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The game simulates air warfare between NATO and Warsaw Pact forces over central Germany in 1987, focusing on gaining air superiority and conducting ground support/deep strikes.

The main components include maps, counters, rules booklets, player aids, dice and logs to track the air warfare.

The main phases of gameplay include an admin phase, weather phase, early warning phase, air deployment phase, track phase, detection phase, air combat phase, post combat phase and victory phase.


1.0 Introduction.........................................................................2 19.0 Electronic Countermeasures...........................................37

2.0 Game Equipment................................................................3 20.0 Fuel and Recovery..........................................................40
3.0 Sequence of Play.................................................................5 21.0 Random Events...............................................................40
4.0 Air Units..............................................................................6 22.0 Weather...........................................................................40
5.0 Initiative..............................................................................8 23.0 Night...............................................................................41
6.0 Movement...........................................................................8 24.0 Recon Missions...............................................................42
7.0 Formations........................................................................11 25.0 Helicopters......................................................................43
8.0 Raid/Task Planning...........................................................11 26.0 CSAR..............................................................................43
9.0 Airfield Operations............................................................14 27.0 Army Ground Units........................................................44
10.0 Detection.........................................................................16 28.0 Airfields...........................................................................44
11.0 Air-to-Air Combat...........................................................17 29.0 The Front.........................................................................45
12.0 Air Unit Damage.............................................................20 30.0 Scenario Conditions........................................................45
13.0 Post-Combat Procedures.................................................21 31.0 Scenario Setup................................................................45
14.0 Anti-Aircraft Artillery.....................................................22 32.0 Victory.............................................................................48
15.0 SAMs and Radars...........................................................24 33.0 Solitaire Rules.................................................................49
16.0 Air-to-Ground Ordnance.................................................29 34.0 Campaign Games............................................................51
17.0 Air-to-Ground Attacks....................................................31 Rules Index.............................................................................54
18.0 Ground Target Damage...................................................36

GMT Games, LLC • P.O. Box 1308, Hanford, CA 93232-1308 • www.GMTGames.com

2 Red Storm ~ Rules

1.21 Rule Conventions

Component List Rules are numbered. Cross-references to other rules are listed [in
A complete game of Red Storm contains: square brackets]. Design notes describe some of the background
• Two 22″ x 34″ maps and thought processes behind the rules.
• 4½ die-cut countersheets 1.22 Learning Red Storm
• One Rules Booklet (this manual) New players may wish to start by playing the introductory
• One Scenario Booklet scenario and walking through the examples of play. These tell
you which rules sections to read first and summarize some of
• One Appendices Booklet
the more important combat rules.
• Five Player Aid Cards (four 11″ x 17″; one 8½″ x 11″)
• Three Aircraft Data Charts (two 11″ x 17″; one 8½″ x 11″) 1.3 Glossary of Game Terms
• Two 10-sided dice 2ATAF. 2nd Allied Tactical Air Force.
• Flight, Air Defense, and Campaign log sheets 4ATAF. 4th Allied Tactical Air Force.
AAA. Anti-aircraft artillery, also termed “flak.”
AAP. Aircraft Availability Points
1.0 Introduction Abort. Flights that are no longer able to conduct their missions
Red Storm is a game of air warfare over a hypothetical mid-1987 may ‘Abort’ and run for home.
battlefield in the central portion of the North Atlantic Treaty ADC. Aircraft Data Chart, a play aid that lists the performance
Organization (NATO) front in Germany. Both sides attempt and capability data for aircraft.
to gain air superiority while also conducting ground support Aggression Value. A value representing pilot training, leader-
along the front and deep strikes into the enemy rear area. In ship, and élan. It acts as a modifier for numerous flight actions.
doing so, both sides confront significant challenges. The NATO Arcs/Hemispheres. Arcs are 60° areas around a flight. The three
side is constantly outnumbered in the air and faces a daunting forward arcs of an aircraft flight make up the forward hemi-
array of AAA and SAM on the ground, especially near enemy sphere, and the three rear arcs constitute the rear hemisphere.
troop concentrations. The Warsaw Pact (WP) side has superior
numbers of aircraft, but of generally lower quality than NATO. ARB. Anti-Runway Bombs.
While the NATO air defense system is not as extensive as the ARM. Anti-Radiation Missile.
WP one, the WP player will still be challenged in trying to “go Army Ground Units. Armor, Mech, Artillery, HQ, Supply, or
deep” against NATO targets in rear areas. Both sides must also Missile ground units.
deal with the rough terrain and rainy weather of central Germany, ASM. Air-to-Surface Missile.
which makes many operations more difficult.
Attack. Air-to-Air Combat [11.0], AAA [14.0], SAM [15.0], or
1.1 Players Air-to-Ground [17.0] attacks against enemy units.
For the full game experience, two players are required, one to Beam Arc. The combined area of the Forward and Rear Beam
play the WP and one to play NATO forces. However, rules for Arcs on each side (right and left) of the flight.
two forms of solitaire play and special solitaire scenarios are BDA. Bomb Damage Assessment.
provided as well. BE. Belgium (Royal Belgian Air Force).
Depending on the scenario, one or both sides will control “Raid” BVR. Beyond Visual Range.
forces consisting of strike, escort, jamming support, and other
CAN. Canada (Royal Canadian Air Force).
aircraft. At the same time, both sides will normally control air-
craft tasked with intercepting enemy aircraft. Finally, both sides Campaign. A campaign consists of a number of scenarios that
field an array of AAA and SAM systems on the ground, including take place over one or more days.
radar-guided AAA, radar-guided SAMs, and IR-guided SAMs. CAP. Combat Air Patrol.
Success for both sides will depend on destroying targets on the CAS. Close Air Support.
ground and attriting the enemy in the air.
CBU. Cluster Bomb Unit.
1.2 Rules CSAR. Combat Search and Rescue.
The rules include standard, advanced, and optional rules. DRM. Die Roll Modifiers.
Advanced rules add detail and make for a more complete Disordered. Flights which are scattered and uncoordinated.
simulation. Optional rules add more realism but also increase Dummy Flight. A fog of war term used to denote a flight that
complexity. Players learning the game may choose to skip the does not consist of real aircraft. Dummy flights are used to
advanced and optional rules until they are familiar with the confuse the enemy player on the location of real flights.
standard game mechanics.
Dummy SAM. A decoy SAM, usually consisting of mock ups
or other fake vehicles and radars.

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Red Storm ~ Rules 3

East Germany. The portion of the map “inside” (i.e., on or Radar-Equipped AAA. A term used to refer to both Radar AAA
east/on or north) the international border shown on the map (Fire Cans) and Mobile AAA (Gepard, Vulcan, 2K22).
is considered East Germany. All other hexes on the map are Raid. A Raid is an individual mission in which flights enter the
considered to be in West Germany. map or take off from a base, conduct combat or other taskings,
Enemy/Friendly. Friendly units are all units assigned to the and return to base.
player by the scenario or campaign. An enemy unit is a unit RHM. Radar Homing Missile, a radar-guided air-to-air weapon.
controlled by the other player.
ROE. Rules of Engagement.
EO Tracking. A backup tracking method for SAMs in high
RWR. Radar Warning Receiver.
intensity jamming environments.
SAM. Surface to Air Missile.
EOGB. Electro-Optical Guided Bomb (GBU-15, KAB-500KR,
AJ.168, and similar weapons). Scenario. One or more Raids flown by either or both players
tied together on a specific date.
EOGM. Electro-Optical Guided Missile (AGM-65 Maverick,
AS-10 Karen, and similar weapons). SAR. Synthetic Aperture Radar.
EWR. Early Warning Radar. SEAD. Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses.
FAC. Forward Air Controller. SSR. Scenario Special Rule, a special rule that applies only to
that scenario.
Fire Can. A WP Radar AAA system.
TFR. Terrain Following Radar.
Flight. A unit of 1-4 aircraft or cruise missiles of the same type.
UK. United Kingdom (Royal Air Force).
FLIR. Forward Looking Infrared. An advanced sensor carried
by some NATO aircraft. US. United States (United States Air Force).
FRG. Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany, German USSR. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Soviet Air Forces).
Air Force). VP. Victory Points.
GDR. German Democratic Republic (East Germany, Air Forces WP. Warsaw Pact.
of the National People’s Army).
Ground Units. Army Ground Units, AAA, SAM, and EWR 1.4 Scale
units. Hexes are 2.5 nautical miles across (2.88 miles/4.63 kilometers).
HAS. Hardened Aircraft Shelter. Movement points are multiples of roughly 150 knots (approx.
172 mph/278 kph). Game turns are 1 minute long. There are
HARM. High-Speed Anti-Radiation missile. five altitude bands, representing the flight’s height above the
HAWK. Homing-All-the-Way-Killer. US SAM system. ground: Deck (0-2,500 feet), Low (3,000-8,000 feet), Medium
IRM. Infrared Missile, a heat-seeking air-to-air weapon. (9,000-21,000 feet), High (22,000-50,000 feet), and Very High
IR SAM. Infrared-Guided SAM. (50,000+ feet).
ISR. Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance. 1.5 Dates
IP. Initial Point. Start point for a Bomb or Recon Run. Red Storm scenarios represent battles taking place as part of a
IRST. Infrared Search and Track. hypothetical war between the forces of the Warsaw Pact and the
Laden. A flight carrying air-to-ground ordnance. North Atlantic Treaty Organization in May/June of 1987. Dates
are listed by day/month.
Large Aircraft. Large aircraft are those noted on the ADCs.
LGB. Laser Guided Bomb.
LOAL. Lock-On After Launch. 2.0 Game Equipment
LOS. Line of Sight.
NA. Non-applicable. 2.1 Dice
NATO. North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Red Storm uses ten-sided dice, with 0 read as 10 and not zero.
Some rolls are the sum of two dice, generating numbers between
NE. Netherlands (Royal Netherlands Air Force).
2 and 20. Tables on the Player Aid Cards (PAC) have dice
PGM. Precision Guided Munition. A generic term covering symbols printed after the title. One die symbol means one die
EOGM, EOGB, LGB, and ARM weapons. is rolled. Two dice symbols mean two dice are rolled.
Play Area. The portion of the map in play for a particular
2.11 Die Roll Modifiers
Some tables require players to apply die roll modifiers. These
Printed AAA. The map-printed AAA concentrations at NATO are added to or subtracted from the dice result.
and WP airfields.
QRA. Quick Reaction Alert. Aircraft on the ground ready to
take off.

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4 Red Storm ~ Rules

2.2 Map 2.31 Air Units

Air units are called flights and represent small groups of 1-4
The game map portrays the central portion of the NATO/WP
aircraft. US flights are light blue, UK flights are brown, Canadian
front in West Germany and East Germany. The red line run-
flights are light brown, FRG flights are gray, Belgian flights are
ning from roughly 6302-5821-5632-7733 is the international
light green, Netherlands flights are light orange, GDR flights
border between West and East Germany. The portion of the map
are dark green, and USSR flights are yellow.
“inside” (i.e., on or east/on or north) the international border
shown on the map is considered East Germany. All other hexes
are considered West Germany.
2.21 Hex Grid
US UK Canadian FRG
A hex grid has been superimposed on the maps to regulate the
position and movement of the playing pieces. Where a four-
numbered map reference is given, the first two digits (00xx)
indicate the hex column on the map, while the last two digits
(xx00) indicate the hex row. Belgian Netherlands GDR USSR
Distances on the map are counted in hexes. To calculate a
2.32 Ground Units
distance, trace the shortest possible path from one map hex to
Ground unit types include: AAA concentrations [14.2], Radar
another and count the number of hexes the path enters.
AAA [14.5], Mobile AAA [14.6], SAM units [15.0], EWR units
When counting the distance to a flight occupying a hexside, [10.25], and NATO/WP Army Ground Units [27.0].
count to the nearer of the hexside’s two hexes and vice versa
(count from the nearer hex when counting distance from the
flight on a hexside to another hex).

2.22 Terrain Features AAA Radar AAA Mobile AAA
A terrain key describes the features on the map. Land, Rough,
Mountain, Urban, Airfield, Road, or Highway artwork indicates
types of terrain. Water artwork indicates rivers and lakes. Major
Bridges on the Rhine are depicted for target purposes only and
have no other effect on play. SAM EWR NATO Ground WP Ground
A hex with no Rough or Mountain artwork is a Land hex. A hex 2.33 Chits
with any portion of Rough or Mountain artwork is considered a Initiative chits are used to order the movement of flights. They
Rough or Mountain hex, respectively. If a hex has both Rough come in two types: large (LG) and small (SM).
and Mountain artwork, it is considered a Mountain hex.
Design Note: Rough terrain represents hills reaching up to
about 1,000 feet in relation to the surrounding area. Moun-

tain terrain represents terrain with peaks over 2,000 feet with Large Small
numerous valleys and other areas where aircraft can try to
avoid radar detection. 2.34 Markers
All other counters are markers for indicating the status of air or
In addition, hexes with any portion of Urban artwork are also
ground units, or act as a reminder for the players of the game
Urban hexes, a hex with any portion of a Road or Highway is
turn, weather state, or random events.
also a Road hex, a hex with an airfield is also an Airfield hex,
and a hex with major or minor river artwork is also a River hex.
Hexes may have more than one status.
Examples: Hex 5126 is simultaneously considered a Land, Ur-
ban, Road, River, and Airfield hex for various game purposes. 2.4 Charts and Tables
Similarly, hex 5132 is considered a Rough, Urban, and Road
hex. Hex 1025 is a Land, Urban, River, and Road hex. Various charts and tables are provided for the player as refer-
ences and to resolve certain game functions.
The terrain type extends to the hexsides so that flights on hex-
sides are “in” that terrain. 2.5 Scenarios
2.3 Playing Pieces Players have a choice of game scenarios. Scenarios are listed in
the scenario book and describe the forces and special rules for
Carefully remove the counters from the sheets of colored die-cut one or more Raids [8.0].
playing pieces. Counters come in four general types: air units,
ground units, chits, and markers.

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Red Storm ~ Rules 5

2.6 Order of Battle

3.0 Sequence of Play
The Orders of Battle (OOB) in Appendix A list the composition
of NATO and WP Raids and missions. When planning a Raid, A scenario consists of one or more Raids. In some scenarios
use the OOB tables to determine the units and aircraft types both sides conduct Raids simultaneously. Air units of both sides
used. If the OOB tables are not used, then the composition of may start in the air, at an airfield, or off-map. They will attack
the forces will be detailed in the scenarios themselves. ground targets, perform recon, or conduct air-to-air combat and
return to base or exit the map. Both players also defend with air
2.7 Planning Map units and ground units (AAA and SAMs).
The Planning Map is a reduced-size copy of the two main maps Each Raid must be planned in advance. After setting up the
and is used to plot Raid flight paths [8.31] before starting play. map and components, the Raid is then played out. Scenarios are
divided into game turns. During each turn the players follow a
2.8 Aircraft Data Charts (ADC) Sequence of Play in which they conduct various game actions.
The Aircraft Data Charts list all the movement and combat infor- The Sequence of Play for a scenario is as follows. Where sev-
mation for the aircraft. In cases where the ADC aircraft listing eral activities are listed for a phase, perform them in the order
or aircraft notes differ from the rules or player aid information, indicated.
the ADC information takes precedence.
2.81 Data
3.1 Prior to Scenario
The ADC data includes the number of crew members, the runway Before the start of play, both players go through the following
rating [9.0], the aircraft’s fuel allowance [20.0], the aircraft’s steps. More detail on each step is outlined in the Scenario Setup
bomb attack strength [16.12], the bombsight modifier, and the [31.0] rules.
Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) rating and the aircraft’s defen- Weather Phase. Determine the weather conditions [22.0]
sive jamming strength and type [19.2]. for the scenario.
The aircraft’s air search radar, if any, is listed, along with its Ground Planning Phase. The scenario will specify which
performance specifications. Radar search range is shown [in player sets up first: they choose, if allowed, the Air Defense
brackets] and search range modifiers are shown as X+: -Y Status; they determine map locations for SAMs, dummy
with “X” being the range at or beyond which the negative “Y” SAMs, dummy Radars, AAA concentrations, Radar-Equipped
modifier applies to radar search [10.22] attempts. Lookdown AAA, Early Warning Radars, and Army Ground Units. They
[10.23] performance is also listed, with “LD” for aircraft with then record all this on their Log Sheet. The second player
no Lookdown restrictions, “LD (LTD)” for aircraft affected by then does the same.
Lookdown only at targets at Deck/Low altitudes, and just “No ISR Phase. The scenario will designate which players roll
LD” for aircraft subject to Lookdown against all targets at lower on the ISR Table. The results determine how many AAA and
altitude. Aircraft with “TS” notation have Track-while-Scan SAM units start the scenario located on the map, and how
capability [10.22]. many set up hidden.
The aircraft’s Combat throttle, Dash throttle, and maneuver rat- Ground Deployment Phase. Both players set up non-hidden
ings for each altitude band are listed. There are four numbers AAA, Army Ground Units, and located SAMs on the map.
separated by a slash: one each for Low, Medium, High, and Very Raid Planning Phase. Both players generate their flights us-
High altitude bands. (Low altitude band numbers are also used ing the units specified in the scenario or the Order of Battle
for aircraft flying at Deck). Where there are two rows of numbers, tables. Both players determine their target(s) and plot the
the bottom is for laden flights and the top for clean flights [16.2]. flight path for their Raid(s). Log Sheets for aircraft are filled
The ordnance column lists special ordnance that may be carried out. Both players may plot Orbit Points [8.36], Rally Points
[16.11]. The number of ordnance shots is given (in parentheses) [8.35], and other control measures. Both players may assign
[16.14]. The capabilities column lists any special abilities the Standoff Jamming flights to Early Warning Jamming [19.35].
aircraft possesses. Air-to-air lists all the air-to-air weapons the All of this information is kept secret from the other player.
aircraft may carry [11.12]. The depletion number [11.34] for SEAD Phase. The scenario will designate which players roll
each weapon is given in {brackets}. on the SEAD Table. The results will allow players to conduct
2.82 Notes a number of attacks on AAA and SAM units prior to the start
The notes section lists which notes are applicable to that aircraft of play in an effort to suppress enemy air defenses.
type. These notes cover a wide range of information, including Early Warning Phase. Check the scenario to determine
jamming capability, ordnance details, carriage limits, etc. which player, if any, rolls on the Early Warning Table. That
player then provides Raid information to the other player
2.9 Flight Logs based on the result.
Flight Log Sheets are used by the NATO and WP players to Air Deployment Phase. The first player sets up flights (in-
track the status of air units [4.2]. cluding dummies) starting on the map as well as those enter-
ing on the first game turn near their ingress hexes [8.31]. The

© 2019 GMT Games, LLC

6 Red Storm ~ Rules

second player then does the same. Detection states of flights [26.1]. Roll for crew capture [26.1]. Roll for crew rescue
are set according to the Early Warning Level. If there is no [26.2]. Both players set up any flights that will enter the map
Early Warning Level, flights at Medium/High/Very High are next game turn off-map near their ingress hex [8.31].
detected and flights at Low/Deck are undetected. After the Admin Phase has finished, begin a new game turn.
Radar Phase. Both players, first player first, may switch on
any Radar-Equipped AAA, SAM, or EW radars. AAA con- 3.3 During Flight Movement
centrations may be activated [14.3] for both players, with the The sequence of events during a flight’s movement is as follows:
first player doing so first.
Set Throttle and Declare Speed. Set Combat or Dash throttle
3.2 During the Scenario for the flight [6.2]. Consult the ADC. Note any ordnance speed
limits [16.23]. Declare speed for the Movement Phase.
During a scenario, proceed through these phases each turn:
Spend Movement Point. Spend movement point (or points)
Random Event Phase. One player rolls two dice and checks
to remove a Maneuver marker [6.35]. Spend a movement
for Random Events [21.0]. No random event takes place on
point to remove a BVR Avoid marker [6.36] or SAM Avoid
the first turn.
marker [6.37]. Conduct Anti-Radar Tactics [15.26], move into
Jamming Phase. Each player, NATO first, places or adjusts a new hex, turn (including free turns), climb, or dive [6.31].
Standoff and/or Spot Jamming markers [19.32, 19.33, 19.34].
AAA and SAM Attacks. After a flight completes spending a
Each player, NATO first, rolls for Early Warning Jamming
movement point in any way (including any turns/free turns or
[19.35], if capable.
altitude changes), the enemy player may declare AAA [14.0]
Detection Phase. Roll to detect undetected flights. Standard or SAM [15.0] attacks on the flight. Resolve all AAA attacks
[10.2], visual [10.21], aircraft radar search [10.22], and EW before resolving any SAM attacks.
Radar [10.25] detection attempts are resolved.
Flight Attacks and Combat. After all AAA and SAM attacks
Movement Phase. Flights enter/exit Defensive Wheels [7.11, are resolved against a flight in a hex, the moving player may
11.43]. Players roll to determine initiative and draw Initiative then start a Bomb Run [17.2] or Recon Run [24.0], conduct
chits [5.2]. Flights move in initiative order. During movement, an air-to-ground attack [17.3] [17.5] [17.7], conduct Recon
flights may engage enemy air units [11.2]. AAA and SAMs [24.0], or attempt to engage in air-to-air combat [11.0].
may fire on moving flights [14.4, 14.5, 14.6, 14.75, 15.3,
15.44, 15.53, 15.54]. Air-to-Ground attacks take place [17.0]. 3.4 Completing the Scenario
Recon Runs take place [24.1]. At the end of the phase, flights
The scenario finishes when the last WP or NATO flight in the
at Deck altitude on the enemy side of the Front are subject to
Raid(s) has left the map, returned to base, or is destroyed. Play-
automatic Small Arms AAA attack [14.76].
ers may also agree to end a scenario at any time. After scenario
Fuel Phase. Flights that used Dash throttle or engaged in Stan- play has finished, conduct the following phases:
dard air-to-air combat note the fuel usage on their flight logs
Recovery Phase. Roll for recovery of any remaining on-map
[2.9]. Recover aircraft that have landed or left the map [20.2].
flights [20.2].
SAM Location Phase. Both players roll to locate SAM units
Bomb Damage Assessment Phase. Roll for all non-assessed
air-to-ground damage [18.1, 24.0].
Track Phase. All detected NATO flights on the Deck in
Victory Phase. Players total VPs [32.1], compare them, and
Rough terrain, all detected flights on the Deck and in/adjacent
check for scenario victory [32.2].
to Mountain terrain, and all helicopters and cruise missiles at
Deck automatically become undetected [10.3]. Both players
roll on the Track Table to determine which other detected
enemy flights, if any, become undetected [10.3].
4.0 Air Units
SAM Acquisition Phase. Switch on SAM radars attempting Air units represent flights of between one and four aircraft, all
quick acquisition [15.22]. SAM units attempt to acquire or of the same type. The number of aircraft in a flight is determined
maintain acquisition on enemy flights [15.21]. Resolve pre- by the scenario or the OOB tables.
emptive ARM attacks [17.60].
4.1 Flights
Admin Phase. Flights roll for Disorder recovery [13.11].
Split flights [4.14]. Roll to remove Shutdown markers [17.53]. Flights have the characteristics of the aircraft that make up that
Switch Radar AAA and Mobile AAA on or off [14.52, 14.62]. flight, as described on the ADC [2.8]. Flight counters have a
Switch SAM radars on or off [15.2]. Remove SAM Launch front (or forward) and rear edge.
markers [15.32], Radar AAA Fired markers [14.63], Zoom Front
Climb markers [6.33], and Anti-Radar Tactics markers Callsign
[15.26]. Generate dummy counters [4.13]. Make flights Ready
or move them into revetments at airfields [9.12]. Refuel/Rearm Aircraft Type
flights on the ground [9.16]. Roll for loss of AAA suppression Rear
[18.21]. Activate AAA [14.3]. Parachuting crewmen land

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Red Storm ~ Rules 7

Flights have a callsign designation. This should be noted on the aircraft in the flight. Add a new flight counter to the map at the
Log Sheet. The flight counter also indicates the general type of same altitude and with the same heading and create a flight log
aircraft in the flight. for the new flight.
All flight counters have two sides: the detected side, bearing a The new flight must comprise of all the Crippled aircraft and
Heart, Spade, or Diamond suit icon along with the flight’s call- one non-Damaged aircraft (if this cannot be achieved, the flight
sign and aircraft type, and the undetected side, with a slightly may not split). The other flight contains the remaining aircraft.
darker color bearing a question mark (“?”) icon, a generic aircraft The new flight is identical to the “parent” flight in terms of
silhouette, and the callsign. fuel, ammo, facing, detection status, morale status, Aggression
Value, etc.

4.2 Log Sheets

Detected Undetected Each flight has a space on the Log Sheet noting the flight’s name,
generic counter, task, Aggression Value and various ordnance
4.11 Generic Counters and formation states. These states apply to all aircraft in the
Until it is Visually Identified [10.4], a flight is represented on flight. In addition, there are check boxes to note fuel expended
the map by a generic counter. Generic counters are identified in a scenario. Log Sheets should be filled out in the Raid Plan-
by letters or a three-digit number. Players should note the let- ning Phase.
ters/number of each flight’s generic counter on the Log Sheet.
4.21 Aircraft Boxes
The Log Sheet has four boxes numbered one to four. Each box
represents the status of one aircraft in the flight.
Aircraft with empty boxes are operational and undamaged. A
Detected Undetected diagonal slash through a box indicates the aircraft is Damaged.
No callsign or aircraft type is listed on a generic counter. When A crossed-out box indicates the aircraft has been Crippled. A
a flight is Visually Identified [10.4], replace the generic counter crossed out and circled box means it has been Shot Down. Black
with the actual flight counter. out a box if the aircraft does not exist in the flight.
4.12 Dummies 4.22 Visual ID Information
A scenario may allocate each player a number of dummy flights. Players keep the information on their Log Sheets secret from
The number provided for a side is the maximum number that their opponent. However, if a flight is Visually Identified [10.4],
side may have in play at any time. Dummies use generic coun- the following information must be given:
ters. Dummies contain no aircraft and only exist to confuse the a) The type of aircraft (not the exact variant; i.e. “F-4” not
other player. These may be moved as if they were real units. “F-4G”).
They may also “dummy jam” [19.52] as if they were equipped b) The total number of aircraft.
with defensive jammers (however, they may not use Standoff or
c) The number of Damaged and Crippled aircraft.
Spot Jamming). They may not engage, attempt visual or radar
detection, or attack enemy flights or ground units. d) Whether the flight is clean or laden.

Detected [10.1] or Visually Identified [10.4] dummy flights are 4.3 Arcs and Hemispheres
immediately removed from the map. They are also removed if
Arcs are 60° areas around a flight. There are six 60° arcs around
any AAA [14.0] achieves a combat result on them, a SAM gets
a flight (see arc diagram on Player Aid Card 3). The three for-
Full Acquisition on them, or a SAM attacks them. Dummies
ward arcs of an aircraft flight constitute the forward hemisphere,
may be voluntarily removed at any time. Removed dummies
and the three rear arcs constitute the rear hemisphere. The arc
can reappear through dummy generation [4.13]. Neither player
diagram shows the arcs for a distance of two hexes from the
is required to have the full allotment of dummies on the map.
flight. For distances greater than this, extend the shaded/clear
4.13 Dummy Generation arc boundaries as far as needed.
In the Admin Phase dummies may be generated in the same hex An enemy flight or ground unit is within an arc if more than
and altitude band and with the same heading as an undetected half the hex is contained in an arc zone. If an enemy flight or
generic flight counter (Exception: Not flights with a Full Acqui- ground unit is on a boundary that splits the hex in half, the “at-
sition marker [15.27]). Each undetected generic flight counter tacking,” “detecting,” or “jamming” flight or ground unit (i.e., a
may generate one dummy every Admin Phase. flight detecting an enemy flight with radar, a flight attacking in
When a dummy is generated, that flight may secretly swap its air-to-air combat, a flight attacking a ground unit, a ground unit
current generic counter for the dummy counter. Note the flight’s attacking a flight, or a flight conducting jamming) chooses which
new generic ID on the Log Sheet in that case. arc the enemy flight or ground unit falls into for the purposes of
that attack/detection attempt/jamming.
4.14 Splitting Flights
A flight of three or more aircraft may split into two flights in
the Admin Phase. This may only be done if there is a Crippled

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8 Red Storm ~ Rules

Admin Phase and set to enter this turn count for force pool size.
5.0 Initiative Flights that start the turn on the ground are not considered for
Red Storm uses a chit draw system to regulate movement order. the force pool count until they become airborne.
Players will alternate drawing chits, each of which will require
movement of 0 to 5 flights. At the beginning of each Movement
Phase a die is rolled to determine initiative. The initiative winner 6.0 Movement
chooses who draws the first chit.
6.1 Counter Placement
5.1 The Chit Pool Flight counters are placed on the map either in the center of a
The WP and NATO players both use a “chit pool” hex or on hexsides facing a hex corner.
consisting of numbered Initiative chits, usually kept
in a cup or other opaque container. Chits are drawn
from the pool during play. The chits are double-sided
with a Large Force side and a Small Force side. The player
checks the value on the appropriate side based on how many
flights and dummies they have in play. Players may not look at
the chits while drawing. After a chit has been drawn, the player
reveals it to both players and moves flights equal to the chit
value. The chit is then immediately placed back in the cup.

5.2 Drawing Initiative Chits

Illustration: Counter placement on the map. Note the leftmost
At the beginning of the Movement Phase, before any chits are flight is on a hexside, facing a hex corner. (In this picture its
drawn, roll a die to determine initiative. On a roll of 6 or less, front edge overlaps the corner it is facing.) The rightmost
the NATO player has the initiative and decides whether to draw flight is crossed out because it is not facing a corner.
a chit first or second. On a roll of 7 or higher, the WP player has
the initiative and decides whether to draw a chit first or second. 6.11 Flight Facing
The player for the side moving first then draws a chit and refer- Flights must face their front sides toward hexsides or hex cor-
ences the “Small” or “Large” side in accordance with [5.22]. ners. When moving, move flights into the hex directly ahead,
Chits have values from 0 to 5. The resulting value is the number unless they are pointing at a hex corner, in which case move
of flights (real or dummy) the player must move. The player may them onto or off the hexside.
choose which flights to move and in which order. Once flights
equal to the chit value have moved, play passes back to the other
player who must draw a chit and move the requisite number of
flights. Play passes back and forth between the players until all
flights on the map have moved.
No flight may move more than once per Movement Phase. If all
flights on one side have moved, play passes to the other player
who must move all remaining flights (no more chit draws are
Optional Rule: When playing Red Storm via PBEM,
players may treat the “0” value chits as “1” chits in order to Illustration: Counters moving into hexes or onto a hexside.
speed play. Turning changes facing. Each hex corner or hexside turned is
an increment of 30°.
5.21 Non-Chit Pool Usage
Due to the long ranges of many air-to-air missiles and SAMs
in Red Storm, use of the chit pool is recommended at all times.
However, if both players’ flights are far apart (i.e., more than 15
hexes away) and out of SAM range, players may, at the start of a
Movement Phase, agree to speed up that Movement Phase by not
using the chit pool. Instead, the WP player moves all WP flights
first, followed by the NATO player moving all NATO flights.
Illustration: From left to right in this sequence, a flight turns
5.22 Large Force and Small Force Chit Pools 30, 60, then 90° clockwise.
There are two chit pools: Large Force (10 or more flights) and
A flight that turns while occupying a hexside moves into the hex
Small Force (9 or fewer flights). All airborne flight counters
in the direction of the turn.
(including dummies) and flights placed off-map in the previous

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6.13 Altitude
Flights can be in one of five altitude bands. From lowest to
highest they are: Deck, Low, Medium, High, and Very High.
Mark the altitude of each flight by placing an Altitude marker
on or near it.

Deck Low Medium High Very High

Illustration: A flight on a hexside turns 30° clockwise. It 6.2 Movement Points

moves into the hex in the direction of the turn and is now fac- Flights move in the Movement Phase by spending movement
ing 30° away from its original heading. points (MP). A flight’s total MP for the Movement Phase is
6.12 Hexsides known as its speed. A flight’s speed is determined by its aircraft
For the purposes of attacks and stacking, a flight occupying type, altitude, and throttle selection.
a hexside occupies both hexes sharing that hexside. Attacks The ADC lists maximum speed values in two columns for
against the flight can be made into either hex (attacking player Combat and Dash throttle. Values are listed for each altitude
choice). When attacking a flight on a hexside, the attacking band and for clean and laden flight (Low band values are also
player designates which hex the attack takes place in. Treat the used at Deck altitude). Flights carrying air-to-ground ordnance
flight as if it occupies that hex, without changing its location are laden [16.2] (Exception: Shrike ARMs [17.55]). Laden
or facing. If a flight is forced to Scatter [13.2] or perform SAM flights may be further limited by ordnance speed limits [16.23]
avoidance [15.33], immediately slide it sideways into the des- depending on what they are carrying. Aircraft use the speed
ignated hex before scattering or avoiding. value for the altitude band in which they begin the game turn.
If no value is listed for an altitude band, the aircraft cannot enter
or move in that band.
To move a flight, first decide whether to use Combat [6.21] or
Dash [6.22] throttle. Then announce the flight’s total MP before
it begins to move. This MP total is the flight’s speed for the game
turn. The flight must expend all its MP when moving.
6.21 Combat Throttle
If Combat throttle is selected, announce MP equal to the maxi-
Illustration: Cobra flight (F-15) occupies hexes A and B for mum Combat speed, or one less than this number. A flight’s
the purposes of combat. It can be attacked in hex A by the speed may never be less than one MP.
flak barrage and in hex A or B by the SAM. If an attack by the On the game turn that landing begins, a flight may announce MP
SAM into hex B results in SAM avoidance, the flight will slide between one and the maximum Combat speed, inclusive [9.14].
into that hex, as indicated by the green arrow.
6.22 Dash Throttle
Air-to-air attacks by a flight on a hexside can be made from If Dash throttle is selected, announce MP between the Combat
either hex. If the attack results in an engagement slide the flight and maximum Dash speeds, inclusive. Flights with Crippled
into the hex the attack takes place from. [12.22] aircraft may not select Dash throttle.
Air-to-ground attacks can be made from a hexside (do not slide
the flight) provided the target is not in either adjacent hex. In 6.3 Movement
other words, flights cannot “bomb sideways.” 6.31 Movement Actions
Each of the following actions costs one movement point:
● Move. Move one hex straight ahead. On entering a hex the
flight may do one or both of the following: (a) make a free
turn up to the allowance indicated on the Turn Table [6.32];
(b) freely descend one altitude band.
● Turn. Turn up to the flight’s maximum turn value. On
completing a Turn action the flight may freely descend one
altitude band.
Illustration: Hog flight (A-10) ● Climb. Climb one altitude band. On completing a Climb
cannot bomb “sideways” into B or C. action the flight may make a free turn up to the allowance
indicated on the Turn Table. Subsequent climbs in the same

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10 Red Storm ~ Rules

Movement Phase cost two movement points [6.33]. Flights considered to have Zoom Climbed prior to the combat, and
that declared Anti-Radar Tactics [15.26] cannot climb. receive a maneuver rating penalty [11.42].
● Dive. Dive to any lower altitude band. On completing a Dive Laden flights and flights at Combat throttle cannot Zoom Climb.
action the flight may make a free turn up to the allowance Flights that have Zoom Climbed suffer combat penalties for the
listed on the Turn Table. remainder of the game turn. The penalties apply from the mo-
● SAM Avoidance. Perform SAM avoidance [15.33]. ment the second climb takes place.
Remove Zoom Climb markers at the end of the turn.
● Anti-Radar Tactics. Perform Anti-Radar Tactics [15.26].
● Remove Marker(s). Remove BVR Avoid [6.36] or SAM 6.34 Mountain Terrain
Avoid [6.37] markers. Flights already at Deck altitude may not enter Mountain hexes
(Exception: Flights with Terrain Following Radar [23.22] and
Flights may climb or dive more than once in the same hex but Helicopters [25.1]). If already at Deck altitude and forced to
may not expend MP to climb and dive in the same hex. enter a Mountain hex as a consequence of Scatter, treat it like
6.32 Turning the edge of the map [13.2].
The Turn Table lists a free turn allowance, based on the flight’s 6.35 Maneuver Markers
speed, that applies whenever a flight moves a hex, climbs, or Maneuver markers are placed on flights after scatter-
dives. On entering a hex or spending a movement point to climb ing in Standard air-to-air combat (see [13.2] for excep-
or dive, a flight may freely change facing at no MP cost up to tions). Do not place markers on flights already marked
its free turn allowance (Exception: Not directly after making an with Maneuver markers. A flight that begins its move-
air-to-ground attack [17.2]). ment with a Maneuver marker must expend half its MPs
Max Turn in (rounded up) to remove the marker before it expends any other
Speed Free Turn Same Altitude Band movement points.
(MP) Day Night Day Night 6.36 BVR Avoid Markers
1-2 90º 60º 180° 60º BVR Avoid markers are placed on defending flights
3-4 60º 60º 120° 60º after BVR combat [11.3]. A flight that begins its
5-8 30º 30º 90º 60º movement with a BVR Avoid marker must spend one
MP to remove the marker before it expends any
9+ 0º 0º 30º 30º
other movement points.
If a flight wishes to turn greater than its free turn allowance in 6.37 SAM Avoid Markers
a hex at the same altitude band, it must pay one MP as a Turn SAM Avoid markers are placed on defending flights
action [6.31]. The Turn Table lists the maximum amount a flight that take a SAM avoidance [15.33] result but have no
can turn in a hex at the same altitude band, based on its speed. A movement points left to conduct SAM avoidance. A
flight cannot add this maximum to the free turn allowance; the flight that begins its movement with a SAM Avoid
maximum is the limit for all turning in that hex and altitude band. marker must spend one MP to perform a SAM avoidance ma-
Under Night [23.0] conditions, free turn limits are lower and the neuver before it expends any other movement points.
max turn limit in a hex is 60°, or 30° at a speed of 9 or more.
6.38 Multiple Markers
A flight that turns more than the free turn allowance loses
Should a flight find itself with multiple markers (Maneuver,
defensive jamming capability [19.21] until after it spends a BVR Avoid, and/or SAM Avoid) at the start of its movement,
subsequent MP.
the order of removal is Maneuver, BVR Avoid, then SAM Avoid.
Flights may not make consecutive turns in the same hex and
altitude band. They must leave the hex or change altitude band 6.39 Entering and Exiting the Map
before turning again. It costs one MP to enter the map. However, players may elect
to spend more MPs to enter if they wish (so as to stagger the
A flight that uses its last MP to turn in a hex (free or max) should
entry of flights, for example).
be marked with a Max Turn marker as a reminder.
Flights exit by moving off the map edge at a cost of one MP.
A flight that begins its Movement Phase in a hex and altitude
band it did not turn in during the previous Movement Phase may 6.40 Large Aircraft Climbing
expend its first MP to turn up to its maximum turn allowance. In most cases, it takes large aircraft more than one game turn to
climb between altitude bands. To change altitude, flights must
6.33 Zoom Climbs
expend MP on climbing for the required number of game turns
A flight that climbs twice or more in the Movement Phase is
to climb to the next band. Only one MP per turn may be spent
executing a Zoom Climb. The second and subsequent altitude
climbing (Zoom Climb [6.33] is not allowed). On the expendi-
bands climbed costs two MP per band, not one. Place a Zoom
ture of the last required MP, the large aircraft flight climbs to
Climb marker on the flight.
the next altitude band.
In addition, defending flights that commence Standard air-to-
air combat [11.24.d] against a higher altitude enemy flight are

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The game turns required for large aircraft to climb between However, if a flight exits the wheel as a result of becoming Dis-
bands are as follows: Deck to Low takes 1 turn; Low to Medium ordered in combat it is scattered and marked with a Maneuver
takes 4 turns; Medium to High takes 8 turns. marker as normal.
In air-to-air combat an attacker rolls once to engage all the flights
6.4 Stacking in a Defensive Wheel and can split shot opportunities between
Stacking occurs when a flight occupies the same hex and altitude different targets in the stack (declare targets before resolving the
band as another flight. Flights occupying hexsides are stacked shots). Regardless of the number of flights in a wheel, a wheel
with flights in both hexes [6.12], but not with flights on different rolls once on the Maneuver Table for shots against the enemy.
hexsides of the same hex. Flights in a Defensive Wheel may be attacked in BVR combat
Stacking is permitted during movement to allow flights to move [11.2]. However, flights in the Defensive Wheel are never
through each other, but a flight’s last movement point cannot marked with BVR Avoid markers [6.36] and may not conduct
be used to stack it with another friendly flight. A flight is also BVR combat themselves.
prohibited from attempting an air-to-air combat engagement Flights in a Defensive Wheel may not use Radar Search [10.22]
[11.2] that will result in it being stacked with another friendly or IRST visual search capability [10.21].
flight at the start of the potential combat.
7.13 Exiting Defensive Wheel
Friendly flights may remain stacked at the end of movement
Flights may exit a Defensive Wheel formation at the beginning
only as a result of Scatter [13.2], SAM avoidance [15.33], or
of any Movement Phase, before any flights on the map move.
use of a Defensive Wheel [7.1] formation.
To exit, remove the marker from the flight(s). Each flight may
Flights may stack with enemy flights without restriction. face in any heading desired. The flight may subsequently move
as normal in that Movement Phase.

