Law and Social Transformation in India Pishwarae
Law and Social Transformation in India Pishwarae
Law and Social Transformation in India Pishwarae
gic Book.
Professor of Law
University of Mysore
Foreword by
Former Judge
Supreme Court of India
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that they live dignified lives and get justice as stated in the Preamble
of the Constitution. Fundameiital Rights and Directive Principles of
State Policy are considered as the conscience of the Constitution, and
people as a whole should not only see them in letter but they should be
the spirit of their day-to-day living.
Victor Hugo says that “An invasion of armies can be resisted but
not an idea whose time has come.” Changes may be patent or latent
ig as or felt as the case may be. They can be swiftor slow
or gradual. Sometimes without knowing about the changes people
will be participating in |or subjected so Toa Many RaesomTTT he
process of change in relation to social transformation. Desirability
or compulsion, identifying and designing suitable legal policy, its
justification consistent with people's aspirations and ideals, extent, level
and norms of change through law are vital and important factors, that
mould, change management processes. In addition to the provisions
contained in the Constitution of India including the amendments
made from time to time, several laws are made by the Union of India
and States aiming at and intended to bring about social change
consistent with the constitutional philosophy and the goal set
— However, the role of law cannot be seen in isolation. Moreover,
+ peng lawmerely legally is not enough. Adopting law emotionally
; es the purpose of law better. In addition to appropriate law,
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sound system, sffong political will and commitment, for successful,
fruitful social #ransformation, coordinated and concerted efforts are
required to bémade by vigilant Civil society,
dedicated NGOs, honest
and committed law enforcing agencies, proactive judiciary and
meaningful and positive media.
The Judiciary
in India, time and again, has drawn from
constitutional provisions particularly Arti 14 and_21
cles to address
various issues relating to social relationships between the mainstream
and marginalised sections consequently. “Public Interest Litigation” is
also called “social action litigation”. It may be said that the courts in
India have developed fairly effective legal system which is constantly
striving to be more inclusive and empathetic towards issue of social
and other times marginal. Some changes are astounding and beyond
our imagination; some are reasonably predictable and adjustable;
some are visible and clear, while others are invisible but can be felt.
Many a times, we participate either consciously or unconsciously
in the change phenomenon without knowing fully well about its
implications and results. Yet other_times,.change is imposed_on our
shoulders and against ourlikings. Situations of our silent spectatorship
to change cannot also
be ruled out. Human mind’s complacency with
existing order might initially inhibit the change process; but realising
the indispensability of the new path it might embrace it whether with
grouse or pleasure.
In planning, systematising and managing social transformation one
of the dependable means that can be employed in democracy 1s the
formal instrument of law. Law’s interface with social transformation
is worthy of deeper understanding, as one can know from such probe
XII Law and Social Transformation in India
accomplishment. But social transformation is a product of multi
factors. Social action, people’s participation,-economic developmen
group behaviour, efforts of social organisations, democratic policy
making, national goals and the functioning of legal systems initiate
and effectuate the transformation process. Hence, law’s role cannot be
looked at in isolation. Its roots are spread over historical, economic,
of the nation provide useful analytical tool for discussing vital matters
in subsequent parts of this work. Fundamental Rights and welfare
ideology emphasise the schemes of empowerment of the vulnerable
for social transformation. The Constitution’s basis for multiculturalism
is also discussed to develop about the contours and parameters within
which social transformation through law may be attempted.
Part II of the book deals with law and society discourse in the
context of multiculturalism. Indian society’s pluralism in the matter of
religion, language, regionalism and ethnicity has posed challenges of
meeting diversities within the framework of national unity. Tradition
of tolerance and mutual assistance has provided rich social resource to
support viable constitutional and legal policy. The problem of identity
preservation at the teeth of modernisation is intricate, to which law
has to lend its balancing force. Integrating the complexities of diversity
with those of social transformation in the realm of law has necessitated
looking into different levels of preparedness of the communities to
convert social mores into legal norms and vice versa. Ethno-cultural
identity issues, conflicts and national integrity questions have found
satisfactory solutions in planned application of federalism, human
rights and welfare measures in the course of social transformation.
There has been a remarkable success of the legal system in synthesizing
and applying the key concepts <::d institutions for a continuous task of -
building harmonious and just social order. The overarching concept of
secularism and its implications for harmonious society, social reforms
and legal means of protecting the minorities are discussed (Chapter
5). The policy of equal language rights, linguistic organisation of
states, dismantling of linguistic hegemonies, centre staging of people’s
language in subordinate courts and in primary education are critically
analysed from socio-linguistic and sociological perspectives in the
backdrop of globalisation (Chapter 6). The social problem of choice of
languages as media and subjects for learning in multilingual society
facing the challenges of modernisation is discussed by analysing the
constitutional and legal development (Chapter 7). How centre staging
people’s language in the functioning of subordinate courts and
retaining English as the language of transaction for higher courts have
proved the competence and limitations of language policy arising from
multilingual situation has also been discussed (Chapter 8). Regional
feeling resulting in region based reservation in access to education
and employment challenging the compatibility of harmonious society
is another factor that law has addressed (Chapter 9). In order to resolve
the problem of indigenous or tribal communities of their isolation,
Doverty and insecurity without effacing their identity but providing
atmosphere of dignified existence with potentiality for development
and joining the mainstream of the society, law has employed an
integrated approach of ensuring to them security, self-government
and social justice (Chapter 10). In the background of modernisation
and globalisation, these different communitarian identities have faced
substantive threats, concerning which law’s response is worth noting.
It is interesting to understand the operation of social characteristics of
diversity with their urge for identity retention undergoing different
levels of social transformation within the parameters of harmonious
Empowerment of the vulnerable sections of society as a method of
benevolent social transformation is the theme of Part III. Empowerment
infuses ability for self-organisation, overcomes subordination, fills
confidence for all-round growth by using special facility given by the
State, and enables better participation in control and use of resources.
Caste as a divisive factor in the society had resulted in inhuman
practice of untouchability, exclusion of opportunities and arbitrary
discriminations. As a means of legal empowerment, state has aimed
at combating against practices of untouchability and supporting the
socially backward classes through special provisions. Sensitive issues
about method of identifying the beneficiaries, extent and types of
special provisions and the spheres in which they shall be carried on
have surfaced in the legal development and sociological and academic
discourse. The contribution of legal strategy in this sphere is analysed
in Chapter 11. The concept of, and means employed for gender justice
in the legal system are discussed (Chapter 12) by focusing on their
expanding strategies and trends. The direction of development in
better protection of women against crimes is analysed with reference
to statutes and decisional law on domestic violence and sexual offences
(Chapter 13). The growth of law from protection of children against
child labour and other exploitative practices to child welfare and
development is also traced (Chapter 14). Linking of social justice plans
to social transformation and their evaluation are the tasks undertaken
in this Part. Balancing between the policy of protective discrimination
and rule of equal opportunity for all has been the mode of ensuring
social justice.
Modernisation as a method of social transformation through the
legal framework is the issue addressed in Part IV. The colonial and
post-colonial legal measures to bring modernity to the Indian society,
while successful in introducing some reforms, have been subject to post-
modernist imperative of balancing between change and continuity in
actual social experience. Constitutional and international dimension
of modernism and law, their application in the field of trade and
technology have been studied from the law and society perspectiv
XVI Law and Social Transformation in India
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(Chapter 15). How the deeper and pluralist social tradition
life, commitment to welfare ideology and adherence to
and security cannot be legislated away in the name of modernism,
globalisation and technology is discussed with interesting finding
(Chapter 16). The interaction between law and economic processes
especially in the field of agriculture, environmental protection,
industry and labour has posed some disturbing questions in the
context of globalisation in spite of the avowed constitutional policy
of welfare state (Chapter 17). Reform of the justice delivery system for
avoiding delay, high cost and procedural difficulties and for evolving
people friendly approaches of alternative dispute resolution system
has contributed to the cause of social transformation. Introduction
of plea-bargaining, prison reforms, and victim protection measures
has projected great promise. Public Interest Litigation has emerged
as a strong tool of social change. Chapter 18 discusses these aspects,
bringing again the imperatives of people-centered approach in the
change process. The role of legislative accountability, grass root
democracy, voluntary organisations and democratic participation in
bringing social metamorphosis is increasingly realised during recent
times. It is this mechanism that can establish at people’s level consensus
for harmonious society by absorbing the lessons of multiculturalism,
by supporting the need-based-affirmative actions and by involving
in or satisfactorily responditig to modernisation schemes (Chapter
19). The threads of discussion carried in four prominent parts will be
coordinated to draw conclusions in Chapter 20.
Since the social dimension of law itself is vast, and major spheres
of pluralism, empowerment and modernisation, are traversed in the
course of discussion from the perspective of law-society interaction
and addressing the sites of social tension, the present work inevitably
touches upon a large spectrum of human and social actions. It is
expected to be useful to all those interested in the area as it aims to
give an integrated picture by treating all the materials together. Apart
from being a source material for higher legal study, it is hoped to
inspire further thinking about law and society’s active partnership in
social transformation.
sae ae Hees acknowledge with gratitude the authorities of
Ree ag mee ma ee Professor J. Shasidhar Prasad and
lara Soaratn , sa ak pee for extending sabbatical
Devidas Brftemc: ae 7 ee ; ee CKN. Raja, Professor T.
favauaind anit 7” Se irate ee oS Indira and Professor A.
Prise Wy me cll: - e subject and encouraged me to
, gues and students at Mysore, and other places
Preface XVII
have helped in data collection and kept interest in completion of the
work. I profusely thank all these academicians.
Justice Dr. Shivaraj V. Patil, Former Judge of the Supreme Court of
India has kindly blessed this work with his foreword. His insights about
law’s role in social transformation and vast concern for humanism have
made value addition to the work. Iimmensely thank the Learned Judge
for sparing his valuable time in writing an encouraging foreword.
It is a great pleasure to acknowledge the assistance and incessant
support given by my wife Smt. P. Usha in completion of this work and
in fulfilling other academic assignments. Her persuasion, reminders
and creation of suitable domestic atmosphere have energised me in
producing this work. It thank her immensely. The support given by
my children, Ramya and Ganaraj is also remembered with thanks. I
express my gratitude to my parents, relatives and friends who have
encouraged my academic activities.
Sri Vijay Malik of Eastern Book Co. has not only accepted the project
of publishing the book but also through frequent reminders persuaded
for its completion. For the editorial assistance, excellerit printing and
timely production of the book I am highly grateful to Sri Malik and the
Eastern Book Company.
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
15 Modernisation and law 663
16 Family law, modernisation and social transformation —_701
17 Economic development, law and social
transformation: focus on agriculture, pilpaen! and
environment | /3*
18 Reforms in the justice delivery system, modernisation
and law
19 Role of democracy, panchayati raj and NGOs in social
transformation through law
20 Conclusions 929
Part II
Part III
Part IV
A.A. Abdulla v. A.B. Mohmuna Saiyadbhai, AIR 1988 Guj 141 722
Abdul Hakim Quraishi v. State of Bihar, AIR 1961 SC 448 786
Abdul Haq v. Yasmin Talat, 1998 Cri LJ 3433 (MP) 722
Abdul Rashid v. Sultana Begum, 1992 Cri LJ 76 (Cal) 722
Abdul Rehman Antulay v. R.S. Nayak, (1992) 1 SCC 225 823
Abdurahiman v. Avoomma, AIR 1956 Mad 244 627
Adarand Constructors Inc. v. Pena, 515 US 200 (1995) 507
Adkins v. Children’s Hospital, 261 US 525: 67 L Ed 785 (1923) 607
Aeltemesh Rein v. Union of India, (1988) 4 SCC 54 840
AE. Mahomed Ishak v. R. Dhur Chowdhri, ILR (1894) 22 Cal 619 (PC) 99
AG of Qubec v. Protestant School Board, (1984) 2 SCR 66 (CAN)
Ahmedabad Municipal Corpn. v. Nilaybhai R. Thakore, (1999) 8 SCC 139
Ahmedabad St. Xavier’s College Society v. State of Gujarat, (1974) 1 See 717, 217, 260,
322, 323, 326, 332, 336, 343
Ahmedabad Women Action Group (AWAG) v. Union of India, (1997) 3 SCC 573
402, 551
AIIMS Students’ Union v. AIIMS, (2002) 1 SCC 428
Air India Cabin Crew Assn. v. Yeshaswinee Merchant, (2003) 6 SCC 277
24, 455
Air India Statutory Corpn. v. United Labour Union, (1997) 9 SCC 377
Air India v. Nergesh Meerza, (1981) 4 SCC 335
199, 499
Ajit Singh II v. State of Punjab, (1999) 7 SCC 209
Ajit Singh Januja v. State of Punjab, (1996) 2 SCC 715
A.K. Gopalan v. State of Madras, AIR 1950 SC 27
246 867
Akhil Bharatiya Soshit Karamchari Sangh v. Union of India, (1981) 1 SCC
476 852
AX. Singh v. Uttarakhand Jan Morcha, (1999) 4 SCC 213
Alberta Statutes, 1938 SCR 100 (Canada) 722
Ali v. Sufaira, (1988) 3 Crimes 147 (Ker) 341
AIR 1962 SC 171
All India Bank Employees Assn. v. National Industrial Tribunal,
v. Union of India,
All India Democratic Women’s Assn. & Janwadi Samiti
543, 563
(1989) 2 SCC 411 308
Alok Kumar v. State of Bihar, AIR 1976 Pat 392 597
(1997) 7 SCC 91
Amitabh Bachchan Corpn. Ltd. v. Mahila Jagran Manch, 734
Ammini EJ. v. Union of India, AIR 1995 Ker 252
10 SCC 65 429
Amrendra Pratap Singh v. Tej Bahadur Prajapati, (2004)
Law and Social Transformation in India
Calcutta, AIR 1922 PC 333
Amulya Chandra Banerjee ¥. Corpn. of 438
India, (1997) 3 SCC 549
Animal and Environment Legal Defence Fund ®. Union of 534 535
AIR 1952 Cal 825
Anjali Roy v. State of W.B., 322, 323
?. Govt of A.P., (1986) 2 SCC 667
AP. Christians Medical Educational Society 487
A. Periakaruppan ?. State of T.N., (1971) 1 SCC 38 600
(1999) 1 SCC 759
Apparel Export Promotion Council v. A.K. Chopra, 718 816
(1999) 2 SCC
AP. Pollution Control Board v. Prof. MV. Nayudu, 239
(2004) 4 SCC 661
A. Ramaswamy Dikshitulu v. Govt. of A.P.,
Corpn., 429
Arlington Heights v. Metropolitan Housing Development
US 252 (1977) 307
216, 230, 244, 651
Aruna Roy v. Union of India, (2002) 7 SCC 368 211, 495
Ashoka Kumar Thakur v. State of Bihar, (1995) 5 SCC
200, 208, 456, 464,
Ashoka Kumar Thakur v. Union of India, (2008) 6 SCC1
465, 495, 506, 511, 657, 660, 866
Ashok (Dr, v. Union of India, (1997) 5 SCC 10 592
3 SCC 95
Ashwin Nanabhai Vyas v. State of Maharashtra, (1970) 893
AS. Mittal v. State of U.P, (1989) 3 SCC 223 239
A.S. Narayana Deekshitulu v. State of A.P., (1996) 9 SCC 548
2269 619, 623
A. Srirama Babu v. Chief Secy., Govt. of Karnataka, ILR 1997 Kar
Associated Management of Primary and Secondary Schools in Karnataka
v. State of Karnataka, (2008) 4 Kant LJ 593 (FB)
390, 391
AVS. Narasimha Rao v. State of A.P., (1969) 1 SCC 839
Bachan Singh v. State of Punjab, (1980) 2 SCC 684
538, 720
Bai Tahira v. Ali Hussain Fidaalli Chothia, (1979) 2 SCC 316
Bala Seva Educational and Charitable Trust v. Govt. of T.N., (1998) 1
MLJ 570 (Mad)
BALCO Employees’ Union (Regd.) v. Union of India, (2002) 2 SCC 333 685, 870
Baljeet Singh v. State of Haryana, (2004) 3 SCC 122 580
Bal Patil v. Union of India, (2005) 6 SCC 690 238
Balwant Singh v. State of Punjab, (1987) 2SCC 27 587
Banwasi Seva Ashram 2. State of U.P. ( 987) 3 SCC 304, AIR 1987 SC 374 220
Bandhua Mukti Morcha v. Union of India, (1984) 3 SCC 161 368, 454, 606, 862, 863, 867
Bandhua Mukti Morcha v. Union of India, (1997) 10 SCC 549 622, 651, 652
Bangalore Water Supply & Sewerage Board v. A. Rajappa, (1978) 2 SCC 213 773
Banwasi Seva Ashram v. State of U.P., (1986) 4 SCC 753 861
Banwasi Seva Ashram 2. State of U.P., (1992) 2 SCC 202 432
Belgian Linguistics case, 6 Eur. Ct.H.R. (ser. A) (1968) 330
Bennett Coleman & Co. Ltd. v. Union of India, AIR 1986 Bom 321 207
Bhagwan Singh v. State of Punjab, (1992) 3 SCC 249 851
Bhagwant Singh v. Commr. of Police, (1983) 3 SCC 344: 1983 SCC (Cri) 637 580
Bharwada Bhoginbhai Hirjibhai v. State of Gujarat, (1983) 3 SCC 217 583
Bhaskar Textile Mills Ltd. v. Jnarsuguda Municipality, (1984) 2 SCC 25 861
Bhaurao Shankar Lokhande v. State of Maharashtra, AIR 1965 SC 1564 729
Bhikam Chand v. State, AIR 1966 Raj 142 08
Bhim Singhji v. Union of India, (1981) 1 SCC 166
Bhim Singh v. State of J&K, (1985) 4 SCC 677 824, 8 :
Bijoe Emmanuel v. State of Kerala, (1986) 3 SCC 615 ¥ <
Bilodeau v. A.G. Manitoba, (1986) 1 SCR 449 66
Bishram Bahorik Satnami v. Emperor, AIR 1944 Nag 363 -
Bodhisattwa Gautam v. Subhra Chakraborty, (1996) 1 SCC 490 547, an
Supreme Cour i i :
Safed Cede ‘ior eae :Oe ena eege 1g SCE 4og 366
Surjeet Singh v. Union of hae , 2(1981)
ee ay > Sia
2 SCC 359: 1981ie
SCC oar
535 837
: a arayan Choudhary v. State of Rajasthan, AIR 1989 Raj 99 ah
Sushil Murmu 7, State of Jharkhand, (2004) 2 SCC 338 672, os
>»witzman v. Elbling, 1957 SCR 285 (Canada)
Table of Cases XLV
Tejraj v. State of M.B., AIR 1958 MP 115
Tejsingh v. State, AIR 1958 Raj 169 243
106, 561
Thimmappa ¥. State of Karnataka, (1980) 1 KLJ 398 303
Thippaswamy v. State of Karnataka, (1983) 1 SCC 194: 1983 SCC (Cri) 160 832
T.K. Rangarajan v. Govt. of T.N., (2003) 6 SCC 581: 2003 SCC (L&S) 970 1
T.M.A. Pai Foundation v. State of Karnataka, (1995) 5 SCC 220 ae
T.M.A. Pai Foundation v. State of Karnataka, (2002) 8 SCC 481 209, 217, 323,
; 343, 395, 920
T.N. Godavarman Thirumalpad v. Union of India, (2002) 10 SCC 606 432, 808, 811
T.N. Godavarman Thirumulkpad v. Union of India, (1997) 3 SCC 312 865
T.N. Seshan v. Union of India, (1995) 4 SCC 611 69
T.N. Tamil & English Schools Assn. v. State of T.N., (2000) 1 MLJ 577 336, 337
Triloki Nath Tiku v. State of J&K, AIR 1969 SC 1: (1969) 1 SCR 103 501
Trujillo v. Farrell, 503 F 2d 954 328
Trustees of the Tribune Press v. CIT, (1938-39) 66 IA 241 337
T. Sareetha v. T. Venkata Subbaiah, AIR 1983 AP 356 537, 731
Tsering Dolkar v. Administrator, UT of Delhi, (1987) 2 SCC 69 373
Tukaram v. State of Maharashtra, (1979) 2 SCC 143: 1979 SCC (Cri) 381 583, 585
Union Carbide Corpn. v. Union of India, (1991) 4 SCC 584 222, 866
Union Colliery Co. v. Bryden, 1899 AC 580 (PC) 213
Union of India v. Anglo Afghan Agencies, AIR 1968 SC 718 683
Union of India v. Assn. for Democratic Reforms, (2002) 5 SCC 294 68, 861, 925
Union of India v. Motion Picture Assn., (1999) 6 SCC 150 926
Union of India v Murasoli Maran, (1977) 2 SCC 416 301
University of Madras v. Shantha Bai, AIR 1954 Mad 67 534
Unni Krishnan, J.P. v. State of A.P., (1993) 1 SCC 645 315, 336, 397,
651, 671, 921
Upendra Baxi (I) v. State of U.P., (1983) 2 SCC 308 541, 865
Upendra Baxi (II) v. State of U.P., (1986) 4 SCC 106: 1986 SCC (Cri) 381 542, 595,
644, 824, 865
Urmila Ginda v. Union of India, AIR 1975 Del 115 465, 503
Usha Mehta v. State of Maharashtra, (2004) 6 SCC 264 349
Usman Khan Bahamani 2. Fathimunnisa Begum, 1990 Cri LJ 1364 (AP) 722
Valsamma Paul v. Cochin University, (1996) 3 SCC 545 504
Varkey Devassy v. State of Kerala, 1966 KLT 805 243
Veena Sethi v. State of Bihar, (1982) 2 SCC 583: 1982 SCC (Cri) 511 841, 864, 865, 869
Veerabadhran v. EV. Ramaswamy Naicker, (1959) 2 SCJ 1 254
Vellore Citizens’ Welfare Forum v. Union of India, (1996) 5 SCC 647 219, 678, 816
Venkatachalapati v. Subbarayadu, ILR (1889) 13 Mad 293 99
Venkataramana Devaru v. State of Mysore, AIR 1958 SC 255 240
Vidyadharan v. State of Kerala, (2004) 1 SCC 215 485
Vidya Verma v. Dr. Shiv Narain Verma, AIR 1956 SC 108 539
Vikas v. State of Rajasthan, (2002) 6 SCC 728 581
Vincent Panikurlangara v. Union of India, (1987) 2 SCC 165 866
Vinod Kumar Kejriwal v. Usha Vinod Kejriwal, AIR 1993 Bom 160 725
Virender Gaur v. State of Haryana, (1995) 2 SCC 577 678
Vishaka v. State of Rajasthan, (1997) 6 SCC 241 219, 220, 325,
536, 598, 613,
677, 867, 888, 893
542, 549
Vishal Jeet v. Union of India, (1990) 3 SCC 318: 1990 SCC (Cri) 482
V.K. Javali (Dr.) v. State of Mysore, AIR 1966 SC 1387
209, 213, 275,
V.N. Sunanda Reddy v. State of A.P., 1995 Supp (2) SCC 235
288, 305, 387, 392
V. Revathi v. Union of India, (1988) 2 SCC 72: 1988 SCC (Cri) 308 593
V. Shankar Ram v, Sukanya, AIR 1997 Mad 394 732
Waman Rao v. Union of India, (1981) 2 SCC 362 cc fiom
Washington v. Davis, 426 US 229 (1976)
XLVI Law and Social Transformation in India
Workmen v. Rohtas Industries, 1995 Supp (4) SCC 5 866
Yick Lee v. Hopkins, 118 US 356 (1886) 507
Yniguez v. Arizonans for Official English, 42 F 3d 1217 279, 327
Yusuf Abdul Aziz v. State of Bombay, AIR 1954 SC 321 46, 535, 593
Zahira Habibulla H. Sheikh v. State of Gujarat, (2004) 4 SCC 158: 2004
SCC (Cri) 999 255, 858
ee ee
ry e enera 1 40
As a regulator of both social life and individual behaviour through its
distinct institutions and practices, and as adoctri
body of nes
that have
immense social dimension, law cannot affor to be a dormant
d or static
instrument because of its vital social role and linkage with various fac-
ets of human life.* The complexityofworldly changes on the one hand,
andthe enduring values embodied in law on the other, often stand at
loggerheads, and pose difficulties in the management of change. Law
has to find appropriate via media path for balancing the extremes.
The issues of desirability of change, the identification of appropriate
new legal policy to bring the desired change, its justification in terms
of people’s aspiration or paramount ideals, and the determinations
about the extent, level and modality of change through law are greatly
important factors that mould the change management process.
A survey and appraisal of dynamics of the law-monitored and law-
linked social changes in a developing multicultural democracy like
India is a stupendous task looking to vastness of the area and complex-
ities of issues involved. Pluralism in religion, language and ethnicity,
1 Sociolog
Roger Cotterrell, The Law (2nd Edn., Butterworths, London 1992) at 0
p. 5 views, “Law is a pract of systematic control of social institutions and
craftical *
relations.”; see also, at pp. 2-3; A.R. Blackshield considers law as a form of social control
which aspires to have absolute precision and articulateness of norms and aspires to be
independent of other social controls like education and religion. See “Secularism and
Social Control in the West: The Material and Ethereal” in G.S. Sharma, Secularism: Its
Implications for Law and Life in India (N.M. Tripathi, Bombay 1966) at pp. 22-23.
2 Law and Social Transformation
6 gS
multi-layered caste structure and regionalism have posed severe chal-
lenges to the change management process because of the interplay of
people’s sentiments and goals of an inclusive and harmonious society.
Empowerment of the backward classes, women and children is another
laudable responsibility shouldered by the legal system to build social
integration. The entry of modernisation into various spheres such as
family life, agriculture, industry, environment, justice delivery system
and grass root democracy has witnessed a variety of social experiences
with a common theme of social and economic justice. Thus, theoreti-
cal analysis and practical survey of the law-society interaction become
essential for a systematic study and comprehensive view.
In order to systematise both the study and exposition of this impor-
tant subject of social jurisprudence, a theoretical discussion of the key
concepts like law, legal system, social change or social transformation,
social justice, morality, culture, democracy and development will be
undertaken and the dynamic interrelationship of them will be ana-
lysed in this chapter.
supreme and housed in the conscience of people even to limit the leg-
islator’s power.
Roscoe Pound noted the 2oth century shift in juristic thinking from
human wills to human wants and from nature of law to its purpose.
The human desires and expectations were to be balanced by harmo-
nisation by surveying, selecting and evaluating the human wants and
determining their limits as a consequence of equalisation.®.He rec-
ognised a highly interventionist role for law in his theory of social
engineering of interests. The aim of social engineering is to build as
efficient a structure of society as possible, which requires the satisfac-
tion of the maximum of wants with minimum of friction and waste.”°
It involves the balancing of competing interests, Interests are those
claims and wants about which law must do something if the societies
areto endure..He classified interests into (a) individual interests (b)
public interests and (0) social interests. Individual interests consist of
interests of personality (personal liberty), of domestic relations (family
life) and of substance (property and economic rights).** Public inter-
ests consist of interests of the state as juristic person and interests of
the state as guardian of social interests. Social interests in the general
security (safety, health, peace, etc); in the security of social institution
(domestic, religious, political and economic); in general morals; in the
conservation of social resources; in general progress (economic, com-
mercial and technological); and in individual life (self-assertion, oppor-
tunity and conditions of life) reflect generalised claims of social group.
Pound employed the jural postulates of rights and the concept of legal
person as a means to secure the interests.” Regarding the balancing
task amidst interests, he opined that each interest is to be weighed
in the Same plane. For example, one cannot balance individual inter-
est with social interest since decision about balancing is already made.
While inter-plane balancing is inappropriate, inter-plane transfer of
interest is feasible? Roscoe Pound’s interest analysis maps the whole
universe of individual and social life to bring that domain to law’s
supervision. Law is a social phenomenon from this perspective.
has been viewed by modern writers that law enjoys and uses
unifying power to contribute towards better social cohesion.* The
ie ae
19 RWM Dias, Jurisprudence (5th Edn., Aditya Books, New Delhi 1994) at p. 430.
0 Ibid, at p. 431.
21 “A Survey of Social Interests” (1943-4) 57 Harvard Law Review 1.
2 RW.M Dias, Jurisprudence (5th Edn., Aditya Books, New Delhi 1994) at p.
2 Ibid.
of Conflict?”
ss ia Barak Erez, “Law in Society: A Unifying Power or a Source
2006) at p. 165;
in Michael Freeman, Law and Sociology (Oxford University Press, Oxford
and the Ground of Law (Cambri dge 2001) at pp. 132-34;
Peter Fitzpatrick, Modernism
Emile Durkheim (Trs.), The Division of Labour in Society (George Simpson
Law8and Social Transformation
e ease s ESE ES
conduct it
universal support it gathers for justice, harmonious social
builds through dispute settlement, the democratic discourse it
upon, and pragmatic way of solutions it devises to numerous
lems are all products of the divided society’s search for unifying force
Applicable to all within the society, it strengthens the fibres of commu-
nity life. International human rights law and constitutional law bring
forth great unifying force because of their wider applicability and
uniform norms. An Apex Court decision or a national legislation has
binding effect upon the whole country.” Quite contrary to the unify-
ing function, because of multiculturalism and federalism law is also
a source of diversity. Multiculturalism calls for respect for different
cultures and customs and for ensuring their preservation. Diversity in
personal law, recognition of minority rights in the matter of language
and religion, and coexistence of various local/state legal systems have
limited the ideal of shared values.
Marx found economic foundation for law’s superstructure and
held class conflict as determining the modality of law. His approach
that law is an instrument of oppression warns against misuse of law
and focuses 6n €conomic restructuring of resources and eliminating
exploitations.” The goal of redistribution of resources on the basis
of the maxim “from each according to his capacity, to each according
to "his needs” makes law a pu-posive instrument. His idea that law
should cease to continue with the attainment of this goal has been
found to be utopian. However, even today, when we find that the voice
of the dominant section of the society or socially and economically
powerful group asserts itself as a convenient dictate upon the econom-
ically weak, we are reminded of Marxian condemnation of deviance
from ideals of economic justice. Law’s role in building level playing
field should be strengthened to avert the dominant’s use of medium of
power that capitalises the weakness of the meek.
While the above schools of jurisprudence depict the tasks of law in
their own perspective, there are some (analytical, historical and real-
ist) schools that confine to description of the nature of law from their
respective angles. Austin considers law as command of the sovereign,
whose power of enforcement alone confers validity to law.® Law is
an agency of power, and an instrument of government. But Savigny
views law as a product of common conscience of the community, grow-
ing through organic process of customs rather than descending from
> Ibid.
° Arts. 141 and 245 of the Constitution of India.
R.W.M Dias, Ju.isprudence (5th Edn., Aditya Books, New Delhi 1994) at pp. 397-
® Ibid, at pp. 346-47.
Legal system as a purposive enterprise 7
ieee ti‘(‘z “OS
* Lawrence Friedmann, American Law (Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi 1985)
at p. 7.
* W. Friedmann, Legal Theory (5th Edn., Universal, New Delhi 1960, rept. 2003) at
pp. 18-21. Fuller's explanation about the characteristics of inner morality of law in the
form of generality, promulgation, prospectivity, intelligibility, clarity, constancy and
congruence in application lays emphasis on proper coordination between law and
society. The moral character of Nazi law is debated from this perspective.
% See infra, Ch. 4.
from basic rules of contracttoWTO norms, law moulds the behaviour
of the business community27 In the era of globalisation fortune of busi-
ness is traceable, as Prahlad’States, in the bottom of economic pyramid,
the large mass of poor people, by treating them not as burden of the
society but as resilient and creative entrepreneurs and value conscious
customers* Converting poverty into an opportunity is a creative
business task that would bring poverty alleviation within the market
mechanism. Women’s and workers’ self help groups at the grass root
level provide illuminating examples of changed outlook and practice.
The sphere of not-for-profits, or the Third Sector, is gaining a great
importance recently in the background of state’s slow withdrawal
from welfare acts due to globalisation and market failures owing to
liberalisation. The extent of involvement of the Third Sector in service
delivery for health, education, child care, in management of natural
calamities or disasters and in promotion of culture and public opinion
is assuming great dimension in India as elsewhere?” Social organisa-
tions like societies, cooperatives, trade unions, non-profit companies
and philanthropic foundations in the form of trusts, endowments,
and wakfs constitute this vital sphere that builds up the social capital.
Legal environment governing this sphere has considerable concern for
the purposes of social organisations and of the philanthropic givings.
Society becomes vibrant and dynamic with the creative work of the
Third Sector.
Family life is another intimate area in which inter-spousal and inter-
generation relations within the framework of family are shaped for a
fair position in the matter of continuance of the social institution and
economic and emotional support. Change in pattern of relations and
value additions or subtractions pose tall challenges. When the culture
of obedience to parents, elders and husband was misused by motiva-
tions of exploitation by the patriarchy, determinations to protest and
withstand it within the family institution were influenced by individ-
ualist attitudes enlightened by notions of liberty. From the side of the
legal system this is assisted when norms of human rights and welfare
herald big changes even in tiny families and serve as antidotes to patri-
archy and introduce the elements of justice and fair play.” Thus, the
arena for legal governance comprehends the whole gamut of human
activity that has social significance. sas
Legal system’s efficacy has much depended upon people's partici-
pation in decision making, accountability of government and judicial
7 See infra, Ch. 15. hg
the Bottom of Pyramid (Wharto n School Publishi ng
38 C.K. Prahlad, The Fortune at
Co., Wharton 2006) at pp. 7-9, 16-20.
% See infra, Ch. 19.
40 See infra, Ch. 16.
10 Law and Social Transformation
sii ea a
‘1 A.
005) apLakshm
3. inath, Precedent in India (2nd Edn., ’ Eastern n Book Book C Company, Lucknow
Legal system as a purposive enterprise 11
E R aD
to precedent. The input and response to social change are of high order
in numerous judgments in constitutional law. Justice delivery system
also has undergone a key change to meet the requirements of pro-
gressive legislation. Tribunals, alternative dispute resolution systems
and Public Interest Litiga
tionhhave made tremendous contribution to
social change. Judicial activism in interpret of theati
on tion
and laws has reinforced the constitutional theme of social justice and
Custom as a source.of law has’s habitual follow-
ing of norms accepted by thesociety.Itpossesses considerable input
of common conscience of the community, substantive scope for adap-
tation to the changing circumstances and efficacy because of undis-
puted application. Since custom represents tradition or culture, and
the force of its continuance, in the context of social change, it has
posed tall challenges espec
in theially
field of family_law. Because
of the influence of culture and patriarchy, and impulses of imitation
to follow the beaten path, traditional societies eieecs tere ot
custom and established modes. Reforms through legislation, applica-
tion of reason and constitutional interpretation to purge its domain
have been attempted as a part of the larger design of social change.
However, this modernist approach is challenged by postmodernist
criticism and experience that people’s traditional law cannot be totally
legislated away.#
The approach of legal profession, which is an important component
of legal system, to social change with the help of legal instrument has
been found to be not enthusiastic, but only formalistic.4* While judi-
ciary has not consistently favoured the cause of social change, legal
draftsmen have been legalistic-formalistic even in drafting most vital
legal instrument like the Constitution. About the contribution of Law
Commission to the cause of legal/social reform, there are two different
views. M_P. Jain and V.D. Kulshreshta have referred to them as instru-
ments of reforms and recorded their contribution as substantial.‘
Edn., Eastern Book Co., Lucknow 2005) at p. 277; see also, Yogendra Singh, “Law and
Social Change in India” in Indra Deva (Ed_), Sociology of Law (Oxford University Press,
New Delhi 2005) at pp. 337, 342-43.
*” 114th Report of Law Commission (1986) at ps:
%% J.S. Gandhi, “Law as an Instrument of Change in India” in Indra Deva (Ed),
Sociology of Law (Oxford University Press, New Delhi 2005) at p. 106.
* Ibid, at p. 110.
® Report of the National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution,
2003; for a theoretical discussion about the issue see, Mahendra P. Singh,
Democracy and Human Rights: Some Reflections” (2005) 47 JILI 430; W. Friedman
Law in a Changing Society (Abridged Edn., University Book House, Delhi 1996) at
p. 47
opines, “Where the power of government is divided between a federatio
n and its
member states, advocacy of planning or laissez faire alone cannot resolve the conflict;
for the further constitutional question arises whether, in a federation,
there is an
inviolable minimum of state powers...”
education, livelihood, shelter and social justice programmes of reser-
vation and other affirmative actions, the measures are taken by two
levels of government. The overlap between the two or lack of coordi-
nation in their actions or differential quantum of efforts by them gives
rise to lopsided situation. For example, since protection of the interests
of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes is a subject falling into the
domain of both the levels of governments, the question of competence
to reforms has arisen in constitutional litigation. Strong bias in favour
of the centre has reduced the role of State Governments as useful enti-
ties. In the sphere of agrarian and economic reforms, for getting con-
stitutional protection to those legislations, cooperative federalism has
been put into action, and Parliament has positively responded to the
need even resorting to constitutional amendment:" The National Rural
Employment Guarantee Act, 2005, Forest Dwellers’ Rights Act, 2006
and other legislations have relied on cooperative federalism for effec-
tive implementation. The operation of centre-state financial relations
has also decisive say in the matter of balanced development of various
parts of India. From the angle of human rights, environment and wel-
fare, the question, does federalism matter at all, has posed some seri-
ous issues when one critically looks to the consequence of judgments
that deny reformative role to the states as in E.V. Chinnaiah?
In sum, legal system’s responsibility for translating the constitu-
tional goals and ideals into action is one that is placed on the shoulders
of its various components through an integrated framework. While the
maxim “power divided is power controlled” is true in its potentiality to
put forward mutual checks and balances between various organs and
levels of government, the possibility of inaction or obstruction due to
lack of coordination amidst various power holders lurks beneath the
crowded public experience, and calls for integrated approach and con-
stitutional complementarity, lest too many cooks spoil the broth.
*” B. Kuppuswamy, Social Change in India (5th Edn., Konark Publishers, New Delhi
1993) at p. 15.
* jpopendia Singh, Social Changein India (Har Anand Publications, New Delhi 1993)
at p. 41.
ni Roberto Gargarella, Pilar Domingo and Theunis Roux, Courts and Social
Transformation in New Democracies (Ashgate, Hampshire 2006) at p. 2.
® A. Touraine, “Crisis of Transformation?” in N. Bingham (Ed.), Beyond the Crisis
(1977) 17 at p. 44 cited in Upendra Baxi, The Crisis of the Indian Legal System
Publishing House, New Delhi 1982) at p. 2.
Social change or transformation? 15
difficulty in terminological change symbolises difficulty in change of
culture, of which language is a part. Anyway, examining the law-soci-
ety interaction is its major concern.
Seanee is the basic rule of nature, and itis that everything changes
except the rule of change. Old order changeth giving place to the new.
rom matter to energy, from the unseen to the seen, and from the infor-
mal to the formal and vice versa in all these categories, change has
recorded its imprimatur on reality. Life itself is a ceaseless change, But
Slammer aie TO
in the context of society, change does not occur on its own. It should be
; . % Aare em os, aE oa as eis iit icc SRD .
‘| Hegel, Philosophy of History (1830-1) cited and discussed in Julius Stone, The
Province & Function of Law (Universal Publication Co., New Delhi 2000, Indian rept.) at
pp. 331-32. Hegel considers that unified life arises in the world when future Ss progress
rises from the past. “Everything germinates, sends forth shoots, and strives
farther and more distant aims.”
16 at p. 332.
6 Commenting on Hegel's theme, Julius Stone, supra, n.
the Law (N.M. Tripath i, Bombay 1978) Chs. J
6 B.A. Masodkar, Society, State and
and 2.
16 Law and Social Transformation
Poe cae Legal Theory (Sth Edn. Universal, New Delhi 1960 rept. 2003) at
pp. 60-68.
’° See infra, Chs. 15 and 17.
Social change or transformation?
ee ti‘(C 19
on right to education, health and employment. Entry into WTO and
the compulsion to abide by strict international trade law regime cov-
ering investment, services, intellectual property law (TRIPs) made
India to alter her law on these areas?” Impact of WTO law on various
aspects of life triggered changes in domestic law as well. A law-and-
society approach to studying economic life will reveal and elaborate
the ways in which law both produces and is produced by the economy.
As Edelman views, like river, law weaves its way through economic
life, creating possibilities for economic development and placing con-
straints on the form of that development?
Cultural factors such as basic orientation in religion, morality, and
social outlook influence the direction and extent of social change/?
Group conscience as built in the form of literature, art, language,
custom, law and public institutions, because of distinct identities
projected by it, has its own impact upon the society’s mindset in the
process of internalising the social change. Social changes relating to
institutions of family, philanthropy and intimate social organisations
have connections with culture of the community. Gender bias, caste
discriminations, superstitions and other group intolerances reflect
cultural faults that impede progressive measures of reform. Law has
interconnections with above factors. Either along with them or on its
own, it has influential role as will be discussed elaborately in this work
at appropriate stages.
The expansion of education at various levels is a vital factor for
social change as it énables building of pro-welfare public opinion and
diffusion of knowledge that arms the people against exploitation and
blind beliefs. As stated in the Report of the Education Commission
1964-1966, “The most powerful tool in the process ofmodernisationis
education based on science and technology. The one great lesson of
the present age of science is that with determination and willingness
to put in hard work, prosperity is within the reach of any nation which
has a stable and progressive government.” A person’s education and
public discussion
health give access.tojobs,.expand income, facilitate
of social needs, increase the and obtain a
ability to resist oppression Se eraTEa
PET a Sa
ea ial acta alia
fair deal.
Wituatinstes 7
® Roger Cotterrell, The Sociology of Law (2nd Edn., Butterworths, London 1992) at
. 47-48.
PP W. Friedmann, Legal Theory (5th Edn., Universal, New Delhi 1960, rept. 2003) at
pp. 26-27.
84 Natural Law scholars, sociologists and Social Darwinists have advocated social
evolution to expand the scope for progress, human rights, knowledge and economic
competence. See supra, B. Kuppuswamy at pp. 19-25. According to Herbert Spencer the
accumulated experience of one generation in the form of morality, duty and justice
become instincts for the subsequent generation. Change and continuity go hand
hand. See supra, W. Friedmann at pp. 226-27. .
8 MLK. Gandhi, An Autobiography or Story of My Experiments with Truth (2nd
183, 239, 263-67, 345.
Navjivan Publishing House, Ahmedabad 1940, rept. 1976) at pp.
8% Gandhi Smriti (Birla House, New Delhi).
y.3 Law and Social Transformation
sere ee
A.PJ. Abdul Kalam and Y.S. Rajan, India 2020: A Vision for the New Millennium
(Penguin Books, New Delhi 1998) at pp. 21, 23. “Only people with many embodied
skill and knowledge and with ignited minds can be ready for such long term vision.”
** Jean Dreze and Amartya Sen, India: Economic Development and Social Opportun
(Oxford University Press, New Delhi 1998) at p. 203.
® For a discussion development’s connection with freedom see, Amartya
Development as Freedom (Oxford University Press, New Delhi 2000) at pp.
*” Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics.
Law’s relation with social justice
i e ee rc ll23
fore of more absolute obligation for the guidance of life." Legal sys-
tem itself acts as a purposeful enterprise to attain justice. The ques-
tion, “Why law after all if it does not promote justice” looms large in
teleological thinking. Justice means rendering to each person his due.
Since considerations of human dignity, quality of life and potentiality
or aspiration for growth of human personality house equally in all
human beings, distributing the opportunities for their access becomes.
a task of distributive justice. John Rawls considered justice as cen-|ai
tral to the legal system or rather tothecivilisation itself Reiterating hat '"
Aristotelian concept of equality amidst equals or in proportion to equal | 4.
conditions in the matterof opportunities and liberties, he regarded
that any deviation from the rule is justified only for giving better pro-
tection ofthe least advantaged individuals or classes of persons in the
society. According to Roger Cotterrell, “Justice is a perception of social _
relations in balance. It is one aspect of a sense of social cohesion or
integration.”> He prefers sociological interpretation of legal ideas in
order to reframe social relations on appropriate lines. Social dimen-
sion of justice is brought out by Julius Stone when he admits Duguit’s
assertion that the facts of social life spontaneously produce law and
justice out of themselves.%
In the Indian context, thinkers visualise social justice as justice in
social and inter-class relations and in access to social opportunities.
Protection of the weak against exploitative or competitive power of the
strong is one of its major concerns. According to K, Subba Rao, social
justice aims to rectify through just means injustice in personal relation-
ships of
people and to remové the imbalances in political, social and
economic life of the people.» As viewed by Justice K.Ramaswamy: ~
“ ‘Social justice’ is an integral part of justice in the generic sense. Jus-
tice is the genus, of which social justice is one of its species. Social justice
is a dynamic devise to mitigate the sufferings of the poor, weak, dalits,
tribals.and.deprived.sections of the society and to elevate therm tothe
y Social justice 1s not
of person.
level of equality to live a life withdignit
1 John Stuart Mill, Utilitarianism, cited in Eugene Kamenka and Alice S. Tay, “The
Traditions of Justice” (1986) 5 Law and Philosophy 281 at p. 310; they consider justice
as a way of doing things, and not so much as an idea or an ideal.
% John Rawls, Theory of Justice (1972) at pp. 1, 303.
% Roger Cotterrell, “Why Must Ideas be Interpreted Sociologically?” 25 Journal of
Law and Society 171 extracted in MDA Freeman, supra, n. 74 at p. 756
% Julius Stone, Social Dimension of Law and Justice (Maitland Publications, Sydney
1966) at p. 551. See also, Julius Stone, Human Law and Human Justice (Maitlan
Publications, Sydney 1965); throughout both the works Stone considers law and
as not timeless concepts but they were developing ideals forged in concrete
internal conflict, differing social perceptio ns
circumstances, admitting of struggle,
and human interests from one generation to another.
pp. 1-2.
K. Subba Rao, Social Justice in India (National, Delhi 1974) at
24 Law and Social Transformation
OO oe E
a simple or single idea of a society but is an essential part of
social change to relieve the poor etc. from handicaps, penury to
off distress and to make their life livable, for greater good of the societ
at large. In other words, the aim of social justice is to attain substa
degree of social, economic and political equality, which is the legitimate
expectation and constitutional goal. In a developing society like ours,
steeped with unbridgeable and ever widening gaps of inequality in sta-
tus and of opportunity, law is a catalyst, rubicon to the poor etc. to reach
the ladder of social justice.”
It is considered as consisting of diverse principles essential for the
orderly growth and development of personality of every citizen.
Special privileges and advantages to vulnerable sections of society so
that they can have better access to good things of life constitute the
strategy of social justice. Since social justice is part of the scheme of
justice itself, such special measures shall neither be disproportionate
nor arbitrary. Born in necessity, its scope ought to be limited by neces-
sity itself. As observed by the Supreme Court in M. Nagaraj, “Social
justice is concerned with the distribution of benefits and burdens. The
basis of distribution is the area of conflict between rights, needs and
means. These three criteria can be put under two concepts of equality,
namely, “formal equality” and “proportional equality”. Formal equal-
ity means that law treats everyone equal. Concept of egalitarian equal-
ity is the concept of propo**ional equality and it expects the States to
take affirmative action in favour of disadvantaged sections of society
within the framework of democratic polity.”"”
Air India Statutory Corpn. v. United Labour Union, (1997) 9 SCC 377: AIR 1997
*” M. Nagarajv. Union of India, (2006) 8 SCC 212: AIR 2007 SC 71; also see,
P. Ishwara
Bhat, Fundamental Rights: A Study of their Interrelationship (Eastern
2004) see, Ch. 6. p (Eastern L Law House, Kolkata
Theoretic models on social transformation
1.6.1 Consensus model _
V ary theory, which reflects one type of consensus model, pro-
pounds that human society has gradually evolved from simple, homog-
enous, agrarian and traditional societyto a complex sophisticated and
technological society owing to mental and material development and
due to emergence of new values.® Auguste Comte traced the road to
perfect society through the historical phases of theological, metaphysi-
cal and positive developments.” Herbert Spencer, following Charles
Darwin, considered that steady accumulation of new propensities and
capacities to meet the social challenges brought natural and Thevitable
progress towards a desirable and just form of society. Group soli-
darity and overall community participation provided thrust to guided
social changes, they believed.
The structural functional theory, which is another form of consen-
sus model, takes a holistic look to the structure and functioning of the
society. The components of the social structure like family, govern-
ment, economic system, religion and education are closely intercon-
nected like the components of biological organism. Integration of soci-
ety through the principle of division of labour and mutual dependence
contributed to the maintenance of social life (Emile Durkheim).’”
_Malinowski took a functional view of culture by pointing out that
every_civilisation, every custom, material object, idea and belief ful-
filled_some vital function représenting indispensable part_of the
whole.” Cause and effect relationship int Ci ompels
the social
system to Keep a state of dynamic equilibrium through adjustment of
forces. Change is a process of adaptation to the circumstances
challenges, both within and without, but carried _on_through integra-
“tion of shared values. Thus stability and change act as complements to
each other. Talcot Parson viewed social change as a boundary breaking
_ %® Kuppuswamy, Social Change in India (5th Edn., Konark Publishers, New Delhi
1993) at p. 20; see also, Robert Meagher, Law and Social Change in Indo-American Reflections
(N.M. Tripathi, Bombay 1988) at p. 2.
% W. Friedmann, Legal Theory at p. 228-29; Steven Vago, Law and Society (3rd Edn.,
Prentice Hall, Eaglewood Cliffs, New Jercey 1991) at pp. 37-38.
1 [bid, at p. 226. “What is accumulated experience in one generation becomes
instinct born in the next one. Morality, duty, justice thus become instincts based on
the experience which has taught a previous generation the most useful way of life, in
the sense that it has enabled it to survive.” This grandly relies on the balance between
continuity and change.
11 [bid, at p. 229; see also, Steven Vago, supra, n.54 at pp. 38-39.
2 Malinowski, Crime and Custom in Savage Society (1926) cited in Julius Stone,
; . .
Province and Function of Law, at p. 716.
social motion that bring
3 Thering refers to altruistic and moral levers of
n. 94 at pp. 304-07, W.
equilibrium and advancement of society. Julius Stone, supra,
Friedmann, Legal Theory at p. 323.
26 Law and Social Transformation
and equilibrium restoration process in response to external forces like
technological and demographic changes, wars, cultural invasions
(including international economic challenges) and in response to inter-
nal factors of strain and disequilibria (like class conflicts, dominance,
and exploitation of weaker sections).'
When Mr Justice O.W. Holmes propounded that law should always
lag behind social development or public opinion, he meant that legal
‘changes should follow experiences ofthe community, and.that societal
the basis for change in law. He observed:
consensus shall be
“The actual life of the law has not been logic; it has been experience.
The felt necessities of the time, the prevalent moral and political theories,
intuitions of public policy, avowed or unconscious, even the prejudices
which judges share with their fellowmen, have had a good dea! more to
do than the syllogism in determining the rules by which law shall be
Thus, public opinion gives solutions to legal problems in democracy.
AN. Dicey traces the growth of statutory law-making and legal system
in terms of the increasing articulateness and power of public opin-
ion.’ But the social consensus that law follows in the Indian society, as
Justice M.N. Venkatachaliah observes, is notoriously behind the time.
He views, “This traditional process of evolution of legal regulation of
the social fall out of the ills of modernism are wholly inadequate.”"”
the rigour of the action plan, there may be different approaches within
these categories also. The concept of empowerment lays new emphasis
to the building of economic and social capabilities among individu-
als, classes and communities." It may be invoked in any context of
access to human rights, basic needs, economic security, capacity build-
ing, skill formation or the conditions of a dignified social existence. As
Andre Beteille points out, “Empowerment is both a means to an end
and an end in itself."
Sociologically, power is the chance of a man or a number of men to
realise their own will in a social action even against the resistance of
others who are participating in the action.’ Legally, it is the capacity to
alter the legal relations. It.has the facets of subjection, coercion, domi-
nation and manipulation."” In a hierarchic society, where social power
is unequally distributed, empowerment levels down the powerful and
emboldens the powerless. As Andre Beteille views, “The power of one
party can be enhanced only by reducing the power of some other party.
In other words, empowerment and disempowerment go hand in hand:
the empowerment of some section of society has to be accompanied
by the disempowerment of other sections of it.”""* As an alternative to
this zero-sum conception, Talcott Parsons regards power as a resource
of the community as a whole, which it may use more or less effectively
in the attainment of its goals.” Like wealth, it may be augmented by
human endeavour and ach’evement through simultaneous expansion
of the rights of citizenship and the capacities of institutions. Power has
dual nature: it is a prime mover of social and national progress, and is
a source of corruption and misuse. While product of the former is to
be socially redistributed, the occurrence of the latter shall be checked
and remedied by the rule of law regime. By ensuring that quota-based
policy of empowerment does not eat up the general provision of equal-
ity of opportunity, its corruptive influence can be checked.
see Beteille, Antinomies of Society (Oxford University Press, New Delhi 2000)
at p. 269.
15 Tbid, at p. 268.
ae Weber, Economy and Society (University of California Press,
Berkeley 1978)
at p. ;
"7 E. Shils, Centre and Periphery (University of Chicago Press, Chicago
1975) at
pp. 239-48.
8 Andre Beteille, supra, n. 114 at p. 273.
Parsons, ‘Lalcott, “On the Concept of Political Power” (1963) 107 Proceed
ings of
the American Philosophical Society.
Application of the models in the legal realm 29
126 Bentham, An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation (Ed.), Burnst
and Hart at p. 1. ;
27 The top-down or instrumentalist approach involves rules from the upper
echelons of government being imposed through the intermediary of bureaucracy.
Roscoe Pound, Social
128 Roscoe Pound, Interpretations of Legal History, at p. 156,
Dias, Jurisprudence at
Control through Law, at p. 65; Jurisprudence, Vol. III at p. 15; RWM
. 430-36.
Calcutta 1958)
_ Roscoe Pound, The Ideal Element in Law (University of Calcutta,
at p. 282.
32 Law and Social Transformation
win hearts of the majority and thereby create a conducive public
ion not only for its favour but also for future reforms. Dicean idea
law creates law-creating opinion is well demonstrated in the series
social reform and economic reform legislation. Having tasted the good
of a reformative law, people yearn for more reforms, proving a proverb,
hunger grows on little feeding. More the reforms, more the reforma-
tive law and vice versa. For this to happen, law should represent the
goal of social justice. Both in the consensus and conflict models law
emerges as a resultant equilibrium either by appropriate response to
challenges or by annihilation of surmountable difficulty. In the con-
sensus model there is apparent compromise where parties stand on
win-win situation whereas the tug of war in conflict model may be
producing a zero-sum game. Between the two there can be a middle
level model, which uses strong features of both the models and coun-
terbalances their weaknesses. In fact, the¢Nehruvi odel emerged
in India represents such a position with slight tilt in favour of activist
\ ha “Ge y y. af
'8¢ Jawaharlal Nehru’s speech in Delhi Conference of International Jurists 1951; see
also, P.N. Bhagwati, Law, Freedom and Social Change (Bangalore University, Bangalore
1979) at p. 7.
''” Evyatar Levine, Legal Justice and Social Change (Robin Mars Ltd., Jerusalem 1990)
at pp. 201, 206.
J.S. Mill, Utilitarianism, Liberty and Representative Government (Everyman’s
Library, London 1964) cited by Bhikhu Parekh, Rethinking Multiculturalism (Palgrave,
Macmillan, New York 2006) at p. 45.
— To make land ready by de-weeding, tilling and manuring; to choose appropriate
sapling and planting with suitable distancing; to constantly nourish by watering and
organic farming; and to protect the plant from pests and diseases. Sometimes “nose-
leading the society” is the expression used.
"MN. Krishna Rao, The Growth of Indian Liberalism in the Nineteenth Century (H.
Venkatramiah & Sons, Mysore 1951) at p. 209.
Interactions between law and social transformation
A holistic approach combining the advantages and imperatives of con-
sensus and conflict model to suit the solution of a specific problematic
situation, and proper mixing of participative and command/control
technique can emerge as an optimistic and dependable paradigm. This
paradigm confers an activist role to the state and society: to educate
(create public opinion), to legislate and to enforce. Nehruvian model,
largely concurs with this paradigm.
ogSia inoo
1971) at p. 62.
141K, Subba Rao, Man and Society (Bangalore University, Bangalore
42° Tbid.
36 Law and Social Transformation
162 Werner Menski,.Hindu. Law (Oxford University Press, New Delhi 2003) at p. 6.
ivism to Post-Modernism
13°A Lakshminath, “Criminal Justice in India: Primit
(2006) 48 JILI 26.
'4 bid, at p. 9.
and Morali ty”, at p. 291; AW.
165 For a discussion see, Jerome E. Bickenbach, “Law
of Morality” at pp. 301-08 , Law and Philosophy
Cragg, “Violence, Law, and the Limits
ted in John Arthur, Morality and Moral
elation Nicomachean Ethics, Book I extrac
1999) at p. 12.
Controversies (5th Edn., Prentice Hall, New Jersey
44 Law and Social Transformation
iia En NESSIE SL ol SS ne ea
principles.” Morality as a sense of right conduct arises from PIS
“ence to social uti ng! manly accepted indi-
population inasmuch as our materialistic resources are limited and the claimants are
many. The concept of sustainable development which emerges as a fundamental duty
from the several clauses of Art. 51-A too dictates the expansion of population
kept within reasonable bounds.”
at pp. 442-
"5 Motilal Padampat Sugar Mills Co. Ltd. v. State of U.P, (1979) 2 SCC 409
1X%6 Steven Vago, Law and Society, at p. 225.
187 AR. Blackshield, supra, n. 1 at p. 22.
48 Law and Social Transformation
ie pe ee ne
'"” Mathew Arnold, Culture and Anarchy, J. Dover Wilson (Ed.) (Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge 1971) at pp. 44-53.
"Mathew Arnold, Literature and Dogma (Preface) cited by V.K. Gokak, India and
World Culture (Sahitya Academy, New Delhi 1994) at p. 9.
'® Harijan, 8-12-1936; Hindu Dharma, Ch. 21 at p. 30.
S. Radhakrishnan, Living with a Purpose (Orient Paperback 1985) at p. 108; Our
Heritage (Orient Paperback 1985) at pp. 28-29; Pandit Nilakantha Das, Indian Learning
and Culture (Orissa Sahitya Academy 1993) at p. 125. ;
*! Veena Das, “Cultural Rights and the Definition of Community” in Oliver
Mendelsohn and Upendra Baxi, The Rights of Subordinated Peoples (Oxford University
Press, New De‘hi 1996) at pp. 117, 122.
2 Edward W. Said, The World, the Text and the Critic (Faber, London 1983) at p. 10.
\ i et a
fi 3 y vay i .
Ue os ae ‘74a
aD i
aaa . r 7 o : Pr ERR wre
groups ofpeople in course of time with different aesthetic attainments
and outlooks. Compositenessof culture was accompanied by a strong
tradition of tolerance andcoexistence. Jawaharlal Nehru viewed:
“Old established _traditi be’ easily scrapped or dispensed
with;in moments
of crisis they.rise.and dominate
the minds of men, and
offen, as we have seen, a deliberate attempt is made touse those tradi-
tions to rouse a people
to a high pitch of effort. and sacrifice, Traditions
have to accepted
be tolarge
a extent and adopted and transformed to
meet new conditions and ways of thought, and at the same time new
traditions have to be built up’> Rett cttiots.
It is this interaction between culture and law that makes historical
discourse relevant in legal analysis. While rational spirit of inquiry
shal! be carried on to question the accumulated decrepit of the past
in order to avoid sluggishness of the cultural stream, parts of the old
worth to be preserved shall be harmonised with the driving force of
the new age. Every generation of humanity feeds its own new morsel
of thought and action to the social body to ensure its vitality.
at pp. 339-40.
23 Robert Unger, Knowledge and Politics (Free Press, New York 1985) cd
24 Veena Das, supra, n. 201 at p. 123. ;
25 Cited in Jawaharlal Nehru, Discovery of India (JNM Fund and Oxford, Vpiversity
a ae See
Press, New Delhi 9th impression 1989) at p. 36.
6 Ibi p. 53.
52 Law and Social Transformation
*” Yogendra Singh, Culture Change in India (Rawat Publications, New Delhi 2000)
at p. 25.
8 Ibid, at pp. 108-11.
* Lawrence Friedmann, “The Place of Legal Culture in the Sociology of Law” in
Michael Freemann, Law and Sociology (Oxford University Press, Oxford 2006) at pp. 185,
191.”Societies like to think of themselves as unique, as having some sort of core that
sets them apart from everybody else; ‘culture’ is thus a kind of thick coat of armour
or protective skin.”
* Bhikhu Parekh, Rethinking Multiculturalism (2nd Edn., Palgrave Macmillan, New
York 2006) at pp. 152-53.
*"' For a distinct proposition see, S.C Das, who said in (1948) 7 CAD at p. 571 “Culture
is a gift of history. India is an ancient country; consequently no new culture
can be
imposed on it... Ours is a culture that has gradually developed with our long
OSS ea of culture
and competence for authoring transformation
a oat eal AA a al 53
Because of the intensive human actions involved in the working
of culture, mutual influence between culture and society, with scope
for social change and for interaction of human rights, is paradigm
like. Since culture is community-made, in tradition-bound society, its
impact is immense. Culture’s anchoring in folk psychology, level of
group conscience and the extent of creative leadership—either of cul-
tural agents or of political persons—are the factors that substantively
decide the phase, extent and direction of change in culture. Even in
communist countries like China it is recognised that the power of
cultures is deeply rooted in the vitality, creativity and cohesion of-a
nation; that culture is interactive with economic and political activi-
ties; and that its status and functions are becoming more and more
outstanding in the competition in overall national strength.*”
From the above analysis it follows that culture has a very wide can-
vas touching upon substantive area of human capacities, qualities and
actions;that itis not stagnant, but is prone to refinement or.degradation
depending upon the direction of force of. change;.and that its rooted-
ness in society gives rise to two power centres, state and community-
for its conservation and refinement. Owing tothe vast zone of human
activity influenced and even monitored by culture, various dimen-
sionsof human rights and collective rights get entangled in cultural
process or when culture is at work. Most prominent among them are
religious freedoms, language rights and ethnicortribal rights since
religion, language and ethnicity constitute major constructs of culture.
loons freedom, both individual and denominational, enables con-
tinuance of religious traditions, beliefs and activities, which form an
important part of culture. The morals, customs and laws relating to
family, because of their historical genesis in socio-religious factors or
communitarian factors, are sometimes projected as outcomes of dis-
law can
tinct culture of the community. M.C. Setalvad views, “Positive
truly be.
thus born out of and an integral part of theculture
of man. There be no antithesis between law and culture and
can thus
Law cannot
their inter-relation must necessarily be close and intimate.
ofsociety which itis designedto
be oblivious of the accepted notions
serve. 233 Sie
Wie ee ene Trick
—Law is part of a nation’s culture, being product of group conscience
and group activity. Bornin commonly accepted moral principles, partly
influenced by enduring metaphysical principles of religion and grown
in the warmth of ethical considerations of coexistence and welfare of
all, law mirrors culture of the community. Historical school of legal
thought ridiculed deducing of Constitution and laws from abstract
212. Bhikhu Parekh, supra, n. 210, at pp. 74-75.
213. MC. Setalvad, supra, n. 155 at p. 84.
54 Law and Socjal Transformation
“4 W. Friedmann, Legal Theory (5th Edn., Universal, New Delhi 1960, rept. 2003) at
pp. 210-11.
*!° Ibid, at p. 213 citing Hegel.
- Donald, J.'Black, The Behaviour of Law (Academic Press, London 1976)
at p. 63.
'” S.K. Ramachandra Rao, Indian Cultural Heritage (Bhojasmriti, Bangalore
2003) at
Concept of culture and competence for authoring transformation 55
acts by just law were prescribed as paths of good conduct (trivarga
principle). Unlike the western and modern thinking, the legal system
was embedded in basic rule that required performance of each one’s
duties towards others and to the society at large. In fact, basing human
actions in duties and other—regarding considerations builds up a
strong system sensitive to social welfare and practicing tolerance.?®
Social solidarity, which Duguit thought of in modern times,’ was
prevalent there and it thrived through social cohesion and harmony.
The idea that there is no right except the one to perform one’s duty was
well propounded and emphasised in ancient Indian thinking. It was a
culture based neither on individual rights, nor on power relations but
on community’s conscious insight for well being of all. As Rigveda
Samhita said, “May our resolutions be the same, may our hearts be
united, may our minds think alike, so that we may all live here well
and together.” Withdrawal from passionate interests in worldly affairs
formed the essence of religious approaches and constituted spiritual
orientation of Indian culture. Buddha and Ashoka preached morals
for virtuous life as a model of social culture. In such society, peo-
ple were not idle recipients of legal norms given from the above; but
were active cultivators of sound usages to concretise them into bind-
ing principles.”° Smriti writers had to respond to the vedic visions of
humanism and fraternity and to the social aspirations as developed in
customs. The inputs of justice and good conduct (sadachara) inherent
in religious culture took the discourse on human welfare far ahead
of pedantic inquiry on movement from status to contract, exhibiting
profound strength for internal rectification." With a sound notion of
virtuous law, mechanism for its effectuation was given ample consid-
eration. Law was regarded as the king of kings, and touchstone for
valid actions.”
Sir Henry Maine regarded that in progressive societies, legal sys-
tems were propelled by desire to improve and develop and go beyond
the phase of code through creative techniques of legal adaptations,
whereas in custom ridden and status bound societies fixed legal condi-
tion dominated by family dependency narrowed the scope of growth
of individual members.?2 In Ancient India, according to him, the dom-
p. 12; see also, Sisir Kumar Mitra, The Vision of India (Jaico Books, Bombay 1949).
218 Thid, at p. 23.
219 W. Friedmann, Legal Theory, at p. 232.
20 Sisir Kumar Mitra, Evolution of India Its Meaning (Jaico Books, Bombay 1968)
pp. 62-63.
2 See tifra, Cn. 2.
22 Brihadaranyakopanishat, I-1-14
W. Friedmann, Legal
23 Sir Henry Maine, Ancient Law (Ed_), Pollock (1906) at p. 22;
Theory, at pp. 215-17.
a nae
Law and Social Transforma
1 For the proposition that equality principle gains central place in this task, see,
CharlesR. Lawrence, “Race, Multiculturalism and the Jurisprudence of Transformation”
(1995) Stanford L. Rev. 47 at p. 819.
282 Gurpreet Mahajan, “Indian Exceptionalism or Indian Model: Negotiating
Cultural Diversity and Minority Rights in a Democratic Nation-State” in Will
Kymlicka and Baogang He (Eds.), Multiculturalism in Asia (Oxford University Press,
New York 2005) at p. 288-13; see also, I larihar Bhattacharya, “Forms of Multicultu ralism
and Identity Issues in India” in Canadian Diversity (2005) 4:1 at p. 46; see also, P. Ishwara
Bhat, “Multicultural Federalism in India: Values, Trends and Strategies” (2001) Kerala
University Journal of Legal Studies 23.
