greater than 25%
q. Elevator Damage· As will be e~plaine~ in the ~ircraft Operations upon its size:
Segment of the rules, Aircraft Garners which sustain elevator damage exceeds its Maximum Flotation Allowance, the ship is s1nk.1~g. but less than or equal to 50% of the ship's Maximum Flotation
wilt have their ability to launch and recover planes reduced. Ships which are sinking are not capa~le of any ac:t1v1ty Allowance, the number rolled must be 7 or higher.
whatsoever; that is, the ship may not move, fire, use ~ny act!veor 1. Ships of under 1000 tons and all merchants - 2 parties.
I r. Flight Deck Damage: Aircraft carriers which have on.repaired flight passive sensors, visually sight, etc. The crew must 1m.m.e_d1ately
abandon ship, and no further dame1:ge co~trol acbv1t1es are 2. Ships of 1000 - 10,000 tons - 3 parties. 3. If the amount of uncontrolled flooding Is greater than 50%
deck damage will be unable to launch and/or.recover aircraft. See the but less than or equal to 75% of the ship's Maximum Flotation
Aircraft Operations segment for further details_ possible. If the total number of flotation po1nt_s sustained by~ Allowance, the number rolled must be 8 or higher.
ship equals 25°/o more than its Maximum Flotatic~n.All?w~nce, it 3. Ships of over 10,000 tons - 5 parties.
s. Weapons Damage: Whenever a damage table indicates weapl'.!ns sinks immediately and is removed from play. If 1t is s1nk1ng but
Increase the number of parties by two if the ship is an aircraft carrier. 4. If the amount of uncontrolled flooding is greater than 75% of
damage, roll a decimal die and consult the table bel<?w ~o detern:i1ne the number of flotation points is less ~han 25°/o m?re tha.n the the ship's Maximum Flotation Allowance, the number rolled
which weapon is knocked _01:1t .. If ~he Dama.ge Table 1nd1cates minor Maximum Flotation Allowance, the ship does not 1mmed1ately must be 9 or higher.
damage, roll the die once; 1f 1t 1nd1cates maier weapons d.am.age, r~ll sink and remains on the playing surface. Pick on.e card a~ the b. If not a single one of a ship's crew-served weapons is fired during a
the die two times. If the target does not have the weapon 1nd1ca~ed ~n end of each friendly movement phase for every friendly ship ~n phase, the owning player may increase the number 61 damage parties
As always, a roll of o is considered to be a roll of 10. The die roll will be
the table below, roll again until the table indicates a weapon that is sttll this condition. If the card picked is an ace of spades, the ship by two beginning with that phase. If he chooses to do so, none of the
adjusted as in Rule 3 above, and in addition, the following adjustments
operational on the target. immediately sinks; otherwise, it remains afloat. ship's crew-served weapons may be fired during the phases in which will apply to attempts to control flooding:
the number of damage parties is increased and also during the phase
Number Rolled Weapon Knocked Out following the phase in which this occurs. Crew-served weapons are all
3. FIRE: f' · · f - 1 for all Soviet and Warsaw Pact warships and all warships
1 1 Main gun mount weapons which re9uire at least one man to operate; fully automatic from countries other than NATO or Israel.
a. Fire on a ship is measured in levels. A level 1 (on~) ire 1s a minor _ire weapons which require no crew, such as the US Phalanx-Vulcan
2 1 Main SAM mount The maximum fire level possible is thirty-two. All fires are c~mulattve.
3 1 Main ASW mount System, may be fired even when the number of damage parties is 2 for all merchant ships except super-tankers.
so two level one fires equal one level two f_ire;_two level two f1res equal increased.
4 1 SSM mount one level four fire, etc. If a ship is on fire, 1t will be affected as follows
5 1 Torpedo bank 3 for super-tankers.
6 1 Chaff launcher c. If two friendly ships are within 1" of each other and neither moved
1. Levels 1 - 8 - No effect.
7 1 Sec. gun mount (nor will move) over 1" during the turn, all of the damage control
parties on both ships may be used to repair damage on one of them. c. Once flooding is controlled, no additional flotation hits will be
8 1 Sec. SAM mount 2. Levels 9-16 - Subtract 1 from accuracy rates if usin_g visual reoeived. However, controlled flooding will remain controlled only if at
9 1 Sec. ASW mount sighting for fire control. In addition, as ~oon as the fire. level least one of the ship's damage control parties is assigned to flooding
10 One Sec. gun and d. The possible tasks to which damage control parties can be
exceeds 8, the ship will sustain minor eng~ne da~age. I~ will not assigned are: control during every damage control phase. If at least one party is
One Sec. SAM mount sustain further engine damage due to fire until the fire-level assigned to flooding control, the flooding will automatically remain
exceeds 16. 1. Flooding control. controlled; if no party is assigned to flooding control, all controlled
2. Fire fighting. flooding will again become uncontrolled, and the proper die roll will be
t Damage Control Hit: If a damage control hit is sustaine~. a decim~I Example: lf the fire level on a ship becomes 9, i~ immedi8te_ly needed to again bring it under control. Any party assigned to flooding
die must be rolled for the ship at the start of each turf!. Until a 9 or 0 is 3. Weapons repair.
suffers minor engine damage per Rule 1 (m); 1t will not sustain 4. Propulsion system repair. control can attempt to control new floodlng while at the same time
rolled, the ship may not form any damage control part1~s (per rul~ Xll,2 further damage when the fire level reaches 10, 11, 12, etc. up to keeping old flooding under control. Such parties are not penalized In
below); in other words, the ship will be unable to flgh_t fires, flooding, or 5. Electrical equipment repair.
16. 6. Flight deck repair. any way in their attempts to perform either function.
make any repairs until a 9 or 0 is rolled. Once 9 or O 1~ rolle~. such .par·
ties may be formed any time thereafter; no further die roll 1s required. 3. Levels 17- 24 - Subtract 2 from accuracy rates if using visual Each damage control party can be assigned to only one task per d. Damage control parties assigned to flooding control may be able to
sighting for fire control. In addition, as soon as the fire level phase, but more than one party can be assigned to the same task. reduce lhe amount of controlled flooding the ship sustained. This may
exceeds 16 the ship will sustain moderate engine damage (per only be attempted during phases in which there is no uncontrolled
Note: Whenever a ship suffers a speed loss due to any cause, it will 0
flooding. If the number rolled is 9 or O (after any adjustments indicated
decelerate automatically to its new speed at th.e end of the combat Rule 1(m)). Also, roll one six-sided die and consult the table e. The damage control parties on all Soviet. Warsaw Pact, Chinese.
below for additional damage: in Rule 3). reduce the amount of controlled flotation damage as
phase, a ship need not follow normal deceleration rules when battle and Soviet-allied ships may be assigned to flooding control-, fire follows:
damage reduces its speed. fighting, and flight deck repair only; they are not capable of attempting
1 - One main gun mount KO. weapons repair, propulsion system repair, or electronic equipment NATO and Israeli warships·
repair. 25 points
Soviet and all other warships - 15 points
2. FLOTATION: . 2 - One main SAM mount KO. All merchants except super-tankers • 10 points
a. Whenever a ship sustains flooding damage, it will receive a cert~1n Super-tankers - 5 points
number of flotation points which represents the _amou~t of flood~ng 3. One main ASW mount KO.
the ship sustains. Undamaged ships have .no flotation points. Flooding The ship will be treated as if this flooding never occurred, but if speed
damage is cumula-ive, so keep a ~unn1ng total of the number. of 4 - All SSM mounts KO.
3. DETERMINING SUCCESS OF DAMAGE CONTROL ATTEMPTS: or armament was lost due to the flooding (per Damage Rule 2 above), it
flotation points received by each ship. W~en the num~er of flotation will not be regained until repaired by a weapons or propulsion system
points received by a ship ~xceeds its rr:iax1mum Flotation Allc:iwance, 5. One secondary gun mount and one secondar~ .SAM After all of a ship's damage control parties are assigned to a task, roll
one decimal die for-each task attempted to determine the results. repair party. '
the ship will sink. The maximum Flotation Allowance for a ship never mount KO In addition, roll the die again for additional
damage. Adjust the die roll as follows:

b. A ship's Maximum Flotation Allowanc~, is a numb~r of points equal 6 - All fire control systems KO. +1 for every damage control party assigned to the task other
to its displacement in tons. Thus, the Maximum Flotation Allowance of than the initial party. That is, if one party Is assigned to the task,
a 10,000 ton ship is 10,000 points. Adjust this as follows: Both the engine damage and the additional damage will occur there will be no die roll increase. However, if two parties are
as soon as the lire level exceeds 16; no further damage due to assigned, increase the roll by 1; if three are assigned increase by
2; if four are assigned, increase the roll by 3, etc. 5. FIRE FIGHTING:
1. Reduce it by 1/4 (round the loss downward to the nearest lire will occur until the fire level exceeds 24.
a. Whenever a fire breaks out on a ship, it is liable to increase in
point) for all Soviet warships. intensity until 11 is controHed At the end ol any damage control phase
4. Levels 25 - 32 - The ship becomes dead in the water and all
weapons are inoperable. in which a fire is not controlled, increase the fire by the number of
2. Increase by 1/6 for all British and Canadian warships. 4..FLOODING CONTROL: levels eaual to 10% of the number of uncontrolled levels (round
5. Levels 33 or higher ·The ship is in a sinking conditio~ and. is a. Whenever a ship sustains Flooding damage, it will immediately upward to the nearest level if necessary). Double the rate of increase (to
3. Reduce it by 1/2 for merchant ships and all normal tankers. receive the number of flotation points indicated by the damage table. 20%) for all ships built after 1960.
assumed to have suffered flotatior damage exceeding its
Maximum Flotation Allowance (see Rule 2, c (4)). At the end of each damage control phase in which the Flooding is not
4. Reduce it by 3/4 for super-tankers. "Controlled", the ship will receive additional Flotation points equal to b. JI at least one of the ship's damage control parties is engaged in fire
Special: Ships with aluminum superstructu.res (s~ch as most US- 10% of the amount of uncontrolled Flooding (round upward to the fighting, all uncontrolled fires on the ship wilt c_ome u~der ~antral if t~e
c. The effects of flotation damage are as follows: nearest point if necessary). The additional flotation points are also proper numbers are rolled First, roll the decimal die as 1nd1cated 1n
des1gned ships) will sustain fire damage as 1f the fire level were 50%
considered uncontrolled flooding, so if the flooding remains Rule 3 above. If the number rolled after adjustment is 0 or more (0
17 18 equals 10), there is a chance that the fire will coll)e under control. If the
proper- number was r-olled, roll again and adjust the number rolled as 7. ELECTRONICS REPAIR: If the numb~r rol_led, after adjustment, is 1 or higher, one generator b. One method of overcoming the ease at which long range radio
foHows: This category includes all active and passive sensors. radar receivers. ma')'. be repaired; 1f the number rolled is 9 or O, the rudder, propeller or transmissions can be detected is by the use of satellite relays. This can
and jammers. FC systems. all communication and data link equipment engine may _be repaired immediately. Only one piece of equipment only be used if there is a communication satellite orbiting over the
- 2 tor- all . Soviet and Warsaw Pact warships and all war-ships and steering circuits. As for weapons system, the player must specify may be rel?a1red ~ach ~amage control phase. If a generator, rudder, or battle area. When communicating with a satellite. a directional radio,
from countries other than NATO or Israel. which piece of equipment he wishes to repair and then roH one six.- propell~r is r~pa1r~d, 11 n:iay b~ put back in use immediately. If an similar to TB_S, is used, and the transmissions can never be detected
sided die per equipment indicated to determine if it can be repaired. eng1_ne 1s repaired, 1mmed1ately increase the ship's speed by 25%of ils si_nce it would be practically impossible for any opposing unit to be
- 1 for all aircraft carriers. (He may roll only once for each piece of equipment.) Steering circuits maximum speed. directly be~ween the satellite and the communicating unit for any
can always be repaired regardless of the die roll, but all other length of. time. When the satellite receives the transmission. lt will
- 2 for all merchants e.cept super-tankers. equipment can be repaired only if a 4, 5 or 6 was roHed. 9. FLIGHT DECK REPAIR (aircraft carriers only): retr.ans_m1t the message to a receiving station also using directional
a. D~m~ge repair parties assigned to Flight Deck repair will attempt to radio signals. Thus, when satellite relay is used, communication may
- 3 tor super-tankers.. If at least one electronic equipment piece can be repaired, roll the rE'.lpa1r aircraft elevators in addition to repairing flight deck damage. All never be detected or jammed.
decimal die as indicated in Rule 3 during every damage control phase. fllght d~ck damage can be repaired unless the damage table indicates
If the number- r-olled, after' this adjustment is greate..-U... or equal to If the number rolled is 8 or higher, the steering circuits can be repaired. otherwise. For elevator damage, the player must roll a six-sided die 4. USES OF COMMUNICATION:
the number- given below, the fire comes under control immediately. If the number rolled is a O. roll the decimal die again and adjust as before attempting any elevator repair. If the roll is 5 or 6, the elevator a. Long range communication will be used by long range recon units
The required numbers are based on the total amount of uncontrolled follows: can be repaired; otherwise, it is out of action for the entire game. to communicate with other units or their base whenever enemy
fires raging on the ship: sightings occur. Usually, in a game the use of long range
- 1 for all other warships except for- NA TO and Israeli vessels. b. \-\'.hen at least one damage control party is assigned to flight deck communication will occur only if scenario requires it. Example: A
Ulwwwib • ?Rrelnel ReqWed ID canbul repair, roll the decimal die as indicated in Rule 3 once per damage scenario might have a small recon force that must report any enemy
Level 1 -8 5 or- higher - 2 for all merchants except super-tankers. control phase If the number rolled is 6 through O, the amount of flight contact back to base. Unless the scenario requires the use of long
I Level 9-16 6 or higher deck damage may be reduced as follows: range communication under certain circumstances, it will probably be
Level 17- 24 7 or higher - 3 for super-tankers. unnecessary to use it.
Level 25- 32 8 or higher NATO and Israeli ships - 200 points
If the number- rolled after adjustment is 7 or- higher, any one piece of Soviet, Warsaw Pact and all other ships -150points b. Short range communication will be used to transmit target
'I A roll of O is considered to be a roll· of. 10.. information between ships, and to guide missiles capable of mid-
electronic equipment is repaired.
c. If the number rolled is O, the owning player may attempt to repair an course guidance. In addition, it is used to transmit orders from the
c. Once an uncontrolted fire becomes controlled. it can no longer I. PROPULSION SYSTEll REPAIR: elevator rather than repairing the flight deck; a ship may not both flagship to all other ships.
i increase in intensity_ However, to delennine the effects of fire on a ship
(per Damage Rule 3 above), total up - the controlled and
a. Damage repair parties assigned to propulsion system repair may attempt to repair an elevator and repair any amount of flight deck
damage dl!ring the same dar:nage control phase. If the player chooses
11· repalf engine damage, generator damage. rudder damage, and 5. EFFECTS OF COMMUNICATION:
:; uncontrolled fires on board. Thus, if a ship has a level 2 controlled fire
and then sustains damage resulting in a level 4 fire~ the ship will be
considered to have a level 6 fire. The only advantage resulting from
propeller damage. As for weapons damage. the player must specify
which piece of equipment he wishes to repair and then roll· one six.-
th~t the ship attempt to repair an elevator, roll another decimal die and
adjust as follows:
a. Ships which are in communication with their flagship may be
moved as desired. Those not in communication with the flagship must
move as indicated in XI, 1, e.
Ii sided die to deter-mine if it can be repaired. While a player may roll only
IIi' controlling fires is that controlled fires will not continue to increase in
once per game for the rudder and propeller, he may roll once for each
generator. but he may roll for the engines a total of four times:
- 1 for Soviet. Warsaw Pact and all ships other than NATO and
Israeli vessels. b. Whenever a unit detects opposing units by any method, all friendly
units in communication with the detecting unit are assumed to be
111 d.. A conbolled fire will remain controlled only if at least one Of the 1. When the speed loss due to damage equals 251§. or less of the If the number rolled, after the adjustment is 9 or O, one elevator is made aware of the contact during the communications phase
ship"s damage control parties iis assigned to fire fighting during every
damage control phase. If at least one party is assigned to fire fighting,
all controlled' fires will automatically remain controlled. If no party is
shiips maxi.mum speed.

2.. When the speed loss due to damage Ms greater lhan 251Mr but
repaired and may again be used. following the combat phase in which the detection occurred. The
designations of all detected units ere then written onto the TDD's of all
units in communication with the detecting units. Units which are made
1:! assigned to fire r-19hting. all· of the fires automatically become !less than or eq1JJal to SCJll.. of the ship's maximum. speed. aware of an enemy contact through communications are treated as if
uncontrolled and the proper die roll (per (b) _ , will be needed to they, themselves, detected the units beginning at the time they receive
again bring it under control. Any party assigned to fire fighting may 1 Whern the speed loss due to damage is greater than 50'll> but the communication; thereafter, they may use weapons and fire control
i 1:
attempt to bring new fires under control while at the same time keeping less than orr equall !:o 75"1. all !he shftp"s maxRmum. speed.
XIII. COMMUNICATIONS AND DATA LINK: radars against those opposing units. For example, if a unit detects an
old fires under control without any penalty.
di 4.. When the speed •oss due to damage exceeds 75%i of the
~ommur:iications refers to the ability of units to pass on and receive
opposing unit with radar during a combat phase, all units In
communication with that unit become aware of that contact during the
II il e. Dmnage control parties assigned to r;re fighting may atlempt to ship"s maxinnurm speeci 1nformat1_on . from one to the other. There are two types of subsequent communications phase. Therefore, during the next
reduce the level of fires.. Thiis can only be accomplished combat phase, all of those units will be able to use fire control radars
I!'l;i' during damage control phaseS Mn which there are no uncOJ11trolled fires
on board; rt may not be attempted when there Ms any uncontronlied fire
Tine p~ayer may rolll onlty once du.1rii111g each of the four opportuniities
~istted above.
communications: Short range and Long range. The most common
method of comm_unication is.by radio, but short range communication and weapons against the opposing unit just as if they detected it
·111. an board, regardless of its nntensrty. If the number roHled Ms 0, reduce may also. be _carr~ed ou_t by signals. Data Link is a specialized form of
the intensity of die controlled 1lin!S on board by one lleveH if the slnRp isa ~ ltr ttflle slhlip lloses SOl!lfle speed due to damage and ttne pNayer
commun1cat1on 1n which the computer of a unit has the ability to
ex~hange data directly with the computer of another unit. While all
Note: Many weapons are incapable of being fired unless the target is
i,.1'! NATO or lsraeMi warship_ If the ship iS not one of these,. rolH the die rollHs to detterrnniine if llhe damage can be rrepalrred, he may not roH.~rn successfully tracked by a fire control radar. Units in communication
'I' again; if the number rolled is equal to or greater than the number given units are capable of both long and short range communication by both
"' the strinp S&J1stairrns addiitiionaN engWrne darrmage but tlhe ttottall engune radio and signals, not all are capable of data link. with a tracking unit are not assumed to be tracking the unit themselves,
below. redoce the fiire by one level. but If not. the fire Mevell wiiH nat be damage did not reduce the ship"s speed by over 25"11. He 111111ay oott: rrUH s,o they may not fire radar controlled weapons at the target. In order to
raluced: again until the speed loss due to engine damage exceeds 25'Wt of ttlhe 2. SHORT RANGE COMMUNICATIONS: fire radar controlled weapons, a unit must either track the target with
i11' Soviet. Warsaw PACT and 8111 warships otherr 1111811'11 ship"s mmdmum speed. a. A unit with a working radio can communicate with another unit its own fire control radar or have a data link connection (see below)
NATO and lsraellii - 4 having a working radio by a system c.alled TBS (talk between ships). In with the tracking unit; merely being in communication with the
1111 If a player does not roll to determine itr engine damage cam be rrepaiirred order to do so, the distance between the ships must be less than or tracking unit is not sufficient. The concept of radar tracking and fire
11 AH nnercharnls eJU:ept super-lalllkers - 7 when the Hniitial opportlllnity arises. tthel!ll the amourmtl: otr errngiirrne danmage equal to the maximum radar detection range, for this is the maximum control is explained in the Electronic Warfare section of this book.
increases to the poiint where he would receWe armodnerr oppoirll1J.111rnitt.y to range that such communication can be effective. Maximum radar
Super--Niers -9 roH. he may ran both for the current opporttu1111Rtty anidl alll oppoirtturniill:ies detection range is based on the size of the ships communicating with 6. DATA LINK:
no1ye1.-m.. each other, and these ranges can be found on the Radar Detection 1. Data Link, called NTDS in the US Navy, is a method of
It the fire resuftled iin loss of speed or arnrTll8lllllel, these wiiHH mot be Table. TBS communication has the advantage of being directional, communication between computers. Only ships listed on the Ship
._;nec1 aulomllalicaD!y it the f"..e is raluc:ed below "1e level llhal i£ sP If a ship sustains engine damage mtTta1l rrediuces iills sjPeEd. by that is, the radio waves travel only in a line between the two Characteristics Table as having data link may use it, and both units
resulteed iirm ttllne Hoss,'; tllley nnust be rrepairred by a prropwillsiiorm syslernm or less than 25"-' and Hien later SIJISlairns addiitiiorrnall eimgUrme damage communicating units, so it can be detected and jammed only if an involved in the communication must have it in order for
resulting Hn a total speed loss due to mg~rne darrnage m: llM!tweerrn ~ opposing unit lies directly between the communicating units communication to be possible.
- - clannage con1brDI plllty..
and SOS. of ils rnmlimum speed (or ilf iii 511J151aiirms erngii111e darrrnage
L WEAPOllS REPAIR: resuhiing in a speed lass of CNel" 2i!1. alH al once). tttre pllayer rrrnay rollll lltne b. Short range communication can also be accomplished by signals if b. Data link is omni-directional, so it can be detected and jammed as long
&. Bebe nrnitiiallly assii9rming a repaiir party 1D weapurns repair,. the die two times.. He rnayewen mH lhebolh llinnes duriirng llhe sarrmedarmiage the communicating units are within 3" of each other. Communication ranee communications.
player musll. iirmdicate wllliicltl weapons lllKK.llrmt lhe wiistnes llD repaHrr arndl rulll contml phase. by signal cannot be jammed and can only be detected by opposing c. If units are connected by Data Link, all information available to one
one siiJl:-siided diie.. H tthe nul!llllber rrollUed is 11 ttrruUJglhl 5., 1he weapon units within 3" of the unit that is sending the message. However, unlike of the units is also immediately available to the other unit. If one unit
moull"lll: C111111lllOD: be repaiired forrtheduiratiCJ11111 all' the game;: iif a 6 is rollled,. it IL The nu11111bers needed on the siix-sided diie to allklw the possiilbliHlll:y of with radio communications, units may never fire weapons based on has contacted an opposing unit, all units with a Data Link connection
naay lbe rrepa.ired .. ThHs die roll ocaurs before utne pllayer assiigns 1asks to repairs are as folkNs: information received by signals. Units that are in communication only with that unit may fire weapons or use ECM, just as if they themselves
hiis damage cantroll parliies,, so Rf llhe desiiiredl weapons mrnmmtts carrnlllOl by signals are considered not in communication for firing purposes. made contact in the same way. Thus, units connected by Data Link can
be repatin!d, he may assign mme parties to mher - .. Thie pllayetr nnay 1. Geweariw 3 orr lhiigltnerr react to an enemy contact just as quickly as the unit actually making
ruH the dieormfty On'1ICI! perr: weapo111 l!lllOILllll1t during eadn ga:rrme,. butt he llllllY 2.. Rudder and c. There is an underwater radio which allows communication between the contact.
rullA fur as nnany mounds as possible duriirng eaclhl dmmage con1bn:JI propel!etr 6 ships and subs and between subs and subs. It is omni-directional {like
plnase.. 3.. Engines 5.,.. 6 long range communications) and can be detected by all opposing
units in range. The maximum range for communication between ships
IL If at least C111e rrmount can be repaired. roll 1he decijrnall diie as
n111dHcater:11 in RWlle 3 abcfte 011TCe every dalllllllgl! camroM phase.. ltr ttne rolll
c. 11 at least one or-elements lisll!d above caJ11 be "'ll"'ii""'" ..m11111e and a sub is 18" while the maximum range between subs is 27". 7. COMMUNICATION PROCEDURES:
a. Long range communication - Whenever a unit uses long range
deciinnal die as indicmled in Rule 3 during Ole damage cornlbroll plhlase.. lllf
Hs a 0,. roll llhe decimal dlie again and adjust as follHows: llhe number rollled is 9 or o. rolll die decilllllBll diie agaii1111 a1111d aidijUISll: as 3. LONG RANGE COMMUNICATIONS: communication. unless via satellite relay, the owning player must
lolHows: a. Long range communication may only be accomplished by radio. indicate the transmitting unit. This unit will immediately be detected
- 11 far' a~n WBJShips altnel' ttum lltaOR of NATO or nsraelL Unlike TBS, long range commun1catlon is practically unlimited in by all opposing radio deteclors. Long range communication is

- 2 Hf the ship Is an armed merdnant..

- 1 lor aiN -ps other than !hose al NATO ;md llsraell.. range, but unless satellite relays are used, long range communication
must be omni-directional, so it can be detected and jammed by
resolved during the communications phases of the turn

:,.!' - 2 lor all merdlanls - ..._-tankers.. opposing units whict-1 do not lie directly between the communicating b. Short range communication - Short range communication can be
If the ......iting roll,. - a d j - is 8 o• highe< !0=10). orne ol 1111e
mount HS repaired (ownHng playel"s c:hoicel and may ~n - 3 lor all ..._..........,.
units. The radio detection rules given in the Electronic Warfare Rule
segment will give the requirements for radio detection and jamming
used during the communicalions phases of the turn If a player uses
short range communications. he must indicate it only if an opposing

,. 20
unit lies directly between the communicating units. If there is such a
proper- number was r-olled, roll again and adjust the number rolled as 7. ELECTRONICS REPAIR: If the numb~r rol_led, after adjustment, is 1 or higher, one generator b. One method of overcoming the ease at which long range radio
foHows: This category includes all active and passive sensors. radar receivers. ma')'. be repaired; 1f the number rolled is 9 or O, the rudder, propeller or transmissions can be detected is by the use of satellite relays. This can
and jammers. FC systems. all communication and data link equipment engine may _be repaired immediately. Only one piece of equipment only be used if there is a communication satellite orbiting over the
- 2 tor- all . Soviet and Warsaw Pact warships and all war-ships and steering circuits. As for weapons system, the player must specify may be rel?a1red ~ach ~amage control phase. If a generator, rudder, or battle area. When communicating with a satellite. a directional radio,
from countries other than NATO or Israel. which piece of equipment he wishes to repair and then roH one six.- propell~r is r~pa1r~d, 11 n:iay b~ put back in use immediately. If an similar to TB_S, is used, and the transmissions can never be detected
sided die per equipment indicated to determine if it can be repaired. eng1_ne 1s repaired, 1mmed1ately increase the ship's speed by 25%of ils si_nce it would be practically impossible for any opposing unit to be
- 1 for all aircraft carriers. (He may roll only once for each piece of equipment.) Steering circuits maximum speed. directly be~ween the satellite and the communicating unit for any
can always be repaired regardless of the die roll, but all other length of. time. When the satellite receives the transmission. lt will
- 2 for all merchants e.cept super-tankers. equipment can be repaired only if a 4, 5 or 6 was roHed. 9. FLIGHT DECK REPAIR (aircraft carriers only): retr.ans_m1t the message to a receiving station also using directional
a. D~m~ge repair parties assigned to Flight Deck repair will attempt to radio signals. Thus, when satellite relay is used, communication may
- 3 tor super-tankers.. If at least one electronic equipment piece can be repaired, roll the rE'.lpa1r aircraft elevators in addition to repairing flight deck damage. All never be detected or jammed.
decimal die as indicated in Rule 3 during every damage control phase. fllght d~ck damage can be repaired unless the damage table indicates
If the number- r-olled, after' this adjustment is greate..-U... or equal to If the number rolled is 8 or higher, the steering circuits can be repaired. otherwise. For elevator damage, the player must roll a six-sided die 4. USES OF COMMUNICATION:
the number- given below, the fire comes under control immediately. If the number rolled is a O. roll the decimal die again and adjust as before attempting any elevator repair. If the roll is 5 or 6, the elevator a. Long range communication will be used by long range recon units
The required numbers are based on the total amount of uncontrolled follows: can be repaired; otherwise, it is out of action for the entire game. to communicate with other units or their base whenever enemy
fires raging on the ship: sightings occur. Usually, in a game the use of long range
- 1 for all other warships except for- NA TO and Israeli vessels. b. \-\'.hen at least one damage control party is assigned to flight deck communication will occur only if scenario requires it. Example: A
Ulwwwib • ?Rrelnel ReqWed ID canbul repair, roll the decimal die as indicated in Rule 3 once per damage scenario might have a small recon force that must report any enemy
Level 1 -8 5 or- higher - 2 for all merchants except super-tankers. control phase If the number rolled is 6 through O, the amount of flight contact back to base. Unless the scenario requires the use of long
I Level 9-16 6 or higher deck damage may be reduced as follows: range communication under certain circumstances, it will probably be
Level 17- 24 7 or higher - 3 for super-tankers. unnecessary to use it.
Level 25- 32 8 or higher NATO and Israeli ships - 200 points
If the number- rolled after adjustment is 7 or- higher, any one piece of Soviet, Warsaw Pact and all other ships -150points b. Short range communication will be used to transmit target
'I A roll of O is considered to be a roll· of. 10.. information between ships, and to guide missiles capable of mid-
electronic equipment is repaired.
c. If the number rolled is O, the owning player may attempt to repair an course guidance. In addition, it is used to transmit orders from the
c. Once an uncontrolted fire becomes controlled. it can no longer I. PROPULSION SYSTEll REPAIR: elevator rather than repairing the flight deck; a ship may not both flagship to all other ships.
i increase in intensity_ However, to delennine the effects of fire on a ship
(per Damage Rule 3 above), total up - the controlled and
a. Damage repair parties assigned to propulsion system repair may attempt to repair an elevator and repair any amount of flight deck
damage dl!ring the same dar:nage control phase. If the player chooses
11· repalf engine damage, generator damage. rudder damage, and 5. EFFECTS OF COMMUNICATION:
:; uncontrolled fires on board. Thus, if a ship has a level 2 controlled fire
and then sustains damage resulting in a level 4 fire~ the ship will be
considered to have a level 6 fire. The only advantage resulting from
propeller damage. As for weapons damage. the player must specify
which piece of equipment he wishes to repair and then roll· one six.-
th~t the ship attempt to repair an elevator, roll another decimal die and
adjust as follows:
a. Ships which are in communication with their flagship may be
moved as desired. Those not in communication with the flagship must
move as indicated in XI, 1, e.
Ii sided die to deter-mine if it can be repaired. While a player may roll only
IIi' controlling fires is that controlled fires will not continue to increase in
once per game for the rudder and propeller, he may roll once for each
generator. but he may roll for the engines a total of four times:
- 1 for Soviet. Warsaw Pact and all ships other than NATO and
Israeli vessels. b. Whenever a unit detects opposing units by any method, all friendly
units in communication with the detecting unit are assumed to be
111 d.. A conbolled fire will remain controlled only if at least one Of the 1. When the speed loss due to damage equals 251§. or less of the If the number rolled, after the adjustment is 9 or O, one elevator is made aware of the contact during the communications phase
ship"s damage control parties iis assigned to fire fighting during every
damage control phase. If at least one party is assigned to fire fighting,
all controlled' fires will automatically remain controlled. If no party is
shiips maxi.mum speed.

2.. When the speed loss due to damage Ms greater lhan 251Mr but
repaired and may again be used. following the combat phase in which the detection occurred. The
designations of all detected units ere then written onto the TDD's of all
units in communication with the detecting units. Units which are made
1:! assigned to fire r-19hting. all· of the fires automatically become !less than or eq1JJal to SCJll.. of the ship's maximum. speed. aware of an enemy contact through communications are treated as if
uncontrolled and the proper die roll (per (b) _ , will be needed to they, themselves, detected the units beginning at the time they receive
again bring it under control. Any party assigned to fire fighting may 1 Whern the speed loss due to damage is greater than 50'll> but the communication; thereafter, they may use weapons and fire control
i 1:
attempt to bring new fires under control while at the same time keeping less than orr equall !:o 75"1. all !he shftp"s maxRmum. speed.
XIII. COMMUNICATIONS AND DATA LINK: radars against those opposing units. For example, if a unit detects an
old fires under control without any penalty.
di 4.. When the speed •oss due to damage exceeds 75%i of the
~ommur:iications refers to the ability of units to pass on and receive
opposing unit with radar during a combat phase, all units In
communication with that unit become aware of that contact during the
II il e. Dmnage control parties assigned to r;re fighting may atlempt to ship"s maxinnurm speeci 1nformat1_on . from one to the other. There are two types of subsequent communications phase. Therefore, during the next
reduce the level of fires.. Thiis can only be accomplished combat phase, all of those units will be able to use fire control radars
I!'l;i' during damage control phaseS Mn which there are no uncOJ11trolled fires
on board; rt may not be attempted when there Ms any uncontronlied fire
Tine p~ayer may rolll onlty once du.1rii111g each of the four opportuniities
~istted above.
communications: Short range and Long range. The most common
method of comm_unication is.by radio, but short range communication and weapons against the opposing unit just as if they detected it
·111. an board, regardless of its nntensrty. If the number roHled Ms 0, reduce may also. be _carr~ed ou_t by signals. Data Link is a specialized form of
the intensity of die controlled 1lin!S on board by one lleveH if the slnRp isa ~ ltr ttflle slhlip lloses SOl!lfle speed due to damage and ttne pNayer
commun1cat1on 1n which the computer of a unit has the ability to
ex~hange data directly with the computer of another unit. While all
Note: Many weapons are incapable of being fired unless the target is
i,.1'! NATO or lsraeMi warship_ If the ship iS not one of these,. rolH the die rollHs to detterrnniine if llhe damage can be rrepalrred, he may not roH.~rn successfully tracked by a fire control radar. Units in communication
'I' again; if the number rolled is equal to or greater than the number given units are capable of both long and short range communication by both
"' the strinp S&J1stairrns addiitiionaN engWrne darrmage but tlhe ttottall engune radio and signals, not all are capable of data link. with a tracking unit are not assumed to be tracking the unit themselves,
below. redoce the fiire by one level. but If not. the fire Mevell wiiH nat be damage did not reduce the ship"s speed by over 25"11. He 111111ay oott: rrUH s,o they may not fire radar controlled weapons at the target. In order to
raluced: again until the speed loss due to engine damage exceeds 25'Wt of ttlhe 2. SHORT RANGE COMMUNICATIONS: fire radar controlled weapons, a unit must either track the target with
i11' Soviet. Warsaw PACT and 8111 warships otherr 1111811'11 ship"s mmdmum speed. a. A unit with a working radio can communicate with another unit its own fire control radar or have a data link connection (see below)
NATO and lsraellii - 4 having a working radio by a system c.alled TBS (talk between ships). In with the tracking unit; merely being in communication with the
1111 If a player does not roll to determine itr engine damage cam be rrepaiirred order to do so, the distance between the ships must be less than or tracking unit is not sufficient. The concept of radar tracking and fire
11 AH nnercharnls eJU:ept super-lalllkers - 7 when the Hniitial opportlllnity arises. tthel!ll the amourmtl: otr errngiirrne danmage equal to the maximum radar detection range, for this is the maximum control is explained in the Electronic Warfare section of this book.
increases to the poiint where he would receWe armodnerr oppoirll1J.111rnitt.y to range that such communication can be effective. Maximum radar
Super--Niers -9 roH. he may ran both for the current opporttu1111Rtty anidl alll oppoirtturniill:ies detection range is based on the size of the ships communicating with 6. DATA LINK:
no1ye1.-m.. each other, and these ranges can be found on the Radar Detection 1. Data Link, called NTDS in the US Navy, is a method of
It the fire resuftled iin loss of speed or arnrTll8lllllel, these wiiHH mot be Table. TBS communication has the advantage of being directional, communication between computers. Only ships listed on the Ship
._;nec1 aulomllalicaD!y it the f"..e is raluc:ed below "1e level llhal i£ sP If a ship sustains engine damage mtTta1l rrediuces iills sjPeEd. by that is, the radio waves travel only in a line between the two Characteristics Table as having data link may use it, and both units
resulteed iirm ttllne Hoss,'; tllley nnust be rrepairred by a prropwillsiiorm syslernm or less than 25"-' and Hien later SIJISlairns addiitiiorrnall eimgUrme damage communicating units, so it can be detected and jammed only if an involved in the communication must have it in order for
resulting Hn a total speed loss due to mg~rne darrnage m: llM!tweerrn ~ opposing unit lies directly between the communicating units communication to be possible.
- - clannage con1brDI plllty..
and SOS. of ils rnmlimum speed (or ilf iii 511J151aiirms erngii111e darrrnage
L WEAPOllS REPAIR: resuhiing in a speed lass of CNel" 2i!1. alH al once). tttre pllayer rrrnay rollll lltne b. Short range communication can also be accomplished by signals if b. Data link is omni-directional, so it can be detected and jammed as long
&. Bebe nrnitiiallly assii9rming a repaiir party 1D weapurns repair,. the die two times.. He rnayewen mH lhebolh llinnes duriirng llhe sarrmedarmiage the communicating units are within 3" of each other. Communication ranee communications.
player musll. iirmdicate wllliicltl weapons lllKK.llrmt lhe wiistnes llD repaHrr arndl rulll contml phase. by signal cannot be jammed and can only be detected by opposing c. If units are connected by Data Link, all information available to one
one siiJl:-siided diie.. H tthe nul!llllber rrollUed is 11 ttrruUJglhl 5., 1he weapon units within 3" of the unit that is sending the message. However, unlike of the units is also immediately available to the other unit. If one unit
moull"lll: C111111lllOD: be repaiired forrtheduiratiCJ11111 all' the game;: iif a 6 is rollled,. it IL The nu11111bers needed on the siix-sided diie to allklw the possiilbliHlll:y of with radio communications, units may never fire weapons based on has contacted an opposing unit, all units with a Data Link connection
naay lbe rrepa.ired .. ThHs die roll ocaurs before utne pllayer assiigns 1asks to repairs are as folkNs: information received by signals. Units that are in communication only with that unit may fire weapons or use ECM, just as if they themselves
hiis damage cantroll parliies,, so Rf llhe desiiiredl weapons mrnmmtts carrnlllOl by signals are considered not in communication for firing purposes. made contact in the same way. Thus, units connected by Data Link can
be repatin!d, he may assign mme parties to mher - .. Thie pllayetr nnay 1. Geweariw 3 orr lhiigltnerr react to an enemy contact just as quickly as the unit actually making
ruH the dieormfty On'1ICI! perr: weapo111 l!lllOILllll1t during eadn ga:rrme,. butt he llllllY 2.. Rudder and c. There is an underwater radio which allows communication between the contact.
rullA fur as nnany mounds as possible duriirng eaclhl dmmage con1bn:JI propel!etr 6 ships and subs and between subs and subs. It is omni-directional {like
plnase.. 3.. Engines 5.,.. 6 long range communications) and can be detected by all opposing
units in range. The maximum range for communication between ships
IL If at least C111e rrmount can be repaired. roll 1he decijrnall diie as
n111dHcater:11 in RWlle 3 abcfte 011TCe every dalllllllgl! camroM phase.. ltr ttne rolll
c. 11 at least one or-elements lisll!d above caJ11 be "'ll"'ii""'" ..m11111e and a sub is 18" while the maximum range between subs is 27". 7. COMMUNICATION PROCEDURES:
a. Long range communication - Whenever a unit uses long range
deciinnal die as indicmled in Rule 3 during Ole damage cornlbroll plhlase.. lllf
Hs a 0,. roll llhe decimal dlie again and adjust as follHows: llhe number rollled is 9 or o. rolll die decilllllBll diie agaii1111 a1111d aidijUISll: as 3. LONG RANGE COMMUNICATIONS: communication. unless via satellite relay, the owning player must
lolHows: a. Long range communication may only be accomplished by radio. indicate the transmitting unit. This unit will immediately be detected
- 11 far' a~n WBJShips altnel' ttum lltaOR of NATO or nsraelL Unlike TBS, long range commun1catlon is practically unlimited in by all opposing radio deteclors. Long range communication is

- 2 Hf the ship Is an armed merdnant..

- 1 lor aiN -ps other than !hose al NATO ;md llsraell.. range, but unless satellite relays are used, long range communication
must be omni-directional, so it can be detected and jammed by
resolved during the communications phases of the turn

:,.!' - 2 lor all merdlanls - ..._-tankers.. opposing units whict-1 do not lie directly between the communicating b. Short range communication - Short range communication can be
If the ......iting roll,. - a d j - is 8 o• highe< !0=10). orne ol 1111e
mount HS repaired (ownHng playel"s c:hoicel and may ~n - 3 lor all ..._..........,.
units. The radio detection rules given in the Electronic Warfare Rule
segment will give the requirements for radio detection and jamming
used during the communicalions phases of the turn If a player uses
short range communications. he must indicate it only if an opposing

,. 20
unit lies directly between the communicating units. If there is such a
unit, the communtcattng player must point Out the unit to his opponent
and ask him if ii has an operating radio detector. The opposing player
need not reveal this information unless he wishes to do so. If he
near 1ne side of the model in the direction the tubes are firing. If the
tubes can only fire forward, the counter must touch the bow of the
model; if the tubes can only fire to the rear, the counter must touch the
a. Dunng each torpedo segment, all previously launched torpedoes
which are still running will "move". Each player will consult the
Torpedo Data Table for the speed of the torpedoes and will measure
Beginning with the combat phase following the combat phase in which
pattern running begins, a homing range around the last torpeoo
counter is created within which all surface vessels are capable of being
indicates that the unit does have a radio detector, the communicating stern of the model. that distance outward from the last torpedo counter placed for each hit. This homing range creates a "danger zone" that is much larger
ptayer must indicate which unit is transmitting; that unit will mount. Another counter will be placed at this point. Thus, the track of than the normal area of coverage of a spread of torpedoes. In this
,1'11 automatically be detected by the radio detector. · c. The players will then consult the Torpedo Data Table to determine each torpedo spread will be indicated by a line of counters placed in manner, the chance of pattern running torpedoes hitting their targets
how fast the torpedoes carried by each ship can move during each is greatly increased.
such a way that the distance between each counter will be equal to the
c. Data Link - Although data link can provide detailed information combat phase. They then measure that distance from the bridge of torpedoes speed.
very rapidly, it does not always work. Frequently units with data link each ship out in the direction of firing. They then place one other Once a torpedo begins pattern running, it must continue pattern
will be unable to use it due to a malfunction in the system. To simulate counter face down at that point. If measurements are required, the b. If the torpedoes are unguided, all of its counters must be in a running until the end of its run; it may never again move forward in the
this, at the beginning of each electronics search segment, pick one opposing players will turn their backs to the playing area while the straight line; that is, once the second counter has been placed, the normal manner. To determine the duration of the run, assume that
card for every unit having data link. It the number picked is 1 for NATO measurements are rilade. torpedoes must continue to "move'' in exactly the same direction. If the pattern running torpedoes are moving at their maximum speed during
units or 1 or 2 !or Soviet units, the unit's data link system will not each phase they are pattern running. Thus, 1f a torpedo has a
torpedoes are wire guided, the direction of movement may be changed
operate during that phase Such units can neither transmit nor receive Note: As indicated in the Movement Section, "dummy" counters may maximum speed of 3" each phase, it will be assumed to travel 3" every
by up to go 0 at the beginning of. each torpedo move. Thus, the
information. be placed by either player at any time anywhere on the playing area. phase it is pattern running. Once the total distance travelled by the
direction of bearing of the torpedoes may be changed by up to go 0
Players may thus put "dummy" counters next to non-firing ships to torpedo equals its maximum range, it is removed from play.
when the third counter is put down, and by another go 0 in either the
If a unit has a working data link, any contacts made by any of the unit's mislead their opponents into thinking that torpedoes were launched. same or opposite direction When the fourth counter is to be put down, 6. DETERMINING TORPEDO DAMAGE:
active or passive sensors wilt immediately be transmitted to all other etc. The torpedo does not suffer any movement penalty for turning. Of a. The steps in determining if torpedoes cause damageare as follows:
units having a working data link. Thus, if the designation of an d. The players will now designate secretly in writing the following course, the player need not indicate in writing any information about
opposing unit is written on to the TDD of a locating unit, it will be information for each of their torpedo mounts: turn; he will decide to make turns only immediately before "moving" 1. Determine the area of coverage of each spread of torpedoes.
immediately written onto the TDD's of all friendly units having a the torpedoes. In all cases, however, the torpedoes new counter must
working data link. tn addition, if a unit uses a fire control radar, all units 1. The number of torpedoes fired. be closer at the end of its move to any elligible target than the prior 2. For each vessel within the area of coverage, one at a time,
having a data link connection with it may use that radar as if it were its 2. The type of guidance and homing used. counter was, but the elligible target may be changed each phase, just determine the accuracy rate of the torpedo spread.
own. The data link is assumed to be used whenever a contact is made 3. The type of pattern (tight, normal, or wide). before the movement of the torpedo, at the owning player's option.
with an active or passive sensor; at that time, if there are opposing units 4. The range to which the torpedoes are set. 3. Once the accuracy rate against a ship is determined, roll one
in the proper position. they may detect or jam the data link just as if it Remember that if a vessel is not visually sighted or detected by a radar,
it is not an elligible target. decimal die tor each torpedo in the spread and consult the
were a short range radio. Torpedo Results Table to determine if ar:iy hits are scored.
The maximum number of torpedoes which can be fired from each 5. TORPEDO PATTERNS, GUIDANCE, HOMING AND RANGE:
d. Underwater radio: As short range communication, but the mount is, of course, the actual number of torpedoes remaining in the 4. If one or more hits are scored, coiisultthe Torpedo Damage
communication can be detected by all units in range of the transmitter, a. Patterns: Torpedoes may be fired in tight. normal or wide patterns.
mount, while the minimum number is one. Tables to determine the amount of damage caused by each hit.
not just by units tying between the communicating units. The Wider patterns increase the possibility of a single hit while reducing
communicating player must indicate to his opponent all units which the chance of multiple hits, while tight patterns frequently produce
e. After all players have completed step (d). each team may roll one either multiple hits or no hits at all. If only one torpedo is fired, the b. Torpedo damage is resolved during the torpedo segment of the
are capable of detecting the transmissions. six-sided die for every opposing ship next to which at least one pattern must be tight. combat phase before any torpedo movement or launching; thus,
torpedo counter has been placed. If the number rolled is 5 or higher, torpedoes cannot hit any targets during the phase they are launched.
Note: In all cases, even if a unit's communication is detected, the the player commanding the ship must inform his opponents if that ship b. Guidance: Torpedoes may be either non-guided or wire-guided.
contents of the messages need not be revealed. is actually firing torpedoes. He need not reveal the number, nor any Only torpedoes listed on the Torpedo Data Table as having a wire 7. DETERMINING THE AREA OF COVERAGE:
other information. The torpedo counters must then be turned face up. guidance facility may be wire guided; all others are always non- a. For each spread of torpedoes, place a ruler or any other straight
e. Note - All communication is voluntary: players are never forced to Adjust the roll as follows: guided. Non-guided torpedoes will travel only in a straight line after edge so that one end rests on the center of the last torpedo counter
communicate between units. being launched, while wire-guided torpedoes may be "turned" by the placed on the playing surface while the other rests on the center of the
1. If any opposing ship is within two miles (6") of the torpedo owning player during each move as indicated in Rule 4. second from the last torpedo counter, thus creating a straight line
firing ship, add 1 to the number rolled. between the two counters.
8. LASER COMMUNICATION: c. Homing: Torpedoes can be either non-homing or acoustic
A new type of communication system being installed on some US 2. If all opposing ships are over six miles (18") away from the homing. Only torpedoes with an acoustic homing facility may use Example: If a torpedo has been running for three phases, place the
ships is laser communications. The procedures for laser torpedo firing ship, subtract 1 from the number rolled. acoustic homing. Of course, acoustic torpedoes are usually much ruler so that it forms a straight line between the second end the third
communications is the same as for short-range communications. more accurate than non-homing torpedoes. counters.
Laser communications is directional, and the maximum range of such 3. If all opposing ships are over nine (27") miles away from the
communication is limited by the visual horizon. Therefore, the torpedo firing ship, subtract 2 from the number rolled, i.e., As explained on the Torpedo Data Table, some dual purpose b. Then, measure the distance between the last counter placed for it
maximum communications range using laser communications is spotting the torpedo launch is not possible. torpedoes have an acoustic homing system that can operate only on the playing surface and the lnltlal counter placed at the time of
equal to the maximum daylight visual sighting range, even at night. against submarines. Such torpedoes must be non-homing when used launch. Using this distance, consult the proper section of the Torpedo
Laser communications cannot currently be jammed, and it may be If the torpedo firing ship is not visible to any opposing ship, do not roll against surface targets. Coverage Area Table to determine the width of the area of coverage of
used after conventional communications are knocked out. the die since the torpedoes cannot be spotted. The die is rolled only the spread. There is one section on the Torpedo Coverage Area Table
during the phase the initial torpedo counter is placed on the playing d. Range: The maximum distance torpedoes may travel is listed on for tight patterns, one for normal patterns, and another for wide
surface. the Torpedo Data Table. A torpedo may be set for a shorter range and patterns. Each section has one column for a spread consisting of one
will be removed from play at the end of the combat phase it reaches to three torpedoes and another column for four to five torpedoes. Use
XIV. TORPEDOES: f. Torpedo Firing Restrictions: that ·range.
the section pertaining to the type of pattern chosen, and the column
1. EFFECTIVENESS OF TORPEDOES: based on the number of torpedoes fired.
1. Torpedoes may never be fired against targets which are e. Pattern-running torpedoes: All pattern running torpedoes have
Most modern torpedoes are effective only against submerged neither visible to the firing ship nor located by one of the firer's acoustic homing, so no more thari two of them may be launched by a
submarines, and such torpedoes may not be used against surface c. After obtaining the width of the area of coverage of a pattern,
active sensors at the time of firing. vessel in one direction during a phase. In addition, if a torpedo is
targets. Only torpedoes listed on the Torpedo Data Table as being determine if any ship of either side falls within the area of coverage.
pattern running, there may be no more than one other pattern running
anti-ship or dual purpose may be used against surface targets. The area of coverage extends perpendicular to the torpedo track in
2. Regardless of the torpedo fire control rating, torpedoes may torpedo within homing range (4" for ship launched torpedoes} of it. A both directions, and will begin at the last torpedo track marker placed
be fired upon targets which were initially located by the firing pattern running torpedo is considered to be within·4"' of another if the on the playing surface and will extend only to the second from the last
2. SEQUENCE OF PLAY: ship during the same combat phase. distance between tne torpedo counters marking the center of each of
All torpedo firing and determination of damage will occur during the torpedo counter
Torpedo segment of each combat phase. The sequence of play for
each torpedo segment will be as follows:
3. Torpedoes may only be fired at elligible torpedo targets. An
elligible torpedo target is any enemy ship that meets the
the patterns is less than or equal to 4.''rhus, it a ship launched torpedo
begins pattern running, t_here may be no more than one 1...ther pattern
running torpedo within 4"of its poS'ition. Should there be more than ~I
.------ --, , _.

j~ I i~i
requirements in (1) and (2) above. All those ships which do not one such torpedo, two of them will be immediately destroyed and
a. Determine damage caused by previously launched 1 2
meet the requirements in (1) and. (2) are inetligible torpedo removed fn;>m the game. l1 the number of pattern running torpedoes

b. Move all previously launched torpedoes.

targets. When placing the initial torpedo marker, it must be
placed in a direction in which there is an elligible target. The
second marker must be placed in such a way that it is closer to
within homing range of each other still exceeds two, remove another
pair; continue removing pairs of torpedoes until the number of
torpedoes within homtng range of each other is reduced to two or less.
the same elligible torpedo target tt~an was the first counter. If
c. Launch new torpedoes. this is done, these firing requirements are met. Note, however, 1,2,3,4 - Torpedo Counters ~I goo I ·
These torpedoes may be set to move out to a certain range after which
that the actual torpedo target need never be indicated in writing
and it is possible that the torpedoes may hit targets other than
they will move in a pattern until the fuel is exhausted. If the pattern L--------J
a. During the torpedo launching portion of each torpedo segment of running torpedoes are unguided, the launching player must indicate,
the elligible target mentioned above. in writing, the combat phase in which the torpedoes will begin pattern In the example above, the extent of the area of coverage of the
the combat phase, both players announce if they are considering
launching torpedoes. If at least one player (or team) is considering it, running at the time of their launch. If the torpedoes are wire-guided, torpedoes was determined to be 1". The area within the dotted lines is
4. Torpedoes may not be fired during a turn in which the firing the area of coverage.
the opposing players will turn their backs to the playing surface while the player need not decide at which point the pattern running will
ship moves evasively or makes a normal turn of over go 0 or an
these players measure ranges, check bearings, etc. When they have begin at the time of launch; at the end of any combat phase in whicn
emergency turn of over 45°. If torpedoes are fired during the d. Pattern running torpedoes do not have an area of coverage as
completed this, their opponents will be given a similar opportunity. the target is visible to the launching vessel or located by one of its
first combat phase of a turn and the firing ship performs one of indicated above. Instead. starting with the combat phase following the
Players which are considering launching are not actually committed to active sensors (e.g., radars) or if the target is located by active sensors
these maneuvers during the second combat phase of the turn, phase in which pattern running is begun. all surface vessels within
launch. immediately remove the torpedo Counters since the ship is or .visual sighting of a unit connected to the launching vessel by data
homing range of the last torpedo counter are capable of beino hit by
incapable of firing. link, the player may decide to have the torpedoes begin pattern the torpedo, just as if they were witn1n the torpedo's area ol coverage.
b. Once this is completed, the players may place one "Torpedo" running at that time. In all cases, pattern running begins at the end_of Homing range for al! surface lflunched pattern running torpedoes is
counter next to each of their ships for every torpedo mount being fired. S. No more than two acoustic torpedoes may be fired by a ship the torpedo segment of the phase, so the effects of pattern running do
not begin until the following phase. During the phase pattern running 4". Homing range of tube-launched torpedoes does not extend 360
The counters must be placed face down in such a way that they touch in the same direction (forward, aft, port. or starboard) during a degrees around the last torpedo counter; it extends only 270 degrees.
the mod et of the launching ship as close to the bridge as possible. If the single phase. begins, the torpedo may not be "moved," i.e., no additional torpedo
counter is placed during that phase. The torpedo cannot hit any target lying opposite the direction in which
ship h~s.t~bes ~hich bear only to the side, the counter-must be placed
21 22
unit, the communtcattng player must point Out the unit to his opponent
and ask him if ii has an operating radio detector. The opposing player
need not reveal this information unless he wishes to do so. If he
near 1ne side of the model in the direction the tubes are firing. If the
tubes can only fire forward, the counter must touch the bow of the
model; if the tubes can only fire to the rear, the counter must touch the
a. Dunng each torpedo segment, all previously launched torpedoes
which are still running will "move". Each player will consult the
Torpedo Data Table for the speed of the torpedoes and will measure
Beginning with the combat phase following the combat phase in which
pattern running begins, a homing range around the last torpeoo
counter is created within which all surface vessels are capable of being
indicates that the unit does have a radio detector, the communicating stern of the model. that distance outward from the last torpedo counter placed for each hit. This homing range creates a "danger zone" that is much larger
ptayer must indicate which unit is transmitting; that unit will mount. Another counter will be placed at this point. Thus, the track of than the normal area of coverage of a spread of torpedoes. In this
,1'11 automatically be detected by the radio detector. · c. The players will then consult the Torpedo Data Table to determine each torpedo spread will be indicated by a line of counters placed in manner, the chance of pattern running torpedoes hitting their targets
how fast the torpedoes carried by each ship can move during each is greatly increased.
such a way that the distance between each counter will be equal to the
c. Data Link - Although data link can provide detailed information combat phase. They then measure that distance from the bridge of torpedoes speed.
very rapidly, it does not always work. Frequently units with data link each ship out in the direction of firing. They then place one other Once a torpedo begins pattern running, it must continue pattern
will be unable to use it due to a malfunction in the system. To simulate counter face down at that point. If measurements are required, the b. If the torpedoes are unguided, all of its counters must be in a running until the end of its run; it may never again move forward in the
this, at the beginning of each electronics search segment, pick one opposing players will turn their backs to the playing area while the straight line; that is, once the second counter has been placed, the normal manner. To determine the duration of the run, assume that
card for every unit having data link. It the number picked is 1 for NATO measurements are rilade. torpedoes must continue to "move'' in exactly the same direction. If the pattern running torpedoes are moving at their maximum speed during
units or 1 or 2 !or Soviet units, the unit's data link system will not each phase they are pattern running. Thus, 1f a torpedo has a
torpedoes are wire guided, the direction of movement may be changed
operate during that phase Such units can neither transmit nor receive Note: As indicated in the Movement Section, "dummy" counters may maximum speed of 3" each phase, it will be assumed to travel 3" every
by up to go 0 at the beginning of. each torpedo move. Thus, the
information. be placed by either player at any time anywhere on the playing area. phase it is pattern running. Once the total distance travelled by the
direction of bearing of the torpedoes may be changed by up to go 0
Players may thus put "dummy" counters next to non-firing ships to torpedo equals its maximum range, it is removed from play.
when the third counter is put down, and by another go 0 in either the
If a unit has a working data link, any contacts made by any of the unit's mislead their opponents into thinking that torpedoes were launched. same or opposite direction When the fourth counter is to be put down, 6. DETERMINING TORPEDO DAMAGE:
active or passive sensors wilt immediately be transmitted to all other etc. The torpedo does not suffer any movement penalty for turning. Of a. The steps in determining if torpedoes cause damageare as follows:
units having a working data link. Thus, if the designation of an d. The players will now designate secretly in writing the following course, the player need not indicate in writing any information about
opposing unit is written on to the TDD of a locating unit, it will be information for each of their torpedo mounts: turn; he will decide to make turns only immediately before "moving" 1. Determine the area of coverage of each spread of torpedoes.
immediately written onto the TDD's of all friendly units having a the torpedoes. In all cases, however, the torpedoes new counter must
working data link. tn addition, if a unit uses a fire control radar, all units 1. The number of torpedoes fired. be closer at the end of its move to any elligible target than the prior 2. For each vessel within the area of coverage, one at a time,
having a data link connection with it may use that radar as if it were its 2. The type of guidance and homing used. counter was, but the elligible target may be changed each phase, just determine the accuracy rate of the torpedo spread.
own. The data link is assumed to be used whenever a contact is made 3. The type of pattern (tight, normal, or wide). before the movement of the torpedo, at the owning player's option.
with an active or passive sensor; at that time, if there are opposing units 4. The range to which the torpedoes are set. 3. Once the accuracy rate against a ship is determined, roll one
in the proper position. they may detect or jam the data link just as if it Remember that if a vessel is not visually sighted or detected by a radar,
it is not an elligible target. decimal die tor each torpedo in the spread and consult the
were a short range radio. Torpedo Results Table to determine if ar:iy hits are scored.
The maximum number of torpedoes which can be fired from each 5. TORPEDO PATTERNS, GUIDANCE, HOMING AND RANGE:
d. Underwater radio: As short range communication, but the mount is, of course, the actual number of torpedoes remaining in the 4. If one or more hits are scored, coiisultthe Torpedo Damage
communication can be detected by all units in range of the transmitter, a. Patterns: Torpedoes may be fired in tight. normal or wide patterns.
mount, while the minimum number is one. Tables to determine the amount of damage caused by each hit.
not just by units tying between the communicating units. The Wider patterns increase the possibility of a single hit while reducing
communicating player must indicate to his opponent all units which the chance of multiple hits, while tight patterns frequently produce
e. After all players have completed step (d). each team may roll one either multiple hits or no hits at all. If only one torpedo is fired, the b. Torpedo damage is resolved during the torpedo segment of the
are capable of detecting the transmissions. six-sided die for every opposing ship next to which at least one pattern must be tight. combat phase before any torpedo movement or launching; thus,
torpedo counter has been placed. If the number rolled is 5 or higher, torpedoes cannot hit any targets during the phase they are launched.
Note: In all cases, even if a unit's communication is detected, the the player commanding the ship must inform his opponents if that ship b. Guidance: Torpedoes may be either non-guided or wire-guided.
contents of the messages need not be revealed. is actually firing torpedoes. He need not reveal the number, nor any Only torpedoes listed on the Torpedo Data Table as having a wire 7. DETERMINING THE AREA OF COVERAGE:
other information. The torpedo counters must then be turned face up. guidance facility may be wire guided; all others are always non- a. For each spread of torpedoes, place a ruler or any other straight
e. Note - All communication is voluntary: players are never forced to Adjust the roll as follows: guided. Non-guided torpedoes will travel only in a straight line after edge so that one end rests on the center of the last torpedo counter
communicate between units. being launched, while wire-guided torpedoes may be "turned" by the placed on the playing surface while the other rests on the center of the
1. If any opposing ship is within two miles (6") of the torpedo owning player during each move as indicated in Rule 4. second from the last torpedo counter, thus creating a straight line
firing ship, add 1 to the number rolled. between the two counters.
8. LASER COMMUNICATION: c. Homing: Torpedoes can be either non-homing or acoustic
A new type of communication system being installed on some US 2. If all opposing ships are over six miles (18") away from the homing. Only torpedoes with an acoustic homing facility may use Example: If a torpedo has been running for three phases, place the
ships is laser communications. The procedures for laser torpedo firing ship, subtract 1 from the number rolled. acoustic homing. Of course, acoustic torpedoes are usually much ruler so that it forms a straight line between the second end the third
communications is the same as for short-range communications. more accurate than non-homing torpedoes. counters.
Laser communications is directional, and the maximum range of such 3. If all opposing ships are over nine (27") miles away from the
communication is limited by the visual horizon. Therefore, the torpedo firing ship, subtract 2 from the number rolled, i.e., As explained on the Torpedo Data Table, some dual purpose b. Then, measure the distance between the last counter placed for it
maximum communications range using laser communications is spotting the torpedo launch is not possible. torpedoes have an acoustic homing system that can operate only on the playing surface and the lnltlal counter placed at the time of
equal to the maximum daylight visual sighting range, even at night. against submarines. Such torpedoes must be non-homing when used launch. Using this distance, consult the proper section of the Torpedo
Laser communications cannot currently be jammed, and it may be If the torpedo firing ship is not visible to any opposing ship, do not roll against surface targets. Coverage Area Table to determine the width of the area of coverage of
used after conventional communications are knocked out. the die since the torpedoes cannot be spotted. The die is rolled only the spread. There is one section on the Torpedo Coverage Area Table
during the phase the initial torpedo counter is placed on the playing d. Range: The maximum distance torpedoes may travel is listed on for tight patterns, one for normal patterns, and another for wide
surface. the Torpedo Data Table. A torpedo may be set for a shorter range and patterns. Each section has one column for a spread consisting of one
will be removed from play at the end of the combat phase it reaches to three torpedoes and another column for four to five torpedoes. Use
XIV. TORPEDOES: f. Torpedo Firing Restrictions: that ·range.
the section pertaining to the type of pattern chosen, and the column
1. EFFECTIVENESS OF TORPEDOES: based on the number of torpedoes fired.
1. Torpedoes may never be fired against targets which are e. Pattern-running torpedoes: All pattern running torpedoes have
Most modern torpedoes are effective only against submerged neither visible to the firing ship nor located by one of the firer's acoustic homing, so no more thari two of them may be launched by a
submarines, and such torpedoes may not be used against surface c. After obtaining the width of the area of coverage of a pattern,
active sensors at the time of firing. vessel in one direction during a phase. In addition, if a torpedo is
targets. Only torpedoes listed on the Torpedo Data Table as being determine if any ship of either side falls within the area of coverage.
pattern running, there may be no more than one other pattern running
anti-ship or dual purpose may be used against surface targets. The area of coverage extends perpendicular to the torpedo track in
2. Regardless of the torpedo fire control rating, torpedoes may torpedo within homing range (4" for ship launched torpedoes} of it. A both directions, and will begin at the last torpedo track marker placed
be fired upon targets which were initially located by the firing pattern running torpedo is considered to be within·4"' of another if the on the playing surface and will extend only to the second from the last
2. SEQUENCE OF PLAY: ship during the same combat phase. distance between tne torpedo counters marking the center of each of
All torpedo firing and determination of damage will occur during the torpedo counter
Torpedo segment of each combat phase. The sequence of play for
each torpedo segment will be as follows:
3. Torpedoes may only be fired at elligible torpedo targets. An
elligible torpedo target is any enemy ship that meets the
the patterns is less than or equal to 4.''rhus, it a ship launched torpedo
begins pattern running, t_here may be no more than one 1...ther pattern
running torpedo within 4"of its poS'ition. Should there be more than ~I
.------ --, , _.

j~ I i~i
requirements in (1) and (2) above. All those ships which do not one such torpedo, two of them will be immediately destroyed and
a. Determine damage caused by previously launched 1 2
meet the requirements in (1) and. (2) are inetligible torpedo removed fn;>m the game. l1 the number of pattern running torpedoes

b. Move all previously launched torpedoes.

targets. When placing the initial torpedo marker, it must be
placed in a direction in which there is an elligible target. The
second marker must be placed in such a way that it is closer to
within homing range of each other still exceeds two, remove another
pair; continue removing pairs of torpedoes until the number of
torpedoes within homtng range of each other is reduced to two or less.
the same elligible torpedo target tt~an was the first counter. If
c. Launch new torpedoes. this is done, these firing requirements are met. Note, however, 1,2,3,4 - Torpedo Counters ~I goo I ·
These torpedoes may be set to move out to a certain range after which
that the actual torpedo target need never be indicated in writing
and it is possible that the torpedoes may hit targets other than
they will move in a pattern until the fuel is exhausted. If the pattern L--------J
a. During the torpedo launching portion of each torpedo segment of running torpedoes are unguided, the launching player must indicate,
the elligible target mentioned above. in writing, the combat phase in which the torpedoes will begin pattern In the example above, the extent of the area of coverage of the
the combat phase, both players announce if they are considering
launching torpedoes. If at least one player (or team) is considering it, running at the time of their launch. If the torpedoes are wire-guided, torpedoes was determined to be 1". The area within the dotted lines is
4. Torpedoes may not be fired during a turn in which the firing the area of coverage.
the opposing players will turn their backs to the playing surface while the player need not decide at which point the pattern running will
ship moves evasively or makes a normal turn of over go 0 or an
these players measure ranges, check bearings, etc. When they have begin at the time of launch; at the end of any combat phase in whicn
emergency turn of over 45°. If torpedoes are fired during the d. Pattern running torpedoes do not have an area of coverage as
completed this, their opponents will be given a similar opportunity. the target is visible to the launching vessel or located by one of its
first combat phase of a turn and the firing ship performs one of indicated above. Instead. starting with the combat phase following the
Players which are considering launching are not actually committed to active sensors (e.g., radars) or if the target is located by active sensors
these maneuvers during the second combat phase of the turn, phase in which pattern running is begun. all surface vessels within
launch. immediately remove the torpedo Counters since the ship is or .visual sighting of a unit connected to the launching vessel by data
homing range of the last torpedo counter are capable of beino hit by
incapable of firing. link, the player may decide to have the torpedoes begin pattern the torpedo, just as if they were witn1n the torpedo's area ol coverage.
b. Once this is completed, the players may place one "Torpedo" running at that time. In all cases, pattern running begins at the end_of Homing range for al! surface lflunched pattern running torpedoes is
counter next to each of their ships for every torpedo mount being fired. S. No more than two acoustic torpedoes may be fired by a ship the torpedo segment of the phase, so the effects of pattern running do
not begin until the following phase. During the phase pattern running 4". Homing range of tube-launched torpedoes does not extend 360
The counters must be placed face down in such a way that they touch in the same direction (forward, aft, port. or starboard) during a degrees around the last torpedo counter; it extends only 270 degrees.
the mod et of the launching ship as close to the bridge as possible. If the single phase. begins, the torpedo may not be "moved," i.e., no additional torpedo
counter is placed during that phase. The torpedo cannot hit any target lying opposite the direction in which
ship h~s.t~bes ~hich bear only to the side, the counter-must be placed
21 22
it moved immediately before beginning pattern running, nor may it hit
any target within 45 degrees away from that direction The illustration
below indicates the area of coverage (i.e. thearea in which the torpedo
can hit a target) of a tube-launched homing torpedo:
-'~" "·--·.,·-· "~ " '" ~"~· l
the procedures below are followed to determine if the target is hit.
If the target is not acquired, it cannot be hit by that torpedo during
that phase.
3. If the target is presenting its bow aspect, subtract 6 if the
launch of the torpedo was spotted; subtract only 2 if the target is
presenting its bow aspect but the launch of the torpedo was not
spotted. Exception: If the torpedo Is pattern running, there will
be no reduction in the accuracy rate due to the target presenting
also indicates engine damage, the ship will sustain only the engine
damage that is of the greater severity; it will not sustain the engine
damage indicated on both lines.

~· The Basic Accuracy Rate for all pattern running torpedoes is its bow aspect to the torpedo counter. There la never any 11. RELOADING:
listed on the Torpedo Data Table; accuracy is not based on the adjustment if the target is presenting its stern aspect except per Reloading occurs during the combat phases of the turn. Reloading
size of the area of coverage. number 4 below. requires the weapon mount to remain unfired for a number of
consecutive combat phases. Five phases are required to reload each
Area of Coverage tube of a torpedo mount. A launcher may not reload during any phase
4. T_he Basic Accuracy Rate of pattern running torpedoes is 4. If the target is presenting its stern aspect, compare the target's
red~ced in t~e same manner as the Basic Accuracy Rate of current speed in inches per turn with the maximum speed of the it fires even 1f some of the tubes are loaded. A torpedo mount can be

straight running torpedoes, but as indicated inc and d below torpedo in inches per phase. If the torpedo's speed is at least equal fired before reloading is completed (provided one or more of the tubes
not all of the adjustments apply to pattern runners. ' _to that of the target, there is no adjustment. If the torpedo's speed are loaded), but if this occurs, the reloading process must begin again,
1s at least 75°/o, but less than 100010, of the target's speed, subtract i.e., five consecutive combat phases must pass before the tube is
I 5. Roll one decimal die for each torpedo which acquired a target 1. If the torpedo's speed is greater than 50°/o ·of the target's speed, reloaded. Example: A ship has a triple torpedo mount containing one
I •s· and consult the Torpedo Results Table as described in a (4) above. but less than 75% of that speed, subtract 4. If the torpedo's speed
does not exceed 50% of the target's speed, the target cannot be
torpedo and two empty tubes. The player begins reloading one of the
tubes during a phase, and continues reloading the tube during the next
I 6. H one or more hits are scored, determine damage in
accordance with rules 9-10 below_
hit. Be sure to compare the target's speed for a complete lurn with two consecutive combat phases. However, during the next phase, he
the torpedo's speed for each phase, not with the torpedo's speed fires the one remaining torpedo in the mount. In order to reload the

1 " Last torpedo counter; 2 " Second from last lorpedo counter.
7. If at _least ~ne torpedp is still running after completing step (6),
determine which vessel 1s the second closest to the torpedo counter
for the entire turn.