7.0 Formations
Flights may fly in special formations during movement. A for- 8.0 Raid/Task Planning
mation is a state that provides special benefits.
8.1 Raids
7.1 Defensive Wheel A Raid is an organizational term for a group of units that operate
Design Note: While less likely to be used in the 1980s due to together. A Raid comprises several flights conducting different
long-range air-to-air weapons, there are some circumstances tasks.
where Defensive Wheels may make sense for flights loitering The task describes in general terms the primary role of the units
over an important location, so the rules are included here. in that Raid. Types of tasks include: Bombing, SEAD, CAP,
Close Escort, Fast FAC, Rescue Support, Recon, Escort Jam-
7.11 Entering Defensive Wheels ming, Standoff Jamming, CSAR, and Transport.
Non-Disordered flights of aircraft listed on the ADCs
Some Raids start on the map, some use ingress/egress hexes,
as capable of entering Defensive Wheel may enter a
and some start with a number of Raid flights on the map with
Defensive Wheel formation at the beginning of the
the remaining ones entering later. Flights from the same Raid
Movement Phase, before any other flights move. Place
do not all have to enter at the same time or on the same game
a Defensive Wheel marker on the flight. Only a dummy or a
turn. Flights that exit more than five hexes from their egress
flight comprising two or more of an allowed aircraft type may
hexes must make a recovery roll [20.2].
form a Defensive Wheel. If a Defensive Wheel is reduced to a
single aircraft, the Defensive Wheel marker is removed. Mul- 8.2 Tasks
tiple flights of the same aircraft type may enter a Defensive
Wheel and stack in the same hex and altitude band. Additional Tasks are listed below. The Air-to-Ground entry lists the ground
flights (up to a maximum of eight total aircraft in the wheel) targets the flight is allowed to attack. If “None” is listed, the
may subsequently join the formation the instant they enter the flight may not attack ground targets. If the Air-to-Air entry lists
hex at the same altitude. “Attack and Defend,” the flight may freely attack or defend
against enemy flights; if it lists “Defend,” the flight may not
Flights in a Defensive Wheel do not expend MP. The player
initiate air-to-air combat.
cannot move flights in Defensive Wheels or count them toward
the number of flights moved for initiative purposes.
7.12 Defensive Wheel Benefits
Flights in a Defensive Wheel have no heading. All arcs are
treated as the forward beam arc for combat purposes and the
flight is at Combat throttle while in the wheel.
Flights in a wheel never suffer the penalties of Disadvantage and
attackers can never claim Surprise against them [11.43]; they
do not Scatter and cannot be marked with a Maneuver marker.

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12 Red Storm ~ Rules

Task Behavior 8.3 Flight Navigation

Bombing Air-to-Ground: Raid targets in the target hex Flights tasked with Bombing, Recon, or Transport are restricted
and AAA/SAM targets in/within two hexes in how they move. They must follow a path defined by way-
of target hex. points on the map.
Air-to-Air: Defend
Other: Abort if all air-to-ground ordnance 8.31 Flight Path
jettisoned. Plot the flight path and all waypoints on the Planning Map in
SEAD Air-to-Ground: SAM, EWR, AAA the Raid Planning Phase [31.5].
Air-to-Air: Defend Each Bombing, Recon, or Transport flight in a Raid has a flight
Other: Abort if all air-to-ground ordnance and path. This is a series of imaginary straight lines drawn on the
gun ammo jettisoned/depleted. map that connect to make a path. The flight path starts at the
Rescue Support Air-to-Ground: SAM, EWR, AAA ingress hex for the Bombing, Recon, or Transport-tasked flights
Air-to-Air: Attack and Defend and ends at an egress hex. By drawing a straight line from the
Other: Abort if all air-to-ground ordnance and ingress hex to the various waypoints the flight path can be drawn
gun ammo jettisoned/depleted. in a “join-the-dots” fashion. When plotting waypoints, players
CAP Air-to-Ground: None should keep in mind the maximum turns allowed at various
Air-to-Air: Attack and Defend speeds or night conditions [6.32].
Other: Abort when all air-to-air weapons A flight path may include up to eight waypoints total (ten for
depleted. Recon flights). All flight paths for a Raid must share the follow-
Close Escort Air-to-Ground: None ing four waypoints: Ingress, Release Point, Rejoin Point, and
[8.343] Air-to-Air: Attack and Defend Egress. The path may also include four additional waypoints
Other: May not voluntarily move > 6 hexes inserted as desired in between these four mandatory waypoints.
from escorted flight. May not initiate combat There are three sections in every flight’s flight path: Ingress to
when > 6 hexes from escorted flight. Abort if Release Point; Release Point to Target to Rejoin Point; and then
all escorted flights abort. Rejoin Point to Egress. All flights in the Raid share the same
Recon Air-to-Ground: None first and last segments (Ingress to Release and Rejoin to Egress).
Air-to-Air: Defend
However, for the middle section (Release Point to Target to
Other: Only Recon-capable aircraft may
Rejoin Point) each Bombing, Recon, or Transport flight may
fly this task. Abort if any aircraft in flight is
Crippled. plot its own individual waypoints. This middle section must pass
close enough to the target hex so that a Bombing or Recon flight
Escort Jamming Air-to-Ground: None
can attack/reconnoiter the target hex based on the Attack Profile
[8.341] Air-to-Air: Defend
[17.3] or Recon Run [24.1] for the flight or flights attacking/
Other: Abort if any aircraft in flight Damaged
or Crippled, or if all escorted flights abort. reconnoitering that target. It does not have to enter the actual
target hex. Transport-tasked flights will have scenario designated
Standoff Air-to-Ground: None
waypoint requirements for their “target” hex.
Jamming [8.342] Air-to-Air: Defend
Other: May not voluntarily move within 5 Ingress and Egress waypoints must be on the map edge (or the
hexes of Front. Abort if any aircraft in flight playing area edge for scenarios where only a portion of the map
Damaged or Crippled. is used) within the area designated in the scenario. Release and
CSAR Air-to-Ground: None Rejoin waypoints must be within 15 hexes of any of the Raid’s
Air-to-Air: Defend target hexes. Other waypoints may be placed anywhere.
Other: Only helicopters may fly this task. Design Note: The idea here is that each Raid sticks together
Abort if any aircraft in flight is Crippled. to get to the Release Point, then the flights in the Raid will
Transport Air-to-Ground: None spread out to attack their targets, and finally link back up at
Air-to-Air: Defend the Rejoin Point for the final run to the Egress Point.
Other: Crippled aircraft must abort.
Laser Air-to-Ground: None 8.32 Navigating the Flight Path
Designation Air-to-Air: Defend Flights tasked with Bombing, Recon, or Transport follow their
Other: Abort if any aircraft in flight Crippled. flight path, from the ingress hex to egress hex.
Chaff Laying Air-to-Ground: None Bombing, Recon and Transport flights start within two hexes of
Air-to-Air: Defend the ingress hex. They must fly directly to their next waypoint,
Other: Abort if all chaff expended or jetti- following the line plotted on the Planning Map. No flight may
soned (exception: Multirole aircraft [8.37]). intentionally stray more than two hexes from this line.
Fast FAC Air-to-Ground: None Each hex moved into must be closer to the next waypoint than the
Air-to-Air: Defend last hex. When a flight moves within two hexes of a waypoint it
Other: Abort if any aircraft in flight Crippled. has ‘reached’ that waypoint and must begin moving to the next

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Example: The NATO player is planning a daytime Deep Strike 5227, and 4829 and then move to the common Rejoin waypoint
Raid with 4 x F-111 flights. The west map edge for the scenario at 4029. The two other F-111 flights (Karma and Elton) follow
is hex column 29xx. All flights in the Raid use the same plot- the orange flight path so they can hit their target in 5134 and
ted Ingress (2927), Release (4127), Rejoin (4029), and Egress then proceed to the same Rejoin waypoint at 4029 used by the
(2929) waypoints as shown. The path for all four flights is the other flights in the Raid. From there, all four flights follow the
same from the Ingress waypoint to the Release waypoint. How- same path from the Rejoin waypoint to the Egress waypoint.
ever, from the Release Point Slam and Pontiac flights follow Note that Slam and Pontiac flights use the max eight waypoints
their green flight path that allows them to hit their target near (green ones) total while Karma and Elton flights only used six
Bad Hersfeld in hex 5025 via their waypoints at 4425, 5225, (orange ones).

one in order. Again, the flight must follow the line projected escorted flights in their assigned Raid are eliminated or Aborted,
between these two points. then the Escort Jamming flight Aborts as well. If not assigned to
If a Recon, Bombing, or Transport flight becomes Disordered, a specific Raid by the scenario, Escort Jamming flights are not
it may resume its mission on removal of the Disordered marker required to Abort due to the status of Bombing or SEAD flights.
[13.11] at a Rally Point [8.35] and then rejoin the flight path at 8.342 Standoff Jamming Tasking
its nearest waypoint. Flights tasked with Standoff Jamming are very high value assets
8.33 Near Target Hex that would not be allowed within enemy SAM range. They must
Within three hexes of the target, Bombing and Recon flights stay at least 5 hexes from the enemy side of the Front [29.0]
move freely, without restriction. They must return to the flight at all times. Players may choose to allocate Standoff Jamming
path as soon as possible once they move four or more hexes flights to Early Warning Jamming [19.35].
from the target. 8.343 Close Escort Tasking
8.34 Other Taskings Flights tasked with Close Escort are dedicated to protecting
Flights tasked with SEAD, CAP, Rescue Support, Escort Jam- Bombing flights in a Bombing or Deep Strike Raid and are un-
ming, Standoff Jamming, CSAR, Laser Designation, Chaff der tight ground control. They may not voluntarily move more
Laying, or Fast FAC do not have to follow a flight path and may than six hexes from an escorted Bombing flight in their Raid. If
move freely, without restriction. they do so involuntarily, they must move back within six hexes
of an escorted flight as soon as possible. They may not initiate
8.341 Escort Jamming Tasking combat if more than six hexes from an escorted flight. They are
Flights tasked with Escort Jamming are dedicated to protecting released from this restriction if they Abort. If all escorted flights
specific Bombing or SEAD flights in a Bombing or Deep Strike in their assigned Raid are eliminated or Aborted, then the Close
Raid. They may move freely, without restriction. However, if all Escort flights Abort as well.

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14 Red Storm ~ Rules

8.344 Multiple Raids A flight cannot voluntarily deviate from the plotted altitude
Some scenarios may specify that there are multiple Raids on except to conduct Anti-Radar Tactics [15.26]. If it does so,
the map at the same time. Each Raid has different targets and it must return to the plotted altitude as soon as possible once
plots a separate flight path from the other Raids. it is no longer marked with an Acquisition marker [15.21].
8.35 Rally Point If forced to deviate from the plotted altitude due to air-to-air
Scenarios may specify that a player plots Rally Points. Rally combat [11.3] or SAM avoidance [15.33], it must return to
Points are specific locations where flights plan to reorganize so the plotted altitude as soon as possible.
they can continue operations. Flights within one hex of a Rally Bombing, Recon, and Transport flights may freely change
Point receive a beneficial +8 modifier for Disorder recovery altitude within three hexes of the Raid’s target.
rolls [13.11].
Rally Points may be plotted in any hex containing Urban terrain
or part of a River. Additionally, all friendly open airfields may 9.0 Airfield Operations
be used as Rally Points. Rally Points must be at least ten hexes
from a side’s target hex/hexes (if any) and this may eliminate a 9.1 Airfields
friendly open airfield as a legal Rally Point.
Airfields are rated based on runway length, with Class 1 being
8.36 Orbit Points the shortest and Class 5 the longest. Airfield class is indicated
Scenarios may specify that a player plots Orbit Points. Orbit by a number on the map symbol. Airfield takeoff direction is
Points are specific locations where defensive or Raid forces indicated by the direction of the white lines on the airfield
form up. The players use these Orbit Points to set up airborne symbol. A player can have air units on the ground at airfields.
flights at the beginning of a scenario. Flights on the ground are always undetected.
Unless otherwise specified in a scenario, Orbit Points may be
Design Note: The rating here is a function of runway length.
plotted in any hex on the friendly side of the Front [29.0] and at
Class 1 airfields are those with runways < 2,500 feet. Class 2
least ten hexes from the Front. Orbit Points are also considered
are those 3,000 - 4,500 feet. Class 3 are those 5,000 - 6,000
Rally Points [8.35] for the purpose of recovery rolls [13.11].
feet. Class 4 are those 6,500 - 8,000. Class 5 are the largest
8.37 Multirole Aircraft with runways of 8,500 feet or more.
Flights with aircraft designated on ADCs as Multirole aircraft
tasked with SEAD or Chaff Laying may change their task to 9.11 Airfield Operations
CAP after they use or jettison all air-to-ground ordnance [16.0] Flights can take off from and land at airfields. Airfields allow
or chaff [17.68]. This task change can occur at any time during the take off and landing of one flight per turn. Airfields may not
a turn once this condition is met. be used for both takeoffs and landings in a single turn.
Airfields are “open” or “closed.” The scenario will indicate
8.4 Flight Abort which airfields are closed and the status of their inherent AAA;
Flights Abort as a consequence of morale, random all others are open. Flights may only take off and land at open
events, damage, lack of ordnance, or depletion of airfields. Each aircraft has a runway rating indicated on its ADC
air-to-air ammunition (which includes guns). The entry. Flights may take off/land at any airfield rated equal to
player may choose to Abort a flight at any time. Note or greater than the aircraft’s runway rating. Helicopters [25.1]
the Abort state on the flight Log Sheet. Optionally, use an Abort may take off/land at any class of friendly airfield. Aircraft may
marker to mark the flight. only rearm/refuel [9.16] at an airfield of their nationality (see
Any flight that Aborts may move freely, unrestricted by the flight Appendix B for list).
path rules. Aborted flights cannot initiate air-to-air combat or Open Class 1 or 2 airfields may launch and recover up to 3 flights
conduct air-to-ground attacks. There are no specific restrictions per scenario. Open Class 3+ airfields may launch and recover
on Aborted behavior because there are too many variables that any number of aircraft during a scenario. Open airfields become
would influence it, but an Aborted flight should avoid all combat closed the moment an Attack Success of 1 or more [17.42] is
and attempt to land at an eligible airfield [9.14]/[28.0] or exit the achieved against the runway target in the airfield’s hex.
playing area on the west (NATO) or east (WP) edge. A closed airfield may still recover one flight per scenario (if
otherwise allowed for that aircraft type) as an emergency land-
8.5 Advanced Navigation Rules ing field to avoid possible flight loss from fuel depletion or
8.51 Plotting Altitude combat damage.
When plotting the Raid the player must note the altitude band
used by all Bombing, Recon, and Transport-tasked flights
and the flight path hexes in which the altitude band changes.
Bombing, Recon, and Transport-tasked flights must fly at the
plotted altitudes, climbing and diving as necessary to match
any changes in the plot.

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9.12 Flights on the Ground Next game turn, instead of regular movement, the flight advances
Flights may begin a Raid on the ground at an airfield. Flights into the airfield hex, without changing altitude. On the follow-
on the ground may not move except to take off. ing turn, instead of regular movement, it lands. A flight that has
Flights on the ground are in one landed is Unready and must be made Ready before it can take
of three states: Ready, Unready, off again in that scenario. Remove any Disordered [13.11] or
and Revetted. More than one Abort [8.4] marker on the flight.
flight may be Ready at an airfield 9.15 Maneuver Restriction
with all other flights Unready or in Revetments. Flights have their maneuver ratings reduced to 1 while taking
Flights may be made Unready at any time. Just landed flights off and landing. The penalty lasts from the moment takeoff
are Unready. commences and the flight is placed on the map until the end
Revetted flights take five game turns to be made Unready. of the second Movement Phase of flight [9.13]. It lasts from
Changing to Unready state is noted in the Admin Phase; the the moment landing begins until the aircraft is on the ground.
flight is Unready on the fifth Admin Phase after commencement.
9.16 Refuel and Rearm
Unready flights take five game turns to move into Revetments. Flights tasked with CAP [8.2] may land during a scenario, re-
Changing to Revetted state is noted in the Admin Phase; the arm and refuel, and take off again. Flights with any other task
flight is Revetted on the fifth Admin Phase after commencement. (Bombing, SEAD, etc.) may not take off after landing.
Unready flights take five game turns to change to Ready state. To do so, a flight must land at a Class 2+ airfield of their nation-
Changing to Ready state is noted in the Admin Phase; the flight ality (see Appendix B) and remain in an Unready state during
is Ready on the fifth Admin Phase after commencement. five Admin Phases (including the one in the turn it lands). Note
Mark flights on the ground with Ready, Unready, and Revetted the flight is rearming/refueling in the Admin Phase. It completes
markers. Ready and Unready flights are considered to be in rearming/refueling on the 5th Admin Phase following com-
aircraft parking areas and are Target Profile D; Revetted flights mencement and changes to Ready state. It may Take off [9.13]
are Target Profile B or Target Profile A if in Hardened Aircraft in the Movement Phase of the following turn.
Shelters (HAS). Unless otherwise noted in a scenario, aircraft Damaged or Crippled aircraft in such a flight may not use this
Revetted at Class 3 or higher airfields are in HAS; aircraft Revet- procedure and must instead remain in Unready status on the
ted at Class 2 or lower airfields (and at all temporary airfields ground after landing; Split [4.14] them into a separate flight,
[28.0], regardless of class) are not in HAS. Any number of flights leaving all non-Damaged/non-Crippled aircraft in the original
may be in Revetments at an airfield. flight. A flight taking off after rearming/refuelling must have at
Any damage to a flight on the ground means that it cannot take least two aircraft.
off or fly for the remainder of the scenario. Upon takeoff, adjust the flight’s Log Sheet to reflect full fuel
9.13 Takeoff [20.0], full air-to-air loadout [11.12], and number of aircraft if
It takes two game turns to take off. Ready flights (including it changed.
dummies) may take off in any Movement Phase. Place the flight Example: A flight of 4 x MiG-29s depletes all its air-to-air weap-
on the airfield flipped to its undetected side. It must be facing in ons and becomes Disordered on Turn 3 of a scenario. Also, one
the direction of one of the runways printed on the edge of the of the MiG-29s is Damaged, and another is Crippled. On Turn
airfield hex. Flights may only take off at an airfield rated equal 6, it lands at a Class 4 WP airfield. On Turn 11, it may take off
to or greater than the aircraft’s runway rating. again as a two aircraft CAP flight with full fuel and air-to-air
On the first turn of movement, the flight remains on the airfield weapon loadout. It is no longer Disordered, having removed the
hex at Deck altitude. The flight may not initiate air-to-air combat marker when it landed. The Crippled and Damaged MiG-29s may
on the first turn of movement. On the second turn of movement, not refuel, rearm, or take off. They must be placed into Unready
the flight moves a number of MP equal to half (round up) of status upon landing. Note that if the flight had 3 Damaged/
its speed. On the third and subsequent turns of movement, it Crippled aircraft that the single remaining MiG-29 would not
moves normally. be allowed to take off again.

9.14 Landing 9.17 Airfield Sub-Targets

It takes three game turns to land. Once landing has begun the In some scenarios, airfields and temporary airfields are con-
procedure cannot be stopped or interrupted unless the flight is at- sidered to have multiple “sub-targets” in the airfield hex. Each
tacked in any way, in which case it reverts to normal movement. sub-target must be attacked, and take damage, separately.
Flights may only land at an airfield rated equal to or greater than Sub-target types vary by SSR, but may include: Runways (Pro-
the aircraft’s runway rating. To begin landing the flight must be file A), Hardened Aircraft Shelters (Profile A), Aircraft Revet-
at Deck altitude and at Combat throttle. On the game turn land- ments (Profile B), Aircraft Parking Areas (Profile D), Hangars
ing begins the flight may select any speed between 1 and their (Profile C), and Fuel Storage (Profile B or C).
maximum Combat speed [6.21]. The flight must end movement
in a hex adjacent to the airfield, with the airfield in its forward
arc, and pointed in the same direction as one of the runways.

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16 Red Storm ~ Rules

fails. Regardless of how many Track-while-Scan flights could

10.0 Detection search, only one additional radar search attempt is allowed for
any one enemy flight.
10.1 Detection States
10.23 Lookdown
Flights are either detected or undetected. Mark undetected flights Lookdown applies if the target flight is at a lower altitude band.
by flipping the flight counter to its undetected side (with the “?”). However, some aircraft have sophisticated radars that make
A detected flight is flipped to its detected side (with the Heart, Lookdown non-applicable in some conditions.
Spade, or Diamond icon).
Aircraft ADCs list Lookdown performance for flights with
10.11 Detection Levels search radars: “LD” for aircraft with no Lookdown restrictions,
Each scenario will assign a separate Detection Level to the WP “LD (LTD)” for aircraft affected by Lookdown only at targets
and NATO players, lettered from A (best) to F (worst). The at Deck or Low altitudes, and “No LD” for aircraft subject to
Detection Level column may be shifted by random events and Lookdown against all targets at lower altitude bands.
Early Warning Jamming [19.35]. If Lookdown does apply, the flight may not make a radar search
[10.22] or attempt to engage in BVR combat [11.3] against that
10.2 Detecting Flights target.
Each Detection Phase, both players roll two dice for each
10.24 Jamming
undetected enemy flight on the map and consult the Detection
Detected enemy flights with defensive jamming capability [19.2]
Table. Use the column corresponding to the player’s Detection
must be indicated to the other player. If jamming is lost for any
Level and modify the roll if any of the listed modifiers apply.
reason, that must also be indicated.
The result will be ‘no effect’ (the flight remains undetected),
or ‘detection’. Flip detected flights to their detected side. If 10.25 Early Warning Radars
the detected flight is a dummy, remove it from the map [4.12]. Both sides may be allocated Early Warning Radar (EWR) units
In addition to regular detection rolls, players may make visual to augment their detection capabilities. The EWR will provide
detection attempts, aircraft radar searches, and early warning an additional detection check on the B column with appropriate
radar searches against enemy flights. modifiers for any aircraft within 20 hexes of the EWR or within
10 hexes if on the Deck. EWRs are Profile D targets [17.13].
10.21 Visual Detection
A player makes a visual detection roll for each enemy flight 10.3 Track Phase
within four hexes and in line of sight [22.1] of a non-Disordered At the start of the Track Phase, all NATO detected flights at Deck
friendly flight. Choose one eligible friendly flight to make the altitude in a Rough hex, all detected flights at Deck altitude and
visual detection attempt. Roll on the Visual column and apply in/adjacent to a Mountain terrain hex, and all detected helicopter/
the Visual Detection modifiers. Make only one visual detection cruise missile flights at Deck altitude, become undetected and
attempt per enemy flight in each Detection Phase regardless of are flipped over to their undetected sides.
the number of friendly flights eligible to visually detect. (Excep-
Each player then rolls two dice and consults the Track Table,
tion: WP flights with IRST sensors may make a second such
using the column corresponding to their Detection Level. The
attempt if the enemy flight is in the WP flight’s forward arc.)
result on the table will be ‘no effect’, or one or more symbols:
Visual detection attempts at night are limited [23.12]. All NATO a Heart, Spade, or Diamond.
flights may make visual detection attempts at night, but only at a
Each detected flight counter has a Heart, Spade, or Diamond
reduced range of two hexes. Only WP flights with IRST sensors
printed on it. If a symbol is rolled, all enemy detected flight
may make visual detection attempts at night, but only in their
counters with matching symbols become undetected and are
forward arc at a range of four hexes or less.
flipped over to their undetected sides.
10.22 Radar Search Detection If the result is in {curly brackets} it only applies to enemy flights
Both players may make an additional detection attempt for at Deck altitude, enemy flights in a chaff corridor [19.4], and en-
each enemy flight within range and the forward arc of a non- emy flights at Low altitude and on their side of the Front [29.0].
Disordered, radar-equipped friendly flight. Lookdown [10.23]
may prohibit radar search. See ADCs for aircraft radar ranges 10.4 Visual Identification
and modifiers. Flights use generic flight counters [4.11] until they are visu-
Choose an eligible flight to make the search attempt. Roll on the ally identified, at which point they are replaced with the actual
appropriate Radar Search column and apply the Radar Search flight counter.
modifiers. Make only one radar search attempt per enemy flight In Day conditions, flights are visually identified the instant any
regardless of the number of friendly flights eligible to search. of the following conditions occur:
A flight with Track-while-Scan radar capability noted on the
a) The flight enters Standard air-to-air combat [11.3].
ADC (a “TS” notation in the radar section) with an undetected
enemy flight in its forward arc in the Detection Phase may make b) A non-Disordered enemy flight is within one hex, has a line
a second radar search attempt if the first radar search attempt of sight, and is within one altitude band of the flight.

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c) An enemy AAA [14.0], SAM [15.0], or Army Ground Unit However, if the attacking flight fails to engage a flight it may
[27.0] unit is within one hex and has line of sight to the flight. try to engage another flight in a different hex or altitude band
later in that Movement Phase.
In Night [23.0] conditions, flights are only visually identified if
they enter Standard air-to-air combat [11.3] or if they enter the A flight may attempt to engage only one enemy flight in BVR
hex of an enemy SAM, AAA, or Army Ground Unit at Low or combat per Movement Phase (Exception: F-15 flights [11.44]).
Deck altitude and there is a line of sight to the flight. However, unlike Standard air-to-air combat, if its first BVR
combat engagement attempt fails, it may continue moving and
Note that successful visual detection rolls [10.21] do not result
make additional BVR engagement attempts against that same
in visual identification. Likewise, visual identification does not
result in detection: undetected flights may be visually identified enemy flight.
and yet remain undetected. Visually identified dummies [4.12] A flight that attempts BVR engagement on an enemy flight,
are removed from the map. regardless of the result, may also attempt to engage that same
enemy flight (only) in Standard air-to-air combat later in the
same Movement Phase. The BVR combat must take place before
11.0 Air-to-Air Combat the Standard air-to-air combat.

Flights may attack enemy flights in air-to-air combat. There 11.21 Engagement Prerequisites
are two types of air-to-air combat: Standard air-to-air combat Attacking and defending flights must meet certain conditions
(“dogfights”) and Beyond Visual Range (BVR) air-to-air combat. before an attacking flight may make an engagement attempt.
For both types, a flight must first successfully engage an enemy 11.211 Standard Air-to-Air Combat Engagement
flight. If successful it can then maneuver for a shot. Shots are Prerequisites
resolved to determine damage. Follow the appropriate (Standard A flight may not attempt to engage in Standard air-to-air com-
or BVR) Air-to-Air Combat Sequence on Player Aid Card 1. bat unless it has moved at least one hex or changed altitude in
the Movement Phase. The engagement attempt itself costs no
11.1 Air-to-Air Weapons additional movement points. The following conditions must
11.11 Weapon Class also be met:
The ADC lists the types of air-to-air weapons an aircraft can a) The defender must be detected and not stacked with a friendly
carry. There are three classes of air-to-air weapons: Guns, IR flight.
Missiles (IRM) and Radar Homing Missiles (RHM). b) The defender must be within one hex (inclusive) of
11.12 Air-to-Air Loadout the attacker and in the same altitude band, or the band
Some ADC entries list multiple air-to-air weapons. Flights may immediately below.
carry one type of each class of weapon, so a flight may never c) If in different hexes, the attacker must have the defender in
carry more than one type of IRM, RHM, and Gun. Choose weap- its forward arc. (Arcs do not prevent engagement if the flights
ons in the Raid Planning Phase [31.5] when selecting aircraft to are in the same hex).
be used during the scenario [3.1]. d) The attacker must have an undepleted air-to-air weapon.
A weapon that depletes its ammo [11.34] cannot be used for the e) The attacker must not be Disordered, Aborted, have
rest of the scenario (Exception: Refuel and Rearm [9.16]). The performed SAM avoidance [15.33] or declared Anti-Radar
flight no longer has that weapon type. Tactics [15.26] in the current turn.
11.13 Combat Values f) All AAA [14.0] or SAM [15.3] attacks against the attacking
Each weapon has a Standard combat value listed in the Air-to- flight in its current hex have been resolved.
Air Weapon Charts on the ADCs. Selected weapons also have
11.212 BVR Air-to-Air Combat Engagement
a BVR combat value listed, indicating they can be used in BVR
combat. (Note that most such weapons have a lower combat
value for BVR attacks). The range of each BVR weapon is A flight may not attempt to engage in BVR air-to-air combat
shown in terms of where the attacking flight is in relation to the unless it has moved at least one hex or changed altitude in the
target. If the attacker is in the forward arc of the target use the Movement Phase. The engagement attempt itself costs no ad-
range listed for “forward,” if in the forward or rear beam arcs, ditional movement points. If making multiple BVR engagement
use “beam,” and if in the target’s rear arc use “rear.” attempts in a Movement Phase, the flight must move one hex
or change altitude between attempts. The following conditions
11.2 Engagement must also be met:
A flight may attempt to engage an enemy flight during its own a) The defender must be detected.
movement. The moving flight is the attacker and the non-moving b) The defender must be in range of an undepleted BVR weapon.
flight is the defender. Engagement must be rolled to determine c) If the attacker is using an IRM, there must be a line of sight
whether combat can begin [11.22]. [22.1] to the enemy flight.
A flight may not attempt to engage the same enemy flight in d) BVR Rules of Engagement [11.26] must allow the BVR
Standard air-to-air combat more than once per Movement Phase. engagement attempt.

