Multiservice Tactical Brevity Code
Multiservice Tactical Brevity Code
Multiservice Tactical Brevity Code
1 American/NATO codes
1.1 A
Alarm Directive/informative call indicating the termination of emission control (EMCON) procedures.
Autocat Any communications relay using automatic re- Bogey A radar or visual air contact whose identity is untransmissions.
Azimuth Two or more groups primarily separated in Bogey dope Request for
Base (number) Reference number used to indicate such Break (direction) Directive to perform an immediate
maximum performance turn in the direction indiinformation as headings, altitude, and fuels.
cated; assumes a defensive situation.
BeadWindow Last transmission potentially disclosed
Breakaway Tanker or receiver directive call indicating
unauthorized information.
immediate vertical and nose/tail separation between
tanker and receiver is required.
Beam/beaming Target stabilized within 70 to 110 degree aspect; generally (direction) given with cardinal
Brevity Radio frequency is becoming saturated, dedirections: east, west, north, or south.
graded, or jammed and briefer transmissions must
Bent System indicated is inoperative.
1. Minimum fuel state needed for aircraft to Broadcast Request/directive to switch to broadcast control.
return to base (aka recovery).
2. Proceed/am proceeding to specied base Broke lock Loss of radar/infrared (IR) lock-on (advisory).
(eld) or carrier
Bird(s) arm Surface-to-air (S/A) informative call inBuddy lock Locked to a known friendly aircraft; nordicating unit is able and prepared to engage a specimally a response to a spike or buddy spike call and
ed target with SAMs (presumes target is within or
accompanied with position/heading/altitude.
will enter the SAM engagement envelope).
Buddy spike Friendly aircraft(s) air-to-air indication on
Bird(s) away Friendly SAM has been red at designated
radar warning receiver (RWR); to be followed by
position, heading, and altitude.
Bird(s) negat S/A informative call indicating unit is un- Bugout Separation from that particular engageable to engage a specied target with SAMs. Oppoment/attack/operation; no intent to (direction)
site of bird(s) arm.
Bittersweet Notication of possible blue on blue Bulldog Friendly surface/submarine-launched ASM (for
(friendly re) situation relative to a designated track
example, Harpoon, Exocet, Otomat).
or friendly aircraft.
Bullseye An established point from which the position of
an object can be referenced; made by cardinal/range
Blank A suppression of enemy air defenses (SEAD) airor digital format.
craft does not detect any emitters of interest.
Blind No visual contact with friendly aircraft/ground position; opposite of visual.
Bump/Bump-up Start temporary increase of ight altitude to set the aircraft to a favorable glide path to
the target on the attack run.
Candygram Informative call to aircraft that electronic Color Request for information on a (system) at stated
location; usually a request for (system/position) amwarfare (EW) targeting information is available on a
biguity resolution. May be used with improved data
briefed secure net.
modem (IDM) data messagecolor, data.
Cap/capping 1. Directive call to establish an orbit at
Comeo Directive to maneuver as indicated to either rea specied location. (location)
gain mutual support or to (left/right/deconict ight
2. An orbit at a specied location.
paths for an exchange of engaged and supporting
roles; low/dry) implies both visual and tally.
Captured Aircrew has identied and is able to track
a specied air-to-ground (A/G) target with an onCommit/committed Fighter intent to engage/intercept;
board sensor.
controller continues to provide information.
Cease In air defense, break the engagement on the target
Confetti Cha lane or corridor.
specied. Missiles in ight engagement will continue
to intercept.
Cons/conning Threat/bogey aircraft leaving contrails.
Cease re Do not open re and/or discontinue ring; Contact 1. Sensor contact at the stated position.
complete intercept if weapons are in ight; continue
2. Acknowledges sighting of a specied reference
to track.
Champagne An attack of three distinct groups with two
Continue Continue present maneuver; does not imply
in front and one behind.
clearance to engage or expend ordnance.
Chattermark Begin using briefed radio procedures to
Continue dry Ordnance release not authorized.
counter communications jamming.
Cover/covering Directive/informative call to take SurCheapshot 1. (USAF) Active missile supported to
face/Air action or establish an air-to-air (A/A) poshigh pulse repetition frequency (HPRF),
ture that will allow engagement of a specied target
but not medium pulse repetition frequency
or threat.
2. (Naval) Active missile not supported to active Crank To maneuver beyond the range of a missile; implies illuminating target at radar gimbal limits.