&. It the target is listed on the Ship Characterlatlo1 Table 11

tube previously worked on, the mount must remain unfired during the
next five consecutive combat phases; the fact that three combat
phases were spent in reloading the mount prior to the last time It fired
and repeat steps (2) through (6). Continue doing this until all haa no effect. The player loses the benefit of these phases should he
being "quiet", subtract 2. lf the target Is listed as "very quiet",
torpedoes have hit a target, or all torpedoes have had an oppor- subtract 4. It the target Is listed as "noisy", add 2. If the target Is fire before reloading is completed.
tunity to hit all vessels within homing range. A pattern running
torpedo may thus acquire more than one target during a phase.
a. Torpedo hit procedures for all torpedoes other than those that are If a torpedo is still running at the end of a phase, the above pro- 7. If the target is using a "foxer" (see below), subtract 4. 12. "FOXERS":
pattern running ~edures are again followed during the next phase for all ships then Foxers are electronic devices used to decoy acoustic .torpedoes away
1n the pattern area. 8. If the launching ship was a Soviet or Warsaw Pact design, from their targets. Not all ships carry them.· "Foxers" cannot
1. If the torpedoes are not pattern running, det"ermine which subtract 1. be effective unless the vessel is moving at less than 50°/o ol its normal
surface vessel within the torpedoes' area of coverage is closest full speed (i.e., at "LOW" speed). In addition, if a vessel using a "foxer"
to the point ~f torpedo tau_nch ..This will be the first target the c. Adjustments for non-homing torpedoes: moves over 20 kts during a phase or makes an emergency turn, roll one
9. If the target "fishtails" (see below) during its last opportunity
torpedoes will attempt to hit during !he phase. It is immaterial if to move before coming into the area of effect of the torpedo, decimal die; ii a 1 or 2 is rolled, the "laxer" is destroyed. To use a
the vessel is friendly or enemy; the torpedoes will always ~- If the target ship has a displacement greater than 10,000 tons, subtract 2. "foxer" a must indicate his intention to deploy the device during a
attempt to hit the target closest to the point of launch regardless increase the accuracy rate by 3. combat phase; he may indicate this intention secretly in writing if
of nationality. Occassionally, the target closest to the point of 9. If the distance between the target and the last torpedo counter desired. The "foxer" cannot be effective until the following combat
l~unch w!ll be represented by a counter which has not yet been 2. If the target has a displacement smaller than 1000 tons, is less than one-half of the homing range (i.e., less than 2" for all phase. Similarly, if a player wishes to cease using a "foxer" he must
visually sighted or located by radar. If this is the case, the player decrease the accuracy rate by 3 ship-launched to~pedoes), add 3 to the accuracy rate. indicate this during a combat phase, the "foxer" is considered to be no
commanding the target must indicate if the counter represents a longer deployed at the beginning of the following combat phase. A
real unit or a. "dummy". If it is a real unit, the torpedoes will 3. If the target is not moving, add 3 to the accuracy rate. "foxer" is considered deployed from the moment the player indicates
attempt lo hit it; if it is a "dummy", remove it from play. e. All adjustments in the cases of both non-acoustic and acoustic his intention to use the device until the combat phase following the
"Dummies" can never be hit by torpedoes 4. If the target's speed is between 1 and 10 kts (inclusive) add 2 torpedoes are cumulative. If after adjustment the accuracy rate phase he indicates his intention to cease using it. If deployed, the
to the accuracy rate. exceeds 18, use 18 as the adjusted rate, if the resulting rate is less than "foxer" is liable to be destroyed by high speed or maneuver as
2. ~ft~r determining which target the torpedoes are attempting 1,use1. indicated above even 1f the device cannot be effectively used. If the
to hit f 1rst, consult !he Torpedo Accuracy Table to determine the 5. If the target's speed is between 11 and 20 kts, add 1 to the "fox er" is effective, acoustic torpedo accuracy against the vessel using
basic ,accuracy rate of ~he spread of torpedoes The basic accuracy rate. Note: Hovercraft, hydrofoils, and surface effect ships can never be hit the device is reduced by 4.
accuracy rate of non-homing torpedoes is based on the width of by torpedoes. 13. FISHTAILING:
the area of coverage of the spread. The basic accuracy rates of 6. If the target's speed is between 40 and 59 kts, subtract 1 from To accomplish a "fishtail" maneuver, the ship must make a 90° ':lr
all homing torpedoes are given on the Torpedo Data Table. the accuracy rate. greater emergency turn during its movement phase. In order tor this
If one or more torpedo hits are scored, pick one card for each hit and maneuver to be effective, it must be made either during the movement
3. After determining the basic accuracy rate, adjust this 7. If the target's speed is between 60 and 79 kts. subtract 2 from consult the proper Torpedo Damage Table to determine the extent of phase immediately preceding the combat phase the target comes
accuracy rate as indicated inc and d below to determine the the accuracy rate. within the area of effect of the torpedo, or if the target's opportunity to
the damage. There are three Damage Tables; one for ships under 1000
adjusted accuracy rate. tons, or.ie for ships of 1000-10,000 tons and one for ships of over 10,000 move occurred in the movement phase prior to that one, it must have
8. If the target's speed is 80 kts or over, subtract 3. tons, and each table has several columns. The suit of the card will been made at that time.
4. After determining the adjusted accuracy rate, roll one determine which column to consult, and then use the number to
decimal die for each torpedo still running and consult the 9. If the target is presenting its bow or stern aspect to the 14. TORPEDO FIRE CONTROL:
determine the aamage. Torpedoes may receive any necessary tiring information from the
Torpedo Results Table to determine if any hits are scored. torpedoes, subtract 5 from the accuracy rate. The illustration
Cross-refer the number rolled with the adjusted accuracy rate. If below will indicate whether or not a ship is presenting its bow or main ship radars or visual spotting; there are no torpedo radars. The
Exceptions: 1. If a ship is hit by an acoustic torpedo always use the
the result is blank, no hits are scored. If the result is the number stern aspect to the torpedoes. ·A rating of torpedo fire control systems has no effect on accuracy.
diamond column regardless of the actual suit of the card.
1, the torpedo hit the target. If the result is a number in
parentheses, roll the die again: if the number on the second roll
equals or exceeds the number in parentheses, the torpedo hits v.··:.v
2. If the torpedo was British MK 20 or US MK 37, treat the ship as if its
displacement were 1/3 greater than its actual displacement when

the target. consulting the damage table.
5. If one or more hits are scored, determine damage C D Example: If a 9,000 ton ship is hit by one of these torpedoes, it will 1. DESCRIPTION OF ELECTRONIC WARFARE:

immediately in accordance with rules 9-10 below. Reduce the This section will describe the various electronic devices used to detect
sustain damage as a ship of over 10,000 tons (9,000 x 1-1/3 equal
number of torpedoes remaining in the spread by the number of air and surface targets and also the electronic devices used to combat
12,000 tons). such equipment. This rule section is divided into five parts.
hits scored.

6. If. alter completing (5). one or more torpedoes are still B 10. DAMAGE ADJUSTMENTS: Part A: An introduction. This section also indicates the
running, determine which surface vessel in the area of coverage If the second from the last torpedo counter is within the area marked sequence in which the various electronic devices are to be used.
e. Aircraft carriers, -ollers and tankers: In addition to the damage
is next closest to the torpedoes' point of launch and repeat steps "~ov(', the ship is presenting its bow aspect to the torpedoes; if it is sustained normally, look to the damage line given for the number that
(2) through (5). Conlin ue doing this until all torpedoes have hit a w1th1n the area marked "stern", the ship is presenting its stern aspect. is one higher than the number picked. Example: If a 2 of hearts is Part B: Provides rules for using radar.
target, or the torpedoes have had an opportunity to hit all picked, the ship will sustain the damage listed next to number 2on the
vessels within the area of coverage. Each torpedo receives only 10. It the launching ship was a Soviet or Warsaw Pact design, heart column, but in addition, look at the result next to number 3. tf Pert C: Describes the use of the various passive electronic
one opportunity to hit each vessel during each phase. subtract 1. there is a fire indicated there, the ship will sustain the fire damage in sensors.
addition to its other damage.
b. Torpedo hit procedures for pattern running torpedoes: d. For acoustic homing torpedoes, only the following adjustments Part D: Describes the use of electronic counter measure (ECM)
apply: In addition, whenever a fire breaks out on a carrier (either because it equipment.
1. The order in which vessels are capable of being hit by pattern 1. If a no_rmal pattern was fired, subtract 3 from the accuracy was indicated on the line of the number picked or the line below it),
running torpedoes is' based on the distance between the vessels rate ..If a tight pattern was fired. subtract6. If only one torpedo is double the level indicated. Pert E: Provides rules for electronic countercountermeasures
and the last torpedo counter. The first vessel capable of being ~unn1ng, there is no adjustment, and there is also no adjustment (ECCM).
hit is the vessel closest to that counter. followed by the second tf the torpedoes are pattern running. b. Poor shock mountings: Whenever a ship listed on the Ship
closest vessel. etc. Characteristics Table as having poor shock mounting sustains a 2. BASIC SEQUENCE OF PLAY:
torpedo hit, look to the damage indicated tor the number that is one The use of electronic equipment for searching will occur during the
2. The firing player ~ust th.en determine if ~ach torpedo acquires 2. If the target is not moving, subtract 3. If it is moving at 1-10 Electronics Search segment of each combat phase. The sequence of
the _close~t target ship dunng ~hat turn. This is done by rolling a kts, subtract 2. If it is moving at 11-20 kts, subtract 1. If the higher than the number on the card picked. If that result indicates
either engine damage or damage to electronics or generators, the ship play for each Electronics Search Segment is as follows:
decimal die for each torpedo; 1f the number rolled is less than or target's speed is 60-79 kts, subtract 1. If it is 80 kts or over,
equal to the torpedo's Acquisition Rating, given on the Toroedo subtract 2. will sustain that damage in addition to its normal damage. If the normal
damage resulted in engine damage and the result on the line below it a. Both players will resolve the use of passive sensors.
23 24
it moved immediately before beginning pattern running, nor may it hit
any target within 45 degrees away from that direction The illustration
below indicates the area of coverage (i.e. thearea in which the torpedo
can hit a target) of a tube-launched homing torpedo:
-'~" "·--·.,·-· "~ " '" ~"~· l
the procedures below are followed to determine if the target is hit.
If the target is not acquired, it cannot be hit by that torpedo during
that phase.
3. If the target is presenting its bow aspect, subtract 6 if the
launch of the torpedo was spotted; subtract only 2 if the target is
presenting its bow aspect but the launch of the torpedo was not
spotted. Exception: If the torpedo Is pattern running, there will
be no reduction in the accuracy rate due to the target presenting
also indicates engine damage, the ship will sustain only the engine
damage that is of the greater severity; it will not sustain the engine
damage indicated on both lines.

~· The Basic Accuracy Rate for all pattern running torpedoes is its bow aspect to the torpedo counter. There la never any 11. RELOADING:
listed on the Torpedo Data Table; accuracy is not based on the adjustment if the target is presenting its stern aspect except per Reloading occurs during the combat phases of the turn. Reloading
size of the area of coverage. number 4 below. requires the weapon mount to remain unfired for a number of
consecutive combat phases. Five phases are required to reload each
Area of Coverage tube of a torpedo mount. A launcher may not reload during any phase
4. T_he Basic Accuracy Rate of pattern running torpedoes is 4. If the target is presenting its stern aspect, compare the target's
red~ced in t~e same manner as the Basic Accuracy Rate of current speed in inches per turn with the maximum speed of the it fires even 1f some of the tubes are loaded. A torpedo mount can be

straight running torpedoes, but as indicated inc and d below torpedo in inches per phase. If the torpedo's speed is at least equal fired before reloading is completed (provided one or more of the tubes
not all of the adjustments apply to pattern runners. ' _to that of the target, there is no adjustment. If the torpedo's speed are loaded), but if this occurs, the reloading process must begin again,
1s at least 75°/o, but less than 100010, of the target's speed, subtract i.e., five consecutive combat phases must pass before the tube is
I 5. Roll one decimal die for each torpedo which acquired a target 1. If the torpedo's speed is greater than 50°/o ·of the target's speed, reloaded. Example: A ship has a triple torpedo mount containing one
I •s· and consult the Torpedo Results Table as described in a (4) above. but less than 75% of that speed, subtract 4. If the torpedo's speed
does not exceed 50% of the target's speed, the target cannot be
torpedo and two empty tubes. The player begins reloading one of the
tubes during a phase, and continues reloading the tube during the next
I 6. H one or more hits are scored, determine damage in
accordance with rules 9-10 below_
hit. Be sure to compare the target's speed for a complete lurn with two consecutive combat phases. However, during the next phase, he
the torpedo's speed for each phase, not with the torpedo's speed fires the one remaining torpedo in the mount. In order to reload the

1 " Last torpedo counter; 2 " Second from last lorpedo counter.
7. If at _least ~ne torpedp is still running after completing step (6),
determine which vessel 1s the second closest to the torpedo counter
for the entire turn.

&. It the target is listed on the Ship Characterlatlo1 Table 11

tube previously worked on, the mount must remain unfired during the
next five consecutive combat phases; the fact that three combat
phases were spent in reloading the mount prior to the last time It fired
and repeat steps (2) through (6). Continue doing this until all haa no effect. The player loses the benefit of these phases should he
being "quiet", subtract 2. lf the target Is listed as "very quiet",
torpedoes have hit a target, or all torpedoes have had an oppor- subtract 4. It the target Is listed as "noisy", add 2. If the target Is fire before reloading is completed.
tunity to hit all vessels within homing range. A pattern running
torpedo may thus acquire more than one target during a phase.
a. Torpedo hit procedures for all torpedoes other than those that are If a torpedo is still running at the end of a phase, the above pro- 7. If the target is using a "foxer" (see below), subtract 4. 12. "FOXERS":
pattern running ~edures are again followed during the next phase for all ships then Foxers are electronic devices used to decoy acoustic .torpedoes away
1n the pattern area. 8. If the launching ship was a Soviet or Warsaw Pact design, from their targets. Not all ships carry them.· "Foxers" cannot
1. If the torpedoes are not pattern running, det"ermine which subtract 1. be effective unless the vessel is moving at less than 50°/o ol its normal
surface vessel within the torpedoes' area of coverage is closest full speed (i.e., at "LOW" speed). In addition, if a vessel using a "foxer"
to the point ~f torpedo tau_nch ..This will be the first target the c. Adjustments for non-homing torpedoes: moves over 20 kts during a phase or makes an emergency turn, roll one
9. If the target "fishtails" (see below) during its last opportunity
torpedoes will attempt to hit during !he phase. It is immaterial if to move before coming into the area of effect of the torpedo, decimal die; ii a 1 or 2 is rolled, the "laxer" is destroyed. To use a
the vessel is friendly or enemy; the torpedoes will always ~- If the target ship has a displacement greater than 10,000 tons, subtract 2. "foxer" a must indicate his intention to deploy the device during a
attempt to hit the target closest to the point of launch regardless increase the accuracy rate by 3. combat phase; he may indicate this intention secretly in writing if
of nationality. Occassionally, the target closest to the point of 9. If the distance between the target and the last torpedo counter desired. The "foxer" cannot be effective until the following combat
l~unch w!ll be represented by a counter which has not yet been 2. If the target has a displacement smaller than 1000 tons, is less than one-half of the homing range (i.e., less than 2" for all phase. Similarly, if a player wishes to cease using a "foxer" he must
visually sighted or located by radar. If this is the case, the player decrease the accuracy rate by 3 ship-launched to~pedoes), add 3 to the accuracy rate. indicate this during a combat phase, the "foxer" is considered to be no
commanding the target must indicate if the counter represents a longer deployed at the beginning of the following combat phase. A
real unit or a. "dummy". If it is a real unit, the torpedoes will 3. If the target is not moving, add 3 to the accuracy rate. "foxer" is considered deployed from the moment the player indicates
attempt lo hit it; if it is a "dummy", remove it from play. e. All adjustments in the cases of both non-acoustic and acoustic his intention to use the device until the combat phase following the
"Dummies" can never be hit by torpedoes 4. If the target's speed is between 1 and 10 kts (inclusive) add 2 torpedoes are cumulative. If after adjustment the accuracy rate phase he indicates his intention to cease using it. If deployed, the
to the accuracy rate. exceeds 18, use 18 as the adjusted rate, if the resulting rate is less than "foxer" is liable to be destroyed by high speed or maneuver as
2. ~ft~r determining which target the torpedoes are attempting 1,use1. indicated above even 1f the device cannot be effectively used. If the
to hit f 1rst, consult !he Torpedo Accuracy Table to determine the 5. If the target's speed is between 11 and 20 kts, add 1 to the "fox er" is effective, acoustic torpedo accuracy against the vessel using
basic ,accuracy rate of ~he spread of torpedoes The basic accuracy rate. Note: Hovercraft, hydrofoils, and surface effect ships can never be hit the device is reduced by 4.
accuracy rate of non-homing torpedoes is based on the width of by torpedoes. 13. FISHTAILING:
the area of coverage of the spread. The basic accuracy rates of 6. If the target's speed is between 40 and 59 kts, subtract 1 from To accomplish a "fishtail" maneuver, the ship must make a 90° ':lr
all homing torpedoes are given on the Torpedo Data Table. the accuracy rate. greater emergency turn during its movement phase. In order tor this
If one or more torpedo hits are scored, pick one card for each hit and maneuver to be effective, it must be made either during the movement
3. After determining the basic accuracy rate, adjust this 7. If the target's speed is between 60 and 79 kts. subtract 2 from consult the proper Torpedo Damage Table to determine the extent of phase immediately preceding the combat phase the target comes
accuracy rate as indicated inc and d below to determine the the accuracy rate. within the area of effect of the torpedo, or if the target's opportunity to
the damage. There are three Damage Tables; one for ships under 1000
adjusted accuracy rate. tons, or.ie for ships of 1000-10,000 tons and one for ships of over 10,000 move occurred in the movement phase prior to that one, it must have
8. If the target's speed is 80 kts or over, subtract 3. tons, and each table has several columns. The suit of the card will been made at that time.
4. After determining the adjusted accuracy rate, roll one determine which column to consult, and then use the number to
decimal die for each torpedo still running and consult the 9. If the target is presenting its bow or stern aspect to the 14. TORPEDO FIRE CONTROL:
determine the aamage. Torpedoes may receive any necessary tiring information from the
Torpedo Results Table to determine if any hits are scored. torpedoes, subtract 5 from the accuracy rate. The illustration
Cross-refer the number rolled with the adjusted accuracy rate. If below will indicate whether or not a ship is presenting its bow or main ship radars or visual spotting; there are no torpedo radars. The
Exceptions: 1. If a ship is hit by an acoustic torpedo always use the
the result is blank, no hits are scored. If the result is the number stern aspect to the torpedoes. ·A rating of torpedo fire control systems has no effect on accuracy.
diamond column regardless of the actual suit of the card.
1, the torpedo hit the target. If the result is a number in
parentheses, roll the die again: if the number on the second roll
equals or exceeds the number in parentheses, the torpedo hits v.··:.v
2. If the torpedo was British MK 20 or US MK 37, treat the ship as if its
displacement were 1/3 greater than its actual displacement when

the target. consulting the damage table.
5. If one or more hits are scored, determine damage C D Example: If a 9,000 ton ship is hit by one of these torpedoes, it will 1. DESCRIPTION OF ELECTRONIC WARFARE:

immediately in accordance with rules 9-10 below. Reduce the This section will describe the various electronic devices used to detect
sustain damage as a ship of over 10,000 tons (9,000 x 1-1/3 equal
number of torpedoes remaining in the spread by the number of air and surface targets and also the electronic devices used to combat
12,000 tons). such equipment. This rule section is divided into five parts.
hits scored.

6. If. alter completing (5). one or more torpedoes are still B 10. DAMAGE ADJUSTMENTS: Part A: An introduction. This section also indicates the
running, determine which surface vessel in the area of coverage If the second from the last torpedo counter is within the area marked sequence in which the various electronic devices are to be used.
e. Aircraft carriers, -ollers and tankers: In addition to the damage
is next closest to the torpedoes' point of launch and repeat steps "~ov(', the ship is presenting its bow aspect to the torpedoes; if it is sustained normally, look to the damage line given for the number that
(2) through (5). Conlin ue doing this until all torpedoes have hit a w1th1n the area marked "stern", the ship is presenting its stern aspect. is one higher than the number picked. Example: If a 2 of hearts is Part B: Provides rules for using radar.
target, or the torpedoes have had an opportunity to hit all picked, the ship will sustain the damage listed next to number 2on the
vessels within the area of coverage. Each torpedo receives only 10. It the launching ship was a Soviet or Warsaw Pact design, heart column, but in addition, look at the result next to number 3. tf Pert C: Describes the use of the various passive electronic
one opportunity to hit each vessel during each phase. subtract 1. there is a fire indicated there, the ship will sustain the fire damage in sensors.
addition to its other damage.
b. Torpedo hit procedures for pattern running torpedoes: d. For acoustic homing torpedoes, only the following adjustments Part D: Describes the use of electronic counter measure (ECM)
apply: In addition, whenever a fire breaks out on a carrier (either because it equipment.
1. The order in which vessels are capable of being hit by pattern 1. If a no_rmal pattern was fired, subtract 3 from the accuracy was indicated on the line of the number picked or the line below it),
running torpedoes is' based on the distance between the vessels rate ..If a tight pattern was fired. subtract6. If only one torpedo is double the level indicated. Pert E: Provides rules for electronic countercountermeasures
and the last torpedo counter. The first vessel capable of being ~unn1ng, there is no adjustment, and there is also no adjustment (ECCM).
hit is the vessel closest to that counter. followed by the second tf the torpedoes are pattern running. b. Poor shock mountings: Whenever a ship listed on the Ship
closest vessel. etc. Characteristics Table as having poor shock mounting sustains a 2. BASIC SEQUENCE OF PLAY:
torpedo hit, look to the damage indicated tor the number that is one The use of electronic equipment for searching will occur during the
2. The firing player ~ust th.en determine if ~ach torpedo acquires 2. If the target is not moving, subtract 3. If it is moving at 1-10 Electronics Search segment of each combat phase. The sequence of
the _close~t target ship dunng ~hat turn. This is done by rolling a kts, subtract 2. If it is moving at 11-20 kts, subtract 1. If the higher than the number on the card picked. If that result indicates
either engine damage or damage to electronics or generators, the ship play for each Electronics Search Segment is as follows:
decimal die for each torpedo; 1f the number rolled is less than or target's speed is 60-79 kts, subtract 1. If it is 80 kts or over,
equal to the torpedo's Acquisition Rating, given on the Toroedo subtract 2. will sustain that damage in addition to its normal damage. If the normal
damage resulted in engine damage and the result on the line below it a. Both players will resolve the use of passive sensors.
23 24
b. Both players will resolve the use of all radars assigned to a
search function.
The use of radars assigned to a fire control function will be resolved at
'i'esolving the use of radar detectors, the players must put a "radar"
counter next to any unit that will be using radar In a search mode
during that phase. This is explained 1n Part C below. Unless a "radar"
counter is placed next to a unit at this time, it may not use radar in a
r Adjustment Table is the maximum range at which the unit can
be detected. If the range given by the Radar Adjustment Table Is
greater than the range given by the Radar Detection Table, the
range on the Radar Detection Table will be maximum range at
which the unit can be detected The maximum range at whfch a
f. If the radar has an unstabilized antenna, add 2 to the number picked.

g. If the unit being searched was detected by the searching unit by

visual sighting or radar during the prior combat phase, subtract 6.

thetime the weapons they control are fired, i.e., the use of radars used search mode during the phase. unit can be detected can never exceed the range given on the All adjustments are cumulative.
to control gunfire will be resolved during the gunfire portion of the Radar Detection Table.
combat phase. Radar used to control SSM'swill be resolv.ed during the b. Resolve the use of Radar Detectors in accordance with Part C. 5. RESTRICTIONS ON THE USE OF RADARS IN A SEARCH MODE:
SSM portion of the phase. 7. Measure the range between the unit being searched and the a. As indicated in the Preparing for Play section of the rules, the
c. As indicated in the Preparing for Play section of this book, at the searching unit. If the range is less than or equal to the maximum players must indicate 1n writing which radars will be turned on at the
start of the game. both teams must have placed two addiliona1 range at wh1ch the unit can be detected, it is detected by the start of the game. This decision cannot be changed in any way until at
3. NECESSARY EQUIPMENT: counters under each of their actual and "dummy" counters. These radar. least one enemy unit is located by any means. Once this occurs, radars
In order to conduct electronic warfare, a large number of counters counters must have been placed face down one on top of the other in may be turned on and oft and used as desired beginning with the same
must be provided to both teams. The numbers and types of counters 8..The procedures in (6) and (7) will be followed for every unit phase for atl locating units, and the following phase for all units in
the order listed below:
that must be available to each team are as follows: being searched by the radar. Note that only one card is picked communiGation with a locating unit. Beginning with the phase
1. II the counters were placed beneath the position of an actual per searching radar each phase regardless of the number of following the phase in which all contacts are lost, radars may no longer
a. For each ship in a team's force, the team must be provided ship (of any type), a "blip" counter must have been placed on units being searched for. The number.on that one card will be be turned on or off as desired.
with one of each of the following counters: top. If the counters were placed beneath a "dummy'' counter, a used to determine the results of all attempts at searching.
blank counter must have been placed on top. However, the adjustments made to the number picked will be b. As indicated earlier, FC radars can be used for search purposes.
1. Noise 2. Real 3. Radar made separately for each unit being searched, and the There are two additional restrictions that apply when using FC radars
Exception: If the team has a jammer operating in a deception adjust.ments that apply to one unit will not necessarily apply to for search:
b. For each ship in the team's force. the team must be provided mode, they may have placed "blip" counters beneath all units. Therefore, even though only one card is picked, the
with at least two i";ounters marked "blip". "dummies" in accordance wilh the rules for deception jamming ranges at which the various units can be detected by a single 1. FC radars cannot be used to search unless at least one
given in Part D below. radar can vary. However, if the exact same adjustments apply to enemy unit has already been located by the unit carrying ~he
c. For each ship in the team's force, the team must be provided more than ~ne unit, the maximum range at which they can be radar by any method (visual sighting, radar, or passive
with at least two unmarked, "blank" counters. 2. Beneath the counter chosen in (1). another counter must detected will be exactly the same, so it will not be necessary to detector).
have been placed. If the counter was placed beneath an actual recompute the maximum detection range for such units. 2. FC radars m~y search in only one of four directions each
PART B: RADAR unit, it must indicate "Real"; if the counter was placed beneath a turn, i.e., they may search either toward the bow of the unit, or its
"dummy", it must be blank, even if deception jamming ls used. 9. If a unit is detected; the top counter beneath it will be turned stern or one of its sides. The extent of the area that can be
1. FUNCTIONS OF RADAR: face up. If it is a "blip", the unit has been located by the radar. searched can be determined from the diagram given in Rule 4
Radars may be assigned to perform one of the following functions Before resolving the use of searching radars during each phase. if a The identifying number written on the unit's counter can be above. AFC radar located on a unit in the center of the diagram
during each phase. player is permitted to use deception jamming, he may rearr,13.ngethese immediately recorded in the "Visual/Radar" box on the locating can search for units that lie in any one of the areas A, B, C, or D.
counters. called radar search counters, in accordance with the False unit's TDD and also on the TDD's of alt units having a data link The actual position of the radar on the searching ship has no
1. Se1rch: Radara assigned to search will attempt to locate opposing Target Generation rules given 1n Part 0. Should a player wish to do connection with the locating unit. effect on the area it is permitted to search.
units. this, he may request his opponents to turn their backs to· the playing
b. Fire Control: Radars assigned to fire control will provide accurate surface while he does it. 10. As soon as a unit is located, pick one card for the unit. If the 3. The area being searched by the FC radar must contain one of
range and bearing information !or one or more weapon systems on card is of the proper suit indicated in ECM Rule 6 (c) below, the the opposing units already located by the unit by any means.
units previously spotted. d. Once this is completed, each team will resolve the use of all radars bottom counter, may also be turned over, which will reveal The located unit need not be in radar detection range, but It
assigned to a search function. While a team is doing so, their whether or not the located unit is a false target. Note that when must be somewhere within the area being searched.
Most radars may be assigned to only one of these functions during opponents will turn their backs to the playing surface so that they determining whether or not a unit is a false target, a separate
each phase and not all radars are capable of performing both should not know which of their units are detected. A player may use a card will be picked for each unit detected. Do not use the same 4. FC radars may only detect surface targets and those at
functions. The function to which a radar is assigned may be changed ship's radar for search purposes only if he has put a "radar" counter card for more than one unit Only one card is picked for each surface skimming or very low altitude level. Use the FC strength
during each phase. next to the ship If he has done so, any and all of the ship's searcl'I detected unit each phase to determine if the bottom radar of the radar for searching.
radars may be used at this time. To resolve the use of such radars, do search counter can be turned face up; do not pick one card per·
2. TYPES OF RADARS: as follows for each radar. detecting radar. 5. After determining the maximum range at which a unit can be
There are four main types of radars: detected, pick a card for the unit before turning over the top
1. Determine which opposing units are using "noise" jamming. 11. The procedures given above will be followed for each radar counter. 11 the card is red, do not turn over any of the counters
1. Air search radars: These are long-range radars designed primarily Only units with a "noise" jamming counter placed next to it may in turn. Of course, it will not be necessary for a unit to search placed beneath the unit being searched for; that unit remains
to locate aircraft flying at low altitude or higher. They are most engage in noise jamming. tf there is a "noise" counter next to a units that have already been detected by itself or by any unit undetected. If the card is black, turn over both counters placed
effective against aircraft operating at very high altitude, and the unit which has not yet been turned face up, it will be tur.ned face connected to it by data link. After completing radar searches all beneath the unit; the unit is detected and located and the player
effectiveness decreases as the attitude of the target decreases. They up now before the use of any searching radar is resolved. See counters which were turned face up during the sea~ch will automatically be aware if it is a false target. False target
may occasionally locate surface targets or targets flying at very very Part C tor additional information on placing "noise" counters. procedures will be returned face down to their original position generation is ineffective against FC radars. Note that one card
low altitude, but this is unlikely. Air search radars cannot be assigned so that the opposing players will not know which units were will be picked for each unit that is within detection range of the
to Fire Control functions. 2. The player will then choose to resolve the use of his located. At this time, also record the designation of all opposing radar; do not use the same card for more than one unit.
searching radars in any order one at a time. As mentioned units using "noise" jammers in the "Radar Det" box of the TDD's
b. Surface search radars: These are short-range radars designed earlier, only units having a "radar" counter next to it may use of all units which 1Jsed radar that was subject to that jamming 6. EFFECTS AND DURATION OF DETECTION BY RADAR:
primarily to locate surface targets or targets flying at surface sk1mm1ng their radars in a search mode. When using a radar, first search and all units having operating radar detectors. Such opposing a. Beginning with the phase a unit is located by radar, it may be tired
or very low altitude They are usually incapable ol detecting targets all opposing units on the surface,- then search those at surface units will be treated as if they were located by radar detectors. upon just as if it were visually sighted. The rules for the various weapon
flying at low altitude or higher. and they may not be assigned to fire skimming altitude. followed by progressively higher altitude .Of course, ii the opposing unit was already detected by a unit's systems will explain the restrictions on firing at units located by radar.
control functions. levels until all units are searched. radar detector, it will not be necessarr to do this.
b. As indicated in the communications rules, if a unit is detected by
c. Fire control (FC) radars: These are short·range radars designed to 4.. ADJUSTMENTS TO Tl-IE NUMBER PICKED WHEN THE RADAR radar during a phase, all units in communication with the detecting
3. The first step in resolving the use of each radar is to
provide very accurate range and bearing information on previously ADJUSTMENT TABLE IS CONSULTED: unit will also be assumed to have detected the unit beginning with the
determine if the radar is being "noise" jammed. To do so,
located targets. enabling the weapon system to engage them with high measure the range between the radar and all opposing units a. If the unit being searched is marked "small", add 4 to the number subsequent communications phase of the turn. At that time, the
accuracy. There are two types of FC radars: having a "noise" counter next to it. Then consult the Radar picked. designations of all opposing units detected by radar should be written
Detection Table to determine the maximum range at which the onto the TDD's of all units in communication with the detecting units.
1. Main gun FC radars are used to direct the main guns and may radar can detect the jam mer. If the distance between the radar b. If the unit being searched is marked "large", subtract 4 from the
also direct some SSM's and torpedoes They may be used and the jammer is less than or equal to the maximum radar number picked. c. Once a units has been detected by radar, it remains detected only
against both surface and air targets and may also be assigned to detection range given on the table, the radar is being jammed; c. If the unii being searched is marked "missile," add 10 in addition to until the end of the electronics segment of the next combat phase.
operate in a search mode. otherwise, the jammer will have no effect on the radar. The any size adjustment. For example, if a missile is small, 14 will be added During that phase, the unit must again be detected by radar or radar
effect of noise jamming is explained in Part D of these rules. (10 for missile, 4 for small). contact will be lost. However, as indicated in rule 4, g above, the
2. Secondary FC radars may only control the firing of one number picked when consulting the Radar Adjustment Table for
weapons system and may never operate in a search mode. See d. If the unit being searched is not presenting its bow or stern aspect previously detected units will be reduced, thus increasing the chance
4. The player will then pick one card and place it next to the to the searching unit, subtract 4. A
Rule 5 whenever using an FC radar in a search mode. searching unit. of detection. In addition, if a unit detected in a prior combat phase is

d. Track whlle Scan (TWS) radar: These are surface search radars
which are also capable of providing fire control information
s. The player will then consult the Radar Guide to determine the
Basic Strength of the radar being used at the altitude being
again detected by a unit, all units in communication with the detecting
unit at the time of detection are assumed to detect that opposing unit
simultaneously. Thus, once a unit detects a previously detected unit it
simultaneously. Such radars will always be assigned to a search
function, but any surface target which was located during a prior
cBD is not necessary to search tor that unit with any unit in communication
by any method with the detecting unit, since all units in

phase may also be tracked as if by a lire control radar during the same 6. For each unit being searched, the player will determine it any communication wiJh the detecting unit autorriatically detect the
phase that the radar is performing the search function. Only surface ol the adjustments given on the Radar Adjustment Table apply opposing unit at the same time. Note that in this situation, the units in
targets may be tracked by TWS radars. The fire control information to the unit being searched. If so, he will adjust the number on the
communication with the detecting unit are assumed to dete.ct the
provided by TWS radars is less accurate than that provided by FC card picked in (4) above as indicated by the adjustment. He will
opposing unit during the electronic search segment of the combat
radars, so accuracy when using TWS is usually less than when FC then consult the Radar Adjustment table, cross-referring the
adjusted number with the Basic Strength of the radar. This will
B phase, not during the subsequent communications phase es is
radars are used. When a ship sustains damage to radar systems, TWS The unit being searched is presenting its bow or stern aspect if the normally the case. The communication between the detecting unit and
radars are considered surface search radars. reveal the maximum range at which the unit may be detected. searching unit is anywhere within areas A or B; therefore, add 4 if the
However, consult the Radar Detection Table.and cross-refer the other friendly units is subject to detection and jamming by opposing
searching unit is in C or D. units in accordance with the radio detection and jamming rules given
size or altitude of the searching un.it with the size or altitude of
3. BASIC RADAR SEARCH PROCEDURES: the unit being searched. If the ·range giv&n by the Radar in Part C below.
e. If ECM or ECCM devices are being used, the number picked will be
a. As indicated in Rule 3 of Part A above. each team will be provided Adjustment table is less than or equal to the range given on the adjusted as indicated in Parts D and E below. 26
with. ~ number of counters having various designations. Before 25 Radar Detection Table, th~ rahge given by the Radar
b. Both players will resolve the use of all radars assigned to a
search function.
The use of radars assigned to a fire control function will be resolved at
'i'esolving the use of radar detectors, the players must put a "radar"
counter next to any unit that will be using radar In a search mode
during that phase. This is explained 1n Part C below. Unless a "radar"
counter is placed next to a unit at this time, it may not use radar in a
r Adjustment Table is the maximum range at which the unit can
be detected. If the range given by the Radar Adjustment Table Is
greater than the range given by the Radar Detection Table, the
range on the Radar Detection Table will be maximum range at
which the unit can be detected The maximum range at whfch a
f. If the radar has an unstabilized antenna, add 2 to the number picked.

g. If the unit being searched was detected by the searching unit by

visual sighting or radar during the prior combat phase, subtract 6.

thetime the weapons they control are fired, i.e., the use of radars used search mode during the phase. unit can be detected can never exceed the range given on the All adjustments are cumulative.
to control gunfire will be resolved during the gunfire portion of the Radar Detection Table.
combat phase. Radar used to control SSM'swill be resolv.ed during the b. Resolve the use of Radar Detectors in accordance with Part C. 5. RESTRICTIONS ON THE USE OF RADARS IN A SEARCH MODE:
SSM portion of the phase. 7. Measure the range between the unit being searched and the a. As indicated in the Preparing for Play section of the rules, the
c. As indicated in the Preparing for Play section of this book, at the searching unit. If the range is less than or equal to the maximum players must indicate 1n writing which radars will be turned on at the
start of the game. both teams must have placed two addiliona1 range at wh1ch the unit can be detected, it is detected by the start of the game. This decision cannot be changed in any way until at
3. NECESSARY EQUIPMENT: counters under each of their actual and "dummy" counters. These radar. least one enemy unit is located by any means. Once this occurs, radars
In order to conduct electronic warfare, a large number of counters counters must have been placed face down one on top of the other in may be turned on and oft and used as desired beginning with the same
must be provided to both teams. The numbers and types of counters 8..The procedures in (6) and (7) will be followed for every unit phase for atl locating units, and the following phase for all units in
the order listed below:
that must be available to each team are as follows: being searched by the radar. Note that only one card is picked communiGation with a locating unit. Beginning with the phase
1. II the counters were placed beneath the position of an actual per searching radar each phase regardless of the number of following the phase in which all contacts are lost, radars may no longer
a. For each ship in a team's force, the team must be provided ship (of any type), a "blip" counter must have been placed on units being searched for. The number.on that one card will be be turned on or off as desired.
with one of each of the following counters: top. If the counters were placed beneath a "dummy'' counter, a used to determine the results of all attempts at searching.
blank counter must have been placed on top. However, the adjustments made to the number picked will be b. As indicated earlier, FC radars can be used for search purposes.
1. Noise 2. Real 3. Radar made separately for each unit being searched, and the There are two additional restrictions that apply when using FC radars
Exception: If the team has a jammer operating in a deception adjust.ments that apply to one unit will not necessarily apply to for search:
b. For each ship in the team's force. the team must be provided mode, they may have placed "blip" counters beneath all units. Therefore, even though only one card is picked, the
with at least two i";ounters marked "blip". "dummies" in accordance wilh the rules for deception jamming ranges at which the various units can be detected by a single 1. FC radars cannot be used to search unless at least one
given in Part D below. radar can vary. However, if the exact same adjustments apply to enemy unit has already been located by the unit carrying ~he
c. For each ship in the team's force, the team must be provided more than ~ne unit, the maximum range at which they can be radar by any method (visual sighting, radar, or passive
with at least two unmarked, "blank" counters. 2. Beneath the counter chosen in (1). another counter must detected will be exactly the same, so it will not be necessary to detector).
have been placed. If the counter was placed beneath an actual recompute the maximum detection range for such units. 2. FC radars m~y search in only one of four directions each
PART B: RADAR unit, it must indicate "Real"; if the counter was placed beneath a turn, i.e., they may search either toward the bow of the unit, or its
"dummy", it must be blank, even if deception jamming ls used. 9. If a unit is detected; the top counter beneath it will be turned stern or one of its sides. The extent of the area that can be
1. FUNCTIONS OF RADAR: face up. If it is a "blip", the unit has been located by the radar. searched can be determined from the diagram given in Rule 4
Radars may be assigned to perform one of the following functions Before resolving the use of searching radars during each phase. if a The identifying number written on the unit's counter can be above. AFC radar located on a unit in the center of the diagram
during each phase. player is permitted to use deception jamming, he may rearr,13.ngethese immediately recorded in the "Visual/Radar" box on the locating can search for units that lie in any one of the areas A, B, C, or D.
counters. called radar search counters, in accordance with the False unit's TDD and also on the TDD's of alt units having a data link The actual position of the radar on the searching ship has no
1. Se1rch: Radara assigned to search will attempt to locate opposing Target Generation rules given 1n Part 0. Should a player wish to do connection with the locating unit. effect on the area it is permitted to search.
units. this, he may request his opponents to turn their backs to· the playing
b. Fire Control: Radars assigned to fire control will provide accurate surface while he does it. 10. As soon as a unit is located, pick one card for the unit. If the 3. The area being searched by the FC radar must contain one of
range and bearing information !or one or more weapon systems on card is of the proper suit indicated in ECM Rule 6 (c) below, the the opposing units already located by the unit by any means.
units previously spotted. d. Once this is completed, each team will resolve the use of all radars bottom counter, may also be turned over, which will reveal The located unit need not be in radar detection range, but It
assigned to a search function. While a team is doing so, their whether or not the located unit is a false target. Note that when must be somewhere within the area being searched.
Most radars may be assigned to only one of these functions during opponents will turn their backs to the playing surface so that they determining whether or not a unit is a false target, a separate
each phase and not all radars are capable of performing both should not know which of their units are detected. A player may use a card will be picked for each unit detected. Do not use the same 4. FC radars may only detect surface targets and those at
functions. The function to which a radar is assigned may be changed ship's radar for search purposes only if he has put a "radar" counter card for more than one unit Only one card is picked for each surface skimming or very low altitude level. Use the FC strength
during each phase. next to the ship If he has done so, any and all of the ship's searcl'I detected unit each phase to determine if the bottom radar of the radar for searching.
radars may be used at this time. To resolve the use of such radars, do search counter can be turned face up; do not pick one card per·
2. TYPES OF RADARS: as follows for each radar. detecting radar. 5. After determining the maximum range at which a unit can be
There are four main types of radars: detected, pick a card for the unit before turning over the top
1. Determine which opposing units are using "noise" jamming. 11. The procedures given above will be followed for each radar counter. 11 the card is red, do not turn over any of the counters
1. Air search radars: These are long-range radars designed primarily Only units with a "noise" jamming counter placed next to it may in turn. Of course, it will not be necessary for a unit to search placed beneath the unit being searched for; that unit remains
to locate aircraft flying at low altitude or higher. They are most engage in noise jamming. tf there is a "noise" counter next to a units that have already been detected by itself or by any unit undetected. If the card is black, turn over both counters placed
effective against aircraft operating at very high altitude, and the unit which has not yet been turned face up, it will be tur.ned face connected to it by data link. After completing radar searches all beneath the unit; the unit is detected and located and the player
effectiveness decreases as the attitude of the target decreases. They up now before the use of any searching radar is resolved. See counters which were turned face up during the sea~ch will automatically be aware if it is a false target. False target
may occasionally locate surface targets or targets flying at very very Part C tor additional information on placing "noise" counters. procedures will be returned face down to their original position generation is ineffective against FC radars. Note that one card
low altitude, but this is unlikely. Air search radars cannot be assigned so that the opposing players will not know which units were will be picked for each unit that is within detection range of the
to Fire Control functions. 2. The player will then choose to resolve the use of his located. At this time, also record the designation of all opposing radar; do not use the same card for more than one unit.
searching radars in any order one at a time. As mentioned units using "noise" jammers in the "Radar Det" box of the TDD's
b. Surface search radars: These are short-range radars designed earlier, only units having a "radar" counter next to it may use of all units which 1Jsed radar that was subject to that jamming 6. EFFECTS AND DURATION OF DETECTION BY RADAR:
primarily to locate surface targets or targets flying at surface sk1mm1ng their radars in a search mode. When using a radar, first search and all units having operating radar detectors. Such opposing a. Beginning with the phase a unit is located by radar, it may be tired
or very low altitude They are usually incapable ol detecting targets all opposing units on the surface,- then search those at surface units will be treated as if they were located by radar detectors. upon just as if it were visually sighted. The rules for the various weapon
flying at low altitude or higher. and they may not be assigned to fire skimming altitude. followed by progressively higher altitude .Of course, ii the opposing unit was already detected by a unit's systems will explain the restrictions on firing at units located by radar.
control functions. levels until all units are searched. radar detector, it will not be necessarr to do this.
b. As indicated in the communications rules, if a unit is detected by
c. Fire control (FC) radars: These are short·range radars designed to 4.. ADJUSTMENTS TO Tl-IE NUMBER PICKED WHEN THE RADAR radar during a phase, all units in communication with the detecting
3. The first step in resolving the use of each radar is to
provide very accurate range and bearing information on previously ADJUSTMENT TABLE IS CONSULTED: unit will also be assumed to have detected the unit beginning with the
determine if the radar is being "noise" jammed. To do so,
located targets. enabling the weapon system to engage them with high measure the range between the radar and all opposing units a. If the unit being searched is marked "small", add 4 to the number subsequent communications phase of the turn. At that time, the
accuracy. There are two types of FC radars: having a "noise" counter next to it. Then consult the Radar picked. designations of all opposing units detected by radar should be written
Detection Table to determine the maximum range at which the onto the TDD's of all units in communication with the detecting units.
1. Main gun FC radars are used to direct the main guns and may radar can detect the jam mer. If the distance between the radar b. If the unit being searched is marked "large", subtract 4 from the
also direct some SSM's and torpedoes They may be used and the jammer is less than or equal to the maximum radar number picked. c. Once a units has been detected by radar, it remains detected only
against both surface and air targets and may also be assigned to detection range given on the table, the radar is being jammed; c. If the unii being searched is marked "missile," add 10 in addition to until the end of the electronics segment of the next combat phase.
operate in a search mode. otherwise, the jammer will have no effect on the radar. The any size adjustment. For example, if a missile is small, 14 will be added During that phase, the unit must again be detected by radar or radar
effect of noise jamming is explained in Part D of these rules. (10 for missile, 4 for small). contact will be lost. However, as indicated in rule 4, g above, the
2. Secondary FC radars may only control the firing of one number picked when consulting the Radar Adjustment Table for
weapons system and may never operate in a search mode. See d. If the unit being searched is not presenting its bow or stern aspect previously detected units will be reduced, thus increasing the chance
4. The player will then pick one card and place it next to the to the searching unit, subtract 4. A
Rule 5 whenever using an FC radar in a search mode. searching unit. of detection. In addition, if a unit detected in a prior combat phase is

d. Track whlle Scan (TWS) radar: These are surface search radars
which are also capable of providing fire control information
s. The player will then consult the Radar Guide to determine the
Basic Strength of the radar being used at the altitude being
again detected by a unit, all units in communication with the detecting
unit at the time of detection are assumed to detect that opposing unit
simultaneously. Thus, once a unit detects a previously detected unit it
simultaneously. Such radars will always be assigned to a search
function, but any surface target which was located during a prior
cBD is not necessary to search tor that unit with any unit in communication
by any method with the detecting unit, since all units in

phase may also be tracked as if by a lire control radar during the same 6. For each unit being searched, the player will determine it any communication wiJh the detecting unit autorriatically detect the
phase that the radar is performing the search function. Only surface ol the adjustments given on the Radar Adjustment Table apply opposing unit at the same time. Note that in this situation, the units in
targets may be tracked by TWS radars. The fire control information to the unit being searched. If so, he will adjust the number on the
communication with the detecting unit are assumed to dete.ct the
provided by TWS radars is less accurate than that provided by FC card picked in (4) above as indicated by the adjustment. He will
opposing unit during the electronic search segment of the combat
radars, so accuracy when using TWS is usually less than when FC then consult the Radar Adjustment table, cross-referring the
adjusted number with the Basic Strength of the radar. This will
B phase, not during the subsequent communications phase es is
radars are used. When a ship sustains damage to radar systems, TWS The unit being searched is presenting its bow or stern aspect if the normally the case. The communication between the detecting unit and
radars are considered surface search radars. reveal the maximum range at which the unit may be detected. searching unit is anywhere within areas A or B; therefore, add 4 if the
However, consult the Radar Detection Table.and cross-refer the other friendly units is subject to detection and jamming by opposing
searching unit is in C or D. units in accordance with the radio detection and jamming rules given
size or altitude of the searching un.it with the size or altitude of
3. BASIC RADAR SEARCH PROCEDURES: the unit being searched. If the ·range giv&n by the Radar in Part C below.
e. If ECM or ECCM devices are being used, the number picked will be
a. As indicated in Rule 3 of Part A above. each team will be provided Adjustment table is less than or equal to the range given on the adjusted as indicated in Parts D and E below. 26
with. ~ number of counters having various designations. Before 25 Radar Detection Table, th~ rahge given by the Radar
a. Only FC and TWS radars may be used for fire control purposes, and
opposing units without needing to broadcast any energy. For this
reason, unlike with active sensors, the use of passive sensors cannot
be detected by the enemy. This section is only concerned with passive
l Example: If a player commands a unit with a radar detection rating of
A, he may request his opponent to reveal the names of ell the radars
being used by each opposing unit during that phase. The opposi.ng
cease using radar and/or jammers.

TWS radars may be used only against surface targets. detectors which relate to surface action. The passive sensors which player must reveal the names of the radars and indicate which unit Is a. Radio transmissions may be detected only:
~sing each.
relate to surface aclions are radar deteclors and radio detectors.
b. The target against which the radar is being used must have already 1. When a unit is communicating with another unit (or its base)
been located by the unit carrying the radar by either visual sighting or 2. THE REQUIREMENTS FOR USING RADAR DETECTORS: e. If all of the units in a side's force have a radar detection rating of B, and the distance between those units is greater than the radar
radar. Unlocated units and those located only by passive sensors a. Ships equipped with radar detectors will be assumed to have them one of the players on that side will pick one card regardless of the horizon.
cannot be tracked by radars operating in a fire control mode. operating at all times (unless, of course, they are unable to function). If number of units in the force. If the number picked is 1 or 2, the force
a radar or radar jaromer is being used, it will automatically be located has discovered the names of some of the radars being used by a 2. When a unit is communicating with another unit, regardless
c. All Fire Control radars may be used against targets during the by a radar detector 1f the following requirements are met: number of the opposing units; if the number picked exceeds 2, the of range, if the detecting unit lies between the transmitting unit
phase in which the target is initially located. TWS radars may_ n_o.t be force was unable to determine the name of any radar during that and the receiving unit.
used against targets until the phase after the targets are 1n1t1ally 1. The radar or jam mer is within the detector's area of coverage. phase. If the force did discover the names of some radars, the number
located. is dependent on the suit of the card and the number of units In the Unless either of tha1a ccndltlon1 are mat, radio tran1ml11lcn1 may not
2. The detector is capable of acquiring the radar's or jammer's detecting force: be delected. If either le met, tho detecllng unit can detect any radio or
d .. Each FC radar may track only one type of target each phase. There signals. dsta llnk tran1ml11lon1 which occur btlwaen thoae unlt1 provided the
are two types of targets: surface and air. If a FC radar is used to track 1. If the card is a spade, the force detects the names of the detecting unit'• communla1tlon1 h1v1 not b11n knook1d out. Unllk1
surface targets, only one ship may be tracked by that radar during the b. Area of coverage: A radar detector's area of coverage extends 360° radars being used on a number of opposing ships equal to the radar detectors, which era separate from radar 1ata, radio detection
phase. TWS radars may track any number of surface targets during a out to the effective range of the detector. Rader detectors are capable number of units In the detecting force. Ex1mple: If a force of equipment is pert of lta communication syatem and all ships end
phase; they are incapable of tracking air targets. five on Its picks a one or two of spades, It wit! discover the names aircraft have it.
of detecting shipborne radars and noise jammers out to about th.ree
times the effective range of the radar or jam ming set. For tact1oel df the radars being used on five opposing units during that b. If the requirements in (a) are met, the transmitting unit will be
e. Radars which were used in a search mode may be used in a fire purposes, all radar detectors will be assumed to have an unllmlted phase. located whenever it uses radio or data link. A unit is never required to
control mode during the same phase. Guns, however, may not be fired range. 2. If the card is a club, the force detects the names of the radars use radio or data link, but if it does not do so, it is restricted in the same
with radar fire control if the fire control radar was used in a search being used on a number of opposing units equal to 1/2 of the manner as ships which have had their communications and data link
c. Radar detectors are capable of acquiring the following radar end number Of units in the detecling force (round upward if knocked out (see Damage Rule 1, (e) and (t)). It the unit uses its radio
mode during the same phase. TWS radars may search and be used for jammer signals·
radar fire control for all weapons during the same phase. necessary) or data link, immediately write its designation in the "Radio Detect"
box on the detecting unit's TDD. It may also be written in on the TD D's
1. If the radar signals are from a search radar. the) can be 3. If the card is a diamond, the force detects the names of the of all units having a data link connection with that unit. Units detected
8. FIRE CONTROL TRACKING PROCEDURES: acquired by detectors mounted on aircraft flying at any altitude radars being used on a number of opposing units equal to the in this manner will remain detected until the phase in which the
a. The use of radars assigned to fire control will be resolved just before and by detectors on surface ships. 1/4 of the number of units in the detecting force. requirements for detection are no longer met; or the unit stops using
the fire of the weapons the radar is controlling is resolved. Most fire radio or data link.
control radars control only one weapons battery (e.g main guns or 2. If the radar is a tire control radar engaging in a fire control 4. If the card is a heart, the force detects the names of the radars
main SAM's). When a radar is controlling the fire of more than one tunclion, it may be detected only by the unit it is tracking and by being used on a number of opposing units equal to 1/10 of the c. Units which are located by radio detectors may be tired upon just as
weapon batery, the use of radar will be resolved only once during the units within 3" of that unit. If the radar is engaged in a surface number of units in the detecting force. if they were located by a radar detector.
phase, just before the first controlled weapons is fired. The result will search function, it may be detected just like a search radar.
affect the radar for the entire phase. If the name_s of radars are discovered, the detecting player will indicate
3. TWS radars are detected just as if they were search radars. to his opponent the units whose radars he wishes revealed. Of course,
b. Before resolving the use of each radar, the owning player must PART 0: ELECTRONIC COUMTERMEASURES (ECM):
the maximum number of units that can be indicated is as hsted.above,
announce which opposing unit he is attempting to track with the radar. 4. Radar jammers can only be detected if they are engaging in and all of !he units n1ust have a "radar" counter next to it. The opposing
His opponent will then indicate if the target unit or any other unit within noise jamming; jammers engaging in deception jamming 1. INTRODUCTION:
player must reveal the names qt alt of the radars being used by the Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) are devices designed to deny the
3" of the target has a working radar detector. If there is such a unit, the cannot be detected. Radar jammers engaged in noise jamming designated units.
player owning the radar must indicate to his opponent the location of can be detected by ships or aircraft at any altitude. enemy the use of his radars and communications equipment. Most
the unit using the radar: this unit is immediately detected by the radar ECM is designed to be used against radar, and most are effective
f. When radar detection has been resolved, do not remove the against both search and fire control radars. The ECM that is effective
detectors of the target unit and all units within 3" of the target, and the 5. Some radar detection equipment is incapable of detecting counters placed next to the units, other than the blanks. At this time,
designation of the unit using the radar may be immediately written into certain types of radars and jammer signals. Any such against radar may be used at the following times:
any unit which detected an opposing radar during that phase, and all
the Radar Det. box on the TD D's of all detecting units. As indicated in restrictions will be given on the Ship Characteristics Table. units having a data link connection with that unit, may begin noise
Part C below, only the target unit and units within 3" of the target are 1. During the electronic search segment of each combat phase.
jamming. If the player wishes to do this, he must place a "noise"
capable of detecting fire control radars. d. Each. unit will have a radar detection rating of A or B. This rating is counter next to such units. These units are immediately detected by all
listed on the Ship Characteristics Table. The unit's radar detection 2. During the combat portion of the combat phases when the
opposing radar detectors, so their designations may be written onto use of fire control radars is resolved.
In addition, if the target unit or any unit within 3" of the target has a rating will affect its ability to respond to radar detection. the TDD's of all detecting units.
working radar detector rated A, the player owning the radar must
announce the name of the radar. If all such units have radar detection 3. RADAR DETECTION PROCEDURE: ECM that is effective against communications can be used whenever a
g. All "Radar" and "Noise" counters will remain on the playing surface unit atlempts to communicate with another. Any exceptions to the
ratings of B, the player commanding the target unit must pick one a. At the beginning of the radar detection portion of each electronic until the end of the electronic search segment of the combat phase, at
card; if the number picked is 1 or 2, the opposing player must search segment it will be necessary to determine if both sides have at' above rules will be noted below.
which time all will be removed.
announce the name of the radar used, while if any other number 1s least one radar detector in the battle area. If a side does not have at
picked, the name of the radar is not revealed. least one operating radar detector, he must indicate this to his 4. RADAR DETECTORS ANO FIRE CONTROL: 2. TYPES OF ECM EQUIPMENT:
opponent at this time; otherwise, it can be assumed that both sides a. As indicated in Part 8, just before firing a weapon battery, the
have at least one working radar detector. a. Radar jam me rs: These are items of electronic equipment which are
c. The player commanding the target unit must then announce if any players may assign radars to operate in a fire control mode by found on most ships. The Ship Characteristic Table will indicate which
ECM is being used against the radar. Only the target unit and units announcing the target he wishes to track. If that unit, or any unit within ships do not have such equipment.
within 3" of the target may use ECM against radars operating in a fire 3" of it, has a radar detector, the location of the radar must be revealed.
control mode. In addition, these units may use ECM only if they have b. As indicated in Rule 3 of Part A above, each team will be provided If any of these units have a radar detection rating of A, the name of the b. Radio Jammers: Such devices are carried on all ships and are
operating radar detectors. If ECM is used, the player must announce with a number of counters having various designations. If e player radar must also be revealed; if all of the units have a radar detection considered part of the communication system. They operate only
the type of ECM he is using. intends to use a radar in a search mode during the phase, he must rating of B, roll a decimal die and the name of the radar will be revealed against opposing communications systems and data links, never
place a "Radar" counter next to the unit. Players who wish to use against radar.
only if a 1 or 2 is rolled.
d. After determining if ECM is being used against a radar, the player "noise" jamming may also put a "noise" counter next to each unit using
commanding the radar will determine the Basic Strength of the radar, this device at this time, but since most units will have another c. Chaff: Chaff consists of aluminum strips cut to half the wavelength
b. When this is completed, the players will indicate what ECM devices
and will pick a card. The number picked wilt be adjusted as indicated in opportunity to turn on their noise jammers after the use of radar of the opposing radar. It is fired from cannons or chaff launchers and
or techniques will be used by the target unit and any unit within 3" of it,
Rule 4 above and then, after adjustment, the Radar Adjustment Table detectors is resolved, this is usually not necessary. Both teams will provided each of them has a working radar detector. If a unit does not reflecls radar waves back to the transmitting source.
will be consulted, just as for searching. If the radar has not already place the counters down simultaneously face down. If a team has at have a radar detector, it may not use ECM.
been defeated by the ECM, measure the distance between the target least one operating radar detector, they may then turn all of the d. Reflectors: Reflectors increase the amount of radar waves
unit and the unit using the radar; if the distance is less than or equal to opposing counters face up; if the team does not have a radar detector, reflected back to the radar receiver, thus making small targets appear
the range indicated on the Radar Adjustment Table, the target is the counters will remain face down. "Blank" counters may be placed as 5. EFFECTS OF DETECTION BY RADAR DETECTORS: much larger.
successfully tracked and may be fired upon with radar fire control desired next to any unit or "dummy" counter in order to mislead the Units detected by these devices may be fired upon in accordance with
accuracy, provided the radar is not knocked out before the weapon is opposing team. the normal firing rules, and in addition, ECM devices may be used e. Decoys: These devices are launched from specially designed
fired. If the distance between the target and the radar is greater than against such units. However, bear in mind !hat most weapons (e.g. launchers and are equipped with electronic radar jammers or
the distance indicated on the Radar Adjustment Table or if the radar guns) may not be fired upon units which are located only by radar reflectors.
c. Any unit with any counter placed face up next to it is considered detectors and, in addition, many weapons may not be fired upon units
was defeated by ECM, no radar fire control will be possible with that "located" by a radar detector. Each player should write the
radar. See the ECM rules for additional information. during the phase in which they are initially localed.
designations of all opposing units which are located in this manner in 3. RESTRICTIONS ON THE USE OF RADAR JAMMERS:
the "Radar Det." box on the TDD's of alt units which detected the 6. DURATION OF RADAR DETECTION: a. As indicated in the Preparing for Play section of the rules, before the
e. If a FC or TWS radar is successfully used to track a target, the player opposing unit and also on the TDD's of all unit's having a data link
using the radar may turn over both of the counters which were placed a. A unit located by radar detection will remain located only as long as game begins both players must indicate the jammers being used, the
connection with any of the detecting units. Units which are located by it continues using a radar or noise jammer. If during a phase, after mode of operation and the turns during which the devices will be used.
under the target unit's counter (if it is represented by a counter). a radar detector may be engaged by certain weapons as indicated in
Occassionally when doing this, a player will discover that the radar is radar detection is resolved, a unit which has been previously detected Once this decision ts made, the jammers may not be turned off, or~ave
the various weapons rules. !heir modes changed until at least one enemy unit is located by visual
tracking a "dummy" counter, which appeared real to the opposing by a radar detector is no longer detected, the unit is no longer detected
player due to the successful use of deception jamming. When this and it must be erased from all TD D's at the end of the phase. sighting or an active or passive sensor. As soon as a unit is located a.II
d. Both teams will now indicate it any of their units have a radar the jammers may be used as desired as long as at leaslonee.ru~my u~1t
occurs, the radar may not track any other target during the phase. detection rating of A. If there is such a unit, the owning player may
b. Optional rule: In actual tact, action may still be taken against units remains located - See the Preparing tor Play rules. If a unit 1s not !n
request his opponent to reveal the name of all radars being used by any communication with the unit thal has already located an enemy un!t,
PART C: PASSIVE SENSORS or all of his units which have a "radar" counter placed next to it. If the located by radar detectors for several minutes after contact is broken.
For those players who do not mind performing some additional no change may be made in that unit's use ofjammers until the phase in
request is made, it must be honored.
1. DESCRIPTION OF PASSIVE SENSORS: bookkeeping, we suggest that units located by radar detectors should which the unit becomes aware that enemy contact was made.
Passive sensors are devices which can detect lhe presence of 27 remain detected until three full turns (six combat phases) afler they 28
a. Only FC and TWS radars may be used for fire control purposes, and
opposing units without needing to broadcast any energy. For this
reason, unlike with active sensors, the use of passive sensors cannot
be detected by the enemy. This section is only concerned with passive
l Example: If a player commands a unit with a radar detection rating of
A, he may request his opponent to reveal the names of ell the radars
being used by each opposing unit during that phase. The opposi.ng
cease using radar and/or jammers.

TWS radars may be used only against surface targets. detectors which relate to surface action. The passive sensors which player must reveal the names of the radars and indicate which unit Is a. Radio transmissions may be detected only:
~sing each.
relate to surface aclions are radar deteclors and radio detectors.
b. The target against which the radar is being used must have already 1. When a unit is communicating with another unit (or its base)
been located by the unit carrying the radar by either visual sighting or 2. THE REQUIREMENTS FOR USING RADAR DETECTORS: e. If all of the units in a side's force have a radar detection rating of B, and the distance between those units is greater than the radar
radar. Unlocated units and those located only by passive sensors a. Ships equipped with radar detectors will be assumed to have them one of the players on that side will pick one card regardless of the horizon.
cannot be tracked by radars operating in a fire control mode. operating at all times (unless, of course, they are unable to function). If number of units in the force. If the number picked is 1 or 2, the force
a radar or radar jaromer is being used, it will automatically be located has discovered the names of some of the radars being used by a 2. When a unit is communicating with another unit, regardless
c. All Fire Control radars may be used against targets during the by a radar detector 1f the following requirements are met: number of the opposing units; if the number picked exceeds 2, the of range, if the detecting unit lies between the transmitting unit
phase in which the target is initially located. TWS radars may_ n_o.t be force was unable to determine the name of any radar during that and the receiving unit.
used against targets until the phase after the targets are 1n1t1ally 1. The radar or jam mer is within the detector's area of coverage. phase. If the force did discover the names of some radars, the number
located. is dependent on the suit of the card and the number of units In the Unless either of tha1a ccndltlon1 are mat, radio tran1ml11lcn1 may not
2. The detector is capable of acquiring the radar's or jammer's detecting force: be delected. If either le met, tho detecllng unit can detect any radio or
d .. Each FC radar may track only one type of target each phase. There signals. dsta llnk tran1ml11lon1 which occur btlwaen thoae unlt1 provided the
are two types of targets: surface and air. If a FC radar is used to track 1. If the card is a spade, the force detects the names of the detecting unit'• communla1tlon1 h1v1 not b11n knook1d out. Unllk1
surface targets, only one ship may be tracked by that radar during the b. Area of coverage: A radar detector's area of coverage extends 360° radars being used on a number of opposing ships equal to the radar detectors, which era separate from radar 1ata, radio detection
phase. TWS radars may track any number of surface targets during a out to the effective range of the detector. Rader detectors are capable number of units In the detecting force. Ex1mple: If a force of equipment is pert of lta communication syatem and all ships end
phase; they are incapable of tracking air targets. five on Its picks a one or two of spades, It wit! discover the names aircraft have it.
of detecting shipborne radars and noise jammers out to about th.ree
times the effective range of the radar or jam ming set. For tact1oel df the radars being used on five opposing units during that b. If the requirements in (a) are met, the transmitting unit will be
e. Radars which were used in a search mode may be used in a fire purposes, all radar detectors will be assumed to have an unllmlted phase. located whenever it uses radio or data link. A unit is never required to
control mode during the same phase. Guns, however, may not be fired range. 2. If the card is a club, the force detects the names of the radars use radio or data link, but if it does not do so, it is restricted in the same
with radar fire control if the fire control radar was used in a search being used on a number of opposing units equal to 1/2 of the manner as ships which have had their communications and data link
c. Radar detectors are capable of acquiring the following radar end number Of units in the detecling force (round upward if knocked out (see Damage Rule 1, (e) and (t)). It the unit uses its radio
mode during the same phase. TWS radars may search and be used for jammer signals·
radar fire control for all weapons during the same phase. necessary) or data link, immediately write its designation in the "Radio Detect"
box on the detecting unit's TDD. It may also be written in on the TD D's
1. If the radar signals are from a search radar. the) can be 3. If the card is a diamond, the force detects the names of the of all units having a data link connection with that unit. Units detected
8. FIRE CONTROL TRACKING PROCEDURES: acquired by detectors mounted on aircraft flying at any altitude radars being used on a number of opposing units equal to the in this manner will remain detected until the phase in which the
a. The use of radars assigned to fire control will be resolved just before and by detectors on surface ships. 1/4 of the number of units in the detecting force. requirements for detection are no longer met; or the unit stops using
the fire of the weapons the radar is controlling is resolved. Most fire radio or data link.
control radars control only one weapons battery (e.g main guns or 2. If the radar is a tire control radar engaging in a fire control 4. If the card is a heart, the force detects the names of the radars
main SAM's). When a radar is controlling the fire of more than one tunclion, it may be detected only by the unit it is tracking and by being used on a number of opposing units equal to 1/10 of the c. Units which are located by radio detectors may be tired upon just as
weapon batery, the use of radar will be resolved only once during the units within 3" of that unit. If the radar is engaged in a surface number of units in the detecting force. if they were located by a radar detector.
phase, just before the first controlled weapons is fired. The result will search function, it may be detected just like a search radar.
affect the radar for the entire phase. If the name_s of radars are discovered, the detecting player will indicate
3. TWS radars are detected just as if they were search radars. to his opponent the units whose radars he wishes revealed. Of course,
b. Before resolving the use of each radar, the owning player must PART 0: ELECTRONIC COUMTERMEASURES (ECM):
the maximum number of units that can be indicated is as hsted.above,
announce which opposing unit he is attempting to track with the radar. 4. Radar jammers can only be detected if they are engaging in and all of !he units n1ust have a "radar" counter next to it. The opposing
His opponent will then indicate if the target unit or any other unit within noise jamming; jammers engaging in deception jamming 1. INTRODUCTION:
player must reveal the names qt alt of the radars being used by the Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) are devices designed to deny the
3" of the target has a working radar detector. If there is such a unit, the cannot be detected. Radar jammers engaged in noise jamming designated units.
player owning the radar must indicate to his opponent the location of can be detected by ships or aircraft at any altitude. enemy the use of his radars and communications equipment. Most
the unit using the radar: this unit is immediately detected by the radar ECM is designed to be used against radar, and most are effective
f. When radar detection has been resolved, do not remove the against both search and fire control radars. The ECM that is effective
detectors of the target unit and all units within 3" of the target, and the 5. Some radar detection equipment is incapable of detecting counters placed next to the units, other than the blanks. At this time,
designation of the unit using the radar may be immediately written into certain types of radars and jammer signals. Any such against radar may be used at the following times:
any unit which detected an opposing radar during that phase, and all
the Radar Det. box on the TD D's of all detecting units. As indicated in restrictions will be given on the Ship Characteristics Table. units having a data link connection with that unit, may begin noise
Part C below, only the target unit and units within 3" of the target are 1. During the electronic search segment of each combat phase.
jamming. If the player wishes to do this, he must place a "noise"
capable of detecting fire control radars. d. Each. unit will have a radar detection rating of A or B. This rating is counter next to such units. These units are immediately detected by all
listed on the Ship Characteristics Table. The unit's radar detection 2. During the combat portion of the combat phases when the
opposing radar detectors, so their designations may be written onto use of fire control radars is resolved.
In addition, if the target unit or any unit within 3" of the target has a rating will affect its ability to respond to radar detection. the TDD's of all detecting units.
working radar detector rated A, the player owning the radar must
announce the name of the radar. If all such units have radar detection 3. RADAR DETECTION PROCEDURE: ECM that is effective against communications can be used whenever a
g. All "Radar" and "Noise" counters will remain on the playing surface unit atlempts to communicate with another. Any exceptions to the
ratings of B, the player commanding the target unit must pick one a. At the beginning of the radar detection portion of each electronic until the end of the electronic search segment of the combat phase, at
card; if the number picked is 1 or 2, the opposing player must search segment it will be necessary to determine if both sides have at' above rules will be noted below.
which time all will be removed.
announce the name of the radar used, while if any other number 1s least one radar detector in the battle area. If a side does not have at
picked, the name of the radar is not revealed. least one operating radar detector, he must indicate this to his 4. RADAR DETECTORS ANO FIRE CONTROL: 2. TYPES OF ECM EQUIPMENT:
opponent at this time; otherwise, it can be assumed that both sides a. As indicated in Part 8, just before firing a weapon battery, the
have at least one working radar detector. a. Radar jam me rs: These are items of electronic equipment which are
c. The player commanding the target unit must then announce if any players may assign radars to operate in a fire control mode by found on most ships. The Ship Characteristic Table will indicate which
ECM is being used against the radar. Only the target unit and units announcing the target he wishes to track. If that unit, or any unit within ships do not have such equipment.
within 3" of the target may use ECM against radars operating in a fire 3" of it, has a radar detector, the location of the radar must be revealed.
control mode. In addition, these units may use ECM only if they have b. As indicated in Rule 3 of Part A above, each team will be provided If any of these units have a radar detection rating of A, the name of the b. Radio Jammers: Such devices are carried on all ships and are
operating radar detectors. If ECM is used, the player must announce with a number of counters having various designations. If e player radar must also be revealed; if all of the units have a radar detection considered part of the communication system. They operate only
the type of ECM he is using. intends to use a radar in a search mode during the phase, he must rating of B, roll a decimal die and the name of the radar will be revealed against opposing communications systems and data links, never
place a "Radar" counter next to the unit. Players who wish to use against radar.
only if a 1 or 2 is rolled.
d. After determining if ECM is being used against a radar, the player "noise" jamming may also put a "noise" counter next to each unit using
commanding the radar will determine the Basic Strength of the radar, this device at this time, but since most units will have another c. Chaff: Chaff consists of aluminum strips cut to half the wavelength
b. When this is completed, the players will indicate what ECM devices
and will pick a card. The number picked wilt be adjusted as indicated in opportunity to turn on their noise jammers after the use of radar of the opposing radar. It is fired from cannons or chaff launchers and
or techniques will be used by the target unit and any unit within 3" of it,
Rule 4 above and then, after adjustment, the Radar Adjustment Table detectors is resolved, this is usually not necessary. Both teams will provided each of them has a working radar detector. If a unit does not reflecls radar waves back to the transmitting source.
will be consulted, just as for searching. If the radar has not already place the counters down simultaneously face down. If a team has at have a radar detector, it may not use ECM.
been defeated by the ECM, measure the distance between the target least one operating radar detector, they may then turn all of the d. Reflectors: Reflectors increase the amount of radar waves
unit and the unit using the radar; if the distance is less than or equal to opposing counters face up; if the team does not have a radar detector, reflected back to the radar receiver, thus making small targets appear
the range indicated on the Radar Adjustment Table, the target is the counters will remain face down. "Blank" counters may be placed as 5. EFFECTS OF DETECTION BY RADAR DETECTORS: much larger.
successfully tracked and may be fired upon with radar fire control desired next to any unit or "dummy" counter in order to mislead the Units detected by these devices may be fired upon in accordance with
accuracy, provided the radar is not knocked out before the weapon is opposing team. the normal firing rules, and in addition, ECM devices may be used e. Decoys: These devices are launched from specially designed
fired. If the distance between the target and the radar is greater than against such units. However, bear in mind !hat most weapons (e.g. launchers and are equipped with electronic radar jammers or
the distance indicated on the Radar Adjustment Table or if the radar guns) may not be fired upon units which are located only by radar reflectors.
c. Any unit with any counter placed face up next to it is considered detectors and, in addition, many weapons may not be fired upon units
was defeated by ECM, no radar fire control will be possible with that "located" by a radar detector. Each player should write the
radar. See the ECM rules for additional information. during the phase in which they are initially localed.
designations of all opposing units which are located in this manner in 3. RESTRICTIONS ON THE USE OF RADAR JAMMERS:
the "Radar Det." box on the TDD's of alt units which detected the 6. DURATION OF RADAR DETECTION: a. As indicated in the Preparing for Play section of the rules, before the
e. If a FC or TWS radar is successfully used to track a target, the player opposing unit and also on the TDD's of all unit's having a data link
using the radar may turn over both of the counters which were placed a. A unit located by radar detection will remain located only as long as game begins both players must indicate the jammers being used, the
connection with any of the detecting units. Units which are located by it continues using a radar or noise jammer. If during a phase, after mode of operation and the turns during which the devices will be used.
under the target unit's counter (if it is represented by a counter). a radar detector may be engaged by certain weapons as indicated in
Occassionally when doing this, a player will discover that the radar is radar detection is resolved, a unit which has been previously detected Once this decision ts made, the jammers may not be turned off, or~ave
the various weapons rules. !heir modes changed until at least one enemy unit is located by visual
tracking a "dummy" counter, which appeared real to the opposing by a radar detector is no longer detected, the unit is no longer detected
player due to the successful use of deception jamming. When this and it must be erased from all TD D's at the end of the phase. sighting or an active or passive sensor. As soon as a unit is located a.II
d. Both teams will now indicate it any of their units have a radar the jammers may be used as desired as long as at leaslonee.ru~my u~1t
occurs, the radar may not track any other target during the phase. detection rating of A. If there is such a unit, the owning player may
b. Optional rule: In actual tact, action may still be taken against units remains located - See the Preparing tor Play rules. If a unit 1s not !n
request his opponent to reveal the name of all radars being used by any communication with the unit thal has already located an enemy un!t,
PART C: PASSIVE SENSORS or all of his units which have a "radar" counter placed next to it. If the located by radar detectors for several minutes after contact is broken.
For those players who do not mind performing some additional no change may be made in that unit's use ofjammers until the phase in
request is made, it must be honored.
1. DESCRIPTION OF PASSIVE SENSORS: bookkeeping, we suggest that units located by radar detectors should which the unit becomes aware that enemy contact was made.
Passive sensors are devices which can detect lhe presence of 27 remain detected until three full turns (six combat phases) afler they 28
b. A radar jammer is not capable of jamming all radars: b. As indicated in Part B, before resolving radar searches the players Note: Even though a unit may be allowed to fire chaff at several
If a jammer is located in area A, all units of the jamming force that are in must have placed two counters face down beneath each of their units
area A are protected (i e .. they are in the area of jamming). If the points during a phase, each gun and chaff launcher may fire
1. Jammers mounted on ships or aircraft flying at very low and "dummy" counters. The top counter will indicate "blip" or be only once during a phase.
jam mer is in area 8, all units of the jamming force that are in area Bare blank No~mally, blank counters must be placed beneath "dummies".
altitude or below may jam both air search and surface search protected; if the jammer is in area C, all units of thejamming force that
(including TWS) radars. However, 1f a player is using a deception jammer, he may place "blip" b. Short range chaff launchers may launch chaff out to a maximum
are in area Care protected, while 1f the jammer is in·D, all units of the ~ounters b.eneath up to four "dummy" counters for each deception
jamming force that are in area D are protected. range of 1"._lon_g range chaff launchers have a maximum range of 18".
Jammer being used. The "dummy" counters chosen for this may be If the chaff 1s fired from a gun rather than a launcher, the maximum
2. Jammers mounted on aircraft flying at low altitude or above anywhere on the playing surface.
may jam air search radars, but not surface search radars. This area of jamming will apply only if the player using the radar range is equal to 75% of the maximum range of the gun against surface
chooses not to reduce gain. Reducing gain is an ECCM technique c. The existence of false targets can be detected by an opposing radar targets.
3. Fire control radars being used In a surface search mode can which will greatly reduce the area of jamming. It is explained in Part E if the card picked after detecting the unit (in accordance with Part B,
be Jammed Just as a surface search radar. Fire control radars below. rule 3,d (10)) is of the proper suit. If the radar is a search or TWS radar, c. Regardless of the launcher used, the maximum range to which
u1ad In a fire control mode can only be Jammed by the target It Is If noise jamming is used against a radar operating 1n a fire control the player owning the radar will be allowed to look at the bottom radar ch~ff may_ be launched cannot exceed 1" If the launching occurs at any
tracking and by units within 3" of the target. mode, only the target is protected. ~earch counter placed beneath the detected unit if the card is a spade: point du.ring the combat phase other than at the beginning of the
1f the radar is an FC radar, the player may look at the bottom radar electronic search segment before the use of radar detectors is
c. Radar jammers can jam all radars within a 360° angle out to the c. If a unit is protected by noise jamming, the number picked when search counter regardless of the suit. By looking at the bottom radar resc;>lved (i.e., in ~ccor~ance with a(1) above). This is the only point
Radar Detection Range. consulting the Radar Adjustment Table will be adjusted. Normally, the search counter, which will either indicate "real" or be blank, the during the phase rn which chaff can be launched to ranges exceeding
number picked will be increased by 12 against search and TWS radars searching player can determine it the unit is a false target. 1 ".
d. Some radar jammers are capable of operating in two modes: noise
jamming and deception jamming; others may operate in only one mode. and by 10 if the radar 1s a FC radar. The following adjustments apply:
No jammer can operate in both modes simultaneously: As explained in the ECCM section, the chance of detecting false d. Piece a chaff counter face up at the point to which the chaff is
1. Subtract 2 from the above if the jamming unit has a radar targets may be increased or decreased depending on the devices launched. Also, record the number of the phase in which the launching
1. 11 a jam mer is used during the electronic search segment of a detection rating of B. Before the use of radars is resolved, the included in the detecting radar. Of course, if a player detects a false occurred on a piece of paper.
combat phase, ii may be used in either a noise jamming or players must inform their opponents of the jamming unit's radar target, he need not inform his opponent.
deception jamming mode against all radars, it may not be used detection ratings. 11. EFFECTS OF CHAFF:
in both modes du~ing any electronic search segment. 7. DECEPTION JAMMING • RANGE OR VELOCITY GATE PULL- a. Chaff will become effective as soon as it is launched.
2. If a FC radar is being used for any purpose other than_gunfire OFF:
2. If a jammer is used during a combat phase to jam radars or SSM launching during that phase. ignore all noise jamming a. This technique may be used by the target or units within 3" of the b. In order to be protected by chaff, a unit must be within 1" of a chaff
operating in a fire control mode, it may be used in either the adjustments. Noise jamming is ineffective against FC radars target to defeat an opposing radar operating in a fire control mode. It marker and at the proper altitude. If the chaff is launched from the
noise jamming or deception jamming mode (but not both) being used for any other purpose other than gunfire or SSM may be accomplished only if the jamming unit detected the use of that surface, surface skimming or very low altitude, it can protect units that
against each radar; however, it is not required to· operate in the launching. radar against the target; if the radar was not detected, the unit may not are at any of these altitudes. If the chaff is-launched from low medium
same mode against all radars. Thus, the jammer may use the Use range or velocity gate pull-off even if it used deception jamming to high, or very high altitude, it will protect only those units thai ere at th8
noise jamming mode against one fire control radar and the 3. As indicated in the ECCM rules, subtract 4 if the radar has create false targets during the same phase. altitude of launch.
deception jamming mode against another. frequency agility, and completely ignore all noise jamming
effects if the radar is continuous wave. This term will be b. If a player uses range or velocity gate pull-off against an opposing c. Chaff will affect only opposing radars, never any friendly radars.
3. A jam mer may be used against searching radars during the explained further in the ECCM rules. radar, he will merely announce the tact. His opponent Will then pick a
electronic search segment of the phase and also against fire card. If the card is of the proper suit, the jamming has succeeded and d. When a radar is used against units protected by chaff, its
control radars during the combat portion of the same phase. A d. If a unit is protected by more than one noise jam mer, there will be no the fire control radar will be unable to track the target during that effectiveness will be reduced as follows:
jam mer may operate in one mode during the electronic search further adjustments; i.e., using more than one noise jammer will not phase regardless of the range. Normally, the suits necessary for the
segment of the phase and another mode during the combat further decrease the effectiveness of the radar. success of jamming will be either spade or club in the case of fire 1. All radars assigned to a search mode - lose 25%.
portion of the same phase; a jammer which was used during the control radars, or spade, club, or diamond in the case of TWS radars.
electronic search portion of the phase is not required to operate 5. DECEPTION JAMMING: However, tor some radars, the required suits may be different. This is 2. Fire control radars assigned to a fire control function - lose
in the same mode during the combat portion of the phase. a. Most shipborne and airborne jammers may operate in a deception explained in ECCM Rule 7. If the jamming is unsuccessful the 50%.
mode in addition to a noise jamming mode. When a jammer is opposing player will consult the Radar Adjustment Table using the
4. NOISE JAMMING PROCEDURES: operating in a deception mode, 11 can perform two functions: number on the card picked to determine the maximum range at which 3. TWS radars assigned to fire control - lose 75%.
a. Noise jamming will affect the results of radar searches and the use the target can be tracked. 4. During the phase the chaff is initially launched reduce the ef·
of radars for fire control purposes by reducing the effective range of 1. False target generation. creating "blips" on opposing radar fect~veness of chaff systems rated B by 25°/o and reduce the ef·
the radar. To use noise jamming against radars operating in a search screens where no unit exists. c. Ae1trlctlon1 on range gate pull-off: fect1veness of C-rated systems by 50%. Thus, 8-rated systems will
mode, the requirements in 3 above must be met, and the player must reduce the effectiveness of fire control radars by only 2501o, rather
place a "noise" counter next to the unit using the radar jam mer when 2. Range or velocity gate pull·off • "moving" an opposing 1. No more than one jam mer may attempt range or velocity gate than 50%, and C·rated systems will not reduce fire control radar
resolving the use of radars and radar detectors. Parts Band C of this tracking radar off its target. pull-off against a single radar during the same phase. effectiveness at all. Note that these restrictions apply only during
section indicates the points at which these counters must be placed. the phase the chaff is launched; thereafter, all chaff operates at
False target generation is useful only against radars operating in a 8. CHAFF - INTRODUCTION: full effectiveness. Also note that A-rated chaff systems are always
b. Noise jamming may also be used during the combat portion of the search mode, while range or velocity gate pull-off is effective only Chaff consists of aluminum strips cut to half the wave length of a fully effective, even during the launching phase.
combat phase when the use of fire control radars is resolved. In order against radars operating in a fire control mode. Ajammer may perform particular radar band. Radar waves striking the chaff will be reflected
to do this, the following requirements must be met in addition to the both techniques during the same phase. back to the transmitter and will appear on the radar screen. Chaff is 5. If the uriit is within 1" of more than one chaff marker - the
requirements in 3: desianed to produce clutter on the opposing radar screen and additional chaff markers have no effect.
b. Requirements for ualng deception Jamming: produces much the same effect as a jammer. Chaff systems are rated
1. The unit using the jammer must be the target the radar 1s A, B, or C. Note: The reduction in effectiveness may be adjusted if the radar has
attempting to track, or it must be a unit within 3" of the target 1. The jammer must be located on a unit that detected opposing the proper ECCM equipment. The ECCM rules will Indicate any
radars with a radar detector during the same phase. No unit that 9. REQUIREMENTS FOR USING CHAFF: adjustments to be made.
2. The jamming unit must have detected the FC radar with its did not actually detect any opposing radar during the phase a. Chaff can be dispensed by guns of all size, by specially designed
radar detector (as explained in Rule C, 4) with its own radar detector may use deception jamming, not chaff launchers, by chaff dispensers found on aircraft. and by chaff e. Effects of the reduction In radar etfectlveneu:
even if it has data link contact with a unit that did actually detect rockets found on aircraft. The use of aircraft chaff dispensers and
3. The jamming player must announce that he is using noise radars. rockets will be found in the Aircraft section of the rules. 1. If the radar's effectiveness is reduced by 25%, the radar will
1amming and designate the jamming unit just before the use of be unable to detect or track the protected unit if the number
the fire control radar ls resolved; it is not necessary to place a 2. If the jammer is used for noise jamming during an electronic b. Until at least one enemy unit is located by any method, no unit may picked, before adjustment, when consulting the Radar
"noise" counter next to the unit. search segment, it may not be used for false target generation launch chaff. Once an enemy unit is located, chaff may be launched as Adjustment Table is a multiple of 4 (e.g. 4 or 8).
during the same electronic search segment. desired as long as contact is retained with at least one enemy unit.
c. If noise jamming is used against searching radar, the searching 2. If the radar's effectiveness is reduced by 50o/o, the radar will
player must determine which of his radars are being jammed. This is 3. If the jammer ts used for noise jamming against a radcir c. All gun mounts and chaff launchers may fire chaff only once each be unable to detect or track the protected unit if the number is a
done in accordance with Part B, rule 3, d(3). If a radar is being noise operating in a hre control mode, the jammer may not be used for phase, and any of these weapons which fired chaff during a phase may multiple ol 2 (e.g. 2, 4, 6, a or 10).
jammed, the searching player must determine the area of jamming range or velocity gate pull-off against the same radar during that not shoot again at any time during the phase. Conversely, any gun or
before resolving the use of the jammed radar against any target. The phase. launcher that already fired during a phase may not also launch chaff 3. If the radar's effectiveness is reduced by 75%, the radar will
area of jamming is the area in which the jamming is effective; all units during the same phase. be unable to detect or track unless the number is a multiple of 4.
belonging to the jamming force that are within the area of jamming will 4. Jammers used for noise jamming during the electronic (E.g. the radar will be effective only if the number used Is 4 or 8.)
be protected by the jamming as if they, themselves, were noise search segment of the phase may be used for range or velocity 10. CHAFF LAUNCHING PROCEDURES:
jamming. Noise jamming only protects the units of the jamming force; gate pull-off during the same phase against radars operating in •· Chaff may be launched: 4. If the radar's effectiveness is reduced by 100% or more, It will
opposing units are not protected. The area of jamming is as follows: a fire control mode. Also, the jammer may be used for noise be unable to detect or track the protected unit.
jamming against one radar operating in a fire control mode and 1. At the beginning of en electronics search segment before the
for range or velocity gate pull· off against other radars operating use of radar detectors is resolved. 12. DURATION OF CHAFF:
A in a fire control mode during the same phase. However, a Once a chaff counter is placed on the playing surface, it will remain at
jam mer may not be used simultaneously for both noise jamming
and range of velocity gate pull-off against the same fire control
2. After the use of radar detectors is resolved but before radar
search is resolved only if the launching unit has an operating
that location until the chaff disperses, chaff will not move. The
chaff will disperse at the end of the tenth combat phase that it is
radar (per (3) above). radar detector end it detected an opposing radar during the effective. As soon as chaff disperses, it will no longer offer any
fl RADAR protection.
phase, or it has a data link connection with the detecting unit.