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18 Red Storm ~ Rules

e) Lookdown [10.23] must not prevent engagement (some and/or marked with a Maneuver marker; or participated
aircraft are exempt, see ADCs). in air-to-air combat (Exception: BVR combat) earlier that
f) The attacker may not be in a Defensive Wheel [7.1] Movement Phase. If combat begins, move the defending flight
formation. to the attacker’s altitude band; if the attacker is higher, the
defender is considered to have Zoom Climbed [6.33]. There
g) The attacker must have the defender in its forward arc.
is no Surprise or Disadvantage. If the defender does not begin
h) The attacker must not be Disordered, Aborted, have combat, treat as result c. above—no combat takes place.
performed SAM avoidance [15.33] or declared Anti-Radar
Tactics [15.26] in the current turn. For BVR combat, there are only two possible results of the
engagement roll:
i) All AAA [14.0] or SAM [15.3] attacks against the attacking
a) If the attacker engages successfully, proceed to resolve the
flight in its current hex have been resolved.
BVR combat. There is no Surprise or Disadvantage [11.25]
11.22 Engagement Roll in BVR combat.
For Standard air-to-air combat, if the prerequisites [11.211] have b) If the attacker fails to engage, it continues movement.
been met, the attacker and defender make separate engagement
rolls. The engagement value used for the roll is shown on the 11.25 Surprise and Disadvantage
Engagement Table and is based on the detection status of the In Standard air-to-air combat, the engagement roll may give the
enemy flight and whether it is day or night. If a flight has no attacker the advantage of Surprise and bonuses in combat and
line of sight to the target [22.1], use night values. Roll two dice morale. The defending flight may start the engagement Disad-
on the Engagement Table and modify as indicated. If the result vantaged, resulting in penalties to combat and morale.
is equal to or greater than the engagement value, the flight’s In Standard air-to-air combat, a flight can jettison its air-to-
engagement attempt is successful. ground ordnance prior to combat being rolled, so as to permit
For BVR combat, if the prerequisites [11.212] have been met, the use of its clean maneuver values [16.2]. Disadvantaged
only the attacker makes an engagement roll (Exception: F-15 flights cannot jettison.
flights automatically pass BVR engagement rolls [11.44]). The Defensive Wheels never suffer Disadvantage penalties and at-
engagement value used for the roll is shown in the BVR column tackers can never claim Surprise against them [11.43].
of the Engagement Table. Roll two dice on the Engagement Table
11.26 BVR Combat Rules of Engagement
and modify as indicated. If the result is equal to or greater than
BVR combat is permitted only when the rules of engagement
the engagement value, the flight’s BVR engagement attempt is
allow. Random events may prevent BVR combat, otherwise
the following rule applies: if the attacker is in the defender’s
11.23 Engagement Roll Modifiers forward arc or forward/rear beam (see Player Aid Card 3), the
For Standard air-to-air combat, modifiers for Aggression Values shot is not permitted if a friendly flight is within three hexes of
[31.53], Disorder [13.11], altitude difference, Slash Attacks the target. If the attacker is in the defender’s rear arc, the shot is
[11.52], rear hemisphere, haze [22.3], mist [22.5], and night not permitted if a friendly flight is within one hex of the target.
[23.0] apply to the engagement rolls.
For BVR combat, only the attacker’s Aggression Value, and any 11.3 Combat
altitude difference between the flights applies. If Standard air-to-air combat commences as a result of engage-
ment, it uses up all of the attacking (not defending) flight’s
11.24 Engagement Results
remaining MPs (Exceptions: Slash Attacks [11.52]; Attacks
For Standard air-to-air combat, there are four possible results
on Cruise Missiles [17.75]). All flights involved in combat
of the engagement rolls:
are Visually Identified [10.4]. The combat takes place in the
a) If the attacker’s engagement attempt succeeds but the defender’s hex and altitude. If the defender is on a hexside, the
defender’s does not, combat commences. The attacker attacker determines which adjacent hex the combat takes place
has Surprise and the defender is Disadvantaged. Move the in. Both flights are moved into the combat hex, retaining their
attacking flight to the defender’s altitude band. current orientation.
b) If both the attacker’s and defender’s engagement attempts If BVR combat commences as a result of engagement, neither
succeed, combat commences but there is no Surprise or flight uses any MPs in the combat. The moving flight’s move-
Disadvantage. Move the attacking flight to the defender’s ment is paused while resolving the BVR combat.
altitude band.
11.31 Maneuver
c) If both the attacker’s and defender’s engagement attempts
For Standard air-to-air combat, each attacking and defending
fail, no combat takes place (do not resolve combat or post-
flight in a combat rolls for maneuver. (Exception: Defensive
combat effects) and the attacker continues its movement.
Wheels roll once regardless of the number of flights in the
d) If the defender’s engagement attempt succeeds but the wheel). Roll two dice, modify as indicated and consult the
attacker’s does not, the defender can choose to commence Maneuver Table, cross-referencing the roll on the Air-to-Air
combat. Note that the defender cannot choose to commence column with the number of undamaged aircraft in the flight.
combat if it has no air-to-air weapons; is Disordered, Aborted,

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Always use the 1 aircraft column if: 11.4 Special Combat Rules
a) Rolling for a Defensive Wheel [7.1, 11.43]. The following rules cover special combat situations.
b) The flight is Disordered [13.11].
11.41 Disengagement
c) The flight is making multiple attacks [11.51]. In Standard air-to-air combat, prior to the maneuver rolls the
For BVR combat, only the attacker rolls on the Maneuver Table defending flight can elect to disengage. Disengaging flights do
using the BVR column on the table. Apply only the modifiers not roll for maneuver and take no shots. Flights attacking a dis-
listed on the BVR Combat Maneuver Table and cross reference engaging flight apply a negative modifier to their maneuver roll.
the final roll with the column for the number of non-Damaged Disengaging flights do not Scatter and are not marked with a
aircraft in the attacking flight. Maneuver marker after combat [6.35]. They apply a -2 modifier
The value obtained from the Maneuver Table is the number of to their Morale Table roll.
shot opportunities the flight has. Shot opportunities are resolved 11.42 Climbing Before Combat
using the shot resolution system [11.33]. If a flight has no air- In Standard air-to-air combat, decrease a flight’s maneuver rating
to-air weapons it may not roll for maneuver or take shots at [2.81] by one if it climbed in that Movement Phase. Decrease
enemy flights. the rating by two instead if the flight Zoom Climbed [6.33]. A
11.32 Soviet Doctrine flight’s maneuver rating may never be less than zero.
WP flights use the 1 Maneuver column for each 1- or 2-ship 11.43 Defensive Wheels
flight, and the 2 Maneuver column for each 3- or 4-ship flight, Defensive Wheels [7.1] engage and fight as if they were a single
when they are the attacker in Standard or BVR air-to-air com- flight. When rolling to engage, roll once for all flights in the
bat (Exception: This rule does not apply to MiG-29 and Su-27 wheel. If successful, roll once on the Maneuver Table, using the
flights). All WP flights use the Maneuver column for the actual 1 column [11.31]. Attackers may not claim Surprise advantage
number of aircraft if they are the defender in an engagement. against Defensive Wheels [11.25]. Flights in Defensive Wheels
11.33 Shot Resolution do not suffer Disadvantage penalties and do not Scatter [13.2].
Consult the Shot Resolution Table. To resolve a flight’s shot, se- 11.44 F-15 Flights in BVR Combat
lect an air-to-air weapon to shoot with, roll two dice, and modify If all prerequisites [11.212] are met, F-15 flights automatically
based on the weapon’s air-to-air combat rating (see ADCs) and succeed with any BVR engagement attempt. In addition, F-15
whether or not the flight has one or more additional undepleted flights may attempt to engage two different enemy flights in BVR
air-to-air weapons (does not apply to BVR combat shots). combat in the same Movement Phase. They may then attempt to
Shots are resolved in any order as determined by the players. engage either of those two flights in Standard air-to-air combat
Allocate and apply damage [12.1] [12.2] after all shots have in that same Movement Phase.
been rolled. A player may refuse to roll for a shot if desired.
11.45 Rear Guns
11.34 Ammo Depletion Rear guns cannot be used to initiate air-to-air combat. Aircraft
After all shots in a combat have been resolved, roll one die for with rear guns do not apply geometry modifiers to their roll on
each flight that resolved a shot. Roll per flight that took a shot, the Maneuver Table.
not per shot taken. If a flight resolved multiple shots, subtract
one from the roll for each shot after the first. 11.5 Advanced Combat Rules
Look up the depletion number of the chosen weapon. If the 11.51 Multiple Attacks
result is equal to or less than the depletion number, that weapon If an attacking flight comprises two or more aircraft, it may try
is depleted and can no longer be used by that flight in combat to engage two enemy flights in Standard air-to-air combat if it
[11.12] (Exception: Refuel and Rearm [9.16]). meets the prerequisites for attacking both. The attacker rolls
If the modified result is 1 or less, a second weapon (if the flight to engage each defending flight separately. Each defending
has one) is also depleted. The owning player may choose any flight rolls separately to engage the attacker.
other non-depleted air-to-air weapon carried by the flight to If combat occurs, the attacker rolls two combats; one against
deplete. each enemy flight. In each case the attacker uses the 1 column
For BVR combat, only the BVR weapon used can deplete. No of the Maneuver Table. Both defenders roll for shots against
other weapons deplete, even if the depletion roll is 1 or less. the attacker as normal. The attacker rolls for depletion [11.34]
11.35 Damage Allocation and Post-Combat for both combats, applying the worst result for any weapon.
Procedures The attacker also rolls a Morale Check [13.1] for both com-
After rolling for Ammo Depletion, follow the steps, as ap- bats, applying the worst result for the attacking flight. For
plicable, under Damage Allocation [12.1] and Post-Combat the purposes of the attacker’s Scatter roll [13.2] the attacker
Procedures [13.0] to complete the air-to-air combat. chooses which combat hex to scatter from.
Following a multiple attack, the attacker is automatically
Disordered in addition to any other combat or morale result.

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20 Red Storm ~ Rules

11.52 Slash Attacks Example: The NATO player (the attacker) must allocate one
A slash attack is a type of Standard air-to-air combat. To Damaged, one Crippled, and one Shot Down result to a flight
attempt a Slash Attack the attacker must be in Dash throttle of four WP MiG-27s, one of which (the #3 aircraft) was already
and cannot have climbed prior to the attack in that Movement Crippled the turn before this combat took place. The NATO player
Phase. The target cannot be on the Deck. The attack must be decides to allocate the Damaged result first, hoping to hit the
made from the target’s rear hemisphere. Announce the Slash already-Crippled MiG-27 (the #3 aircraft in the flight). A roll of
Attack before rolling for engagement. “5” results in a “3” on the 4 aircraft column of the Damage Al-
location Table. This means MiG-27 #3 takes the Damaged result.
Apply the Slash Attack modifier to the engagement roll. If
Since aircraft #3 is already Crippled, this added Damaged result
the attacker does not achieve Surprise then reduce the at-
will shoot it down. The NATO player now rolls to allocate the
tacker’s number of shot opportunities in the combat by one,
Crippled result from the combat, again rolling on the 4 column.
to a minimum of zero. The attacker (only) does not Scatter
Even though one of the MiG-27s has already gone down, the
[13.2] or place a Maneuver marker [6.35] following combat
WP flight had four aircraft when this combat started, and the
and continues movement.
original column is used throughout Damage Allocation. This time
Design Note: A “Slash Attack” is an engagement technique the roll is a “1,” indicating MiG-27 #1 is now Crippled. Finally,
where an intercepting flight would dive onto the enemy flight the NATO player rolls to allocate the Shot Down result, rolling a
from behind at high speed, fire, and then rapidly accelerate “6,” giving a “C3” result. If there were no Crippled aircraft in
away. Its advantage in game terms is not having to scatter the flight, this Shot Down result would be ignored because aircraft
or be marked with a Maneuver marker, thus allowing the #3 has already been Shot Down during this combat. However,
flight to keep moving after the combat and move at full speed since aircraft #1 is Crippled, the “C3” result has to be applied
the following turn as well. to aircraft #1, shooting it down. The WP player adjusts the Log
Sheet for the flight to show aircraft #1 and #3 Shot Down (#2
and #4 are still in the air, undamaged).

12.0 Air Unit Damage If a flight loses one or more aircraft in a combat, in subsequent
combats “renumber” the remaining aircraft so the flight con-
forms to the appropriate column of the Damage Allocation Table.
12.1 Damage Allocation
Example (continued): Two turns later, this same unlucky flight
Randomly allocate Damaged/Crippled/Shot Down aircraft re-
of MiG-27s takes a “K” result from a NATO SAM attack. Since
sults from AAA, SAM, or air-to-air combat among the aircraft
the flight had only two aircraft at the start of the SAM attack, the
in a flight by rolling a die on the Damage Allocation Table for
NATO player rolls on the “2 aircraft” column of the Damage
each Damaged/Crippled/Shot Down result, cross referencing
Allocation Table. Aircraft #2 is now considered aircraft #1, and
with the total number of aircraft in the flight. If there are mul-
aircraft #4 is now considered aircraft #2. A roll of “8” indicates
tiple results from one combat to apply and a Shot Down result
a “C2” result. Since neither remaining MiG-27 is Crippled, air-
is rolled, continue to roll on the original column for all results
craft #2 (originally aircraft #4) takes the K (Shot Down) result.
from that combat.
The result is the number (1, 2, 3, 4) of the aircraft affected. If 12.2 Damage Effects
the result is C# and a Crippled aircraft is present, allocate the
damage to any Crippled aircraft (attacking player’s choice) in 12.21 Damaged Aircraft
the flight. Otherwise allocate the result to the numbered aircraft Damaged aircraft are not counted toward the total aircraft avail-
indicated. Note the damage result on the flight log [4.21]. able to make air-to-air or air-to-ground attacks. Damaged aircraft
If a combat generates multiple damage results, roll to allocate must immediately jettison all air-to-ground ordnance [16.21].
each one separately. Results may be allocated in any order 12.22 Crippled Aircraft
selected by the attacker. If a Damaged/Crippled aircraft is Crippled aircraft are treated the same as Damaged aircraft, ex-
Damaged or Crippled again, its damage level is increased by cept a flight with one or more Crippled aircraft may not select
one level (from Damaged to Crippled, Crippled to Shot Down). Dash throttle [6.22] on future game turns. Flights with Crippled
Apply the effects of damage before allocating the next result. aircraft may be split in the Admin Phase [4.14].
If a Shot Down aircraft receives another Shot Down, Damaged, 12.23 Shot Down Aircraft
or Crippled result from the same combat, ignore that Damaged/ Shot down aircraft are removed from the flight. If all the aircraft
Crippled/Shot Down result. The Shot Down aircraft, in effect, in a flight are Shot Down the flight is eliminated. The flight’s
“absorbs” multiple damage results in this combat. remaining air-to-ground ordnance is adjusted to reflect the loss
of the aircraft [16.22]. Shot down aircraft may generate bailed
out crew members [26.1].

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Red Storm ~ Rules 21

13.1 Morale Checks

13.0 Post-Combat
All attacking and defending flights in an air-to-air combat con-
Procedures duct a Morale Check after combat has been resolved even if no
shots occurred by either side (Exception: Only defending flights
Following Damage Allocation [12.1] in any Standard air-to-air in BVR combat [11.3] conduct Morale Checks, and only if any
combat, regardless of results, attacking and defending flights shots occurred). Flights that take damage or losses from AAA
perform the following actions in order: or SAM attacks also conduct a Morale Check.
(1) Conduct a Morale Check [13.1] (both flights) on the Air- To conduct a Morale Check, roll two dice and consult the Morale
to-Air Combat column. Check Table. Modify the roll as indicated. Apply damage/loss
(2) Scatter [13.2] (both flights, but NA to Slash Attack [11.52] modifiers only for aircraft Damaged or lost in the just-resolved
attacking flights, Disengaging defending flights [11.41], combat. Refer to the column for Standard air-to-air combat,
and Defensive Wheel [7.1] defending flights). BVR air-to-air combat, or AAA/SAM combat as appropriate.
(3) Place Maneuver markers [6.35] (both flights, but NA to Apply the results, including possible Jettison Check. Reduce
Slash Attack [11.52] attacking flights and Disengaging the flight’s Aggression Value by the amount in the Aggression
[11.41] defending flights). Value column (but never below -3).
(4) Place Disordered [13.11] or Abort [8.4] markers
13.11 Disordered State
depending on the Morale Check results (both flights).
Flights that become Disordered are noted as such on
(5) Remove any Acquisition [15.21], BVR Avoid [6.36], the flight log. Optionally, mark the flight with a Dis-
SAM Avoid [15.33], Anti-Radar Tactics [15.26], or Zoom ordered marker.
Climb [6.33] markers the flights had at the start of the
combat (both flights). Disordered flights cannot enter Defensive Wheels [7.1] and im-
(6) Become undetected [13.3] (both flights). mediately leave such upon becoming Disordered. They may not
visually detect [10.21], radar search [10.22], initiate air-to-air
(7) Roll for Bailouts [26.1] for any Shot Down aircraft (both
combat [11.0], or make air-to-ground attacks [17.0]. Modifiers
apply to engagement and air-to-air combat.
(8) Mark off one fuel point [20.1] (both flights).
Flights can recover from Disorder in the Admin Phase. Dis-
(9) Damaged or Crippled aircraft jettison ordnance [16.21]. ordered flights roll two dice and add their Aggression Value.
Following BVR Combat shot resolution [11.33] (including Modify the roll by +8 if in or adjacent to a Rally Point [8.35].
Ammo Depletion check [11.34] and Damage Allocation [12.1], On a final 20 or more, remove the Disordered status.
if any), regardless of the results, the defending flight (only) Do not roll for Disorder recovery if the flight was:
performs the following actions in order: ● Attacked by SAM or AAA that turn.
(1) If any BVR shots occurred, conduct a Morale Check ● Engaged in air-to-air combat that turn.
[13.1] on the BVR column.
● Acquired by a SAM at any time during that turn.
(2) Place Disordered [13.11] or Abort [8.4] markers
depending on the Morale Check results. 13.2 Scatter
(3) If any BVR shots occurred, place a BVR Avoid Marker
After Standard air-to-air combat Morale Checks [13.1], flights
[6.36] (Exceptions: NA to flights in Defensive Wheel
scatter from their hex. Roll a die for each flight in the combat
[7.1] or Cruise Missiles [17.7]).
and follow the instructions in the scatter diagrams. If instructed
(4) Roll for Bailouts [26.1] for any Shot Down defending to descend an altitude band and the flight is on the Deck, do not
aircraft. descend further.
(5) Damaged or Crippled aircraft jettison ordnance [16.21]. If forced to scatter off-map, or into a Mountain hex while on the
Following any AAA or SAM combat that inflicts damage or Deck [6.34], keep rolling until a legal movement result occurs.
losses, the defending flight (only) performs the following ac- Scatter is NA to attacking flights conducting a Slash Attack
tions in order: [11.52] and defending flights either Disengaging [11.41] or in
(1) Conduct a Morale Check [13.1] on the AAA/SAM a Defensive Wheel [7.1].
(2) Place Disordered [13.11] or Abort [8.4] markers
13.3 Post-Combat Detection Status
depending on the Morale Check results. Following a Standard air-to-air combat, all participating flights
(3) Roll for Bailouts [26.1] for any Shot Down defending immediately become undetected. Flip the counters to the unde-
aircraft. tected side. Flights participating in BVR combat [11.3] do not
change detection status.
(4) Damaged or Crippled aircraft jettison ordnance [16.21].
These procedures take place immediately, before any other
movement or combat action is performed.

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22 Red Storm ~ Rules

a) It enters a hex in a barrage zone via movement, Scatter, or

14.0 Anti-Aircraft Artillery SAM avoidance. (Exception: Fighter/AAA deconfliction
14.1 AAA Types b) It changes altitude band in a barrage zone as a result of
There are three types of AAA in movement, Scatter, or SAM avoidance. Note that a flight
Red Storm: AAA Concentrations that enters a barrage zone and descends an altitude band in
(Light, Medium, Heavy), Radar the same movement point is only attacked once.
AAA (Fire Can), and Mobile c) It expends an MP turning in a barrage zone.
AAA (2K22/Gepard/Vulcan). The latter two categories are re-
d) It presses a dive bombing attack [17.31] in a barrage zone.
ferred to collectively as “Radar-Equipped AAA.”
e) It successfully engages an enemy flight in Standard air-to-air
14.2 AAA Concentrations combat [11.2] in a barrage zone. Use the defending flight’s
AAA concentrations are ground units and come in three densi- hex and altitude for the barrage attack.
ties: Light, Medium, and Heavy. The WP uses all three densities. 14.41 Resolving Flak Barrages
NATO only uses Light AAA. AAA concentrations are available Roll two dice on the AAA Table using the column for the density
in scenarios and are represented on the map by counters or by of AAA being projected into that hex, cross referencing with the
printed AAA at airfields. There can be no more than one con- flight’s altitude. If the barrage roll is as a result of a change in
centration in a hex [31.21]. altitude [14.4.b], the owner of the AAA may choose to attack
14.21 AAA as Targets at either the altitude where the flight started or where it ended.
AAA concentrations are Target Profile C [17.13]. If more than one AAA concentration projects its barrage into
the hex, the owning player chooses one concentration (only) to
14.22 AAA Points make the barrage attack.
In the Ground Planning Phase, the WP player may receive AAA
If the roll is equal to or greater than the number listed, the target
points. These can be spent to upgrade printed AAA or purchase
flight is hit. If the target is hit, roll for damage on the Barrage
additional AAA concentrations.
column of the AAA Damage Table. Roll two dice and apply the
The WP player may spend AAA points upgrades as follows: AAA barrage modifiers to obtain the damage result.
Light to Medium (1), Medium to Heavy (2).
A “D” damages one aircraft; “C” cripples one aircraft; “K”
When activated, place a counter of the upgraded density over shoots down one aircraft [12.2]. If more than one result is listed
the printed concentration on the map. (e.g., “K,C,D”), all are applied to the flight in the order chosen
WP AAA points may also be used to purchase additional AAA by the AAA owner. Use the Damage Allocation Table [12.1] to
concentrations for the following cost in AAA points: allocate the results within the flight and conduct any applicable
Light (1), Medium (2), Heavy (4). Post-Combat Procedures [13.0].

14.3 AAA Activations 14.42 Air-to-Ground Modifier

An AAA barrage also applies as a modifier, listed on the AAA
AAA concentrations are either active or Table (in parentheses), to those bombing air-to-ground attacks
inactive. The player chooses when to acti- where the Bomb Run [17.2] passes through the AAA barrage
vate AAA. Once active, AAA concentra- zone [17.42]. Apply the modifier even if AAA fails to hit the
tions cannot become inactive. Inactive AAA flight. Where more than one AAA barrage zone affects the bomb-
concentrations can be activated only at the following times: ing flight during its Bomb Run, apply the greatest AAA barrage
a) The Radar Phase [31.9]. modifier. AAA modifiers are reduced by 1 (toward 0) for each
b) The Admin Phase [3.2]. level of suppression on the concentration.
c) When a flight enters a hex adjacent to the concentration. 14.5 Radar AAA
d) When a flight expends an MP while adjacent to the
Fire Can represents special WP AAA ground units possessing
When an AAA concentration is activated, flip the AAA counter
14.51 Radar AAA Deployment
to its active side. When activated, hidden AAA is revealed and
The WP player may be allocated a number of Fire Can (WP)
placed on the map. Once revealed, AAA cannot become hid-
Radar AAA in a scenario. In the Ground Planning Phase [31.2],
den again.
the WP player plots the location of Fire Can units on the Log
14.4 AAA Barrage Sheet. Fire Can units must be placed in hexes already contain-
ing map printed or purchased AAA concentrations. The maxi-
An active AAA concentration projects a flak barrage zone into mum number of Fire Can units permitted in a hex varies with
its hex and all adjacent hexes. Roll a barrage attack on a flight the density of the AAA concentration: Light (1), Medium (2),
(whether friendly or enemy, detected or undetected) immediately Heavy (3). Note that adding Radar AAA to a hex with a AAA
each time the following applies:

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Red Storm ~ Rules 23

concentration does not affect the AAA concentration itself, 14.61 Mobile AAA Deployment
which operates separately from the Radar AAA. In the Ground Planning Phase, the player secretly plots the loca-
tion of all Mobile AAA units on the Log Sheet.
14.52 Radar AAA Status
During the ISR Phase [31.3], players determine how many Radar 14.62 Mobile AAA Status
AAA set up on the map and how many remain hidden. Hidden Mobile AAA units remain hidden (not placed on the map)
Radar AAA units remain hidden until they switch their radars until they switch their radar on. When a separate Mobile AAA
on. Radars are switched on or off in the Admin Phase; flip the switches its radar on, place a 2K22/Gepard/Vulcan counter on
counter to its “on” or “off” side. Radars can also switch on in the map; the unit has been located and may be attacked. Radars
the Movement Phase when a flight expends an MP for any rea- are switched on or off in the Admin Phase; flip the counter to its
son [6.31] within attack range of the Radar AAA. Radar AAA “on” or “off” side. Radars can also switch on in the Movement
units with their radars off may not attack enemy flights. When Phase when a flight expends an MP for any reason [6.31] within
a Radar AAA switches its radar on, place a Fire Can counter attack range of the Mobile AAA. A located Mobile AAA never
on the map; the unit has been located and may be attacked. A becomes hidden again. For an organic Mobile AAA unit, flip
located Fire Can never becomes hidden again. its parent ground unit over to its “radar on” side (the side with
a white circle).
14.53 Radar AAA Attacks
A Radar AAA unit with its radar switched on may attack once 14.63 Mobile AAA Attacks
per game turn, during enemy movement. It may attack an enemy Once its radar is switched on, a Mobile AAA unit is considered
flight within two hexes following the expenditure of an MP (this to be active at all times unless the Mobile AAA fails an ARM
may be the same MP that led to its radar being turned on), or Morale Check [17.53] or has been suppressed, damaged, or
immediately after the target has scattered or performed SAM destroyed. A Mobile AAA with its radar on may attack once
avoidance. Radar AAA attacks are limited to altitudes that the per game turn during enemy movement. It can attack an enemy
AAA concentration in their hex can reach. Resolve all flak bar- flight within one hex following the expenditure of an MP (this
rage attacks on the flight first before rolling Radar AAA attacks. may be the same MP that led to its radar being turned on) or
Roll two dice on the AAA Table using the Fire Can column immediately after the target has scattered or performed a SAM
referenced with the target flight’s altitude. If the roll is equal to avoidance maneuver. Resolve all flak barrage and Radar AAA
or greater than the number listed, the flight is hit and damage attacks on the flight before resolving Mobile AAA attacks.
should be determined using the Fire Can column of the AAA Roll two dice on the AAA Table using the appropriate column
Damage Table. Roll two dice and apply the Radar AAA modi- for the type of Mobile AAA referenced with the target flight’s
fiers to obtain the damage result. altitude. If the roll is equal to or greater than the number listed,
A “D” damages one aircraft; “C” cripples one aircraft; “K” the flight is hit and damage should be determined using the
shoots down one aircraft [12.2]. If more than one result is listed Mobile AAA column of the AAA Damage Table. Roll two dice
(e.g., “K,C,D”), all are applied to the flight in the order chosen and apply the Mobile AAA modifiers to obtain the damage result.
by the Radar AAA owner. Use the Damage Allocation Table A “D” damages one aircraft; “C” cripples one aircraft; “K”
[12.1] to allocate the results within the flight and conduct any shoots down one aircraft [12.2]. If more than one result is listed
applicable Post-Combat Procedures [13.0]. (e.g., “K,C,D”), all are applied to the flight in the order chosen
by the Mobile AAA owner. Use the Damage Allocation Table
14.54 Air-to-Ground Modifier
[12.1] to allocate the results within the flight and conduct any
Radar AAA attacks apply a modifier, listed on the AAA Table
applicable Post-Combat Procedures [13.0].
(in parentheses), to those bombing air-to-ground attacks where
the bombing flight is attacked by Radar AAA [17.42] during 14.64 Air-to-Ground Modifier
the Bomb Run. Apply the modifier even if Radar AAA fails Mobile AAA attacks apply a modifier, listed on the AAA Table
to hit the flight. Where more than one Radar AAA affects the (in parentheses), to those bombing air-to-ground attacks where
bombing flight during its Bomb Run, apply the single greatest the bombing flight is attacked by Mobile AAA [17.42] during
Radar AAA modifier. the Bomb Run. Apply the modifier even if Mobile AAA fails
to hit the flight. Where more than one Mobile AAA affects the
14.55 Fire Can as Targets
bombing flight during its Bomb Run, apply the single greatest
Fire Can units are Target Profile C [17.13].
Mobile AAA modifier.
14.6 Mobile AAA 14.65 Mobile AAA as Targets
Many ground units in the game have organic Mobile AAA capa- Organic Mobile AAA must be targeted separately from their
bility; see [27.1] and Organic AAA Table (Player Aid Card 3). parent ground unit. Both separate and organic Mobile AAA are
Additional separate Mobile AAA may be allocated in a scenario. Target Profile C [17.13].
The WP Mobile AAA is the 2K22. NATO Mobile AAA includes
the Gepard (FRG/BE) and Vulcan (US).

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24 Red Storm ~ Rules

14.7 Additional AAA Rules Design Note: In a NATO/WP conflict, there would be hun-
14.71 Organic Small Arms Barrages dreds of military units on both sides beyond those represented
All WP and NATO ground units, other than SAM/EWR units, by counters on the map. They would all have heavy-caliber
project a Small Arms flak barrage. No extra counters are placed machine guns, other small arms, and IR SAMs. Any flight at
to indicate this flak. The barrage zone only occupies the counter’s Deck altitude on the “wrong” side of the Front has a very
hex, not the adjacent hexes. Organic Small Arms barrages are good chance of taking fire. This rule also models the numer-
always activated. They are not considered AAA concentrations ous obstacles to flight (power lines, communications towers,
[14.2] and are never suppressed. However, if their parent unit hills, etc.) that are also found all over central Germany and
is destroyed, they are no longer in effect. could cause problems for flights at very low altitude over
unfamiliar terrain.
14.72 Organic SAM/EWR Light AAA
All EWR units [10.25] and all non-hidden SAM units [15.1],
including dummies, project Light AAA barrages. The barrage
zone only occupies the counter’s hex. Organic Light AAA is
15.0 SAMs and Radars
always activated. They are not considered AAA concentrations SAM units are ground units that can attack flights with missiles.
[14.2] and are never suppressed. However, if their parent unit Each SAM unit is identified by a letter, number, or combination
is destroyed, they are no longer in effect. of the two printed on its counter. Most SAMs use three counters:
14.73 Organic Mobile AAA a SAM Warning marker for when it is unlocated; a SAM unit
Some Army Ground Units may also have an organic Mobile counter for when it is located, and an Acquisition marker to mark
AAA (Gepard, Vulcan, or 2K22). For the purposes of apply- acquired targets. Some SAMs have two Acquisition markers. IR
ing damage from air-to-ground attacks, this Mobile AAA is SAMs use only one counter: the SAM unit counter.
considered to be a separate unit from the “parent” ground unit.
If the parent unit is damaged at any level, do not apply that
15.1 SAM Deployment
damage to the organic Mobile AAA. If the parent ground unit Each side may be allocated a number of SAM units by the sce-
is destroyed, use one of the 2K22, Vulcan, or Gepard units to nario. In addition, they may be allocated a number of dummy
note the location of the Mobile AAA in the hex. SAMs [15.14] and dummy Radars [15.15]. In the Ground Plan-
If the organic Mobile AAA radar is suppressed, damaged, or ning Phase [31.2] the player secretly notes the location of SAM
destroyed, do not apply those results to the parent unit. Instead, units and dummies. For each SAM unit, fill out a SAM entry on
flip the ground unit to its side without the white circle. the SAM log. This should note the unit’s ID letter, hex, Target
Profile, and shots remaining. For dummy SAMs and dummy
14.74 AAA Deconfliction Radars, simply note the location.
Friendly flights (including dummies) that enter a hex at Deck
altitude are not attacked by a friendly AAA barrage unless they
entered as a consequence of Scatter or SAM avoidance.

14.75 Inherent AAA/IR SAM Zones Radar On Radar Off
A large number of NATO and WP ground units equipped with
Radar AAA and IR SAM capability are not represented on the 15.11 SAM States
map in many scenarios. To reflect this, some scenarios designate SAM units may be in one of three states: located, unlocated,
a zone for Inherent AAA/IR SAM attacks [30.0]. Any flights at or hidden (Exception: IR SAMs [15.44] have only two states:
Low or Deck altitude on the enemy side of the Front that spend located or hidden). Show a located SAM unit by placing a SAM
an MP in the zone are automatically subject to a Gepard (NATO counter on the map. Show an unlocated SAM unit by placing
side) or 2K22 (WP side) Mobile AAA attack. Resolve the attack a SAM Warning marker on the map when the SAM radar is
as if at 0 hex range. However, any flight may only be attacked turned on [15.12] for the first time. Hidden SAM units do not
by this inherent Gepard/2K22 capability once per game turn. appear on the map.
Unlike other AAA attacks, these attacks do not result in Visual Located SAM units can be attacked by any flight whose tasking
Identification [10.4] of the flight. permits it [8.2]. Unlocated SAM units may only be attacked by
flights using ARM ordnance [17.5]. Hidden SAM units may
14.76 Automatic Small Arms AAA at Deck
not be attacked.
At the end of any Movement Phase, any flight that is at Deck
altitude on the enemy side of the Front is attacked by a Small During the ISR Phase [31.3] both sides will determine how
Arms AAA barrage. Unlike other AAA attacks, these attacks do many SAM units set up on map as located units at the start of
not result in Visual Identification [10.4] of the flight. the scenario. The remaining SAM units begin the game hidden.
15.12 SAM Warning
When hidden SAM units switch their radar on, place a SAM
Warning marker on the map in the SAM unit’s hex. When the unit
is located, remove the SAM Warning marker and replace it with

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Red Storm ~ Rules 25

the SAM unit of the appropriate SAM type. Each SAM Warning off, etc., all in an effort to confuse the WP player. The only thing
marker is identified by a letter or number on its counter; this the dummy radar cannot do is actually fire a SAM at a target.
ID does not correspond to the ID of the SAM unit it represents.
When placing a SAM Warning marker, note the SAM Warning 15.16 SAM Units as Targets
ID on the SAM log of the corresponding SAM unit. SAM unit target classes are listed on the SAM Data Table.
In some scenarios, SAM sites are considered to have multiple
“sub-targets” in the hex. Each sub-target must be attacked, and
take damage, separately. Sub-target types vary by SSR but may
include: Command Bunkers (Profile A), Missile Storage (Profile
SAM Warn On SAM Warn Off B), Launchers (Profile C), and Fire Control Radars (Profile D).
Example: The WP player has a hidden SA-11 (ID “G”) in hex SAMs have organic Light AAA [14.72]. In scenarios where
6313. When it turns its radar on, the WP player places WP SAM SAM sites have sub-targets, disregard [14.72] with regard to
Warning marker #1 on the map in the SA-11’s hex, noting on the damage to the organic AAA. Instead, this organic Light AAA is
SAM log that SAM Warning marker #1 corresponds to SA-11 considered a separate sub-target. It is attacked and takes damage
“G.” This will keep the NATO player guessing about what type separate from other sub-targets in the hex.
of SAM it is as long as possible.
15.2 SAM Radars
15.13 SAM Location
In the SAM Location Phase both players may try to locate SAM units may only acquire and attack flights if their radar is
unlocated SAMs marked with SAM Warning markers. Roll for switched on. Radars are switched on or off in the Admin Phase;
each unlocated SAM within the line of sight and SAM Detection flip the counter to its “on” or “off” side. In the Movement Phase,
range of a flight (based on the RWR rating). Increase the range some SAMs can switch their radar on to conduct a Lock-On After
by five hexes if there is a SAM Launch marker on the SAM. Launch (LOAL) attack [15.51]. Radars can also switch on in
the SAM Acquisition Phase if they attempt a quick acquisition
Roll one die and modify as indicated on the SAM Location Table.
[15.22]. Anti-radiation missiles (ARMs) can force SAM radars
If the roll is equal to or greater than 10, the SAM is located, and
to Shutdown [17.53].
the SAM Warning marker is replaced with the corresponding
SAM unit counter. Otherwise it remains unlocated. 15.21 SAM Acquisition
SAM units must acquire their target flight on radar (Excep-
15.14 Dummy SAM Sites
tions: LOAL [15.51], IR SAMs [15.44], Anti-Radar SAMs
Scenarios may supply either side with dummy SAM units.
[15.53], EO Tracking [15.54]) before they can fire. In the SAM
Dummy SAM units use any non-IR SAM unit counters and
Acquisition Phase, a SAM may make one attempt to acquire
always set up located [31.32] on their Radar Off side. Dummy
one enemy flight, or maintain/improve one existing acquisition
SAM sites have no radar and cannot switch on/off or fire SAMs.
on one flight, provided the flight is within its acquisition range
Dummy SAM sites can be attacked and destroyed like regular
(Exceptions: A SAM marked with a SAM Launch marker, and
SAM units; however, they never count for VPs.
with an Acquisition marker on a flight, must attempt to maintain
Example: The WP player is allocated one dummy SAM for a acquisition [15.24] on that same flight (i.e., it may not switch
scenario. To confuse the NATO player about the location of and try to acquire another flight); a Phased Array Radar SAM
the potent SA-12 SAM, the WP player selects an unused SA-12 [15.45] may make two attempts to acquire or maintain acquisi-
marker for the dummy SAM. As a dummy SAM, it automatically tion on two enemy flights, one attempt per flight).
sets up located on the map, on its Radar Off side.
Design Note: The real-world guys in a SAM command truck
15.15 Dummy Radars aren’t as omniscient as the game player. It’s quite likely, once
Scenarios may supply either side with dummy radar units. they have a target acquired and engage it, they would try to
Dummy radars use regular SAM unit counters and SAM Warn- stay on that track rather than dump it and try to acquire other
ing markers and must set up hidden. Dummy radars behave as aircraft nearby.
regular SAM units in all respects except they have no ammo
and cannot fire SAMs. 15.22 Acquisition Prerequisites
Each SAM unit may only acquire one target at a time (Exception:
Dummy radars can acquire targets with their radar, switch their
Phased Array Radar SAMs, see SAM Data Table). The target
radar on and off, and be forced to shut down by ARM attacks.
flight must be within acquisition range. It must not be masked
They can be attacked, damaged, and destroyed like regular SAM
by terrain [15.25].
units. Dummy radars never count for VPs.
If the SAM radar is switched off at the start of the SAM Acquisi-
Example: The NATO player is allocated one dummy radar in a tion Phase, it may try a “quick acquisition.” Quick acquisition
scenario. It sets up hidden. During the scenario, the NATO player may only be attempted against detected flights. The SAM radar
turns the radar on, placing a SAM Warning marker. In a later switches on immediately and applies the quick acquisition
turn, the WP player locates the SAM Warning marker [15.13]. penalty modifier.
When this occurs, the NATO player swaps in an unused Patriot
SAM counter and continues to acquire targets, turn the radar on/

