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LHY Missions Aug2019

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Mission 1: On Their Own American FBE

December, 1944: The Elsenborn Ridge will always be known as one of the few sectors
of the American lines that held during the Battle of the Bulge. Just east of the Elsenborn
Ridge lies the twin Belgian villages of Rocherath-Krinkelt. At 0530 a barrage of rockets,
artillery and mortar fire woke the thinly spread green troops of Company K, 393rd
Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division. The 90 minute barrage knocked out the
telephone network and in many cases radio communications to supporting mortar and
artillery batteries. As soon as the barrage lifted, snow camouflaged elements from the
277th Volksgrenadier Division moved quickly towards the American lines. The remain-
ing elements of K Company, commanded by Captain Stephan B. Plume, were isolated
and alone.
Mission Objective: The mission ends if at the end of the game turn the German player
controls 5 Wooden Building hexes and the Church (hex E4), or one side exceeds its
Casualty Differential Limit, or the Final Score is ≥ 46.
American: Baker Co., 2nd Infantry Plt., supported by 1 MG section

[7 steps] N
German: 2. Kp., 2nd and 3rd Infantry Plts., supported by 1 MG section German FBE
[13 steps]
Initiative DRM: German (+2)
Casualty Differential Limit: German [4]; American [2] Victory Level:
Disposition of Forces: The Germans are the attackers and have the Initiative at start. 0-35 German Victory
The Americans set up first, hidden [see 17.9, Hidden Placement], in any hex North of 36-45 Draw
hex row 11. The German force enters anywhere along the Southern board edge. 46+ American Victory

Mission Special Rules:

1. Half hexes along the East and West board edges are not in play.
2. German units enter unconcealed.

Mission 2: The Dark Woods

September, 1944: The American 9th Infantry Division was the first unit to move into the
unknown of the Hurtgen Forest. Poor weather had curtailed effective aerial reconnaissance, and
the almost jungle like nature of the forest itself prevented combat units from locating friend or foe
alike. On September 14th, the 47th Infantry Regiment had bivouacked just southeast of Zweifall,
Germany. With orders to advance further into Germany the next day, battalion Commander W. W.
Tanner sent out company sized reconnaissance patrols out into the dark woods.
Mission Objective: The mission ends if at the end of any game turn either side exceeds its
Casualty Differential Limit, or when the Time Lapse is > 30.
American: Baker Co., supported by 1 MG section
[19 steps]
German: 2. Infantry Kp.
[18 steps]
Initiative DRM: None

Casualty Differential Limit: German [3]; American [3]

Disposition of Forces: Players roll for the Initiative prior to set up. The player losing the
Initiative has his choice of either one of the setup hexes F4 or G10, or his force’s nationality.
Victory Level:
Although both players are considered to be attacking, the player winning the Initiative is
The first player to exceed his Casualty Differential
considered the attacker on the Casualty Track, goes first and has his choice of either the Limit at the end of any game turn loses the mission.
remaining force nationality or remaining setup hex. Once the nationality of the forces and Otherwise, the player controlling the greatest number
setup hexes have been determined, both players set up their units simultaneously in or of contiguous, road hexes (including half hexes) from
adjacent to their respective setup hex. The board edge closest to a player’s setup hex is that his FBE to the most forward road hex he controls wins
player’s FBE. Players set up simultaneously and in such a way that neither player can see the the mission.
other player’s setup. To accomplish this, players may use some sort of divider.
Mission Special Rules:
1. The half hexes along the East and West edge board are not in play.
2. Hill levels are x 2.
3. Road bonus in not allowed.