233 Shashi Taroor, “Chasing a Dream’, Times of India, 12-12-2006.
24 Bhikhu Parekh, supra, n. 210, at pp. 19-33.
35 Ibid, at pp. 37-39.
236 Thid, at p. 46. waned ie
2” Extensive killing of Jews, superio
Watt, History of World in the Twentieth century (1967) at
and purityof Aryan race..Caer D.C.
al Pluralism in the Global
pp. 525-26; Torture ofa Origines in Australia, S.C. Dube, “Cultur
60 Law and Social Transformation
of cultural plural-
In contrast, the inescapability and desirability
ism were emphasised by Vico, Montesquiew-and Herder.*® According
to théf"Var human societies emerged as products of varying
self-understanding phenomena. Harmony between reason and reli-
gion realised human potentiality, and ensured both stability and vir-
tue. Ample scope for social diversity conceptualised good life lived
in different and worthy ways. All cultures"were Unique expressions
of human spit and TeeTowers iT ie-garder, “beautifally-comple-
ment other, adding to the richness of the world. Each became
valuable and worth-ch éfis
because eachhing
Contributed a distinct
tune to the universal symphony.
Modern political thinkers like Rawls, Raz and Kymlicka appreci-
ate both shared human nature and cultural embeddedness of human
beings and use the concepts like justice, morality and liberty to rec-
ognise and respect diversity. According to Rawls political liberalism
could provide a sound basis for just polity by accommodating differ-
ent doctrines of the good. The spirit of tolerance, stopping of conflicts,
avoidance of contentious issues of a moral kind and maintenance of
peace and order supported the values and sentiments on justice and
vice versa.” The question of justice could never be raised and set-
tled in cultural vacuum. Viewing that human well-being is socially
structured, Joseph Raz recognises the functions of culture in ena-
bling the people to make intelligent choices, espouse common identi-
ties and share social relations.¥° He favoured the balancing between
autonomy and freedom, which are the two basic functions of culture.
According to Will Kymlicka culture is a condition for the development
of autonomy. He argued that national minorities should have a right to
maintain themselves as distinct cultural units, enjoy self-government
and formulate their own cultural, language and land policies.*4* The
minorities were also bound to ensure basic civil and political liber-
ties within the community. It is the presence of common desideratum
of these values amidst different cultural communities that promote
mutual respect.
Inferring from study of human nature, Bhikhu Parekh regards that
human beings are culturally embedded in the sense that they are born
Context” in A.R. Momin (Ed.), The Legacy of G.S. Ghurye (1996) at pp. 97-98; Christian
crusade against the Muslims Will Durant, The Age of Faith (1950) at pp. 589-15 ethnic
clashes in Sri Lanka and Rwanda in 1990s are examples of intolerant approach.
** Bhikhu Parekh, Rethinking Multiculturalism (2nd Edn., Palgrave Macmillan, New
York 2006) at pp. 50-72.
® Ibid, at pp. 84-85; John Rawls, Political Liberalism (1993), at pp. 64, 177, 199.
* Joesph Raz, The Morality of Freedom (1986), at pp. 360-75; Bhikhu Parekh, at
pp: 91-95.
1 Will Kymiicka, Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights (1995)
at pp. 84-01; Bhikhu Parekh, supra, n. 238 at pp. 99-05. Tox
Multiculturalism and social transformation 61
into, raised in and deeply shaped. by.their cultural communities. As
heirs to
o different, traditions, human. beings think and dream differ-
ently and apply the capacities for creativity to build cultures of diverse
nature. “Far from bein urce of puzzle, cultural
is anof-h
. _existence.”“” While cultural
communities thrive through common bonds and loyalty of members
to culture, fairness in intra-group relations adds to the growth of cul-
ture. Equally important is the scope for inter-cultural tolerance and
interactions. Without creating conditions conducive for respecting
the differences and nurturing the minority self-confidence, cultural
diversity will not flourish. Further, it is through inter-cultural interac-
tion that different cultures correct and complement each other, expand
each other’s horizon.of.thought and alert.each other to new forms of
human fulfilment? According to Amartya Sen, multiculturalism not
only concentrates on the diversity as a value in itself, but also focuses
on the freedom of reasoning and decision making, and celebrates cul-
tural diversity in free atmosphere.** Thus, cultural diversity, with its
component of freedom and aspiration for welfare, has a prominent
role to play in the context of social transformation.
Rajeev Bhargava analyses multicultural framework from the angle
of balancing between identity consciousness and social solidarity.”
Identity arises from _sameness.of.relevant.features..within.a.commu-
nity with common beliefs, desires and media. It is linkedto collec-
tive goalofthe “community. But hardening of identities and closureof
communities. invariably generate.communal.exclusion. Eurther, aim-
ing at cultural pparticularity, the aggregative power ofthe community
may overpower1individual. freedom.* These are problematic devel-
opments arising from ignoring
i the imperatives of justice and liberty.
According to Bhargava, an appropriate framework of multiculturalism
should avoid not only particularised hierarchy that allows dominant
community to dictate upon the subordinate one and universalistic
equality that denies significance of cultural differences, but also cher-
ish epalitatien—likerasnae 47 This model projects equal recognition
of cultural groups along ing | Tequirements of basic indi-
vidualliberties. This is in contrast to egalitarian—authoritarian model,
oP ere
which treats all cultural groups including those that violate freedoms
*° Robert Meagher and David Silverstein, “Law and Social Change” in Robert
Meagher (Ed.), Law and Social Change: Indo-American Reflections (N.M. Tripathi, Bombay
1988) at pp. 1, 22.
°° Trubek and Marc Galanter; see, Robert Meagher supra, n. 259 at pp. 16-17.
1 Robert Meagher supra, n. 259 at p. 17-19.
fee W.M. Evan, “Law as Instrument of Social Change”, in Gouldner and Miller,
Applied Sociology: Opportunities and Problems (1965) at p. 2891; Robert F. Meagher and
David Siverstein, Law and Social Change (1988) at pp. 22-24.
Law and development 65
ee We ee
In fact, “law and development” is a distinct field of scholarship
that witnessed some intellectual inputs in 1960s in the United States.
It starts with a notion that if properly planned and managed, society
would be moving towards a better state of earthly affairs or continu-
ous improvement in social condition. J.-H. Merryman views that law
reforms of lesser type like “tinkering’—occasional improvements to
improve efficiency—and “following”, which involves adjustment of
the system to suit the changed social circumstances bring only mar-
ginal changes. But, ““Leading’ law reform, on the contrary, uses law
to change society.” He refers to the US constitutional development,
post-revolution reforms in France and the 19th century reforms in
England as examples of enormous development through “leading”
law reform. During the early colonial period, the principal objective
of the colonial administration was exploitation whereas in 19th cen-
tury, some focus was laid on colonial development. An advantageous
posture of “leading” reform became a feature of decolorised states in
2oth century. Development discourse is still relevant now as a part of
law-social change topic, although there is decline in its popularity.
India has followed a top down and centralised model of economic
development and dispensation of justice. The decision making is han-
dled by techno-managerial actors and self-centered professionals rather
than by community’s involvement. According to Rajni Kothari this has
resulted in a highly iniquitous social order that has built into its oper-
ating structure a large measure of social oppression, vindictiveness,
brutalisation and humiliation.”** Upendra Baxi finds in development
discourse, the issues relating to planned social change: Development
of what? By whom? In what way? Towards which direction? Within
what time framework? In which space? Whether promotes justice,
good governance and appropriate technology?” Taking clue from UN
Declaration of Right to Development he points out collective responsi-
bilities of community of states to cooperate in removal of obstacles to
development, elimination of violation of human rights, and promotion
of respect for human rights as agenda of development.* Gandhiji's
concept of swaraj sends the message of holistic and comprehensive
263 JH, Merryman, “Comparative Law and Social Change” (1977) Am. J. Comp. L.
; i. sy
457 at pp. 483.
in India: Crisis and Opportun ities
264 Rajni Kothari, Democratic Polity and Social Change
(Allied Publishers, Bombay 1976) at pp. 34-35.
Press, New
26 Upendra Baxi, Human Rights in a Posthuman World (Oxford University
Delhi 2007) at pp. 79-92.
2 Ibid, at p. 140.
267 See infra, Ch. 3.
66 Law and Sotial Transformati on
a es emcee nar cr enc in
* Ronald Coase, “The Problem of Social Costs” (1960) 3 Journal of Law and
Economics 433 at p. 476; Ronald Coase, The Firm, the Market and the Law (IL Chicago
Press, Chicago 1988); see also, Antonio Nicita and Ernesto Savaglio, “Minimal liberty
and the ‘Coasean Liberal’: Boundaries and Complementarities Between State and
Market” in Fabrizio Cafaggi (Ed.), Legal Orderings and Economic Institutions (Routlege /
London 2007) at p. 118.
*® Antonio Nicita and Ernesto Savaglio, supra, n. 268 at p. 130.
* Amartya Sen, “The Impossibility of Paretian Liberal” (1970) 78 Journal of
Political Economy 152 at p. 157; Amartya Sen, Choice, Welfare and Measurement (Basil
Blackwell, Oxford 1982).
nomics, which is the science of the consequences of human behaviour.
According to him, economic analyses of laws operating upon women,
minorities, political radicals in addition to those upon business com-
munity and citizens at large provide internal perspective of the legal
profession to solve the practical problems of law2’! Looking from these
perspectives, because of the conflicts amidst various interests and val-
ues and the need for balancing them, making of law has also become
a kind of investment.
Fransisco Parisi and Nita Ghei adopt investment approach to law-
making.” According to them, old laws often become ineffective, irrel-
evant and cumbersome in the course of bringing efficient transaction
in new environment. For example, feudal restraint on alienability
of land became a constraint to industrial revolution, and had to be
abandoned to spur economic progress. Law becomes an instrument of
investment for better world. They draw similarity between law-mak-
ing and investment decisions in the matter of uncertainty over future
benefits, costs involved in complying with law or investment require-
ments, and choice of the timing of the legal intervention or investment.
Lawmakers ought to weigh the benefits of waiting for new informa-
tion against the cost of postponing law-making. A new legal inter-
vention in the form of environmental law that requires incurrence of
financial cost can hardly be postponed in view of social costs arising
from global warming. Similarly, postponement of passing a media law
on internet pornography may greatly damage social morality. Thus,
some of the waiting costs are social costs too. Similarly, hurried legal
intervention without full information about all pros and cons and
without foresight of consequences, for example, the Special Economic
Zone law, may be costing the society heavily in the long run. Parisi
and Ghei observe, “Legal innovation should be carried out only when
the expected value of law-making exceeds the law-making costs by
an amount equal to the value of keeping the law-making option alive.
In the presence of uncertainty, this result modifies considerably the
traditional results of the net present value rule, which would suggest
proceeding with legal innovation any time the expected present value
of law-making exceeds the expected costs of law-making.”*? The value
of waiting is to be assessed vis-a-vis cost of waiting. The boundaries
and complementarities between the market and state—freedom of
business, trade and commerce vis-a-vis state’s regulatory regime in
271 Richard Posner, Frontiers of Legal Theory (Universal Law Publishing Co., New
Delhi 2001, 2006) at pp. 2-4; Richard Posner, Economic Analysis of Law (1998).
w: An
22 Fransisco Parisi and Nita Ghei, “Legislate Today or Wait until Tomorro
268 at p. 85.
Investment Approach Law-making” in Fabrizio Cafaggi (Ed.), supra, n.
273 [bid, at p. 88.
68 Law and Social Transform ation
i c
en en ee RE EE
the interest of public—also operate as factors influencing development
and social transformation.
274 See, for discussion, Sir John Laws, Law and Democracy, Public Law (2000)
at Dive.
7° Roberto Gargeralla, “Theories of Democracy, the Judiciary and Social Rights” in
Roberto Gargarella, Pilar Domingo and Theunis Roux, Courts and Social Transform
in New Democracies (Ashgate, Hampshire 2006) at p. 12.
7° W. Friedmann, Legal Theory, at pp. 398-99.
”” People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) v. Union of India, (2003) 4 SCC 399; Union of
India v. Assn. for Democratic Reforms, (2002) 5 SCC 294; Indira Nehru Gandhi v.
Raj Narain,
Democracy and social transformation
r A aS e IEE r 69
Indian democracy’s commitment to human rights and welfare, as
ordained in the Constitution, is supported by progressive legislation
and bold judicial pronouncements. Not only the content of each fun-
damental right got expanded through activist judicial interpretation,
but also their subjection to reasonable restrictions assisted the welfare
policies. Newly emerged positive rights became instrumental in real-
ising the objectives of welfare. Rule of law got new colour and con-
tent by superimposition upon the traditional Dicean concept of formal
equality, the new principle of substantive equality and concept of wel-
fare rights laid down in detail in Delhi Declaration. Rule of law was
expected to represent rule of life by promoting substantive principles
such as equitable access to basic necessities of life.?”8 The traditional
notion that rule of law is opposed to conferment of discretion and dis-
allows state interferences that disturb the legitimate expectations has
undergone change to accommodate the demands of modern adminis-
trative state and the imperatives of economic planning. New remedies
like compensation, directions, and injunctions supplemented the proc-
ess of change. Egalitarian ideology has played an influential part in
inspiring and managing social change in whole of this development
as elsewhere.
While rule of law has responded to the vast expansion of governmen-
tal functions, minimum principles of social justice have become part of
the established philosophy in all civilised countries. Expansion of the
role of state as Protector, as Dispenser of social services, as Industrial
Manager, as Economic Controller and as Arbitrator is responded by
rule of law through building up of some cogent and seminal principles
of administrative law. W. Friedmann observes, “The gradual extension
of the idea of equality from the political to the social and economic
field has added the problems of social security and economic planning.
The implementation and harmonisation of these principles has been
and continues to be the main problem of democracy.”””? In India, the
Directive Principles of State Policy have tried to elaborate and stream-
line the revolutionary agenda of equality towards welfare of all.
Modern democracies also face the problem of bringing changes in
the texture and pattern of social morality especially when such change
is inspired by the human rights, values but, opposes traditional mores.
Legal reform of Section 377 of Indian Penal Code involved such prob-
lem. The Indian Penal Code was influenced by the prevailing socio-
cultural values and beliefs and moral ethos as perceived by the British
1.17. Conclusion
The complex question about relationship between law and social
transformation can be analys+d by understanding the purpose of law,
realm of its governance and nature of society. Societal and institutional
effort of building a just social order has poured input for desirable
changes. Society’s features of continuity and its sensitivity to change
have impact upon its normative instruments like law, morality and
culture. The balance between continuity and change is a key process
contributed by joint participation of state and society. Compared to
the models of consensus and conflict, the integrated model of social
change is comprehensive, and avoids the defects of the both. In the
context of cultural diversity, faults of tradition, economic exploitations
and prevalence of vivid socio-economic backwardness, the corrective
and transformative role of equality and justice is both exponential and
multidimensional. Participative democracy and planned development
also add to the measures of integrated model.
*” KI. Vibhute, “Consensual Homosexuality and the Indian Penal Code: Some
Reflections on Interplay of Law and Morality” (2009) 51 JILI 3.
8! Times of India, 3-7-2009.
: Upendra Baxi distinguishes social history of Indian law from legal history, and
considers the former as indispensable for the maturation of concern with sociology of
law in India. See, Upendra Baxi, Toward a Sociology of Law (Satavahana, Delhi 1986) at
p. 20.
* PN. Sen, General Principles of Hindu Law (Allahabad Law Agency, Delhi 1984) at
pp. 342-44.
* J.D.M. Derrett, Religion, Law and the State in India (Faber & Faber, London 1968)
at p. 97; see also, Werner Menski, Hindu Law Beyond Tradition and Modernity (Oxford
University Press, New Delhi 2003) at p. 78.
* PV. Kane, History of Dharmashastra, Vol. II (2nd Edn., Bhandarkar Oriental
Law and social transformation in ancient India 73
ee Cl
Vedas and those approved by the conscience of the virtuous who were
exempt from hatred and inordinate affection. Ifemphasised rule of
The Upanishad stated, “There is nothing higher
than dharma. Even a weak man hopes to prevail over a very strong
apy es eeEivet dnaouy wisvadhe prevails coset over a wrongdoer
with the help of the King.” |Emerging from social consensus rather
than from superior authority that laid down the law, it involved every
Hindu in a continuous process of harmonising individual expectations
with the concern for the common good.® In brief, it formed a device of
self-controlled ordering, as Menskiputsit. ~ = —==
aw’s growth with thegrowth of community’s culture became clear
along with recognition of fourfold source oflaw:dharma (righteousness),
vyavahara (practice), charitra (usage) and rajasasana (royal edict)—each
ofthe latter to prevail over the earlier ones? But in practice, royal edict
used to reflect reason or equity and outlook of the community rather
than merely transmitting the command of the sovereign head. Dharma
in the sense of unseen justice or divine intervention determined rela-
tive appropriateness of the source of law. Good customs «or sadachara
were elevated to the positionof enforceable charitra.* It should be seen
that the oughtness beneath a custom is not so much an intellectual
artefact but a real compulsive urge derived from the necessity of pre-
serving and developing a community life. Further, the rules of kula, jati,
sreni and puga or social and local groups and conventions (samaya) of
corporate units (samuha) were enforceable against the appropriate bod-
= ——,-. Se i i
4 Parasara, I-3.3. P.N. Sen, General Principles of Hindu Law (Allahabad Law Agency,
Delhi 1986) at p. 14.
'§ Chakravak parivartante sukhanika dukhanica cited in Aruna K. Sen, Status
Education and Problems ofIIndian Women (1989) at p. 13; “the uprise and downfall are
utsarpini and avasarpini.”
16 Manu, II-224; I1V-176; Yaj., I-115; Vatsayana, 1.2.7-15, M. Rama Jois, Legal and
Constitutional History of India, Vol. 1 (N.M. Tripathi, Bombay 1984) at pp. 6-7. Robert
Lingat, supra, n. 13 at p. 9.
” Ishavasya Upanishad, shloka 1; Bhagavadgita “Karmanye vadhikaraste ma phaleshu
kadachana...” II-47.
aS Bhagavan Das, Introduction The Cultural Heritage of India, Vol. IV
Mission, Calcutta 1937, 2001) at p. 14.
'"° Vasudaiva Kutumbakam.
2 Manu, VII-143-4; Sukraniti, I-27-28; Vasishta, IX-20.
as good by
21 Kautilya, at p. 39: whatever pleases the subjects shall be considered
the king.
76 Se and
Historical sociological discourse
ON pe wei hipeben engl PIV SE
should look after the welfare (yogakshema) of the helpless, the aged, the
blind, the cripple, the lunatics, widows, orphans, those suffering from
diseases and calamities, pregnant women by giving them food, lodg-
ing, clothing and medicines according to their needs.’” It is through
performance of positive duties that the King could become maker of
the age instead of allowing the age to make him King.” The corporate
or religious world had also shouldered the responsibility of filling the
gap by contributing through philanthropy and social action.*4
Various facets of justice have been identified in ancient India. That
truth goes hand in hand with justice is reflective of administration of
justice. “Satya is the speaking of truth while dharma is the observance
of truth in action.”*5 Dharma is the way of life which translates into
action the truth as perceived by man of insight and as expressed by
him truly.”° Viveka (reason) is the vehicle of justice as it makes use of
sense of proportion and policy of impartiality.”” Justice also consists in
performance of one’s own duty. As Bhagavadgita says, “Devoted each
to one’s own duty man attains perfection.”*. Theory of karma reflects
another facet of justice. By warning that “a man reaps as he sows” it
motivates to perform good karma, set off the bad one, and bring about
moral regeneration to upgrade status of one’s life.?? Karma, as a con-
cept of collective justice, exhorts for social ethics that binds the whole
community, as Tilak emphasised. Legal justice and justice as coordina-
tor of economic actions and desires for pleasure stress upon economic
justice and social welfare? Bodhisattva commits himself and the fol-
lowers to appease and assuage all the pains and sorrows of all the
living beings; to be a healing drug to the sick; to be allaying the pain
of hunger and thirst by showers of food and drink; to be protector of
the helpless and guide to the wayfarer; and to be a lamp in the dark-
ness." On the whoie, sublime thoughts about justice gave a framework
of purpose to the legal system and to the society.
tion inaccess to property, justice delivery and public benefits are man-
ifestations of hierarchic structure in contrast to the detailed rules of
rocedural justice and propositions of substantive justice>? This aber-
ration was challenged by.the Buddhist traditionofequality by focusing
on protection of interests of collectivity of people following different
fields of commerce, and by espousing the cause of non-exploitation”?
4 Katyayana makes this kind of classification. Kat., 678-81. For a general discussion
see, M. Rama Jois, Legal and Constitutional History of India, Vol. 1 (N.M. Tripathi, Bombay
1984) Ch. 10 at pp. 174-86.
4 Historical evidences about the flourish of associations can be seen in Nasik
Inscriptions in Epigraphica India, Vol. VIII at p. 88, Mathura Inscriptions in Epigraphica
India, Vol. XXI at pp. 55, 61, Junnar Buddhist Cave Inscriptions, “Indore Copperplate”
etc. The guilds of weavers, oilmen, potters, watermen, flour makers, bamboo
and of merchants are traceable. They acted not only as community bankers but
n of medicine to the sick, constructio n of temples
provided services like distributio
weavers’ guild)
(for example, Sun temple of Dasora was constructed in 437-38 AD by
37 at pp. 185-86. see also, R.C. Majumdar, Corporate Life
etc. See, M. Rama Jois, supra, n.
in Ancient India (1918) at pp. 421-28.
corpora te bodies” The Cultural Heritag e of India, (2)
47 UN.Ghosal “Guilds and other
(Ramakrishna Mission, Calcutta 2001 rept.) at pp. 670-76.
ena oe al ihe
5s a at andaesociologic
PRIN Historical ret
individuals for the purpose of averting minor calamities like drought
or alarm from thieves or official oppression as well as of performing a
number of pious acts.® Their corporate life was rigidly bound by the
rule of law norms. As Katyayana stated, “Members of groups (asso-
ciations, corporations and guilds) should strictly adhere to their indi-
vidual duties and should perform all acts required of them according
to the conventional rules of their respective group. They should also
obey Royal Edicts if they are not in conflict with one’s duty.”
R.C. Majumdar writes that the spirit of cooperation was the marked
feature in almost all fields of activity in ancient India5° Guilds of
various kinds of professionals, service providers and traders consti-
tuted the essence of corporate life in economic sector." In the field of
religion, the sanghas or Buddhist corporations inaugurated the era of
religious corporatism. Groups of Buddhist monks used to break their
wanderings during rainy season in viharas, which became permanent
monastic settlements. Owing to native republican practice or due to
lack of nominated successors, some sort of inner democracy, division
of labour and hierarchical administration got developed in course of
time? The maxim of sangham sharanam gachchami (Let me take ref-
uge in the association) reflected voluntary but strong tie of loyalty of
the mendicants to the sangha. Educational institutions established by
the sanghas flourished because of monasteries’ leadership and devo-
tees’ donations. Regarding Nalanda University, R.C. Majumdar writes,
“This great corporation with ten thousand members may justly be
looked upon as one of the best specimens in the field of education, and
one of the most fruitful achievements of the corporate institutions of
the ancient Indian people.”
Political influence of corporate life was only indirect although con-
siderable»+ Romila Thapar records that culturally, guilds made sub-
stantive contribution to art, temple construction and literature; and
that the social control exercised by the guilds upon their respective
members sometimes interfered with the rights of members to marry
outside their groups.5
48 Sm.Ch,, HI-522:
* Kat., at pp. 668-69; see also, Yaj., II-186; Mit., at p. 329.
°° R.C. Majumdar, Corporate life in Ancient India (Surendranath Sen, Calcutta 1918)
at p. 1.
°! See supra, n. 46.
* R.C. Majumdar, supra, n. 50 at p. 287 considers religious corporatism of Buddhists
as one of the most perfect ever witnessed in any age or country.
°° R.C. Majumdar, supra, n. 50 at p. 392.
** Romila Thapar, A History of India (Penguin Books 1966 rept. 1988) at p. 112; King
was expected to give audience to associations on priority basis and honour their views
in administrative matters too. Yaj., Vol. II at p. 189,
* Romila Thapar, A History of India (Penguin Books 1966 rept. 1988) at pp. 110-11;
Law and social transformation in ancient India 81
In the social front, castes, which had originated on the basis of
professional character and activity®* emerged as exclusive groups.
According to Ghurye, “Castes were groups with awell-developed life
of their own, the member whereof,
shiunlike that
p ofvoluntary asso-
s ofclasses, '
was determined not
by selection but by birth.”%7
Each caste became Separate socio-cultural group with its set pattern of
conduct and got hierarchically related to other castes. The authoritar-
ian character of caste coupled with prohibition of inter-caste mobility
gave rise to unequal social relations and denial of liberties}
she has also viewed that guilds used to ensure fixed quality and price of finished
products; had their own customary laws enforced through guild courts; and that
guilds were supplied in numbers by their association with castes. She also notices the
prevalence of a number of workers’ cooperatives for varieties of work spheres.
%° Bhagavagita, Vol. IV at p. 13.
7 G.S. Ghurye, Caste and Race in India (1932) at p. 2.
8 AR. Desai, Social Background of Indian Nationalism (Oxford University Press,
London 1948) at p. 225.
Cited by B.K. Mukherjea, The Hindu Law of Religious and Charitable Trusts CE.
5th Edn., Eastern Law House, Kolkata 2003) at p. 26.
6 Gautama, Ch. IX, S. 66; Max Muller, 2, Sacred Books of the East, at p. 306.
61 Sukra Niti, Ch. IV v. 9.
1991) at
® Romila Thapar, A History of India, Vol. 1 (Penguin Books, Middlesex 1966,
pp. 189-91, 210-11.
6 B.K. Mukherjea, supra, n. 59 at pp. 23-323.
4 Ibid, at pp. 326-28.
82 Historical and sociological discourse
The theme of superiority of collectivism over individualism has
established its hold in the field of endowments also. Ista and Purtta are
the two types of endowments. While the former included dedication
for the purpose of regular conducting of specific religious ceremonies
of personal character, the latter comprehended dedication of stepwells,
wells, ponds, temples of gods, distribution of food, provision of shel-
ter, hospitals and educational institutions®. According to Manu, “Let
him without tiring always offer sacrifices (ishta) and perform works of
charity (purta) with faith; for offerings and charitable works made with
faith and with lawfully obtained money procure endless rewards. Let
him always practise, according to his ability with a cheerful heart, the
duty of liberality (danadharma) both by sacrifices and charitable works
if he finds a worthy recipient for his gifts.” Yajnavalkya has enumer-
ated various objects of charity, which inter alia included, “The afford-
ing of relief to fatigued guests, the service of sick men, the honouring
of gods and providing asylum to travellers.”
The approach of duty to the collective is reflected in the formality
of dedication made in the course of gift. Dedication (pratista) involved
two important ingredients: intention (sankalpa), and declaration of ded-
ication by words and deed (utsurga). Gifts for hospitals (arogya shala)
and educational institutions (patashala) were regarded as supreme gifts
But principles were developed in shastrik writings to avoid hard-
ship of the members of donor’s family because of the gift7?, and to avoid
gift giving to undeserving persons or unworthy cause. During the
period of Buddhist influence, the cause of humanism was advanced
through charity especially to mitigate the misery manifested in old
age, sickness, sorrow, pain and despondence7’? Donations to monaster-
ies became simple as the sangha enjoyed a sort of immortality to ben- -
efit the entire fraternity of the Buddhist monks. King Ashoka, acting
under Buddhist influence, established rest houses and hospitals for the
benefit of men and beasts and appointed officers to superintend chari-
°° B.K. Mukherjea, supra, n. 59 at pp. 12-13, 50-51; Mahabharata, Atri 44; Parashar
grihya sutra, Apararka, at p. 29.
°° Manu, Vol. IV at pp. 226-27.
” Yaj., Vol. I at pp. 209-10.
°° B.K. Mukherjea, supra, n. 59 at pp. 29-30; Mandalik, Hindu Law at p. 336.
Hemadri cited in G. Shastri, Hindu Law (8th Edn.) at p. 659; see also, at pp. 656-57
where Nandi Puran is cited to the effect that a man by the gift of the means of freeing
from disease, becomes the giver of everything.
” Ram Kawal Singh v. Ram Kishore Das, ILR (1895) 22 Cal 506; Puran Dai v. Jai Narain,
ILR (1882) 4 All 482; Kamala Devi v. Bachulal Gupta, AIR 1957 SC 434, where gift of
unreasonable quantum of property was nullified.
”' B.K. Mukherjea, supra, n. 59 at pp. 19-20.
Law and social transformation in ancient India
ty? It is to be noted that people’s voluntary participation and initiative
in acts of piety and charity resulted in building of socio-religious and
cultural institutions. Meticulous thoughts were paid by the lawgivers
to enable communities to rally behind the nucleus of religious or wel-
fare purposes. Dynamism of numerous self-reliant local communities
for strengthening the social structure through other regarding collec-
tive action is an important factor that brought both cohesion within
the community and the flourish of multitude social forums for human
interactions. Adherence to the purpose of the gift and compliance
with the objective of endowment were emphasised as a manifestation
of both collective right and duty?> Religious and moral principles sup-
plied adequate social material, inspiration and enthusiasm for com-
munity development at grass root level.
85 Ibid, at p. 967.
86 Indra Deva and Shrirama, supra, n. 33 at p. 332.
87 Mit. On Yaj., II-127.
88 Robert Lingat, supra, n. 13 at pp. 156-57.
8 Yaj., I-21.
86 Historical and sociological discourse
*° Robert Lingat, supra, n. 13 at pp. 158-69; P. Ishwara Bhat, “Protection against unjust
enrichment and undeserved misery as the essence of property right jurisprudence
Mitakshara” (2006) 48 JILI.
*! Yaj., I-21; P-V. Kane, Vol. III at p. 866; Robert Lingat, at p. 168.
* Parasara Madhaviya, 2, 12-63-8; Robert Lingat, supra, n. 13 at p. 169.
Robert Lingat, supra, n. 13 at p. 171.
4 Ibid, at p. 175.
°° J.D.M. Derrett, supra, n. 3 at p. 149.
°° Ibid, at p. 157.
Law and social transformation in ancient India 87
Custom was considered as varying not only according to milieu but
also accordingto period. According to Lingat, “A practice which was
honoured at one moment can, in the next period, fall into desuetude
so that new practices may arise and develop.””” By contrast, Smriti rule
was invariable, especially when there was consensus amidst the smri-
tikaras. The doctrine of consensus was like a dogma in the estima-
tion of Lingat to facilitate flexibility of interpretation in earlier times,
whereas it became valueless in dharmasastra period. Immutability of
a rule was diluted by creation of exception, and as a consequence,
the gaps liberalised the social environment to suit the requirements
of time.®® While the dharmasastras condemned marriage of dvija with
shudra woman, recognition of right of the child born out of such mar-
riage is recognised.” Niyoga, considered as bestial practice, is allowed
to widow whose marriage was not consummated. These developments
took place because the lawgiver was confronted by customs too deeply
rooted for prohibition to be efficacious. But such borrowings from cus-
tom were always selective and based on notions of morality.
The rule of immutability based on consensus was diluted in another
method i.e. kalivarjya. Law’s response to change in accordance with
age (yuga) is developed by the concept of kalivarjya. While the dhar-
mic bull’s each foot is successively lost during each age, thereby reflect-
ing deterioration in physical faculty and moral sense of men in course
of time, the legal system had to keep some norms away as odious to
the world. Lingat notes, “It is not the moral imperatives which vary
according to the Ages, but men’s progressively weakening capacity to
obey the moral law.” For example, the worthiness of charity is intact,
but its practice is regrettably reduced because men do not make gifts
except to remunerate services, which deprive the act of all merit. In
both the ways custom’s influence on law’s growth made significant
impact, by abandoning some old practices and incorporating the new.
This was undeniably a creative function of custom, although it did not
guarantee against abandonment of some progressive and equitable
practices as discussed earlier.
Resolution of conflict between dharma and custom is anotheralsphere
in which law-society interaction came to the forefront. Region
sity of customs and multitude of customs in various social groups
such as castes, associations, guilds and families had posed the prob-
lem of their enforcement.and. their.conformity with dharma..Manu
said, “Custom is supreme law, as is that which is said in Sruti and
The collectivist and pro-human approach for the welfare of all is visible
in this verse. Kayaka produces God's property with a maxim, “N othing
exclusively for oneself; everything for all.” Social values like equal
access to knowledge for temporal and spiritual advancement, commit-
ment to inward and outward purity, truthfulness, non-stealth, non-
violence and tolerance towards all were emphasised by them. Equality
of status and opportunity and gender equality were given philosophic
frame when it was observed that there was only one sect for all those
who knew themselves.*” Although it may be doubtful whether the
Veerashaiva movement brought immediate and longstanding social
change, its philosophy exhibited thoughts and social outlook ahead
of ages, and had its own impact upon social life. Providing continuity
to humanist values of Vedic literature and ethos of social justice, the
movement had aspiration for internal social correction and welfare.
This social process is of cardinal value in influencing the social dimen-
sions of law.
2.3.2 State and social reforms during the later medieval period
Some of the attempts to bring social changes during the medieval
period through the intervention of Muslim rulers and those preached
by the Bhakti saints need to be looked at, in order to know the conti-
nuity of social actions and responses. The present section looks to the
policies of the rulers, and the next one to the Bhakti movement.
The practice of child marriage was a rigid and coercive custom,
and the girls above the age of eight were forbidden to remain in the
parental houses without being married. Emperor Akbar reacted to
this situation and considered that consent of spouses and parents, and
the futures of offsprings were paramount factors that persuaded for
enhancing the marriageable age and strict enforcement of the rule.™
He issued orders that boys were not to marry before the age of 16 and
girls before 14. Kotwal was entrusted with the responsibility of verify-
ing the fulfilment of the requirement. Badauni notes that except creat-
ing another pretext for corruption, the royal order did not create any
"2 Tbid.
3. Ibid, at pp. 629-30.
4 Ibid, at p. 630.
> Ibid, at p. 630.
'6 Tbid, at p. 632.
"7 Tbid.
Fa eee
and sociologic
Historical aes eee ee discourse
al ee.
Alla-ud-din Khilji and the Vijayanagara rulers prohibited consump-
tion of intoxicants.’ While later this was rélaxed to allow private dis-
tillation, the subsequent kings were not serious about the enforcement
of the order. Akbar imposed severe punishment for excessive drinking
and dared to punish his own son-in-law for commission of this offence.
Wine shops opened with royal permission used to sell little quantity
of wine for medicinal purpose. Shah Jahan prescribed death penalty
for excessive drinking whereas Aurangzeb strictly prohibited the use
of all types of intoxicating liquors. Regarding gambling also strict
prohibition was imposed. But, as historians note, liquor and gambling
continued unabated. Requirement of licensing was introduced for the
practice of public prostitution in addition to segregation of it to partic-
ular locality in the city." The practice of making and selling eunuchs
was severely punished.
Thus, state’s concern for high morals of the people and insistence
upon human behaviour through formal application of state power to
comply with those standards were of great significance for desirable
social changes. The practical experience about the methods and limi-
tations in this sphere is highly valuable. The carrot and stick policy,
personal persuasion and counselling in individual situations fol-
lowed by many of the above rulers are worthy of emulation in suitable
a a
ee in eee
the course
aes lapply Hindu
of applying this residuary source.
hei impact of f thé-fesiidwary sourcé
The sou was such that
that th
the sastra téxts have
lose eit autioxity © us was infused into the“intersfices of sastras,
thetinamalgamated masses of foreign law, unevenly and uncritically.
Fifth, reluctance of courts to depart from the established lines of deci-
sions under the influence of stare decisis had also obstructed innova-
tive judgments. It was no doubt viewed by Innes, J. in M. Vaduganadha
“3 Ibid, Ch. 8.
“4 Ibid, at p. 298.
4 Ibid, at p. 21.
"e J.D.M. Derrett, “Sanskrit legal treatise compiled at the instance of the British”
cited by Marc Galanter, at p. 24.
‘7 Marc Galanter, at p. 25.
‘8 J.D.M. Derrett, supra, n. 141 at p32.
Law and social transformation in modern India 28)
Tevar v. Dora Singha Tevar'?, “The Hindu Law on the subject which the
Court should endeavour to ascertain is the existing living law which is
to be sought not merely in ancient treatises and commentaries, but in
the consciousness of the people and practice of everyday life.” But soon
the judge qualified the task of noticing the alterations in law by looking
to the judicial precedents, which were based on consultation of text-
books and commentaries. Uncritical antiquarianism without adequate
historical research had the dangers of distorting law as demonstrated
in Venkatachalapati v. Subbarayadu’®. In this case District Court had
given an innovative judgment remedying exclusion of plaintiff from
the shrine of a temple because of excommunication imposed upon him
for marrying a widow. The Court awarded compensation and issued
injunction against future exclusions. The Court reasoned on the basis
of permissibility of widow remarriage as allowed under sastras, and
accordingly invalidated the custom. The High Court did not accept
this position by holding that the task of the judiciary was not to reform
the law but was only to declare the Hindu Law as received and prac-
ticed by the Hindu community. The High Court was more carried
away by the decisional law rather than by basic principles or spirit of
Hindu sastras. Derrett comments, “The textbooks, which might have
been expected to fundamental help here, trimmed their treatment to
accommodate the case law, and lawyers trained in the subject were
content to dabble in as much of the Sanskrit learning as related directly
to the law administered in the courts.”
Similarly, without noting the essence of Koranic Law on wakf but,
applying the English Law of Trusts, the Privy Council in A.F. Mahomed
Ishak v. R. Dhur Chowdhri', declined to recognise the power of enacting
wakf in favour of family members. The agitation against this decision
resulted in enactment of Muslim Wakf Validation Act, 1913 to recognise
benefit to family members as one of the objectives of wakf. Judiciary’s
refusal’ to give retrospective effect to the Act of 1913 resulted in
another Validation Act in 1930.
0 TLR (1889) 13 Mad 293.
151 Derrett, supra, n. 141 at p. 303.
2 TLR (1894) 22 Cal 619 (PC).
3 Khajeh Suleman v. Salimullah, AIR 1922 PC
100 Historical and sociological discourse
individualism. Further, there were legislative responses to pacify the
aa aN Ec
agitating communities.
'" Excerpted in Amiya P. Sen, Social and Religious Reform (Oxford University Press,
New Delhi 2003) at p. 73.
'® MY. Krishna Rao, The Growth of Indian Liberalism in the Nineteenth Century (H.
Venkataramaiah & Sons, Mysore 1951) at p. 43; A.R. Desai, Social Background of
Nationalism (Oxford University Press, Bombay 1948) at p. 258.
Law and social transformation in modern India
and a continuous process of readjustment of the old to new by evolu-
tion. Reform had the greatest goal of liberating from constraint, big-
otry and authority was and, flowering through changes within the |
people and not so much change of extraneous circumstances.° As
M.G. Ranade stated, “The end of social reform was to renovate, to
purify and also to perfect the whole man by liberating his intellect,
by elevating his standard of duty and by perfecting all his powers.
Renovated, purified and perfected individuals alone will help India to
take her proper place among the nations of the world./57 Progress of
the society through new beliefs and through reconstruction of social
institution was the main objective of the intelligentsia.5* “A complete
break with the past and revolt against ideational and institutional
survival, though attractive, was unaccto
the masses,le
as that
ae een eship inthe uncharted sea, without a compass
and asénse of destiny and anch writes
orag MV. Krishna
e,” Rao, Many
Refo aimed to
rmers accomplish sdcial reform by education and change
oP nt artificially forcing Thepace7 of reform and“tobring
ay :
social changes through social movements, whereas some.section of
Reformers favoured legislation of prohibitive sort to suppress the evil
tendenciesby threats of punishment.
The debate on strategy towards social reform, which involved the
issue whether political reform and independence should precede erad-
ication of social evils or vice versa, had ultimately revolved around
the question of authorship of change. Whether the cultural commu-
nity or cultural society only had the legitimacy to rectify the faults
or whether government as an agency of collective power had the enti-
tlement to impose reforms was the key issue. Lajpat Rai viewed that
religious reforms like the one launched by Arya Samaj had the social
mission of strengthening the true culture.®® Referring to the daunt-
less efforts of Social Conferences and Associations, which prepared
the community as a whole by passing periodical resolutions and by
bringing the avenue of discussion to tea parties and picnics, Bishan
Narayan Dar points out emergence of new conditions of life that made
social change indispensable and an experience of personal happiness
186 MV. Krishna Rao, “The whole aim of social reform was to rediscover the
individual, to make the original springs of life, work and give the nation a new
vitality” at p. 203.
187 M.G. Ranade, Revival or Reform, at p. 18.
158 MV. Krishna Rao op. cit., “Progress in the social or religious sphere, meant a
catharsis of belief by fact, and new beliefs were step forward, for they worked better
in terms of social welfare” at p. 141.
1599 Excerpted in Amiya P. Sen, supra, n. 154 at p. 76. Contrary stand was taken
by Krishna Mohan Banerji when he said that the evil bequest should be eschewed
by breaking from the past, and that only after the domestic and social reforms
expectation to rise as a nation would be appropriate at p. 78.
A eh Historic ihsociolog
iDal and i ev RC e
in India (Munshiram
16 Lalita Panigrahi, British Social Policy and female Infanticide
Pakrasi, Female infanticide in India
Manoharlal, New Delhi 1972) at p. 41; see also, Kanti
(Indian Edition, Calcutta 1970) at p. 233.
, Bangalore 1996 & 2000) at
167 Janaki Nair, Women and Law in Colonial India (NLSIU
p. 84.
104 Historical and sociologica l discourse
cae a oe NSS - ER OR Abolition of sati
Regarding sati, the Company Government had initially adopted a com-
promise policy of dissuading the practice by criminalising involuntary
sati occurring through application of force, and of maintaining peace
and tranquility in case of voluntary sati with a conviction that regen-
erating influence of widening knowledge and natural instinct for sur-
vival would cause discontinuance of the practice. In 1789 the Company
Government enquired about its territorial jurisdiction to deal with the
practice, and tactfully avoided action on ground of lack of jurisdiction,
but advised about gentle dissuasion.’® In 1805 Elphinstone, Magistrate
of Bihar intervened against burning of an intoxicated 12-year-old
widow. On the basis of expert opinion about Hindu Sastra. the District
Magistrate issued circular requiring judges not to allow practice of sati
when the woman was pregnant, intoxicated, less than 16 or coerced.
The circulars of 1813, 1815 and 1822 clarified about its practice amidst
jogis, about the requirement of making adequate provisions of main-
taining their children below the age of three years’ and about the dis-
tinctions between sahamarana and anumarana. These circulars were
permissive in character, but confined the scope of sati practice. When
the orthodox section of Hindus opposed the circulars in 1817, Ram
Mohan Roy and his followers submitted counter petitions in support
of the circular. For creation of public opinion, Roy resorted to writing
of pamphlets and organisation of village committees.
Despite these efforts, 6632 cases of self-immolation of widows were
reported between 1815 and 1824, most of which occurred in Bengal’
and mostly amidst the Brahmin caste. Along with firmer establishing
of the British regime in India, and growth of public opinion against
sati owing to collection and publicising of empirical evidences on its
practice, legislative intervention to abolish sati was attempted in 18209.
While enacting the law Lord William Bentinck said, “I feel a legislator
for the Hindu; descending from these higher considerations, it can-
not be dishonest ambition to wash out a foul stain on British rule, to
stay a sacrifice of humanity and justice to a doubtful expediency.”
He pleaded for disassociation of religious belief and practice from
blood curdling murder and for emancipation of the Hindu mind and
action from the shackles of brutal excitements. The policy of state
‘*S Correspondence between Collector of Shahabad and Lord Cornwallis referred
in R.C. Majumdar, supra, n. 129 at p. 818.
‘® Occurrence of sati in large number in Bengal, the land of Dayabhaga which
recognised property right of woman on behalf of her husband, has provoked some
question whether sati was the method of extinguishing her property right. See, Uma
Shankar Jha and Premalata Pujari, infra, n. 174 at p. 59.
'" Cited by MV. Krishna Rao, supra, n. 155 at p. 23; Amiya P. Sen, supra, n. 154 at
pp. 98-01.
Law and social transformation in modern India
r 105
intervention in social affairs was a controversial issue. H.H. Wilson
expressed undesirability of passing law against the religious feelings
of vast body of Hindu population and suggested about creation amidst
Hindus public opinion and awareness against sati prior to its aboli-
tion." Ram Mohan Roy, identifying himself as supporter of abolition
of sati, gathered support from Smritis, which prescribed asceticism
rather than self-immolation for widows, and submitted petition in
support of abolition.’ The conservatives opposed the abolition move
and objected to misreading of sastras.
After the enactment also, Roy and his followers continued to cre-
ate public opinion against sati. The ongoing debate within the Hindu
community was animated by both the viewpoints, rationalism and
conservatism, and was sharpened through modern education. Innate
strength of the society towards healthy resilience with requisite inner
corrections had a socially redeeming effect. The apparent externality
of legal intervention was, in fact, reflection of an interrogating image
of the age, for whose internalisation society was not to shy away, but
had to adjust and readjust itself, whether with reluctance or whole-
hearted acceptance. The gap that was left between legislative model
that pricked the pride of society’s orthodoxy’ and society’s receptiv-
ity of transformation had to be filled up by locally alerted adminis-
tration, efficiency of law enforcement and responsible public opinion.
It is interesting to know that the village administration, monitored
by District Administration, was entrusted with the responsibility of
effectuating the sati abolition law. The narration about law’s imple-
mentation in some of the reported judgments depicts the saga of local
persuasion, cautioning and education. As soon as death of adult Hindu
male occurred or its likely occurrence guessed, police patel or village
officer had the responsibility of keeping surveillance over the house
and immediately inform the district administration, which would
rush to the scene with a batch of police personnel and would warn
and persuade and stay until the fear of sati was allayed. That creative
elements of social energy for self-rectification were triggered by the
colonial law is clear from the application of the law in princely states
of Rajasthan and other parts of India also.’
85 Tbid, at p. 75.
86 Ibid, at p. 76.
"7 Werner Measki, Hindu Law Beyond Tradition & Modernity (Oxford University
Press, New Delhi 2003) at p. 338.
Law and social
a at transfo rmation
r Uo
r geammeatieitin30
r India 109
cause of independence. As Janaki Nair comments, “Tilak represented
an important moment in the transformation of cultural nationalism
into a distinctly political nationalism, when embarrassment to Indian
tradition was turned to pride.”"*8
Malabari campaigned relentlessly in England for raising the age
of consent to 12, owing to health and eugenic reasons. In 1891 Penal
Code was amended accordingly. But the Government abstained from
enhancing minimum age of marriage in order to avoid the displeas-
ure of the traditionalists. Striking a cautious path of self-restraint in
the matter of social and religious affairs after 1858, the Government
resolved in 1886, “Legislation, though it may be didactic in its effect,
should not be undertaken for merely didactic purposes; and in the
competition of influence between legislation on the one hand, and
caste or custom on the other, the condition of success on the part of the
former is that the legislature should keep within its natural boundaries,
and should not by overstepping these boundaries, place itself in direct
antagonism to social opinion.” While this sounds hesitancy of colonial
rule, Ranade sought an activist approach of State when he observed,
“As the state in its collective capacity represents the power, the wisdom,
the mercy and charity of its best citizens, it must give effect to whole-
some movements which might die for want of support.’"*? The compe-
tition between consensus and conflict model of social change was thus
not merely theoretical.
In 1893, in Princely State of Mysore a law was enacted fixing the
minimum age of marriage for girl as 8 and prohibiting the marriage of
males above the age of 50 with girls below the age of 16. Interestingly,
the heads of prominent maths were consulted in finalising the Bill.
The reformist approach was strengthened when All India Women’s
Conference, established in 1927, pursued a Bill restraining child mar-
riage amidst Hindus initiated by Har Bilas Sarda in 1929 and fixing the
age of marriage at 14 and 18 for girls and boys respectively.’" Sarda Bill
was discussed in the Select Committee with the participation of women
members and witnesses, and its scope was extended to all communi-
ties. In spite of communal differences in the Legislative Assembly, it
was passed as applicable to all communities thus demonstrating emer-
gence of broad frame of mind for reform. Outside the Assembly elite
support grew in favour of the Bill in the light of assertion by the AIWC
188 bid, at p. 74; see also, Yogendra Singh, Modernisation of Indian Tradition (Rawat
Publications, New Delhi 1999) at p. 98. SeNOABA
18 MV. Krishna Rao, The Growth of Indian Liberalis m in Nineteenth Century (H.
Venkataramaiah & Sons, Mysore 1951) at p. 207.
1% Janaki Nair, Women & Law in Colonial India (NLSIU, Bangalore 1996 & 2009)
11 Tbid, at pp. 79-81.
110 Historical and sociological discourse
members’ assertion that “We want new shastras”. The feminist voice
echoing in these words is representative of the new age’s dawning.
But amidst the orthodoxy, there was veritable stampede for celebrat-
ing child marriage before the Act came into effect in 1930. After its
commencement also there was obstructive tendency in prosecutions
under the Act, resulting in acquittals or suppressions. The effort for
enhancing minimum age of marriage failed in Mysore owing to giving
of preference to female education over legislative change, and attitude
for keeping law beyond the compound walls.
71 bid, at p. 407.
712 Ibid.
713 Ibid, at p. 408.
A.R. Desai, Social Background of Nationalism (Oxford University Press, London
1948) n. 58 at p. 243.
219 R.C. Majumdar, The Advanced History of India (4th Edn., Macmillan, New Delhi
1978) at pp. 939.
216 M.K. Gandhi, Harijan, 1-2-1942.
Law and social transfo
e e rmation in modern India 117
e lt (ate
as the trustees of consumers. The real implication of equal distribution
was that each man shall have wherewithal to supply his entire natural
needs and no more.” He put forward the paramountcy of duties over
rights by stating, “All rights to be deserved and preserved come from
duty well done. Thus the very right to live accrues to us only when we
do the duty of the citizenship of the world.”* Rights unsupported by
duties or unearned incomes were usurpations according to him. The
trusteeship doctrine had logically relied upon collective duty and non-
A legal environment for facilitating the formation and working of the
non-government organisations had been created through the Societies
Registration Act, 1860, the Cooperative Societies Act, 1912, and vari-
ous Charitable and Religious Endowments and Trusts Acts. While tax
legislation gave exemptions to charitable institutions, restrictive inter-
pretation of the law had excluded Tilak Fund and Khadi Gramodyog
from such advantages.” The Societies Registration Act has been less
intervening and more facilitative in its policy and approach.
The modern Indian experience exhibits profuse examples of creative
use of associational power to represent and serve various social sectors.
Pluralist features and consequences of communal divisions were prob-
lematic factors that were to be responded by a sense of coexistence and
approach of multiculturalism. The mass movements that the Indians
could organise and execute with unique feature of non-violence—
whether Swadeshi movement, non-cooperation, civil disobedience or
Quit India movements—were projections of organisational strength.
The focus on all-round social progress, eradication of social evils and
promotion of gender justice and economic justice made the nationalist
movement not only multidimensional but also infused legitimacy to
the whole task. It is a bright lesson of history that the potential social
power scattered hither and thither could be built into a creative energy,
and a force to be reckoned. A heap of cotton remains only an idle mass,
if cared little. But when converted into fibres or strands and whe1i ‘nter-
twined into a strong rope, it can anchor even a mighty ship in trou-
blesome water.” Protection of workers against exploitation, agenda
for agrarian reforms, Gandhian concept of rural self-sufficiency were
emerging as popular objectives of enlightened culture. On the other
hand, the politically motivated differences wedged between Hindus
23 MN. Srinivas, Social Change in Modern India (Orient Longman, Hyderabad
Edn., Reprint 2003) at p. 6.
24 Ibid, at p. 50.
25 Ibid, at pp. 141-50.
I i i a l = eese
Historical and sociological discour
*” Gunnar Myrdal, Asian Drama: An Inquiry into the Poverty of Nations, Vol. I
(Penguin Books, Harmondworth 1968) at p. 303.
** Narmedeshwara Prasad and M.C. Shekhar referred by Yogendra Singh, Social
Stratification and Change in India (2nd Edn., Manohar, New Delhi 2002) at p. 178.
*° Yogendra Singh, Modernisation of Indian Tradition (Rawat Publications, New
Delhi 1999)at pp. 24-27, 191.
0 Ibid, at pp. 35-37.
41 Ibid, at pp. 41-43.
2 Ibid, at p. 46.
Toynbee views about the process of growth of civilisation: “Growth is achieved
when an individual or minority or a whole society replies to a challenge by response
which not only answers the particular challenge that has evoked it but also exposes
the respondent to fresh response on his part. And the process of growth continues,
in any given case, so long as this recurrent movement of disturbance of equilibrium
Sociological discourse 123
The medieval period initially witnessed conversion, cultural syncre-
tism, and domination through political rule_as.the types.of interac-
tions between the two important traditions.*#4 In spite of equality of
status.enunciated-by Islam,amidst.converts.into Islam social hierarchy,
and family customs prevailed.** The Sufi tradition-of Islam
and efforts of Muslim scholars to reconcile some of the Hindu tradi-
tion with Islam and evolution of new administrative structure and
language brought the two communities together in the second phase
of medieval rule.*#° With the loss of political power to the British the
Muslim dissatisfaction-beeame-vocal because oftheir educational and
economic backwardness and the fear of dominance by the majority
community. This created.a tussle between-two.cultural forces and ger-
minated sentiments for separate state as early as 1888.77 The trends of
high political mobilisation and identity formation amidst the Muslim. ‘
community offered greater resistance to modernisation’s effort to alter
Islamic social codes.*#* The renovation of Islam as a religious practice
finds its center of gravity in educational reform rather than in reor-
ganisation of ecclesiastical hierarchy.
The impact of the British tradition upon Indian society is another
crucial factor that influenced patterns of social change. The basic ten-
ets of common law, equity, and universalism, the tradition of bureau-
cratic structure, military organisation and educational system and the
literature on democratic values posed serious challenge to the Indian
tradition and gave a new orientation to its development. The expo-
sure to the western values provided a humanist and critical outlook to
question the practice of social evils. The intellectual debate between
blind admirers of the West and the moderates who had great respect
for Indian traditions gave rise to a social dialogue for selection of pro-
gressive policy.” As Yogendra Singh observes, “These changes in the
social customs and institutions of the Hindu society were forerunners
of basic cultural readaptations to follow later in the society. The under-
lying values from which the rationale of these reformations emanated
were those of humanism, universal equality, dignity and freedom of
man.”%° Apart from education, legislation became an instrument of
ty Press,
is maintained.” Arnold Toynbee, A Study of History, Vol. Ill (Oxford Universi
London 1948) at p. 377. .
of Indian Tradition (Rawat Publications, New
44 Yogendra Singh, Modernisation
Delhi 199 9)
at pp. 66-68.
45 Tbid, at pp. 74-76.
246 Ibid, at pp. 69-70.
47 Ibid, at p. 71.
28 Ibid, at p. 82. Publications, New
#9 Yogendra Singh, Moderni sation of Indian Tradition (Rawat
Delhi 1999)at p. 92.
290 Ibid.
REEsociolo gical discourse
oe TE Histori
EERI E and
cal a SS
2.6 Conclusions
India has inherited the fruit of the patient effort of generations, and
experienced the following important lessons in the matter of law-soci-
ety interaction:
First, the indigenous and thoughtful ideas of justice, welfare and
human rights and the active communitarian institutions make it clear
that law’s concern for social happiness and reform was natural out-
come of social process, and not something superimposed from outside.
Collectivism that worked at the grass root level had the dynamism of
combating human misery. However, reference to elite thoughts and
positive cultural ethos does not suggest that the ideals were fully prac-
ticed nor is it made to overemphasise religious overtones. The exist-
ence of these ideals as benchmarks to question the merit of deviant
practices is a prominent attainment of a mature culture. In the modern
period, evolution of democratic institution and organising of freedom
movement have reinforced collective competence for social and eco-
nomic reforms.
Second, India was destined to become a multicultural society
because of introduction or inclusion of various sections of people hav-
ing different religions, languages and ethnic origin. The long tradition
of harmonious society and of cooperation that could be built in course
of history is a valuable heritage for the modern times. The imperative
for identity protection is a hint for appropriate legal policy.
Third, balancing between continuity and change is a product of
history. The positive dimensions of culture continue to nourish the
social efforts even in the task of repudiating stale and old practices or
59 The common law tradition introduced in India by the British had reflected
essential features of the Anglo-Saxon system and paved the way for growth within
the system that was donned by leading role of judge. Primarily based on fair
procedural law and aiming at rendering justice, common law had developed on the
basis of community’s participation (jury system), lawyer’s law analysis, precedents,
commentaries and innovative ideas satisfying the mercantile community (H Patrick
Glenn, Legal Traditions of the World, 3rd Edn., Oxford University Press, Oxford 2007 at
pp. 226-49). The writ remedies and the principles relating to contracts, torts, crimes
and other spheres of legal regime developed in course of centuries had made common
law a mature albeit rigid system. The British judges in India applied these principles
to fill the gap ignoring the importance of native law (Hindu Law and Muslim Law).
Common law maxims became part of the law of India. “Wherever is right, there is
a remedy”, “injury of legal interest is actionable whereas mere economic loss is not
remediable”, “adjudication should follow contest of claims”, “person volunteering to
venture takes his own risk”, “possession is nine points of law”, “injury arising from
co-worker’s negligence is not remediable by employer”, “non-malicious combination
putting forward unequal competition is not remediable”, “persons in custody of
unusual resource or risky substance are liable to compensate the loss arising from
the escape of it”, “act of God is not remediable”, parties to the contract should have
consensus ad idem”, “let the buyer beware”, “contracts of utmost faith shall receive
due respect”, “only combination of guilty mind and wrongful conduct gives rise to
criminal liability”, “unjust enrichment shall be remedied” “manufacturer is liable to
the ultimate consumer for supply of defective goods” etc. are some of the common law
maxims that were received in India. Although each of these maxims was developed
with a distinct vision of justice and fair play, the overall thrust of these maxims served
the interests of employers or landlords or the economically powerful. In contrast,
many of the Hindu Law principles were oriented to protect and interests of vulnerable,
for example, workers, children, consumers, debtors, or victims of adverse possession.
Replacing of these by common law had adverse impact upon the interests of common
masses. Overcoming of this problem required deliberate efforts for reform in course
of time.
EE EE Pere ree hee re ee er)eye) eee ee ee
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Gandhism
3.2.1 General
Mahatma Gandhi, the father of modern India, developed coherent
thoughts about social transformation through integrated development
in various spheres of social life inclusive of moral, political, economic,
individual and collective precepts and actions. Gandhiji said, “I can
however indicate no royal road for bringing about social revolution
except that we should represent it in every detail of our own lives...Try
again and again, never say that you are defeated, never say that the
people are no good. If you meet with no response, think that the fail-
ure is yours and not theirs.” He had a vision that through social revo-
lution we should make India happier albeit the fact that social revolu-
> Jayaprakash Narayan, Towards Total Revolution, Search for an Ideology, Vol. 1
(Popular Prakashan, Bombay 1978) at p. 227. “A social revolution is a fundamental
change in property relationships, in respect of ownership, management and disposal
of profits. It implies end of exploitation, employer-employee relationship and socio-
economic inequality.”
> Harijan, 25-7-1936.
e ee ti‘ 129
tion is amuch more difficult thing to achieve than political revolution.
By “revolution” he meant that society has to change from its roots and
its foundation not merely outwardly but by fundamental change? As
a man of action, and devoted to the goal of freeing the human beings
from the exploitative burdens and get rid of the system that produce
poverty and misery®, he made marvellous contribution to the meth-
odology of reform, if not a systematic body of philosophy that could
be called Gandhism. He viewed life as an organic whole and synthe-
sised the new with the old drawing all support from Upanishads and
Bhagavadgita, from bhakti cults and comparative study of religions? He
laid emphasis on character formation at the individual and community
level to receive the egalitarian values.’ He thought that emancipation
of women from social ties and oppressions, good education to children
to internalise the values of equal citizenship without exploitation, and
inculcation in all the approaches of self-reliance, truth, non-violence
and respect for all religions and communities would bring together a
social order of amore acceptable nature. Thus, he tried to approach the
issue of social transformation from different angles simultaneously.
Without pretensions of high intellect, he spoke in the voice of common
man. He regarded that people could not demand justice from others
unless they did justice to those who were suffering at their hands.’ He
said, “Justice and equity mean the establishment of just and equita-
ble relations between capital and labour, between the landlord and
the tenant.””° He visualised harmony between individual liberty and
social interest, “Unrestricted individualism is the law of the beast of
the jungle...Willing submission to social restraint for the sake of the
social well-being of the whole society enriches both the individual and
the society of which he is a member.”
4 Ibid.
5 Jayaprakash Narayan, “Gandhi and Social Revolution Gandhi Marg” (1966) at
p. 244; see also, Rabindra Chaudhary, “Mahatma Gandhi and Social Change”, Vol. 22(3)
(Gandhi Marg 2000) at p. 345.
6 Jawaharlal Nehru, Discovery of India (JNM Funds and Oxford University Press,
New Delhi 1946, 1989) at p. 358.
7 J.B. Kripalani, Gandhi: His Life and Thought (Publications Division, Government of
India, New Delhi 1970) at pp. 316-18.
8 The seven social sins to be eschewed according to him were, politics
morality, wealth without work, pleasure without
principles, commerce without
conscience, knowledge without character, science without humanity, and
aswamy, Gandhiji’s Concept of Value-Bas ed Living
without sacrifice. See, K.S. Narayan
(Gandhi Centre Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bangalor e 1997) at pp: 42-62.
Hind Swaraj, at p. 17. See
9 “ we who seek justice will have to do justice to others.”
olitical Thought”, Vol. 22(2)
also, Nilanjana Jain, “The idea of Justice in Gandhi's Socio-P
(Gandhi Marg 2001) at p. 178.
Young India, 28-5-1931.
" Harijan, May 1939.
130 Alternatives to Legal Strategy
a a ig cn en
3.2.2 The Change of Heart Theory
One unique contribution of Gandhiji to the technique of social trans-
formation is the change of heart theory. Gandhiji wanted to establish
in India a democratic order free from political, economic and social
exploitation in addition to the removal of foreign rule. In Hind Swaraj
he propounded that the British conquer of India was due to inner fail-
ure of the Indians to offer resistance through better social organisa-
tion; that the path of getting freedom consisted in withdrawal of coop-
eration with the exploiter; and that true freedom for Indians consisted
in rejection of the western civilisation and revival of ancient Indian
system of society, economy and polity.* Constructive programme that
he devised for this purpose was resistance to political and inter-group
tyranny and injustice. This was through the technique of change of
heart of the oppressor and reinforcement of strength in the oppressed.
Both these factors ought to take place simultaneously in order to bring
the social change." To put it in a formula:
the evil should be the inspiring spirit for efforts to attain justice.
Gandhiji in his “plea for severest penalty upon conviction for sedition”
gives the message of greatest importance for non-violent struggle for
social transformation:
“In my humble opinion, non cooperation with evil is as much as duty
as is cooperation with good. But in the past, non cooperation has been
deliberately expressed in violence to the evildoer. I am endeavouring to
show to my countrymen that violent non cooperation only multiplies
evil and that as evil can only be sustained by violence, withdrawal of
support of evil requires complete abstinence from violence. Non vio-
lence implies voluntary submission to the penalty for non cooperation
with evil.””°
The plea depicted how he‘cooperated with State policy for good meas-
ures and was compelled to protest evil laws like Rowlatt Act, evil
deeds like economic exploitation rendering the semi-starved masses
into sinking lifelessness and evil motives like dishonesty of not keep-
ing the promises. He said, “Non-violence is the first article of my
faith. It is also the last article of my creed.”* The distinction he makes
between just and unjust law on the basis of higher principles of moral-
ity is convincing when he propounds, “When a law itself is immoral
and is sought to be enforced by the governmental authority, it becomes
necessary to test our faith in truth, justice and dharma and defy the
immoral law.” Natural law ideology of superiority of higher law over
man-made law has been put forward by Gandhiji in this context with
practical example and in more succinct way.
The methods of strengthening the exploited or affected class con-
sisted in arousing of social consciousness, continuing education and
maintaining the unity of the exploited. Social organisations, political
parties and trade unions play crucial role in arousing the social con-
sciousness. Gandhiji regarded independence from foreign political rule
as a positive capacity to build up indigenous local community aspiring
for excellence in ancient values. In Hind Swaraj he wrote, “If a man will
only realise that it is unmanly to obey laws that are unjust, no man’s
tyranny will enslave him. This is the key to self-rule or home rule.”3
*® M.K. Gandhi, “A Plea for the severest penalty upon his conviction for sedition”,
in Appendix I-VIII S, Radhakrishnan (Ed.), Mahatma Gandhi (Jaico, Bombay 1956, 1977)
at p. 417; Louis Fischer, The Life of Mahatma Gandhi (Bharatiya Vidyabhavan, Bombay
1998) at pp. 256-57.
1 Tbid.
” “The law itself in this country has been used to serve the foreign exploiter . . .
In ninety nine cases out of a hundred, justice has been denied to Indians as against
Europeans in the Courts of India...In my opinion, the administration of the law is
prostituted, consciously or unconsciously, for the benefit of the exploiter.” (Trial
3 Hind Swaraj, at p. 6.
Gandhism 133
He also said, “Real Swaraj ‘will’ come not by acquisition of authority
by a few but by the acquisition of the capacity by all to resist authority
when it is abused...By educating the masses to a sense of their capacity
to regulate and control authority.”
* Rabindra Choudhary, “Mahatma Gandhi and Social Change” Vol. 22(3) (Gandhi
Marg 2000) at pp. 345-49.
” J.B. Kripalani, at p. 360.
* Arun Shourie, “Reflections” (1978) 194 Seminar 32.
*' Harijan, 31-3-1946.
seiasieiakaieameemmsae a
sons would be unjust," “The extension of the law of non-violence in
the domain of economics means nothing less than the introduction of
moral values as a factor to be considered in international commerce.”
A mindset of austerity to limit multiplicity of wants that deaden the
inner life was essential to economic equality and social harmony. He
said, “Nature produces enough for our wants from day to day, and
if only everybody took enough for himself and nothing more, there
would be no pauperism in this world.” His trusteeship theory put
the rich and the employers to the position of protectors of the interests
of the poor and the workers. The character of production would be
determined by social necessity, and not by personal whim or greed35
Swadeshi movement and revival of cottage and village industries had
potentiality of rebuilding economic independence. While he was not
against industrial progress, he condemned the craze for labour saving
machineries as they drove the people to unemployment and starvation
deaths. He said, “Whatever the mechanical age may do, it will never
give employment to the millions whom the wholesale introduction of
power machinery now displaces.”° The relevance of this wisdom to
the post-liberal global economy that experiences job losses can hardly
be disputed.
Gandhiji’s concept of bread labour?” enhanced dignity of every work,
stood for economic justice and contemplated self-reliance. His notion
of decentralised economy abolished the conflict between capital and
labour, assured minimum standard of living for all, met the basic
needs of everyone, and brought simplicity2* Discarding of superflu-
ous wants through voluntary choice led to simple, freer, happier and
more efficient life. His trusteeship theory stipulated that the owner
of property, landlords and industrialists alike, while retaining their
title to the property, should of their own free will resolve to regard
themselves as mere trustees of the property on behalf of the society.
This meant a power-shift from individual to the community; reliance
on the concept of non-stealth; and a peaceful and constructive revolu-
tion in redistribution of resources2® Trusteeship stood for distributive
2 J.B. Kripalani, Gandhi: His Life & Thought (Publications Division, Government of
India, New Delhi 1970) at pp. 7, 368.
3 Young India, 26-10-1924, at p. 421.
4 J.B. Kripalani, at p. 369; Complete Works of Gandhiji, Vol. XXXVI at p. 141.
3 Young India, 16-4-1931.
% [bid, at p. 375.