Check turn () degrees left or right and maintain new Cuto Request for, or directive to, intercept using cuto
heading. (Left/right)
Cherubs Height of a friendly aircraft in hundreds of Cyclops Any unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).
Chicks Friendly aircraft.
1.4 D
Cloak Directive/informative call to switch from normal Deadstick Lost all propulsive power due to engine shuto - see Deadstick landing
external lighting to covert night vision device (NVD)
only compatible lighting.
Declare Inquiry as to the identication of a specied
track(s), target(s), or correlated group.
Closing Decreasing in range.
1. Attack geometry will result in a pass or roll- Defensive/defending Aircraft is in a defensive position
and maneuvering with reference to an active threat.
out behind the target.
2. On a leg of the combat air patrol (CAP)
pointed away from the anticipated threats.
De-louse Directive to detect and identify unknown aircraft trailing friendly aircraft.
FENCE (in/out) Set cockpit switches as appropriate prior to entering/exiting the comDogbox Area within which units may interfere with or
bat area (mnemonic for re-control sysbe endangered by ASW torpedoes
Dolly Tactical Digital Information Link C [Link-4A] Flank/anking
(Link-4A/TADIL C).[2]
Drag/dragging 1. (USAF) Target stabilized at 0 to
60 degrees aspect. (direction)
Echelon Groups/contacts/formation with wingman displaced approximately 45 degrees behind leaders 3/9
(o'clock) line, see Echelon formation.
Echo Positive SEESAW/electronic warfare weapons
system (EWWS)/System M/Mode X reply.
Engaged Maneuvering with the intent to kill; this im- Fox mike Very high frequency (VHF)/frequency modplies visual/radar acquisition of target.
ulated (FM) radio.
Estimate Provides estimate of the size, range, height, Friendly A positively identied friendly contact.
or other parameter of a specied contact; implies
Furball A turning ght involving multiple aircraft with
known bandits and friendlies mixed.
Extend Short-term maneuver to gain energy, distance,
or separation; normally with the (direction) intent
1.7 G
of re-engaging.
Eyeball ()
1. Fighter with primary visual identication responsi- Gate Directive/informative call to y as quickly as possible, using afterburner/maximum power.
2. Electro-optical (EO)/IR/NVD acquisition of an air- Gimbal Radar target is approaching azimuth or elevation limits. (Direction)
craft. Normally followed by ( ) number of aircraft
Glowworm Flare-dropping aircraft
Faded Radar contact is lost. (Termination of track plot- Go clear Use unencrypted voice communications.
ting is not warranted.)
Goggle/degoggle Directive/informative call to put
on/take o night vision devices.
Fast Target speed is estimated to be at least 600 kn
(1,100 km/h) ground speed or Mach 1.
Gorilla Large force of indeterminate numbers and forFather Tactical air navigation (TACAN) station.
Green (direction) Direction determined to be clearest Hotdog Informative/directive call that an aircraft is apof enemy air-to-air activity.
proaching or at a specied stando distance from
the sovereign airspace of a nation (as dened by
Greyhound Friendly ground attack cruise missile (for
national boundaries or territorial sea and airspace).
example, Tomahawk land attack missile (TLAM)
(Color may indicate additional stando distance.)
and conventional air-launched cruise missile
Follow briefed procedures.
Group Radar targets within approximately 3 nautical Hotel fox High frequency (HF) radio.
miles (~3.5 miles, ~5.6 kilometers) of each other.
Husky (Naval) Air intercept missile (AIM)120 supGuns An air-to-air or air-to-surface gunshot.
ported to HPRF active range; same meaning as
USAF cheapshot.
1.9 I
Joker Fuel state above BINGO at which separation/bugout/event termination should begin.
1.11 K
Hostile A contact identied as enemy upon which clearance to re is authorized in accordance with theater
rules of engagement.
1. Clearance to re.
2. In training, a ghter call to indicate kill criteria
have been fullled.
1.12 L
1.14 N
No joy Aircrew does not have visual contact with the target/bandit/landmark; opposite of tally.
Locked Final radar lock-on; sort is not assumed.
Notch All aspect missile defensive maneuver to place
Lost contact Radar contact lost. (drop track is recomthreat radar/missile on the beam. Modern pulsemended.)
doppler radars remove ground clutter by ltering out
returns from stationary objects; putting the threat on
Lost lock Loss of radar/IR lock-on (advisory).
the beam permits the defending aircraft to be confused with ground returns and hence disappear from
Low Target altitude below 10,000 ft (3,000 m) above
the threat radar. (Direction)
ground level (AGL).