© 2019 GMT Games LLC • P.O. Box 1308, Hanford, CA 93232 • www.GMTGames.com
Mission 3: At Least It’s Quiet Here American FBE
December, 1944: Corporal Cecil Hannaford was not happy. As the assistant squad leader in the 3rd
Platoon, A Company, 110th Infantry Regiment, he had just learned that his platoon had been ordered
to leave the warm safe shelter of their buildings in Heinerscheid, to set up a roadblock nearly a mile
away in Kalborn. Reluctantly, Hannaford and the others moved out into the cold night. “We ran a
phone line to our outpost as our only communication with the company HQ” in Heinerscheid. When
they got to their OP position, Hannaford was dismayed to see that it was “in plain view of the road
on the next hill.” As he and his foxhole buddy dug in and set up their position, Corporal Hannaford
could only think of the rest of the company, cozy and dry back in Heinerscheid. They finished
digging in, and Hannaford took the first watch. Oh well, he thought, at least it’s quiet here.
Mission Objective: The mission ends if at the end of the game turn there are no American
undisrupted combat units within two hexes and LOS of the Church, or either side exceeds their
Casualty Differential Limit or the Final Score is ≥ 46.
American: Able Co., 1st Infantry Plt., supported by 1 MG section and 1 60mm Mortar
section [7 steps]
German: 1. Kp., 1st and 2nd Infantry Plts., supported by 2 MG sections and 1 8cm

Mortar section [14 steps]
Initiative DRM: German: (+2); American (0) German FBE
Casualty Differential: German [3]; American [1]
Disposition of Forces: The Americans set up first in any hex in Sector 4 North of hex row 10.
The Germans are the attackers, have the Initiative at start and enter anywhere along the South-
ern board edge of Sector 4. Victory Level:
0-35 German Victory
Mission Special Rules:
36-45 Draw
1. Mission Objective Points (MOP): The German player receives one MOP for each captured
46+ American Victory
Improved Position.
3. The American 60mm mortar recovers on a die roll of 5 or less [not applicable to Mortar
Extension die rolls].
3. Hill levels are x2.
4. Half hexes on the East and West board edges are not in play.

Mission 4: Chance Encounter

July, 1944: Allied airpower had made movement and bringing in supplies for the German armies
in Normandy a nightmare. By mid June 1944, the 3rd Fallschirmjager Division had finally
received the major portion of their combat units. After a brief respite where the 3rd FJ had not
been heavily engaged, and almost at full strength, they settled into their defensive positions to the
east of St. Lo, France. Reports from the beleaguered 352nd Infantry Division had filtered back
that the American 29th Infantry Division was upon them and consolidating their forces. In early
July, the German Fallschirmjäger began sending out patrols to probe the American lines.
Mission Objective: The mission ends if at the end of the game turn a player controls 5 of the 7
Mission Objective Points (MOP), or a player exceeds his Casualty Differential Limit, or the Time
Lapse is > 32 minutes.
American: Able Infantry Co., supported by 1 MG section and 1 60mm Mortar section
[see MSR 1.] [19 steps]
German: 1. Infantry Kp., supported by 1 8cm Mortar section
[see MSR 1.] [18 steps]

Initiative DRM: None

Casualty Differential: German [2]; American [2]
Disposition of Forces: Players roll for the Initiative prior to set up. The player losing the Initiative of contiguous woods/forest hexes] is worth one MOP for a
has his choice of either the nationality of his force or his Friendly Board Edge (FBE). The player total of 4 groves. The last player to occupy a rural building
winning the Initiative is considered the attacker, goes first and has his choice of either the remain- hex or any uncontested grove of woods has control of that
ing force nationality or FBE whichever is available. Once determined, both players set up their rural building hex or grove.
forces simultaneously in the first 4 road hexes from their FBE extending off map if necessary. A 3. During the first game turn, units on a road hex at the
maximum of four steps of non-vehicular combat units may be placed in any single road hex. time of Activation or Reaction can conduct an Optional
Mission Special Rules: Reaction [see 8.3 Optional Reactions].
1. Mortar support is not available for either player at start. Players may conduct Mortar Recov- 4. Road bonus is not allowed.
ery die rolls during the Mortar Fire Adjustment Phase of any game turn following when the Time
Victory Level:
Lapse is ≥ 10 minutes. The German mortar recovers on a die roll ≤ 2 and the American mortar
The player wins if, at the end of any game turn, he controls
recovers on a die roll ≤ 4. Mortar Fire Extensions are not allowed.
5 of the 7 possible MOP. Otherwise it is a draw.
2. Each rural building hex is worth on MOP for a total of 3 building hexes and each grove [group