37 “Every man and woman must work in order to live. The idea is that
of Gandhijt, Vol.
healthy individual must labour enough for his food...” Complete Works
LXXXVIIL, at p. 99. ; pose
38 Nilanjan Jain, supra, n. 9 at pp. lol—-o-.
e Se ee n. is MK. Gandhi, My Theory of Trusteeship (Ed.), Anand
T. Hingorani (Bharatiya Vidyabhavan, Mumbai 1998) in
136 Alternatives toc Legal Strategy
Fen a m
justice, economic equality and elimination of exploitation. It provided a
means of transforming the present capitalist order of society into egal-
itarian one. It did not recognise private ownership of property except
to the extent permitted by society for its own welfare. Gandhiji’s basic
assumption that everything belonged to God and was derived from
God had a logical consequence of putting back to God’s people that
exceeded one’s proportionate portion.” He expressed dissatisfaction
with a position where men become slaves of ancestral property that
kills enterprise, feeds passion and pushes to idleness and luxury.”
4° Harijan, 2-1-1937. “All land belong to Gopal (God), where then is the boundary
41 Young India, 17-10-1929.
® J.B. Kripalani, supra, n. 7 at p. 383.
* Ibid, at p. 384. He also said, “Religions like nations are being weighed in the
balance. God’s grace and revelation are the monopoly of no race or nation. They
descend equally upon all who wait upon God. That religion and that nation will
be blotted out from the face of the earth which pins its faith to injustice, untruth or
** See, Louis Fischer, The Life of Mahatma Gandhi (Bharatiya Vidyabhavan, Mumbai
1998) at p. 399.
es oe
untouchables voluntarily by the Hindus. Inter-dining with untouch-
ables, sharing of public facilities like wells, streets and schools with
them, and abandonment of discriminatory policies by resort to reso-
lutions by local bodies set a new wave of thinking for reforms.‘ The
Yeravada pact, which said, “No one shall be regarded as untouchable
by reason of his birth” was supported by signature campaigns. Louis
Fischer writes, “It marked a religious reformation, a psychological
revolution. Hinduism was purging itself of a millennial sickness. The
mass purified itself in practice. It was good for India’s moral health.
The perpetuation of untouchability would have poisoned India’s
soul...’4° Gandhiji’s epic fast was instrumental in changing the hearts
of people who practiced untouchability. The task of strengthening the
victims consisted in formation of Harijan Sevak Sangh, which was to
work for the removal of all of their disabilities; wide-scale propaganda
against the practice; accommodation of untouchables in Ashram; and
encouragement to inter-caste marriages. Simultaneous upholding of
freedom and equality took place with temple entry movement, about
which Gandhiji said, “Temple entry is the one spiritual act that would
constitute the message of freedom to the ‘untouchables’ and assure
them that they are not outcastes before God...There is none that is
high and none that is low, all are absolutely equal, equal because all
are the creatures of that Creator.” Thus Gandhiji furthered the anti
untouchability mission initiated by Buddha and carried forward by
Basaveshwara, Kabir and Nanak by focusing on human dignity and
equality.4* As Bhikhu Parekh estimated:
“Gandhi's contribution was considerable and greater than that of any
other Indian leader. No one before him had mounted a frontal attack on
untouchability and launched a vigorous national campaign...By a skil-
ful combination of moral, religious and political appeals and personal
example, he shamed and mobilised the Hindu masses, stirred their con-
sciences, awakened their sense of responsibility, and created a power-
ful body of public opinion demanding and willing to carry through an
anti-untouchability programme...Gandhi’s contribution, however, had
its limits. Though he discredited and undermined the intellectual and
moral basis of untouchability, he failed to shake its social, economic and
political roots.”
4 Ibid, at p. 409.
4 Ibid, at p. 411. one)
47 JB. Kripalani, Gandhi: His Life & Thought (Publica tions Division , Government of
India, New Delhi 1970) at p. 385.
and Modernity-Reflections
48 K. Raghavendra Rao, “Gandhi, Western Civilisation
of 21st Century (Mittal
of an Old Gandhi Watcher” in Anil Dutta Mishra, Challenges RT
ni, supra, n. 7 at p. 387. aR O
Publications New Delhi 2003) at pp. 67, 70. J.B. Kripala s Politica l
: An Analysi s of Gandhi'
4 Bhikhu Parekh, Colonialism, Tradition and Reform
1999) at p. 266.
Discourse (Revised Ed. Sage Publications, New Delhi
138 Alternatives to Legal Strategy
® Young India, 15-12-1921; see also, M.K. Gandhi, The Role of Women (Ed.), Anand T.
Hingorani (Bharatiya Vidyabhavan, Mumbai 1964, 1998) at p. 233
% Young India, 3-2-1927. ae
57 He traces dowry to caste system and regionali sm, as these factors limit the
strong public opinion against dowry and eradicate
choices, and gives call to develop
caste system. Harijan, 23-5-1936. See also, Young India, 27-12-1928.
8 Young India, 16-4-1925.
Young India, 22-9-1927
” Young India, 26-8-1926.
61 Young India, 17-10-1929.
140 Altern to Legal Strategy
a e
and cultural activities.2 At the individual level, perfection of perso
ity was to be aimed at by eschewing of the vices like liquor, womanis-
ing and gambling, and inculcating in oneself the virtues of less wants,
simple life and altruism. Speaking on Gandhism which believed in
revolution by non-violent mass action, Jayaprakash Narayan said, “A
real revolution is a revolution in the values of life. No law can effect
a transvaluation of values. It can be reflected in law once it has taken
place in the life of the people” Since law could not change the minds
and hearts of people, Gandhism emphasised direct recourse to people.
He said, “Gandhism does not concentrate on the capture of power, nor
depend on the power of the state. It goes direct to the people and help
them effect the revolution in their lives and in the life of the commu-
nity. Support from the state power would be assured once the power
of the people has been created”
There have been criticisms against Gandhism leveled by M.N. Roy
on the count that Gandhiji‘s condemnation of machine civilisation and
centralised modern economy was unrealistic and hence alienated the
industrialised world; that the introduction of religion into political and
public life made the primitive human knowledge to prevail over natu-
ral and scientific phenomenon, and hence was reactionary; that the
trusteeship doctrine was unnatural as it tried to bridge two mutually
conflicting classes merely on the basis of pious expectations; and that
the doctrine of correlations of means towards ends, while appropriate
for castigating corruption of public life, was not powerful enough to
dissuade the political parties from making recourse to unfair methods
of holding political power without actually serving the social interests
of people.® It is submitted, these criticisms are more relating to diffi-
culties inherent in moralist approach and society’s failure to make firm
political determination and to adequately prepare itself for the desired
change. Insofar as the content of humanism in Gandhian approach is
concerned, there could be no doubt that it is an excellent indigenous
thought projecting human welfare in all its dimensions.
On the whole, Gandhiji’s experiments with the social change the-
ory unified all the dimensions of life, both individual and collective,
yielded welcome fruits or at least showed the right path. Despite the
ne Harijan, 4-8-1946; see also, M.K. Gandhi, The Village Reconstruction (Ed.), Anand T.
Hingorani (Bharatiya Vidyabhavan, Mumbai 1964, 1998) in general.
®° Jayaprakash Narayan, Total Revolution, Vol. I (Popular Prakashan, Bombay 1978)
at p. 160; Jayaprakash Narayan, “Gandhi and Social Revolution” (Gandhi Marg 1966)
at p. 244.
Ibid, at p. 161.
° M.N. Roy, “Gandhism, Marxism, Humanism” in Verinder Grover, M.N. Roy,
Political Thinkers af Modern India, Vol. V (Deep & Deep Publications, New Delhi 1991)
at pp. 125-29.
Sarvodaya 141
eee ee ti‘(i‘CC
difficulties in changing the heart and empowering the weak, the path
is unquestionably sound.
3.3 Sarvodaya
1967 The land distributed was 1.19 million acres because of unfitness
of 44 per cent of land for cultivation and withdrawals by donors. The
bhoodan figure in states ranged between 21 lakh acres in Bihar and
211 acres in Jammu and Kashmir.” The contribution of Bihar, M.P., U.P,
and Rajastahan aggregated to 85 per cent of donated land. About the
role of law in the process of change contemplated in bhoodan move-
ment, Jayaprakash Narayan said, “Vinoba is not against legislation.
But he is impatient and does not want to wait till there is legislation.
He says he is clearing the road for legislation. There must be public
opinion created before a law can be made. It would come sooner if his
message spreads to every village.” The legal procedure for bhoodan
included owner’s declaration before Revenue Officer, registration of
gift deed under the Indian Registration Act, distribution of donated
land to the landless families by the Sarvodaya Mandal with title subject
to a condition not to sell, lease or mortgage. In order to help the poor
donees to cultivate the land, sampatti dan and sadhan dan (donation of
money and equipments) were also popularised by Vinoba. In addition
to resolving the problem of inequality in possession of land, bhoodan
was aspired to release and bring into play the moral and social forces
for the regeneration of society. Gramdan abolishes private proprietor-
ship of land, and recognises community ownership and cooperative
farming. The revival of the concept of common property resource by
community’s participatior, zather than by imposition from the top is
part of the process building the rural economy by sharing of owner-
ship, work and benefits." Socialism of sarvodaya was unique through
voluntary efforts.
8 Ibid, at p. 202.
® Sudhansu Ranjan, Jayaprakash Narayan: Prophet of People’s Power (National Book
Trust, New Delhi 2002) at ps2/7,
Jayaprakash Narayan, Total Revolution, Vol. II at pp. 292-93.
"See generally, Jayaprakash Narayan, Total Revolution, Vol. IV; Ghanshyam Shah,
“Direct Action in India: A Study of Gujarat and Bihar Agitations” in (Ed.), Ghanshyam
Shah, Social Movements and the State (Sage Publications, New Delhi 2002) at pp. 335-36:
“Direct action implies discontent with the existing situation. Sometimes it is useful as
a safety valve and gives vent to accumulated discontent and influences the political
authority without challenging its legitimacy.”
"2 Ibid, at pp. 155-56.
Sarvodaya 149
2 http://www.
(Nation al Book Trust, New Delhi
114 Nirmala Deshpande, Vinoba (Tr.), S.A. Virkar
2001) at p. 102.
"5 [bid, at p. 103.
ao http:/jegi,917
ee I ee
to Legal Strategy
Alternatives MRR
port of followers like S.N. Subba Rao and others was also crucial.”
The surrender was before a large gathering with wide media cover-
age. Jayaprakash Narayan assured them against hanging."* The daco-
its revealed that it is not money or the lack of it that made a person
to take to weapons but revenge for an injustice done was the motive.
Persons who committed petty offences joined the gangs because of
fear of police, prosecution, inability to provide bail security, dila-
tory and costly trial and imprisonment.” The Indian Government
promised commutation of all death sentences the courts might hand
down, assumed care of dacoit families and provided scholarships for
their children. Redevelopment program for the Chambal valley was
planned aiming at countering the desperate poverty that led many
of the dacoits to lives of violence. After the multiple surrenders, the
Chambal valley enjoyed a period of relative peace. As a result, agri-
culture and other development activities flourished. Most dacoits who
did surrender lived peaceably, farming the 30 bighas of land that the
government allotted to them as a measure of rehabilitation. The once
turbulent Chambal became known for its prosperity.’”°
From the perspective of social transformation and law’s role in it
some inferences can be drawn from the above development. The cult
of violence and criminality is born out of lack of proper awareness
about human responsibilities, factor of economic exploitations, social
structure and multiplying tendencies of revengeful actions. The seri-
ous lacunae in the criminal justice system had also its contribution.
Statism as a solution for these social maladies had failed. Sympathetic
approach put forward by voluntary action and governmental support
to rehabilitate the surrendered dacoits within the legal framework
provided a comfortable solution. What could not be attained by police
force could be achieved by an approach of munificence, correction and
amelioration. How the Sarvodaya principle and procedure can sup-
plement the basic aim of the legal system is fruitfully demonstrated
in the Chambal story. In the long run, the attainment of this holistic
approach in integrating the deviant sections of the society into the civ-
ilised world with peace and prosperity for all is of great significance.
The Chambal lesson has both relevance and limitation in the context
of organised terrorism of modern days.
On the whole, Sarvodaya had benevolent and comprehensive objec-
tive of promoting welfare of all, and activating and uniting the whole
country emotionally and spiritually. While it believed in direct action
"8 Sudhansu Ranjan, Jayaprakash Narayan: Prophet of People’s Power (National Book
Trust, New Delhi 2002) at pp. 201-02.
Marxism 151
ETS et
of people, its ideology and peaceful method gave all justifications for
it as an instrument of social transformation. Its bottom-up approach
perfectly matches the tradition of collectivism richly developed in the
Indian soil.
3.4 Marxism
3.4.1 General
Marxism is a radical philosophy that advocated revolutionary social
change as a method of reversing the exploitations and tyranny of the
strong over the weak. Developed in the context of exploitative social
order that had been unleashed by the industrial revolution in the West,
it responded to the deep-seated differences between capital and labour
by looking to the materialistic background of exploitation and histori-
cal instances of class conflicts. It wielded a great impact all over the
world, and upon developing countries in particular, to evoke socialis-
tic thoughts and policies. Upon the Indian society that had been sub-
jected to colonial rule for more than two centuries; that had suffered
drain of wealth and impoverishment of the common masses; and that
witnessed the class differences, poverty and deprivations, Marxism
cast indelible impact by supplying distinct doctrinal tools and practi-
cal guidelines to organise and carry socio-political movements.
Karl Marx and Frederic Engels believed that law was a superstruc-
ture built on the economic foundations and essentially reflected the
implications of class struggle.** An instrument of domination in the
hands of the economically powerful, law’s function consisted in crush-
ing and eliminating the minority, they reasoned. In order to deal with
the organised bourgeoisie power that oppressed the toiling community,
they gave a call for unity of workers of the world so that they would
be unshackled of their chains of bondage. The dictatorship of prole-
tariat so consciously built was to serve the interests of the classless
society on a footing of equality and gradually enable withering away
of state. “From each according to his ability and to each according to
his need” was the policy of distributive justice in Marxism. Thus, eco-
nomic determinism and materialist considerations were to primarily
mould the contours and direction of the legal system. By laying focus
on man as a matter rather than as a person possessing human spirit,
it developed moral principles as mere class morality to reflect class
interest rather than universal principles of ethical goodness.’ This
(Gandhi Marg 2002) at pp. 261-63. Jayaprakash Narayan considered man as both
matter and spirit. Jayaprakash Narayan, Prison Dairy (Popular Prakashan, Mumbai
1997) at p. 61.
'* Gandhiji said, “political power means capacity to regulate national life through
national representatives. If national life becomes so perfect as to become self-regulated ’
no representation is necessary.” Young India, 2-7-1931, at p. 162.
9 J.B. Kripalani, supra, n. 7 at p. 416.
6 Jayaprakash Narayan, Total Revolution, Vol. I at p. 112 citing from the speech
ee at the Hague Convention of the International Workingmen’s Association in
in Telangana, 1946-
41 D.N. Dhanagare, “Social origin of the Peasant Insurrection
51” in Ghanshyam Shah, Social Movements and the State, at pp. 91, 104-07.
. ies
42 Partha N. Mukherji, supra, n. 1 at pp. 34-35. ic
of jotedar, period
18 [bid, at p. 36. Free supply of labour to the kitchen garden ge in
and presentation of gift to jotedar in the context of marria
repair of jotedar’s house
adhiar’s house were some of the feudal practices.
44 Biplab Dasgupta, infra, n. 150 at p. 211.
45 Cited in Sumanta Banerjee, supra, n. 130 at p. 161.
s Tbid, at p. 130.
158 Alternatives to Legal Strate
eee gy
Annihilation of the exploiters by assassination was also in the agenda.
After the general election in 1967 in which the Leftist coalition gov-
ernment came to power, in the background of helplessness of the rul-
ing party leaders in redistributing all lands to tillers owing to con-
stitutional and legal difficulties, the leaders of peasants in Naxalbari
and other areas launched armed struggle against the landlords and
police. Secret combat groups were formed. Efforts were made to set
fire to jotedars’ houses, their paddy were harvested in night, guns were
snatched, and red flag was hoisted in landlord’s land.” Killing of a
top police officer and powerful landlords by the revolutionaries was
the high watermark of the Naxalbari uprising. The month of June 1967
witnessed reign of terror. In the liberated areas parallel government
and people's courts were established with a belief that “Chinese path
is the path of liberation in India’. Radio Peking hailed the develop-
ment as the front paw of the revolutionary armed struggle launched
by the Indian people under the guidance of Mao Tse Tung’ teachings."
It appeared as though the revolution was roaring from the barrel of
The West Bengal Cabinet Committee, which made a spot study of
Naxalbari uprising, found that the revolutionaries consisted more of
peasants than the landless labourers and that the agrarian conditions
like debt burdens and other social problems were similar to the posi-
tion prevalent in other parts of the state. The Committee suggested
for distribution of governmental land for agricultural purposes, for
inquiring into specific cases of illegal evictions of sharecroppers and
for regularising the occupation of land by the landless labourers."
The government could reestablish law and order in troubled region
with the help of police.
Kanu Sanyal considered lack of military preparedness, absence of
strong party organisation and obstruction by the middle and rich peas-
antry were reasons for the defeat.%° Kanu Sanyal stated, “the terrorism
is pursued by the struggles against revisionism. That is, the new proc-
ess of forming a Marxist-Leninist party which was set in motion after
the Naxalite uprising of 1967 was again nipped in the bud and commu-
nist revolutionaries were split up into various groups.”*>' Factionalism
within the cadre, lure of political power and revisionist governmental
ing feudal class, and was to be done away with for protecting the inter-
ests of the downtrodden. In 1968 guerilla movement was launched to
forcibly cut the crops of the rich landlords. About 250 Girijans raided
a notorious landlord and moneylender, took possession of hoarded
paddy and other properties and seized documents and promissory
notes that had bound them in the past.”
Another site of violent protest was Telangana. The leader was Nagi
Reddy. The reasons for unrest were exploitation of the tribal peasants.
They were in economic distress depending upon loan from money-
lenders. They used to lease their land to migrant families, got indebted
to them and ultimately sold their land at very low price. Sometimes,
fraud was played to have sale deed signed by them in disguise for
lease deed.’ Village officials colluded in cheating the illiterate tribals.
Forest officials too harassed them. Frustration and anger made them
to join Nagi Reddy’s immediate programme (tatkshana karyakramam) of
agrarian reforms or land redistribution. In 1969, 15 districts of Andhra
Pradesh were affected by communist revolutionaries. Killing of land-
lords, moneylenders, merchants, policemen, forest officers—all together
48 in number—and raids and abductions created an atmosphere of fear.
The forests of Andhra Pradesh provided retreat for the guerilla war-
riors.° From the “armed agrarian revolution” of Naxalbari to “gue-
rilla warfare” of Telangana, the change was big, and the one towards
sustaining the power struggle. But since 1972, with the introduction
of economic reforms, the influence of Naxalism was waning but not
extinct. CPI (M) criticised the Naxal approach, “Thus neglecting the
main task of building mass organisations by refusing to fight for every
little relief for the workers and peasants by not paying serious atten-
tion to the immediate demands and to simultaneously raising politi-
cal consciousness, by a mere reliance on organisations of force once
more leads to a band of select individuals indulging in militant actions,
under the pretext of defending or revolutionising the struggles and
bringing disaster to the mass movement."
‘61 Jayaprakash Narayan, Total Revolution, Vol. I at pp.
at p. 240.
12 Jayaprakash Narayan, Total Revolution, Vol. 1
18 bid, at p. 244.
4 Ibid, at p. 239.
162 to Legal StrategyOS
ee SR chs“See ee DONS ICONS
Group spearheaded the violent struggle with tactics of terrorising the
rich, attacking the police and kidnapping the vulnerable. The new mil-
lennium witnessed that it entered into Karnataka and Maharashtra
in the context of eviction of, or harassment to adivasis. States resorted
to detention under TADA and Preventive Detention laws, and direct
police actions or encounters, looking solely from the perspective of
maintaining law and order. Recent intelligence sources indicated a
strong Nepalese Maoist-Naxalite nexus that has emerged in the region
as a serious threat to the internal security of India as a whole and in
particular to five states—U.P, Bihar, Uttaranchal, West Bengal and
Sikkim. These states are connected to the Himalayan kingdom along
the 1751 km border.
' Himal South Asian Sept-Oct (2005) Vol. 18(2) Analysis; see
also, Ramachandra Guha, “The Absent Liberal”, Economic and Political Weekly, 15-12-
2001 for a view that the Naxalites fetishise violence for becoming heroes amidst the
poorest of the poor, the adivasis and dalits.
” Biplab Dasgupta, supra, n. 150 at p. 236.
e 165
The democratic forum of the Left Wing condemns naxalism as anar-
chic and one that is driven to frenzy by the horrors of capitalism. As
Lenin had said, “The instability of such revolutionism, its barrenness,
and its tendency to turn rapidly into submission, apathy, phantasma,
and even a frenzied infatuation with one bourgeois fad or another-
all this is common knowledge." To overcome the problem of such
deviation, it is appropriate to have sustained efforts towards socio-
economic reforms and removal of causes for dissatisfaction amidst the
rural poor and the workers. For example, closure of Kudremukh Iron
Ore company (2005) for environmental reasons has created agony in
the minds of erstwhile workers. Before exploitation of the sentiments
of the workers by naxalites, adoption of suitable measures for rehabili-
tation would bring both peace and prosperity.
Thus, cure for naxalism consists in multi-pronged strategy of sin-
cere formulation and application of socioeconomic reforms; imparting
of extensive education that brings awareness amidst various catego-
ries of people about need for peace, faith in democracy; taking of strin-
gent measures against moneylenders and land grabbers by restoring
the entitlements of the exploited; and taking recourse to dialogue with
extremists for elimination of violence. Unless the social base for anar-
chism is removed, no solid result can be expected.
3.6 Conclusions
Amidst the strategies for social transformation, law is the most authen-
tic and formal instrument. But in a country like India, where strong
tradition of collectivism and community-initiated ameliorative meas-
ures were employed, a bottom-up approach of taking society into con-
fidence is very much required. Gandhism has taught and practiced
change of heart theory in a highly convincing manner by center stag-
ing the human approach of placating the oppressor and empowering
the exploited. The message is that social integration and solidarity
established through consensus of diverse sections of society go a long
way in visualising and effectuating social transformation. Gandhism
did neither denigrate nor glorify the role of law. It tried to strengthen
law by infusing the elements of justice, humanism and universalism.
Gandhian mission has worked to satisfactorily resolve astonishing
variety of social, economic and political problems through the change
of heart theory with convincing success. This calls for integrating
and social strategy in the task of social transformation.
solution is highly inspiring because of cultural support it musters
Disorder”, Selected Works, Vol. III
1 Lenin, “Left Wing Communism, An Infantile
at p. 358.
166 Alternatives to Legal Strategy
SO a ig eter eg
enduring social benefits it engenders. While modernism’s exclusive
reliance on rationality, uniformity and progress have been proved
to be inadequate and also problematic because of marginalisation of
social forces, tradition, and voluntarism, Gandhism and Sarvodaya
transcend beyond modernism and tradition and aim at enhancing
overall strength health and wealth of society. Involving the society
seriously in the process of social transformation has been the major
strategy of sarvodaya. These have all time relevance in the process of
social engineering.
Marxism is a humanist reaction to economic and social exploita-
tions. Although it overemphasised class conflict and proletarian unity
as the process of social change, it did not preach the cult of violence
as an indispensable tool. In India, the Communist and socialist ideolo-
gies had cast their own influence in planning for socialistic pattern of
society within the democratic framework. But Maoist strategy of social
and economic reform, which believed in annihilating the oppressor by
whatever means, had kindled the fire of protest the disgruntled peas-
ants and landless agricultural workers. Inadequate or defective land
reforms, poverty and exploitations provoked violent movement of
Naxalism in late 1960s. Spreading to the pockets of tribal communities
by responding to the problems of their exploitation by moneylenders,
evictions from forests and forced dispossessions, Naxalism has posed
tall challenges to peace and order. The democratic and social response
to Naxalism in West Bengal and Kerala has reduced the violent upris-
ing into a syndrome rather than shaping it into strategy. Compared to
the peaceful strategies, modest working and social impact of Sarvodaya
and voluntarism under Gandhian ideology, Naxalism, which employs
ruthless killing, retaliation and fear psychosis as its tools, fails to con-
vince as an acceptable strategy at all. It also does not conform to the
tradition of peaceful collectivism cherished for centuries. But its pres-
ence symbolises the prevalence of deep-rooted social imbalances, eco-
nomic dissatisfactions and identity questions that are to be resolved
more comprehensively.
Tae ate ee a
4.1 Introduction
1 at p. 10
6 B.A. Masodkar, Society, State and the Law (N.M. Tripathi, Bombay 1979) at pp. 10-12
n Press,
Lawrence Tribe, American Constitutional Law (3rd Edn., New York Foundatio
New York 2000) at p. 2. . a
7 Lord Irvine of Lairg, “The Development of Human Rights in Britain under an
Incorporated Convention on Human Rights” (1998) Public Law 221.
ity Press,
8 Granville Austin, Working of a Democratic Constitution (Oxford Univers
New Delhi 1999) at p. 1.
Ibid, at p. 635.
170 Constitution’s Orientation and Response to Socigl Transformation
4.2.2 Polity’s concern and consensus for justice: the flow from ancient
to modern times
Amazingly resembling Rawlsian description of a just constitution’s
evolution, the ancient Indian system of Rajadharma had its roots in
consensus. In the original position people were mutually protecting
each other, and there was neither kingdom nor king; neither punish-
ment nor guilty person. But subsequently when the tyranny of the
strong over the weak reigned unabated, people began to search for
remedy. As Kautilya described, “People suffering from anarchy, as
illustrated by the proverbial tendency of big fish devouring the smaller
Moore, “Rawls on Constitution-making” in J. Roland
1 bid, see also, Ronald
Press, New
Pennock and John W. Chapman, Constitutionalism (New York University
York 1979) at pp. 238-42. .
of society, or more
2 “For us the primary subject of justice is the basic structure
institu tions distrib ute the fundam ental rights
exactly the way in which major social tion. By
of advant ages from social coopera
and duties and determine the division ic
l constit ution and the princip al econom
major institution I understand the politica
A Theory of Justice (1972) at p. 7.
and social arrangements. ” John Rawls,
13 Mahabharata, Shantiparva, at pp. 14-59.
172 Constitution’s Orient ation and Response to Social. Transformation
ones (matsyanyaya), first elected Manu, the Vaivasvata, to be their king,
and allotted one-sixth of grain grown and one-tenth of merchandise
as sovereign dues. Being fed by payment, the kings took upon them-
selves the responsibility of assuring and maintaining the safety and
welfare (yogakshema) of their subjects and of being answerable for the
sins of their subjects when the principle of levying just punishment
and taxes has been violated.” The goal of the polity was ordained to be
the fulfilment of dharma, artha and kama.* The king was expected to be
the maker of age by setting example of ideal conduct and by motivat-
ing good behaviour.» The coronation oath of the king bound him to
protect the world, act fearlessly and observe the whole dharma and not
according to his sweet will.° The duties of the king to protect people,
to administer justice impartially, and to protect the minors, women,
the helpless and the diseased reflected policies of welfare state.” The
approach that “In the happiness of his subjects lies the king’s happi-
ness; in their welfare his welfare’”’® pointed out commitment to wel-
fare. The elaborate charter of equality as a philosophy and rule of law
emphasised the value of justice.”
The tradition of Buddhism and Ashokan policies of welfare and
religious tolerance continued the approach of peoples’ happiness.
Shankaracharya’s low-key treatment of property and focus on benevo-
lence of human soul gave a new dimension to life’s perception. The
illustrious line of Bhakti saints including Basavesvara, Ramananda,
Nanak and Kabir kept alive the considerations of justice in social poli-
cy.” It is similar principle of humanism that persuaded the medieval
society to continue the mainstream approach of religious tolerance
and people’s welfare overpowering the aberrations. Modern society’s
active involvement in combating social evils and gender injustice
reflected collective ideology of welfare and determination to estab-
lish the social base for justice. Thus, an undercurrent of consensus for
social welfare flowed through the ages and became a cultural ethos
‘* Barhaspatya Sutra, II-43; P.V. Kane, History of Dharmashastra, Vol. III (Bhandarkar
Oriental Research Institute, Poona 1973) at p. 240.
'* “Whether it is the king who is the maker of the age or the age that makes the
king is a question about which there is no room for doubt. The king is undoubtedly
the maker of the age.” Mahabharata, Shantiparva, at pp. 69-79.
'© Mahabharata, Shantiparva, at pp. 59, 106-08; Rama Jois, Legal and Constitutional
History of India, Vol. 1 (N.M. Tripathi, Bombay 1984) at p. 601-02.
” Mahabharata, Shantiparva, at pp. 24-25, 86, Manu, VIII-27-28; Vasista, IX-20; Rama
Jois at pp. 614-15.
'® Kautilya, at p. 42 (Shama Shastri); Rama Jois at p. 607.
' Rigveda, V-60-65; X-191-94; Atharvaveda samajnani sukta. PV. Kane, History of
Dharmashastra, Vol. II (Part I, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute Poona 1973) at
pp. 19-48.
20 See supra, Ch. 2.
Evolution of the Constitution
for influencing the deliberations in the Constituent Assembly hall. It is
significant to note that the speeches of the members in the Constituent
Assembly were studded with references to ancient Hindu jurispruden-
tial thoughts and literature, extracts from Urdu and other Indian lit-
erature and socio-cultural experiences. They were not mere lip-deep
respects, but were recognition of indebtedness to the past either for
reform or for inspiration.
Anglo-Indian constitutional experiences: the emerging consensus
Introf oduc
rule of law,
parliamentary democracy and federalism,
which have crucial importance for India’s social transformation,is
partly traceable to the outc
of British
ome Indian constitutional instru-
ments. In spite of their serious limitationthey
s, gradually and incte-
mentally enhanced the content and efficacy of these values, set the
trend for socio-legal changes and provided guidance and background
for free India’s constitutional development.
The Charter of 1600, while authorising the East India Company to
make reasonable laws, constitutions, orders and ordinances for the
good government of the Company and of its officers and execute its
Laws introduced the germ of accountability." With the transition of the
Company from a trading body to a territorial power, the notion of good
governance was extended to the legal regime operating upon people
under its jurisdiction in Presidency Towns.” Corruption amongst the
servants of the Company, public opinion against the Company, mis-
handling of the situation of famine in Bengal and deteriorating finan-
cial condition of the Company made the British Parliament to enact
the Regulating Act, 1773. The Act not only provided for control over
the Governor General in Council and created the Supreme Court of
Judicature, but also required the exercise of legislative power of the
Company to be just, reasonable and comport to the laws of England;
to get consent and approbation of the Supreme Court; and to be sub-
ject to King’s power of disapproval. In the matter of compliance with
English Law, discretion was exercised without guidelines, which pro-
duced more of injustice, alarm and anarchy.» The Act of Settlement,
2 [bert described it as the germ out of which the Anglo-Indian codes were
ultimately developed. Ilbert, The Government of India (Ist Edn., 1922) at pp. 10, 29. Rama
Jois considered it as the starting point of the new legal system. Legal and Constitut
History of India, Vol. 11 (N.M-Tripathi, Bombay 1984) at p. 26.
Kulshreshta, Landmarks in
2 Charter of 1668, 1683, 1686, 1693 and 1698. See, VD.
Eastern Book Co., Lucknow 2005) at
Indian Legal and Constitutional History (8th Edn.,
Cowell, History and
BRA Pek Mill, History of British India, Vol. Ill, at pp. 502-03;
in India, at p. 44; V.D. Kulshrestha,
Constitution of the Courts and Legislative Authorities
at pp. 101-03.
174 Constitution’s Orientation and Response to Social Transformation
1781 aimed to rectify the ruinous mistake of the Act of 1773 by provid-
ing that the inhabitants should be maintained and protected in the
enjoyment of ali their ancient laws, usages, rights and privileges. It
also recognised the disciplinary jurisdiction of heads of Hindu fami-
lies upon their members. Regulation 3 of 1793 allowed application of
different personal laws on family matters, English Law on commer-
cial matters and justice, equity and good conscience in the absence of
specific source of law. The Charter Act of 1833 laid special emphasis
on the enactment of uniform law in certain important fields to govern
all persons without any distinction of caste and religion. It also con-
templated establishing of the Indian Law Commission to inquire and
report about judicial procedure and modifications required in sub-
stantive and procedural law.
The Proclamation made by Queen Victoria (1858) soon after the First
War of Indian Independence not only tried to assuage Indian feel-
ings by categorically declaring the policy of non-intervention in reli-
gious matters and inherited rights of the natives on land but also pro-
nounced the policy of support to social advancement and equal access
to public employment. From the perspective of social transformation
through people oriented governance, two important points made in
the Proclamation need attention:
“We shall respect the rights, dignity and honour of native Princes as
our own; and we desire tat they, as well as our subjects, should enjoy
that prosperity and that social advancement which can be only secured
by internal peace and good government...When, by the blessing Provi-
dence, internal security shall be restored, it is our earnest desire to stim-
ulate the peaceful industry of India, to promote works of public utility
and improvement, and administer the Government for the benefit of all
our subjects resident therein. In their prosperity will be our strength, in
their contentment our security and in their gratitude our best reward.”
Whether the British seriously pursued and practiced this ideal or not,
the policy statement had reflected the ultimate purpose of the polity
towards protection, peace and prosperity of people. The Government
of India Act, 1858 put an end to the rule by the Company, vested the
territories in Her Majesty and created the Council of India, a body of
fifteen nominees of Her Majesty, equipped with power to make laws
and supervise the executive. It contemplated four types of provinces
with different status and administrative set up.
From the angle of involvement of Indians in the governance a land-
mark development took place in 1861 with the passing of the Indian
Council Act. This Act provided for nomination of Indian members to
the Central Council and established legislative councils for the prov-
inces of Bengal, Madras and Bombay with power to enact laws of local
importance. Although the Governor General had power of intervention
in the matter of law-making, the emergence of the Council as a delib-
erative body was significant. The body consisted of not less than six
and not more than twelve nominees. The strength of the Council was
increased to 10 and 16 respectively by the Indian Councii Act, 1892.
Members were given opportunity to criticise the financial policy of the
Government and to suggest improvements. The Provincial Councils
were also expanded.
In the background of autocratic regime of Lord Curzon, a smoothen-
ing political touch was given in the Indian Council Act of 1909 by
passing Minto—Morley reforms. It increased the maximum number
of members of the Council to 60, introduced the system of election to
choose non-official members, and allotted seats on the basis of religion
and economic status as landlord. The reforms were peripheral and
socially divisive in consequence. For pacifying the dissatisfied Indians
by increasing association of them in the governance and for gradual
development of self-governing institutions with a view to the progres-
sive realisation of responsible government in India the Government
of India Act, 1915-1919 was enacted on the basis of the Montagu-
Chelmsford Committee Report. Bicameral central legislature with large
number of members, limited tenure and periodic election, prescrip-
tion of property, educational or income qualification for voters, com-
munal representation and overriding powers of the Governor General
were the features of the Central Government. Introduction of diarchy,
majority of non-official elected members with expanded strength and
division of legislative subjects into Central and Provincial subjects
were the features of provincial government. Keith hails the essential
novelty of the Act in providing for the system of responsible govern-
ment in some spheres. But the overlapping and interconnected char-
acter of transferred and reserved subjects, lack of joint responsibility
on the part of ministers, Provincial Governor’s power of intervention
in various levels and executive’s control over finance had resulted in
failure of diarchy. Gandhiji felt that the Act did not mark a change of
heart but was only a method of further draining India of her wealth
and of prolonging servitude.” In the light of repressive measures like
Rowlatt Act and the massacre of freedom fighters at Jalianwalla Bagh
who protested against the Rowlatt measure, a demand for revision of
Government of India Act 1919 was raised by the Congress party and
national leaders. During the discussion on Muddiman Commission
report in the Central Legislative Assembly, Motilal Nehru persuaded
ent state,
% In protest against the British policy of declaring India as belliger
1939 after two years’ of
the Congress ministries in various provinces resigned in
the Act as providing or an
2” KT. Shah, Federal Structure, at p. 123 described
t involving the Indians.
ornamental mechanism for governance at the Centre withou
Documents, Vol. I (Universal
28 B. Shiva Rao, The Framing of India’s Constitution, Select
Law Publishing, New Delhi 1967 rept. 2004) at p. 5.
178 Constitution’s Orientation and Response to-Social Transformation
i 2Ee PY RSet A IE
because of value orientation given to law towards better social situation.
Its assertion that State education shall be free (Article 25) and that pri-
mary education shall be compulsory (Article 26), its guarantee of vari-
ous basic rights to all citizens and its detailed scheme for democratic
governance with federal system and bicameralism point out the vision
about social transformation through constitution. Gokhale’s Political
Testament, 1914 had put persuasive argument for provincial autonomy
and democratisation of local self-government. The Memorandum on
Post-war Reforms, 1916 reiterated demand for provincial autonomy
and a full measure of Local Self Government in addition to elected
legislative council and Central Executive Council with elected repre-
sentatives of Indians as its members. The Congress-League Scheme
1916 concentrated on democratic framework at the central and provin-
cial level and did not touch upon the modality or direction of social
The Commonwealth of India Bill, 1925 drafted under the leadership
of Gandhiji and Annie Besant contemplated five units of government:
Gram (village) panchayat, taluka sabha, zila (district) samiti, provin-
cial government and national government with adequate coordination
and democratic features. The memorandum accompanying the Bill
shed light about the goals to be attained through independence and
constitutional governance. It said:
“For India, Freedom is a matter of life and death. The appalling pov-
erty of the masses, the neglect of their education shown by the disgrace-
fully low figure of percentage of school attendance, the short life-period,
the little tenacity of that, as a Nation, she is on the down-
grade , under British Rule...The British Government cares only for its
own kin. There is one cure for the admitted ‘restlessness’ of India, and
that is her Freedom.””9
Another landmark indigenous document as an effort to reflect upon a
possible Constitution with a clear focus on social transformation was
the Nehru Report, 1928. Article 4 of the Report proposed to guarantee
equal liberty for all, gender equality, non-discrimination on grounds
of religion caste or creed in the matter of access to and public employ-
ment and various freedoms and due process protections. Some clauses
in the provision have explicit orientation to social transformation. “All
citizens in the Commonwealth of India have the right to free elemen-
tary education without any distinction of caste or creed in the matter
of admission to educational institutions, maintained or aided by state
and such right shall be enforceable as soon as due arrangements shall
have been made by competent authority.” “All citizens have an equal
access to, and use of, public roads, public wells and all other places of
29 Ibid, at p. 49.
of the Consti
ae eeltution inten eee 179
public resort.” “Parliament shall make suitable laws for the mainte-
nance of health and fitness for work of all citizens, securing of a liv-
ing wage for every worker, the protection of motherhood, welfare of
children, and (protection against) economic consequences of old age,
infirmity and unemployment.” While the first one tries to bring gen-
eral empowerment by establishing a knowledge society, the second
one has aim at eradication of untouchability. The welfare component
of the last one is explicit. The Report had contemplated parliamentary
form of government, federalism, and independent judiciary. Its idea
of redistribution of territory with a notable example of Karnataka as a
single separate province by joining various parts of it had a genesis for
linguistic organisation of states.
The Congress Resolutions and speeches of national leaders refer to
the task of eradication of poverty, restructuring the land ownership,
and formation of All-India federation and Panchayat Raj. According to
the Karachi Resolution, 1931, “In order to end the exploitation of the
masses, political freedom must include the real economic freedom of
the starving millions.” It had specific programmes to protect industrial
workers, women, children and peasants from various types of exploi-
tation. Many of the Directive Principles are traceable to the Karachi
Resolution*? Satyamurthy’s speech in the Central Assembly in 1937
demanding for Constituent Assembly and repealing of the 1935 Act
referred to transfer of political power as conferring an opportunity for
Indian people to live as free men and free women and to banish from
this great country the evils of poverty, misery and disease.
5% Ibid, at p. 978
51 CAD, 21-11-1949, at pp. 887&993 of Book V.
5 CAD, 23-11-1949, at p. 840 of Book V.
8 Granville Austin, supra, n. 30 at pp. 34-49.
184 Response to Sacial
Constitution's Orientation andA: Transformation
Dac MISS 8 IAL AI NRNe i i eyentree ANN ARES EN
was favored, making it an electoral college for indirect system of elec-
tion was not preferred to direct adult suffrage system. The disbelief
about competence of local bodies reflecting only local and traditional
interests to support dynamic changes at the national or state level
had sidelined the position of panchayats. Parliamentary democracy as
a tool for social change could thrive through direct election, it was
thought. For national level planning, for launching public distribution
system, national security and suppression of communal problem a
strong Central Government based on principle of accountability was
regarded as appropriate. However, the role of panchayats to foster peo-
ple’s involvement in improving village conditions was recognised as
supplementary means of social change. Aspiring for modernisation
of India along with preservation of her identity was like harmonising
between the “inner man and his ever-changing outer environment.”
Third, discussion on Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles
of State Policy reflected the concern to make social transformation cen-
tral to the working of these provisions. The views expressed in the
course of discussing the provisions relating to reservation, women’s
rights, prohibition of untouchability, traffic in human beings and
bonded labour, and protection of religious freedom and minority
rights reflect such concern. The insightful speeches of Monmohon Das,
B.R. Ambedkar, Dakshayini Velayudhan, Muniswamy Pillai, Nagappa
and KT. Shah threw light or transformative spirit underlying eradica-
tion of untouchability and discrimination in public places>> Regarding
reservation in public employment Dr. Ambedkar clarified that the
policy was to safeguard two things namely, the principle of equality
of opportunity and at the same to satisfy the demand of communities
which had not so far representation in the state5° About the need for
regulatory power with the state against abuses of expressional and
other freedoms K. Hanumanthayya viewed from a law-society per-
spective: “Law once made may not hold good for all time to come.
Society changes; Governments change; the temper and psychology
of the people change from decade to decade if not from year to year.
The law must be such as to automatically adjust itself to the changing
conditions.”” He regarded that this task could b2tter performed by
the legislature rather than judiciary. Algu Rai Shastri considered vari-
ous legal! restrictions on freedoms as essential for good citizenship and
for realising the responsibilities arising from freedom:* Prohibition of
* Jawaharlal Nehru, Unity of India, at p. 26; see also, Granville Austin, supra, n. 30
at p. 49.
*° CAD, 29-11-1948, at pp. 651-69 of Book II.
*° CAD, 30-11-1948, at p. 701 of Bcok II.
” CAD, 2-12-1948, at p. 754-55 of Book II.
* Ibid, at p. 768.
liquor consumption and exploitation through abuse of property right
were paving the way of reform, he reasoned. Discussion by Durgabai,
Raj Bahadur, Renuka Roy, Nagappa and T. Krishnamachari on traffic
in human beings focused on magnitude and types of exploitations and
experiences of legal prohibition in some of the states;? Renuka Roy
observed that unless there was change in the mind of men towards
the problem, the very dignity of womanhood could not be protected
in spite of legal reforms.® The discussion on freedom of religion con-
centrated on the modalities and limits of bringing social reforms in
religion and control of economic activities connected with religion.”
Protection of the educational rights of religious and linguistic minori-
ties was discussed from the perspective of identity-protection and cul-
tural autonomy suitable to social change and harmony. The discussion
had contemplated such educational right at primary and secondary
levels of education only.”
Constitution makers had high expectations about the status and
effect of Directive Principles of State Policy in their pursuit for planned
social changes through them. K-T. Shah expressed unhappiness for
keeping compulsory primary education only as a directive and non-
enforceable against the state. Shibban Lal Saksena was against treat-
ing the directives only pious wishes, as they were instrumental for
realising the great ideals contained in the preamble, and suggested for
converting them into Fundamental Rights after 10 years’.* D.S. Seth
suggested for socialistic pattern of society for bringing real welfare of
people. Pointing out such content in the draft provision, Dr. Ambedkar
observed, “While we have established political democracy, it is also
the desire that we should lay down as our ideal economic democracy.
We do not want merely to lay down a mechanism to enable people
to capture power. The Constitution also wishes to lay down an ideal
before those who would be forming the Government.’ His view
that DPSP operated as Instruments of Instructions making the party
in power answerable before election pointed out its place as evaluat-
ing standard in politics and calling for political sanction. Shibban Lal
Saksena pointed out the extent of economic amelioration to the work-
ers and families of untouchables with the policy of prohibition of alco-
16. .
77 For further discussion, see infra, Chs. 5 and
further discussion see infra, Ch. 6
8 Granville Austin, supra, n. 30 at p. 307; for
81 CAD, 13-9-1949, at p. 1414 of Book IV.
® CAD, 6-9-1949, at pp. 1028-29 of Book IV.
190 Constitution’s Orienta tion and Response to Social Transformation
ial e are SL rove cintetssr sian! ean eo
their blue print for social progress was grand and inspiring can be
understood by looking to the text of the Constitution.
“ Arts. 39(b) and (c); legislations passed for the implementation of these directives
have special protection under Arts. 31-C against constitutional challenges.
8 Arts. 39(a) and (d) and Art. 41.
*° Arts. 39(e), 41, 42, 43, 43-A.
The textual basis, persuasion and mechanism
i ascarn ehnisi h n 193
access to public health by including the policy of prohibition is envis-
aged. Sixth, protection of environment, organisation of agriculture
and animal husbandry, prohibition of cow slaughter and protection of
monuments and other national heritages are contemplated [Articles 47,
48 and 48-A]. Seventh, reforms in governmental structure are thought
of by providing for organisation of village panchayats, equal justice and
free legal aid, separation of judiciary from executive and promotion of
respect to international law, peace and security (Articles 40, 39-A, 50
and 51).
Fundamental Duties (Article 51-A) unfold participative approach to
social transformation by appealing to people’s positive duty in the task
of raising the nation to higher levels of endeavour and achievement by
implementing the multicultural, developmental, non-violent and eco-
friendly policies. The duty to promote harmony and spirit of brother-
hood amongst all the people of India transcending religious, linguistic,
regional and sectional diversities and to uphold national unity reflect
the inevitability but controlled place of cultural identities to suit the
parameters of social transformation.
Quite suitable to the concept of Activist State shouldering the respon-
sibility of socio-economic reforms of far-reaching importance, parlia-
mentary form of government at both the levels and strong Central
Government as unique feature of federalism, reflecting a top-down
model, have been envisaged in the Constitution. It is only since 1990s
that institutional support to the programmes of welfare state through
grass root democracy is emerging to fill the gap through bottom-up
strategy. Since in parliamentary form of government legislative initia-
tive is largely handled by treasury bench, people’s choice of a party or
group of parties to power is generally regarded as choice of new leg-
islative policies as well. The type of bicameral system chosen for cen-
tral legislature is such that in the legislative process relating to pass-
ing of Ordinary Bills and Money Bills, the voice of the popular House
is allowed to prevail upon that of second chamber that reflects state
interests.*7 President’s power of asking the Parliament to reconsider
the Bill is also not blocking the passage of the Bill but operates only
as a safeguard against hasty decision.* The system of bicameralism is
prevalent only in five states and can be adopted or abolished by ordi-
nary law made by Parliament based on special resolution of the con-
cerned state legislative assembly (Articles 168 and 169). The Legislative
Council has the power only of delaying the passing of the Ordinary
*® Arts. 73 and 154; Ram Jawaya Kapur v. State of Punjab, ATR 1955 SC 549: (1955) 2
SCR 225.
* According to T. Devidas, “The Indian model of federalism would place the states
in the position of only subordinately useful entities vested with some real powers, but
under the obligation to function in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.”
“Administrative process vis-a-vis social justice” in N.R. Madhava Menon (Ed.), Social
Justice and Social Process in India (Indian Academy of Social Sciences, Allahabad 1988)
280 at p. 286; also see, Mahendra P. Singh, “Federalism, Democracy and Human Rights:
Some Reflections” (2005) 47 JILI 429.”
The textual basis, persuasion and mechanism 195
functioning.” Secondly, the scheme for distribution of legislative pow-
ers between two layers of Governments has tended to uphold uni-
formity in policies of national importance and prevalence of central
law over state law in case of conflicts. Thirdly, both the Central and
State Governments are burdened with the responsibility of protecting
the rights of people and bringing various welfare measures envisaged
under Part IV of the Constitution. Although diversities arising from
federalism are inevitable, fairly uniform standard of development in
all states in the matter of access to basic necessities of life such as food,
health, education, livelihood etc. is contemplated in Article 38(2). The
legislative subjects in State and Concurrent Lists are giving opportuni-
ties for regional experimentations in social reform measures. Fourthly,
the economic reform legislation passed by the states get protection
against Part III based challenges only when they get President’s assent
or get incorporated into Ninth Schedule by constitutional amendment.
This requires cooperation of the Central Government and Parliament.
Fifthly, the distribution of financial resources between Central and
State Governments has been so arranged that national planning and
implementation of developmental projects has emerged as the com-
mon phenomenon. States’ dependence for grants of fiscal resources
has compelled cooperative federalism. Sixthly, national unity is an
objective framed for preservation to which social transformation shall
also conform. Seventhly, territorial organisation of states is given a
flexible treatment in the Constitution in order to keep it with the wave-
length of social transformation emerging from linguistic and ethnic
pressures from local communities. It is quite noteworthy that ongo-
ing federalising process, by politically accommodating ethnic and lin-
guistic identities, has provided an effective method of managing and
resolving conflicts.* Asymmetrical federalism by conferring special
position to some of the states? and structure of multilevel federation
by accommodating Autonomous Districts and Councils within some
of the states have unique strategies for social transformation. Linked
with democracy, federalism has contributed to the cause of multicul-
turalism. While the concept of federalism itself has undergone change
% FE. V. Chinnaiah v. State of A.P. (2005) 1 SCC 394.
and Strategies
P Ishwara Bhat, “Multicultural Federalism in India: Values, Trends
arya, “Forms of
in (2001) 2 Kerala Journal of Legal Studies 23; also see, Harihar Bhattach
(2005) 4:1 Canadia n Diversity , Winter
Multiculturalism and Identity Issues in India”
46 at p. 47.
Maharashtra, Nagaland,
fe iis 370, 371-A to 371-H for states of Jammu & Kashmir,
. in
Andhra Pradesh, Sikkim, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh
* Gurpreet Mahajan, “Indian Exceptionalism or Indian Model: Negotiating
Cultural Diversity and Minority Rights in a Democratic Nation-State in Will
lism in Asia (Oxford University Press,
Kymlicka and Baogang He (Eds.), Multicultura
New York 2005) 288.
196 Constitution’s OrientationaOR Transformation
and Response to SocialASI
ae 1 ele eC OA IRE ADEE ES
for meeting the requirement of social transformation its instrumental
role for the same task is crucial.
That top down model of federalism is now supplemented by three-
layered Panchayat Raj Institution (PRI) and Nagarpalika. Elaborate
provisions have been made for compulsory grass root democracy
with periodic election, non-intervention by government, local decision
making, representation to the marginalised sections including women,
and planning and implementation of programmes relating to social
justice, public health, and equitable use of community resources.”
Indian Constitution’s scheme for multiculturalism is spread over
provisions on human rights, directive principles, fundamental duties,
democracy, federalism and special provisions for the tribal commu-
nities. Secularism, equal language rights and protection of ethnic
minorities through measures of self-government, social justice and
development have been employed as major tools in the constitutional
text for developing a happy harmonious society.”
Another crucial provision for accommodating and initiating social
transformation is relating to the power and procedure to amend the
Constitution. Peaceful and substantial changes in and through the
Constitution could occur by using Article 368. The provision has
traversed a via media policy in between rigidity and flexibility. The
determination to allow future generation to alter the supreme law
by special method in order to respond to the challenges of changing
times reflects Constitution makers understanding of the Constitution
as a living instrument.
1989) at
8 SP Sathe, Constitutional Amendments 1950-1988 (N.M. Tripathi, Bombay
pp. 16.
°° Kameshwar Singh v. State of Bihar, AYR 1951 Pat 91.
1 Parliamentary Debates, Vol. XII (Part 2) 16 -5-1951.
1 State of W.B. v. Subodh Gopal Bose, AIR 1954 SS92
1954 SC 119.
102 Dwarkadas Shrinivas v. Sholapur Spg. & Wog. Co. Ltd., AIR
3 State of W.B. v. Bella Banerjee, AIR 1954 SC 170.
198 Response to Social
Constitution’s lec Transformation
iE 0S Bes hay eR Sswe MSA aN es
Karimbil Kunhikoman’*+. By amending the definition of the term “estate”
to include ryotwari holding also, the Constitution (Seventeenth)
Amendment Act, 1964 covered up the deficiency.
In view of the judgment in Rustom Cavasjee Cooper v. Union of India‘
which opened up the issue of justiciability of compensation by scru-
tinising whether there was compensation or fraudulent expropriation
the necessity of substituting the word compensation by a neutral word
“amount” was felt by the makers of the Constitution (Twenty-fifth
aac tin
"4 Karimbil Kunhikoman v. State of Kerala, AIR 1962 SC 723: 1962 Supp (1) SCR 829.
5 (1970) 1 SCC 248: AIR 1970 SC 564.
0° Kesavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala, (1973) 4 SCC 225: AIR 1973 SC 1461.
State of Maharashtra v. Basantibai Mohanlal Khetan, (1986) 2 SCC 516: AIR 1986 SC
1466; also see, P. Ishwara Bhat, Fundamental Rights (Eastern Law House, Kolkata
at pp. 531-33.
The context and content of constitutional amendments 199
5 Rs a re la
4.4.2 Reservation policy and amendments
Provisions on reservation policy constituted another site of frequent
amendments’® either to overcome restrictive interpretations or to
expand the area of its operation both in time and space. Political res-
ervation to the SC/STs has been extended decennially from time to
time while the original intention was to confine its prevalence only
for first 10 years’. In response to Champakam Dorairajan*® decision rul-
ing out state’s power to provide for reservation in édti¢ational insti-
tutions Clause (4) was added to Article 15 by the Constitution (First
Amendment) Act, 1955. Three amendments were brought to scale down
the effect of Indra Sawhney judgme
on the question
nt s of levels and
quantum of reservation in the matter of public employment.” In order
to extend reservation policy to the level of promotion for SC/STs Clause
(4-A) was added by the Constitution (Seventy-seventh Amendment)
Act, 1995. When consequential seniority was not given because of the
formal equality rule in Ajit Singh case’ the Parliament again amended
this clause in 2001 by safeguarding the seniority of the reservation
promotees. For ensuring that relaxation of promotion rules will not
be hit by the requirement of safeguarding administrative efficiency
under Article 335 through the application of Preeti Srivastava’? ruling,
a proviso was added to that effect by the Constitution (Eighty-second
Amendment) Act, 2000. Unusual method of using Ninth Schedule tech-
nique was employed by Constitution (Seventy-sixth Amendment) Act,
1994 to safeguard the Tamil Nadu legislation on reservation exceed-
ing the 50 per cent rule. The Constitution (Eighty-first Amendment)
Act, 2000 facilitated to fill up backlog vacancies by going beyond the
50 per cent rule as an extraordinary measure by adding Clause (4-B).
The fact that as many as five amendments were brought in a span of
six years’ in the matter of reservation in public employment speaks
about the readiness of Parliament and enthusiasm of the political par-
ties to respond to the cause of assisting the SC/STs going beyond the
balanced approach taken in Indra Sawhney which aimed to satisfy the
interests of the society as a whole along with implementing the reser-
vation policy. The Supreme Court has upheld the constitutionality of
the amendments to Article 16(4) in M. Nagaraj v. Union of India™> but
of Asia and
"5. Werner Menski, Comparative Law in a Global Context: The Legal Systems
Africa (Platinium, London 2000) at p. 205.
Act, 2002.
"6 Inserted by the Constitution (Eighty-sixth) Amendment
t Act, 1978; the Constitution (Fifty-
117 The Constitution (Forty-fourth) Amendmen t Act,
Act, 1985; the Constitution (Seventy-third) Amendmen
second) Amendment
dment Act, 1992.
1992; the Constitution (Seventy-fourth) Amen
202 Constitution's Orientat Transformation
ion and Response to SocialPRE
alm ilps ac pel ANNE LES NS
The NCRWC recommendation for incorporation of right to primary
education as Fundamental Right has materialised. Its suggestion for
scheme of rural employment guarantee is also given practical shape
and legal status in the form of a law."* The Commission expressed dis-
appointment about inadequate implementation of the constitutional
goals. Three observations made by NCRWC can be remembered here
regarding building up a developed and inclusive society with commit-
ment to human rights and welfare, “The first and the foremost need
is to place the citizens of this country at centre stage and demonstrate
this prioritisation in all manifestation of governance;” “The sociology
of pluralism is not inimical to strong democracy, but, on the contrary,
is in itself a strong sustaining factor of democracy. It is essential to
promote participatory institutions ”; and “In the changing context of
globalised economy, the Fundamental Law should address itself in
action to relocate the sources of the social obligations of the State.” As
a part of implementation strategy for the Directive Principles it sug-
gested annual scrutiny of the governmental efforts through interactive
seminars participated by civil society. It should be noted that the need
to fill the gap between people and the Constitution shall be properly
addressed as a part of social transformation discourse and exercise."”?
General elections have also supplied opportunities for people’s
choice about constitutional amendments. Election manifestos of politi-
cal parties often refer to future constitutional amendments. Although it
is not well established that political promises really influence people’s
voting behaviour, parties in power claim people’s specific mandate to
bring the promised constitutional change after the election. Abolition
of Privy Purse and of right to property and restoration of democratic
features of the Constitution after the internal emergency have been
the products of ballot. Public debate involved in the electoral process
makes people participants in the change process.
24 Para 650.
0S Ibid, at 667 “We find it difficult to accept the contention that our Constitution
makers after making immense sacrifices for achieving certain ideals made provision
in the Constitution itself for the destruction of those ideals. There is no doubt as
men of experience and sound political knowledge, they must have known that social,
economic and political changes are bound to come with the passage of time and the
Constitution must be capable of being so adjusted as to be able to respond to those
new demands. Our Constitution is not a mere political document. It is essentially a
social document. It is based on a social philosophy and every social philosophy like
every religion has two main features, namely, basic and circumstantial.”
26 Para 682.
27 Para 1198.
A grand formula to balance between continuity and change
i sea NR enh nea scl ne pea 205
Constitution in people’s will, which was accommodating peripheral
changes without sacrificing its core identity. For both continuity and
change people’s will provided nourishment. He reasoned, by citing
Carl J. Friedrich, that Constitution as a living and organic system was
prone to experience, development and decay of certain parts, yet the
basic structure or pattern would remain the same, and that with the
perish of essential components it would face destruction.* Analysing
the importance of words “the Constitution shall stand amended”, he
pointed out the need to have meaningful continuation of other provi-
sions of the Constitution even after amendment.” He elaborately dealt
with the position of right to property as subordinate to the concept of
social good that enables peaceful and structural changes in property
relations for filling the wide gap between the haves and have nots, and
considered that right to property did not constitute part of essential
features of the Constitution.%° His approach of denying basic struc-
ture status to right to property designed the basic structure theory to
facilitate social and economic transformation. Thus, the majority was
clear in moulding the balance between continuity and change.
The dissenting views were pointing out the difficulty in the differ-
entiation between essential and inessential features of the Constitution
and Parliament’s competence to determine the same according to the
very feature of parliamentary form of government, as opposed to
finality of judicial determination. A.N. Ray, J. observed, “Changes in
the Constitution are thus actuated by a sense of duty to the people to
help them get what they want out of life. There is no destiny of man in
whose service some men can rightfully control others; there are only
the desires and preferences and ambitions that men actually have.
The duty to maximise happiness means that it is easier to give people
what they want than to make them want what you can easily give. The
framers of the Constitution did not put any limitation on the amend-
ing power because the end of a Constitution is the safety, the greatness
and well being of the people. Changes in the Constitution serve these
great ends and carry out the real purposes of the Constitution." The
other dissenting judges also expressed their trust with Parliament in
the matter of safeguarding the Constitution's identity and achieving
its objectives in order to suit to the requirements of changing times."
That they were not averse to keeping the continuity of basic features is
reflected in judgments rendered by some of them in subsequent cases
28 Carl J. Friedrich, Man and His Government (1963) at p. 272.
29 Paras 1437-38.
130 Paras 1488-95.
131 ALN. Ray, J., para 922; Palekar, J., para 1321-22.
132 Para 959 also see, para 922.
d, JJ.
133 Palekar, Mathew, Beg, Dwivedi and Chandrachu
206 and Response to Social Transfor
Constitution’s OrientatiPOonNAMES mation
C ea L oh BPA Aes NAMES fra IE =
like Indira Nehru Gandhi3+ and Minerva Mills, especially when they
realised that what was brushed aside as an argument of fear was not
a fictitious one but an unfortunate reality that haunted through the
grossest abuse of parliamentary institution.
Emergence of basic structure doctrine as a unanimous balancing
wheel to uphold continuity even amidst change is not only one of the
feats of judicial achievement but is also a replica of general process
of social transformation that invigorates through fulfiling the desire
to protect permanent will of the community along with responding
to the urge for change. Between rigid position of unamendability
and flexible situation of easy method of amendment, the framers had
struck a balance comparable to a safety valve of an engine that rescues
from exploding pressure built within but would not be allowing the
operation of machine with great ease that renders it a loose instrument.
The judiciary provided a balancing dimension to the methodology of
change for comfortable result. As A. Lakshminath views, “Change
with continuity means progress.”"° It also means responsibility shared
between Parliament and the Court. S.P. Sathe comments, “How to sus-
tain the basic structure doctrine without sacrificing democracy is a
question the Court and Parliament will have to solve by cooperation.
One way to do is to entrust matters of policy to Parliament and matters
of principle to the Supreme Court.” The need to go beyond the legal-
istic approach and assess the considerations of propriety by a vision
and knowledge of dynamics of social change will have to be realised
by the judiciary in handling the basic structure scrutiny with a states-
man’s skill. Sathe also views that interpretation of a Constitution by
looking to the political, historical and social aspects, provide justifica-
tions for basic structure, limitation for saving the constitution from
destruction and defilement by temporary majority."* Udai Raj Rai con-
siders basic structure theory as enabling withdrawal of legitimacy on
_those changes, which have the effect of surreptitiously altering the very
system of governance in which people have put in their faith. While
it has saved the constitutional jurisprudence from the vices of exces-
sive formalism and textualism, its pro-active role in checking subver-
Indira Nehru Gandhi v. Raj Narain, 1975 Supp SCC 1: AIR 1975 SC 2299.
Minerva Mills Ltd. v. Union of India, (1980) 2 SCC 591: AIR 1980 SC 1789.
A. Lakshminath, Basic Structure and Constitutional Amendments (Deep & Deep
Publications, New Delhi 2002) at Dye.
57 §.P. Sathe, Judicial Activism in India (2nd Edn., Oxford University Press, New
Delhi 2002) at p. 83.
'S S.P. Sathe, Constitutional Amendments 1950-1988 Law and Politics (N.M. Tripathi,
Bombay 1989) at p. 94.
A grand formula to balance between continuity and change 207
sion of democracy shall be exercised with greatest responsibility and
As applied in Kesavananda itself and in subsequent cases, the basic
structure theory is not an instrument of conservatism but an approach
that filters out changes that undermine the very foundation of the
Constitution.“ In Indira Nehru Gandhi exclusion of judicial review of
election cases pertaining to President, Prime Minister and Speaker was
struck down in order to uphold democratic feature of the Constitution."
In Minerva Mills case the Forty-second Amendment's policy of protect-
ing the legislations implementing any of the Directive Principles from
the constitutional litigations based on rights under Articles 14, 19 and
31 was nullified by application of the basic structure doctrine. The
Supreme Court reasoned that balance between Part III and Part IV of
the Constitution itself constituted basic structure of the Constitution
and that equality and freedom had also input for social transformation.
In Jilubhat'® and Basantibai cases’ relating to property right in the post-
repeal period, the Apex Court did not nullify the repeal of property
right from Part III, but insisted on reasonableness of law under Article
300-A in case of taking away of property. In reviewing the inclusion of
legislation into the Ninth Schedule, courts have exercised self-restraint
in case they were related to economic reforms." But nullifying of the
inclusions that are not related to protection of economic reforms has
added to the strength of constitutionalism."*® The nine Judge-Bench of
the Supreme Court in I.R. Coelho’? unanimously held that the consti-
tutional validity of the post—Kesavananda, Ninth Schedule laws could
be adjudged on the touchstone of basic structure doctrine by apply-
ing the direct impact and effect test, ie. rights test, which means the
form of an amendment is not the relevant factor, but the consequence
thereof would be determinative factor. Case to case review under this
parameter was suggested. Basic structure scrutiny of amendments to
1399 Udai Raj Rai, “In Defence of Judicial Judicial Activism: A Politico-legal Analysis
of the Doctrine of Basic Structure” (2006) 3 Indian Juridical Review 1 at pp. 35-37.
40 The impugned 24th, 25th and 29th Amendments were upheld, but a clause in
the 25th one that affected judicial review was struck down as it was offending the
basic structure.
141 Indira Nehru Gandhi v. Raj Narain, 1975 Supp SCC 1: AIR 1975 SC 2299.
142 Minerva Mills Ltd. v. Union of India, (1980) 2 SCC 591: AIR 1980 SC 1789.
43 Jilubhai Nanbhai Khachar v. State of Gujarat, 1995 Supp (1) SCC 596: AIR 1995 SC
516: AIR 1986 SC
1 State of Maharashtra v. Basantibai Mohanlal Khetan, (1986) 2 SCC
reservation clauses in M. Nagaraj and Ashok Kumar Thakur has not tra-
versed the anti-majoritarian path of nullifying them, but has approved
them with cautious interpretation keeping in mind the constitutional
values.“8 Linking the basic structure with rights test has provided
additional dimension for balancing the change with continuity.
' Upendra Baxi, Courage, Craft and Contention: The Indian Supreme Court in the
Eighties (N.M. Tripathi, Bombay 1985) at p. 10; G.B. Reddy, Judicial Activism in India
(Gogia Law House, Hyderabad 2001) at p. 373; for a viewpoint that judicial activism
should be balanced with judicial restraints and in the policy matters judiciary shall
Hs intervene; see, Justice B.N. Srikrishna, “Skinning Cat”, (2005) 8 SCC Journal Section
Kusum (Ed), Fifty Years of the Supreme Court of India (Oxford University Press, New
Delhi 2000) at pp. 99-100.
14 SP. Sathe, supra, n. 135 at p. 57.
16 Gujarat University v. Krishna Ranganath Mudhokar, AIR 1963 SC 703.
16 See V.N. Sunanda Reddy v. State of A.P., 1995 Supp (2) SCC 235; see also infra, Ch. 9;
Kailash Chand Sharma v. State of Rajasthan, (2002) 6 SCC 562: 2002 SCC (L&S)
167 EV. Chinnaiah v. State of A.P., (2005) 1 SCC 394.
slow and
18 The process of incorporation of Federal Bill of Rights into states was
Re Colliery Co. v. Bryden, 1899 AC 580 (PC); In re, Alberta Statutes, 1938 SCR
see also, J.N. Lyon and R.G. Atkey,
(Canada); Switzman v. Elbling, 1957 SCR 285 (Canada);
Canadian Constitution in Modern Perspective (1970).