a. If a player wishes to operate.a jam mer to generate false targets. he 3. Just before the use of radars assigned to a fire control 13. RELOADING CHAFF LAUNCHERS:
may do so during the portion of the electronic warfare phase in which function is resolved, provided the opposing fire control radar The specially-designed chaff launchers may launch only one chaff
the use of searching radars 1s resolved. A player may not use a jam mer was detected by a radar detector on the unit launching the chaff pattern (one counter) before reloading is required.
to generate false targets 1f the jam mer is operating as a noise jammer at or on a unit connected to the launching unit by data link.
D that time. 30
b. A radar jammer is not capable of jamming all radars: b. As indicated in Part B, before resolving radar searches the players Note: Even though a unit may be allowed to fire chaff at several
If a jammer is located in area A, all units of the jamming force that are in must have placed two counters face down beneath each of their units
area A are protected (i e .. they are in the area of jamming). If the points during a phase, each gun and chaff launcher may fire
1. Jammers mounted on ships or aircraft flying at very low and "dummy" counters. The top counter will indicate "blip" or be only once during a phase.
jam mer is in area 8, all units of the jamming force that are in area Bare blank No~mally, blank counters must be placed beneath "dummies".
altitude or below may jam both air search and surface search protected; if the jammer is in area C, all units of thejamming force that
(including TWS) radars. However, 1f a player is using a deception jammer, he may place "blip" b. Short range chaff launchers may launch chaff out to a maximum
are in area Care protected, while 1f the jammer is in·D, all units of the ~ounters b.eneath up to four "dummy" counters for each deception
jamming force that are in area D are protected. range of 1"._lon_g range chaff launchers have a maximum range of 18".
Jammer being used. The "dummy" counters chosen for this may be If the chaff 1s fired from a gun rather than a launcher, the maximum
2. Jammers mounted on aircraft flying at low altitude or above anywhere on the playing surface.
may jam air search radars, but not surface search radars. This area of jamming will apply only if the player using the radar range is equal to 75% of the maximum range of the gun against surface
chooses not to reduce gain. Reducing gain is an ECCM technique c. The existence of false targets can be detected by an opposing radar targets.
3. Fire control radars being used In a surface search mode can which will greatly reduce the area of jamming. It is explained in Part E if the card picked after detecting the unit (in accordance with Part B,
be Jammed Just as a surface search radar. Fire control radars below. rule 3,d (10)) is of the proper suit. If the radar is a search or TWS radar, c. Regardless of the launcher used, the maximum range to which
u1ad In a fire control mode can only be Jammed by the target It Is If noise jamming is used against a radar operating 1n a fire control the player owning the radar will be allowed to look at the bottom radar ch~ff may_ be launched cannot exceed 1" If the launching occurs at any
tracking and by units within 3" of the target. mode, only the target is protected. ~earch counter placed beneath the detected unit if the card is a spade: point du.ring the combat phase other than at the beginning of the
1f the radar is an FC radar, the player may look at the bottom radar electronic search segment before the use of radar detectors is
c. Radar jammers can jam all radars within a 360° angle out to the c. If a unit is protected by noise jamming, the number picked when search counter regardless of the suit. By looking at the bottom radar resc;>lved (i.e., in ~ccor~ance with a(1) above). This is the only point
Radar Detection Range. consulting the Radar Adjustment Table will be adjusted. Normally, the search counter, which will either indicate "real" or be blank, the during the phase rn which chaff can be launched to ranges exceeding
number picked will be increased by 12 against search and TWS radars searching player can determine it the unit is a false target. 1 ".
d. Some radar jammers are capable of operating in two modes: noise
jamming and deception jamming; others may operate in only one mode. and by 10 if the radar 1s a FC radar. The following adjustments apply:
No jammer can operate in both modes simultaneously: As explained in the ECCM section, the chance of detecting false d. Piece a chaff counter face up at the point to which the chaff is
1. Subtract 2 from the above if the jamming unit has a radar targets may be increased or decreased depending on the devices launched. Also, record the number of the phase in which the launching
1. 11 a jam mer is used during the electronic search segment of a detection rating of B. Before the use of radars is resolved, the included in the detecting radar. Of course, if a player detects a false occurred on a piece of paper.
combat phase, ii may be used in either a noise jamming or players must inform their opponents of the jamming unit's radar target, he need not inform his opponent.
deception jamming mode against all radars, it may not be used detection ratings. 11. EFFECTS OF CHAFF:
in both modes du~ing any electronic search segment. 7. DECEPTION JAMMING • RANGE OR VELOCITY GATE PULL- a. Chaff will become effective as soon as it is launched.
2. If a FC radar is being used for any purpose other than_gunfire OFF:
2. If a jammer is used during a combat phase to jam radars or SSM launching during that phase. ignore all noise jamming a. This technique may be used by the target or units within 3" of the b. In order to be protected by chaff, a unit must be within 1" of a chaff
operating in a fire control mode, it may be used in either the adjustments. Noise jamming is ineffective against FC radars target to defeat an opposing radar operating in a fire control mode. It marker and at the proper altitude. If the chaff is launched from the
noise jamming or deception jamming mode (but not both) being used for any other purpose other than gunfire or SSM may be accomplished only if the jamming unit detected the use of that surface, surface skimming or very low altitude, it can protect units that
against each radar; however, it is not required to· operate in the launching. radar against the target; if the radar was not detected, the unit may not are at any of these altitudes. If the chaff is-launched from low medium
same mode against all radars. Thus, the jammer may use the Use range or velocity gate pull-off even if it used deception jamming to high, or very high altitude, it will protect only those units thai ere at th8
noise jamming mode against one fire control radar and the 3. As indicated in the ECCM rules, subtract 4 if the radar has create false targets during the same phase. altitude of launch.
deception jamming mode against another. frequency agility, and completely ignore all noise jamming
effects if the radar is continuous wave. This term will be b. If a player uses range or velocity gate pull-off against an opposing c. Chaff will affect only opposing radars, never any friendly radars.
3. A jam mer may be used against searching radars during the explained further in the ECCM rules. radar, he will merely announce the tact. His opponent Will then pick a
electronic search segment of the phase and also against fire card. If the card is of the proper suit, the jamming has succeeded and d. When a radar is used against units protected by chaff, its
control radars during the combat portion of the same phase. A d. If a unit is protected by more than one noise jam mer, there will be no the fire control radar will be unable to track the target during that effectiveness will be reduced as follows:
jam mer may operate in one mode during the electronic search further adjustments; i.e., using more than one noise jammer will not phase regardless of the range. Normally, the suits necessary for the
segment of the phase and another mode during the combat further decrease the effectiveness of the radar. success of jamming will be either spade or club in the case of fire 1. All radars assigned to a search mode - lose 25%.
portion of the same phase; a jammer which was used during the control radars, or spade, club, or diamond in the case of TWS radars.
electronic search portion of the phase is not required to operate 5. DECEPTION JAMMING: However, tor some radars, the required suits may be different. This is 2. Fire control radars assigned to a fire control function - lose
in the same mode during the combat portion of the phase. a. Most shipborne and airborne jammers may operate in a deception explained in ECCM Rule 7. If the jamming is unsuccessful the 50%.
mode in addition to a noise jamming mode. When a jammer is opposing player will consult the Radar Adjustment Table using the
4. NOISE JAMMING PROCEDURES: operating in a deception mode, 11 can perform two functions: number on the card picked to determine the maximum range at which 3. TWS radars assigned to fire control - lose 75%.
a. Noise jamming will affect the results of radar searches and the use the target can be tracked. 4. During the phase the chaff is initially launched reduce the ef·
of radars for fire control purposes by reducing the effective range of 1. False target generation. creating "blips" on opposing radar fect~veness of chaff systems rated B by 25°/o and reduce the ef·
the radar. To use noise jamming against radars operating in a search screens where no unit exists. c. Ae1trlctlon1 on range gate pull-off: fect1veness of C-rated systems by 50%. Thus, 8-rated systems will
mode, the requirements in 3 above must be met, and the player must reduce the effectiveness of fire control radars by only 2501o, rather
place a "noise" counter next to the unit using the radar jam mer when 2. Range or velocity gate pull·off • "moving" an opposing 1. No more than one jam mer may attempt range or velocity gate than 50%, and C·rated systems will not reduce fire control radar
resolving the use of radars and radar detectors. Parts Band C of this tracking radar off its target. pull-off against a single radar during the same phase. effectiveness at all. Note that these restrictions apply only during
section indicates the points at which these counters must be placed. the phase the chaff is launched; thereafter, all chaff operates at
False target generation is useful only against radars operating in a 8. CHAFF - INTRODUCTION: full effectiveness. Also note that A-rated chaff systems are always
b. Noise jamming may also be used during the combat portion of the search mode, while range or velocity gate pull-off is effective only Chaff consists of aluminum strips cut to half the wave length of a fully effective, even during the launching phase.
combat phase when the use of fire control radars is resolved. In order against radars operating in a fire control mode. Ajammer may perform particular radar band. Radar waves striking the chaff will be reflected
to do this, the following requirements must be met in addition to the both techniques during the same phase. back to the transmitter and will appear on the radar screen. Chaff is 5. If the uriit is within 1" of more than one chaff marker - the
requirements in 3: desianed to produce clutter on the opposing radar screen and additional chaff markers have no effect.
b. Requirements for ualng deception Jamming: produces much the same effect as a jammer. Chaff systems are rated
1. The unit using the jammer must be the target the radar 1s A, B, or C. Note: The reduction in effectiveness may be adjusted if the radar has
attempting to track, or it must be a unit within 3" of the target 1. The jammer must be located on a unit that detected opposing the proper ECCM equipment. The ECCM rules will Indicate any
radars with a radar detector during the same phase. No unit that 9. REQUIREMENTS FOR USING CHAFF: adjustments to be made.
2. The jamming unit must have detected the FC radar with its did not actually detect any opposing radar during the phase a. Chaff can be dispensed by guns of all size, by specially designed
radar detector (as explained in Rule C, 4) with its own radar detector may use deception jamming, not chaff launchers, by chaff dispensers found on aircraft. and by chaff e. Effects of the reduction In radar etfectlveneu:
even if it has data link contact with a unit that did actually detect rockets found on aircraft. The use of aircraft chaff dispensers and
3. The jamming player must announce that he is using noise radars. rockets will be found in the Aircraft section of the rules. 1. If the radar's effectiveness is reduced by 25%, the radar will
1amming and designate the jamming unit just before the use of be unable to detect or track the protected unit if the number
the fire control radar ls resolved; it is not necessary to place a 2. If the jammer is used for noise jamming during an electronic b. Until at least one enemy unit is located by any method, no unit may picked, before adjustment, when consulting the Radar
"noise" counter next to the unit. search segment, it may not be used for false target generation launch chaff. Once an enemy unit is located, chaff may be launched as Adjustment Table is a multiple of 4 (e.g. 4 or 8).
during the same electronic search segment. desired as long as contact is retained with at least one enemy unit.
c. If noise jamming is used against searching radar, the searching 2. If the radar's effectiveness is reduced by 50o/o, the radar will
player must determine which of his radars are being jammed. This is 3. If the jammer ts used for noise jamming against a radcir c. All gun mounts and chaff launchers may fire chaff only once each be unable to detect or track the protected unit if the number is a
done in accordance with Part B, rule 3, d(3). If a radar is being noise operating in a hre control mode, the jammer may not be used for phase, and any of these weapons which fired chaff during a phase may multiple ol 2 (e.g. 2, 4, 6, a or 10).
jammed, the searching player must determine the area of jamming range or velocity gate pull-off against the same radar during that not shoot again at any time during the phase. Conversely, any gun or
before resolving the use of the jammed radar against any target. The phase. launcher that already fired during a phase may not also launch chaff 3. If the radar's effectiveness is reduced by 75%, the radar will
area of jamming is the area in which the jamming is effective; all units during the same phase. be unable to detect or track unless the number is a multiple of 4.
belonging to the jamming force that are within the area of jamming will 4. Jammers used for noise jamming during the electronic (E.g. the radar will be effective only if the number used Is 4 or 8.)
be protected by the jamming as if they, themselves, were noise search segment of the phase may be used for range or velocity 10. CHAFF LAUNCHING PROCEDURES:
jamming. Noise jamming only protects the units of the jamming force; gate pull-off during the same phase against radars operating in •· Chaff may be launched: 4. If the radar's effectiveness is reduced by 100% or more, It will
opposing units are not protected. The area of jamming is as follows: a fire control mode. Also, the jammer may be used for noise be unable to detect or track the protected unit.
jamming against one radar operating in a fire control mode and 1. At the beginning of en electronics search segment before the
for range or velocity gate pull· off against other radars operating use of radar detectors is resolved. 12. DURATION OF CHAFF:
A in a fire control mode during the same phase. However, a Once a chaff counter is placed on the playing surface, it will remain at
jam mer may not be used simultaneously for both noise jamming
and range of velocity gate pull-off against the same fire control
2. After the use of radar detectors is resolved but before radar
search is resolved only if the launching unit has an operating
that location until the chaff disperses, chaff will not move. The
chaff will disperse at the end of the tenth combat phase that it is
radar (per (3) above). radar detector end it detected an opposing radar during the effective. As soon as chaff disperses, it will no longer offer any
fl RADAR protection.
phase, or it has a data link connection with the detecting unit.

a. If a player wishes to operate.a jam mer to generate false targets. he 3. Just before the use of radars assigned to a fire control 13. RELOADING CHAFF LAUNCHERS:
may do so during the portion of the electronic warfare phase in which function is resolved, provided the opposing fire control radar The specially-designed chaff launchers may launch only one chaff
the use of searching radars 1s resolved. A player may not use a jam mer was detected by a radar detector on the unit launching the chaff pattern (one counter) before reloading is required.
to generate false targets 1f the jam mer is operating as a noise jammer at or on a unit connected to the launching unit by data link.
D that time. 30
Reloading any chaff launcher requires one full combat phase during dropped only during the electronics search segment. The e. Pulse doppler rada.rs - Whenever pulse doppler radars are used, SSM's may only be tired against surface ships and other surface
which the launcher may not fire. Once the launcher is reloaded, it may requirements for launching decoys is the same as tor chaff. reduce the number picked when consulting the Radar Adjustment targets; they are not capable of hitting any other type of target.
again be tired. Table by 1. When pulse doppler radars are used against units
c. Launching procedure: When a player launches or drops a decoy, protected by chaff. decrease the reduction in the effectiveness of the 2. BASIC SSM PROCEDURES:
14. REFLECTORS: he may place a "dummy" (not blank) counter of small size at the point radar by 25°/o. a. A .target must first be located by visual sighting or by an active or
a. Reflectors are devices that can be mounted on small ships, of launch. If the decoys are dropped over the side, no more then one passive sensor.
helicopters or on decoys (see below). Both players must decide before decoy may be dropped per phase, and it must be placed off the stern of Ex~mple: I! chalf woul.d re.dube the ef~ectiveness of a normal radar by
the game which of their units are equipped with reflectors and the size the ship (or helicopter) and within 1" of the bridge. If decoys are fired ~5 Vo, the.re 1s no reduction tf the radar 1s pulse doppfer, if the reduction b. After this occurs, the missiles may be launched.
of each reflector. Reflectors can be small, medium or large. If a unit from chaff launchers, each launcher may fire only one decoy in a in eflecttveness would normally be SOo/o, the reduction would be only
is equipped with a reflector the type of counter used to represent the phase. Chaff launchers can fire decoys to anywhere within 9" of the 250/ci for pulse doppler radars. etc. !=· After launch, the m.iss_iles.will move toward a point where they can
unit (small, medium, or large) will be the same as the size of the launching ship. Ship-launched decoys may never move It a decoy is t. Monopulse radars· Whenever monopulse radars are used, reduce intercept the target. M1ss1les intercept a target when they move into the
reflector regardless of the actual size of the unit. launched from a launcher, the launcher must be reloaded; all tubes of a the number picked by 1 when consulting the Radar Adjustment Table. position occupied by the target.
Example: lt a ship of under 1000 tons is equipped with a large chaff launcher must be fired in order to create one decoy counter. In addition, range and velocity gate pull-off will be 1nellectlve against
Towed decoys are also availaole which are dropped off the. stern of a d .. If .the missile intercepts the target, the players must determine if the
reflector, a large size counter will represent the ship. ship and remain within 1" of the ship's position as long as desired. monopulse radars unless one of the following situations apply:
m1ss1!e actually hits the target. The target vessel, and other units as
b. An electronic device. called a blip enhancer, is mounted on a large 1. There are two units within 3" of the target. one of which may mentioned belc;iw •.may attempt to. prevent the missile from hitting its
d. Effects of decoys: The counter representing the decoy will be target by shooting 1t down or by using ECM in order to draw the missile
number of ships. These devices electronically produce a larger radar treated as any other "dummy" counter with the following exceptions: be the target itself. that are using range or velocity gate pull-off.
echo. The effect of blip enhancers is the same as that of reflectors away from its victim.
however, blip enhancers can be turned on and off A player 1. The owning player may have a noise jammer built into the 2. The target unit is an aircraft at surface ~kimming or very low e. If one. or more missiles hit the_ target, the amount 01 damage caused
commanding ships carrying a blip enhancer may turn it on or off at the decoy. To simulate this, when resolving the use of radar altitude and is using a deception jam mer. Only the target unit by the hit must then be determined.
same time any other of the unit's ECM devices are turned on or off. tf a. detectors and radars. a "noise" counter may be placed next to it.
may jam in this manner.
player turns on the device, he must replace the unit's counter with a tf a player chooses to do this, he must use the "noise" counter 3. The jamming unit is equipped with an A-rated ECM system. t. Missile launch and movement, and the determination of accuracy
counter showing a larger size. Once turned on, the device may not be during every phase; the decoy cannot turn itsjammer O'n and off and the damage caused by each hit will occur during the SSM segment
turned off until the start of the unit's next opportunity to use ECM. If the. methods in either (1) or (2) are used, range/velocity gate pull of each combat phase.
at will
off.will succeed onl_y if the card picked when consulting the Radar
15. RADIO AND DATA LINK JAMMING: 2. When conducting radar searches, a "blip" counter will Adjustment Table 1s a spade, while any black card will suffice if 3. SSM SEQUENCE OF PLAY:
a. Opposing radio and/or data link transmissions can be jammed if always be placed beneath the decoy; never use a blank. the jamming system is rated A. During each SSM segment, the following .sequence of play will be
1. The jamming unit is closer to both the transmitting and 3. The bottom radar search counter in the stack placed beneath 4. FREQUENCY AGILITY:
receiving units than they are to each other, or the jamming unit the decoy must always indicate "real". Whenever. a radar with frequency agility is used, subtract 1 from the a. Determine any damage caused by previously launched missiles.
is closer to the receiving unit than the transmitting unit is and number picked when consulting the Radar Adjustment Table. When
the distance between the transmitting and receiving units Obviously, decoys will always appear as warships to units detecting such a radar .i~ used aga1n~t. unns protected by noise jamming, b. Move all previously launched missiles that are still flying.
exceeds the radar horizon. them solely with radar or radar detectors. Decoys can only be subtract an add1t1onal 4. In add111on, all B-rated deception jammers are
discovered by visual sighting. They will be visually sighted only when completel,Y ineHective against frequency agile radars; A-rated systems c. Launch new missiles.
2. The jamminQ unit's communication system is operational. an opposing unit comes within 1" of the decoy's location. are effective, but range/velocity gate pull off will succeed only if a spade
is picked. When a frequency agile radar detects a target, the detecting 4. REQUIREMENTS FOR LAUNCHING SSM'S:
b. If all of the requirements in (a) are met, radio and data link e. Decoys will remain effective for the entire game, or until an player may turn over the bottom counter (per D,6,c above) if the card is In order to launch SSM's, the following requirements must be met:
transmissions may be jammed at any time the jamming player desires. opposing unit ends its move within 1" of the decoy. When this occurs, ~ spa~e ~r club. If the card is red, he may ask if only B-rated deception
He wi11 inform his opponent when jamming occurs. If radio or data link the opposing player may immediately remove the decoy from play. Jamming 1s used to create false targets; if this is the case, he may turn a.- An oppo.sing ship must be detected by the firing ship, by either
transmissions are jammed, roll one decimal die. If the number rolled is over the bottom counter regardless of the suit of the card. visual :SPOtt1~g or radar. A ship may never fire most SSM's against any
3 or less. the communication gets through the jamming; if the numbe1 PART E: ELECTRONIC COUNTER-COUNTERMEASURES (ECCM) opposing ship that has been located only by a radar detector, radio
exceeds 3, the transmissions are successfully jammed and do not get 5. REDUCING GAIN: detector or because the opposing ship used a noise jam mer which was
through to the receiving unit during that phase. •· When a n.oise jammer is being used. the opposing player may detected by a friendly radar.
Electronic counter-countermeasures are devices and techniques used reduce the size of the area of jamming by reducing gaJn. He may
c. Units which engage in radio and/or data link jamming during a choose to do this just before resolving the use of his radar. If he Exception: Harpoon, SS-N-7, 9, 19, and 22 may be fired against ships
to reduce the effect of opposing ECM. They are automatically used if located by any method, including radar detectors and similar devices.
phase may also engage in radio and/or data link communication at the cho?se.s to do so, th~ area of jamming is reduced to a straight line
any ECM is encountered.
same time A unit may jam both radio and data link transmissions beg1nntng at the point where the radar is located and extending
during the same phase, but each unit may jam only one unit during through the point occupied by the jamming unit on to the limit of the Remember that, according to the Communications rules, it a unit
2. METHOOS OF OPERATION OF RADAR: detects an opposing unit during a combat phase, all units in
each phase. The method of operation of the radar being jammed can modify the range at which the radar can detect targets. Only the jamming unit and
effects of jamming and increase the chance of success. The method of other units along that straight line car. be protected by the jamming. communi.cati_on with the detecting unit during the subsequent
16. INFRA-RED JAMMING: operation of each radar is given in the Radar Guide. The possible Commun1cat1ons Phase are also considered to have detected the
a. Some missiles have an infra-red homing system that allow them to
methods of operation are as follows· In return for this advantage, add 4 to the number picked when using oppc;is!ng ~nit beginn,ing with that Communications Phase. Detecting
home in on the heat given off by opposing ships. Infra-red homing the radar against all targets, both protected and unprotected. a unit 1n t~1s manner 1s suff~cient to allow SSM firing. Note also that if
missiles may be jammed by flares. a. Pulse - This is the method of operation of practically all search t~e detecting un1.t has data link, all units connected to that unit by data
radars. 11.nk are considered to have detected the opposing unit
A player may choose to reduce gain or not during each phase as
b. Flares may be launched from any gun equipped with starshell and desired. simultaneously, and may fire SSM's at that target during the same
any of tht;! chaff launchers, provided flares are loaded into the tubes b. Conical scan, continuous wave, pulse doppler or monopulse - combat phase.
rather than chaff rockets. If a player wishes to load the chaff launcher These are various methods of operations of fire control radars. b. Phased ar~ay ~adar~ (SPY-1) are automatically treated as reducing gain
whenever noise Jamming occurs. However, there is no adjustment to the b. The missiles may be fired during the phase the target is initially
with flares, he must indicate this in writing either at the beginning of
The method of operation of the radar will automatically affect the number picked when searching; i.e., the chance of detection is not detected.
the game or when the launcher 1s reloaded. reduced.
Note: A-rated chaff systems are always considered to be loaded with both outcome of the use of the radars as indicated below.
c. The targel must be tracked by the proper method at the time of firing.
chaff and flares. 6. MOVING TARGET INDICATOR (MTI):
3. THE EFFECTS OF THE RADAR'S METHOD OF OPERATION: All SSMs can receive target information from any main gun FC radar,
a. Pulsed radars - No adjustments to the normal rules. Many radars are equipped with MTI, a device designed to filter out any TWS radar, or the main gun director. A target is assumed to be tracked
c. Flares will be launched in the same manner as chaff rounds. Place a clutter. Whenever such radars are used, always subtract 1 from the roll
"Flare" counter at the point to which they are launched. just as a by a gun director if the director is trained on the target, and the target
b. All tire control radars - If a fire control radar of any type is used to when consulting the Radar Adjustment Table. Also, when such radars is in visual sighting range of the director. Both gun directors and TWS
"Chaff" counter is placed at the point to which chaff is launched. All are used against units protected by chaff, the reduction in radar
restrictions that apply to launching chaff also applles to launching launch torpedoes or semi-active homing SS M's or if the radar is on an radars are incapable of tracking a target during the phase the target is
active homing SSM that has already acquired a target, noise jamming effectiveness will be decreased by 25°/o. just as if the radar were a pulse initially detected.
flares. doppler. If a radar has both frequency agility and MTI. the owning
will be completely ineffective However. if the fire control radar is being
used to direct gunfire. or to launch SAM's orSSM's, or if it is on an SSM player may receive the bonus accruing to only one of these devices at a Exceptions: Harpoon, SS-N-7, 9, 19, and 22 may be fired against targets
d. Flares are used to deleat IR homing missiles as indicated in the SSM time; no radar may receive the bonuses for both frequency agility and
rules which is allempling to acquire a target, the fact that the radar 1s a fire which are not tracked. Also, missiles having mid-course guidance may
control radar has no effect, 1.e., noise jamming will be effective in the MTI at the same time-. The owning player must choose which ECCM be launched without the target being tracked, but the target must be track-
normal manner.unless the radar is equipped with one of the devices device will be used just before resolving the use of the radar. ed at some point before these missiles can begin homing.
e. Flares will remain effective only until the end of the combat phase
following the phase of launch, if the flares were hred from a chaff described below that reduces the effect of noise jamming. If a tire 5. SSM LAUNCHING PROCEDURE:
control radar is used in a situation not described above, assume that 7. JITTERED PRF:
launcher; if the flare was fired from a gun, ii will become effective If a radar is equipped with jittered PRF. it may detect false targets (see a. During the SSM segment of any combat phase, both players will
during the phase of launch and wilt remain effective for one full turn the fact that the radar is a fire control radar has no effect. indicate if they are contemplating firing SS M's If at least one player (or
Rules B 3, d (10) and D, 6, c above) if the card picked is a club or spade
(two phases). All flares will also act as normal stars hells if fired at night, regardless of the type o~ radar. In addition, when range or velocity gate team) indicates that they are, the opposing players wil I turn their backs
but if launched from a chaff dispenser they will illuminate any unit Note: The rules given above apply to all fire control radars regardless to the playing area while the players measure ranges. check bearing,
of their method of operation The actual method of operation of each pull-off is used against such a radar, it will succeed only if the card
within 7" of the flare marker. picked is a spade and the radar is an FC radar. or a spade or club ifthe etc. When they have completed their measurements, their opponents
fire control radar will also affect its performance as described below. will be given an opportunity to do likewise.
radar is TWS. If the radar is also frequency agile, the frequency agile rules
17. DECOYS: above will apply instead; there is no further advantage for jittered PRF.
a. The players must decide before the start of the game whether c. Conlcal scan radars - No further adjustments to the normal rules. b. If a player decides to fire SSM's, he must first resolve the use of the
decoys will be available. At this lime, U.S. ships do not have decoys, SURFACE TO SURFACE MISSILES (SSM'S) radar assigned to provide an FC function for the SSM. Of course. if the
and it appears that no ships of any nation currently has decoys. d. Continuous wave radars - Reduce the number picked when missile is being fired visually or without target tracking, this is not
Decoys can be made that can either be tossed over the sides ol ships, consulting the Radar Adjustment Table by 1 in all cases. Noise 1. INTRODUCTION: necessary.
dropped from helicopters or fired from chaff launchers. and they may jamming is completely ineffective against continuous wave radars, so Su~ace to surface missiles are guided missiles launched from ships,
be equipped with reflectors of any size, or noise jammers. no adjustments will be made to its effectiveness or to the number d~s1gned to produce heavy damage on opposing vessels. They are c. When this is completed, the players will place a proper numbered
picked when the Radar Adjustment Table is consulted. When chaff is highly accurate weapons, carrying very large warheads, and are missile counter face up next to the launching unit The counter must
b. Requirements tor using decoys: Decoys can be launched or used against CW radars. subtract 25°/o from the reduction in t'1e capable of knocking ships out of action, if not actually sinking them. indicate the size of the missile (small, medium, or large). The counter
31 effectiveness of the radar. SSM's are currently the primary weapon in ship vs ship engagements. 32 must be touching the model orcounterof the firing ship and must be as
Reloading any chaff launcher requires one full combat phase during dropped only during the electronics search segment. The e. Pulse doppler rada.rs - Whenever pulse doppler radars are used, SSM's may only be tired against surface ships and other surface
which the launcher may not fire. Once the launcher is reloaded, it may requirements for launching decoys is the same as tor chaff. reduce the number picked when consulting the Radar Adjustment targets; they are not capable of hitting any other type of target.
again be tired. Table by 1. When pulse doppler radars are used against units
c. Launching procedure: When a player launches or drops a decoy, protected by chaff. decrease the reduction in the effectiveness of the 2. BASIC SSM PROCEDURES:
14. REFLECTORS: he may place a "dummy" (not blank) counter of small size at the point radar by 25°/o. a. A .target must first be located by visual sighting or by an active or
a. Reflectors are devices that can be mounted on small ships, of launch. If the decoys are dropped over the side, no more then one passive sensor.
helicopters or on decoys (see below). Both players must decide before decoy may be dropped per phase, and it must be placed off the stern of Ex~mple: I! chalf woul.d re.dube the ef~ectiveness of a normal radar by
the game which of their units are equipped with reflectors and the size the ship (or helicopter) and within 1" of the bridge. If decoys are fired ~5 Vo, the.re 1s no reduction tf the radar 1s pulse doppfer, if the reduction b. After this occurs, the missiles may be launched.
of each reflector. Reflectors can be small, medium or large. If a unit from chaff launchers, each launcher may fire only one decoy in a in eflecttveness would normally be SOo/o, the reduction would be only
is equipped with a reflector the type of counter used to represent the phase. Chaff launchers can fire decoys to anywhere within 9" of the 250/ci for pulse doppler radars. etc. !=· After launch, the m.iss_iles.will move toward a point where they can
unit (small, medium, or large) will be the same as the size of the launching ship. Ship-launched decoys may never move It a decoy is t. Monopulse radars· Whenever monopulse radars are used, reduce intercept the target. M1ss1les intercept a target when they move into the
reflector regardless of the actual size of the unit. launched from a launcher, the launcher must be reloaded; all tubes of a the number picked by 1 when consulting the Radar Adjustment Table. position occupied by the target.
Example: lt a ship of under 1000 tons is equipped with a large chaff launcher must be fired in order to create one decoy counter. In addition, range and velocity gate pull-off will be 1nellectlve against
Towed decoys are also availaole which are dropped off the. stern of a d .. If .the missile intercepts the target, the players must determine if the
reflector, a large size counter will represent the ship. ship and remain within 1" of the ship's position as long as desired. monopulse radars unless one of the following situations apply:
m1ss1!e actually hits the target. The target vessel, and other units as
b. An electronic device. called a blip enhancer, is mounted on a large 1. There are two units within 3" of the target. one of which may mentioned belc;iw •.may attempt to. prevent the missile from hitting its
d. Effects of decoys: The counter representing the decoy will be target by shooting 1t down or by using ECM in order to draw the missile
number of ships. These devices electronically produce a larger radar treated as any other "dummy" counter with the following exceptions: be the target itself. that are using range or velocity gate pull-off.
echo. The effect of blip enhancers is the same as that of reflectors away from its victim.
however, blip enhancers can be turned on and off A player 1. The owning player may have a noise jammer built into the 2. The target unit is an aircraft at surface ~kimming or very low e. If one. or more missiles hit the_ target, the amount 01 damage caused
commanding ships carrying a blip enhancer may turn it on or off at the decoy. To simulate this, when resolving the use of radar altitude and is using a deception jam mer. Only the target unit by the hit must then be determined.
same time any other of the unit's ECM devices are turned on or off. tf a. detectors and radars. a "noise" counter may be placed next to it.
may jam in this manner.
player turns on the device, he must replace the unit's counter with a tf a player chooses to do this, he must use the "noise" counter 3. The jamming unit is equipped with an A-rated ECM system. t. Missile launch and movement, and the determination of accuracy
counter showing a larger size. Once turned on, the device may not be during every phase; the decoy cannot turn itsjammer O'n and off and the damage caused by each hit will occur during the SSM segment
turned off until the start of the unit's next opportunity to use ECM. If the. methods in either (1) or (2) are used, range/velocity gate pull of each combat phase.
at will
off.will succeed onl_y if the card picked when consulting the Radar
15. RADIO AND DATA LINK JAMMING: 2. When conducting radar searches, a "blip" counter will Adjustment Table 1s a spade, while any black card will suffice if 3. SSM SEQUENCE OF PLAY:
a. Opposing radio and/or data link transmissions can be jammed if always be placed beneath the decoy; never use a blank. the jamming system is rated A. During each SSM segment, the following .sequence of play will be
1. The jamming unit is closer to both the transmitting and 3. The bottom radar search counter in the stack placed beneath 4. FREQUENCY AGILITY:
receiving units than they are to each other, or the jamming unit the decoy must always indicate "real". Whenever. a radar with frequency agility is used, subtract 1 from the a. Determine any damage caused by previously launched missiles.
is closer to the receiving unit than the transmitting unit is and number picked when consulting the Radar Adjustment Table. When
the distance between the transmitting and receiving units Obviously, decoys will always appear as warships to units detecting such a radar .i~ used aga1n~t. unns protected by noise jamming, b. Move all previously launched missiles that are still flying.
exceeds the radar horizon. them solely with radar or radar detectors. Decoys can only be subtract an add1t1onal 4. In add111on, all B-rated deception jammers are
discovered by visual sighting. They will be visually sighted only when completel,Y ineHective against frequency agile radars; A-rated systems c. Launch new missiles.
2. The jamminQ unit's communication system is operational. an opposing unit comes within 1" of the decoy's location. are effective, but range/velocity gate pull off will succeed only if a spade
is picked. When a frequency agile radar detects a target, the detecting 4. REQUIREMENTS FOR LAUNCHING SSM'S:
b. If all of the requirements in (a) are met, radio and data link e. Decoys will remain effective for the entire game, or until an player may turn over the bottom counter (per D,6,c above) if the card is In order to launch SSM's, the following requirements must be met:
transmissions may be jammed at any time the jamming player desires. opposing unit ends its move within 1" of the decoy. When this occurs, ~ spa~e ~r club. If the card is red, he may ask if only B-rated deception
He wi11 inform his opponent when jamming occurs. If radio or data link the opposing player may immediately remove the decoy from play. Jamming 1s used to create false targets; if this is the case, he may turn a.- An oppo.sing ship must be detected by the firing ship, by either
transmissions are jammed, roll one decimal die. If the number rolled is over the bottom counter regardless of the suit of the card. visual :SPOtt1~g or radar. A ship may never fire most SSM's against any
3 or less. the communication gets through the jamming; if the numbe1 PART E: ELECTRONIC COUNTER-COUNTERMEASURES (ECCM) opposing ship that has been located only by a radar detector, radio
exceeds 3, the transmissions are successfully jammed and do not get 5. REDUCING GAIN: detector or because the opposing ship used a noise jam mer which was
through to the receiving unit during that phase. •· When a n.oise jammer is being used. the opposing player may detected by a friendly radar.
Electronic counter-countermeasures are devices and techniques used reduce the size of the area of jamming by reducing gaJn. He may
c. Units which engage in radio and/or data link jamming during a choose to do this just before resolving the use of his radar. If he Exception: Harpoon, SS-N-7, 9, 19, and 22 may be fired against ships
to reduce the effect of opposing ECM. They are automatically used if located by any method, including radar detectors and similar devices.
phase may also engage in radio and/or data link communication at the cho?se.s to do so, th~ area of jamming is reduced to a straight line
any ECM is encountered.
same time A unit may jam both radio and data link transmissions beg1nntng at the point where the radar is located and extending
during the same phase, but each unit may jam only one unit during through the point occupied by the jamming unit on to the limit of the Remember that, according to the Communications rules, it a unit
2. METHOOS OF OPERATION OF RADAR: detects an opposing unit during a combat phase, all units in
each phase. The method of operation of the radar being jammed can modify the range at which the radar can detect targets. Only the jamming unit and
effects of jamming and increase the chance of success. The method of other units along that straight line car. be protected by the jamming. communi.cati_on with the detecting unit during the subsequent
16. INFRA-RED JAMMING: operation of each radar is given in the Radar Guide. The possible Commun1cat1ons Phase are also considered to have detected the
a. Some missiles have an infra-red homing system that allow them to
methods of operation are as follows· In return for this advantage, add 4 to the number picked when using oppc;is!ng ~nit beginn,ing with that Communications Phase. Detecting
home in on the heat given off by opposing ships. Infra-red homing the radar against all targets, both protected and unprotected. a unit 1n t~1s manner 1s suff~cient to allow SSM firing. Note also that if
missiles may be jammed by flares. a. Pulse - This is the method of operation of practically all search t~e detecting un1.t has data link, all units connected to that unit by data
radars. 11.nk are considered to have detected the opposing unit
A player may choose to reduce gain or not during each phase as
b. Flares may be launched from any gun equipped with starshell and desired. simultaneously, and may fire SSM's at that target during the same
any of tht;! chaff launchers, provided flares are loaded into the tubes b. Conical scan, continuous wave, pulse doppler or monopulse - combat phase.
rather than chaff rockets. If a player wishes to load the chaff launcher These are various methods of operations of fire control radars. b. Phased ar~ay ~adar~ (SPY-1) are automatically treated as reducing gain
whenever noise Jamming occurs. However, there is no adjustment to the b. The missiles may be fired during the phase the target is initially
with flares, he must indicate this in writing either at the beginning of
The method of operation of the radar will automatically affect the number picked when searching; i.e., the chance of detection is not detected.
the game or when the launcher 1s reloaded. reduced.
Note: A-rated chaff systems are always considered to be loaded with both outcome of the use of the radars as indicated below.
c. The targel must be tracked by the proper method at the time of firing.
chaff and flares. 6. MOVING TARGET INDICATOR (MTI):
3. THE EFFECTS OF THE RADAR'S METHOD OF OPERATION: All SSMs can receive target information from any main gun FC radar,
a. Pulsed radars - No adjustments to the normal rules. Many radars are equipped with MTI, a device designed to filter out any TWS radar, or the main gun director. A target is assumed to be tracked
c. Flares will be launched in the same manner as chaff rounds. Place a clutter. Whenever such radars are used, always subtract 1 from the roll
"Flare" counter at the point to which they are launched. just as a by a gun director if the director is trained on the target, and the target
b. All tire control radars - If a fire control radar of any type is used to when consulting the Radar Adjustment Table. Also, when such radars is in visual sighting range of the director. Both gun directors and TWS
"Chaff" counter is placed at the point to which chaff is launched. All are used against units protected by chaff, the reduction in radar
restrictions that apply to launching chaff also applles to launching launch torpedoes or semi-active homing SS M's or if the radar is on an radars are incapable of tracking a target during the phase the target is
active homing SSM that has already acquired a target, noise jamming effectiveness will be decreased by 25°/o. just as if the radar were a pulse initially detected.
flares. doppler. If a radar has both frequency agility and MTI. the owning
will be completely ineffective However. if the fire control radar is being
used to direct gunfire. or to launch SAM's orSSM's, or if it is on an SSM player may receive the bonus accruing to only one of these devices at a Exceptions: Harpoon, SS-N-7, 9, 19, and 22 may be fired against targets
d. Flares are used to deleat IR homing missiles as indicated in the SSM time; no radar may receive the bonuses for both frequency agility and
rules which is allempling to acquire a target, the fact that the radar 1s a fire which are not tracked. Also, missiles having mid-course guidance may
control radar has no effect, 1.e., noise jamming will be effective in the MTI at the same time-. The owning player must choose which ECCM be launched without the target being tracked, but the target must be track-
normal manner.unless the radar is equipped with one of the devices device will be used just before resolving the use of the radar. ed at some point before these missiles can begin homing.
e. Flares will remain effective only until the end of the combat phase
following the phase of launch, if the flares were hred from a chaff described below that reduces the effect of noise jamming. If a tire 5. SSM LAUNCHING PROCEDURE:
control radar is used in a situation not described above, assume that 7. JITTERED PRF:
launcher; if the flare was fired from a gun, ii will become effective If a radar is equipped with jittered PRF. it may detect false targets (see a. During the SSM segment of any combat phase, both players will
during the phase of launch and wilt remain effective for one full turn the fact that the radar is a fire control radar has no effect. indicate if they are contemplating firing SS M's If at least one player (or
Rules B 3, d (10) and D, 6, c above) if the card picked is a club or spade
(two phases). All flares will also act as normal stars hells if fired at night, regardless of the type o~ radar. In addition, when range or velocity gate team) indicates that they are, the opposing players wil I turn their backs
but if launched from a chaff dispenser they will illuminate any unit Note: The rules given above apply to all fire control radars regardless to the playing area while the players measure ranges. check bearing,
of their method of operation The actual method of operation of each pull-off is used against such a radar, it will succeed only if the card
within 7" of the flare marker. picked is a spade and the radar is an FC radar. or a spade or club ifthe etc. When they have completed their measurements, their opponents
fire control radar will also affect its performance as described below. will be given an opportunity to do likewise.
radar is TWS. If the radar is also frequency agile, the frequency agile rules
17. DECOYS: above will apply instead; there is no further advantage for jittered PRF.
a. The players must decide before the start of the game whether c. Conlcal scan radars - No further adjustments to the normal rules. b. If a player decides to fire SSM's, he must first resolve the use of the
decoys will be available. At this lime, U.S. ships do not have decoys, SURFACE TO SURFACE MISSILES (SSM'S) radar assigned to provide an FC function for the SSM. Of course. if the
and it appears that no ships of any nation currently has decoys. d. Continuous wave radars - Reduce the number picked when missile is being fired visually or without target tracking, this is not
Decoys can be made that can either be tossed over the sides ol ships, consulting the Radar Adjustment Table by 1 in all cases. Noise 1. INTRODUCTION: necessary.
dropped from helicopters or fired from chaff launchers. and they may jamming is completely ineffective against continuous wave radars, so Su~ace to surface missiles are guided missiles launched from ships,
be equipped with reflectors of any size, or noise jammers. no adjustments will be made to its effectiveness or to the number d~s1gned to produce heavy damage on opposing vessels. They are c. When this is completed, the players will place a proper numbered
picked when the Radar Adjustment Table is consulted. When chaff is highly accurate weapons, carrying very large warheads, and are missile counter face up next to the launching unit The counter must
b. Requirements tor using decoys: Decoys can be launched or used against CW radars. subtract 25°/o from the reduction in t'1e capable of knocking ships out of action, if not actually sinking them. indicate the size of the missile (small, medium, or large). The counter
31 effectiveness of the radar. SSM's are currently the primary weapon in ship vs ship engagements. 32 must be touching the model orcounterof the firing ship and must be as
b. If the missile is capable of mid-course correction, the direction in 11. ACTIVE MISSILE· TARGET ACQUISITION AND HOMING:
close to the bridge as possible. It must also be placed in the direction of any number of active homing missiles may be fired simultaneously which the missile is moving may be changed by up to 45" each phase
firing. Bow mounted SSM mounts may only fire directly forward or up ag~inst a single target by a launching vessel. a. After the "movement" of missiles is completed, the owning player
at the beginning _of the missile's rT)OVe, provided the target is being will place a marker (coin, etc.) at the point along the flight path where
to an angle of 90" from that direction, stern SSM mounts can fire only tracked by a gun director or radar during the phase (the tracking unit need
directly to the rear or up to an angle of 90" from that direction SSM b. The active homing heads of these missiles are capable of acquiring the _mis~ile's homing ~ead was activated if the missile passed this point
not be the same as the unit which fired the missile), the missile is track· during its move. This marker will remain as long as the missile
mounts on the side may fire only either perpendicular to the side of the and homing in on targets by any of the following methods: ed by either the uni I tracking the target or the firing unit, and the unit track·
ship on which they are located or up to an anQle of 90" from that continues to fly.
ing the target is tracked by lhe firing unit In addition, either the unit tracking b. Dun~g the electronic search segmenl of the phase following the
direction. If the mounts are capable of swivelling, they may fire in all 1. Radar the target or the firing unit must be in communication with the missile phase 1n which the missile's acquisition and homing h'3ad was
directions. by radio or data link. Thus, the target must be tracked by any unit capable
2. Infra-red ~ctivat~d, t~e. ~issile will begin to attempt to acquire a target. A target
of S!.!c_h trac~ing. In ad~ition, ~he missile itself must be tracked by either 1s acquired 1f 1t 1s detected by one of the missile's methods of methods
One counter may be used to represent any number of missiles the firing unit or the unit tracking the target, and finally, the unit tracking of_ homing . If a missile acquires one or more targets during a phase, it
provided all of the missiles are fired in the same direction by the same 3. Anti-radiation the target, if it is not the firing unit, must also be tracked by the firing w1tl home 1n on one of them. If the missile fails to acquire a suitable
vessel. When this is done, it is likely that the missiles will home in on the unit. In order for a missile or tracking aircraft to be considered tracked target, it will attempt to acquire a target during each subsequent
same target. A player is not required to use only one counter to 4. Home on jamming by the firing unit, the firing unit must be equipped with a working 3D air electronic search segment until it is successful or flies out to its
represent all of the SSM's fired in one direction: he may, if he desires, se:ar?h ra~ar, or a 2D air search radar and a height finding radar, or a maximum range and is removed from play.
use one to represent each individual missile. In this way, the missiles Not all missiles may home in on targets by all of the methods listed m1ss1le guidance radar (found on Soviet ships mostly). All of th~ above

can be fired out at slightly different headings and each may home in on above; the SSM Data Table indicates the methods of homing (and rad<!rs are capable of tracking both the missile and any targeting aircraft c. Determining if a target is acquired - basic procedures·
different targets.

d. The players then consult the SSM Data Table to determine the
target t:icquisition) available to each missile.

c. The launching player must indicate the minimum size of the target that
I simultaneously. If the missile and/or aircraft is in range of the radar it
is automatically considered to be tracked. Whenever the above ~e- 1. Missiles will attempt to acquire targets just before the use of
9uirements _are met, the ~layer m_ay change the missile targeting data search radars is resolved. This applies to all missiles regardless
speed of the missiles being launched. They will measure that distance the missile will home in on. The size indicated may be either small (1.e., the point where homing begins, the size of the target, the size of
medium, or large. ' o~the type of_ homing used by the missile. The opposing players
from the bridge of ea.:::h firing ship out in the direction of firing, and the search area). If an active homing missile's target was not tracked at will turn their backs to the playing surface when the other
place another numbered missile counter bearing the sa11e number the time of launch, the above requirements must be met before the missile players determine it acquisition and homing occur.
face up at that point. This counter must be closer to any eli~ibletarget can begin homing, unless it is a Harpoon, or SS-N-7, 9, 19, or.22 already
(1.e., any ship meeting all of the requirements given in Rule 4 above) d. Also, a player must indicate the point at which the missile will begin
homing. Each missile can begin homing only at one point in its flight, set to search a very wide area. Missiles suffer no speed loss for turning. 2. To determine 1f a target is acquired, a player must first
than the initial counter. regardless of how many methods of homing it has; once a missile determine the missile's area of search in accordance with Rule
reaches the point homing begins, all of its homing method's will 12 below.
e. The players will then indicate secretly in writing the following immediately become operational. Until the point chosen is reached, c. Semi-active homing missiles will always be moved directly toward
information on each firing ship's TDD. the missile will be unable to hit any target: once the point is reached, the target's position, even if the missile must turn to do so. It will suffer 3. He will then determine if the missile acquires a target in
the missile will begin searching until it acquires an acceptable target. no speed loss for turning. accordance with Rule 13.
1. The number and type of missiles being represented by each To indicate the point homing begins, merely write down the distance
missile counter. as measured from the initial missile counter placed on the playing d. In all cases, whether the missile is capable of turning or not, each d. If targets are acquired, the missile will home in on one during the
surface. When the length of the missile's flight, as measured from the subsequent missile counter must be closer to its target than was the same phase.
2. If the missiles are active homing, the player must indicate the initial missile counter, is equal to the distance chosen. the missile's previous counter.
following: homing head will be activated. Note that each missile has a minimum 12. ACTIVE HOMING - DETERMINING THE MISSILE'S AREA OF
range; the point of which homing begins may never be less than the 9. MISSILE FLIGHT TRAJECTORY: SEARCH:
a. The point at which the missile's homer will be turned This is done by first placing a ruler so that one end rests on the 1ast
missile's minimum range. a. Missiles may fly at only one altitude; the altitude level for each type
on. missile counter, while tne other end rests on the second from the last
of missile is listed on the SSM Data Table. At the point oflaunch, the
b. The smallest target the missile will home in on. Special: When firing a missile at a target that is not being tracked missile is assumed 'lo climb immediately to its proper altitude and it missile counter.
either visually or by radar (see 4, c above), the point at which homing remains at that altitude until it reaches its target.
c., The size of the missile's search area. begins must be equal to the minimum range of the missile; the player Exception: If the missile's homing system was initially turned on
does not have the option to delay homing until some later point in its b. The altitude of the missile affects the chance of it being detected by during the prior combat phase. the other end of the ruler will rest on the
See rule 7 betow for additional information. flight. This situation can occur only when firing missiles capable of opposing radar. The lower the missile flies, the shorter will be the point where the homing system turned on. rather than on the second
being launched at untracked targets distance to the radar horizon, so the chance of the missile escaping frc:>m ~he 1.ast count.er. T_he area of s~arch will extend perpendicular to
3. If the missiles are semi-active homing, the player must radar detection increases at lower altitudes. However, as noted on the this tine 1n both d1rect1ons. The drstance the area extends in each
merely indicate the name or designation of the target. SSM Data Table, SSM's which fly at very high altitudes are usually direction b based on the size of the search area:
much faster than those that fly at low altitude.
6. SEMI-ACTIVE HOMING - DESCRIPTION AND RESTRICTIONS: e. Finally, the player must indicate the size of the area of search. The Very narrow 1"
There are two basic types of homing; semi-active and active. If a size may be very narrow, narrow, medium, wide or very wide. The c. Active homing missiles which are listed as flying at surface Narrow 2"
missile has semi-active homing, it will be guided to its target by a length of the area of search is always equal to the distance travelled by skimming altitude actually cruise at an altitude that is slightly higher Medium 4"
missile fire control radar located on the ship. Semi-active missiles may the SSM each phase. The total width ot these areas is as follows: than true surf ace skimming height until they acquire a target and begin Wide 8"
be launched only if the firing ship's missile fire- control radar is homing. Once a target is acquired, the missile usually dives to true Very wide 16"
successfully tracking an opposing ship during the phase. Once a semi-
active homing missile is launched, the radar must continue to track the
Very narrow
surface skimming height to make detection more difficult. To simulate
this, until the phase in which the missile acquires a target, add 12" to ·---------------,
8" 1 I
same target during each phase until the missile reaches the target. 3. Medium 8" the maximum detection range given on the Radar Detection Table 1 AREA OF I
Shoutd the radar fail to track the same target ship during a phase in 4, Wide 16" when opposing units search for the missile with radar, and whenever
which the missile is still flying, the missile will immediately be removed
from the game. Semi-active missiles may only be controlled by the
proper missile fire control radars, never any other radar. Once
s: Very wide 32"
If the area chosen is too narrow, the missile might be unable to acquire
the missile uses its own radar to search for targets. This adjustment is
made only to the detection range given on the Radar Detection Table,
not to the range given by the Radar Adjustment Table, so if the range
CB 1
launched, the missile can only be controlled by the radar that was a target; but if it is too wide, the missile may home in on a target other given by the Radar Adjustment Table is less than the range given on
tracking the target at the time of launch; if that radar fails to track the than the one desired or actually miss the target. the Radar Detection Table, there is no effect (see the radar search ' I
- - - - - - - - - - _J
L..._ - - -
target during a phase, no other radar, not even an identical missile procedure rules for the explanation of the use of the Radar Detection
tracking radar, can control the missile. ~hen a missile is fired at a target that is not being tracked by a gun Table and the Radar Adjustmen·t Table). Once a missile has acquired a The area of search of a missile searching a wide area.
director or a radar capable of guiding the SSM, the size of the search target, there will be no further adjustment to the detection range given
No more than one missile may be directed against a target by a single area must always be very wide; the player may not choose a smaller on the Radar Detection Table. 13. ACTIVE HOMING -DETERMINING IF A TARGET IS ACQUIRED:
radar during a phase. Thus, if a missile is launched against a target and size. a. As indicated earlier, the players will determine if their missiles
it flies for more than one phase, no additional missile may be launched Exception: After a Harpoon or 55-N-7 acquires a target, the radar acquire target just before the use of search radars is resolved. Target
against the target until the phase after the phase the missile homes in detection rar:ige given on the Radar Detection Table will continue to be acquisition for all missiles must occur before the use of any search
on the target unless the new missile can be directed by another radar. increased but by only 6". radars, on either side, is resolved.
Since more than one radar can be directed against a single target,
more than one missile can be directed against a target provided each Note that this rule applies only to active homing missiles; semi-active When attempting to acquire a target, a missile wil I scan a portion of its
missile is controlled by its own radar. homing missiles fly at true surface skimming al.titude throughout their area of search to determine if there are any elligible targets there. If
entire flight. there are one or more targets there, the missile will attempt to home in
Nole: When determining if a missile fire control radar is successfully on the target having the highest priority (as explained below). If the

tracking a target after the missile is launched. measure the distance 8. MISSILE MOVEMENT: 10. SEMI-ACTIVE MISSILE HOMING: missile is unable to acquire a target in the portion of the area of search
between the second from the last missile counter (rather than the a. After determining if any missile has hit a target, all missiles which If a semi-active missile is "moved" in such a way that its flight path ·which it scanned, it will scan the next portion; it will continue doing this
radar) and the target. If this distance is equal to or less than the range
given by the Radar Adjustment Table, the target is being tracked
are still flying may be moved. To move a missile, merely consult the
SSM Data Table to determine the speed of the missile and then
I touches the bridge of the target ship, the missile may home in on the
target. Rather than placing the missile counter at the point where its
until it acquires a target or has searched the entire area of search.

regardless ol the distance between the radar and the target as long as measure that distance from the last missile counter placed on the move should have ended, place the counter in such a way that it is The portion of the area of search that is scanned by the missile is called
the distance between the target and the radar does not exceed the playing surface. A new missile counter bearing the same number as touching the target ship. If the missile had not yet been detected, the the scanning area. The first scanning area begins at the second from
Radar Detection range given on the Radar Detection Table, and the the prior counters will be "placed at this point. Unless the SSM Data player owning the missile will inform his opponent of the type of th~ l~st missile counter, while the last scanning area ends at the last
radar is not defeated by ECM. Table indicates that the missile is a semi-active homer or is capable of missile that is homing in. During the next movement phase, the missile missile counter. The width of the scanning areas is always the same as
mid-course correction, the missile must move in a straight line. Thus, counter will remain touching the target ship, even 1f that ship moves: the width of the area of search: the length is based on the size of the
7. ACTIVE HOMING--DESCRIPTION AND RESTRICTIONS: the flight path of each missile Will be marked by a line of counters merely move the missile counter with the model or counter of the area of search:
a. If the missile is an active homer, it will require no continuous bearing the same numerical designation, with the distance between target ship. The missile is considered to be homing in during the
guidance from the firing ship. At a pre-selected point, the homing head each counter equal to the speed of the missile. Each phase a new subsequent combat phase. During the SSM segment of that phase, the Very narrow 6"
in the missile will activate, and search for a proper target. If one is missile counter will be placed on the playing surface until the missile plaYers will determine if the missile hit the target and the amount of Narrow 12"
detected, the missile will move to intercept it. Thus, active homing homes in on a target or the missile reaches its maximum range; damage caused. Medium 18"
missiles acquire their own targets; once launched, the launching whenever either of these occur, remove all missile counters marking Wide 21 ..
vessel need not maintain any contact with the missile. Due to this fact, the path of the missile. 34 Very wide 24"
b. If the missile is capable of mid-course correction, the direction in 11. ACTIVE MISSILE· TARGET ACQUISITION AND HOMING:
close to the bridge as possible. It must also be placed in the direction of any number of active homing missiles may be fired simultaneously which the missile is moving may be changed by up to 45" each phase
firing. Bow mounted SSM mounts may only fire directly forward or up ag~inst a single target by a launching vessel. a. After the "movement" of missiles is completed, the owning player
at the beginning _of the missile's rT)OVe, provided the target is being will place a marker (coin, etc.) at the point along the flight path where
to an angle of 90" from that direction, stern SSM mounts can fire only tracked by a gun director or radar during the phase (the tracking unit need
directly to the rear or up to an angle of 90" from that direction SSM b. The active homing heads of these missiles are capable of acquiring the _mis~ile's homing ~ead was activated if the missile passed this point
not be the same as the unit which fired the missile), the missile is track· during its move. This marker will remain as long as the missile
mounts on the side may fire only either perpendicular to the side of the and homing in on targets by any of the following methods: ed by either the uni I tracking the target or the firing unit, and the unit track·
ship on which they are located or up to an anQle of 90" from that continues to fly.
ing the target is tracked by lhe firing unit In addition, either the unit tracking b. Dun~g the electronic search segmenl of the phase following the
direction. If the mounts are capable of swivelling, they may fire in all 1. Radar the target or the firing unit must be in communication with the missile phase 1n which the missile's acquisition and homing h'3ad was
directions. by radio or data link. Thus, the target must be tracked by any unit capable
2. Infra-red ~ctivat~d, t~e. ~issile will begin to attempt to acquire a target. A target
of S!.!c_h trac~ing. In ad~ition, ~he missile itself must be tracked by either 1s acquired 1f 1t 1s detected by one of the missile's methods of methods
One counter may be used to represent any number of missiles the firing unit or the unit tracking the target, and finally, the unit tracking of_ homing . If a missile acquires one or more targets during a phase, it
provided all of the missiles are fired in the same direction by the same 3. Anti-radiation the target, if it is not the firing unit, must also be tracked by the firing w1tl home 1n on one of them. If the missile fails to acquire a suitable
vessel. When this is done, it is likely that the missiles will home in on the unit. In order for a missile or tracking aircraft to be considered tracked target, it will attempt to acquire a target during each subsequent
same target. A player is not required to use only one counter to 4. Home on jamming by the firing unit, the firing unit must be equipped with a working 3D air electronic search segment until it is successful or flies out to its
represent all of the SSM's fired in one direction: he may, if he desires, se:ar?h ra~ar, or a 2D air search radar and a height finding radar, or a maximum range and is removed from play.
use one to represent each individual missile. In this way, the missiles Not all missiles may home in on targets by all of the methods listed m1ss1le guidance radar (found on Soviet ships mostly). All of th~ above

can be fired out at slightly different headings and each may home in on above; the SSM Data Table indicates the methods of homing (and rad<!rs are capable of tracking both the missile and any targeting aircraft c. Determining if a target is acquired - basic procedures·
different targets.

d. The players then consult the SSM Data Table to determine the
target t:icquisition) available to each missile.

c. The launching player must indicate the minimum size of the target that
I simultaneously. If the missile and/or aircraft is in range of the radar it
is automatically considered to be tracked. Whenever the above ~e- 1. Missiles will attempt to acquire targets just before the use of
9uirements _are met, the ~layer m_ay change the missile targeting data search radars is resolved. This applies to all missiles regardless
speed of the missiles being launched. They will measure that distance the missile will home in on. The size indicated may be either small (1.e., the point where homing begins, the size of the target, the size of
medium, or large. ' o~the type of_ homing used by the missile. The opposing players
from the bridge of ea.:::h firing ship out in the direction of firing, and the search area). If an active homing missile's target was not tracked at will turn their backs to the playing surface when the other
place another numbered missile counter bearing the sa11e number the time of launch, the above requirements must be met before the missile players determine it acquisition and homing occur.
face up at that point. This counter must be closer to any eli~ibletarget can begin homing, unless it is a Harpoon, or SS-N-7, 9, 19, or.22 already
(1.e., any ship meeting all of the requirements given in Rule 4 above) d. Also, a player must indicate the point at which the missile will begin
homing. Each missile can begin homing only at one point in its flight, set to search a very wide area. Missiles suffer no speed loss for turning. 2. To determine 1f a target is acquired, a player must first
than the initial counter. regardless of how many methods of homing it has; once a missile determine the missile's area of search in accordance with Rule
reaches the point homing begins, all of its homing method's will 12 below.
e. The players will then indicate secretly in writing the following immediately become operational. Until the point chosen is reached, c. Semi-active homing missiles will always be moved directly toward
information on each firing ship's TDD. the missile will be unable to hit any target: once the point is reached, the target's position, even if the missile must turn to do so. It will suffer 3. He will then determine if the missile acquires a target in
the missile will begin searching until it acquires an acceptable target. no speed loss for turning. accordance with Rule 13.
1. The number and type of missiles being represented by each To indicate the point homing begins, merely write down the distance
missile counter. as measured from the initial missile counter placed on the playing d. In all cases, whether the missile is capable of turning or not, each d. If targets are acquired, the missile will home in on one during the
surface. When the length of the missile's flight, as measured from the subsequent missile counter must be closer to its target than was the same phase.
2. If the missiles are active homing, the player must indicate the initial missile counter, is equal to the distance chosen. the missile's previous counter.
following: homing head will be activated. Note that each missile has a minimum 12. ACTIVE HOMING - DETERMINING THE MISSILE'S AREA OF
range; the point of which homing begins may never be less than the 9. MISSILE FLIGHT TRAJECTORY: SEARCH:
a. The point at which the missile's homer will be turned This is done by first placing a ruler so that one end rests on the 1ast
missile's minimum range. a. Missiles may fly at only one altitude; the altitude level for each type
on. missile counter, while tne other end rests on the second from the last
of missile is listed on the SSM Data Table. At the point oflaunch, the
b. The smallest target the missile will home in on. Special: When firing a missile at a target that is not being tracked missile is assumed 'lo climb immediately to its proper altitude and it missile counter.
either visually or by radar (see 4, c above), the point at which homing remains at that altitude until it reaches its target.
c., The size of the missile's search area. begins must be equal to the minimum range of the missile; the player Exception: If the missile's homing system was initially turned on
does not have the option to delay homing until some later point in its b. The altitude of the missile affects the chance of it being detected by during the prior combat phase. the other end of the ruler will rest on the
See rule 7 betow for additional information. flight. This situation can occur only when firing missiles capable of opposing radar. The lower the missile flies, the shorter will be the point where the homing system turned on. rather than on the second
being launched at untracked targets distance to the radar horizon, so the chance of the missile escaping frc:>m ~he 1.ast count.er. T_he area of s~arch will extend perpendicular to
3. If the missiles are semi-active homing, the player must radar detection increases at lower altitudes. However, as noted on the this tine 1n both d1rect1ons. The drstance the area extends in each
merely indicate the name or designation of the target. SSM Data Table, SSM's which fly at very high altitudes are usually direction b based on the size of the search area:
much faster than those that fly at low altitude.
6. SEMI-ACTIVE HOMING - DESCRIPTION AND RESTRICTIONS: e. Finally, the player must indicate the size of the area of search. The Very narrow 1"
There are two basic types of homing; semi-active and active. If a size may be very narrow, narrow, medium, wide or very wide. The c. Active homing missiles which are listed as flying at surface Narrow 2"
missile has semi-active homing, it will be guided to its target by a length of the area of search is always equal to the distance travelled by skimming altitude actually cruise at an altitude that is slightly higher Medium 4"
missile fire control radar located on the ship. Semi-active missiles may the SSM each phase. The total width ot these areas is as follows: than true surf ace skimming height until they acquire a target and begin Wide 8"
be launched only if the firing ship's missile fire- control radar is homing. Once a target is acquired, the missile usually dives to true Very wide 16"
successfully tracking an opposing ship during the phase. Once a semi-
active homing missile is launched, the radar must continue to track the
Very narrow
surface skimming height to make detection more difficult. To simulate
this, until the phase in which the missile acquires a target, add 12" to ·---------------,
8" 1 I
same target during each phase until the missile reaches the target. 3. Medium 8" the maximum detection range given on the Radar Detection Table 1 AREA OF I
Shoutd the radar fail to track the same target ship during a phase in 4, Wide 16" when opposing units search for the missile with radar, and whenever
which the missile is still flying, the missile will immediately be removed
from the game. Semi-active missiles may only be controlled by the
proper missile fire control radars, never any other radar. Once
s: Very wide 32"
If the area chosen is too narrow, the missile might be unable to acquire
the missile uses its own radar to search for targets. This adjustment is
made only to the detection range given on the Radar Detection Table,
not to the range given by the Radar Adjustment Table, so if the range
CB 1
launched, the missile can only be controlled by the radar that was a target; but if it is too wide, the missile may home in on a target other given by the Radar Adjustment Table is less than the range given on
tracking the target at the time of launch; if that radar fails to track the than the one desired or actually miss the target. the Radar Detection Table, there is no effect (see the radar search ' I
- - - - - - - - - - _J
L..._ - - -
target during a phase, no other radar, not even an identical missile procedure rules for the explanation of the use of the Radar Detection
tracking radar, can control the missile. ~hen a missile is fired at a target that is not being tracked by a gun Table and the Radar Adjustmen·t Table). Once a missile has acquired a The area of search of a missile searching a wide area.
director or a radar capable of guiding the SSM, the size of the search target, there will be no further adjustment to the detection range given
No more than one missile may be directed against a target by a single area must always be very wide; the player may not choose a smaller on the Radar Detection Table. 13. ACTIVE HOMING -DETERMINING IF A TARGET IS ACQUIRED:
radar during a phase. Thus, if a missile is launched against a target and size. a. As indicated earlier, the players will determine if their missiles
it flies for more than one phase, no additional missile may be launched Exception: After a Harpoon or 55-N-7 acquires a target, the radar acquire target just before the use of search radars is resolved. Target
against the target until the phase after the phase the missile homes in detection rar:ige given on the Radar Detection Table will continue to be acquisition for all missiles must occur before the use of any search
on the target unless the new missile can be directed by another radar. increased but by only 6". radars, on either side, is resolved.
Since more than one radar can be directed against a single target,
more than one missile can be directed against a target provided each Note that this rule applies only to active homing missiles; semi-active When attempting to acquire a target, a missile wil I scan a portion of its
missile is controlled by its own radar. homing missiles fly at true surface skimming al.titude throughout their area of search to determine if there are any elligible targets there. If
entire flight. there are one or more targets there, the missile will attempt to home in
Nole: When determining if a missile fire control radar is successfully on the target having the highest priority (as explained below). If the

tracking a target after the missile is launched. measure the distance 8. MISSILE MOVEMENT: 10. SEMI-ACTIVE MISSILE HOMING: missile is unable to acquire a target in the portion of the area of search
between the second from the last missile counter (rather than the a. After determining if any missile has hit a target, all missiles which If a semi-active missile is "moved" in such a way that its flight path ·which it scanned, it will scan the next portion; it will continue doing this
radar) and the target. If this distance is equal to or less than the range
given by the Radar Adjustment Table, the target is being tracked
are still flying may be moved. To move a missile, merely consult the
SSM Data Table to determine the speed of the missile and then
I touches the bridge of the target ship, the missile may home in on the
target. Rather than placing the missile counter at the point where its
until it acquires a target or has searched the entire area of search.

regardless ol the distance between the radar and the target as long as measure that distance from the last missile counter placed on the move should have ended, place the counter in such a way that it is The portion of the area of search that is scanned by the missile is called
the distance between the target and the radar does not exceed the playing surface. A new missile counter bearing the same number as touching the target ship. If the missile had not yet been detected, the the scanning area. The first scanning area begins at the second from
Radar Detection range given on the Radar Detection Table, and the the prior counters will be "placed at this point. Unless the SSM Data player owning the missile will inform his opponent of the type of th~ l~st missile counter, while the last scanning area ends at the last
radar is not defeated by ECM. Table indicates that the missile is a semi-active homer or is capable of missile that is homing in. During the next movement phase, the missile missile counter. The width of the scanning areas is always the same as
mid-course correction, the missile must move in a straight line. Thus, counter will remain touching the target ship, even 1f that ship moves: the width of the area of search: the length is based on the size of the
7. ACTIVE HOMING--DESCRIPTION AND RESTRICTIONS: the flight path of each missile Will be marked by a line of counters merely move the missile counter with the model or counter of the area of search:
a. If the missile is an active homer, it will require no continuous bearing the same numerical designation, with the distance between target ship. The missile is considered to be homing in during the
guidance from the firing ship. At a pre-selected point, the homing head each counter equal to the speed of the missile. Each phase a new subsequent combat phase. During the SSM segment of that phase, the Very narrow 6"
in the missile will activate, and search for a proper target. If one is missile counter will be placed on the playing surface until the missile plaYers will determine if the missile hit the target and the amount of Narrow 12"
detected, the missile will move to intercept it. Thus, active homing homes in on a target or the missile reaches its maximum range; damage caused. Medium 18"
missiles acquire their own targets; once launched, the launching whenever either of these occur, remove all missile counters marking Wide 21 ..
vessel need not maintain any contact with the missile. Due to this fact, the path of the missile. 34 Very wide 24"
the missile has either MTI or pulse doppler, it will acquire the chaff only c. Many missiles are capable of detecting targets by ~ore t~an one
Example: If a missile is set to search a narrow area, it will scan the first 4. If the missile is set for radar homing, pick another card and method; these normally include radar homini;i, home on iamm1nQ. and
12" of the area of search in an attempt to acquire a target. Only if no if the card is a spade. If the chaff is acquired, the missile will home.in ?n
consult the Radar Ad1ustment Table to determine the maximum the chaff counter that is closest to the second from the last missile infra-red homing. If such is the case, radar homing always has the highest
target is acquired will it scan the next 12". radar detection range during that phase. Follow the normal counter. If the missile homes 1n on a chaff counter that is not within 1" priority, so determine_ if any targets ~re detect~d ~y ra_dar .. lf so, and the
radar search procedures for determining maximum detection of a ship, the missile is removed from play. If the chaff counter the missile is capable of infrared detection, the m1ss1le will re1ect any chaff
The boundary of a scanning area can never extend beyond the range. The Basic Strength of all missile radars is 10, and any missile home in on is within 1" of a ship, the missile can still hit that counter and not acquire it unless that chaff was launc~ed _bY. an A rated
boundary of an area of search. Thus, the last scanning area will always ECCM is listed on the SSM Data Table. If the target is within ship, and the missile is treated as if it were homing in on that ship. See system, or a flare co':'nter is locat~d on the same spot; 1f this 1s. th~ case,
end at the same place that the area of search ends, even if !hat results maximum radar detection range, it is acquired. As indicated in rule 19, c (1) for the effect of chaff wi~hin 1" _of ~.target ship. _If t~e the missile can acqurre the chaff 1n the normal manner. If a m1ss11e can-
in the last scanning area being shorter than the distances given in lhe Rule 14 below, missiles set for radar homing may acquire and missile fails to acquire the chaff, any ship w1th1n 1 of the chaff is still not acquire a target by radar detection because it is jammed, the missile
table above. home in on chaff counters that are within 1" of the flight path. considered "protected" by it, so when the missile searches the ship, will automatically acquire the jamming unit if it is within scanning range
When noise jamming SSM's, the missiles cannot reduce gain. reduce the chance of the ship being detected in the same manner that and the missile is capable of home on jamming.
The illustralion below shows the scanning areas of a missile set to Should the missile detect a counter which is a "dummy", the the chance of such protected ships is reduced when being searched
search a wide area. The second from the last SSM counter is at point A. missile will not acquire it; it will continue searching until a for by a normal search radar. Thus missiles will first attempt to acquire targets by radar. If one is
the last missile counter is at point 9_ proper target is acquired. deteCted infra-red, if available, is used to reject chaff. If the missile is
Notes: The restriction on the acquisition of targets that are too close to jammed B.nd ca".'not acguire ~ targe.t, _hl'.'rf!e ~n jamming, }f available, will
------, the point the missile's homing he~d is activa_te~ (r!Jle 13,d above) also
applies to chaff. If no chaff is acquired, the m1ss1le 1s than allowed to at·
allow it to acquire the 1amming unit 1f 1t 1s m the scanning area.
I f. Multiple homing: If a missile has several methods of homing, see rule
14, c below. tempt to acquire ship targets.