© 2019 GMT Games LLC • P.O. Box 1308, Hanford, CA 93232 • www.GMTGames.com
Mission 5: Counterattack at Hatten German FBE
January, 1945: By December 21st, the German High Command had realized that the 12
Ardennes Offensive was not going to reach its objectives. A sudden attack on the south-
ern Allied front might damage the gap that Patton’s Third Army had left on its shift
north into the Bulge. Part of this offensive fell on the small towns of Hatten and Ritter-
shoffen. Colonel Hans von Luck had dispatched reduced elements of the 25th Panzer
Grenadier Division to take the towns, and after several days hard fighting—the Ameri-
can garrison surrendered. On January 9th, 1945, elements of the 14th Armored
Division reacted quickly, with Sherman tanks equipped with the new 76mm guns, in an
attempt to take it back.
Mission Objective: Mission ends if at the end of the game turn there are no German tanks
in Sector 12 within 2 hexes and LOS of hexes D6 and G2, or when one side exceeds its
Casualty Differential Limit, or when the Final Score is ≥ 36. 2
American: Able Co., 2nd and 3rd Tank Plts., and 1 HQ tank [11 steps]
German: 1. Kp., 3rd Tank Plt., and 1 StuG IIIg from 1st Assault Gun Plt. [5 steps]
Initiative DRM: American (+1)
Casualty Differential Limit: American [4]; German [2]
Coordination DRM: American (+1)
Disposition of Forces: The Americans are the attackers and have the Initiative at start.
The Germans set up first, hidden [see 17.9, Hidden Placement], in any hex in Sector 12.
Each German vehicle must set up in LOS of a bridge hex. The American force enters American FBE
anywhere along the Southern board edge of Sector 2.
Victory Level:
Mission Special Rules: 0-25 American Victory
1. Half hexes along the East and West board edges are not in play. 26-35 Draw
2. German StuG IIIg activates with the 1st Tank Platoon. 36+ German Victory
3. Hill levels are x2.

Mission 6: Tiger in the Pen German FBE

December, 1944: Four days into the Ardennes Offensive, Kampfgruppe Peiper had split 7
its forces and was pushing desperately towards Stoumont and Cheneux. Peiper had left a
garrison behind in La Gleize to protect his rear and cover the crucial road back to Trois
Points. Overlooking La Gleize was the small Werimont Farm, where Obersturmführer
Helmut Dollinger had deployed his Tiger and supporting infantry. Early on December
21st, the Americans saw an opportunity to isolate Peipers' spearhead. Elements of Third
Armored Task Force McGeorge and Task Force Lovelady organized a combined arms
response, and in the early afternoon attacked the vulnerable German garrison.
Mission Objective: Mission ends if at the end of the game turn the Americans control
the two rural building hexes within the stone wall compound, or when either side exceeds
its Casualty Differential Limit, or when the Final Score is ≥ 41.
American: Able Co., 2nd and 3rd Infantry Plts., and 3 tanks from Able Co.,
1st Tank Plt. [15 steps]
German: 1. Kp., 1st Infantry Plt. and 1 Tiger from 2. Kp., 1st Tank Plt.
[7 steps]
Initiative DRM: American (+2); German (0)
Casualty Differential Limit: American [3]; German [2]
Disposition of Forces: The Americans are the attackers and have the Initiative at start.
The German force sets up first within 2 hexes of hex I7 in Sector 5. The American force
enters anywhere along the Southern board edge of Sector 5.
Mission Special Rules: American FBE
1. The German platoon leader must set up in one of the two farmhouses. Victory Level:
2. The Germans may not set up in Improved Positions 0-30 American Victory
3. Half hexes along the East and West board edges are not in play. 31-40 Draw
4. The Tiger sets up unconcealed and activates with the 1st Infantry Platoon. 41+ German Victory