214 Constitution's Orientation and Response to Social Transformation
174 Kesavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala, (1993) 4 SCC 225: AIR 1973 SC 1461, para
75 IR. Coelho v. State of T.N., (2007) 2 SCC 1: AIR 2007 SC 861. |
1% R. Sudarshan, “The Political Consequences of Constitutional Discourse” in T.
V. Sathyamurthy (Ed.), State and Nation in the Context of Social Change, Vol. I (Oxford
“The Constitution
University Press, New Delhi 1997) at pp. 55, 64; William J. Brennan,
of the United States: Contemporary Ratification” extracted in Walter Murphy,
New York
American Constitutional Interpretation (3rd Edn., New York Foundation Press,
g aspiration to social justice,
2003) at p. 249 considers US Constitution as embodyin
brotherhood and human dignity.
17 (2001) 7 SCC 126: AIR 2001 SC 2707.
216 Social. Transformation
Constitution’s Orientation and Response toer
tion than the mischief, which gave it birth. This is peculiarly true of
constitutions.”"”* K. Ramaswamy, J. in Appa Balu Ingale’”? said:
“Law should subserve social purpose. Judge must be a jurist endowed
with the legislator’s wisdom, historian’s search for truth, prophet’s
vision, capacity to respond to the needs of the present, resilience to cope
with the demands of the future and to decide objectively disengaging ~
himself/herself from every personal influence or predilections. There-
fore, the Judges should adopt purposive interpretation of the dynamic
concepts of the Constitution and the Act with its interpretative armoury
to articulate the felt necessities of the time. The Judge must also bear in
mind that social legislation is not a document for fastidious dialects but
a means of ordering the life of the people.”
As a tool of value-based interpretation, purposive construction has
paid rich dividends by looking beyond the words, times and contexts,
and in building the supreme law on a sound footing of enduring val-
8 Sunil Batra v. Delhi Admn., (1978) 4 SCC 494: 1979 SCC (Cri) 155: AIR 1978 SC
9 State of Karnataka v. Appa Balu Ingale, 1995 Supp (4) SCC 469: 1994 SCC (Cri) 1762:
AIR 1993 SC 1126.
0 P. Ishwara Bhat, “Purposive Construction of the Constitution” in P. Ishwara Bhat,
Essays in Law (University of Mysore, Mysore 2002) at pp. 71, 83-84; also see, Ashutosh
Bhagwat, “Purpose Scrutiny in Constitutional Analysis” (1997) 85 California Law
Review 297 at pp. 368-69; State of U.P. v. Jeet S. Bisht, (2007) 6 SCC 586.
'*' William J. Brennan, “The Constitution of the United States: Contemporary
Ratification” extracted in Walter Murphy, American Constitutional Interpretation (3rd
Edn., New York Foundation Press, New York 2003) at p. 250.
182 See, Laurence Tribe, American Constitutional Law, Vol. I (3rd Edn., Foundation
Press, New York 2000) at p. 68 for a view that inquiry of original meaning should
be the starting point in interpretation. Also see, Ronald D. Rotunda and John E.
Nowak, Treatise on Constitutional Law: Substance and Procedures, Vol. IV (2nd Edn., West
Publishing Co., St. Pauls Minn, 1992) at pp. 632-35.
183 Kesavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala, (1973) 4 SCC 225: AIR 1973 SC 1461; S.R.
Bommai v. Union of India, (1994) 3 SCC 1; Aruna Roy v. Union of India, (2002) 7 SCC 368;
State of Karnataka v. Appa Balu Ingale, 1995 Supp (4) SCC 469: 1994 SCC (Cri) 1762: AIR
1993 SC 1126; Indra Sawhney v. Union of India, 1992 Supp (3) SCC 217: 1992 SCC (L&S)
Constitutional interpretation as an effective armoury 217
Se ESSE Acton ae ee
to, and reliance upon Constituent Assembly Debates and other his-
torical materials. By not referring to CAD, in property right cases, a
pro-transformation outcome did not occur during the early decades of
constitutional development."*4 In the context of aspiration-promoting
Constitution, reference to original intention cannot be regarded as
retrograde or going against the time’s arrow. However, realising that
strict adherence to the original intention results in excessive textual-
ism or formalism, courts have not allowed past to govern the future in
the matter of due process issues*®’ and minority rights.’ Thus, flexible
approach regarding original intention theory has paid rich dividends
in gathering guidelines from the past and avoiding shackles to devel-
opment or straitjacketing of future growth. Constitution being a living
document, its full developments could not have been foreseen com-
pletely by the most gifted of its begetters. As Justice Holmes said in the
context of American Constitution, while the framers had created an
organism to realise their hopes, the successors spent sweat and blood
to create the nation and hence the whole experience rather than what
was stated long back should be considered in the course of interpreta-
tion.’*” This notion of “living Constitution” tries to solve the problem
of continuity and change by looking to the efforts of governments, by
revising Supreme Court’s viewpoints and by ignoring political value
judgments.’® It is to be remembered that by using the original inten-
tion as relevant but not invariably binding, smooth sailing of the bal-
ance between continuity and change has been enabled adding to the
competence for transformation performance.
What is original in the original intention is ultimately traceable
to the societal perception and response, which are reflected by the
Constitution makers as society’s spokespersons. People are the ultimate
makers of the Constitution."® Thus if the authorship of a Constitution
Supp 1; Samatha v. State of A.P., (1997) 8 SCC 191.
16 State of W.B. v. Bella Banerjee, AIR 1954 SC 170; State of W.B. v. Subodh Gopal Bose,
AIR 1954 SC 92; P. Vajravelu Mudaliar v. Collector (L&A), AIR 1965 SC 1017; Kameshwar
Singh v. State of Bihar, AIR 1951 Pat 91; Karimbil Kunhikoman v. State of Kerala, AIR 1962
SC 723: 1962 Supp (1) SCR 8239; also see, P. Ishwara Bhat, Fundamental Rights (2004) Ch.
18 Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India, (1978) 1 SCC 248: AIR 1978 SC 597; Sunil Batra v.
Delhi Admn., (1978) 4 SCC 494: 1979 SCC (Cri) 155.
AIR 1974
186 Ahmedabad St. Xavier's College Society v. State of Gujarat, (1974) 1 SCC 717:
481: AIR 2003 SC 355.
SC 908; T.M.A. Pai Foundation v. State of Karnataka, (2002) 8 SCC
187 State of Missouri v. Holland, 252 US 416: 64 L Ed 641 (1920). p
18 William H. Rehnquist, “The notion of a Living Constitution” in Walter Murphy
. 256.
2 L Ed 60: 5 US (1 cR)
aw AeabaRte to Chief Justice Marshall (Marbury v. Madison,
of authority; they have oo melate
137 (1803), “The people are the ultimate source
with them by adopting the origina
the authority that originally resided entirely
Constitution and later by amending it.”
218 Constitution’si Orient ation and Response to Social Transformation
is cel laa Ae Si NR
is attributable to society, original intention is relevant only to know
how the society felt at that point of time and whetheritcontinued as
a factor of worth consideration even in changed societal conditions. In
Indra Sawhney’ Justice R.M. Sahai observed after referring the views
expressed in Constituent Assembly Debates about the term backward
“What emerged out of shared understanding by consensus was not
backward caste but backward class, an expression of elasticity capable
of expanding depending on the nature and purpose of its use...The law,
even as it honours the past, must reach for justice of a kind not meas-
ured by force, by the pressures of interest groups, nor even by votes, but
only by what reason and a sense of justice say is right...Continuity is
essential to law as a whole, but the continuity must be creative.”
during the lifetime of her husband, its constitutionality was upheld, and gender
justice ensured.
1% Kesavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala, (1973) 4 SCC 225: AIR 1973 SC 1461.
197 Francis Coralie Mullin v. Administrator, U.T. Delhi, (1981) 1 SCC 608: AIR 1981 SC
SC 2715;
746; Vellore Citizens’ Welfare Forum v. Union of India, (1996) 5 SCC 647: AIR 1996
Parmanand Katara v. Union of India, (1989) 4 SCC 286: AIR 1989 SC 2039; Olga Tellis
Bombay Municipal Corpn., (1985) 3 SCC 545: AIR 1986 SC 180.
SC 1369; M.H.
i Hesinidite Khatoon (II) v. State of Bihar, (1980) 1 SCC 91: AIR 1979
Suk Das v. U.T. of
Hoskot v. State of Maharashtra, (1978) 3 SCC 544: AIR 1978 SC 1548;
Arunachal Pradesh, (1986) 2 SCC 401: 1986 SCC (Cri) 166.
SC 1086; M.C. Mehta v.
199 M.C. Mehta v. Union of India, (1987) 1 SCC 395: AIR 1987
Litigation and Entitlement Kendra
Kamal Nath, (2000) 6 SCC 213: AIR 2000 SC 1997; Rural!
v. State of U.P., 1989 Supp (1) SCC 537: AIR 1989 SC 594.
200 See infra, Ch. 12.
1984 SC 469,
m spe Kant Pandey v. Union of India (1984) 2 SCC 244: AIR
22 Vishaka v. State of Rajasthan, (1997) 6 SCC 241.
220 Constitution’s Orientation and Response to Social Transformation
Law into Domestic Law by the Indian Judiciary” (2006) 3 Indian Juridical Review 54.
India, (1997) 8 SCC 114: AIR 1997 SC 3021.
208 Gaurav Jain v. Union of
and Co,
209 Carl J. Friedrich, Constitutional Government and Democracy (Little Brown
Boston 1941, 1946); “Constitutions and Constituionalism” International Encyclopedia of
Social Sciences, Vol. XIII (1968) at pp 318-26; J. Ronald Pennock and John W.
Constituionalism (New York University Press, New York 1979); Paul W. Kahn,
Constitut ionalism” (1989) 98 Yale L. Rev. 449.
and Will in the Origins of American
of Constit utional Plurali sm” (2002) 65 Modern Law
2 Neil Walker, “The Idea
” in Larry Alexander
Review 317: also see, Jed Rubenfeld, “Legitimacy and Interpretation
of Constitutional Justice” Larry
(Ec), infra at p. 194 and Lawrence Sager, “The Domain
Alexander infra, n. 209 at p. 271.
222 Constitution’s Orientation and Respo nse to Social Transformation
ee, E e
market place
others and fails to provide a level playing field in the
might use
of ideas. Thirdly, it is viewed that some sections of society
and aspira-
constitutionalism as a garb for projecting their interests
tions and take advantage of its symbolic authority. It is submitted,
the Indian context these criticisms are not well founded. The conse
sus originally formed and subsequently continued during six decades
in the light of constitutional experiences and necessary amendments
has center-staged justice in constitutional discourse. Thanks to activ-
ist judicial interpretation and constitutional amendments, no constitu-
tional value has remained static in the Indian context nor the alternative
views were blocked. Western scholars have relied on moral authority
of constitutionalism, and found no antagonism with change. Richard
Kay views that constitutionalism as a mechanism to keep government
in order has great merit because a priori creation of abstract limits and
honest effort of public actors to stay within those limits ensure safety
to human life‘? Frank Michelman regards that a constitution is bind-
ing as a product of a socio-cultural fact of acceptance of it as the coun-
try’s Constitution and also as dictate of right reason.” Michael Perry
considers that constitutionalism entrenches norms against majority,
and allows changes in metaconstitutional rules of recognition through
judicial review and amendments.” Joseph Raz holds that a constitu-
tion built on consensus and morally worthy principles tends to exist
in societies that enjoy relative stability within diversity and change.”
Organic growth of the Constitution retains sameness of intrinsic prop-
erties along with changes undergone due to growth.
Constitutionalism has not been an object of dry lip sympathy for
the Indian judiciary, but has been its living creed and unfailing faith.
The contempt power, the power of rendering full justice and tools of
rule of law were consciously applied by the Apex Court to uphold the
constitutional values.7** Normative character of Part III is sometimes
eclipsed because of presumption in favour of constitutionality of legis-
lation, limited impact of verdicts upon parallel bodies and inadequate
control over inappropriate use of Ninth Schedule. For strengthening
4.10 Conclusion
, “Popular Constitutionalism,
216 P Ishwara Bhat, supra, n. 119 at p. 23; Larr; D. Kramer
959; Robert Post and Reva Siegal, Popular
circa” (2004) 92 California Law Review rnia
macy” (2004) 92 Califo
Constitutionalism, Departmentalism, and Judicial Supre
Law Review 1027.
217 CAD, Vol. VIL at p. 38.
retains samenéss of intrirusic Prap“
Ae chic tOgrowth. |
has net beoreaty Object of dey ‘lip:eoaigethnr:‘for
udiciary, but fas been its living creed anc unfailing faith.
ohmerit the power of rendering full justice and tools at
aly ayolied by the Apex Court to uphold the
Soo men: ne ‘Mormative character of Part TH is sometimes
Shataush of presumptioninfavour cf cnstitutioniality of legie-
“Bakion, feted toate vesinis cedt paraiie! bodies:and in: idea
conchWeer Rapper else gf Minth Sieedule, For strenetheniag ~
= Poe &gabave.
Ke. Laryy -Alsxant nt. Sia
Wate iste k Soe tas sipridge 1798) ta 26a
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phateee S
airy Gilcxander.
2455 »
sem: &
Woo we , :
* wo =e
: =o
2a Sis
feta j
: Bee, at
& Ein
a "
oaaae— ot
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wa Feri e
A - .
: we
i -
Darin ae
ere Naess Spe Pd
5 J.D.M. Derrett, Religion, Law and the State in India (Faber & Faber, London 1968) at
pp. 36-7.
7 WE. Hocking, The Coming World Civilisation (1958) at p. 2.
8 AIR 1954 SC 282; this definition is consistently followed in subsequent cases such
as Durgah Committee v. Syed Hussain Ali, AIR 1961 SC 1402; Ratilal v. State of Bombay, AIR
1959 SC 358; Bijoe Emmanuel v. State of Kerala, (1986) 3 SCC 615: AIR 1987 SC 748.
® — xe
» Max Weber, “The Social Psychology of the World Religions” in H.H. Gerth and
Wright, From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology (1947) at pp. 267, 277.
1! AR. Blackshield, “Secularism an ial Control in the West: The Material
and Etheral” in G.S. Sharma, Secularis m: Its Implicati ons for Law and Life in India (N.M.
Tripathi, Bombay 1966) at p. 22.
228 -Religion and Law
things, that is to say, things set apart and forbidden—beliefs and prac-
tices which unite into one single moral community called aChurch, al
them.”” Thus, religion essentially unites societies. _
those who adhere to
of religionty
Complexi of society itself: While
varies with complexity
every religion bears the imprint of the structure of social milieu in
which it had its birth, it is by no means totally constrained by its source
but acquires a dynamic life of its own, sometimes achieving the unan-
ticipated. As societies come in contact with other societies, therevis a
tendency for religious systems to ofemphasise universalism to a greater
arid greater extent. Since division labour makes the individual seem
more important, religious systems increasingly focus on individual
salvation and conscience. Karl Marx considered religion as the illusory
happiness of the people and.appealed_to abolish it to assert.their-real
h blind belief.
has the dark side of partisan approac
Because of these intimate cultural factors, religion has both indi-
vidual and collective or rational and emotional dimensions. Radcliffe
Brown and MN. Srinivas consider that rituals perform the social { unc-
tion of regulating, maintaining and transmitting
from one generation
toanother generation intimate social sentiments on which.the.consti-
tutionofsociety depends." *viorals of religion and environmentalism
converge at some point to bring out a socially integrated totality.’ If
religion is what it does, the peace of mind that it gives through spir-
itual consolation, devout celebration and meticulous asceticism is of
great utility. It resists onslaught of chaos and makes human life mean-
ingful in the midst of moral perplexities and_social conflict*"As'S.
Radhakrishnan observed, “Religion as an inward transformation, as
a spiritual changé, as the overcoming
of the discords within our own
nature—-that has been the fundamental feature of it from the begin-
ning of our history.” Religions strengthen the family bonds. But, by
” S. Radhakrishnan, Indian Religions (1979, 1992) at pp. 14-15; see also Bhagavan Das,
Essential Unity of All Religions (Bharatiya Vidyabhavan, Mumbai 1960) at p. 16.
3 Aruna Roy v. Union of India, (2002) 7 SCC 368.
* PC. Joshi, “Secularism and Religiousity of the Oppressed: Some Reflections”
(1987) 19 Man and Development 201 at p. 235.
* It is this illusion that breeds intolerance and fanaticism, according to
S. Radhakrishnan, Indian Religions (1979, 1992) at p. 15.
Is religion a
fo divisive or synthesising factor? pase
through application of positive potentiality of socio-cultural heritage.
It is playing on the sentiments of people that makes religion the heart
of heartless world, the spirit of the spiritless condition and the opium of
masses, as Karl Marx viewed. As viewed by amember of Constituent
Assembly, it is not religion that is the source of trouble, but it is misun-
derstanding of religion that isthe source of trouble.** But with a sense
of tolerance and rational application of essential social morals bereft of
fear psychosis, such consequence can be avoided as the major thrust
of Indian experience teaches. Religion becomes a divisive factor only
with the working of negative tendencies referred-to-above: Itis Clear
; b.
Ismail Sahi
2 CAD, Vol. VII, at p. 875, 7-12-1948 Mr Mohamad
and Religious Reform (Oxford
” Cited from the ete in Amiya P. Sen, Social
University Press, New Delhi 2003) at p. 73.
232 Religion and Law
ne ee RAR VINE iis «Sth
majority accepts the validity, for the whole, of the sincere beliefs of the
a ees Faruqui (Dr.) v. Union of India, (1994) 6 SCC 360: AIR 1995 SC 605 at
p- 630.
_ Religion
ee and Law
ee e
relations for that would be a violation of basic principles of demo
and best interest of religion and government. This view of relig
impartiality, of comprehension and forbearance has a prophetic
to play.”
M.C. Setalvad _ of the view that considering the presence of sev-
eral minority groups in India, it became inevitable to have a secular
constitution of India “under which all religions could ‘enjoy equal
fréédom and all citizens equal rights, and which could weld together
into one nation the different religious communities.’°5 While the facil-
itative, protective and regulative role of the State vis-a-vis religions
has transcended the rigid wall of separation approach in India, in the
performance of these roles equality is ordained to be the governing
The implications of inserting the term “Secular” into the Preamble
were considered by the Supreme Court in M.P. Gopalakrishnan Nair°®.
The Court found behind this insertion, the objective of spelling out
expressly the high ideas of secularism, to promote national unity and
suppress detriments to public good. Secularism, according to the
Court, prohibited establishing of a state religion and favouring or dis-
favouring of any particular religion; it also did not mean forming of
an atheist or theocratic society. In Bal Patil>7 the concept of enlight-
ened citizenship sans religion-based discrimination was developed to
uphold secularism.
Article 25(1) says, “...all persons are equally entitled to freedom of
conscience and the right freely to profess, practise and propagate reli-
gion.” The freedom is subject to the other provisions of Part III, and
hence, prohibition of untouchability and of traffic in human being dis-
yp allows such practices in the name of religion. The State’s power of pro-
' viding for social welfare and reform or the throwing open of Hindu
religious institutions of a public character to all classes and sections of
Hindus under Article 25(2)(b) extends the scope of religious worship in
temples to the hitherto deprived classes like untouchables. Article 26
confers upon every religious denomination or any section thereof, the
right to establish and maintain institutions for religious and charitable
purposes, to manage religious affairs and to own, acquire and admin-
ister property. In order to ensure transparency, good governance, pur-
pose ccmpliance and temple reforms and avoidance of pilferage of
assets, and misuse of funds the State has the power of interference. It
is a well-settled law that administration, management and governance
Madras High Court in P.S. Charya v. State of Madras, AIR 1956 Mad 541, “It is certainly
not moral to prevent pious Hindus from being allowed to enter the temple solely on the
ground of their having born ina particular community and it is this inequality that is
sought to be removed by Art. 17 of the Constitution” (1956). In Surya Narayan Choudhary
v. State of Rajasthan, AIR 1989 Raj 99 the Rajasthan High Court found the practice of
purification of Harijans.prior to entry in temple of Nathdwara as discriminatory and
violative of the rights guaranteed under Arts. 14, 15, and 17, The court.ordered for
and directed the State to take strict steps toensure
immediate stoppageof the practice
compliancé with the order. J.S. Verma, CJ. observed for the court, All men are born
equal...To present them as unequals before God is, therefore, injustice and insult to
our maker besides being contrary to the guarantee and mandate of equality in
Constitution and a basic human right.”
SC 3538.
6° N. Adithayan v. Travancore Bebkeiverh Board, (2002) 8 SCC 106: AIR 2002
Kar LJ
6 Sri Sahasra Lingeshwara Temple, Uppinangady V-State of Karnataka, (2007) 1
that regulate d some Hindu religiou s institut ions
1 where the Karnataka legislation
leaving aside others was struck down.
“¢ Safdar Syedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb v. State of Bombay, AIR 1962 SC
. ~ Religion and Law
242 rn
judicial scru-
by the concerned community, in Malankara Church case®
ds have gone
tiny on the matter and insistence on procedural safeguar
a long way in establishing reasonableness in communit
relationship. Individual is no more a subject to dictatorial inte
_v» by the group power, nor is he free from minimum discipline of the
~ religion. Subordination of religious freedom to other provisions ofPart
tices of
» > STII, and State’s power of social reforms could deal with the prac
sati, devadasi, narabali and forced nude worship. However, the progress is
2 >
yet to take place in full dimessipminithe matter ia igious
freedom in some temples.
’ -». Fourthly, the protective role of the state inpromot the secular
AW 2 yy policy has ensured confidence amidst the religious minorities._In
3K. Reghunath v. State” the governmental measur eng and restor-
of repairi
‘.<? ing the buildings of religious and educational institutions destroyed
“3° S duting communal violence was upheld by the Divisional Bench Of
aS Kerala High Court. His lordship Raghavan, CJ, observed, “Houses,
Ss schools and places of worship belonging to both religious groups,
ay Hindus and Muslims were damaged, and in restoring them there is
i no question of promotion or maintenance of any particular religion or
religious denomination...It is not because the buildings belonged to a
particular religious denomination that they are restored, but because
they were damaged in the incident.”” Resolution of conflicts between
religious communities or-tenominations through application of rule
6° In Most Rev. P.M.A. Metropolitan v. Moran Mar Marthoma, 1995 Supp (4) SCC 286:
AIR 1995 SC 2001 at p. 2072 In this case the Patriarch of Antioch, the Supreme Head of
Syrian Orthodox Church excommunicated the Catholicos of Malankara Church for
the reason that the Catholicos disregarded the higher position of Patriarch by using
the words “Holiness in Catholicos” name and by asserting himself as “seated on the
throne of St. Thomas”. While the Court recognised the power of excommunication
as a measure of discipline, in view of its serious impact upon civil rights, the court
proceeded to review the procedure and grounds of excommunication. The court
unanimously found that the conduct of the Catholicos in the instant case did not
conform to the canonical rules of Malankara church and the excommunication could
not be upheld “canonically, traditionally or constitutionally”. Compared to Saifuddin
case, it is a very welcome development that excommunication is not regarded purely
as a “matter of religion”. ~
~ © In S. Mahendran v. Secy., Travancore Devaswom Board, AIR 1993 Ker 42 the Kerala \
y High Court upheld a restriction imposed by temple authority, on the basis of long-held
/ community belief, upon entry of women between the age of 10 and 50 to Sabarimala |
| temple during the festival time, owing to the needs of perseverance for each pilgrim, |
as not violative of right to equality and individual religious freedom. The Court
reasoned that since women were not discriminated as a class, and were admitted
during non-festival time, the usage complied with the Constitution substantively. It is
submitted, from the perspective of gender equality the position is not satisfactory, as
\ there is no compelling reason to exclude them.
” AIR 1974 Ker 48.
7! Tbid, at p. 51.
Secularism as a solution to the problems of religious conflicts 243
: OO STS Me upper?
Fifthly, the facilitative role of the State in providing minimum access ”
to physical infrastructure on non-discriminatory basis has provided ~~
practical dimension to secularism. In Varkey Devassy v. State of Kerala?> *
the Kerala High Court upheld the acquisition of land by the govern-
ment for the purpose of temple as not involving specific appropriation
of public revenue for promotion of particular religion. On the ques-
tion of “specific appropriation” a subsequent Division Bench of Kerala
High Court adopted a different line of reasoning, and it is submitted it
was done rightly7* The governmental power to acquire land and trans-
fer it to religious body for consideration in order to enable construc-
tion of religious building cannot be considered as lacking. In Amulya
Chandra v. Corpn. of Calcutta?> the Privy Council held that the acquisi-
tion of certain properties by the corporation of Calcutta for building
a dharmasala for accommodating pilgrims resorting to Hindu temple
was for public purpose. In Narayanan v. State of Madras”* Madras High
Court has held that the position of law has not changed even after the
commencement of the Constitution. However, right to equality puts
superadded requirement that the governmental power shall be exer-
cised reasonably. Subsid suppor
yge _and_
to pilgrima t cel-
to cultural
ebrations of religious e
positive content to secularism, making it cultur nt.
e e
the protect f recognised in
State was
ive responsibilityo
a --Court-directed..the State
where_the. Supreme
at the
72 State’s partisan approach of favouring one of the religious communities
AIR 1958 MP 115. In this
cost of the other was sternly dealt in Tejraj v. State of M.B.,,
the member s of the Jain
case State installed a Shivling in a Jain temple and prohibited
the condition
community from entering the temple and from worshipping except on
Pradesh High Court
of Hindus being allowed to worship the Shivling. The Madhya
order and morality.
invalidated the State’s act and rejected the defence based on public on
y of Jain temple
The Court ordered for removal of Shivling and upheld the autonom AIR 1986
Supp SCC 487:
the basis of rule of law. In Gulam Abbas v. State of U.P., 1986
resolved a long standin g conflict between Shia and Sunni
SC 1017, the Supreme Court
ordering for shifting of graves
communities over the issue of worship of graves by
and thereby creating equal and
to a nearby place of safety surrounded by high walls
Shah v. Govt. of A.P., AIR 1992
undisturbed opportunity to worship. In Gehohe-E-Miran
sed equal rights of two competing
AP 357, the Andhra Pradesh High Court recogni
same route but at different timings and
groups of Muslims to take procession in the
thereby resolved the dispute.
73 1966 KLT 805.
74 K, Reghunath v. State, AIR 1974 Ker
tta, AIR 1922 PC 333.
75 Amulya Chandra Banerjee v. Corpn. of Calcu
76 AIR 1954 Mad 385.
) 1 SE] 152:
7” Mohd. Aslam v. Union ofIndia, (1995
244 .. Religion and Law
The constitutional aspiration and scheme for seculis
supported by legislative measures. Chapter XV_of the Indian Penal
Code, 1860 contains five important-sections-dealing.with..offences
sedan scot
1 SEE130;
% Ramesh Yeshwant Prabhoo (Dr.) v. Prabhakar Kashinath Kunte, (1996)
Prof. Ramchan dra G. Kapse v.
Manohar Joshi v. Nitin Bhaurao Patil, (1996) 1 SCC 169;
Haribansh Ramakbal Singh, (1996) 1 SCC 206.
Press, New Delhi 2002,
91 SP Sathe, Judicial Activism in India (Oxford University
Scope: An Indian Case
2003) at pp. 187-88; Seval Ididrim, “Expanding Secularism’s
Law 901 at p. 916.
Study” (2004) 52 The American Journal of Comparative
~ Religion andonacnr
248 ea ea nN
tive field from influencing is a remarkable achievement from the angle
of social transformation.
5.5.1 Perspectives
Minorities are numerically smaller groups having common features
and a sense of akinness, a sense of community and unity amidst them-
selves, and sense of distinctness from the majority.” They are inev-
itable features of multicultural democracy. Their right to keep their
identity—religious, linguistic, ethnic, regional or political—intact, and
$ Mohd. Ahmed Khan v. Shah Bano Begum, (1985) 2 SCC 556: AIR 1985 SC 945. —
95 Danial Latifi v. Union of India, (2001) 7 SCC 740: AIR 2001 SC 3958; Madhu Kishwar
v. State of Bihar, (1996) 5 SCC 125: AIR 1996 SC 1864; Githa Hariharan v. RBI, (1999) 2 SCC
228: AIR 1999 SC 1149. a
% Gurpreet Mahajan, “India Exceptionalism or Indian Model: Negotiating
Will Kymlick a and
Diversity and Minority Rights in a Democratic Nation State” in
Press, New York 2005)
Baogang He (Eds.), Multiculturalism in Asia (Oxford University
at p . 288, 298.
ay, Calcutta 1968)
” Humayun Kabir, Minorities in a Democracy (F. K. Mukhopadhy
at p. 8.
250 _ Religion and Law
ee a n
their right not to be discriminated in access to various resources and
opportunities, and their right not to be regimented have not only com-
ponents of human rights but also have the potentiality of infusing con-
fidence for dignified survival. As multiplicity of groups constitutes set
of diverse power centers, the functioning of democracy becomes more
effective by an approach of equity towards the less powerful. It is the
lesson of history that countries, which oppress minorities, ultimately
suffer, whereas those that allay their fears and leave them to live with
dignity flourish. As the UN Declaration on Minorities (1992) empha-
sises, the constant promotion and realisation of the rights of persons
belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities, as
an integral part of the development of society as a whole and within
a democratic framework based on the rule of law, would contribute to
the strengthening of friendship and cooperation among peoples and
states. While opportunities are given under the Indian Constitution
to minorities through guarantee of fundamental rights for conserva-
tion of their distinct culture and for establishing and administering
the educational institutions of their choice, the special treatment for
the minorities has been subject to the requirement of non-abuse and
avoidance of maladministration in the background of overarching
principle of equality.” India has a long track record of accommodat-
ing the variety of minorities within the national fold. Secularism is
instrumental for protection of religious minorities and for establishing
a harmonious society.
5.5-2(a) Communalism
One of the greatest problems that the multi-religious societies have
been facing: is occurrence of communal riots and collective violence.
Communal conflicts create sense of insecurity, deprive human lives,
retard economic development, loosen the bonds of unity and corrode
the very basis of national solidarity.°° They occur because of mutual
incompatibilities and antagonisms amidst religious communities, eco-
nomic rivalries and heart burns, sense of frustration and suspicion, and
politically orchestrated intemperance, although their actual eruption
might be triggered by reasons ranging from silly to serious ones. Over
the issues of legal right on place of worship, defilement of it, routes and
progress of procession, playing of music, use of amplifiers, flying of
*® Ibid, at p. 15.
” Arts. 29(1) and 30(1). For case law analysis, see, P. Ishwara Bhat,
Fundamental Rights
(2004) Ch. 12.
See, for discussion, Humayun Kabir, supra, n. 97 at p. 62.
o ous minori
RSLS n ties andSythe
te An law 251
s en
rrr ce
kite, slaughter of cows, forced or fraudulent conversions, media abuses
and the boy-girl relations communal riots have occurred in the past.
Weapons ranging from conventional ones to terrorist equipments and
bombs have been used. It has been considered that the instances of
communal riots and their severity have been escalating and spreading
from local to state, national and sometimes, international level also.
Purely local or personal issues get alarming attention. According to
TY. Sathyamurthy, Communalism in the Indian context since inde-
pendence exposes the relationship of domination and subordination
between the Hindu majority and various minorities. It is the exploita-
tion of religion and religious sentiments that render religions innocent
victims of darker forces of human nature.’** Yogendra Singh considers
that communal violence erupts out of ethically rootless economism
here or political opportunism there; it is not anchored in commitment
to religious values, which have been maintained by tradition of plural-
ism; but it thrives on the exploitation of deprivation anxiety.
During the pre-colonial period, occurrence of communal riots was
rare because of political equation that the ruler could either command
or control through state force, or persuade through grand vision of tol-
erance. With the emergence of foreign rule, the Hindu-Muslim antag-
onism grew especially on matters of place and manner of worship.
Twelve major communal riots recorded in the governmental records
during the period between 1800 and 1920 were arising from disputes
on places of worship, defilement by maiming of idols or interference
with performance of festivals.’° Communal riots in Bengal during
1890s have been traced to intense competition in the jute mill labour
market caused by an over-supply of cheap migrant labour.'” Ayodhya
= Harold A Gould, “The Babri Masjid and Secular Contract” in Veena Das (Ed),
Tradition, Pluralism and Identity (Sage Publications, New Delhi 1999) at pp. 381, 382-84.
Tara Chand, History of the Freedom Movement in India, Vol. Il (Publication Division,
New Delhi 1972) at p. 428.
"See, for incisive analysis, H.M. Seervai, “Partition of India: Legend and Reality”
(N.M. Tripathi, Bombay 1994) at p. 168.
"I Tbid, at p. 139.
a Upend ra Baxi, “Violence, Dissent and Development” in Robert F. Meagher, Law
and Social Change: Indo American Reflections (N.M. Tripathi, Bombay 1988) at pp. 72, 86.
- Ashish Banerji, “Comparative Curfew: Changing Dimensions of Communal
Politics in India’ in Veena Das, supra, n. 106 at pp. 37, 41-42.
"4 Ibid, at pp. 54-55.
Religious minorities and the law 253
SS SS Say 8 SR RR rr
communal temperament.’ With the soft-pedaling of religious ques-
tions by the Government, quick succession of events took place result-
ing in destruction of disputed Babri Masjid. It also marked, in the
words of Harold A. Gould, the end of five centuries of moral contract
that symbolised ethno-accommodative state having latitude for diver-
sity."*° The violence unleashed after the incident, Bombay serial bomb
blast and recurrence of communal riots in Godhra were sad deviances
from the concept of harmonious society.” The protracted cross border
terrorism resulting in killing of Amarnath pilgrims and defenseless
devotees of Swamy Narayan Temple at Gujarat (2002) have also dis-
turbed the social health. In August 2008, a two months’ old agitation
in Jammu and Kashmir on grant of land for Amarnath pilgrims’ use
ended with recognition of limited rights of users of the land without
right to establish permanent structure."®
A close analysis of the above developments brings out social, eco-
nomic and political reasons and consequences annexed to communal
question. Communalism’s urbane character, the losses to the proper-
ties of middle and low class traders in its course, and economic rival-
ries and deprivations sharpening the differences require vigilant and
curative attention. According to Upendra Baxi, communal violences
aim to achieve certain strategic interests of dominant groups, and in
fact, result in fragmenting the urban poor and disquieting the social
The perpetrators of communal riots come under the purview of pro-
visions of Indian Penal Code such as Sections 142, 143, 144, 146, 147,
148, 150, 153, 153-A, 159, and 295 to 298. The offences include formation
of unlawful assembly, causing riot, hate speech against religion, defile-
ment of place of worship, outraging the religious feeling, disturbing
the religious assembly, and trespassing of burial places. Arms Act and
regional laws on maintenance of local tranquility also regulate acts of
assemblies. Efficacy of the criminal justice system in detection, suc-
cessful prosecution and imposition of appropriate punishment would
go a long way in creating confidence amidst people about communal
harmony. The line of cases decided under Sections 153-A and 295-A
relating to hate propaganda against specific religion or practice shows
that the legal system has been sternly dealing with such propaganda
"5 See, Amrit Srinivas, “The Survivor in the Study of Violence” at p. 305 and Veena
Das, “Our Work to Cry: Your Work to Listen” at p. 345, supra.
supra, r.
16 Harold A. Gould, The Babri Masjid and the Secular Contract in Veena Das,
Fe a eels killing of karsevaks returning from Ayodhya by train in
1000 lives.
was followed by widespread communal riot that took a toll of
18 The Hindu, 1-9-2008.
19 Upendra Baxi, supra, n. 112 at p. 89.
__ Religion and Law
hmam, Ranji Lal
and allowing fair criticism. In cases such as Veerabra
speeches outrag-
Modi, Narayan Das and Ramaswamy™, publications or
eas truth-
ing the religious feelings were regarded as offences wher
ng under
ful statements and reasonable criticisms were held not comi
these provisions. The Supreme Court in Veerabadhran v. E.V. Ram
the religions of
Naicker2* observed, “The majority can no more insult
minorities than the latter can set out to outrage the religious feelings
of the majority. This is a feature of India which goes far to justify the
claim to be a secular state in the sense that there is no preference for
the religion of the majority of the inhabitants.”
Under Section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code, the District
Magistrate or Sub-divisional Magistrate or any Executive Magistrate
is vested with the power of issuing written order directing any person
to abstain from certain acts in order to danger to human life, health or
safety, or disturbance of the public tranquillity or a riot. Reasonable,
impartial and timely application of this power is of great importance
in mob management and restoration of public order in case of com-
munal conflicts. The administration has to work through the police
stations, and with full awareness about the local situation. According
to Humayun Kabir:
“In any disturbance, only a very small minority of the people takes an
active part. They are perhaps not even five per cent of the total popula-
tion, but once a riot has started, many other elements come in. Some
come for loot, others con e for wreaking vengeance and some are swept
by passion once the incidents begin. The hard core of criminals who
organise such riots are few in number and almost invariably known to
the officers in charge of police station.”
An imaginative stitch in time by way of sternly dealing with the
miscreant elements or by tactful policy, often saves the society from
calamity. Two instances of tact can be cited here. The first one takes us
to the experience of Gandhiji in South Africa, where a mob full of fury
with Gandhiji was kept in good humour by a police officer in order to
allow Gandhiji’s escape through another route, and thus avoid greater
harm.’ The second is an instance in which a District Magistrate eased
the tension of two groups by a clever idea. A religious procession car-
ried out by Muslims with Tazia insisted to cut the branches of peepal
120 N. Veerabrahman v. State, AIR 1959 AP 572; Ramji Lal Modi v. State of U.P., AIR
1957 SC 620: 1957 SCR 860; Narayan Das v. State, AIR 1952 Ori 149; Public Prosecutor v.
Ramaswamy, AIR 1954 Mad 258.
Bt (1959). 2'SG} at pus:
: or Kabir, Minorities in a Democracy (F. K Mukhopadhyay, Calcutta 1968)
at p. 58.
a M.K. Gandhi, Mahadev Desai (Trs.), An Autobiography or The Story of My
Experiments with Truth (Navajivan Publishing House, Ahmedabad 1940, 1976) at p. 145.
Ce ee andSthe
c law 255
tree stretching over the street in order that the Tazia could
without bending its head. Hindus objected to cutting the branches
peepal tree, as it was an object of worship. The officer resolved the
by getting the street dug and allowing the Tazia to pass without bend-
ing itself or hurting the peepal tree. Moral of the story is that deepen-
ing of the faith in tolerance shows the way for harmony.
About composition of the police force to deal with communal riots, it
has been felt by some writers that a judicious inter mixture of officials
from different areas, communities and castes at lower levels would
make the state force impartial and therefore act as an additional insur-
ance against riots and disturbances.4 Regarding prosecution of per-
sons involved in communal riots, the practical experience has been
that because of want of evidences prosecutions do not end up in con-
viction. As Humayun Kabir has observed, “There is a general reluc-
tance on the part of the public to give evidence before the police, and
this reluctance is greatly enhanced whenever the incidents have com-
munal, caste, linguistic or regional colour.”*5 The instances of hesita-
tion to adduce evidence, giving of hostile evidence and perjury have
come to the surface in the prosecution of Godhra communal rioters
especially in the Best Bakery case’®.
The role of NGOs in preventing or curing communal disturbances
has been emphasised by NCRWC. It has observed:
“Past experience indicates that in sensitive areas and localities of the
country where inter-religious conflicts have sprung up out of trivial
incidents resulting in conflagration, extensive damage to life and prop-
erty. The setting up of “Mohalla Committees” with the participation
of prominent members of different communities to take note of early
warning symptoms and alerting the administration in preventing them
have produced enduring beneficial results. In particular, the endeav-
ours made in Bhiwandi, in the State of Maharashtra, after the tragic riots
there, have emphasised the value of such measures.”"77
The Commission recommended the setting up of an inter-faith mecha-
nism to promote such civil society initiatives. In the Commission’s view,
this could be done under the auspices of the National Human Rights
Commission set-up under Section 3 of the Protection of Human Rights
Act, 1993. Section 12 of the said Act could be amended by the addition
of clause (k), which shall read as under, “(k) promoting through civil
society initiatives, inter-faith and inter-religious harmony and social
Other measures suggested by scholars for combating communal
in action include imposition of personal liability by imposition of
alty transfer and other disciplinary action upon the District Magistrate
Collector and police officers in whose area the disturbance took place;
coordination of the police department with the administration, admix-
ture of officials of different communities at lower levels.°
The National Commission on Minorities has made extensive docu-
mentation of causes and courses of communal riots, and estimation
of losses and adequacy of remedies. Reports from States and Union
Territories are annually sought; team visits or inspections by mem-
bers or officers are made soon after occurrence of riots; and appropri-
ate remedies are suggested by the Commission. It has been noted by
the Commission that generally state police force keeps watch over the
communally sensitive and hypersensitive areas especially in festival
occasions, get intelligence report and take precautionary measures.
Measures taken to tackle riots that have occurred include: deployment
of additional police for patrolling and protective duties; preventive
arrest; constitution of Peace Committee; close watch on communal
organisations and anti-social elements; prosecution of offenders; and
settlement of disputes if possible.” Ex-gratia grant of money in case of
loss of property or death or injuries and medical treatment have been
the normal measures of the state. Long-term remedies include provid-
ing of better civic facilities, restoration of proper communal balance
in the police force, frequent search of notorious premises and comb-
ing out of communal elements and weapons, and formation of per-
manent Peace Committee. State’s duty to compensate in case of loss of
house hold properties and other essentials in case of communal riots
has been recognised by the judiciary in some cases. The Commission
has made recommendations for effective investigation and prosecu-
tion; thcrough inquiry before grant of arms licence; ban on explosives;
avoidance of use of religious places for political purposes; stern deal-
ing of persons involved in hate speech; and self-restraint on the part
of media.
5.6 Conclusion
a multicultural
The human and social dimensions of religions in
of social trans-
democracy need to be looked from the perspective
(1989-90) at pp. 180-89.
13 Twelfth Annual Report of the Minorities Commission
264 a joc and
_ Religion ooLaw
i je a eM Rd
formation. Moral ideals, drive for perfection and altruistic approach
attached to religions unfold utilitarian value of religion. Basic unity
of approach in all religions does not leave them as crusading faiths.
Harnessing of the common elements and lowering down of the harm-
ful inferior practices amidst religions in the light of humanism and
welfare constitute a sound strategy to escape from the opiating effect of
religions. Secularism born out of egalitarian spirit within the religious
freedom clauses and of the express subjection of individual religious
freedom to the operation of other provisions of fundamental rights;
and long historical experience and socio-political choice have a great
say in moulding inter-religious relations and constructive approach
for social reforms within the religious community. Its curative and
creative role in social transformation has high hopes, as it deals with
unusual religious beliefs and fundamentalist policies. it is a remark-
able feat that the theme of social justice, which has been centre staged
in the country’s supreme law, has extensively wielded influence on
law governing religion. Hence, diversity of faiths is part of India’s spir-
itual heritage."
Another facet of Indian religions is that the emphasis laid on com-
passion, service, justice, unity and reconciliation has rendered religion
a real forum to rally the unifying force, transcending the divisive fac-
tors. Recent social developments have shown creative use of surplus
resources, which are voluntarily contributed by devotees to religious
institutions, for developmeatal works benefiting the society as a whole.
Feeding the masses, rescuing from calamities, providing education,
extending health service, helping the poor and resolving the disputes
have been the kinds of philanthropic acts organized by religions in
large scale and without distinctions based on religion and caste.’4* The
social capital built around religion has great potentiality in realizing
the motivation for development and welfare. Thus, the social use of
divinity for development is a creative tapping of social dimension of
The problems of religious minorities, whether arising from self-sus-
taining communalism or socio-economic marginalisation, need to be
resolved with the help of law and social action. The Sachar Committee
findings and Minority Commission recommendations emphasise
need-based long-term measures for the welfare of the minorities.
™ V.R. Krishna Iyer in “Foreword” to Tahir Mahmood, Laws of India on Religion and
Religious Affairs (Universal Law Publishing Co., New Delhi 2008) at p. 7.
“’ Pushpa Sundar (Ed.), For God’s Sake: Religious Charity and Social Development
in India, (Indian Centre for Philanthropy, New Delhi, 2002); Malcolm Harper, DSK
Rao and Ashis Kumar Sahu, Development, Divinity and Dharma: The Role of religion in
development and microfinance institutions (Practical Action Publishing, Warwickshire,
2008) at p. 13.
Conclusion 265
the Natio
ationa atic n Seminar,
nal Integratio
46 Khurshidi Alam Khan, Inaugural Address at ssion of India,
of the Minorities Commi
13-12-1986 extracted in the Ninth Annual report
(1986-87) at p. 157.
47 Quoted, Ibid, at pp. 159-60.
3 igionsminorities, whetherarising f
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write it. Unity of India (Collected Writings of Jawaharlal Nehru) (1937-40) p. 242.
° Tove Skutnab-Kangas, “The Role of Language in the reproduction of inequality:
How minority resources are invalidated?” a seminar paper presented at CIIL, Mysore
March 1995 citing from Bourdieu (1977) and Foucault (1980).
° A.K. Srivastava views: “Languageis closely linked with social change. With proper
planning of language, social change can be brought about.” “Language Planning in
Multilingual contexts: Educational and Psychological Implications” in E. Annamalai,
B.H. Jernudd and Joan Rubin, Language Planning (CIIL, Mysore 1986) at p. 43.
” Nathaniel Berman views, “Language plays a key role in creating, defining, and
developing an organic community.” “Nationalism Legal and Linguistic: The Teachings
of European Jurisprudence” in (1992) 24 New York University Journal of Internati
Law and Politics 1515 at p. 1520.
Language planning and social transformation
e r 269
the interests of linguistic minorities are examples of use of law in lan-
guage planning. Unlike voluntary planning, state-initiated plan has
greater success rate. But, the limitations are also vital. First, language
planning through law is more a political decision making than a prod-
uct of organic community's free choice.’ Second, the propriety of state
language planning implies a rejection of a strict connection between a
particular language and national identity? According to Alain Prujner,
“A language is a result of a social consensus, resulting froma very long
evolution. To tamper with such a consensus by regulations is diffi-
cult, even dangerous if the state is unable to implement its decisions.”°
Third, law is not the only instrument for language planning. Public
opinion, social convenience and market needs influence language
choice. Fourth, human rights values, especially minority rights and
cultural rights, and considerations of linguistic harmony control the
policies of language planning. In the backdrop of these factors, law-
society interaction has become central phenomenon in the formulation
and following of language formula. )
With the emergence of numerous avenues tur occupational mobil-
ity and technological developments, language identities have differ-
ent functions to perform in a diaspora situation recognising both eco-
nomic and cultural role of language. Yogendra Singh views:
“Languages are increasingly becoming more competitive, socially
and culturally differentiated and serve as an instrument of integration
within the structure of economy and polity. They also constitute means
of social mobility and restructuration within societies...Languages,
as cultural endowment, enter the arena of legitimation through their
instrumental linkages with institutions such as state, market, classes
and cultural values and ideologies.’
Law as a policy instrument of the organised political society has a
definite role in language planning and development on these lines or
in response to these factors. As a basis of social identity,” in addition
to being a vehicle of thought and speech, language is a reckoning force
in politico-cultural decision making.
at pp. 55-65.
18 D.P. Pattanayak, Language, Education and Culture (CIIL, Mysore 1991) at pp. 4-6,
22-24; Ram Gopal, Linguistic Affairs of India (Asia Publishing House, Bombay 1966) at
pp. 10-15, 21-25.
19 SM. Katre, cited by T.K. Oomen, Sociology (Eastern Book Co., Lucknow 1993) at
p: 331.
2 For a detailed discussion see, Jay Chand Narang, “Regional Structure of India
in relation to Language and History” in Vol. I, Cultural Heritage of India, supra, n. 15
at p. 33; Gopal Haldar, Languages of India (National Book Trust of India, New Delhi
2000). fe ce
a hessPattanayak, supra, n. 18 at pp. 98-99; Suniti Kumar Chatterji, Contributions
pp. 76-
from different Language—Culture Groups” in Cultural Heritage of India, Vol. 1 at
272 _ Language and Law
Oe oe e
ious tol-
heritage of Sanskrit. With a trial for grand process of relig
action, diverse
erance, popular Bhakti movement and mercantile inter
Indian languages developed as different petals of the same lotus
Languages got developed only with their use in interactions vis-a
common people. The interconnections amidst languages owing to
descent, absorption and exchange of vocabulary have enabled bilin-
gualism and mutual tolerance. Thus, linguistic groups were tuned
to the needs of linguistic tolerance and reception of a link language
without losing linguistic identity. Absence of any single majority lan-
guage of overwhelming power, coexistence of several minority lan-
guages and abandonment of the policy of imposition of one over the
other had stolen steam out of the wind, and largely desensitised the
language issue. Drawing support from the common mine of Sanskrit,
or from suitable colloquial speech, all the languages have grown in
an atmosphere of common ideology. As Jay Chand Narang comments,
“These are to be the sure foundation of Indian unity in a federation of
homogeneous unilingual states.”4
Four principal groups of Indian languages are: (I) Indo-Aryan:
Sanskrit, Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, Oriya, Assamese, Kashmiri, Nepali,
Konkani, Punjabi and Urdu; (II) Dravidian: Telugu, Tamil, Kannada,
Malayalam and Tulu; (III) Mongoloid: Manipuri, Tripura, Garo, Bodo;
(IV) Tribal languages and dialects: Gond, Oraon, Santal, Mundari, etc.”
Linguistic Survey of India records 179 languages and 544 dialectics
whereas Census Records show more than 800 languages. The geo-
graphic locations of these groups are respectively Northern India,
Southern India, North-Eastern India and Central India. The territorial
base of different linguistic communities has raised hopes for group
solidarity and collectivism. The protest against Partition of Bengal in
1905 expressed faith in territoriality of linguistic community to keep
the nexus between the native soil and culture intact. It is in such group
solidarity, cultivated through historical times that, the collective life
of people and their culture flowered. Suniti Kumar Chatterji writes,
“On the basis of languages as one of the fundamentals of nationalism,
particularly of the modern type, it would have been quite easy and
just in the nature of things for the people of India to have split up into
a number of distinct nations. But transcending the diversity of lan-
guage is the cultural unity which is shared by all the various linguistic
22 See, for this approach, P.W. Hogg, Constitutional Law of Canada (3rd Edn., Carswell,
Toronto 1992) at p. 1220.
% For example V.N. Sunanda Reddy v. State of A.P., 1995 Supp (2) SCC 235 where
discrimination on the basis of language in the matter of access to public employment
was dealt under right to equality under Art. 16(1). =a
4 Yogesh Tyagi, “Some Legal Aspects of Minority Languages in India” Vol.
(5&6) (May-June 2003) Social Scientist.
future for
3 Tove Skutnab-Kangas, “Human Rights and Language Wrongs-A
, Language Sciences
diversity?” in Phil Benson, Peter Grundy and Tove Skutnab-Kangas
at pp. 1 and 9.
% Ibid, at p. 9.
276 _Language and
ee Law
6.3.2 The concept
The concept of Equal Language Rights is a multiform concept. Its facet
of formal equality redresses discriminations and oppression. Here, the
concepts of rule of law, reasonable classification, reasonableness and
principles of natural justice support the claim, depending upon the
type of grievance.” Language-based discriminations in job opportu-
nities, school facilities, court proceedings, media opportunities and in
the status of official language can accordingly be redressed by applica-
tion of this concept.
The facet of substantive or genuine equality goes beyond this
function. It aims at transformation of unequal situation by infusing
need-based affirmative actions into the handicapped community
for enabling them to overcome the handicap. As F. Capotorti points
out, special measures like creation of minority groups of schools are
essential for s irvival of linguistic characteristics and are imperative of
equality2® Special measures may include a temporary concession for
non-scheduled linguistic community from passing a test in scheduled
language in civil service recruitment, as prevalent in India2? There
is no incompatibility between the formal and substantive aspects of
equality as the competition between them is resolvable in the rubric of
reasonableness and linguistic justice. Special treatment of endangered
or potentially endangered language to avoid language loss or disap-
pearance is one facet of equaiity. According to UNESCO, relatively few
languages are in danger of disappearing in the Indian sub continent
and the main reason for their active maintenance is the presence of
very widespread egalitarian bilingualism and multilingualism.” The
languages in danger of disappearing are tribal and other relatively
small languages.*
The concept of Equal Language Rights reinforces the constitutional
values of federalism, democracy and Fundamental Rights as they
aim at equality of opportunity in regional government, deliberation
and self-expression. It recognises the claim for linguistic territorial-
ity in so far as the latter is a modest means of satisfying ethno-centric
” See, for analysis of equal liberty of all as the foundational principle, see, P. Ishwara
Bhat, Fundamental Rights (Eastern Law House, Kolkata 2004) Ch. 2.
* EF. Capotorti, Study on the Rights ofPersons belonging to Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic
Minorities (New York 1979) at p. 40.
* Javed Niaz Beg v. Union of India, 1980 Supp SCC 155: 1980 SCC (L&S) 473.
** Stephen A. Wurn (Ed.), Atlas ofthe World’s Languages in Danger ofDisappearing (Paris
1996) at pp. 1-2. The criterion for identification of endangered language is whether the
language is not learned by at least 30 per cent of the children of that community. The
other problematic categories are moribund language, probably extinct language.
*" Yogesh Tyagi, “Some Legal Aspects of Minority Language in India”, Vol. XXXI
(May-June, 2003) Social Scientist, 5 at p. 8.
Equal language rights of all for linguistic justice 277
urges of regional language group to have a common forum and their
claim for language development. Linguistic territoriality renders a fair
deal to the linguistic group, which is a minority at the national lev-
el.# However, difficulties of linguistic territoriality theory arise out of
non-synchronisation of language boundary with territorial boundary
and policies of hegemony upon the minorities at the borderland. These
difficulties are to be remedied by the equality doctrine itself. What
equality demands is autonomy of regional language community in
its homeland. It tolerates neither separatism nor oppression of minor-
ity languages. The concept of Equal Language Rights responds to the
well-founded fear expressed in the alternative theoretical model viz.
theory of survivalism.* The fear expressed therein about language
loss or assimilation is tackled by the Equality concept by going to the
roots of political oppression. Another theoretic mode! viz. the secu-
rity model of language rights which advances the claim for positive
security through special measures is also refined and adopted by the
equality concept by suitably moulding the tools of affirmative action.“
Indian constitutional framework has comprehensive language right
scheme that partly conforms to Equality approach, and partly not, as
will be discussed in this chapter.
Press, Toronto
#2 J.A. Laponce, Languages and their Territories (University of Toronto
Rinehar t & Winston Co.,
1987) at p. 14; Ivo D. Duchacek, Comparative Federalism (Holt,
New York 1970) at pp. 41-42.
at p. 161 cited
4 P. Berger, Facing upto Modernity (Penguin, Harmondworth 1979)
(1987) 25 Osgood e Hall Law
by Leslie Green, “Are Language Rights Fundamental?”
Journal 639. or
44 Denise G. Reume, “The Constitutional protection of language: Survival
and the State: The Law and Politics of
Security?” in David Schneidermun (Ed.), Language
j ville 1991) at p. 37.
ational Human
aan uacec ronin ls) ae Protection of Language Rights in Intern
Lingui stic Rights ” (1992) 32 Virginia
Rights Law: A Proposed Draft Declaration of
Journal of International Law 515 at p. 519:
278 PDE 3_Langua hg and
ih a ge Ns Law
is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this declaration,
without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language...”
“Article 26 contemplates full development of the human personality
through free universal education and parental right to choose the kind
of education that shall be given to their children. The International
Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1966 also regards
language as one of the prohibited grounds of discriminations [Article
2(2)]. Article 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights, 1966 declares, “In those states in which ethnic, religious or lin-
guistic minorities exist, persons belonging to such minorities shall not
be denied the right, in community with other members of their group,
to enjoy their own culture, to profess and practise their own religion,
or to use their own language.”
The UN Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National
or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities adopted by the General
Assembly in 1992 has not only made the policy of non discrimination a
core principle, but also employed all means of imposing positive duty
upon the member nations to take appropriate measures to overcome
the difficulties of minorities. According to it, linguistic minorities have
right to use their own language, in private and public, freely and with-
out interference or any form of discrimination. According to Article 4.1,
states shall take measures to ensure that persons belonging to minori-
ties may exercise fully and effectively all their human rights and fun-
damental freedoms with cut any discrimination and in full equality
before the law. They should create favourable conditions in which
minorities may express their characteristics and develop their culture
and language. According to Article 4.3, “States should take appropriate
measures so that, wherever possible, persons belonging to minorities
may have adequate opportunities to learn their mother tongue.” This
requires a systematic affirmative action by the State. Article 4.5 declares,
“States should consider appropriate measures so that persons belong-
ing to minorities may participate in fully in the economic progress
and development of their country.” This rules out any fixation of lan-
guage criterion in the distribution of lands, largesse, economic means
and public employment. On the whole, a multipronged application of
egalitarian principle lies at the core of the 1992 Declaration.
The Draft Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights handed over
to UNESCO in 1996 regards linguistic rights as inalienable personal
rights. It states, “All language communities have equal rights; all
necessary steps must be taken in order to implement the principle of
equality and render it real and effective.” (Articles 10.1 and 103) The
Declaration is intended to provide reasonable protection and promo-
Formation of linguistic states 279
ee t—‘“OCOC”
53 R.C. Majumdar (Ed.), The History and Culture of the Indian People: The Struggle for
Freedom (Bharatiya Vidyabhavan, Bombay 1969) at p. 32.
4 V.K.RV. Rao, National Integration: Some Unresolved Issues (Bharatiya Vidyabhavan,
Bombay 1985) at p. 8.
5 J. Das Gupta, Language Conflict and National Development (1970) at pp. 31-68.
% B, Pattabhi Sitaramayya, History of Indian National Congress, Vol. I at p. 147. K.M.
Munshi writes about its adverse consequence, “Indian linguism soon became strident.
The whole of South India was thrown into a vortex of controversy, bitterness and
uncertainty. All other national issues receded into the background. Even in elections
Parliament, slogans were raised appealing to the linguistic sentiment. Every corporate
activity came to be influenced by it.” Pilgrimage to Freedom (Bharatiya Vidyabhav
1967) at p. 227.
geet i a Nehru Committee, All Parties Conference (1928) at p. 62.
282 e ne
Language and Law
ee ee re ee
a separate province, there is no doubt that use of common speech is a
strong and natural basis for provincial individuality.”
After the dawn of independence, the idea of linguistic states was
about to be accepted except for the Dar Committee Report of 1948,
which expressed the fears of national disunity owing to narrow lin-
guistic loyalty, rivalry and regional chauvinism. It stated, “The forma-
tion of provinces on exclusively or even mainly linguistic considera-
tions is not in the larger interest of the Indian Nation and should not
be taken in hand.” B.R. Ambedkar expressed his apprehension that
linguistic provinces would result in creating as many nations as there
were groups, with pride in their race, language and literature; that it
would be fatal to the maintenance of the necessary administrative rela-
tions between the Centre and the provinces; that a collection of differ-
ent nationalities engaged in rivalries and wars against each other was
death knell to India’s unity; and that the Supreme Court would have
to close down for want of ability to cope up with multiple languages of
transactions in High Courts and the administration? Gandhiji justi-
fied the governmental reluctance to enforce linguistic re-distribution
in view of depressing atmosphere arising from ascendance of centrif-
ugal and balkanising forces. While he was convinced about linguis-
tic redistribution as conducive for the cultural advancement of the
country, he opposed it if it were to militate against organic unity of
India. He offered typical so’ution for change management, “Even zeal-
ous reformers would postpone controversial issues to a more hopeful
time when, in the interests of the country, the virtue of ‘give and take’
would be freely recognised and all sectoral interests would be subor-
dinate to the one interest of the good of India, which will include the
good of all.”
The Government feared that ethnic and linguistic divisions might
engender fissiparous tendency and might threaten the integrity of
India at the crucial and nascent stage of national development. But
some members of the Constituent Assembly considered recognition of
Regional Languages as inevitable step towards linguistic organisation
of states. The JVP Committee of the Indian National Congress took a
decision to leave the matter of state reorganisation to the decision of
** Report of the Indian Statutory Commission, Vol. II, para 38.
* B.R. Ambedkar, Need for Checks and Balances: Articles on Linguistic States (1947-53);
Thoughts on the Linguistic States (1955); also extract from his views in K.M. Munshi,
supra, n. 23 at p. 228; Asha Sarangi, “Ambedkar and the Linguistic States: A Case for
Maharashtra Economic and Political Weekly,” 14-1-2006 at p. 151; Ambedkar said,
“One language can unite people. Two languages are sure to divide people. This is an
inexorable law.” see V.K.R.V. Rao, supra, n. 54 at p. 8.
® Gandhiji, November 1947 and cited in K.M. Munshi, Pilgrimage to Freedom
(Bharatiya Vidyabhavan, Bombay 1967) at pp. 229-30.
Parliament.” Accordingly, Article 3 of the Constitution provided for
this flexibility. It provides that Parliament may form a new state by
separation of territory from any State or by uniting two or more States,
parts of States or by uniting any territory to a part of any State; may
increase or decrease the area of any State; or may alter the boundaries
or name of any State. No Bill for these purposes may be introduced in
Parliament except on the recommendation of the President after he has
“ascertained” the views of the State Legislature (s) concerned. Thus the
issue of linguistic states was tried to be resolved within the framework
of federal democracy.
Disappointment of leaders who stood behind linguistic organisation
of states led to extensive agitation, including hunger strike and mar-
tyrdom, in the South. The Telugu Area Committee set up the slogan
of “Andhra for Telugus”. Potti Sriramulu fasted to death in support of
Andhra state. Marathi speaking people of Bombay, Madhya Pradesh
and Hyderabad demanded a separate Maharashtra state. Gujaratis
claimed commercial areas of old Bombay Province, Saurashtra and
Kutch under a single state of Gujarat where Gujarati language is spo-
ken. The people in Kannada speaking areas spread over Provinces of
Madras and Bombay, Princely State of Mysore, Coorg and Hyderabad
demanded for separate state. Formation of Kerala by integrating the
Malayalam speaking territory scattered over Province of Madras and
Travancore-Cochin was also sought.
The leaders in the Union Government yielded to public opinion in
the matter of linguistic states, although with hesitation and fears. In
1955, the State Reorganisation Commission (SRC) was constituted with
a directive that the essential considerations are the preservation and
strengthening of the unity and security of India; linguistic and cul-
tural homogeneity; economic and administrative factors; and success-
ful working of national plan. The case for linguistic states included the
following factors, according to SRC:
(i) Each federal unit should possess minimum degree of homo-
geneity to ensure emotional response essential for working
the democratic institution. Linguistic homogeneity provides
rational basis for reconstructing the states.
(ii) The political and administrative work of the state can be bet-
ter conducted when the administrators and people are able
to interact in the same language. Broad-based people's sup-
port can be secured when governmental processes including
* Paul Brass, The Politics ofIndia Since Independence, (2nd Edn., Cambridge University
Press, London 1995) at p. 171.
°° Gurpreet Mahajan, “Indian Exceptionalism or Indian Model: Negotiating
Cultural Diversity and Minority Rights in a Democratic Nation-State” in Will
Kymlicka and Baogang Hi (Eds.), Multiculturalism in Asia (Oxford University Press,
New York 2005) at pp. 288-301.
*” C. Rajagopalachari, “A Threat to National Unity” in Swarajya, 6-9-1958, extracted
by B.V.R. Rao, The Constitution and Language Politics in India (B.R. Publishing Co., Delhi
2003) at p. 64.
_ An aberration from the approach of linguistic tolerance occurred
in November 2005 in Karnataka. After reorganisation of states in
1956 Belgaum district had been included in Karnataka on the basis
of Mahajan Commission Report, which delineated the boundaries
according to population of Kannada speaking people. While in urban
places Marathi speaking people are in substantive numbers, major-
ity of the rural population speak Kannada. However, people practice
bilingualism. There has been a demand from Marathi speaking com-
munity, projected through a political party (Maharashtra Ekikarana
Samiti) that Belgaum shall be separated from Karnataka and be united
to Maharashtra. The boundary dispute is politically agitated and the
matter is referred to the Union Government and to the Supreme Court.
The Belgaum Municipality passed a resolution in 2005 to align the dis-
trict into Maharashtra, although it had no statutory competence to do
so. Some Kannada activists in Bangalore manhandled and literally tar-
nished the Mayor of Belgaum and an MLA in retaliation. Violent pro-
tests and damage of public property took place in the border districts.
The Government of Karnataka superseded the municipality. There
was repetition of similar incident in July 2007 when a leader agitating
for unification of Konkani speaking regions of Karwar into Goa was
manhandled. These incidents are unfortunate spillover of linguistic
reorganisation of states, which could not be perfect because of the fact
that territorial boundary could hardly be drawn to fully commensu-
rate with linguistic boundary.
Five decades of coexistence of bilingual community had largely wit-
nessed harmony although with some politically motivated aberrations.
It is submitted, language was not the only yardstick for determination
of state boundaries. In addition to language, the factors of administra-
tive convenience and planned economic development were also con-
sidered in boundary delineation. It is submitted, sense of emotional
unity and national integrity should prevail over narrow feelings of
territorial possessiveness. Delinking of the language issue from land
by abandoning politicisation and by developing linguistic harmony is
the essential step to be taken. In fact, the dissatisfaction amidst people
of some area for having included them in one state rather than another
would be only a temporary phenomenon unless an equitable develop-
ment of that area and protection of the linguistic interests is not sin-
cerely attempted. The experience and approaches of administration in
other border districts should be kept in mind in addition tc educating
and preparing towards linguistic harmony. It is appropriate to
ber the apprehension expressed by the Sarkaria Commission:
the unity
“Politicisation of language has often tended to threaten
e results of
and integrity of the country. One of the most unfortunat
_Lang uage and Law
288 me n
come to be
the re-organisation of States has been that language has
regarded, informally (but never formally) as the basis for the forma
of a State.”
The potentiality of the Constitution to deal with arbitrary state policy
thrust by the majority upon linguistic minority has come to the open
surface in the following observation in D.A.V. College case. The Court
said, “Whether one may like it or not, linguistic states in this country
have come to stay. The purpose and object of these linguistic states
is to provide with greater facility the development of the people of
that area educationally, socially and culturally, in the language of that
region but while the State or the University has every right to provide
for the education of the majority in the regional medium, it is sub-
ject to the restrictions contained in Articles 25 to 30.9 Article 14 of
the Constitution is also employed to nullify reservation of posts for
linguistic communities?’ Gurpreet Mahajan observes, “While these
issues persist and they need still to be addressed in many regions
effectively, there is little doubt that the linguistic reorganisation of
states, by converting some linguistic minorities within the national
context into regional majorities, has given political recognition to pop-
ular sentiment.”7’
“ M.K. Gandhi, Hind Swaraj (1909); Speech in Gujarat Sahitya Parishad (1917); Hindi
Sahitya Sammelan (1918); Young India, 14-7-1927.
”” See, V.K.RNV. Rao, supra, n. 54 at pp. 8-10.
® Ibid, at p. 8.
” The group included K. Santhanam, T.T. Krishnamachari, L.K. Maitra, N.G.
Ay yangar.
*° Jawaharlal Nehru, Unity of India (1937) at p. 242; S.K. Agarwala, “Jawaharlal
Nehru and the Language Problem” in Rajeev Dhavan and Thomas Paul, Nehru and the
Constitution (ILI, New Delhi 1992) at p. 134.