AREA ctle
Note: Although the launching rules require that a target must be
located by the firing ship and (usually) tracked by one of its dir_ectors
or radars during the phase of launch, the missile is not required to
home in on that target; it will instead home in on anv target meeting the
Also, if chaff is initially launched during the phase t~e missile is in posi-
tion to acquire it, the rating of the ~haff system will have an. effect on
whether it is acquired. If the launching system was rated A, iust follow
the procedures above; there is no additional effect. If the launching system
After a target has been acquired, the missil~will home in It. Remove_t~e
last missile counter from its current location and place it so that 1t 1s
touching the model or counter of the target. Durii:ig the SSM ~egi:nent
of the combat phase in which the target was acquired, determine 1f the
B" I I acquisition requirements. was raled B, missiles with either MTI or pulse doppler seekers w1ll not missile hits the target and the amount of damage caused by it. The
I 21" !:_ __ _J acquire the chaff during that phase; mi~siles withou~ MTI ?r pulse dop- missile is considered homing from the time it acquires a target until it
'--- If a missile fails to acquire a target for any reason, the player owning the pler seekers will acquire the chaff only 1f. th~ ca~d p1ck~d is a spade. If either hits or misses during the SSM segment.
missile will attempt to acquire the target having the next highest priority. the launching system was rated C, n~ m1ss1le will acquire t~e chaff. Of
b. Before searching any counters, the player commanding the missile Continue doing this until a target is acquired, or all possible targets are course, these restrictions apply only during the phase the chaff 1s launched. Also, place one card next to each target for every missile homing in on
should determine which unit would be the target of highest priority searched. it. As the missiles are defeated by ECM or weapons, remove one card
were it to be detected by the missile. To determine w·hich target would Special: If a chaff counter i~ i,yit~in 1" of a ship _and due to the every time one of the missiles is defeated. In this way, players can
be of the highest priority, see Rule 14 below After determining which privisions of Rule 13, d, the missile 1s unable_ to acqu1r_e the_ch_aff.,~he easily keep track of the number of missiles which are still capable of
unit is ol the highest priority, the player commanding the missile will 14. ACTIVE HOMING -- TARGET PRIORITY AND SIZE: missile is also automatically unable to acquire any ships w1th1n 1 of hitting the target.
have the missile search for 1t as described below. If the unit is detected, a. If a missile is set to home in by only one of the methods given in rule the chaff counter.
the missile will home in on it. If the missile does not detect the target, 7,b, the order of priority among the possible targets is based solely on
determine which unit would be the next highest in priority and then their size. The largest target always has first priority, followed by the 3. If the missile is set for homing by the infra-red method, a ship a. Detection by radar detectors: Only missiles set for activ~ rad~r

determine if the missile detects it. Continue lollowing this procedure second largest target, etc.; the smallest target is the one having the with a displacement of over 10,000 tons is a large target, a ~hip homing can be detected by radar detectors, and the detection will
until the missile detects a target (and automatically homes in on it) or it lowest priority. To determine which target is the largest, do as follows: with a displacement of between 1000 and 10,000 tons is a occur at the normal time when the use of radar detectors Is resolve~.
searched for alt units but failed to acquire any. Of course, when medium target, and a ship with a displacement of less than 1000 Of course radar homing missiles cannot be detected until their
following this procedure, do not search any additional units after the 1. If the method of homing of the missile is anti-radiation or tons is considered a small target. If there are several targets of homing heads are "turned on. Semi-active missiles can never be
missile succeeds in detecting one home on jamming, lhe largest target is the one closest to the the same size, the target having the highest priority is the one detected by radar detectors.
second from the last missile counter that is using a jam mer or closest to the second from the last mtssile counter. If there are
c. If one counter represents several missiles, the owning player radar that can be detected by the missile. Missiles usln-g either of flares within 1" of the missile's flight path these may appear as Before the use of radar detectors is resolved, the player owning a':ly
attempts to acquire a target for each missile separalely. For each these two methods of homing are incapable of rejecting any the largest targets, so flares may be the targets having the missile that is set for radar homing and has already turned on its
missile in turn, the owning player will search all opposing units, target and will home in on ·ships, helicopters at surface highest priority. When one or more flares are within 1" of the homing head will announce the width of the missile's area of search.
beginning with the one of the highest priority, until it succeeds in skimming altitude, or decoys if they are using jammers or radars flight path, pick one card, regardless of the number of _su?h When resolving the use of a radar detectors, th~ oppos!ng pla_yer will
detecting (and acquiring) a target, or fails to detect any. He will then do that can be detected. flares. 1f the card is of any suit except heart, the m1ss1le determine if any of his units can detect the missile with the1~ r~d~r
the same for each additional missile in turn until all missiles have determines the flares to be the targets of highest priority and will detector. Units with working radar detectors will detect the _missile 1f
detected a target or faHed to detect any of them. 2. If the missile is set for radar homing, the size of the targets is home in on the flare counter closest to the second from the lasl the distance between the unit and any point along the ~hght path
the same as the size designation on their counters, i.e., ships missile counter. If the missile homes in on any flare, even a flare between the last and second from the last missile counters 1s le~s th~n
As indicated in Rule 15. the last SSM counter will be moved to the point represented by "Small" counters are small targets, ships within 1" of a ship, the missile is immediately removed from or equal to three times the total width of the area of search as given 1n
next to that occupied by the unit the missile is homing in on. If a missile represented by "Medium" counters are medium targets. while play. The provisions of Rule 13, d also apply to flares. Follow the rule 7,e.
counter represents several missiles which are homing 1n or. several ships represented by "Large" counters are large targets. If a procedures given for chaff in (2) above to determine the effects
targets, place a missile counter next to each such target. target is not represented by a counter, ships havin_g a of rule 13, d on flares Example: If the opposing player indicates that the missil~'s area of
displacement of under 1000tons are small targets: those with a search is medium, it has a search area 8" long. The sear~h1ng player
d. After determining which opposing counter is of the highe~t priority, the displacement of 1000 to 10,000 tons are medium targets, while 4. Decoys: Decoys can be designed to attract active h~ming will determine if any of his units are within 24" of any point along the
player must determine if the following circumstance applies: ships of over 10,000 tons are large targets. The actual missiles. However. decoys other than towed decoys equipped fhght path between the last ~nd second 1rOf!1 t~e l~st missile counter. If
displacements of the targets does not directly affect the target with blip enhancers, can never appear as large as surface ships there are any units, they will detect the m1ss1le 1f they have working
Targets lhat are too close to the point the missile's homing priority, e.g., if one target has a displacement of 15,000 tons and Therefore, the decoy counters will always have the lowest
nead activated -- Missiles require a certain amount of time to radar detectors.
another has a displacement of 11,000 tons, both are large priority. However, if a missile searches an area where it f~ils to
search !or and acquire targets. If the missile is too close to a targets and have the same priority, the 15,000 ton ship is not acquire a target, it must then search each decoy counter 1n the
target at the time its homing head activates, ii may not have If any unit detects the missile, the detecting player may write the
considered larger than the 11,000 ton ship. area, provided the decoy is provided with equipment_ that can number on the initial SSM counter on the proper place on the
sufficient time to acquire the target. If the distance between the attract a missile and the missile is capable of acquiring small
target and the point the missile's hominQ, head activated is less detecting units TDD's.
Exceptions: II a target is using a radar reflector or blip enhancer, it will targets If these requirements are met, pick one card for .~a~h
than or equal to 25% of the missile's speed, the firing player·must be considered to be a large target regardless of its actual decoy counter In the area. If the card 1s a spade, the m1ss1le
roll one decimal die. Unless the number rolled is 3 or less, the b. Detection by radio detector: As indicated earlier, some missilesa~e
displacement. Also, if a target is presenting its bow or stern to the homes 1n on the decoy. Remove the missile from play
missile will fail to acquire the target. Similarly, if the distance bet- capable of mid-course guidance which allows them ~o ~e.turned in
second from the last missile counter, it will be assumed to be one level immedialely, and after all SSM target acquisition is completed, flight. Turning is accomplished at thf'. be~innir:ig of a missiles move. If
ween the target and the point the missile's homing head activated smaller than .It actually is unless it is using a blip enhancer or radar also remove frorn play all decoy cou111er<; which have SSM's
is greater than 25% but less than 500/o of the missile's speed, the there is an opposing counter or unit lying d1r~ct_ly _between the last
reflector. Thus, for example, ships larger than 10,000 tons will be homing in on them missile counter and the guiding unit before a m1ss1le •.s n:ioved ~nd the
firer must roll a decimal die, and the missile will fail to acquire the
target unless the number rolled is 5 or !ess.
considered to be medium targets, ships of between 1000 and 10,000 Towed decoys are much larger than othe~ deco.ya and. may ~e made.to player commanding the missile intends to tu~n the m1ss1le du_r1ng t~at
tons will be considered small targets, while ships smaller than 1000 appear as a ship of any size to radar homing missiles 1fequ1pped with phase, he must point out to his opponent wh1_ch of the !lppos1ng units
tons will be considered very small targets_ blip enhancers. If~ ship is using a to\l'."ed d~C<?Y· the decoy wl!I be the are in a position capable of dete:ct1ng the radio _transm1ss1on between
target of highest priority to radar ~om1ng m_1s~1le~. ~owever, s1nce~he the guiding unit and the missile. T.he opposing. player ~u~t then
If several ships of the same size are in a scanning area, missiles decoy is so close to the towing ship, the sh1p 1s st1ll 1n danger of being indicate if the counters 1n position to detect the radio transm1s~1on ~re
e. If the restrictions in d above do not prevent the missile from randomly choose their targets. Therefore, when there are several hit by the missile. Thus, the missile is considered to be homing oi:i the real units having working radio detectors If th_ey_are re~I ~nits with
acquiring the target, the following requirements must be met for targets of similar size in a missile's scanning area, determine which towing ship as well as the decoy. The effects of the towed decoy will be working radio detectors, the player commanding ~h~ m1ss.1les must
successful target acquisition: target has highest priority by rolling one die for each such vessel; the explained in Rule 19, c (1). reveal the location ol the guiding unit; both the gu1d1ng unit an~ t~e
vessel receiving the highest number is the target of highest priority. missiles are immediately detected by the radio detectors. If the units in
1. If the missile is set for homing on jamming, it will The dice are rolled separately for each missile, even it the missiles are Note: If a unit is "detected" by a missile, the opposing ships an~ position to detect the radio transmissions are only "dummy" c~unters,
automatically acquire the target if"it has a "noise" counter next represented by the same counter; thus, one vessel will probably not be aircraft will not be able to receive this information. Therefore, no unit the position of the guiding unit need not be revealed, and ne1t~er the
to it. the priority target for all missiles. detected by a missile will ever be considered "located" by the guiding unit nor the missilesared_etected. ~he: player commanding the
opposing force. units in position to detect the radio transmissions ne~d ~at reveal that
2. If the missile is set for anti-radiation homing, it will Also, if there are any chaff counters within 1" of the flight path, the the units are real if he does not wish to do so; he may 1nd1~ate that they
automatically acquire the target if it has a "radar" counter next chaff may have the highest priority. Pick one card during any phase in b. As indicated earlier, a missile can be programmed to home in on are "dummies" or have no working radar detector, but 1f he does so,
to it. which the missile passes within 1" of one or more opposing chaff targets only if they are larger than a certai_n siz_e. and reje~t all pot~ntial neither the guiding unit nor the missiles can be detected.
markers to determine if the missile determines the chaff to be the targets smaller than that size. Th~ rules given 1n a det.erm1':1e the size'?'
3. If the missile is set for infra-red homing, it will automatically target of highest priority during that phase. Only one card is picked the target; if the size of a potential tar~et ~s determined 1n a above 1~ c. Detection by radar: All missiles in flight may be detected by
acquire the target if the target is within B" of the flight path. As regardless of the number of chaff counters that are within 1" of the smaller than the smallest size the missile 1s programmed to accept, it searching radars, even if their homing heads are not turned c:in. Befo~e
indicated in Rule 14 below, the missile may acquire and home in flight path. If the missile has neither MTI nor a pulse doppler radar, it cannot be acquired. resolving the use of searching radars, the players commanding SSM s
on flares that are within B" of the flight path will acquire the chaff and home in on it if the card is a spade or club_ If
the missile has either MTI or pulse doppler, it will acquire the chaff only c. Many missiles are capable of detecting targets by ~ore t~an one
Example: If a missile is set to search a narrow area, it will scan the first 4. If the missile is set for radar homing, pick another card and method; these normally include radar homini;i, home on iamm1nQ. and
12" of the area of search in an attempt to acquire a target. Only if no if the card is a spade. If the chaff is acquired, the missile will home.in ?n
consult the Radar Ad1ustment Table to determine the maximum the chaff counter that is closest to the second from the last missile infra-red homing. If such is the case, radar homing always has the highest
target is acquired will it scan the next 12". radar detection range during that phase. Follow the normal counter. If the missile homes 1n on a chaff counter that is not within 1" priority, so determine_ if any targets ~re detect~d ~y ra_dar .. lf so, and the
radar search procedures for determining maximum detection of a ship, the missile is removed from play. If the chaff counter the missile is capable of infrared detection, the m1ss1le will re1ect any chaff
The boundary of a scanning area can never extend beyond the range. The Basic Strength of all missile radars is 10, and any missile home in on is within 1" of a ship, the missile can still hit that counter and not acquire it unless that chaff was launc~ed _bY. an A rated
boundary of an area of search. Thus, the last scanning area will always ECCM is listed on the SSM Data Table. If the target is within ship, and the missile is treated as if it were homing in on that ship. See system, or a flare co':'nter is locat~d on the same spot; 1f this 1s. th~ case,
end at the same place that the area of search ends, even if !hat results maximum radar detection range, it is acquired. As indicated in rule 19, c (1) for the effect of chaff wi~hin 1" _of ~.target ship. _If t~e the missile can acqurre the chaff 1n the normal manner. If a m1ss11e can-
in the last scanning area being shorter than the distances given in lhe Rule 14 below, missiles set for radar homing may acquire and missile fails to acquire the chaff, any ship w1th1n 1 of the chaff is still not acquire a target by radar detection because it is jammed, the missile
table above. home in on chaff counters that are within 1" of the flight path. considered "protected" by it, so when the missile searches the ship, will automatically acquire the jamming unit if it is within scanning range
When noise jamming SSM's, the missiles cannot reduce gain. reduce the chance of the ship being detected in the same manner that and the missile is capable of home on jamming.
The illustralion below shows the scanning areas of a missile set to Should the missile detect a counter which is a "dummy", the the chance of such protected ships is reduced when being searched
search a wide area. The second from the last SSM counter is at point A. missile will not acquire it; it will continue searching until a for by a normal search radar. Thus missiles will first attempt to acquire targets by radar. If one is
the last missile counter is at point 9_ proper target is acquired. deteCted infra-red, if available, is used to reject chaff. If the missile is
Notes: The restriction on the acquisition of targets that are too close to jammed B.nd ca".'not acguire ~ targe.t, _hl'.'rf!e ~n jamming, }f available, will
------, the point the missile's homing he~d is activa_te~ (r!Jle 13,d above) also
applies to chaff. If no chaff is acquired, the m1ss1le 1s than allowed to at·
allow it to acquire the 1amming unit 1f 1t 1s m the scanning area.
I f. Multiple homing: If a missile has several methods of homing, see rule
14, c below. tempt to acquire ship targets.

AREA ctle
Note: Although the launching rules require that a target must be
located by the firing ship and (usually) tracked by one of its dir_ectors
or radars during the phase of launch, the missile is not required to
home in on that target; it will instead home in on anv target meeting the
Also, if chaff is initially launched during the phase t~e missile is in posi-
tion to acquire it, the rating of the ~haff system will have an. effect on
whether it is acquired. If the launching system was rated A, iust follow
the procedures above; there is no additional effect. If the launching system
After a target has been acquired, the missil~will home in It. Remove_t~e
last missile counter from its current location and place it so that 1t 1s
touching the model or counter of the target. Durii:ig the SSM ~egi:nent
of the combat phase in which the target was acquired, determine 1f the
B" I I acquisition requirements. was raled B, missiles with either MTI or pulse doppler seekers w1ll not missile hits the target and the amount of damage caused by it. The
I 21" !:_ __ _J acquire the chaff during that phase; mi~siles withou~ MTI ?r pulse dop- missile is considered homing from the time it acquires a target until it
'--- If a missile fails to acquire a target for any reason, the player owning the pler seekers will acquire the chaff only 1f. th~ ca~d p1ck~d is a spade. If either hits or misses during the SSM segment.
missile will attempt to acquire the target having the next highest priority. the launching system was rated C, n~ m1ss1le will acquire t~e chaff. Of
b. Before searching any counters, the player commanding the missile Continue doing this until a target is acquired, or all possible targets are course, these restrictions apply only during the phase the chaff 1s launched. Also, place one card next to each target for every missile homing in on
should determine which unit would be the target of highest priority searched. it. As the missiles are defeated by ECM or weapons, remove one card
were it to be detected by the missile. To determine w·hich target would Special: If a chaff counter i~ i,yit~in 1" of a ship _and due to the every time one of the missiles is defeated. In this way, players can
be of the highest priority, see Rule 14 below After determining which privisions of Rule 13, d, the missile 1s unable_ to acqu1r_e the_ch_aff.,~he easily keep track of the number of missiles which are still capable of
unit is ol the highest priority, the player commanding the missile will 14. ACTIVE HOMING -- TARGET PRIORITY AND SIZE: missile is also automatically unable to acquire any ships w1th1n 1 of hitting the target.
have the missile search for 1t as described below. If the unit is detected, a. If a missile is set to home in by only one of the methods given in rule the chaff counter.
the missile will home in on it. If the missile does not detect the target, 7,b, the order of priority among the possible targets is based solely on
determine which unit would be the next highest in priority and then their size. The largest target always has first priority, followed by the 3. If the missile is set for homing by the infra-red method, a ship a. Detection by radar detectors: Only missiles set for activ~ rad~r