© 2019 GMT Games LLC • P.O. Box 1308, Hanford, CA 93232 • www.GMTGames.com
Mission 7: The Sickle American FBE
August, 1944: The American Third Army was attempting to pin down and cut off the German Seventh
Army near Le Mans, France. Like a huge sickle, CCR and CCA of the 5th Armored tore through the
enemy's flank. On the night of August 9th, A Company of the 10th Tank Bn., and supporting infantry from
“C” Company of the 47th Infantry seized two river crossings near Peray. Throughout that night, as the
Americans caught their breath, they could hear the ominous rumbling of enemy vehicles just north of their
positions. As dawn broke on the 10th, German Mark IV's with supporting artillery and infantry engaged the
Americans in a furious counterattack. With the river at their backs restricting movement, elements of
Captain Francis Baum's company let loose with all the weapons they had.
Mission Objective: Mission ends if at the end of any game turn there are no American combat units
adjacent or within (2) hexes and LOS of a bridge or ford hex, or when one side exceeds its Casualty Differ-
ential Limit, or when the Final Score is ≥ 51.
American: Able Co., 1st Infantry Plt., and 1 M36 TD from 2nd Tank Destroyer Plt., supported by
1 MG unit, 1 57mm AT Gun, 1 LATW and 1 60mm mortar [10 steps]
German: 1. Kp., 1st and 2nd Infantry Plts., 1. Tank Kp., 2nd Tank Plt., supported by 1 MG unit and N
1 8cm mortar section [17 steps]

Initiative DRM: German (+2)
Casualty Differential Limit: German [4]; American [2]

Coordination DRM: German (+1)
Disposition of Forces: The Germans are the attackers and have the Initiative at start. The Americans set up
first hidden [see 17.9, Hidden Placement] in any hex in Sector 12. The Germans set up in Sector 9 within
3 hexes of road hex G11 and south of hex row 11.
Mission Special Rules:
1. Half hexes along the East and West board edges are not in play.
2. The US M36 tank destroyer may set up in an Improved Position in any hex in Victory Level: German FBE
Sector 12 including hexes with rural buildings. 0-40 German Victory
3. All Hill are x2. 41-50 Draw
51+ American Victory

Mission 8: Black Cat Blues German FBE

August 27, 1944: Captain Cole’s L Company of the 3rd Battalion found themselves on
the outskirts of the small village of Allan in Southern France. The rest of the 3rd Battalion
was still 5 miles back and just now passing through Bois des Mattes. L Company was all
alone. Not having seen any sign of enemy activity, Captain Coles ordered a recon in force.
A soon as they stepped off they began receiving enemy small arms and mortar fire. A pit
immediately formed in Cole's stomach as he realized that L Company might have bitten
off more than it bargained for.
Mission Objective: Mission ends if at the end of any game turn the Americans control 10
Building Points [see MSR 1.0, Building Points] out of the possible 12 in Sector 11, or
when either side exceeds its Casualty Differential Limit, or when the Final Score is ≥ 51.
American: Baker Infantry Co., and (4) tanks from Able Tank Co., 1st Tank Plt., 3
supported by 2 MG sections and 1 60mm mortar section [24 steps]
German: 1. Kp., 3rd Infantry Plt. (plus 1 section from the 3rd Infantry Plt,) and 1
Panther from 1. Kp., 1st Tank Plt., supported by 2 MG sections, 1 LATW section and
1 8cm mortar section [10 steps]
Initiative DRM: American (+2); German (0)
Casualty Differential Limit: American [4]; German [2] N
Coordination DRM: American (+2)
Disposition of Forces: The Americans are the attackers and have the Initiative at start.
The German are the defenders and set up first in any hex in Sector 11 North of hex row B.
The American Force sets up in any hex in Sector 3 South of hex row C.
American FBE
Mission Special Rules:
1. Building Points: The hex containing the Church is worth 3; all other hexes containing Victory Level:
rural buildings are worth 1 each. [Note: Building Points are not applicable when calculat- 0-40 American Victory
ing the Final Score.] 41-50 Draw
2. The American 60mm mortar recovers on a die roll of 5 or less [not applicable to 51+ German Victory
Mortar Extension die rolls].
© 2019 GMT Games LLC • P.O. Box 1308, Hanford, CA 93232 • www.GMTGames.com
Mission 9: A Tough Nut to Crack American FBE
December, 1944: The American forces fighting around the small farming village of
Kesternich, 15 miles southeast of Aachen, in mid-December 1944 were in disarray.
Commanders in the area in many cases had little clue as to the situation at hand. Units of
the 78th Infantry Division, under Major General Parker's command, attacked this small
town before daylight on Wednesday, December 13th, but made little headway as
command and control broke down.
Mission Objective: Mission ends if at the end of the game turn the American player
controls all Urban Road hexes, or when either side exceeds its Casualty Differential Limit,
or when the Final Score is ≥ 56.
American: Baker Infantry Co., and the 4 tanks from Able Tank Co., 1st Tank Plt.,
supported by 2 MG sections and 1 60mm mortar section [24 steps]
German: 2. Kp., 3rd Infantry Plt., and 2 StuG IIIg from 1st Assault Gun Plt.,
supported by 2 MG sections, 1 LATW section, and 1 8cm mortar section
[see MSR 2.] [10 steps]
Initiative DRM: American (+2)