Language policy under the Constitution: background and content 291
e e ee RE
script and numerals system; about the protections to linguistic minor-
ities; and about language development. The Committee brought out
a formula based on political compromise, which accommodated the
claims of both the groups. This formula initiated by N.G. Ayyangar
was discussed at length for three days adding 180 pages of recorded
debate. It was accepted by the Constituent Assembly by division over
one vote. Although it has been described as half-hearted compromise,
the national leaders have hailed its efficacy in resolving 95 per cent of
the problem. Further, its enduring effect upon maintenance of national
harmony and unity over the last fifty-five years is enormous.
Part XVII of the Constitution reflects the Munshi-Ayyangar formula
and lays down the language policy in four chapters viz. Language of
the Union, Regional Languages, Language of the Courts and Special
Directives. The scheme is an integrated whole and is a product of his-
torical choice to conduct the business and politics of the country in
languages understood by the masses.
*' At pp. 1416-17. He viewed in another context, “Language ultimately grows from
the people; it is seldom that it can be imposed.” S.K. Agarwala, supra, n. 80 at p. 143.
2 At p. 1493.
* Granville Austin, Indian Constitution: A Cornerstone of aNation (Oxford University
Press, New Delhi) at p. 307.
** V.KRY. Rao; supra, n. 54 at pp. 44-45.
®° Ibid, at p. 45.
Implications of the Eighth Schedule
nn Th Sus ets ile. ae 297
compromise. The need to cultivate forbearance and caution in the mat-
ter of language is implicit in the language provisions.*
a Commission),
8 Report of the Commission on Centre-State Relations 1985 (Sarkari
para 20.1.26-27.
87 (1997) 6 SCC 573: AIR 1998 SC 365.
298 LI. and Law
scope is confined on grounds of administrative convenience and pub-
lic policy. Udaya Narayana Singh includes in this list the state obliga-
tion to provide mother tongue instruction. However, regarding state
obligation to provide mother tongue instruction at the primary stage
under Article 350-A, the Eighth Schedule of a language shall not be
material since what is at stake is Fundamental Right to education.
It is because of the above reasons of emotional satisfaction and prac-
tical advantages that amidst non-scheduled languages there is aspira-
tion to get within the orbit of Eighth Schedule. Accordingly, the number
of languages in Eighth Schedule has grown from 13 to 22. Recently in
2004, the Union Government has bestowed the status of classical lan-
guage to Tamil on the basis of facts such as possessing independent
body of literature continuously for more than 1000 years. The criterion
for identification of a language as classical one has been made rigid
subsequently. This status confers entitlement to grants of funds for fur-
ther development of the language. As reported on 25 December 2005,
the extent of grant for Tamil language is Rs 3.5 crores in 2005. There are
other Indian languages qualifying for similar status. This has given
rise to public dissatisfaction and agitation in some states. It is submit-
ted, the remedial role of equality to deal with partisan policies shall be
employed to reform the position. In 2008, the classical language status
was extended to Kannada and Telugu after long agitation.
Pradeep Jain v. Union ofIndia, (1984) 3 SCC 654: AIR 1984 SC 1470.
Non discrimination in public employment on grounds of language 301
a ee
The principle is reaffirmed in T.M.A. Pai Foundation (1995) case%
where although fixation of different standards of fee for students
belonging to the same state and for those hailing from other states was
approved, the locals only rule—which had the propensity of excluding
“outsiders”—was outright rejected as violative of right to equality.
Concerning “locals only rule” in public employment, it is only
Parliament, which is vested with power under Article 16(3). Here, the
Parliament may prescribe through law any requirement as to residence
in the state as a prerequisite for employment under the state or union
territory or any local governments under them. The original intention
underlying this provision is that in any backward areas to which peo-
ple from advanced areas may come “flying in and walk with cakes” of
employment opportunities, in order to protect the local interests in the
larger interests of the nation, there should be some power and it should
be exercised only by the national government in case of dire neces-
sity.» It is very heartening that this provision is not abused hitherto.
Except making of a temporary law, that too limited to one state, this
provision is fortunately not used by Parliament.*® The non-exercise of
power by the Union and non-availability of power on the part of States
have undoubtedly reinforced the value of linguistic equality in the
sphere of public employment. Apparently, the social choice is against
any parochial approach of accommodating local chauvinism.
However, a requirement of in-service training in the official lan-
guage for the public servants, for the purpose of better public service
through that language, after entering into the public employment, is
conforming to the constitutional objectives. In Union of India v. Murasolt
Maran’, the Supreme Court upheld a Presidential Order which required
the administrative personnel who were not acquainted with Hindi to
undergo in-service training in Hindi, free of cost and with no penalty
for failure to undergo the training within-the due date, as a valid exer-
cise of power under Article 343(2) for promoting Hindi. Although the
Court did not refer to right to equality, the position would have been
the same if it were applied, as it did not impose disability or unreason-
able obligation on any class. The Court held that the legislative policy
underlying the Official Languages Act, 1963, which allowed contin-
uance of English in addition to Hindi for all official purposes, was
not limiting the Presidential powers of promoting Hindi. It is submit-
ted, Murasoli has not deviated from the principle of equal liberty of
** 1980 Supp SCC 155: 1980 SCC (L&S) 473: AIR 1981 SC 794.
” Ibid, at p. 796.
10 The Gazette of India, 18-12-1982.
wt Parai20i1:33.
Non discrimination in public employment on grounds of
S language
r SY 303
Confirmation of probationer’s service and sanction of incre
ments are
made dependent upon passing of such examination.
According to Rule 4, after the expiry of two years from the date
commencement of the rules, no government servant shall be eligible
for promotion to any higher post unless he has passed Kannada lan-
guage examination and the prescribed examination, if any, for the
holder of such higher post. Similar requirement is made applicable for
appointments by transfers also. Concerning the implication of exemp-
tion given for two years’ (and also subsequent extension for one more
year) there were conflicting views of Single Judge Benches of Karnataka
High Court.’ The controversy ended when the Division Bench in B.V.
Krishnamurthy v. Commr.*? ruled that the Government servants who
got promotion during the period of exemption were not bound to pass
the Kannada test, and hence were not liable to be reverted to the origi-
nal post for not passing the test.
About the constitutionality of Rule 4, which made passing of
Kannada test a condition precedent for promotion, a challenge was
made on ground of right to equality. The Divisional Bench of the
Karnataka High Court ruled that the requirement could not be held
as irrelevant or unrelated to objects of efficient public service.* The
Karnataka Administrative Tribunal also upheld the constitutionality
of Rules 3 and 4 as conforming to Articles 14 and 16(1).'%
While the above approach balances linguistic interest in public
employment, a different approach of accommodating the regional
interest exclusively, by prescribing language competence as a prior
requirement at the threshold of public employment emerged in some
states. In Karnataka, the Rules were amended in 1982 to provide that
no candidate shall be appointed to any non-Gazetted post in Groups
B and C unless he passed the Kannada language test. In the very next
year, owing to agitation by minorities, the new rule was repealed, and
it was provided that Kannada language test was to be passed by the
candidate within five years’ from the date of entering into service. This
was followed by a massive protest by pro Kannada activists, owing to
which the time given for passing the test was reduced to two years’ and
it was also provided that after two years’, the entry into government
service in these categories should be confined to people who have
2 While in Thimmappa v. State of Karnataka, (1980) 1 KLJ 398 it was held that in case
of failure to pass the Kannada test within the period, there shall be reversion from
promotion, in M. Syed Ziaulla v. State of Karnataka, WP 13117/1978 dated 7-2-1979 it was
ruled that promotion will not be disturbed owing to failure to pass the Kannada test.
103 TLR 1987 Kant 2640.
1% Judgment dated 10-12-1986 by Divisional Bench of Karnataka High Court (P.C.
Jain and K. Shivashankara Bhat, JJ. were on the Bench).
15 Judgment dated 19-7-1990.
304 _Language and Law
Oe ee
working knowledge of Kannada at the time of entry into
on, 1984
service. The Twenty-fourth Linguistic Minority Commissi
has adversely commented on the above policy. Before the Karn
Administrative Tribunal it was argued in a case that the requirem
of passing Kannada test for Group C posts (and also some categories
of Group B posts) and the opportunity for recruitees to Group A posts
(and remaining categories of Group B posts) to pass the test within
two years from the date of joining the duty amounted to discrimina-
tory treatment. The Tribunal rejected the argument by reasoning that
the classification was reasonable. It is submitted, in the light of Apex
Court’s judgment in V.N. Sunanda Reddy, the approach of the Tribunal
becomes untenable as will be discussed later.
Karnataka State constituted a committee headed by Dr. Sarojini
Mahishi to examine and report on modalities of enhancing employment
opportunities for qualified candidates of Kannada in Karnataka.”
The Sarojini Mahishi Committee Report, 1986, emphasised the policy
of “Jobs in Karnataka only for Kannada speaking people”. The follow-
ing recommendations of the committee are relevant for present dis-
cussion. Firstly, in all competitive examinations conducted by KPSC
or other recruitment committees one Kannada paper shall be com-
pulsory and failure in the paper shall bring ineligibility for selection.
In cases of selection through interview without written examination,
Kannada examination shall be conducted. Secondly, in state public
undertakings, except for pusts for which candidates possessing higher
technical qualifications are not available, for all the remaining posts,
only Kannadigas shall be appointed. Thirdly, state shall persuade and
ensure that in central public undertakings in Karnataka, following
ratio of employment opportunities of Kannadigas prevails: Class IV
posts 100 per cent; other posts having pay scales up to Rs 1250—8o0
per cent; and remaining higher posts—6o per cent. Fourthly, in private
undertaking getting facilities like land, water and electricity from gov-
ernment, except top level administrative posts, all the remaining posts
shall be filled by appointing Kannadigas. Finally, it suggested amend-
ments to Employment Exchange Act, give preference to Kannadigas in
public employment.
In spite of serious demands for implementation of the committee’s
recommendations, the State Government has desisted from imple-
menting it. The political dimension of majority-minority claims in
this sphere has obviously come in the way of implementation. It is
6 Ibid.
'"” The Committee was constituted in the background of observations made by a
sub-committee of the National Integration Council to the effect that discontent among
the candidates of local areas in the states due to non-availability of employment in
sufficient ratio should be resolved by more employment opportunities to them.
Non discrimination in public employment on grounds of language 305
n e OO tC
submitted, while efforts of enhancing of the abilities of local candi-
date to compete in job market by imparting skill is welcome, there is
clear difficulty for a discriminatory approach at the face of guarantee
of right to equality. An analysis of recent decision of the Apex Court
will make the point clear.
V.N. Sunanda Reddy v. State of A.P.*° is a case of far reaching impor-
tance in tackling linguistic chauvinism in the matter of access to public
employment. In this case at issue was the constitutional validity of two
A.P. Government orders of 1976 and 1981, which provided a weight-
age of 5 per cent of the total average maximum marks in the com-
petitive examination conducted by APPSC to candidates who passed
their graduation through Telugu medium. The advantage was avail-
able in specified categories of posts in Group II and Group IV service.
It was challenged that the impugned orders violated Articles 14 and
16. The Court struck down the order as discriminatory, but directed
that the appointments already made on the strength of the impugned
Government Order shall not be disturbed.
According to the Court, in a situation of severe competition in direct
recruitment from open market to limited number of posts, addition of
40 marks to Telugu candidates would make them to jump the queue
and steal a march over more meritorious candidates, which would not
only be discriminatory but also adversely affect administrative effi-
ciency contemplated under Article 335. When minimum eligibility
criterion was graduation, all candidates possessing minimum quali-
fication were to be assessed on the basis of relative merit; but the gov-
ernment order altered the criterion and rendered the consideration of
merit otiose.
The Court found that the classification of candidates into Telugu
medium candidates and non-Telugu medium candidates, insofar as
graduation is concerned, does not have any rational object sought to
be achieved thereby. If the object was to have proficiency in Telugu
language to be able to render service to the public in Telugu language,
that was forthcoming even from candidates who passed their gradu-
ation in non-Telugu medium, because passing one compulsory paper
of Telugu was a must for them. Further, the requirement of passing
language test during service before getting increment and confirma-
tion, satisfied the governmental objective. Majumdar, J. observed for
the Court, “Proficiency in Telugu language at entry point pales into
insignificance in so far as recruitment to these posts is concerned. 109
It is submitted, the Apex Court has rightly applied the egalitarian
principle, and the factor of passing in Telugu medium has no nexus
"S MN. Kaul and S.L. Shakdhar, Practice and Procedure of Parliament (2nd Edn.,
Metropolitan Book Co., Delhi 1972) at p. 845.
"4 AIR 1957 MP 26.
® AIR 1975 Pat 295.
'e AIR 1966 Raj 142.
1 -_
’ Alok Kumar v. State of Bihar, AIR 1976 Pat 392 at p. 394.
Language hegemony in public forum and the response of equality 309
e e
In J.S. Mills case"* the Allahabad High Court adopted a similar
approach. It went a step ahead in H.L.M. Biri Works v. STO"9 by hold-
ing that when the legislation is originally enacted in Hindi followed by
an English text, in interpreting the legislation, the original version is
to be taken into consideration to resolve the ambiguity in the English
text. |
It is submitted, if the approach of publishing legislations exclu-
sively in the regional language of the state without conforming to
“English text requirement” of Article 348(1)(b) is adopted by the State
Legislatures, as is approvingly done in Raichand, Mathura Prasad and
Alok Kumar, the task of communicating the legislative policy to all the
people of the state and effectively enforcing them becomes difficult.
From the angle of linguistic minorities, their right to know and right to
fair procedure are jeopardised by such an approach. Holding Article
348(a)(b) as mandatory and at the same time treating it as having lim-
ited scope is incongruous.
To ensure multilingual understanding and debate, the system of
simultaneous translation should be refined and strengthened and a
liberal approach to Article 120(1) in the light of republican spirit should
be adopted. Since democracy presupposes equal right to know the
law, translation of Acts, Orders and Resolutions passed by Parliament
into the Eighth Schedule languages becomes essential. Translation of
all state statutes into English and Hindi should be compulsory. The
present practice of multiple bilingualism in states should be continued
as it expands the scope of language rights. On the whole, the right to
know and to participate elevates language rights to human right. The
law-making process cannot be blind to this reality.
"8 JS. Mills v. Presiding Officer, I.T. (III), AIR 1962 All 240.
19 HL.M. Biri Works v. STO, AIR 1959 All 208.
10 JILI 661 at p. 665.
120 Atul Chandra Patra, “Multilingual Legislation” (1968)
Language and
ee Law
TO ee ee
which imposes penalty for use of any language other than Marathi
any of the commercial signboards in the city of Mumbai, is one such
example. It is submitted, display of signboard in a language of one’s
choice is a speech function, and has a component of right of conserv-
ing one’s language and cultural identity. It involves application of free-
dom of speech and expression and also of business. The restriction is
abridging these freedoms, and is not justifiable as reasonable restric-
tion on permissible constitutional grounds. It clearly violates right to
equality, since it is arbitrary and does not comply with the requirement
of reasonable classification. In Ford v. Quebec’** the Canadian Supreme
Court has struck down similar rule made by Quebec Government
as violative of freedom of speech and expression and also of right to
equality. In some cities of Karnataka there have been some attempts to
tarnish and disfigure the signboards displayed in English, in order to
persuade that the signboards shall be in Kannada. The miscreant acts
are silently tolerated by the State, which is, it submitted, violates the
constitutional obligation of the State.
Regarding opportunity for exhibition of films produced in other lan-
guages in the capital city of linguistic state, sometimes, discriminatory
policy is adopted by the Government under the pressure exerted by the
regional language film industry of the concerned state. In Bangalore
(2005) the Kannada film industry and the Kannada activists resorted
to forced closure and bundh of theatres screening new other-language
films demanding for governmental regulation on screening of new
films of other languages, because of which theatres for screening new
Kannada films were not sufficiently available. Yielding to the pressure,
the Government of Karnataka passed orders to the effect that no new
films of other languages shall be allowed for screening except after the
expiry of a short duration of six weeks after its release. Earlier, there
was an order issued by the Government compelling the license hold-
ers of film theatres to exhibit Kannada films for a minimum number
of 12 weeks per year in order to encourage Kannada film industry. In
Kapoor Investments v. State of Karnataka’*, the Karnataka High Court
struck down the order as an unreasonable restriction upon freedom of
business, trade and occupation. Concerted application of freedom of
speech, expression, business and right to equality enabled a fair posi-
tion in this case. It is submitted, the protectionist policy underlying
the governmental order is not justifiable when perused from the angle
of equality in language rights and the High Court took appropriate
course of action. It should also be noted that it is the economic inter-
est of the region that has been indirectly projected in the language-
6.12 Conclusion
In a multilingual federal democracy like India language right attains
a great significance as it has wider dimensions of human rights.
Language’s connection with human emotion and communitarian sense
of identity needs to be understood pragmatically as part of culture and
not a factor to be glorified with fanaticism to divide between “we” and
“they”. While language provides access to various good things of life,
in view of right to dignified life and interaction between equality and
liberty, limiting the entitlements solely based on language is problem-
atic. The questions of linguistic organisation of states and policy of
official language at the national and regional level, the answers found
and the experiences felt about them largely vindicate the advantages
of a cautious path of balancing paved through political compromises.
As a social and cultural resource, language has great instrumental
importance. Its use for various activities—expressional, occupational,
social, educative and political—brings vital constitutional principles
into action. Equality, as a major policy choice in the Constitution, has
discredited linguistic hegemonies, and succored the linguistic minori-
ties. Indian constitutional policy on language has shown adequacy
of strength to deal with language problems by keeping away forces
of linguistic chauvinism at comfortable distance at both Union and
regional levels. The blend of pragmatism and ideals of linguistic har-
mony contributes towards national integration. The interplay between
public opinion and policy-making could stand above the emotional
cleavages and produce a rational framework. While this speaks of
the social dimension of language policy, no amount of complacence
should enter into the administration’s mindset, as the value of linguis-
tic harmony should be meticulously cultivated, continuously carried
and fondly internalised in the nation as a whole. The fact that time and
again aberrations occur in language front, warns us to guard against
emotional susceptibilities.
eel aitehighll
tte 834 Shree itr
SL a ire ae
s of conservation of
through that language are not only the processe
ation itself. Hence,
language but also constitute the veritable act of educ
nal right. Mutual
linguistic rights in education form a part of educatio
from appropri-
reinforcement of both language and education arise
like India,
ate language policy in education. In a multilingual society
the one hand,
which is influenced by globalisation and liberalisation on
on the
and social thrust for maintenance of regionalism or local culture
cy and
other hand, there arise sensitive issues relating to language poli
language planning in the field of education. The contested issues are:
whether mother tongue instruction shall be the invariable state polic
and if so, upto what level that it shall be prescribed, and against
(whether to minorities and non-minorities) and even against parental
choice? Whether at higher levels of education, learning in particular
medium of instruction can be made compulsory? Whether prescrip-
tion upon all students to compulsorily study regional language and/or
English at any level of education for reasons of sociability is appropri-
ate and constitutional? Whether minority language educational right
or any other provision of Fundamental Rights like freedom of busi-
ness, religion, life and equality can be invoked against the state’s lan-
guage planning in education? Whether minority language educational
rights have benefited the language in contrast to benefit to the linguis-
tic community? What is the basis and scope of right of parental choice
in the matter of child’s e¢acation, especially when English medium
schools pretend to serve globalisation and technical education?
Beneath these issues lie intimate social questions about the dichot-
omy between language of people and language of knowledge, applica-
tion of the forces of state, market and society, and conflicts between
globalisation and regionalisation of culture. Scholars recognising the
dichotomy between people’s language and knowledge’s language con-
sider that mutual give and take between these two languages should
enhance the competence of both the languages, avoid conflicts and
promote cosmopolitanism.? State, market and society conceptualise
language planning. State identifies the “legitimate language” for learn-
ing, being influenced by societal reasons. As Yogendra Singh views,
“The role of cultural and social mobilisation of people’s consciousness,
the rise of new pressure groups, new classes or movements and the
ability of some sections to appropriate the influence generated by the
from darkness to light, to free us from every kind of domination except that of reason,
is the aim of education.”
> U.R. Ananthmurthy, “Jana bhashe mattu jnanada bhashe” Udayavani, 17-12-
2006, an article in Kannada; English attained prominent place in world languages
due to economic, political and scientific reasons. What was only a wild lenguage in
12th century AD rose to such an imperial position because of its use as lang~:age of
knowledge. Prajne mattu Parisara (2004) at p. 40.
state.” Unless the market is dominated by the state, market also
be wielding its influence. The policy of modernisation (a kind of west-
ernisation) through English education,‘ which involves an element of
symbolic domination, is resisted by resilient forces of the society to
assert the identity and importance of local linguistic culture, result-
ing in making the learning of regional language or learning through
regional language compulsory. In view of the fear about endangerment
to language, such policies are put forward. According to the UNESCO
standards, a language faces a situation of endangerment when the per-
centage of children in that speech community studying that language
falls below 30 per cent? In India some of the tribal languages only face
such situation. Another type of response by speech community is to go
for hybridisation, by compelling children to learn one paper of English
in an atmosphere of mother tongue instruction, and compelling the
English school children to study regional language. Prolonged litiga-
tions stretching beyond a decade, the complex interlocutory orders and
their vacation have been the features of this contesting site. Sociology
of law in this sphere has pointed out the gap between law and soci-
ety, and problems of accommodating social transformation. Linguistic
consciousness of people exhibits sometimes double standards. As
Yogendra Singh puts it, “It is a common knowledge that members of
elite and middle classes, while professing strong verbal commitment
or loyalty to a language of their own community to derive political or
ideological support in behaviour, deviate markedly from such norm
when they send their own children to educational institutions where
medium is a language of symbolic domination. ..”°
The factor of multilingualism, cherished by the Indian society as a
part of the policy of multiculturalism, has also significant role to play
in planning language in education. By taking the pluralist paradigm
seriously, linguistic hegemonies can be avoided and a culture of sys-
temic coexistence can be ensured? This implies that every attempt has
3 Yogendra Singh, Culture Change in India (Rawat Publications, New Delhi 2000) at
p. 140.
4 For a discussion on similar lines, see, Mohamed S. Abdel Wahab, “Cultural
Globalisation and Public Policy: Exclusion of Foreign Law in the Global Village” in
Michael Freeman, Law and Sociology (Oxford University Press, Oxford 2006) at pp. 360-
66. ait
5 Yogesh Tyagi, “Some Legal Aspects of Minority Languag e in India” (May-June
to ignore UNESCO' s warning
2003) 33 Social Scientist, 5 at pp. 7-8. “It is unwise
are doomed or likely to
that close to half of the 6,000 languages spoken in the world
language s. The linguisti c
disappear in the foreseeable future. Some of them are Indian
at another place” at p. 22.
majority at one place must remember its minority status
Publications, New Delhi 2000)
6 Yogendra Singh, Culture Change in India (Rawat
. 142. . .
and Social Anthropology
e 7 Udaya Narayana Singh, in Veena Das (Ed.), Sociology
Languageee tion
Rights in Educaee
318 e ee e
the domi-
to be made by the society to maintain and develop not only
nant language but also the less dominant languages spoken by
numbers of people. It rejects the policy of replacement of many
guages by one language, There is also the social factor of deprivatio
on the part of children belonging to working class or poorer sections,
s to
who, because of their economic position, are not able to have acces
good language-learning environment. The chain consequences of pov-
erty, poor language-learning environment;poor language, poor school
performance, and deprivation of access to professional education or
employment result in creation of unequal opportunities.”° Hence, lan-
guage planning in education should address the problems of lower
strata of society also. For establishing harmonious relation and trans-
action with dominant linguistic community of the region, the linguis-
tic minority of the region needs to have an “immersion” course in the
dominant language of the region. Further, the urban/rural divide and
the diversity of policies in various parts of India have also added to
the complexity. Thus, social engineering of language in education has
become a complicated task.
(Oxford University Press, New Delhi 2003) at p. 741 agreeing with Probal Dasgupta,
D.P. Pattanayak and Lakshman Khubchandani.
* AK. Srivastava “Language Planning in Multilingual contexts: Educational and
Psychological Implications” in E. Annamalai, B.H. Jernudd and Joan Rubin (Eds),
Language Planning (CIIL, Mysore 1986) at pp. 43, 52.
* D.P. Pattanayak, “Language, Politics, Region Formation and Regional Planning”
in E. Annamalai, B.H. Jernudd and Joan Rubin (Eds.), Language Planning (CIIL, Mysore
1986) at pp. 18, 23.
" D Plumer, “A summary of environmentalist views and some educational
implications” in F. Williams (Ed.), Language and Poverty (Markham Publishing Co,,
Chicago 1970) at pp. 265-08 cited by A.K. Srivastava, supra, n. 8 at p. 53.
'' Gandhiji, cited in English Medium Students Parents Assn. v. State of Karnataka, (1994)
1 SCC 550: AIR 1994 SC 1702.
Mother tongue instruction in primary education 319
a nena ASDA
threatens to atrophy the development of mother tongue, as S. Mohan,
J. viewed."2
As early as in 1904 the Education Policy had resolved, “The mother
tongue of the pupil should be used as the medium of instruction both
at the primary and middle stages...English has no place, and should
have no place in scheme of primary education. It has never been part of
the policy of the Government to substitute English for the vernacular
dialect of the country. As a general rule, a child should not be allowed
to learn English as a language until he has made some progress in
primary stages of instruction and has received a thorough grounding
in his mother tongue.” Thus, local environment approach for child’s
learning was emphasised. The Indian National Congress’s resolutions,
1906 (familiarly known as “National Education Movement”) made it
clear that education shall be imparted in child’s mother tongue bring-
ing awareness about their literary traditions and cultural heritage.
The National Council of Education was set up by the Congress, which
established a college in Bengal. Under the influence of Sri Aurobindo
the Council gave a clear directive that education would be imparted
ordinarily through the medium of vernaculars, English being a com-
pulsory subject. In the second phase of the Education Movement, for-
mal attempt to make primary education free, universal and compul-
sory was initiated under the novel scheme of Gandhiji, called as Basic
Education. Mother tongue as the medium of instruction was retained
After Independence, it was officially suggested by the University
Education Commission (1949) that Indians must learn a regional lan-
guage, a general language (Hindi) and English. The Commission for
Education, (1953) went one step ahead by recommending two more lan-
guages viz. mother tongue and a classical language. The UNESCO's
(1953) recognition of mother tongue education on grounds of psy-
chological, sociological and linguistic grounds had influence on this
approach. The Council for Secondary Education (1956) and the Central
Advisory Board of Education, (1957) brought out three language for-
mula under the influence of Nehru in two parts: (?) mother tongue,
Hindi and English for the non-Hindi zone; (ji) Hindi, any other Indian
language, and English for the Hindi zone. The three language formula
became problematic because of the following reasons: indifference of
Hindi belt to study an Indian language in addition to Hindi, and resist
ance by Tamil Nadu against imposition of Hindi. In 1966, Education
Commission liberalised the formula by providing that by the end
the middle school, a student should have acquired sufficient
Karnataka, (1994) 1 SCC 550: AIR
2 English Medium Students Parents Assn. v. State of
1994 SC 1702 at p. 1708.
a eae cei Langu
fort Jere 2s in Educa
age aRight
rn lan-
over three languages: mother tongue, and two non-native mode
as an
guages viz. Hindi as an official and link language and English
associate official language and language for higher studies and
national communication.
The three-language formula was greatly emphasised by the National
Policy on Education (1968). Regarding the need for development of
regional languages, it observed, “The energetic development of Indian
languages and literature is a sine qua non for educational and cultural
development. Unless this is done, the creative energies of the people
will not be released, standards of education will not improve, knowl-
edge will not spread to the people, and the gulf between the intel-
ligentsia and masses will remain, if not widen further.” While Hindi
is to be developed as link language, Sanskrit’s unique contribution to
the cultural unity of the country should be remembered. It also said,
“Special emphasis needs to be paid on the study of English and other
international languages. World language is growing at a tremendous
pace, especially in science and technology. India must not only keep
up this growth but should also make her own significant contribution
to it. For this purpose, study of English deserves to be strengthened.”
Since education was then in State List, it was left to the States and
Union Territories to decide the length and stage of language contact.
The duration was 3, 6 and 10 years’. Determination of the status of first
language, and option to allow study of classical language (Sanskrit)
instead of Hindi were within the discretion of states. Peculiar conse-
quence of the liberalisation was that in Hindi belt there emerged a
two-language formula and for minorities whose mother tongue was
neither regional language nor Hindi it became a four-language for-
mula.’? Thus, diversity, confusion and experimentations have been the
hallmark of language learning. And the position of local environment
approach on language learning continues even after the Constitution
(Forty-second Amendment) Act, 1976, which shifted education into
Concurrent List. The local environment approach coupled with strong
feelings of regionalism is problematic because of its parochial char-
acter and ignoring the importance of the right parental choice and
minority right.
As a result, the language policy of the state on education is prone
to favour or disfavour the opportunities for mother tongue instruc-
tion. Imposition of dominant regional language as the sole medium
' Udaya Narayana Singh, citing Khubchandani, 1983 at p. 746. According to
Sarkaria Commission, “Unfortunately, the three-language formula has been observed
more in breach. Some states are following what is virtually two-language formula.
One state is imposing what is virtually four-language formula. We are of the view that
effective steps should be taken to implement the three-language formula uniformly in
all the states in the interests of the unity and integrity of the country.”
The constitutional scheme
ESE SE A Ee oe 321
of instruction has been experienced as problematic for the linguistic
minorities. Parental choice about medium of instruction in which the
child should learn has also been sometimes asserted to counter the
state policy. But, as the recent trends show, such choice is generally
the choice of language of wider communication viz. English or Hindi.
Often times, the state policy of regional language as medium of instruc-
tion or compulsion to learn regional language is countered by linguis-
tic minority’s right to establish educational institutions of their choice
which is employed to set-up English Medium schools. Emergence
of English Medium schools in large numbers and with commercial
sophistications, and greater focus on professional and technological
education both in urban and semi-urban places have changed the lan-
guage profile in education, and the linguistic minority educational
right is employed as a tool for this purpose. The concern for mother
tongue as medium of instruction is gaining back seat treatment. The
constitutional development is to be understood in the changed social
circumstance of language choice and language use in education.
8 Bala Seva Educational and Charitable Trust v. Govt. of T.N., (1998) 1 MLJ 570 (Mad)
at p. 454.
'© For a discussion on these lines, see, P. Ishwara Bhat, Fundamental Rights: A Study of
their Interrelationship (Eastern Law House, Kolkata 2004) Ch. 12.
” AIR 1965 SC 183.
"8 Bala Seva Educational and Charitable Trust v. Govt. of T.N., (1998) 1 ML] 570 (Mad);
was held by the Madras High Court that running an Engineering College by a Sanskrit
pain community attracted application of Art. 30(1) in addition to its right under
rt. ;
'? Re, Kerala Education Bill, 1957, AIR 1955 SC 956.
* D.A.V. College v. State of Punjab, (1971) 2 SCC 185: AIR 1971 SC 1737, Ahmedabad
St. Xavier's College Society v. State of Gujarat, (1974) 1 SCC 717: AIR 1974 SC 1389; A.P.
Christians Medical Educational Society v. Govt of A.P., (1986) 2 SCC 667: AIR
1986 SC 1480;
minority is a source of entitlement to establish and administer medi-
cal colleges, engineering colleges, business schools, etc. Right to admit
students from other linguistic communities is also considered as a part
of minority right on lines of “sprinkling presence of non-minorities”,"
but in practice without such limits due to commercialisation of pro-
fessional education. It is true that members of the concerned minor-
ity community get educational opportunities in all levels of education
without bargaining their position with the majority. In protecting their
economic and educational interests this has its own significance. But it
has no connection with the objective of protecting the linguistic inter-
est of the community. The Supreme Court’s approach, which is made
clear through a series of pronouncements, is categorically declining
to limit the scope of Article 30(1) by holding that its scope cannot be
confined to the objectives of conserving language, script and culture.”
Further, they need not abide by the reservation policy for the Scheduled
Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the matter of admission of children to
the educational institution as per the spirit of Article 15(5) inserted
by the Constitution (Ninety-third Amendment) Act, 2005.* As a result,
the discourse is centering on educational rights of linguistic minorities
rather than minority language educational right. The latter is confined
to the state’s duty under Article 350-A.
The learning and communicative processes involved in conserva-
tion of culture, language and script are reinforced by the constitu-
tional policy of mother tongue instruction contemplated in Article
350-A. According to Article 350-A, “It shall be endeavour of every
state and of every local authority within the state to provide adequate
facilities for instruction in the mother tongue at the primary stage of
education to children belonging to linguistic minority groups, and the
President may issue such direction to any state as he considers neces-
sary or proper for securing the provision of such facilities.” Although
Article 350-A is a special directive to the state, its function of strength-
ening the rights under Article 29(1) suggests about positive right of
*° Ibid, at p. 620.
Regional language as medium of instruction 335
Itis submitted, equal disability for all the indigenous languages is no
justification for inflicting discrimination between English Medium
and non-English Medium students. The English Medium factor oper-
ates advantageously to some students and disadvantageously to oth-
ers because of its relation with communicative skill in entrance tests
if not with knowledge system as such. Hence the policy is inherently
discriminatory. The question, are the non-English Medium students
essentially similar to the English Medium students in perceptive and
communicative capability in English is a relevant and the right ques-
tion to be asked. The imperative of non-discrimination in substantive
matters should sensitise and mandate state policies. This is a legitimate
expectation on the part of candidates who have similar knowledge sys-
tem but dissimilar medium for communication. Hence, when a right
pre-supposes an overt state act or policy for its meaningful existence
to say that policy decides the scope of right is wrong but the right com
pelling a favourable policy is only right. Secondly, when the central
focus of the entrance test is to comparatively evaluate the extent of
student’s knowledge of the subject, the linguistic impediment or push
created by external factor like medium of examination creates errors
in assessment. This problem can be overcome only by multilingual
medium of examination, which, albeit some initial difficulty, is both
practicable and fair.
The policy of Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation, initi-
ated in 1990s had favoured acceptance of English as the Language of
Wider Communication in the educational sector. The boom in compu-
ter education and rise of information technology along with increased
trade in goods and services owing to the influence of WTO resulted
in increase in the number of children studying in English medium
schools. As a counter hegemony to this development, some of the lin-
guistic states (like States of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka) opted resilience
by imposition of regional language or mother tongue as the medium
of instruction. Some observations of the Supreme Court about mother
tongue instruction under Article 350-A in English Medium Students
Parents Assn. case, although not relevant for adjudication of that case,
had rekindled the policy of imposing regional language or mother
tongue as the medium of instruction at the level of primary education.
The Government of Tamil Nadu attempted at this after seeking
opinion of an expert committee headed by Justice S. Mohan.
Indian and
the following order: that in all schools, other than Anglo
tongue shall be
CBSE schools, from Classes 1 to 5 Tamil or mother
schools or aided schools
the medium of instruction; that in all state
that the change
Tamil or mother tongue shall be the first language; and
a period of three years’,
over to Tamil shall be completed within
Language Rightsinin Education
336 e ic e atts
ation schools
that Tamil shall be the medium of instruction in Matricul
from 6th standard onwards.
as, the
In T.N. Tamil & English Schools Assn. v. State of T.N.%, Madr
government order was challenged before the Full Bench of
, and
High Court as violating Articles 14, 19, 21, 26, 29, 30 and 350-A
abridging the principles of rule of law and international human right
norms. The Court gave an elaborate judgment dealing with vario
issues. Firstly, the Court found the differentiation between Anglo
Indian or CBSE schools where English medium is allowed for more
than two lakh students and Matriculation schools where it is prohib-
ited, as unreasonable and violating Article 14. There was also non-
compliance with the legitimate expectations of linguistic minorities
and the educational institutions.
Secondly, the Court identified various provisions of International
Conventions and Declarations and Apex Court judgments as provid-
ing basis for parent's right of choice about the type of education to be
imparted to their children. In the background of post-Vishaka develop-
ment the need to introduce international human rights principles in
situations of law’s silence was noted by the Court. The reference made
by the Supreme Court in St. Xavier’, about parental right in educa-
tion was relied upon. The observations of the Supreme Court in Unni
Krishnan? to the effect that a true democracy contemplated universal
education where people understand what is good for them and the
nation, and in R. Rajagopa®™ to the effect that right to privacy included
child bearing and education were also approvingly referred to. In the
absence of a just and reasonable legal procedure for the purpose of
Article 21, the Court was not prepared to tolerate regulation of parental
right in education. Support for parental right was gathered also from
the following factors: (i) desire of the parents to go to other states or
abroad, in which case English medium education of the child is likely
to overcome the problem of adaptation; (ii) desire to equip the child to
compete for getting access to professional education, the entrance test
for which is conducted in English; (ii) to meet a situation arising from
differences of language between the mother and father of the child or
a situation of single parent’s custody due to divorce or other types of
severance of relationship; (iv) search of career opportunities outside
the state, English language education is most likely to open avenues.
In brief, right to education as a fundamental right includes the right to
*” (2000) 1 MLJ 577.
Ahmedabad St. Xavier's College Society v. State of Gujarat, (1974) 1 SCC 717.
Unni Krishnan, J.P. v. State of A.P., (1993) 1 SCC 645: AIR 1993 SC 2178.
R. Rajagopal v. State of T.N., (1994) 6 SCC 632: AIR 1995 SC 264, where it was
observed, “A citizen has a right to safeguard the privacy of his own, his family, marriage,
procreation, motherhood, child bearing and education among other matters.”
. choose the medium of instruction as well, and it can be exercised by
parents on behalf of their children. The Court observed, “Certainly, it
cannot be said that the nation’s image and dignity will be affected, as
the language English has already been accepted by this nation as an
“associate language”. No one can claim to know better than the parents
about the child, to decide, as to what the child requires in the sphere of
education and such a decision they take keeping their duty in mind to
shape the career and destiny of their child.”
Thirdly, since the choice of medium of instruction is a component
of the right to establish and administer educational institutions of the
choice of linguistic minority under Article 30(1), the government order
was taking away the right of minorities in the guise of introducing
Tamil/mother tongue as the medium of instruction. The Court did not
agree with the State’s contention that compulsion to educate the child
in mother tongue at the primary stage, which was natural and healthy
educational process, was essential to attain excellence in educational
Fourthly, the justifications based on Article 350-A in support of the
government order were illusory according to the Court. The court
perused the statistics on student population from different language
groups in various schools in rural areas, and foresaw the consequences
like compulsion upon linguistic minorities to undergo Tamil medium
education because of inability of schools to provide facilities of mother
tongue instruction for all linguistic minorities. The escape from this
liability on account of inadequate number of minority students or for
reasons of non-viability puts the directive under Article 350-A into a
situation of inefficacy.
Fifthly, the exercise of executive power in issuing the government
order was vitiated by the following factors: (a) failure to implement
human right norm on parental right in education; (b) omission to con-
sider relevant factors such as diversity of linguistic communities and
impossibility of facilitating mother tongue instructions for all; (17)
influence of irrelevant considerations or belief that such policy would
protect culture and improve the standard of education.
It is submitted, many of the reasons given in support of nullifica-
tion of government order seem to be logical but not fully convincing.
They might be based on realities of educational world, and quite prag-
matic too but not ideal. The High Court’s reference to increased popu-
lation, role of private educational institutions and the need to cope
up with the present technological challenges persuaded it to go for
liberal construction of fundamental rights to “cater to the needs of the
changing society”. It appears, social response to globalisation’s impact
MLJ 577 at p. 612.
61 TN. Tamil & English Schools Assn. v. State of T.N., (2000) 1
338 Language. Rights in Education
Ae E
Darwin, who had
«s reflected in the Court's extraction from Charles
fit to survive. It is not
said, “the future will always be for those most
ligent, but
the strongest of the species that survive; nor the most intel
the one most responsive to change.”
The unconvincing part of the judgment is the Court’s analysis
of lack
“parental right of choice”, which is highly problematic because
der the objec-
of parameters about choice, and court’s failure to consi
tive of the right and international approach to the same. As discussed
earlier, in the context of mother tongue instruction, “choice” must
reflect statement of fact rather than expression of a wish. Since the
Minority School case proposition had inspired the principle in Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, the question “choice for what?” becomes
relevant in a discourse on conservation of language right. To say that
market forces, instead of cultural factors, should decide the “choice” is
to take away the right from its true context, and make it barter for com-
mercial gain. This, actually, belittles the glorious content and signifi-
cance of the right in the name of “catering to the needs of the changing
society”. “Choice” is meant for intimating linguistic identity, and for
projecting the cultural environment in which the child should learn
with ease. State’s constitutional obligation to impart mother tongue
instruction at the level of primary education implies that it has power
to perform its duty. This makes it legitimate role player of the region
according to the best interests of children as well as of local culture.
Even though the question of medium was not relevant for the decision
in English Medium Students Parents Assn. case the Supreme Court's dicta
on mother tongue instruction was logical interpretation of Article 350-
A, and hence could have been considered as governing the matter of
medium of instruction at the primary stage (1st to 4th standard) irre-
spective of the scheme whether it is CBSE or a State propounded one. true that fast spread of computer technology to all walks of life
had caused an apprehension that the advanced languages of the world
using the computer will grow to new heights at the cost of local or
developing languages, just like bigger fish swallow the smaller ones.”
Initially, there was sudden slump in the use of Indian languages on
the advent of computer because of lack of Indian language application
software, uniform Indian language keyboard, adequate Indian script
fonts and non-availability of trained staff. Since English was the native
language of speech community that developed computer technology,
it was largely relied upon in late 1980s and early 1990s. But soon, tech-
nology was internalised and came to the service of the people and
not vice versa. This is how, it should be. While China and Indonesia
* (2008) 4 Kant LJ 593 (FB) Cyriac Joseph CJ, Mrs Manjula Chellur and N. Kumar,
Sls silcacslangu age
semicapmaaeeeas se
medium of instruction
I aa 341
which it is carved out. The level of water could hardly rise above
source. All the five sources of “right to choose medium of instruc-
tion” viz. Articles 19(1)(a@), 19(1)(g), 21, 21-A, 26 and 30(1) referred in
the judgment have their own impact upon the content of this right. It
is essential to examine whether the analysis is on appropriate lines. -
Regarding Article 21-A the Learned Judge views that the said right has
to be given full effect, as the Constitution has not prescribed any fet-
ters on the exercise of the said right. According to him, it is to be read
with freedom of speech and expression, one of whose specie is right
to information, in turn, whose sub specie is medium of instruction of
one’s choice. In the process of deriving a new right from the derived
right, the Learned Judge generalises,
“The medium of acquiring knowledge or information should be choice
of the person acquiring the knowledge. In what language the instruc-
tions are to be taken or imparted should be the choice of the student or
the person imparting education.”
It is submitted, this line of reasoning needs to be re-examined. Giving
full effect to Article 21-A is for the purpose of compulsory primary edu-
cation, and not for the purpose of making it unregulated right. State’s
power of regulation is not lost with incorporation of Article 21-A. Right
to information gives access to data in the form actually available and
understandable in the information world. To introduce the element of
medium of language to this derived right is to throw burden upon the
information provider to translate it into the language of seeker’s choice.
Just like individual has no right to understand court proceeding in the
language of his choice by asking that court’s language should be in
the language he suggests, but has only right to be understood by the
court through the help of translator, in the context of learning proc-
ess also, linking the medium of instruction to information is unusual
and not supported in international human rights jurisprudence. In
a multilingual world, it is a difficult proposition also. Hence, when
right to medium of information is not inevitable component of right
to information, reading Article 19(1)(@) along with 21-A has the only
consequence of infusing right to information sans right to medium.
Further, when such choice of the parent is artificial and cumbersome,
to say that state has no power of reasonable regulation strains logic.
In the context of child studying in Standards 1 to 4, it is established
through reports of experts in education and opinions of great person-
alities, and experienced by the general public that learning process
Interrelationship (Eastern
64 See, P. Ishwara Bhat, Fundamental Rights: A Study of their
. :
Law House, Kolkata 2004) Ch. 8.
l, AIR 1962 SC 171; T.K.
65 All India Bank Employees Assn. v. National Industrial Tribuna
SCC (L&S) 970.
Rangarajan v. Govt. of T.N., (2003) 6 SCC 581: 2003
Rights intyener
ig are ee Os nse aegeieee
Langua a
the initial stage would be natural, smooth and easy for the child if the
medium of instruction during that period is in mother tongue or the
regional language. A period of four years for gradual transition for
entry into English medium, if the child or parent so wishes, would
free the learning process from unnecessary burden.
In Paragraphs 125 and 135 the perspective of parental right is well
laid with a convincing reasoning. However, the observation, “If the
Government has no power and competence to impose mother tongue
as the medium of instructions on the students at higher level, equally
it has no power to impose its will even in respect of primary educa-
tion, merely because the experts opine that the mother tongue is best
suited for child’s education at primary level” needs rethinking as the
situation of child at the tender age is different from that of the student
at higher levels of education. So long as state’s policy is sincerely based
on expert opinion rather than hidden agenda of linguistic chauvinism,
the proposition that state knows better than parent is appropriate, and
insistence on mother tongue instruction for a period of four years’ will
not be unreasonable interference with parental choice.
Regarding Articles 19(1)(g) and 26 as the basis for right to medium
of instruction some comments need to be offered. The former is relat-
ing to freedom of occupation, in pursuance of which educational insti-
tutions could be established. This is a right claimed by provider of
education. For successful conducting of occupation there should be
sufficient opportunities subject to reasonable restrictions in the inter-
ests of general public. Since educational occupation is mandated to
be free from commercialisation, academic excellence in the course of
educational service gains a greater focus. As a period of four years’ of
mother tongue instruction is actually adding to the cause of effective
learning as viewed by the educational experts, the element of medium
of instruction based on occupational freedom cannot be pressed as
a component of occupational freedom. Article 26 guarantees right to
establish charitable institutions, which include educational institutions.
Charity is for the poor and the needy, and is actually helping through
distinct religious or cultural resource or background. To accommo-
date arguments for English medium schools even at Standards 1 to 4
in charitable institutions is to go far from the purposive character of
charitable institutions, and not really helping the poor as the children
in such families are not generally given adequate domestic support for
learning in alien tongue.
About Article 30(1) as the basis for right to choose medium of
instruction, discussion is made in Paragraphs 93 to 95 of the judgment.
There is an extensive reference to Apex Court’s judgment in T.M.A.
Regional language as medium of instruction 343
Pai Foundation case® wherein it was observed, “The right under Article
30(1) is not so absolute as to prevent the Government from making any
Regulation whatever. Any regulation framed in the national interest
must necessarily apply to all educational institutions whether run by
the majority or the minority...The regulation must satisfy the dual test,
the test of reasonableness and the test that is regulative of the edu-
cational character of the institution and is conclusive of making the
institution an effective vehicle of education for the minority commu-
nity or other persons who resort to it.” While the terms “educational
institutions of their choice” have been given wide connotation without
connecting to Article 29(1), the very content of choice is also amenable
to the state regulation subject to the scrutiny of the above dual test.
Applying the dual test to the circumstance of the case, which was not
clearly done in the High Court judgment, it is possible to say that both
the requirements are satisfied because of the following reasons: (i) the
regulation is only regarding children in 1st to 4th standards; (ii) the
purpose of regulation is to make the learning process effective, simple
and easy; (ii) the regulation is based on recommendation of experts
in education and supported by analogies in international experiences;
and (iv) the Supreme Court’s dicta is persuasive for such policy.
On the above counts, it can be said that identification of the lim-
ited scope of right to choose medium of instruction is not convincingly
done by the Learned Judge. After a thorough discussion of the views
of educationists, public policy leaders, national and international
committees on language policy at primary education and state prac-
tices in other jurisdiction by extensive reference to valuable sources
the Learned Judge arrived at a conclusion, “Therefore, there is no
two opinion worldwide regarding the utility and importance of the
mother tongue being the medium of instruction at the primary level
of education.””” He also viewed that many states in India have intro-
duced mother tongue as medium of instruction, and that for continu-
ing as a living language in the struggle to survive against onslaughts
of English language it is very essential and urgent that they are taught
and used as medium of instruction at primary level. Having said cate-
gorically in this manner, was there overriding reason to ignore it in the
background of “right to choose medium of instruction” whose basis
and scope are limited as discussed above? The Learned Judge tries to
assuage the feelings of Kannadigas by referring to glorious literature
developed in Kannada and open-minded approach to the exposure
to the influence of English language, and gives a sermon for
ing the status of Kannada by encouraging translation and subsidis-
SC 355.
Karnataka, (2002) 8 SCC 481: AIR 2003
6 T M.A. Pai Foundation v. State of
67 (2008) 4 Kar LJ 593, para 41.
344 Language Rights Education
oS in REI
ic a mE OO ITI EEE NS eh
ing publication. It is to be remembered that the great literary figures
of 20th century whom the Learned Judge referred to, who enriched
Kannada literature by exposing themselves to the influence of English
literature, were products of Kannada medium schools. The Learned
Judge dismisses the views of Gandhi, Tagore and Aurobindo as only
emotional after having agreed that it is part of the world view on the
imperative of mother tongue instruction at primary stage.
The concern for quality education to accelerate the pace of national
development in the context of Liberalisation, Privatisation and
Globalisation has been expressed by the Learned Judge when he
observed, “On the quality and number of persons coming out of
our schools and colleges depend our success in the great enterprise
of national reconstruction whose principal objective is to raise the
standard of living of people.” Since good quality regional language
medium schools can meaningfully contribute to this cause, state efforts
towards this direction are necessitated.
The matter is in appeal before the Supreme Court. While judicial
inclination to exclude arbitrary policy of imposing regional language
as the exclusive medium of instruction at higher stages of learning
is clear, the constitutional character of regulation requiring mother
tongue or regional language as a medium of instruction, which had
been favoured in a dictum of the Supreme Court in EMSPA case, is now
eclipsed. Looking to the wezld view on the matter and understanding
the limited character of right to choose medium of instruction a bal-
anced approach of keeping such requirement from 1st to 4th standard
and allowing continuance of English medium schools after 4th stand-
ard will be appropriate. The whole development exhibits intricacies
in the matter of language planning in the context of globalisation; the
interface between educational law and social transformation, and cul-
ture and modern education; and the difficulties of swimming against
silent majority.
% [bid, para 1.
* ILR (1989) Kar 457 (FB).
Preferential first and regional language policy 345
e eee e
language compulsory at primary stage of education and the sole First
Language at the secondary level was in issue before the Full Bench of
the Karnataka High Court. The majority judgment was rendered by
Rama Jois and Rajendra Babu, JJ., and H.G. Balakrishna, J. gave a dis-
sent. The majority referred to the reports of Resolution of Provincial
Education Ministers’ Conference, State Reorganisation Commission,
the Central Advisory Board of Education, Ministerial Committee
on Southern Zonal Council, Education Commission (headed by D.S.
Kothari) to the effect that instructions in the primary stage of educa-
tion shall be in the mother tongue of the child and that there shall be
learning of more than one language at higher levels. But the difficulty
was about compelling the children to learn official language as the
First language, which meant discrimination amidst Indian languages.
The Court noted that choice about learning of language involved per-
sonal aptitude of the child and parent (since all languages have their
own levels of literary attainments) and occupational mobility (to take
up employment or business in other states). Since in-house learning
and getting requisite language qualification and skill in official lan-
guage after entry into public employment was contemplated in Service
Rules, learning Kannada as the First language had no rational nexus
with the policy of promoting official language of the state. Rama Jois,
J. observed for the Court:
“Having regard to the right flowing from Article 14 of the Constitu-
tion, a student/citizen has every right to claim equality in the matter of
selection of and equal protection in respect of his mother tongue or the
language of his choice as the First language in the high schools if facil-
ity for studying that language has been made available in the school
concerned, having regard to the sufficiency of the number of students.
There is no rational basis for restricting the choice of the first language.
Any restriction on the choice would be arbitrary and discriminatory as
it denies an equal opportunity to an individual to fulfil his aspiration
or desire to study the language of his choice as the First language and
through it to develop his personality. Therefore, any provision made by
a state which compels students to study official language alone as the
First language would be a violation of the injunction incorporated in
Article 14 of the Constitution.”
The interests of children whose mother tongue is not Kannada, but
who happen to reside in Karnataka owing to their parent's employment
either temporarily or for long duration will be adversely affected,
reasoned. The First Language policy had also retarded the competence
of the linguistic minority to conserve their language. Accordingly, the
Court (2:1) decided:
74 Ibid, at p. 297.
75 (2004) 6 SCC 264.
350 Language Rights in Education
76 Ibid, at p. 279.
7” The Hindu, 24-8-2007; the Tamil Nadu Tamil Learning Act, 2006 had been
challenged by the Kanyakumari District Malayala Samajam, and two others.
’*® Paras 73 and 74, (2008) 4 Kar LJ 593.
Conclusions 351
7.7. Conclusions
In a multilingual and developing country like India the position of
language right in education is a result of interaction of several policy
considerations and compromises amidst conflicts of interests thrust
by social transformation. While global policy has largely traversed the
path of identifying genuine linguistic educational interest to strengthen
the cultural fabric, the open-ended “choice’”—whether parental or
communitarian—in educational right in India has exhibited the pos-
sibilities of misuse. The inevitability of three-language formula and
mother tongue instruction at primary education cannot be sidelined
by the hi-fi of English medium education, if education is to promote
excellence in cultural front also. Language policy in education has
to promote linguistic harmony and linguistic justice based upon the
proposition of equal language rights of all. In facing the challenges of
globalisation, the countervailing force of local culture should also be set
forth for safeguarding the social equilibrium. It is appropriate that as
in Europe, an all-India body of experts in language planning, minority
language delegates, educationists and non-government organisations
should guide, inspire, inquire and motivate evolution and effectuation
of fair policy on language right in education as a long term solution to
support the cause of composite culture. Supreme Court’s handling of
the issue with proper balancing is looked forward.
oman bee =
ogres int r puries
Fk sen
ta velop
ey eet eae es Srey Fails bah
“They (courts) can be linked with the people only by using their (peo-
ple’s) language; it is a necessary democratic feature of the courts and one
of the foundations of social justice’” —M.N. Shukla, J.
8.1 Introduction
7” 2 esha ; iB
“The Politi cs of Langu age Plann ing in Tamil Nadu” in E.
7 M. Chidamba ae.
e 1986) at pp. 338-39.
Annamalai, Language Planning (CUL, Mysor nal Plann ing
n Formation, and Regio
8 DP. Pattanayak, “Language, Politics, .Regio
in E. Annamalai, supra, n. 7 at pp. 18, 19-22
356 People’s Language as the Languag e of Courts
ea eee I it SRS ES RR ERS
8.2 Historical overview
Ever since the Vedic period, India has been multilingual throughout the
ages. As a pioneer of Indian languages and culture, Sanskrit became a
storehouse and communicative means of legal knowledge. Although
Smritis do not mention about the role of language in jurisprudence and
judicial procedure, it is possible to infer that as the king and his court
of justice transacted in Sanskrit and issued jayapatra (judgment) in
Sanskrit®, at the royal level Sanskrit remained as the official language
of the Court. With the evolution of Pali and Prakrit in post-Buddhist
period and various regional languages during the first millennium
AD, the need for accommodating regional linguistic interests were felt.
Since all these language got developed as cultivated vernaculars by
gathering huge vocabular support from Sanskrit, which was a com-
mon fountainhead of culture, science, philosophy and legal knowIl-
edge, they developed as several petals of the same lotus.” This factor
not only tuned the society to linguistic tolerance but also resulted in
gradual evolution of direct and indirect multilingual norms and prac-
tices in adjudicative system in the following manner.
Firstly, the Shastrik law laid down by the law “givers” was mainly
reflecting the living law of the people viz. customs, popular usages,
social morality, familial obligations etc. Although the reformative
spirit of living law did not so much purge the archaic Shastrik law, at
least as a system emerging, irom the society and expressing itself in
intimate native dialect, the living law poured words of local usage into
the corpus of law and in turn, brought the law into people’s level of
understanding. This process of inclusion of Prakrit and regional lan-
guage words in Sanskrit legal verses, as can be seen from Vishnusena’s .
Charter (592 AD) and Kulluka’s commentary, and the common vocab-
ular link between Sanskrit and other Indian languages conformed to
the requirement of transparency."
Secondly, at the base of hierarchy of courts in ancient India, there
were People’s courts like Kula, Shreni and Puga.** According to Smriti
Chandrika, Kula consisted of impartial persons belonging to the family
” For a perusal of jayapatra, see, M. Rama Jois, Legal and Constitutional History of India,
Vol. I (N.M. Tripathi, Bombay 1984) at pp. 685-91.
DP. Pattanayak, Language, Education and Culture (CIIL, Mysore 1991) at pp. 96-99.
1M. Rama Jois, Legal & Constitutional History of India , Vol. 1(N.M. Tripathi, Bombay
1984) n. 9 at pp. 695-06.
2 PV. Kane, History ofDharmashastra, Vol. II (Bhandarkar’s Orient Research Institute,
Poona 1973) at p. 281. At the higher levels, there existed four kinds of courts of justice
viz. pratishtita, apratishtita, mudrita and sasita where although Sanskrit was used for the
purpose of reference to Shastrik law, arguments and judgments, proceedings like trial
were conducted in people's languages. See also, M.K. Sharan, Court Procedure in Ancient
India (Abhinav Publications, New Delhi 1978) at pp. 26-27.
Historical overview 357
13 Smriti Chandrika, I-18; PV. Kane, supra, n. 12 at p. 280; Narada, I-7; Vyavahara
Prakasha, at p. 29.
4 Yaj., 1-9; Vira Mitrodaya, at p. 280.
'S Katyayana (225 and 682). Z
16 Romila Thapar, A History of India (Pengui n Books, Middlesex, 1966, rept. 1981) at
pp. 181-84 and 254.
7 Ibid, at p. 202.
Kat., at pp. 124-28
18 Mitakshara, at pp. 6-13; M. Rama Jois, supra, n. 11 at pp. 517-18;
and Yaj., II-5 detail about content of plaint in Sanskrit.
19 Mitakshara, at pp. 6-13.
20 7O-
y of India (N.M.
aa cece oa M. Rama Jois, Legal & Constitutional Histor
Tripathi, Bombay 1984) at p. 549.
358 People’s Language as the Language of Courts
witness’s natural language or mother tongue. The jury system and the
participation of experts like accountants, artisans and merchants in
complicated cases* in ancient India give rise to a pragmatic assump-
tion about use of popular language in courts. Even in Sanskrit plays,
the court scene and interrogatory scenes are depicted in non-Sanskrit
language.® Although jayapatra was given in Sanskrit,* trial was in
popular language. The practice of employing persons learned in law
to appear and argue on behalf of parties bridged the communication
between the court and parties.*
Fourthly, discovery of a large number of royal edicts in non-San-
skrit language ever since the Mauryan period has ruled out the dichot-
omy between local and official language in administrative practices.
Sukranitisara has required that royal edicts should be written down
in a manner understandable by the people and be displayed wher-
ever four roads meet.” The inscriptions of Kadamba Kings at Halmidi
in Kannada (450 AD) of Chalukya Kings at Badami, of Rashtrakutas
at Balguli and other places (1054, 1060, 1121 AD) and of Cholas at
Uttaramerur in Tamil point out use of regional languages in adminis-
tration.?”7 The courts used to take cognisance of these royal edicts and
hence, court proceedings were bound to be in a mixture of languages.
Owing to the above developments, some of the regional languages
like Kannada got equipped to handle judicial proceedings exclusively
in that language. The process culminated in proclamation of judgment
in Kannada itself in a complicated case in 1059 AD by the Chalukya
King Someshwara. The case was relating to encroachment of lands,
which were donated by Shivite devotees, and the case was wholly
conducted in Kannada and judgment was rendered in Kannada.”
Similarly in 1368 AD, king Bukkaraya of Vijayanagara gave a judg-
ment in Kannada in a landmark case resolving the communal tension
between Jainas and Vaishnavas. After dealing with the facts involved
in the case i.e. persecution of Jainas by Vaishnavas in several places
the king proclaimed the verdict that Vaishnavas were under a duty
not to infringe the religious rights of Jainas. It was reasoned, “As the
Jaina and the Vaishnava religion are equal in status, the flourish or fall
2 Vyasa quoted in Parasara Madhaviya, II-42; Kautilya, I-19; Gautama, XI-21-22; PV.
Kane, supra, n. 12 at p. 284.
23° Mrichhakatika, Shakuntala, etc.
* Vyasa Dharmakosha, at p. 376; Kat., at pp. 259-61; Vyavahara Nirnaya, at p. 85.
> Narada, at pp. 22-23, 29; Sukranitisara, 1V-5, 228-31; See, PV. Kane, supra, n. 12 at
pp. 288-90.
1578)MLK. Sharan, Court Procedure in Ancient India (Abhinav Publications, New Delhi
29 Ibid, at pp. 10-11, 200-01.
ed History of India (2nd Edn.,
%” KA. Nilakanta Sastri and Srinivasachari, Advanc
Allied Publishers, New Delhi 1980) at p. 374.
, Middlesex, 1966, rept., 1981)
31 Romila Thapar, A History of India (Penguin Books
. i he
at pp. 313-14. e, Mysore )
ersity of Mysor
2 Jayatirtha Rajapurohita, Kannada Jirpugalu (Univ
at p. 10. .
3 Romila Thapar, supra, n. 31 at p. 334.
History of India, Vol. Il (N.M. Tripathi,
4 M. Rama Jois, feat and Constitutional
Bombay 1984) at pp. 19-21.
3% Ibid, at pp. 159-60.
360 e as the Language of Courts
People’s Languageed
a coe Net Sel Lt
servants was done by manipulation of language barrier in courts, In
Rama Kamti case, in addition to various due process failures, lack of
transparency between witnesses and members of the tribunal because
of language difference, contributed towards injustice?”
The trial and execution of Nandkumar by the Supreme Court of
Calcutta is another case illustrating injustice arising from disparity of
languages between participants of the judicial process.” According to
Beveridge, the judges, jury and the counsels were all foreigners unac-
quainted with the language of the witnesses and Nandkumar himself
was not acquainted with the court’s proceedings2* The interpreter
through whom the trial was conducted was not proficient in the
Bengali language. Along with other procedural injustice, this linguis-
tic injustice was an instrument of oppression. As M.P. Jain views, for
the Indians, “the court was a foreign institution, speaking foreign lan-
guage, applying a foreign system of law and using a procedure beyond
their comprehension.”9 Although in some of the civil cases like Patna
case, for ascertaining the law and custom of people, kazis and pandits
were employed, who, many a times used to conduct hearing also, the
practice was not a general and widespread one.‘ In fact, farmers of
Bihar had requested the Government, but in vain, to relieve Bahadur
Beg from the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court whose law, language,
process and procedure were not understood by them.
The judicial reform brought by Cornwallis introduced the system of
legal profession, which acted as a link between litigant and the court
and to a certain extent mitigated linguistic injustice.“ The practice of
appointing native law officers to assist the court in civil matters relat-
ing to personal law was systematised. This also contributed to mitiga-
tion of linguistic injustice in court procedure.
With the dawn of English education as the “panacea for regenera-
tion of India and as a key to all improvements in 1834, English was
declared as the language of the higher courts and of government busi-
ness, to replace Persian language.’ In the lower courts regional or
Persian language continued. Codification of procedural law in the
* M.-P. Jain, Outlines of Indian Legal History (3rd Edn., N.M. Tripathi, Bombay 1972)
at p. 36.
*” Ibid, at p. 102-03; M. Rama Jois, Legal & Constitutional History of India, Vol. Il (N.M.
Tripathi, Bombay 1984) at pp. 126-27.
* Beveridge, The Trial of Nandkumar, at p. 218 cited by M.-P. Jain, supra, n. 36, at
p. 103.
*° M.~P. Jain, supra, n. 36 at Diy,
© Ibid, at pp. 113-15.
* Ibid, at p. 187; M. Rama Jois, Legal & Constitutional History of India, Vol. II (N.M.
Tripathi, Bombay 1984) at pp. 159-60.
* Percival Spear, The Oxford History of Modern India (2nd Edn., Oxford University
Press, Delhi 1979) at p. 145.
form of CPC and CrPC and the relevant rules of practice provided for
use of English or regional language in various stages of proceedings.
Service of interpreters and jury presupposed application of regional
However, as can be seen from Bal Gangadhar Tilak case II#, in select
cases juries knowing only English but not regional language were
deliberately appointed. The case was relating to allegation of sedition
through publication of articles in Maratha and Kesari by Tilak. The func-
tion of the jury was to assess the “seditions” effect of the article. Tilak’s
argument that the juries were not proficient in Marathi and were inca-
pable of assessing the effect of articles in a language unknown to them
was rejected on the ground that a translation had been provided. In
fact, the translation was inadequate. Tilak was convicted for sedition.
Linguistic injustice was responsible for a grave injustice.
While Anglophonic hegemony was deliberately employed to repress
nationalist movement, same linguistic hegemony was instrumental in
projecting racial hegemony of the whites in court proceedings against
them. The demand that the whites can be prosecuted or sued in courts
where only the Englishmen were judges and juries was put forward
and accepted on linguistic grounds, contrasted with the Tilak case, the
British dichotomy on the issue of language in courts is clear.“
However, from some of the judgments rendered by Munsif Courts in
regional language during later part of 19th century, it can be inferred
that the lower courts largely utilised the enabling provision in Civil
Procedure Code.
During the nationalist movement, Gandhiji, the greatest modern
Indian thinker, statesman and a literary man, projected the common
man’s perspective of linguistic medium for public affairs. He regarded
that while English language was great language which did lot of good,
nevertheless no nation could become great on the basis of foreign lan-
guage, because a foreign language could never be the language of the
people. He condemned the dichotomy between language of the ruler
and language of the ruled.*
While the Constituent Assembly had the responsibility of providing
adequate scope for Indian language in public affairs and official use, it
had to be equally pragmatic in the light of two factors viz. inadequacy
4 S$P. Sathe, “Human Right and Natural Law Thought” in E.S. Venkataramiah
(Ed.), Human Rights in the Changing World (1988), at p. 226. Bal Gangadhar
i, Documents on
“Constitutional or Extra Constitutional Agitation” in A. Appadora
Bombay 1973) at
Political Thoughts in Modern India, Vol. | (Oxford University Press,
pp. 186-88. .
44 Garrett, An Indian Commentary, at pp. 116-17. Gandhi
ts of Mahat ma
4° MK. Gandhicited in Krishna Kripalani (Ed), Life and Though
at p. 154.
People’s Language as the Courts
Language of eee
362 a a e :
sh in
of Hindi, the largest spoken Indian language, to replace Engli
courts and legal proceedings and inconvenience of non-Hindi states
case of sudden switch over to Hindi. The Constituent Assembly
divided between Hindi enthusiasts and rationalists about language
policy.#® The Munshi-Ayyangar formula was a political compromise,
which favored status quo for 15 years’, development of Hindi and
empowerment of Parliament to mould linguistic policy in future. It
also provided for exclusive use of English in Supreme Court and High
Courts until the parliament or respective state legislatures enacted
otherwise. In support of this formula, Sri N.G. Ayyangar observed:
“Our courts are accustomed to English; they have been accustomed
to laws drafted in English; they have been accustomed to interpret in
English. It is not always possible for us to find the proper equivalent to
an English word in the Hindi language and then proceed to interpret it
with all precedents and rulings which refer to only to the English words
. and not the Hindi words...we must not be carried away by mere senti-
ment or any kind of allegiance to revivalism of one kind or another. We
have to look at it from the standpoint of practicability. We have to adopt
the instrument which would serve us best for what we propose to do in
the future. .:’47
Jawaharlal Nehru supported the formula from a democratic perspec-
tive.‘* Firstly, pointing out language’s base in culture, he regarded that
the gulf between people who knew English and those who did not
know English obstructed tne communicative links that are required
for a democratic culture, which, inter alia, included court proceedings.