1.13 M
1.15 O
Maddog Launch of friendly AIM-120 without radar O (direction) Informative call indicating attack is terguidance.
minated and maneuvering to the indicated direction.
Magnum Launch of friendly anti-radiation missile.
Mapping Multifunction radar in an Air/Ground mode.
Marking Friendly aircraft leaving contrails.
Marshal/marshalling Establish/established at a specic point.
Oset Informative call indicating maneuver in a specied direction with reference to (direction) the target.
On station Informative call unit/aircraft has reached assigned station.
Medium Target altitude between 10,000 feet Above Opening Increasing in range.
Ground Level (AGL) and 25,000 feet above Mean
Oranges Weather.
Sea Level (MSL).
Merge/merged 1. Information that friendlies and tar- Out (direction) Informative call indicating a turn to a
cold aspect relative to the threat; opposite of in.
gets have arrived in the same visual arena.
2. Call indicating radar returns have come together.
Picture Provide tactical situation status pertinent to mis- Pushing Informative call that said group( s) have turned
cold and will continue to be (group description)
Pigeons Magnetic bearing and range to homeplate (or
specied destination). (Location)
Pince/pincer Threat maneuvering for a bracket attack.
1.17 R
1. Informative call AIM-120 is at active range Range Two or more groups separated primarily in distance along the same bearing.
and is not bound by ghter medium PRF
(MPRF) radar limitations.
Raygun Indicates a radar lock-on to unknown aircraft; a
2. AIM-54 at active range.
request for a buddy spike (position/heading/altitude)
reply from friendly aircraft meeting these paramePlaymate Cooperating aircraft.
ters (to prevent friendly re).
Playtime Amount of time aircraft can remain on station. Reference Directive to assume stated heading. (Direction)
(freq) Pogo (freq) Switch to communication channel
number preceding POGO. If unable to establish Repeat Used in surface-surface operations to re again
communications, switch to channel number followusing the same method of re (during adjustment)
ing POGO. If no channel number follows POGO,
or to re the same number of rounds using the same
return to this channel.
method of re (during re for eect). This is not
used to request that the last message be retransmitPop Starting climb for air-to-surface attack.
ted (for this, use say again).
Popeye Flying in clouds or area of reduced visibility.
Reported Identication of an object or a contact by an
intelligence system. (Type)
Popup 1. Informative call of a contact that has suddenly
appeared inside of meld/CCR/briefed range. 2. Criteria used as a self-defense method, within the ROE, Reset Proceed to a pre-briefed position or area of operation.
to protect friendly air defense elements from hostile
Resume Resume last formation/station/mission ordered.
Posit Request for position; response in terms of a geo- Retrograde Directive to withdraw from present position
graphic landmark, or o a common reference point.
or area of operation in response to a threat.
Post attack Directive transmission to indicate desired Rider A bogey that is conforming with safe passage routdirection after completion of (Direction) intering/airspeed/altitude procedures.
Rie Air-to-ground missile (AGM)65 Maverick
Post hole Rapid descending spiral.
Press Directive to continue the attack; mutual support Ripple Two or more munitions released or red in close
will be maintained. Supportive role will be assumed.
Print (type) Unambiguous Non-Cooperative Target River City Implement immediate
Recognition (NCTR) reply.
blackout until further notice.
Pump A briefed maneuver to low aspect (where aspect Roger Radio transmission received; does not indicate
refers to target positionregardless of distance
compliance or reaction.
relative to the friendly aircrafts nose; high aspect
would be on an azimuth in front of the friendly, Rolex (time) Time-line adjustment in minutes from
planned mission execution time. (Positive is later).
while low aspect would indicate position along an
azimuth behind the friendly) to stop closure on the
threat or geographical boundary, with the intent to Rope Illumination of an aircraft with an IR pointer.
Pure Informative call indicating pure pursuit is being 1.18 S
used or directive to go pure pursuit.
Saddled Informative call from wingman/element indiPush (channel) Go to designated frequency. No accating the return to briefed formation position.
knowledgment required.
SAM (direction) Visual acquisition of a SAM (surfacePushing Departing designated point.
air missile) or SAM launch; should include position.
Sandwiched A situation where an aircraft/element is positioned between opposing aircraft/elements.
Saunter Fly at best endurance.
Scram Emergency directive to egress for defensive or
survival reasons. (Direction)
Sort/sorted 1. Directive to assign targeting or monitoring responsibility for multiple targets within
a group; criteria can be met visually, electronically (radar), or both.