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26 Red Storm ~ Rules

15.23 Resolving Acquisition cannot spend its first MP to conduct Anti-Radar Tactics due to
To resolve acquisition, roll two dice on the SAM Acquisition the need to first remove a Maneuver, BVR Avoid, and/or SAM
Table. Apply modifiers as indicated and consult the column cor- Avoid marker, Anti-Radar Tactics may not be used.
responding to the target’s current status: detected, undetected, or Place an Anti-Radar Tactics marker on the flight. Apply the Anti-
acquired by that SAM unit. Attempts to maintain acquisition on Radar Tactics modifier to all acquisition rolls made against the
flights that are both undetected and already acquired are resolved flight that game turn. After expending the first MP, and before
on the Acquired column. Cross reference with the result column: any SAM attacks can be launched, SAMs that have acquired
No Acquisition - The target is not acquired. Do not place an the flight must roll to maintain acquisition [15.24]. The result
Acquisition marker. If already acquired, remove the SAM of the roll may never improve the acquisition level.
Acquisition marker from the target. A SAM never rolls more than once for Anti-Radar Tactics in
Partial Acquisition - Place the Partial Acquisition marker a flight’s Movement Phase. However, it still rolls as normal to
matching the SAM unit’s ID on the target. maintain acquisition on the flight in the SAM Acquisition Phase.
Full Acquisition - Place the Full Acquisition marker matching After a flight conducts Anti-Radar Tactics, it may not climb,
the SAM unit’s ID on the target. initiate air-to-air combat, or make air-to-ground attacks dur-
ing that Movement Phase. They also lose Defensive Jamming
[19.21] for the remainder of the turn. Aircraft noted as having
Poor SAM Defense may not employ Anti-Radar Tactics.
Remove Anti-Radar Tactics markers at the end of the turn in the
Partial Acquisition Full Acquisition Administrative Phase.
In cases where a SAM unit is represented on the map by a SAM 15.27 Dummy Flight and SAM Interaction
Warning marker, use the SAM Acquisition marker correspond- Any SAM may attempt acquisition on a dummy flight as per the
ing to the SAM unit’s ID, not the SAM Warning marker’s ID. normal rules. Dummies have the option to “dummy jam” [19.52]
15.24 Maintaining/Losing Acquisition using a jamming modifier as if they had a defensive jamming
To maintain or improve an existing acquisition, the SAM must strength of 2n or 3d, if desired.
roll on the Target Acquired column (even if the flight is unde- Design Note: Dummies do not represent actual aircraft, so
tected) and adjust the SAM’s Acquisition marker based on the there is no actual “dummy jamming” going on. Instead, this
result. rule ensures dummy flights are not easily “sorted out” from
An Acquisition marker must be removed the moment a SAM real flights simply because they have no defensive jamming
unit’s radar is switched off, its target reaches a distance greater modifiers applied during various game functions.
than the acquisition range, Terrain Masking [15.25] applies, or
the flight engages in Standard air-to-air combat [11.2]. A player If the result is Partial Acquisition, then the dummy is not re-
may also voluntarily remove friendly Acquisition markers at vealed, and a Partial Acquisition marker is placed. If the SAM
any time. (Exception: A SAM’s Acquisition marker(s) may subsequently fires on the target, then the dummy is revealed and
not be voluntarily removed if the SAM is marked with a SAM removed from play. If the acquisition result is Full Acquisition,
Launch marker.) then the dummy is removed from play. If no Acquisition takes
place, the dummy counter remains in play.
15.25 Terrain Masking No dummies may be spawned from a flight that is marked by a
During the Movement Phase, if a target flight enters a Rough Full Acquisition marker even if the flight is undetected. Flights
or Mountain hex at Deck altitude, the Acquisition marker is marked by a Partial Acquisition marker may still spawn dum-
removed before any SAM attack can be made. Note that just mies (if eligible) and the SAM player must declare which flight
diving to Deck altitude in a Rough/Mountain hex does not re- will retain the acquisition marker when the dummy is spawned.
move the Acquisition marker before a SAM attack. The flight
must move into a Rough/Mountain hex while already at Deck 15.3 SAM Attacks
altitude to do so.
SAM units may fire at enemy flights up to their attack range.
Also, if the target is on the Deck and at any time there is a
Mountain hex between the SAM unit and the flight, remove 15.31 SAM Fire Prerequisites
the marker. Draw a straight line between the center of the SAM SAM units may only fire at flights during the Movement Phase
unit’s hex and the center of the flight’s hex or hexside. If this following the target’s expenditure of a movement point, or im-
line crosses any part of the Mountain hex (including along the mediately after it has scattered or performed SAM avoidance.
hexsides), acquisition is lost. Resolve SAM attacks after all AAA attacks have been resolved.
Acquisition: SAMs may only fire at acquired flights (Excep-
15.26 Anti-Radar Tactics
tions: LOAL [15.51], IR SAMs [15.44], Anti-Radar SAMs
Flights with RWR capability which are acquired can declare
[15.53], EO Tracking [15.54]). SAMs may fire no more than
Anti-Radar Tactics at the beginning of their movement. The
once per game turn (Exception: Phased Array Radar SAMs
flight’s first MP must be used to dive to Deck altitude. If already
[15.45]). SAMs may not fire at targets that are at less than
at Deck altitude, do not dive but still spend one MP. If the flight
minimum range. No more than two SAM units may attack the

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same flight in a game turn (Exception: IR SAMs [15.44] do not Movement Phase, the flight must conduct the SAM avoidance
count against this limit). maneuver to remove the marker [6.37].
Deconfliction: SAMs may not fire if an airborne friendly flight Flights that perform a SAM avoidance maneuver, or are marked
(including a dummy) is within four hexes of the target flight. with a SAM Avoid marker, must immediately roll to see if they
Only a Safe Passage Corridor [15.43] would allow the SAM to jettison air-to-ground ordnance [16.21]. Roll once for each
fire on an enemy flight within four hexes of a friendly flight/ aircraft in the flight, on a 1-6 the aircraft jettisons all its air-to-
dummy. This limitation does not apply to IR SAMs [15.44]. ground ordnance. On a 7+ it does not. Any flight that conducts
SAM avoidance must also remove Standoff Jamming markers
Optional Rule: SAM Friendly Fire. A player may take
and any of its Spot Jamming [19.3] markers on ground units.
SAM shots not otherwise allowed due to Deconfliction.
They cannot initiate air-to-air combat or make air-to-ground
However, if the SAM attack result is a “Miss,” then the player
attacks during that Movement Phase.
must immediately conduct another SAM attack roll against the
friendly flight closest in hexes to the original target (oppos- 15.34 SAM Ammo
ing player decides ties), even if it is out of range of the firing SAM units have a variable number of shots based on their type.
SAM. This “friendly fire” SAM attack is conducted with no Each regular attack uses up one shot. A salvo uses two shots. A
modifiers on the SAM Attack Table. If the result is “Possible SAM unit that has fired all of its shots is depleted and may be
Hit,” roll on the SAM Defense Table with no modifiers. If marked with a SAM No Ammo marker. Depleted SAM units
the result is “Roll SAM Damage,” roll on the Full Acquisi- may not fire for the remainder of the scenario.
tion column. Apply a -3 DRM to any Morale Checks on the
Optional Rule: Consistent resupply of missiles to SAM
friendly flight from the SAM attack.
units would be very difficult in a major war. To reflect this,
15.32 Resolving SAM Attacks during the Ground Planning Phase [31.2], each player secretly
Before resolving a SAM attack, the attacking player may choose rolls 1d10 for each friendly SAM: on a 1, the SAM has no
to fire a “salvo” of SAMs to obtain an improved modifier on the ammo, on a 2-5 the SAM has 50% normal ammo (round
SAM Attack Table. This uses more ammo [15.34]. down), on a 6+ the SAM has a full ammo load.
To resolve a SAM attack, the player rolls two dice and applies
the attack modifiers as indicated. Look up the result on the SAM 15.4 Additional SAM Rules
Attack Table. It will give either a “Possible Hit” or “Miss” result. 15.41 Air-to-Ground Modifier
If the result is Possible Hit, the defending player rolls two dice SAM attacks apply a modifier, listed on the Air-to-Ground At-
on the SAM Defense Table and applies defense modifiers. Re- tack Table, to those bombing air-to-ground attacks where the
sults are as follows: bombing flight is attacked by one or more SAM units during
● Roll SAM Damage. The SAM attack may score a hit. Roll the Bomb Run. Apply the modifier only if there is a SAM At-
on the SAM Damage Table. tack Table result of Possible Hit during the flight’s Bomb Run.
● SAM Avoidance. The SAM attack misses and the target flight Miss results do not generate the air-to-ground modifier. Only
must perform a SAM avoidance maneuver [15.33]. Aircraft apply the modifier once regardless of the number of Possible
noted as having Poor SAM Defense treat this result as “Roll Hit SAM attacks.
SAM Damage.” 15.42 High Altitude Targets
● Miss. The attack is negated by the flight’s defensive tactics. For the purposes of resolving SAM attack rolls [15.3] and deter-
The SAM attack misses. mining if burn-through [19.22] applies, add one to the range in
hexes from the SAM to the target if that target is at High altitude.
If the result of the attack is “Roll SAM Damage,” roll one die
Add three to the range if the target is at Very High altitude.
on the SAM Damage Table, using the column for Full or Partial
Acquisition as appropriate. Use the Damage Allocation Table Example: The NATO player announces a Patriot SAM attack
[12.1] to allocate any Damaged, Crippled, or Shot Down results. on a MiG-25 that is four hexes away from the Patriot. However,
Also conduct any Post-Combat Procedures [13.0], as applicable. the MiG-25 is at Very High altitude, so the range to the MiG-25
After resolving the attack, mark the SAM unit with a SAM for the purposes of burn-through [19.22] and this SAM attack
Launch marker. The flight may continue movement if it has is seven hexes. If the MiG-25 were at High altitude, the range
MP remaining. would be considered five hexes for those purposes.

15.33 SAM Avoidance 15.43 Safe Passage Corridors

If the flight must perform a SAM avoidance maneuver, Each player may plot Safe Passage Corridors during the Plan-
consult the SAM Avoidance chart on Player Aid Card ning Phase if allowed by SSR. These passages allow the player
1. Turn and move the flight into either of the indi- to have flights and SAMs active in the same area.
cated hexes, as though conducting regular movement, A Safe Passage Corridor is twenty hexes long by one hex wide
and dive one altitude band (if not already on the Deck). and must have an altitude of Deck, Low, Medium, or High as-
The SAM avoidance maneuver uses up one MP. If the flight signed to it. The corridor may include one “turn” of 30°. The
has no MP remaining, place a SAM Avoid marker. In its next airspeed for a Safe Passage Corridor is always limited to three

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28 Red Storm ~ Rules

and/or four MPs; however, if a friendly flight has not yet moved
in a Movement Phase, it is considered to be at the appropriate
speed for the corridor. All hexes of the Safe Passage Corridor
must be on the friendly side of the Front.
A friendly flight in a Safe Passage Corridor hex, and at the ap-
propriate altitude/speed for that corridor, may be ignored for the
purposes of SAM Fire Prerequisites [15.31], allowing SAMs
to fire on enemy flights that would normally be too close to a
friendly flight to permit the attack.
15.44 Infrared (IR) Homing SAMs
IR Homing SAM units are normal SAMs, with the following
● IR SAMs do not have SAM radars [15.2] and do not acquire
● IR SAMs only have two states [15.11]: hidden and located.
They always set up hidden and never use SAM Warning
● IR Tracking Attack. An IR SAM with LOS to an enemy
flight may attack it. Announce the shot, reveal (if hidden)
the IR SAM, and resolve on the SAM Attack Table. The IR
SAM automatically becomes located [15.11] after the attack. Example: The NATO player has placed a Patriot SAM (with a
Altitude, range, salvo fire, and IR SAM-specific DRM apply Phased Array radar) in hex 4038. During setup, the Patriot’s
to the SAM Attack [15.32] Table normally. 120° radar arc is defined to include the three adjacent hexes
● IR SAM shots do not count against the two SAM attacks per shown (4037, 4138, 4139). The Patriot may only acquire and
flight per turn limitation [15.31]. attack enemy flights inside this arc. So, a flight in 4237 could
● IR SAMs may ignore friendly flights for the purpose of SAM be acquired/attacked, but an enemy flight outside this arc, such
deconfliction [15.31]. as in hex 4040, could not be acquired or attacked. An acquired
enemy flight moving from 4036 (inside the arc) to 3936 (outside
● IR SAMs ignore Radar Suppressed damage results [18.22] the arc) would have its Acquisition marker immediately removed.
Design Note: By the late 1980s both NATO and the WP fielded
Design Note: The Patriot AN/APQ-53 and SA-12 9S32 “Grill
short-range IR-homing SAMs in an effort to enhance short
Pan” radars were among the first phased array radars for
range air defense and avoid the effects of electronic jamming.
land-based SAMs. Both used very powerful, narrow, and agile
These systems are often cued to a target by local warning ra-
radar beams, and were thus much less vulnerable to noise
dars but use optical/infrared tracking for engagement.
and barrage jamming techniques. However, unlike dish ar-
15.45 Phased Array Radar SAMs rays they did not rotate, which meant they could not provide
Certain SAMs have advanced Phased Array radars. These 360° coverage.
powerful radars allow acquisition of two enemy flights at the
same time and engagement of two acquired flights in the same 15.5 Advanced SAM Rules
Movement Phase. See SAM Data Table. They are also more 15.51 Lock-On After Launch
resistant to jamming [19.31] than other radars. Some SAM units, as designated on the SAM Data Table,
However, Phased Array SAMs also have a limited 120° arc in may perform Lock-On After Launch (LOAL) attacks. Only
which they can acquire and attack enemy flights. Only flights SAM units with their radar off may attempt LOAL attacks.
that are within this arc may be acquired or attacked. If a flight The target must be detected. No acquisition is required prior
is acquired and moves entirely outside this arc, immediately to the attack, though all other prerequisites apply.
remove the Acquisition marker. During the Ground Planning Declare the LOAL attack and switch the SAM radar on. Then
Phase [31.2] players must plot a 120° arc from the center of the roll to acquire the target, applying the Lock-On After Launch
SAM’s setup hex. This arc cannot be changed during a scenario modifier. If the result is “No Acquisition,” the attack fails.
and is formed by selecting 3 adjacent hexes. Otherwise mark the target with the appropriate Acquisition
marker and resolve the attack as normal. Regardless of the
acquisition’s success, the attack always expends one shot of
ammo (two if a salvo [15.32] is declared) and results in the
placement of a SAM Launch marker.

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15.52 Mobile SAMs Otherwise mark the target with the appropriate Acquisition
Some SAMs are designated as Mobile SAMs on the SAM marker and resolve the attack as normal. Regardless of the
Data Table (any SAM not designated as “Mobile” is “Non- acquisition success, the attack always expends one shot of
Mobile”). Mobile SAM units may move during a scenario. ammo (two if a salvo [15.32] is declared) and results in the
Every five turns, players may move them one hex during the placement of a SAM Launch marker.
Admin Phase. If they are hidden at the time of movement,
Design Note: This capability represents the backup opti-
they remain hidden. If they are not hidden, they must switch
cal tracking (usually TV-based) some SAMs had in the late
their radars off to move. They become hidden in their new
1980s to help deal with intense jamming environments.
hex. They may not move into a hex where they would not be
These systems allowed the SAM to be fired based on an
allowed to setup.
aircraft being tracked visually, and then illuminated by the
15.53 Anti-Radar SAMs SAM’s fire control radar just before the terminal phase of
Certain SAMs, as designated on the SAM Data Table, may the engagement.
conduct special Anti-Radar SAM attacks against enemy flights
marked with Standoff Jamming [19.3] markers. The SAM
radar must be on. They engage such flights using normal
SAM attack procedures and prerequisites, with the following 16.0 Air-to-Ground Ordnance
● The target flight must have a Standoff Jamming marker on it. 16.1 Ordnance
● The target flight does not need to have an Acquisition Flights tasked with Bombing, SEAD, or Rescue Support carry
marker on it. air-to-ground ordnance. Players must “load” each individual
aircraft in a flight with ordnance and note each aircraft’s load
● Eligible SAMs with an Acquisition marker on a flight
on the flight’s Log Sheet [2.9]. Any one aircraft in a flight may
marked with Standoff Jamming may conduct an anti-radar
only carry one type of ordnance.
attack in lieu of a standard attack.
● If the SAM Friendly Fire Optional Rule [15.31] is used, a 16.11 Ordnance Types
Miss result has no further effect. There are several types of ordnance, some of which are only
available via SSR. Ordnance types are as follows:
● The SAM may not use salvo fire [15.32].
● Bombs: High explosive and incendiary bombs [16.12].
● When the attack is announced, the player targeted by the
Anti-Radar SAM attack rolls one die. If the roll is 7 or less ● LGB: Laser-guided bombs [17.35] [17.36].
(+1 DRM if no LOS to the SAM) the targeted player may ● EOGM: Electro-Optical guided missiles [17.37].
immediately remove the Standoff Jamming marker from ● EOGB: Electro-Optical guided bombs [17.38].
the targeted flight (including any Spot Jamming markers ● HARM: NATO Anti-Radiation missile [17.54].
[19.34] for that flight). If the Standoff Jamming marker is
removed, the Anti-Radar SAM attack automatically misses ● Shrike: NATO Anti-Radiation missile [17.55].
with no other effect. If the final roll is 8 or more, or if the ● Kh-25MP: WP Anti-Radiation missile [17.56].
defending player chooses to keep the Standoff Jamming ● Kh-58: WP Anti-Radiation missile [17.57].
marker on the flight, the Anti-Radar SAM attacks the target. ● Kh-28M: WP Anti-Radiation missile [17.58].
Resolve the attack normally on the SAM Attack Table
[15.32] as if the SAM had Partial Acquisition on the flight. ● AS.37: NATO Anti-Radiation missile [17.59].
SAM Defense Table DRM for Standoff/Spot Jamming and ● CBU: Cluster bombs [17.61].
Defensive Jamming are NA. ● Rocket Pods: Rocket pods and rockets [17.63].
15.54 Electro-Optical Tracking ● Anti-Runway: Anti-Runway bombs [17.64].
Certain SAMs, as designated on the SAM Data Table, may ● MW-1A/JP233: NATO Anti-Runway munitions [17.65].
perform Electro-Optical (EO) Tracking attacks. Only SAMs ● MW-1B/KMGU: NATO/WP Anti-Vehicle munitions
with their radar on may attempt EO Tracking attacks. EO [17.66].
Tracking attacks are not allowed at Night [23.0]. The target
● Nuke: Air-dropped nuclear weapons [17.67].
must be detected, at a range of four or fewer hexes, and in line
of sight [22.1] of the SAM. The SAM must not currently have ● Chaff: Large chaff pods/dispensers [17.68].
an Acquisition marker on an enemy flight; (if not marked with ● AS-6: WP long-range, high altitude cruise missile [17.71].
a SAM Launch marker, the SAM may voluntarily remove an ● BGM-109G/AS-15: NATO/WP long-range, terrain-
Acquisition marker [15.24]). All other prerequisites apply. following cruise missiles [17.72].
Declare the EO Tracking attack and then roll to acquire the ● AGM-69: NATO high speed, nuclear cruise missile [17.73].
target, applying appropriate modifiers, including EO Tracking.
If the result is “No Acquisition,” the attack fails. LGB, EOGM, EOGB, and the six types of ARMs are col-
lectively referred to as “Precision Guided Munitions” (PGM)

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30 Red Storm ~ Rules

[16.14]. Each remains a separate ordnance type for carriage Examples (continued): For the MiG-27Ks above, the player
limits [16.15]. could designate aircraft #1 and #2 as carrying the LGB shots
In addition to the listed ordnance, aircraft may make strafing and aircraft #3 and #4 carrying the EOGM shots. For the F-
attacks if they are armed with undepleted air-to-air gun weapons. 4Gs above, the player could designate aircraft #1 as carrying
the two HARM shots and aircraft #2 as carrying the two CBU
16.12 Bomb Ammunition bomb attack strength points.
Bomb ordnance loads are expressed as a bomb attack strength.
ADCs list the per-aircraft bomb attack point limit. Note that In all cases, players may only load types of ordnance that they
some aircraft have an x/y bomb point rating, with the lower of are allowed to load for a given flight based on Scenario Special
the two numbers used when the aircraft is part of a Deep Strike Rules, the ADC, and/or the Order of Battle Table. If an aircraft
Raid. Note the number of points carried by each aircraft on the from a flight with a mixed loadout is forced to jettison air-to-
flight log. ground ordnance, is Shot Down, or the flight splits due to a
When making a bomb attack, each aircraft in a flight may expend Crippled aircraft, players must note which specific ordnance
some or all of its bomb attack strength in increments of whole type/amount is no longer available for that flight.
or half strength points. When the flight makes a bomb attack, Design Note: This is a major downside of mixed loadouts for
these expended points are subtracted from each participating flights—if the wrong aircraft gets Shot Down, Damaged, or
aircraft’s bomb attack strength. Aborted, a flight may no longer have the right type of ordnance
16.13 Strafing Ammunition it needs to carry out the Raid’s mission.
Flights that are strafing [17.39] roll for depletion as if the flight 16.16 Ordnance Availability
had just conducted air-to-air combat and fired four shots with The Order of Battle Tables include information for determining
its gun [11.34]. However, only the gun can deplete. what ordnance is available for a given flight. In general, players
16.14 PGM Ammunition roll for each flight to determine what types of ordnance may be
LGB, EOGM, EOGB, and ARMs are listed on the ADC as hav- loaded (bombs, PGMs, ARMs, other). In addition, scenarios
ing a number of “shots” (in parentheses) per aircraft loaded with may specify that a particular type of ordnance is allowed or
that PGM. Note the number of shots carried by each aircraft on required to be carried.
the flight log.
16.2 Carrying Ordnance
When making a PGM attack, each aircraft in a flight may expend
some or all of its PGM shots. Each shot represents one attack Flights with any aircraft in them carrying air-to-ground ordnance
roll. Each PGM shot is resolved separately and deducted from an are classed as “laden” until all ordnance are expended or jet-
individual aircraft’s load. When all of a flight’s PGM shots are tisoned, at which point they become “clean.” Laden flights use
expended, it may not make any more attacks with that ordnance. laden Movement Point and Maneuver values. As soon as flights
jettison or expend all their ordnance, they use the clean values
Design Note: Each “shot” of EOGM represents three or four [6.2]. (Exception: Flights carrying Shrike ARMs [17.55] and no
missiles such as AGM-65 Maverick or Kh-25ML Karen mis- other ordnance are treated as clean.)
siles with EO, laser, or IR guidance. For LGB/EOGB, each
shot equates to two large guided bombs using laser or EO 16.21 Jettisoning Ordnance
guidance. For ARMs, each shot represents firing two ARMs At any time during movement, ordnance may be jettisoned.
at a radar target. Ordnance may also be jettisoned prior to Standard air-to-air
combat [11.25]. SAM avoidance maneuvers [15.33] and some
16.15 Mixed Loadouts Morale Check [13.1] results require all aircraft in a flight to roll
Flights tasked with Bombing, SEAD, or Rescue Support may to see if they jettison all air-to-ground ordnance. Roll once for
carry more than one type of ordnance. However, any one flight each aircraft in the flight, on a 1-6 the aircraft jettisons all its
may only carry two different types of ordnance. In addition, air-to-ground ordnance. On a 7+ it does not.
any individual aircraft in a flight may only carry one type of Damaged and Crippled results [12.2] require individual aircraft
ordnance. Flights carrying JP233, MW-1, KMGU, AS-6, or in a flight to jettison ordnance. In both cases, reduce the flight’s
Nuke ordnance may not have mixed loadouts. remaining bomb points [16.12] or PGM shots [16.14] based on
For mixed loadout flights, players may split up the flight’s the bomb points or PGM shots currently carried by the specific
capacity by aircraft, with each aircraft able to carry one of the aircraft, if any.
weapons listed on the ADC and the Order of Battle Table.
Example: A flight with four aircraft and twelve bomb points
Examples: A flight of 4 x MiG-27Ks could carry two LGB shots (three points carried per aircraft) takes a Crippled result on
and six regular bomb points. Alternately, the same flight could aircraft #3 from a SAM attack. This forces aircraft #3 to jettison
have two LGB shots and two EOGM shots, or one LGB shot and its bomb load. The player would note the Crippled result on the
nine CBU points. A flight of 2 x F-4G could carry two HARM flight’s Log Sheet and indicate that #3 no longer has bomb points.
shots and two points of CBUs. This reduces the flight’s remaining bomb point load from twelve
When allocating mixed loadouts, players must specify on the to nine due to aircraft #3 jettisoning its ordnance.
Log Sheet which aircraft in the flight have which ordnance.

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Example: A flight with four aircraft and a mixed loadout [16.15] AAA, EWR, and SAM units. Flights with guns but no ordnance
is carrying two LGB shots and two EOGM shots. It suffers two may conduct strafing attacks [17.39].
Damage results from a SAM attack, allocated to aircraft #1 and
17.13 Target Profiles
#2. The player checks the log and sees that aircraft #1 and #2
Ground targets are rated by their Target Profile, as described in
were both loaded with an LGB shot (with aircraft #3 and #4
the rules or scenarios. Target Profiles are a measure of the target’s
loaded with the EOGM shots). The player would reduce the
vulnerability to attack, ranging from D (most vulnerable) to A
LGB shots remaining to zero, leaving the flight with only the two
(least vulnerable). Target Profiles modify attack rolls.
EOGM shots carried by aircraft #3 and #4.

16.22 Shot Down Aircraft 17.2 Bomb Runs

When a flight loses an aircraft due to a Shot Down result, ad- To attack, the flight must first complete a Bomb Run. The flight
just the flight’s Log Sheet to reflect the loss of the Shot Down starts its Bomb Run at an Initial Point (IP), which can be any
aircraft’s air-to-ground ordnance. hex on the map. Announce the Bomb Run is starting, and the
target(s) in the hex being attacked. Then move the flight from
16.23 Ordnance Speed Limits
the IP directly toward the target hex without turning. When the
Flights laden with Bombs [16.12], Anti-Runway Bombs [17.64],
flight reaches the target hex (or the hex from which the attack
CBU [17.61], LGB [17.35], EOGB [17.38], or Chaff [17.68]
on the target hex is made), and after all AAA/SAM attacks have
ordnance may not select a speed [6.2] greater than four.
been resolved, the attack takes place.
Flights laden with Rockets [17.63], ARMs [17.5], EOGM
The attack usually takes place within the target’s hex, but some
[17.37], MW-1A [17.65], MW-1B [17.66], JP233 [17.65],
ordnance types permit attacks from one or more hexes away.
KMGU [17.66], or Nuke [17.67] ordnance may not select a
For attacks from one or more hexes away from the target hex,
speed [6.2] greater than five.
the target must be in the forward arc of the attacking flight at
For flights with mixed loadouts [16.15], the lowest carried the moment of the attack. Once the attack has been executed,
ordnance speed limit determines the maximum speed of the the flight finishes its remaining movement. Free turns are not
entire flight. permitted directly after an attack (i.e., before another MP is
During a Bomb Run, if a flight is marked with a BVR Avoid
17.0 Air-to-Ground Attacks or SAM Avoid marker or is forced to turn / change altitude for
any reason (i.e., SAM avoidance [15.33] or Scatter [13.2]), the
17.1 Attacks Bomb Run is canceled. If this occurs, the flight may temporar-
Non-Disordered flights can attack ground targets during the ily depart from its flight path [8.31] and move as necessary to
Movement Phase. An “attack” means conducting a Bomb Run conduct another Bomb Run on the target. After completion of
[17.2], launching ARMs [17.5], or launching Cruise Missiles the run, or if the player decides to skip the target, the flight must
[17.7]. In general, a flight may only conduct one attack against return to its flight path.
one target in a game turn, although the single attack on a target
may include more than one shot of a PGM [16.14]. In addition, in 17.3 Attack Profiles
a hex with multiple sub-targets (usually airfields or SAM sites), There are many different attack profiles, based on the type of
a flight may attack multiple sub-targets during a single Bomb ordnance and other conditions. The attack profile specifies the
Run by assigning individual aircraft in the flight to different conditions to be met to make the attack. If any of these conditions
sub-targets in the hex, but only one attack profile [17.3] may are not met, no attack is allowed with that ordnance.
be used during the run. A flight that declared Anti-Radar Tactics Attack profiles are defined as either visual or blind bombing.
[15.26] or performed a SAM avoidance [15.33] maneuver earlier Visual bombing attacks require a line of sight [22.1] to the tar-
in that turn cannot make air-to-ground attacks. get throughout the Bomb Run. Blind bombing attacks do not
17.11 Tasking Restrictions require a line of sight.
Flights tasked with Bombing may attack any targets in the Raid’s 17.31 Dive Bombing Profile
target hexes. They may also attack AAA concentrations, Radar Visual bombing attack. IP is one hex from target. The flight
AAA, Mobile AAA, and located SAM units within two hexes must be at Low altitude or higher. The attacker may announce
of the Raid’s target hex. They may not attack any other targets. that they are “pressing” an attack, which gives a bonus attack
Units tasked with SEAD or Rescue Support may attack any modifier. However, the defender gets an additional AAA barrage
EWR, AAA, or SAM unit. attack just before the bombing attack [14.4]. Apply the Dive
Bombing modifier.
17.12 Ordnance Restrictions
Flights must have ordnance of the correct type to launch an Design Note: The “diving” here is assumed to take place
air-to-ground attack. Bombs may be used against any target. within the flight’s altitude band, so the flight is not required to
JP233, MW-1, KMGU, and Nukes may only be used against change altitude via a dive [6.31] during the Bomb Run.
Raid targets. ARMs may only be used against Radar-Equipped

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17.32 Level Bombing Profile may strafe Profile C or D targets. Aircraft with 27mm or 30mm
Visual bombing attack. IP is one hex from target. No climb or guns may also strafe Profile B targets. Profile A targets may
dive permitted during the attack. Apply the Level Bombing not be attacked via strafing. After the attack, roll for depletion
modifier. (Exception: Rocket Pod [17.63] attacks using Level [11.34] on the flight’s gun as if it took four shots (a -3 DRM).
Bombing Profile apply a separate modifier, listed on the Air-to- However, only the gun can deplete.
Ground Attack Table.)
17.4 Resolving Attacks
17.33 Radar Bombing Profile
Radar bombing capability required. Blind bombing attack. IP Resolve attacks as follows:
is two hexes from target. No climb or dive permitted during the 17.41 Determine Attack Column
attack. Apply the Radar Bombing modifier. First find the column the flight uses on the Air-to-Ground Attack
Design Note: This attack method uses the aircraft’s radar, Table. Flights with bomb ordnance declare which individual
and often a radar beacon, to locate and attack the target, so aircraft in the flight with bombs are attacking and how many
only aircraft with advanced air-to-ground radar modes can bomb points each aircraft is expending for this attack. Total the
use this method. bomb points allocated, multiply based on the type of bomb/target
type if appropriate and use the highest numbered column that
17.34 Toss Bombing Profile is equal to or less than the attack value. Update flight logs [2.9]
Radar bombing capability required. Blind bombing attack. to show the ordnance expended.
IP is three hexes (Deck/Low) or five hexes (Med/High) from Strafing flights calculate the column as for flights with bomb
target. Target is attacked from two (Deck/Low) or three (Med/ ordnance. However, the “bomb” strength for a strafing attack
High) hexes away. The flight must have declared it is moving is .5 per aircraft attacking with 20mm or 23mm guns or 1 per
at a speed of four MP or more (but still within ordnance speed aircraft with 27mm or 30mm guns.
limits [16.23]). No climb or dive permitted during the attack. For PGM attacks, declare which individual aircraft in the flight
Apply the Toss Bombing modifier. are attacking and how many PGM shots each aircraft is expend-
17.35 LGB Level Profile ing for this attack. Each PGM uses a specific column: EOGM
LGB ordnance only. Visual bombing attack. IP one hex from use the EOGM column, EOGB and LGB use the EOGB/LGB
target. No climb or dive permitted during the attack. Attacks not column, ARMs use the ARM column. Update flight logs [2.9]
permitted from Deck altitude. No attacks permitted where line to show the ordnance expended.
of sight passes through cloud layer. Apply LGB Level Profile 17.42 Attack Roll
modifiers. Roll two dice and modify the roll as indicated using the appropri-
17.36 LGB Toss Profile ate modifiers for the type of Bomb Run conducted. Look up the
Only NATO flights with +2 or better bombsight. LGB ordnance result on the attack column of the Air-to-Ground Attack Table.
only. Visual bombing attack. IP three hexes from target (Deck PGMs roll once for each shot declared [16.14].
or Low altitude only). Target is attacked from two hexes away. A “-” result is a miss. If the attack success
No attacks permitted where line of sight passes through cloud result is 1 or more, place a marker equal to
layer. The flight must have declared it is moving at a speed of the attack success on the target hex. If more
four MP. No climb or dive permitted during the attack. Apply than one attack is made on a target, place a
LGB Toss Profile modifiers. separate marker for each attack (do not “add them”). Roll for
damage resolution at the appropriate time [18.1].
17.37 EOGM Profile
EOGM ordnance only. Visual bombing attack. IP three hexes 17.5 Anti-Radiation Missiles
away from target, but target must be attacked from one or two
hexes away. Attacks are not permitted from High altitude. No Anti-Radiation Missiles (ARMs) may be used to attack Radar-
attacks are permitted where the line of sight passes through a Equipped AAA (Fire Can, 2K22, Gepard, Vulcan), EWR, and
cloud layer, mist, or haze. Apply EOGM Profile modifiers. SAM units (including dummy Radars) that have their radars
switched on. ARMs may not be used against any other type of
17.38 EOGB Profile target.
EOGB ordnance only. Visual bombing attack. IP eight hexes
from the target, but target must be attacked from five hexes away. 17.51 ARM Types
Attacks only permitted from Medium altitude. Attacks are not Anti-Radiation Missiles come in six types: HARM, Shrike,
permitted where the line of sight passes through a cloud layer, Kh-25MP, Kh-58, Kh-28M, AS.37. Aircraft may only carry
mist, or haze. Apply EOGB Profile modifiers. one type of ARM.