Secondly, as imposition of a language on unwilling people was anti-
democratic, development of Hindi as a composite language based on
vocabular support from all the Indian languages would make Hindi
democratically acceptable to all the linguistic communities.
Mr Frank Antony viewed that the concept of language of people as
language of the court should evolve from below, but only at a future
stage when the court is equipped well in that language. He observed:
“...for a number of years certain ancillary work in all courts has been
done through the medium of the local or provincial language. The
accused is always examined in his mother tongue. Certain documents
are always kept in Hindi. I am talking about the more fundamental
work that even the lower courts are required to perform, for instance,
the writing of judgment by a sessions court. I feel that if a change has
to be made it should not be made at this stage. The change can be made
later on when we can be sure that our judges have the capacity and
ae For a discussion to the effect that it was a half-hearted formula, see, Granville
Austin, Indian Constitution: Cornerstone ofaNation (Oxford University Press, Bombay
1965) at p. 265. ’
*” CAD, Vol, IX, at p. 1323 of Book 4.
* Ibid, at pp. 1411-17.
Comparative conspectus of “language in courts” in other systems 363
eee ee ee
knowledge to be able to write in Hindi with the same finesse, with the
same analytical precision and with the same strength of language as
they do at present in English.“
However, it was observed by Deshbandhu Gupta that in United
Provinces, Bihar and Punjab it was an already prevalent practice that
in lower courts judgment was rendered in Urdu and was translated
into English, if necessary for the purpose of sessions court and High
Purushotham Das Tandon criticised the Ayyangar proposal as ret-
rograde as it prescribed English as the language of transaction in High
Courts until the state legislature enacted otherwise5' According to
him, it meant that even in those High Courts where Hindi was the
language of transaction and language of legislations, English had to
be the exclusive language of transaction in High Courts against the
will of the people. He regarded that unless an opportunity is given
to Hindi to replace English at least in Hindi provinces, a beginning
will not be made. The Constituent Assembly rejected Tandon’s amend-
ment as the state legislatures were given the power of changing over
to Hindi or regional language.
It is apparent from the above that the Constituent Assembly’s choice
of unified judicial system with Supreme Court at its head in the Indian
federal system had to be inevitably associated with the choice of a
language for Court’s transaction, which could satisfy the factors like
availability of legal literature in the concerned language, avoidance of
difficulty of communication involved in multiplicity of languages and
lack of readiness on the part of people at the helm of affairs to accept
indigenous linguistic medium in higher judiciary.
Ibid, at p. 1366.
” Ibid.
51. [bid, at p. 1447.
364 of Courts
People’s Language as the Language e
acca ne apne tee Une hS NR—
8.3.1 Experience of the United Kingdom
In England, English became the language of the courts due to politi-
cal autonomy and efflorescence of nationalist sentiment after its suc-
cessful battle for supremacy with Latin and French languages for
more than five centuries; While the Saxon invaders imposed Latin,
the Norman conquerors replaced it by mixture of Latin and French?
The court’s records remained in Latin, but pleadings, proceedings
and judgments were rendered in French. It was only in 14th century
that English supplanted the French as the language of the ruling class.
An Act of 1362, itself written in French, declared that as the French
tongue was but little understood, all pleas should be “pleaded, shewed,
defended, answered, debated and judged” in the English tongue. But
the statute failed to achieve its stated purpose for two reasons. Firstly,
it could not break the settled habits of Westminster lawyers to think
and write about law in French. Secondly, the technical terms were all
in French, which were “so woven in the laws themselves, as it is in a
manner impossible to change them” It was ‘with a gradual process
of Anglicisation of court language that English as the language of the
people ultimately replaced the language of the upper class in courts of
England. Ultimately in 1731, with the concretisation of the principles
of popular power and responsible government, the use of Latin in the
law courts was abolished» It was an irresistible development that a
language, which had ente:ed into the life of the British people, made a
mark as a court language.
fairness in proceedings of the Supreme Court at appellate stage under Art. 136 was
required as an outcome of fair procedure under Art. 21.
” AIR 1977 All 164.
1 Ibid.
? AIR 1991 Raj 33.
People’s Language as the Language of Courts
370 ee e
English also in court proceedings and possibility of non-
of transferee judge with Hindi.
g the
The increased practice of transfer of High Court judges durin
have, to
last two decades and the constitutional development thereof
a certain extent, added some difficulties to the language problem
High Courts. E.S. Venkataramiah, J. in S.P. Gupta v. Union of India
viewed on the basis of Constituent Assembly’s approach and State
Reorganisation Committee’s recommendation that the advantages
flowing from the transfers of High Court Judges would outweigh the
disadvantages including those flowing from the various regional lan-
guages of India. But Gupta, J. in Supreme Court Advocates-on-Record Assn.
v. Union of India’ expressed, “If the judge is wholly unfamiliar with the
language of the State to which he is transferred it is possible in some
cases that it will affect his efficiency. I would ask the Government to
consider if it is possible to transfer Shri K.B.N. Singh to some High
Court, consistent with his position as a senior Chief Justice, where the
language problem will not be acute.”
The experiences of Gujarat and Rajasthan High Courts with regard
to language problem of transferred judge are reflected in some deci-
sional law. Both in State of Gujarat v. Patel Jayantibhai Chaturbhai?> and
Munnaram v. Hariram’’ the High Courts addressed to the problem of
delay in getting translated versions of lower courts’ judgments and
related documents, which were in regional language and upon which
appeals were preferred. since some members of the Bench were not
conversant with the regional language, this problem had arisen. The
Courts referred to the factors of cost and delay involved in the transla-
tion, non-availability of adequate number of official translators and
ensuing violation of Article 21, which is interpreted to provide for
cheap and expeditious justice. Vaidya, J. for the Gujarat High Court
observed, “...the happy and healthy laudable policy of transfer of
learned judges from one High Court to another may indirectly and or
inadvertently victimise the poor litigant’s Fundamental Right guar-
anteed under Article 21 of the Constitution and in that view, the State
Government which is custodian of the interest more particularly of
the poor litigants shall have to adopt itself to the transfer policy by
seeing that the Court’s proceedings are not held up for want of trans-
lation and the litigants are not denied cheap and expeditious justice
on the ground of language alone...” Both the High Courts directed
the State Governments to facilitate them with necessary arrangements
> §.P. Gupta v. Union of India, 1981 Supp SCC 87: AIR 1982 SC 149.
74 Supreme Court Advocates-on-Record ord Asn.
Assn. v. Union of India, (1993) 4 SCC 441: : AIR
1994 §C 268.
7° (1992) 2 Guj LR 1472.
7° AIR 1996 Raj 1.
Analysis of law and practice governing language in courts
eee 341
for translating the judgment of the lower courts and the docum
attached to them into English.
An incident that took place in 1994 in Indore seat of Madhya Pradesh
High Court points out another dimension of the problem.” The Madhya
Pradesh Official Languages Act permits use of Hindi in High Court
proceedings except in judgments, decrees or orders. The Chief Justice
of Madhya Pradesh High Court, who had been transferred in Kerala,
was not conversant in Hindi. When an advocate submitted petition in
Hindi, the learned judge declined to hear in Hindi and compelled for
submission in English only. A writ petition for quo warranto against
the judge was filed in the High Court. Although the petition was liable
to be rejected because of the clear constitutional provision about trans-
fer of judges to “any High Court”, the development points out the need
for definite policy and procedure in the light of constitutional accom-
modation of Indian languages in High Courts. Taking the Canadian
experience as an analogy, it can be submitted that the most appropriate
way in such circumstance is to allow translation of submission made
in Hindi into English altogether. Unlike the Madhu Limaye case, which
is relating to exclusive use of English language in Supreme Court, here,
use of Hindi is permitted under the law, and hence, Hindi submissions
cannot be rejected. A proper balance between constitutional practice
of transfer of judges and the constitutional policy of permitting indi-
genisation of court language is essential.
The Official Language Commission contemplated large-scale change
in the language of High Courts by greater amount of use of Hindi in
conducting the court proceedings. The Commission suggested, “The
multiple linguistic pattern should be broken and integrated at the High
Court level. In the High Courts, the judgments decrees and orders must
be in Hindi.”” It also recommended for translation of reportable High
Court judgments into respective regional languages. The Fourteenth
Law Commission recommended a pragmatic way of making adequate
preparatory work to precede the change over. The Law Commission
observed, “With the gradual development of Hindi and law and legal
phraseology in Hindi, it is necessary that proceedings in these courts
should be conducted in Hindi instead of English as at present.””? It also
suggested that the ultimate change over to Hindi shall not be made
_until large groups of lawyers and judges proficient in Hindi and Hindi
legal phraseology are available.
is incident,
this whi
kta Karnataka (Kannada Daily) 31-3-1994 reportedofabout
incident, which
ue Justice M.P. High Court, Justice
B26 Ered betots the are that consisted of Chief ;
ULL. Bhat. ie
78 Cited in Fourteenth Law Commission Report, Vol. I, at p. 654.
77 Fourteenth Law Commission Report, Vol. I, at p. 655.
a7Z People’s Language as the Language of Courts
ek ae I IT SE la
On the whole, the policy of “English only” in Supreme Court and
High Courts has thrived largely because of equal disability of Indian
languages to meet the higher courthouse responsibilities, linguistic
diversity, linguistic organisation of federal system and the need to
accommodate the practice of transfer of judges and integrated legal
system. Even in Administrative Tribunals, Consumer Grievance
Redressal Forum, Income Tax Tribunals and Industrial Tribunals
exclusive use of English language for judgment writing has been the
practice® owing to the above factors and also because of Special Leave
Appellate Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court under Article 136.
8.4.2 Language rights and the due process norms under Articles 21
and 22 :
In the post-Maneka® era of due process revolution, the requirement of
justness and fairness in the procedure established by law under Article
21 has cast its own influence on the language regime of judicial and
quasi-judicial proceedings. The Supreme Court in Moti Ram v. State of
. {.P. while laying down the norms of reasonable conditions of bail,
observed that filing of bail application in a language not belonging to
the region or furnishing security by people from a different language
region could not be a justifying ground for rejecting bail application,
as it infringed right to equality. V.R. Krishna lyer, J. observed for the
Court, “Article 350 sanctiors representation to any authority, including
a court, for redress of grievances in any language used in the Union of
India. Equality before the law implies that even a vakalat or affirma-
tion made in any state language according to the law in that state must
be accepted everywhere in the territory of India save where a valid
legislation to the contrary exists.”®
Under Article 22(5), the authority issuing the order for the preven-
tive detention of any person shall “communicate to such person the
grounds on which the order has been made.” The Supreme Court
has, consistently in a series of cases, accepted the contention that
the communication is complete only when the detenu is informed of
the grounds in a language understood by him. In Harikisan v. State
of Maharashtra, where the detenu did not know English and hence,
neither could understand the details of the order that was issued in
apiscate bye $i
9.1 Introduction
A vast country like India naturally faces the problem of regional iden-
tities competing with nationalist considerations.’ While national unity
itself is a value, the fact of coexistence of unequal regions with high
amount of socio-economic disparity in various parts of the nation as
a whole and often within the states, invites the value of welfarism for
its solution, by calling for preferential policy. The conflict between
national consideration and regional necessity arising in this process
is one of the problematic factors of constitutional jurisprudence and of
public policy in India.
The Constitution essentially reflects an all-India perspective on
the subject; but accommodates, as an ameliorative measure, centrally
planned/supervised policy of reservation for regions on special con-
siderations. Not satisfied with the constitutional space for regional
preferences, states have gone for job reservation for rural people or for
geographically identified disadvantaged sections of societies within
the state or on the criterion of state domicile or knowledge of official
language of the state. In the educational front, especially in higher
and technical education, state policies have attempted to differentiate
between candidates of state domicile and candidates from other states
in the matter of fee structure and quota of seats. These have been done
4 “He who is one, who is above all colour distinctions, who dispenses the inherent
needs of men of all colours, who comprehends all things from their beginning to end,
let him unite us to one another with wisdom, which is the wisdom of goodness. Ya
ekovarno bahudha sakti yogat; Varnan anekan nihitarto dadhati; Vicaiti cante visvam
adau sa devah; Sa no budhya subhayat samyunaktu.” Cited by Rabindranath Tagore in
Dr. S. Radhakrishnan (Ed.), The Cultural Heritage of India, Vol. | (2nd Edn., Ramakrishna
Mission, Calcutta 1958, 2001) at p. 21 as prayer; also see, Kalidasa, Kumarasambhava, 1-1,
Vishnu Purana Ch. Il-1; “Uttaram yat samudrasya himadraishchaiva dakshinam;
Varsham tadbharatam nama bharati yatra santati.”
; vat,
5 Janani janma bhumischa svargadapi gariyasi.
nd of Indian Culture in S.
6 Nirmal Kumar Bose, The Geographical Backgrou
Radhakrishnan, supra, n. 4 at p. 3.
shi cas
7 Radha Kumud Mukherji, Fundamental Unity of India at p. 23.
und of Indian Culture in S.
8 Nirrnal Kumar Bose, The Geographical Backgro
. |
Radhakrishnan, supra, n. 4 at pp. 3, 11.
hundred coulis
® Patriotic songs have emphasised, “Despite our having
ever; united emotio nally, we march
religions, we, the people of Bharat are one for
in General Secy., sso Minorities
forward.” A Kannada song cited by Rama Jois, j.
Kant 457 at p. 557 (8B).
Protection Committee v. State of Karnataka, ILR (1989)
384 Regionalism, Law and Social Transformation
OF e
conceived as something imposed from outside, a standardisation
n its
externals or even of beliefs. It was something deeper and, withi
fold, the widest tolerance of belief and custom was practiced and every
variety acknowledged and even encouraged.”° Rajni Kothari looks to
the historical process that beaded India’s socio-cultural diversity into a
thread of unity through tolerance, and observes, “The result of all this
has been a continuous pattern of coexistence between diverse systems
and lifestyles; persistence of local subcultures and primary loyalties;
an intermittent, unstable and discontinuous political center; and an
essentially plural social tradition in which the governmental center
provided only one among many centers."
Unity in diversity is a concept that requires an imaginative handling
and deft management of the claims of diverse communities, which are
largely put forward for the sake of their homogenous environment.”
Underplaying of these claims by transforming the idea of independent
existence of these communities into interdependent ones goes a long
way in avoiding a situation of forming conglomeration of diversities
and in building up a harmonious society. Socio-geographical diver-
sities are either boon or bane depending upon how they are treated.
Hinging of economic opportunities and benefits solely to geographi-
cal factors should be critically looked from the larger perspectives of
equal human personhood of all and nation’s unity.
The idea of India as op= unit has been galvanised in the constitu-
tional text and case law. The very first phrase of the Constitution, “We
the People of India”, reflects the totality of Indian masses in whose
name the Constitution has been enacted. Preamble’s reference to
unity and integrity of the Nation and fraternity sets the laudable goal
in clear terms. Promotion of fraternity for upholding dignity of indi-
vidual and unity of the nation speaks about functional significance
of fraternity. Unity of the country is further emphasised in the notion
of single citizenship. Prohibition of discrimination amidst citizens on
grounds of place of birth in the matter of admission to educational
institution and on grounds of residence and place of birth in the matter
of public employment has promoted the egalitarian ethos needed for
national unity. The libertarian atmosphere for national integration is
built in every citizen’s freedom of movement throughout the territory
of India and right to reside and settle in any part of India according to
2005) at p. 1026.
3 MP. Jain, Indian Constitutional Law (5th Edn., Wadhwa, Nagpur
para 876.
4 Report of the States Reorganisation Commission (1955) at p. 23(b), 1985) at
Rao,National Integration (Bharatiya Vidyabhavan, Bombay
15 V.K.RV.
p. 167.
386 Regionalism, Law and Sacial Transformation
a e
Citizen’s duty towards excellence in all spheres of individual and col-
lective activity so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of
endeavour and achievement also contributes to the cause of national
unity, since full-fledged and all-round developed nation would emerge
through this effort. The overall constitutional policy of strong centre
and enormous emergency powers also safeguard the national inter-
ests against secessionist and fissiparous tendencies. In Pradeep Jain’®
P.N. Bhagwati, J. observed for the Supreme Court:
“The entire country is taken as one nation with one citizenship and
every effort of the Constitution makers is directed towards emphasising,
maintaining and preserving the unity and integrity of the nation. Now
if India is one nation and there is only one citizenship, namely, citizen-
ship of India, and every citizen has a right to move freely throughout the
territory of India and to reside and seitle in any part of India, irrespec-
tive of the place where he is born or the language which he speaks or the
religion which he professes and he is guaranteed freedom of trade, com-
merce and intercourse throughout the territory of India and is entitled
to equality before the law and equal protection of the law with other
citizens in every part of the territory of India, it is difficult to see how
a citizen having his permanent home in Tamil Nadu or speaking Tamil
language can be regarded as an outsider in Uttar Pradesh or a citizen
having his permanent home in Maharashtra or speaking Marathi lan-
guage be regarded as an outsider in Karnataka. He must be held enti-
tled to the same rights as 2 citizen having his permanent home in Uttar
Pradesh or Karnataka, as the case may be. To regard him as an outsider
would be to deny him his constitutional rightstand to derecognise the
essential unity and integrity of the country by treating it as if t were a
mere conglomeration of independent States.”
; ibe Naresimha Rao v. State of A.P., (1969) 1 SCC 839: AIR 1970 SC 422, para 5.
Equality in matter of employment: sons of the soil theory
Spe pa ek pe s ES RSS RN: a ae, il
no parliamentary enactment permitting preferential policies based on
residence requirement except in the case of Andhra Pradesh, Manipur,
Tripura and Himachal Pradesh where the Central Government has
been given the right to issue directions setting residence requirements
in the subordinate services.
Yet, in the face of Article 16(2), some of the States are adopting “sons
of the soil” policies prescribing reservation or preference based on
domicile or residence requirement for employment or appointment to
an office under the Government of a State or any local or other author-
ity or public sector body or any other corporation which is an instru-
mentality or agency of the State.?* Prima facie this would seem to be
constitutionally impermissible.
_ In A.V.S. Narasimha Rao Article 16(3) was interpreted as to provide
for exception to the residents of state as a whole and not residents
of particular region.” Accordingly, special provision for Telangana
area under A.P. Public Employment (Requirement as to Residence)
Rules, 1959 was struck down as unconstitutional. In order to enable
region-wise reservation, Article 371-D was incorporated through a
Constitutional Amendment in 1973. The genesis of the provision is
traceable to the demand for separate Telangana state and the cry of
regional disparity. It has the basic purpose of promoting speedy devel-
opment of the backward areas of the State of Andhra Pradesh, to bring
balanced development of the state as a whole, and to provide equitable
distribution of opportunities to different areas of the State. According
to Article 371-D, the President may by order made with respect to the
State of Andhra Pradesh provide, having regard to the requirement of
the State as a whole, for equitable opportunities and facilities for the
people belonging to different parts of the State in the matter of public
employment and in the matter of education, and different provisions
may be made for various parts of the State (Clause 1). Such order may
require the State to classify civil posts with reference to different cad-
res and parts of the State and provide for allotment of them according
to the principles and procedures formulated for the purpose [Clause
2(b)]. It may provide for direct recruitment to posts in any local cadre
under the State Government or local authority and also for the purpose
of admission to any University within the State [Clause 2(0)]. It may
also specify the conditions subject to which preference or reservation
shall be given or made to or in favour of candidates who have resided
or studied for any specified period in the concerned local area in the
direct recruitment to the cadres or admission to University [Clause
2-C]. For establishing Administrative Tribunal to deal with matters
relating to appointments, promotion, seniority and service matters,
power is conferred under Clause (3). The Administrative Tribunal’s
orders are enforceable only confirmation by the State Government.
While the High Court’s power of review upon the Tribunal is removed
under Clause (7), the Supreme Court in P. Sambamurthy*, by applying
basic structure doctrine, has restored High Court’s power of review.
There is an overriding clause about the relation of Article 371-D with
other provisions of the Constitution (Clause 10), the fate of which is not
yet tested with the touchstone of basic structure doctrine.
Article 371 makes special provision for development of certain parts
of Maharashtra and Gujarat, for equitable allocation of funds for devel-
opment of these areas, and for an equitable arrangement providing
adequate facilities for technical education and vocational training, and
adequate opportunities for employment in services under the control
of the State Government, i>-respect of all the said areas, subject to the
requirement of the State as a whole.
The general policy underlying Articles 371-A and 371-G with regard
to Nagaland and Mizoram is to abstain from interfering with the reli-
gious and social practices, customary law and procedure, ownership
and transfer of land, civil and criminal law administration, and auton-
omy about regional councils. Other articles in this series in connection
with Sikkim, Assam, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh and Goa provide
for continuation of the structure of Legislativé Assembly and other
transient measures. They do not provide for regional preference rule.
7 At p. 340 of AIR.
SC 1858.
36 Mohini Jain v. State of Karnataka, (1992) 3 SCC 666: AIR 1992
1993 SC 2178.
9 Unni Krishnan, J.P. v. State of A.P., (1993) 1 SCC 645: AIR
5 SCC 220: AIR 1995 SC 2431.
4“ TM.A. Pai Foundation v. State of Karnataka, (1995)
398 Regionalism, Law and Social Transformation
a a A
on economic reasons of state’s investment and advantages of
service to the residents of the state.
increase in the Telangana quota is consistent with and promotes and advances the
object underlying the establishment of the institution.”
*. (1986) 2 SCC 534: AIR 1986 SC 1362. The Court distinguished the facts of the
case from that of D.N. Chanchala v. State ofMysore, (1971) 2 SCC 293: AIR 1971 SC 1762,
where in the absence of common qualifying examination University-wise reservation
SC subject to allotment of 20 per cent seats to other University had been upheld.
*- (2000) 4 SCC 200: AIR 2000 SC 1576.
** (1999) 8 SCC 139: AIR 2000 SC 114.
“Locals only” rule in admission to educational institutions
S E el eevee
E teen 401
9.5.4 Institutional preference
The issue of regional preference has cropped up also when institutional
preference rule in admission to medical education or other technical
institutions is invoked by the state and questioned by the aggrieved
persons. V.R. Krishna Iyer, J., observed in Jagadish Saran case", “If
potential for rural service of aptitude for rendering medical attention
among backward people is a criterion of merit—and it, undoubtedly, is
in a land of sickness and misery, neglect and penury, wails and tears—
then, surely, belonging to a university catering to a deprived region
is a plus point of merit.” In this pronouncement, the Supreme Court
approved institutional reservation to the extent of 70 per cent of seats
at admission to MBBS. The requirement as to quantum of residence
varied from state to state»* While this diversity due to federalism was
not specifically addressed from the viewpoint of equality, the overall
approach of the judgment by Bhagwati, J. in Pradeep Jain was not in
favour of discrimination arising from such diversity. Following Jagadish
Saran, the Court in Pradeep allowed residence-based or institutional
reservation to the extent of 70 per cent and 50 per cent at undergradu-
ate and postgraduate levels of medical education. In Dinesh Kumar [3
the Court insisted that 50 per cent of seats in admission to PG Medical
Course should be open merit seats allocated exclusively on the basis of
marks obtained in an all India examination. In Dinesh I+ the quantum
of open seats was reduced to 25 per cent of total seats. When college
preference rule was introduced by University of Rajasthan by adding 5
51 Jagadish Saran (Dr.) v. Union of India, (1980) 2 SCC 768: AIR 1980 SC 820; per Krishna
lyer, J. “It is no blessing to inflict quacks and medical midgets on people by wholesale
sacrifice of talent at the threshold. Nor can the very best be rejected from admission
because that will be a national loss and the interests of no region can be higher than
those of the nation.”
2 As noted in Pradeep Jain for admissions to MBBS course, domicile or permanent
residence is required in some States, residence for a specified number of years ranging
from three to twenty years’ is required in some other States while ina few States the
requirement is that the candidate should have studied in an educational institution
in the State for a continuous period varying from four to 10 years’ or the candidate
should be a bona fide resident of the State, and in case of admissions to MDS course in
Uttar Pradesh the candidate should be either a citizen of India, the domicile of whose
father is in Uttar Pradesh and who himself is domiciled in Uttar Pradesh or a citizen
himself has
of India, domicile of whose father may not be in Uttar Pradesh but who,
resided in Uttar Pradesh for not less than 5 years at the'time of making the application
the candidate
and so far as admissions to MDS course in Karnataka are concerned,
the State of
should have studied for at least five years’ in an educational institution in
rior to his joining BDS course.
AIR 1985 SC
oo Kumar ae V. pera Nehru Medical College, (1985) 3 SCC 22:
3 SCC 727: AIR 1986 SC
5 Dinesh Kumar (Dr.) v. Motilal Nehru Medical College, (1986)
402 Regionalism, Law and Social Transformation
per cent bonus marks, this was disapproved by the Supreme Court
violative of Article 1455 The attempts of the States of Maharashtra
Uttar Pradesh to fix institutional preference either by exclusion rule or
by compartmentalised merit list rule were nullified by the Supreme
Court as violative of Article 1456 In Magan Mehrotra v. Union of India°’
a three-Judge Bench of the Supreme Court held that apart from insti-
tutional preference, no other preference including reservation on the
basis of residence is envisaged in the Constitution, in view of the deci-
sion of this Court in Pradeep Jain®.. In a series of cases relating to super
specialities in medical education, the Supreme Court has categorically
preferred to narrow down the scope of reservation and expand the
claim for merit in the interests of excellence.
Pradeep Jain and subsequent cases came for discussion and consid-
eration before the five-Judge Bench of the Supreme Court in Saurabh
Chaudri v. Union ofIndia®. The Court distinguished place of birth under
Article 15(1) from residence and upheld the state’s power of providing
for institutional reservation. The share of open seats fixed at 50 per
cent in Pradeep Jain was restored by overruling the Dinesh ruling that
had fixed it as 25 per cent. AIIMS was asked to hold entrance examina-
tions until the Central Government made necessary law in the national
interest. The Court referred to the process of social change interfaced
with law as follows:
“The situation has now cianged to a great extent. Twenty years’ have
passed. The country has during this time have produced a large number
of postgraduate doctors. Our Constitution is organic in nature. Being
a living organ, it is ongoing and with the passage of time, law must
change. Horizons of constitutional law are expanding. Having regard to
the facts and circumstances reservation by way of institutional prefer-
ence, should be confined to 50 per cent of the seats since it is in public
The overall development in this category of cases on institutional
preference is towards reasonable balancing between the competing
claims of merit and candidate’s expectation of institutional continuity.
The Mother University—Other University dichotomy is given equita-
ble treatment in this approach. Accordingly, state policies also have
°° State of Rajasthan v. Ashok Kumar Gupta, (1989) 1 SCC 93: AIR 1989 SC 177.
°° Municipal Corpn. of Greater Bombay v. Thukral Anjali Deokumar, (1989) 2 SCC 249:
AIR 1989 SC 1194; P.K. Goel v. U.P. Medical Council, (1992) 3 SCC 232: AIR 1992 SC 1475.
*” (2003) 11 SCC 186: AIR 2000 SC 2319: 2000 AIR SCW 2406.
8 (1984) 3 SCC 654: AIR 1984 SC 1420.
‘ K. Duraisamy v. State of T.N., (2001) 2 SCC 538: AIR 2001 SC 717; AIIMS Students’
Union v. AIMS, (2002) 1 SCC 428: AIR 2001 SC 3262: 2001 AIR SCW 3143; Parag Gupta
v. University of Delhi, (2000) 5 SCC 684: AIR 2000 SC 2319; State of U.P. v. Vineet Singh,
(2000) 7 SCC 262: AIR 2000 SC 2766.
® (2003) 11 SCC 146: AIR 2004 SC 361.
e cee
m e 403
been modified. Accordingly, state policies also have been modified.
However, in Karnataka, the new rule introduced in 2006 for admis
sion to postgraduate courses providing for 50, 40 and 10 per cent of
seats respectively for the same university candidates, other university
candidates within Karnataka and candidates from other states was
temporarily withdrawn for want of adequate preparation and student
9.6 Conclusions
National unity is a paramount social value that envisions equal treat-
ment of all citizens. Constitutional framework for promoting this value
is also clear and full-fledged, and contributed to the task of keeping
national unity intact. But in the background of different levels of eco-
nomic and educational development and uneven facilities available in
different states, the opportunities are not equal. The scarce opportuni-
ties in the sphere of education and employment, when put to all-India
competition, are likely to be snatched by the most enterprising and
the meritorious. This is a natural phenomenon in a federal democracy
believing in national citizenship and mobility right of citizens.
The Constitution makers tried to resolve the problem of dissatis-
faction of the locals in the matter of access to public employment in
a very limited manner; that too, under the strict statutory limits pre-
scribed by Parliament. The support they tried to gather from feder-
alism to human rights reflects their acumen and statesmanship. The
efforts of states to provide reservation in public employment for rural
or regional candidates have been justifiably nullified by the judiciary
keeping in line with spirit of the Constitution. “Locals only” rule in
private sector, which is intended to be imposed by some states, will
also meet similar fate.
Preferential policy of some states towards in-state candidates in
the matter of access to professional and higher education has ranged
from fee differentiation and quota fixation to domicile requirement
rule resulting in exclusion of others. In the absence of clear constitu-
tional prohibition, judiciary has used the mainstream jurisprudence of
balancing the competing claims by 50 per cent formula. This appears
to be equitable and fair, and needs to be concretised. But judicial
approach also suffers from some amount of ambivalence as is clear
from Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation case. Evolution of social and
educational backwardness as a constitutionally recognised criterion
needs to be relied upon to meet the necessity instead of reliance on
questionable approaches.
404 Regionalism, Law and Sacial Transformation
10.1 Introduction
A vast country with huge population and long history, India is exposed
to global interactions from ancient times with an influx of different
racial stocks due to war, subjugation and immigration, in addition toa
variety of indigenous settlers or tribal peoples in different geographi- |
cal pockets. The polity projects the features of multi-ethnic society and
strives towards resolving the problems of pluralism by extending the
mainstream ideology of welfare, democracy, development and national
unity. The problems have been not merely that of diversity, but also of
differences and deprivations that demand resolution by development.
Serious differences in tradition, in levels of economic development,
and in political participation among the ethnic communities have
called for appropriate approaches of tolerance, protection and develop-
ment in order to deal with the exploitations and suppressions arising
from such differences and deprivations. Human rights values, devel-
opmental goals and people’s participation through grass root institu-
tions as enshrined in the Constitution have lent great strength to these
approaches towards social transformation. How a multicultural legal
framework has prepared itself in this task, and with what perspectives
and consequences is the concern of present chapter's inquiry.
° Ibid, at p. 40.
Historical conspectus 409
against the inequities, injustice and maladministration by the
and a manifestation of a movement which sought restoration of their
rights and protection of their lives and lands from encroachment and
sanctity of their women.” The insurrection was quelled by the armed
forces. The British reviewed their policy, realised the unsuitability of
applying general laws upon the tribal areas, and enacted the Bengal
regulation of 1833 and Wilkinson’s Rules of 1837. Consequently, the
entire Chota Nagpur area was declared as non-regulation area and
exempted from the administration of general laws. Emphasis was laid
on active involvement of the traditional institutions of village func-
tionaries including Mankis (chief of group of villages) and Mundas
(village head). Efforts were made to open up communication, establish
schools, haats, melas, etc. and ban on witchcrafts and other sorceries
that used to frequently result in murders.’ The general laws on sale
of land for debt redemption and for rent arrears were not applicable.
Thus was made first, the experiment in the policy of self-government,
security and social justice.
The Santhal Rebellion of 1855 was another instance of combat against
injustice. With the clearing of dense forests and converting them into
cultivable land by the Santhals, there was influx of land grabbing
Zamindars and moneylenders into the tribal economy. Their unscru-
pulous exploitative practices and liquor trade brought penury and mis-
fortune to the tribals. The interest was as high as 500 per cent; decep-
tion in account was rampant; and the debt was hereditary. Virtually,
no remedy could be availed because of the corrupt and oppressive
revenue Officials. Forcible dispossession of property, undue exactions,
abuse of their women and personal violence were the varieties of tyr-
annies.? The Santhals rose en masse in a bloody rebellion in 1855. The
rebellion was widespread, and could be crushed only by use of mas-
sive force. It was not a local encounter, but a revolt against oppression
and the prevailing maladies in the administration and economic sys-
tem. The remedial measure chosen by the Government by passing the
Regulation of 1855 provided for removal of the Santhal Parganas from
the operation of general laws and regulations. The Police Rules of 1856
supplemented this policy by recognising the headman system in vil-
lage; by conferring police powers to village head; by ensuring direct
communication between people and the Assistant Commissioners
and avoiding intermediaries; by allowing verbal complaints; and by
entrusting the tribals with the responsibility of bringing the accused
along with witness to the court.
7 Ibid, at p. 43.
* Tbid, at p. 44.
* Ibid, at p. 46.
410 Ethnic Pluralism, Tribal Develo pment and Social Transformation
O e ait ea ee
The Dhanbad tribal unrest in 1869 and 1870 against arbitrary enhance-
ment of rent by Zamindars and restriction on forest rights was settled
by a great understanding with the tribes." Similarly, speedy measures
by the administration in 1887 resolved the agitation of Mundas and
other tribes in Ranchi against compulsory labour and illegal enhance-
ment of rent. The Birsa movement of 1895 was directed against land-
lords, moneylenders and Christian missionaries who were trying for
conversion of tribals into Christianity. Starting of a new religion by
Birsa Munda provided a new dimension to the movement. The rebel-
lion was suppressed. As a remedial measure, land records were sys-
tematised to recognise the tribal interest in land, and Chota Nagpur
Tenancy Act was passed in 1908 to protect the tribal landowners.*'
The revolts in Andhra Pradesh (1862, 1879-80) by tribals against
authorities and Zamindars, who harassed the tribals, appropriated
the best of lands to themselves and practiced bonded labour, drew the
attention of British authorities towards their pitiable conditions, and
forced to bring reforms. The Kandh Rising (1837-56) in Orissa was
on the question of British policy of prohibition upon Mariah (human
sacrifice).’* A special Agency was created by the British to suppress
the practice. Repressive measures were taken against the resisters. The
zeal for modernisation was clear. The taxes were exorbitant and exploi-
tation by the Zamindars and moneylenders was backbreaking. After
the suppression of rebellion, the Government introduced the system
of land revenue, administration through Tahsildar and tribal welfare
through construction of schools and paving of roads. The Keonjhar
Rising in Orissa (1867-68, 1891-93) by the Bhuyan and Juangs against
British intervention in the succession of native king, and against the
feudal and oppressive regime of the new ruler had also opened the
eyes of the administration in improving the conditions of the tribals.
The Bastar rebellion of 1911 on the question of reserve forests and social
reform movement of 1940s under the leadership of Raj Mohinidevi
proved the throbbing popular support to the communitarian move-
ment for eschewing liquor and other evils. In addition to protection of
economic interests of the tribes, the policies of excluding them from
the operation of general law and of non-interference with their custom,
tradition and way of life have been followed by the British.
The indigenous people in the hills of North-East India had developed
traditional political system with grass root participation as a natural
outcome of their social evolution, long before the advent of the British.
28 Irwin Deutscher, “National Policies and Cultural Minorities: What is possible?
(Gyan Publishin g
in Manis Kumar Raha (Ed.), Dimensions of Human Society and Culture
House, New Delhi 1996) at pp. 41-49.
sm: The Liberal S
2” DL. Coleman, “Individualising Justice through Multiculturali
“Cultur al Heterog eneity
Dilemma” (1996) 96 Cal L Rev 1573; see also, Robert C. Post,
a .
and Law” 76 Cal L Rev 297 at p. 301.
New Delhi 2004) at p. 13.
3” G.S, Narrwani, Tribal Law in India (Rawat Publications,
Ethnic Pluralism, Tribal Devel opment and Social Transformation
416 rr OP
the other
4 The Sub-Committee on Assam submitted its report on 28-7-1947 while
other than Assam
Sub-Committee on the Excluded and Partially Excluded Areas
Septemb er 1947. The joint
submitted its interim report on 15-8-1947 and final report in
meeting of the two Sub-Committees was held in August 1947.
Schedule: Its Concepts and
3 CAD,5-9-1949 to 7-9-1949; Bhupinder Singh, “The Sixth
see also, Vijay Hansaria, Justice
Praxis” 43(2) Indian Journal of Public Administration
(2nd Edn., Universal Publications,
B.L. Hansaria’s Sixth Schedule to the Constitution
New Delhi 2005) at pp. 10-15.
418 Ethnic Pluralism, Tribal Development and Sacial Transformation
ile et ctr ei
of the tribes’ consent to the Acts. To keep them away from the main-
stream was to create Tribalstan or Communistan, Shri Chaliha rea-
soned. Both the extreme views were not favoured by the Constituent
Assembly. The third view propounded by Shri Gopinath Bordoloi, Shri
Nichols Roy, Shri A.V. Thakkar and Shri Jaipal Singh represented a bal-
anced approach and reflected tribal people's aspirations. The idea of
isolation and separation lingering in the minds of the tribals could not
be shattered by the method of force, but could be dealt by their will-
ing cooperation. As viewed by Jaipal Singh, a “knowledge solution”
was preferable to “power solution’. Bordoloi considered that certain
institutions as that of village administration and adjudication were so
good that it would have been wrong to destroy them. An opportu-
nity for self-governance could infuse self-confidence to preserve their
culture and feelings. Keeping them satisfied was stepping stone for
peace at the international border. Nichols Roy favored to create a feel-
ing of friendliness and unity among the tribals with full confidence
about preservation of their culture. He viewed that autonomy of hill
people would enable them “to rule themselves in their own way and
to develop themselves according to their own method.” Dr. Ambedkar
distinguished between tribal people of Assam and tribal people in
other areas on the basis of extent of “Hinduisation” or assimilation
with the civilisation and culture of majority of people in whose midst
they lived3* The tribals of 4:sssam kept their customs, culture and per-
sonal law aloof whereas others had not. In framing different patterns
of self-governance, these factors were kept in mind. In addition to the
autonomy and security, the policy of empowering them through polit-
ical reservation and reservation in employment and education were
also contemplated by the Constitution makers.
% Tbid.
*” Genocide means any of the following acts which have the intention of destroying,
in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, “killing members
of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its
physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent birth
within the group; forcibly transferring children of the group to another group” (Art. 2
of the Convention on Prohibition and Punishment of the Crimes of Genocide, 1951.)
International human rights
e eet ee 419
crimination based on race, religion, language and other factors in the
matter of access to human rights became common principle in major
human rights instruments ranging from Universal Declaration of
Human Rights to various Conventions and Covenants: International
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination,
1965 states that the State Parties condemn racial discrimination? aim
to eliminate it in all its forms and promote understanding among all
races. Article 1.4 allows the States to take special measures for the
purpose of securing adequate advancement of certain racial or ethnic
groups or individuals requiring such protection as may be necessary
in order to ensure such groups or individuals equal enjoyment or exer-
ciseofhuman rights and fyndamental freedoms subject to durational
limits. As per International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 1966,
“In those States in which ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities exist,
persons belonging to such minorities shall not be denied the right, in
community with the other members of their group, to enjoy their own
culture, to profess and practice their own religion, or to use their own
language.” (Article 27) The Vienna Declaration and Programme of
Action, 1993 considers the elimination of racism and racial discrimina-
tion, in particular in their institutionalised forms such as apartheid or
resulting from doctrines of racial superiority or exclusivity or racial
on tolerance, as a primary objective for the international community
and a worldwide promotion programme in the field of human rights.
International Labour Organisation* has tried to build up a strong
base and comprehensive plan of affirmative action to benefit the indig-
enous people ever since 1957. The Indigenous and Tribal Population
Convention, 1957 has importantly stated, “So long as the social, eco-
nomic and cultural conditions of the populations concerned prevent
them from enjoying the benefits of the general laws of the country to
which they belong, special measures shall be adopted for the protection
10.6 Security
To be secure is to be free from dangers, troubles and attacks. Security
gives a feeling of self-confidence, and enables development. In the
context of tribal development, security connotes protection of land
and other natural resources for their reasonable use; protection from
exploitation by moneylenders, land grabbers and contractors, protec-
tion of environment, espécially forest; and safeguarding of their cus-
toms, traditional knowledge and culture. It is a concept supported by
the ideals and practices of self-government and social justice. The con-
stitutional and legal principles about tribal security will be analysed
in this section.
°° R.C. Verma, Indian Tribes through the Ages (Publications Division, New Delhi
1990) at pp. 71-72; N. Subba Reddy, “Sword of Damocles over Tribal People of Andhra
Pradesh” Economic and Political Weekly, 1-7-1989, at p. 1442.
* According to Prabhakar Reddy, in Narnour village it declined from 90 per cent
in 1978 to 21 per cent in 1988 and in Boyagutta village, from 86 per cent to 23 per cent.
See, Prabhakar Reddy, “Tribal Land Alienation in Andhra Pradesh” Economic and
Political Weekly, 15-7-1989; see also, S.N. Dubey and Ratna Murdia (Ed.), Land Alienation
and Restoration in Tribal Communities in India (Himalaya Publishing House) see also, Prof.
Haimendrof, Tribes of India - The Struggle
for Survival; On the other hand, excessive land
possession by some tribal individuals has not been effectively dealt by application of
law. See, for discussion, Dr. PV. Ramesh, “Land Reforms Land Transfer in Scheduled
Area” in “Scheduled Tribal and Social Justice” at pp. 178, 202.
Security 43]
DMM eee eno =| ABE
10.6.2 Security offorest dwellers’ right to land
The symbiotic relationship between the tribals and forests is well-
established over the years both in temporal and spiritual sense. The
national policy on forests, 1894, introduced state control over for-
ests and curtailed the rights and privileges of the tribals over forest
resources. The new forest policy of 1952 contemplated withdrawal of
facility of free grasing in forests and efforts to wean away the tribals
from the traditional practice of shifting cultivation. In order to increase
the forest cover, treeless lands were also taken for forest development,
and settlers in those areas were declared as encroachers liable for evic-
tion. The Forest Act of 1980 prohibits depletion of reserved forest, or
the diversion of forest land for any “non-forest” purpose, and pre-
vents cutting of trees in a forest without prior approval by the Central
Government. The forest policy of 1988 prohibited plantation of horti-
cultural crops in forests, and banned assignment or lease of forestland
to people or institutions not wholly governed by government.
It is common knowledge that the Adivasis and other backward peo-
ple living within the jungle used the forest area as their habitat. They
had raised several villages for generations and had been using the jun-
gles around for collecting the requirements for their livelihood, fruits,
vegetables, fodder, flowers, timber, animals by way of sports and
fuel wood. When a part of the jungle became reserved forest and in
regard to other proceedings under the Act were taken, the forest offic-
ers started interfering with their operations in those areas. Criminal
cases for encroachments as also other forest offences were registered,
and systematic attempt was made to obstruct them from free move-
ment. When approached for remedy through a PIL in Banawasi Seva
Ashram the Supreme Court on 22nd August 1983 asked the parties to
work out a formula under which claims of adivasis or tribals in Dudhi
and Robertsganj Tehsils, to be in possession of land and to have regu-
larisation of such possession might be investigated by a high powered
committee with a view to reach at a final decision in regard to such
claims. Meanwhile, no further encroachments shall be made on forest
land nor will any of the Adivasis or tribals be permitted under colour
of this order or any previous order to cut any trees and if any such
attempt is made, it will be open to the State authorities to prevent such
cutting of trees and to take proper action in that behalf but not so as
to take away possession of the land from the Adivasis or tribals. The
establishing, functioning and outcome of High Powered Committee
was monitored by the Supreme Court through subsequent orders.
The problem of encroachment of forestland resulting in destr
of the forest in Andaman Islands in which Onbe tribes were
case (1999) when on
came up before the Supreme Court in Godavarman
432 Development and Social Transformation
Ethnic Pluralism, TribalAER
behalf of the tribe some NGOs filed interlocutory application*’ The
Supreme Court discussed in 2002 the proposal of amicus curiae for
removal of all encroachers who did not meet the deadline of 1980 for
regularised encroachments, and called for responses of States within 6
weeks. The proposal was confirmed, and the MoEF issued adirective
to all states that they summarily evict all illegal encroachers on forest
land and regularise only eligible encroachments before 1980. The direc-
tive had detrimental effect upon the tribal community. Destruction
of huts and homes of the tribals by using elephants in Assam, lack
of opportunity to dispute the eviction notice, and eviction without
reaping the standing crops in Maharashtra received pro-tribe public
sympathy. Failure of tribals to maintain proper documents owing to
their illiteracy, inability to prove their residency before 1980 and inac-
curate departmental surveys identifying non-forest area as forest had
resulted in unjustified eviction5* In 2002-2003 about 1.68 lakh families
were evicted. With the change of Government after election in 2004 the
issue of effective protection of forest dwellers’ right gained political
attention. On 13 December 2005, the Minister for Tribal Affairs intro-
duced the Scheduled Tribes (Recognition of Forest Rights) Bill, 2005
into Parliament, “to recognise and vest the forest rights and occupa-
tion in forest land in forest dwelling Scheduled Tribes who have been
residing in such forests for generations but whose rights could not be
recorded and to provide for a framework for recording the forest rights
so vested and the nature of evidence required for such recognition and
vesting in respect of forest land.” The Bill was then referred to the Joint
Parliamentary Committee. The committee suggested for inclusion of
“other traditional dwellers” as beneficiaries; for recognising grama
sabha’s power to identify the beneficiaries, and for prohibiting diver-
sion of the forest for other use.
The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers
(Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 came into being on 29th
December 2006. The main aim of the Act is to recognise and vest
upon forest dwelling STs (FDST) and other traditional forest dwellers
(OTFD), who have been residing in forest from generations but whose
rights could not be recorded, their forest land rights and occupation
in forest land. It imposes responsibilities upon, and confers author-
ity to them for sustainable use, conservation of biological diversity
°° T.N. Godavarman Thirumalpad v. Union of India, (2002) 10 SCC 606: AIR 1999 SC
43. Meanwhile the Calcutta High Court had issued interim order in 1999 prohibiting
felling of naturally grown trees on the islands.
*° In Banwasi Seva Ashram v. State of U.P., (1992) 2 SCC 202: AIR 1992 SC 920, the
Supreme Court had directed the Empowered Committee to conduct an inquiry,
receive testimonies of inhabitants and related documents filed by Local Government
in cases where the claims were not supported by documents.
eee ein = BOS
and maintenance of ecological balance and thereby strengthening
conservation regime of the forest while ensuring livelihood and food
security of the FDST and OTED who are integral to the very survival
and sustainability of forest eco system. It has tried to address the long
standing insecurity of tenurial and access rights of FDST and OTFD
including those who were forced to relocate their dwelling due to State
development interventions.
“Forest Dwelling Scheduled Tribes” means the members or com-
munity of the Scheduled Tribes who primarily reside in and who.
depend on the forests or forestlands for bona fide livelihood needs
and includes the Scheduled Tribe pastoralist communities. “Other tra-
ditional forest dweller” means any member or community who has for
at least three generations (25 years’ each) prior to 13 of December 2005
primarily resided in and who depend on the forest or forests land for
bona fide livelihood needs.
The forest rights of the FDST and OTFD mean [(Section 3, sub-sec-
tion (1)] the following rights, which secure individual or community
tenure or both, on all forest lands, namely: ;
(a) right to hold and live in the forest land under the individual
or common occupation for habitation or for self-cultivation
for livelihood by a member or members of a forest dwelling
Scheduled Tribe or other traditional forest dwellers;
(b) community rights such as nistar, by whatever name called,
including those used in erstwhile Princely States, zamindari
or such intermediary regimes;
(c) right of ownership, access to collect, use, and dispose of minor
forest produce’? which has been traditionally collected
within or outside village boundaries;
(d) other community rights of uses or entitlements such as fish
and other products of water bodies, grasing (both settled
or transhuman) and traditional seasonal resource access of
nomadic or pastoralist communities; !
(e) rights including community tenures of habitat and _habi-
tation for primitive tribal groups and _pre-agricultural
(f) rights in or over disputed lands under any nomenclature in
any State where claims are disputed;
(g) rights for conversion of Pattas or leases or grants issued by
any local authority or any State Government on forest lands
to titles;
e of plant origin
57 “Minor forest produce” includes all non-timber forest produc lac, tendu
cocoons, honey, wax,
including bamboo, brush wood, stumps, cane, tussar,
roots, tubers and the like. (S. 2)
or kendu leaves, medicinal plants and herbs,
434 Ethnic Pluraliism, Tribal Developmen t and Social Transformation
i ei er nT SENET
(h) rights of settlement and conversion of all forest villages, old
habitation, unsurveyed villages and other villages in forests,
whether recorded, notified or not into revenue villages;
(i right to protect, regenerate or conserve or manage any com-
munity forest resource which they have been traditionally
75 For example S. 2(2) of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955; S. 2(2) of the Hindu Succession
Act, 1956 etc. ane
76 KS. Singh, Tribal Ethnography, Customary Law and Change (Concept Publishing Co.,
New Delhi 1994); W.G. Archer, Tribal Law and Justice: A Report on the Santal (Concept
Justice in
Publishing Co., New Delhi 1984), Kusum and Bakshi, Customary Law and
Tribal Areas of Meghalaya (1982). . eat
TSK: pe Enforcement in Tribal Areas (Ashis Publishing House, New Delhi
1987) at p. 92.
442 sm, Tribal Develo
Ethnic Pluraliae pment and Social Transformation
5 AI Sk sc A Re cae i: tt re te ahSS nt tt
going. Husband lives in wife’s place of residence. Non-inheriting
daughters marry outside the mother’s clan and live away from parents.
Amidst Jaintia tribe, father has titular position, and daughters inherit
from their maternal uncle and brothers/* Mikirs follow patrilineal sys-
tem, and sons only, and not daughters, inherit property” In Lushai,
Lohit, Kharbi and Khamti tribes, land is held in community, and the
village head allots lands to various families for jhum cultivation.* In
the plains of Bihar, Orissa and West Bengal and hilly areas of Madhya
Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka, right of inheritance to the
family property is exclusively vested in sons whereas female members
of the family have right to maintenance.*' In Madhu Kishwar v. State of
Bihar®, the Supreme Court abstained from invalidating this position
by application of equality principle but provided effective protection
to the right of maintenance by linking it to right to dignified life. The
judgment also points out how the tribal community resisted the efforts
of changing the customary law when the judicially initiated move for
reform was put forward by the state before them, and how difficult it
is to herald waves of reforms.
Marital and sexual life amidst indigenous peoples constitutes
another interesting area where traces of both gender equality and
male dominance can be found simultaneously. In the matter of choice
of life partners or severance of relations, much liberty is given to
individuals in majority of tribal communities. Pre-marital sex is not
a taboo in majority of tribes. Youth dormitories are maintained by
Garo, Naga, Muria, Oraon, Munda, Santal and other tribes for sexual
education of adolescents.*3 Loyalty to the husband is a required virtue
after marriage. Marriage with elder brother’s widow is a kind of social
arrangement, perhaps for the security of the woman.** Monogamy is
the general practice; but polygamy for justified reasons as that of bar-
® Ibid, at p. 94.
” Ibid, at p. 95.
" S.B. Nandi, R.P. Athraparia and S.K. Mukherjee, “Tribal Customary Law in
North-East India” in K.S. Singh, supra, n. 76 at pp. 23-5.
" Dikshit Sinha, “Customary Law and Crime among a Hunting and Gathering
Tribe” in K.S. Singh, supra, n. 76 at pp. 67, 72; A.K. Adhikary, “Customary Law among
Juang of Orissa” at pp. 107, 115; Pashupati Prasad Mahato, “Customary Law of the
Bathudi of Orissa” at pp. 117, 125; William Ekka, “Customary Law among the Oraons
of Bihar” at pp. 127, 135; P.K. Misra, “Tribal Customary Laws in South India” at pp. 215,
230; S.N. Mahato, “Concept of Property and Inheritance among Irulas” at pp. 233-35; J.
Parthasarathy, “Customary Law and Deviance — A Study of the Yerukula” at pp. 255,
267. See also, W.G. Archer, Tribal Law and Justice — A report on the Santals at pp. 35-47.
*? (1996) 5 SCC 125: AIR 1996 SC 1864.
© See, K.S. Singh, supra, n. 76; S.K. Ghosh, at pp. 99-100.
“ B.K. Dasgupta, “The Tribal Law of Kol” K.S. Singh, supra, n. 76 at p. 178; WG.
Archer, at p. 269.
Security 443
ie siraineae eee nthe. RE a a
renness is also allowed, and is rare in practice. Marriage
by capture,
marriage by elopement, marriage by forced intrusion into
the house-
hold of the bridegroom, marriage by mutual love and acceptance
prevalent in addition to arranged matriage.* Marriages are conducted
after attaining puberty. Generally, marriages outside the clan are
ticed. Widow remarriage is traditionally allowed. The practice of Pay-
ing bride price to the father or family of the bride by the bridegroom
is widely prevalent.” Treating women as property and objects of
transactions reflects a low social position attributed to woman. While
in some communities it is nominal, in some other communities it is
highly compelling for the willing couples to opt for marriage by elope-
ment. Marriage is associated with ritual and community participa-
tion. Marriages within the clan or among blood relatives are generally
prohibited. Divorce is granted by village council on grounds of deser-
tion, ill treatment, adultery, infidelity, sickness and incompatibility of
the spouses.* Depending upon the fault, bride price is to be repaid
or returned with or without penalty. As S.K. Ghosh comments about
the practice prevalent among tribes of Orissa, “Divorces are common.
Girls can leave their husbands whenever they so desire, without fear of
social opprobrium or scandal. Divorces are decided by local councils
and recourse to a law court is unheard of.” Father takes his children
into his custody after divorce. The practice of adoption of children is
prevalent among Santals and Totos. Among Juang and Oraon tribes of
Orissa, women have unusual freedom and status to dissolve the mari-
tal tie if they are not satisfied with the husbands.”
Among some tribes like Bhils, communitarian feeling is quite high,
especially in sharing the marriage expenses, supporting construction
of houses, and meeting the situations of ill-health and cattle diseases.”
Community’s solidarity is also the basis for supporting the mecha-
nism for administration of justice. Summoning the witnesses, hearing
the aggrieved and offending parties openly and before the villagers,
and pronouncement of verdict by the local council are the broad fea-
tures of the tribal administration of justice. Graded system of punish-
ment is in operation.
“5 WG. Archer, at p. 158; A.K. Adhikary, “Customary Law among the Juang of
Orissa”, K.S. Singh, at p. 112.
86 Ibid. W.G. Archer, supra, n. 76 at pp. 227-93. S.K. Ghosh, supra, n. 77 at p. 95.
87 A.K. Adhikary, “Customary Law among the Juang of Orissa”, K.S. Singh, at
Pp: 112, Tk. Misra, “Tribal Customary Laws in South India” 215 at p. 230.
88 WG. Archer, supra, n. 76 at pp. 330; S.K. Ghosh, supra, n. 77 at p. 95.
* Ibid, at p. 96. . aia
“Tribal Customa ry Law in Eastern India” in
” Bhabananda Mukherjee, R.K. Sinha,
K.S. Singh, supra, n. 76 at p. 60.
% GS. Narwani, Customary Law of Tribals (2004), at p. 37.
444 Tribal Development iandleSocial
Ethnic Pluralism, ea Transformation
i sa ie AS ee eS EE
From the law-society perspective, it can be noticed that the extent of
change in tribal customary law is peripheral, and one that is initiated
from within although in response to the influence of other legal norms.
Gender justice component in their family law is weak, which could
not be adequately cured because of exclusionist policy. The influence
of Brahmo movement on Bodo customary law introduced the ele-
ments of Hindu law of marriage. The impact of Christian family law
upon Mizo and Nicobarese tribes has resulted in erosion of traditional
norms and adoption of new principles. The Rabhas have been gradu-
ally shifting from matriliny to patriliny. In the North-Western India
there has arisen coexistence of customary law and state law. The trend
of development seems to keep faith in consensus-based social change,
which is quite slow and uncertain in the context of tribal tradition-
ridden society.
* S.B. Nandi, R.P. Athraparia and S.K. Mukherjee, “Tribal Customary Law in
North-East India” in K.S. Singh, supra, n. 76 at p. 25.
% S.K. Pal, “The Rabha Customary Law in Transition: From matrilinity to Patrilinity”
K.S. Singh, supra, n. 76 at p. 49.
Self-government and tribal development 445
Fund of India, grants-in-aid to the states to meet the expenses (capital
and recurring) of developmental schemes undertaken by the state with
the approval of Government of India for the purpose of promoting the
welfare of STs in that state and raising the levels of administration of
Scheduled Areas in that state.
Orientation of the tribals for their self-determination is reflected
as unique feature of tribal history itself. Their love for autonomy and
thrust for retention of distinct grass root democratic institutions have
been responsible for safeguarding their institutions as live bodies
to resolve various internal problems and to face external challenges.
Internally organised existence is the principal source of their commu-
nitarian strength. For the occurrence of social transformation in sucha
framework, these are more facilitative than impeding factors. People’s
collective participation, emotional and rational commitment to chosen
values of welfare and effective implementation of collective decisions
are the positive factors. Extension of PRI system to this area has invig-
orated these factors, especially bringing women to the sphere of gov-
ernance. Attitude to superimpose oligarchic policies, tradition-born
prejudices, and lack of education and economic development are the
factors that obstruct desirable social changes on lines of social justice.
That self-rule through community’s own local council is one of
the distinct features of tribes from historical times has been already
discussed. In the North-Eastern India, laws recognised these tradi-
tional councils as legally competent bodies for local administration.
Accordingly, the Kebang of Assam, heads of village councils such as
Syiem (Khasi), Doiois (Jaintiyas), Nokma (Garo), Khullapka (Manipur),
and village councils of Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura got legal rec-
ognition with slight modifications. Sixth Schedule and other provi-
sions of the Constitution govern their functioning.» There are nine
Autonomous Districts coming under their purview in states of Assam,
Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram. Each Autonomous district has
District Council for its administration: DC consists of 36 elected mem-
bers and four nominated by Governor (Paragraph 4). There are also
Regional Councils. They enjoy fixed tenure subject to dissolution by
Governor on the basis of specially constituted Commission’s report
and after hearing the respective Council (Paragraph 16). Governor
may provide for non-application of central and state laws in
autonomous districts and regions or provide for their
Further, state
with modifications (Paragraphs 12, 12-A and 12-AAA).
ment: An Analysis” in
% L.S. Gassah, “The Sixth Schedule and the 73rd Amend ations, New
MN. Karna and L.S. Gassah, Power to People in Meghalaya (Regency Public
Delhi 1998) at pp. 3, 11.
ria (Ed.), Justice B.L. Hansaria s Sixth
%® For siti discussion, see, Vijay Hansa
Law Publishing House, New Delhi 2005).
Schedule to the Constitution (Universal
446 Transformation
Ethnic Pluralism, Tribal Development and Social ee
laws prohibiting consumption of any non-distilled alcoholic liquor
shall not apply to these areas. Governor's role in the administration
of tribal area is pivotal as he has the powers of territorial reorganisa-
tion of DC and AR (Autonomous Region), framing of rules, annulling
of DC resolutions and dissolving the DC Hidayatullah, J. views that
the Governor is not bound to consult the Council of Ministers or to
accept their advice in performing these functions whereas Hansaria,
J. hglds a contrary view.” Looking to the purpose of protection of the
interests of ethnic minority vis-a-vis majority dominated Council of
Ministers, the former view appears to be sound. The DCs and RCs
have powers to appoint heads of village council courts for adminis-
tration of justice; to establish primary schools, dispensaries and other
civic conveniences; to assess and collect tax; to regulate money lend-
ing and trading by non-tribals; and power to issue licences for extrac-
tion of minerals (Paragraph 6). They have general power to make laws
in respect of (1) the allotment, occupation or use, or the setting apart
of land (other than reserved forest) for the purpose of agriculture or
grasing or for residential or other non-agricultural purposes or for any
other purpose likely to promote the inhabitants of any ‘village or town,
subject to state’s power of eminent domain; (2) the management of
non-reserved forest; (3) the use of canal or water course for irrigation;
(4) the regulation of jhum cultivation; (5) the establishment of village
or town committees; (6) the management of public health and sani-
tation; (7) appointment ov succession of headmen and inheritance of
property; (8) marriage and divorce; and (9) social customs (Paragraph
3). Additional powers have been conferred upon North Cachar Hills
and Karbi Anglong Autonomous Districts and Bodoland Territorial
Council (Paragraphs 3-A and 3-B) relating to economic and environ-
mental aspects.
Location of the Fifth Schedule areas can be found in Bihar, Madhya .
Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa, West Bengal, Maharashtra,
Gujarat, Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh. The administration of areas
contemplated under the Fifth Schedule relies on exercise of Governor’s
power after previous consultation with Tribes Advisory Council
(Paragraph 4). Regarding non-application or modified application of
any central or state law, Governor is given independent power. Without
Governor's screening, no writ of Parliament or state legislature auto-
matically runs in the tribal area. For peace and good government of
scheduled area, he may make regulations to prohibit or restrict the
transfer of land by or among STs; to regulate allotment of land to STs;
and to regulate money-lending business. Union Government guides
and supervises the Governor's administration of the Fifth Schedule
2 Tbid.
03" [bid.
450 Ethnic Pluralism, Tribal Development and Social
ich rel el i
ent of the tri-
to improve social, economic and educational empowerm
ration of the
bals.” The Court directed that as a part of the administ
project, the licensee or lessee should incur the expenditure
(a) reforestation and maintenance of ecology in the Schedule
(b) maintenance of roads and communication facilities in the
Scheduled Areas where operation of the industry has the
() supply of potable water to the tribals;
(d) establishment of schools for imparting free education at pri-
mary and secondary level and providing vocational training
to the tribals to enable them to be qualified, competent and
confident in pursuit of employment,
(e:) providing employment to the tribals according to their quali-
fications in their establishment/factory;
(f) establishment of hospitals and camps for providing free
medical-aid and treatment to the tribals in the Scheduled
(¢) maintenance of sanitation; and
(h) construction of houses for tribals in the Scheduled Areas as
enclosures; The expenditure for the above projects should be
part of his/its Annual Budget of the industrial establishment
or business avoc*ion/venture.
Thus, even in private agency’s actions affecting the tribal people's
interests the policy of social justice has an entry in order to sensitise
the legal environment. Application of reservation policy in jobs, edu-
cational institutions and representative bodies and of laws against
atrocities on SC/STs has also its own impact of safeguarding the ST
10.9 Conclusions
new Pancahayati Raj law into the traditional one has not caused dif-
ficulty because of their common features and availability of measures
for adjustments. Multiculturalism has*moulded the social transforma-
tion strategy by setting its direction and pace. The process of balanc-
ing between continuity and change continues to make substantive
contribution in this sphere as well.
- ceemiets
Part Il
eats ava
cl he
aeelten rece ed
ae png aE
e Gack ekbetc cg
11.1 Introduction
Law’s competence, efficacy and difficulty to interact with society for
ensuring and expanding freedom, welfare and justice to people can be
properly understood by looking to the social milieu and community’s
structure upon which it operates. The internal structure of a hierar-
chic society or operation of patriarchy can hardly be ignored When
the social division is responsible for emergence and prevalence of spe-
cial privileges and unusual disabilities of specific groups af thesocial
lane. One of th1e foremost social realities that shape inter-group and
inter-personal social relations in India iscaste system. The unequal
opportunities and conditions of dignity offered by the social categori-
sation through caste system in educational and economic fronts can-
not be silently tolerated by a welfare state. Untouchability, which is
the culmination of caste prejudice of pollution/purity, is oneof the
grossest Violations of human rights to which legal system has been
quite sensitive. While filling the values of cosmopolitan culture into
a tradition bound hierarchic society faces all the challenges of mod-
ernisation, levelling up the lowly and the weak by ameliorative policy
of legal system adhering”
in the context
attains abundant significance
to social justice-and social revolution. The social responses to issues
relating to composition, inter-group mobility and inter-group tension
have resulted in conflicts, sensitive struggles and evolution of compro-
mise policies. Overall direction towards social integration of different
communities andbuilding up of harmonious society is visible in these
been ee cA NAT
Caste, Law and Empowerment of the Backward eee
454 e e
Re ee
policies. The present chapter focuses on law’s policy and contr
towards social transformation in the matter of caste and comm
' LPJ. Fitzgerald, Salmond’s Jurisprudence (12th Edn., N.M. Tripathi, Bombay 1966) at
p- 230; also see, Andre Beteille, infra, n. 3, at pp. 271-5.
> Yogendra Singh, Culture Change in India (Rawat Publications, New Delhi 2000) at
p. 124.
3 Andre Beteille, Antinomies of Society (Oxford University Press, New Delhi 2000)
at p. 268.
* Into the mouth of these
Dumb, Pale and meek
We have to infuse the language of soul
Into the hearts of these
Weary and worn, dry and forlorn
We have to minstrel the language of humanity—Rabindranath Tagore, Kadi and
Komal cited by P.N. Bhagwati in Bandhua Mukti Morcha v. Union of India, (1984) 3 SCC
Empowerment as a method of social transformation 455
a Ae
where it is lacking; removing obstacles in the path of progress; and it
essentially reflects the idea of social justice. Since knowledge, skill, job,
property and political positi have dimensi
on ons of power, providing
coe eon the basis of equality of opportunity reflects the pol-
icy of empowerment. Thus, the questions, what is actually added, to
whom, how much and how long become relevant in this sphere when
social justice is connected to the factor of need and desert. Justice K.
Ramaswamy observed in Air India Statutory Corpn. case>:
“In a developing society like ours, steeped with unbridgeable and
ever widening gaps of inequality in status and of opportunity, law is
to the poor etc. to reach the ladder of social justice:
a catalyst, rubicon
What is due canno
be ascertained
t by an absolute standard which keeps
changing, depending upon the time, place and circumstances. The con-
stitutional concern of social justice as an elastic continuous process is
to accord justice to all sections of the society by providing facilities and
opportto remove handicaps
untitt es and disabilitieswithwhich the poor,
etc. are langu
and to secure dignity of
ishin g their person.
The Constitution, therefore, mandate the State to accord justice to all
members of the society in all facets of human activity. The concept of
social justice embeds equality to favour and enliven the practical con-
tent of life.”
It was observed by the Supreme Court in M. Nagaraj, “Under the Indian
Constitution, while basic liberties are guaranteed and individual ini-
tiative is encouraged, the State has got the role of ensuring that no
class prospers at the cost of other class and no person suffers because
of drawbacks which is not his but social.”
Since the concept of equal citizenship and equal liberties ofall is
a foundational valueof the-Constitution, distribution of benefit and
burden on the basis of community, caste_and gender becomes_odd,
and needs to bejustifie d by a balanced applic ationof“formal equal-g
ional equality”
ity” and “proport . Identific ation ofthe most deservin
s use of the most appropriaté means of empowerment
épping stonés towards real amelioration. Caste has been used
bytheGovernménts as one of the criteria for identifying the backwatd
classes. Lack-of proper measure for excludin g layer and
the creamy
disinclination for internal reservation have been problematic factors in
identifying the most deserving ones. While giving of fee concessions,
scholarships, additional training facilities, loans and
ar Other advantages
creation of
: pes
P.oe eo
(Oxford University Press, New Delhi 2003) is!