Casualty Differential Limit: American [4]; German [2] N
German FBE
Disposition of Forces: The Americans are the attackers and have the Initiative at start.
The Germans set up first in any hex South of hex row 4. German units that set up in hex
rows 5 and 6 do so concealed. German units South of hex row 6 set up hidden [17.9]. The
American force enters the Northern board edge on or within two hexes of the road. Victory Level:
Mission Special Rules: 0-45 American Victory
1. Hill levels are x2. 46-55 Draw
2. The American 60mm mortar recovers on a die roll of 5 or less [not applicable to Mortar 56+ German Victory
Extension die rolls].
3. The German 8cm Mortar section is not available until Step 2 of the Mortar Fire Adjust-
ment Phase of game turn 1. It recovers on a die roll ≤ 2 for the balance of the mission.
4. Half hexes on the East and West board edges are not in play.

Mission 10: Hold at all Cost American FBE

December, 1944: In the early morning hours of December 16, 1944, the 1st and 3rd Platoons 8
of B Company and a few anti-tank guns from the 630th Tank Destroyer Battalion were
dug-in for the night in Marnach, an important road junction in northern Luxembourg. Unbe-
knownst to them at the time, elements of the 304th Panzergrenadier Regiment, of the 2nd
Panzer Division, were quietly maneuvering against the American position. The Grenadiers
closed within a few hundred yards of the American position and then waited for the artillery
bombardment, the signal to attack. Once the attack commenced, the hard-pressed men of B
Company reported to regiment that they were under heavy attack. Shortly thereafter, they
received the order to “Hold at all cost!”
Mission Objective: Mission ends if at the end of the game turn there are no undisrupted Amer-
ican combat units in a rural building or hill hex and in LOS of any road hex in Sector 8 between
hexes J7 and B6, or either side exceeds its Casualty Differential Limit or the Final Score ≥ 61.
Forces: 6
American: Baker Infantry Co., 1st and 3rd Plt., supported by 3 MG sections, 2 57mm
anti-tank guns, 2 LATW units, 1 60mm mortar section and 1 81mm mortar platoon [see
MSR 1.] [17 steps]
German: 1. Kp., 1st and 2nd Plts., 2. Kp., 2nd and 3rd Plts., and 1. Kp., 3rd Tank Plt.,
supported by 3 MG sections, and 1 8cm mortar platoon [31 steps].
Initiative DRM: German (+2); American (+0)
Casualty Differential Limit: German [6]; American [4]
Coordiation DRM: German (+2) N
Disposition of Forces: Germans - The Germans are the attackers and have the Initiative at
start. Americans - The Americans set up first. At least one squad and one MG section must
set up in Sector 6 north of hex row H. At least two of those units must set up on the hill. The
balance of the American forces set up hidden [see 17.9, Hidden Placement] in any hex in German FBE
Sector 8. The German force enters anywhere along the Southern edge of Sector 6 on or 3. Half hexes along the East and West board edges are
within 4 hexes of the road. not in play.
Mission Special Rules: 4. Hill levels are x2.
1. The American 81mm mortar platoon is not available until Step 2 of the Mortar Fire Adjustment Victory Level: 0-50 German Victory
Phase of game turn 1 and recovers on a die roll ≤ 2 for the balance of the mission. 51-60 Draw
2. The German 8cm mortar platoon recovers on a 4 or less. 61+ American Victory
© 2019 GMT Games LLC • P.O. Box 1308, Hanford, CA 93232 • www.GMTGames.com
Mission 11: Desperate Measures German FBE
November, 1944: The men of B and C Companies of the 1st
Battalion, 60th Infantry Regiment supported by two platoons of
Shermans were met by intense mortar fire when they launched
their attack against the Reichelskaul road junction in the morning
of November, 1944. The Germans’ main line of resistance in the
1st Battalions sector was defended by men of the depleted 275th
Volksgrenadier Division. After several hours of intense fighting the
Americans had closed to within a few hundred yards of the cross-
roads. But the desperate men of 275th Volksgrenadier held on.
After two days of fierce fighting the Americans had yet to break
the German's line of resistance. The bloodletting would continue.
Mission Objective: Mission ends if at the end of the game turn the
American player has control of the hill in Sector 7 and of all build-
ings in Sectors 3 and 11, exceeds its Casualty Differential Limit or
the Final Score ≥ 86.