17.39 Strafe Profile 17.52 ARM Launches

No ordnance required, but the flight must have an undepleted gun All ARMs have a minimum range of one hex. ARMs may have
weapon. Visual bombing attack. IP is one hex from the target. up to three maximum ranges: one for launch from Deck/Low,
Attack only allowed at Deck altitude and at Combat throttle. one for launch from Med/High, and one for a “lofted” launch
No bombing permitted during the attack. All aircraft with guns from Med/High if allowed. A flight may only launch one ARM

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type per game turn, though it may launch multiple shots of that 17.55 Shrike
ARM type at the same target in a single attack. The launch arc for a Shrike (AGM-45B) is the fight’s forward
When an ARM is launched, the player indicates if it is a normal arc. Maximum range is three hexes (Deck/Low), six hexes (Med/
or lofted ARM launch, the launching flight, and the number of High), or nine hexes (lofted from Med/High). Do not resolve
shots. They do not have to declare the target or ARM type. The the attack after a radar Shutdown [17.53].
target and ARM type are noted and not revealed until the op- For the purposes of carrying ordnance [16.2], Shrikes count as
posing player has declared which unit(s) will voluntarily shut an air-to-air weapon, and thus do not prevent carriage of other
down their radars [17.53]. Only then is the target declared and non-ARM air-to-ground ordnance on the same aircraft or have
the ARM attack resolved. to be jettisoned [16.21] like other air-to-ground ordnance. See
ARM launches are blind bombing attacks. There is no IP for ADC notes.
an ARM Bomb Run. Instead the flight may fire after expending 17.56 Kh-25MP
any MP (including resolution of any AAA/SAM attacks caused The launch arc for a Kh-25MP is the flight’s forward arc. Maxi-
by that MP expenditure) provided the target is in a launch arc mum range is six hexes (Deck/Low), nine hexes (Med/High), or
designated in the weapon description. twelve hexes (lofted from Med/High). Kh-25MP may continue
17.53 Radar Shutdowns to attack after a radar Shutdown [17.53].
ARMs may only be launched at targets that have their radars 17.57 Kh-58
switched on (Exception: Pre-emptive ARM launches [17.60]). The launch arc for a Kh-58 is the flight’s forward arc. Maximum
Provided the launching flight is detected, the player range is eight hexes (Deck/Low), sixteen hexes (Med/High), or
targeted by the ARM may voluntarily shut down Fire twenty-four hexes (lofted from Med/High). Kh-58 may continue
Can, SAM, and/or EWR radars in the launching to attack after a radar Shutdown [17.53]. Kh-58s may only be
flight’s forward hemisphere the moment an ARM fired at EWR and SAM units (including SAM Warning markers).
weapon is launched. Mobile AAA may not voluntarily shut They may not be fired at Radar AAA or Mobile AAA.
down. The Fire Can, SAM, or EWR radar is switched off and
the unit is flipped to its radar off side. Place a Radar Shutdown 17.58 Kh-28M
marker on each affected unit. The launch arc for a Kh-28M is the flight’s forward arc. Maxi-
mum range is twenty-six hexes (Med/High); they may not be
Design Note: Mobile AAA, such as 2K22s or Vulcans, are fired at Deck/Low. Do not resolve the attack after a radar Shut-
tactical units and are unlikely to be tightly integrated into the down [17.53]. Kh-28Ms may only be fired at EWR and SAM
local air defense network that would provide warning of an units (including SAM Warning markers). They may not be fired
ARM launch. at Radar AAA or Mobile AAA.
If the player does not, or cannot, voluntarily shut down the 17.59 AS.37 Martel
targeted radar, roll an ARM Morale Check immediately after The launch arc for an AS.37 is the flight’s forward arc. Maxi-
the target is declared to see if the targeted radar crew detects the mum range is nine hexes (Deck/Low) or twelve hexes (Med/
launch and turns off the radar. Roll an ARM Morale Check for High). Do not resolve the attack after a radar Shutdown [17.53].
each ARM shot launched at the target. For each check, roll one AS.37s may only be fired at EWR and SAM units (including
die. If the final roll is equal to or less than 5, the radar shuts down. SAM Warning markers). They may not be fired at Radar AAA
Add 1 to the roll if the launching flight is undetected. Subtract or Mobile AAA.
1 from the roll if the ARM is launched from 10 or greater hexes
away. If a radar shuts down, mark it with a Shutdown marker. 17.60 Preemptive ARM Launches
ARMs may be launched pre-emptively at SAM units (including
Some ARMs may still attack after radar Shutdown (voluntary
SAM Warning markers) or Radar-Equipped AAA whose radars
or otherwise). Apply the Shutdown radar modifier to the ARM
are turned off. Pre-emptive launches may only be conducted
from Medium or High altitude. Pre-emptive ARMs do not re-
Units with a Shutdown marker may not attack, turn their radar solve the attack until the SAM Acquisition Phase. An attack is
on, move or (for EWR units) attempt detection. They may at- resolved only if the target SAM or Radar-Equipped AAA unit
tempt to remove the Shutdown marker in the Admin Phase. Roll switches its radar on. If the target does not switch on its radar,
a die. On a result of 5 or greater remove the marker, otherwise it it is not attacked, and the ARM is expended for no effect.
remains in place. If the marker is removed, the radar may now
be turned on. Roll each Admin Phase until removed. 17.6 Special Munitions
17.54 HARM 17.61 Cluster Bomb Units
The launch arc for a HARM (AGM-88A) is the flight’s forward Cluster Bomb Units (CBU) come in two types: anti-personnel
hemisphere. Maximum range is six hexes (Deck/Low), twelve (AP) and anti-tank (AT). See the CBU Capability Table on Player
hexes (Med/High), or eighteen hexes (lofted from Med/High). Aid Card 3 for aircraft types eligible to carry CBUs of either
HARM may continue to attack after a radar Shutdown [17.53]. type. Flights eligible to carry CBU may substitute CBU of the
appropriate type for bombs.

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34 Red Storm ~ Rules

All CBUs are treated as normal bombs, however, the bomb 17.67 Nukes
strength of AP CBU is doubled versus AAA (all types), SAM, Aerial-delivered nuclear bombs varying in strength from 100
EWR, HQ, Supply, and aircraft on the ground targets. Strength to 300 kilotons. Only available by Scenario Special Rule. Only
is halved versus other targets. AP CBU attacks are not allowed Radar Bombing profile attacks from High altitude or Toss
from above Medium altitude. Bombing profile attacks are allowed for Nuke ordnance. No
AT CBU bomb strength is doubled versus AAA (all types), SAM, attack may be made if a friendly flight other than the attacking
EWR, Armor, Mech, Artillery, and Missile targets. Strength is flight is in or adjacent to the target hex. Cruise missiles [17.7]
halved versus other targets. Only Level Bombing Profile attacks with Nuke warheads follow the specific attack profile for the
at Low or Deck altitude are allowed for AT CBU. type of cruise missile attacking, however cruise missile attacks
occur regardless of the presence of friendly flights in/adjacent
17.62 AAA Suppression to the target hex.
Flights attacking AAA concentrations with bombs (or CBU) may
There is no need to roll on the Air-to-Ground Attack Table; the
split their attack value in any way the attacker wishes between
Nuke attack is automatically successful if the bombing aircraft
the AAA concentration and any Fire Can units in the hex. Roll
or cruise missile is not Shot Down, forced to jettison, or Crippled
the attacks and determine the results separately.
prior to the attack. Place a Nuke Attack marker in the target hex.
17.63 Rocket Pods All ground units/SAM/EWR/AAA, airfields, sub-targets, and/
All WP aircraft capable of carrying bombs, and some NATO or flights on the ground in the target hex are inflicted with
aircraft (see ADCs), may substitute Rocket Pods for bombs. Total Destruction [18.2]. All ground units/SAM/EWR/AAA
Bomb strength of rockets is doubled versus AAA (all types), adjacent to the target hex receive Heavy Damage [18.2]. Also,
SAM, EWR, HQ, Supply, and aircraft on the ground targets. any airborne flight (other than the flight conducting the attack)
Strength is halved versus other targets. They may be employed in or adjacent to the target hex at the moment of the attack im-
with two different attack profiles. Dive Bombing profile may mediately Aborts and all aircraft in the flight are Damaged. For
be used at Low altitude. Level Bombing may be used at Deck the remainder of the scenario, no Mobile SAMs or flights may
altitude. No other profiles may be used. Level Bombing profile enter the target hex. If forced to do so, the flight Aborts and all
attacks with rockets receive a favorable +1 DRM. aircraft in it are Damaged.
17.64 Anti-Runway Bombs 17.68 Chaff
Special anti-runway rocket-assisted bombs (ARB), such as the Chaff “bombs,” pods, and rockets lay down chaff corridors. May
US/French BLU-107 Durandal, the French BAP.100, Soviet only be carried by certain aircraft tasked with Chaff Laying or
BETAB-500, and other rocket-assisted bombs. Flights capable Escort Jamming (see ADCs). Unlike other ordnance, they are
of carrying ARB may substitute ARB for bombs. expended as a flight moves, spreading the chaff corridor [19.41]
Anti-runway bombs are treated as normal bombs; however, the over multiple hexes.
bomb strength is tripled versus runways and non-runway attacks
17.69 Laser Designation Flights
are not allowed. Only Level Bombing profile attacks at Low or
Flights tasked with Laser Designation [8.2] and noted on the
Deck altitude are allowed for Anti-Runway Bombs. Only aircraft
ADCs as being capable of laser designation may laser designate
specifically designated on the ADCs may carry them.
targets for other flights if they meet certain conditions. Each
17.65 MW-1A/JP233 aircraft in the flight is considered to be equipped with a laser
The JP233 is a special UK Anti-Runway ordnance. The FRG designation pod, but the flight may still use clean ratings.
MW-1A (Mehrzweckwaffe-1) is the FRG equivalent. Flights ca- For a flight to laser designate for another flight, it must be at
pable of carrying them may substitute MW-1A/JP233 for bombs. Medium or Low altitude; not Disordered or marked with a
MW-1A/JP233 are treated as normal bombs, however, the Maneuver/BVR Avoid/SAM Avoid marker; have at least one
bomb strength with both munitions vs. runways is quadrupled aircraft in the flight not Damaged/Crippled; be four or fewer
and non-runway attacks are not allowed. Only Level Bombing hexes from the target hex; have the target hex in its forward
profile attacks at Deck altitude are allowed for MW-1A/JP233. hemisphere; and have a line of sight to the target that does not
pass through a cloud layer [22.4], haze [22.3], or mist [22.5].
17.66 MW-1B/KMGU
Any time a laser designation flight meets these conditions, a
The MW-1 also came in an anti-armor variant with magnetic
Target Lased marker may be placed on the target hex.
mines (designated here as the “MW-1B” to avoid confusion).
The KMGU is the WP equivalent. Flights capable of carrying A flight whose aircraft type requires laser designation to attack
them may substitute MW-1B/KMGU for bombs. with LGB may only conduct a LGB Level [17.35] or LGB Toss
[17.36] profile attack while its target is marked with a Target
MW-1B/KMGU are treated as normal bombs, however, bombing
Lased marker.
strength is triple versus AAA (all types), SAM, EWR, Armor,
Mech, Artillery, and Missile targets. Strength vs other targets
is normal. Only Level Bombing profile attacks at Deck altitude
are allowed for MW-1B/KMGU.

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17.7 Cruise Missiles At the start of the Track Phase [10.3], all detected GLCM/AS-
15 flights at Deck altitude become undetected, regardless of the
17.71 AS-6 Kingfish terrain they occupy.
The AS-6 (KSR-5M) is a WP cruise missile only available by
Scenario Special Rule. It must be launched from High altitude 17.73 AGM-69 SRAM
and has a maximum range of sixty hexes (minimum range The AGM-69 SRAM (Short-Range Attack Missile) is a NATO
twenty hexes). Unlike other ordnance, it is represented by a supersonic nuclear-tipped missile only available by Scenario
flight counter. Each “shot” of AS-6 ammo on the ADC is one Special Rule. It may be launched from High altitude with a
missile; a counter represents up to four AS-6 missiles. range of thirty-four hexes, or from Deck altitude with a range
AS-6 launches are Blind Bombing profile attacks. However, of seventeen hexes. Unlike other ordnance, it is represented by
there is no IP for an AS-6 Bomb Run. Instead the carrying flight a flight counter. Each counter represents two AGM-69 missiles,
may launch AS-6s after expending any MP at High altitude. and each “shot” of SRAM on the ADC represents one missile.
When launched, place the AS-6 counter in the launching flight’s SRAM launches are Blind Bombing profile attacks. However,
hex on its undetected side at the same altitude and heading as the there is no IP for an SRAM Bomb Run. Instead the carrying
launching flight. Each turn thereafter, it moves like a flight with flight may launch SRAMs after expending any MP at High or
a speed of 12. They only fly at High altitude. Each AS-6 flight Deck altitude. When launched, place the SRAM counter in the
may only make two turns (each a maximum of 60°) between launching flight’s hex on its undetected side at the same altitude
the launch hex and the target hex. and heading as the launching flight.
Upon reaching its target hex, the flight attacks with a bomb When launched at High altitude, the SRAM moves like a flight
strength of 2 per AS-6 missile. After all AAA and SAM fire in with a speed of 15 and must stay at High altitude. When launched
the target hex, resolve each missile’s attack individually (i.e., a from Deck altitude, it moves like a flight with a speed of 8 and
flight of four AS-6 missiles would roll four times on the Air-to- must stay at Deck altitude. Regardless of launch altitude, each
Ground Attack Table on the 2 Attack Value column). The attack AGM-69 flight may only make two turns (each a maximum of
is considered a Dive Bombing profile Bomb Run from Medium 60°) between the launch hex and the target hex.
altitude (it dives from High to the target), but the only modi- SRAMs only carry Nuke warheads (see [17.67] and scenarios).
fiers that apply are the +1 for “pressing the attack” (and thus Use the normal air-to-ground sequence when the SRAM enters
is subject to another AAA roll, if applicable) and the modifier the target hex, including AAA and SAM fire. If the SRAM enters
for Target Profile (A, B, C, D). After resolving each missile’s the target hex at High, the attack is considered a Dive Bombing
attack, eliminate the AS-6 flight. profile Bomb Run from High altitude. If it enters at Deck, it is
AS-6s may also carry Nuke warheads (see [17.67] and sce- considered a Level Bombing profile Bomb Run at Deck altitude.
narios). For AS-6s with Nukes, use the normal air-to-ground Unless the SRAM is Shot Down in/prior to the target hex, the
sequence when the AS-6 enters the target hex, including AAA Nuke attack automatically succeeds. See [17.67] for effects.
and SAM fire. Unless all the AS-6 missiles in the flight are Shot After resolving the Nuke attack, eliminate the SRAM flight.
Down in/prior to the target hex, the Nuke attack automatically At the start of the Track Phase [10.3], all detected SRAM flights
succeeds. See [17.67] for effects. After resolving the Nuke at- at Deck altitude become undetected, regardless of the terrain
tack, eliminate the AS-6 flight. they occupy.
17.72 BGM-109G GLCM/AS-15 Kent 17.74 BQM-74C
The BGM-109G GLCM (Ground Launched Cruise Missile) is The BQM-74C is a target drone converted into use for deception
a NATO nuclear-tipped cruise missile only available by Sce- operations. It is unarmed but carries equipment to magnify its
nario Special Rule. The AS-15 Kent is the WP equivalent. They radar signature to resemble that of a fighter-size aircraft. It is
cannot be carried by any aircraft. Unlike other ordnance, it is intended to confuse enemy radar operators and encourage them
represented by a flight counter. Each flight counter represents to keep their radars on so they can be targeted by SEAD aircraft.
one or two GLCM/AS-15 missiles as defined in the scenario. BQM-74C cannot be carried by any aircraft. They are repre-
GLCM/AS-15 flights may only move at Deck altitude at a speed sented by flight counters that set up in the air at the start of
of 3. They always start scenarios in the air. Plot their routes as a scenario or enter later. Each counter represents two or four
if they were flights tasked with Bombing, except that there is BQM-74C drones.
no return from the target and they are limited to four waypoints BQM-74C flights may only move at Medium altitude at a
(maximum turn of 60° in any hex). speed of 3. They have a range of forty-eight hexes. Determine
GLCM/AS-15 missiles attack with a Nuke warhead [17.67]. a notional target hex for each flight (this does not have to be an
Use the normal air-to-ground sequence when the GLCM/AS-15 actual Raid target hex), and then plot their routes as if they were
enters the target hex, including AAA and SAM fire. The attack is flights tasked with Bombing, except that there is no return from
considered a Level Bombing profile Bomb Run at Deck altitude. the “target” and they are limited to four waypoints (maximum
Unless the GLCM/AS-15 is Shot Down in/prior to the target turn of 60° in any hex). Once they reach their forty-eight hex
hex, the Nuke attack automatically succeeds. See [17.67] for range, they are removed from play.
effects. After resolving the Nuke attack, eliminate the GLCM/ BQM-74C flights only use generic flight counters [4.11]. Once
AS-15 flight. they are visually identified [10.4], take a SAM Avoid [15.33]

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36 Red Storm ~ Rules

result, or are successfully engaged in air-to-air combat [11.0] concentrations are marked with suppression level 1. For a flight
they are removed from play. They are considered to be tasked on the ground, one aircraft in the flight is considered Shot Down
with Bombing [8.2] for all purposes. The WP player does not [12.23]; there are no crew losses or Morale Checks for the flight.
score any VP for shooting down a BQM-74C. H: Heavy Damage. Target is heavily damaged. Radar-Equipped
Design Note: The BQM-74C is essentially a “real” dummy AAA, EWR, and SAM units are Damaged and immediately shut
flight, with the critical difference being that it is not removed down their radar for the remainder of the scenario; Damaged
when it is detected. SAMs may not fire for the remainder of the scenario; AAA con-
centrations are marked with suppression level 2. For a flight on
17.75 Cruise Missiles in Combat the ground, two aircraft in the flight are considered Shot Down
Detected cruise missile flights can be engaged by aircraft in [12.23]; there are no crew losses or Morale Check for the flight.
air-to-air combat [11.0]. A successful engagement roll by the
T: Total Destruction. Target is destroyed. Radar-Equipped
attacking flight is required, but the cruise missile flight does not
AAA, EWR, and SAM units are destroyed and removed from
roll for engagement and is automatically Surprised [11.25]. In
the map. AAA concentrations are marked with suppression
air-to-air combat, cruise missiles have a maneuver rating as listed
level 3. For a flight on the ground, three aircraft are considered
on the ADCs, but do not roll on the maneuver table, take Morale
Shot Down [12.23]; there are no crew losses or Morale Checks
Checks, Scatter, or have BVR Avoid markers placed on them.
for the flight.
They have an Aggression Value of 0, which may not increase
or decrease for any reason. In Standard air-to-air combat they Damage is not cumulative. The target is affected only by the
automatically attempt to disengage [11.41]. highest damage level applied.
Cruise missiles may be Damaged, Crippled, and Shot Down 18.21 AAA Suppression Levels
normally (Exception: any Damaged or Crippled result is treated Suppressed AAA concentrations are marked with a
as a Shot Down result). The defending cruise missile flight counter equal to the suppression level and add pen-
remains detected (an Exception to post-combat procedures alty modifiers to their rolls on the AAA Damage Table.
[13.0]). Flights attacking cruise missile flights do not take Mo- Each level of suppression reduces the parenthesized
rale Checks, Scatter, or have Maneuver markers placed on them. AAA modifier on the AAA table by 1 (toward 0). A concentra-
Cruise missiles can be acquired and attacked by SAMs and AAA. tion may only have one Suppression marker. If a suppressed
The SAM Defense Table modifier for no line of sight to the SAM concentration takes another suppression result, add the value of
does not apply. Any SAM Avoidance result is considered a Miss the new suppression result to the existing suppression level, but
instead. They do not take Morale Checks [13.1] for SAM/AAA never above level 3.
attacks and may not be voluntarily Aborted. Suppressed AAA concentrations roll a die in each Admin Phase.
On a roll of 8 or greater, reduce the suppression level by one. If
already at level one, remove the suppression marker.
18.0 Ground Target Damage 18.22 Radar Suppression
Resolve damage against ground targets as follows: Suppressed SAMs, EWRs, and Radar-Equipped AAA
are marked with a Radar Suppressed marker and must
18.1 Damage Rolls turn (or keep) their radars off during the turn the sup-
Damage resolution for a target is rolled in the following cir- pression occurs plus 1d10 turns after. If already
cumstances: marked with a Radar Shutdown marker when suppressed, re-
a) Roll immediately for damage to AAA concentrations, Radar place it with a Radar Suppressed marker.
AAA, Mobile AAA, SAM units, EWR, and flights on the Units marked with a Radar Suppressed marker may not turn
ground. their radars on, attack, move, or (for EWR units) attempt de-
b) For all other targets, roll damage resolution in the Bomb tection. After the required number of turns, replace the Radar
Damage Assessment Phase at the end of the scenario, after Suppressed marker with a Radar Shutdown marker [17.53] in
all Recon tasks (if any) have been completed. In campaigns the Admin Phase. The SAM, EWR, or Radar-Equipped AAA
[34.0] only roll in the Campaign BDA Phase for those targets may now roll in the Admin phase to remove the Radar Shut-
that have been photo-reconnoitered for BDA. down marker normally (including the Admin Phase where the
Shutdown marker was placed).
18.2 Resolving Damage If a suppressed SAM, EWR, or Radar-Equipped AAA is sup-
pressed again (even in the same turn), roll 1d10 and add that
To resolve damage, roll two dice for each success marker and
number of turns to the suppression length.
cross-reference with the column on the Damage Table corre-
sponding to the attack’s success value. The results are as follows: Example: During Turn 4 of a scenario, a WP SA-12 takes a
Radar Suppressed result from an ARM attack. The NATO player
NE: No Effect. No effect on target.
rolls 1d10 and gets a “1.” The WP player flips the SA-12 over
S: Slight Damage. Target is slightly damaged. Radar-Equipped to its Off side and places a Radar Suppressed marker on it. At
AAA, EWR, and SAM units are suppressed for 1d10 turns; AAA the end of the following turn (Turn 5, or one turn after the turn

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the suppression occurred due to the die roll of “1”) in the Admin immediately after the flight has turned and lasts until the
Phase the WP player removes the Radar Suppressed marker and flight expends its next MP.
replaces it with a Radar Shutdown marker, then rolls to remove b) While the flight is marked with a Maneuver marker.
the Radar Shutdown marker, getting a “2.” This roll is less than
c) The flight declares Anti-Radar Tactics [15.26] that turn.
the “5” needed to remove the Shutdown Marker per [17.53], so
it stays in place and the WP player can try to remove it again in A flight that loses jamming has a defensive jamming strength of
Turn 6 during the Admin Phase. zero. It temporarily has no defensive jamming capability. How-
ever, it may still benefit from Standoff Jamming [19.3]. Defensive
18.23 Bridge Spans Jamming is regained when the loss conditions no longer apply.
Bridges have a number of spans listed. Each span is a separate
part of the bridge target. When attacking bridge targets, assign 19.22 SAM Burn-through
attacks to spans. More than one attack may be assigned to each Against SAM units only (not Radar-Equipped AAA), a flight
span. Assess damage on each span separately. Victory conditions with a noise jammer loses its defensive jamming strength if it
are assessed on the number of spans affected. is within burn-through range of the SAM. The burn-through
range is 0-4 hexes against large aircraft and 0-2 hexes against
18.24 Organic AAA all other air units. SAM Burn-through never applies to flights
A SAM or Army Ground Unit organic Light or Small Arms AAA with deception jammers.
concentration receives the same damage result as the SAM or
Army Ground Unit itself. See [14.71] and [14.72]. 19.3 Standoff and Spot Jamming
A scenario may allocate either player a number of jamming
19.0 Electronic flights. For flights tasked with Standoff Jamming, the player
must decide whether to have the flights enter the map or keep
Countermeasures them off-map.
Flights tasked with Escort Jamming must enter the map and
Electronic countermeasures (termed “jamming”) affect Radar- move in accordance with the Escort Jamming task restrictions
Equipped AAA, SAMs, and EWRs. [8.341].
Each jamming flight (Standoff Jamming or Escort Jamming)
19.1 Jamming Strengths has an associated Standoff Jamming marker. Standoff Jamming
There are two types of jamming: Standoff Jamming and Defen- markers are placed on the map with their arrows pointed toward
sive Jamming. Each generates a jamming strength value applied a hex corner or hexside and define the flight’s jamming arc. This
at different times. In general, jamming strengths are applied to jamming arc goes out in a 60° arc in the direction indicated by
acquisition and combat die rolls as modifiers. the arrow. Enemy radars (EWRs, Radar AAA, and SAMs) inside
Standoff Jamming [19.3] strengths are cumulative. Total all ap- this 60° jamming arc will be jammed to varying degrees based
plicable Standoff Jamming affecting a SAM, Radar-Equipped on range and the radar’s angle to the jammer. Radars outside
AAA, or EWR at the moment of the detection, acquisition, or this jamming arc are not affected by the jammer.
attack attempt. Round fractions to the nearest whole value (.5
results round up).
Defensive jamming strength (i.e., the jammer value of the
targeted flight) is unitary and tracked separately, applying to a
particular flight in certain conditions, and not in others.

19.2 Defensive Jammers

Flights may carry defensive jammers, as noted on the ADC
aircraft entries. Defensive jammers have a defensive jamming
strength as shown in the “jam” column. The jamming strength
is applied as a modifier to Radar-Equipped AAA attacks, SAM
acquisition, and SAM Defense against the flight. The strength
value applies regardless of the number of aircraft in the flight. Illustration: Standoff Jamming markers radiating
Defensive jammers are one of two types, a noise jammer or jammer arcs toward a hex corner and hex side.
deception jammer. This is shown on the ADCs by an “n” or “d” Some jamming flights may also place Spot Jamming markers
after the jamming strength, respectively. [19.34]. Spot jamming markers are placed on specific ground
19.21 Loss of Defensive Jamming units.
A flight’s Defensive Jamming is temporarily lost in certain 19.31 Standoff Jamming Strength
instances: Each Standoff Jamming marker has a standoff jamming strength.
a) Whenever a flight turns more than its free turn allowance Standoff jamming strength affects EWR Detection attempts,
in a hex in a Movement Phase. The jamming loss occurs Radar-Equipped AAA attacks, SAM acquisition attempts, and

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38 Red Storm ~ Rules

SAM attacks made by units in the jammer arc. It does not affect 19.32 On-Map Standoff Jamming
attacks or detection attempts by units outside this arc. Flights tasked with Standoff Jamming or Escort Jamming (only)
Standoff jamming strengths vary with range as listed on the may place Standoff Jamming markers. Aircraft tasked with
ADC. To determine the standoff jamming strength, count the SEAD, even if otherwise capable according to the ADCs, may
range from the jamming marker to the EWR, Radar-Equipped not place Standoff Jamming or Spot Jamming markers.
AAA, or SAM unit. Multiply the strength by the number of The Standoff Jamming marker is placed on the jam-
undamaged aircraft in the jamming flight. ming flight’s counter in the Jamming Phase and in
At the moment of an EWR detection attempt, Radar-Equipped most cases can be pointed in any direction (see ADCs
AAA attack, SAM acquisition attempt, or SAM attack, the at- for limits for some aircraft). The direction of the arrow
tacking player should define a 60° arc on the map, projected on the marker defines the Standoff Jamming arc [19.3]. The
by the firing/acquiring/detecting unit. The target’s hex must be marker moves with the flight. Do not change the direction the
in this 60° arc. The projected arc must totally encompass the marker is pointed as the flight moves. Standoff Jamming mark-
target’s hex. The target cannot be in a hex partially covered by ers may not be placed on a flight during the Jamming Phase that
the arc. However, if the target flight is in the same hex as the is Disordered or Aborted, or is marked with a Maneuver, SAM
EWR, Radar-Equipped AAA, or SAM unit, the attacking player Avoid, or BVR Avoid marker.
may orient this arc in any direction. If Standoff Jamming mark-
ers are also in the projected arc (including half hexes), their
jamming affects the radar at full strength, otherwise they affect
it at half strength.

Illustration: A Standoff Jamming marker is placed on a jam-

ming flight in the Jamming Phase, pointing abeam. In the
Movement Phase the flight moves three hexes but the jamming
marker does not change its orientation.
If the jamming flight is on or moves into a hexside, place the
marker in one of the hexes on either side of the flight.
Illustration: SAM L attempts to acquire flight A. The standoff
Flights must not be Disordered and must be at Medium or higher
jammer is not in the radar’s arc (shaded) so affects it at half
altitude (Exception: Helicopters [25.0] may standoff jam at
strength. If the SAM tries to acquire flight B, the standoff jam-
Low) to place Standoff Jamming markers. Also, any flight with
mer is in the arc and so contributes its full strength.
a Damaged or Crippled aircraft or helicopter may not place a
Total the strength of all Standoff Jamming markers that can Standoff Jamming marker.
affect the radar and then round fractions to the nearest whole Remove a flight’s Standoff Jamming marker under any of the
value (.5 results round up). following circumstances:
Important: The total standoff jamming strength applying a) The flight voluntarily turns [6.32] during movement.
to any one EWR detection attempt, Radar-Equipped AAA b) The flight dives to a lower altitude.
attack, or SAM acquisition/attack may never be more than c) The flight conducts SAM avoidance [15.33] or Anti-Radar
6. It may never be more than 3 on a Patriot or SA-12 SAM. Tactics [15.26].
Example: A WP SA-4 is attempting SAM acquisition on a NATO d) The flight is marked with a Disordered, Abort, Maneuver,
flight. NATO has two flights with Standoff Jamming markers SAM Avoid, or BVR Avoid marker.
on them, an EF-111A and an EC-130, at ranges of fifteen and e) The flight takes a Damaged/Crippled/Shot Down combat
twenty-five hexes from the SA-4, respectively. At these ranges, result.
an EF-111A has a jamming strength of 3 and the EC-130 has a
In all cases, the flight may have a Standoff Jamming marker
jamming strength of 2. The WP player declares a 60° arc from
placed on it in the following Jamming Phase if it meets the
the SA-4 that encompasses the target flight. This arc includes the
conditions for doing so.
EF-111A Standoff Jamming marker, but not the EC-130’s. The
total standoff jamming strength for this SAM acquisition attempt 19.33 Off-Map Standoff Jamming
is 4 (the full 3 from the EF-111A and 1 from the EC-130, with If a Standoff Jamming flight is off-map, the flight does not enter
the EC-130’s strength reduced by ½ because its Standoff Jam- the map. Instead, each Standoff Jamming marker may be placed
ming marker is not in the SA-4s declared arc for the acquisition on the east (WP) or west (NATO) map edge in the first Jam-
attempt). ming Phase of the scenario. If the entire map is not in play for

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a scenario, Standoff Jamming markers may instead be placed 19.4 Chaff Corridors
on the playing area edge (again, east for WP, west for NATO).
A chaff corridor exists in a hex at a specified altitude band (the
In subsequent Jamming Phases, each Standoff Jamming marker corridor should have an altitude marker next to it to note the
may be moved one hex along the map/playing area edge, and/ band). Chaff corridors affect Detection [10.2], Tracking [10.3],
or have its facing changed up to 60°. Radar-Equipped AAA attacks [14.5]/[14.6], and SAM Acquisi-
19.34 Spot Jamming tion [15.3].
Some flights with standoff jamming capability also Flights receive chaff corridor benefits (see Player Aid Cards) if
have spot jamming capability (see ADCs). In the they occupy a hex of the corridor at the corridor’s designated
Jamming Phase, flights with spot jamming capability altitude. Chaff affects both sides equally. There is no “friendly”
that are tasked with either Standoff Jamming or Escort chaff that only affects one side.
Jamming may also place Spot Jamming markers on EWR, SAM
19.41 Chaff Laying
or Radar-Equipped AAA units with their radars on in the flight’s
Flights tasked with Escort Jamming, Standoff Jamming, or
standoff jamming arc and within the flight’s maximum standoff
Chaff Laying [8.2], and laden with Chaff ordnance [17.68], may
jamming range (see ADCs). No more than one Spot Jamming
create chaff corridors. In addition, some scenarios may provide
marker may be placed on any one EWR, SAM, or Radar-
chaff corridors set up at the start of play. Non-Disordered flights
Equipped AAA.
with chaff ordnance/dispensers may place twenty hexes of chaff
A flight’s standoff jamming strength against EWR, SAM, or regardless of the number of aircraft in the flight.
Radar-Equipped AAA with one of its Spot Jamming markers is
Declare the laying of a chaff corridor at any point
double the normal standoff jamming strength at that range (cal-
during the flight’s movement. Place an Unbloomed
culate the strength in the same manner as in [19.31], including
Chaff marker in the hex and note the altitude band
any out of jamming arc effects, then double it, rounding up).
(also place an Unbloomed Chaff marker in the last
If the flight’s Standoff Jamming marker is removed for any hex of the flight’s movement where it laid chaff). The chaff is
reason [19.32], also remove all that flight’s Spot Jamming mark- placed in the same altitude band as the chaff-laying flight. Chaff
ers. If a unit with a Spot Jamming marker on it turns its radar may only be placed at Medium, High, or Very High altitude
off, remove the Spot Jamming marker. Also remove all Spot bands.
Jamming markers in the Admin Phase. Spot Jamming does not
After declaring that chaff laying has commenced, the flight
prevent the jamming flight’s standoff jamming from affecting
places chaff in each hex it enters thereafter. Chaff placed on a
other radars.
hexside is considered to affect both hexes that share the hexside.
Example: Continuing the example from above, if the EF-111A From this point on, if the flight is marked with a BVR Avoid or
also placed a Spot Jamming marker on the SA-4, the total standoff SAM Avoid marker or is forced to turn / change altitude for any
jamming strength would theoretically be 7, consisting of 6 from reason (i.e., SAM avoidance [15.33] or Scatter [13.2]), it must
the EF-111A (normally 3 at fifteen hexes, doubled to 6 due to the stop laying chaff for that Movement Phase. It may commence
Spot Jamming marker) and the additional 1 from the EC-130. laying chaff again the following Movement Phase.
However, this is reduced to 6 due to the limit on total standoff Unbloomed Chaff markers have no effect on play. The
jamming strength that can apply [19.31]. markers stay on their unbloomed side until the Admin
Design Note: The term “Spot Jamming” represents more than Phase of the turn two turns after they are placed. At
just the traditional meaning of focusing a noise jammer on that point, they are flipped to their Chaff Corridor
a specific transmitter. In the late 1980s there were dozens of marker side and have full effect. Chaff Corridor markers are
jamming techniques with many variations of each. So here, the removed from the map twenty-five game turns after laying (or
term should be thought of more broadly as “focused jammer on Turn 25 if laid prior to the game).
attention on a particular radar or system.” Example: A WP MiG-21bis flight is tasked with Chaff Laying.
On Turn 3 of the scenario, it lays chaff, placing two Unbloomed
19.35 Early Warning Jamming Chaff markers (one in its starting hex, and one in its last hex
During the Raid Planning Phase [31.5], players may choose entered that Movement Phase). Those two markers will “bloom”
to allocate any flights tasked with Standoff Jamming to Early to their Chaff Corridor side in the Admin Phase of Turn 5.
Warning Jamming instead. Doing so will provide modifiers to
the initial Early Warning Phase [31.7] roll and a chance each 19.42 Pre-Game Chaff Laying
turn to temporarily reduce the enemy’s Detection Level [10.11]. Some scenarios will allow players to place bloomed chaff cor-
Flights used for Early Warning Jamming may not be used for ridors in designated areas of the playing area during scenario
Standoff Jamming during the scenario, either on-map or off-map. setup. Each of these corridors may be up to twenty hexes in
They do not enter play in counter form for any reason. length with no more than one 30° turn. Their placement must
Each Jamming Phase roll one die for each aircraft in each flight conform with all the requirements of a corridor placed during
assigned to Early Warning Jamming. For each roll of 6 or more, a scenario [19.41].
reduce the enemy’s Detection Level one level for the remainder
of that game turn.

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Roll two dice for each aircraft (not flight). If the roll is 2 or
19.5 Advanced Jamming Rules greater, the aircraft recovers safely, otherwise the aircraft is
19.51 Burn-Through Limits lost. See the Recovery Table on Player Aid Card 3 for modifiers.
At the limits of burn-through range [19.22] (normally two or For CSAR purposes, the fate of the crew of an aircraft that fails to
four hexes) the SAM must roll one die to claim burn-through recover depends on where it ended the scenario. If the aircraft’s
benefits. On a 1-5 the target retains Defensive Jamming; on flight landed at a friendly airfield, exited the map during the
a 6-10 the radar burns-through and the target’s jamming is scenario, or ended the scenario on the map on the friendly side
lost as normal. of the Front [29.0], the crew is automatically rescued [26.11].
19.52 Dummy Jamming If the aircraft’s flight ended the scenario on the map on the
Dummy flights may “dummy jam” and use a jamming modi- enemy side of the Front, roll a die. On a 5 or higher the crew is
fier as if they had defensive jammers. Use a value of 2n or 3d rescued. On a 4 or less the crew is captured. Roll for each crew
for NATO and WP dummies. Dummies may not use Standoff member separately.
or Spot Jamming.
21. Random Events
20. Fuel and Recovery In the Random Events Phase of each game turn (except the
first turn), roll two dice and look up the resulting event on the
Because high-speed flight consumes large amounts of fuel, Scenario Random Events Table on Player Aid Card 2. Follow
flights are permitted a limited number of turns at Dash throttle. the instructions there. There may be no more than one random
event per game turn. If an event does not apply or cannot be
20.1 Fuel Allowance
implemented, ignore it, and do not roll again.
Flights have a limited number of game turns they are allowed to
spend at Dash throttle or engage in Standard air-to-air combat,
equal to the Fuel point value on the ADC. Flights may exceed
this allowance during a scenario at the cost of a penalty to their
22. Weather
chance of safe recovery. Weather effects in the game include clear, cloud, mist, haze, and
If the flight travels at Dash throttle in a game turn or engages good contrast conditions. Weather conditions are listed in the
in Standard air-to-air combat, note the use of one point of Fuel scenario instructions. Note that different conditions can exist
on the flight log in the Fuel Phase. Note that flights may use at different altitude bands (i.e., Haze at Deck, Clear at Low/
more than one point of Fuel in a game turn if they move at Dash Med/High).
throttle and engage in Standard air-to-air combat.
22.1 Line of Sight
20.2 Recovery Rolls Many game functions rely on there being an unblocked line of
At the end of a scenario, all aircraft on a side must be recovered. sight (LOS) from one unit to another.
Those that do not recover safely count as destroyed for Victory To determine LOS, draw an imaginary line from the center of
Point [32.1] purposes. the unit’s hex (or hexside) to the other unit. Treat ground units/
targets as being on the Deck for the purposes of this rule. LOS
Aircraft in a flight that lands at a friendly open airfield during
is blocked under any of the following conditions:
a scenario automatically recover safely.
a) One or more hexes of dense cloud lie along the line and the
Aircraft in a flight that exits the east (WP) or west (NATO) map cloud layer is between the unit and the target’s altitude.
edge or scenario playing area edge during a scenario, or end the
scenario on the map, automatically recover safely and do not b) Any of the intervening hexes contain a broken cloud layer
need to roll for Recovery unless: or mist and the range is greater than two hexes.
a) The flight’s Fuel point allowance has been exceeded. c) Both units are on the Deck and the line passes through any
portion of a Mountain hex.
b) The flight exits the north or south edge of the map or scenario
playing area on enemy side of the Front. If the LOS is blocked, then no visual detection [10.21] is pos-
c) The flight has Damaged or Crippled aircraft. sible; no SAM location rolls [15.13] are allowed; no IR SAM
[15.44] or EO Tracking attacks [15.54] are allowed; and no
If condition a) or b) apply, roll to check for Recovery for all visual bombing attacks are allowed [17.3]. Flights rolling to
aircraft in the flight. If only condition c) applies, roll only for engage in air-to-air combat without LOS must use the Night/
Damaged or Crippled aircraft in the flight. This roll takes place No LOS row of the Engagement Table [11.22].
in the Fuel Phase of the turn the flight exits during a scenario,
or in the Recovery Phase if it ends the scenario on the map.