determine if the missile detects it. Continue lollowing this procedure second largest target, etc.; the smallest target is the one having the with a displacement of over 10,000 tons is a large target, a ~hip homing can be detected by radar detectors, and the detection will
until the missile detects a target (and automatically homes in on it) or it lowest priority. To determine which target is the largest, do as follows: with a displacement of between 1000 and 10,000 tons is a occur at the normal time when the use of radar detectors Is resolve~.
searched for alt units but failed to acquire any. Of course, when medium target, and a ship with a displacement of less than 1000 Of course radar homing missiles cannot be detected until their
following this procedure, do not search any additional units after the 1. If the method of homing of the missile is anti-radiation or tons is considered a small target. If there are several targets of homing heads are "turned on. Semi-active missiles can never be
missile succeeds in detecting one home on jamming, lhe largest target is the one closest to the the same size, the target having the highest priority is the one detected by radar detectors.
second from the last missile counter that is using a jam mer or closest to the second from the last mtssile counter. If there are
c. If one counter represents several missiles, the owning player radar that can be detected by the missile. Missiles usln-g either of flares within 1" of the missile's flight path these may appear as Before the use of radar detectors is resolved, the player owning a':ly
attempts to acquire a target for each missile separalely. For each these two methods of homing are incapable of rejecting any the largest targets, so flares may be the targets having the missile that is set for radar homing and has already turned on its
missile in turn, the owning player will search all opposing units, target and will home in on ·ships, helicopters at surface highest priority. When one or more flares are within 1" of the homing head will announce the width of the missile's area of search.
beginning with the one of the highest priority, until it succeeds in skimming altitude, or decoys if they are using jammers or radars flight path, pick one card, regardless of the number of _su?h When resolving the use of a radar detectors, th~ oppos!ng pla_yer will
detecting (and acquiring) a target, or fails to detect any. He will then do that can be detected. flares. 1f the card is of any suit except heart, the m1ss1le determine if any of his units can detect the missile with the1~ r~d~r
the same for each additional missile in turn until all missiles have determines the flares to be the targets of highest priority and will detector. Units with working radar detectors will detect the _missile 1f
detected a target or faHed to detect any of them. 2. If the missile is set for radar homing, the size of the targets is home in on the flare counter closest to the second from the lasl the distance between the unit and any point along the ~hght path
the same as the size designation on their counters, i.e., ships missile counter. If the missile homes in on any flare, even a flare between the last and second from the last missile counters 1s le~s th~n
As indicated in Rule 15. the last SSM counter will be moved to the point represented by "Small" counters are small targets, ships within 1" of a ship, the missile is immediately removed from or equal to three times the total width of the area of search as given 1n
next to that occupied by the unit the missile is homing in on. If a missile represented by "Medium" counters are medium targets. while play. The provisions of Rule 13, d also apply to flares. Follow the rule 7,e.
counter represents several missiles which are homing 1n or. several ships represented by "Large" counters are large targets. If a procedures given for chaff in (2) above to determine the effects
targets, place a missile counter next to each such target. target is not represented by a counter, ships havin_g a of rule 13, d on flares Example: If the opposing player indicates that the missil~'s area of
displacement of under 1000tons are small targets: those with a search is medium, it has a search area 8" long. The sear~h1ng player
d. After determining which opposing counter is of the highe~t priority, the displacement of 1000 to 10,000 tons are medium targets, while 4. Decoys: Decoys can be designed to attract active h~ming will determine if any of his units are within 24" of any point along the
player must determine if the following circumstance applies: ships of over 10,000 tons are large targets. The actual missiles. However. decoys other than towed decoys equipped fhght path between the last ~nd second 1rOf!1 t~e l~st missile counter. If
displacements of the targets does not directly affect the target with blip enhancers, can never appear as large as surface ships there are any units, they will detect the m1ss1le 1f they have working
Targets lhat are too close to the point the missile's homing priority, e.g., if one target has a displacement of 15,000 tons and Therefore, the decoy counters will always have the lowest
nead activated -- Missiles require a certain amount of time to radar detectors.
another has a displacement of 11,000 tons, both are large priority. However, if a missile searches an area where it f~ils to
search !or and acquire targets. If the missile is too close to a targets and have the same priority, the 15,000 ton ship is not acquire a target, it must then search each decoy counter 1n the
target at the time its homing head activates, ii may not have If any unit detects the missile, the detecting player may write the
considered larger than the 11,000 ton ship. area, provided the decoy is provided with equipment_ that can number on the initial SSM counter on the proper place on the
sufficient time to acquire the target. If the distance between the attract a missile and the missile is capable of acquiring small
target and the point the missile's hominQ, head activated is less detecting units TDD's.
Exceptions: II a target is using a radar reflector or blip enhancer, it will targets If these requirements are met, pick one card for .~a~h
than or equal to 25% of the missile's speed, the firing player·must be considered to be a large target regardless of its actual decoy counter In the area. If the card 1s a spade, the m1ss1le
roll one decimal die. Unless the number rolled is 3 or less, the b. Detection by radio detector: As indicated earlier, some missilesa~e
displacement. Also, if a target is presenting its bow or stern to the homes 1n on the decoy. Remove the missile from play
missile will fail to acquire the target. Similarly, if the distance bet- capable of mid-course guidance which allows them ~o ~e.turned in
second from the last missile counter, it will be assumed to be one level immedialely, and after all SSM target acquisition is completed, flight. Turning is accomplished at thf'. be~innir:ig of a missiles move. If
ween the target and the point the missile's homing head activated smaller than .It actually is unless it is using a blip enhancer or radar also remove frorn play all decoy cou111er<; which have SSM's
is greater than 25% but less than 500/o of the missile's speed, the there is an opposing counter or unit lying d1r~ct_ly _between the last
reflector. Thus, for example, ships larger than 10,000 tons will be homing in on them missile counter and the guiding unit before a m1ss1le •.s n:ioved ~nd the
firer must roll a decimal die, and the missile will fail to acquire the
target unless the number rolled is 5 or !ess.
considered to be medium targets, ships of between 1000 and 10,000 Towed decoys are much larger than othe~ deco.ya and. may ~e made.to player commanding the missile intends to tu~n the m1ss1le du_r1ng t~at
tons will be considered small targets, while ships smaller than 1000 appear as a ship of any size to radar homing missiles 1fequ1pped with phase, he must point out to his opponent wh1_ch of the !lppos1ng units
tons will be considered very small targets_ blip enhancers. If~ ship is using a to\l'."ed d~C<?Y· the decoy wl!I be the are in a position capable of dete:ct1ng the radio _transm1ss1on between
target of highest priority to radar ~om1ng m_1s~1le~. ~owever, s1nce~he the guiding unit and the missile. T.he opposing. player ~u~t then
If several ships of the same size are in a scanning area, missiles decoy is so close to the towing ship, the sh1p 1s st1ll 1n danger of being indicate if the counters 1n position to detect the radio transm1s~1on ~re
e. If the restrictions in d above do not prevent the missile from randomly choose their targets. Therefore, when there are several hit by the missile. Thus, the missile is considered to be homing oi:i the real units having working radio detectors If th_ey_are re~I ~nits with
acquiring the target, the following requirements must be met for targets of similar size in a missile's scanning area, determine which towing ship as well as the decoy. The effects of the towed decoy will be working radio detectors, the player commanding ~h~ m1ss.1les must
successful target acquisition: target has highest priority by rolling one die for each such vessel; the explained in Rule 19, c (1). reveal the location ol the guiding unit; both the gu1d1ng unit an~ t~e
vessel receiving the highest number is the target of highest priority. missiles are immediately detected by the radio detectors. If the units in
1. If the missile is set for homing on jamming, it will The dice are rolled separately for each missile, even it the missiles are Note: If a unit is "detected" by a missile, the opposing ships an~ position to detect the radio transmissions are only "dummy" c~unters,
automatically acquire the target if"it has a "noise" counter next represented by the same counter; thus, one vessel will probably not be aircraft will not be able to receive this information. Therefore, no unit the position of the guiding unit need not be revealed, and ne1t~er the
to it. the priority target for all missiles. detected by a missile will ever be considered "located" by the guiding unit nor the missilesared_etected. ~he: player commanding the
opposing force. units in position to detect the radio transmissions ne~d ~at reveal that
2. If the missile is set for anti-radiation homing, it will Also, if there are any chaff counters within 1" of the flight path, the the units are real if he does not wish to do so; he may 1nd1~ate that they
automatically acquire the target if it has a "radar" counter next chaff may have the highest priority. Pick one card during any phase in b. As indicated earlier, a missile can be programmed to home in on are "dummies" or have no working radar detector, but 1f he does so,
to it. which the missile passes within 1" of one or more opposing chaff targets only if they are larger than a certai_n siz_e. and reje~t all pot~ntial neither the guiding unit nor the missiles can be detected.
markers to determine if the missile determines the chaff to be the targets smaller than that size. Th~ rules given 1n a det.erm1':1e the size'?'
3. If the missile is set for infra-red homing, it will automatically target of highest priority during that phase. Only one card is picked the target; if the size of a potential tar~et ~s determined 1n a above 1~ c. Detection by radar: All missiles in flight may be detected by
acquire the target if the target is within B" of the flight path. As regardless of the number of chaff counters that are within 1" of the smaller than the smallest size the missile 1s programmed to accept, it searching radars, even if their homing heads are not turned c:in. Befo~e
indicated in Rule 14 below, the missile may acquire and home in flight path. If the missile has neither MTI nor a pulse doppler radar, it cannot be acquired. resolving the use of searching radars, the players commanding SSM s
on flares that are within B" of the flight path will acquire the chaff and home in on it if the card is a spade or club_ If
must indicate the altitude levels at which each of their missile's are 19. ECM AFTER MISSILES ACQUIRE TARGETS:
flying. The opposing player will then determine the maximum Exemption: If the missile had an opportunity to acquire the flare f. Restrictions on SAM batteries:
1. When a missile has acquired a target and begins homing in, the during the SSM target acquisition portion of the phase but failed
detection ranges of all of his searching radars in accordance with the missile will be susceptible to ECM during the phase of homing just as it
normal radar search rules. He will then measure the range between the to do so, the flare can no longer affect the missile; each flare 1. Each SAM battery may consist of no more than one SAM
the missile were a fire control radar attempling to track a target. The receives only one opportunity to distract each missile. However, mount.
missile's flight path for that phase and each radar. If the range at any use of ECM against homing missiles will be resolved immediately after the missile can still be distracted by any flares launched after
point is less than or equal to the radar's maximum detection range, the the end of the electronic search segment of the phase, before resolving homing began.
missile counter is detected. 2. Each SAM battery must be controlled by a proper SAM FC
any gunnery. Al that time, units may use radar jammers or launch chaff
or flares as desired if the requirements for using ECM are met. The radar or optical director sight; local control SAM fire is not
Note: To determine if the missile is presenting its bow or stern aspect, d. ECM vs semi-active homing missiles: Since these missiles are. possible. A proper SAM FC radar is the type of radar capable of
requirements for using ECM againsl homing missiles are the same as
look to the second from the last SSM counter. The position of this controlled by a radar mounted on a ship, not one moun_ted in the directing the SAM; the Radar Guide indicates which type of
for using ECM against fire control radars. Thus, only the target and
counter will determine which aspect is being presented. units within 3" of the target may use ECM, and in addition, the mlssile itself the ship-mounted FC radar must be defeated 1n order to SAM can be directed by each radar. Most SAM's require that the
requirements for the use of the ECM devices, given in Part D of section defeat the missile. That radar can be defeated by ECM in the same target be tracked by the SAM's FC radar, but some SAM's can be
If the missile counter is detected, the player may record the XV, must also be met. In addition to using the normal radar manner as any other FC radar. During every combat phase in which directed by special optical director sights. The AA Table
designation of the SSM counter on the TDD's of the detecting u_nit and
countermeasures, which are only effective against radar homing the missile is flyir;g, the target must be tracked by the radar, and EC~ indicates which SAM's are capable of being fired by an optical
all units connected via data link to it. The player commanding the
missiles, the units meeting the requirements for using ECM against fire may be used against the radar whenever it is used. Norm~lly, the ship sight. The optical director sight and the battery's FC radar must
SSM's must indicate the number of missiles represented by the control radars may also launch flares, or turn jammers and radars on or controlling the missile must attempt to track thetarget dunngthe SSM always be directed against the same target; it is not possible for
detected counter if the detecting player asks him to do so. segment of the phase. However, during the phase the missile is an FC radar to track one target while the optical sight tracks
off as desired at this time in order to defeat the missile.
homing in on the target, the attempt at tracking must be resolved another. A SAM cannot be fired by an optical sight if the target
Missiles are frequently detected by air search radars. There are immediately after the end of the electronic search segment of the has not been visually sighted by the firing vessel itself. If a SAM
b. If the requirements for using ECM are met, the player commanding
actually two types of air search radars: 20 and 3D. The 2D radars have phase. The procedures for tracking the target during this phase are the battery does not have an optical sight and its FC radar is unable
the target must announce that he wishes to use ECM, and he must then
longer ranges, but the 3D is capable of providing more accurate determine it there is enough time to use the ECM effectively. If the same as for any other phase, and ECM can also be used in th~ no~m.al to track its target during a phase, the SAM may not fire. It the
information. Many ,,hips equipped with 2D radars for long-range missile was initially detected by any method during a prior phase, the manner. Remember that in order to determine if the target 1s w1th1n SAM's FC radar is knocked out, lts optical sight is knocked out
search are also equipped with 30 radars to allow faster firing against detection range of the radar, measure the distance between the target also.
detecting unit and all other units in communication with it by any
air targets. Most ships that are equipped with 2D radars but which do method (not just data link) have sufficient time to use ECM. If the and the second from the last missile counter; do not measure the
not have 3D radars in addition are equipped with height finding radars. missile was initially detected during the phase of homing, the distance between the target and the radar. 3. As indicated in (2) above, each SAM mount must be
As will be explained below, the ability of a ship to fire upon missiles following applies: controlled by an FC radar or optical sight, and a battery of
detected by air search radars will be influenced by whether the 20. FIRING AT MISSILES··REQUIREMENTS: SA M's cannot consist of more than one SAM mount. However,
detecting ship is equipped with a 30 radar, a height finding radar, ?r 1. If the missile is detected by a radar detector having a rating of a. Both players may fire guns and SAM's at SSM's during the gunnery each SAM mount can engage targets tracked by up to two such
neither. Additional information on 2D and 3D radars can be found 1n A, the detecting unit and all units connected by data link to that segment of each combat phase. radars or directors at the same time. Thus, each SAM mount can
the Modern Naval Warfare section of this book. unit may use ECM. form two batteries.
b. In order to fire at an SSM, the following requirements must be met:
Exceptions: The mounts on the US Virginia and Ticonderoga
d. Detection by visual sighting: If a ship launches SSM's during a 2. If the missile is detected by a radar detector having a rating of
phase in which it is visually sighted by an opposing unit, the missiles 1. The missile must be detected by the radar or by visual classes can each form four batteries; vertical launch systems can
B, or by any other method (radar, visual sighting), ECM may be form up to eight. Most SAM FC radars (or directors) can cont.rel
are immediately sighted. If the launch of the missiles was not spotted, used only by those units which have an ECM system rated A and sighting of the firiny u11it er a unit connected by data link to t~e
the missiles will be visually sighted if any point along the missile's firing unit. Detection by passive sensors (radar detectors, radio only one battery at a time, so usually the number of SAM batteries
which also either detected the missile or are connected by data capable of firing cannot exceed the number of SAM FC radars or
flight path between the last missile counter and the second f~om th~ link to a detecting unit. No·unit having a B ECM rating may use detectors) is not sufficient to allow firing at missile targets.
last missile counter is within visual sighting range of an opposing unrt directors. However, the radars controlling the US SM-2 missile and
ECM against the missile, and a unit which did not detect the the Soviet SA-N-6 can each control two batteries at a time.
during any electronic search segment of a combat phase Missiles can missile and which also has no data link connection to a 2. At least one point on the missile's flight path bet.w~en the lest
only be visually sighted during the electronic search segment of the and second from Jhe last missile counter must be w1th1n range of
detecting unit may not use ECM regardless of its ECM rating. the firing weapon. 4. Few SAM's are capable of engaging targets that are flying at
phase, not during the visibility segment. Determine if all missiles are
spotted after all SSM target acquisition has been resolved, but before surface skimming altitude. The AA Table has an (SS) indication
c. After determining what ECM, if any, can be used against a missile, next to all SAM's capable of firing at surface skimming targets.
the use of searching radars is resolved.
the player commanding lhe target ship will announce what ECM is 3. The guns or SAM's must not have ~e~n fired a~ s.urface
targets during the phase. If a gun or SAM 1s fired ata m1sstle, the All other SAM's may engage only those targets that fly above
being used. His opponent will then pick a card for each missile against surface skimming level.
To determine visual sighting range, both players will each roll one weapon may not subsequently be fired at surf~ce targe_ts during
which ECM is being used, and will determine it the ECM defeats the the same phase. Guns and SAM's may be fired against both
decimal die during any electronic searching segment if any opposing missile. The effects of ECM are as follows:
aircraft and missiles in the same phase, and they are capable of 21. PROCEDURES FOR FIRING AT MISSILES:
missiles are flying. Using the number rolled, consult the SSM Visual
Sighting Table to determine the maximum range at which ell of the firing at more than one missile or aircraft during a phase. a. Each player will fire his AA weapons one battery at a time. Th·
1. If the missile 1s semi-active or active radar homing, the procedures for firing each battery are as follows:
player's units can visually sight missiles. The die is rolled only once
regardless of the number of missiles or units in the player's force, and missile can be defeated only by range or velocity gate pull-off 4. The gun or SAM mount must be able to bear on the target
the number rolled will affect all units. As indicated on the SSM Visual and chaff; noise jamming will have no effect. The requirements missi!e. 1. The use of the battery's fire control rad2r, if any, must be
for defeating such missiles are the same as for defeating a fire resolved. However, since current missiles carry no ECM and the
Sighting Table, the maximum sighting range may be adjusted based
control radar. If range or velocity gate pull-off is used, the ranges of the FC radars are normally much greater than the
on the size of the missile or sighting unit. These adjustments will affect c. Weapons bearing: A w~apon may ~ot. be fired agai.nst a~ S?M r'ange of the weapon, the FC radar will automatically succeed in
missile's radar will be defeated if the card is of the proper suit; if unless it is capable of beanng on the m1ss1le. To determine this, first
each unit only if the situations actually apply to them. Thus, tracking the target if the target is a current-day SSM.
chaff is used, the missile will be defeated if the number on the
ad1ustments are applied on a unit by unit_ basis. and only t_ho~e card is not a multiple of the proper number indicated in the chaff
determine which aspect the firing unit is presenting toward the sec<;>nd
adjustments that actually apply to the searching unit and the missile from the last SSM counter. If this counter is off the firer's bow, the firer
rules. If a ship is within 1" of a chaff counter that was acquired by 2. The firing player must determine the basic accuracy rate of
being searched wilt affect the result of that search attempt. is presenting its bow aspect; if the SSM counter is off_ the fir~r·s st~rn,
the missile, the missile will hit the ship unless defeated by the the weapons being fired. The basic accuracy rates of all AA
chaff at this time. the firer is presenting his stern aspect; if the counter 1s off e1th~r ~1de,
weapons are found in Part I of the AA table.
Once a missile has been visually sighted by a unit it will remain sighted the firer is presenting the proper side aspect. The effect of ttus 1s as
by that unit as long as it remains within the maximum possible visual Missiles capable of both radar and infra-red homing can be defeated follows:
sighting range. The maximum possible visual sighting range is the 1. If the firer is presenting its bow aspect to the second from the 3. The player will then adjust the basic accuracy rate as
by A-rated chaff systems; only A-rated systems can affect such
sighting range that would result if the SSM Visual Sighting Table was missiles at this time. Similarly, these missiles can be defeated by last SSM counter, the unit may fire all weapons except those indicated in Part II of the AA Table. A description of the
consulted and a 1 was rolled. Thus, the maximum possible visual deception jamming only if the jamming ship has a flare launcher located on the stern. accuracy adjustments is Qiven in rules 22 and 23 below. Note
sighting range against medium-sized surface skimming missiles is or an A-rated chaff system. that the accuracy adjustriients for guns are different from those
2. If the firer is presenting its stern aspect, all weapons except for SAM's.
18", since this is the visual sighting range that would result if a 1 was
rolled and the SSM Visual Sighting Table was consulted. If a ship is towing a decoy, range or velocity gate pull-off will those located on the bow may fire.
always succeed if the card is a diamond. This is in addition to the 4. If guns are used, the player will then roll o_ne decimal di~ for
17. COUNTERMEASURES AGAINST MISSILES: usual suits that result in success of this technique. II range or 3. If the firer is presenting a si~e aspect, all .weapon's may be each gun fired. If SAM'sare used, the player will roll one decimal
The following countermeasures are capable of defeating SSM's: velocity gate pull-off succeeds, the decoy is always destroyed at fired except those located on the opposite side. die for each SAM mount. If a SAM mount forms two batteries,
the end of the phase. one decimal die is rolled tor each battery; i.e., two dice will be
1. ECM beefore the missile acquires a target, i.e., when the d. To resolve all AA fire, AA weapons ar"e grouped into batteries by the rolled for the mount, one for each target.
missile is searching for a target. firing player, and the firing ol AA weapons is resolved one battery at a
time. A battery is defined as a single weapons mount or a group of 5. After rolling the dice, consu!t Part Ill ?f the AA Table, cross-
2. If the missile is homing on jamming, it can only be defeated if reterring each number rolled with the adjusted accuracy rate of
2. ECM after a missile acquires a target and begins homing in the target ship shuts off its noise jammer. If it does so, the weapons mounts of the same type which are engaging a single target.
on it. A battery of guns can consist of several gun mounts, and each gun the battery. If a blank appears, the gun or SAM mount miss~d
missile will be defeated if the card picked is a heart or diamond the target, while if a 1 appears, the weapon has shot down its
If the card is a club or spade, the missile will continue homing in mount may be part of only one battery. A battery of SAM's can consist
3. Shooting down the missile with guns or SAM's. of no more than one SAM mount, but as explained below, one SA~ target. If a number in parentheses appears on the AA.Tab.le, roll
on the target. Chaff and deception jamming have no effect on the decimal die again· it the number rolled at that ttme 1s less
missiles that are homing on jamming. mount can form two batteries Normally, the firing of each battery will
be controlled by a rire control radar, although this is not required it the than or equal to the n'umber in parentheses, the target is sh?t
battery consists of guns, More than one battery may engage the same down while if the number rolled exceeds the number 1n
3. If the missile is an anti-radiation missile, it can only be target. parentheses, the target is missed.
defeated if the target turns off its radar. (Turning off a radar is an
ECM technique and can only be accomplished during missile &. As explained in rule 22 below, if a batt~ry shoots down its
homing if the target detected the missile.) If the target does so, e. Gunnery and fire control radars: Gunnery fire control r~dars are
ECM can be used before the missile acquires a target in order to mounted on gun directors; 1t is not possible to direct a gun director at target it may immediately fire at another aerial target (misslle or
the missile will be defeated it the card picked is a heart or aircraft) if the requirements for shifting fire are met.
obscure true targets from the missile or cause the missile to home in on diamond. one target and the fire control radar at another. Usually, the number of
a false target. Chaff, decoys, flares, reflectors and noise jammers can gun mounts on a ship exceeds the number of fire control radars and
accomplish such tasks. Just follow the normal. ECM vs. searching 4. If the missile is an infra-red homing missile, it can be deteated directors, and a player is permitted to fire each mount at separate
radar procedures when using ECM before target acquisition Bear in only if a flare is within 1" of the missile's path. If there is a flare, targets. If this is done. the m?unts firing at targets a9ainst which no
mind that the active homing missile's radar is immune to false target the missile will be defeated if the card picked is of any suit gun director is used must fire by local control, with much lower 22. ADJUSTMENTS TO THE AA GUN ACCURACY RATES: . . .
generation, just like other fire control radars. except spade. accuracy than those mounts fired at targets tracked by a gun director a. As indicated above, a target may not be fired upon u~t1I 1t 1s
or radar. Mounts tired by locat control are assumed to have an FC detected by the firer by visual sighting or radar. If guns are ft red at a
37 rating of H.
must indicate the altitude levels at which each of their missile's are 19. ECM AFTER MISSILES ACQUIRE TARGETS:
flying. The opposing player will then determine the maximum Exemption: If the missile had an opportunity to acquire the flare f. Restrictions on SAM batteries:
1. When a missile has acquired a target and begins homing in, the during the SSM target acquisition portion of the phase but failed
detection ranges of all of his searching radars in accordance with the missile will be susceptible to ECM during the phase of homing just as it
normal radar search rules. He will then measure the range between the to do so, the flare can no longer affect the missile; each flare 1. Each SAM battery may consist of no more than one SAM
the missile were a fire control radar attempling to track a target. The receives only one opportunity to distract each missile. However, mount.
missile's flight path for that phase and each radar. If the range at any use of ECM against homing missiles will be resolved immediately after the missile can still be distracted by any flares launched after
point is less than or equal to the radar's maximum detection range, the the end of the electronic search segment of the phase, before resolving homing began.
missile counter is detected. 2. Each SAM battery must be controlled by a proper SAM FC
any gunnery. Al that time, units may use radar jammers or launch chaff
or flares as desired if the requirements for using ECM are met. The radar or optical director sight; local control SAM fire is not
Note: To determine if the missile is presenting its bow or stern aspect, d. ECM vs semi-active homing missiles: Since these missiles are. possible. A proper SAM FC radar is the type of radar capable of
requirements for using ECM againsl homing missiles are the same as
look to the second from the last SSM counter. The position of this controlled by a radar mounted on a ship, not one moun_ted in the directing the SAM; the Radar Guide indicates which type of
for using ECM against fire control radars. Thus, only the target and
counter will determine which aspect is being presented. units within 3" of the target may use ECM, and in addition, the mlssile itself the ship-mounted FC radar must be defeated 1n order to SAM can be directed by each radar. Most SAM's require that the
requirements for the use of the ECM devices, given in Part D of section defeat the missile. That radar can be defeated by ECM in the same target be tracked by the SAM's FC radar, but some SAM's can be
If the missile counter is detected, the player may record the XV, must also be met. In addition to using the normal radar manner as any other FC radar. During every combat phase in which directed by special optical director sights. The AA Table
designation of the SSM counter on the TDD's of the detecting u_nit and
countermeasures, which are only effective against radar homing the missile is flyir;g, the target must be tracked by the radar, and EC~ indicates which SAM's are capable of being fired by an optical
all units connected via data link to it. The player commanding the
missiles, the units meeting the requirements for using ECM against fire may be used against the radar whenever it is used. Norm~lly, the ship sight. The optical director sight and the battery's FC radar must
SSM's must indicate the number of missiles represented by the control radars may also launch flares, or turn jammers and radars on or controlling the missile must attempt to track thetarget dunngthe SSM always be directed against the same target; it is not possible for
detected counter if the detecting player asks him to do so. segment of the phase. However, during the phase the missile is an FC radar to track one target while the optical sight tracks
off as desired at this time in order to defeat the missile.
homing in on the target, the attempt at tracking must be resolved another. A SAM cannot be fired by an optical sight if the target
Missiles are frequently detected by air search radars. There are immediately after the end of the electronic search segment of the has not been visually sighted by the firing vessel itself. If a SAM
b. If the requirements for using ECM are met, the player commanding
actually two types of air search radars: 20 and 3D. The 2D radars have phase. The procedures for tracking the target during this phase are the battery does not have an optical sight and its FC radar is unable
the target must announce that he wishes to use ECM, and he must then
longer ranges, but the 3D is capable of providing more accurate determine it there is enough time to use the ECM effectively. If the same as for any other phase, and ECM can also be used in th~ no~m.al to track its target during a phase, the SAM may not fire. It the
information. Many ,,hips equipped with 2D radars for long-range missile was initially detected by any method during a prior phase, the manner. Remember that in order to determine if the target 1s w1th1n SAM's FC radar is knocked out, lts optical sight is knocked out
search are also equipped with 30 radars to allow faster firing against detection range of the radar, measure the distance between the target also.
detecting unit and all other units in communication with it by any
air targets. Most ships that are equipped with 2D radars but which do method (not just data link) have sufficient time to use ECM. If the and the second from the last missile counter; do not measure the
not have 3D radars in addition are equipped with height finding radars. missile was initially detected during the phase of homing, the distance between the target and the radar. 3. As indicated in (2) above, each SAM mount must be
As will be explained below, the ability of a ship to fire upon missiles following applies: controlled by an FC radar or optical sight, and a battery of
detected by air search radars will be influenced by whether the 20. FIRING AT MISSILES··REQUIREMENTS: SA M's cannot consist of more than one SAM mount. However,
detecting ship is equipped with a 30 radar, a height finding radar, ?r 1. If the missile is detected by a radar detector having a rating of a. Both players may fire guns and SAM's at SSM's during the gunnery each SAM mount can engage targets tracked by up to two such
neither. Additional information on 2D and 3D radars can be found 1n A, the detecting unit and all units connected by data link to that segment of each combat phase. radars or directors at the same time. Thus, each SAM mount can
the Modern Naval Warfare section of this book. unit may use ECM. form two batteries.
b. In order to fire at an SSM, the following requirements must be met:
Exceptions: The mounts on the US Virginia and Ticonderoga
d. Detection by visual sighting: If a ship launches SSM's during a 2. If the missile is detected by a radar detector having a rating of
phase in which it is visually sighted by an opposing unit, the missiles 1. The missile must be detected by the radar or by visual classes can each form four batteries; vertical launch systems can
B, or by any other method (radar, visual sighting), ECM may be form up to eight. Most SAM FC radars (or directors) can cont.rel
are immediately sighted. If the launch of the missiles was not spotted, used only by those units which have an ECM system rated A and sighting of the firiny u11it er a unit connected by data link to t~e
the missiles will be visually sighted if any point along the missile's firing unit. Detection by passive sensors (radar detectors, radio only one battery at a time, so usually the number of SAM batteries
which also either detected the missile or are connected by data capable of firing cannot exceed the number of SAM FC radars or
flight path between the last missile counter and the second f~om th~ link to a detecting unit. No·unit having a B ECM rating may use detectors) is not sufficient to allow firing at missile targets.
last missile counter is within visual sighting range of an opposing unrt directors. However, the radars controlling the US SM-2 missile and
ECM against the missile, and a unit which did not detect the the Soviet SA-N-6 can each control two batteries at a time.
during any electronic search segment of a combat phase Missiles can missile and which also has no data link connection to a 2. At least one point on the missile's flight path bet.w~en the lest
only be visually sighted during the electronic search segment of the and second from Jhe last missile counter must be w1th1n range of
detecting unit may not use ECM regardless of its ECM rating. the firing weapon. 4. Few SAM's are capable of engaging targets that are flying at
phase, not during the visibility segment. Determine if all missiles are
spotted after all SSM target acquisition has been resolved, but before surface skimming altitude. The AA Table has an (SS) indication
c. After determining what ECM, if any, can be used against a missile, next to all SAM's capable of firing at surface skimming targets.
the use of searching radars is resolved.
the player commanding lhe target ship will announce what ECM is 3. The guns or SAM's must not have ~e~n fired a~ s.urface
targets during the phase. If a gun or SAM 1s fired ata m1sstle, the All other SAM's may engage only those targets that fly above
being used. His opponent will then pick a card for each missile against surface skimming level.
To determine visual sighting range, both players will each roll one weapon may not subsequently be fired at surf~ce targe_ts during
which ECM is being used, and will determine it the ECM defeats the the same phase. Guns and SAM's may be fired against both
decimal die during any electronic searching segment if any opposing missile. The effects of ECM are as follows:
aircraft and missiles in the same phase, and they are capable of 21. PROCEDURES FOR FIRING AT MISSILES:
missiles are flying. Using the number rolled, consult the SSM Visual
Sighting Table to determine the maximum range at which ell of the firing at more than one missile or aircraft during a phase. a. Each player will fire his AA weapons one battery at a time. Th·
1. If the missile 1s semi-active or active radar homing, the procedures for firing each battery are as follows:
player's units can visually sight missiles. The die is rolled only once
regardless of the number of missiles or units in the player's force, and missile can be defeated only by range or velocity gate pull-off 4. The gun or SAM mount must be able to bear on the target
the number rolled will affect all units. As indicated on the SSM Visual and chaff; noise jamming will have no effect. The requirements missi!e. 1. The use of the battery's fire control rad2r, if any, must be
for defeating such missiles are the same as for defeating a fire resolved. However, since current missiles carry no ECM and the
Sighting Table, the maximum sighting range may be adjusted based
control radar. If range or velocity gate pull-off is used, the ranges of the FC radars are normally much greater than the
on the size of the missile or sighting unit. These adjustments will affect c. Weapons bearing: A w~apon may ~ot. be fired agai.nst a~ S?M r'ange of the weapon, the FC radar will automatically succeed in
missile's radar will be defeated if the card is of the proper suit; if unless it is capable of beanng on the m1ss1le. To determine this, first
each unit only if the situations actually apply to them. Thus, tracking the target if the target is a current-day SSM.
chaff is used, the missile will be defeated if the number on the
ad1ustments are applied on a unit by unit_ basis. and only t_ho~e card is not a multiple of the proper number indicated in the chaff
determine which aspect the firing unit is presenting toward the sec<;>nd
adjustments that actually apply to the searching unit and the missile from the last SSM counter. If this counter is off the firer's bow, the firer
rules. If a ship is within 1" of a chaff counter that was acquired by 2. The firing player must determine the basic accuracy rate of
being searched wilt affect the result of that search attempt. is presenting its bow aspect; if the SSM counter is off_ the fir~r·s st~rn,
the missile, the missile will hit the ship unless defeated by the the weapons being fired. The basic accuracy rates of all AA
chaff at this time. the firer is presenting his stern aspect; if the counter 1s off e1th~r ~1de,
weapons are found in Part I of the AA table.
Once a missile has been visually sighted by a unit it will remain sighted the firer is presenting the proper side aspect. The effect of ttus 1s as
by that unit as long as it remains within the maximum possible visual Missiles capable of both radar and infra-red homing can be defeated follows:
sighting range. The maximum possible visual sighting range is the 1. If the firer is presenting its bow aspect to the second from the 3. The player will then adjust the basic accuracy rate as
by A-rated chaff systems; only A-rated systems can affect such
sighting range that would result if the SSM Visual Sighting Table was missiles at this time. Similarly, these missiles can be defeated by last SSM counter, the unit may fire all weapons except those indicated in Part II of the AA Table. A description of the
consulted and a 1 was rolled. Thus, the maximum possible visual deception jamming only if the jamming ship has a flare launcher located on the stern. accuracy adjustments is Qiven in rules 22 and 23 below. Note
sighting range against medium-sized surface skimming missiles is or an A-rated chaff system. that the accuracy adjustriients for guns are different from those
2. If the firer is presenting its stern aspect, all weapons except for SAM's.
18", since this is the visual sighting range that would result if a 1 was
rolled and the SSM Visual Sighting Table was consulted. If a ship is towing a decoy, range or velocity gate pull-off will those located on the bow may fire.
always succeed if the card is a diamond. This is in addition to the 4. If guns are used, the player will then roll o_ne decimal di~ for
17. COUNTERMEASURES AGAINST MISSILES: usual suits that result in success of this technique. II range or 3. If the firer is presenting a si~e aspect, all .weapon's may be each gun fired. If SAM'sare used, the player will roll one decimal
The following countermeasures are capable of defeating SSM's: velocity gate pull-off succeeds, the decoy is always destroyed at fired except those located on the opposite side. die for each SAM mount. If a SAM mount forms two batteries,
the end of the phase. one decimal die is rolled tor each battery; i.e., two dice will be
1. ECM beefore the missile acquires a target, i.e., when the d. To resolve all AA fire, AA weapons ar"e grouped into batteries by the rolled for the mount, one for each target.
missile is searching for a target. firing player, and the firing ol AA weapons is resolved one battery at a
time. A battery is defined as a single weapons mount or a group of 5. After rolling the dice, consu!t Part Ill ?f the AA Table, cross-
2. If the missile is homing on jamming, it can only be defeated if reterring each number rolled with the adjusted accuracy rate of
2. ECM after a missile acquires a target and begins homing in the target ship shuts off its noise jammer. If it does so, the weapons mounts of the same type which are engaging a single target.
on it. A battery of guns can consist of several gun mounts, and each gun the battery. If a blank appears, the gun or SAM mount miss~d
missile will be defeated if the card picked is a heart or diamond the target, while if a 1 appears, the weapon has shot down its
If the card is a club or spade, the missile will continue homing in mount may be part of only one battery. A battery of SAM's can consist
3. Shooting down the missile with guns or SAM's. of no more than one SAM mount, but as explained below, one SA~ target. If a number in parentheses appears on the AA.Tab.le, roll
on the target. Chaff and deception jamming have no effect on the decimal die again· it the number rolled at that ttme 1s less
missiles that are homing on jamming. mount can form two batteries Normally, the firing of each battery will
be controlled by a rire control radar, although this is not required it the than or equal to the n'umber in parentheses, the target is sh?t
battery consists of guns, More than one battery may engage the same down while if the number rolled exceeds the number 1n
3. If the missile is an anti-radiation missile, it can only be target. parentheses, the target is missed.
defeated if the target turns off its radar. (Turning off a radar is an
ECM technique and can only be accomplished during missile &. As explained in rule 22 below, if a batt~ry shoots down its
homing if the target detected the missile.) If the target does so, e. Gunnery and fire control radars: Gunnery fire control r~dars are
ECM can be used before the missile acquires a target in order to mounted on gun directors; 1t is not possible to direct a gun director at target it may immediately fire at another aerial target (misslle or
the missile will be defeated it the card picked is a heart or aircraft) if the requirements for shifting fire are met.
obscure true targets from the missile or cause the missile to home in on diamond. one target and the fire control radar at another. Usually, the number of
a false target. Chaff, decoys, flares, reflectors and noise jammers can gun mounts on a ship exceeds the number of fire control radars and
accomplish such tasks. Just follow the normal. ECM vs. searching 4. If the missile is an infra-red homing missile, it can be deteated directors, and a player is permitted to fire each mount at separate
radar procedures when using ECM before target acquisition Bear in only if a flare is within 1" of the missile's path. If there is a flare, targets. If this is done. the m?unts firing at targets a9ainst which no
mind that the active homing missile's radar is immune to false target the missile will be defeated if the card picked is of any suit gun director is used must fire by local control, with much lower 22. ADJUSTMENTS TO THE AA GUN ACCURACY RATES: . . .
generation, just like other fire control radars. except spade. accuracy than those mounts fired at targets tracked by a gun director a. As indicated above, a target may not be fired upon u~t1I 1t 1s
or radar. Mounts tired by locat control are assumed to have an FC detected by the firer by visual sighting or radar. If guns are ft red at a
37 rating of H.
target during the phase it is initially detected by visual sighting or d. Adjust all accuracy rates based on the target missile's normal
radar, adjust the accuracy of all weapons as follows: speed: the second roll. Thus, if the target's flight path is perpendicular to the d. If either the last or second from the last target counter 1s beyond the
firer, each gun mount fires twice at the target. The diagram below maximum range of the SAM, adjust the accuracy rate as follows:
1. If the firing weapon has an FC rating of 8-H, subtract 5 from Target's illustrates when the target's flight path is perpendicular to the firer. 1f
its accuracy rate: if its FC rating is A, the accuracy rate is not Speed Ad)ustment the firer is located anywhere between the dotted Jines, the target's 1. If either of these counters is beyond the maximum range,
reduced. Under 10" +8 flight path is perpendicular to the firer. subtract 3 from the accuracy rate.
10"-19" +5
2. If the firing unit or a unit in communication with the firer 20"-29" +2 ' I 2. If both of tbese counters are beyond the maximum range,
detected the target with a radar detector or radio detector 30"-39" No adjustment ' I subtract 6 from the accuracy rate. Bear in mind that unless some
during the prior phase, the amount of adjustment in (1) above point on the target's flight path for that phase is within maximum
40"-49" -1
may .be reduced. If the radar detection rating of the detecting 50"-59" -2 range of the SAM, the weapon cannot be fired.
unit 1s A, reduce the amount of reduction in (1) by 5. In other 60"-69" -3
w~rds, the accuracy rates of all weapons having any FC rating 90"-109" -5 LAST
i SECOND FROM e. Normally, SAM's are controlled by an FC radar. However, when a
will not be reduced at all due to the provisions of (1) above ifthe 200"+ -8 I THE LAST SAM is controlled solely by an optical director sight, subtract 2 from
target was detected during the prior phase by an A-rated radar I SSM COUNTER the accuracy rate.
detector mounted on the firing ship or a unit in communication When firing at missiles, their speeds are always considered to be the
with t~e firer. If th~ radar detection rating of th.e detecting unit is speed listed on the SSM Data Table. Thus, for example, the speed of f. If an SSM is homing in on its target during the phase of firing,
8, or 1f the detection was made by a radio detector, reduce the H_arpoons, Exocets, and Otomats is always 30" regardless of the I. Shifting fire: If a battery shoots down a target, the entire battery may measure the distance between the last and second from the last SSM
amount of adjustment in (1) above by 3. Thus, if a target was distance actually travelled by the missile during the phase. fire again at another missile or aircraft target immediately. When firing counter and adjust accuracy as follows:
detected during the prior phase by 8-rated radar detectors, the at the new target, compute accuracy in the normal manner, but in
accuracy rates of all weapons having FC ratings of B-H will be 1. If the second from the last target counter is within maximum range addition, reduce the accuracy rate as indicated below. If the accuracy 1. If the distance is greater than two-thirds of the SSM's normal
reduced to 2 rather than 5; the accuracy rates of weapons ot the firing unit, adjust the accuracy rate as follows: rate is less than 1, no firing is possible. If the accuracy rate is 1 or more, speed, there is no adjustment.
having A FC ratings remains unreduced. roll one decimal die for each gun in the battery to determine if the new
1. If the distance between the firer and the second from the last target is shot down. A battery may shift fire only if it successfully 2. If the distance is greater than one-third but less than or equal
3. The type of radar equipment on the detecting unit may also target counter exceeds 75% or the gun's maximum range, there shoots down a target and its accuracy rate after all adjustments is 1 or to two-thirds of the SSM's normal speed, subtract 5 from the
affect the accuracy of firing during this phase. If the firing is no adjustment. -, higher. If either of these conditions are not met, the battery may not accuracy rate.
we.span has a~ AFC rat!~g or if t~e target is at surface skimming shift fire to another target. A battery may continue firing at additional
alt!tu.de, the:re 1s n? add1t1onal ad1ustment. Also, if the detecting 2. If the distance between the firer and the second from the last targets as long as the requirements are met. Example: If a ship 3. If the distance is less than or equal to one-third of the SSM's
unit is a shtp equipped with a working 30 radar or an a·ircraft target counter is greater than 50% but less than or equal to 75% equipped with two 5"/54 guns successfully shoots down a missile, it speed, subtract 10 from the accuracy rate.
t~ere w!ll be no additional adjustment to the accuracy rate'. of the gun's maximum range, subtract 1 from the accuracy rate. may fire both guns at another missile (or aircraft) during lhe same
Finally, 1f the target is within the vertical and horizontal range of phase. When firing at the new target, reduce the accuracy as indicated g. If the SAM battery shoots down its target, it may immediately fireat
a T~S radar_ located on the detecting unit, there will be no 3. If the distance between the firer and that counter is greater below in addition to the normal adjustments. If the battery again another aerial target. When firing at an additional target, follow the
add1t1onal ad1ustment to the accuracy rate. However, if none of than 25% but less than or equal to 50% of the gun's maximum shoots down a target, 1t may fire at another. However, if the battery fails rules in 22,i above.
the above apply, the accuracy rate will be reduced further. If the range, subtract 3 from the accuracy rate. to shoot down its target or if its accuracy rate after all adjustments 1s
~electing unit is a ship equipped with a 20 radar plus a height less than 1, no further firing is possible. 24. EFFECTS OF ACCURACY ADJUSTMENTS:
finder (but no 30 radar), subtract an additional 5 from the 4. If the distance Is less than or equal to 25% of the gun's a. Only gunnery adjustments apply to gunfire; only SAM adjustments
accur~cy ra~e._ rt th~ abov.e condi.tions. do not apply and the maximum range, subtract 6 from the accuracy rate. When shifting targets, adjust accuracy as follows in addition to the apply to SAM's.
detecting unit 1s a ship equipped with neither a height finder nor normal adjuStments:,
a 30 radar, subtract 10 from the weapon's accuracy rates. t. Usually, a tire control radar is used to direct AA fire. However, in b. All adjustments are cumulative.
those situations when a fire control radar is not available, adjust the 1. The accuracy rate is adjusted based on the FC rating of the
4. The type of detection also affects accuracy rates. If thetarget accuracy rate as follows: firing weapon: c. If, after adjustments, the accuracy rate of the weapon exceeds 18,
was detected by radar, there is no additional adjustment. If the use the 18 column on the AA Table to determine results.
target was not detected by radar (i.e., it was detected by visual 1. If the firing unit has a search or TWS radar capable of
sighting only), subtract an additional 5 from the accuracy rates. detecting the target (i.e., the radar is operating and the altitude FC Rating Ad)ustment d. If, after all adjustments, the accuracy rate of the weapon is less than
level at which. the target is flying can be searched by the radar) A -7 1, use the 1 column on the AA Table to determine results.
5. Subtract an additional 3 from the accuracy rate if the firing or if the firer 1s connected by data link to a unit having such a B -8
vessel is a Soviet design. radar, subtract 3 from the accuracy rate. C-F -11 Exception: If a battery fires at more than one target during a phase, no
G -14 firing is possible against targets other than the initial target when the
~O:I~:. All of the adjustments above apply to the phase when the target 2. If neither the firer nor any unit connected by data link to the H -17 accuracy rate is less than 1. When fire is shifted, the accuracy rate
is 1~1t1ally detected by radar or visual sighting; none of them apply firer haS: a search or TWS radar capable of detecting the target, against the new target must always be 1 or higher or firing is not
during subsequent phases. Most of the adjustments above are based subtract 5 if the firer's gun director is operational and directing 2. If the firing battery does not have an operating FC radar, permitted.
on the equipmen_t •. etc., f!f the detecting unit, not the firing unit, and the fire of the battery. subtract an additional 2.
they ai;>ply to all f1nng units. In all cases, the detecting unit upon which 25. LONG RANGE SAM'S:
the adjustments are based must be either the firer or a unit connected 3. If neither the firer nor any unit connected to it by data link has 3. If the firing ship is a Soviet design, subtract an additional 2. a. One SAM, the Talas, can fly for more than one phase. This missile
to the firer by data link, except when explicitly stated otherwise. a radar capable of detecting the target, and the battery's fire is can be fired it the normal requirements are met. If the range between
Detecting units which are not in contact with the firer do not affect not being directed by a gun director, the guns must fire by local 4. If the target is at surface skimming altitude, or if the firing the firer and the target at the time of launch is less than or equal to the
ac~ur~cy or the ·ability to fire in any way. If there are several detecting control. The FC ratings of the guns are reduced to H. battery has an FC rating of A, or if thefireror a unit connected by SAM's speed, follow the normal procedures.
un.1ts 1n proper contact with the firer, always base the accuracy data link to the firer detected the new target and has a 30 radar,
ad~ustments on the detecting unit which provides the smallest Note: None of the above adjustments apply if the battery's fire is there are no further adjustments. Also, if the new target is within b. If the range exceeds the SAM's speed, the target cannot be hit by
ad1ustment. controlled by a fire control radar. Also, the adjustments indicate the horizontal and vertical range of a TWS radar located on the the SAM during the phase of launch. The launching player must place
that !he accuracy rate is reduced to only a slight degree if either firer or a unit connected by a data link to the firer, there are no a SAM marker at a distance from the firing unit equal lo the speed of
the firer or a unit connected by data link to it has a search radar further adjustments. the SAM in the direction of launch.
capable of detecting the target. It is not necessary that this radar 5. If the conditions in (4) do not apply and the firer or a unit c. During the gunnery segment of the !allowing phase, determine _ii
b. The FC rating of the firing battery always affects its accuracy as actu~lly detect the target; it is only required that the radar be connected by data link to the firer detected the new target and the target is still tracked by the SAM's FC ra.dar. If not, the S~M 1_s
indicated below: working and capable of searching the altitude level at which the has a height finder plus a 20 radar, subtract an additional 3from immediately removed from play. If the target 1s tracked, determine 1f
target is flying. the accuracy rate. the distance between the SAM marker and the last target counter is
FC Rating Ad)ustmenl less than or equal to the maximum range of the SAM minus its speed
A +7. g. Special missile targets: 6. If the conditions in (4) do not apply and if the firer and all (!or the Talas, this distance is 95" since the maximum range ol this
B +5 other detecting units connected by data link to the firer have SAM is 195" and its speed i·s 100"). If the distance between the SAM~
c +2 1. If a missile is homing in on a target during the phase of firing, neither a height-finder nor a 30 radar, subtract an additional 6 marker and the target is less than or equal to the range of the SAM
minus its speed, the SAM may hit its target; otherwise, it automatically
D No Adjustment and the cruise altitude of the target missile exceeds the vertical from the accuracy rate.
E -2 range of the gun, the gun may fire at the missile during that misses its target.
F +2 phase, but the accuracy rate is reduced by 1. Example: If an 23. ADJUSTMENTS TO SAM ACCURACY RATES:
G -4 SSM flies at very high altitude and is homing in on a target, any d. If the SAM may hit its target during the phase after launch,
a. If the target was initially detected by radar or visual sighting during determine the accuracy rate ol the SAM in the normal manner,
H -7 gun having a vertical range less than very high may fire at the the phase, adjust the accuracy rate of all SAM batteries in the sam!=
missile during the homing phase if the other firing requirements mannerthat the accuracy rate of guns is adjusted when firing at targets adjusting the accuracy rate based on the situations that exist during
c. Whenever a weapon Is fired, measure the range between the firer are met, but the accuracy rate of the gun is reduced by 1. initially detected during the phase. 111 other words, adjust the SAM's the current phase rather than those that existed during the phase of
and the closest point to it on the target's flight path for that phase. launch. Also, subtract an additional 5 from the accuracy rate. Then.
accuracy rates in accordance with rule 22,a above.
Reduce the accuracy rate as follows: 2. If the target is a Harpoon or Otomat Mk1, subtract 2 from the roll a decimal die and consult the AA Table in the normal manner to
accuracy rate during the phase the missile homes in on a target. determine if the SAM hits its target.
b. If bolh the last and second from the last target counters are within
Range Ad)ustment the minimum range of the firer, the SAM's automatically miss the
Under 2" No adjustment 3. If the target is an Exocet or Korrnoran, subtract 1 from the e. The firing player may not change the target of the SAM while the
target. SAM is flying. Thus, if a SAM flies for more than one phase, the target
2"-3" -3 accuracy rate during the phase of homing if the gun is a 40mm
4"-5" -5 prox. or 50mm or larger. during the second phase of flight must be the same unit that was the
c. If the distance between the firer and the nearest point to it on the
6"-10" -10 target's flight path for that phase is less than the minimum range of the target during the first phase.
11"-15" -15 h. If the target's flight path for that phase is perpendicular to the SAM, subtract the SAM's Min. Range Red. (given in Part I of the AA
16"+ -20 p_ositio~ of the firer, the firi.ng player may roll two times for each gun Table) from the accuracy rate. I. A battery may not fire again while the SAM is flying or the missile
mount 1n the battery. The second roll is adjusted 1n the same manner as already in flight automatically misses its target. Thus, if a SAM is still
flying during the phase after launch, and during that phase the same
39 the first except that the adjustments in a and e above do not apply to
target during the phase it is initially detected by visual sighting or d. Adjust all accuracy rates based on the target missile's normal
radar, adjust the accuracy of all weapons as follows: speed: the second roll. Thus, if the target's flight path is perpendicular to the d. If either the last or second from the last target counter 1s beyond the
firer, each gun mount fires twice at the target. The diagram below maximum range of the SAM, adjust the accuracy rate as follows:
1. If the firing weapon has an FC rating of 8-H, subtract 5 from Target's illustrates when the target's flight path is perpendicular to the firer. 1f
its accuracy rate: if its FC rating is A, the accuracy rate is not Speed Ad)ustment the firer is located anywhere between the dotted Jines, the target's 1. If either of these counters is beyond the maximum range,
reduced. Under 10" +8 flight path is perpendicular to the firer. subtract 3 from the accuracy rate.
10"-19" +5
2. If the firing unit or a unit in communication with the firer 20"-29" +2 ' I 2. If both of tbese counters are beyond the maximum range,
detected the target with a radar detector or radio detector 30"-39" No adjustment ' I subtract 6 from the accuracy rate. Bear in mind that unless some
during the prior phase, the amount of adjustment in (1) above point on the target's flight path for that phase is within maximum
40"-49" -1
may .be reduced. If the radar detection rating of the detecting 50"-59" -2 range of the SAM, the weapon cannot be fired.
unit 1s A, reduce the amount of reduction in (1) by 5. In other 60"-69" -3
w~rds, the accuracy rates of all weapons having any FC rating 90"-109" -5 LAST
i SECOND FROM e. Normally, SAM's are controlled by an FC radar. However, when a
will not be reduced at all due to the provisions of (1) above ifthe 200"+ -8 I THE LAST SAM is controlled solely by an optical director sight, subtract 2 from
target was detected during the prior phase by an A-rated radar I SSM COUNTER the accuracy rate.
detector mounted on the firing ship or a unit in communication When firing at missiles, their speeds are always considered to be the
with t~e firer. If th~ radar detection rating of th.e detecting unit is speed listed on the SSM Data Table. Thus, for example, the speed of f. If an SSM is homing in on its target during the phase of firing,
8, or 1f the detection was made by a radio detector, reduce the H_arpoons, Exocets, and Otomats is always 30" regardless of the I. Shifting fire: If a battery shoots down a target, the entire battery may measure the distance between the last and second from the last SSM
amount of adjustment in (1) above by 3. Thus, if a target was distance actually travelled by the missile during the phase. fire again at another missile or aircraft target immediately. When firing counter and adjust accuracy as follows:
detected during the prior phase by 8-rated radar detectors, the at the new target, compute accuracy in the normal manner, but in
accuracy rates of all weapons having FC ratings of B-H will be 1. If the second from the last target counter is within maximum range addition, reduce the accuracy rate as indicated below. If the accuracy 1. If the distance is greater than two-thirds of the SSM's normal
reduced to 2 rather than 5; the accuracy rates of weapons ot the firing unit, adjust the accuracy rate as follows: rate is less than 1, no firing is possible. If the accuracy rate is 1 or more, speed, there is no adjustment.
having A FC ratings remains unreduced. roll one decimal die for each gun in the battery to determine if the new
1. If the distance between the firer and the second from the last target is shot down. A battery may shift fire only if it successfully 2. If the distance is greater than one-third but less than or equal
3. The type of radar equipment on the detecting unit may also target counter exceeds 75% or the gun's maximum range, there shoots down a target and its accuracy rate after all adjustments is 1 or to two-thirds of the SSM's normal speed, subtract 5 from the
affect the accuracy of firing during this phase. If the firing is no adjustment. -, higher. If either of these conditions are not met, the battery may not accuracy rate.
we.span has a~ AFC rat!~g or if t~e target is at surface skimming shift fire to another target. A battery may continue firing at additional
alt!tu.de, the:re 1s n? add1t1onal ad1ustment. Also, if the detecting 2. If the distance between the firer and the second from the last targets as long as the requirements are met. Example: If a ship 3. If the distance is less than or equal to one-third of the SSM's
unit is a shtp equipped with a working 30 radar or an a·ircraft target counter is greater than 50% but less than or equal to 75% equipped with two 5"/54 guns successfully shoots down a missile, it speed, subtract 10 from the accuracy rate.
t~ere w!ll be no additional adjustment to the accuracy rate'. of the gun's maximum range, subtract 1 from the accuracy rate. may fire both guns at another missile (or aircraft) during lhe same
Finally, 1f the target is within the vertical and horizontal range of phase. When firing at the new target, reduce the accuracy as indicated g. If the SAM battery shoots down its target, it may immediately fireat
a T~S radar_ located on the detecting unit, there will be no 3. If the distance between the firer and that counter is greater below in addition to the normal adjustments. If the battery again another aerial target. When firing at an additional target, follow the
add1t1onal ad1ustment to the accuracy rate. However, if none of than 25% but less than or equal to 50% of the gun's maximum shoots down a target, 1t may fire at another. However, if the battery fails rules in 22,i above.
the above apply, the accuracy rate will be reduced further. If the range, subtract 3 from the accuracy rate. to shoot down its target or if its accuracy rate after all adjustments 1s
~electing unit is a ship equipped with a 20 radar plus a height less than 1, no further firing is possible. 24. EFFECTS OF ACCURACY ADJUSTMENTS:
finder (but no 30 radar), subtract an additional 5 from the 4. If the distance Is less than or equal to 25% of the gun's a. Only gunnery adjustments apply to gunfire; only SAM adjustments
accur~cy ra~e._ rt th~ abov.e condi.tions. do not apply and the maximum range, subtract 6 from the accuracy rate. When shifting targets, adjust accuracy as follows in addition to the apply to SAM's.
detecting unit 1s a ship equipped with neither a height finder nor normal adjuStments:,
a 30 radar, subtract 10 from the weapon's accuracy rates. t. Usually, a tire control radar is used to direct AA fire. However, in b. All adjustments are cumulative.
those situations when a fire control radar is not available, adjust the 1. The accuracy rate is adjusted based on the FC rating of the
4. The type of detection also affects accuracy rates. If thetarget accuracy rate as follows: firing weapon: c. If, after adjustments, the accuracy rate of the weapon exceeds 18,
was detected by radar, there is no additional adjustment. If the use the 18 column on the AA Table to determine results.
target was not detected by radar (i.e., it was detected by visual 1. If the firing unit has a search or TWS radar capable of
sighting only), subtract an additional 5 from the accuracy rates. detecting the target (i.e., the radar is operating and the altitude FC Rating Ad)ustment d. If, after all adjustments, the accuracy rate of the weapon is less than
level at which. the target is flying can be searched by the radar) A -7 1, use the 1 column on the AA Table to determine results.
5. Subtract an additional 3 from the accuracy rate if the firing or if the firer 1s connected by data link to a unit having such a B -8
vessel is a Soviet design. radar, subtract 3 from the accuracy rate. C-F -11 Exception: If a battery fires at more than one target during a phase, no
G -14 firing is possible against targets other than the initial target when the
~O:I~:. All of the adjustments above apply to the phase when the target 2. If neither the firer nor any unit connected by data link to the H -17 accuracy rate is less than 1. When fire is shifted, the accuracy rate
is 1~1t1ally detected by radar or visual sighting; none of them apply firer haS: a search or TWS radar capable of detecting the target, against the new target must always be 1 or higher or firing is not
during subsequent phases. Most of the adjustments above are based subtract 5 if the firer's gun director is operational and directing 2. If the firing battery does not have an operating FC radar, permitted.
on the equipmen_t •. etc., f!f the detecting unit, not the firing unit, and the fire of the battery. subtract an additional 2.
they ai;>ply to all f1nng units. In all cases, the detecting unit upon which 25. LONG RANGE SAM'S:
the adjustments are based must be either the firer or a unit connected 3. If neither the firer nor any unit connected to it by data link has 3. If the firing ship is a Soviet design, subtract an additional 2. a. One SAM, the Talas, can fly for more than one phase. This missile
to the firer by data link, except when explicitly stated otherwise. a radar capable of detecting the target, and the battery's fire is can be fired it the normal requirements are met. If the range between
Detecting units which are not in contact with the firer do not affect not being directed by a gun director, the guns must fire by local 4. If the target is at surface skimming altitude, or if the firing the firer and the target at the time of launch is less than or equal to the
ac~ur~cy or the ·ability to fire in any way. If there are several detecting control. The FC ratings of the guns are reduced to H. battery has an FC rating of A, or if thefireror a unit connected by SAM's speed, follow the normal procedures.
un.1ts 1n proper contact with the firer, always base the accuracy data link to the firer detected the new target and has a 30 radar,
ad~ustments on the detecting unit which provides the smallest Note: None of the above adjustments apply if the battery's fire is there are no further adjustments. Also, if the new target is within b. If the range exceeds the SAM's speed, the target cannot be hit by
ad1ustment. controlled by a fire control radar. Also, the adjustments indicate the horizontal and vertical range of a TWS radar located on the the SAM during the phase of launch. The launching player must place
that !he accuracy rate is reduced to only a slight degree if either firer or a unit connected by a data link to the firer, there are no a SAM marker at a distance from the firing unit equal lo the speed of
the firer or a unit connected by data link to it has a search radar further adjustments. the SAM in the direction of launch.
capable of detecting the target. It is not necessary that this radar 5. If the conditions in (4) do not apply and the firer or a unit c. During the gunnery segment of the !allowing phase, determine _ii
b. The FC rating of the firing battery always affects its accuracy as actu~lly detect the target; it is only required that the radar be connected by data link to the firer detected the new target and the target is still tracked by the SAM's FC ra.dar. If not, the S~M 1_s
indicated below: working and capable of searching the altitude level at which the has a height finder plus a 20 radar, subtract an additional 3from immediately removed from play. If the target 1s tracked, determine 1f
target is flying. the accuracy rate. the distance between the SAM marker and the last target counter is
FC Rating Ad)ustmenl less than or equal to the maximum range of the SAM minus its speed
A +7. g. Special missile targets: 6. If the conditions in (4) do not apply and if the firer and all (!or the Talas, this distance is 95" since the maximum range ol this
B +5 other detecting units connected by data link to the firer have SAM is 195" and its speed i·s 100"). If the distance between the SAM~
c +2 1. If a missile is homing in on a target during the phase of firing, neither a height-finder nor a 30 radar, subtract an additional 6 marker and the target is less than or equal to the range of the SAM
minus its speed, the SAM may hit its target; otherwise, it automatically
D No Adjustment and the cruise altitude of the target missile exceeds the vertical from the accuracy rate.
E -2 range of the gun, the gun may fire at the missile during that misses its target.
F +2 phase, but the accuracy rate is reduced by 1. Example: If an 23. ADJUSTMENTS TO SAM ACCURACY RATES:
G -4 SSM flies at very high altitude and is homing in on a target, any d. If the SAM may hit its target during the phase after launch,
a. If the target was initially detected by radar or visual sighting during determine the accuracy rate ol the SAM in the normal manner,
H -7 gun having a vertical range less than very high may fire at the the phase, adjust the accuracy rate of all SAM batteries in the sam!=
missile during the homing phase if the other firing requirements mannerthat the accuracy rate of guns is adjusted when firing at targets adjusting the accuracy rate based on the situations that exist during
c. Whenever a weapon Is fired, measure the range between the firer are met, but the accuracy rate of the gun is reduced by 1. initially detected during the phase. 111 other words, adjust the SAM's the current phase rather than those that existed during the phase of
and the closest point to it on the target's flight path for that phase. launch. Also, subtract an additional 5 from the accuracy rate. Then.
accuracy rates in accordance with rule 22,a above.
Reduce the accuracy rate as follows: 2. If the target is a Harpoon or Otomat Mk1, subtract 2 from the roll a decimal die and consult the AA Table in the normal manner to
accuracy rate during the phase the missile homes in on a target. determine if the SAM hits its target.
b. If bolh the last and second from the last target counters are within
Range Ad)ustment the minimum range of the firer, the SAM's automatically miss the
Under 2" No adjustment 3. If the target is an Exocet or Korrnoran, subtract 1 from the e. The firing player may not change the target of the SAM while the
target. SAM is flying. Thus, if a SAM flies for more than one phase, the target
2"-3" -3 accuracy rate during the phase of homing if the gun is a 40mm
4"-5" -5 prox. or 50mm or larger. during the second phase of flight must be the same unit that was the
c. If the distance between the firer and the nearest point to it on the
6"-10" -10 target's flight path for that phase is less than the minimum range of the target during the first phase.
11"-15" -15 h. If the target's flight path for that phase is perpendicular to the SAM, subtract the SAM's Min. Range Red. (given in Part I of the AA
16"+ -20 p_ositio~ of the firer, the firi.ng player may roll two times for each gun Table) from the accuracy rate. I. A battery may not fire again while the SAM is flying or the missile
mount 1n the battery. The second roll is adjusted 1n the same manner as already in flight automatically misses its target. Thus, if a SAM is still
flying during the phase after launch, and during that phase the same
39 the first except that the adjustments in a and e above do not apply to
battery is fired again, the SAM launched during the prior phase 30. SSM DAMAGE TO AIRCRAFT CARRIERS: b. Unlike normal SSM's, the speed of a SAM always exceeds its indicated for the SAM. If the SAM's ·FD rating is 100, consult the Deck
automatically misses. In addition to the normal damage indicated on the SSM Damage maximum range. SAM's will therefore be launched during one phase damage portion of the Gunnery Damage Chart in order to determine
Tables, aircraft carriers will also sustain the following damage: and will home in on their targets during the following combat phase. damage; the SSM Damag~ Tables are not used In this case.
Since the SA M's are semi-active homing, the target must be tracked by
26. DETERMINING IF THE SSM HITS ITS TARGET: a. Damage to aircraft: Aircraft will be destroyed as follows: the SAM's FC radar both during the phase of launch.and the following d. When SAM's ere used as SSM's, they can be engaged by gunnery
If the SSM is not defeated by ECM or shot down, determine if the SSM phase; if radar tracking is broken, the SAM's will miss the target. end other SAM's just as normal SSM's. SAM's used against air targets
hits the target during the SSM segment of the combat phase. To do 1. If the carrier has over seventy-five planes on board, it will lose ere not susceotible to AA fire of any kind.
this, roll one decimal die for each SSM homing in. If the number rolled sixteen aircraft if hit by a large missile, eight aircraft if hit by a c. When a SAM having en FD rating of over 100 scores a hit, always
medium missile, or four aircraft if hit by a small missile. e. Each SAM battery may fire a maximum of two SAM's at a surface
is less than or equal to the missile's accuracy rate as given on the SSM consult the "Small" SSM damage tables regardless of the size target during each phase. A SAM battery may not fire at surface targets
Data Table, the missile hits the target; if the number rolled exceeds the if it fired on aircraft or missiles during the same phase. Each SAM
accuracy rate, the missile misses its target and is removed from play 2. II the carrier has between fifty·one and seventy-five planes
on board, 1t will lose twelve aircraft if hit by a large missile, six if battery may engage only one surface target at a time.
immediately. If a O is rolled, it is considered to be a roll of 1O. If one or
more missiles hit. their targets, immediately determine the damage hit by a medium missile, or three if hit by a small missile.
caused by the hit in accordance with Rule 27.
3. If the carrier has between twenty-six and fifty planes, it will
lose eight to a large missile, four to a medium missile or two to a CHARTS AND TABLES
small missile.
If an SSM hits its target, roll one decimal die and consult the proper 4. If the carrier has twenty-five or fewer planes, it wilt lose four
SSM Damage Table to determine the results. There are a number of to a large missile, two to a medium missile, or one to a small
S_SM Damage Tables, as damage is based on the size of the target, the missile.
s1z.e of the mi~sile and.whether the missile flew at surface skimming
altitude or a higher altitude level. Use the surface skimmer tables for b. For every three aircraft destroyed, the carrier will sustain ~level one A. DAMAGE TO THE SHIP COLLIDED WITH: B. DAMAGE TO THE SHIP CAUSING THE COLLISION:
surface skimming missiles, use the high angle tables for all other fire. Round the fire upward to the nearest level if the number O'f aircraft Situation 3 Situation 3
missiles. Determine the table that fits the situation and consult that destroyed is not equally divisible by three. Number rolled - Result Number rolled - Result
table using the number rolled to determine the damage. The damage 1 - 2 = Minor flooding 1 - 5 = Minor flooding
must be sustained immediately. Roll once for each missile hit. c. Whenever Harpoon, Otomat or any high angle missile hits an 3 - 5 = Moderate flooding 6 - 7 = Minor flooding, bow-mounted sonar KO, electronics
aircraft carrier, the carrier wilt sustain flight deck damage equal to the 6 = Moderate flooding, Fire Level 2 damage. ,
Exception: Although the Harpoon and Oto mat are surface skimming missile's FD rating unless the missile is a dud. If it is a dud, the carrier 7 = Moderate flooding, electronics damage 8 = Moderate flooding, bow-mounted sonar KO, fire level 2,
missiles, they will cause damage as if they came in fro-ma high altitude, will sustain flight deck damage equal to 25% of the missile's FD rating. 8 = Moderate flooding, moderate engine damage, severe minor engine damage, severe electronics damage, one
so use the high altitude tables when Harpoons or Otomats hit a target. Unlike with gunfire damage, there will be no increased damage if electronics damage. generator KO.
aircraft are also destroyed. 9 = Heavy flooding, one generator KO, major engine damage, 9 = Moderate flooding, bow-moun:ed sonar KO, moderate
28. SPECIAL SSM: very severe electronics damage. engine damage, severe electronics damage, one
Surface skimming missiles (other than Harpoon and Otomat) will also 10 =Heavy flooding, two generator KO, very severe engine generator KO.
a. SS-N-14 carries a homing torpedo that can be used against surface cause flight deck damage as above, but only it the number picked damage, very severe electronics damage. 10 = Heavy flooding, bow-mounted sonar KO, major damage,
ships as well as submerged submarines. when consulting the SSM Damage Table is 1, 2, or 3. two generators KO, very severe electronics damage.
Situation 2
Number rolled - Result Situation 2
b. If torpedoes are used, they may be set for either acoustic homing or See the Damage rules to determine the effects of flight deck damage.
1 - 7 = Minor flooding Number rolled - Result
non-homing. Acoustic homing torpedoes may be set for straight
31. SSM DAMAGE TO TANKERS AND OILERS: 8 = Moderate' flooding, electronics damage. 1 - 2 = Minor flooding
running or pattern running The launching player must record in
writing at the time of launch if the torpedoes are set for acoustic or a. If tankers or oilers are hit by SSM's, the following additional damage 9 = Moderate flooding, minor engine damage, electronics 3 - 4 = Minor flooding, bow-mounted sonar KO, electronics
will be sustained: damage. damage.
non-acoustic homing, and if they are set for acoustic homing, tre must
also indicate if they are set for straight running or pattern running. 10 =Moderate flooding, moderate engine damage, severe 5 - 6 = Moderate flooding, bow-mounted sonar KO, electronics
1. Large Missile - Fire Level 16 electronics damage, one generator KO. damage.
2. Medium missile - Fire level 8 7 - 8 = Moderate flooding, bow-mounted sonar KO, fire level 2,
c. At the time of launch, the launching player must indicate m writing the 3. Small missile - Fire level 4 Situation 1 moderate engine damage, severe electronics damage,
point at which he wishes the missiles to release their payloads. To do Number rolled - Result one generator KO.
this, he must merely indicate the distance in inches from the first SSM 32. SSM DAMAGE TO SHIPS WITH POOR SHOCK MOUNTINGS: 1 - 2 = Moderate Flooding 9 - 10 = Heavy flooding, bow-mounted sonar KO, major engine
counter that he wants the payloads released. Each missile may be set The Ship Characteristics Table indicates ships which have poor shock 3 = Heavy flooding, fire level 2 damage, two generators KO, very severe electronics
to release its payloads at different points. No more than one torpedo may mountings. If such a ship sustains an SSM hit, in addition to sustaining 4 - 5 = Heavy flooding, severf! electronics damage. damage.
be released within 4" of any other torpedo; i.e., there may be no more normal damage, look at the damage indicated for the number that is 6 = Heavy flooding, severe electronics damage, moderate
than two torpedoes within 4" of each other. All payloads must be set to one higher than the .number actually rolled when consulting the SSM engine damage. Situation 1
be released within 15'' of the position of the target at the time of launch. Damage Table. If that result calls for engine damage or electronics 7 = Heavy flooding, one generator KO, major engine damage, Number rolled - Result
damage, the ship wilt sustain that engine or electronics damage in very severe electronics damage. 1 - 5 = No damage
d. SS-N-14s are launched and moved just as normal SSMs. They are sub- addition to its normal damage. 8 - 10 = Very heavy flooding, two generators KO, very severe 6 - 7 = Minor flooding
ject to being shot down in flight just like other SSMs. During the phase engine damage, very severe electronics damage. 8 - 9 = Minor flooding, bow-mounted sonar KO, electronics
in which the missile reaches the point at which it is to release its payload, Exception: If the normal damage cells for engine damage and the damage.
the last SSM count will be placed down at that point, and in addition, a number that is one higher than the number actually rolled also 10 = Moderate flooding, bow-mounted sonar KO, severe
torpedo counter will be placed beneath that SSM counter. During the indicates engine damage, the ship will sustain only the engine damage electronics damage, one generator KO, minor engine
subsequent combat phase, the missile will be treated as if it is homing of greater severity, not both. damage.
in. lt may be fired upon in the normal manner, but when determining ac-
curacy rates, the missile is assumed 10 have moved its full speed during 33. SSM RELOADING: GUNNERY DATA TABLE
that phase, even if the dislance between the last and second from the Currently, only the Soviet Kynda and Kiev classes carry reloads for
last SSM counter is less than that distance. During the SSM segment their SSM's. The Kyndas carry one set of reloads, the Kievs carry one Makar Waapon Ace llanga Bands Makar Weapon Ace llanga Bands
of the phase in which the SS-N-14 is considered to be homing (i.e., the or two. Reloading is carried out during the combat phase. It takes five Short _;,_ Long V Long Short _,,_ Long V Long
combat phase after the phase in which the warhead was released), the consecutive combat phases to reload one tube on each mount. During us 16"/5D 2 16 11
32 11
48 11
63 11 11 11
SSM counters are removed. During the torpedo segment of that phase,
76.2 Dual 9 6" 12 17 23 11
the phases in which a mount is being reloaded, the entire mount may
the torpedo is not capable of hitting any targets, but it may be moved not be fired. Should the reloading of a tube be sloped before it is 8"/55 1D 12 11 24" 36 11 47 11 57/8D 7 5" 10 11 15" 20 11
in accordance with the normal torpedo movement rules. Thereafter, the completed, i.e., before five consecutive combat phases are completed, 6"/47 8 9" 19 11 28 11 38" 57/7D 7 4" 8" 12 11 15 11
torpedo will follow the normal torpedo rules. Treat the point at which the the reloading process must begin all over again; the ship will lose the 7" 11
21 11 27 11
5"/38 8 14 45/85 5 4" 8" 12" 15 11
torpedo enters the water as the point of launch. All torpedoes delivered benefit for the combat phases in which reloading of that tube was
by SS-N-14 are assumed to be set for a wide pattern. begun but not completed. More than one mount may be reloaded at 5"/54 MK42- 11 10" 20 11 30 11 39 11 37/6D 4 4" B" 12 11 15 11
the same time, at the same rate. 5"/54 MK45 9 10 11 20 11 30 11 39 11 3D/6D 4 2" 4" 6" 9"
e. The SS-N-14 is capable of mid-course correction in the normal manner. 3"/5D 7 5" 10" 15 11 21" 25/6D 2 1" 3" 4" 6"
Example: If a ship has two mounts, each mount may have one tube
being reloaded at the same time. After five consecutive combat 76 .2/62 9 8" 16 11 24 11 32 11 UK 6 11 10 9" 18 11 27 11 36 11
I. If an SS-N-14 is shot down, the torpedo cannot function. phases, both mounts will each have one reloaded tube. NATO 2Dmm 6 2" 4" 5" 7" 4.5 Mk5 7 8" 16" 24 11 31 11
g. SS-N-14's are not susceptible to ECM, although the tracking
40mm 7 5" 10 11 15 11 20 11 4.5 Mk6 8 8" 16 11 24" 31 11
NATO Harpoon mounts are capable of being reloaded in a similar
radar can be 1ammed If the tracking radar is 1ammed, m1d·course manner, but currently it seems that no ship carries reloads. Other USSR 152/57 6 11 11 22 11 33 11 44" 4.5 MkB 9 9" 18 11 27 11 36 11
correctron 1s not possible, but 1n all other respects, the m1ss1le 1s not NATO SSM mounts are not capable of being reloaded except at port. 130/70 12 11 11
23 11
34 11
46" 11
3 /70 9 7" 1411 21 11 28 11
130/58 6 11 11 23 11 34" 46" France 100mm 10 7" 1411 21 11 28 11
a. Some SAM's ere dual purpose and can be used against surface 130/50 6 6" 12 11 18 11 24 11 57mm 5 6" 12 11 1811 24 11
a. Whenever any SSM except Otomat, Sea Killer, and Penguin hits a
target having 'Cleek armor, reduce engine damage and flooding by one
targets as well as aircraft. When SAM's are used in this manner, follow 100mm New 11 6" 12 11 18 11 24 11 30mm 4 4" 8" 12 11 16 11
I the normal SSM procedures. The SArvt's which can be used as SSM's 100/50 6 8" 16" 24 11 33 11 Dutch 12Dmm 10- 7" 14 11 21 11 28 11
level. Example: Moderate engine damage will become minor engine
I damage; heavy flooding will become normal flooding. are listed on the SSM Data Table. As indicated there, all such SAM's
are semi-active and when used as SSM's, SAM's have a very large 100/56 5 6" 13" 19" 26 11 Italy 127/54 12 10 11 20 11 30 11 ·40 11
b. Whe~ever an Otoma~. Sea Killer, or Penguin hits an armored target,
minimum range. They are launched, move, and home in during the 85/50 4 6" 12 11 18 11 24 11 76/62 7 8" 16 11
24 11 32 11
I SSM segments of the combat phases, just as if they were SSM's. 76.2 Single 12 6" 12 11 17 11 23 11 76/62 DMC 9 8" 16 11 24 11 32 11
there will be no reduction 1n damage. These missiles will cause the
41 42
battery is fired again, the SAM launched during the prior phase 30. SSM DAMAGE TO AIRCRAFT CARRIERS: b. Unlike normal SSM's, the speed of a SAM always exceeds its indicated for the SAM. If the SAM's ·FD rating is 100, consult the Deck
automatically misses. In addition to the normal damage indicated on the SSM Damage maximum range. SAM's will therefore be launched during one phase damage portion of the Gunnery Damage Chart in order to determine
Tables, aircraft carriers will also sustain the following damage: and will home in on their targets during the following combat phase. damage; the SSM Damag~ Tables are not used In this case.
Since the SA M's are semi-active homing, the target must be tracked by
26. DETERMINING IF THE SSM HITS ITS TARGET: a. Damage to aircraft: Aircraft will be destroyed as follows: the SAM's FC radar both during the phase of launch.and the following d. When SAM's ere used as SSM's, they can be engaged by gunnery
If the SSM is not defeated by ECM or shot down, determine if the SSM phase; if radar tracking is broken, the SAM's will miss the target. end other SAM's just as normal SSM's. SAM's used against air targets
hits the target during the SSM segment of the combat phase. To do 1. If the carrier has over seventy-five planes on board, it will lose ere not susceotible to AA fire of any kind.
this, roll one decimal die for each SSM homing in. If the number rolled sixteen aircraft if hit by a large missile, eight aircraft if hit by a c. When a SAM having en FD rating of over 100 scores a hit, always
medium missile, or four aircraft if hit by a small missile. e. Each SAM battery may fire a maximum of two SAM's at a surface
is less than or equal to the missile's accuracy rate as given on the SSM consult the "Small" SSM damage tables regardless of the size target during each phase. A SAM battery may not fire at surface targets
Data Table, the missile hits the target; if the number rolled exceeds the if it fired on aircraft or missiles during the same phase. Each SAM
accuracy rate, the missile misses its target and is removed from play 2. II the carrier has between fifty·one and seventy-five planes
on board, 1t will lose twelve aircraft if hit by a large missile, six if battery may engage only one surface target at a time.
immediately. If a O is rolled, it is considered to be a roll of 1O. If one or
more missiles hit. their targets, immediately determine the damage hit by a medium missile, or three if hit by a small missile.
caused by the hit in accordance with Rule 27.
3. If the carrier has between twenty-six and fifty planes, it will
lose eight to a large missile, four to a medium missile or two to a CHARTS AND TABLES
small missile.
If an SSM hits its target, roll one decimal die and consult the proper 4. If the carrier has twenty-five or fewer planes, it wilt lose four
SSM Damage Table to determine the results. There are a number of to a large missile, two to a medium missile, or one to a small
S_SM Damage Tables, as damage is based on the size of the target, the missile.
s1z.e of the mi~sile and.whether the missile flew at surface skimming
altitude or a higher altitude level. Use the surface skimmer tables for b. For every three aircraft destroyed, the carrier will sustain ~level one A. DAMAGE TO THE SHIP COLLIDED WITH: B. DAMAGE TO THE SHIP CAUSING THE COLLISION:
surface skimming missiles, use the high angle tables for all other fire. Round the fire upward to the nearest level if the number O'f aircraft Situation 3 Situation 3
missiles. Determine the table that fits the situation and consult that destroyed is not equally divisible by three. Number rolled - Result Number rolled - Result
table using the number rolled to determine the damage. The damage 1 - 2 = Minor flooding 1 - 5 = Minor flooding
must be sustained immediately. Roll once for each missile hit. c. Whenever Harpoon, Otomat or any high angle missile hits an 3 - 5 = Moderate flooding 6 - 7 = Minor flooding, bow-mounted sonar KO, electronics
aircraft carrier, the carrier wilt sustain flight deck damage equal to the 6 = Moderate flooding, Fire Level 2 damage. ,
Exception: Although the Harpoon and Oto mat are surface skimming missile's FD rating unless the missile is a dud. If it is a dud, the carrier 7 = Moderate flooding, electronics damage 8 = Moderate flooding, bow-mounted sonar KO, fire level 2,
missiles, they will cause damage as if they came in fro-ma high altitude, will sustain flight deck damage equal to 25% of the missile's FD rating. 8 = Moderate flooding, moderate engine damage, severe minor engine damage, severe electronics damage, one
so use the high altitude tables when Harpoons or Otomats hit a target. Unlike with gunfire damage, there will be no increased damage if electronics damage. generator KO.
aircraft are also destroyed. 9 = Heavy flooding, one generator KO, major engine damage, 9 = Moderate flooding, bow-moun:ed sonar KO, moderate
28. SPECIAL SSM: very severe electronics damage. engine damage, severe electronics damage, one
Surface skimming missiles (other than Harpoon and Otomat) will also 10 =Heavy flooding, two generator KO, very severe engine generator KO.
a. SS-N-14 carries a homing torpedo that can be used against surface cause flight deck damage as above, but only it the number picked damage, very severe electronics damage. 10 = Heavy flooding, bow-mounted sonar KO, major damage,
ships as well as submerged submarines. when consulting the SSM Damage Table is 1, 2, or 3. two generators KO, very severe electronics damage.
Situation 2
Number rolled - Result Situation 2
b. If torpedoes are used, they may be set for either acoustic homing or See the Damage rules to determine the effects of flight deck damage.
1 - 7 = Minor flooding Number rolled - Result
non-homing. Acoustic homing torpedoes may be set for straight
31. SSM DAMAGE TO TANKERS AND OILERS: 8 = Moderate' flooding, electronics damage. 1 - 2 = Minor flooding
running or pattern running The launching player must record in
writing at the time of launch if the torpedoes are set for acoustic or a. If tankers or oilers are hit by SSM's, the following additional damage 9 = Moderate flooding, minor engine damage, electronics 3 - 4 = Minor flooding, bow-mounted sonar KO, electronics
will be sustained: damage. damage.
non-acoustic homing, and if they are set for acoustic homing, tre must
also indicate if they are set for straight running or pattern running. 10 =Moderate flooding, moderate engine damage, severe 5 - 6 = Moderate flooding, bow-mounted sonar KO, electronics
1. Large Missile - Fire Level 16 electronics damage, one generator KO. damage.
2. Medium missile - Fire level 8 7 - 8 = Moderate flooding, bow-mounted sonar KO, fire level 2,
c. At the time of launch, the launching player must indicate m writing the 3. Small missile - Fire level 4 Situation 1 moderate engine damage, severe electronics damage,
point at which he wishes the missiles to release their payloads. To do Number rolled - Result one generator KO.
this, he must merely indicate the distance in inches from the first SSM 32. SSM DAMAGE TO SHIPS WITH POOR SHOCK MOUNTINGS: 1 - 2 = Moderate Flooding 9 - 10 = Heavy flooding, bow-mounted sonar KO, major engine
counter that he wants the payloads released. Each missile may be set The Ship Characteristics Table indicates ships which have poor shock 3 = Heavy flooding, fire level 2 damage, two generators KO, very severe electronics
to release its payloads at different points. No more than one torpedo may mountings. If such a ship sustains an SSM hit, in addition to sustaining 4 - 5 = Heavy flooding, severf! electronics damage. damage.
be released within 4" of any other torpedo; i.e., there may be no more normal damage, look at the damage indicated for the number that is 6 = Heavy flooding, severe electronics damage, moderate
than two torpedoes within 4" of each other. All payloads must be set to one higher than the .number actually rolled when consulting the SSM engine damage. Situation 1
be released within 15'' of the position of the target at the time of launch. Damage Table. If that result calls for engine damage or electronics 7 = Heavy flooding, one generator KO, major engine damage, Number rolled - Result
damage, the ship wilt sustain that engine or electronics damage in very severe electronics damage. 1 - 5 = No damage
d. SS-N-14s are launched and moved just as normal SSMs. They are sub- addition to its normal damage. 8 - 10 = Very heavy flooding, two generators KO, very severe 6 - 7 = Minor flooding
ject to being shot down in flight just like other SSMs. During the phase engine damage, very severe electronics damage. 8 - 9 = Minor flooding, bow-mounted sonar KO, electronics
in which the missile reaches the point at which it is to release its payload, Exception: If the normal damage cells for engine damage and the damage.
the last SSM count will be placed down at that point, and in addition, a number that is one higher than the number actually rolled also 10 = Moderate flooding, bow-mounted sonar KO, severe
torpedo counter will be placed beneath that SSM counter. During the indicates engine damage, the ship will sustain only the engine damage electronics damage, one generator KO, minor engine
subsequent combat phase, the missile will be treated as if it is homing of greater severity, not both. damage.
in. lt may be fired upon in the normal manner, but when determining ac-
curacy rates, the missile is assumed 10 have moved its full speed during 33. SSM RELOADING: GUNNERY DATA TABLE
that phase, even if the dislance between the last and second from the Currently, only the Soviet Kynda and Kiev classes carry reloads for
last SSM counter is less than that distance. During the SSM segment their SSM's. The Kyndas carry one set of reloads, the Kievs carry one Makar Waapon Ace llanga Bands Makar Weapon Ace llanga Bands
of the phase in which the SS-N-14 is considered to be homing (i.e., the or two. Reloading is carried out during the combat phase. It takes five Short _;,_ Long V Long Short _,,_ Long V Long
combat phase after the phase in which the warhead was released), the consecutive combat phases to reload one tube on each mount. During us 16"/5D 2 16 11
32 11
48 11
63 11 11 11
SSM counters are removed. During the torpedo segment of that phase,
76.2 Dual 9 6" 12 17 23 11
the phases in which a mount is being reloaded, the entire mount may
the torpedo is not capable of hitting any targets, but it may be moved not be fired. Should the reloading of a tube be sloped before it is 8"/55 1D 12 11 24" 36 11 47 11 57/8D 7 5" 10 11 15" 20 11
in accordance with the normal torpedo movement rules. Thereafter, the completed, i.e., before five consecutive combat phases are completed, 6"/47 8 9" 19 11 28 11 38" 57/7D 7 4" 8" 12 11 15 11
torpedo will follow the normal torpedo rules. Treat the point at which the the reloading process must begin all over again; the ship will lose the 7" 11
21 11 27 11
5"/38 8 14 45/85 5 4" 8" 12" 15 11
torpedo enters the water as the point of launch. All torpedoes delivered benefit for the combat phases in which reloading of that tube was
by SS-N-14 are assumed to be set for a wide pattern. begun but not completed. More than one mount may be reloaded at 5"/54 MK42- 11 10" 20 11 30 11 39 11 37/6D 4 4" B" 12 11 15 11
the same time, at the same rate. 5"/54 MK45 9 10 11 20 11 30 11 39 11 3D/6D 4 2" 4" 6" 9"
e. The SS-N-14 is capable of mid-course correction in the normal manner. 3"/5D 7 5" 10" 15 11 21" 25/6D 2 1" 3" 4" 6"
Example: If a ship has two mounts, each mount may have one tube
being reloaded at the same time. After five consecutive combat 76 .2/62 9 8" 16 11 24 11 32 11 UK 6 11 10 9" 18 11 27 11 36 11
I. If an SS-N-14 is shot down, the torpedo cannot function. phases, both mounts will each have one reloaded tube. NATO 2Dmm 6 2" 4" 5" 7" 4.5 Mk5 7 8" 16" 24 11 31 11
g. SS-N-14's are not susceptible to ECM, although the tracking
40mm 7 5" 10 11 15 11 20 11 4.5 Mk6 8 8" 16 11 24" 31 11
NATO Harpoon mounts are capable of being reloaded in a similar
radar can be 1ammed If the tracking radar is 1ammed, m1d·course manner, but currently it seems that no ship carries reloads. Other USSR 152/57 6 11 11 22 11 33 11 44" 4.5 MkB 9 9" 18 11 27 11 36 11
correctron 1s not possible, but 1n all other respects, the m1ss1le 1s not NATO SSM mounts are not capable of being reloaded except at port. 130/70 12 11 11
23 11
34 11
46" 11
3 /70 9 7" 1411 21 11 28 11
130/58 6 11 11 23 11 34" 46" France 100mm 10 7" 1411 21 11 28 11
a. Some SAM's ere dual purpose and can be used against surface 130/50 6 6" 12 11 18 11 24 11 57mm 5 6" 12 11 1811 24 11
a. Whenever any SSM except Otomat, Sea Killer, and Penguin hits a
target having 'Cleek armor, reduce engine damage and flooding by one
targets as well as aircraft. When SAM's are used in this manner, follow 100mm New 11 6" 12 11 18 11 24 11 30mm 4 4" 8" 12 11 16 11
I the normal SSM procedures. The SArvt's which can be used as SSM's 100/50 6 8" 16" 24 11 33 11 Dutch 12Dmm 10- 7" 14 11 21 11 28 11
level. Example: Moderate engine damage will become minor engine
I damage; heavy flooding will become normal flooding. are listed on the SSM Data Table. As indicated there, all such SAM's
are semi-active and when used as SSM's, SAM's have a very large 100/56 5 6" 13" 19" 26 11 Italy 127/54 12 10 11 20 11 30 11 ·40 11
b. Whe~ever an Otoma~. Sea Killer, or Penguin hits an armored target,
minimum range. They are launched, move, and home in during the 85/50 4 6" 12 11 18 11 24 11 76/62 7 8" 16 11
24 11 32 11
I SSM segments of the combat phases, just as if they were SSM's. 76.2 Single 12 6" 12 11 17 11 23 11 76/62 DMC 9 8" 16 11 24 11 32 11
there will be no reduction 1n damage. These missiles will cause the
41 42
GUNNERY DATA TABLE I. Abbrevla~lon1:
GUNNERY RESULTS CHART 41-42: Fire level 1
KO--Knocked out; equipment which is knocked out will immediately 43: Damage control hit, fire level 1
I. Gunnery Accuracy Rate Ad)uatments (Accuracy AdJustment Table) cease functioning.
Notes: The figures given in the ACC column are the base accuracy rates 1. Target size: 44: Damage control hit, fire level 2
of the guns. The figures given in the SR, MR, LR, VLR columns deter- a. Over 10,000 tons +1 45: Fire level 2
mine wnether the tiring is at short range, medium range, long range, or SAM--Surlace to air missile 46: Fire level 1, 1 sec SAM FC radar KO
b. Under 1,000 tons -2
very long range. If the actual firing range is less than or equal to the SSM--Surface to Surface missile 47: Fire level 1, 1 ECM launcher (or jammer) KO
distance given in the SR column, the fire is at short range; if it exceeds ! . ASW--Anli-submarine weapon 48-49: Fire level 3
2. Target speed: Torp-- Torpedo
this figure, but is less than or equal to the distance 9,iven in the MR col- 50: 1 sec gun FC radar KO, fire level 2
umn, the fire is at medium range, etc. Example: A 5 '/54 Mk42 gun fires a. 0 kts +3 Sec--Secondary
b. 1-10 kts +2 51-53: 1 helicopter (or aircraft) KO
at short range if the range does not exceed 9' ; it is firing at medium range FC--Fire control 54-55: 1 helicopter (or aircraft) KO, fire level 2
if the actual firing range is over 9" but no more than 18". c. 11-20 kts +1
ECM--Electronic Countermeasures
d. 40-59 kts -1 56: Vibration--Moderate engine damage and all electronics
CIC--Combat information center KO, 1 generator KO. If the target ship is over 10,000 tons,
e. 60-79 kts -2
Important: To resolve damage from hits from 16" guns, consult the SSM f. 80 kts + it will sustain the damage indicated by #95 below instead
Damage Table for small, high angle missiles, rather than the Gunnery
P--Shell penetration is required to do damage. If a dan1age result is of the above.
Damage Table. However, reduce all fires listed there by 1 level. It is not 3. Turning: preceded by a P, high capacity (HC) rounds will cause no damage. P 57-58: Bridge KO
necessarv to determine the "Area Hit" by these shells. a. Target turned 46-90° positions are always unarmored. 59-61: Bridge, 1 main SAM FC radar KO
Alt weapons havinq an FC rating of A cannot be used against surface b. Target turned 91° or more -2 62-63: 1 main gun director KO
shi~ · c. Target moved evasively -2 PA--Armor penetration is required. If a damage result is preceded by 64-66: 1 main gun director, 1 main gun. FC radar KO
d. Target made an emergency turn -1 in addition to above. PA, HC rounds will cause no damage. In addition, 1f the target has 67: Communications and steering circuits KO
FIRE CONTROL ADJUSTMENT TABLE e. Firer turned 46-90° -1 if FC rating is F, G, H. armor protection on the position, shells unable to penetrate the armor 68-69: Communications KO
FC RATING/ RANGE t. Firer turned 91° or more -1 if FC rating Is C,D,E; will cause no damage. 70-72: Communications and data link KO
Short Mad Long V Long -2 if FC rating Is F,G,H. 73-74: Data link KO
g. Firer moved evasively -1 if FC rating is C,D,E; A--Armor penetration is required. If the position is armored, HC 75-77: CIC KO if US ship; '!therwise, roll again
A -1£ +4 -2 -2 if FC rating is F,G,H. rounds and shelts unable to penetrate the armor will cause no damage. 78-80: 1 ECM launcher (or iammer) KO
B -1£ +3 -1 -2 h. Firer made an emergency turn -1 in addition to above unless FC However, if the position is unarmored, all shells, including HC, will 81-83: Radar jammer KO
cause the damage indicated.
c +5 +2 -2 -3 rating is A, or B. 84: 1 air search radar KO
85: 1 main SAM FC radar KO
0 +4 +1 -3 -4 4. Ranging in: Note: The Ship Characteristics Table indicates which ships are 86: 1 surface search radar KO
E +3 -4 -5 a. FC rating--A,B -1 armored, and the thickness of the armor. Most modern ships are 87: 1 main gun FC radar KO
F -2 b. FC rating--C,D,E -2 unarmored, and on such ships, au ammunition wil1 cause damage 88-90: 1 SSM FC radar KO
-4 -5 preceded by A, while all ammunition except HC will also cause
c. FC rating--F,G,H -3 91; 1 sec SAM FC radar KO (or 1 main SAM FC radar KO)
G -1 -3 -5 -7 d. FC radar not used -1 in addition to above. damage preceded by PA and P. Also, if damage is precluded due to the 92: 1 sec gun FC radar KO (1 main gun FC radar KO)
H -3 -5 -7 -9 e. Firer is Soviet design -1 in addition to above. fact that the shell is unable to penetrate the position preceded by PA or 93: 1 air search radar, 1 main SAM FC radar KO
16"-G +2 +1 -1 P. no damage at all will be caused unless a damage entry appears on 94: 1 sec SAM FC radar, 1 air search radar KO
5. Range Finder. the same line in parentheses; only the damage indicated in 95: 1 surface search radar, 1 main gun FC radar KO
Not:e: Use the figures on the Line indicating 16''-G a. FC radar No adjustment parentheses can be caused. However, if a position is preceded by A, 96: 1 air search radar, 1 surface search radar KO
for the 16 11 guns of the New Jersey class in place of b. TWS radar No adjustment only the equipment Immediately following the A entry can be 97: 1 SSM FC radar, 1 surface search radar KO
c. Search radar -2 protected by the arm' or. Thus, if the damage table indicates "A--1 main 98: 1 air search radar, 1 SSM FC radar KO
the figures given for other G-rated systems.
111 d. Gun director -3 gun mount, 1 main gun FC radar KO", the radar wilt be KO regardless it 99: 1 sec gun FC radar, 1 surface search radar KO
AREA HIT TABLE e. Local control FC rating reduced to H the shell is capable al penetrating the turret's armor. 00: Vibration--atl generators KO. If the target ship is over
Area Range: 10,000 tons, 1 main gun FC radar KO instead of the above.
If a ship is armored, determine the armor thickness that must be
Hit: Short: Med Long v. Long 6. Capping the T -1
penetrated as follow:
Hull 1-4 1-4 1-2 1-2 B. DECK DAMAGE
5-9 5-8 1. If the position is preceded by A, the turret armor must usually Number rolled/Result:
SIS* 3-6 3-5 1-10: No damage
10 9-10 7-10 be penetrated. Exception: If the damage table calls for CIC
Deck 6-10 damage or all FC systems KO, the deck armor must be 11: 1 air search radar KO
*SIS::=Superstructure penetrated. 12: 1 surface search radar KO
13: 1 main gun FC radar KO
GUNNERY FIRING TABLE 2. If the damage is preceded by P, the position is unarmored, 14: 1 main SAM FC radar KO
Dia Accuracy Rate: but HC will cause no damage 15: 1 SSM FC radar KO
Die 16: 1 sec gun FC radar KO
Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 llol 17: 1 sec SAM FC radar KO
3. If the damage is preceded by PA and the damage is occuring
1 1 1 to the deck of the vessel. the deck armor must be penetrated; if 18: 1 sec gun FC radar KO, radar detector KO
2 the damage is preceded by PA and the damage is occuring to 19: Radar detector KO, 1 main gun FC radar KO
1 2 20: 1 generator KO
3 the hull of the vessel, the bell armor must be penetrated.
1 2 3 21-27: Fire 1evel 1
4 If a damage entry appears in parentheses, the damage indicated there
1 2 4 28-29: Damage control hit, fire level 1
will be sustained only if the equipment that would normally sustain the
5 1 1 2 5 damage is either already knocked out (or non-existent on the target 30· Fire level 1, 1 main SAM FC radar KO
6 1 1 vessel), or unable to be damaged because the shells are unable to 31-32: Fire level 3
2 2 6
7 penetrate. 33: 1 ECM launcher (or jammer) KO
1 1 1 1 2 2 7 34: Minor engine damage
8 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 8 II. Gunnery Damage Tables. 35-38: PA--Minor engine damage, fire level 1 (same as 11)
9 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 9 39-43: PA--Normal flooding
0 (2) (5) A. SUPERSTRUCTURE DAMAGE 44: PA--1 generator KO, normal flooding (same as 19)
1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 0 45-47: PA--Minor engine damage and fire level 1
Number rolled/Result:
1-4 1 main SAM mount KO 48-49: PA--Moderate en·gine damage end tire level 1 (same as 12)
Dia Ai::curacy Rate Die 5 1 surface search radar, 1 main SAM mount KO 50: PA--Moderate engine damage and tire level 1,
Roll 12 13 6-9: A--1 main gun mount KO 1 generator KO
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 llol 10: A--1 mairt gun mount, 1 main SAM FC radar KO 51: PA--Major engine damage and fire level 1, 1 surface
1 2 2 4 4 a 10 12 16 24 32 56 1 11-13: 1 main SAM mount KO search radar and 1 main gun FC radar KO
2 2 2 4 5 9 11 15 20 30 40 66 2 14: 1 SSM FC radar, 1 main SAM mount KO 52: PA--Major engine damage and fire level 1
3 2 3 15: 1 main SAM mount, 1 surface search radar KO 53: PA--Vibration--All engines end generators KO and all
5 6 10 12 18 24 36 48 76 3 16-17: A--1 main gun mount KO (fire level 1) electronics KO and fire level 1. If the ship la 'larger than
ii 4 3 3 5 7 11 14 21 28 42 56 86 4 18: A--1 main gun mount, 1 SSM FC radar KO 10,000 tons, it will sustain the damage indicated by #52
5 3 4 6 8 12 16 24 32 48 64 96 5 19: A--1 main gun mount KO (1 sec gun mount KO). 1 sec instead of the above.
6 3 gun FC radar KO 54-59: PA--Rudder KO
4 6 8 12 16 24 32 48 64 96 6 60-62: PA--Normal flooding and 1 propeller KO (same as 13)
20: A--1 main gun mount, 1 main gun FC radar, 1 air search
7 3 5 7 9 13 18 27 36 54 72 106 7 radar KO. 63-64: 1 main gun mount KO
8 4 5 7 10 14 20 30 40 60 80 116 8 21~23: 1 SSM mount KO 65: 1 main gun mount, 1 main gun director and 1 radar
9 4 6 24: 1 SSM mounl. 1 SSM FC radar KO jammer KO.
8 11 15 21 33 44 66 88 126 9 25: 1 air search radar, 1 SSM mount KO 66: A--1 main gun mount KO
0 4 6 8 12 16 22 36 48 72 96 136 0 26-30: 1 main ASW mount KO 67-89: 1 main SAM mount KO
31-35: 1 sec weapons mount KO. The firing player may 70: 1 main SAM mount, 1 surface search radar KO
determine the type of mount KO. 71-73: 1 main SSM mount KO
Note: The table above indicates the number of hits. If a number in parentheses appears, roll again; i f the 74: 1 main SSM mount KO, 1 main air search radar KO
36-38: 1 torp bank KO
number rolled is equal to or Less than the number in parentheses, one hit is scored, while i f i t is higher, no 39: 1 tarp bank, 1 air search radar KO 75-77: 1 main ASW mount KO
hit is scored. 40: 1 sec SAM FC radar, 1 tarp bank KO 78: 1 main ASW mount. 1 main SAM FC radar KO
79-80: 1 main gun mount KO
43 44
GUNNERY DATA TABLE I. Abbrevla~lon1:
GUNNERY RESULTS CHART 41-42: Fire level 1
KO--Knocked out; equipment which is knocked out will immediately 43: Damage control hit, fire level 1
I. Gunnery Accuracy Rate Ad)uatments (Accuracy AdJustment Table) cease functioning.
Notes: The figures given in the ACC column are the base accuracy rates 1. Target size: 44: Damage control hit, fire level 2
of the guns. The figures given in the SR, MR, LR, VLR columns deter- a. Over 10,000 tons +1 45: Fire level 2
mine wnether the tiring is at short range, medium range, long range, or SAM--Surlace to air missile 46: Fire level 1, 1 sec SAM FC radar KO
b. Under 1,000 tons -2
very long range. If the actual firing range is less than or equal to the SSM--Surface to Surface missile 47: Fire level 1, 1 ECM launcher (or jammer) KO
distance given in the SR column, the fire is at short range; if it exceeds ! . ASW--Anli-submarine weapon 48-49: Fire level 3
2. Target speed: Torp-- Torpedo
this figure, but is less than or equal to the distance 9,iven in the MR col- 50: 1 sec gun FC radar KO, fire level 2
umn, the fire is at medium range, etc. Example: A 5 '/54 Mk42 gun fires a. 0 kts +3 Sec--Secondary
b. 1-10 kts +2 51-53: 1 helicopter (or aircraft) KO
at short range if the range does not exceed 9' ; it is firing at medium range FC--Fire control 54-55: 1 helicopter (or aircraft) KO, fire level 2
if the actual firing range is over 9" but no more than 18". c. 11-20 kts +1
ECM--Electronic Countermeasures
d. 40-59 kts -1 56: Vibration--Moderate engine damage and all electronics
CIC--Combat information center KO, 1 generator KO. If the target ship is over 10,000 tons,
e. 60-79 kts -2
Important: To resolve damage from hits from 16" guns, consult the SSM f. 80 kts + it will sustain the damage indicated by #95 below instead
Damage Table for small, high angle missiles, rather than the Gunnery
P--Shell penetration is required to do damage. If a dan1age result is of the above.
Damage Table. However, reduce all fires listed there by 1 level. It is not 3. Turning: preceded by a P, high capacity (HC) rounds will cause no damage. P 57-58: Bridge KO
necessarv to determine the "Area Hit" by these shells. a. Target turned 46-90° positions are always unarmored. 59-61: Bridge, 1 main SAM FC radar KO
Alt weapons havinq an FC rating of A cannot be used against surface b. Target turned 91° or more -2 62-63: 1 main gun director KO
shi~ · c. Target moved evasively -2 PA--Armor penetration is required. If a damage result is preceded by 64-66: 1 main gun director, 1 main gun. FC radar KO
d. Target made an emergency turn -1 in addition to above. PA, HC rounds will cause no damage. In addition, 1f the target has 67: Communications and steering circuits KO
FIRE CONTROL ADJUSTMENT TABLE e. Firer turned 46-90° -1 if FC rating is F, G, H. armor protection on the position, shells unable to penetrate the armor 68-69: Communications KO
FC RATING/ RANGE t. Firer turned 91° or more -1 if FC rating Is C,D,E; will cause no damage. 70-72: Communications and data link KO
Short Mad Long V Long -2 if FC rating Is F,G,H. 73-74: Data link KO
g. Firer moved evasively -1 if FC rating is C,D,E; A--Armor penetration is required. If the position is armored, HC 75-77: CIC KO if US ship; '!therwise, roll again
A -1£ +4 -2 -2 if FC rating is F,G,H. rounds and shelts unable to penetrate the armor will cause no damage. 78-80: 1 ECM launcher (or iammer) KO
B -1£ +3 -1 -2 h. Firer made an emergency turn -1 in addition to above unless FC However, if the position is unarmored, all shells, including HC, will 81-83: Radar jammer KO
cause the damage indicated.
c +5 +2 -2 -3 rating is A, or B. 84: 1 air search radar KO
85: 1 main SAM FC radar KO
0 +4 +1 -3 -4 4. Ranging in: Note: The Ship Characteristics Table indicates which ships are 86: 1 surface search radar KO
E +3 -4 -5 a. FC rating--A,B -1 armored, and the thickness of the armor. Most modern ships are 87: 1 main gun FC radar KO
F -2 b. FC rating--C,D,E -2 unarmored, and on such ships, au ammunition wil1 cause damage 88-90: 1 SSM FC radar KO
-4 -5 preceded by A, while all ammunition except HC will also cause
c. FC rating--F,G,H -3 91; 1 sec SAM FC radar KO (or 1 main SAM FC radar KO)
G -1 -3 -5 -7 d. FC radar not used -1 in addition to above. damage preceded by PA and P. Also, if damage is precluded due to the 92: 1 sec gun FC radar KO (1 main gun FC radar KO)
H -3 -5 -7 -9 e. Firer is Soviet design -1 in addition to above. fact that the shell is unable to penetrate the position preceded by PA or 93: 1 air search radar, 1 main SAM FC radar KO
16"-G +2 +1 -1 P. no damage at all will be caused unless a damage entry appears on 94: 1 sec SAM FC radar, 1 air search radar KO
5. Range Finder. the same line in parentheses; only the damage indicated in 95: 1 surface search radar, 1 main gun FC radar KO
Not:e: Use the figures on the Line indicating 16''-G a. FC radar No adjustment parentheses can be caused. However, if a position is preceded by A, 96: 1 air search radar, 1 surface search radar KO
for the 16 11 guns of the New Jersey class in place of b. TWS radar No adjustment only the equipment Immediately following the A entry can be 97: 1 SSM FC radar, 1 surface search radar KO
c. Search radar -2 protected by the arm' or. Thus, if the damage table indicates "A--1 main 98: 1 air search radar, 1 SSM FC radar KO
the figures given for other G-rated systems.
111 d. Gun director -3 gun mount, 1 main gun FC radar KO", the radar wilt be KO regardless it 99: 1 sec gun FC radar, 1 surface search radar KO
AREA HIT TABLE e. Local control FC rating reduced to H the shell is capable al penetrating the turret's armor. 00: Vibration--atl generators KO. If the target ship is over
Area Range: 10,000 tons, 1 main gun FC radar KO instead of the above.
If a ship is armored, determine the armor thickness that must be
Hit: Short: Med Long v. Long 6. Capping the T -1
penetrated as follow:
Hull 1-4 1-4 1-2 1-2 B. DECK DAMAGE
5-9 5-8 1. If the position is preceded by A, the turret armor must usually Number rolled/Result:
SIS* 3-6 3-5 1-10: No damage
10 9-10 7-10 be penetrated. Exception: If the damage table calls for CIC
Deck 6-10 damage or all FC systems KO, the deck armor must be 11: 1 air search radar KO
*SIS::=Superstructure penetrated. 12: 1 surface search radar KO
13: 1 main gun FC radar KO
GUNNERY FIRING TABLE 2. If the damage is preceded by P, the position is unarmored, 14: 1 main SAM FC radar KO
Dia Accuracy Rate: but HC will cause no damage 15: 1 SSM FC radar KO
Die 16: 1 sec gun FC radar KO
Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 llol 17: 1 sec SAM FC radar KO
3. If the damage is preceded by PA and the damage is occuring
1 1 1 to the deck of the vessel. the deck armor must be penetrated; if 18: 1 sec gun FC radar KO, radar detector KO
2 the damage is preceded by PA and the damage is occuring to 19: Radar detector KO, 1 main gun FC radar KO
1 2 20: 1 generator KO
3 the hull of the vessel, the bell armor must be penetrated.
1 2 3 21-27: Fire 1evel 1
4 If a damage entry appears in parentheses, the damage indicated there
1 2 4 28-29: Damage control hit, fire level 1
will be sustained only if the equipment that would normally sustain the
5 1 1 2 5 damage is either already knocked out (or non-existent on the target 30· Fire level 1, 1 main SAM FC radar KO
6 1 1 vessel), or unable to be damaged because the shells are unable to 31-32: Fire level 3
2 2 6
7 penetrate. 33: 1 ECM launcher (or jammer) KO
1 1 1 1 2 2 7 34: Minor engine damage
8 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 8 II. Gunnery Damage Tables. 35-38: PA--Minor engine damage, fire level 1 (same as 11)
9 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 9 39-43: PA--Normal flooding
0 (2) (5) A. SUPERSTRUCTURE DAMAGE 44: PA--1 generator KO, normal flooding (same as 19)
1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 0 45-47: PA--Minor engine damage and fire level 1
Number rolled/Result:
1-4 1 main SAM mount KO 48-49: PA--Moderate en·gine damage end tire level 1 (same as 12)
Dia Ai::curacy Rate Die 5 1 surface search radar, 1 main SAM mount KO 50: PA--Moderate engine damage and tire level 1,
Roll 12 13 6-9: A--1 main gun mount KO 1 generator KO
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 llol 10: A--1 mairt gun mount, 1 main SAM FC radar KO 51: PA--Major engine damage and fire level 1, 1 surface
1 2 2 4 4 a 10 12 16 24 32 56 1 11-13: 1 main SAM mount KO search radar and 1 main gun FC radar KO
2 2 2 4 5 9 11 15 20 30 40 66 2 14: 1 SSM FC radar, 1 main SAM mount KO 52: PA--Major engine damage and fire level 1
3 2 3 15: 1 main SAM mount, 1 surface search radar KO 53: PA--Vibration--All engines end generators KO and all
5 6 10 12 18 24 36 48 76 3 16-17: A--1 main gun mount KO (fire level 1) electronics KO and fire level 1. If the ship la 'larger than
ii 4 3 3 5 7 11 14 21 28 42 56 86 4 18: A--1 main gun mount, 1 SSM FC radar KO 10,000 tons, it will sustain the damage indicated by #52
5 3 4 6 8 12 16 24 32 48 64 96 5 19: A--1 main gun mount KO (1 sec gun mount KO). 1 sec instead of the above.
6 3 gun FC radar KO 54-59: PA--Rudder KO
4 6 8 12 16 24 32 48 64 96 6 60-62: PA--Normal flooding and 1 propeller KO (same as 13)
20: A--1 main gun mount, 1 main gun FC radar, 1 air search
7 3 5 7 9 13 18 27 36 54 72 106 7 radar KO. 63-64: 1 main gun mount KO
8 4 5 7 10 14 20 30 40 60 80 116 8 21~23: 1 SSM mount KO 65: 1 main gun mount, 1 main gun director and 1 radar
9 4 6 24: 1 SSM mounl. 1 SSM FC radar KO jammer KO.
8 11 15 21 33 44 66 88 126 9 25: 1 air search radar, 1 SSM mount KO 66: A--1 main gun mount KO
0 4 6 8 12 16 22 36 48 72 96 136 0 26-30: 1 main ASW mount KO 67-89: 1 main SAM mount KO
31-35: 1 sec weapons mount KO. The firing player may 70: 1 main SAM mount, 1 surface search radar KO
determine the type of mount KO. 71-73: 1 main SSM mount KO
Note: The table above indicates the number of hits. If a number in parentheses appears, roll again; i f the 74: 1 main SSM mount KO, 1 main air search radar KO
36-38: 1 torp bank KO
number rolled is equal to or Less than the number in parentheses, one hit is scored, while i f i t is higher, no 39: 1 tarp bank, 1 air search radar KO 75-77: 1 main ASW mount KO
hit is scored. 40: 1 sec SAM FC radar, 1 tarp bank KO 78: 1 main ASW mount. 1 main SAM FC radar KO
79-80: 1 main gun mount KO
43 44
Sect.ion B: SAMs range. It may simply be a v0rtical launch versioii of the SA-N-4. II not,

81: 1 main gun mount, 1 sec gun FC radar KO Missile Min Min llax Range llax Accuracy it is likely to be merely an improved version of that system.
AA TABLE Vert Hor Speed Mal A/C Part II: Accuracy Ad)ustments
82-83: 1 main SAM mount KO Range Range Section A: Ad)ustments to Gunfire
84: 1 main SAM mount, 1 sec SAM FC radar KO
85-86: 1 sec weapons mount KO. The firing player determines 1. Target is initially detected by radar or visual sighting during the
Part. I: Weapon Information Seesperrow• 2" -1 Med 24" 90 11 19 16 phase of firing:
what type of sec. mount is KO Sect.ion A--6uns:
87: 1 sec weapons mount KO, 1 main gun FC radar KO Seasperrow
Makar Weapon Range Accuracy Rates a. Basic adjustment: -5 if the gun's FC rating is B-H; No
88: All FC systems KO if rated O through G; otherwise, 1 main Imp [SS]• 3 11/15 11 -1/-4 Med 36 11 100" 20/17 18/15 adjustment if the gun's FC rating is A.
ASW mount KO Hor Vert. Missile A/C Sr+-1 MR 8 11 -2 VHi 75 11
90" 20 18
89: A--All FC systems KO b. Detection of target during a prior phase by radar detector:
90-91: A--CIC KO . us 5"/38 1411 Hi 13 10 Sr+-1 ER 12" -2 VHi 120 11 100" 20 18
92-94: PA--1 main gun mount KO and normal flooding 5 11/54 Mk42 18 11 Hi 16 13 Sf+-2 MR 12 11 -2 VH'i 105 11 130" 21 19 1. No adjustment if the gun's FC rating is A.
(same as 14) . 5 11/54 Mk45 18 11 Vlow 14 11
95: PA--1 main gun mount KO and normal flooding, radar Sr+-2 ER 24 11 -2 VHi 240 11 160" 21 19
3"/50 12 11 Hi 12 9 2. +5 if the gun's FC rati.ng is 8-H and the radar detection
detector KO. Ta Los 30 11 -3 VHi 300" 90" 18 13 rating of the detecting unit is A.
96· PA--1 main gun mount KO and normal flooding, 1 air 76.2/62 15" Hi 14 11 Terrier 12 11 -2 VHi 120 11 100" 17 12
· search radar KO. If the target is a Soviet-designed ship, Vulcan 3" Low 11 8 Tarter 5" -2 VHi 52 11 60" 17 12 3. +3 if the gun's FC rating is B-H and the radar detection
magazine explosion also. rating of the detecting unit is B.
97: PA--1 main gun mount KO and normal.flooding, 1 main NATO Goalkeeper 4 11 Low 12 9 RAM [SS] 1 11/1 11 0/0 Med 10 11 60" 19 13
gun FC radar KO. If the target is a Soviet-designed ship, 20mm 3 11 Low ,,, 7 4 Seacat• [SS] 111;411 -1/-2 Med 7 11 50" 18/15 13/10 c. Effects of the equipment on the detecting unit:
magazine explosion also. 40mm 10 11 Med 12 9
98: PA--Sonar KO (same as 28) Seas lug 5" -2 VHi 45 11 60 11 16 11
99-00: PA--Magazine explosion (same as 21) UK 4.5 11 Mk5 15 11 Hi 13 10 Seadart 7 11 -2 VHi 75 11 90" 20 18 1. If the target is at surface skimming altitude or if the g·un
4.5 11 Mk6 15 11 Hi 14 11 Seewolf [SS) 1"/1" 0/0 Med 7 11 90" 22/22 21/21 has an FC rating of A, there is no adjustment.
C. HULL DAMAGE 4.5 11 MKS 15 11 VLow 15 12 SAN 90 [SS] 3"/3" 0/0 Med 30 11 90" 22/22 21/21 2. If the detecting unit is an aircraft or a ship equipped
Number rolled/Result: 6" 1411 Hi 16 13 -2 VHi 90 11 100" 18 13
1-22: No damage
Mesurca 9" with a 30 radar capable of detecting the target, there is no
23: 1 generator KO no
3 11 15 11 Hi 14 11 Crotale* 1" 0 Med 12 11 80" 19 16 adjustment. All TWS radars are considered to be 3D
France 100mm 15 11 Hi 15 12 radars.
24: Minor engine damage Crotale
25: Radar detector KO 57mm 12 11 Hi 12 9 Imp• [SS] 1 11/1 11 0/0 Med 12" 80 11 19/19 16/16 3. It (1) above does not apply, and the detecting unit is
26: 1 main gun FC radar KO
30mm 7" Med 8 5 SA-N-1 • 5" -2 VHi 51" 60 11 15 8 equipped with a 2D radar and height finder (and no 3D
27: 1 main SAM FC radar KO radar capable of detecting the target), -5 ·in addition to all
28: 1 SSM FC radar KO Dutch 12Dmm 15" Hi 16 13 SA-N-2• 8" -2 VHi 81 11 90" 13 3 other adjustments.
29: 1 air search radar KO Italy 127/54 18 11 Hi 17 14 SA-N-3• 6" -1 VHi 57" 90" 18 13
30: 1 sec SAM FC radar, radar jammer KO
31-34: Fire level 1
76/62 15 11 Hi 13 10 SA-N-3 Imp* 9" -2 VHi 90" 90 11 18 13 4. If (1) does not apply and the detecting unit is equipped
76/62 OMC 15 11 Hi 14 11 with neither a height finder nor a 30 radar capable of
35: Gun FC system KO SA-N-4• [SS) 2"/8" -1/-2 Med 15 11 60 11 19/16 16/13 detecting the target, -10.
36: SAM FC system KO USSR 152/57 22 11 VLow 4 1 SA-N-5• o Low 7 11 45" 1 3
37: All FC systems KO if system is rated O,E,F,G; otherwise. ' 0
only gun FC system KO
130/70 21 11 Hi 17 14 SA-N-6 11 11 -2 VHi 115 11 180 11 20 18 d. Type of detection:
38-39: All FC systems KO if target is US ship; otherwise 130/58 21 11 Hi 13 10 SA-N-7 4 11 -2 Hi 45 11 100" 20 18
roll again. 100mm New 18" Hi 16 13 SA-N-? No data available 1. If the target was detected by radar, there is no
40-44: Fire level 1 100/50 18 11 Hi 12 9 additional adjustment.
45-46: Fire level 3
47-48: 1 main gun mount KO 85/50 12 11 Hi 10 7 Note: SM-1 and SM-2 are different models of the US 2. If the target was not detected by radar, subtract an
49-50: 1 main SAM mount KO 76.2 Single 12 11 Hi 17 14 Standard missi Le. additional 5 from the accuracy rate.
51-54: Normal flooding . . . 76.2 Dual 12 11
Hi 14 11
55-56: PA--lf Soviet-designed ship, magazine explosion 1f the 1. Min Range is the minimum range of the missile. 3. If the detecting unit is a Soviet design, subtract an
armor is penetrated; if the armor is not penetrat~d or If the 57/BO 11." Med 13 10 additional 3 from the accuracy rate unless the firing
target is not Soviet-designed, normal flooding instead. 57fi0 8 11 Mad 13 10 2. Min Range Red. is the reduction in accuracy rate of the missile if weapon's FC rating is A.
57-58: P--Sonar KO and normal flooding (same as 30) Med 6 3 part of the target's flight path is within minimum range of the missile.
59: P--Sonar KO and normal flooding, radar jammer KO 45/85 8"
60-68 P--Minor flooding 37/60 8" Had 4 1 3. Max Range is the maximum range of the SAM: 2. FC rating of the weapon:
59· PA--Heavy flooding; if ship.is not a US de~ign, all FC 30/60 5" Low 4 1 +7
systems KO in addition to the heavy flooding. a. Vert is the maximum vertical range of the SAM expressed in +5
25/60 3" Low 3 1 B
70-76: PA--Heavy flooding . terms of altitude levels. Thus, if the Max Vert Range of a SAM is c +2
77: PA--Heavy flooding; if ship is not a US design, CIC KO In 30mm Gatling 4 11 Low 12 9 listed as "Med", the missile's maximum vertical range is medium D No adjustment
addition to the heavy flooding. altitude, and it cannot hit targets flying above this altitude. If the E -2
78: PA--Heavy flooding, 1 generator KO Max Vert Range is VHi, the SAM's maximum vertical range is the F +2
78: PA--Heavy flooding, 1 sec SAM FC radar KO Range: Very High attitude level, the highest possible altitude level in the G -4
80: PA--Heavy flooding, 1 sec gun FC radar KO •· Hor.-·Horizontal range in inches. game. H -7
81: PA--Heavy flooding, 1 SSM FC radar KO
82: PA--Very heavy flooding, sonar and 1 main gun FC b. Vert--Ve(tical range given as the maximum altitude level to 4. Max Speed is the speed of the SAM dunng each phase. 3. Range to the nearest point on the flight path:
radar KO which the gun can fire. Thus, a gun with a vertical range of Under 2" No adjustment
83: PA--Very heavy flooding, 1 air search radar KO "med" can fire at targets at surface skimming, very low, low, and 5. The accuracy columns give the base accuracy rates of the SAM's. 2"-3" -3
84: PA--Very heavy flooding, 1 surface search radar and medium altitude levels; it cannot fire at targets at high or very There are two accuracy columns. uSe the Missile accuracy column 4"-5" -5
radar detector KO high altitude. when the SAM is fired at a missile target; use the Aircraft accuracy 6"-10" -10
85-86: PA--Very heavy flooding, 1 main gun mount KO column When the SAM is fired at an aircraft target. 11"-15" -15
(same as 27) Basic Accuracy Rates: The basic accuracy rates for guns is base( 16"+ -20
87-88: P--Rudder KO and normal flooding on whether the target is an aircraft or missile 8. Some missiles have the entry (SS) next to. their names. This
89: PA--Normel flooding and fire level 1 indicates that the missile is capable of firing at targets flying at surf ace 4. Target speed:
90: PA--Normal flooding and fire level 3 skimming altitude. Any missile which does not have this entry is Under 10" +8
81-94: PA--Normal flooding and minor engine damage and assumed to have a minimum vertical range of very low altitude, and 10"-19" +5
fire level 1 thev cannot hit targets flying below this height. Exception: The SA-N- 20"-29" +2
95: PA--Normal flooding and moderate engine damage and 2 and Seaslug have a minimum vertical range of Low altitude and can· 30"-39" No adjustment
fire level 1 not hit targets at either surface skimming or very low altitude. 40"-49" -1
96: PA--Heavy flooding and moderate engine damage and 50"-59" -2
fire level 1, 1 main gun FC radar KO If a missile has an (SS) indicator, it will also have two figures in the Min 60"-69" -3
97: PA--Heevy flooding and major engine damage and fire Range, Min Range Red, and Accuracy columns. Use the figures to the 90"-109" -5
level 1, 1 main SAM FC radar and sonar KO right of the slash when firing at surface skimming targets, and use the 200"+ -8
98: PA--Very heavy flooding and major engine damage and figures to the left of the slash when firing at other targets.
fire level 1, one generator and 1 surface search radar and 5. Distance between the firer and the second from the last target
1 air search radar KO 7. A number of missiles have an asterisk appearing after their names. counter:
99: PA--Very heavy flooding, all engines and generators KO, These missiles have launchers equipped with an optical sight which
all electronics KO, fire level 1. If the target ship i!:I larger enables these missiles to be fired at targets which are not being a. If this distance is greater than 75% of the AA gun's range,
than 10,000 tons, it will sustain the damage indicated in lracked by the SAM's FC radar. there is no adjustment.
#98 Instead of the above. 8. The Soviet SS·N ·? is the new system not yet inslalled on the Udaloy
00: PA--Magazine explosion class destroyers. Since it is not yet installed, no data is avail<:tble, other b. If this distance is greater than 50°/o but less than or equal to
than it is a vertical launch system, and probably has a relatively short 46 75o/o of the AA gun's range, subtract 1 from the·accuracy rate.
Sect.ion B: SAMs range. It may simply be a v0rtical launch versioii of the SA-N-4. II not,