American: Baker and Charlie Infantry Co., and Able Co., N
1st and 2nd Tank Plts., supported by 6 MG sections, 3 bazoo-

ka sections, 4 M3 halftracks, 2 60mm mortar sections, and 1
81mm mortar platoon [56 steps]
German: 1. Infantry Kp., and 1st Assault Gun Plt., support-
ed by 2 MG sections, 2 LATW sections, 1 88mm FlaK Gun
with truck, 1 FP with 7.5cm AT gun, 2 FP with MGs, 1 SdKfz
10/4 halftrack, 2 SPW 251/1 halftracks and 1 8cm mortar
section [31 steps]
Initiative DRM: American (+2); German (0)
Casualty Differential Limit: American [7]; German [3]
Coordination DRM: American (+2)
Disposition of Forces: Germans - The German force sets up first
as follows: one German Fortified Position (FP with a 7.5cm

anti-tank gun) must set up in hex G5 in Sector 7. In addition, one
infantry platoon must set up in Sector 7. One FP with MG sets up American FBE
in any full hex in Sector 3, and one FP with MG in any full hex in
Sector 11. The 8.8cm FlaK gun must be set up within 4 hexes of
hex G7 in Sector 11. The German reserve force (consisting of 1
infantry platoon, 2 halftracks, 1 FlaK halftrack and 2 StuG IIIg) Victory Level:
enters per MSR. All other units may set up in any hex in Sectors 3, 0-75 American Victory
7, and 11. Americans - The Americans are the attackers and have 76-85 Draw
the Initiative at start. The American force sets up last in any full 86+ German Victory
hex in Sector 9 south of hex row 10 and west of hex row B.
Mission Special Rules:
1. Players roll for the Initiative after set up but prior to play. The
American player’s +2 Initiative DRM is applicable.
2. All American mortars receive a –1 DRM on their Recovery die
roll [not applicable Mortar Extension die rolls].
3. At set up, the German player secretly selects and records one of
the two possible entry road hexes (F1 in Sector 11, or A7 in Sector
3) his reserve force will enter. The reserve is released the game turn
following the game turn when the Time Lapse is equal to or greater
than 20 minutes.
4. All forest and woods hexes are level one.
5. Hill levels are x2.
6. Half hexes on the East and West map board edges are not in

© 2019 GMT Games LLC • P.O. Box 1308, Hanford, CA 93232 • www.GMTGames.com
Mission 12: Dash for the Saar
November, 1944: Following the pocketing of Metz by Patton’s Third Army on November 19, 1944, German FBE
the army’s other divisions begin a drive through eastern Lorraine to cross the Saar River and pierce
the West Wall. On the 24th, Combat Command B of Major General John Wood’s 4th Armored