1 C.M. Arumugam v. S. Rajgopal, (1976) 1 aye
Book Trust, New Delhi 1992, 1996)
12-$.C. Dubey, becom Society (2nd Edn., National
at p . 56-58. ;
in Books, New Delhi 1966, 1981)
i See, Romila Thapar, History of India, Vol. I (Pengu
at pp. 37-41. Rete ae
458 Caste, Law and Empowerment of the Backward Classes
BO ie i
from differ-
-n Purushsukta. The idea that different castes were born
of organic
ent parts of the same social body suggested about existence
ious stamp
links amidst them and about their equal importance. Relig
was given by tracing castes to God’s acknowledgement that he
lated them on the basis of their character and action."* While this had
allowed upward or downward movement in the ladder of caste sys-
tem through their benevolent action, subsequently thecaste on
was rigidified by making it hereditary and by limiting commensality”
‘and marriage alliance to caste members.’ The fear about corruption
(sankara) of varnas, and damage to domestic honour and sexual propri-
ety persuaded for rigidity of caste distinction. Continuance of caste
system was facilitated by accommodating numerous sub-castes (jatz)
in each caste (varna).6 Individuals could get remedies only through
caste panchayats. By the Smriti period caste taboos became rigid and
legal obligations or punishments differed with cast Thees .
or casteshad
doijas, a status available forupper , exclusive rights about
access to learning. Considerations of purity and p luti goton
ascendance resulting in treating the outcastes as untouchable. Fa Hien
refers to the practice of dvijas to purify themselves even at the sight of
the untouchables.” The orthodox concept of purity and pollution had
a sway in temple worship practices, and excluded the unclean from
religious precincts, rendering them religious have-nots.
Opposed to the orthod*x practice is the intellectual and rational
expositionof spiritual equality reflected in social movements, »reli-
gious literature and attempts of social reforms, which ranged from the
times of Buddha to modern days. Buddha rejected caste system, and
preached Eight-Fold Path of leading moral life without causing pain to
others. He instructed his disciples, “Go into all lands and preach this
gospel. Tell them that the poor and the lowly, the rich and the high,
are all one, and that all castes unite in this religion as do the rivers in
the sea.”"* Jainism was also a non-caste sect.” During the post-Gupta
period, Shankaracharya relied upon Upanishad and Vedas to put for-
ward the concept of unity of soul with brahman, the need to go beyond
kicking out.
Anti-untouchability approach attained considerable attention in
the course of nationalist movement for freedom. Gandhiji suggested
in 1920s religious solutions to the evils of caste and untouchability.
Temple entry movement wasstarted in.certain-parts-of-Maharashtra
and Kerala. Gandhiji had soft policy of weaning away the caste Hindus
from the practice of untouchability and also placating the depressed
classes to adopt clean wav of life with boldness. Regarding varna sys-
tem Gandhiji.had a belief that it provided for division of labour and
not ‘social inequality. He opined, “All varnas are equal, for the commu-
nity depends no less on one than another.” He regarded superiority
of one varna over another as denial of law; caste system as harmful to
both spiritual and national life; and untouchability, an unwarranted
belief and inhuman sin.” Se ee eat
“In late 1920s, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
emerged _as the champion.
of the
causeof Depressed Classes by his speeches and writings on the
wrongs inflicted upon them. He stood for annihilation of caste and
bitter denunciation of Shastrik prescriptions of caste discrimination.
Going to the religious roots of caste system, he found solution for the
problem in discarding religious practice itself. He disagreed with the
division of labour theory of caste as it provided for watertight com-
partments. He said, “As an economic organisation caste is, therefore, a
Winterset ST HER
reflected separation. Caste panchayat asserted dominance upon the
atte saeebcvee naan feLRA
and Religious
» BR. Ambedkar, Annihilation of Caste extracted in Amiya P. Sen, Social
Reform (Oxford University Press, New Delhi 2003) at p. 192.
31 Ibid, at pp. 196-99.
189 .
22 Jawaharlal Nehru, Discovery of India, at pp. 246-47.
and its Implications, in
3 Louis Dumont, Homo Hierarchicus, The Caste System
Contributions to Indian Sociology, Vol. VIII (1965) at pp. 90-99.
462 Caste, Law and Empowerment of the Backward Classes
cism for
individual members. Dumont’s view is subject to wide criti
being excessively divisive, and for lacki ences about exclusive
influence of purity-pollution dichotomy* Ghurye considered varna
system as resulting in consolidation of the Brahmin class with privi-
declare-the-duties-of other-castes"and degradation of the shu-
dras2> MN. Srinivas, a noted sociologist, identified two sorts of mobil-
ity in alleen ese
ystem , whichET RTE
dilute d the rigours of
fhe divisive system. Sanskrand is
horizo at
ntal io
solida ritynare the
means of mobility. He says, “Sanskritisation is the process by which
a ‘low’ Hindu caste, or tribal or other group, changes its-customs,trit-
ual, ideology and way. of life in the direction of a high and frequently,
‘twice-born’ caste. Generally such changes are followed by a claim to a
higher position in the caste hierarchy than that traditionally conceded
to the claimant caste by the local community.”° Horizontal solidar-
ity involves a process where various sub-castes or jatis come together
to form_a large caste. Because of occupational diversity on non-caste
pattern due to modernisation, inter-structural mobility has provided
fluidity and class solidarity.
Scholars like A.R. Desai predict merger
of caste withclass because
ofthe forces of mode of production and
caste is a social manifestation
ownership of property based on agrarian feudal complex, and is likely
to shed its identity as a consequence of industrialisation and basic
change in the economic stucture*” According to Yogendra Singh, the
institutionalised inequality and its cultural and economic coordinates
are indeed the factors, which render caste in India a unique system of
social stratification2® Iravathi Karve looks to caste’s function towards
= . = ss = BiG REO SSS
11.4.1 Background
In the beginning of the 20th century some of the states like Mysore
and Kolhapur initiated the policy of absorbing the depressed Se
48 Khazan Singh v. Union of India, AIR 1980 Del 60; for a critique see, B.N.
JILI 596 at p. 599.
“Pseudo Scheduled Castes: A Gift of Adoption Law” (1981) 23
SC 1840 where the
49 N.E. Horo v. Jahanara Jaipal Singh, (1972) 1 SCC 771: AIR 1972
she marrie d a scheduled tribe;
status of scheduled tribe was conceded for a lady when
India, AIR 1975 Del 115 refused to
but Delhi High Court in Urmila Ginda v. Union of
married a chamar fearing that
apply this principle to a high caste Hindu girl when she
i the policy of reservation.
(1981) 23 JILI
: De rie Pecado Scheduled Castes: A Gift of Adoption Law”
596 at p. 599.
SCC 1 at p. 717.
51 Ashoka Kumar Thakur v. Union of India, (2008) 6
466 a. tac Law and Empowerment of the Backward Classes
* Susan Bayly, supra, n. 26 at p. 242. Princely State of Mysore had initiated the policy
of reservation for backward classes in 1895,—
° Ibid, at p. 249.
* Harijan Sevak Sangh was instrumental in implementing Ganghiji’s ideas,
however, amidst dissatisfaction about loss of identity. See, Susan Bayly, at pp. 250-51.
_ * Susan Bayly, supra, n. 26 at pp. 256-57.
_*° Ibid, at p. 262; Louis Fischer, The Life of Mahatma Gandhi (Bharatiya Vidyabhavan,
Bombay 1951, 1998) at pp. 392-09.
*” The Census Commissioner J.H. Hutton had formulated criteria such as: serving
of the caste by Brahmins, barbers etc. who serve the caste Hindus; occurrence of
pollution by contact or proximity; taking of water from them by upper caste people;
prohibition of use of roads, schools and other public conveniences; entry into
and having ordinary social intercourse.
* Louis Fischer, supra, n. 56 at pp. 407-09. also see, B. Kuppuswamy, Social Change
(Konark Publishers, Delhi 1996) at pp. 232-33.
Non-discrimination on the ground of caste
opment. The idea of bringing social revolution through positive
intervention through abolition of untouchab
ili forms was”
unani mously prevailing the Constituent Assembly. The Constitution
makers had clear perception about the evils of caste system. The dis-
cussion made by Shibban Lal Saxena, Muniswamy Pillai, Dakshayini
Velayudhan, Monomohon Das and K.T. Shah brought out the heinous
facets of untouchability and also the determination to put an end to it®
Monomohon Das viewed that abolition of untouchability proposed to
save one-sixth of the population from perpetual subjugation, humili-
ation and disgrace. He said, “The custom of untouchability has not
only thrown millions of the Indian population into the dark abyss
of gloom and despair, shame and disgrace, but it has also eaten into
the very vitality of our nation.” However, there is no evidence in the
Constituent Assembly Debates regarding formation ofcasteless soci-
ety. But state action discriminating on the basis ofcaste onlyisprohib-
ited.The package.of reforms included special provisions, reservation
in public employment, allowing of temple entry reforms, support to
educational and economic empowerment, political reservation for lim-
ited duration (which was extended from time to time through consti-
and othersupervand
tutional amendments) y arrange-
ments for implementation. Further, supporting central legislation
declaring detailed policies to prevent and remedy the untouchability
offences was also contemplated. Thus, eradication of untouchability is
a policy that has several dimensions and asks for holistic approach for
planning and effective implementation.
that article shall affect the operation of the existing law or prevent the
State from making any law to provide for social welfare
and reform
or to throw open Hindu religious institutions of a public character to
and sections
of Hindus. Further, religious freedom is con-
ferred subject to other provisions of Part III of the Constitution (which
intetrdes-ATtIcle 17)-Mence, the policy of abolition
of untouchability
prevails over religious freedom.
Article 29(2) prohibits denial of admission into an educational insti-
tution maintained by the State or receiving aid out of State funds on
grounds only of religion, race, caste language or any of them. Under
Article 15(4) State has power to make special provision for the advance-
ment of any socially and educationally backward classes of citizens or
for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. By 93rd Constitution
Amendment, the scope of special provision is exten ed to admi ion
2 ee poresaonnih ot = so it "i «Sabb
atone bans ron
*! State of Karnataka v. Appa Balu Ingle, 1995 Supp (4) SCC 469: 1994 SCC (Cri) 1762.
° M.P. Jain, Indian Constitutional Law (5th Edn., Wadhwa Publications, Nagpur,
2006) at p. 978; also see, P. Ishwara Bhat, “State Action and Inaction: A Social Justice
Perspective” (1995) 2 Kashmir University Law Review 1.
Non-discrimination on the ground of caste
to private educational institutions whether aided or unaided by the
State [Article 15(5)]. Article 16(4) rovides for State’s power to make
reservation in the matterofpublicemployment_in fayour_of
i - any
giving a formal legal definition to the term. This has enabled some
flexibility to suit to the varieties of situations although compelled
some difficulty of identifying mental element in the crime. An attempt
was made in revising the Untouchability (Offences) Act in 1971-75 to
suggest that its essence consists in the subjection of any member of
the Scheduled Castes/Schec uled Tribes or others connected with them
to any discrimination, disability, suffering, liability or restriction or a
6 Arts. 338(4) and 338-A(4) prescribe the following duties of the respective
(a) to investigate and monitor all matters relating to the safeguards provided for
the Scheduled Castes (Scheduled Tribes) under this Constitution or under any
other law for the time being in force or under any order of the Government and
to evaluate the working of such safeguards;
(b) to inquire into specific complaints with respect to the deprivation of rights and
safeguards of the Scheduled Castes (Scheduled Tribes);
(c) to participate and advise on the planning process_of the socio-economic
development of the Scheduled Castes (Scheduled Tribes) and to evaluate the
progress of their development under the Union and any State;
(d) to report to the president, annually and at such other times as the Commission
may déerir fit,reportson-working of those safeguards; _
(e) to make in such reports oconnendations feto the measures that should
be taken by the Union or any State for the effective implementation of those
safeguards and other measures for the protection, welfare, and socio-economic
development of the Scheduled Castes (Scheduled Tribes);
(f) to discharge such other functions in relation to the protection, welfare and
development and advancement of the Scheduled Castes (Scheduled Tribes) as
the President may, subject to the provisions of any law made by Parliament, by
the rule satisfy.
* E.V. Chinnaiah v. State of A.P., (2005) 1 SCC 394: AIR 2005 SC 162.
Non-discrimination on the ground of caste
condition on the ground of pollution and isolation, caste, race, religion,
or any of them of such person.or
of his parents or family
majority of members in the Joint Committee declined to incorporate
the definition into the Act. Courts have relied on historical data and
legisla tive policy in identifying untouchability.
n ndia, the “untouchables” occupy the lowest rung in the social
ladder, Impregnable walls of separation with graded inequalities
erected between different sections among Hindus and “untouchabil-
ity” stand together and aggrandise the problem. Initially, the glorified
and superstition of purity and pollution in the contéxt6f teli-
gion amidst the priestly class had resulted in exclusion of untoucha-
bles from good things of Tifé. Denied ofeven access to potable water
sources, education, culftiral life and economic pursuits, they were
made to live as beasts of burden at the outskirts of the villages, towns,
slums, etc. Manu Smriti prohibited them to wear decent clothes, wear
precious metallic ornaments or even to use decent utensils, food and
drink. They were to serve the society in menial jobs asslaveand
s serfs.
Caste system segregated them from the main stream of the national
life and prevented the Hindus from becoming an integrated society
fraternity , dignity and affinity.
human oo
Gandhiji who employed multi-pronged effort to mitigate the prob-
lem said, “untouchability means pollution by the touch of certain
persons by reason of their birth in a particular state of family. It is a
phenomenon peculiar to Hinduism and has got no warrant in reasons
or Shastras.” He condemned.the. practice as a sin against humanity.
According to Dr. Ambedkar, “The untouchability is the notion ofdefile- POSSE hora
ment, pollution, contamination and the ways and means of getting rid
of that defilement. It is a permanent hereditary stain which nothing
can cleanse”. He called it as “a diabolical contrivance to suppress and
enslave humanity”. P.B. Gajendragadkar, CJ. held that “untouchability
is founded stition, ignorance, complete misunderstanding of
*’ These include access to any shop, public restaurant, hotel or place of public
entertainment; or the use of any utensils, and other articles kept in any public
restaurant, hotel, dharmshala, sarai or musafirkhana for the use of the general public
or any section thereof; or the practice of any profession or the carrying on of any
occupation, trade or business or employment in any job; or the use of, or access to,
any river, stream, spring, well, tank, cistern, water-tap or other watering place, or
any bathing ghat, burial or cremation ground, any sanitary convenience, any road,
or passage, or any other place of public resort which other members of the public or
any section thereof have a right to use or have assess to; or the use of, or access to, any
place used for a charitable or a public purpose maintained wholly or partly out of
State funds or dedicated to the use of the general public, or any section thereof; or the
enjoyment of any benefit under a charitable trust created for the benefit of the general
public or [any section thereof]; or the use of, or access to, any public conveyance; or
the construction, acquisition, or occupation of any residential premises in any locality,
whatsoever; or the use of any dharmshala, sarai or musafirkhana which is open to the
general public, or to [any section thereof]; or the observance of any social or religious
custom, usage or ceremony or taking part in, or taking out, any religious, social or
cultural procession]; or the use of jewellery and finery,
Non-discrimination on the ground of caste
or boycotts® any person by reason of his having exercised the right;
or if by any expressional act incites or encourages any person or the
public generally to practice “untouchability” in any form whatsoever;
or insults or attempts to insult, on the ground of “untouchability”, a
member of a Scheduled Caste, he is punishable with imprisonment for
a term of not less than one month and not more than six months’ and
also with fine, which shall be not less than one hundred rupees and
not more than five hundred rupees. Harassing ofpersons cooperat-
ing withe thpolicy of abolition ofuntouchability is also similarly con-
demne [7° For commission of offences against the property or person
(Which are punishable with two years’ imprisonment) with a reprisal
or revenge for his having exercised the consequential right, the provi-
sion prescribes imprisonment for a term, which shall not be less than
two years’, and also with fine. Under Section 7-A “Whoeyer compels
any person, on the ground of “untouchability”,todo any scavenging
or Weeping OFioremove anycarcass or to-flayany animal or remove
the umbilical cord or to do any other job of a similar nature,.shall be
deemed to have enforced a disability arising outof“untouchability”.
The act ispunishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be
less than three months’ and not more than six months’ and also with
fine which shall not be less than one hundred rupees and not more
than five hundred rupees. The linkage amidst coercion, slavery and
powerlessness has been traditional one, which the statute intends to
break with combative spirit.
Thirdly, the power of cancellation or suspension of licences of per-
sons practicing untouchability may be exercised in certain cases for
ensuring long-term gain through widespread monitoring. According
to Section 8 When a person who is convicted of an offence under
Section 6 holds any licence under any law for the time being in force
® A person shall be deemed to boycott another person who:
(a) refuses to let to such other person or refuses to permit such other person, to use
or occupy any house or land or refuses to deal with, work for hire for, or do
business with, such other person or to render to him or receive from him any
customary service, or refuses to do any of the said things on the terms on which
such things would be commonly done in the ordinary course of business; or
(b) abstains from such social, professional or business relations as he would
ordinarily maintain with such other person. .
77 Whoever (i) denies to any person belonging to his community or any section
thereof any right or privilege to which such person would be entitled as a member
of puch
of such community or section, or (ii) takes any part in the ex-communication
person, on the ground that such person has refused to practice “untouchability
of this Act, that such
that such person has done any act in furtherance of the objects
(shall be punishable
person has done any act in furtherance of the objects of this Act,
and not more than six
with imprisonment for a term of not less than one month
hundred rupees and not
months’, and also with fine which shall be not less than one
more than five hundred rupees.
Caste, Law and Empo werment of the Backward Classes
476 Se ee ee
in relation
in respect of any profession, trade, calling or employment
ce may,
to which the offence is committed, the court trying the offen
without prejudice to any other penalty to which such person may
liable under that section, direct that the licence shall stand
or be suspended for such period as the court may deem fit, and every
order of the court so canceling or suspending a licence shall have effect
as if it had been passed by the authority competent to cancel or sus-
pend the licence under any such law. Under Section 9, where the man-
ager or trustee of a place of public worship or any educational insti-
tution or hostel which is in receipt of a grant of land or money from
the Government is convicted of an offence under this Act and such
conviction is not reversed or quashed in any appeal or revision, the
Government may, if in its opinion the circumstances of the case war-
rant such a course, direct the suspension or resumption of the whole
or any part of such grant.
Fourthly, there is a scope for imposing collective fine upon people
and practicing untouchability in an aggravated
livingincertain area
if, after
anner. Under Section 10-A, which was newly added in 1976;
an inquiry in the prescribed manner, the State Government is satis-
fied that the inhabitants of an area are concerned in, or abetting the
commission of, any offence punishable under this Act, or harbour-
ing persons concerned in the commission of such offence or failing
to render all the their power to discover or apprehend
the offender or offenders ur suppressing material evidence of the com-
mission of such offence, the State Government may, by notification in
the Official Gazette, imposea collective fine on such inhabitants and
the inhabitants who are liable collectively
apportion such fine amongst
to pay it, and such apportionment shall be made according to the State
Government's judgment of the respective means of such inhabitants
and in making any such apportionment the State Government may
assign a portion of such fine to a Hindu undivided family to be payable
by it. The approach of collective duty through state coercion empha-
sised here is aiming to countervail collective violence or obstruction.
Fifthly, rule of evidence is tilted against the accused persons under
he Act. According to Section 12 “Where any act constituting anoffence
under this Act is committed in relation’ to a’member of a Scheduled
Caste, the-court:shall*prestuime, unless he contrary is proved, that
such act was.committed’on"the atund SPONSSNaBTIICG” Since the
term employed here is Scheduled Caste,'a Buddhist or one professing
Buddhism who does not belong to a Scheduled Caste within the mean-
ing of the Act, cannot invoke this presumption"
2 According toS. 15 every offence punishable under this Act shall be cognisable and
every such offence, except where it is punishable with imprisonment foraminimum
term exceeding three months, may be tried summarily by a Judicial Magistrate of the
first class or in a metropolitan area by a Metropolitan Magistrate in accordance with
the procedure specified in the said Code. - ata
ty against =em
73 “When they assert their rights and resist practices of untouchabili la ei
bonded and forced
or demand statutory minimum wages or refuse to do any
When the Schedule
the vested interests try to cow them down and terrorise them.
spect or honour of their
Castes and the Scheduled Tribes try to preserve their self-re
478 Caste, Law and Empow erment of the Backward Classes
7 en ne e
also refers to an increase in the disturbing trend of commission of cer-
tain atrocities like making the Scheduled Caste persons eat inedible
substances and attacks on and mass killings of helpless Scheduled
Castes and the Scheduled Tribes and rape of their women. Holding
that existing | law was inadequate, a special Legislation to.check and
deter Crimes against them committed by non-Scheduled Castes and
non-Scheduled Tribes was regarded as necessary. Its prominent fea-
tures can be analysed as below:
Firstly, the SCSTPAA is applicable to acts done by non-SCs and_non-
STs against SCs and STs coming within the purview of the Act. Thus,
it is basically meant to deal with class conflicts, collective violence and
individual actions motivated by either untouchability or attitude of
oppression. ‘The legal approach of offsetting the social inequality of
gross type is clear in the elaborate policy of the Act.
Secondly, it defines “atrocity” descriptively and presemse pen
ishment for the same. ~ According to Section 3(1) whoever, not being
a member of a SC or a ST, does any of the following acts towards a
member of SC or ST shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term
WN ere be less than six months’ but which may extend to five
years’ a ith fin. TRese include:
(i) forcing to drink or eat any ine
inedible or obnoxious substances;
(ii) acting With iftfent to cause injury, insult or annoyance by
dumping eexcreta , waste matter, ccarcasses or any other
obnoxidus subséance in hispremises or neighbourhood;
(iii) forcibly removing clothes or parading him naked or with
painted face or body or ‘commits any ssimilar act which is
derogatory to human dignity;
(iv) wrongfully occupying or cultivating any land owned by, or
alldtted to, or notified by any competent ‘authority to be
allotted to, amember of a SC or a ST or gets the land allotted
to him transferred;
(v) wrongfully dispossessing from his land or premises or
interfering with the enjoyment of his rights over any land,
premises or water;
(v1) compelling or enticing to do “begar” or other similar forms of
forced or bonded labour other than any compulsory service
for public purposes imposed by Government;
women, they become irritants for the dominant and the mighty. Occupation and
cultivation of even the Government allotted land by the Scheduled Castes and the
Scheduled Tribes is resented and more often these people become victims of attacks
by the vested interests.”
Non-discrimination on the ground of caste 479
” State of Karnataka v. Appa Balu Ingale, 1994 SCC (Cri) 1762: 1995 Supp (4) SCC 469.
Sop apie minat ion on the ground of caste
pa area nS OR Sn Re ET 483
elaborately dealt with the sociological and constitutional angulations
of untouchability and observed that the application of the test of a
reasonable man acting in similar circumstances and reasonable doubt
of a reasonable man was the rule, and that the approach of doubtful
Thomas or vacillation or doubting with prejudice was not appropriate
in the context of offences under social legislation where mens rea is
- x) hot an essential ingredient. It canbeinferred from his judgment that
pe theTuleofbenefit of doubt cannot be overstretc hed in. the context of
unntouchability. Toning down of the rule’s rigour in a constitutionally
condemned offence could come from appropriate analysis of the issue
in its historical and social setting. Since there is explanation about the
term untouchability in this judgment, the erstwhile difficulty in the
application of the statute is substantially allayed. How that difficulty
was problematic can be seen by looking to an earlier case, Mangala
decided by the Bombay High Court?
The facts in Mangala involved allegation under Section 7 of PCRA
about the practice of untouchability done by the accused against a
Buddhist. The High Court ruled, “It was for the prosecution. first
show that the complainant was a member of the Scheduled Caste
and that the act was committed in relation to him as a member of
the Scheduled Caste” and acquitted the accused reversing the lower
court’s decision. It is commented by Paramanand Singh that had there
been proper definition to the term “untouchability” it would have been
possible to establish commission of the offence since accrual of right
from abolition of untouchability was available to former-untouchables
also7? Compared to the narrow approach adopted in Mangala, Appa
Balu has made a positive contribution. Virtual overruling of Mangala
took place in State of Kerala v. Chandramohangn®. In this case a question
arose whethef Watighter ofConverted Christian (formerly Scheduled
Tribe), who Was victim Of sextial offence, was to be treated as st or
the purpose of SCSTPAA.
The Court declined to hold that mérely by
change of religion, a person ceased to be a member of Scheduled Tribe
a eMANE Ine question as to whether he ceased to be a member thereof
or not must bedetérmined by the appropriate Court upon the fact of
each case. In such a situation, it has to be established that a person.who
has embraced another religion is still suffering from social disability
and also following t vecustoms andtradition of the community, which
h on aries; eee ¥ 2
\ >
te ;
78 Mangala v. State of Maharashtra, AIR 1979 Bom 282.
ed.Cast es and the Law” in Upendra Baxi (Ed),
77 Paramanand Singh, “The Schedul
Law and Poverty: Critical Essays (N.M. Tripathi, Bombay 1988) at p. 160.
80 (2004) 3 SCC 429: 2004 SCC (Cri) 818.
484 Caste, Law and Empowermen t of the Backward Classes
OO e e
Regarding constitutionality of denial of right to bail to-of
ers under SCSTPAA, the Supreme Court adopted an approach to
strengthen the legal framework. In State ofM.P. v. Ram Kishna Balothia™
the Court held that the offences uinder Act formed distinct class by
themselves and could not be compared with other offences and hence
exclusion of right to bail was not violative of Articles 14 and 21 of
Constitution: The Court reversed the judgment of M.P. High Court and
apreed-with the decision of Rajasthan High Court in Jat Singh v. Union
of India®. The Court viewed that when members of the Scheduled
Castes and Scheduled Tribes assert their rights and demand statutory
protection, vested interests try to cow them down and terrorise them.
In these circumstances, if anticipatory bail is not made available to
persons who commit such offences, such a denial could not be consid-
ered as unreasonable or violative of Article 14, as these offences form
a distinct class by themselves and could not be compared with other
offences. The Court observed:
“Looking to the historical background relating to the practice of
‘Untouchability’ and the social attitudes which lead to the commission
of such offences against Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, there is
justification for an apprehension that if the benefit of anticipatory bail is
made available to the persons who are alleged to have committed such
offences, there is every likelihood of their misusing their liberty while
on anticipatory bail to terrorise their victims and to prevent a proper
investigation. It is in this ccmtext that Section 18 has been incorporated
in the said Act. It cannot be considered as in any manner violative of
Article 21.”83
However, the Court has insisted on legalistic approach to avoid the
abuse of special laws. In Masumsha Hasanasha Musalman v. State of
Maharashtra* it was held, “To attract the provisions of Section 3(2)(v)
of the Act, the sine qua non is that the victim should be a person who
belongs to a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe and that the offence
under the Indian Penal Code is committed against him on the basis
that such a person belongs to a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe.
In the absence of such ingredients, no offence under Section 3(2)(v) of
the Act arises.” Similarly, the requirements of committal proceeding
before taking cognisance of the case by the Special Court and desig-
nation of Session Court as Special Court have been insisted in some
‘A.t ishorn
to be removed by using another thorn’, says aproverb.
AAP CBN! casks cuterion for undoing past injustices is largely justi-
fied on this notion. For example, in identifying the depressed castes, the
1931 Census looked to the prevalence ofthe folowing}factors: inability
to be served Brahmans,
by arbers, water-carriers, tailors who serve
the caste Hindus: inability to serve caste Hindus, to enter temples, and
to use public conveniences such
as roads, ferries, wells or schools; and
inability to be disassociated from despised occupation.* These criteria
are based on discrimination in access to human rights and dignity, For
ameliorating the conditions of these categories of people and to restore
to them their human rights, the critétia chosen are both rational and
connected to the purpose. President’s notification of Scheduled Castes
on this basis for protective discrimination in 1950 was non-controver-
sial. But controversy arose when Other Backward Classes of people
or Socially
and ionall Backward
y Classes of people were to be
identified forwhich no definite criterion of specific past injustice was
forthcoming. Further, sincé Census reports do not disclose caste statis-
tics, reliance on the 1931 data has become problematic. 3
Various Backward Class Commissions appointed by State and
Central Governments have used the criterion of caste as one ofthe
parameters or initial reference groups. The_First Backward Classes
SOR 1959(Kaka Kalelkar Commission) reasoned, “A variety
of causes—social, environmental, economic and political—have oper-
ee cee a ST SGBRES TGR forcontufted iD reste the Bait
colossal problem of backwardness. Economic backwardness is the
JestiitalldnoriheGace GE any social evils.” Low social position in
traditional caste hierarchy, lackof education, and inadequate repre-
sentation in government service, trade, commerce or industry were
the causes
for backwardness, it said. The Second Backward Classes
Commission 1978 (Mandal Commission) considere caste as a natu-
ralcollectivity for de ining backwardness. While itrecognised the
changes occurred in the caste system owing to democracy, urbanisa-
on SRASSEaNTsatiOn and masseducation, it declined to accept any
material alteration in the basic structure of caste. Since it is the opin-
ion of Government about backwardnéss of any community as OBC or
SEBC that is material for protective discrimination programme, State
policy influenced by the Commission reports gained significance. The
policies were judicially scrutinised and controlled in course of litiga-
tions from time to time.
and Vidyadharan
(2000) 2 SCC 504: AIR 2000 SC 740: 2000 AIR SCW 279: 2000 Cri LJ 819
v. State of Kerala, (2004) 1 SCC 215: 2003 AIR SCW 6511.
8 Census of India, Vol. I (1931, Part I) at p. 472.
486 Caste, Law and Empowerment of the Backward Classes
Judiciary has consistently emphasised on lication of multiple
factor tests in identifying the beneficiaries ofprotective discrimina -
tion, and has declined to rely solely on caste in identifying backwane
SieofMigore, “Soc ial
ness. It was said in SA Ballx.
“nessis on the ultimate analysis theresult of poverty, to a very large
extent. The classes of citizens who are deplorably poor automatically
become socially backward. They do not enjoy a status in society and
have; theref toore , t to take a backward seat. It is true that
be conten
social backwardness which results from poverty is likely to beaggra-
vated by considerations of caste to which the poor citizens maybelong,
but that only shows the relevance of both caste and poverty in deter-
mining the backwardness of citizens.”
Thus, there is an overpowering mutuality between poverty and
caste in the Indian scene. Recognising poverty as the true source of the
evil of social and economic backwardness and caste as a relevant fac-
tor in determining backwardness, the Court also noticed occupation
and habitation as two other important contributing factors and finally
stressed the need for a penetrating investigation. It was said, “The
occupations of citizens may also contribute to make classes of citizens
social y backwa rd.
There s, as
which are treated
are some occupation
beoe Bree ER conventional beliefs, and Classes of citizens who
fotlow these occupations that are apt to become socially backward, The
place of habitation also playemot a minor part in determining the back-
wardnéss of a community ofpersons. In a sensé; the problem of social
backwardnessis the problem of Rural India and in that behalf, classes
of citizens occupying a socially backward position in rural area fall
within the purview of Article 15(4). The problem of determining who
are socially backward classes is undoubtedly very complex. Socio- log-
ical, social and economic considerations come into play in solving the
problem and evolving proper criteria for determining which classes
aresocially backward. This is obviously a very difficult task. Ttwill
need an elaborate investigation andcollof on
data-and examining
the said data ima rational ard scientific Way.” = —
In R. Chitralekha v. State of Mysore** the Supreme Court emphasised
that under no circumstances a “class” can be equated to a “caste”,
though the caste of an individual or a group of individuals may be
considered along with other relevant factors in putting him in a par-
ticular class. The Court clarified that if in a given situation caste is
excluded in ascertaining a class within the meaning of Article 15(4) of
the Constitution, it does not, vitiate the classification if it satisfied other
11.7.1 General
of any welfare programme, which_offers advantageto any
target group, depends mush upon the accurate identification of ben-
eficiaries who are in need of such assistance. Since_resources like
employment and_educational opportunities are scarce, sniitlement to
Wshie SERS in these matters should be decided_on the basis of real
comparative disadyantage. That will actually help the target group
by eliminating, from entitlement to artificial support, those who do
not have comparative disadvantage but have crossed the Rubicon and
merged with the forward section by acquiring progressive features.
The Rawlsian \Peobosttion that the least advantaged sections of society
shall bé given the greatest attention and care‘in theCourse of
ing from. the principle-of equality before law inorderto bring a more
egalitarian equality has great relevance in operating the social justice
strategy in the Indian context.” While the overall development in this
respect, as can be gathered from earlier discussion, is towards iden-
"Indra Sawhney v. Union of India, 1992 Supp (3) SCC 217: AIR 1993 SC 477: 1992
SCC (L&S) Supp 1 at p. 428, para 792. Ratnavel Pandian, J. dissented from the view
Indra Sawhney v. Union of India, 1992 Supp (3) SCC 217: AIR 1993 SC 477: 1992 SCC
(L&S) Supp 1 at p. 196, para 385. Per Desai, J. in K.C. Vasanth Kumar “If a survey is made
with reference to families in various castes considered to be socially and educationally
backward, about the benefits of preferred treatment, it would unmistakably show that
the benefits of reservations are snatched away by the top creamy layer of the backward
castes. This has to be avoided at any cost.” AIR 1985 SC 495.
Towards identifying the most deserving beneficiaries
Se Sa pane RRs ih 495
reserved for backward classes by a few. Creamy layer, thus, shall stand
eliminated.”"? In Ashoka Kumar Thakur™ and Indra Sawhney II'*4 the
Supreme Court nullified arbitrary governmental policies in fixing the
ining creamy layer (for example, fixing a very high
criterion like annual income of Rs 10 lakhs) or for éx¢liding the test
altogether In Nair Service Society v. State of Kerala3 the government
order based on Narendran Commission Report’s recommendation
providing for exclusion of persons earning more than Rs 3 lakhs per
annum on ground of belonging to creamy layer in spite of their mem-
bership of backward class was struck down by the Supreme Court as
unconstitutional. The Court found no justifying reason for increasing
the limit from Rs 1.5 lakhs based on Joseph Committee report, which
had worked out the economic factors like increase in consumer price
index, to Rs 3 lakhs within a span of three years’. The Court directed
the State to constitute another Commission to scientifically determine
the income limit and exclude from the creamy layer, members of back-
ward class having heredioccupa y like blacksmith or goldsmith.
The Central Government has fixed the limit at Rs 2.5 lakhs. According
to one estimate, this criterion “would not even exclude the entire top
ten per cent of the population.” It is submitted, the concept and law
of creamy layer have significant focuS-on‘social justice by trying to
reach the really needy persons. However, its determination shall be
1e Constitutional Bench of the Supreme Court in Ashoka Kumar
Thakur (2008) continued the policy of upholding caste criterion as
one_of thé criteria for
identification of OBC and SEBC subject to the
application ofcreamy layer test. The judges considered the reasons
for application of creamy layer test in the context of Articles 15(4) and
16(4) given in Indra Sawhney as equally relevant and applicable in case
of Article 15(5) also.” The judges have emphasised about reasonable
application of state power to exclude all the undeserving.
Most of the Commissions, and the government orders based on their
recommendations used” caste critér determine the backward
to ion”
class; But Rane.Commission of Gujarat has chalked_out a. different
path; re écting casteasthé basisforascertaining social and educational
13, Ashoka Kumar Thakur v. State of Bihar, (1995) 5 SCC 403: AIR 1996 SC 75.
4 Indra Sawhney v. Union of India, (2000) 1 SCC 168: 2000 SCC (L&S) 1.
'S (2007) 4SCC 1.
16 Pradipa Chaudhry, “Does Caste indicate deprivation?” (May 2005) 549
26, at p. 29. 7
para 129 of Arijit Pasayat
af Re 152 of the judgment by K.G. Balakrishnan, CJ.;
Kumar Thakur v. Union
and Thakker, JJ. and para 52 of Dalveer Bhandari, J. in Ashoka
of India, (2008) 6 SCC 1.
496 Caste, Law and Empowerment of the Backward Classes
backwardness. Responding to the abuses and defects of caste-base
the Commission identified backwardness by looking to
low-income brackets of all occupational groups so that interests of all
sections of society could be protected. With the advancement of scien-
tific study of society and refinement of sociological tools, identifica-
tion of backward classes on non-caste criterion is perfectly possible, as
demonstrated in Rane Commission’s functioning.
"6 State of Maharashtra v. Milind, (2001) 1 SCC 4 at p. 15, it was observed, “The
laudable object of the said Arts. (341 and 342) is to provide additional protection to
the members of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes having regard to the
social and educational backwardness from which they have been suffering since a
considerable length of time.”
otidentifying the
ask a most
RIS deser
ving beneficiaries
A il ld 501
11.73.2 Application of reasonable classification test
The Court started its reasoning froma major premise that all the castes
in the Schedule acquire a special status of a class and shall be deemed
to be a class. When there was already a classification for reservation,
further classification of the same class for the same purpose of res-
ervation was questionable. Citing elaborately from Triloki Nath Tiku
v. State of J&K"7, it was stated, “Mini-classifications based on micro
distinctions are false to our egalitarian faith and only substantial and
straightforward classifications plainly promoting relevant goals can
have constitutional validity. To overdo classification is to undo equal-
ity.” The hypothetical situation of classifying graduates on the basis
of marks as eligible for different positions (above 70 per cent for Chief
Engineers, 60 per cent alone for Superintendent Engineer etc) was con-
sidered to prove the absurdity in micro classification.
It is submitted, the question of overdoing of classification arises
either from total neglect of equality before the law, which is the twin
of equal protection of the laws guaranteed in Article 14 or from wrong
application of method of classification. In the instant case, neither of
the two can be found. Equality of opportunity for the deprived castes
within the Scheduled Castes created by state through inner compart-
mentalisation, in fact, puts the castes as equal before the law in the
context of reservation. Before examining the issue of erroneous appli-
cation of method of classification, it is essential to know whether there
exists need for classification. The Court’s apparent reasoning was that
once a classification was made for the purpose of reservation, further
classification was subversive rather than essential. It is submitted, this
is a difficult proposition to agree if we look to the factual details that
led to the enactment of the impugned legislation. The following analy-
sis of the Ramachandra Raju Commission Report will show that castes
included in the Scheduled Castes could not be regarded as homog-
enous bodies and that the actual operation and effect of reservation
policy did not promote the purpose of reservation of protecting the
weaker of the weakest.
Raju Commission report showed that Mala group, hailing from the
sector of agricultural labour, has established its superiority in com-
petition and got proportionately excessive benefits, putting the other
groups into severe constraints. The Relli group, because of its occupa-
tional background of belonging to sweepers and scavengers and very
less level of education, could not make a mark and put forward suffi-
cient competition. The Madiga group, whose profession consists in
ning skins and trading leather, have also lagged behind considerably
* Yogendra Singh, Social Stratification and Change in India (Manohar, New Delhi
2002) at pp. 216-17.
a identifyingar
the most deserving beneficiaries
a 503
has insisted on existence of “compelling reasons” of backwardness
the issue of inner reservation needs to be considered afresh because
backwardness might also arise from unequal competition within the
Scheduled Castes.
The post-Chinnaiah development needs further watch. The Andhra
Pradesh legislature passed a resolution recommending to Parliament
to enact inner reservation law. There has been sympathetic considera-
tion on the request, although a law is yet to be enacted to overcome
the judgment’s objection about legislative incompetence. In Karnataka,
the Government has appointed Justice A.J. Sadashiva Commission to
look into discriminations arising within the Scheduled Castes because
of cornering of the advantages by the advanced sections among them.
11.73.3 The
Soeproblem of non-birth entry into caste or reservation cat-
29_NLE. Horo v. Jahanara Jaipal Singh, (1972) 1 SCC 771: AIR 1972 SC 1840.
130 Urmila Ginda v.Union of India, AIR 1975 Del 115. |
to marine the
31 Paramanand Singh criticises the judgment for its presumption flowing =
sham and for its failure to consider the social disabil ities
marriage as
in Upendra Baxi (Ed.), Law anc
such marriage. “The Scheduled Castes and the Law”
Poverty (N.M. Tripathi (P) Ltd, Bombay 1988) at pp. 132,
504 Caste, Law and Empo werment of the Backward Classes
We ee e r
into Dalits, Tribes
facilities... Therefore, when a member is transplanted
the same handicaps, be
and OBCs he/she must of necessity also undergo
or sufferings
subject to the same disabilities, disadvantages, indignities
so as to entitle candidate to avail the facility of reservatio
Horo princi-
However, in the matter of reservation in election, N.E.
ple is applied ignoring the Valasamma ruling. Both in Lillykutty’
Sobha Hymavathi Devi", the factor of acceptance of marriage by the
husband’s family was examined; on the basis of facts, the claim was
found to be not established; and reservation benefit was denied. In
Meera Kanwaria v. Sunita™5, a case relating to claim of a Rajput woman
for reservation on the basis of false certificate that she was a daughter
of a person belonging to Scheduled Castes and was also married to
a Scheduled Caste person, the Supreme Court looked to the factor of
community’s non-acceptance in addition to the government circular
that declined to confer status of SC merely on the basis of marriage.
The Court nullified the election on grounds of false claim of reserva-
tion. The dichotomy between Horo and Valasamma approaches needs to re emNe Tete
‘2 Para 162, Ashoka Kumar Thakur v. Union of India, (2008) 6 SCC 1; for elaborate
discussion of the case see, Anirudh Krishnan and Harini Sudersan, Law of Reservation
and Anti-Discrimination (Lexis Nexis Butterworths and Wadhwa, Nagpur 2008).
Towards identi
Ne fying Sl the most deserving beneficiaries
SR SLES Dl i aa 507
In US, the judicial approach of strict scrutiny for affirmative action
has envisaged objective determination of the beneficiaries. Reaffirming
the majority ruling in Bakke’, the Croson"44 majority noted that strict
scrutiny is necessary to ensure that allegedly benign classifications
are not “in fact motivated by illegitimate notions of racial inferior-
ity or simple racial politics.” In Adarand‘3, it was observed that the
racial classifications including those with affirmative purpose are
_constitutional only if they are narrowly tailoréd measures that further
compelling governmental interests. This was reiterated in Grutter v.
Bollinger'#* with a small modification of Bakke to the effect that not only
for eliminating the evils of past discriminations but also for attaining
diverse student body, affirmative action may be launched. In Grutter,
the Supreme Court said, “The purpose of the narrow tailoring require-
ment is to ensure that the means chosen fit the compelling goal so
closely that there is little or no possibility that the motive for the clas-
sification was illegitimate racial prejudice or stereotype.” The Court
favoured a view that the entity adopting the remedial scheme must
have a strong basis in evidence to conclude that remedial action was
necessary before it embarks on an affirmative action programme.’ As
a part of this inquiry it becomes inevitable to examine whether the
particular group or person is suffering from such a serious disadvan-
tage that the benefit of benign action shall be extended to them. The
Court's insistence on serious and good faith consideration about race-
neutral alternatives, avoidance of undue burden on the disfavoured,
and fixation of 25 years duration after which the race-conscious benign
programmes shall cease to continue point out overall framework for
objective standards. As a result, the infirmity of over-inclusion (inclu-
sion of persons who do not deserve to be included in the category) and
under-inclusion (non-inclusion of persons who deserve to be included)
need to be eliminated in the application of equal protection clause
even in the sphere of affirmative action."
'54 Dipankar Gupta, “Limits of Reservation” (May 2005) 549 Seminar 22atp24. —
85 CB. Raju, Social Justice under Indian Constitution (Serials Publication New Delhi
2006) at pp. 211-12.
'56 Andre Beteille, supra, n. 151 at p. 129.
57 The Commission consists of the following members nominated by the Central
Government: a Chairperson who is or has been a Supreme Court or High Court
Judge; a social scientist; two persons having special knowledge in matters relating
to Backward Classes and a member secretary (S. 3). It is a quasi judicial body, and
submits annual report to the Central Government.
510 and Empowerm
Caste, Law aga ent of the Backward Classes
an a ac e R
Bharatpur and
In October 1999, the Jats of Rajasthan (except in
OBC on the basis
Dolpur) were listed by the Central Government as
rs, who had
of recommendation made by the NCBC in 1997. The Gujja
their oppor-
been already listed as OBC, feared about deprivation of
a with the
tunity because of the compulsion that they share their quot
Jats, agitated in 2007 for inclusion of them in Scheduled Tribe
11.7.5 Thoughts about time limit for curing the side effects
In ABSKS case it had been observed, “The success of State action under
Article 16(4) consists in the speed with which result-oriented reser-
vation withers away as, no longer a need, not in the ever widening
and everlasting operation of an exception [Article 16(4)] as if it were a
super Fundamental Right to continue backward all the time, To lend
immortality to the reservation policy is to defeat its raison de etre; to
politicise this provision for communal support and party to
siibvert the solemn undert aking-6f Atticle “reserva-
16(1), ato casteify eee
OR = ;
tion “even beyond the dismal groups of backward. most people, euphe
mistically described as SC & ST, is to run a grave constitutional risk.
Caste, ipso facto, isfot Class ina “Secular State.” After analysing the
case law development pressing for respecting considerations of merit
and aim of establishing casteless society, Arijit Pasayat and Thakker,
JJ. observed in Ashok Kumar Thakur, “...the interest of no person, class
or region can be higher ttan that of the nation. The philosophy and
pragmatism of universal excellence through equality of opportunity
for education and advancement across the nation is part of the con-
stitutional creed. It is, therefore, the best and most meritorious stu-
dents that must be selected for admission to technical institutions
and medical colleges and no citizen can be regarded as outsider in
the constitutional set-up without serious detriment to the ‘unity and
integrity’ of the nation.” Hence, they suggested for periodic review
akout desirability of reservation for specific castes once in five*years’.
According toDalvéer Bhandari, J, “If reservation in education is to stay,
it should adhere to a basic tenet of Secularism: it should
not take’caste
into account. As long as caste is a criterion, wewill never achieve a
casteless society. Exclusively economic criteria should be used. T urge
the Government that for aperiod of 10 years’ caste and other factors
such as occupation/income/property holdingsor similar measures of
economic power may be taken into consideration and thereafter only
economic criteria should prevail; otherwise we would not be able to
achieve our constitutional goal of casteless and classless India.” While
Raveendran, J. favoured a time limit for caste-based reservation, the
11.9 Conclusions
While caste division of the Indian society had created social hierar-
chy and obstructed social mobility, the humanists and social reform-
ers looked to the aspects of equal human worth and dignity and con-
demned social inequality. The deprivation and exploitation arising
from caste differentiation have been responded.b y the legal system
with preventive and curative approaches, true to its commitmentto
the sone SF social justice and equality. Prohibition of the practice of
untouchability is both constitutional policy and serious commitment
through strong legislative framework to spearhead social transforma-
tion. The trend of development is towards establishing a highly activ-
ist legal measure to deal with the problem of segregation. This has
yielded good result, although the measure is not a fait accompli.
Affirmative action as a means of empowerment and an instrument
of social justice has taken multiple forms and has been employed by
various levels of government with region-specific political policy deci-
sions. There is considerable change in the composition of the service
sector, and the marginalised sections have better representation in
this sphere."® With the growth of society, the features and charac-
teristics of the beneficiaries and of the categories of reservation also
undergo change. However, objectivity has suffered when prejudice,
favouritism and mere political consideration are mixed with policy.
Exclusion of persons or families who got reservation benefit or of
persons who merged with the forward sections by becoming creamy
layer from the advantages of affirmative actions would help in chan-
nelising the benefits to the weaker of the weakest. Extension of Indra
Sawhney principle on this matter to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes also is required. Instead of treating reservation as the be all and
end all of affirmative action, the long-term effect of reservation should
be analysed; the need for actual empowerment of the weaker section
167 DL. Sheth, “Considerations for a Policy Framework” (May 2005) 549 Seminar
62 at p. 64. . :
168 Jt should be remembered that as a consequence of reservation policy during
last 57 years’, the percentage of Dalits in Grade I posts has increased from 1 per cent
at the dawn of Independence to 12 per cent at present, and before long it will reach
17 per cent. In lower Grades there is better representation and in Grade IV there is
514 Caste, Law and Empowerment of the Backward Classes
12.1 Introduction
1 For detailed differentiation between gender and sex, see, B.K. Nagla, “Sex
Avasthi and A.K. Srivasta va (Eds.), Modernit y,
Gender: Cognitive Analysis”, Abha
(Rawat Publicat ions, Jaipur 2001) at pp. 131, 136-68.
Feminism and Women Empowerment
Ann Oakley and other writers used the word gender to mean socially
characteristics in 1970s.
ConstitutionalSEPolic y and Deve lopment Towardsa Gender Justice
516 ie ROMA I o
i aaa
traditional role by
society.” It deviates from stereotyping of women’s
male’s determination; espouses a philosophy that regards all people
ess of
as essential agents of change; and views development as a proc
are rights-
enlarging the choices of both sexes. It believes that women
men. —
bearing, autonomous human beings without difference from
brunt ool
‘Historically, women had the unfortunate fate of bearing the
discriminations in all spheres of life. Access to good things of life like
education, employment, property and opportunity to participate in
social and political life, on a footing equal to that of men, were denied
to them. Even now, dismal picture continues in some spheres. But, in
house keeping, in child bearing/caring and in the upkeep of family’s
spirit and ethos, their responsibility is practically exclusive. However,
their biological characteristics, while essential for continuity of human-
kind, often are the factors that face male aggression. Developments in
reproductive technology have been rampantly abused for female foe-
ticide. There is also fear about abuse of cloning technology. With the
increase in sexual offences and harassments against women, the need
for théir security through law is very much felt.
Igis Marion Young conceptualises gender justice as_an aspect of
social justice, which essentially means “elimination of institutional-
ised dominatioand n oppression”? She goesbeyon the d distributive
models of power, rights, opportunity and self-respect, and focuses on
issues of decision making, ¢vision of labour and culture for a social
condition that enables wornen’s equal participation in these spheres.
Differing from other feminists who advance “sameness” approach,
she argues for recognition of difference between male and female and
for employing of appropriate strategy to deal with oppression that
result from tyranny and “everyday practices of well intentioned lib-
eral democracy”.t A process-oriented understanding of society and its
decision-making structure, with a moral imagination, is required to
disarm the domination and oppression that inflict injustice.
An attitudinal and all round changes to offset the trials and travails
of women can be engineered, to some extent, by the lega! system as
it has the competence to influence the human behaviour. 3eing fun-
damental law of the land, constitutional law operates to inspire, con-
trol and compel the ordinary legal norms towards compliance with
its enshrined values. Since the Indian Constitution has explicit meas-
ures for attaining gender justice, the flourish of constitutionalism has
necessarily contributed towards empowerment of women. While the
? Anil Dutta Mishra, “Gandhian Approach to Gender Justice” in Anil Dutta Mishra
(Ed.), Challenges of 21st Century (Mittal Publications, New Delhi 2003) at pp. 254, 257.
> Tris Marion Young, Justice and the Politics of Difference (1990) at p. 15. MDA Freeman
(Ed.), Lloyd’s Introduction to Jurisprudence (7th Edn,).
* Ibid, at p. 41.
Notions of gender justice in feminist jurisprudence 517
ap GPRS Ra 068 tec aaa
idea of affirmative action for women’s uplift was in a pioneering stage
and unique in 1950, its growth and impact during the last six decades
can be assessed with reference to some of the standards developed in
feminist jurisprudential thoughts and with Constitution’s own basic
” Carol Gilligan, In a Different Voice (1982) cited in Patricia A. Cain, supra, n. 18;
Martha Fineman, “Dominant Discourse, Professional Language and Legal Change in
Child Custody Decision making” (1988) 101 Harv. L. Rev. 727.
* Robin West, “Jurisprudence and Gender” (1988) 55 Univ. of Chicago Law Review
1 extracted in MDA Freeman, supra, n. 3 at p. 1174.
” For elaboration of feminst methology see, Katherine T. Bartlett, “Feminist Legal
Methods” (1990) 103 Harv. L. Rev. 829; also see, Ngaaire Naffine, “In praise of Legal
Feminism” Journal of Legal Studies at po7i:
Forms of gender injustice
A EES SO etee aE ae 521
(ili) a patriarchal social construction which makes powe
r to dic-
tate freedom can be tackled by empowerment as the true
method of freeing women:” | |
2. Marginalisation _
This is a dangerous form of oppression because of which a whole cat-
egory of peopleis expelled from useful participation in social life, and
thus potentially subjected to severe material deprivation. Dependency
See well
pp. 1676-
®” Tracy E. Higgins, “Democracy and Feminism” 110 Harv. L. Rev. 1657 at
85. :
and the Politics of Differen ce (1990) extracte d in MDA
31 Iris Marion Young, Justice
Freeman, supra, n. 3 at pp. 614-29.
522 Constitutional Policy and Development Towards Gender Justi
right to pri-
arising out of such situation tends to suspend their basic
ndence as a basic
vacy, respect and individual choice. Prolonged depe
dom and
human condition corners them to sense of uselessness, bore
lack of self-respect of equal citizenship. Welfare schemes, without
institutionalise such dependence. I.M. Young suggests for restr
ing of productive activity to address a right of participation outside the
wage system.
3. Powerlessness
The powerless lack the authority, status and sense of self that profes-
sionals tend to have. Their positi on to distortions in
is also traceable
division of labour as a consequence of which they have little or no
opportun ity
to develop and exercise skill . privilege of pro-
The status
fession Symbolises possession of specialised Knowledge, ability to
decide or alter the legal position of others, and respectability attached
to the position. The dynamism and self-confidence brimming in the
professionals stand in contrast to the position of nonprofessionals.
Women, who largely belong to the non-professional class, are deprived
of such exposure and often are targets of disrespectful treatment in
addition to personal inhibition in developing one’s own skill. Young
considers the oppression of powerlessness as basic to industrial socie-
ties, and suggests structural changes for amelioration.
4, Cultural imperialism
This involves the universalisation of a dominant group’s experience
and culture, and its establishment as the norm. The views, values
and cultural products of the dominant group gain a greater currency
because of projection
of their experienceas representative of human-
ity as
such. The culturally dominated are marked out by stereotypes
and at the same time rendered invisible. While the oppressed group’s
interpretation of social life finds little space for expression, the domi-
nant culture imposes its experience and view upon the dominated. °
5. Violence
Although generally, acts of violence and harassments are inflicted by
extremists, deviants or the mentally unsound, violence against women
has become institutional, systemic and has amounted to social prac-
tice. It is always at the horizon of social imagination because of the fre-
quency of its occurrence. Deep-seated disrespect against women, sense
of superiority on the partofcnales and helplisonce of omen because
of the totality of the above factors of oppression have been responsible
Empowerment: the concept and method 523
for repeated acts of violence against women. Young asks a pertinent
question, “Given the frequency of such violence in our society, why
are theories of justice usually silent about that?” Viewing incidents
of |
violence against women as symptoms of social injustice, remedy
liesin structural reforms by requiring redistribution of resources and
RRELONS Lelorm of criminal law, and alteration of cultural images by~
abandoning stereotypes and aversions of everyday life. Otherwise,
legal system, instead of providing solution, itself may constitute the
LM. Young’s broad category of oppressions and dominations caus-
ing gender
has application in India, in an unfortunately
wide scale. The social practice of neglect in women’s education (female
literacy rate is 39.42 per cent'Whereas male-titeracy raté is 63.86 per
cent), non<involyement of women in economic processes or lucrative
employment (they occupy only 14 per cent of managerial positions),
5 ne eater in workplace (they constitute9o per cent of the total
el tke , rt Re. as “pa si
marginalise workers), female foeticide resulting in decline of female
population (from 933 per 1000 Men in 1981 to 929 per 1000 men in 1991),
the pxactices.of child marriage, dowry harassment, dowry death (once
in every 1000 minutes) increasing number of rape (once in every 54
minutes) and molestations (once in every 26 minutes) have been super-
added by male bias in’‘family law and criminal Iaw2? The UN Report
1980 discloses that women perform 2/3 of the world’s income; earn 1/10
of the world’s income; own less than 1/100 of the world’s property and
constitute 2/3 of the world’s illiterate. Poverty and natural calamities
have made deép dent into the conditions of women’s human dignity.
Sale of girl children and practice of child prostitution are within the
frequent social experience.
Article 14 of the Constitution provides that the State shall not deny
to.any person equality before law or the equal protection of the aws
within the territory of India. Under Articles 15(1) and 16(2),
sex is apro-
hibited ground of discrimination against any citizen in genéral matters
or in respect of employment or office under the State. Judiciary, while
a restraint
ld upon air hostesses to marry within four years’ of
ee > ee
and Weaker Sections (C. Sitaraman & Co., Chennai 2000) at pp. 154-55 for admiration
e a new
of the judgment, but still pleading for amendment to Art. 16 to incorporat
provision for reservation to women in jobs.
8 Indra Sawhney v. Union of India, 1992 Supp (3) SCC 217: 1992 SCC (L&S) Supp 1.
* Ibid, para 514.
AIR 1952 Cal 825.
AIR 1954 SC 321.
% 1985 Supp SCC 137: 1985 SCC (Cri) 325: AIR 1985 SC 1618.
536 Constitutional Policy and Development Towar‘ ds Gender Justi
for preferential treatment of women in the background of aggre
male sexuality to which women fall prey as passive victims.
was considered as the victim rather than author of the crime again
sanctity of matrimonial home. A substantive equality approach would
have demanded that protecting the marital bed unsullied was equally
important for both husband and wife, and that the validity of the law
should be decided on that basis. Hence, proper enquiry for the pur-
pose of Article 15(3) is to probe whether the impugned state action
tends to overcome subordination of women by empowerment.
In Madhu Kishwar v. State of Bihar?, which involved constitutionality
of Chota Nagpur Act, 1908, that conferred right of intestate succes-
sion in tribal family exclusively upon sons of the deceased person, the
majority of the three-Judge Bench of the Supreme Court (Punchhi and
Kuldip Singh, JJ.) ruled that non-application of the Hindu Succession
Act, 1956 and the consequent diversity of law did not violate ‘Article
14. Ramaswamy, J,, in dissent, was willing to extend the right of suc-
cession to female heirs on the basis of Articles 14 and 15(3). Since State
Government’s Committee came with a report about unacceptability
of amendment to Chota Nagpur statute amidst the tribals, the Court
adopted a cautious approach. However, the difficulty was overcome
by an appreciably creative interpretation that female members’ right
to maintenance formed an aspect of right to dignified life, which
could not be deprived, by male heirs’ right to inherit the property.
The case demonstrated the advantage of relying on Article 21 rather
than on Articles 14 and 15 in hard cases. However, equality clauses
were applied in quashing of the discriminatory provision in Section
10 of the Divorce Act, which had put women into a disadvantageous
position in getting divorce, by the Kerala‘and Bombay High Courts.
In Githa Hariharan the Supreme Court construed the Guardianship
legislation in the light of Articles 14 and 15 to the effect that mother
was entitled to be natural guardian even during the life time of father,
while in fact, the statutes had relegated the position of woman to a
secondary position.
The peak of judicial activism vis-a-vis women’s right to substantiveee
impacts upon woman, judiciary can fill the gap by its guidelines, and
protect women’s right to dignified life. In this case, a class action was
brought under Articles 14, 19 and 21, for the enforcement offunda:
mental rights of working women and to prevent sextial harassment
rehabilitate prostitutes and their chi ren. In Upendra Baxi (1) v. State of
ee aN \ ' \ 7
"8 (1983) 2 SCC 308. Also see, Upendra Baxi (II) v. State of U.P., (1986) 4 SCC 106: 1986
SCC (Cri) 381: AIR 1987 SC 191.
"4 (1990) 3 SCC 318: 1990 SCC (Cri) 482: AIR 1990 SC 1412.
"Gaurav Jain v. Union of India, (1997) 8 SCC 114.
So en const ituti
pope onal provi
ae lS.sions and developments
SNCS , el ea ee 543
seen as complete human being with dignity of person;
as if she had
no needs of her own, individually and collectively. Their probl
ems are
compounded by coercion laid around them and tortuous
meted out to them. When they make attempts either to resist prost
tion or relieve themselves from the trap, they succumb to the viole
treatment and resultantly many a one settle for prostitution."
The above judgments have adequately focused on the prohibition of
trafficking in human beings under Article 23 and protection of youth
against exploitation and moral and material abandonment envisaged
under Article 39. They have been successful in taking some positive
steps in improving the conditions of prostitutes and rehabilitating
them with a value goal of availing a dignified life for them.
ee me
'! Chandrakant Kalyandas Kakodkar v. State of Maharashtra, (1969) 2 SCC 687: AIR 1970
SC 1390; Ramesh Yeshwant Prabhoo (Dr.) v. Prabhakar Kashinath Kunte, (1996):1 SCC A130:
AIR 1996 SC 1113; Ranjit D. Udeshi v. State ofMaharashtra, AIR 1965 SC 881.
'? Hilaire Barnett, Introduction to Feminist Jurisprudence (Cavendish Publishin
London 1998) at pp. 282-95.
133 See, S. Mahendran v. Secy., Travancore Devaswom Board, AIR 1993 Ker 42 where
denial of access was justified on account of reasonable classification and tradition.
iS SAE consti tutional provisions and developments
coeten ROL SORTER, RivaURS AIS attic, ata ar549
ence upon protection of interests of women.34 Some of the provis
touching the interests of women can be looked to for appreciating the
constitutional concern.
While Article 38() ordains the State to strive to promote the welfare
of people by securing a social order in which justice, social, economic
and political, shall inform all the institutions of national life, Article
38(2) states, “The State, in particular, strive to minimise the inequali-
ties in income, and endeavour to eliminate inequalities in status, facili-
ties and opportunities, not only amongst individuals but also among
groups of people residing in different areas or engaged in different
vocations.’ accorong 9 Article.39, the state shall, in particular, direct
134 While in State ofMadras v. Champakam Dorairajan, AIR 1951 SC 226 it was held that
Part IV shall run subordinate to Part III, in Kesavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala, (1973) 4
SCC 225: AIR 1973 SC 1461 and onwards both were regarded as complementary.
135 People’s Union for Democratic Rights v. Union of India, (1982) 3 SCC 235: 1982 SCC
(L&S) 275. | ,
136 Vishal Jeet v. Union of India, (1990) 3 SCC 318: 1990 SCC (Cri) 482; Gaurav Jain
Union of India, 1990 Supp SCC 709: AIR 1990 SC 292.
550 Policy and Development Towards Gender Justice
Constitutional e
Se O
before and
employers to provide maternity leave for six.weeks each
after the deliyery of child and reimbursement of medical
The reasoning in Vishaka was developed partly on the basis of
: The Directive on Uniform Civil Code is aspired by the Constitution
make 3epromote the interests of Women. According'to Article 44,
“T Restate shall endeavour to secure for the citizens a uniform civil
code throughout the territory of India.” In practice,.nQ substantive made so far through legislative effort. In Shah Bano‘? the
Supreme Court regretted that Article 44 remained as a dead letter and
extended Section 125 CrPC to Muslim women divorcees. Palpably to
undo the effect of Shah Bano the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights
on Divorce) Act, 1986 was passed. Reading down the Section 3 of the
Act, in Danial Latifi'®, the Supreme Court ruled that a Muslim hus-
band is liable to make provision for maintenance of the divorced wife
even after the iddat period. In Sarla Mudgal'® and Jorden Diengdeh™” the
Court emphasised the need to have Uniform Civil Code in the country
in the overriding social interest.
Article 46 enjoins, “The State shall promote with special care the
educational and economic interests of the weaker sections of the peo-
ple, and in particular, the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, and
shall protect them from social injustice and all forms of exploitation.”
Since women constitute weaker section in each social category because
of the practice of patriarch.c norms such special care is constitution-
ally called for.
AnotherDirective of seminal importance for gender justice is Article
51(e). that obligates the State to foster respect for international law and
treaty obligationsin the-dealings of organised peoples with one another.
Since international human rights norms are rich in gender justice prin-
ciple, their percolating effect upon the Indian domestic law is of high
order. This can be seen in cases like Vishaka, Madhu Kishwar and Danial
Latifi cases where reference to the international instruments have been
made for arriving at comfortable result.
12.8 Conclusion
Gender justice is a revolutionary concept of multidimensional strategy
and impact. As a part of the scheme of justice its roots in human rights
and welfare policies are well-established. Benevolence for women is
a major factor in the cultural ethos of India, although it had also the
fate of distortions and obstructions due to patriarchic approach. In
the background of pathetic social realities about gender injustices, the
Constitution set a visible trend for women’s development. The image
of activist state is clear. The plan of amelioration is comprehensive.
The guidance to and monitoring of the legal system are well tuned.
Legislations also support the gender justice goal either through special
statutes or general ones. The overall judicial contribution is also sup-
plementing the constitutional objectives. “So long as society remains
riddled with power disparities between men and women, and so long
as patriarchy remains deeply embedded to the culture, formal equal-
ity theory will fail to achieve gender justice.’“# But the Indian judiciary
has shown willingness to deviate from adherence to formal equality
theory in search of true equality by employing a more result-oriented
methodology for positive protection and corrective action. What is
required most essentially is a pro-woman mindset in the people who
have to apply and follow the legal regime towards the goal of gender
'? Eileen Kaufman, “Women and Law: A Comparative Analysis of the United
States and Indian Supreme Court’s Equality Jurisprudence” (2006) 34 GA. J. Int’l &
Comp. L, 557 at p. 618.
13.1 Introduction
Violence against women is regarded as a necessary concomitant of
the generally oppressed position to which women are Subdued in the
sotial Structure.’ Patriarchal bias, powerlessness and dépendencé have
put them into a vulnerable position and made men unjustifiably supe-
rior, owing to which crimes against women galore.” Violence is always
opposed to reason and tolerance, and undermines human rights and
welfare. Law, representing the latter, should employ all means to
curb the violence and protect the victim. Sincerity of a legal system’s
concern for women’s protection should be exhibited in the efficacy
of criminal law in sternly dealing with the crimes against women.
Protection of life and personal liberty through legal procedure will be
meaningful to women only when an atmosphere free from violence
is created through rule of law. About the disturbing trend of devel-
opment in this sphere, what Justice Dr. A.S. Anand has observed in
Kundula Bala Subrahmanyam in the context of dowry death is worth not-
ing as it holds good for other crimes as well. He said, “Of late there
has been an alarming increase in cases relating to harassment, torture,
abetted suicide and dowry death of young innocent brides. This grow-
ing cult of violence and exploitation of the young brides, though keeps
1 MDA Freeman, “Violence against women: Does the legal system provide solutions
or itself constitute the problem?” (1981) Journal of Legal Studies 215 at pp. 216-17,
(once in
2 Dowry death (once in every 1000 minutes) increasing number of rape
in every 26 minutes) have been superad ded
every 54 minutes) and molestations (once
by male bias in family law and criminal law.
554 Crimes against Women and Law’s Response Thereto
on sending shock waves to the civilised society whenever it
continues unabated. There is a constant erosion of the basic
values of tolerance and the spirit of “live and let live”. Lack of educa
tion and economic dependence of women have encouraged theee
perpetrators of the crime.” | |
Crimes against womer-occur both within the home and outside
the domestic walls. They range fromassault to deprivation of life, and
from indecency to ravishing the woman’s honour by rape. The crimes
are dealt under the general law like Indian Penal Code and special
statutes enacted to deal with specific crimes like dowry and domestic
violence. This chapter discusses trends of legal development in these
spheres from the perspective of promotion of gender justice and a
desirable change. It also analyses the role of the National Commission
for Women for protecting the interests of women.