81: 1 main gun mount, 1 sec gun FC radar KO Missile Min Min llax Range llax Accuracy it is likely to be merely an improved version of that system.
AA TABLE Vert Hor Speed Mal A/C Part II: Accuracy Ad)ustments
82-83: 1 main SAM mount KO Range Range Section A: Ad)ustments to Gunfire
84: 1 main SAM mount, 1 sec SAM FC radar KO
85-86: 1 sec weapons mount KO. The firing player determines 1. Target is initially detected by radar or visual sighting during the
Part. I: Weapon Information Seesperrow• 2" -1 Med 24" 90 11 19 16 phase of firing:
what type of sec. mount is KO Sect.ion A--6uns:
87: 1 sec weapons mount KO, 1 main gun FC radar KO Seasperrow
Makar Weapon Range Accuracy Rates a. Basic adjustment: -5 if the gun's FC rating is B-H; No
88: All FC systems KO if rated O through G; otherwise, 1 main Imp [SS]• 3 11/15 11 -1/-4 Med 36 11 100" 20/17 18/15 adjustment if the gun's FC rating is A.
ASW mount KO Hor Vert. Missile A/C Sr+-1 MR 8 11 -2 VHi 75 11
90" 20 18
89: A--All FC systems KO b. Detection of target during a prior phase by radar detector:
90-91: A--CIC KO . us 5"/38 1411 Hi 13 10 Sr+-1 ER 12" -2 VHi 120 11 100" 20 18
92-94: PA--1 main gun mount KO and normal flooding 5 11/54 Mk42 18 11 Hi 16 13 Sf+-2 MR 12 11 -2 VH'i 105 11 130" 21 19 1. No adjustment if the gun's FC rating is A.
(same as 14) . 5 11/54 Mk45 18 11 Vlow 14 11
95: PA--1 main gun mount KO and normal flooding, radar Sr+-2 ER 24 11 -2 VHi 240 11 160" 21 19
3"/50 12 11 Hi 12 9 2. +5 if the gun's FC rati.ng is 8-H and the radar detection
detector KO. Ta Los 30 11 -3 VHi 300" 90" 18 13 rating of the detecting unit is A.
96· PA--1 main gun mount KO and normal flooding, 1 air 76.2/62 15" Hi 14 11 Terrier 12 11 -2 VHi 120 11 100" 17 12
· search radar KO. If the target is a Soviet-designed ship, Vulcan 3" Low 11 8 Tarter 5" -2 VHi 52 11 60" 17 12 3. +3 if the gun's FC rating is B-H and the radar detection
magazine explosion also. rating of the detecting unit is B.
97: PA--1 main gun mount KO and normal.flooding, 1 main NATO Goalkeeper 4 11 Low 12 9 RAM [SS] 1 11/1 11 0/0 Med 10 11 60" 19 13
gun FC radar KO. If the target is a Soviet-designed ship, 20mm 3 11 Low ,,, 7 4 Seacat• [SS] 111;411 -1/-2 Med 7 11 50" 18/15 13/10 c. Effects of the equipment on the detecting unit:
magazine explosion also. 40mm 10 11 Med 12 9
98: PA--Sonar KO (same as 28) Seas lug 5" -2 VHi 45 11 60 11 16 11
99-00: PA--Magazine explosion (same as 21) UK 4.5 11 Mk5 15 11 Hi 13 10 Seadart 7 11 -2 VHi 75 11 90" 20 18 1. If the target is at surface skimming altitude or if the g·un
4.5 11 Mk6 15 11 Hi 14 11 Seewolf [SS) 1"/1" 0/0 Med 7 11 90" 22/22 21/21 has an FC rating of A, there is no adjustment.
C. HULL DAMAGE 4.5 11 MKS 15 11 VLow 15 12 SAN 90 [SS] 3"/3" 0/0 Med 30 11 90" 22/22 21/21 2. If the detecting unit is an aircraft or a ship equipped
Number rolled/Result: 6" 1411 Hi 16 13 -2 VHi 90 11 100" 18 13
1-22: No damage
Mesurca 9" with a 30 radar capable of detecting the target, there is no
23: 1 generator KO no
3 11 15 11 Hi 14 11 Crotale* 1" 0 Med 12 11 80" 19 16 adjustment. All TWS radars are considered to be 3D
France 100mm 15 11 Hi 15 12 radars.
24: Minor engine damage Crotale
25: Radar detector KO 57mm 12 11 Hi 12 9 Imp• [SS] 1 11/1 11 0/0 Med 12" 80 11 19/19 16/16 3. It (1) above does not apply, and the detecting unit is
26: 1 main gun FC radar KO
30mm 7" Med 8 5 SA-N-1 • 5" -2 VHi 51" 60 11 15 8 equipped with a 2D radar and height finder (and no 3D
27: 1 main SAM FC radar KO radar capable of detecting the target), -5 ·in addition to all
28: 1 SSM FC radar KO Dutch 12Dmm 15" Hi 16 13 SA-N-2• 8" -2 VHi 81 11 90" 13 3 other adjustments.
29: 1 air search radar KO Italy 127/54 18 11 Hi 17 14 SA-N-3• 6" -1 VHi 57" 90" 18 13
30: 1 sec SAM FC radar, radar jammer KO
31-34: Fire level 1
76/62 15 11 Hi 13 10 SA-N-3 Imp* 9" -2 VHi 90" 90 11 18 13 4. If (1) does not apply and the detecting unit is equipped
76/62 OMC 15 11 Hi 14 11 with neither a height finder nor a 30 radar capable of
35: Gun FC system KO SA-N-4• [SS) 2"/8" -1/-2 Med 15 11 60 11 19/16 16/13 detecting the target, -10.
36: SAM FC system KO USSR 152/57 22 11 VLow 4 1 SA-N-5• o Low 7 11 45" 1 3
37: All FC systems KO if system is rated O,E,F,G; otherwise. ' 0
only gun FC system KO
130/70 21 11 Hi 17 14 SA-N-6 11 11 -2 VHi 115 11 180 11 20 18 d. Type of detection:
38-39: All FC systems KO if target is US ship; otherwise 130/58 21 11 Hi 13 10 SA-N-7 4 11 -2 Hi 45 11 100" 20 18
roll again. 100mm New 18" Hi 16 13 SA-N-? No data available 1. If the target was detected by radar, there is no
40-44: Fire level 1 100/50 18 11 Hi 12 9 additional adjustment.
45-46: Fire level 3
47-48: 1 main gun mount KO 85/50 12 11 Hi 10 7 Note: SM-1 and SM-2 are different models of the US 2. If the target was not detected by radar, subtract an
49-50: 1 main SAM mount KO 76.2 Single 12 11 Hi 17 14 Standard missi Le. additional 5 from the accuracy rate.
51-54: Normal flooding . . . 76.2 Dual 12 11
Hi 14 11
55-56: PA--lf Soviet-designed ship, magazine explosion 1f the 1. Min Range is the minimum range of the missile. 3. If the detecting unit is a Soviet design, subtract an
armor is penetrated; if the armor is not penetrat~d or If the 57/BO 11." Med 13 10 additional 3 from the accuracy rate unless the firing
target is not Soviet-designed, normal flooding instead. 57fi0 8 11 Mad 13 10 2. Min Range Red. is the reduction in accuracy rate of the missile if weapon's FC rating is A.
57-58: P--Sonar KO and normal flooding (same as 30) Med 6 3 part of the target's flight path is within minimum range of the missile.
59: P--Sonar KO and normal flooding, radar jammer KO 45/85 8"
60-68 P--Minor flooding 37/60 8" Had 4 1 3. Max Range is the maximum range of the SAM: 2. FC rating of the weapon:
59· PA--Heavy flooding; if ship.is not a US de~ign, all FC 30/60 5" Low 4 1 +7
systems KO in addition to the heavy flooding. a. Vert is the maximum vertical range of the SAM expressed in +5
25/60 3" Low 3 1 B
70-76: PA--Heavy flooding . terms of altitude levels. Thus, if the Max Vert Range of a SAM is c +2
77: PA--Heavy flooding; if ship is not a US design, CIC KO In 30mm Gatling 4 11 Low 12 9 listed as "Med", the missile's maximum vertical range is medium D No adjustment
addition to the heavy flooding. altitude, and it cannot hit targets flying above this altitude. If the E -2
78: PA--Heavy flooding, 1 generator KO Max Vert Range is VHi, the SAM's maximum vertical range is the F +2
78: PA--Heavy flooding, 1 sec SAM FC radar KO Range: Very High attitude level, the highest possible altitude level in the G -4
80: PA--Heavy flooding, 1 sec gun FC radar KO •· Hor.-·Horizontal range in inches. game. H -7
81: PA--Heavy flooding, 1 SSM FC radar KO
82: PA--Very heavy flooding, sonar and 1 main gun FC b. Vert--Ve(tical range given as the maximum altitude level to 4. Max Speed is the speed of the SAM dunng each phase. 3. Range to the nearest point on the flight path:
radar KO which the gun can fire. Thus, a gun with a vertical range of Under 2" No adjustment
83: PA--Very heavy flooding, 1 air search radar KO "med" can fire at targets at surface skimming, very low, low, and 5. The accuracy columns give the base accuracy rates of the SAM's. 2"-3" -3
84: PA--Very heavy flooding, 1 surface search radar and medium altitude levels; it cannot fire at targets at high or very There are two accuracy columns. uSe the Missile accuracy column 4"-5" -5
radar detector KO high altitude. when the SAM is fired at a missile target; use the Aircraft accuracy 6"-10" -10
85-86: PA--Very heavy flooding, 1 main gun mount KO column When the SAM is fired at an aircraft target. 11"-15" -15
(same as 27) Basic Accuracy Rates: The basic accuracy rates for guns is base( 16"+ -20
87-88: P--Rudder KO and normal flooding on whether the target is an aircraft or missile 8. Some missiles have the entry (SS) next to. their names. This
89: PA--Normel flooding and fire level 1 indicates that the missile is capable of firing at targets flying at surf ace 4. Target speed:
90: PA--Normal flooding and fire level 3 skimming altitude. Any missile which does not have this entry is Under 10" +8
81-94: PA--Normal flooding and minor engine damage and assumed to have a minimum vertical range of very low altitude, and 10"-19" +5
fire level 1 thev cannot hit targets flying below this height. Exception: The SA-N- 20"-29" +2
95: PA--Normal flooding and moderate engine damage and 2 and Seaslug have a minimum vertical range of Low altitude and can· 30"-39" No adjustment
fire level 1 not hit targets at either surface skimming or very low altitude. 40"-49" -1
96: PA--Heavy flooding and moderate engine damage and 50"-59" -2
fire level 1, 1 main gun FC radar KO If a missile has an (SS) indicator, it will also have two figures in the Min 60"-69" -3
97: PA--Heevy flooding and major engine damage and fire Range, Min Range Red, and Accuracy columns. Use the figures to the 90"-109" -5
level 1, 1 main SAM FC radar and sonar KO right of the slash when firing at surface skimming targets, and use the 200"+ -8
98: PA--Very heavy flooding and major engine damage and figures to the left of the slash when firing at other targets.
fire level 1, one generator and 1 surface search radar and 5. Distance between the firer and the second from the last target
1 air search radar KO 7. A number of missiles have an asterisk appearing after their names. counter:
99: PA--Very heavy flooding, all engines and generators KO, These missiles have launchers equipped with an optical sight which
all electronics KO, fire level 1. If the target ship i!:I larger enables these missiles to be fired at targets which are not being a. If this distance is greater than 75% of the AA gun's range,
than 10,000 tons, it will sustain the damage indicated in lracked by the SAM's FC radar. there is no adjustment.
#98 Instead of the above. 8. The Soviet SS·N ·? is the new system not yet inslalled on the Udaloy
00: PA--Magazine explosion class destroyers. Since it is not yet installed, no data is avail<:tble, other b. If this distance is greater than 50°/o but less than or equal to
than it is a vertical launch system, and probably has a relatively short 46 75o/o of the AA gun's range, subtract 1 from the·accuracy rate.
c. If this distance is greater than 25% but less than or equal to Section B: Adjustments to SAM Fire
50°/o of the AA gun's range, subtract 3 from the accuracy rate. 1. _If the targe:t is _initiallY'. detected during the phase of firin the _ .._AA, L T..... lffWttil• - ~
ad1ustments given 1n Section A, #1 apply to SAM's as well as 8Uns. and del&chid torpedo
d. If this distance is equal to or less than 25% of the AA gun's , z aq AlllelWualber Rolled
range, subtract 6 from the accuracy rate.

6. Range finder used:

2.. If_ both the 1.a~t and the second from the last target counters are
w1th1n ~he m1r:11mum range of the SAM launcher the SAM
automatically misses the target. '
1 (1)
2 (2)
9 1
• • 5 4 z 1
1. - rating al lllrg8t:
.. Ywynoisy ...
... Noisy +2
a. FC radar--No adjustment 3 (3)
b. Search or TWS radar--subtract 3 3. If the distance between. the firer and the nearest point on the target's 4 (4)
c. Ouiel -2
flight path for that, ph~se 1s less than the minimum range of the SAM, d. Very quiet -4
c. Gun director (optical)--subtract 5 5 (5)
subtract the SAM s Min Range Red (given in Part 1 above) from the 6 (6)
SAM's accuracy rate. 7. Target presenting Siem aspect and:
7. If the target is a missile: 7 (7) a. Torpedo speed (per phase) is equal or greater than target's
8 1 speed (per tum): -
a. If the, target is homing during the phase and the cruise 4. If either the last or the second from the last target counter is beyond 9 1 (3)
the maximum range of the SAM, adjust the SAM accuracy rate as IL Torpedo speed is at least 75'!11 of target's speed: -1
altitude of the missile is higher than the vertical range of the AA 10 1 (5) c.. Torpedo speed exceeds 50% of target's speed. but is less
g~n._subtra~t 1 fro_m the accuracy rate. Note: guns may fire at
follows: 11 1 1 than 75'!11 ol lhal speed: -4
m1ss1!es which cruise above the gun's vertical range only during 12 1 1 (5) d. Torpedo speed does not e>lceed 50% ol ___.s ---': no
~he phase the missile is homing. a. If either of these counters is beyond the maximum range of 13 1 1 1 htt possible - - · ........
the SAM, subtract 3 from the accuracy rate. 14 1 1 1 1
b. If _the target is a Harpoon or Otomat Mk 1, during the phase of 15 1 1 1 1 1 L Tuget is using _ _ .
b. If both of the counters are beyond the maximum range of the 16 1 1 1 1 1 1
homing subtract 2 from the accuracy rate. SAM, subtract 6. 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
c. lf_tne target is an Exocet or Kormoran during the phase of 18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S. F",.. - a Soviet -!1116d ship -1
homing, subtract 1 from the accuracy rate if the gun used is a Beer in mind that unless some point on the target's flight path for that
40mm prox. or larger than 50mm. pha~e is within maximum range of the SAM launcher, the SAM may not 11L The distance between the target and the ID<pedo counts is less than
be fired. one-hall of the ID<pedo's homing range (usually 2") + 3
8. If !he target is an aircraft:
5. Fire control used: 11. Target: ulll9d '"fisht81ing"" ar -pau1wra· -2
a. If th_e aircraft dropped ordnance or sonobuoys during the

preced1ng movement phase, add 3 to the accurac)_' rate. a. FC radar--No adjustment 12. T...,. is within 30" al a dllplh c:lmge
b. If the target has a self-protective chaff dispenser, subtract 2
from the accuracy rate if the gun is radar controlled or using a
b. Optical sight--Subtract 2.

6. If the target is a missile that is homing in on a ship during the phase

•al .......
T-Tor r-1r1:r-1r1r-:1rzs"-3ll'":l1"-a- :n-+ ._.. ..,,.hetv on
lhe plmying-
of firing, measure the distance between the last and the second from W ide 2-3 2- 2\li" 3" 3\li" 4" 4W" 5"
search or TWS radar for range finding. 11 Target is a aJfM!lltional· <fes • powered sub -7
the last (target) missile counters: 4-53-4" s· r r 1· r
c. If the target has a maneuverability rating of 5 or higher, ~ Adjustments 12~13~onlyif . . llSWgameisplaJed. Tiie
a. If the distance is greater than two-thirds of the target Normal 2-3 1" 1%" 1%" 2" 2W" 2W"
subtract 2. 'p1llei1_,_..
. ,_ _ and is anlku
a - _ _
carried _
only on _
submarines. Rules lor
mlsslle's speed, there is no adjustment. 4-5 1\li" 2" 2W" 3" 4" 4\li"
d. If the target has a maneuverability rating of 2 or less, add 2 to
the accuracy rate. b. It the distance is greater than one-third but less than or equal
to two-thirds of the target missile's speed, subtract 5 from the
• _,.....,..__. .......

9. If the target's flight path is perpendicular to the firer roll twice The
adjustments given in 1 end 5 above do not apply to the second. roll.
accuracy rate. 4-5 1" 1%" 1%" 1'1&" 2"2W"
Increase the ~ area by 1 "" lur ...,...istic lllipedues Olher than all
(1) • • 1
• 5 4 I z 1

c. If the distance is less than or equal to one-third of the target MK 485. T'!!"'fish. MSR 7525. and the Soviet wi"'il"ided 21'"; 1ur these 2 (2)
missile's speed, subtract 10 from the accuracy rate.

10. Shifting targets: lllipedues. mcrease the ~ area by 4''. 3 (3)
4 (4)
a. FC rating of the AA gun: The missile's speed is always the speed given in the SSM Data table 5 (5)
A -7 regardless of the distance actually moved by the missile during the 6 (6J
B -8 phase. 1 (7)
C-F -11 \1)" 15 I 1
G -14 7. If the target is an aircraft: 1" 9 1 (3)
H -17 n:;· 11 10 1 (5)
a. If the target has a self-protective chaff dispenser, subtract 2 2" 10 11 1 1
b. If the firer is Soviet, subtract an additional 2. from the accuracy rate it the SAM is radar guided. 2W" 9 12 1 1 (51
3" I 13 1 1 1
c. I~ ~he battery is not controlled by an FC radar, subtract an b. If the target has a maneuverability rating of 5 or higher, 31'i" 1 14 1 1 1 1
eddtt1onal 2. subtract 2 from the accuracy rate. 4" 1 15 1 1 1 1 1
4\li" & 11 1 1 1 1 1 1
d. Equipment on the unit detecting the new target: c. If the target has a maneuverability rating of 2 or less, add 2to 5"-5\'i" 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
the accuracy rate.
6'"-1\li" 4 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1. If the target is at surface skimming altitude or if the gun
d. If the targ·et aircraft dropped Ordnance or sonobuoys during
r-711!- 3
has an FC rating of A. there is no adjustment.
the phase, add 3 to the accuracy rate. tn addition, measure the
e--al'l· 2
!eng_th of the segment of the flight path against which the firing
9" 1
2.. If the detecting unit is an aircraft or a ship equipped
w1~h a 30 radar capable of detecting the target, there Is no is d1rec~ed and c?mpare it with the aircraft's speed for that B,IL TORPEDO ACCURACY AD.IUSTMEllTII
phase (1.e., the distance travelled by the aircraft during the

adjustment. All TWS radars are considered to be 30 P8rl1-NGlllC ' ..... 'a!I
radars. entire phase):
1. Target shRp iis mer 10.000 tans +3
1. If the length of the segment is greater than two-thirds
2. Target shop is sm-lhan 1111111 tuns -3
3. I~ (1) abo_ve does not apply, and the detecting unit is S. Target speed:: TOE
__ D'"IGE
_ . .TW.ES
equipped with a 20 radar and height finder (and no 30 of the aircraft's speed, there is no additional adjustment.
& 0 llds +3
rad~r. capable of detecting the target), subtract an ... 1-10 Ids *2
2. If the length of the segment is greater than one-third m
add1t1onal 3. \

4. If (1) does not apply and the detecting unit is equipped

but less than or equal to two-thirds of the aircraft's speed,
subtract 5.
c.. 11-20 Ids
... 4CHi!l Ids
-1 ' 1 -,.-ig.1wgun-KO.--mgine
-....._ 1 umw81ua KO.w 11 tcwlicadlluga.
e.. &0-79 Ids -2
with n_either a height finder nor a 30 radar capable of L II) lkls * -3
detecting the target, subtract an addition\al 6. 3. If the length of the segment is less than or equal to 2 - -.. .,. -engine--.2g111e-KO
one-third of the aircraft's speed, subtract 10 from the 4. Target is pnsenting - or 511!m aspect -5
..... .-...unics daz ya "
e. SSM Launch platform: ' 5. Foring ship was Soviet design -1
accuracy rate.
.._.2.. 'c•
--Ing._...,. __
1. If the missiles were launched from their own launcher or VLS
system, there is no adjustment. z ........_.,.,.
..,..,._ 3 - - . . -........, _ , , . . ._ _ K O . -
2. If the missiles were launched from a twin SAM launcher (found
8. Shifting targets--The adjustments given in Section A rule 10above ..........a dmm r nre .._. 1.
apply to SAM's as well as guns. ' 2. Nonnai ..-..
on some A:da_ms class DDs), add 3 to the accuracy rate. S. T19ht pallem
........ mi--ic:a

4 ..
3. If the m1ss1les were launched from a single SAM launcher 9. If the SAM flies for more than one phase (only the Talas can do this) 4. Target speed::
(as on Adams, Perry, Brooke, and Mitscher Classes), add 8 to subtract 5 from the accuracy rate during the second phase of flight. LOlds -3

the accuracy rate. IL 1-10 Ids -2
4. If the missiles were launched from as ASROC container add 10. If a SAM's maximum range is 30" or less, +3 to its accuracy rate. c. 11-20 llds -1
5 to the accuracy rate. ' ... 60-79 Ids -1 1 llinor llGDD. . milD'" "8Lbo11ir:s Wragr
11. ~f the t~rget ended its move at medium altitude, -3; if it ended its move
at high altitude, -6. If the target ended its move at very low altitude or
Note: Adjustments #5, 8, and 1, c and d do not apply to the RAM missile. e. .., Ids+
5. T...,.ONWWW•lli•--..ct
lower, -6 if the firing gun is larger than 50mm. 47
• 10 Dud,. no dlia age
c. If this distance is greater than 25% but less than or equal to Section B: Adjustments to SAM Fire
50°/o of the AA gun's range, subtract 3 from the accuracy rate. 1. _If the targe:t is _initiallY'. detected during the phase of firin the _ .._AA, L T..... lffWttil• - ~
ad1ustments given 1n Section A, #1 apply to SAM's as well as 8Uns. and del&chid torpedo
d. If this distance is equal to or less than 25% of the AA gun's , z aq AlllelWualber Rolled
range, subtract 6 from the accuracy rate.

6. Range finder used:

2.. If_ both the 1.a~t and the second from the last target counters are
w1th1n ~he m1r:11mum range of the SAM launcher the SAM
automatically misses the target. '
1 (1)
2 (2)
9 1
• • 5 4 z 1
1. - rating al lllrg8t:
.. Ywynoisy ...
... Noisy +2
a. FC radar--No adjustment 3 (3)
b. Search or TWS radar--subtract 3 3. If the distance between. the firer and the nearest point on the target's 4 (4)
c. Ouiel -2
flight path for that, ph~se 1s less than the minimum range of the SAM, d. Very quiet -4
c. Gun director (optical)--subtract 5 5 (5)
subtract the SAM s Min Range Red (given in Part 1 above) from the 6 (6)
SAM's accuracy rate. 7. Target presenting Siem aspect and:
7. If the target is a missile: 7 (7) a. Torpedo speed (per phase) is equal or greater than target's
8 1 speed (per tum): -
a. If the, target is homing during the phase and the cruise 4. If either the last or the second from the last target counter is beyond 9 1 (3)
the maximum range of the SAM, adjust the SAM accuracy rate as IL Torpedo speed is at least 75'!11 of target's speed: -1
altitude of the missile is higher than the vertical range of the AA 10 1 (5) c.. Torpedo speed exceeds 50% of target's speed. but is less
g~n._subtra~t 1 fro_m the accuracy rate. Note: guns may fire at
follows: 11 1 1 than 75'!11 ol lhal speed: -4
m1ss1!es which cruise above the gun's vertical range only during 12 1 1 (5) d. Torpedo speed does not e>lceed 50% ol ___.s ---': no
~he phase the missile is homing. a. If either of these counters is beyond the maximum range of 13 1 1 1 htt possible - - · ........
the SAM, subtract 3 from the accuracy rate. 14 1 1 1 1
b. If _the target is a Harpoon or Otomat Mk 1, during the phase of 15 1 1 1 1 1 L Tuget is using _ _ .
b. If both of the counters are beyond the maximum range of the 16 1 1 1 1 1 1
homing subtract 2 from the accuracy rate. SAM, subtract 6. 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
c. lf_tne target is an Exocet or Kormoran during the phase of 18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S. F",.. - a Soviet -!1116d ship -1
homing, subtract 1 from the accuracy rate if the gun used is a Beer in mind that unless some point on the target's flight path for that
40mm prox. or larger than 50mm. pha~e is within maximum range of the SAM launcher, the SAM may not 11L The distance between the target and the ID<pedo counts is less than
be fired. one-hall of the ID<pedo's homing range (usually 2") + 3
8. If !he target is an aircraft:
5. Fire control used: 11. Target: ulll9d '"fisht81ing"" ar -pau1wra· -2
a. If th_e aircraft dropped ordnance or sonobuoys during the

preced1ng movement phase, add 3 to the accurac)_' rate. a. FC radar--No adjustment 12. T...,. is within 30" al a dllplh c:lmge
b. If the target has a self-protective chaff dispenser, subtract 2
from the accuracy rate if the gun is radar controlled or using a
b. Optical sight--Subtract 2.

6. If the target is a missile that is homing in on a ship during the phase

•al .......
T-Tor r-1r1:r-1r1r-:1rzs"-3ll'":l1"-a- :n-+ ._.. ..,,.hetv on
lhe plmying-
of firing, measure the distance between the last and the second from W ide 2-3 2- 2\li" 3" 3\li" 4" 4W" 5"
search or TWS radar for range finding. 11 Target is a aJfM!lltional· <fes • powered sub -7
the last (target) missile counters: 4-53-4" s· r r 1· r
c. If the target has a maneuverability rating of 5 or higher, ~ Adjustments 12~13~onlyif . . llSWgameisplaJed. Tiie
a. If the distance is greater than two-thirds of the target Normal 2-3 1" 1%" 1%" 2" 2W" 2W"
subtract 2. 'p1llei1_,_..
. ,_ _ and is anlku
a - _ _
carried _
only on _
submarines. Rules lor
mlsslle's speed, there is no adjustment. 4-5 1\li" 2" 2W" 3" 4" 4\li"
d. If the target has a maneuverability rating of 2 or less, add 2 to
the accuracy rate. b. It the distance is greater than one-third but less than or equal
to two-thirds of the target missile's speed, subtract 5 from the
• _,.....,..__. .......

9. If the target's flight path is perpendicular to the firer roll twice The
adjustments given in 1 end 5 above do not apply to the second. roll.
accuracy rate. 4-5 1" 1%" 1%" 1'1&" 2"2W"
Increase the ~ area by 1 "" lur ...,...istic lllipedues Olher than all
(1) • • 1
• 5 4 I z 1

c. If the distance is less than or equal to one-third of the target MK 485. T'!!"'fish. MSR 7525. and the Soviet wi"'il"ided 21'"; 1ur these 2 (2)
missile's speed, subtract 10 from the accuracy rate.

10. Shifting targets: lllipedues. mcrease the ~ area by 4''. 3 (3)
4 (4)
a. FC rating of the AA gun: The missile's speed is always the speed given in the SSM Data table 5 (5)
A -7 regardless of the distance actually moved by the missile during the 6 (6J
B -8 phase. 1 (7)
C-F -11 \1)" 15 I 1
G -14 7. If the target is an aircraft: 1" 9 1 (3)
H -17 n:;· 11 10 1 (5)
a. If the target has a self-protective chaff dispenser, subtract 2 2" 10 11 1 1
b. If the firer is Soviet, subtract an additional 2. from the accuracy rate it the SAM is radar guided. 2W" 9 12 1 1 (51
3" I 13 1 1 1
c. I~ ~he battery is not controlled by an FC radar, subtract an b. If the target has a maneuverability rating of 5 or higher, 31'i" 1 14 1 1 1 1
eddtt1onal 2. subtract 2 from the accuracy rate. 4" 1 15 1 1 1 1 1
4\li" & 11 1 1 1 1 1 1
d. Equipment on the unit detecting the new target: c. If the target has a maneuverability rating of 2 or less, add 2to 5"-5\'i" 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
the accuracy rate.
6'"-1\li" 4 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1. If the target is at surface skimming altitude or if the gun
d. If the targ·et aircraft dropped Ordnance or sonobuoys during
r-711!- 3
has an FC rating of A. there is no adjustment.
the phase, add 3 to the accuracy rate. tn addition, measure the
e--al'l· 2
!eng_th of the segment of the flight path against which the firing
9" 1
2.. If the detecting unit is an aircraft or a ship equipped
w1~h a 30 radar capable of detecting the target, there Is no is d1rec~ed and c?mpare it with the aircraft's speed for that B,IL TORPEDO ACCURACY AD.IUSTMEllTII
phase (1.e., the distance travelled by the aircraft during the

adjustment. All TWS radars are considered to be 30 P8rl1-NGlllC ' ..... 'a!I
radars. entire phase):
1. Target shRp iis mer 10.000 tans +3
1. If the length of the segment is greater than two-thirds
2. Target shop is sm-lhan 1111111 tuns -3
3. I~ (1) abo_ve does not apply, and the detecting unit is S. Target speed:: TOE
__ D'"IGE
_ . .TW.ES
equipped with a 20 radar and height finder (and no 30 of the aircraft's speed, there is no additional adjustment.
& 0 llds +3
rad~r. capable of detecting the target), subtract an ... 1-10 Ids *2
2. If the length of the segment is greater than one-third m
add1t1onal 3. \

4. If (1) does not apply and the detecting unit is equipped

but less than or equal to two-thirds of the aircraft's speed,
subtract 5.
c.. 11-20 Ids
... 4CHi!l Ids
-1 ' 1 -,.-ig.1wgun-KO.--mgine
-....._ 1 umw81ua KO.w 11 tcwlicadlluga.
e.. &0-79 Ids -2
with n_either a height finder nor a 30 radar capable of L II) lkls * -3
detecting the target, subtract an addition\al 6. 3. If the length of the segment is less than or equal to 2 - -.. .,. -engine--.2g111e-KO
one-third of the aircraft's speed, subtract 10 from the 4. Target is pnsenting - or 511!m aspect -5
..... .-...unics daz ya "
e. SSM Launch platform: ' 5. Foring ship was Soviet design -1
accuracy rate.
.._.2.. 'c•
--Ing._...,. __
1. If the missiles were launched from their own launcher or VLS
system, there is no adjustment. z ........_.,.,.
..,..,._ 3 - - . . -........, _ , , . . ._ _ K O . -
2. If the missiles were launched from a twin SAM launcher (found
8. Shifting targets--The adjustments given in Section A rule 10above ..........a dmm r nre .._. 1.
apply to SAM's as well as guns. ' 2. Nonnai ..-..
on some A:da_ms class DDs), add 3 to the accuracy rate. S. T19ht pallem
........ mi--ic:a

4 ..
3. If the m1ss1les were launched from a single SAM launcher 9. If the SAM flies for more than one phase (only the Talas can do this) 4. Target speed::
(as on Adams, Perry, Brooke, and Mitscher Classes), add 8 to subtract 5 from the accuracy rate during the second phase of flight. LOlds -3

the accuracy rate. IL 1-10 Ids -2
4. If the missiles were launched from as ASROC container add 10. If a SAM's maximum range is 30" or less, +3 to its accuracy rate. c. 11-20 llds -1
5 to the accuracy rate. ' ... 60-79 Ids -1 1 llinor llGDD. . milD'" "8Lbo11ir:s Wragr
11. ~f the t~rget ended its move at medium altitude, -3; if it ended its move
at high altitude, -6. If the target ended its move at very low altitude or
Note: Adjustments #5, 8, and 1, c and d do not apply to the RAM missile. e. .., Ids+
5. T...,.ONWWW•lli•--..ct
lower, -6 if the firing gun is larger than 50mm. 47
• 10 Dud,. no dlia age
1,b. Target: Over 10,000 tons 11,c. Target: 1,000-10,000 tons TORPEDO DATA TABLE Note: Ship size:
Suit: Heart Suit: Diamond (Anti--$hipping Torpedoes) 1. Small--Under 1000 tons.
Number/Result: Number/Result: 2. Medium--1000-10,000 tons.
Torp Speml Rng Rola 6uid Ito• Acq Ace FD
1 Normal flooding, minor electronics damaqe. 1 Magazine explosion in the stern if the ship has at least one 3. Large-·Over 10,000 tons.
Rte Rte
main gun or SAM mount there; otherwise, the ship sustains (US)
2,3 Minor flooding, fire level 1 heavy flooding and rudder damage. Air targets include both aircraft and missiles. The altitude level listed
MK 14 1.75 11 1411 AS N 1360 as SS is surface skimming altitude.
4,5 Minor flooding. 2,3 Normal flooding, rudder KO, 1 generator KO, severe MK 37 1.25 11 12 11 OP w A 5 9 1150
electronics. damage. MK 37CO ; =75 18 11 OP w A 5 10 1150
6,7 Minor flooding, minor electronics damage. MK 48 2.75" 75 11
8,9 Minor flooding.
4,5 Normal flooding, propeller KO, severe electronics damage. MK48ADCAP 3 .25 11 75 11 DP w A 2 13 2100 Part 1: Adjustments to the number picked
(I.IC) 1. Small target +4
6,7 Heavy flooding: rudder KO, VOS sonar KO, minor engine MK 8 2 ai:;.11 711 AS N 1300 2. Medium target No adjustment
10 Dud, no damage. damage, 2 generators KO, very severe electronics damage, 3. Large target -4
fire level 1. TIGERFISH 1 .75" 56 11 OP w A 2 12 1100 4. Missile target +10
MSR 7525 3 .5 11 75 11 OP w A 2 13 2100 5. Target presenting neither
8,9 Minor flooding, minor electronic damage. (AWICE) bow nor stern aspect -4
E 14 1 .25 11 8" OP A 5 9 1300 6. Unstabilized antenna +2
1,c. Target: Over 10,000 tonic 10 Dud, no damage. 1.25 11
Sult: Diamond
E 15 18 11 OP A 5 9 1475 7. Radar is continuous wave .1
Number/Result: L 5 1.75 11 18 11 OP A 5 11 1300 8. Radar is pulse doppler -1
1 Normal !lo:>ding, rudder KO, one generator KO, minor z 16 1.5 11 15 11 AS N 1475 9. Radar is monopulse -1
electronics damage. (llEST 6ElllAllY) 10. Radar has frequency agility -1
SUT 2.25 11 30" OP w A 5 12 1400 11. Radar has MTI -1
2 Minor flooding, propeller KO. SEAL 2.25 11 30 11 AS w A 5 11 1400 12. Reduced gain used (except for SPY·1) +4
(USSR) 13. Target was detected by the
3 Minor flooding, rudder KO, fire level 1. 111,a. Target: Under 1000 tons same unit by radar during the
Sult: Club or Spade 53-VA 1.5 11 9" AS A 5 7 1300 prior phase -6
4,5 Minor flooding. Number/Result: 21 11 2.25" 22 11 OP A 5 9 1300 14. FC radar used to search No aetection unless
1,2 Very heavy flooding, very severe engine damage, all 21 11 2 .5 11 75 11 OP w A 2 11 1300 card is black
6,7 Minor flooding, minor electronics damage. electronics KO, all generators KO, all FC systems KO, steering (ITALY) 15. Noise jamming used:
circuits KO, communications and data link KO. AS 184: No data available, but probably similar to a. Search & TWS radars +12
8,9 Minor flooding. SUT. b. FC radar +10
3-8 Normal flooding, very severe engine damage, very severe c. Jamming unit has a radar -2 unless d below
10 Dud, no damage. electronics damage, all generators KO. Notes: Most of the table is self-explanatory. The· speed figures detection rating of B also _applies
represent the speed of the torpedo during each phase. d. Radar has frequency agility -4
9 Minor flooding, major engine damage, very severe e. Jammer is airborne +4
electronics damage, 2 generators KO, fire level 4. The roles are: f. Radar is phased array (SPY-1) -8
10 Dud, no damage. 1. DP--Dual pUrpose. These torpedoes can be used against Note: Noise jamming 1s completely ineffective against CW radars, any
11,a. Target: 1,000-10,000 tons ships and submerged submarines. FC radar used to launch torpedoes or control semi-active SSM's, and
Suit: Club or Spade lhe radars mounted on all active homing SSM's that have already
2. AS--Anti-shipping These torpedoes may be used only acquired targets.
1 Very heavy flooding, very severe engine damage, 2 generators against surface vessels.
KO, very severe electronics damage.
16. Adjustments to airborne radars only:
Guidance: W means the torpedo is wire guided; - indicates that it is a. Target is at high altitude +1
2 Very heavy fl~odi.ng, very severe engine damage, 2 generators unguided. · b. Target is at medium altitude +2
KO, ~ommun1cat1ons and data link KO, main gun director KO, 111,b. Target: Under 1,000 Ions c. Target is at low altitude +3
1 main QUn mount KO, 1 main SAM mount KO, very severe Sult: Heart Homing: A means the torpedo is acoustic homing; N means the d. Target is at very low altitude +4
electronics damage. Number/Result: t0rpedo is not capable of acoustic homing. e. Target is at surface skimming altitude +5
1 Magazine explosion if the ship has at least one main gun or SAM I. Target is at low altitude or lower,
3 Minor flooding, major engine damage, severe electronics mount in the bow. If not, the ship sustains heavy flooding, very severe FD rating-·-This represents the amount of flotation damage normally searcher at medium altitude +8
damage, 1 generator KO. electronics damage, severe engine damage, 1 generator KO instead. caused by a hit with the torpedo. g. Target is at low altitude or lower,
searcher at high altitude +12
4 Normal flooding, major engine damage, fire level 2, very 2,3 Same as 1 above, but normal flooding instead of h'1avy flooding if None of the torpedoes listed above can be carried on surface ships ex- h. Target is at low altitude or lower,
severe electronics damage, all generators KO. the magazine does not explode. cept for the following: searcher at very high altitude +16
German SEAL I. Target is at medium altitude,
5-7 Normal flood in~, major engine damage, 1 generator KO, 4-7 Same as 1 above, but minor flooding instead oi neavy flooding ii German SUT searcher is at high altitude +8
severe electronics damage. the magazine does not explode. Italian AS 184 J. Target is at medium altitude,
Soviet 53 VA searcher is at very high altitude +12
8-9 Normal flooding, moderate engine damage, minor electronics 8,9 Minor flooding, fire level 4, ma1or engine damage, severe Soviet unguided 21" k. Target is at high altitude,
damage. electronics damage, sonar KO, 2 generators KO The remaining torpedoes are carried only by submarines. Wire guided searcher is at very high altitude +8
torpedoes can only be fired from fixed tubes, never from trainable tunes. I. Radar hf.ls a look down rating of b -4
10 Dud, no damage. 10 Dud, no damage. m. Radar has a look down rating of a -8
Searcher: Surface Targets Air Targets
11,b. Target: 1,000-10,000 tons SS Vlow Low Med HI VHI
Sult: Heart Ship Small Med Large
Number/Result: Small 36" 45" 57" 30" 69" 213" 468" 618" 918"
Medium 51" 60" 72" 45" 84" 228" 483" 633" 933" Part 2: Other adjustments to radar effectiveness
1 Magazine explosion in the bow if ship has at least one main 57" 66" 78" 51" 90" 234" 489" 639" 939" 17. Target protected by chaff:
gun or SAM mount in the bow. If the ship has no bow-mounted 111,c. Target: Under 1000 tons a. Search radars -25°/u
guns or SAM's, it sustains heavy flooding and tire level 3 in Sult: Diamond from effectiveness of radar
place of the magazine explosion Aircraft
Number/Result: 30" 39" 51" 24" 63" 207" 462" 612" b. FC radars -50%
Surf. Skim 912"
1 Magazine explosion if the target has at least one main gun or SAM V. Low 69" 78" 90" 63" 102" 246" 501" 651" 951' c. TWS radar searching -25%
2,3 No~mal flooding, sonar KO, one main gun mount KO, one mount in the stern. If not, the ship sustains heavy flooding, very severe d. TWS radar tracking -75%
~a1n S~M mount KO, one sec weapons mount KO (firer has
Low 213" 222" 234" 207" 246" 390" 645" 795" 1095'
electronics damage, severe engine damage, 1 generator KO instead. Medium 468" 477" 489" 462" 501" 645" 900" 1050" 1350' e. Radar is pulse doppler +25o/o
his choice), severe electronics damage, 1 generator KO. t. Radar has MTI +25°/o
High 618" 627" 639" 612" 651" 795" 1050" 1200" 1500'
2,3 Same as 1 above but normal flooding instead of heavy flooding ii 927" 939" 912" 951" 1095" 1350" 1500" 1800' g. Radar is CW +25%
4,5 Heavy flooding, one main gun mount KO, one main SAM magazine does not explode. V. High 918"
h. On phase chaff is initially launched, reduce effectiveness of chaff
m?unt KO,, two sec weapons mounts KO (firer has his choice), by 2501o if launched from a B-rated system or by 50°/o if launched
minor engine damage, very severe electronics damage 1 4-7 Same as 1 above but minor flooding instead of heavy flooding if The table above gives the maximum ranges at which radars can detect
generator KO, fire revel 2 ' from a C-rated system.
magazine does not explode. targets The range is based on the size of the ship or the altitude of the
aircraft using the radar and the size or altitude of the unit the radar is 18. Range or velocity gate pull off used:
6,7 Normal flooding, fire level 2, minor electronics damage. 8,9 Minor flooding, propeller damage, rudder KO, fire level 2, major searching. To use the table, find the size of the ship using the radar, or a. FC radar- Black card needed for successful jamming.
engine damage, 2 generators KO, VOS sonar KO, severe electronics if the radar is on an aircraft, find the altitude level of the aircraft in the
8,9 Minor flooding, minor electronics damage. damage. left hand column of the table Then, find the size or height of the unit b. TWS radar - Club, spade, or diamond results in
against which the radar is being used at the top of the table. Cross- successful jamming.
10 Dud, no damage. 1O Dud, no damage. refer the two columns to determine the maximum radar detection
range. c. Radar has jlttered PRF - Spade needed for successful
jamming of FC radar; black card needed for successful
41 50 jamming of TWS.
1,b. Target: Over 10,000 tons 11,c. Target: 1,000-10,000 tons TORPEDO DATA TABLE Note: Ship size:
Suit: Heart Suit: Diamond (Anti--$hipping Torpedoes) 1. Small--Under 1000 tons.
Number/Result: Number/Result: 2. Medium--1000-10,000 tons.
Torp Speml Rng Rola 6uid Ito• Acq Ace FD
1 Normal flooding, minor electronics damaqe. 1 Magazine explosion in the stern if the ship has at least one 3. Large-·Over 10,000 tons.
Rte Rte
main gun or SAM mount there; otherwise, the ship sustains (US)
2,3 Minor flooding, fire level 1 heavy flooding and rudder damage. Air targets include both aircraft and missiles. The altitude level listed
MK 14 1.75 11 1411 AS N 1360 as SS is surface skimming altitude.
4,5 Minor flooding. 2,3 Normal flooding, rudder KO, 1 generator KO, severe MK 37 1.25 11 12 11 OP w A 5 9 1150
electronics. damage. MK 37CO ; =75 18 11 OP w A 5 10 1150
6,7 Minor flooding, minor electronics damage. MK 48 2.75" 75 11
8,9 Minor flooding.
4,5 Normal flooding, propeller KO, severe electronics damage. MK48ADCAP 3 .25 11 75 11 DP w A 2 13 2100 Part 1: Adjustments to the number picked
(I.IC) 1. Small target +4
6,7 Heavy flooding: rudder KO, VOS sonar KO, minor engine MK 8 2 ai:;.11 711 AS N 1300 2. Medium target No adjustment
10 Dud, no damage. damage, 2 generators KO, very severe electronics damage, 3. Large target -4
fire level 1. TIGERFISH 1 .75" 56 11 OP w A 2 12 1100 4. Missile target +10
MSR 7525 3 .5 11 75 11 OP w A 2 13 2100 5. Target presenting neither
8,9 Minor flooding, minor electronic damage. (AWICE) bow nor stern aspect -4
E 14 1 .25 11 8" OP A 5 9 1300 6. Unstabilized antenna +2
1,c. Target: Over 10,000 tonic 10 Dud, no damage. 1.25 11
Sult: Diamond
E 15 18 11 OP A 5 9 1475 7. Radar is continuous wave .1
Number/Result: L 5 1.75 11 18 11 OP A 5 11 1300 8. Radar is pulse doppler -1
1 Normal !lo:>ding, rudder KO, one generator KO, minor z 16 1.5 11 15 11 AS N 1475 9. Radar is monopulse -1
electronics damage. (llEST 6ElllAllY) 10. Radar has frequency agility -1
SUT 2.25 11 30" OP w A 5 12 1400 11. Radar has MTI -1
2 Minor flooding, propeller KO. SEAL 2.25 11 30 11 AS w A 5 11 1400 12. Reduced gain used (except for SPY·1) +4
(USSR) 13. Target was detected by the
3 Minor flooding, rudder KO, fire level 1. 111,a. Target: Under 1000 tons same unit by radar during the
Sult: Club or Spade 53-VA 1.5 11 9" AS A 5 7 1300 prior phase -6
4,5 Minor flooding. Number/Result: 21 11 2.25" 22 11 OP A 5 9 1300 14. FC radar used to search No aetection unless
1,2 Very heavy flooding, very severe engine damage, all 21 11 2 .5 11 75 11 OP w A 2 11 1300 card is black
6,7 Minor flooding, minor electronics damage. electronics KO, all generators KO, all FC systems KO, steering (ITALY) 15. Noise jamming used:
circuits KO, communications and data link KO. AS 184: No data available, but probably similar to a. Search & TWS radars +12
8,9 Minor flooding. SUT. b. FC radar +10
3-8 Normal flooding, very severe engine damage, very severe c. Jamming unit has a radar -2 unless d below
10 Dud, no damage. electronics damage, all generators KO. Notes: Most of the table is self-explanatory. The· speed figures detection rating of B also _applies
represent the speed of the torpedo during each phase. d. Radar has frequency agility -4
9 Minor flooding, major engine damage, very severe e. Jammer is airborne +4
electronics damage, 2 generators KO, fire level 4. The roles are: f. Radar is phased array (SPY-1) -8
10 Dud, no damage. 1. DP--Dual pUrpose. These torpedoes can be used against Note: Noise jamming 1s completely ineffective against CW radars, any
11,a. Target: 1,000-10,000 tons ships and submerged submarines. FC radar used to launch torpedoes or control semi-active SSM's, and
Suit: Club or Spade lhe radars mounted on all active homing SSM's that have already
2. AS--Anti-shipping These torpedoes may be used only acquired targets.
1 Very heavy flooding, very severe engine damage, 2 generators against surface vessels.
KO, very severe electronics damage.
16. Adjustments to airborne radars only:
Guidance: W means the torpedo is wire guided; - indicates that it is a. Target is at high altitude +1
2 Very heavy fl~odi.ng, very severe engine damage, 2 generators unguided. · b. Target is at medium altitude +2
KO, ~ommun1cat1ons and data link KO, main gun director KO, 111,b. Target: Under 1,000 Ions c. Target is at low altitude +3
1 main QUn mount KO, 1 main SAM mount KO, very severe Sult: Heart Homing: A means the torpedo is acoustic homing; N means the d. Target is at very low altitude +4
electronics damage. Number/Result: t0rpedo is not capable of acoustic homing. e. Target is at surface skimming altitude +5
1 Magazine explosion if the ship has at least one main gun or SAM I. Target is at low altitude or lower,
3 Minor flooding, major engine damage, severe electronics mount in the bow. If not, the ship sustains heavy flooding, very severe FD rating-·-This represents the amount of flotation damage normally searcher at medium altitude +8
damage, 1 generator KO. electronics damage, severe engine damage, 1 generator KO instead. caused by a hit with the torpedo. g. Target is at low altitude or lower,
searcher at high altitude +12
4 Normal flooding, major engine damage, fire level 2, very 2,3 Same as 1 above, but normal flooding instead of h'1avy flooding if None of the torpedoes listed above can be carried on surface ships ex- h. Target is at low altitude or lower,
severe electronics damage, all generators KO. the magazine does not explode. cept for the following: searcher at very high altitude +16
German SEAL I. Target is at medium altitude,
5-7 Normal flood in~, major engine damage, 1 generator KO, 4-7 Same as 1 above, but minor flooding instead oi neavy flooding ii German SUT searcher is at high altitude +8
severe electronics damage. the magazine does not explode. Italian AS 184 J. Target is at medium altitude,
Soviet 53 VA searcher is at very high altitude +12
8-9 Normal flooding, moderate engine damage, minor electronics 8,9 Minor flooding, fire level 4, ma1or engine damage, severe Soviet unguided 21" k. Target is at high altitude,
damage. electronics damage, sonar KO, 2 generators KO The remaining torpedoes are carried only by submarines. Wire guided searcher is at very high altitude +8
torpedoes can only be fired from fixed tubes, never from trainable tunes. I. Radar hf.ls a look down rating of b -4
10 Dud, no damage. 10 Dud, no damage. m. Radar has a look down rating of a -8
Searcher: Surface Targets Air Targets
11,b. Target: 1,000-10,000 tons SS Vlow Low Med HI VHI
Sult: Heart Ship Small Med Large
Number/Result: Small 36" 45" 57" 30" 69" 213" 468" 618" 918"
Medium 51" 60" 72" 45" 84" 228" 483" 633" 933" Part 2: Other adjustments to radar effectiveness
1 Magazine explosion in the bow if ship has at least one main 57" 66" 78" 51" 90" 234" 489" 639" 939" 17. Target protected by chaff:
gun or SAM mount in the bow. If the ship has no bow-mounted 111,c. Target: Under 1000 tons a. Search radars -25°/u
guns or SAM's, it sustains heavy flooding and tire level 3 in Sult: Diamond from effectiveness of radar
place of the magazine explosion Aircraft
Number/Result: 30" 39" 51" 24" 63" 207" 462" 612" b. FC radars -50%
Surf. Skim 912"
1 Magazine explosion if the target has at least one main gun or SAM V. Low 69" 78" 90" 63" 102" 246" 501" 651" 951' c. TWS radar searching -25%
2,3 No~mal flooding, sonar KO, one main gun mount KO, one mount in the stern. If not, the ship sustains heavy flooding, very severe d. TWS radar tracking -75%
~a1n S~M mount KO, one sec weapons mount KO (firer has
Low 213" 222" 234" 207" 246" 390" 645" 795" 1095'
electronics damage, severe engine damage, 1 generator KO instead. Medium 468" 477" 489" 462" 501" 645" 900" 1050" 1350' e. Radar is pulse doppler +25o/o
his choice), severe electronics damage, 1 generator KO. t. Radar has MTI +25°/o
High 618" 627" 639" 612" 651" 795" 1050" 1200" 1500'
2,3 Same as 1 above but normal flooding instead of heavy flooding ii 927" 939" 912" 951" 1095" 1350" 1500" 1800' g. Radar is CW +25%
4,5 Heavy flooding, one main gun mount KO, one main SAM magazine does not explode. V. High 918"
h. On phase chaff is initially launched, reduce effectiveness of chaff
m?unt KO,, two sec weapons mounts KO (firer has his choice), by 2501o if launched from a B-rated system or by 50°/o if launched
minor engine damage, very severe electronics damage 1 4-7 Same as 1 above but minor flooding instead of heavy flooding if The table above gives the maximum ranges at which radars can detect
generator KO, fire revel 2 ' from a C-rated system.
magazine does not explode. targets The range is based on the size of the ship or the altitude of the
aircraft using the radar and the size or altitude of the unit the radar is 18. Range or velocity gate pull off used:
6,7 Normal flooding, fire level 2, minor electronics damage. 8,9 Minor flooding, propeller damage, rudder KO, fire level 2, major searching. To use the table, find the size of the ship using the radar, or a. FC radar- Black card needed for successful jamming.
engine damage, 2 generators KO, VOS sonar KO, severe electronics if the radar is on an aircraft, find the altitude level of the aircraft in the
8,9 Minor flooding, minor electronics damage. damage. left hand column of the table Then, find the size or height of the unit b. TWS radar - Club, spade, or diamond results in
against which the radar is being used at the top of the table. Cross- successful jamming.
10 Dud, no damage. 1O Dud, no damage. refer the two columns to determine the maximum radar detection
range. c. Radar has jlttered PRF - Spade needed for successful
jamming of FC radar; black card needed for successful
41 50 jamming of TWS.
- -
d. Radar is monopulse - Jammer must be capable of jamming 19. Detecting false targets:
monopulse; otherwise, jamming always fails. a. Search radar - Spade only.
e. Radar is frequency agile - Only A-rated systems are effec- b. FC radar - Club or made. Basic Strengths
tive. In addition, spade needed to jam FC radar, while any black c. Radar has Jittered P For frequency agility - Club or ~pade mt -r Tn>a SUr SS VI.aw Ln Hi Viii IP ECCll
card will iam TWS. 27
Note: The existence of false targets can be revealed if the bottom DRBV-22 FR AS 30 75 125 150 p
Note: To jam monopulse radar, there must be two jamming units radar search counter placed beneath a unit is examined. This counter 28 DRBY-23 FR AS 50 100 150 175 p
within 3" of each other, or the jamming unit must be an aircraft at 29 DRBV-26 M
can be examined if the unit is detected and a card of the proper suit FR AS 20 50 100 125 p M,F
surface skimming or very low altitude, or the jamming unit must have indicated above is picked. 30 ORB\1-50 FR AS/SS
an A rating. 20 1D 30 70 70 p M
31 DRB\1-51 FR 1'NS 20 10 20 20 20 p
32 DRBI-10 M
FR 3D 15 35 60 BO 125 p
33 DRBI-23 FR 30 5 30 50 100 150 175 M
Port 3: Rader AdJu1tment Tobie 34 DECCA M,F
Number FR SS 40 20 30 p
Picked Radar Strength 35 DRBN-32 FR SS 25 15 20 p
36 TRITON nvs
240" 37
IT nvs
30" 90" 105" 120" 135" 150" 165" 180" 195" 210" 225" 240" IT AS/SS 10 5 20 75 90 90 p M,J,F
3 14" 28" 42" 56" 70" 84'' 98" 112" 126" 140" 154" 168" 182" 196" 210" 224" 39 RAM-3 IT AS
4 13" 26" 39" 52" 65" 78" 91" 104" 117'' 50 100 150 150 p M,J,F
130" 143" 156" 169" 182" 195" 208" 40 3RM IT SS 40 20 40 p
5 12" 24" 36" 48" 60" 72" 84" 96" 108" 120" 132" 144" 156" 168" 180" 192" 41 SP&-6 F,J
6 11" 22" 33" 44" 55" 66'' 88"
IT AS 25 40 60 75 p
77" 99" 110" 121" 132" 143" 154" 165" 176" 42 SEARCH IS nvs
7 10" 20" 30" 40" 50" 60" 70" 60" 90'' 100" 110" 120" 130" 140" 150" 160" 20 10 20 20 20 p M
8 9" 18" 27" 36" 45" 54'' 63" 72" 81" 90" 99" 108" 117" 43 BAND STAND USSR SS/AS 35 15 40 100 p
8" 126" 135" 144" 44 BIG NET
9 16" 24" 32" 40" 48" 56" 84" 72" 80" 88" 96" 104" 112" 120" 128" USSR AS 50 75 100 150 p
10 7" 14" 21" 28" 35" 42" 49" 56" 63" 70" 77" 84" 91" 98" 105" 45 BOAT SAIL USSR AS 50 80 150 p
11 6" 12" 18" 24" 36" 48" 54"
112" 175
30" 42" 60" 66" 72'' 78" 84" 90" 98" 46 CROSS BIRO USSR AS/SS 5 30 35 35 35 35 p
12 5" 10" 15" 20" 25" 30'' 35" 40" 45" 50" 55" 60" 65" 70" 75" 80" 47 DON USSR SS 25
13 4" 8" 12" 16" 20" 24" 28" 32" 15 20 p
36'' 40" 44" 48" 52" 56" 60" 64" 4B DON KAY USSR SS 35 20 25 p
14 3" 6" 9" 12" 15" 18" 21" 24" 27" 30" 33" 36" 39" 42" 45" 48"
15 2" 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 18"
49 FLAT SPIN USSR AS 30 70 125 150 p
16'' 20" 22" 24" 26" 28" 30" 32" 50 HEAD NET A USSR
16+ 1" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 7" 8" 9" 10" 11" 12" 13" 14" 15" AS 30 50 65 75 p M
16" 51 HEAD NET C USSR 30 30 50 65 75 p M
Number 52 HIGH SIEVE USSR AS/SS 20 5 10 20 25 p
Picked Radar Strength 53 KNIFE REST A USSR AS 10 p
85 80 95 100 125 150 50 70 90
175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 54 KNIFE REST B USSR AS 40 70 125 150 p
1(-) 255" 270" 285" 300" 375" 450" 525" 600" 675" 750" 825" 900" 975" 1050" 1125" 1200" 55 PLINTH NET USSR 3D
2 255': 270" 285" 300" 375" 20 10 20 40 BO 100 100 p M
450" 525" 600" 675" 750" 825" 900" 975" 1050" 1125" 1200" 56 POT DRUM USSR SS 25 15 20
3 238" 252" 266" 280'' 350" 420" 490" 560" 630" 700" 770" 840" 910" p
4 980" 1050" 1120" 57 POT HEM! USSR SS 20 10 20 p
221" 234" 247" 260" 325" 390" 455" 520" 585" 650" 715" 780" 845" 910" 975" 1040"
5 204" 216" 228" 240" 300" 360" 420" 480" 540" 800" 660" 720" 58 SKIN HEAD USSR SS 15 5 15 p
780" 840" 900" 960" 59 SLIM NET
6 187" 198" 209" 220" 275" 330" 385" 440" 495" 550" 605" 660" 715" 770" 825" 880"
USSR AS/SS 25 10 15 15 15 p
7 170" 180" 190" 200" 250" 300" 350" 400" 450" 500" 550" 600" 650" 700" 750" 800"
60 SNOOP PLATE USSR SS 15 5 10 p
8 153" 162" 171" 160" 225" 270" 315" 360" 405" 450" 495" 540" 585" 630" 675" 720" 61 SNOOP SLAB USSR SS 20 10 15 p
9 136" 144" 152" 160" 200" 240" 280" 320" 360" 400" 440" 480" 520" 560" 600" 640" 82 SNOOP TRAY USSR SS 20 10 15 p
10 119" 126" 133" 140" 175" 210" 245" 280" 315" 350" 385" 420" 455" 490" 525" 560" 63 SPOON REST USSR AS
11 102" 108" 114" 120" 150" 180" 210" 240" 270" 300" 330" 360" 390" 30 70 125 150 p
12 85" 420" 450" 480" 64 SQUARE TIE* USSR SS 25 10 20 25 p
90" 95" 100" 125" 150" 175" 200" 225" 250" 275" 300" 325" 350" 375" 400" 65
13 68" 72" 76" 80" 100" 120" 140'' 160" 180" 200" 220" STRUT CURVE USSR AS 20 60 100 150 p M
240" 260" 280" 300" 320" 66 TOP SAIL USSR
14 51" 54" 57" 60" 75" 90" 105" 120" 135" 150" 165" 180" 195" 210" 225" 240" 30 50 100 200 250 300 p M
15 34" 36" 38" 40" 50" 80" 70" 80" 90" 100" 110" 120" 130" 140" 150" 67 TOP STEER USSR 3D 30 50 100 100 100 p
16+ 17" 18" 19" 20" 25" 160" 68 TOP TROUGH M
30" 35" 40" 45" 50'' 55" 60" 65" 70" 75" 80" USSR AS 20 60 75 100 p M
If the number picked, after adjustments, exceeds 19 the tariet is not detected. 111 SP&-63 us SS 40 20 50 p
1 112 SP&-67 us SS 50 25 40 p F
RADAR GUIDE 113 MK-23 us nvs 30 25 30 80 90 90 90 PO F,J
us nvs

114 SPY-1 25 65 125 200 250 p F,M,J
Pert; 1: Saa rch Rada ra 115 TYPE 967 UK nvs 40 20 30 40 50 PD F,J
Baai c St;rangt;ha 116 TYPE 994 UK nvs 30 15 90 p
I.mi Hi Viii IP
ECOi 117
LW 02
LW 04
10 50 60 65 p 119 LW 08 NETH AS/SS 10 5 30 60 100 125 150 p
3 SPS-32/33 us 30 75 150 300 400 p M 120 DA 01 NETH nvs 10 5 10 30 50 p
4 SPS-37 us AS 30 125 200 300 p 121 DA 05 NETH nvs 15 5 40 60 80 100 100 p
5 SPS-39 us 30 20 50 100 150 175 p M 122 DA OB NETH nvs 20 10 50 70 90 120 120 p
6 SP5-40 us AS 100 150 250 350 p M 123 WM 25 NETH nvs 20 10 20 20 20 PD F,J
7 SPS-43 us AS 30 125 200 300 p M 124 zw 01-05 NETH SS 20 10 10 p
B SP5-4B us 3D 5 50 100 150 200 250 p 125 zw 06-07 NETH SS 30 15 15 15 p
9 SPS-49 us AS 70 175 300 400 p M,F 126 zw 08 NETH SS 50 25 30 p
10 SP5-52 us 3D M,J
50 100 150 200 250 p M 127 SPS-01- NETH 30 30 50 100 125 150 p M
11 SP5-55 us SS 40 20 30 p F 128 RAN 11 IT AS/SS 20 10 30 50 50 50 PD J,F
12 SPS-SB/65 us 3D 10 15 40 60 70 BO 100 PD J 129 RAN 20 IT AS 70 175 300 400 p· M,F
13 SPQ-9 us nvs 20 10 20 p M,F,J 130 PEEL PAIR USSR AS 35 35 35 35 35 p
14 MKB7&92 us AS/SS 25 15 25 25 25 25 25 PD F,J 131 STRUT PAIR USSR AS 30 90 150 200 p M
15 BPS-14 & 15 us SS 15 10 10 p F 132 PALM FROND USSR SS 40 20 40 p
16 TYPE 293 UK AS/SS 15 5 15 20 30 p
17 TYPE 965 133 TOP PAIR USSR 30 50 100 200 250 300 p M
UK AS 75 150 200 225 p 134 NEPTUNE USSR SS p
18 TYPE 975 UK 15 5 15
SS 45 20 25 p
19 TYPE 978 UK SS 40 20 20 p
20 TYPE 992 UK AS/SS 15 5 20 30 30 p M
21 TYPE 9920 UK nvs 25 10 30 50 50 p M,F
22 TYPE 993 UK 1'NS 25 10 40 85 85 p
23 TYPE 1006 UK M
SS 50 25 40 p
24 TYPE 1022 UK nvs 15 5 40 75 150 200 225 p M,F
25 OR8V-13 FR 3D 15 5 20 30 50
26 ORBV-20 PD
FR AS 10 50 200 300 p
- -
d. Radar is monopulse - Jammer must be capable of jamming 19. Detecting false targets:
monopulse; otherwise, jamming always fails. a. Search radar - Spade only.
e. Radar is frequency agile - Only A-rated systems are effec- b. FC radar - Club or made. Basic Strengths
tive. In addition, spade needed to jam FC radar, while any black c. Radar has Jittered P For frequency agility - Club or ~pade mt -r Tn>a SUr SS VI.aw Ln Hi Viii IP ECCll
card will iam TWS. 27
Note: The existence of false targets can be revealed if the bottom DRBV-22 FR AS 30 75 125 150 p
Note: To jam monopulse radar, there must be two jamming units radar search counter placed beneath a unit is examined. This counter 28 DRBY-23 FR AS 50 100 150 175 p
within 3" of each other, or the jamming unit must be an aircraft at 29 DRBV-26 M
can be examined if the unit is detected and a card of the proper suit FR AS 20 50 100 125 p M,F
surface skimming or very low altitude, or the jamming unit must have indicated above is picked. 30 ORB\1-50 FR AS/SS
an A rating. 20 1D 30 70 70 p M
31 DRB\1-51 FR 1'NS 20 10 20 20 20 p
32 DRBI-10 M
FR 3D 15 35 60 BO 125 p
33 DRBI-23 FR 30 5 30 50 100 150 175 M
Port 3: Rader AdJu1tment Tobie 34 DECCA M,F
Number FR SS 40 20 30 p
Picked Radar Strength 35 DRBN-32 FR SS 25 15 20 p
36 TRITON nvs
240" 37
IT nvs
30" 90" 105" 120" 135" 150" 165" 180" 195" 210" 225" 240" IT AS/SS 10 5 20 75 90 90 p M,J,F
3 14" 28" 42" 56" 70" 84'' 98" 112" 126" 140" 154" 168" 182" 196" 210" 224" 39 RAM-3 IT AS
4 13" 26" 39" 52" 65" 78" 91" 104" 117'' 50 100 150 150 p M,J,F
130" 143" 156" 169" 182" 195" 208" 40 3RM IT SS 40 20 40 p
5 12" 24" 36" 48" 60" 72" 84" 96" 108" 120" 132" 144" 156" 168" 180" 192" 41 SP&-6 F,J
6 11" 22" 33" 44" 55" 66'' 88"
IT AS 25 40 60 75 p
77" 99" 110" 121" 132" 143" 154" 165" 176" 42 SEARCH IS nvs
7 10" 20" 30" 40" 50" 60" 70" 60" 90'' 100" 110" 120" 130" 140" 150" 160" 20 10 20 20 20 p M
8 9" 18" 27" 36" 45" 54'' 63" 72" 81" 90" 99" 108" 117" 43 BAND STAND USSR SS/AS 35 15 40 100 p
8" 126" 135" 144" 44 BIG NET
9 16" 24" 32" 40" 48" 56" 84" 72" 80" 88" 96" 104" 112" 120" 128" USSR AS 50 75 100 150 p
10 7" 14" 21" 28" 35" 42" 49" 56" 63" 70" 77" 84" 91" 98" 105" 45 BOAT SAIL USSR AS 50 80 150 p
11 6" 12" 18" 24" 36" 48" 54"
112" 175
30" 42" 60" 66" 72'' 78" 84" 90" 98" 46 CROSS BIRO USSR AS/SS 5 30 35 35 35 35 p
12 5" 10" 15" 20" 25" 30'' 35" 40" 45" 50" 55" 60" 65" 70" 75" 80" 47 DON USSR SS 25
13 4" 8" 12" 16" 20" 24" 28" 32" 15 20 p
36'' 40" 44" 48" 52" 56" 60" 64" 4B DON KAY USSR SS 35 20 25 p
14 3" 6" 9" 12" 15" 18" 21" 24" 27" 30" 33" 36" 39" 42" 45" 48"
15 2" 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 18"
49 FLAT SPIN USSR AS 30 70 125 150 p
16'' 20" 22" 24" 26" 28" 30" 32" 50 HEAD NET A USSR
16+ 1" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 7" 8" 9" 10" 11" 12" 13" 14" 15" AS 30 50 65 75 p M
16" 51 HEAD NET C USSR 30 30 50 65 75 p M
Number 52 HIGH SIEVE USSR AS/SS 20 5 10 20 25 p
Picked Radar Strength 53 KNIFE REST A USSR AS 10 p
85 80 95 100 125 150 50 70 90
175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 54 KNIFE REST B USSR AS 40 70 125 150 p
1(-) 255" 270" 285" 300" 375" 450" 525" 600" 675" 750" 825" 900" 975" 1050" 1125" 1200" 55 PLINTH NET USSR 3D
2 255': 270" 285" 300" 375" 20 10 20 40 BO 100 100 p M
450" 525" 600" 675" 750" 825" 900" 975" 1050" 1125" 1200" 56 POT DRUM USSR SS 25 15 20
3 238" 252" 266" 280'' 350" 420" 490" 560" 630" 700" 770" 840" 910" p
4 980" 1050" 1120" 57 POT HEM! USSR SS 20 10 20 p
221" 234" 247" 260" 325" 390" 455" 520" 585" 650" 715" 780" 845" 910" 975" 1040"
5 204" 216" 228" 240" 300" 360" 420" 480" 540" 800" 660" 720" 58 SKIN HEAD USSR SS 15 5 15 p
780" 840" 900" 960" 59 SLIM NET
6 187" 198" 209" 220" 275" 330" 385" 440" 495" 550" 605" 660" 715" 770" 825" 880"
USSR AS/SS 25 10 15 15 15 p
7 170" 180" 190" 200" 250" 300" 350" 400" 450" 500" 550" 600" 650" 700" 750" 800"
60 SNOOP PLATE USSR SS 15 5 10 p
8 153" 162" 171" 160" 225" 270" 315" 360" 405" 450" 495" 540" 585" 630" 675" 720" 61 SNOOP SLAB USSR SS 20 10 15 p
9 136" 144" 152" 160" 200" 240" 280" 320" 360" 400" 440" 480" 520" 560" 600" 640" 82 SNOOP TRAY USSR SS 20 10 15 p
10 119" 126" 133" 140" 175" 210" 245" 280" 315" 350" 385" 420" 455" 490" 525" 560" 63 SPOON REST USSR AS
11 102" 108" 114" 120" 150" 180" 210" 240" 270" 300" 330" 360" 390" 30 70 125 150 p
12 85" 420" 450" 480" 64 SQUARE TIE* USSR SS 25 10 20 25 p
90" 95" 100" 125" 150" 175" 200" 225" 250" 275" 300" 325" 350" 375" 400" 65
13 68" 72" 76" 80" 100" 120" 140'' 160" 180" 200" 220" STRUT CURVE USSR AS 20 60 100 150 p M
240" 260" 280" 300" 320" 66 TOP SAIL USSR
14 51" 54" 57" 60" 75" 90" 105" 120" 135" 150" 165" 180" 195" 210" 225" 240" 30 50 100 200 250 300 p M
15 34" 36" 38" 40" 50" 80" 70" 80" 90" 100" 110" 120" 130" 140" 150" 67 TOP STEER USSR 3D 30 50 100 100 100 p
16+ 17" 18" 19" 20" 25" 160" 68 TOP TROUGH M
30" 35" 40" 45" 50'' 55" 60" 65" 70" 75" 80" USSR AS 20 60 75 100 p M
If the number picked, after adjustments, exceeds 19 the tariet is not detected. 111 SP&-63 us SS 40 20 50 p
1 112 SP&-67 us SS 50 25 40 p F
RADAR GUIDE 113 MK-23 us nvs 30 25 30 80 90 90 90 PO F,J
us nvs

114 SPY-1 25 65 125 200 250 p F,M,J
Pert; 1: Saa rch Rada ra 115 TYPE 967 UK nvs 40 20 30 40 50 PD F,J
Baai c St;rangt;ha 116 TYPE 994 UK nvs 30 15 90 p
I.mi Hi Viii IP
ECOi 117
LW 02
LW 04
10 50 60 65 p 119 LW 08 NETH AS/SS 10 5 30 60 100 125 150 p
3 SPS-32/33 us 30 75 150 300 400 p M 120 DA 01 NETH nvs 10 5 10 30 50 p
4 SPS-37 us AS 30 125 200 300 p 121 DA 05 NETH nvs 15 5 40 60 80 100 100 p
5 SPS-39 us 30 20 50 100 150 175 p M 122 DA OB NETH nvs 20 10 50 70 90 120 120 p
6 SP5-40 us AS 100 150 250 350 p M 123 WM 25 NETH nvs 20 10 20 20 20 PD F,J
7 SPS-43 us AS 30 125 200 300 p M 124 zw 01-05 NETH SS 20 10 10 p
B SP5-4B us 3D 5 50 100 150 200 250 p 125 zw 06-07 NETH SS 30 15 15 15 p
9 SPS-49 us AS 70 175 300 400 p M,F 126 zw 08 NETH SS 50 25 30 p
10 SP5-52 us 3D M,J
50 100 150 200 250 p M 127 SPS-01- NETH 30 30 50 100 125 150 p M
11 SP5-55 us SS 40 20 30 p F 128 RAN 11 IT AS/SS 20 10 30 50 50 50 PD J,F
12 SPS-SB/65 us 3D 10 15 40 60 70 BO 100 PD J 129 RAN 20 IT AS 70 175 300 400 p· M,F
13 SPQ-9 us nvs 20 10 20 p M,F,J 130 PEEL PAIR USSR AS 35 35 35 35 35 p
14 MKB7&92 us AS/SS 25 15 25 25 25 25 25 PD F,J 131 STRUT PAIR USSR AS 30 90 150 200 p M
15 BPS-14 & 15 us SS 15 10 10 p F 132 PALM FROND USSR SS 40 20 40 p
16 TYPE 293 UK AS/SS 15 5 15 20 30 p
17 TYPE 965 133 TOP PAIR USSR 30 50 100 200 250 300 p M
UK AS 75 150 200 225 p 134 NEPTUNE USSR SS p
18 TYPE 975 UK 15 5 15
SS 45 20 25 p
19 TYPE 978 UK SS 40 20 20 p
20 TYPE 992 UK AS/SS 15 5 20 30 30 p M
21 TYPE 9920 UK nvs 25 10 30 50 50 p M,F
22 TYPE 993 UK 1'NS 25 10 40 85 85 p
23 TYPE 1006 UK M
SS 50 25 40 p
24 TYPE 1022 UK nvs 15 5 40 75 150 200 225 p M,F
25 OR8V-13 FR 3D 15 5 20 30 50
26 ORBV-20 PD
FR AS 10 50 200 300 p
m1 Name
Part 2: Fire Control
Makar Strength
ECCll Use
m1 Name
Makar Strength II' ECCll llae
llis&i La