2. Sort responsibility has been met.
Stern Request for, or directive to, intercept using stern Tiger Enough fuel and ordnance to accept a commit.
Timber Air control network participating group (NPG)
Stinger Within a group, a formation of three or more
of tactical digital information links (Link 16/TADIL
aircraft with a single aircraft in trail.
Stop Stop IR illumination of a target.
1. Fire control system has solid lock on target (aka a stabilized gun solution).
3. Contact heading.
Strip Individual ghter/section is leaving the formation Trailer The last aircraft within a group(s).
to pursue separate attacks.
Trashed Informative call that missile has been defeated.
Stripped Informative call from wingman/element indicating out of briefed formation/position.
Trespass The addressed ight is entering a surface/air
threat ring of a specic system at the stated (posiStrobe Radar indications of noise jamming.
tion) location.
Sunshine Directive or informative call indicating illumination of target is being conducted with articial il- Tumbleweed Indicates limited situational awareness; no
joy, blind; a request for information.
Sunrise Informative call that C2 functions (Command
& Control) are available. (opposite of midnight).
1.19 T
Tag (system Known identication of a specic (system) Vic Three groups, contacts, or formations with the single
closest in range and two contacts, azimuth split, in
at the stated location; may be used w/position) with
IDM data message, (for example, tag data).
Tally Sighting of a target, bandit, bogey, or enemy posi- Victor VHF/amplitude modulation (AM) radio.
tion; opposite of no joy.
Visual Sighting of a friendly aircraft/ground position;
Target () Directive to assign group responsibility to airopposite of blind.
craft in a ight.
Targeted () Group responsibility has been met.
1.22 W
FREE at targets not identied as
friendly in accordance with current rules
of engagement (ROE).
TIGHT at targets positively identied as
hostile in accordance with current ROE.
HOLD* (USA, USMC) in self-defense
or in response to a formal order.
use weapons safe to avoid confusion with
the phrase hold re.
1.23 Y
Yardstick Directive to use air-to-air tactical air navigation (A/A TACAN) for ranging.
See also
Glossary of RAF code names
3 References
1-02.1 (FM 3-54.10) - MCRP 3-25B - NTTP 6-02.1 AFTTP(I) 3-2.5 - JUNE 2005 (PDF). Retrieved 30 August 2013.
Army Training and Doctrine Command; Marine
Corps Combat Development Command; LeMay
Center for Doctrine (April 2010). Multi-Service
Brevity Codes (PDF). FM 1-02.1, MCRP 3-25B,
NTTP 6-02.1, AFTTP 3-2.5. Air Land Sea Application Center. Retrieved 2010-08-18. Missing
|last3= in Authors list (help)
Navy Warfare Development Command (NWDC)
FM 101-5-1: Operational Terms and Graphics, 30
September 1997, Department of the Army/HQ US
Marine Corps (Appendix E)
Intelligence Resource Program: TADIL, 23 April
2000, Federation of American Scientists
Military Aviation Glossary
Multiservice tactical brevity code Source: Contributors: Skysmith, Darkwind, Glenn, MaggieL, GreatWhiteNortherner, DocWatson42, Brequinda, ShakataGaNai, Bender235, Gnoitall,
Gary, Rbcwa, Miss Madeline, Mandarax, BD2412, Rjwilmsi, Ewlyahoocom, Bgwhite, Alpha 4615, Bayerischermann, Arthur Rubin, Orbis
3, Jsnx, SmackBot, Chris the speller, DonConquistador, Nahum Reduta, John, MilborneOne, Camilo Sanchez, MrDolomite, Orca1 9904,
Alsd2, Alaibot, Noclevername, Ryan4314, Magioladitis, Buckshot06, KConWiki, R'n'B, KTo288, Maurice Carbonaro, Mrg3105, Rwessel,
Avermillion, Martinevans123, Tnnn, Tomatensaft, Bus, Bahamut0013, Velkie, Heb, Fanra, ClueBot, Mild Bill Hiccup, Takeru27, Nohomers48, Navychop2, Acidictadpole, Yobot, Embassy82, AnomieBOT, Jacobsattereld, Brutaldeluxe, DrilBot, Alpha Quadrant, Wayne
Slam, Staszek Lem, TYelliot, Christopher Douglas, ClueBot NG, Frietjes, Wader2, 235.Corsair, Briancarlton, JPhebus, IanPapa, KCRift
and Anonymous: 51
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