Division began its drive towards two key Saar River crossings. After meeting little resistance for
most of the afternoon, things changed quickly when they encountered remnants of the 361st Volks-
grenadier Division and forward elements of the veteran Panzer Lehr Division led by General-Lieu-
tenant Fritz Bayerlein. For the next four days the two well-matched opponents duked it out.
Mission Objective: Mission ends if at the end of the game turn when there are no undisrupted
German combat units (including any non-activated German Concealment markers) in LOS of the
main road running from hex F1 in Sector 5 to hex F13 in Sector 12, or when the Americans exceed
their Casualty Differential Limit, or when the Final Score is ≥ 91.
American: Able Infantry Co., and Able Co, 1st Tank Plt., supported by 1 Command tank, 1
MG section, 1 M16 halftrack, 6 M3 halftracks, 3 LATW and 1 60mm mortar section [32 steps]
German: 1. Kp., 1st Infantry Plt., 1 Tiger from 2. Kp., 1st Tank Plt., and 1 StuG IIIg from
1st Assault Gun Plt., supported by 4 MG sections, 2 PaK 40 AT guns, 1 LATW section and
1 8cm mortar section. [14 steps]
Initiative DRM: American (+2); German (0)

Casualty Differential Limit: American [4]; German [-]
Coordination DRM: American (+2)
Disposition of Forces: Americans - The Americans are the attackers; all American vehicles begin
in motion and all non-vehicular units enter as Riders/Passengers. The lead American vehicle sets
up in hex F5. The remaining vehicles begin set up two hexes behind the lead vehicle, in single file,
one vehicle per hex extending off board as if on the road of an imaginary adjacent sector. Play
begins with the German reaction and all American units considered activated. Normal play returns
at the beginning of game turn two [see MSR 2]. Germans - The German forces are not in play at N
start but are instead placed in a cup to be drawn when activated per MSR 2. Instead, the German
player places a specified number of Concealment markers in cover terrain hexes (including hills)
in each sector as follows: (9) in Sector 12, (9) in Sector 11 within two hexes of the road and (6) in
Sector 5 North of row 3. No more than one Concealment marker may be placed in each hex.
Mission Special Rules:
1. The American player cannot, at any time, conduct any type of fire against a hex
containing an non-activated Concealment marker.
2. Each unit entering from offboard must enter along the road on the FBE paying the MP cost of
each offboard road hex entered as they maneuver onto the map.

3. After each call for Reaction by the American player, the German player makes a die roll for
each hex containing a Concealment marker that is within LOS of an American unit that conduct-
ed an action in the current Platoon Activation Cycle. If the die roll ≤ 5, the activated Conceal-
ment marker is removed and the German player draws a single unit from the cup and places it
concealed in the hex. If the die roll is > 5, no units are drawn and the activated Concealment
marker is removed from play. This die roll is reduced by 2 if at the moment of the die roll there
is a German unit within two hexes of the activated Concealment marker. Once all of the German
units in the cup have been drawn, any remaining Concealment markers are removed from play.
Immediately upon being placed, a unit may react and conduct actions normally.
4. If the platoon leader is drawn, the German player continues to draw units from the cup until
an infantry or MG unit is drawn. Once drawn, the infantry or MG unit and platoon leader are then
placed in the hex and any units drawn prior to when the infantry unit or MG section is drawn are
returned to the cup.
5. For each anti-tank gun drawn by the German player, place one infantry section not in play
from the 1st Infantry Platoon in the hex with the anti-tank gun.
6. German non-vehicular units placed in a forest, woods or hill hex are set up in an Improved American FBE
7. The German player cannot deploy squads.
Victory Level:
8. The German StuG IIIg and the Tiger are considered to be in the same platoon for activation
purposes. 0-80 American Victory
81-90 Draw
9. German FOs do not have to be within six hexes of a platoon leader to request a MFA
91+ German Victory
10. Half hexes on the Eastern and Western board edges are not in play.
11. Hill levels are x2.
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