10 11
10 11
10 11

30 11

30 11
30 11
30 11
of Flt


Hid C1'88
73 SPG-53 us 60 cs GUNS 101 HAWK SCREECH USA 10 cs GUNS
SS-N--3A & B USSR 36 11 660 11 R cs L 30 11 VHi 6 1S70 y
74 SPG-53 IMP us 60 M M GUNS 102 MUFF COB USSR 15 cs GUNS SS-N-3C USSR 36" 1550" R,I,J cs L 60 11 VHi 8 1870 y
75 SPG-55A us 100 cw STANDARD 103 OWL SCREECH USSR 25 cs GUNS
SS-N--9 USSR 15" 180 11 R,I,J cs L 30 11 Vlow 9 1550 y
76 SPG-55B us 150 cw STANDARD 104 PEEL GROUP USSR 35 cs SAN-1
SS-N-14 USSR 12" 90 11 M 30 11 Low y
77 SPG-60 us 50 M M,F GUNS 105 POP GROUP USSR 10 cs SAN-4 SS-N--19 USSR 36 11 900 11 R,I,J M F L 90" VHi 9 1870 y
78 MK 115/91 us 20 cw S'SPARROW 106 SCOOP PAIR USSR 300 cs SSN--3 SS-N-22 USSR 15" 180" A,I M F L 30 11 SS 9 1550 y
79 STIR us 50 M M,F GUNS/SAM 107 SQUARE TIE• USSR 25 cs Exocet MM3S Fr 6" 62 11 R,J M F M 30 11 SS 9 8SO N
so PHALANX us 5 PD F,J VULCAN 10S TOP saw USSR 50 cs
SSN-2 Exocet MM40 Fr .6" 120" R,J M F M 30 11 SS 9 sso N
B1 TYPE 912 UK 20 cs F,J,M GUNS GUNS Otomat I It
109 TRAP DOOR USSR 300 cs SSN--3C 13 11 130" R,J M F M 30 11 VLow 9 600 y
S2 GSW-22 UK 5 cs SEACAT 110 SUN VISOR USSR 50 cs GUNS Otomat II It 13 11 270 11 R,J M F M 30 11 SS 9 600 y
S3 TYPE 903 UK 25 cs GUNS 43 BAND STAND* USSR 100 cs SSN-9 Seaki L le r It 3" 45" SA s 30 11 SS 9 300 y
S4 TYPE 901 UK 50 cw SEAS LUG 135 MK S & 13 us 30 cs GUNS Penguin I Norw 3" 36 11 I M 23" Low 7 400 N
S5 TYPE 909 11 UK 100 PD F,J GUNS/SAM Penguin I I 5"
136 MK 25 us 50 cs GUNS Norw
54 11 I M 28 11 Low 7 500 N
S7 DRSC-31 FR 15 cs GUNS
137 SPG-34 us 15 cw GUNS Gabriel I
Gabriel II Is
36" SA M 23" Vlow 9 750 y
SS DASC-32 FR 25 cs M GUNS
13S SPG-62 us 200 cw STANDARD Gabriel III Is
72 11 SA M 23" Vlow 9 750 y
139 RTN--30X IT 10 M M,F $'SPARROW 9" 66 11 R,J M F M 23 11 SS 9 880 y
S9 DRBA-51 FR 50 cw MASURCA Harpoon us 15 11 225 11 A M
140 M4 NETH 10 cs M GUNS/SAM Tomahawk us 50 11 1050 11 R
M F,M,J 30 11 SS 9 900 N
141 M40 NETH 10 M M GUNS/SAM M F,M,J L 23 11 SS 8 1490
92 ATN--10X IT 20 cs F,J,M GUNS/SAM 143 KITE SCREECH USA 50 M F,M,J GUNS SA-N-1 USSR 34" 100 11 SA M 60 11 Med 1 400 N
93 RTN--2DX IT 20 M M,F GUNS SA-N--3 USSR 40" 110" SA M 90" Med 1 N
94 IFC* 144 TOP DOME USSR 100 M F,M SAN-6 400
IS 2D PD F,J GNS,SSM 146 FRONT DOME USSR SA-N-4 USSR S" 30" SA s 60 11 Vlow 2 100 N
146 MK 2S us 10 cs GUNS USSR 30" 90 11 SA M 100 11 Med 2 400 N
96 DRUM TILT USSR 10 cs GUNS Tarter us 35 11 100" SA M 60 11 Med 1 200 N
Stands rd SM-1 us 50" 150 11 SA M 90 11 Med 2 400 N
Standard ARM us 50 11 150 11 AA M 90" Low 2 N
Note: Seas lug UK 30 11 90" SA M 60" Med 1 200 N
1. Type: b. The US STIR radar is capable of controlling both guns Seadart UK 50" 150 11 SA M 90 11 Med 2 200 N
a. SS--Surface Search ~nd SA M's. W~en used to control SA M's, noise jamming Seesperrow NATO 12 11 48 11 SA s 90 11 Vlow 2 100 N
b. AS--20 Air Search
c. 30--30 Air Search
1s completely ineffective, just as if it were a CW radar
Noise jammt.n~ will st~ll affect its ability to track targets fo~
Seesparrow Imp NATO 18 11 72 11 SA s 100" VLow 2 100 N
d. TWS--Track While Scan guns; thus, 11 1s possible that the radar can successfully
Crate le Fr S" 24 11 SA s BO" Low 2 100 N
e. SS/AS--Radar operates both as an air search and ~ontrol the launch of a SAM at a target while at the same Notes: d. Med--Medium
surface search radar simultaneously. time be unable to control the fire of guns at the same 1. The missiles whose names appear beneath the word "SAM" e. VHi--Very High
I. FC--Fire Control ta~g.et due to noise jamming. This rule also applies to the in the "Name" column of the table are SA M's that are capable of
British Type 909 radar (ID #85). being used against surface ships as if they were SSM's. 10. The "Accuracy" column indicates the accuracy rate of the
2. Op.--Method of Operation: Bi:>th. of the above radars are incapable of tracking surface skimming missile against ships.
a. P--Pulsed m1ss1les.
2. The seasparrow indicated on the table refers only to the
b. CS--Conical Scan improved seasparrow; the older seasparrow cannot be used 11. The "FD" column gives the Flotation Damage rating of the
c. PD--Pulse Doppler c. A. ~umber of SAM guidance radars are listed as being monopulse. In against surface ships. missile. As explained in the Damage section of the rules, the FD
d. CW--Continuous Wave ~dd1t1on. to the normal benefits of monopulse, noise jamming is completely rating is the amount of flooding that the missile would cause If
e. M--Monopulse ineffective against them. 3. Range: . . . the damage table indicates "Normal Flooding".
a. Min--Minimum range. The missiles are unable to hit
3. ECCM: targets that are closer to the launching vessel than the 12. The "Mid-course Correction" column indicates if the
d. Noise jamming is ineffective against the Israeli fire missile's minimum range.
a. M--Moving Target Indicator (MTI) missile is capable of mid-course correction: Y indicates the
b. F--Frequency Agility control radar (ID #94) when it is used to control the
Gabriel SSM. Noise jamming will still affect the ability of missile 1s capable of mid-course correction: N indicates that the
c. J--Jittered PRF b. Max--Maximum ranee of the missile. missile is not capable of mid-course correction.
the radar to control gun fire.
4. Use: The type of weapon controlled by each fire control 4. Homing-· The entnes in this column indicate the types of 13. The "Tracking Radar'' column of the table indicates the type
e. The Soviet Head Lights radar is capable of being used homing available to each missile:
radar. The radar can control the fire only of the weaponf · of radar that must track the target before the missile can be
for the SA-N-3 SAM and the SS-N-10/14SSM. When used a. R--Active radar homing
indicated there unless the entry "Guns" appears in the Us.a launched. If "FC, TWS" appears, the missile may be fired against
column. Such radars are the main gun FC radars which can to track targets for the SS-N-10/14, the radar is assumed b. J--Home on jamming targets tracked by the main gun FC radar or any TWS radar. If
to operate in a pulse dopplermode ratherthan the normal c. 1--lnfra-red homing the table indicates an ID number, only the radar whose 10
,control the fire of SS M's and torpedoes as well as the main guns.
All Soviet FC radars capable of controlling the fire of guns of CW mode. The radar may operate in both modes d. SA--Sem1-active homing number appears in the column is capable of tracking the target.
simultaneously during a single phase, although it may Consult the Radar Guide to determine the names of the radars
57mm or larger are main gun FC radars and can control the fire
not track both air and surface targets during the same s. The "Missile Radar" column indicates the type of radar used whose ID number appears in the table above.
of torpedoes and some SSM's as well as the guns. phase. by the missile if it is set for active radar homing:
5._ Special Radars: All of the radars given above which have an a. ·CS-:--Conical scan 14. Special Information:
asterisk following their names have the following special b. PD--Pulse Da-ppler a. When SS-N-1 's, SS-N-2's, or SS-N-3's horne in on
characteristics: f. SM·1 ER, SM-2, and Improved Seasparrow have monopulse seeker targets having displacements of less than 1000 tons,
heads. Range/velocity gate pull off will always fail against these missiles 6. The ECCM column indicates the type of ECCM built Into the reduce the accuracy rate by 4. However, ~hen
a. The Soviet Band Stand and Square Tie radars are unless performed by an A-rated ECM system. Thus, if the missile's missile's radar: determining if these missiles hit targets of this size, 1f the
capable of tracking targets for SSM's in addition to guidance radar is not monopulse and it is defeated by deception jamm- a. F--Frequency agility number rolled exceeds the adjusted accuracy rate by one
searching. They are treated just like TWS radars wilh the ing by a B-raled system, these missiles can still hit the target. b. J--J1ttered PRF the target ship sustains minor flooding and n:ilnor
exception that during the phases in which they are used electronics damage in spite of the fact that the missile
in a fire control mode, they may not be used to search for g. If range gate pull off or chaff is used against an SM-2 missile, treat 7. The "Size" coi·umn indicates the size of the missile: failed to hit it. If the number rolled exceeds the adjusted
any opposing units other than the one they will attempt to
its FC radar as having frequency agility. a. L--Lar~e accuracy rate by two, the target sustains very minor
b. M--Medium flooding. Bear in mind that these results can occur only
track during that phase. Each ot these radars may
c. S--Small when the target is under 1000 tons; if the target is 1000
attempt to track only one target each phase. As with TWS
radars, these Soviet radars cannot attempt to track a tons or larger, the normal accuracy ra_t~s apply, an~ the
target during the phase it is initially detected. While 8. The "Speed" column indicates the speed of the missile target will sustain no damage unless 1t 1s actually hit by
successful target tracking by one of these radars is during each phase. the missile.
sufficient to allow accurate SSM firing, it does not result
in very accurate gun fire. If the guns on ships equipped 9. The "Altitude of Flight" cotumn indicates the altitude level at b. Although Otomats and Penguins are list.ad as
which the missile flies: Medium-sized missiles on the table, when c.ons~lt1n~ the
with either of these radars are fired at targets tracked
a. Low--Low damage tables to determine the effects of hits with either
solely by one of these radars, reduce the accuracy as if
b. ss--surface skimming of these missiles, use the "Smalt" missile damage tables
the target were tracked by only a TWS radar.
c. VLow--Very Low to de1ermine the results rather than the "Medium" missile
53 tables.
m1 Name
Part 2: Fire Control
Makar Strength
ECCll Use
m1 Name
Makar Strength II' ECCll llae
llis&i La


10 11
10 11
10 11

30 11

30 11
30 11
30 11
of Flt


Hid C1'88
73 SPG-53 us 60 cs GUNS 101 HAWK SCREECH USA 10 cs GUNS
SS-N--3A & B USSR 36 11 660 11 R cs L 30 11 VHi 6 1S70 y
74 SPG-53 IMP us 60 M M GUNS 102 MUFF COB USSR 15 cs GUNS SS-N-3C USSR 36" 1550" R,I,J cs L 60 11 VHi 8 1870 y
75 SPG-55A us 100 cw STANDARD 103 OWL SCREECH USSR 25 cs GUNS
SS-N--9 USSR 15" 180 11 R,I,J cs L 30 11 Vlow 9 1550 y
76 SPG-55B us 150 cw STANDARD 104 PEEL GROUP USSR 35 cs SAN-1
SS-N-14 USSR 12" 90 11 M 30 11 Low y
77 SPG-60 us 50 M M,F GUNS 105 POP GROUP USSR 10 cs SAN-4 SS-N--19 USSR 36 11 900 11 R,I,J M F L 90" VHi 9 1870 y
78 MK 115/91 us 20 cw S'SPARROW 106 SCOOP PAIR USSR 300 cs SSN--3 SS-N-22 USSR 15" 180" A,I M F L 30 11 SS 9 1550 y
79 STIR us 50 M M,F GUNS/SAM 107 SQUARE TIE• USSR 25 cs Exocet MM3S Fr 6" 62 11 R,J M F M 30 11 SS 9 8SO N
so PHALANX us 5 PD F,J VULCAN 10S TOP saw USSR 50 cs
SSN-2 Exocet MM40 Fr .6" 120" R,J M F M 30 11 SS 9 sso N
B1 TYPE 912 UK 20 cs F,J,M GUNS GUNS Otomat I It
109 TRAP DOOR USSR 300 cs SSN--3C 13 11 130" R,J M F M 30 11 VLow 9 600 y
S2 GSW-22 UK 5 cs SEACAT 110 SUN VISOR USSR 50 cs GUNS Otomat II It 13 11 270 11 R,J M F M 30 11 SS 9 600 y
S3 TYPE 903 UK 25 cs GUNS 43 BAND STAND* USSR 100 cs SSN-9 Seaki L le r It 3" 45" SA s 30 11 SS 9 300 y
S4 TYPE 901 UK 50 cw SEAS LUG 135 MK S & 13 us 30 cs GUNS Penguin I Norw 3" 36 11 I M 23" Low 7 400 N
S5 TYPE 909 11 UK 100 PD F,J GUNS/SAM Penguin I I 5"
136 MK 25 us 50 cs GUNS Norw
54 11 I M 28 11 Low 7 500 N
S7 DRSC-31 FR 15 cs GUNS
137 SPG-34 us 15 cw GUNS Gabriel I
Gabriel II Is
36" SA M 23" Vlow 9 750 y
SS DASC-32 FR 25 cs M GUNS
13S SPG-62 us 200 cw STANDARD Gabriel III Is
72 11 SA M 23" Vlow 9 750 y
139 RTN--30X IT 10 M M,F $'SPARROW 9" 66 11 R,J M F M 23 11 SS 9 880 y
S9 DRBA-51 FR 50 cw MASURCA Harpoon us 15 11 225 11 A M
140 M4 NETH 10 cs M GUNS/SAM Tomahawk us 50 11 1050 11 R
M F,M,J 30 11 SS 9 900 N
141 M40 NETH 10 M M GUNS/SAM M F,M,J L 23 11 SS 8 1490
92 ATN--10X IT 20 cs F,J,M GUNS/SAM 143 KITE SCREECH USA 50 M F,M,J GUNS SA-N-1 USSR 34" 100 11 SA M 60 11 Med 1 400 N
93 RTN--2DX IT 20 M M,F GUNS SA-N--3 USSR 40" 110" SA M 90" Med 1 N
94 IFC* 144 TOP DOME USSR 100 M F,M SAN-6 400
IS 2D PD F,J GNS,SSM 146 FRONT DOME USSR SA-N-4 USSR S" 30" SA s 60 11 Vlow 2 100 N
146 MK 2S us 10 cs GUNS USSR 30" 90 11 SA M 100 11 Med 2 400 N
96 DRUM TILT USSR 10 cs GUNS Tarter us 35 11 100" SA M 60 11 Med 1 200 N
Stands rd SM-1 us 50" 150 11 SA M 90 11 Med 2 400 N
Standard ARM us 50 11 150 11 AA M 90" Low 2 N
Note: Seas lug UK 30 11 90" SA M 60" Med 1 200 N
1. Type: b. The US STIR radar is capable of controlling both guns Seadart UK 50" 150 11 SA M 90 11 Med 2 200 N
a. SS--Surface Search ~nd SA M's. W~en used to control SA M's, noise jamming Seesperrow NATO 12 11 48 11 SA s 90 11 Vlow 2 100 N
b. AS--20 Air Search
c. 30--30 Air Search
1s completely ineffective, just as if it were a CW radar
Noise jammt.n~ will st~ll affect its ability to track targets fo~
Seesparrow Imp NATO 18 11 72 11 SA s 100" VLow 2 100 N
d. TWS--Track While Scan guns; thus, 11 1s possible that the radar can successfully
Crate le Fr S" 24 11 SA s BO" Low 2 100 N
e. SS/AS--Radar operates both as an air search and ~ontrol the launch of a SAM at a target while at the same Notes: d. Med--Medium
surface search radar simultaneously. time be unable to control the fire of guns at the same 1. The missiles whose names appear beneath the word "SAM" e. VHi--Very High
I. FC--Fire Control ta~g.et due to noise jamming. This rule also applies to the in the "Name" column of the table are SA M's that are capable of
British Type 909 radar (ID #85). being used against surface ships as if they were SSM's. 10. The "Accuracy" column indicates the accuracy rate of the
2. Op.--Method of Operation: Bi:>th. of the above radars are incapable of tracking surface skimming missile against ships.
a. P--Pulsed m1ss1les.
2. The seasparrow indicated on the table refers only to the
b. CS--Conical Scan improved seasparrow; the older seasparrow cannot be used 11. The "FD" column gives the Flotation Damage rating of the
c. PD--Pulse Doppler c. A. ~umber of SAM guidance radars are listed as being monopulse. In against surface ships. missile. As explained in the Damage section of the rules, the FD
d. CW--Continuous Wave ~dd1t1on. to the normal benefits of monopulse, noise jamming is completely rating is the amount of flooding that the missile would cause If
e. M--Monopulse ineffective against them. 3. Range: . . . the damage table indicates "Normal Flooding".
a. Min--Minimum range. The missiles are unable to hit
3. ECCM: targets that are closer to the launching vessel than the 12. The "Mid-course Correction" column indicates if the
d. Noise jamming is ineffective against the Israeli fire missile's minimum range.
a. M--Moving Target Indicator (MTI) missile is capable of mid-course correction: Y indicates the
b. F--Frequency Agility control radar (ID #94) when it is used to control the
Gabriel SSM. Noise jamming will still affect the ability of missile 1s capable of mid-course correction: N indicates that the
c. J--Jittered PRF b. Max--Maximum ranee of the missile. missile is not capable of mid-course correction.
the radar to control gun fire.
4. Use: The type of weapon controlled by each fire control 4. Homing-· The entnes in this column indicate the types of 13. The "Tracking Radar'' column of the table indicates the type
e. The Soviet Head Lights radar is capable of being used homing available to each missile:
radar. The radar can control the fire only of the weaponf · of radar that must track the target before the missile can be
for the SA-N-3 SAM and the SS-N-10/14SSM. When used a. R--Active radar homing
indicated there unless the entry "Guns" appears in the Us.a launched. If "FC, TWS" appears, the missile may be fired against
column. Such radars are the main gun FC radars which can to track targets for the SS-N-10/14, the radar is assumed b. J--Home on jamming targets tracked by the main gun FC radar or any TWS radar. If
to operate in a pulse dopplermode ratherthan the normal c. 1--lnfra-red homing the table indicates an ID number, only the radar whose 10
,control the fire of SS M's and torpedoes as well as the main guns.
All Soviet FC radars capable of controlling the fire of guns of CW mode. The radar may operate in both modes d. SA--Sem1-active homing number appears in the column is capable of tracking the target.
simultaneously during a single phase, although it may Consult the Radar Guide to determine the names of the radars
57mm or larger are main gun FC radars and can control the fire
not track both air and surface targets during the same s. The "Missile Radar" column indicates the type of radar used whose ID number appears in the table above.
of torpedoes and some SSM's as well as the guns. phase. by the missile if it is set for active radar homing:
5._ Special Radars: All of the radars given above which have an a. ·CS-:--Conical scan 14. Special Information:
asterisk following their names have the following special b. PD--Pulse Da-ppler a. When SS-N-1 's, SS-N-2's, or SS-N-3's horne in on
characteristics: f. SM·1 ER, SM-2, and Improved Seasparrow have monopulse seeker targets having displacements of less than 1000 tons,
heads. Range/velocity gate pull off will always fail against these missiles 6. The ECCM column indicates the type of ECCM built Into the reduce the accuracy rate by 4. However, ~hen
a. The Soviet Band Stand and Square Tie radars are unless performed by an A-rated ECM system. Thus, if the missile's missile's radar: determining if these missiles hit targets of this size, 1f the
capable of tracking targets for SSM's in addition to guidance radar is not monopulse and it is defeated by deception jamm- a. F--Frequency agility number rolled exceeds the adjusted accuracy rate by one
searching. They are treated just like TWS radars wilh the ing by a B-raled system, these missiles can still hit the target. b. J--J1ttered PRF the target ship sustains minor flooding and n:ilnor
exception that during the phases in which they are used electronics damage in spite of the fact that the missile
in a fire control mode, they may not be used to search for g. If range gate pull off or chaff is used against an SM-2 missile, treat 7. The "Size" coi·umn indicates the size of the missile: failed to hit it. If the number rolled exceeds the adjusted
any opposing units other than the one they will attempt to
its FC radar as having frequency agility. a. L--Lar~e accuracy rate by two, the target sustains very minor
b. M--Medium flooding. Bear in mind that these results can occur only
track during that phase. Each ot these radars may
c. S--Small when the target is under 1000 tons; if the target is 1000
attempt to track only one target each phase. As with TWS
radars, these Soviet radars cannot attempt to track a tons or larger, the normal accuracy ra_t~s apply, an~ the
target during the phase it is initially detected. While 8. The "Speed" column indicates the speed of the missile target will sustain no damage unless 1t 1s actually hit by
successful target tracking by one of these radars is during each phase. the missile.
sufficient to allow accurate SSM firing, it does not result
in very accurate gun fire. If the guns on ships equipped 9. The "Altitude of Flight" cotumn indicates the altitude level at b. Although Otomats and Penguins are list.ad as
which the missile flies: Medium-sized missiles on the table, when c.ons~lt1n~ the
with either of these radars are fired at targets tracked
a. Low--Low damage tables to determine the effects of hits with either
solely by one of these radars, reduce the accuracy as if
b. ss--surface skimming of these missiles, use the "Smalt" missile damage tables
the target were tracked by only a TWS radar.
c. VLow--Very Low to de1ermine the results rather than the "Medium" missile
53 tables.
c. If a hit is scored with a Sea KiUer missile, use the CBU damage - e. The IDrpedo canied by 1he SS-N-14 has a mallimum range of 11 ''- other
in Sea Command, not the SSM Damage Table, IDdelermine R!!Uts.Sea - are as for the Sowiet unguided 21" lmpedo. ' 1,c. Target: Over 10,000 tons 1,f.Target: Over 10,000 tona
Klier is capable of wisual guidance, but sublract 1 from the accuracy,_ Missile Size: Medium Niss; la s;za: S..ll
if 1his is used. I. When hils are scored by any Sl\M having an FD rating of 200 use 1he Trltjactory: H;gh Angla

_e ___
Tr,Yactory: Surface Skl-ing
C8U Table in~ COl101e1d todelei11NN! damage, rather than tire SSM ~er Rollad/ llaaulta: ~r Rolled/ llasult•
d. Most ships armed willl a Standard launcher cany a IUllber of Slan· T_ _ When hits me scored by any SAM having an FD rating al 100 1: .Bridge KO, communications and data link KO, fire
dard ARM (Anti•-• missiles). Frigates carry two, while lalger ships 1: Minor electronics damage, fire level 1, minor
use lhe - dalmge -=tian of Ille Gunnery Damage Tables ID -~ level 1. flooding.
carry four. These are treated as SSMs with the 1oHowing ea 9*'ii1itS:
2: Dud, minor electronics damage, fire level 1.

2: Dud, fire level 1.

1. The meth().d of hom·lng is anti-radiation. rather th.an sem~­ 3: Minor weapons damage (if aircraft carrier, 3: Minor weapons damage (if ei rcreft carrier,
active. Ru~es for anti-radiation homing ar-e fD!Jnd in the SSM - VISUAL SIGHTING TABLE elevator damage instead], fire level 2, severe elevator damage instead], fire level 1 minor
section. Anti-rad.iation missl~es ma.y be tfred at targets whicil electronics damage. electr_onics damage, minor flooding. '
were detecmd by .pass·ivesensors (e g_, radardetectors)~disnot - Sighting -ge 4: Severe electronics damage, minor engine damage,
necessary ior the target to have Deen detected :by radar 1n omer 1 or less 18" 4: H1nor electronics damage, fire level 1, minor
fire level 1, roll egain-i f 1-5 is rol Led, CIC and flooding, roll egain--if 1-3 is rolled CIC KO· if 4-
10 fire a Standard AR·M at it Also, the UlTgetneednotbetraciled 2 12"
:by a fire control radar at any time during the missHe's fl1ight. The 3 8"
Damage Control KO; if 6-0 is rolled, all FC systeine
6 is rolled, all FC systems KO· if 7-a
is :olled
Stantlar·d AR.M's are similarto normal SSM's<inthata:t~timeof data link end communications Ko'; if 9-0 is rolled:
launch, the DWf'l:ing player mwst indicate in writi'l'!lg the pO!int at 5' r~ 5: Minor electronics damage, minor flooding, fire Damage Control KO.
·w:tiich tne .m·issi~.e's hom,ing he.ad wHI activate, a11d t:tile s.izeofthe 6 4" level 1, minor engine damage. 5: Minor flooding, fire Level 1.
~~ssf,le's search are.a. If the m:is.Si le's target was tracked Dy any 1 r 8: Normal flooding, fire Level 1, minor electronics

B: Minor flooding, fire Level 1, minor electronics
fJre cootTo_I ·ratlar C!ln the launching ship o.r any ship 'COlllnecied • 2" damage, minor engine damage. damage.
Dy a daia ·l1Dk to t'he ti·r.ing ship the missi:le may besettosearctl 9 r 7: Very heavy flooding, fire level 1, moderate 7: Heavy flooding, fire level 1, minor engine

.. ,
ar:i afl!1'.I of any s1z.e (very.narrow, narrDW, mediL.nn, ·wide, WfY 0 O" engine damage, 1 generator KO, minor electronics
-.ntnle)~ 1f t ne tairget was not tracked, tile mtuHe m1JIS1 :be set to
1 damage.
damage. 8: Normal flooding, fire level 2 •
sean::ti a very ·wtde area Sim1l.arly, if the tairge't is traoked, title B: Heavy flooding, minor engine damage, fire level
·miss.iJe's tiom:i'fil9 head may be activated at any time beyond Ute 1. Add r to 1he sighting range jf the ln'issile ts L..arge unless tihe
9: Minor flooding, moderate engine damage, 1
m:!ss~Je's m·ini.m,.um ran;·e·: 1f the ta~-et 1s not trac:ked, the generator KO, minor electronics damage, fire level 2.
- - -lllijustnalt is 0.
~1ss·1!e:s ho·miTllg head mliist be activated atthepojnt~t_re.acines 9: Minor flooding, severe engine damage, 1 generator
1.ts m!n1mum range. Anti-radiation miss~les cannot Ji,1st·i1119oiish 2. SUlltr-=t 3" hum the sighl!ing range If the missHe is Small. 0: If Sovier--designed ship, magazine explosion; for
KO, minor electronics damage, fire level 3.
the S!Zes of targets, so the missHe carinot be set to 'home ·in on 0: Magazine explosion. all others, normal flooding, moderate engine damage,
tar-gets abo~ a certain size. I. r 'lo lhe ~ if 'lne :rrr!t>iss:i~e fire level 1, rudder KO.
_ Add.... _ _ ntnge
,,_ arlj,.-,,t is1is0.TI'Ot a SU rface skimrrner
1 ,d. Target: Over 10 ,ODO tone
2. II a ht! is srored, use the FAE Damage Tables in Sea Command ID Missile Size: lledi... ·
- i n e - · rather tl:iaTI ~Ile SSM Damage T-.. 4.. Suiblrad3flomttlenumber rolliled tif the SSMwas detected ou-nnga Trajectory: Surface Ski-ing 2,a. Target: 1,00D-10,000 tons
polar . . . _ by - metlhod. This adjlllS!ment ll!'pl;es <>rnjy to units N - r Rolled/ llasult: Kissi le Size: Large
llllidl C:lullllly 1 • rte cl lffle missile and ~I Dtiners ln cammu·n.icatiioo
wilh a 5 rthg unit. 1: Data Link and communication KO, fire Level 1, JrltjactorJ• H;gh Angle
minor flooding. Nu.bar Rolled/ llaaults:
2: Dud, minor electronics damage, fire level 1. 1: Bridge KO, Damage Control KO, communications end
SSR DARA&E TA•LES 3: Minor weapons damage (if aircraft carrier, data link KO, main gun director KO, all electronics
elevator damage instead], fire Level 2, severe KO, fire Level 5, moderate engine damage.
electronics damage, minor flooding. 2: Dud, very minor flooding, fire level 1, severe
4: Severe electronics damage, fire Level 1, minor electronics damage, 1 generator KO, minor engine
engine damage, minor flooding, roll again-if 1-5 is damage.
rolled, CIC end Damage Control KO; if 6-0 is rolled, 3: Major weapons damage lif aircraft carrier, minor
all FC systems KO. weapons damage end elevator damage instead], fire
5: Minor flooding, fire Level 1, minor electronics level 5, all electronics KO, 1 generator KO, moderate
damage, minor engine damage. engine damage.
6: Minor flooding, fire level 1, minor electronics 4: CIC KO, Damage Control KO, very severe
damage. electronics damage, minor flooding, fire level 4,

Ja<Bet: 0..r ta.,lllD - •
•iBBH• Sh•: La ...
T. .-.Y• lfi9h . .le
.. lllllWilf - l i t :
1: Bridge KO., severe elec'tnmics damaga:t' f'i·re lawel
-r . u.., -u... Sa-
1 ...

lli9S111'8 Sia:
10.- bm&
7: Heavy flooding, fire Level 1, moderate engine
damage, 1 generator KO, minor electronics damage.
B: Normal flooding, fire level 2.
9: Minor flooding, moderate engine damage, 1
generator KO, minor electronics damage, fire Level 3.
O: If Soviet-designed sh;p, magazine explosion; for
all other ships, normal flooding, moderate engine
minor weapons damage, severe engine damage.
5: All FC systems KO, communications and data Link
KO, steering circuits KO, normal flooding, 2
generators KO, fire level 4, all electronics KO,
moderate engine damage.
6: Normal flooding, very severe engine damage, fire
level 1, minor weapons damage, 1 generator KO, very
:e_, cammnications and data link KO .• 1: S..re elactnmic& damage, fi·re Le·veL 2-, minor damage, fire Level 2, minor electronics damage, severe electronics damage.
2:: llllld, minar weapons dallaga-, fire level ·1. fl-ing. rudder KO. 7: Very heavy flooding, very severe electronics
3,; Miilllor· tteaip.ons damage {if aiirc·raft .carrier"
·elewat.or damage instead),, f; "e Level. 2. :seve11"e
etac"tl"Onics danaae ..
2: Dud, fire lewet 1,.. mlnar el.ectnmics d.maage.
Minor weapons daaage {If ai r<e-raft carrier,.
e!Lewatar da111age instead). f'i re Leve L 3, sever.a
1,e. Target: Over 10 1 000 tons
Missile Size: S..ll
damage, 3 generators KO, communications and .data Link
KO, rudder KO, very severe engine damage, fire Leval
4r: SaYere electn1111ics d.anage, 1111innr en_gine anage. electl'Dllics damage 11 minor f't.uoding,. Trltjactory: H;gh Angle 8: Heavy flooding, very severe engine damage, 2
fire level 1., roll again-if 1-5 is Nlled9 .CU: and 4: Savere ellact:ronics da•age• illinor eni;1 ine damage., Nullber Rolled/ Results: generators KO, all electronics KO, communications and
Damage control KO in addition.; if S-0 1s TOliedlJI' all DilllDr rloading, fire ieveil 1., T'Dll 9!1Bin-if 1-5 is 1: Bridge KO, fire level 1 date link KO, major weapons damage, fire Level 3.
main FC sy&te•m& KO. rallede CIC and Dllnage Control KO; if' 6-0 is rolled,, 1
2: Dud, fire level 1. 9: Minor flooding, very severe engine damage, 3
5: Severe alectmnics d•;mage 11 aiinar flooding. "firre all FC s p - ICD. 3: Minor weapnns damage (if aircraft carrier, generators KO, very severe electronics damage, fire
Lael 1., 1 genenttor iQl, amderate mag ine damage .. 5: Sewre electll"'Olflics daaage-, fire ltA'el 1, minor elevator damage instead], fire level 1, minor level 3.
flaading, 1 ganerato:r ICO., lllDd:arwte engine d1llD&QI!.~ electronics damage. O: Magazine explo&ion.
8:: Nam.al fl-umling., severe alectnmics daaaga" f'i re
level 1. nodera'te mgi:ne Gamage .•
7:: Very h·aavy flooding., fire l·evel ·1, moderate
•= llinar 'flDDding. fiire level 1., severe electronics
dmlage. ninorr engine dmlage.
4: Minor electronics damage, fire level 1, roll
again-if 1-3 is rolled, CIC KO; if 4-6 is rolled,
engine damage, seven1 alectt"Dnics dalaaga. 7: Heavy "flooding. fire lave L 1, ,m:od·ers-te enyi ne all FC systems KO; if 7-8 is rolled, communications
8: Kaswy flooding. aode:rate engine damage. 1 dallage, severe electronics d81118gB .. end date link KO; if 9-0 is rolled, Damage Control
generalmr KO,, ni:rm'r electnmice damage. fi·re level 2. II: lllumel flooliling, minorr engine damag.e. , generator KO.
9: Minnr "flooding.,. very seve're engine damage. 2 KO• minor elecEnmics dlllll8g8il fi ra Level 2. 5: Minor flooding, fire Level 1.
generators m. severe electronics damage. fire ilevei 9: llino'I"' fJ.uodinglf se'Ve'l"e engine damage, 2 6: Normal flooding, fire Level 1, minor electronics
3. gBDeftltDT'& ID. severe s.lac"tronics dan'llge,, fire Level damage.
•= Naaazina explosion 3.
•: If Sawiet-deslgned &hip" .magazine ex;plasion; fior
7: Very heavy flooding, fire level 1, minor engine
all other ships, normal flooding, severe engine B: Heavy flooding, fire level 2, minor engine
denage, 1 generator ICD., fire Level .2., sewere damage.

electronic& deaage 9 rudder Kil. 9: Minor flooding, severe engine damage, 1 generator
KO, minor electronics damage, fire Level 2.
55 D: Magazine explosion.
c. If a hit is scored with a Sea KiUer missile, use the CBU damage - e. The IDrpedo canied by 1he SS-N-14 has a mallimum range of 11 ''- other
in Sea Command, not the SSM Damage Table, IDdelermine R!!Uts.Sea - are as for the Sowiet unguided 21" lmpedo. ' 1,c. Target: Over 10,000 tons 1,f.Target: Over 10,000 tona
Klier is capable of wisual guidance, but sublract 1 from the accuracy,_ Missile Size: Medium Niss; la s;za: S..ll
if 1his is used. I. When hils are scored by any Sl\M having an FD rating of 200 use 1he Trltjactory: H;gh Angla

_e ___
Tr,Yactory: Surface Skl-ing
C8U Table in~ COl101e1d todelei11NN! damage, rather than tire SSM ~er Rollad/ llaaulta: ~r Rolled/ llasult•
d. Most ships armed willl a Standard launcher cany a IUllber of Slan· T_ _ When hits me scored by any SAM having an FD rating al 100 1: .Bridge KO, communications and data link KO, fire
dard ARM (Anti•-• missiles). Frigates carry two, while lalger ships 1: Minor electronics damage, fire level 1, minor
use lhe - dalmge -=tian of Ille Gunnery Damage Tables ID -~ level 1. flooding.
carry four. These are treated as SSMs with the 1oHowing ea 9*'ii1itS:
2: Dud, minor electronics damage, fire level 1.

2: Dud, fire level 1.

1. The meth().d of hom·lng is anti-radiation. rather th.an sem~­ 3: Minor weapons damage (if aircraft carrier, 3: Minor weapons damage (if ei rcreft carrier,
active. Ru~es for anti-radiation homing ar-e fD!Jnd in the SSM - VISUAL SIGHTING TABLE elevator damage instead], fire level 2, severe elevator damage instead], fire level 1 minor
section. Anti-rad.iation missl~es ma.y be tfred at targets whicil electronics damage. electr_onics damage, minor flooding. '
were detecmd by .pass·ivesensors (e g_, radardetectors)~disnot - Sighting -ge 4: Severe electronics damage, minor engine damage,
necessary ior the target to have Deen detected :by radar 1n omer 1 or less 18" 4: H1nor electronics damage, fire level 1, minor
fire level 1, roll egain-i f 1-5 is rol Led, CIC and flooding, roll egain--if 1-3 is rolled CIC KO· if 4-
10 fire a Standard AR·M at it Also, the UlTgetneednotbetraciled 2 12"
:by a fire control radar at any time during the missHe's fl1ight. The 3 8"
Damage Control KO; if 6-0 is rolled, all FC systeine
6 is rolled, all FC systems KO· if 7-a
is :olled
Stantlar·d AR.M's are similarto normal SSM's<inthata:t~timeof data link end communications Ko'; if 9-0 is rolled:
launch, the DWf'l:ing player mwst indicate in writi'l'!lg the pO!int at 5' r~ 5: Minor electronics damage, minor flooding, fire Damage Control KO.
·w:tiich tne .m·issi~.e's hom,ing he.ad wHI activate, a11d t:tile s.izeofthe 6 4" level 1, minor engine damage. 5: Minor flooding, fire Level 1.
~~ssf,le's search are.a. If the m:is.Si le's target was tracked Dy any 1 r 8: Normal flooding, fire Level 1, minor electronics

B: Minor flooding, fire Level 1, minor electronics
fJre cootTo_I ·ratlar C!ln the launching ship o.r any ship 'COlllnecied • 2" damage, minor engine damage. damage.
Dy a daia ·l1Dk to t'he ti·r.ing ship the missi:le may besettosearctl 9 r 7: Very heavy flooding, fire level 1, moderate 7: Heavy flooding, fire level 1, minor engine

.. ,
ar:i afl!1'.I of any s1z.e (very.narrow, narrDW, mediL.nn, ·wide, WfY 0 O" engine damage, 1 generator KO, minor electronics
-.ntnle)~ 1f t ne tairget was not tracked, tile mtuHe m1JIS1 :be set to
1 damage.
damage. 8: Normal flooding, fire level 2 •
sean::ti a very ·wtde area Sim1l.arly, if the tairge't is traoked, title B: Heavy flooding, minor engine damage, fire level
·miss.iJe's tiom:i'fil9 head may be activated at any time beyond Ute 1. Add r to 1he sighting range jf the ln'issile ts L..arge unless tihe
9: Minor flooding, moderate engine damage, 1
m:!ss~Je's m·ini.m,.um ran;·e·: 1f the ta~-et 1s not trac:ked, the generator KO, minor electronics damage, fire level 2.
- - -lllijustnalt is 0.
~1ss·1!e:s ho·miTllg head mliist be activated atthepojnt~t_re.acines 9: Minor flooding, severe engine damage, 1 generator
1.ts m!n1mum range. Anti-radiation miss~les cannot Ji,1st·i1119oiish 2. SUlltr-=t 3" hum the sighl!ing range If the missHe is Small. 0: If Sovier--designed ship, magazine explosion; for
KO, minor electronics damage, fire level 3.
the S!Zes of targets, so the missHe carinot be set to 'home ·in on 0: Magazine explosion. all others, normal flooding, moderate engine damage,
tar-gets abo~ a certain size. I. r 'lo lhe ~ if 'lne :rrr!t>iss:i~e fire level 1, rudder KO.
_ Add.... _ _ ntnge
,,_ arlj,.-,,t is1is0.TI'Ot a SU rface skimrrner
1 ,d. Target: Over 10 ,ODO tone
2. II a ht! is srored, use the FAE Damage Tables in Sea Command ID Missile Size: lledi... ·
- i n e - · rather tl:iaTI ~Ile SSM Damage T-.. 4.. Suiblrad3flomttlenumber rolliled tif the SSMwas detected ou-nnga Trajectory: Surface Ski-ing 2,a. Target: 1,00D-10,000 tons
polar . . . _ by - metlhod. This adjlllS!ment ll!'pl;es <>rnjy to units N - r Rolled/ llasult: Kissi le Size: Large
llllidl C:lullllly 1 • rte cl lffle missile and ~I Dtiners ln cammu·n.icatiioo
wilh a 5 rthg unit. 1: Data Link and communication KO, fire Level 1, JrltjactorJ• H;gh Angle
minor flooding. Nu.bar Rolled/ llaaults:
2: Dud, minor electronics damage, fire level 1. 1: Bridge KO, Damage Control KO, communications end
SSR DARA&E TA•LES 3: Minor weapons damage (if aircraft carrier, data link KO, main gun director KO, all electronics
elevator damage instead], fire Level 2, severe KO, fire Level 5, moderate engine damage.
electronics damage, minor flooding. 2: Dud, very minor flooding, fire level 1, severe
4: Severe electronics damage, fire Level 1, minor electronics damage, 1 generator KO, minor engine
engine damage, minor flooding, roll again-if 1-5 is damage.
rolled, CIC end Damage Control KO; if 6-0 is rolled, 3: Major weapons damage lif aircraft carrier, minor
all FC systems KO. weapons damage end elevator damage instead], fire
5: Minor flooding, fire Level 1, minor electronics level 5, all electronics KO, 1 generator KO, moderate
damage, minor engine damage. engine damage.
6: Minor flooding, fire level 1, minor electronics 4: CIC KO, Damage Control KO, very severe
damage. electronics damage, minor flooding, fire level 4,

Ja<Bet: 0..r ta.,lllD - •
•iBBH• Sh•: La ...
T. .-.Y• lfi9h . .le
.. lllllWilf - l i t :
1: Bridge KO., severe elec'tnmics damaga:t' f'i·re lawel
-r . u.., -u... Sa-
1 ...

lli9S111'8 Sia:
10.- bm&
7: Heavy flooding, fire Level 1, moderate engine
damage, 1 generator KO, minor electronics damage.
B: Normal flooding, fire level 2.
9: Minor flooding, moderate engine damage, 1
generator KO, minor electronics damage, fire Level 3.
O: If Soviet-designed sh;p, magazine explosion; for
all other ships, normal flooding, moderate engine
minor weapons damage, severe engine damage.
5: All FC systems KO, communications and data Link
KO, steering circuits KO, normal flooding, 2
generators KO, fire level 4, all electronics KO,
moderate engine damage.
6: Normal flooding, very severe engine damage, fire
level 1, minor weapons damage, 1 generator KO, very
:e_, cammnications and data link KO .• 1: S..re elactnmic& damage, fi·re Le·veL 2-, minor damage, fire Level 2, minor electronics damage, severe electronics damage.
2:: llllld, minar weapons dallaga-, fire level ·1. fl-ing. rudder KO. 7: Very heavy flooding, very severe electronics
3,; Miilllor· tteaip.ons damage {if aiirc·raft .carrier"
·elewat.or damage instead),, f; "e Level. 2. :seve11"e
etac"tl"Onics danaae ..
2: Dud, fire lewet 1,.. mlnar el.ectnmics d.maage.
Minor weapons daaage {If ai r<e-raft carrier,.
e!Lewatar da111age instead). f'i re Leve L 3, sever.a
1,e. Target: Over 10 1 000 tons
Missile Size: S..ll
damage, 3 generators KO, communications and .data Link
KO, rudder KO, very severe engine damage, fire Leval
4r: SaYere electn1111ics d.anage, 1111innr en_gine anage. electl'Dllics damage 11 minor f't.uoding,. Trltjactory: H;gh Angle 8: Heavy flooding, very severe engine damage, 2
fire level 1., roll again-if 1-5 is Nlled9 .CU: and 4: Savere ellact:ronics da•age• illinor eni;1 ine damage., Nullber Rolled/ Results: generators KO, all electronics KO, communications and
Damage control KO in addition.; if S-0 1s TOliedlJI' all DilllDr rloading, fire ieveil 1., T'Dll 9!1Bin-if 1-5 is 1: Bridge KO, fire level 1 date link KO, major weapons damage, fire Level 3.
main FC sy&te•m& KO. rallede CIC and Dllnage Control KO; if' 6-0 is rolled,, 1
2: Dud, fire level 1. 9: Minor flooding, very severe engine damage, 3
5: Severe alectmnics d•;mage 11 aiinar flooding. "firre all FC s p - ICD. 3: Minor weapnns damage (if aircraft carrier, generators KO, very severe electronics damage, fire
Lael 1., 1 genenttor iQl, amderate mag ine damage .. 5: Sewre electll"'Olflics daaage-, fire ltA'el 1, minor elevator damage instead], fire level 1, minor level 3.
flaading, 1 ganerato:r ICO., lllDd:arwte engine d1llD&QI!.~ electronics damage. O: Magazine explo&ion.
8:: Nam.al fl-umling., severe alectnmics daaaga" f'i re
level 1. nodera'te mgi:ne Gamage .•
7:: Very h·aavy flooding., fire l·evel ·1, moderate
•= llinar 'flDDding. fiire level 1., severe electronics
dmlage. ninorr engine dmlage.
4: Minor electronics damage, fire level 1, roll
again-if 1-3 is rolled, CIC KO; if 4-6 is rolled,
engine damage, seven1 alectt"Dnics dalaaga. 7: Heavy "flooding. fire lave L 1, ,m:od·ers-te enyi ne all FC systems KO; if 7-8 is rolled, communications
8: Kaswy flooding. aode:rate engine damage. 1 dallage, severe electronics d81118gB .. end date link KO; if 9-0 is rolled, Damage Control
generalmr KO,, ni:rm'r electnmice damage. fi·re level 2. II: lllumel flooliling, minorr engine damag.e. , generator KO.
9: Minnr "flooding.,. very seve're engine damage. 2 KO• minor elecEnmics dlllll8g8il fi ra Level 2. 5: Minor flooding, fire Level 1.
generators m. severe electronics damage. fire ilevei 9: llino'I"' fJ.uodinglf se'Ve'l"e engine damage, 2 6: Normal flooding, fire Level 1, minor electronics
3. gBDeftltDT'& ID. severe s.lac"tronics dan'llge,, fire Level damage.
•= Naaazina explosion 3.
•: If Sawiet-deslgned &hip" .magazine ex;plasion; fior
7: Very heavy flooding, fire level 1, minor engine
all other ships, normal flooding, severe engine B: Heavy flooding, fire level 2, minor engine
denage, 1 generator ICD., fire Level .2., sewere damage.

electronic& deaage 9 rudder Kil. 9: Minor flooding, severe engine damage, 1 generator
KO, minor electronics damage, fire Level 2.
55 D: Magazine explosion.

2,b. Target: 1,00D-10,000 tons 3,e. Target: Under 1000 "3ne

Missile Size: Large 2,d. Targat: 1,00D-10.000 tons 2,r. Target: 1,00D-10,.000 tons
Nissila Sizar All
Tr.Yactory: Surface Ski•ing Missile Size: Medi1111 Missile Size: Small
Trajac~ory: All
- e r llDlled/ llaaults: Trajact.ory: Surface Ski . .ing Trllject.ory: Surface Ski . .ing
Nu..,ar llDllad/ llasulta: - • r llDllad: llasulta:
1: Communications and date Link KO, Damage Control - e r llDlledl Result&: 1: Dud, minor flooding, very severe electronics
KO, all electronics KO, fire Level 5 1 minor flooding 1: Communications and data Link KO, Damage Control 1: Communications end data link KO, Damage Control
KO, _very severe electronics damage, fire level 2 1 damage, vary severe engine damage, very severe
moderate engine damage. ' KO, ell electronics KO, fire Level 3 minor engine
minor flooding. weapons damage, fire level a.
2: Dud, severe electronics damage, fire Level 1, 1 damage, minor flooding. ' 2-9: Heavy flooding, all electronics KO, all weapons
generat.or KO, minor engine damage. 2: Ou~, severe electronics damage, fire Level 1. 2: Dud, fire level 1 1 minor electronics damage.
3: Minor weapons damage (if aircraft carrier, KO, very severe engine damage, fire level 15.
3: M&JOr weapons damage [if aircraft carrier, minor 3: MaJor weapons damage (if aircraft carrier minor O: Magazine explosion.
weapons damage, elevator damage instead), fire Level weapons _damage instead), fire Level a, very' severe elevator damage instead}, fire Level 3, severe
5, ell electronics KO, 1 generator KO moderate electron1~s damage, 1 generator KO, moderate engine electronics damage, minor engine damage, minor
engine damage, minor flooding. ' damage, minor flooding. flooding.
4: CI~ KO, Damage Control KO, very severe 4: CIC KO, severe electronics damage, minor engine
4: CI~ KO, Damage Control KO, very severe
electron1cs damage, minor flooding, moderate engine e~ectron1~s damage, minor flooding, fire level 1, damage, fire Level 1, minor flooding.
damage. minor engine damage. 5: ALL FC systems KO, minor flooding, 1 generator
5: ALL FC systems KO, communications end data Link 5: A_Ll FC systems KO, normal flooding, 1 generator KO, very severe electronics damage, fire level 2 1
KO, steering circuits KO, normal flooding 2 KO, f1re Level 3, all electronics KO, moderate engine minor engine damage.
generators KO, fire level 4 1 all electronics'Ko damage. 6: Minor flooding, severe electronics damage, fire
moderate engine Jamage. ' 6: Minor fl_ooding, very _severe electronics damage, level 1, minor engine damage, minor weapons damage.
6: Minor flooding, severe engine damage minor moderate engine damage, fire level 1, minor weapons 7: Heavy flooding, severe engine damage, very severe
weapons damage, fire Level 1 1 1 generator KO very damage. electronics damage, fire Level 1.
severe electronics damage. ' 7: Heavy flooding, se~e re engine damage, 2 B: Normal flooding, moderate engine damage, 1
7: Heavy flooding, very severe engine damage 2 generators KO, ell electronics KO, fire Level 2 generator KO, severe electronics damage, fire Level
generators KO, all electronics KO fire Level 'a 1 B: Normal flooding, severe engine demaQe, 1 3 1 communications and data link KO.
communications and data Link KO. ' · generator KO, very severe electronics damage, minor 9: Minor flooding, severe engine damage, 2
8: Normal flooding, severe engine damage 1 1 weapons damage, communications and date link KO fire generators KO, very severe electronics damage, fire
generator KO, all electronics KO, communications and Level 3. ' Level 3.
date link KO, major weapons damage, fire Level 3 9: Minor flooding, severe engine damage, 2 O: If Soviet-designed ship, magazine explosion; for
9: Minor flooding, severe engine demag;, 2 generators KO, very severe electronics damage fire all others, normal flooding, severe ·engine damage, 1
generators KO, very severe electronics damage, fire Level 3. ' generator KO, fire Level 2 1 very severe ·electronics
Level 3. 0: If Soviet-designed ship, magazine explosion• for damage, rudder KO.
O: If Sovier-designed ship~ magazine explosion; for ell other ships, normal flooding, very severe e~gine
all others, nor1J1el flooding, very severe engine damage, fire level 3, 2 generators KO al L
damage, 3 generators KO, fire Level 4 all electronics KO, rudder KO. '
electronics KO, rudder KO. ' Strategic Review
2,e. Target: 1.00D-10,000 t.ons US Navy Publlcations:
Selected Readings in Tactics {US Naval War College) Defence
Missile Size: S..ll Introduction to Sonar {Navpers 10130-A) Military Technology
2.c. Target: 1.oDD-10.000 tons Trajectory: H;gh Angle Summary of War Damage to US Battleships, Carriers, Cruisers, and Destroyers, US Naval Institute Proceedings
Missile Size: Nmliu. Hu-r llDlledl llasult&: 17 Oct 1941-7 Dec 1942 (Navyships A 374) Air Force
1: Bri_dge KO, Damage Control KO, communications and International Defense Review
Trajectory: H;gh Angle Submarine Chaser Manual
date link KO, very severe electronics damage fire Seatag, A Sea Control Tactical Analysis Game (Naval War College) Aviation & Marine
- r llDlled/ llasu Lts: Armed Forces
1: Bri~ge KO, Damage Control KO, communications and Leve L 1 • ' An Anti-Submarine Warfare Training War Game, Coyle (Naval War College)
Navy International
data Lin~ KO, all electronics KO, minor engine 2: Dud, very minor flooding, fire Level 1 1 minor
Defense lntelllgence Agency Publication Air Pictorial
damage, fire Level 3. electronics damage. Countermeasures, Military Electronics
DIA Handbook on !he Sovie! Armed Forces
2: Dud,_ very minor flooding, fire level 1 1 severe 3: Minor weapons damage (if aircraft carrier Electronics Warfare, Defense Electronics
electronics damage. elevator damage instead}, fire level 3 sever~ Books Bundesmarine
3: Major weapons damage (if aircraft carrier, minor electronics damage, minor engine damage. ' Battle Damage to Warships, Korotkin Warship International
weapons d~mage, elevator damage instead}, very severe 4: CIC KO, severe electronics damage moderate History of US Naval Operations in World War II, Morrison Para Bellum
engine damage, fire Level 1. ' Electromc Countermeasures, Boyd et. al. Journal of the RUSI
electronics damage, fire level 3 1 1 generator KO Surface Warfare
moderate engine damage. ' 5: ALL FC systems KO, minor flooding, 1 generator The International Countermeasures Handbook (9th ed)
Instruments of Darkness, Price Bamahine
4: CIC KO, Damage Control KO , very severe K~, very _severe electronics damage, fire level 2, Flight International
Wqrld Military Aviation, Krivinyi
e l ectronics .damage, minor flooding, fire level 1 minor eng1ne damage.
Combat Fleets of the World, 1982/83, Couhat Airborne ASW Log
moderate eng1ne damage. ' 6: Normal !Loading, se~ere electronics damage, Jane's Weapon Systems, 1981 Morsky Sbornik (trans.)
~: All FC syst~ms KO, normal flooding, 1 generator moderate eng 1na damage, fl re Leve L 1 1 minor weapons Jane's Fighting Ships, 1981/82 National Defense
O, ell electronics KO, moderate engine damage damage. - Introduction to Shipborne Weapons, Corse Helicopter
7: Very heavy flooding, severe engine damage, fire Guide to the Soviet Navy, Breyer USI Journal
6: Normal. flooding, very severe electronics damage,
level 1, very severe electronics damage. Missiles of the World, Ellis Warship
severe engine damage, fire Level 1, minor weapons Aviation Week & Space Technology
damage. 8: Heavy flooding, severe engine damage, 1 generator Brassy's Weapons Technology
Aircraft vs Submarine, Price Electronics
7: Very heavy flooding, severe engine damage, 2 KO, s~ve~e electronics damage, fire level a, Naval War College Rev1ew
commun1cat1ons and data Link KO Shipboard Damage Control, Bissell
generators KO, rudder KO, ell electronics KO, fire
9: Minor floodina 1 very sev~re engine damage 2
FundamentalS of Naval Operational Analysis
level-2. Ships and Aircraft of the US Navy, Palmer Miscellaneous
8: Heavy flooding, very severe engine damage 1 generators KO, fire level 3, very severe electronics Non·Standard War At Sea, Friedman (Hudson Inst. Discussion Paper)
Aircraft and Sea PoWer, Hazlet
damage. Anti.Submarine Warfare {ASW): Some of the tssues and Some of !he Programs (Con·
generator _KO, fire Level 3, very severe electronics Electronics and Sea Power, Hezlet
gressional Research Report US 400 USE)
d~mage, minor weapons damage, communications and date O: Magazine explosion. Submarines and Sea Power, Hezlet
Bofors 57mm Flare and Chaff Rockets
link KO, The Origins of Radar, Page
Floltentaschenbuch, Weyer (3,ofors 40mm Prozimity Fuse
9: Minor flooding, vere severe engine damage 2 Naval Lynx
generators KO, very severe electronics damage fire The Soviet Sea Challenge, Ellen
The Soviet Navy Today, Moore The Israel Navy in Action
level 3. ' Power at Sea {Adelphi Paper)
Warships of the Royal Navy, Moore
0: Magazine explosion. Soviet Naval Influence, MccGwire
Precision Guided Munitions {Adelphi Paper)
Soviet Naval Strategy for the Eighties, Kime (National Security Affairs Monograph
The Russians at Sea, Woodward
Soviet Naval Power, Rohwes 76-3)
Soviet Naval Developments, MccGwire
Soviet Naval Polley, MccGwire
Sea Power of the State, Gorshkov
On Watch, Zumwalt
The Soviet Naval Offensive, Wegener
Modern Warship Design and Development, Friedman
Naval Radars, Friedman
US Naval Weapons, Friedman 58

2,b. Target: 1,00D-10,000 tons 3,e. Target: Under 1000 "3ne

Missile Size: Large 2,d. Targat: 1,00D-10.000 tons 2,r. Target: 1,00D-10,.000 tons
Nissila Sizar All
Tr.Yactory: Surface Ski•ing Missile Size: Medi1111 Missile Size: Small
Trajac~ory: All
- e r llDlled/ llaaults: Trajact.ory: Surface Ski . .ing Trllject.ory: Surface Ski . .ing
Nu..,ar llDllad/ llasulta: - • r llDllad: llasulta:
1: Communications and date Link KO, Damage Control - e r llDlledl Result&: 1: Dud, minor flooding, very severe electronics
KO, all electronics KO, fire Level 5 1 minor flooding 1: Communications and data Link KO, Damage Control 1: Communications end data link KO, Damage Control
KO, _very severe electronics damage, fire level 2 1 damage, vary severe engine damage, very severe
moderate engine damage. ' KO, ell electronics KO, fire Level 3 minor engine
minor flooding. weapons damage, fire level a.
2: Dud, severe electronics damage, fire Level 1, 1 damage, minor flooding. ' 2-9: Heavy flooding, all electronics KO, all weapons
generat.or KO, minor engine damage. 2: Ou~, severe electronics damage, fire Level 1. 2: Dud, fire level 1 1 minor electronics damage.
3: Minor weapons damage (if aircraft carrier, KO, very severe engine damage, fire level 15.
3: M&JOr weapons damage [if aircraft carrier, minor 3: MaJor weapons damage (if aircraft carrier minor O: Magazine explosion.
weapons damage, elevator damage instead), fire Level weapons _damage instead), fire Level a, very' severe elevator damage instead}, fire Level 3, severe
5, ell electronics KO, 1 generator KO moderate electron1~s damage, 1 generator KO, moderate engine electronics damage, minor engine damage, minor
engine damage, minor flooding. ' damage, minor flooding. flooding.
4: CI~ KO, Damage Control KO, very severe 4: CIC KO, severe electronics damage, minor engine
4: CI~ KO, Damage Control KO, very severe
electron1cs damage, minor flooding, moderate engine e~ectron1~s damage, minor flooding, fire level 1, damage, fire Level 1, minor flooding.
damage. minor engine damage. 5: ALL FC systems KO, minor flooding, 1 generator
5: ALL FC systems KO, communications end data Link 5: A_Ll FC systems KO, normal flooding, 1 generator KO, very severe electronics damage, fire level 2 1
KO, steering circuits KO, normal flooding 2 KO, f1re Level 3, all electronics KO, moderate engine minor engine damage.
generators KO, fire level 4 1 all electronics'Ko damage. 6: Minor flooding, severe electronics damage, fire
moderate engine Jamage. ' 6: Minor fl_ooding, very _severe electronics damage, level 1, minor engine damage, minor weapons damage.
6: Minor flooding, severe engine damage minor moderate engine damage, fire level 1, minor weapons 7: Heavy flooding, severe engine damage, very severe
weapons damage, fire Level 1 1 1 generator KO very damage. electronics damage, fire Level 1.
severe electronics damage. ' 7: Heavy flooding, se~e re engine damage, 2 B: Normal flooding, moderate engine damage, 1
7: Heavy flooding, very severe engine damage 2 generators KO, ell electronics KO, fire Level 2 generator KO, severe electronics damage, fire Level
generators KO, all electronics KO fire Level 'a 1 B: Normal flooding, severe engine demaQe, 1 3 1 communications and data link KO.
communications and data Link KO. ' · generator KO, very severe electronics damage, minor 9: Minor flooding, severe engine damage, 2
8: Normal flooding, severe engine damage 1 1 weapons damage, communications and date link KO fire generators KO, very severe electronics damage, fire
generator KO, all electronics KO, communications and Level 3. ' Level 3.
date link KO, major weapons damage, fire Level 3 9: Minor flooding, severe engine damage, 2 O: If Soviet-designed ship, magazine explosion; for
9: Minor flooding, severe engine demag;, 2 generators KO, very severe electronics damage fire all others, normal flooding, severe ·engine damage, 1
generators KO, very severe electronics damage, fire Level 3. ' generator KO, fire Level 2 1 very severe ·electronics
Level 3. 0: If Soviet-designed ship, magazine explosion• for damage, rudder KO.
O: If Sovier-designed ship~ magazine explosion; for ell other ships, normal flooding, very severe e~gine
all others, nor1J1el flooding, very severe engine damage, fire level 3, 2 generators KO al L
damage, 3 generators KO, fire Level 4 all electronics KO, rudder KO. '
electronics KO, rudder KO. ' Strategic Review
2,e. Target: 1.00D-10,000 t.ons US Navy Publlcations:
Selected Readings in Tactics {US Naval War College) Defence
Missile Size: S..ll Introduction to Sonar {Navpers 10130-A) Military Technology
2.c. Target: 1.oDD-10.000 tons Trajectory: H;gh Angle Summary of War Damage to US Battleships, Carriers, Cruisers, and Destroyers, US Naval Institute Proceedings
Missile Size: Nmliu. Hu-r llDlledl llasult&: 17 Oct 1941-7 Dec 1942 (Navyships A 374) Air Force
1: Bri_dge KO, Damage Control KO, communications and International Defense Review
Trajectory: H;gh Angle Submarine Chaser Manual
date link KO, very severe electronics damage fire Seatag, A Sea Control Tactical Analysis Game (Naval War College) Aviation & Marine
- r llDlled/ llasu Lts: Armed Forces
1: Bri~ge KO, Damage Control KO, communications and Leve L 1 • ' An Anti-Submarine Warfare Training War Game, Coyle (Naval War College)
Navy International
data Lin~ KO, all electronics KO, minor engine 2: Dud, very minor flooding, fire Level 1 1 minor
Defense lntelllgence Agency Publication Air Pictorial
damage, fire Level 3. electronics damage. Countermeasures, Military Electronics
DIA Handbook on !he Sovie! Armed Forces
2: Dud,_ very minor flooding, fire level 1 1 severe 3: Minor weapons damage (if aircraft carrier Electronics Warfare, Defense Electronics
electronics damage. elevator damage instead}, fire level 3 sever~ Books Bundesmarine
3: Major weapons damage (if aircraft carrier, minor electronics damage, minor engine damage. ' Battle Damage to Warships, Korotkin Warship International
weapons d~mage, elevator damage instead}, very severe 4: CIC KO, severe electronics damage moderate History of US Naval Operations in World War II, Morrison Para Bellum
engine damage, fire Level 1. ' Electromc Countermeasures, Boyd et. al. Journal of the RUSI
electronics damage, fire level 3 1 1 generator KO Surface Warfare
moderate engine damage. ' 5: ALL FC systems KO, minor flooding, 1 generator The International Countermeasures Handbook (9th ed)
Instruments of Darkness, Price Bamahine
4: CIC KO, Damage Control KO , very severe K~, very _severe electronics damage, fire level 2, Flight International
Wqrld Military Aviation, Krivinyi
e l ectronics .damage, minor flooding, fire level 1 minor eng1ne damage.
Combat Fleets of the World, 1982/83, Couhat Airborne ASW Log
moderate eng1ne damage. ' 6: Normal !Loading, se~ere electronics damage, Jane's Weapon Systems, 1981 Morsky Sbornik (trans.)
~: All FC syst~ms KO, normal flooding, 1 generator moderate eng 1na damage, fl re Leve L 1 1 minor weapons Jane's Fighting Ships, 1981/82 National Defense
O, ell electronics KO, moderate engine damage damage. - Introduction to Shipborne Weapons, Corse Helicopter
7: Very heavy flooding, severe engine damage, fire Guide to the Soviet Navy, Breyer USI Journal
6: Normal. flooding, very severe electronics damage,
level 1, very severe electronics damage. Missiles of the World, Ellis Warship
severe engine damage, fire Level 1, minor weapons Aviation Week & Space Technology
damage. 8: Heavy flooding, severe engine damage, 1 generator Brassy's Weapons Technology
Aircraft vs Submarine, Price Electronics
7: Very heavy flooding, severe engine damage, 2 KO, s~ve~e electronics damage, fire level a, Naval War College Rev1ew
commun1cat1ons and data Link KO Shipboard Damage Control, Bissell
generators KO, rudder KO, ell electronics KO, fire
9: Minor floodina 1 very sev~re engine damage 2
FundamentalS of Naval Operational Analysis
level-2. Ships and Aircraft of the US Navy, Palmer Miscellaneous
8: Heavy flooding, very severe engine damage 1 generators KO, fire level 3, very severe electronics Non·Standard War At Sea, Friedman (Hudson Inst. Discussion Paper)
Aircraft and Sea PoWer, Hazlet
damage. Anti.Submarine Warfare {ASW): Some of the tssues and Some of !he Programs (Con·
generator _KO, fire Level 3, very severe electronics Electronics and Sea Power, Hezlet
gressional Research Report US 400 USE)
d~mage, minor weapons damage, communications and date O: Magazine explosion. Submarines and Sea Power, Hezlet
Bofors 57mm Flare and Chaff Rockets
link KO, The Origins of Radar, Page
Floltentaschenbuch, Weyer (3,ofors 40mm Prozimity Fuse
9: Minor flooding, vere severe engine damage 2 Naval Lynx
generators KO, very severe electronics damage fire The Soviet Sea Challenge, Ellen
The Soviet Navy Today, Moore The Israel Navy in Action
level 3. ' Power at Sea {Adelphi Paper)
Warships of the Royal Navy, Moore
0: Magazine explosion. Soviet Naval Influence, MccGwire
Precision Guided Munitions {Adelphi Paper)
Soviet Naval Strategy for the Eighties, Kime (National Security Affairs Monograph
The Russians at Sea, Woodward
Soviet Naval Power, Rohwes 76-3)
Soviet Naval Developments, MccGwire
Soviet Naval Polley, MccGwire
Sea Power of the State, Gorshkov
On Watch, Zumwalt
The Soviet Naval Offensive, Wegener
Modern Warship Design and Development, Friedman
Naval Radars, Friedman
US Naval Weapons, Friedman 58

Part 1: Basic Ship Data
4C; A(H-L;D-L)

Par't 1:
Basic Ship
Ai rcraf't


ENTERPRISE us VN 100 4C; A( H-L;D-L)
CVN 73502 32.5 N VN 90 JEAN D'ARC FR CAH 10000 25 s N B DC
61000 32.5 s N 90 4C; A(H-L;D-L] COLBERT FR CG B500 30 s N A( B&D-L)
60100 32.5 s N BB 4C; A(H-L;D-L] C-70AA FR DOG 4000 30 0 a
60000 32.5 s N BB 4C; A(D-L] GEORGE LEYGUES FR DOG 3B30 30 CODOG a 2
CV 51000 32.5 s N 65 2-3C; A(D-L) DE GRASSE FR DOG 4BDO 32.5 s a 2
CGN 42 us
BB 46177 32.5 s N 4 P, A(B,T,D-H) DUQUESNE FR DOG 5090 35 s A
CGN 10200 35 N N 2 D'ESTREES FR 00 2750 32.5 s N
CGN B623 35 N N 2 KERSAINT FR DD 2750 32.5 s N
BAINBRIDGE us CGN 7800 32.5 N N LUTJENS WG DOG 3370 35 s A
LONG BEACH us CGN 15540 . 30 N N HAMBURG WG DDG 3500 35 s A
TICONDEROGA us CG 9100 32.5 G VQ 2 BREMEN WG FFG 2900 30 CDDOG a 2
BELKNAP us CG 5340 35 s A 1
6070 35 s A THETIS WG p 575 22.5 0 A
CG 14600 32.5 s N p TYPE 143 WG PGG 300 35 D Q
DES MOINES us CA 17255 32.5 s N TYPE 14B WG PGG 234 35 D a
10670 32.5 s N P,A(B&T-M;D-L) ZOBEL WG PT 212 37.5 D a
DOG B500 32.5 G va M BABA IRAN DDG 2200 30 s N 1 p
DOG 9200 32.5 G VQ 2 SAAM IRAN FFG 1100 35 CODOG A
3370 30 s A KAMAN IRAN PGG 249 35 D a
DOG 4700 35 s A LUPO IRAQ FFG 2213 35 COOOG A 2
DECATUR us DOG 2850 32.5 s N 650 TON IRAQ PGG 600 37.5 D 0.
SPRUANCE us DO 5B30 32.5 G VQ 1 M GARIBALDI IT CAH 10043 30 G A 16 DC
us DD 244B 30 s N p AND REA DORIA IT CG 6500 30 s N 4
us FFG 2700 30 G a 1-2 AUDACE IT ODG 3950 32.5 s A 1-2
us FFG 2647 30 G a 2 INTREPIDD IT ODG 3201 32.5 s N
us FFG 2643 27.5 s A 1 IMPETUOSO IT DD 2775 32.5 s N p
us FF 3066 27.5 s Q 1 MAESTRALE IT FFG 3040 30 COOOG Q 2
GARCIA us FF 2624 27.5 s A 1 LUPO IT FFG 220B 35 CODOG A 1
PEGASUS us PHM 21B 2000 27 .5 COD AG N
us LHA 39300 25 s N 30 BERGAMINI IT FF 1410 25 0 A 1
us LPH 11000 22.5 s N 30
HERMES 27.5 G A 30 DC IT
9500 30 s N 4 P, A(B&T-M;D-L) TROMP NETH DDG 3665 27.5 G A 1
DDG 3550 27.5 G a 1 M M CL.ASS NETH FFG 1900 27.5 COOOG a 1
UK DOG 3150 30 G a PIETER FLORESZ NETH FFG 3000 30 G a
6100 27.5 COSAG a KORTENAER NETH FFG 3000 30 G 2
BOXER 32.5 COSAG a 0-1 M
UK FFG 376D 27.5 G Q 1 KIEV USSR CVSG 36000 32.5 s A 35 DC
UK FFG 3500 30 G a 1 MO SK VA USSR CHG 14500 30 s A 14 DC
UK FFG 2750 32.5 G Q KIROV USSR CGN 23400 32.5 CONAS A 3
2500 27.5 s A 1 KRAS INA (SL.AVA) USSR CG 10500 32.5 G A 1
2450 27.5 s A 1 KARA USSR CG B2DD 32.5 G A 1
UK FF 2500 27.5 s A 1 KRESTA II USSR CG 6000 32.5 s A 1
UK FFG 2650 27.5 s A 1 KRESTA I USSR CG 6000 32.5 s N 1
UK FF 2300 25 COSAG A 1 M
KYNDA USSR CG 4400 32.5 s N
UK FF 23BO 25 s A 1 M
SVEROLDV USSR CL 12900 32.5 s VN P ,A( B&T-M;D-L)
UK MS 370 15 D Q UDALOY USSR DOG 6200 32.5 G a 2
ARG CV 15B92 25 s N 21 P, A(D-L)
SOVREMENNY USSR DOG 6200 32.5 s a 1
ARG CL 108110 25 s N KASHIN MOO USSR DOG 3950 35 G A
ARG DOG 3150 30 G a 1 M
KAN IN USSR DOG 3700 32.5 s A
ARG DOG 2400 35 s N 1 p KILDIN MOO USSR DDG 2BDD 35 s A
ARG DOG 2200 30 s N 1 p KILDIN USSR DOG 2600 35 s A
ARG DD 2050 30 s N p KDTLIN SAM USSR DOG 2700 35 s N p

ARG FFG 1200 27.5 D Q 1 KOT LIN USSR DD 2600 35 s N p

ARG FFG 1100 25 D Q SK DRY USSR DD 2600 32.5 s N p

ARG PB 240 37.5 0 a SKDRY MOD USSR DD 2600 32.5 s N p

AUST CV 16000 22.5 s N 15 P,1C, A(D-L)
KRUPNY USSR DOG 3700 32.5 s A
AUST FF 2100 27.5 s KRIVAK II USSR DOG 3575 30 CDDDG A
DD 3551 30 G Q KRIVAK USSR DOG 3575 30 CODOG A
3300 30 G Q 2
2400 27.5 s A 1 MIRKA USSR FF 950 35 COO AG A
23BO 27 .5 s A
RIGA USSR FF 1260 30 s N p
2390 27.5 s A
7BO 30 0 A
FF 2260 27.5 s A 1 NANUCHKA USSR PGG
3960 32.5 s N p
PAUK USSR p 4BO 35 0 A
156B 25 D N p Q
PRC FF 1400 p
27.5 0 N OSA USSR PGG 215 35 D A
59 p
42.5 D a

Part 1: Basic Ship Data
4C; A(H-L;D-L)