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22.2 Rolling for Weather 22.6 Good Contrast Conditions

In the Weather Phase [31.1], roll one die to determine the Good contrast conditions result in a positive modifier to EOGM
weather. Roll on the Good or Poor column corresponding to and EOGB attacks.
the weather listed in the scenario. Apply the rolled weather to
the scenario.
23.0 Night
22.3 Haze
Night conditions apply where specified by the scenario. Night
If Haze is in effect, a haze layer extends from the Deck up to
limits the ability of units to fly and fight. For any scenario where
the highest altitude band indicated. Flights are in haze if they
Night rules are in effect, ignore and reroll any flights generated
are flying at these altitude bands.
by the Order of Battle Tables that do not have Night or Limited
Haze affects engagement [11.2], visual detection [10.21], and Night capability listed on the ADC.
visual bombing, LGB, EOGM, and EOGB attacks [17.0].
23.1 Night Scenarios
22.4 Clouds
23.11 Moon Phase
Clouds are a common occurrence in Germany, even in the
The scenario should specify the moon phase: Full Moon or
No Moon. For scenarios taking place from 15–20 May and 5
22.41 Cloud Layers June–15 June, moon conditions are Full. For scenarios between
A cloud layer exists between two altitude bands. The 21 May–4 June, moon conditions are No Moon.
altitude bands on either side of the layer define it. In addition, regardless of the scenario’s moon phase any flight
A cloud layer covers the entire map (Exception: beneath a cloud layer or in mist at night is also considered to
weather fronts [22.42]). Cloud layers are listed as be operating in No Moon conditions.
dense or broken cloud and have different effects on LOS [22.1].
23.12 Visual Detection
22.42 Weather Fronts All NATO flights may make visual detection attempts at night,
SSRs may specify weather fronts for cloud. A weath- but only at a reduced range of two hexes. Only WP flights with
er front is a row of contiguous hexes from one map IRST sensors may make visual detection attempts at night, but
edge to another. Weather Front markers are placed on only in their forward arc at a range of four hexes or less.
each map edge to define the front. SSR will define
23.13 Visual Identification
which side of the weather front the cloud layer exists in. Cloud
Flights may be Visually Identified [10.4] at night under certain
exists in all hexes along the weather front and the indicated area
conditions. However, do not reveal full visual ID information
north, south, east, or west of the line. All other hexes on the map
[4.22] to an opponent. Only reveal the type of aircraft.
are treated as clear.
22.43 Breaks 23.2 Night Navigation
The Weather Table (Player Aid Card 3) may indicate cloud Only aircraft designated on the ADCs as having night (Night
breaks. Players roll to see who places each cloud break: 1-5 in capabilities column) or limited night navigation capability
WP, 6-10 NATO. The player determined by the roll places the (Night (Ltd) in the capabilities column) may fly at night.
Break marker in any cloud hexes on the map in the Weather Aircraft with full night navigation and attack capability may
Phase [31.1]. Break markers are placed in hexes containing cloud conduct any assigned task [8.2] at night, in any weather/moon
layers. No Break marker may be placed closer than two hexes conditions. Aircraft with limited night capability may be as-
from any other Break marker. A Break marker projects an area signed the CAP or Close Escort task in any moon/weather
clear of cloud in the hex containing the marker and two hexes conditions but may be assigned other tasks at night only if the
in each direction. weather/moon condition is clear/full moon.
22.5 Mist 23.21 Turning Limits
If Mist (basically “fog”) conditions are in effect, a mist layer Regardless of speed, the maximum turn value [6.32] of flights
exists on the Deck across all land hexes. Flights on the Deck at night is 60° (or 30° at speed 9+).
are in the mist. The rules for ground collisions [23.22] apply to 23.22 Ground Collisions
flights in mist, both day and night. No moon conditions apply. A flight not taking off [9.13], landing [9.14], or equipped with
Line of sight to units in mist is blocked beyond two hex range. Terrain Following Radar (see ADCs) on the Deck at night (or
Mist affects engagement [11.2], visual detection [10.21], and in mist [22.5] in day) must roll two dice for each aircraft in
visual bombing, LGB, EOGM, and EOGB attacks [17.0]. AAA the flight for the first Deck altitude hex entered via movement,
(all types) always apply the No LOS modifiers in mist conditions. SAM avoidance, or Scatter in the Movement Phase. On a final
roll of 3 or less the aircraft crashes (DRMs: -2 night, -1 no
moon, -1 rough hex). Do not roll for Bailout [26.1]. The crew
is automatically KIA.

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42 Red Storm ~ Rules

23.3 Combat Recon Runs are conducted as Bomb Runs [17.2], with the fol-
lowing differences. The flight starts its Recon Run at an Initial
23.31 Air-to-Air Combat Point (IP), which must be two hexes from the target and at
Night combat modifiers apply at night. No maneuver differential Deck, Low, or Medium altitude; if haze or mist conditions exist
modifiers are applied to air-to-air combats. over the target, the Recon Run is limited to Deck altitude. The
23.32 AAA flight must have line of sight to the target (Exception: Synthetic
AAA barrages always apply No LOS modifiers at night. Aperture Radar [24.2]). The flight then moves directly into the
target hex without turning or changing altitude.
23.33 Bombing
During a Recon Run, if a flight is marked with a BVR Avoid
In Night conditions, Blind Bombing profiles [17.3] are not re-
or SAM Avoid marker or is forced to turn / change altitude for
stricted. Visual bombing profiles require a Line of Sight [22.1]
any reason (i.e., SAM Avoidance [15.33] or Scatter [13.2]), the
to the target throughout the Bomb Run [17.2], and, in addition
Recon Run is canceled. If this occurs, the flight may temporar-
to normal rules for each profile [17.3], are further limited as
ily depart from its flight path [8.31] and move as necessary to
conduct another Recon Run on the target. After completion of
a) Dive Bombing Profile [17.31]. May only be used if Full the run, or if the player decides to skip the target, the flight must
Moon conditions apply at Deck in the target hex (i.e., target return to its flight path.
hex may not be below a dense cloud layer). Apply night
As soon as the flight has exited the target hex, the Recon Run is
complete. If the Recon flight successfully recovers one or more
b) Level Bombing Profile [17.32]. May only be used if Full Recon aircraft, the task is successful and BDA has been obtained
Moon conditions apply at Deck in the target hex. Flight must for the target hex(es) reconned by that flight, otherwise it fails.
be at Deck or Low Altitude. Apply night modifier.
24.11 Side-Looking Cameras
c) LGB Level Profile [17.35]. No additional restrictions. Apply
Players may use offset target hexes for Recon missions. This
night modifier (NA for flights with FLIR).
allows the player to plot Recon mission waypoints without
d) LGB Toss Profile [17.36]. No additional restrictions. Apply overflying the target hex but instead flying within a certain range
night modifier (NA for flights with FLIR). of the target following the same restrictions as a normal photo
e) EOGM Profile [17.37]. May only be used by NATO flights run. All other Recon Run [24.1] rules apply.
loaded with IR-Guided EOGM. Apply night modifier. See If the Recon aircraft is at Low altitude, it may plot an offset
ADC notes for eligible aircraft. target hex one hex away from the target. If at Medium altitude
f) EOGB Profile [17.38]. May only be used by NATO flights it may plot an offset target hex three hexes away. Offset target
loaded with IR-Guided EOGB. Apply night modifier. See hexes may not be used at Deck altitude.
ADC notes for eligible aircraft. In all cases, when the aircraft enters the offset target hex, the
g) Strafing Profile [17.39]. May only be used if Full Moon target hex for the Recon Run must be in the forward beam or
conditions apply at Deck in the target hex. Apply night rear beam of the Recon flight.
24.2 Synthetic Aperture Radars
23.34 Recon
In Night conditions, normal Recon Runs may only be conducted Some aircraft (see ADC) may use Synthetic Aperture Radars
at Deck or Low altitude, and flights may not use Side-Looking (SAR) to conduct Side-Looking Recon Runs [24.11] of targets
Cameras [24.11]. They may use Synthetic Aperture Radars despite cloud, haze, or mist conditions that would normally
[24.2]. block line of sight or require the Recon aircraft to drop to Deck
altitude (haze or mist). All other conditions for Side-Looking
23.35 SAM Attacks Recon Runs [24.11] must be met.
EO Tracking [15.54] attacks are not allowed at night. Players may conduct SAR Recon Runs only at Medium altitude.

24.3 Multiple Recon Targets

24.0 Recon Missions A Recon flight [8.2] may make Recon Runs (of any type) on
Recon flights are used to gather Bomb Damage Assessment up to four different target hexes. Each target hex requires a
(BDA) information. In campaign scenarios, BDA is a prerequi- separate Recon Run.
site for rolling for damage in the Campaign BDA Phase.

24.1 Recon Runs

To gather BDA a recon-capable flight must complete a Recon
Run covering the Raid’s target hex(es). Such a Recon may take
place no sooner than two game turns after the last attack on the
target or the Recon is an automatic failure.

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Helicopters recover [20.2] by landing in any friendly open

25.0 Helicopters airfield or hex on the friendly side of the Front.
Helicopters perform CSAR, Transport, and Escort Jamming
25.3 Helicopter Detection
tasks. Helicopters flights comprise one to four helicopters, each
with a crew of three. In general, helicopters are treated like At the start of the Track Phase [10.3], all detected helicopter
regular aircraft flights, but with important exceptions. flights at Deck altitude become undetected, regardless of the
terrain they occupy.
25.1 Helicopter Movement
Do not plot flight paths for helicopters. Helicopters may move
freely. Helicopters have a Combat throttle speed of one MP and 26.0 CSAR
may not use Dash throttle. They may freely turn any amount The CSAR rules model Combat Search and Rescue missions.
prior to and after their MP expenditure. Helicopters may fly at a Players must agree whether to use the simple [26.2] or detailed
speed of 0, in which case they are treated as if they spent one MP [26.3] CSAR rules.
during their Movement Phase. At speed 0, they may only climb/
Players using the simple CSAR rules use only rules sections
dive/land and/or turn; they may not leave their hex. They only
[26.1] and [26.2]. Players using the detailed CSAR rules use
fly at Deck or Low altitude bands. They have full Night capabil-
all rules sections except for [26.2].
ity [23.2] and are considered to have Terrain Following Radar
[23.22] for all purposes. They may not enter Formations [7.0]. 26.1 Bailouts
Helicopters at Deck altitude may land in any hex by expending
If an aircraft is Shot Down [12.23], roll a die for each
all of their MPs for the Movement Phase. Landed helicopters do
crew member. On a roll of 4 or less the crew member
not move except to take off. While landed, a helicopter is treated
fails to survive. On a 5 or more the crew member bails
as an unready flight [9.12] and is Target Profile D if attacked in
out and a Parachute marker is placed on the map. Place
air-to-ground combat.
the marker in the same hex as the flight of the lost aircraft. If
Helicopter flights may take off/land in any hex on the friendly the flight is on a hexside when lost, place the marker in either
side of the Front. Take off/landing on the enemy side of the hex (owning player’s choice).
Front is restricted to the target hexes of Transport or CSAR-
If the bailout roll is a 10, the crew member flies some distance
tasked helicopters.
before bailing out. Roll one die and move the marker that num-
Unlike regular aircraft, two airborne helicopter flights may ber of hexes away from the flight equal to the roll (the owning
intentionally stack [6.4]. Any number of helicopter flights may player chooses the specific hex).
stack if landed. Do not track Fuel for helicopters.
The final hex occupied by the Parachute marker is the
25.2 Helicopter Combat hex the crew lands in. It takes a number of game turns
before the parachuting crew lands in the hex. Bailouts
Helicopters do not Scatter, take Morale Checks [13.1], become from Deck altitude land the same turn. Bailouts from
Disordered [13.11], or have Maneuver [6.35], BVR Avoid [6.36], Low altitude take two turns. Bailouts from Medium, High, or
or SAM Avoid [6.37] markers placed on them. Very High altitude take ten turns. After the required number of
Helicopters may be attacked in air-to-air combat. All helicopters turns, flip the marker to the Crew side in the Admin Phase. Once
have a maneuver rating of 2 and an Aggression Value of 0 that landed, Crew markers never move and are removed from the
cannot change. If engaged in Standard air-to-air combat, they map only via rescue or capture.
must attempt to disengage [11.41]. They have no weapons, RWR,
or Defensive Jamming. 26.11 Automatic Rescue/Capture
If the Crew marker lands on the friendly side of the Front [29.0],
Helicopters are attacked normally by AAA concentrations, Radar
rescue by friendly forces is automatic.
AAA, and Mobile AAA. When at Deck altitude, they may only
be acquired and attacked by SAM units specified on the SAM If the Crew marker lands on the enemy side of the Front [29.0],
Data Table. At Low altitude they may be acquired and attacked and is in an Urban, Road, or airfield hex, or a hex occupied by
by any SAM. Helicopters have Poor SAM Defense. They may an enemy ground/AAA/SAM unit, it is immediately captured
not perform Anti-Radar Tactics [15.26]. and the marker is removed from play.
A Damaged helicopter may continue its mission without adverse 26.2 Simple CSAR Rules
effect. A Crippled result on a helicopter is treated as a Shot Down
result. If a helicopter is Shot Down, do not roll for Bailout [26.1] If the crew is not automatically rescued or captured, and simple
or place Parachute markers. All crew members are considered CSAR rules are in effect, roll one die. Modify by -2 if the crew
rescued on the friendly side of the Front and captured if on the is on the enemy side of the Front [29.0] and is adjacent to an
enemy side of the Front. However, helicopter crew members do Urban or Road hex, or enemy ground/AAA/SAM unit. Modify
not count for VP. The helicopter itself does count as an enemy by +2 if Night conditions [23.0] are in effect.
aircraft for VP purposes.

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44 Red Storm ~ Rules

For NATO crews, if the modified roll is 7 or greater, the crew

member has been rescued by NATO CSAR units. Otherwise, 27.0 Army Ground Units
WP forces have captured the crew member.
For WP crews, if the modified roll is 8 or greater, the crew 27.1 Army Ground Unit Types
member has been rescued by WP CSAR units. Otherwise, NATO There are six different types of Army
forces have captured the crew member. Ground Units in the game. Armor and Mech
units represent “front line” combat forces.
26.3 Detailed CSAR Rules HQs, Artillery, Supply, and Missile units
Detailed CSAR rules are only used to rescue crew that are on the represent combat support and rear area troops. All Army Ground
enemy side of the Front [29.0]. In the Admin Phase that a Crew Units have some kind of organic AAA [14.71,14.72] and may
marker lands, the player may roll to trigger a CSAR mission. also have organic Mobile AAA [14.73]. Anti-air capabilities
Roll one die. On a roll of 6 or more the mission is triggered. vary by nationality and unit type, as shown on the Ground Unit
Modify the roll by +3 if night conditions [23.0] are in effect. If Organic AAA Table [31.21] on Player Aid Card 3.
a mission fails to trigger, the crew is automatically captured, Some units may have inherent Mobile AAA (Gepard, Vulcan, or
and the marker is removed from play. A triggered mission may 2K22) [14.73]. For those units, use the side of the counter with
be refused by a player for any reason (e.g., the mission stands the white circle to show when the organic Mobile AAA has its
little chance of success). radar on. If the ground unit’s organic Gepard/Vulcan/2K22 is
destroyed [18.2], suppressed [18.22], or has its radar off, flip
26.4 CSAR Missions the ground unit to the side without the white circle.
If a CSAR mission is triggered [26.3], see Order of Battle Tables
E (NATO) or K (WP) for mission details. CSAR missions use 27.2 Army Ground Units as Targets
the Crew marker as their target hex. No more than two CSAR Armor and Mech units are Target Profile B. Artillery units are
missions per side, per scenario, may be triggered. Target Profile C. All other ground units (HQs, Supply, and Mis-
CSAR and Rescue Support flights may move freely and ignore siles) are Target Profile D.
any scenario Flight Restrictions or Zone Limits.
26.41 CSAR Setup
At the start of the fifth turn after a CSAR mission is triggered
28.0 Airfields
(e.g., the CSAR mission is triggered in the Admin Phase of Turn Both sides have airfields on the map, each rated from Class 1
3, so the CSAR mission is set up at the start of Turn 8), place the to 5. See rule [9.0] for airfield operations during a scenario.
CSAR mission units in any hex three or more hexes behind the
Front [29.0], on the friendly side. This setup hex is the ingress 28.1 NATO Airfields
hex for the mission. CSAR flight setup may be delayed by the All NATO airfields on the NATO side of the Front [29.0] and in
controlling player to a future turn if desired. the scenario play area are open unless stated otherwise. Unless
The egress hex for Rescue Support flights may be any friendly otherwise noted, all NATO airfields have inherent Light AAA.
airfield, or an east (WP) or west (NATO) edge hex. Helicopters Airfields on the list marked with a * are temporary highway
in the mission may land in any hex on the friendly side of the strip airfields. See Appendix B for NATO Airfield information.
Front and automatically recover safely.
28.2 WP Airfields
26.42 Rescue CAP
Two flights, belonging to the Raid to which the Shot Down All WP airfields on the WP side of the Front [29.0] and in the
aircraft was assigned, may elect to act as Rescue Cap. Such scenario play area are open unless stated otherwise. Unless oth-
flights must have at least one operational air-to-air weapon or erwise noted, all WP Class 1 or 2 airfields have inherent Light
some remaining ordnance. They treat the Crew marker as their AAA and all Class 3+ airfields have inherent Medium AAA.
target hex. Rescue CAP flights have their task changed to Rescue Airfields on the list marked with a * are temporary highway
Support (and are thus relieved from having to follow the flight strip airfields. See Appendix B for WP Airfield information.
path [8.31] if a Bombing or Recon-tasked flight).
28.3 Captured NATO Airfields
26.43 Helicopter Pickup As the Front [29.0] moves forward, certain NATO airfields will
To pick up the crew member, a helicopter must land in the Crew end up on the WP side of the Front, depending on the date. Once
marker’s hex and roll in the Admin Phase. Roll one die. The “behind” the WP Front, these airfields may be used by the WP
crew member is picked up on a 4 or more. If the crew member is player as if they were WP airfields. They retain their inherent
not picked up, the helicopter may try again the next game turn. Light AAA concentrations. They are not, however, considered
to be in East Germany for any purpose.

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NATO/WP Flight Restrictions. Some scenarios have flight

29.0 The Front restrictions, limiting specific actions (and in some cases, man-
The “Front” is a continuous line of hexes running from the north dating actions) by the designated flights. They may apply to
to the south edge of the map or playing area (if not using the one or both sides.
entire map in a scenario). It represents the main line of contact NATO/WP Zone Limits. Some scenarios have zone limits
between the opposing armies. Even though the action taking on one or both sides, with the zone defined in terms of a hex
place in Red Storm covers a fairly short time frame, the front line column or distance from the Front. For the side noted, flights
of the fighting will move depending on the date of the scenario. may not voluntarily move into the specified zone. If they do so
Each scenario defines the trace of the front line for the purposes involuntarily (i.e., a Scatter or SAM avoidance result), the flight
of setup, flight restrictions, recovery rolls, detection modifiers, must move out of the zone as quickly as possible. In addition,
etc. In general, the NATO side of the Front includes the line of while in the restricted zone the flight may not initiate combat
the Front itself and all hexes west/south of the Front. The WP of any kind.
side consists of all hexes east/north of the Front. Setup Order. The order of setup for the scenario.
NATO Order of Battle. The forces available, grouped into air
30.0 Scenario Conditions units, Army Ground Units, and air defense units. It also lists the
pilot training levels [31.53] for the NATO forces.
Each scenario provides the information required for set up and WP Order of Battle. The WP Order of Battle lists the same
play. The information in the scenario is as follows: information for the WP player.
Background. Overall situation for the scenario. Special Scenario Rules. Any SSRs that apply.
Targets. The specified side(s) roll and read the target(s) from Victory Conditions. Any changes or alterations to the standard
the lists. Most scenarios will have multiple targets that must be victory conditions [32.2] appear here.
attacked. The table lists the hex the target is in and the Target
Date. The date of the scenario, important in determining the 31.0 Scenario Setup
location of the Front, Army Ground Unit locations, and other
background factors. Before a scenario begins, players follow the Scenario Setup Se-
quence [3.1] to determine scenario conditions, generate flights,
Time of Day. Whether this is a day or night scenario, includ- lay out ground defenses, plan Raids, and set up units that start
ing the time (using the 24-hour clock) that the scenario begins. on the map. The sequence is also listed on Player Aid Card 4.
Detection Level. The initial Detection Levels [10.11] for the
NATO and WP players. 31.1 Weather Phase
Weather. The column on the Weather Table to be used [22.2]. The scenario will either have a pre-set weather condition or in-
struct players to roll on the Weather Table (see Player Aid Card
Map. The portion of the map in play (the play area).
3). If rolling on the Weather Table, players roll 1d10 and read
The Front. The hex trace of the Front [29.0] for various pur- the result under “Good” or “Poor” weather depending on the
poses. scenario. Players should then use the weather condition markers
Closed Airfields. Any airfields that are closed [9.11] and the (Broken Clouds, etc.) to show the weather on the map, while
status of their printed AAA. also taking careful note of how the clouds or other conditions,
such as haze or mist, might affect their ordnance selection [16.0]
Inherent AAA/IR SAM Coverage. Some scenarios have a zone
and bombing attack profiles [17.3]. If there are any cloud breaks
of hexes around the Front where enemy flights at Low or Deck
[22.43], players roll to determine who will place them and then
altitude are automatically attacked once during their Movement
place them on the map.
Phase by an inherent Gepard (NATO) or 2K22 (WP) Mobile
AAA attack. The scenario specifies if such a zone exists, and on 31.2 Ground Planning Phase
which side of the Front the zone is in effect. Conduct Inherent
AAA/IR SAM attacks as specified in [14.75]. The scenario will specify which player sets up first. The first
player chooses, if allowed in the scenario, an Air Defense Status.
ISR. The side, or sides, indicated will roll on the ISR Table The player then determines map locations for SAMs, dummy
[31.3] during the ISR Phase. SAMs, dummy radars, AAA concentrations, Radar-Equipped
SEAD. The side, or sides, indicated will roll once or twice on AAA, Early Warning Radars, and Army Ground Units. Record
the SEAD Table [31.6] during the SEAD Phase. these units on log sheets. The second player then does the same.
Early Warning. The side, or sides, indicated will roll on the Some ground units will set up on the map at scenario start and
Early Warning Table [31.7] during the Early Warning Phase. others will remain hidden until the owning player activates them
during the scenario.
NATO Air Defense Zone. The NATO air defense zone, or zones,
in play, used to determine QRA and CAP flight compositions.

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46 Red Storm ~ Rules

31.21 AAA Setup group of SAMs (i.e., from SAMs of that type required to set up
Scenario-provided or purchased AAA concentrations may be located or ones allowed to set up hidden) in the scenario. Any
placed in any land hex on the friendly side of the Front [29.0]. SAMs added must set up within two hexes of an allowed setup
No more than one concentration may be set up in a hex. AAA hex for another SAM of the same type in the scenario.
concentrations may not be placed in Rough or Mountain terrain Some SAMs are required to set up within a certain number of
hexes without a Road (Exception: Light concentrations may be hexes of an Army formation (usually a regiment or division),
placed). even if the Army Ground Units themselves aren’t actually set
The WP player may also use scenario-provided AAA points up. Players should reference the cited Army formation list of
to upgrade printed inherent AAA concentrations at friendly locations in Appendix C. In other cases, SAMs must set up a
airfields [14.22]. given distance from the Front, a hex, a specific ground unit, or
Radar AAA (Fire Cans) [14.5] must set up in the same hexes as other map reference point.
AAA concentrations [14.41, 14.42]. One to three may set up in Unless specified as setting up located, SAMs set up hidden.
a hex, depending on the AAA concentration intensity: Light (1), Results from the ISR Table [31.3] may reveal hidden SAMs in
Medium (2), Heavy (3). The results from the ISR Table [31.3] the Ground Deployment Phase.
will determine how many Radar AAA must set up located. Each
31.23 EWR Setup
may set up with its radar on or off.
EWR units [10.25] are set up as indicated in the scenario. Unless
Mobile AAA [14.6] may set up in any land hex on the friendly otherwise specified in the scenario, EWR units may be placed
side of the Front. No more than one per hex. Each may set up in any land hex on the friendly side of the Front [29.0] but no
with its radar on or off. closer than ten hexes to any hex of the Front. EWR units may
Printed AAA, even if upgraded, is always set up located. All only set up in Mountain hexes that have a Road or are adjacent
other AAA set up hidden unless required to be revealed by results to a Road. No more than one EWR may be set up in a hex.
from the ISR Table [31.3]. Unless otherwise specified, EWR units set up located.
All ground units have some organic AAA, but the quantity and
quality varies by unit type. In addition, when setting up ground 31.24 Army Ground Unit Setup
units, the player must roll to see if some units receive additional The location of both NATO and WP Army Ground Units will
AAA capability. When setting up ground units, consult the vary by the date of the scenario. Unless otherwise designated
Ground Unit Organic AAA Table. For each ground unit, note in the scenario, use the locations in Appendix C for any Army
the type of inherent barrage each unit has (Light or Small Arms) Ground Units provided in the scenario. All Army Ground Units
and then roll one die to see if the unit has an organic 2K22 (WP) set up on the map. They are never set up hidden. For each Army
or Gepard/Vulcan (NATO). Scenarios may limit the number of Ground Unit, roll for possible organic Mobile AAA [31.21].
units with organic 2K22, Gepard, or Vulcan. Keep this infor-
31.3 ISR Phase
mation secret from the other player. Each organic Mobile AAA
may start a scenario with its radar on or off. All non-printed AAA and SAM units set up hidden unless re-
quired to be set up located by the scenario or ISR table results.
Example: The NATO player is allocated a US Army mechanized
ground unit (one Mech unit from 11th ACR). Consulting the One or both players roll on the ISR Table, depending on the
Ground Unit Organic AAA Table, the NATO player sees that as a scenario. To use the table, roll two dice, check for possible
Mech unit, it has an organic Small Arms AAA in its hex. One die modifiers, and read the result. The result will determine the “ISR
must be rolled to see if that mechanized unit also has an organic Condition” (Exceptional, Average, or Poor) and how many of a
Vulcan Mobile AAA for this scenario. A roll of “2” indicates side’s hidden, non-IR SAMs, Radar AAA (Fire Cans), and non-
that 1 Mech/11 ACR has Vulcan capability for this scenario, printed AAA concentrations set up located/on the map during
which must be noted. The NATO player decides to set it up with the Ground Deployment Phase [31.4].
the Vulcan’s radar off. When this inherent Vulcan unit turns its If a side does not roll on the ISR Table in a scenario, the ISR
radar on, the player will flip the Mech counter to the side with Condition is automatically considered to be Average for the pur-
the white “Radar On” circle. poses of enemy SAM, Radar AAA (Fire Can), and AAA setup.
All results on the ISR Table round up, so after multiplying the
31.22 SAM Setup designated percentage against the total number of the given
SAM units are set up as indicated in the scenario. Unless type of unit in the scenario, round any fractions left to the next
otherwise specified in the scenario, SAMs may set up in any higher whole number.
land hex on the friendly side of the Front [29.0]. No more than
one SAM may be set up in a hex. SAMs may stack with Army 31.31 AAA
Ground Units. SAMs may only set up in Mountain hexes that The ISR Table [31.3] result will specify how many Radar AAA
have a Road or a friendly airfield. (Exception: IR SAMs may (Fire Cans) and non-printed AAA concentrations set up on the
set up in any Mountain hex). map, with the remainder setting up hidden. All Mobile AAA
If either player is allowed to adjust SAMs based on the scenario (Vulcan, Gepard, and 2K22) [14.6] set up hidden regardless
Air Defense Status, add or remove SAMs as indicated. SAMs of the ISR Table result. Printed AAA is not considered for ISR
removed must be of the type indicated but may be from any table results, even if it has been upgraded with AAA points.

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Example: The WP player has three printed AAA (one of which is allowed to adjust air units based on the scenario Air Defense
has been upgraded with AAA points), six regular (non-printed) Status, then (before generating any CAP flights) add or subtract
printed AAA concentrations, six Radar AAA (Fire Cans), and the indicated number of CAP flights from the scenario order
three Mobile AAA (2K22). During the Ground Planning Phase, of battle. Both players determine their target(s), ingress/egress
the WP player notes the locations of all these AAA units on the hexes, determine ordnance loads [16.0], plan attack profiles
log. In the ISR Phase, the NATO player rolls on the ISR Table, [17.3], and plot the flight path [8.31] for their Raid(s). Log
getting an Exceptional result, so the WP player must set up 40% sheets for aircraft are filled out. Both players may plot scenario-
(rounded up) of all WP Radar AAA on the map (6 Fire Cans x .4 designated Orbit and Rally points. All of this information is kept
= 2.4, rounded up to 3) and 25% (6 x .25 = 1.5, rounded up to secret from the other player.
2) of all non-printed WP AAA concentrations on the map. The
31.51 Raid Targets
remaining three WP Radar AAA (Fire Cans) and four non-printed
Follow the instructions in the scenario to determine targets for
WP AAA concentrations set up hidden. All three WP Mobile AAA
each Raid. Keep this information secret from the other player.
(2K22), and any WP Army Ground Unit organic Mobile AAA set
up hidden. All printed WP AAA sets up located, even if upgraded. 31.52 Order of Battle Tables
In this phase, players generate their aircraft flights for the sce-
31.32 SAMs nario, following the instructions in the scenario (see “NATO
The ISR Table results determine how many real (non-dummy), Order of Battle” or “WP Order of Battle” in each scenario).
non-IR SAMs set up located. The remaining real, non-IR SAMs Consult the Order of Battle Tables in Appendix A. Each OOB
are set up hidden. Regardless of the ISR Table result, all IR Table shows one or more tasks (CAP, Bombing, SEAD, Recon,
SAMs [15.44] set up hidden, all dummy radars [15.15] set up etc. [8.2]). The player generates specific flights for each task.
hidden, and all dummy SAMs [15.14] set up located. Each task lists the flights for that mission, the number of aircraft
Example: A scenario gives the WP player twenty-six SAMs con- in each flight, and their tasking, as follows:
sisting of 2 x SA-12, 4 x SA-4, 8 x SA-11, 4 x SA-2, and 8 x SA-13. Number of Flights x {number of aircraft per flight} Aircraft
Of these, the 4 x SA-2s are specified in the scenario as setting Type, Tasking
up located. The WP player also receives one dummy Radar and If an aircraft type is listed in the description, the flight(s) use
two dummy SAMs. The NATO ISR Table result is Average, so that aircraft type. If no specific aircraft is listed, just a task [in
35% of of the hidden non-IR SAMs must be set up located, along square brackets], the player must determine the aircraft type
with the 4 x SA-2s specified as setting up located in the scenario. using the aircraft tables.
Removing the 8 x SA-13 IR SAMs and 4 x SA-2 SAMs from the
In addition to the OOB Tables, scenarios may list variant orders
count, the WP player has fourteen non-IR SAMs eligible to set
of battle for entire Raids or missions within the Raids.
up hidden (the 2 x SA-12, the 4 x SA-4, and the 8 x SA-11). Per
the ISR Table result, 35% of these must instead set up located. Players also use the OOB Tables to determine available ordnance
The calculation is: 14 x .35 = 4.89, which rounds up to 5. So, the (Bombs, LGB, ARM, etc.) for each flight. It is usually better
4 x SA-2s and five more hidden non-IR SAMs (chosen from the to wait to select ordnance until players plot the Raid flight path
SA-12s, SA-4s, and SA-11s) must set up located. The remaining [8.31] and plan attack profiles [17.3] since different ordnance and
nine non-IR SAMs, and all eight SA-13 IR SAMs, set up hidden. weather will limit what players will want their flights to carry.
The two dummy SAMs also set up located. The dummy Radar sets The counter mix is a limit, so reroll as necessary to conform to
up hidden. In the same scenario, the WP player does not roll on the available flight counters.
the ISR Table, so the ISR condition for NATO is automatically 31.53 Flight Quality Generation
Average. The NATO player has six SAMs, none of which are IR The scenario will list pilot training levels for the forces on each
SAMs. Three set up located (6 x .35 = 2.1, rounded up to 3) and side: Trained, Regular, Veteran, or Ace. When filling out the
the other three set up hidden. flight details on the log sheet, roll two dice for each flight on
the Flight Quality Table, referencing the flight’s pilot training
31.4 Ground Deployment Phase level to determine the Aggression Value. Note this value on the
During this phase, players physically place ground units of all flight log.
types (SAMs, AAA Concentrations, Radar AAA, Mobile AAA,
Optional Rule: Do not roll a flight’s Aggression Value
and Army Ground Units) on the map, depending on the type
until the first time the value is needed for air-to-air combat
of unit and the results of the ISR Table. Hidden units are not
or a Morale Check roll.
placed during this phase; their location should be noted on the
applicable log sheet. Both players should take note of the other 31.54 Raid/Task Planning
side’s deployments. After determining their flights and available ordnance, players
conduct detailed Raid/Task Planning [8.0]. All flight information
31.5 Raid Planning Phase is noted on each flight’s log sheet. Raid paths [8.31], targets, and
As specified in the scenario, one or both players generate Raid initial points for Bomb Runs [17.2] are noted on each player’s
targets. Both players generate their flights using the units speci- Raid planning map.
fied in the scenario or the Order of Battle tables. If either player

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48 Red Storm ~ Rules

31.6 SEAD Phase Point. QRA flights set up at their airfields in Ready status or in
the air within two hexes of their airfield if allowed by the Early
The scenario will designate which player, if any, rolls on the
Warning Table. All other flights must enter from the playing
pregame SEAD Table. The SEAD Table may give the player a
area edge on or after the turn specified. Flights that are part of
number of pre-game SEAD attacks for use against located en-
a Raid must enter within two hexes of their ingress hex. Other
emy SAM, EWR, AAA concentrations, or Fire Can units. The
flights may enter anywhere on the friendly playing area edge.
results of this table represent preparatory artillery, missile, attack
If no entry turn is listed, all flights may enter on/after Turn 1.
helicopter, or special operations attacks on enemy SAM, radar,
or AAA locations. Players must pre-designate all SEAD attacks Detection states of flights are set according to the Early Warn-
before resolving any of them. A player may use multiple attacks ing Level. If there is no Early Warning Level for a side, flights
against the same target. All targets must be within twenty hexes at Medium or higher are detected and flights at Low or Deck
of the Front [29.0]. An attack on a SAM or EWR only affects the are undetected.
targeted SAM or EWR. An attack on a Radar AAA affects both
the Radar AAA and its associated AAA Concentration with the
31.9 Radar Phase
results shown. If a target takes multiple radar suppression results, In the Radar Phase, the player(s) may switch on any Radar-
add the total number of turns suppressed together. If an AAA Equipped AAA, EWR, or SAM radar as desired. If a hidden
concentration takes multiple suppression results, add the sup- SAM or dummy radar switches its radar on, place a SAM Warn-
pression levels together (max AAA suppression level is still 3). ing marker on the map [15.12]. Inactive AAA concentrations
may be activated in this phase [14.3].
Example: A SEAD attack roll on a SA-12 is a “7.” The attacking
player rolls 1d10 and adds 5 to determine the number of turns
the SA-12 is marked Radar Suppressed [18.22]. The SA-12 will
be suppressed until the Admin Phase of Turn 12. In a separate
32.0 Victory
attack, the NATO player targets a WP Fire Can Radar AAA and
rolls a “5.” The Fire Can will be suppressed 1d10 turns and 32.1 Victory Points
its associated in-hex AAA concentration is marked Suppress 1. At the end of a scenario, both the WP and NATO total their
The NATO player makes a final SEAD attack on a Medium AAA victory points. Unless modified by Scenario Special Rule, WP
concentration, rolling a “9.” The Medium AAA concentration and NATO score victory points as follows:
is marked with a Suppress 3 marker [18.21].
VP Objective
Any SAMs destroyed in the SEAD phase count for scenario 2 No successful BDA of enemy Deep Strike Raid target.
victory points [32.1]. In scenarios where players are instructed NA to other Raid types.
to “roll twice” on the SEAD table, go through the entire process 12 Raid target Totally Destroyed.
two times: roll, add modifiers, and resolve that number of SEAD
9 Raid target Heavily Damaged.
attacks. Then, go through the entire sequence a second time.
6 Raid target Slightly Damaged.
31.7 Early Warning Phase 4 WP VP for each NATO aircraft or helicopter Shot
The scenarios will note whether either (or both) player rolls for Down or Crashed.
Early Warning to see how much information must be revealed 3 NATO VP for each WP aircraft or helicopter Shot
by the enemy player about their flights and Raids. Down or Crashed.
Roll two dice and add the indicated modifiers on the Early 1 Enemy cruise missile Shot Down before attacking its
Warning Table. The result will set the Early Warning Level target.
(Good, Average, Minimal, or No Warning). Follow the result- 2 Enemy aircraft or helicopter recovers Crippled.
ing instructions regarding flight setup, the Raid information to 1 Enemy aircraft or helicopter recovers Damaged.
be given to the other player, and the detection status of flights. 1 Enemy crew member killed or captured. No points for
If there is no Early Warning Level for a side, that side’s flights helicopter crews.
setting up on map or entering during play at Medium or higher 1 Enemy SAM or EWR unit Heavily Damaged.
are detected, and those at Low or Deck are undetected.
2 Enemy SAM or EWR unit Totally Destroyed.
31.8 Air Deployment Phase Aircraft and crew that are lost as a result of recovery rolls [20.2]
In the Air Deployment Phase, the first player sets up flights that count toward VP.
start on the map and flights entering the map on the first game
32.11 Multiple Sub-Targets
turn near their ingress hexes. The second player then does the
Where there are multiple sub-targets in a single hex (such as
same. Both players may set up scenario-designated dummy
an airfield [9.17] or SAM site [15.16]) specified in a scenario,
flights on the map or wait to place them until later in the scenario.
total the damage VPs for each sub-target and then divide by the
Unless otherwise specified in the scenario, flights tasked with total number of sub-targets and roundup to determine the VPs
CAP, SEAD, Standoff Jamming, Chaff Laying, or Fast FAC for the target.
may set up on the map within two hexes of a friendly Orbit

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Example: The NATO airfield at Rhein-Main has four sub-targets

specified in the scenario. In the Raid, the WP player inflicts the 33.0 Solitaire Rules
following damage: destroyed runway (12 VP), slightly Damaged While Red Storm is best played with two or more players, with
tower (6 VP), and heavily Damaged hangars (9 VP). The aircraft relatively minor changes it also makes an excellent solitaire
revetments are undamaged. The total VPs for the airfield are 7: game. These rules offer players two choices: modifications to the
(12 + 6 + 9 + 0 = 27/4 = 6.75, round to 7). rules to smooth “limited” solo play and a more fulsome solitaire
32.12 Bridge Targets experience using a series of charts and tables that form a “bot”
If the target is a bridge, target damage victory points are based to play against using “full” solo rules. Limited solo play will
on the most Damaged span [18.23]. For each other span in the work with any of the scenarios in the game. The full solitaire
bridge add half the VPs (rounded up) for the damage scored game requires specially designed solitaire scenarios that set
against it. Players may use bridge markers to show the location scenario conditions but also allow for variation in the scenarios
of bridge targets. each time they are played.