Par't 1:
Basic Ship
Ai rcraf't


ENTERPRISE us VN 100 4C; A( H-L;D-L)
CVN 73502 32.5 N VN 90 JEAN D'ARC FR CAH 10000 25 s N B DC
61000 32.5 s N 90 4C; A(H-L;D-L] COLBERT FR CG B500 30 s N A( B&D-L)
60100 32.5 s N BB 4C; A(H-L;D-L] C-70AA FR DOG 4000 30 0 a
60000 32.5 s N BB 4C; A(D-L] GEORGE LEYGUES FR DOG 3B30 30 CODOG a 2
CV 51000 32.5 s N 65 2-3C; A(D-L) DE GRASSE FR DOG 4BDO 32.5 s a 2
CGN 42 us
BB 46177 32.5 s N 4 P, A(B,T,D-H) DUQUESNE FR DOG 5090 35 s A
CGN 10200 35 N N 2 D'ESTREES FR 00 2750 32.5 s N
CGN B623 35 N N 2 KERSAINT FR DD 2750 32.5 s N
BAINBRIDGE us CGN 7800 32.5 N N LUTJENS WG DOG 3370 35 s A
LONG BEACH us CGN 15540 . 30 N N HAMBURG WG DDG 3500 35 s A
TICONDEROGA us CG 9100 32.5 G VQ 2 BREMEN WG FFG 2900 30 CDDOG a 2
BELKNAP us CG 5340 35 s A 1
6070 35 s A THETIS WG p 575 22.5 0 A
CG 14600 32.5 s N p TYPE 143 WG PGG 300 35 D Q
DES MOINES us CA 17255 32.5 s N TYPE 14B WG PGG 234 35 D a
10670 32.5 s N P,A(B&T-M;D-L) ZOBEL WG PT 212 37.5 D a
DOG B500 32.5 G va M BABA IRAN DDG 2200 30 s N 1 p
DOG 9200 32.5 G VQ 2 SAAM IRAN FFG 1100 35 CODOG A
3370 30 s A KAMAN IRAN PGG 249 35 D a
DOG 4700 35 s A LUPO IRAQ FFG 2213 35 COOOG A 2
DECATUR us DOG 2850 32.5 s N 650 TON IRAQ PGG 600 37.5 D 0.
SPRUANCE us DO 5B30 32.5 G VQ 1 M GARIBALDI IT CAH 10043 30 G A 16 DC
us DD 244B 30 s N p AND REA DORIA IT CG 6500 30 s N 4
us FFG 2700 30 G a 1-2 AUDACE IT ODG 3950 32.5 s A 1-2
us FFG 2647 30 G a 2 INTREPIDD IT ODG 3201 32.5 s N
us FFG 2643 27.5 s A 1 IMPETUOSO IT DD 2775 32.5 s N p
us FF 3066 27.5 s Q 1 MAESTRALE IT FFG 3040 30 COOOG Q 2
GARCIA us FF 2624 27.5 s A 1 LUPO IT FFG 220B 35 CODOG A 1
PEGASUS us PHM 21B 2000 27 .5 COD AG N
us LHA 39300 25 s N 30 BERGAMINI IT FF 1410 25 0 A 1
us LPH 11000 22.5 s N 30
HERMES 27.5 G A 30 DC IT
9500 30 s N 4 P, A(B&T-M;D-L) TROMP NETH DDG 3665 27.5 G A 1
DDG 3550 27.5 G a 1 M M CL.ASS NETH FFG 1900 27.5 COOOG a 1
UK DOG 3150 30 G a PIETER FLORESZ NETH FFG 3000 30 G a
6100 27.5 COSAG a KORTENAER NETH FFG 3000 30 G 2
BOXER 32.5 COSAG a 0-1 M
UK FFG 376D 27.5 G Q 1 KIEV USSR CVSG 36000 32.5 s A 35 DC
UK FFG 3500 30 G a 1 MO SK VA USSR CHG 14500 30 s A 14 DC
UK FFG 2750 32.5 G Q KIROV USSR CGN 23400 32.5 CONAS A 3
2500 27.5 s A 1 KRAS INA (SL.AVA) USSR CG 10500 32.5 G A 1
2450 27.5 s A 1 KARA USSR CG B2DD 32.5 G A 1
UK FF 2500 27.5 s A 1 KRESTA II USSR CG 6000 32.5 s A 1
UK FFG 2650 27.5 s A 1 KRESTA I USSR CG 6000 32.5 s N 1
UK FF 2300 25 COSAG A 1 M
KYNDA USSR CG 4400 32.5 s N
UK FF 23BO 25 s A 1 M
SVEROLDV USSR CL 12900 32.5 s VN P ,A( B&T-M;D-L)
UK MS 370 15 D Q UDALOY USSR DOG 6200 32.5 G a 2
ARG CV 15B92 25 s N 21 P, A(D-L)
SOVREMENNY USSR DOG 6200 32.5 s a 1
ARG CL 108110 25 s N KASHIN MOO USSR DOG 3950 35 G A
ARG DOG 3150 30 G a 1 M
KAN IN USSR DOG 3700 32.5 s A
ARG DOG 2400 35 s N 1 p KILDIN MOO USSR DDG 2BDD 35 s A
ARG DOG 2200 30 s N 1 p KILDIN USSR DOG 2600 35 s A
ARG DD 2050 30 s N p KDTLIN SAM USSR DOG 2700 35 s N p

ARG FFG 1200 27.5 D Q 1 KOT LIN USSR DD 2600 35 s N p

ARG FFG 1100 25 D Q SK DRY USSR DD 2600 32.5 s N p

ARG PB 240 37.5 0 a SKDRY MOD USSR DD 2600 32.5 s N p

AUST CV 16000 22.5 s N 15 P,1C, A(D-L)
KRUPNY USSR DOG 3700 32.5 s A
AUST FF 2100 27.5 s KRIVAK II USSR DOG 3575 30 CDDDG A
DD 3551 30 G Q KRIVAK USSR DOG 3575 30 CODOG A
3300 30 G Q 2
2400 27.5 s A 1 MIRKA USSR FF 950 35 COO AG A
23BO 27 .5 s A
RIGA USSR FF 1260 30 s N p
2390 27.5 s A
7BO 30 0 A
FF 2260 27.5 s A 1 NANUCHKA USSR PGG
3960 32.5 s N p
PAUK USSR p 4BO 35 0 A
156B 25 D N p Q
PRC FF 1400 p
27.5 0 N OSA USSR PGG 215 35 D A
59 p
42.5 D a
Main Gun

Main SAM
Main - Sec gun

Sec SAM Tarps
Sec - "-
Main Gun

llain SAM SSll

Main - Sec gun Sec SAM Tarps

Sec -


LEAHY 2T;D KOLN 2SX100mm;O 2X375RL;O 30X40mm;D 20;0 2XDC;D
2SX5"/54;F 2XSM-1 MR;D 1XASAOC;D 2T;D
31XB";G 6DX5"/3B;G
2TX6";G 1XTALOS;D 3DX5"/3B;G
1SX5"/54;0 1XSM-1 MA;B 1XASAOC;D
PEARY AUD ACE 25X127mm0M;C 1XSM-1 MA;C 4SX76mm0MC;C 2T;0&2Df;D-
1SX76mm0MC;B 1XSM-1 MR;B 4SXHAAPOON; B 2T;D INTREPIDO 10X5"/3B;C 1XSM-1 MA;C 4SX76/62;C 2T;D
2XSEACAT;D 10X3 11 ;D
1SX4.5 11 ;B 1XSEADART;B 2SX2Dmm;H
1SX4.5 1';B 1XSEADAAT;B 2SX20mm;H
1SX4.5 11 ;B 1XSEADAAT;B
2T;D MOSKVA 2DX57/BO;D 2XSAN-3;0 1XSUWN-1 D - 2XA60;D
1DX4.5";0 1XSEACAT;D 1XLIMBO;D 2SX20mm;H
LEANDER !KARA KAAS INA (SLAVA] 1 DX130/70 ; B 1 VXSAl'l-6 ; B BDXSSN-3C;B 6X30mmGAT;A 2XSAN-4 B 2F;B 2XA60;B
1XSEAWOLF;A 20XEXOCET;B 2SX20mm;H 2T;D 2XR60;0 2Q;D 2XA10 ;D
TRIBAL 2T;D KAESTA I 2DX57/BO;D 2XSAN-1 ;O 20XSSN-3;D 2XR60;D 20;0 2XA10;D
2SX4.5 11 ;0 2XSEACAT;D 1XLIMBO;O 2SX20mm;H
1DX4.5";0 1XSEACAT;D 1XLIMBO;O 2SX20mm;H
1X40mm;H 2SX20mm;H
HERCULES 11 KASH IN 2DX76/60;D 2XSAN-1 ;D 2XA60;0 1Q;D 2XA1D;D
COMODOAO PY 2T;D KAN IN 2FX57/70;E 1XSAN-1 ;E 3XA60;E 4DX30/60;E 2Q;E
SEGUI KILDIN MOD 2DX76/60;D 2DXSSN-2;D 2XA25;D 4FX57/70;D 2D;D
30X5 11/38;G 2DXEXOCET; B 2XHEG' HOG; G 20X3 11 i F
4SX5"/3B;G 2XHEG 1 HOG;G 3DX3 11 ;F 2T;D 1XDC;G
ESPOAAL 1 SX76mmOHC; B KOTLIN SAM 1DX130/5B; E 1XSAN-1 ;E 2XR60;E 1 FX45/B5;E 1G;E
2DXEXOCET;B 2DX40mm;A 2T;D KOT LIN 2DX130/5B;E 2XDC;E 4FX45/B5;E 2Q;E
DRUMMOND 1SX100mm;B 2DXEXOCET;B 1SX40mm;B 2T;O SKOAY 2DX130/50; G 2XDC;G 1DX85/50;G 2Q;G
MELBOURNE 2Sf;B SKORY MOD 2DX130/50; E 2XA25;E 5SX57/70;E 111; E
YA ARA 1DX4.5 ;D 11 KAUPNY 4FX57/70;E 25XSSN-1 ;E 2XA60;E 2T;E
1XLIMBO;B 2T;D KRIVAK I 2DX76/6D;D 2XSAN-4;D 1 FXSSN-14; D 2XA60;0 2F;D
1DX3 11 ;F
1XASROC;D - 1XLIMBO;D RIGA 35X100/56; G 2XA25;G 2DX37/60;H 1D;G 2XDC;G
LUTA 2DX130//5B;E 2TXSSN-2 2XR60;E 4DX57/70;E 2XDC;E TARANTUL 1SX76/60;B 1XSAN-5;H 2DXSSN-2;B 2X30mmGA T; A
KIANG HU 25X100/56; G 2DXSSN-2;E 2XA12;E 4DX37/60 ;H
2DX100/56;G 1XSAN-1 ;E 2XA12;E 4DX37/60;H
KIANG NAN 1 D&1SX100/56; G 2XDC;E MATKA 1SX76/60;B 1DXSSN-2;B 1X30mmGAT;A
2XA12;E 4DX37/60 ;H 2XDC;E SAAANCHA 1XSAN-4;C 2DXSSN-9;C 1X30mmGAT;A
OSA 2DX30/60;0 45XSSN-2;D
TUAYA 1DX57/BO;C 1DX25/60;H 4S;C
61 62
Main Gun

Main SAM
Main - Sec gun

Sec SAM Tarps
Sec - "-
Main Gun

llain SAM SSll

Main - Sec gun Sec SAM Tarps

Sec -


LEAHY 2T;D KOLN 2SX100mm;O 2X375RL;O 30X40mm;D 20;0 2XDC;D
2SX5"/54;F 2XSM-1 MR;D 1XASAOC;D 2T;D
31XB";G 6DX5"/3B;G
2TX6";G 1XTALOS;D 3DX5"/3B;G
1SX5"/54;0 1XSM-1 MA;B 1XASAOC;D
PEARY AUD ACE 25X127mm0M;C 1XSM-1 MA;C 4SX76mm0MC;C 2T;0&2Df;D-
1SX76mm0MC;B 1XSM-1 MR;B 4SXHAAPOON; B 2T;D INTREPIDO 10X5"/3B;C 1XSM-1 MA;C 4SX76/62;C 2T;D
2XSEACAT;D 10X3 11 ;D
1SX4.5 11 ;B 1XSEADART;B 2SX2Dmm;H
1SX4.5 1';B 1XSEADAAT;B 2SX20mm;H
1SX4.5 11 ;B 1XSEADAAT;B
2T;D MOSKVA 2DX57/BO;D 2XSAN-3;0 1XSUWN-1 D - 2XA60;D
1DX4.5";0 1XSEACAT;D 1XLIMBO;D 2SX20mm;H
LEANDER !KARA KAAS INA (SLAVA] 1 DX130/70 ; B 1 VXSAl'l-6 ; B BDXSSN-3C;B 6X30mmGAT;A 2XSAN-4 B 2F;B 2XA60;B
1XSEAWOLF;A 20XEXOCET;B 2SX20mm;H 2T;D 2XR60;0 2Q;D 2XA10 ;D
TRIBAL 2T;D KAESTA I 2DX57/BO;D 2XSAN-1 ;O 20XSSN-3;D 2XR60;D 20;0 2XA10;D
2SX4.5 11 ;0 2XSEACAT;D 1XLIMBO;O 2SX20mm;H
1DX4.5";0 1XSEACAT;D 1XLIMBO;O 2SX20mm;H
1X40mm;H 2SX20mm;H
HERCULES 11 KASH IN 2DX76/60;D 2XSAN-1 ;D 2XA60;0 1Q;D 2XA1D;D
COMODOAO PY 2T;D KAN IN 2FX57/70;E 1XSAN-1 ;E 3XA60;E 4DX30/60;E 2Q;E
SEGUI KILDIN MOD 2DX76/60;D 2DXSSN-2;D 2XA25;D 4FX57/70;D 2D;D
30X5 11/38;G 2DXEXOCET; B 2XHEG' HOG; G 20X3 11 i F
4SX5"/3B;G 2XHEG 1 HOG;G 3DX3 11 ;F 2T;D 1XDC;G
ESPOAAL 1 SX76mmOHC; B KOTLIN SAM 1DX130/5B; E 1XSAN-1 ;E 2XR60;E 1 FX45/B5;E 1G;E
2DXEXOCET;B 2DX40mm;A 2T;D KOT LIN 2DX130/5B;E 2XDC;E 4FX45/B5;E 2Q;E
DRUMMOND 1SX100mm;B 2DXEXOCET;B 1SX40mm;B 2T;O SKOAY 2DX130/50; G 2XDC;G 1DX85/50;G 2Q;G
MELBOURNE 2Sf;B SKORY MOD 2DX130/50; E 2XA25;E 5SX57/70;E 111; E
YA ARA 1DX4.5 ;D 11 KAUPNY 4FX57/70;E 25XSSN-1 ;E 2XA60;E 2T;E
1XLIMBO;B 2T;D KRIVAK I 2DX76/6D;D 2XSAN-4;D 1 FXSSN-14; D 2XA60;0 2F;D
1DX3 11 ;F
1XASROC;D - 1XLIMBO;D RIGA 35X100/56; G 2XA25;G 2DX37/60;H 1D;G 2XDC;G
LUTA 2DX130//5B;E 2TXSSN-2 2XR60;E 4DX57/70;E 2XDC;E TARANTUL 1SX76/60;B 1XSAN-5;H 2DXSSN-2;B 2X30mmGA T; A
KIANG HU 25X100/56; G 2DXSSN-2;E 2XA12;E 4DX37/60 ;H
2DX100/56;G 1XSAN-1 ;E 2XA12;E 4DX37/60;H
KIANG NAN 1 D&1SX100/56; G 2XDC;E MATKA 1SX76/60;B 1DXSSN-2;B 1X30mmGAT;A
2XA12;E 4DX37/60 ;H 2XDC;E SAAANCHA 1XSAN-4;C 2DXSSN-9;C 1X30mmGAT;A
OSA 2DX30/60;0 45XSSN-2;D
TUAYA 1DX57/BO;C 1DX25/60;H 4S;C
61 62
c. The 5"/54 guns carried on the Virginia, California, CGN-42, m. Perry will receive a Vulcan, sonar #44, and an A-rated radar
DATA NOTES: Ticonderoga, Spruance, Kidd, Arleigh Burke, and Tarawa are the detector and chaff system. .
Mk 45 version; all other ships carry the Mk 42. n. Knox will receive an A-rated radar detector, and Vulcan will
1. S~ip types: A.II CV's, ~VN's, LHA's, LPH's, CCH's, CVSG's, and 9. The "Radar Oet" column indicates the Radar Detection Rating (A or
replace the Seasparrow.
CH~ s a.re cons1~er.ed a1r~raft earners. All other vessels having a B) of the vessel. d. The Standard SAM launchers on the Virginia, Truxton, Belknap, o. Tarawa and lwo Jima will each receive two Vulcans; the
des1gnat1on beg1nn1ng with C are cruisers. Air vessels whose Ticonderoga, and Kidd also launch the ASROC missiles; the.se Seasparrow on Tarawa will be removed.
designations begin with D are destroyers; all vessels whose vessels have no separate ASROC launcher. If a damage table in-
10. The ja~m~r column indicates the type of jamming equipment available;
des!gnat~on .begins with F are frigates Any vessel having a G in its d = decept1<:in Jammer, ~=noise i<;lmme:r. m,,, multi-purpose jam mer (noise
dicates that either a SAM or ASW launcher is knocked out, one NOTES ON THE BRITISH NAVY:
~e.s1gnat~on •s. eq~ipped with guided missiles; any vessel having an N and de~e~tron). The rating of the Jamming system (A or B) is also indicated
of these launchers will be knocked out. 1. There are three different models of the 4.5".g~n (Marks 5, 6 and 8),
1n its des1gnat1on 1s nuclear powered. The Hin the designation of some here. S1m1larly, t~e chaff column indicates the rating (A, B, or C) of any and each has somewhat different charactenst1cs. The ranges and
aircraft carriers indicates they are helicopter earners. LPH's and LHA's e. Similarly, the Standard SAM launchers on the California, Adams, accuracy rates of the different models are given on the Gunnery Data
chaff system earned by the vessel; if a dash (-)appears, lhe vessel does and Perry classes carry the Harpoons as well as the Standards,
are small carriers designed to support amphibious landings. not have a chaff system. Table. The types of 4.5" gun carried on each class of ship are as
and so they are treated as SSM launchers as well as SAM follows:
2. "Disp" is the vessel's displacement in tons. 11. The "Data Link" column indicates if the vessel has data link. An launchers. a. Mark 5--Tribal
entry of "Y" indicates the vessel has data link; an entry of''N" indicates b. Mark 6--County, Leander, Rothesay
3. "Speed" is the vessel's maximum speed 1n knots the vessel does not have data link. f. Harpoon missiles can be carried in any AS AOC box launcher c. Mark 8--Bristol, Sheffield, Amazon
in addition to the normal Harpoon racks.
4. "Prop" is the vessel's type of propulsion: 12. The "Sonars" and "Radars" columns indicate the identification
a. N--Nuclear 2 The 20mm guns found on most ships and the 4Qmm guns found on
b. S--Steam
numbers of all or the sonars and radars carried on the vessel. To g. The gun carried on the 0.H. Perry is the ltahan 76mm/62 the Weapons and Leander classes may only fire by local co~trol. The
determine the names of the sonars and radars, look up the ID numbers produced by OTO-Melara. 40mm gun is the same as the ltalian-made40mm gun appearing on the
c. D--Diesel in the Radar and Sonar Guides. Example: If the table indicates the
d. G--Gas Turb,'ne h. All frigates have one propeller. Gunnery Data Table.
vessel has radar #1, check the Radar Guide to determine which radar
e. COSAG, COSOG, etc.--Combined propulsion has that ID number. As indicated on the Radar Guide, radar #1 is the
I. The Knox class frigates have only o.ne large e~gine room 3. Aircraft:
SPS-10. Nole: The Sonar Guide does not appear in this rule book; it
which makes them particularly susceptible to engine damage
5. "Noise" is the noise rating of the vessel. This rating affects the will appear in the Warship Commander supplement, along with a. The British carriers could carry about 1O Harriers and 20-30
detailed aircraft and anti-submarine rules. and heavy flooding. To simulate this, do as follows:
ability of the vessel to be hit by acoustic torpedoes and the ability of helicopters each.
sonar to detect it
a. VN--Very Noisy 1. Double all engine damage. Example: If a ship would
If a number in parentheses appears after an entry in the "Radar" Alt other ships listed as carrying aircraft may only carry
b. N--Noisy normally lose 5 kts, a Knox class wil1 lose 10 kts.
column, it indicates the number of that type of radar carried by the helicopters. The type of helicopter normally carried on each
c. A-Average vessel. Example: "76(2)" indicates that the vessel carries two radars ship is as follows·
#76, i.e., it is carrying two SPG-55B radars. 2. Whenever a damage result calls for both flooding and
d. 0--Quiet 1. Tiger--Sea King
engine damage to a Knox class, double the. amount of 2. Bristol, Leander, Rothesay, Tribal--Wasp
e. VQ--Very Quiet
flooding damage. Example: If the flooding would 3. County--Wessex
If the letter "H" appears as an entry in the "Radar" column, it indicates
6. "Special"; normally ca1t for 100 points of flotation damage, the Knox 4. Amazon, Weapons--Lynx
that the vessel 1s equipped with a height-finding radar in addition to the
a. Any number followed by "C" indicates the number of aircraft other radars indicated. will sustain 200 points. This increase in flooding only 5. Sheffield--Lynx or Wasp
catapults on the vessel. Thus, "4C" indicates the vessel has four occurs when the damage result line also indicates engine
catapults. damage; do not increase the flooding if no engine 4. The Seawolf SAM system is completely automated. It may fire at
damage was caused by the hit. targets which have not yet been detected by the finng unit.
b. A vessel having "A" followed by an entry in parentheses is
armored. The entry in the parentheses indicates the armored NOTES ON THE US NAVY:
k. The Kitty Hawk, Nimitz, ai1d Enterprise classes hav.e decks 5. Two Tribal class frigates carry the Type 199 sonar in addition to the
positions and the thickness of armor at those positions. The 1. The US Navy is currently refitting most of its ships to make them Type 177.
possible positions are: more effective. This makes it rather difficult to state with certainty the and hulls of high tensif)n steel that acts as armor protection. The
1. H--Hull (on US carriers only) equip.ment ~ound on most ships, as the refitting is being done on a ship entire hull areas of the.se ships are protected, so no hull damage
2. B--Belt by ship basis rather than by class. Therefore, it is quite likely that some at all is possible by gunfire unless the armor can be penetrated. -~7~ All British aircraft carriers have two elevators.
3. D--Deck ships of a class may have the new equipment while others do not.
8. The chaff launchers on British ships are short range.
4. T--Turret
2. Knox frigates carry their Harpoon missiles in the ASROC launcher, while m. All US carriers except the Midway and Tarawa classes have
four elevators. The Midway class has three elevators; the 9. All British torpedo tubes are armed solely with the Mk 46 ASW
The thickness of armor is either "L" for light, or "M" for medium. Perry, Adams, and California carry them in the Standard launcher. All torpedo.
Example: "A(B&T-M;D-L)" indicates the vessel has medium other US ships carry their Harpoons on special Harpoon launching racks. Tarawa has two.
armor on the belt and turret, and light deck armor. Normally, those ships equipped with racks carry eight missiles, while those
carrying the missiles in a single arm Standard launcher or ASROC laun- n. All US torpedo tubes are armed solely with the Mk 46 ASW 10. lnvincibles are currently having three Vulcan systems installed. Similar-
cher carry only four. Vessels carrying Harpoons in twin-armed Standard torpedo. ly, the Sheffields are each having two 30mm guns installed.
c. A vessel having an entry of "P" has poor shock mountings.
launchers (such as some Adams class) normally carry six.
o. The chaff launchers on US ships are short-range chaff
d. A vessel having an entry of "M" is very maneuverable. 11. British data link cannot normally be tied into US data link.
3. The following equipment is carried in addition to the equipment launchers. Apparently, US ships do not carry chaff shells for
their guns However, the HMS Bristol is capable of receiving and transmitting
listed in the tables: information by both types of data link.
7. "Aircraft" is the number of aircraft normally carried on the vessel. a. Iowa: 4FxHarpoon; B (Main SSM), and 4SxVulcan; A.
b. Des Moines: 10-11DX3"; F (Sec gun). p. Most US ships other than aircraft carriers are equipped with
All vessels other then aircraft carriers may carry only helicopters. blip enhancers.
c. Forrest Sherman: Some have ASROC in place of a 5" mount.
8. The weapons found on each vessel appear in the"Main Gun", "Main d. CGN-42 has 2FXHarpoon; B in addition to the Tomahawk. NOTES ON THE SOVIET NAVY:
SAM", "SSM", "Main ASW", "Sec gun", "Sec SAM", "Torps", and "Sec
ASW" columns. Each entry consists of e number which Indicates the 4. Other information: US Ships are scheduled to be refitted with the following equipment· 1. Kirov also has 2 ABU 1OOO;B.
number of mounts followed by the type of weapon in the mount. This is 2. Kotlins also carry 4SX25mm:H. Some have eight 25mm, only one
followed by a semi-colon and a capital letter: the capital letter a. Standard missiles come in four models: SM-1 MR, SM-1 ER, torpedo bank, and two RBU-2500 and two ABU·600 in place of the DC
SM-2 MR, and SM-2 ER.
!nd~cates the FC rating of the weapon. Example: "2xStandard;D" a. SPS-49 will replace SPS-37 and 43. . . racks.
1nd1cates th.at .the vessel has two SAM launchers capable of firing b. The Forrestal will receive 3 Seasparrow launchers with 6 direc- 3. There are three models of the Grisha. Grisha I is given in the table
b. All CV's and CVN's can carry both fixed wing aircraft as well tors (A-rating), 3 Vulcan systems, and SPS-48 and 49. above. Grisha II has two additional 57mm guns in place of the SAN-4;
Standard m1ss1les, and the FC rating of these launchers is D. as helicopters. All other ships listed es carrying aircraft may
The entries for guns, SSM's and Torpedo tubes have a capital letter c. Virginia will receive 4DX ~orryaha~k; B launchers, two Vulcan Grisha Jtl is the same as Grisha I, but with one 30mm Gatling (A-rated)
carry only helicopters. Exception: LHA vessels can carry systems, and its SM-1 MR !'"1ss1les will be replaced .by ~M-2 ~A. added.
inserted between the number of mounts and the_type of weapon. This Harrier fighter-bombers in place of helicopters. Assume that
capital letter indicates the number of guns or tubes in each mount: d. California will also receive the Tomahawk, and 1~ will receive 4. There are two models of Petya. Petya I is in the table above. Petya
each Harrier counts as two aircraft for the purpose of an A-rated radar.detector, a multi-purpose A-rated Jammer, and II has two RBU-6000 in place of four RBU-2500, ten torpedo tubes, ·and
S--Slngle; one gun or torpedo or SSM tube in each mount. determining the maximum number of aircraft that can be carried
D-·Double; two guns or torpedo or SSM tubes in each mount. an A-rated chaff system. . Strut Curve radar in J?lace of Slim Net.
on the ship. e. Truxton, Leahy, and Bainbridge will each receive two Vulcan
T·-Trlple; three guns or tubes in each mount. 5. The Sverdlov class cruisers carry a tertiary gun battery of thirty-two
F··Ouadruple; four guns or tubes in each mount. systems, an A-rated chaff system and radar detect~r, a~d SM:2
The standard helicopter carried on cruisers, destroyers, and ER in place of their current S~Ms. Trux~on and Bainbridge will 37mm guns in twin mounts (i.e., 160x37mm) in addition to the guns
Q--Qulntuple; five guns or tubes in each mount. frigates is the SH-2. The SH-~ can be carried only by aircraft indicated in the table above. One of these mounts will be knocked out
also receive an A-rated multt-purpose Jammer.
carriers, amphibious assault ships and the Spruance class t. Belknap is to receive Tomahawk and two Vl:ll~ans. whenever the damage results call for damage to either a main or a
Example: A main gun entry indicating "2Dx4.5";8" means that the. destroyers. If a Spruance carries the SH-3. it can carrv only one secondary ASW mount. These mounts have an FC rating of H.
vessel is equipped with two twin 4.5" mounts (i.e., a total of four guns in g. Ticonderoga is to receive a VLS system containing SM·2 MA
helicopter, not two. The SH·2 is being replaced by the SH-so: and Harpoon. .
two mounts), and these guns have an FC rating of B. 6. Many of the Sverdlov class have been greatly. modified. Two ships
h. Arleigh Burke is to carry 6 Tomahawk in the VLS launcher
Normally, US aircraft carriers carry two squadrons of fighters and it will also have 2 Harpoon racks. carry a Big Net radar (#44) in place of the Knife Rest (#~3) and 1n
Example: A torpedo tube entry indicating ''2T;O" means the vessel has (either F-4's or F-14's), two attack squadrons of A-7's, and one addition, they carry a Spoon Rest (#63) radar. However, eight of the
two triple torpedo mounts (a total of six tubes) having an FC rating of i. Kidd will get SM-2 MR.
heavy attack squadron of A-6's. Each of these squadrons j. Spruance will receive two Vulcans, an A-rated radar detector 37mm guns were removed to allow space for these radars.
D. The types of torpedoes are not listed in the table; they are found in consists of twelve aircraft. In addition, a composite squadron
the notes below. and chaff system, a VLS system for ASROC and Seasparr<;>w.
consisting of four-plane elements of various types of aircraft is a MK-23 radar (#113) which increases the Seasparrow rating Two ships carry a Top Trough radar (#68) in place of the Slim Net
Special Information: If a V appears after the number of any missile laun- also carried. The types of aircraft constituting the composite (#59).
cher, it indicates that the system is VLS (Vertical Launch System). For to A, and sonar #44. .
squadron include EA-6's, KA-6's, E-2's, and RF-B's or RA-SC's. k. Adams will have its gunnery rating in~re8:sed to B, 8:nd its
example, 1VXSEASPARROW indicates the system is VLS.
On most carriers, an ASW squadron of ten S-3's or eight SH-3's SPG·53 replaced by SPQ-9 and SPG-60; 1t will also receive an
has been added. Frequently, the number of reconnaisance A-rated radar detector and chaff system.
If an "f" appears after a torpedo tube entry (2Df; D), it indicates that the aircraft, transports, and tankers is reduced in order to
tubes are fixed; all mounts without this indicator are trainable. 65 I. Coontz will receive an A-rated radar detector.
accomodate these additional planes.
c. The 5"/54 guns carried on the Virginia, California, CGN-42, m. Perry will receive a Vulcan, sonar #44, and an A-rated radar
DATA NOTES: Ticonderoga, Spruance, Kidd, Arleigh Burke, and Tarawa are the detector and chaff system. .
Mk 45 version; all other ships carry the Mk 42. n. Knox will receive an A-rated radar detector, and Vulcan will
1. S~ip types: A.II CV's, ~VN's, LHA's, LPH's, CCH's, CVSG's, and 9. The "Radar Oet" column indicates the Radar Detection Rating (A or
replace the Seasparrow.
CH~ s a.re cons1~er.ed a1r~raft earners. All other vessels having a B) of the vessel. d. The Standard SAM launchers on the Virginia, Truxton, Belknap, o. Tarawa and lwo Jima will each receive two Vulcans; the
des1gnat1on beg1nn1ng with C are cruisers. Air vessels whose Ticonderoga, and Kidd also launch the ASROC missiles; the.se Seasparrow on Tarawa will be removed.
designations begin with D are destroyers; all vessels whose vessels have no separate ASROC launcher. If a damage table in-
10. The ja~m~r column indicates the type of jamming equipment available;
des!gnat~on .begins with F are frigates Any vessel having a G in its d = decept1<:in Jammer, ~=noise i<;lmme:r. m,,, multi-purpose jam mer (noise
dicates that either a SAM or ASW launcher is knocked out, one NOTES ON THE BRITISH NAVY:
~e.s1gnat~on •s. eq~ipped with guided missiles; any vessel having an N and de~e~tron). The rating of the Jamming system (A or B) is also indicated
of these launchers will be knocked out. 1. There are three different models of the 4.5".g~n (Marks 5, 6 and 8),
1n its des1gnat1on 1s nuclear powered. The Hin the designation of some here. S1m1larly, t~e chaff column indicates the rating (A, B, or C) of any and each has somewhat different charactenst1cs. The ranges and
aircraft carriers indicates they are helicopter earners. LPH's and LHA's e. Similarly, the Standard SAM launchers on the California, Adams, accuracy rates of the different models are given on the Gunnery Data
chaff system earned by the vessel; if a dash (-)appears, lhe vessel does and Perry classes carry the Harpoons as well as the Standards,
are small carriers designed to support amphibious landings. not have a chaff system. Table. The types of 4.5" gun carried on each class of ship are as
and so they are treated as SSM launchers as well as SAM follows:
2. "Disp" is the vessel's displacement in tons. 11. The "Data Link" column indicates if the vessel has data link. An launchers. a. Mark 5--Tribal
entry of "Y" indicates the vessel has data link; an entry of''N" indicates b. Mark 6--County, Leander, Rothesay
3. "Speed" is the vessel's maximum speed 1n knots the vessel does not have data link. f. Harpoon missiles can be carried in any AS AOC box launcher c. Mark 8--Bristol, Sheffield, Amazon
in addition to the normal Harpoon racks.
4. "Prop" is the vessel's type of propulsion: 12. The "Sonars" and "Radars" columns indicate the identification
a. N--Nuclear 2 The 20mm guns found on most ships and the 4Qmm guns found on
b. S--Steam
numbers of all or the sonars and radars carried on the vessel. To g. The gun carried on the 0.H. Perry is the ltahan 76mm/62 the Weapons and Leander classes may only fire by local co~trol. The
determine the names of the sonars and radars, look up the ID numbers produced by OTO-Melara. 40mm gun is the same as the ltalian-made40mm gun appearing on the
c. D--Diesel in the Radar and Sonar Guides. Example: If the table indicates the
d. G--Gas Turb,'ne h. All frigates have one propeller. Gunnery Data Table.
vessel has radar #1, check the Radar Guide to determine which radar
e. COSAG, COSOG, etc.--Combined propulsion has that ID number. As indicated on the Radar Guide, radar #1 is the
I. The Knox class frigates have only o.ne large e~gine room 3. Aircraft:
SPS-10. Nole: The Sonar Guide does not appear in this rule book; it
which makes them particularly susceptible to engine damage
5. "Noise" is the noise rating of the vessel. This rating affects the will appear in the Warship Commander supplement, along with a. The British carriers could carry about 1O Harriers and 20-30
detailed aircraft and anti-submarine rules. and heavy flooding. To simulate this, do as follows:
ability of the vessel to be hit by acoustic torpedoes and the ability of helicopters each.
sonar to detect it
a. VN--Very Noisy 1. Double all engine damage. Example: If a ship would
If a number in parentheses appears after an entry in the "Radar" Alt other ships listed as carrying aircraft may only carry
b. N--Noisy normally lose 5 kts, a Knox class wil1 lose 10 kts.
column, it indicates the number of that type of radar carried by the helicopters. The type of helicopter normally carried on each
c. A-Average vessel. Example: "76(2)" indicates that the vessel carries two radars ship is as follows·
#76, i.e., it is carrying two SPG-55B radars. 2. Whenever a damage result calls for both flooding and
d. 0--Quiet 1. Tiger--Sea King
engine damage to a Knox class, double the. amount of 2. Bristol, Leander, Rothesay, Tribal--Wasp
e. VQ--Very Quiet
flooding damage. Example: If the flooding would 3. County--Wessex
If the letter "H" appears as an entry in the "Radar" column, it indicates
6. "Special"; normally ca1t for 100 points of flotation damage, the Knox 4. Amazon, Weapons--Lynx
that the vessel 1s equipped with a height-finding radar in addition to the
a. Any number followed by "C" indicates the number of aircraft other radars indicated. will sustain 200 points. This increase in flooding only 5. Sheffield--Lynx or Wasp
catapults on the vessel. Thus, "4C" indicates the vessel has four occurs when the damage result line also indicates engine
catapults. damage; do not increase the flooding if no engine 4. The Seawolf SAM system is completely automated. It may fire at
damage was caused by the hit. targets which have not yet been detected by the finng unit.
b. A vessel having "A" followed by an entry in parentheses is
armored. The entry in the parentheses indicates the armored NOTES ON THE US NAVY:
k. The Kitty Hawk, Nimitz, ai1d Enterprise classes hav.e decks 5. Two Tribal class frigates carry the Type 199 sonar in addition to the
positions and the thickness of armor at those positions. The 1. The US Navy is currently refitting most of its ships to make them Type 177.
possible positions are: more effective. This makes it rather difficult to state with certainty the and hulls of high tensif)n steel that acts as armor protection. The
1. H--Hull (on US carriers only) equip.ment ~ound on most ships, as the refitting is being done on a ship entire hull areas of the.se ships are protected, so no hull damage
2. B--Belt by ship basis rather than by class. Therefore, it is quite likely that some at all is possible by gunfire unless the armor can be penetrated. -~7~ All British aircraft carriers have two elevators.
3. D--Deck ships of a class may have the new equipment while others do not.
8. The chaff launchers on British ships are short range.
4. T--Turret
2. Knox frigates carry their Harpoon missiles in the ASROC launcher, while m. All US carriers except the Midway and Tarawa classes have
four elevators. The Midway class has three elevators; the 9. All British torpedo tubes are armed solely with the Mk 46 ASW
The thickness of armor is either "L" for light, or "M" for medium. Perry, Adams, and California carry them in the Standard launcher. All torpedo.
Example: "A(B&T-M;D-L)" indicates the vessel has medium other US ships carry their Harpoons on special Harpoon launching racks. Tarawa has two.
armor on the belt and turret, and light deck armor. Normally, those ships equipped with racks carry eight missiles, while those
carrying the missiles in a single arm Standard launcher or ASROC laun- n. All US torpedo tubes are armed solely with the Mk 46 ASW 10. lnvincibles are currently having three Vulcan systems installed. Similar-
cher carry only four. Vessels carrying Harpoons in twin-armed Standard torpedo. ly, the Sheffields are each having two 30mm guns installed.
c. A vessel having an entry of "P" has poor shock mountings.
launchers (such as some Adams class) normally carry six.
o. The chaff launchers on US ships are short-range chaff
d. A vessel having an entry of "M" is very maneuverable. 11. British data link cannot normally be tied into US data link.
3. The following equipment is carried in addition to the equipment launchers. Apparently, US ships do not carry chaff shells for
their guns However, the HMS Bristol is capable of receiving and transmitting
listed in the tables: information by both types of data link.
7. "Aircraft" is the number of aircraft normally carried on the vessel. a. Iowa: 4FxHarpoon; B (Main SSM), and 4SxVulcan; A.
b. Des Moines: 10-11DX3"; F (Sec gun). p. Most US ships other than aircraft carriers are equipped with
All vessels other then aircraft carriers may carry only helicopters. blip enhancers.
c. Forrest Sherman: Some have ASROC in place of a 5" mount.
8. The weapons found on each vessel appear in the"Main Gun", "Main d. CGN-42 has 2FXHarpoon; B in addition to the Tomahawk. NOTES ON THE SOVIET NAVY:
SAM", "SSM", "Main ASW", "Sec gun", "Sec SAM", "Torps", and "Sec
ASW" columns. Each entry consists of e number which Indicates the 4. Other information: US Ships are scheduled to be refitted with the following equipment· 1. Kirov also has 2 ABU 1OOO;B.
number of mounts followed by the type of weapon in the mount. This is 2. Kotlins also carry 4SX25mm:H. Some have eight 25mm, only one
followed by a semi-colon and a capital letter: the capital letter a. Standard missiles come in four models: SM-1 MR, SM-1 ER, torpedo bank, and two RBU-2500 and two ABU·600 in place of the DC
SM-2 MR, and SM-2 ER.
!nd~cates the FC rating of the weapon. Example: "2xStandard;D" a. SPS-49 will replace SPS-37 and 43. . . racks.
1nd1cates th.at .the vessel has two SAM launchers capable of firing b. The Forrestal will receive 3 Seasparrow launchers with 6 direc- 3. There are three models of the Grisha. Grisha I is given in the table
b. All CV's and CVN's can carry both fixed wing aircraft as well tors (A-rating), 3 Vulcan systems, and SPS-48 and 49. above. Grisha II has two additional 57mm guns in place of the SAN-4;
Standard m1ss1les, and the FC rating of these launchers is D. as helicopters. All other ships listed es carrying aircraft may
The entries for guns, SSM's and Torpedo tubes have a capital letter c. Virginia will receive 4DX ~orryaha~k; B launchers, two Vulcan Grisha Jtl is the same as Grisha I, but with one 30mm Gatling (A-rated)
carry only helicopters. Exception: LHA vessels can carry systems, and its SM-1 MR !'"1ss1les will be replaced .by ~M-2 ~A. added.
inserted between the number of mounts and the_type of weapon. This Harrier fighter-bombers in place of helicopters. Assume that
capital letter indicates the number of guns or tubes in each mount: d. California will also receive the Tomahawk, and 1~ will receive 4. There are two models of Petya. Petya I is in the table above. Petya
each Harrier counts as two aircraft for the purpose of an A-rated radar.detector, a multi-purpose A-rated Jammer, and II has two RBU-6000 in place of four RBU-2500, ten torpedo tubes, ·and
S--Slngle; one gun or torpedo or SSM tube in each mount. determining the maximum number of aircraft that can be carried
D-·Double; two guns or torpedo or SSM tubes in each mount. an A-rated chaff system. . Strut Curve radar in J?lace of Slim Net.
on the ship. e. Truxton, Leahy, and Bainbridge will each receive two Vulcan
T·-Trlple; three guns or tubes in each mount. 5. The Sverdlov class cruisers carry a tertiary gun battery of thirty-two
F··Ouadruple; four guns or tubes in each mount. systems, an A-rated chaff system and radar detect~r, a~d SM:2
The standard helicopter carried on cruisers, destroyers, and ER in place of their current S~Ms. Trux~on and Bainbridge will 37mm guns in twin mounts (i.e., 160x37mm) in addition to the guns
Q--Qulntuple; five guns or tubes in each mount. frigates is the SH-2. The SH-~ can be carried only by aircraft indicated in the table above. One of these mounts will be knocked out
also receive an A-rated multt-purpose Jammer.
carriers, amphibious assault ships and the Spruance class t. Belknap is to receive Tomahawk and two Vl:ll~ans. whenever the damage results call for damage to either a main or a
Example: A main gun entry indicating "2Dx4.5";8" means that the. destroyers. If a Spruance carries the SH-3. it can carrv only one secondary ASW mount. These mounts have an FC rating of H.
vessel is equipped with two twin 4.5" mounts (i.e., a total of four guns in g. Ticonderoga is to receive a VLS system containing SM·2 MA
helicopter, not two. The SH·2 is being replaced by the SH-so: and Harpoon. .
two mounts), and these guns have an FC rating of B. 6. Many of the Sverdlov class have been greatly. modified. Two ships
h. Arleigh Burke is to carry 6 Tomahawk in the VLS launcher
Normally, US aircraft carriers carry two squadrons of fighters and it will also have 2 Harpoon racks. carry a Big Net radar (#44) in place of the Knife Rest (#~3) and 1n
Example: A torpedo tube entry indicating ''2T;O" means the vessel has (either F-4's or F-14's), two attack squadrons of A-7's, and one addition, they carry a Spoon Rest (#63) radar. However, eight of the
two triple torpedo mounts (a total of six tubes) having an FC rating of i. Kidd will get SM-2 MR.
heavy attack squadron of A-6's. Each of these squadrons j. Spruance will receive two Vulcans, an A-rated radar detector 37mm guns were removed to allow space for these radars.
D. The types of torpedoes are not listed in the table; they are found in consists of twelve aircraft. In addition, a composite squadron
the notes below. and chaff system, a VLS system for ASROC and Seasparr<;>w.
consisting of four-plane elements of various types of aircraft is a MK-23 radar (#113) which increases the Seasparrow rating Two ships carry a Top Trough radar (#68) in place of the Slim Net
Special Information: If a V appears after the number of any missile laun- also carried. The types of aircraft constituting the composite (#59).
cher, it indicates that the system is VLS (Vertical Launch System). For to A, and sonar #44. .
squadron include EA-6's, KA-6's, E-2's, and RF-B's or RA-SC's. k. Adams will have its gunnery rating in~re8:sed to B, 8:nd its
example, 1VXSEASPARROW indicates the system is VLS.
On most carriers, an ASW squadron of ten S-3's or eight SH-3's SPG·53 replaced by SPQ-9 and SPG-60; 1t will also receive an
has been added. Frequently, the number of reconnaisance A-rated radar detector and chaff system.
If an "f" appears after a torpedo tube entry (2Df; D), it indicates that the aircraft, transports, and tankers is reduced in order to
tubes are fixed; all mounts without this indicator are trainable. 65 I. Coontz will receive an A-rated radar detector.
accomodate these additional planes.
One ship has had one main turret removed and replaced by a SA-N-4 16. New developments:
launcher; in addition, four twin 30mm mounts (eight guns) have been
added. Another ship has had two main turrets removed and replaced
by one SA-N-4 launcher and eight twin 30mm mounts. Both of these
a. The Soviets are building a 65000 ton nuclear aircraft carrier
capable of carrying 50-60 aircraft (SU-27) and helicopters. Name/Des. ______ J_·······-·····--···-··-··-·············· - - - - - Name/Des. SPRVANCE I /tv1 -
vessels carry only the following radars: 68,47(2),110,96(2 in the first
Speed is estimated at 30-32 kts.
b. A new helicopter, Helix, has entered service on board the
Disp. 2 ( 3 _______ )]__ Dlsp. "MOD (Ill.£:? 3'tOOif"d,S'(~ MOO)~
ship, 4 in the second), 105. The second ship carries two helicopters.
Both ships carry chaff launchers. The FC ratings of the AA gun and
Udaloy. Speed: ________.4._________ Current: _5__ Prop: _ _L Speed: 32S Current: Prop: GAS
c. A new Krivak Ill has been sighted. It is similar to a Krivak
SAM mounts are the same as the main gun FC rating. II, except that the rear guns have been removed and replaced Weapons: Main FC Sec FC Weapons: Main FC Sec FC
with a helicopter. In addition, the SSN-14 has been replaced
One ship, the Dzerzhinsky, has had one aft main turret replaced by a
by a single 100mm gun mount, and two 30mm gatlings have Gun Gun ?.~ s• /~l.f 8
SA-N-2 mount. This ship carries the following radars:
44,47(2),50,99,H, 110. been added. c;>ne Kite Screech replaces one Egg Cup radar, SAM Ix SEJ.\SP.\U9W B
and a Bass Tilt has been added. SAM - - - - ·---·1r-····-······- ·······-...........-
Two of the unmodernized Sverdlovs carry two quintuple torpedo SSM -----=---~TT _ __ SSM 8x HAflf>OO~ B TT' 2,2'.~- D
mounts in addition to the normal armament.
7. Some Kotlin SAM's mount four twin 30mm mounts (eight guns) and
two Drum Tilt radars in addition to their normal equipment. For
1. Argentina: Belgrano also had 2FX40mm;G, and 10DX20mm·H.
Almirante Brown carries the MM40 version of Exocet. ' ECM: 9 ECM: JAN11'>IER B CHIH:F 8
da~age purf:?OS~s. treat these weapons as additional secondary guns. 2. Germany: The Standard launcher on Lutjens also carries Harpoon. In
~ddition, the ships gunnery rating is to be increased to B, and its SPG-53
Radar Del. Data Link 11 Radar Del. B Data Link DL
Their FC rating is the same as the main gun's.
1s to be replaced by SPQ-9 and SPG-60. Radars: Search ----'1~21---­ Radars: Search SPS-lofo. SPs-SS Sl'q-q
8. Unmodernized Skory class destroyers carry either seven 37mm
guns in single mounts or eight 37mm guns in twin mounts in addition
3. China: Luta also has 2Dx25mm;H. The Chinese SAM system is not
yet operational.
FC~==============:=;:===========~ FC sPc;-'o• RIN-/~ •
4. Iraq: The Lupos may have MM40 Exocet in place of Otomat.
to the armament listed in the table. For damage purposes, treat these
5. Iran: Treat the 35mm AA guns as 40mm (NATO) guns. Sonars: -----13.·-··---- Sonars: .SQS-5~
guns as additional secondary guns. They have an FC rating of H.
6. France: C·70M and George Leygues have both short and long range
chaff systems. Contacts: Radio Del - - - - - - - - - - - - Contacts: Radio Del - - - - - - - - - - - -
9. There are two versions of Mirka. Mirka I is in the table above. Mirka
ll has only two RBU-6000, but ten torpedo tubes; sonar #39 replaces the
DC racks.
7. Italy: The SAM launcher on Vittorio Veneta also carries the ASROC
Radar----· --1..14f.-------··-··-- Radar
Radar Del _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
10. The torpedoes carried on all Pauk, Mirka, and Petya classes are the 8. Neth: Kortenaer will eventually receive a 30mm Gatling system. Both Radar Del--····-··········--·--
16'' ASW torpedoes; they cannot be used against surface targets. AU other Dutch and Belgian ships normally carry only half the number of Harpoons Sonar __________________
listed in the table. Sonar
ships carry carry the unguided 21" dual purpose torpedo.
11 .. ~he SSN-14, although technically an ASW mount, sustains damage 9. All torpedo-armed ships are assumed to carry the US MK 46 or MK Weapons Launch: _ __ -·-·-···--····---------- Weapons Launch: _____________
as 1f 1t were an SSM mount, so it is listed in the SSM column of the table. 44 ASW torpedo except for the following:
a. Belgium: Weilingen carries L-5 (French) Torp
12. The Square Tie radar is listed as both radar #64 and radar #107. Torp - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
b. France: L-3 is carried on D'Estress, Kersaint, and Cmdt Riviere; SSM
Bo!h of these entries on the Radar Guide apply to the same radar
which can be used tor both search and fire control.
L-5 is carried on all others. 15 SSM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
c. Germany: Lutjens and Bremen use the US torpedoes; the others Gun. Gun
use German designs. Type 143 and Zobel torpedo boats use wire-guided
13. Aircraft: Damage: Flood Damage: Flood _ _ _ __ Fire _______
a. The Kiev normally carries about 25 Yak-36's, and 15
d. Italy: Audace has four fixed tubes for AS·184 torpedoes; Maestrael
16 Fire ···-·······-
helicopters. Most of the helicopters are Ka-25A's, but some are has two such tubes.
Ka-25B's. Spec: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Damage Control: Damage Control: _ _.__ _ _'.2.=-----3"'---
b. All of the aircraft carried on the Moskva are Ka-25A A-rated radar detectors, ECM, and chaff systems are ineffective against
all radars and missile seeker heads which are the same as those used
by the owning country. For example, if a country has vessels equipped USING THE TDD
c. All other ships capable of carrying aircraft carry either Ka- with Exocet missiles, all of its A~rated radar detectors, ECM, and chaff
25A's or Ka-25B's. Sample ship TDD's are given above. The one on the left is a skeleton while the column on the right contains the information about the
SYl\tems will be ineffective against all Exocet missiles, even those used form In which all sections are numbered. A description of the secondary weapons. Since there are no secondary SSM's, the number
14. The Kiev has two elevators; the Moskva has three. by its opponent. If this is the case, all A-rated rada_r detectors and ECM information which should appear in each numbered section is given of torpedo tubes is inserted in the right-hand column of the SSM line.
systems are downgraded to B, and A·rated chaff systems are downgrad· below. The TOO given on the right is a completed TOO for the
15. The chaff launchers found on Soviet ships are short range. Chaff ed to C. Downgraded ECM systems may still jam monopulse radars, and Spruance class destroyer. 9. In the left-hand portion of this box, indicate "jam mer" and the Ship's
shells are available for Soviet guns. downgraded chaff systems are still considered equipped with flares as ECM rating if the ship has a radar jammer; in the right-hand portion,
well as chaff. 1. In section 1, write In the name of the vessel and the designation on Indicate "Chaff" if the ship has chaff launchers. If these devices are
the counter used to represent it. The designation must include both knoi::ked out. cross them out.
the number and the size Indicated on the counter.
10. Insert the ship's Radar Detection Rating in box 10.
2. Write the displacement of the vessel In the Oisp. box of the form.
11. If the vessel has data link, write DL in this box. If the data link is
3. Determine the Maximum Flotation Allowance of the ship as knocked out, cross it out. If the data link faUs to function during a
described in the Damage rules. In box 3. insert the number that is equal phase, circle it for that phase to remind you that it is not operating et
to 25% of the ship's Maximum Flotation Allowance, the number equal that time.
to 50% of the Maximum Flotation Allowance, the number equal to 75%
of the Maximum Flotation Allowance, and finally, the Maximum 12. Insert the names of all of the radars carried and the number of
Flotation Allowance itself. Bear in mind that according to the Damage each. Cross them out as they are knocked out.
Rules, whenever the amount of flotation damage sustained by a ship
equals or exceeds any of these amounts, the ship sustains additional, 13. Insert the names of all sonars carried in box 13.
special damage.
14. When the ship detects a vessel by radar detector, radio detector,
4. In section 4, insert the maximum speed of the ship. radar, sonar, or \lisual sighting, write the designation of the detected
unit on the proper line of this section. The designations will include the
5. In section 5, ins8rt the current speed of the ship at the beginning of size, (represented by S for small units, M tor medium, or L for large
the phase if the ship's current speed is less than its maximum speed. units), the type (a for aircraft, m for missile; no type designation is
required for ships), and the number on the counter. Units detected
6. In box 6, write the type of propulsion used by the ship. visually are inserted on the radar line and underlined. If a. unit is
detected by passive sonar, insert the designation on the sonar hne, but
7. In box 7, indicate any special characteristics which may apply to the enclose the entry in parentheses; units detected by active sonar are
ship. The special characteristics are found In the "Special" column of not enclosed in parentheses. If a unit is tracked by sonar, underline its
the Ship Characteristics Table. designation.

a. In box 8, Indicate the types of weapons carried, the number of each, 15. On line 15, insert the launch information required when the
and their FC ratings In the appropriate spaces. As weapons are weapons indicated there are launched. It there is not enough space
knocked out, cross them out, or write In the number of remaining there, continue the required information on a piece of paper.
weapons of that type In place of the number of weapons the vessel
originally had. Note that section 8 Is divided Into two columns: the 16. In block 16, keep a record of the flotation damage, fire, and other
column on the left contains information about the main weapons, damage unable to be recorded elsewhere on the TDD. Record the

One ship has had one main turret removed and replaced by a SA-N-4 16. New developments:
launcher; in addition, four twin 30mm mounts (eight guns) have been
added. Another ship has had two main turrets removed and replaced
by one SA-N-4 launcher and eight twin 30mm mounts. Both of these
a. The Soviets are building a 65000 ton nuclear aircraft carrier
capable of carrying 50-60 aircraft (SU-27) and helicopters. Name/Des. ______ J_·······-·····--···-··-··-·············· - - - - - Name/Des. SPRVANCE I /tv1 -
vessels carry only the following radars: 68,47(2),110,96(2 in the first
Speed is estimated at 30-32 kts.
b. A new helicopter, Helix, has entered service on board the
Disp. 2 ( 3 _______ )]__ Dlsp. "MOD (Ill.£:? 3'tOOif"d,S'(~ MOO)~
ship, 4 in the second), 105. The second ship carries two helicopters.
Both ships carry chaff launchers. The FC ratings of the AA gun and
Udaloy. Speed: ________.4._________ Current: _5__ Prop: _ _L Speed: 32S Current: Prop: GAS
c. A new Krivak Ill has been sighted. It is similar to a Krivak
SAM mounts are the same as the main gun FC rating. II, except that the rear guns have been removed and replaced Weapons: Main FC Sec FC Weapons: Main FC Sec FC
with a helicopter. In addition, the SSN-14 has been replaced
One ship, the Dzerzhinsky, has had one aft main turret replaced by a
by a single 100mm gun mount, and two 30mm gatlings have Gun Gun ?.~ s• /~l.f 8
SA-N-2 mount. This ship carries the following radars:
44,47(2),50,99,H, 110. been added. c;>ne Kite Screech replaces one Egg Cup radar, SAM Ix SEJ.\SP.\U9W B
and a Bass Tilt has been added. SAM - - - - ·---·1r-····-······- ·······-...........-
Two of the unmodernized Sverdlovs carry two quintuple torpedo SSM -----=---~TT _ __ SSM 8x HAflf>OO~ B TT' 2,2'.~- D
mounts in addition to the normal armament.
7. Some Kotlin SAM's mount four twin 30mm mounts (eight guns) and
two Drum Tilt radars in addition to their normal equipment. For
1. Argentina: Belgrano also had 2FX40mm;G, and 10DX20mm·H.
Almirante Brown carries the MM40 version of Exocet. ' ECM: 9 ECM: JAN11'>IER B CHIH:F 8
da~age purf:?OS~s. treat these weapons as additional secondary guns. 2. Germany: The Standard launcher on Lutjens also carries Harpoon. In
~ddition, the ships gunnery rating is to be increased to B, and its SPG-53
Radar Del. Data Link 11 Radar Del. B Data Link DL
Their FC rating is the same as the main gun's.
1s to be replaced by SPQ-9 and SPG-60. Radars: Search ----'1~21---­ Radars: Search SPS-lofo. SPs-SS Sl'q-q
8. Unmodernized Skory class destroyers carry either seven 37mm
guns in single mounts or eight 37mm guns in twin mounts in addition
3. China: Luta also has 2Dx25mm;H. The Chinese SAM system is not
yet operational.
FC~==============:=;:===========~ FC sPc;-'o• RIN-/~ •
4. Iraq: The Lupos may have MM40 Exocet in place of Otomat.
to the armament listed in the table. For damage purposes, treat these
5. Iran: Treat the 35mm AA guns as 40mm (NATO) guns. Sonars: -----13.·-··---- Sonars: .SQS-5~
guns as additional secondary guns. They have an FC rating of H.
6. France: C·70M and George Leygues have both short and long range
chaff systems. Contacts: Radio Del - - - - - - - - - - - - Contacts: Radio Del - - - - - - - - - - - -
9. There are two versions of Mirka. Mirka I is in the table above. Mirka
ll has only two RBU-6000, but ten torpedo tubes; sonar #39 replaces the
DC racks.
7. Italy: The SAM launcher on Vittorio Veneta also carries the ASROC
Radar----· --1..14f.-------··-··-- Radar
Radar Del _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
10. The torpedoes carried on all Pauk, Mirka, and Petya classes are the 8. Neth: Kortenaer will eventually receive a 30mm Gatling system. Both Radar Del--····-··········--·--
16'' ASW torpedoes; they cannot be used against surface targets. AU other Dutch and Belgian ships normally carry only half the number of Harpoons Sonar __________________
listed in the table. Sonar
ships carry carry the unguided 21" dual purpose torpedo.
11 .. ~he SSN-14, although technically an ASW mount, sustains damage 9. All torpedo-armed ships are assumed to carry the US MK 46 or MK Weapons Launch: _ __ -·-·-···--····---------- Weapons Launch: _____________
as 1f 1t were an SSM mount, so it is listed in the SSM column of the table. 44 ASW torpedo except for the following:
a. Belgium: Weilingen carries L-5 (French) Torp
12. The Square Tie radar is listed as both radar #64 and radar #107. Torp - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
b. France: L-3 is carried on D'Estress, Kersaint, and Cmdt Riviere; SSM
Bo!h of these entries on the Radar Guide apply to the same radar
which can be used tor both search and fire control.
L-5 is carried on all others. 15 SSM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
c. Germany: Lutjens and Bremen use the US torpedoes; the others Gun. Gun
use German designs. Type 143 and Zobel torpedo boats use wire-guided
13. Aircraft: Damage: Flood Damage: Flood _ _ _ __ Fire _______
a. The Kiev normally carries about 25 Yak-36's, and 15
d. Italy: Audace has four fixed tubes for AS·184 torpedoes; Maestrael
16 Fire ···-·······-
helicopters. Most of the helicopters are Ka-25A's, but some are has two such tubes.
Ka-25B's. Spec: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Damage Control: Damage Control: _ _.__ _ _'.2.=-----3"'---
b. All of the aircraft carried on the Moskva are Ka-25A A-rated radar detectors, ECM, and chaff systems are ineffective against
all radars and missile seeker heads which are the same as those used
by the owning country. For example, if a country has vessels equipped USING THE TDD
c. All other ships capable of carrying aircraft carry either Ka- with Exocet missiles, all of its A~rated radar detectors, ECM, and chaff
25A's or Ka-25B's. Sample ship TDD's are given above. The one on the left is a skeleton while the column on the right contains the information about the
SYl\tems will be ineffective against all Exocet missiles, even those used form In which all sections are numbered. A description of the secondary weapons. Since there are no secondary SSM's, the number
14. The Kiev has two elevators; the Moskva has three. by its opponent. If this is the case, all A-rated rada_r detectors and ECM information which should appear in each numbered section is given of torpedo tubes is inserted in the right-hand column of the SSM line.
systems are downgraded to B, and A·rated chaff systems are downgrad· below. The TOO given on the right is a completed TOO for the
15. The chaff launchers found on Soviet ships are short range. Chaff ed to C. Downgraded ECM systems may still jam monopulse radars, and Spruance class destroyer. 9. In the left-hand portion of this box, indicate "jam mer" and the Ship's
shells are available for Soviet guns. downgraded chaff systems are still considered equipped with flares as ECM rating if the ship has a radar jammer; in the right-hand portion,
well as chaff. 1. In section 1, write In the name of the vessel and the designation on Indicate "Chaff" if the ship has chaff launchers. If these devices are
the counter used to represent it. The designation must include both knoi::ked out. cross them out.
the number and the size Indicated on the counter.
10. Insert the ship's Radar Detection Rating in box 10.
2. Write the displacement of the vessel In the Oisp. box of the form.
11. If the vessel has data link, write DL in this box. If the data link is
3. Determine the Maximum Flotation Allowance of the ship as knocked out, cross it out. If the data link faUs to function during a
described in the Damage rules. In box 3. insert the number that is equal phase, circle it for that phase to remind you that it is not operating et
to 25% of the ship's Maximum Flotation Allowance, the number equal that time.
to 50% of the Maximum Flotation Allowance, the number equal to 75%
of the Maximum Flotation Allowance, and finally, the Maximum 12. Insert the names of all of the radars carried and the number of
Flotation Allowance itself. Bear in mind that according to the Damage each. Cross them out as they are knocked out.
Rules, whenever the amount of flotation damage sustained by a ship
equals or exceeds any of these amounts, the ship sustains additional, 13. Insert the names of all sonars carried in box 13.
special damage.
14. When the ship detects a vessel by radar detector, radio detector,
4. In section 4, insert the maximum speed of the ship. radar, sonar, or \lisual sighting, write the designation of the detected
unit on the proper line of this section. The designations will include the
5. In section 5, ins8rt the current speed of the ship at the beginning of size, (represented by S for small units, M tor medium, or L for large
the phase if the ship's current speed is less than its maximum speed. units), the type (a for aircraft, m for missile; no type designation is
required for ships), and the number on the counter. Units detected
6. In box 6, write the type of propulsion used by the ship. visually are inserted on the radar line and underlined. If a. unit is
detected by passive sonar, insert the designation on the sonar hne, but
7. In box 7, indicate any special characteristics which may apply to the enclose the entry in parentheses; units detected by active sonar are
ship. The special characteristics are found In the "Special" column of not enclosed in parentheses. If a unit is tracked by sonar, underline its
the Ship Characteristics Table. designation.

a. In box 8, Indicate the types of weapons carried, the number of each, 15. On line 15, insert the launch information required when the
and their FC ratings In the appropriate spaces. As weapons are weapons indicated there are launched. It there is not enough space
knocked out, cross them out, or write In the number of remaining there, continue the required information on a piece of paper.
weapons of that type In place of the number of weapons the vessel
originally had. Note that section 8 Is divided Into two columns: the 16. In block 16, keep a record of the flotation damage, fire, and other
column on the left contains information about the main weapons, damage unable to be recorded elsewhere on the TDD. Record the

flotation damage in the "Flood" section, and the fire in the "Fire" recorded elsewhere. Bear in mind that due to space limitations, this
section. If using the damage control rules, there must be two entries in box will probably have to be constantly erased.
each of these sections: one entry to indicate the total amount of such
damage the ship has sustained; the other to indicate the amount of 17. In block 17, insert the number of damage control parties on the
uncontrolled flooding or lire on board the ship. In the "Special" section ship. During the damage control segments of the phases, 1nclicate in
of the block, record the damage sustained by the ship which cannot be the block the task to which each damage control party is assigned.


(Surface Actions)
2. Determine the number of hits the battery scores on the
A. lnlllal Movement Phase: target.
1. The player moving first will move any or all of his ships as desired.
2. Determine if any collisions occur, and if so, determine the damage. 3. Determine the damage caused by the hits.
B. lnlllal Combat Phase: Note: All activities indicated for the combat 5. SSM Segment:
phase wlll be conducted by both players (or teams) at the same time. a. Determine if the currently homing SSM's hit their targets.
1. -Visibility Segment: b. Determine the damage caused by such SSM's.
a. Both players may turn on searchlights or fire starshells if
desired. c. Move all previously launched SSM's which are still flying.
b. Both players will resolve all visual sighting except the
sighting of SSM's.
d. Attempt to launch new missiles as follows: WARSHIP COMMANDER II ERRATA
1. Resolve the use of the battery's FC radar and the ECM
used against it.
2. Electronic Search Segment:
a. Determine which units have operating data link.
1. Rule XV,E,6 on page 32 indicates a radar may not use both
2. Launch the missiles in the battery it all requirements frequency agility and MTI at the same time. This should have
are met.
b. Both players will place "Radar" counters (and "Noise"
counters if desired) next to all units using such devices during
been eliminated; radars listed as having both FA and MTI may now
&. Torpedo Segment: use both simultaneously.
the phase. a. Determine if any of the previously launched torpedoes hit
their targets,
c. Both players will resolve the use of radar detectors.
b. Determine the damage caused by the torpedo hits.
2. ·The French L-5 torpedo should be added to the list of
d. Players may choose to have units which detected an torpedoes carried on surface ships given on page 50.
opposing radar with a radar detector (and those units c. Move all previously launched torpedoes which are still
connected by data link to a detecting unit) use ECM. Any of running.
these units which use noise jamming are immediately detected 3. The last sentence of rule XVI,29 on page 41 should read:
by all opposing radar detectors. d. Launch new torpedoes if the requirements are met. "These missiles will cause the normal damage.•
e. Resolve all active homing SSM target acquisition. e. Determine if the newly launched torpedoes are visually
sighted by the opposing force.
t. Resolve the visual sighting of SSM's.
7. Damage Control Segment:
g. Resolve the use of all searching radars. a. Both players assign tasks to their damage.control partie;..
3. ECM vs homing SSM's: b. Both players resolve all attempts at damage control.
~· Resolve the use of ECM against homing SSM's.
C. lnlllal Communication• Phaee:
4. Gunnery Segment: 1. Both players will resolve all attempts at short range and long range
a. Resolve the fire of each gun and SAM battery at SSM's as communication. Also, resolve the use of any radio detectors and
follows: jemmers being used against these attempts.
1. Resolve the use of the battery's FC radar.
D. Second Movement Phaee:
2. Determine if the battery shoots down its target. 1. The player moving second will move any or all of his ships a~
3. If the target is shot down, the battery may shift fire to
another target. Resolve the fire against the additional 2. Determine if any collisions occur, and if so, determine the damage
targets by repeating steps (1) and (2).
E. Second Combat Pha1e:
b. Resolve the fire of each gun battery at surface targets as Repeat ell of the steps indicated in B above.
1. Resolve the use of the battery's FC radar and the ECM F. Second Communlcetlon1 Pha1e:
used against it. Repeat all of the steps indicated in C above.
flotation damage in the "Flood" section, and the fire in the "Fire" recorded elsewhere. Bear in mind that due to space limitations, this
section. If using the damage control rules, there must be two entries in box will probably have to be constantly erased.
each of these sections: one entry to indicate the total amount of such
damage the ship has sustained; the other to indicate the amount of 17. In block 17, insert the number of damage control parties on the
uncontrolled flooding or lire on board the ship. In the "Special" section ship. During the damage control segments of the phases, 1nclicate in
of the block, record the damage sustained by the ship which cannot be the block the task to which each damage control party is assigned.


(Surface Actions)
2. Determine the number of hits the battery scores on the
A. lnlllal Movement Phase: target.
1. The player moving first will move any or all of his ships as desired.
2. Determine if any collisions occur, and if so, determine the damage. 3. Determine the damage caused by the hits.
B. lnlllal Combat Phase: Note: All activities indicated for the combat 5. SSM Segment:
phase wlll be conducted by both players (or teams) at the same time. a. Determine if the currently homing SSM's hit their targets.
1. -Visibility Segment: b. Determine the damage caused by such SSM's.
a. Both players may turn on searchlights or fire starshells if
desired. c. Move all previously launched SSM's which are still flying.
b. Both players will resolve all visual sighting except the
sighting of SSM's.
d. Attempt to launch new missiles as follows: WARSHIP COMMANDER II ERRATA
1. Resolve the use of the battery's FC radar and the ECM
used against it.
2. Electronic Search Segment:
a. Determine which units have operating data link.
1. Rule XV,E,6 on page 32 indicates a radar may not use both
2. Launch the missiles in the battery it all requirements frequency agility and MTI at the same time. This should have
are met.
b. Both players will place "Radar" counters (and "Noise"
counters if desired) next to all units using such devices during
been eliminated; radars listed as having both FA and MTI may now
&. Torpedo Segment: use both simultaneously.
the phase. a. Determine if any of the previously launched torpedoes hit
their targets,
c. Both players will resolve the use of radar detectors.
b. Determine the damage caused by the torpedo hits.
2. ·The French L-5 torpedo should be added to the list of
d. Players may choose to have units which detected an torpedoes carried on surface ships given on page 50.
opposing radar with a radar detector (and those units c. Move all previously launched torpedoes which are still
connected by data link to a detecting unit) use ECM. Any of running.
these units which use noise jamming are immediately detected 3. The last sentence of rule XVI,29 on page 41 should read:
by all opposing radar detectors. d. Launch new torpedoes if the requirements are met. "These missiles will cause the normal damage.•
e. Resolve all active homing SSM target acquisition. e. Determine if the newly launched torpedoes are visually
sighted by the opposing force.
t. Resolve the visual sighting of SSM's.
7. Damage Control Segment:
g. Resolve the use of all searching radars. a. Both players assign tasks to their damage.control partie;..
3. ECM vs homing SSM's: b. Both players resolve all attempts at damage control.
~· Resolve the use of ECM against homing SSM's.
C. lnlllal Communication• Phaee:
4. Gunnery Segment: 1. Both players will resolve all attempts at short range and long range
a. Resolve the fire of each gun and SAM battery at SSM's as communication. Also, resolve the use of any radio detectors and
follows: jemmers being used against these attempts.
1. Resolve the use of the battery's FC radar.
D. Second Movement Phaee:
2. Determine if the battery shoots down its target. 1. The player moving second will move any or all of his ships a~
3. If the target is shot down, the battery may shift fire to
another target. Resolve the fire against the additional 2. Determine if any collisions occur, and if so, determine the damage
targets by repeating steps (1) and (2).
E. Second Combat Pha1e:
b. Resolve the fire of each gun battery at surface targets as Repeat ell of the steps indicated in B above.
1. Resolve the use of the battery's FC radar and the ECM F. Second Communlcetlon1 Pha1e:
used against it. Repeat all of the steps indicated in C above.



Positive radar contact--it was a Kresta II, one of the most powerful warships in the Soviet Navy, and closing fast. If the
Harpoon salvo didn 't get him, his torpedo-carrying SSN-14 SILEX missiles would reduce our Spruance class destroyer
to scrap iron. Our radar detector had picked up his fire control radar emissions. I watched on the radar display as the
Harpoons dove in on the Kresta at just under the speed of sound . The Russians fought back hard. Surface to air missiles
burst around the incoming Harpoons, knocking one out . The rest came in through a hail of proximity fused 57mm shells.
They got two more. The Kresta's Side Globe jammers pulled another two off the ship and into the ocean, while its chaff
rocket launchers covered the ship in an umbrella of airborne tinfoil. Another Harpoon overshot and missed. In despera-
tion , the Soviet skipper pushed his big cruiser hard-a-starboard , firing with his 30mm mounts. He dodged one, but the
last one impacted amidships, diving in through the deck and exploding just above the keel. The Russians don 't build
ships for survivability--they're all offensive. The Harpoon 's warhead detonated in the engine room , snapping the keel.
Within minutes, the once proud cruiser was a mass of secondary explosions. I had one more order to five--" All hands
stand by to pick up su rvivors."

In the nerve center of a modern warship, decisions are made that decide the fate of men and sh ips within seconds. There
are no second-place winners at sea today. WARSHIP COMMANDER accurately and completely simulates the dynamic
and multi-faceted war at sea of today and tomorrow.

Modern warships range in size from the huge aircraft carriers like the Ni mitz class to the tiny but deadly missile bc 'lts.
The weapons of today's warships have changed greatly since those of World War II. The surface-to-surface missile has
replaced the big gun. These deadly weapons give even the smallest ship tremendous punch . How do you defeat them?
You jam them with electronic warfare, you blind them with chaff, you shoot them down with guns and missiles, or you
sink him before he sinks you. All of this is shown in great detail in WARSH IP COMMANDER, the first and most accurate
and complete simulation of modern naval surface actions. Playable with board game equipment, min iature ship models,
or counters, WARSHIP COMMANDE R has complete rules for all of the major elements of modern naval surface actions.
There is complete data on all of the major guns, torpedoes, surface-to-s1:1rface missiles , and surface-to-air missiles of NATO
and the Warsaw Pact with rules which accurately simu late their use in surface actions. Also, there are detailed rules
dealing with all aspects of electronic warfare, including ECM and ECCM equipment, in addition to radars and radar detec-
tors; detai led information on over one hundred NATO and Warsaw Pact radars is included. The effects of damage and
the process of damage control is accurately portrayed . There is even a detailed description of modern warships and equip-
ment to help the player learn and understand what modern naval warfare is all about; WARSHIP COMMANDER is much
more than just a game , it is a total learning experience .

This NEW edition of the classic Warship Commander rules contains information on the most up to date weapons plat-
forms and systems: the reactivated New Jersey class battleship, the AEGIS cruiser, the newest Soviet ships - Kirov,
Sovremenny, Udaloy, Slava. The vastly expanded Ship Characteristics section now provides data on many more vessels
from France, Italy, and the Netherlands to the People's Republic of Ch ina. In addition , the earlier edition rules have been
revised and updated to reflect recent declassified information as well as the lessons of the Falklands War. Even players
of the earlier edition of Warship Commander will find much n·ew ~nd valuable information in Warship Commander II.



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