32.2 Victory Levels 33.1 Limited Solitaire Rules

Scenario Special Rules specify the victory conditions. A scenario The limited solitaire rules allow players to play both sides of a
will state whether the WP or NATO Victory Level Table is used scenario by “switching roles” back and forth. They remove the
when comparing VP totals and determining the outcome. When numerous fog-of-war and concealment aspects of the base rules.
using the WP Victory Level Table, the victory total is obtained They also provide an excellent way to learn the game on one’s
by subtracting the NATO VP total from the WP VP total. When own, since almost all of the game works exactly the same. In
using the NATO Victory Level Table, subtract the WP VP total general, a player should “do what makes sense” for each side.
from the NATO VP total. In both cases, the result can be a nega- 33.11 Rules Not Used in Limited Solitaire Play
tive value. The victory total determines the victory level on the The following rules are not used by either side when playing
appropriate table as follows: with Limited Solitaire Play (LSP) rules: Generic Flight Coun-
ters [4.11], Dummies [4.12], Hidden AAA [14.3, 14.52, 14.62],
WP Offensive Scenario
Dummy SAMs [15.14], Dummy Radars [15.15], Hidden SAMs
VPs Victory Levels [15.11], SAM Warning Markers [15.12].
30+ Decisive Victory.
33.12 Scenario Setup Sequence
20-29 Victory.
● Weather Phase: No Change.
10-19 Inconclusive Operation (Draw).
0-9 Defeat. ● Ground Planning Phase: Do not use dummy SAMs or
dummy Radars if provided.
< 0 Significant Defeat.
● ISR Phase: This phase is skipped.
Design Note: The WP cannot afford a long war. They have ● Ground Deployment Phase: Place all ground units (Army
to press each mission to the max to try to achieve a decisive Ground Units, AAA, and SAMs) on the map for both sides.
breakthrough in less than a month of fighting. As a result, a No units are kept hidden. All AAA and SAMs set up located
scenario “win” requires destroying ground targets and doing [15.11].
significant damage to NATO’s ability to contest the air. ● Raid Planning Phase: No Change.
NATO Offensive Scenario ● SEAD Phase: No Change. Select targets that make the most
sense for each side.
VPs Victory Levels
● Early Warning Phase: No Change.
20+ Decisive Victory.
10-19 Victory. ● Air Deployment Phase: No Generic Flight Markers [4.11]
or Dummies [4.12] are used.
5-9 Inconclusive Operation (Draw).
● Radar Phase: All SAM and Radar AAA radars start switched
0-4 Defeat.
< 0 Significant Defeat.
33.13 Sequence of Play During Scenario
Design Note: NATO wants to keep fighting in the air as long as No changes. Players should do “what is best” for both sides at
possible, while preventing a breakthrough on the ground that all times.
might lead to conventional defeat or the need to use nuclear
33.14 Completing the Scenario
weapons. As a result, to “win” a scenario, NATO needs to focus
No changes.
on getting aircraft back in one piece so they stay in the fight.

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50 Red Storm ~ Rules

33.2 Full Solitaire Rules 33.23 Sequence of Play During Scenario

The human player conducts all phases normally. The bot con-
The Full Solitaire Play (FSP) rules transform the game substan-
ducts actions as instructed on the Full Solo Rules Sequence of
tially. Although game mechanics operate the same, actions for
Play on Player Aid Card 5.
the “bot” are randomized by use of specific priorities when the
bot makes decisions, referencing various tables to determine 33.24 Completing the Scenario
actions for bot flights, SAMs, and AAA units. Follow the normal procedure as outlined in [3.4].
33.21 Rules Not Used in Full Solitaire Play 33.3 Bot Flight Rules
The following rules are not used by the human player with FSP
rules: Generic Flight Counters [4.11], Dummies [4.12], Hidden All bot flights start as generic flights and are potentially activated
AAA [14.3] [14.52] [14.62], Hidden SAMs [15.11], Dummy as real flights under certain conditions specified by the Flight
SAMs [15.14], Dummy Radars [15.15], SAM Warning Mark- Activation Table. Bot flights, both generic and real, conduct ac-
ers [15.12]. tions (including engagements) as directed by the Flight Actions
Table on Player Aid Card 5. Generic WP Bot flights use USSR
33.22 Scenario Setup Sequence MiG-21bis Combat and Dash throttle ratings. Generic NATO
In general, the human player follows the normal Scenario Setup Bot flights use US F-4E Combat and Dash throttle ratings.
Sequence, with the following exceptions/changes:
● Weather Phase: Human player places any Cloud Breaks. 33.4 Bot SAM Rules
● Ground Planning Phase: The human player sets up all No SAMs are set up located, unless directed by the scenario.
their side’s ground units on the map, located. For the bot Only SAM Warning markers are set up on the map. SAM Warn-
side, follow scenario setup instructions. Bot SAM Warning ing markers are checked for activation per the SAM Activation
markers are used to represent possible SAM units. Scenarios Table. Once activated, SAMs behave in accordance with the
will specify if they are set up Radar On or Off. Inactive Light SAM Actions Table. The SAM Activation Table has modifiers
AAA counters are used to represent possible AAA units. For based on the number of real SAMs (including IR SAMs) already
both sides, place all units on the map now (do not wait for in play. Players should keep a side note of the number.
Ground Deployment Phase). When multiple SAMs are checked for activation at the same
● ISR Phase: If allowed in the scenario, the human player rolls time, start with the SAMs closest to the triggering human player
on the Bot SAM/AAA ISR Table on Player Aid Card 5 (do flight, followed by the next closest, etc. If there are ties, ran-
not use the normal ISR Table). The result will be a number of domly select the SAM to check for activation. Resolve all SAM
SAM Warning and Inactive AAA counters the human player activation checks prior to any attacks on the triggering flight.
may check for activation. When a SAM activates, follow scenario instructions to determine
○ Select up to these numbers of bot SAM Warning markers the type. Place a SAM of that type under the SAM Warning
(only those in the Divisional and Corps/Army SAM Zones marker that was checked for activation (Exception: if an IR
may be selected) and Inactive AAA counters and check SAM is activated, remove the SAM Warning and place the IR
them for SAM or AAA Activation via the respective SAM in located status). The SAM will now operate normally.
Activation Tables. The human player must designate all However, even though the human player now knows what type
attempts in advance. Any one SAM Warning or Inactive of SAM it is, the bot SAM is not considered located [15.11] until
Light AAA may only be checked for activation once. Place successfully located by the human player during the SAM Loca-
any real SAMs or AAA generated on the map, located, and tion Phase. When located, remove the SAM Warning marker.
remove the SAM Warning/Inactive AAA marker. AAA is Bot SAMs with Phased Array Radars [15.45] set their fixed
active, Fire Cans and SAM radars are on. radar arcs upon activation, with the arc set to encompass as
○ If a SAM Warning or Inactive AAA checked for activation many enemy flights as possible.
does not generate a real SAM or AAA, leave it in place.
33.5 Bot AAA Rules
● Ground Deployment Phase: Skip this phase.
No bot AAA set up located. Only inactive AAA counters are set
● Raid Planning Phase: No Change. Human player only. up on the map. Use Light AAA concentrations. Inactive AAA
● SEAD Phase: If allowed in the scenario, the human player are checked for activation per the AAA Activation Table. Once
conducts attacks on real, located bot SAM and AAA units. placed on-map, AAA follows the AAA Actions Table. The AAA
● Early Warning Phase: No Change. Activation Table has modifiers based on the number of real AAA
● Air Deployment Phase: No Generic Flight Markers [4.11] (concentrations, Radar AAA, Mobile AAA) already in play.
or Dummies [4.12] are used by the human player. For the Players should keep a side note of the number.
bot, use generic flight markers for all at-start flights.
● Radar Phase: All bot SAM Warning, real SAM, EWR, and
real Radar AAA radars start on.

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34.31 Raid Planning

34.0 Campaign Games The offensive player will fully plan all the Raids, including all
A campaign is a series of Raid scenarios with outcomes and deci- the normal details [31.5], for a given campaign day during the
sions in one scenario carrying over to the following scenarios. first Raid Planning Phase of the first Raid of the day. See [34.32].
Design Note: This is a bit of a change from campaign planning
34.1 Campaign Game Concepts in Downtown and Elusive Victory where raids were planned
Campaign Type. The campaign will be listed as one of two “blind” before players had any information on enemy defenses.
types: Bombing or Recon. This change gives the offensive player at least some idea of
Days. A campaign is divided into a number of game days. To where enemy SAM/AAA are located, and a more detailed look
complete a game day the players must play a number of Raids. at the weather.

Target List. The campaign target list shows all the targets eli- 34.32 Raid Execution
gible to be attacked or reconned in the campaign. Raids are planned and played exactly as scenarios except with
Offensive/Defensive Player. Each campaign will designate the following changes:
one side as the “offensive” player, with the other side being ● Weather Phase. Weather is determined at the start of each
the “defensive” player. In general, the offensive player will be campaign day, not each Raid. Any weather changes that
conducting Bombing or Recon Raids, with the defensive player occurred due to a random event in the previous Raid are
opposing them with ground and air units. Both sides must carry ignored in subsequent Raids that campaign day. For a second
out various administrative tasks between campaign days. or third Raid on the same campaign day, remove any cloud
breaks from the previous Raid that day and place them again
34.2 Campaign Scenarios using the normal procedure in the Weather Phase.
The information in a campaign scenario is as follows: ● Ground Planning Phase. Changes in defensive player
Target List. The campaign target list shows all the targets eli- ground setup are restricted [34.42, 34.43].
gible to be attacked or reconned in the campaign. It also lists ● ISR Phase. For a second or third Raid on the same campaign
the target locations and profiles. Finally, the target list shows day, skip the ISR Phase.
the Campaign Victory Points (CVP) for damaging, destroying, ● Ground Deployment Phase. Normal.
or reconnoitering each target. ● Raid Planning Phase. For the first Raid of a campaign day,
Background, Dates, Detection Level, Map, Closed Airfields, the offensive player plans all raids for that day, including
Front, Inherent AAA/IR, ISR, SEAD, EW, Air Defense Zone, targets, routes, aircraft loads, and other details normally
Zone Limits, Setup Order. This information is the same as in attended to in the Raid Planning Phase [31.5]. When planning
scenarios. Note that this information applies to all Raids in the a Raid the player secretly chooses Raid targets from the target
campaign. list. Players may choose targets already attacked or reconned
Campaign Length. The number of days in the campaign. The earlier in the campaign. The offensive player must also select
campaign ends once all days have been played. specific aircraft from among the various squadrons’ Combat
Ready aircraft for each Raid. For a second or third Raid on
Weather. The weather for a campaign is listed as good or poor. the same campaign day, skip the Raid Planning Phase.
This status applies to all Raids in the campaign. At the start of
each day, roll on the appropriate column of the Weather Table. ● SEAD Phase. Normal, except that for a second or third Raid
The result will be the weather for all Raids conducted on that on the same campaign day, the ISR condition for purposes
day of the campaign. of the SEAD Table is “Average” regardless of the condition
for the first Raid of that day.
Order of Battle. The number and type of Aircraft Availability
● Early Warning Phase. Normal.
Points (AAP), SAMs, dummy SAMs, dummy Radars, and AAA
the defensive player has available. It also lists the squadrons, ● Air Deployment Phase. Normal.
number, and type of aircraft available to the offensive player. ● Radar Phase. Normal.
● Bomb Damage Assessment Phase. Target damage is not
34.3 Days and Raid Slots rolled at the end of the Raid. Instead, damage assessment is
The Day is an administrative division in the campaign. Players deferred to the Campaign BDA Phase [34.33]. Leave Attack
will play a number of Raids in a day. At the end of the day they Success value markers on Raid targets.
tend to administration and then plan for the next day’s Raids.
34.33 End of Raid Administration
There are three Raid “slots” in a single campaign day: Morning
After each Raid, complete the following phases, in order:
(06:00-11:00), Afternoon (13:00-18:00), and Night (21:00-
24:00). Thus, up to three Raids are possible in a single day. ● Recovery Phase. Conduct normally.
Campaigns will specify how many Raids per day are allowed. ● Raid VP Phase. Players note Campaign VP gained for lost
aircraft/aircrew, and SAM/EWR damaged or destroyed.

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52 Red Storm ~ Rules

● AAP Phase. The defending player adjusts the stock of The defensive player may never spend more than 33% of the
Aircraft Availability Points based on any damage or losses original pool total on any single Raid. When flights and aircraft
taken during the Raid [34.41]. are purchased, points from the pool are expended. Flights pur-
● SAM Damage Phase. All non-Mobile SAMs and AAA chased for one Raid do not “carry over” to subsequent Raids
remain in place. SAM Warning and SAM Damage markers during the campaign.
remain in place. Remove all Mobile SAMs and Mobile AAA In addition, each time an aircraft ends a Raid Damaged, Crippled,
from the map [34.43]. Remove all AAA Suppression, SAM or Shot Down, the AAP purchase value of the aircraft is sub-
No Ammo, Radar Suppressed, and Radar Shutdown markers tracted from the AAP pool.
[34.44]. Any flights received via a QRA Random Event are not counted
● SAM Ammo Phase. Roll for each SAM that expended any against the defensive player’s AAP. They are, in effect, “free”
ammo to see if it is replenished [34.46]. flights for that scenario. However, any Damaged, Crippled, or
● Offensive Player Raid Notification Phase. The offensive Shot Down result on aircraft in such a QRA flight is subtracted
player notifies the defensive player if there will be another from the AAP pool as if they were purchased flights.
Raid that same campaign day, and if it is a daytime or night 34.42 Defensive Player Ground Units
Raid. If there is another Raid for that day, proceed to Raid The defensive player plots and sets up ground units on the first
Execution [34.32] for the next Raid. If not, proceed to the Raid of the first day of the campaign. After that point, the ability
End of Day Administration [34.34] sequence. to alter the deployment of ground units is limited. The defensive
player may not alter the setup from Raid to Raid, except as al-
34.34 End of Day Administration
lowed by [34.43] and [34.47].
After all a day’s Raids have been played and resolved, special
end-of-day administration phases are conducted in order, as 34.43 SAMs and AAA
follows: At the end of each Raid, all located non-Mobile SAMs [15.52],
● Campaign BDA Phase. In a Bombing campaign, the Fire Cans, and active AAA concentrations remain located in
offensive player rolls for damage on all Raid targets place. AAA concentrations may switch to inactive status. Hidden
marked with Attack Success markers that have been photo- non-Mobile SAMs, Fire Cans, and AAA concentrations remain
reconnoitered for BDA. Place a Slight, Heavy, or Destroyed hidden in place. SAM Warning markers remain in place.
marker as appropriate. Those targets that have not been photo- At the end of each Raid, all undamaged Mobile SAMs and Mo-
reconnoitered for BDA that day leave the attack success bile AAA, even if located, are removed from the map and may
markers in place. In a Recon campaign, the offensive player be set up hidden again in in any eligible location the subsequent
marks all targets successfully photo-reconnoitered with a Raid’s Ground Planning Phase. Damaged Mobile SAMs and
Recon Success. Mobile AAA are removed from the map and placed to one side.
● Campaign Random Event. Roll for a campaign random In the Refit and Redeployment Phase, the defensive player may
event [34.6]. roll to see if they are replaced [34.44].
● Refit and Redeployment Phase. The defensive player may Example: A campaign provides the defending NATO player with
receive replacements for damaged or destroyed ground units six Chaparral Mobile SAMs and four Gepard Mobile AAA units.
[34.44]. Some ground units may be relocated to other hexes In the first Raid of a campaign day, two of the Chaparral SAMs
[34.47]. After all replacement and relocation is complete, and one of the Gepard Mobile AAAs suffer damage. At the end of
all SAM and AAA units are hidden. The offensive player the Raid, the two damaged Chaparrals and the Damaged Gepard
performs aircraft maintenance for assigned aircraft [34.51], are placed to one side. The WP player announces a Raid in the
purchases replacement aircraft [34.53], and updates precision afternoon of the same campaign day. For that second Raid of the
munitions stocks [34.54]. day, the NATO player will only have four Chaparrals and three
Gepards available for setup. No Raid is announced for the final
● New Day. A new campaign day begins.
raid “slot” of the day, so after the second Raid, in the subsequent
34.4 Defensive Player Campaign Rules Refit and Redeployment Phase, the NATO player rolls to try to
replace the damaged Chaparrals and Gepards.
The defensive player will have a limited set of ground units
(SAMs, AAA, etc.) in a campaign, as well as a limited number 34.44 Ground Unit Damage and Destruction
of Aircraft Availability Points used to buy CAP and QRA flight At the end of a Raid, all AAA Suppression, Radar Suppression,
for each Raid. Both inventories must be managed between Raids and Radar Shutdown markers are removed. However, damage
and campaign days. to or destruction of SAMs, dummy SAMs, dummy Radars,
Fire Cans, and Mobile AAA units persists to subsequent Raids
34.41 Defensive Player Air Units
in the same day.
In a campaign scenario, the defensive player is given a fixed
pool of Aircraft Availability Points (AAP) with which to buy At the end of a campaign day, in the Refit and Redeployment
flights in the Raid Planning Phase of each Raid. This AAP pool Phase, all damaged or destroyed SAMs, dummy SAMs, dummy
must last for the entire campaign. Radars, Fire Cans, EWR, and Mobile AAA may be replaced
with new ground units of the same type. See the Ground Unit

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Replacement Table on Player Aid Card 3. All replacement SAMs campaign day and do not fly in any Raid are automatically
have a full ammo load. Remove any unit that rolls a “No Re- Combat Ready at the start of the next campaign day.
placement” result from the defensive player’s available ground
Optional Rule: For a more realistic and variable start to
units for the duration of the campaign.
a campaign, players can agree to have the offensive player
Damage to all other ground targets, such as Army Ground Units secretly make Maintenance Status rolls for each aircraft be-
or bridge spans, persists from Raid to Raid and day to day in fore the start of the campaign. Doing so simulates the likely
a campaign. They are never repaired and retain any Damage/ wear and tear on the squadrons in the time period before the
Recon markers. campaign takes place.
34.45 Runway Damage
34.52 Aircraft Management
Airfields with runway damage must be repaired first before that
Each day, the offensive player must plan all offensive Raids
airfield may open again. In the Refit and Redeployment Phase,
for that day. In addition to target selection, aircraft loads, route
the defensive player rolls roll to see if any runway damage is
planning, and other normal planning issues, the player must also
repaired. See Runway Repair Table on Player Aid Card 3. If a
allocate specific aircraft from among available Combat Ready
runway’s damage is not repaired, the airfield remains closed for
aircraft to each Raid.
the next campaign day. Some campaign scenarios may restrict
the ability of players to repair runways. To do so, the player must “build” flights of the appropriate size
(one to four aircraft) for the given Raid task. All aircraft in a
34.46 SAM Ammo flight must come from the same squadron. During a Raid, keep
At the end of each Raid, the defensive player rolls for any track of individual aircraft that are Shot Down, Damaged, or
undamaged SAM without a full load of SAM shots. See SAM Crippled. Aircraft may fly in multiple Raids per day. However,
Ammo Table on Player Aid Card 3. an individual aircraft may not fly in more than two Raids per day.
34.47 Defensive Player Redeployment Between Raids on a day (for example, between morning and
In the Refit and Redeployment Phase between campaign days, afternoon Raids), the player may replace Shot Down, Damaged,
the defensive player may change the setup location of all SAMs, or Crippled aircraft in flights that were planned to fly in a later
dummy SAMs, dummy Radars, and non-printed AAA. Printed Raid with other Combat Ready aircraft from the same squadron.
AAA concentrations may never be redeployed, although points If a player does not have sufficient aircraft to fill out a given
used to upgrade printed concentrations may be. flight planned to participate in a Raid for that day, that flight is
The redeployed units set up in any eligible location for their removed from the Raid.
unit type. Replacement units received as a result of damage or 34.53 Aircraft Replacements
destruction also set up in any eligible location. They do not have The campaign scenario will provide an inventory of replacement
to set up in the hex of the Damaged/destroyed unit they replaced. aircraft the offensive player may draw from to replace Damaged,
After all redeployment is complete, all SAMs and non-printed Crippled, or Shot Down aircraft. In general, drawing aircraft
AAA become hidden. from this replacement pool will cost the offensive player CVP.
In the Refit and Replacement Phase, after rolling for aircraft
34.5 Offensive Player Campaign Rules maintenance, the offensive player may add aircraft of the ap-
The offensive player in a campaign will have a limited number propriate type from the replacement pool for squadrons to use in
of squadrons with various types of aircraft. The status of aircraft the next campaign day. In doing so, the player may not exceed
must be managed during the campaign. the maximum number of aircraft allowed in the squadron but
may “swap out” a Damaged or Crippled aircraft for a replace-
34.51 Aircraft Maintenance ment aircraft if necessary.
For a given campaign day, each aircraft in a squadron will either
be Combat Ready or Down. Only Combat Ready aircraft may 34.54 Precision Weapons
be part of a Raid. Down aircraft may not be used that day. Any The campaign scenario will provide a number of PGM shots
aircraft that recovers Damaged or Crippled is automatically [16.14] of various types for each squadron. In the Refit and
Down until repaired during the Refit and Redeployment Phase Replacement Phase, the offensive player deducts any weapons
between campaign days. expended during that day’s Raids from the stock numbers for
The campaign scenario will provide a maintenance rating for each PGM shot type. In campaigns where PGM stocks may
each squadron. In the Refit and Redeployment Phase, the of- be replenished, roll to see how many new PGMs are received.
fensive player must use this rating to roll for each aircraft in the
squadron to determine its status for the next day. In general, an 34.6 Campaign Random Events
aircraft that is Damaged or Crippled has a lower chance of being Each Campaign Random Event Phase roll two dice and read
available the next day. Conversely, an aircraft that did not fly at the results from the Campaign Random Events Table. Apply
all has a better chance of being Combat Ready. Aircraft that are the result (if any).
Damaged or Crippled remain so until they pass a Maintenance
Status roll. Aircraft that are Combat Ready at the start of a given

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54 Red Storm ~ Rules

34.7 Campaign Victory

Rules Index
After all the campaign days have been played out, the campaign
ends. The primary rule for each term is listed in Bold.
34.71 Campaign Victory Points AAA: 14 [Restrictions as targets: 8.3, 17.11] [at Airfields: 9.11,
The offensive player scores Campaign Victory Points as follows: 28] [ARM targets 17] [Special Munitions: 17.6] [Resolving
damage: 18.1, 18.2] [Jamming of: 19.1, 19.22, 19.31, 19.34]
CVPs Objective Achieved [at Night: 23.32] [vs Helicopters: 25.2] [CSAR: 26.11] [Army
+? Target Damaged or Destroyed. Campaign target Ground Units: 27.1] [Inherent Zones: 30] [Setup: 31.21] [ISR
Damaged or Destroyed. The CVP value is listed as Phase: 31.31] [SEAD Phase: 31.6] [Limited Solitaire: 33.11,
x/y/z, corresponding to Slight/Heavy/Total Destruc- 33.12] [Full Solitaire: 33.22, 33.5] [Campaigns: 34.43, 34.47]
tion. Abort: 8.4 [Tasks requirements: 8.2, 8.341, 8.343] [After Land-
2 Enemy Aircraft. Each enemy aircraft Shot Down or ing: 9.14] [Air-to-Air Combat Limits: 11.211, 11.212, 11.24]
Crashed. [Post-Combat: 13] [NA to Cruise Missiles: 17.75] [On-Map
1 Crews Lost. Each enemy crew member KIA or Jamming Flights: 19.32]
captured. Acquisition: 15.21 [Post-Combat: 13] [Prerequisites: 15.22]
1 SAM/EWR Damaged. Enemy SAM/EWR Heavily [Resolving: 15.23] [Maintaining/Losing: 15.24] [Terrain Mask-
Damaged. ing: 15.25] [vs Anti-Radar Tactics: 15.26] [vs Dummies: 15.27]
2 SAM/EWR Destroyed. Enemy SAM/EWR De- [LOAL: 15.51] [Anti-Radar SAMs: 15.53] [EO-Tracking: 15.54]
stroyed. Only 1VP if SAM was Damaged in earlier [vs Defensive Jammers: 19.2] [vs Standoff Jamming: 19.31] [vs
Raid. Chaff Corridors: 19.34] [vs Helicopters: 25.2] [Bot SAM: 33.4]
–X Replacement Aircraft. Negative VP penalty for Admin Phase: 3.2 [Dummy Generation: 4.13] [Splitting Flights:
using aircraft from the replacement pools. 4.14] [Flights on Ground: 9.12] [Refuel/Rearm: 9.16] [Crippled
Aircraft: 12.22] [Disordered flights: 13.11] [AAA Activations:
The defensive player scores Campaign Victory Points as follows: 14.3] [AAA Radars: 14.52, 14.62] [SAM Radars: 15.2] [Mobile
CVPs Objective Achieved SAMs: 15.52] [Radar Shutdowns: 17.53] [AAA Suppression:
18.21] [Spot Jamming Markers: 19.34] [CSAR: 26.1, 26.3,
2 No BDA. For each campaign target attacked for
26.41, 26.43] [Full Solitaire: 33.23]
which there is no successful BDA.
2 Enemy Fighter Aircraft. Each enemy aircraft Shot Aggression Value: 1.3 [when Splitting Flights: 4.14] [Log
Down or Crashed when tasked with CAP or Close Sheets 4.2] [as Engagement Mod: 11.23] [Morale Checks: 13.1]
Escort. [Disordered: 13.11] [Cruise Missiles: 17.75] [Helicopters: 25.2]
[Generation of: 31.53]
3 Enemy Bomber Aircraft. Each enemy aircraft Shot
Down or Crashed when tasked with SEAD, Bombing, Airfields: 9.0, 28.0 [as Terrain: 2.22] [as Rally Point: 8.35]
Recon, Standoff/Escort Jamming, or Rescue Support. [Operations: 9.11] [Flights on Ground: 9.12] [Takeoff: 9.13]
1 Crews Lost. Each enemy crew member KIA or [Landing: 9.14] [Airfield AAA: 14.2] [Nuke attacks: 17.67]
captured. [Recovery: 20.2] [CSAR: 26.11] [Air Deploy Phase: 31.8]
[Multiple Sub-Targets: 32.11]
34.72 Campaign Victory Levels Air-to-Air Combat: 11.0 [Zoom climb mod: 6.33] [Maneuver
The victory total is obtained by subtracting the defensive player’s Markers: 6.35] [Stacking limit: 6.4] [vs/by Defensive Wheels:
CVP from the offensive player’s CVP to determine the final 7.12] [Task limits: 8.2] [Abort limits: 8.4] [Takeoff limits: 9.13]
Campaign Victory Point total. Each campaign will provide dif- [Visual ID: 10.4] [Weapons: 11.1] [Engagement: 11.2] [Standard
ferent Victory Levels depending on the final Campaign Victory Prerequisites: 11.211] [BVR Prerequisites: 11.212] [Surprise/
Point total. Disadvantage: 11.25] [Maneuver: 11.31] [Ammo Depletion:
11.34] [Disengagement 11.41] [F-15 flights: 11.44] [Rear Guns:
11.45] [Multiple Attacks: 11.51] [Slash Attacks 11.52] [Morale
Checks: 13.1] [Scatter: 13.2] [Detection after: 13.3] [Anti-Radar
Tactics limits: 15.26] [SAM Avoid limits: 15.33] [Jettison prior
to: 16.21] [vs Cruise Missiles: 17.75] [Fuel use: 20.1] [Line
of Sight limits: 22.1] [Night: 23.31] [Helicopters: 25.2] [Bot
flights: Player Aid Card 5]
Air-to-Ground Attack: 17.0 [Sequence during movement: 3.3]
[Task limits: 8.2, 17.11] [Abort limit: 8.4] [Damaged aircraft
limit: 12.21] [Disordered limit: 13.11] [AAA Mods: 14.42,
14.54, 14.64] [Anti-Radar limit: 15.26] [SAM Avoid limit:
15.33] [SAM Attack mod: 15.41] [Ordnance types: 16.11]

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[Bomb Runs: 17.2] [Profiles (Dive, Level, Radar, Toss, LGB Bot Behavior: 33.2 [Scenario setup: 33.22] [Scenario phases:
Level, LGB Toss, EOGM, EOGB): 17.3] [Resolving: 17.4] 33.23] [Bot Flights: 33.3] [Bot SAMs: 33.4] [Bot AAA: 33.5]
[ARMs (HARM, Shrike, Kh-25, Kh-58, Kh-28, AS.37): 17.5] [General: Player Aid 5]
[Special Munitions (CBU, Rockets, Anti-Runway, MW-1, Broken Cloud Layer: 22.41 [Line of Sight: 22.1]
JP233, KMGU, Nukes): 17.6] [by Cruise Missiles: 17.7] [vs
Helicopters: 25.1] Burn-Through: 19.22 [Range vs High Altitude: 15.42] [vs Spot
Jamming: 19.34] [Limits at max burn-through range: 19.51]
Altitude: 6.13 [Bands defined (Deck, Low, Med, High, Very
High): 1.4] [ADC data: 2.81] [Dummy generation: 4.13] [Split- BVR Avoid: 6.36 [Removal during movement: 6.31] [NA vs
ting Flights: 4.14] [Movement points based on: 6.2] [Climb: Defensive Wheel: 7.12] [Placement post-combat: 13] [During
6.31] [Dive: 6.31] [Turn: 6.32] [Zoom Climb: 6.32] [Mountain Bomb Runs: 17.2] [During Laser Designation: 17.69] [NA to
limit: 6.34] [Stacking: 6.4] [Plotting: 8.51] [during Takeoff/ Cruise Missiles: 17.75] [Loss of Standoff Jamming: 19.32]
Landing: 9.13, 9.14] [Lookdown: 10.23] [Visual ID: 10.4] [Air- [During Chaff Laying: 19.41] [During Recon Run: 24.1] [NA
to-Air Combat limits: 11.2] [Scatter: 13.2] [effect on range vs to Helicopters: 25.2]
SAMs: 15.42] [Attack Profile limits: 17.3] [Special Munition BVR Combat: 11.0 [vs/by Defensive Wheel: 7.12] [Lookdown
limits: 17.6] [Cruise Missile limits: 17.7] [Standoff Jamming limit: 10.23] [Combat Values: 11.13] [Engagement: 11.2] [Pre-
limits: 19.32] [Chaff: 19.4] [Ground Collisions at Deck: 23.22] requisites: 11.212] [Rules of Engagement: 11.26] [Maneuver:
[Recon limits: 24] [Helicopter limits: 25] [Bailouts: 26.1] 11.31] [Soviet Doctrine limits: 11.32] [Depletion: 11.34] [F-15s:
Ammo Depletion: 11.34 [ADC data: 2.81] [Abort require- 11.44] [Post-Combat steps: 13, 13.1] [Bot flights: Player Aid 5]
ments: 8.4] [Multiple Attacks: 11.51] [Post-Combat: 13] [after Campaign Games: 34.0 [Concepts: 34.1] [Scenarios: 34.2]
Strafing: 16.13] [Days/Raid Slots: 34.3] [Raid Planning: 34.31] [Raid Execution:
Anti-Radar Missiles (ARM): 17.5 [ADC data: 2.81] [vs unlo- 34.32, 34.33] [End of Day Admin: 34.34] [Defensive Player
cated SAMs: 15.11] [vs Dummy Radars: 15.15] [vs SAM radars: Actions: 34.41-34.47] [Offensive Player Actions: 34.51-34.54]
15.2] [as PGMs: 16.11] [Ordnance Availability: 16.16] [Flight [Campaign Random Events: 34.6] [VP: 34.71]
Speed limits: 16.23] [Attack Column: 17.41] CAP: [Task limits: 8.2] [Multirole Aircraft: 8.37] [Refuel/
Anti-Radar SAMs: 15.53 Rearm: 91.6] [Night limits: 23.2] [Rescue CAP: 26.42] [Raid
Planning: 31.5] [Air Deployment Phase: 31.8]
Anti-Radar Tactics: 15.26 [Admin Phase removal: 3.2] [as
Movement Action: 6.31] [Air-to-Air Combat limits: 11.211, CBU: [Types, Profiles, Strengths vs Targets: 17.61] [Flight
11.212] [Post-Combat removal: 13] [Air-to-Ground Attack Speed limit: 16.23] [vs AAA: 17.62]
limits: 17.1] [Loss of Jamming: 19.21, 19.32] [during Chaff Clean Values: 2.81 [Visual ID info: 4.22] [Movement points:
Laying: 19.41] 6.2] [Maneuver Values: 11.25] [Carrying Ordnance: 16.2] [Laser
Army Ground Units: 27.0 [Types: 27.1] [as Targets: 27.2] Designation Flights: 17.69]
[Ground Planning Phase: 31.2] [Setup: 31.24] [Campaign Clear Weather: see Weather
Damage: 34.44] Climb: 6.31 [Zoom Climb: 6.33] [Large Aircraft limits: 6.40]
Bailouts: 26.1 [Post-Combat: 13] [after Ground Collision: [Prior to combat mod: 11.42] [Slash Attack limit: 11.52] [Anti-
23.22] [Helicopter crews: 25.2] Radar Tactics limit: 15.26] [Bombing Profile limits: 17.3] [He-
BDA (Bomb Damage Assessment): 3.4 [Damage Rolls: 18.1] licopters: 25.1]
[Recon Missions: 24] [VP: 32.1] [Campaign BDA: 34.34, 34.71] Close Escort: 8.343 [Night limits: 23.2]
Blind Bombing Attacks: 17.3 [Radar: 17.33] [Toss: 17.34] Combat Throttle: 6.21 [ADC Data: 2.81] [Zoom Climb limit:
[ARM Launch: 17.52] [Cruise Missile attacks: 17.7] [use at 6.33] [Defensive Wheels: 7.12] [Landing: 9.14] [Strafing: 17.39]
Night: 23.33] Crews: 26.0 [ADC Data: 2.81] [Admin Phase actions: 3.2]
Bombs: 16.12 [ADC data: 2.81] [Mixed Loadouts: 16.15] [Ground Damage: 18.2] [Recovery: 20.2] [Ground Collisions:
[Ordnance Availability: 16.16] [Laden: 16.2] [Jettison: 16.21] 23.22] [Helicopters: 25] [Bailouts: 26.1] [Auto Rescue/Capture:
[Flight Speed Limits: 16.23] [Target limits: 17.12] 26.11] [CSAR Pickup: 26.43] [VP: 32.1] [Campaign VP: 34.71]
Bombing: 17.0 [Bombing Task: 8.2] [Flight Path limits: 8.31] Crippled Aircraft: 12.22 [Splitting Flight: 4.14] [Dash throttle
[AAA Mods: 14.42, 14.54, 14.64] [SAM Attack Mod: 15.41] NA: 6.22] [Visual ID info: 4.22] [Task limits: 8.2] [Refuel/
[Task Limits: 17.11] [Ordnance Limits: 17.12] [Bomb Runs: Rearm NA: 9.16] [Air-to-Air limits: 11.211, 11.212] [Damage
17.2] [Attack Profiles: 17.3] [Resolution: 17.4] [Damage Rolls: Allocation: 12.1] [Jettison required: 16.21] [Cruise Missiles:
18.1] [Weather limits: 22] [Night: 23] 17.75] [Standoff Jamming limits: 19.32] [Recovery mod: 20.2]
Bomb Runs: 17.2 [Sequence during movement: 3.3] [AAA [Helicopters: 25.2] [VP: 32.1] [Campaign Maintenance: 34.51]
Mods: 14.42, 14.54, 14.64] [SAM Attack Mod: 15.41] [Profile [Campaign Replacements: 34.53]
types: 17.3] [Resolving attacks: 17.4] [with ARMs: 17.5] [with CSAR: 26.0 [Task limits: 8.2] [Recovery: 20.2] [Simple CSAR:
Special Munitions: 17.6] [by Cruise Missiles: 17.7] 26.2] [Detailed CSAR: 26.3]
Bombsight: 2.81 [LGB Toss Profile limit: 17.36] Damage Allocation: 12.1

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56 Red Storm ~ Rules

Damaged Aircraft: 2.81 [Dummies: 4.12] [Log Sheets: 4.21] 13] [Air-to-Ground NA: 17.1] [Laser Designate NA: 17.69]
[Visual ID info: 4.22] [Task limits: 8.2] [Flights on ground: 9.12] [Standoff Jamming NA: 13.32] [Chaff NA: 19.41] [Helicopters
[Refuel/Rearm NA: 9.16] [Air-to-Air Combat limits: 11.211, NA: 25.2]
11.212, 11.31] [Morale Checks: 13.1] [Jettison Required: 16.21] Dive: 6.31 [Turning: 6.32] [Anti-Radar Tactics: 15.26] [SAM
[Jamming limits: 19.31, 19.32] [Recovery: 20.2] [Helicopters: Avoid: 15.33] [Attack Profile limits: 17.3] [Loss of Standoff
25.2] [VP: 32.1] [Campaign Maintenance: 34.51] [Campaign Jamming: 19.32] [Helicopters: 25.1]
VP: 34.71]
Dive Bombing: 17.31 [AAA Barrage: 14.4] [Rocket Pods:
Dash Throttle: 6.22 [ADC Data: 2.81] [Slash Attacks: 11.52] 17.63] [by AS-6: 17.71] [by AGM-69: 17.73] [Night limits:
[Crippled Aircraft NA: 12.22] [Fuel Allowance: 20.1] 23.33]
Days: 34.1 [Days and Raid Slots: 34.31] [End of Day Admin: Dummy Flight: 4.12 [Generation: 4.13] [Initiative Chit flight
34.34] count: 5.2] [Defensive Wheels: 7.11] [Removal when detected:
Deception Jammer: 19.2 [Burn-Through NA: 19.22] 10.2] [vs SAMs: 15.27] [Dummy Jamming: 19.52] [Air Deploy-
Deck Altitude: 6.13 [ADC Data: 2.81] [Mountains: 6.34] ment Phase: 31.8] [Solitaire use NA: 33.11, 33.21]
[Takeoff: 9.13] [Landing: 9.14] [Lookdown: 10.23] [Track Dummy Radar: 15.15 [ARM attacks: 17.5] [Ground Planning
Phase: 10.3] [Slash Attacks NA: 11.52] [Scatter: 13.2] [AAA Phase: 31.2] [SAM Setup: 31.32] [Radar Phase: 31.9] [Solitaire
Deconfliction: 14.74] [Inherent AAA: 14.75] [Auto Small Arms use NA: 33.11, 33.21] [Campaign Damage: 34.44] [Defensive
at Deck: 14.76] [Terrain Masking: 15.25] [Bombing Profile lim- Redeployment: 34.47]
its: 17.3] [ARM ranges: 17.5] [Special Munitions limits: 17.6] Dummy SAM: 15.14 [Ground Planning Phase: 31.2] [SAM
[Cruise Missiles: 17.72, 17.73] [Line of Sight: 22.1] [Haze: 22.3] Setup: 31.32] [Solitaire use NA: 33.11, 33.21] [Campaign Dam-
[Mist: 22.5] [Ground Collisions: 23.22] [Night Bombing: 23.33] age: 34.44] [Defensive Redeployment: 34.47]
[Night Recon: 23.34] [Recon Runs: 24.1, 24.2] [Bailouts: 26.1]
[Air Deployment: 31.8] Early Warning: 31.7 [Air Deployment: 31.8] [Early Warning
Jamming: 19.35] [Scenario Conditions: 30]
Defending Flight: 11.2 [Engagement Results: 11.24] [Surprise/
Disadvantage: 11.25] [Combat: 11.3] [Disengagement: 11.41] Early Warning Jamming: 19.35
[Multiple Attacks: 11.51] [Post-Combat: 13] [Morale Checks: Early Warning Radars: 10.25 [Ground Unit: 2.32] [Organic
13.1] [SAM Attacks: 15.32] Light AAA: 14.72] [ARMs: 17.5] [Radar Shutdowns: 17.53]
Defensive Jamming: 19.2 [ADC Data: 2.81] [Detected Flight [CBU, Rockets, MW-1B: 17.6] [Damage Rolls: 18.1] [Radar
info: 10.24] [vs Anti-Radar SAMs: 15.53] [Loss: 19.21] [Burn- Suppression: 18.22] [Jamming: 19.1, 19.31, 19.34] [Scenario
Through: 19.22] Setup: 31.23] [SEAD Phase: 31.6] [Radar Phase: 31.9] [VP:
32.1] [Campaign VP: 34.71]
Defensive Player: 34.1 [Campaign Rules: 34.4] [Air Units:
34.41] [Ground Units: 34.42] Egress Hex: 8.1 [Flight Path: 8.31] [CSAR Setup: 26.41] [Raid
Planning: 31.5]
Defensive Wheel: 7.1 [BVR limits: 11.212] [Surprise: 11.25]
[Maneuver: 11.31] [BVR Avoid NA: 13] [Scatter NA: 13.2] EOGB: 17.38 [PGMs: 16.14] [Mixed Loadouts: 16.15] [Avail-
ability: 16.16, OOB Tables] [Flight Speed limit: 16.23] [Attack
Dense Cloud Layer: 22.41 [Line of Sight: 22.1] [Moon Phase: Column: 17.41] [Haze: 22.3] [Mist: 22.5] [Good Contrast: 22.6]
23.11] [Night Bombing: 23.33] [Night limits: 23.33]
Depletion: See Ammo Depletion EOGM: 17.37 [PGMs: 16.14] [Mixed Loadouts: 16.15] [Avail-
Detection: 10.0 [Dummies: 4.12] [Detection Levels: 10.11] ability: 16.16, OOB Tables] [Flight Speed limit: 16.23] [Attack
[Visual: 10.21] [Radar Search: 10.22] [Track Phase: 10.3] Column: 17.41] [Haze 22.3] [Mist: 22.5] [Good Contrast: 22.6]
[Engagement: 10.2] [Post-Combat: 13.3] [Shutdown Detection [Night limits: 23.33]
NA: 17.53] [Suppressed Detection NA: 18.22] [Jamming: 19.1, Fire Can: 14.5 [Deployment: 14.51] [Radar Status: 14.52] [At-
19.31] [Early Warning Jamming: 19.35] [Chaff Corridors: 19.4] tacks: 14.53] [as Targets: 14.55] [vs ARMs: 17.5] [Shutdowns:
[Line of Sight: 22.1] [Haze: 22.3] [Mist: 22.5] [at Night: 23.12] 17.53] [Defensive Jamming: 19.2] [Burn-Through NA: 19.22]
[Helicopters: 25.3] [Early Warning Phase: 31.7] [Standoff Jamming: 19.31] [AAA Setup: 31.21] [ISR Phase:
Detection Level: 10.11 31.3] [SEAD Phase: 31.6] [Campaign: 34.43]
Disadvantage: 11.25 [Engagement Results: 11.24] [Defensive Flights: 4.1 [ADC Data: 2.81] [Generics: 4.11] [Dummies: 4.12]
Wheels: 7.12, 11.43] [Splitting: 4.14] [Log Sheets: 4.2] [Arcs: 4.3] [Count for Chit
Disengagement: 11.41 Pool: 5.22] [Raid Planning and Generation: 31.5, 31.52, 31.53]
[Air Deployment Phase: 31.8] [Bot Flights: 33.3, Player Aid 5]
Disordered: 13.11 [Admin Phase: 3.2] [Defensive Wheels NA:
7.11] [Flight Path Navigation: 8.32] [Rally Points: 8.35] [After Flight Path: 8.31 [Navigation: 8.32] [Near Target Hex: 8.33]
Landing: 9.14] [Visual Detection attempt NA: 10.21] [Radar [Abort: 8.4] [Plotting Altitude: 8.51] [Bomb Runs: 17.2] [Recon
Search attempt NA: 10.22] [Air-to-Air limits: 11.211, 11.212] Runs: 24.1] [NA to Helicopters: 25.1] [Rescue CAP: 26.42]
[Maneuver: 11.31] [Multiple Attacks: 11.51] [Post-Combat: [Raid Planning Phase: 31.5]

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Flight Quality: 31.53 Results: 13.1] [SAM Avoid: 15.33] [Shrikes: 17.55] [Nuke
Free Turn: 6.32 [NA after Air-to-Ground Attack: 17.2] [Loss Attacks: 17.67]
of Defensive Jamming: 19.21] Laden: 16.2 [ADC Data: 2.81] [Visual ID info: 4.22] [Move-
Fuel: 20.1 [ADC Data: 2.81] [Fuel Phase: 3.2] [Splitting Flights: ment Points: 6.2] [Zoom Climbs NA: 6.33] [Flight Speed limits:
4.14] [Refuel/Rearm: 9.16] [Post-Combat: 13] [Recovery: 20.2] 16.23]
[NA to Helicopters: 25.1] Landing: 9.14 [Combat Throttle: 6.21] [Maneuver limits: 9.15]
Full Acquisition: 15.23 [vs Dummies: 15.27] [Resolving SAM [Helicopters: 25.1]
Attacks: 15.32] Level Bombing Profile: 17.32.
Generic Flights: 4.11 Line of Sight: 22.1 [Visual Detection: 10.21] [Visual ID:
Ground Units: 2.32 [Arcs: 4.3] [Visual ID: 10.4] [Damage: 10.4] [BVR Prerequisites: 11.212] [Engagement Roll: 11.22]
18.2] [Organic AAA: 14.71, 14.72] [Organic Mobile AAA: [SAM Location: 15.13] [EO Tracking: 15.54] [Visual Bombing
14.73] [Spot Jamming: 19.3] [Line of Sight: 22.1] [Ground Profiles: 17.3] [Laser Designation: 17.69] [Mist: 22.5] [Night
Planning Phase: 31.2] [Setup: 31.21, 31.22, 31.23, 31.24] [in Bombing: 23.33] [Recon Runs: 24.1] [SARs: 24.2]
Campaign: 34.42] LOAL: 15.51
Gun: 11.11 [ADC Data: 2.81] [Combat Values: 11.13] [Rear Lofted ARM: 17.52 [Ranges: 17.54-17.57, Player Aid 2]
Gun limits: 11.45] [Strafing: 17.39, 17.41] Log Sheets: [Flights: 4.2] [AAA: 14] [SAMs: 15] [Ground
Haze: 23.3 [Engagement: 11.23] [EOGM Limits: 17.37] [EOGB Deployment Phase: 31.4] [Raid Planning: 31.5]
Profile: 17.38] [Recon Runs: 24.1] [SARs: 24.2] Lookdown: 10.23 [ADC Data: 2.81] [Radar Search limit: 10.22]
Helicopters: 25.0 [Mountains: 6.34] [Tasks: 8.2] [Airfields: [BVR Combat Prerequisites: 11.212]
9.11] [Standoff Jamming: 19.32] [CSAR Setup: 26.41] Low Altitude: 6.13 [ADC Data: 2.81] [Movement Points: 6.2]
Hemispheres: 4.3 [Engagement Mod: 11.23] [Slash Attacks: [Large Aircraft Climbing: 6.40] [Lookdown: 10.23] [Track
11.52] [Shutdowns: 17.53] [Laser Designation: 17.69] [Diagram: Phase: 10.3] [Visual ID: 10.4] [Inherent AAA Zones: 14.75]
Player Aid 3] [Safe Passage Corridors: 15.43] [Attack Profile limits: 17.3]
Hex/Hexsides: 2.21 [Scale: 1.4] [Terrain Types: 2.22] [Move- [ARMs: 17.52, 17.54-17.59] [Special Munition limits: 17.6]
ment: 6.1, 6.11, 6.12, 6.32] [Stacking: 6.4] [Laser Designation: 17.69] [Night Bombing: 23.33] [Night
Recon: 23.34] [Recon Runs: 24.1] [Helicopters: 25.1] [Bailouts:
High Altitude: 6.13 [ADC Data: 2.81] [Large Aircraft: 6.40] 26.1] [Air Deployment: 31.8]
[High Altitude Targets: 15.42] [Attack Profile limits: 17.3]
[ARMs: 17.5] [Special Munitions limits: 17.6] [Cruise Missiles: Maneuver Marker: 6.35 [NA to Defensive Wheel: 7.12] [NA
17.7] [Chaff: 19.4] [Recon Runs: 24.1, 24.2] [Bailouts: 26.1] to Disengaging Flights: 11.41] [NA to Slash Attacking Flights:
[Air Deployment: 31.8] 11.52] [Post-Combat: 13] [NA to Cruise Missiles: 17.75] [Loss
of Jamming: 19.21]
Highway: 2.22 [Highway Strip Airfields: 28]
Maneuver Table: 11.31 [Defensive Wheels: 11.43] [Multiple
Ingress Hex: 8.31 [Admin Phase: 3.2] [Navigation: 8.32] Attacks: 11.51] [Cruise Missiles: 17.75]
[CSAR Setup: 26.41] [Raid Planning: 31.5] [Air Deployment
Phase: 31.8] Maneuver Rating: 2.81 [Zoom Climb penalty: 6.33] [Takeoff/
Landing: 9.15] [Climb penalty: 11.42] [Helicopters: 25.2]
Initial Point (IP): 17.2 [Attack Profiles limits: 17.3] [ARM
Launches: 17.52] [Cruise Missiles: 17.7] [Recon Runs: 24.1] Maximum Turn: 6.32 [Flight Paths: 8.31] [Cruise Missiles:
17.7] [Night limit: 23.21]
Initiative: 5.0 [Chits: 2.33] [Chit Pool: 5.1] [Drawing Chits:
5.2] [Defensive Wheels: 7.11] Medium Altitude: 6.13 [ADC Data: 2.81] [Movement Points:
6.2] [Large Aircraft Climbing: 6.40] [Safe Passage Corridors:
IRM: 1.3 [ADC Data: 2.81] [Weapon Class: 11.11] [BVR 15.43] [Attack Profile limits: 17.3] [ARMs: 17.52, 17.54-17.59]
Prerequisites: 11.212] [Special Munition limits: 17.6] [Laser Designation: 17.69]
Jamming: 19.0 [ADC Data: 2.81] [Jamming Phase: 3.2] [Jam- [BQM-74C: 17.74] [Standoff Jamming: 19.32] [Chaff: 19.41]
ming Tasks: 8.2] [Detected Flight info: 10.24] [Phased Array [Night Bombing: 23.33] [Recon Runs: 24.1, 24.11] [SAR: 24.2]
Radars: 15.45] [Anti-Radar SAMs: 15.53] [Defensive Jammers: [Bailouts: 26.1] [Air Deployment: 31.8]
19.2] [Loss of Jamming: 19.21] [Burn-Through: 19.22] [Standoff Mist: 22.5 [Engagement: 11.23] [EOGM Limits: 17.37] [EOGB
Strength: 19.31] [Standoff Jamming: 19.32, 19.33] [Spot Jam- Limits: 17.38] [Laser Designation: 17.69] [Line of Sight: 22.1]
ming: 19.34] [Early Warning Jamming: 19.35] [Burn-Through [Moon Phase: 23.11] [Ground Collisions: 23.22] [Photo Recon
limits: 19.51] [Dummy Jamming: 19.52] [Helicopters: 25] [Air Runs: 24.1] [SARs: 24.2]
Deployment Phase: 31.8] [Bot Jamming Phase: 33.23]
Moon: 23.11 [Mist: 22.5] [Navigation: 23.2] [Ground Collision
Jettison: 16.21 [Task limits: 8.2] [Multirole Aircraft: 8.37] Mod: 23.22] [Night Bombing: 23.33]
[Standard Air-to-Air Combat: 11.25] [Damaged Aircraft: 12.21]
[Crippled Aircraft: 12.22] [Post Combat: 13] [Morale Check

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58 Red Storm ~ Rules

Morale: 13.1 [Splitting Flights: 4.14] [Multiple Attacks: 11.51] file: 17.33] [Anti-Radiation Missiles: 17.5] [Radar Shutdowns:
[Post Combat: 13] [ARM Morale Check: 17.53] [Helicopters: 17.53] [Radar Suppression: 18.22] [Synthetic Aperture Radars:
25.2] 24.2] [Radar Phase: 31.9]
Movement: 6.1-6.40 [Movement Phase: 3.2] [Movement Radar Shutdowns: 17.53
Sequence: 3.3] [Defensive Wheel: 7] [Takeoff: 9.13] [Land- Radar Bombing: 17.33
ing: 9.14] [Air-to-Air Combat: 11] [Scatter: 13.2] [AAA: 14]
[SAM Attacks: 15] [Jettison: 16.21] [Air-to-Ground Combat: Raid: 1.3 [Raid/Task Planning: 8] [Multiple Raids: 8.344] [Raid
17] [Ground Collisions: 23.22] [Helicopters: 25.1] Target attack restrictions: 17.11, 17.12] [Raid Target Recon: 24]
[Raid Planning Phase: 31.5] [Raid Target VP: 32] [Campaign
Multiple Attacks: 11.51 Raids: 34.41-34.34]
Night: 23.0 [Turning limits: 6.32] [Visual Detect: 10.21] [Vi- Rally Point: 8.35 [Disordered State recovery: 13.11] [Raid
sual ID: 10.4] [Engagement: 11.2] [EO Tracking: 15.54] [Line Planning Phase: 31.5]
of Sight: 22.1] [Mist: 22.5] [Moon Phase: 23.11] [Navigation:
23.2] [Ground Collisions: 23.22] [Air-to-Air Combat: 23.31] Random Events: 21.0 [Solitaire: 33.23] [Campaign Random
[Night Bombing: 23.33] [Night Recon: 23.34] [Helicopters: Event: 34.6]
25.1] [CSAR: 26.2, 26.3] [Campaign Raids: 34.3] Ready Flight: 9.12 [Rearm and Refuel: 9.16]
Noise Jammer: 19.2 [Burn-Through: 19.22] Recon: 24.0 [Recon Task: 8.2] [Flight Path: 8.31] [Plotting
No Moon: 23.11 Altitude: 8.51] [Recon Campaign: 34.1-34.2] [Campaign BDA
Phase: 34.34]
Orbit Point: 8.36 [Raid Planning Phase: 31.5] [Air Deploy-
ment Phase: 31.8] Recovery: 20.0 [Rally Point bonus: 8.35] [Recovery from
Disordered: 13.11] [Recovery Rolls: 20.2]
Order of Battle: 2.6 [Ordnance Availability: 16.16] [Night: 23]
[CSAR: 26.4] [Scenario Info: 30] [Raid Planning Phase: 31.5] Rescue: 26.0 [Rescue Support Task: 8.2] [Simple CSAR Rules:
[Order of Battle Tables: 31.25] [Campaign Scenarios: 34.2] 26.2] [Detailed CSAR Rules: 26.3] [Rescue CAP: 26.42]
Ordnance: 16.0 [ADC Data: 2.81] [Splitting Flights: 4.14] Revetted Flight: 9.12
[Movement Points: 6.2] [Flight Abort: 8.4] [Mixed Loadouts: RHM: 11.11 [Air-to-Air Loadout: 11.12]
16.15] [Ordnance Availability: 16.16] [Laden Status: 16.2] [Jet- River Hex: 2.22 [Rally Point: 8.35]
tison: 16.21] [Speed Limits: 16.23] [Target Restrictions: 17.12]
[Chaff: 19.41] [Order of Battle Tables: 31.52] Rockets: 17.63 [Flight Speed Limits: 16.23]
Organic AAA: 14.7 [Organic Small Arms: 14.71] [Organic Rough Hex: 2.22 [Track Phase: 10.3] [Terrain Masking: 15.25]
Light AAA: 14.72] [Organic Mobile AAA: 14.73] [SAM Units: [Ground Collisions: 23.22] [AAA Setup limit: 31.21]
15.16] [Ground Damage: 18.24] [Army Ground Units: 27.1, Rules of Engagement: 11.26
Player Aid 3] Runway: 9.1 [Takeoff: 9.13] [Landing: 9.14] [Airfield Sub-
PGM: 16.14 [Availability: 16.16] [Jettison: 16.21] [Attack Targets: 9.17] [Anti-Runway Bombs: 17.64]
Column: 17.41] [Attack Roll: 17.42] [Campaign PGMs: 34.54] RWR: 1.3 [ADC Data: 2.81] [SAM Location: 15.13] [Anti-
Parachute Marker: 26.1 [Helicopters: 25.2] Radar Tactics: 15.26] [Helicopters: 25.2]
Partial Acquisition: 15.23 [vs Dummies: 15.27] [Resolving Safe Passage Corridors: 15.43 [SAM Deconfliction: 15.31]
SAM Attacks: 15.32] [Anti-Radar SAMs: 15.53] SAMs: 15.0 [SAM Tables: Player Aid 2] [SOP: 3.2-3.3] [SAM
Planning Map: 2.7 [Flight Path: 8.31] [Navigation: 8.32] [Raid/ Avoid Markers: 6.37] [Task Limits on Attacking: 8.2] [Visual
Task Planning: 31.54] ID: 10.4] [Damage Allocation: 12.1] [Post-Combat: 13] [Morale
Poor SAM Defense: 15.32 [Anti-Radar Tactics NA: 15.26] Checks: 13.1] [Organic SAM Light AAA: 14.72] [Deploy-
[Helicopters: 25.2] ment: 15.1] [States: 15.11] [Warning: 15.12] [Location: 15.13]
[Dummy SAMs: 15.14] [as Targets: 15.16] [Acquisition: 15.21-
Preemptive ARM Launch: 17.60 15.4] [Terrain Masking: 15.25] [Anti-Radar Tactics: 15.26]
Pressing Attack: 17.31 [AS-6 Kingfish: 17.71] [SAM Attacks: 15.3] [SAM Avoid: 15.33] [Ammo: 15.34]
QRA: 1.3 [Scenario Conditions: 30] [Early Warning Phase: [High Altitude Targets: 15.42] [IR SAMs: 15:44] [Phased Ar-
31.7] [Air Deployment Phase: 31.8] [Defensive Player Cam- rays: 15.45] [LOAL: 15.51] [Mobile SAMs: 15.52] [Anti-Radar
paign Rules: 34.4] SAMs: 15.53] [EO Tracking: 15.45] [as ARM Targets: 17.5]
[Radar Shutdowns: 17.53] [Damage Rolls: 18.1] [Radar Sup-
Quick Acquisition: 15.22 pression: 18.22] [Defensive Jammers: 19.2] [Burn-Through:
Radar: [Radar Search: 10.22] [Lookdown: 10.23] [Early Warn- 19.22] [Standoff Jamming: 19.31] [Burn-Through Limits: 19.51]
ing Radars: 10.25] [Radar Homing Missiles: 11.11] [Radar [Night EO Tracking NA: 23.35] [vs Helicopters: 25.2] [SAM
AAA: 14.5] [Mobile AAA: 14.6] [Dummy Radars: 15.15] [SAM Setup: 31.22] [ISR Phase: 31.32] [SEAD Phase: 31.6] [Radar
Radars: 15.2] [Anti-Radar Tactics: 15.26] [Phased Array Radar Phase: 31.9] [VPs: 32.1] [Limited Solitaire Rules: 33.1] [Full
SAMs: 15.45] [Anti-Radar SAMs: 15.53] [Radar Bombing Pro-

© 2019 GMT Games, LLC

Red Storm ~ Rules 59

Solitaire Rules: 33.2] [Bot SAM Rules: 33.4, Player Aid 5] [in Success Value: 18.2 [Effect on Airfield Operations: 9.11]
Campaigns: 34.33, 34.34, 34.43, 34.46] Suppression (AAA): 18.2 [Admin Phase Recovery: 3.2] [Effect
Scale: 1.4 [in Design Notes: 35] on Air-to-Ground Mod: 14.42] [Ground Attacks: 17.62] [Levels:
Scatter: 13.2 [Hexsides: 6.12] [Mountain Terrain: 6.34] [Stack- 18.21] [SEAD Phase: 31.6] [Campaigns: 34.33, 34.44]
ing: 6.4] [NA to Defensive Wheel: 7.12] [NA to Disengaging: Suppression (Radar): 18.22 [Admin Phase Recovery: 3.2]
11.41] [NA to Slash Attacker: 11.52] [AAA Attacks: 14.4, 14.53, [SEAD Phase: 31.6] [Campaigns: 34.33, 34.44]
14.63] [Bomb Runs: 17.2] [NA to Cruise Missiles: 17.5] [Ground Surprise: 11.24 [NA to Defensive Wheels: 7.12] [Slash Attacks:
Collisions: 23.22] [NA to Helicopters: 25.2] 11.52] [Cruise Missiles: 17.75]
Scenarios: [Conditions: 30] [Setup: 31] [Sequence of Play: Takeoff: 9.13 [Maneuver Restriction: 9.15] [Helicopters: 25.1]
3] [Night: 23.1] [Victory: 32] [Solitaire Setup: 33.12, 33.22]
[Campaign Scenarios: 34.2] Target Profile: 17.13 [Flights on Ground: 9.12] [AAA Concen-
trations: 14.21] [Fire Can: 14.55] [Mobile AAA: 14.65] [SAMs:
SEAD: 1.3 [SEAD Task: 8.2] [Multirole Aircraft: 8.37] [Mixed Player Aid 2] [Helicopters: 25.1] [Army Ground Units: 27.2]
Loadouts: 16.15] [Task Restrictions: 17.11] [On-Map Standoff
Jamming: 19.32] [Scenario Conditions: 30] [SEAD Phase: 31.6] Tasks: 8.2 [Flight Paths: 8.31] [Escort Jamming: 8.341] [Stand-
[in Campaign Scenarios: 34.32] off Jamming: 8.342] [Close Escort: 8.343] [Multirole Aircraft:
8.37] [Refuel and Rearm: 9.16] [Mixed Loadouts: 16.15]
Setup: 31.0 [AAA: 31.21] [SAM: 31.22] [EWR: 31.23] [Army [Ground Attack Restrictions: 17.11] [Chaff: 17.68] [Laser Des-
Ground Units: 31.24] [Solitaire: 33.12, 33.22] [Campaign Lim- ignation: 17.69] [Night: 23.2] [Helicopters: 25] [Rescue CAP:
its: 34.42] [Campaign Redeployment: 34.47] 26.42] [Order of Battle Tables: 31.52]
Shot Down: 12.23 [Aircraft Boxes: 4.21] [Damage Alloca- Terrain Masking: 15.25
tion: 12.1] [Post-Combat: 13] [Ordnance: 16.22] [Nukes:
16.67] [Cruise Missiles: 17.75] [Ground Damage: 18.2] [Loss Time of Day: 30.0
of Jamming: 19.32] [Helicopters: 25.2] [Bailouts: 26.1] [VPs: Toss Bombing Profile: 17.34
32.1] [AAP: 34.41] [Aircraft Management: 34.52] [Campaign Total Destruction: 18.2 [VPs: 32.1]
VP: 34.71]
Track Phase: 10.3 [Sequence of Play: 3.2] [GLCM/AS-15:
Shots (Air-to-Air): 11.33 [Ammo Depletion: 11.34] [Disen- 17.72] [Helicopters: 25.3].
gagement: 11.41] [Multiple Attacks: 11.51]
Turning: 6.3 [Facing: 6.11] [Night Limits: 23.21] [Helicopters:
Shots (Air-to-Ground): 16.14 [Mixed Loadouts: 16.15] [Jet- 25.1] [Bomb Runs: 17.2] [Recon Runs: 24.1]
tison: 16.21] [Air-to-Ground Attacks: 17.1, 17.2, 17.4] [ARMs:
17.5] [Cruise Missiles: 17.7] Undetected Flight: 10.1 [Dummy Generation: 4.13] [Flights
on Ground: 9.1] [Takeoff: 9.13] [Track Phase: 10.3] [Visual ID:
Shots (SAMs): 15.2 [Resolving SAM Attacks: 15.32] [SAM 10.4] [Post-Combat: 13.3] [AAA: 14.4] [Acquisition: 15.23]
Ammo: 15.34] [IR SAMs: 15.44] [LOAL: 15.51] [EO Track- [Radar Shutdowns: 17.53] [Cruise Missiles: 17.7] [Helicopters:
ing: 15.54] 25.3] [Early Warning Phase: 31.7] [Air Deployment Phase: 31.8]
Slash Attack: 11.52 [Maneuver NA: 6.35] [Scatter NA: 13.2] Unready Flights: 9.12 [Landing: 9.13] [Landing: 9.14] [Heli-
Slight Damage: 18.2 [Effects: Player Aid 3] [Target VP: 32.1] copters on Ground: 25.1]
[Multiple Sub-Targets: 32.11] [Campaign BDA: 34.34] [Cam- Urban Hex: 2.22 [Rally Point: 8.35] [Automatic Rescue/Cap-
paign VP: 34.71] ture: 26.11] [Simple CSAR: 26.2]
Small Arms AAA: 14.0 [Organic Small Arms AAA: 14.71] Victory: 32.0 [Victory Phase: 3.4] [Scenario Conditions: 30]
[Automatic Small Arms AAA: 14.76] [Organic AAA Damage: [Campaign Victory: 34.7]
Visual Bombing Attack: 17.3 [Dive Bombing: 17.31] [Level
Soviet Doctrine: 11.32 Bombing: 17.32] [LGB Level: 17.35] [LGB Toss: 17.36]
Speed: 6.2 [Sequence of Play: 3.3] [Turning: 6.32] [Takeoff: [EOGM: 17.37] [EOGB: 17.38] [Strafing: 17.39] [Line of Sight:
9.13] [Landing: 9.14] [Safe Passage Corridors: 15.43] [Ordnance 22.1] [Haze: 22.3] [Mist: 22.5] [Night Bombing: 23.33]
Speed Limits: 16.23] [Toss Bombing: 17.34] [LGB Toss: 17.36] Visual Detection: 10.21 [Line of Sight: 22.1] [Haze: 22.3]
[Cruise Missiles: 17.7] [Helicopters: 25.1] [Mist: 22.5] [Night: 23.12]
Splitting Flights: 4.14 Visual Identification: 10.4 [Visual ID Info: 4.22] [Air-to-Air
Stacking: 6.4 [Hexsides: 6.12] Combat: 11.3] [Inherent AAA/Automatic Small Arms Excep-
Standoff Jamming: 19.0 [Tasks: 8.2, 8.342] [Anti-Radar SAMs: tions: 14.75, 14.76] [Night: 23.13]
15.53] [Strength: 19.1, 19.31] [On-Map: 19.32] [Off-Map: Waypoint: 8.31 [Navigation: 8.32] [GCLM/AS-15: 17.72]
19.33] [Spot Jamming: 19.34] [BQM-74C: 17.74] [Side Looking Cameras 24.11]
Strafing: 17.39 [Ammo use: 16.13] [Ordnance Attack Restric- Weather: 22.0 [Sequence of Play: 3.1] [Rolling for Weather:
tions: 17.12] [Attack Column: 17.41] [Night Limits: 23.33] 22.2] [Clouds: 22.4] [Weather Fronts: 22.42] [Breaks: 22.43]

© 2019 GMT Games, LLC

60 Red Storm ~ Rules

[Night Navigation: 23.2] [Scenario Conditions: 30] [Weather

Phase: 31.1] [Solitaire: 33.12, 33.22] [Campaign Scenarios: Credits
34.2] [Campaign Raid Execution: 34.32] [End of Day Admin: Lead Design Downtown System: Lee Brimmicombe-Wood
34.34]. Lead Design Red Storm: Douglas Bush
Zoom Climb: 6.33 [Admin Phase Removal: 3.2] [Large Aircraft Art Director: Mark Simonitch
NA: 6.40] [Engagement: 11.24] [Climbing Before Combat:
11.42] [Post-Combat: 13] Box Art & Package Design: Antonis Karidis
Production Coordination: Tony Curtis
Producers: Gene Billingsley, Tony Curtis, Rodger Mac-
Gowan, Andy Lewis and Mark Simonitch
Map: Mark Simonitch and Douglas Bush
Counters: Mark Simonitch, Douglas Bush, and Dariusz
Manuals & Player Aid Cards: Charlie Kibler
Proofreading: Kai Jensen
Playtesters: Chris Baer, Mitchell Land, Ralph Shelton,
Steven Paul, Pablo Garcia, Terry Simo, Max Wunderlich,
and Jack Barnette.
Research and Advice: Terry Simo, Przemysław Mantay,
Peter Grining, Chris Anthony, Rusty Bittle, Jimmie Seeley,
Robert Schoolfield, Jesse Escobedo, Morten Lund, Sanders
Peeters, Kenneth Katz, John Rainey, Joe Czarnecki, and
Gabriel Garcia.

GMT Games, LLC

P.O. Box 1308, Hanford, CA 93232-1308

© 2019 GMT Games, LLC

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