It is unfortunate that home, the sweet home, the abode of rich and
complex feelings and a place of retreat for protective sphere of fam-
ily life, could be a very dangerous place-for-women.* Instead of giv-
ing }protective shade by being a sanctuary
of tranquility and harmony,
family has become in many situations breeding ground of violence
against women in the hands of their ownrelations. Domestic violence,
being incongruity in terms:and gender neutral in words, is frequently _
common law? Rule of thumb represented that the husband had the
right to beat his wife so long as he used a stick no thicker than his
thumb.° Blackstone recognised husband's right to give his wife moder-
ate correction by domestic chastisement to prevent her misbehaviour?
The practice was prevalent in lower ranks of people, and continued
although sparsely in 20th century England with a rider that the beat-
ing should not be violent or cruel. In Meacher v. Meacher®, the Court of
'S Poornima Advani, “Curbing domestic violence: Inching forward” The Hindu, 27-
Domestic violence
ee eee a 557
'¢ “Physical abuse” means any act or conduct which is of such a nature as to cause
bodily pain, harm, or danger to life, limb, or health or impair the health or development
of the aggrieved person and includes assault, criminal intimidation and criminal
force. “Sexual abuse” includes any conduct of a sexual nature that abuses, humiliates,
degrades or otherwise violates the dignity of woman. “Verbal and emotional abuse”
(a) insults, ridicule, humiliation, name calling and insults or ridicule specially with
regard to not having a child or a male child; and
(b) repeated threats to cause physical pain to any person in whom the aggrieved
person is interested.
“Economic abuse” includes:
(a) deprivation of all or any economic or financial resources to which the aggrieved
person is entitled under any law or custom whether payable under an order of
a court or otherwise or which the aggrieved person requires out of necessity
including, but not limited to, household necessities for the aggrieved person
and her children, if any, stridhan, property, jointly or separately owned by
the aggrieved person, payment of rental related to the shared household and
558 Crimes against Women e and Law's Response Thereto
Pein O
has been, ina
“Respondent” means any adult male person who is, or
st whom
domestic relationship with the aggrieved person and again
ion 2(q)]
the aggrieved person has sought any relief under this Act [Sect
“Domestic relationship” means a relationship between two persons
who live or have, at any point of time, lived together in a shared house
hold, when they are related by consanguinity, marriage, or through a
relationship in the nature of marriage, adoption or are family mem-
bers living together as a joint family (Section 2(f)).
It provides for the rights of women to secure housing. It also pro-
vid right of a woman to reside in her matrimonial home or
shared household, whether or not she has any title or rights in such
Home or household. This right is secured by a residence order, which
is passed by the Magistrate (Section 17).
It empowers the Magistrate te pass protection orders in favour of
the agstieved person to prevent the respondent from aiding or com-
mitting“an act of domestic violence or any other specified act, enter-
ing a workplace or any other place frequented by the aggrieved per-
son, attempting to communicate with her, isolating any assets used
by both the parties and causing violence to the aggrieved person, her
relatives or others who provide her assistance from the domestic vio-
lence (Section 18)“
It provides for appointment of Protection Officers and registration
of non-governmental organisations as service providers for providing
assistance to the aggrieved person with respect to her medical exami-
nation, obtaining legal aid, safe shelter, etc. (Sections 8, 9 and 10).
The Act has a progressive approach of protecting the victims of
domestic violence from the trauma, by providing shelter, freedom
from fear, economic support, medical reliéfand Tegal help to overcome
the-problem and stand independently with dignity (Sections 18, 19
and 20). Regarding sexual abuse, although it does not use the same
terminology as that of Vishaka guidelines, the words used in the defi-
nition can be more appropriately understood in that sense with a crea-
tive interpretation. The policy of law to provide a meaningful role for
NGOs, and a right of complaining about domestic violence upon any
person acting in responsible manner (Sections 10 and 12) involves a
7 PV, Kane, History of Dharmashastra, Vol. II (Part I) at p. 625, A.S. Altekar, The
Position of Hindu Women in Hindu Civilisation, at p. 136; see also, Uma Shankar Jha and
Premlata Pujari, Indian Women Today, Vol. II (Kanishka Publishers and Distributors,
New Delhi 1996) at p. 30.
18 AL. Basham, The Wonder that was India, at p. 187.
19 Romila Thapar, History of India, Vol. I.
by Greek
20 PV. Kane, ik n. - 2 p. 625; its practice in 326 BC was testified
21 Yaj., 1-86.
2 Uma Shankar Jha and Premlata Pujari, supra, n. 17 at p. 35.
3 bid.
4 Ibid, at p. 36.
560 Crimes against Women and Law’s Response Thereto
and rescued some
the widows Akbar discouraged the practice of sati
widows from the practice. He commented, “It is a strange comm nce
taryon the magnanimity of men that they should see their deli
y sati
through self-sacrifice of their wives.”” Prohibition of involuntar
the prac-
and requirement of prior permission for voluntary sati was
tice continued during subsequent period until its ultimate abolition
1829 by the British.
The British policy on sati was initially obsessed by sense of cultural
superiority and white man’s assumed role of purging barbaric prac-
tices. While documentation of instances of sati was helpful_in creat-
ing public opinion in India and Britain against its practice, the politi-
cal strategy was hesitant for decisive action for its abolition in 1805 in
fear of alarm and dissatisfaction in the minds of Hindus. The Nizamat
Adalat asked judicial officials to secure advance notice of occurrence
of a sati, then to depute police officers to proceed personally to the site
in order to ensure that sati is performed voluntarily and not under
the influence of drugs or intoxicants or coercion; and to establish that
youth or the state of pregnancy of widow did not violate the norms.”
The official astatistics showe d that the - averag- e per year e occurr
ence of
a t
sati amounted to’576 during the period between 1815 and 1828 and go
per cent of instances took place’in Bengal, where Dayabhaga law recog-
nising widow’s interest in deceased husband's property prevailed.
The British campaign against the practice of sati culminated in a
big development. Sir William Bentinck, the then Governor General
of India and liberal thinking reformer,
on his own initiative
and on
the persuasive influence of Raja Ram Mohan Roy, initiated the law for
total abolition of the practice of sati. The Regulation XVII promulgated
in 1829 declared “the practice of suttee, or burning or burying alive the
widows of Hindus, illegal and punishable by the criminal courts.” It
was dealt in the samé way as culpable homicide. Even persons aiding
and abetting sati Were to be punished
by fine or imprisonment or both.
The enactment of the law was not smooth at the teeth of opposition by
the orthodox section of Bengal, which resorted to signature campaign,
petition and media propaganda. The progressive section headed by
Raja Ram Mohan Roy, by educating the public in favour of the law,
resisted this and tried to consolidate public opinion in favour of the
law. Regarding administrative action in support of the law, unique
strategy was evolved. Continuing the pre-1829 policy, the practices
of getting advance notice“of the sati possibility through local officers,
deploying the police by the collector to the spot for prevention of sati,
*” Centre for Enquiry into Health & Allied Themes (CEHAT) v. Union of India, (2003) 8
SCC 398.
Female foeticide
=, 5S eliesciboho pe ieetlhc hehe -zeae iad567
(0) grave injury to her physical or mental health (pregnancy
alleged to have been caused by rape, and pregnancy because
of failure of contraception in the case of married woman are
presumed to constitute grave injury to the mental health of
the woman), or
(c) asubstantial
risk of the child being born abnormal or handi-
capped. If the length of pregnancy exceeds 12 weeks but
does not exceed 20 weeks, concurrence of two medical prac-
titioners is required for termination of pregnancy.
Consent of the guardian is required if the pregnant woman is a minor
or lunatic. Consent of husband is not required if the woman is adult.
But MTP without the consent of husband may amount to cruelty
against the husband, a ground for claiming divorce by the latter. In
case of pregnancy due to sexual intercourse on consent by unmarried
woman, the MTPA does not give scope for abortion. MTP of pregnancy
exceeding 20 weeks duration is permissible only for saving the life of
the woman. MTP can be conducted only in Government hospitals or
places recognised by the Government for this purpose. These limita-
tions are inherent in the Act, as it operates as an exception to IPC.
In the background of the MTP Act, termination of pregnancy has
attained liberal scope, a development in response to social change in
the context of population explosion. Along with the growth of medi-
cal science towards enabling medically safe\termination of pregnancy
and-pré-natal detection technique, the problem of its misuse also arose.
It isan alarming development that it gave rise to sex selected abortion
in various parts of India. As a result, sex ratio sharply déclined to 921
1060 males in 1991. In‘some districts it declined below goo.
The'sex ratio in the age group of zero to six recorded shocking figure
of 874 females in some states. It has also been reported that out of 9000
abortions 8999 in Mumbai were that of female fetuses. As viewed by
Shah, J. in CEHAT (2003), “It is an admitted fact that in Indian Society,
discrimination against girl child still prevails, may be because of pre-
vailing uncontrolled dowry system despite the Dowry Prohibition Act,
as there is no change in the mindset or also because of insufficient
education and/or tradition of women being confined to household
activities.”* In addition, lack of property right, powerlessness in vari-
ous fronts, and the consequent domestic violence made girl child, an
unwelcome specie.
Inrespanse to the concern shown by citizens, the State of Maharashtra
santa Duane Regultion of PNDT Act in 2988. Its major
policies consisted in prohibition on determination of sex of the foetus,
of India, (2003) 8
3 Centre for Enquiry into Health & Allied Themes (CEHAT) v. Union
SCC 398: AIR 2003 SC 3309.
568 Law's Response Thereto
Crimes against Women and ee
e e e ee
introduction of system of licencing for counseling centers, laboratories
and clinics in order to regulate their activities and suitable administra-
tive body for their supervision. The Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques
(Regulation and Prevention of Misuse) Act, 1994 was passed by
Parliament, which came into effect in 1996. Allowing PNDT for find-
ing genetic or metabolic sex-linked disorder and prohibiting PNDT for
the purpose of pre-natal sex determination leading to female foeticide
were the two major policies of the Act referred in the Act’s preamble.
Salient features of the PNDT Act are as follows: First, the Act pro-
hibits Genetic Counseling Centre or Genetic Laboratory or Genetic
Clinic from conducting PNDT including ultrasonography for the pur-
pose of determining the sex of a foetus. It also prohibits persons from
involving in such acts (Section 6). Any contravention of the provision
by the owner of, or medical geneticist, gynaecologist or registered
medical practitioner serving in GL, GCC and GC attracts maximum
punishment of three years’ of imprisonment and fine of Rs 10, 000 in
case of first conviction and five years’ of imprisonment and fine of Rs
50,000 at subsequent convictions. The same quantum of punishment is
prescribed to persons seeking PNDT for sex determination of foetus.
Removal of the names. of guilty RMPs from the register, of Medical
Council for two years’ is also prescribed as punishment (Settion’33).
Secondly, it provides that no registered GCC, GL or GC shall be
used for conducting PNDT except for the purposes of detection of the
following abnormalities: Shromosomal abnormalities, genetic meta-
bolic diseases, haemoglobinopathies, sex linked genetic diseases, con-
genital anomalies, and any other abnormalities suggested by Central
Supervisory Board (Section 4). Further, such PNDT shall be conducted
only by qualified person after satisfying about fulfilment of the fol-
lowing conditions: | :
i) age of the pregnant woman is above 35 years’;
(1) the pregnant woman has undergone two or more spontane-
ous abortions or foetal loss;
(ui) the pregnant woman had been exposed to potentially tera-
togenic agents such as drugs, radiation, infection or
(iv) the pregnant woman has a family history of mental retarda-
tion or physical deformities such as spasticity or any other
genetic disease;
(v) any other condition as may be specified by the CSB. Seeking
the service of PNDT for purposes other than these is also
Moreover, written consent of the woman after explaining the effects of
PNDT shall be obtained. It is categorically stated “No person conduct-
Female foeticide
(_i(‘“‘(‘“ 569
ing pre-natal diagnostic procedures shall communicate
to the preg-
nant woman concerned or her relatives the sex of the foetu
s by words,
signs or in any other manner” (Section 5).
Third, for supervising the working of the Act, at the centr
al level
a body called Central Supervisory Board under the Chairman
ship of
Minister in charge of Department of Family Welfare and consisti
ng of
a Vice-Chairman and 20 members appointed. for three years’ is con-
templated. Due representation is provided for medical experts, socia
scientists and representatives of women welfare organisations (Section
7). The functions of CSB include:
(i) advising the Government on policy matters relating to
(i1) reviewing implementation of the Act;
(ii) reviewing the implementation of the Act and Rules and rec-
ommend changes; So ae
(it) creating public awareness against the practice of pre-natal
determination of sex and female foeticide; and
(iv) laying down code of conduct for GCC, GL and GC; and
(v) any other functions as may be specified under the Act (Sec-
* Centre for Enquiry into Health & Allied Themes (CEHAT) v. Union of India, (2003) 8
SCC 398: AIR 2003 SC 3309.
40 Manu Smriti, II-31.
*" Report of the Parliamentary Joint Committee (1961); Paras Diwan, Legal Protection
of Women (Deep and Deep, New Delhi).
2 Mitakshara, I-11, at p.30; Katyayana cited in Mitakshara, II-11, at p.5; Smritichandrika,
IX-II, at pp. 4-5.
Dowry harassment
married at their expenses by giving them a quarter of
their own share.
Giving gift to the bride and incurring the marriage expe
nse were the
expenses coming within the ambit of family benefit.
It is difficto ultsay when exactly the practice of dowry entered into
a its prevalence in some upper castes of warridrs-dur-
ing the medieval period in a problematic size was a cause for
infanticide. Rigid caste system, endogamy, patriarchy and poly
had aggravated“ the rigour of dowry problem. The egalitarian
of Bhakfi movement or social reforms of 19th century had some influ-
ence of gender justice, but it was neither widespread nor overwhelm-
ing to address the issue of dowry. As early as in 1928 Gandhiji- wrote
emphasising the need for voluntary collective action against the evil,
“A strong public opinion should be created in condemnation of the
degrading practice of dowry, and young men, who soil their fingers
with such ill-gotten gold, should be excommunicated from society.
Parents of girls should cease to be dazzled by English degrees, and
should not hesitate to travel outside their little castes and provinces to
secure true gallant young men for their daughters.” He viewed that
marriage by purchase was the product of rigidity of caste system and
lack of courage to resist the evil by younger generation. True education
should drive away the evil, he reasoned.
The Sindh Deti Leti Act, 1939, which was the first legislative attempt
to deal with the problem of dowry, had the objective of pro iting pay-_
* Hira Lal v. State (Govt. of NCT), Delhi, (2003) 8 SCC 80: 2003 SCC (Cri) 2016: AIR
2003 SC 2865; see also State of A.P. v. Raj Gopal Asawa, (2004) 4 SCC 470: 2004 SCC (Cri)
1306. In Shanti v. State of Haryana, (1991) 1 SCC 371: 1991 SCC (Cri) 191 the ingredients
of the section were analysed.
*” Soni Devrajbhai Babubhai v. State of Gujarat, (1991) 4 SCC 298: 1991 SCC (Cri) 959, “It
would be hazardous to indicate any fixed period, and that brings in the importance of
a proximity test both for the proof of an offence of dowry death as well as for raising a
presumption under S. 113-B of the Evidence Act...Suffice, however, to indicate that the
expression ‘soon before’ would normally imply that the interval should not be much
between the concerned cruelty or harassment and the death in question.”
Dowry harassment
eee ti‘ 579
or danger to life, limb or health (whether mental or physical)
of the woman; or
(b) harassment of the woman where such harassment is with
view to coercing her or any person related to her to meet any
unlawful demand for any property or valuable security or is
on account of failure by her or any person related to her to
meet such demand.”
The Supreme Court in Satvir Singhs" upheld the conviction of appellants
under Section 498-A in a circumstance where the woman attempted to
commit suicide soon after hearing the provoking statements made by
her husband and mother-in-law. The Court awarded a compensation
of Rs 3 lakhs payable by the appellants to the victim. The constitution-
ality of the provision was examined on the touchstone of Articles 14,
20(2) and 21 and was upheld by the Delhi High Court in Inder Raj Malik
v. Sunita Malik as justified on account of reasonable classification
and not amounting to double jeopardy with Section 4 of the Dowry
Prohibition Act.
Another provision of IPC invoked in case of dowry harassment is
Section 306;-Which"penalises abetment to commit suicide by stating,
“If ahypefsor-eommits suicide, whoever abets the cormmission of such
suicide, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for
a term which may extend to 10 years’, and shall also be liable to fine.”
In order to sternly deal with dowry harassment leading to abetment to
commit suicide, the rule of evidence was also modified. Accordingly,
Section_113-A provides, “When the question is whether the commis-
sion of suicide by a woman had been abetted by her husband or any
relative of her husband and it is shown that she had committed sui-
cide within a period of seven years’ from the date of her marriage and
that her husband or such relative of her husband had subjected her
to cruelty, the Court may presume, having regard to all the other cir-
cumstances of the case, that such suicide had been abetted by her hus-
band or by such relative of her husband.” The scope of Section 306 is
broader than that of Sections 304-B and 498-A. In Pawan Kumar v. State
of Haryana>> the Supreme Court enhanced the punishment prescribed
by the High Court from imprisonment for two years’ to five years’
and from a fine of Rs 5000 to Rs 20,000 and observed, “The legislature
has, by amending the Penal Code and Evidence Act, made Penal Law
more strident for dealing with and punishing offences against mar-
ried women. Such strident laws would have a deterrent effect on the
51 Satvir Singh v. State of Punjab, (2001) 8 SCC 633: 2002 SCC (Cri) 48.
2 4986 Cri LJ 1510 (Del); see also Indrawati v. Union of India, (1991) 1 Cr LJ All.
53 (1998) 3 SCC 309: 1998 SCC (Cri) 740.
580 Crimes against Women and Law’s Response Thereto
cases has censured and condemned the police inaction, delay and col-
lusion relating to investigation about dowry violence. Inconsistencies
in the dying declarations owing to different levels of pains and anguish;
non-availability of third party witness because of the occurrence of
the incidents inside the marital home; and distorted medical reports
owing to corruption have also added to the failure of the prosecution»
Failure to establish the date of marriage in a recent case had resulted
in acquittal from the charge of dowry death’* The need for requiring
the registration of marriage compulsory will go a long way in bringing
a change in this sphere.
Supreme Court has tried to tone down the rigours of benefit of doubt
rule by warning against-exaggerated devotion to it and said, “justice
cannot be made ‘sterile’on the plea that it is better-to lét'a hundred
guilty escape than punish an innocent. Letting the guilty escape is
not doing justice according to law.”7 The Court has also insisted on
proportionate punishment in dowry violence cases5* The direction
shown by the Apex Court has the touch of human sensitivity and bold
** Bhagwant Singh v. Commr. ofPolice, (1983) 3 SCC 344: 1983 SCC (Cri) 637; Lichhamadevi
v. State of Rajasthan, (1988) 4 SCC 456: 1988 SCC (Cri) 978; Pramod Kumar v. State re)a feloA
(1989) 2 HLR 421 (All); P. Bikshapathi v. State of A.P., (1989) 2 HLR 430 (AP).
°° For a critical discussion see, Kirti Singh, supra, n. 48 at pp. 134-35; Raj Pal v. State,
(1989) 1 HLR 90 (Del); Kailash Kaur v. State of Punjab, (1987) 2 SCC 631: 1987 SCC (Cri)
431: AIR 1987 SC 1368; State (Delhi Admn.) v. Laxman Kumar, (1985) 4 SCC 476: 1986 SCC
(Cri) 2: AIR 1986 SC 250.
°° Baljeet Singh v. State ofHaryana, (2004) 3 SCC 122: AIR 2004 SC 1714.
*” Gurbachan Singh v. Satpal Singh, (1990) 1 SCC 445: 1990 SCC (Cri) 151; Kirti Singh,
supra, n. 48 at pp. 138-39.
** Romesh Kumar v. State of Punjab, (1987) 1 HLR 189 (P&H); P. Bikshapathi v. State of
A.P., (1989) 2 HLR 430 (AP).
Sexual offences
ee Seman Sea aera. oe eres 581
feminist perspective. The NGO participation for feminist advocacy
especially for spurring the police to investigate is noteworthy, and has
gained judicial appreciation,»
The application of Dowry Prohibition Law requires holistic approach
on the part of police, courts, witnesses and NGOs. Society’s role in this
coordinated task is vital, as observed by the Supreme Court in Vikas v.
State of Rajasthan®.
This deep rooted social evil requires to be controlled not only by
effective implementation of the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961, but also
by the society. The society has to find out ways and means of control-
ling and combating this menace of receipt and payment of dowry. It
appears that instead of controlling payment and receipt of dowry in
one or other form, it is increasing even in educated class. May be that,
it is increasing because of accumulation of unaccounted wealth with
few, and others having less means follow the same out of compulsion.
abuse of his posirape , wowith
of pregnant ma n e about
89 Ibid: see also Prem Chand v. State of Haryana, 1989 Supp (1) SCC 286: 1989 SCC (Cri)
® Balwant Singh
] v. State of Punjab,
I (1987) 2 SCC 27:: 1987 Cri i LJ 9 ZA: ;
°° Pramod Mahto v. State of Bihar, 1989 Supp (2) SCC 672: 1990 SCC (Cri) 206: AIR 1989
SC 1475. kath
P Ishwara Bhat, “Constitutional Feminism: An Overview” (2001) 2 SCC Journal
S: 1:
588 Crimes against Women and Law’s Response Thereto
i cee ea
been appreciable
been one from darkness to light; the transition has
with considerable shifts in attitude and approach.”
t medical
However, inadequate police investigation, indifferen
e public-
reports, delay in trial, harassing cross-examinations, undu
factors to
ity and social disgust on rape victim have been impeding
on non-
the path of justice. The very definition of rape has centered
of sexual
consensual. genital intercourse, and excludes_other forms
assault, The Supreme Court in Sakshi abstained from expanding its
scope through judicial interpretation, and suggested for legislative
intervention.®* The Committeeof National Commission for Women
has suggested for enhancing the age of consent and inclusion of mari-
tal'fape within the legal-prohibition. NGOs have played significant
role in advocating the feminist cause. Change in the societal attitude,
mass awareness and sensitive investigative, prosecuting and adjudi-
cating bodies will stabilise and support the legal development.
13.7.3 Kidnapping
Another offence frequently reported is kidnapping for sexual exploi-
tation. Kidnapping or abduction of any woman with the intention of
compelling her,tg marry some person against her will or for forcing
or seducing her to_illicit_intercourse_or by. criminal intimidation or
inducement for seducing her to illicit intercourse is a serious offence
punishable with maximum punishment of imprisonment for 10 years’
under Section 366. The mental element of knowledge about the pur-
pose or consequence is also sufficient in the place of intention. Inducing
a woman to go from any place by application of criminal force with
such intention or knowledge is also punishable in similar manner.
Under Section 361, kidnapping is defined as follows: Whoever takes
or entices any minor under 16 years’ of age if a male, or under 18 years’
of age if a female, or any person of unsound mind, out of the keep-
ing of the lawful guardian of such minor or person of unsound mind,
2 © Reema Aggarwal v. Anupam, (2004) 3 SCC 199: 2004 SCC (Cri) 699: AIR 2004 SC
"8 Ashwin Nanabhai Vyas v. State ofMaharashtra, (1970) 3 SCC 95: AIR 1970 SC 1998.
Prostitution and law
law permits bigamy, The Supreme Court in Sarla Mudgal looked to the
intention of social reform under the provisioand n adopted purposive
interpretation, and observed, “Assuming that a Hindu husband has a
right to embrace Islam as his religion, he has no right under the-Act
to marry again without getting his earlier marriage under the Act dis-
solved. The second marriage after conversion to Islam would, thus, be
in violation of the rules of natural justice and as such would be void.“%4
By holding that for bigamous marriages also the Dowry Prohibition
Act is applicable, in Reema Aggarwal, the Supreme Court attempted to
promote the spirit behind the Dowry Prohibition Act.
Section 497 IPC, providing for punishment upon persons guilty of
adultery, has been subjected to feminist questioning. According to
Section 497, “Whoever has sexual intercourse with a person who is
and whom he knows or has reason to believe to be the wife of another
man, without the consent of that man, such sexual intercourse not
amounting to the offence of rape, is guilty of the offence of adultery,
and shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a
term which may extend to five years’, or with fine or both. In such case
the wife shall not be punishable as an abettor.” It has been argued from
feminist perspective that it offends the concept of equality by treat-
ing the marital bed of the husband with more sanctity; that it treats
woman as the property of the husband that shall not be trespassed
without the owner’s consent; that it gives power to the husband on
the body of his wife by offering to others; that by exempting woman
from punishment in case of abetment by her it negates woman’s ability
to think, act, and face responsibility for her action. These challenges
have been rejected by the Supreme Court by adhering to protectionist
approach.’ Mallimath Committee has recommended for amending
the provision to make it more gender sensitive and impose responsi-
bility upon woman also.
'” Carolyn Sleightholme and Indrani Sinha, Guilty Without Trial (Stree, Calcutta
1996) at pp. 52-55.
108 State of U.P. v. Kaushailiya, AIR 1964 SC 416; Seetharamamma v. Sambasiva Rao, AIR
1964 AP 400; Materkotla Municipality v. Mohd. Mushtaq, AIR 1960 Punj 18.
Indecent representation of women
are identified, there is no provision for their puni
shment. They are
not abettors also as they are not parties to keep brothel. In
2006, the
Union Government initiated the idea of amending the Act to
for punishment upon the customers of prostitution. But this
has been
openly protested by prostitutes or sex workers with a fear that
would seriously affect their earning. It is a paradox that the oppresse
try hard to protect the persons responsible for their oppression in the
long run. The economic compulsions operating against their ameliora-
tion is traceable to economic imbalance.
In prosecutions for crimes under the Act, because of lack of evidence
and clever escape from crime scene and other strategies, less number
of male offenders receive punishment. Touts, traffickers and persons
living in the earning of prostitutes are not effectively brought to book
because of lax administration. Differences in the levels of conviction
point out male dominance.
Comparatively, the judicial decisions have more seriously tried to
fill the gap between morality and law in the context of amelioration of
the interests of prostitutes and rehabilitation of the child prostitutes or
children of prostitutes. Upendra Baxi'® and Gaurav Jain cases point out
this trend of development. The Supreme Court in Gaurav Jain observed,
“The prostitute has always been an object and was never seen as com-
plete human being with dignity of person; as if she had no needs of her
own, individually and collectively. Their problems are compounded
by coercion laid around them and tortuous treatment meted out to
them. When they make attempts either to resist prostitution or relieve
themselves from the trap, they succumb to the violent treatment and
resultantly many a one settle for prostitution.”""°
Further, the practice of devadasi, which has socio-religious back-
ground at the social plane, lack of consent at the individual level, lack
of education and prevalence of economic exploitation, have been super-.
ficially dealt by specific statutes. But the_practice has not been put an
end to. Thus, there is a multitude of dichotomies in the legal/moral
policies relating to prostitution. The question relating to morality in
this sphere is to be addressed by a serious human rights approach.
1 Upendra Baxi (II) v. State of U.P, (1986) 4 SCC 106: 1986 SCC (Cri) 381: AIR 1987
SC 191.
"0 Gaurav Jain v. Union of India, (1997) 8 SCC 114 at p. 119.
596 en and Law’s Response Thereto
Crimes against Wome
publication as obscene if
representation. Section 292 IPC considers any
(or its component's)
it is lascivious or appeals to prurient interest or its
upt persons who
effect as a whole is such as to tend to deprave or corr
in it. Whoever sells,
are likely to read, see or hear the matter contained
or conveys
lets to hire, distributes, publicly exhibits, imports, exports,
mpts to
obscene materials; takes part in its business; advertises or atte
do any of these acts shall be punishable with imprisonment for a
which may extend to two years’ and shall also be liable to fine.
The question about identification of obscenity is looked from the
perspective of freedom of speech and expression and protection of
social morals." The judicial scrutiny has not adequately considered
the way in which woman is abused in the production of pornogra-
phy and the way in which the overall impact of objectionable materi-
als is likely to lower the image of woman into an object of pleasure,
and thus gradually provoke aggressive male sexuality."* Pornography
industry thrives by using women’s body as a medium of communi-
cation for sending wrong messages about the object of sexuality to
consumers whose appetite ultimately put the women into the posi-
tion of victims.*? The approach of taking into consideration the effect
of single pieces of obscenity in isolated manner allows its circulation
whereas incremental deposition of such impressions about sex image
of woman is big threat to woman’s privacy and security. Hence, look-
ing only from the angle of protectionLo the society and the young
from.corruption of public morals falls short of astandard required for
protection of women.
‘In response to protests by various women organisations against
indecent representation of women in various forms of advertise-
"! In Ranjit D. Udeshi v. State ofMaharashtra, AIR 1965 SC 881 it was observed, “We
need not bowdlerise all literate and thus rob speech and expression of freedom. A
balance should be maintained between freedom of speech and expression and public
decency and morality but when the latter is substantially transgressed the former
must give way.”
'2 Hilaire Barnette, op. cit., at pp. 282-95.
"8 Mackinnon, Feminism Unmodified (Harvard University Press, 1987) at pp. 171-75;
see also, Valverde, Sex, Power and Pleasure (The Women’s Press, 1985) at pp. 124-47.
Sexual harassment in workplace
by the companies, the persons in charge of the busi
ness of the com-
pany are responsible. Power is conferred to the Governme
nt for entry,
search and seizure. Bona fide educational, artistic work
s and ancient
monuments are exempted from the operation of the Act.
Whether beauty contest or show is derogatory to womanhood,
indecent or undesirable is a question approached by the judici
with an approach, “Unless any law is violated, the Court ought
to interfere in such matters.”"4 Relevant laws invoked in this contex
include Sections 292 to 294 of the Indian Penal Code, the Indecent
Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986 and state laws on
objectionable performances, public entertainment and public order.
The arguments that the very holding of beauty pageant is repugnant
to right to dignified life, equality and fundamental duty to be courte-
ous to women and also opposed to international conventions; that it is
opposed to decency and public morality by resorting to commercialli-
sation and exploitation; and that it is injurious to the body, the mind
and social existence of the entire womanhood were not upheld in their
entirety in Chandra Rajakumari case"3. The Andhra Pradesh High Court
looked to beauty as part of the universal expression and best dimen-
sion of nature and essence of human comprehension and pleasure. But
it approached the aspect of woman’s beauty from gender justice per-
spective, and observed:
“In any society, woman is the womb of the whole human race. The
quality of human race sprouts from the quality of the woman. The
depravity and demoralisation of woman speaks of the degenerated and
demoralised human race. Both from the physical, mental and social
implications the quality and the existence of the human race is directly
proportional to the expected standards of woman society. Therefore, the
society and the state are bound to preserve and maintain the women of
the society in highest standards with greatest respect and concern for
the survival of the society in particular and human race as a whole."
Society Review 265; Katherine T. Bartlett, “Only Girls wear Barrettes: Dress and
Appearance Standard...Workplace Equality” (1994) 92 Michigan Law Review 2541;
Catharine MacKinnon, Sexual Harassment of Working Women (1979); Anita F. Hill,
“Sexual Harassment: The nature of the Beast” (1992) 65 Southern California Law
Review 1445; Deborah L. Rode, “Sexual Harassment” (1992) 65 Southern California
Law Review 1459.
"8 Vishaka v. State of Rajasthan, (1997) 6 SCC 241: AIR 1997 SC 3011.
Sexual harassment in workplace 599
1. It shall
be the duty of the employer or other responsible persons in
workplaces or other institutions to prevent or deter the commission of
acts ofsexual harassment andto provide the procedures for the resolu-
tion, settlement or prosecution of acts of sexual harassment by taking
all steps required. ie
2. Sexual harassment includes such unwelcome sexually determined
''? Apparel Export Promotion Council v. A.K. Chopra, (1999) 1 SCC 759: AIR 1999 SC
Sexual harassment in workplace
e e eee elll 601
had harassed, pestered and subjected his lady subordinate by a con-
duct which is against moral sanctions and which did not withstand
the test of decency and modesty although there was no actual assault
by him. Dr. A.S. Anand, CJ’s judgment reflected a judicial policy,
clearly in favour of gender justice. He observed, “In a case involving
charge of sexual harassment or attempt to sexually molest, the Courts
are required to examine the broader probabilities of a case and not
get swayed by insignificant discrepancies or narrow technicalities or
dictionary meaning of the expression ‘molestation’. They must exam-
ine the entire material to determine the genuineness of the complaint.
The statement of the victim must be appreciated in the background of
the entire case. Where the evidence of the victim inspires confidence
the Courts are obliged to rely on it. Such cases are required to be dealt
with great sensitivity. Sympathy in such cases in favour of the Superior
Officer is wholly misplaced and mercy has no relevance.”
The legal development in this sphere has filled the gap with satis-
factory legal principles without controversies or conflicts. It was also
inevitable because of the fact that legislative response on these types
of matters is disappointingly.slow.——~"~ hea Sree
The need for a permanent body to look into the matters.of deprivation
of rights of women and promotion of their interests was realised by the
Céntral Government in 1990, and it enacted the National Commission
for Women Act. The activities of informational importance, which a
Commission like NCW-involves in, not only unearth facts about the
extent of protection actually available to women and thus add to pub-
lic discourse on the subject, but also influence the parliamentary delib-
eration, administrative supervision and policy formulation towards
better protection of women.
The NCW is a.collegiate body consisting of a Chairperson, five
members anda Membér Secrétary. All these office bearers are to
be nominated by the Central Government for a maximum term of
three years. Vacancy may arise also from resignation, and removal
by Central Government on account of insolvency, conviction for an
offence of moral turpitude, unsoundness of mind, incapacity, refusal
and unauthorised absence for three consecutive meetings. While the
Chairperson shall be a person committed to the cause of women, the
other members shall be persons of ability, integrity and standing in
the-field of law making, trade unionism, management of an indus-
try or organisation committed to increasing the employment poten-
tial of women, women’s voluntary organisations (including women
activists), administration, economic development, health, education or
social welfare. The Member Secretary shall be from top bureaucracy
or expert in the field of management. Thus, the composition of NCW
is contemplated to promote the interests of women. The NCW may
appoint committees necessary for dealing with special issues. an
The NCW shall perform any or all of the following functions as per
Section 10 (1) of the Act.
(a) investigate andexamineall matters relating to the safeguards
provided for women under the Constitution and laws;
(b) present to the Central Government, annually and at other
times, reports on the working of those safeguards;
(c) make recommendations for effective implementation of those
safeguards, for improving the conditions of women by the
Union or any State;
Role of National Commission for women
(4) review the existing provisions of the Constitution and other
laws affecting women, and recommend for amendments
overcome shortcomings, if any;
(e) take up ace of violation of the provisions of the Consti-
tution and other laws relating to women with the’appropri-
ate authorities; —
(f) look into complaints and take suo motu notice of matters
relating to . Ton 7
(1) deprivation of women’s rights;
(i) non-implementation of laws enacted to provide protection
to women and also to achieve the objective of equality
and development; and
(1) non-compliance with policy decisions, guidelines or
instrtictions aimed at mitigating hardships and ensur-
ing welfare and providing relief to women, and take
up the issues arising of such matters with appropriate
(g) call for special studies or investigations into specific: prob-
lems or situations arising out of discrimination and atroci-
ties against women and identify the constraints so as to rec-
ommend strategies for their removal;
(h) undertake promotional and educational research so as to sug-
gest ways of ensufing due representation of women in all
spheres and identify factors responsible for impeding their
advancement, such as, lack of access to housing and basic
services, inadequate support services and technologies for
reducing drudgery and occupational health hazards and for
increasing their productivity;
() participate and advice on the planning process of socio-eco-
nomic development of women; 3
() evaluate the progress of the development of women under the
Union and any State;
(k) inspect or cause to be inspected a jail, remand home, wom-
en’s institution or other place of custody where women are
kept as prisoners or otherwise, take up with the concerned
authorities for remedial action, if found necessary;
() fund litigation involving issues affecting large body of
women; ‘ :
cal reports to the Govern ment on any matter
(m) make periodi
pertaining to women and in particular various difficulties
under which women toil; and
(n) any other matter which may be referred to it by the Central
604 Women and Law’s Response Thereto
Crimes against ”
l e N nen ,
itted by
The Central Government is required to place the report subm
NCW before each House of Parliament along with a memo
explaining the action taken or proposed to be taken or reasons for non-
acceptance, if any, of such recommendations. The NEW shall forw
a copy of any report or its part relating to any matter to which State
Government is concerned, which shall cause it to be placed before
the Legislature of the Sate along with action taken report. It is per-
tinent to note that the principle of cooperative federalism is invoked
for enhancing the efficacy of the Act. In order to look into the com-
plaints about deprivation of rights of women, the NCW. is vested with
the investigative powers as that of civil court. For this purpose, it can
summon and enforce attendance of any person, require discovery and
production of any document, receive evidences on affidavit, requisi-
tion public records, and-issue commissions for examining witnesses
and documents.
~Although the functions of NCW are generally relating to scrutinis-
ing and evaluating the data about protections available to women,
they are not confined only to that. Promotion of research on gender
justice, calling for special study on gender discrimination, inspection
of places of custodial detention, advising the planning process, and
funding of pro-women litigation reflect positive and activist role of
the NCW. No doubt, NCW is primarily a fact-finding body, and not a
remedial agency. But its advocacy and research functions and its-par-
ticipative role in plannin;; process raise high expectations about pro-
woman approaches. In the course of two decades of its functioning
the NCW has investigated some of the instances of sexual harassment;
suggested for reforms in legal provisions; drafted proposals of new
law like Domestic Violence Bill; and contributed to the growth of law
relating to rape by suggesting scheme for victim compensation.
13.13 Conclusions
14.1 Introduction
* Bandhua Mukti Morcha v. Union of India, (1984) 3 SCC 161: AIR 1984 SC 802.
> Cited by Justice Shivaraj Patil, “Children-Supreme Asset of the Nation” AIR 2000
Journal 49.
° Apastamba Dh.S, II-5-13 “danam krayadhrmascapatyasya na vidyate”; P.V. Kane,
History of Dharmashastra, Vol. III at p. 639 “abalanam balo rajah”.
” Book II Ch. 1 of Kautilya’s Arthashastra (Ed.), Shama Shastry (9th Edn., Padam,
Mysore 1988) at p. 47; Also see, Kanthi Rao, Bharatiya Nyaya Paddhati (Mysore 1985) at
p. 315.
Introduction ae
= 993 = se ueneerteainntdid doen 2b ll ar rrr
and the ultimate protection of the child and its property came from
the king because of the precept that king is fountain of strength to the
weak.’ Son was regarded as means of spiritual salvation. Family law
on maintenance, property right, adoption and marriage evinced desire
in safeguarding the interests of children.”
The western jurisprudence on rights of children started with par-
ent’s claim of patria potestas on behalf of children that the world at large
would not interfere with his custody and control of the child, with
the industrial services from the child and with the chastity of female
child." The interests protected in these contexts are primarily eco-
nomic interests of the parents to have the exclusive service of the child
rather than natural rights of children.** Children were considered only
as economic instruments for earning income for parents. Claiming
obedience, respect, service and economic support from the child was
within the legal capacity of the parent vis-a-vis the child. Obligation
towards child’s education, care and development was utmost a good
gesture and munificence rather than a binding principle.3 Employment
of child labour in hazardous works came into vogue as a boon to both
the employers and parents in Europe and North America in the back-
ground of increasing unemployment owing to industrial revolution.
Legislatures responded to the problem by imposing restrictions on
the evil practice. While the substantive due process approach of the
Apex Court in America came in the way of eradication of child labour,”
commerce clause was relied upon to uphold federal law restraining
the practice of child labour. In India the common law approach is
deviated from in the post-colonial period, as can be gathered from the
Supreme Court’s observation in Rosy Jacob case that “Children are not
mere chattels, nor are they playthings for their parents. Absolute rights
of parents over the destinies and the lives of their children has in the
modern times changed social conditions, yielded to the considerations
face the problem of “missing”. Since survival shall be with human dig-
nity, right to a name, nationality and access to family environment of
care is safeguarded by the Convention (Article 7). Right to protection
includes freedom from all forms of exploitation, physical or mental
violence, abuse (including sexual abuse), inhuman or degrading treat-
ment and neglect: Prohibition on child labour, protection in case of
separation from parents arising from adoption or other circumstance
(including juvenile justice system) and special protection in situations
of emergency and armed conflicts come within the protection policy
(Article 19). The right to deve includes
lopm the right
to education,
support for childhooddevelopment and care, social security, and the
right to leisure, recreation and cultural activities (Articles 27, 28 and
29). State’s duty to provide compulsory primary education, to expand
the opportunities of higher and vocational education and to mould
the educational system into an instrument of personality development
and preparation for responsible civic life has also been emphasised.
The right to participation includes respect for the views of the child,
freedom of expression, access to appropriate information, use of his
or her own language, and freedom of thought, conscience and religion
(Articles 12 to 18).
From the perspective of child welfare, three factors need greater
attention: first, all these rights are interconnected, and hence, their
comprehensive protection is vital. Second, all the state parties, soci-
ety, media and the voluntary organisations have specific and positive
responsibilities towards child welfare. Third, the private actors like
parents, adoptive parents, employers and other individuals who have
interface with child shall act with responsibility and seltf-restraint,
avoiding exploitation of children. The Government_of India. has rati-
fied the Convention in 1992 and committed itself to review national
and State legislations and bring them in line with the Convention
and to activate the administration and society to implement the basic
principles: This is in continuation of the constitutional commitment
towards elimination of child labour and exploitations, protection of
their health and promotion of their development through education
and other assistance.
As a result of all these factors, the legal system and the society as
a whole shall respond seriously to the policy of child welfare both
in minute details of legal norms and in their sincere implementation.
Since cooperation of, or control over the private actors 1s very much
in this
required for the success of legal policy, bringing social change
sphere through public action is a delicate task. The Oslo Confere
physical, men-
on Child Labour, 1997 observed, “Investment in the
children is an ethical,
tal, spiritual, moral, and social development of
610 Law, Child Welfare and Social Transformation
ention on
social, and economic imperative for all societies. The Conv
the Rights of the Child constitutes the legal framework for the
l and cultural
tion and protection of the civil, political, economic, socia
rights of all children in an integrated manner.” Child labour, inter
country adoption, sexual exploitation of children and compulsory pri-
mary education are some of the most problematic areas in which law's
efficacy is severely challenged. The present chapter lays focus on this
14.2.1 Background
In the pre-industrial agricultural society of India, children used to
work as-helpets ‘and learne inrsthe hereditaril y determined family
occupation under the benign supervision ofelders. The workplace was
extension of family atmosphere and the natureofwork wassimple due
to simple technology. The advent of industrialisation.and urbanisation
resulted in exodus of rural population to urban centers. The child had
to work as individual person and under an employer or without the
supervision of his guardian. Exposed to hazards of chemicals, poi-
Sons. and dangerous works; subjected to repetitive, monotonous and
unpromising drudgery; and-to widely stretched working hours with-
out adequate leisure and auequate pay, the children were imperiled-of
their physical health and mental growth. The industrial revolution
started in the West deprived the sources of traditional employment
and generated vast demands for manpower due to which child labour
became outrageously manifest. Child labour is a social evil becatse
of the
hazardsof the work, denial of opportunity for natural develop-
ment, exploitation arising from low wages, loss of bargaining power
‘on the part of adult workers due to availability
ofcheap child workers
and loss of valuable opportunity for schooling towards better equip-
ment with competence.” As the Committee on Child Labour (1979,
headed by Sri M.S. Gurupadaswamy) has concluded, “child labour is
economically unsound, psychologically disastrous and physically as
well as morally dangerous and harmful.”"8 af See. sar:
14.2.3 MBSCauses
Multitude of causes has engendered and perpetuated the problem
of child labour. Chronic poverty has been the major cause for child
labour. While half of India’s population lives below poverty line, the _
4 per cent of the land. In order
lower 50 per cent households own only
the family income, which is many a time dwindled by
ill hea h, death and drunkenness of elders, the children are compelled
to shed sweat of the brow.” The vicious circle of poverty, illhealth,
illiteracy, exploitation and child labour continue the unfortunate sit-
uation. Migration to urban places has also ended in the practice of
child labour. The Oslo Conference on Child Labour (1997) said, “Child
labour is bothaconsequence and a cause of poverty. Thus, strategies
for poverty reduction and elimination neéd to address this problem.
Use of child labour slows economic growth and social development,
and it constitutes a severe violation of basic human rights.” Secondly,
employers prefer children to adults, as they are active,
Child Rights in India
According to ILO it is23.2 millions in 1996. See, Asha Bajpai,
(Oxford University Press, New Delhi 2003) at p. 152.
sity Press, New Delhi
2” Lakshmidhar Mishra, Child Labour in India (Oxford Univer
2000) at p. 24.
Paper, “The Right to be a Child” (March 1994) at
21 UNICEF India Background
p. 18.
22 Supra, n. 16 at pp. 10-11.
612 Law, Child Welfare Transformation
and Social SS
to discipline or control
and amenable inaddition to being cheap. Some
of the works like carpet making and other finger works can be bet-
ter handled by children. Thirdly, education is regarded by the poorer
classes as confined to upper caste strata of society, and hardly relevant
for them. Number of children within the family also dissuades for
education. Fourthly, child workers are not organised on lines of tradé
unions, which can militantly agitate for their cause.
* Paras Diwan and Piyushi Diwan, Children and Legal Protection (Deep & Deep
Publications, New Delhi 1994) at p. 202.
Prohibition of child labour
i 613
In order to prohibit and eliminate worst forms of child labour the ILO
adopted Convention 182 in 1999, which prohibited the practice amidst
children up to the age of 18 years’. The worst forms of child labour
comprises: si 3 Tone
(a) all forms of slavery or practices similar to slavery, such as the
sale and trafficking of children, debt bondage and serfdom
and forced and compulsory labour, including forced or com-
pulsory recruitment of children for use in armed conflict;
(b) the. use, procuring or offering a child for prostitution,
for the production of pornography or for pornographic
performances; ~
(c) the use, procuring or offering of a child for illicit activities,
in particular for the production andtrafficking of drugs as
defined in the relevant international treaties; and
(d@) work-which, by its nature or the circumstances in which it is
carried out, is likely to harm the health, safety or morals of
children* (Article 3).
Each Member of the Convention shall design and implement pro-
grammes of action to eliminate as a propriety the worst forms of child
labour (Article 6.1); and taking into account the importance of education
in eliminating child labour, take effective and time-bound measures
to take preventive, protective, rehabilitative steps and ensure access to
basic education and vocational training for all children removed from
the worst forms of child labour (Article 7.2).
Since the above Conventions are human rights instruments, under
the approach adopted in Vishaka® and other cases and in view of the
Bangalore Declaration, judiciary regards it as filling the gap and influ-
encing the municipal law.
’ \
Asha Bajpai, supra, n. e19 at pp. on174-75. A Bill prepared by Kanti Singh in 2000
suggests for a comprehensiv definiti of the expression “hazardous work” followed
by elaborate measures for abolition, rehabilitation and welfare of child labour.
” Lakshmidhar Mishra, supra, n. 20 at p. 25; Z.M. Shahid Siddiqui, “Child Labour:
Prohibition and Regulation” (1994) I.L.I. Conference Proceedings on Children C-25 at
p it
Prohibition of child labour
exceed three hours, which shall be preceded
or follby
ow inter
ed val of
one hour. There 1s alsoprohib
upon empl
it oyin
io g child
nren in night
shift, for overtime or in dual establishments (Section 7). Provision
compulsory weekly holiday, requirement upon the employer
or occu-
pier to inform the details of child employment to the inspector
and to
maintain register about child workers and facilitating the conditions
of health and safety through observance of rules framed by the appro
priate Government are the other measures regulating the pract
of child labour (Sections 8, 9, 11, 13). However, in spite of regulatory
frameworkthe , very permission for child Tabour involves compro-
mise with the interests of childrenand has far reaching effect on their
career. About the payment of wages to the child \worker, the legislation
31 A. Srirama Babu v. Chief Secy., Govt. of Karnataka, ILR (1997) Kar 2269.
32 M_C. Mehta (Child Labour Matter) v. State of T.N., (1996) 6 SCC 756: 1997
49: AIR 1997 SC 699.
62U Law, Child Welfare and Social Transformation
child employed in
appointed under Section 17 would see that for each
employer pays Rs
violation of the provisions of the Act, the concerned
n as Child
20,000 which sum could be deposited in a fund to be know
Labour Rehabilitation-cum-Welfare Fund. The liability of the
would not cease even if he would desire to disengage the child
empioyed.” .
1958 (UK).
6 Paras Diwan, supra, n. 23 at p. 89; Adoption Act,
61 (1984) 2 SCC 244: AIR 1984 SC 469.
Re, Rasikla l Chhaganlal Metha, AIR
6 Re, Giovanni Marco Muzzu, AIR 1983 Bom 242;
1982 Guj 193.
632 : l Transformation
Law, Child Welfare and Socia
The international guidelines were on the following lines:
ns on
Group convened by the Secretary General of the United Natio
also the
“the request made by the Economic and Social Council as
Commission for Social Development adopted in 1978.a “Draft decla
tion on social and legal principles relatingto the protection and wel-
tare of children with special reference of foster placement and adop-
tion, nationally and internationally.” It declared that every child has
a tight to a family. Children who cannot remain in their biological
family should be placed in foster family or adoption in preference to
institutions, unless the child’s particular needs can best be met in a
specialised facility. Children for whom institutional care was formerly
regarded as the only option should be placed with families, both foster
and adoptive. The primary purpose of adoption is to provideaperma-
nent family for a child who cannot be cared for by his or her biological
family-In considering possible adoption placements, those responsible
for the child should select the most appropriate environment for the
particular child concerned. Sufficient time and adequate counseling
should be given to the biological parents to enable them to reach a
decision on their child’s future, recognising that it is in the child’s best
interest to reach this decision as early as possible. Legislation and serv-
ices should ensure that the child becomes an integral part of the adop-
a family. Every child has a right toafamily. Gneee
héreafter at the Regional Conference of Asia and Western Pacific
held by the International Council on Social Welfare in Bombay in 1981,
draft guidelines and procedure concerning inter-country adoption
were formulated. (4) In all inter-country adoption arrangements, the
welfare of the child shall be prime consideration. (2) Biological parents
shall not be subject to any duress in making a decision about adoption.
No commitment to an adoption plan shall be permitted before the
birth of child. After allowing parents a reasonable time to reconsider
any decision to relinquish a child for adoption, the decision should
become irrevocable. It is the responsibility of the appropriate author-
ity or agency to ensure that when the parents relinquish a child for
adoption all of the legal requirements are met. If the parents state a
preference for the religious upbringing of the child, these wishes shall
be respected as far as possible, but the best interest of the child will be
the paramount consideration. (3) Before any plans are considered for a
child to be adopted by foreigners, the appropriate authority or agency
shall consider all alternatives for permanent family-care Within the
child’s own country. A child-study report shall be prepared by profes-
sional workers (or experienced personnel who are supervised by such
qualified workers) of an appropriate authority of agency, to provide
information, which will form a basis for the selection of prospective
Adoption of children and related problems
Sci cesetcpcmepspu seesaremneres cee a ta 633
adopters for the child, assist with the child’s need to
know about his
original family at the appropriate time, and help the adoptive paren
understand the child and have relevant information about
him or her.
Before any adoption placement is finalised the child concerned
be consulted in a manner appropriate to his or her age and level of
development. (4) Regarding Adoptive parents it was required that in
addition tothe usual capacity for adoptive parenthood, they need to
have the capacity to handle the trans-racial, trans-¢tiltural and trans-
national“aspects of inter-country adoptions. Study report on them
should disclose information about parents and other members of
the family, emotional and intellectual capacities of prospective adop-
ters, and their motivation to adoption, relationship (marital, family,
relatives, friends, community), health, accommodation and financial
position and religious affiliations and/or attitudes. (5) Inter-country
adoption arrangements shouldbe made only through Government
Adoption Authorities (or agencies recognised by them) in both send-
ing and receiving countries. They shall have experienced staff with
professional social work education or experienced personnel super-
vised by such qualified workers. In cases where the adoption is not to
be finalised in the sending country after placement, it is the responsi-
bility of the appropriate authority or agency in both the sending and
receiving countries to ensure that the adoption is finalised as soon as
possible. (6) Appropriate authorities or agencies in receiving countries
shall ensure wat Where's adequate feedback to the appropriate authori-
tiés.or agencies in sending countries, both in rélation to inter-country
adoption generally and t6 individual children where required. Where
public attitude is known to be discriminatory or likely to be hostile on
grounds of race or colour, the appropriate authority or agency in the
sending country should not consider placement of the child. (7) It is
essential that in inter-country adoption child is given the same legal
status and rights of inheritance, as if she or he had been born to the
adoptive parents in marriage.
‘The Court referred to the Adoption of Children Bill, 1980 formulated
by the Government of India; which dealt with the problem of adop-
tion of Indian children by parents domiciled abroad. Section 23.of the
Bill mandates with penalty clause that it shall not be lawful for any
person to take or send out of India a child who is a citizen of India to
any place outside India with a view to the adoption of the child by any
person except under the authority of an order under Section 24. The
latter provision prescribes the procedure to be followed by, the District
Court for determining the applicant's intention to adopta child
thé law of or within the country in which he is domiciled, his desire
remove the child from India for the said purpose and to authorise the
634 Law, Child Welfare and Social Transformation
EE ee ne
applicant to remove the child for the purpose after satisfying that the
Central Government has certified to the effect that: >
i) the applicantis in its opinion a fit person to adopt the child;
(ii) the welfare and interests of the child-shallbe safeguarded
under the law of the country of domicile of the applicant;
(iii) the applicant has made proper provision by way of deposit or
bond orotherwise in accordance with the rules made under
this Act to enable the-ch ilded to India, should
ta be repatriat
it become necessary for any reason. _
In view of the absence of specific statutory law on the subject, the
Court relied upon the Guardians and Wards Act (8 of 1890) to require
that the prospective adopters shall obtain the status of a guardian after
satisfying the legal requirements. Section 17 of the Act provides that
in appointing guardian of a minor, the Court shall be guided by what,
consistently with the law to which the minor is subject, appears in the
circumstances to be for the welfare of the minor and in considering
what will be for the welfare of the minor, the Court shall have regard
to the age, sex, and religion of the minor, the character and capacity
of the proposed guardian and his nearness of kin to the minor, the
wishes, if any, of a deceased parent and any existing or previous rela-
tions of the proposed guardian with—the minor or his property.
1. When the parents of a child want to give it away in adoption or
when the child ‘s abandoned and it is considered necessary
in the interest of the child to give it in adoption, every effort
must be made first to find adoptive parents for it within the
2. Every application from a foreigner desiring to adopt a child
must be sponsored by a socialor child welfare agency
(SCWA) recognised or licensed by_the-Goverfiment of the
country-in which the-foreigner is resident,
and notby any
social or-welfare agency in India. This is essential primarily
for three reasons: (i) toreduce, if not eliminate altogether, the
possibility of profiteering and trafficking in children; (ii) to
know whether the foreigner would be suitable as a parent for
tHe child and whether he would be ablé to provide a stable
and secured family life to the child and would be able to han-
dle trans-racial, traris-cultural and trans-national problems
likely to arise from such adoption; (iii) to
have an authority
or agency in the country of the foreigner who could be made
responsible for supervising the progress of the child and
ensuring that the child is adopted at the earliest in accord-
ance with law and grows up in an atmosphere of warmth
Adoption of children and related problems
rt yO 635
and affection with moral and material security assur
ed to
it. Every such SCWA must be licensed or recognised by the
Government of the foreign country. All private adoptions
conducted by unauthorised individuals or agencies should
be stopped.
3. The foreigner’s application must be accompanied by a home
sttidy-report, family photograph and the SCWA’s disclosure
Of social and financial status of the foreigner and his dec-
laration and appropriate security that he will maintain the
child and provide for his education and upbringing.
4. The child study report should contain identifying informa-
tion, supported where possible by documents, about original
parents, including their health and details of the mother’s
pregnancy and birth; physical, intellectual and emotional
_development; health report prepared by a registered medi-
cal practitioner preferably by a paediatrician; recent pho-
tograph; present environment-category of care (own home,
foster homé, institution, etc.), relationship, routines and hab-
its; and social worker's assessment and reasons for suggest-
ing inter-country adoption.
5. The Government of India should prepare a list of SCWA
licensed or recognised for inter-country adoption by the
Government in various foreign countries and supply copies
of such list to the various High Courts in India as also to the
SCWA operating in India in the area of inter-country adop-
tion under licence or recognition from the Government of
India, who alone can process the application for inter-coun-
try adoption.
6. If the biological parents are known, they should be properly
assisted in making a decision about relinquishing the child
for adoption, by the Institution or Centre or Home for Child
Care or social or child welfare agency to which the child is
being surrendered. Before, a decision is taken by the biologi-
cal parents to surrender the child for adoption, they should
be helped to understand all the implications of adoption
including the possibility of adoption by a foreigner and they
should be told specifically that in case the child is adopted,
‘it would not be possible for them to have any further con-
tact with the child. The biological parents should _not be sub-
jected to any duress in making a decision. They should be
allowed to reconsider their decision within three months’ or
such further time as may be allowed to them. After this, the
636 Law, Child Welfare and Social Transformation
r can
procedure for giving the child in adoption to a foreigne
be initiated without any further reference to them.
i No notice under GWA should
be.issued to the biological par-
ents of the child, since it would create considerableamount
of embarrassment and hardship if the biological parents
were then to come forward and oppose the application of the
prospective adoptive parent for guardianship of the child; or
extort money from the adoptive parents; or involve in acts
resulting in emotional and psychological disturbance for the
_ The order will also include a condition that the foreigner who
is appointed guardian shall submit to the Court and to the
concerned SCWA, progress reports of the child along with
a recent photograph quarterly during the first two years’,
and half yearly for the next three years’. The Court may also
while making the order permit the SCWA which has taken
care of the child pending its selection for adoption to receive
such amount as the Court thinks fit from the foreigner who
is appointed guardian of such child. The order appointing
guardian shall carry, attached to it, a photograph of the child
duly countersigned by an officer of the Court. This entire
procedure shall be completed by the Court expeditiously.
The SCWA which is looking after the child selected by a pro-
spective adoptive parent, may legitimately receive from
such”prospéctive adoptive parent, maintenance expenses
from the date of selection of the child by him until the date
the child leaves for goingto its new home. A foreigner may
‘make voluntary donation to any SCWA only after the child
has reached the country of its prospective adoptive parent.
10. The recognised SCWA must insist upon the approval of a
specific known child and once that approval is obtained,
it should immediately proceed to make an application for
appointment of the foreigner as guardian of the child. There
should hardly be any scope for a SCWA or individual who
brings a child from another State for the purpose of being
given in adoption to indulge in trafficking and such a pos-
sibility would be reduced to almost nil.
ee Ifa child is to be given in inter-country adoption, it would be
desirable that it is givenin such-adoption as far as-possible
before it completed the age of three years’. There can be no
hard and fast rule in this connection. But children above the
age of seven years’ may be given in inter-country adoption
after their wishes are ascertained. ;
Adoption of children and related problems
a Pe Raa 6 lp rrr 637
Pursuant to the directions given in the abovejudgment, the Government
of India proceeded to recognise and list various SCWA in India for
the purpose of inter-country adoption. Through its diplomatic mis-
sions abroad, it collected and listed the names of the SCWA in foreign
countries recognised by their respective Governments for sponsoring
applications of foreigners for taking a child in adoption. It circulated
copies of such lists to all the High Courts in the country with a request
to the High Courts to send copies of the two lists to the District Courts
within their respective jurisdiction
Some difficulties arose about implementation of the directions
and some more clarifications were required. In Laxmi Kant Pandey v.
Union of India®, the Court resolved the difficulties by issuing further
1. The scrutinising agency appointed by the Court for the pur-
pose of assisting it in reaching the conclusion as to whether
it would be in the interest of the child to be given in adoption
to the foreign parents must not in any manner be involved in
placement of children in adoption, lest it may disturb objec-
tive and impartial evaluation.
2. Incase of disruption in the family of the petitioner the SCWA
sponsoring the application must undertake that in such case
of disruption before adoption can be effected, it will take
care of the child and find a suitable alternative placement
for it with the approval of the concerned SCWA in India and
with intimation to the court handling the guardianship pro-
ceedings, the SCWA and the Secretary, Ministry of Social
Welfare, Government of India. Regarding the consequence
of disruption of adopter’s family after adoption, the Court
left the matter to the governance of the concerned foreign
country’s law since the child gets the nationality of the con-
cerned foreign country.
3. The scrutinising agency should not be asked to make any
inquiries before a child is offered in adoption to a foreigner
or a petition for appointment of a foreigner as guardian is
filed in court.
4. The primary responsibility for ensuring that the child is
legally free for adoption must be that of the SCWA process-
ing the application of the foreigner for guardianship of the
child. The agency should not readily assume that children
including cradle babies who are found abandoned are legally
free for adoption. Such children must be produced before
form an act of sexual intercourse or any unlawful sexual act for hire,
as was the connotation of the term in the original Act. The amendment
has brought within its frame, the act of a female and exploitation of
her person for commercial purpose by any person making use of the
unjust advantage of her situation of trapping for one’s benefit or sexual
intercourse. The word “abuse” has a very wide meaning. Everything,
which is contrary to good order established by usage, amounts to
abuse. Physical or mental maltreatment also is an abuse. An injury
to genital organ in an attempt of sexual intercourse also amounts to
sexual abuse.
The factors contributing to the practice of child prostitution include
socio-cultural factors such as family members’ involvement in prostitu-
tion, early marriage and. desertion, ignorance and illiteracy, traditional
acceptance of the profession by”the community, réligious and cultural
customs like offering into Devadasi, Basavi or Venkatasani systems,
bad company and Tack of sex education.” Poverty, unemployment and
harassment are the economic reasons. Organised flesh trade racket,
sex tourism and apathetic attitude of police and administration are
the systemic Causes for its perpetuation. The magnitude of child pros-
titution is quite high amounting to 30 per centof the total prostitutes.
According to one estimate, the number of girl prostitutes in four metro
** The Committee was appointed b y the Supreme Court in Gaurav Jain v. Union of
India, (1997) 8 SCC 114: AIR 1997 SC 3021.
Legal protection against sexual exploitation 643
° Upendra Baxi (II) v. State of U.P., (1986) 4 SCC 106: 1986 SCC (Cri) 381: AIR 1987 SC
”° Gaurav Jain v. Union of India, (1997) 8 SCC 114: AIR 1997 SC 3021.
”” “Neglected juvenile” which is more relevant for the purpose of this case, has
been defined in Section 2(1) to mean a juvenile who:
(i) is found begging; or
(ii) is found without having any home or settled place of abode and without any
ostensible means of subsistence and is destitute; or
(iit) has a parent or guardian who is unfit or incapacitated to exercise control over
the juvenile; or
('v) lives in a brothel or with a prostitute or frequently goes to any place used for
the purpose of prostitution, or is found to associate with any prostitution or
any other person who leads an immoral, drunken or depraved life; or
(v) who is being or is likely to be abused or exploited for immoral or illegal
purposes or unconscionable gain.
Legal protection against sexual exploitation 645
aL eliotn enc rrr
9 of the JJ Act is_ajuvenile home. The objectof the Act is not to punish
the juve
to rehabilitate him or her. The State shall establish a
juvenile home under Section 9 of the JJ Act and provide by a notifica-
tion, for any area specified in the notification, one or more Juvenile
Welfare Boards for exercise of the powers and discharging the duties
conferred or imposed, under the JJ Act, in relation to neglected juve-
niles. Every child who is found to be neglected juvenile should be dealt
by the Board and should be brought within the protective umbrella
ofthe juvenile home. The attribtition as “neglected children” is not
social stizrfia:the purpose is toidentify the children as juveniles to be
dealt with under the JJ Act which is more reformative and rehabilita-
tive rather thai punitive. In an appropriate case, where the treatment
of bringing the neglected juvenile into the national mainstream takes
long time, the definition coupled with age prescription, should not be
strictly interpreted to deny the ameliorative care, consideration and
rehabilitation of the neglected juveniles.
The Court appointed a Committee under.the chairmanship of V.C.
Mahajan to report about the rehabilitation policy. The Committee sug-
gested for constituting Child Development and Care Centres_to pro-
”? Gaurav Jain v. Union of India, (1997) 8 SCC 114: AIR 1997 SC 3021.
Legal protection against sexual exploitation 647
temples and charitable institutions etc. They are void under Article
13 of the Constitution of India and punishable under the law. Penal
enactments provide for abolition thereof. The Court referred to contin-
uation of the practice in six districts of Karnataka viz. Raichur, Bijapur,
Belgaum, Dharwar, Bellary and Gulbarga where their number is iden-
tified as 21,306; in five districts of Andhra Pradesh, namely, Medak,
Karimnagar, Nizamabad, Nalgonda and Warangal, where the number
of Jogins amounted to 16,300; and in Vidarbha regions of Maharashtra,
where they are found in large number. The common features of
such women is that predominently they are from Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes-and other Backward Classes. The eldest girl in every
familyis being offered’as Devadasi, Jogin or Venkatasin. Sometimes, they
do redeem the pledge made to the Gods or Goddesses, etc. Original
families of these Devadasis, Jogins or Venkatasins were by and large poor.
They are primarily agriculturallabourers having no access to credit
facilities or literacy. The eldest girl in each family is driven to prosti-
tution. The system has been in existence for years’ as a result of lack
of awareness about the exploited Segments of the Devadasis etc. Many
families which dedicated their girls, do’so due tothe pursuit of cus-
tomary practices. The court regarded that economic rehabilitati6n and
education are the factors that prevent the practice of dedication of the
young girls to the prostitution as Devadasis, Jogins or Venkatasins as they
give resistance to such exploitation. They are being rehabilitated with
the help of vocational training centres set up in Maharashtra giving
preferential admission into educational training institutes; they are
admitted into informal adult education. In Karnataka, devadasi women
have been assisted under DWCRA schemes in various districts, in par-
ticular six districts, where an extensive devadasi rehabilitation pro-
gramme is in full force. The Karnataka State Women’s Development
Corporation and the Karnataka State Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribe Development Corporation are implementing this programme in
the aforesaid six districts where the phenomenan of devadasi system
is being observed; trzining is imparted in hand-weaving, 50 per cent
subsidy is given in weaving; good work-shed is given to them free
of costs; income assistance like micro-business enterprises, rope and
basket making etc. are being provided to devadasi women for rehabili-
tating them. Training in production of soap, chalk and Khadi and in
weaving activities is being imparted in Andhra Pradesh. Karnataka
State also has taken the lead in forming self-helping group of devadasis;
a thrift and saving programme is being implemented in some areas.
The Court perused the facts that NGOs in these three States
playing important role in implementation of various programmes
they were largely concentrating on generating awareness among these
Pee Law, Child Welfare and Social Transformation
education, and with a view to achieving this right progressively and on the basis of
equal opportunity, they shall, in particular:
(a) make primary education compulsory and available free to all;
(b) encourage the development of different forms of secondary education,
including general and vocational education, make them available and
accessible to every child, and take appropriate measures such as the
introduction of free education and offering financial assistance in case of
(c) make higher education accessible to all on the basis of capacity by even
appropriate means;
(d) make educational and vocational information and guidance available and
accessible to all children.
(e) take measures to encourage regular attendance at schools and the
of dropout rates.
that school
2. State Parties shall take all appropriate measures to ensure
a manner consiste nt with the child’s human dignity and
discipline is administered in
in conformity with the present Convent ion.
654 Law, Child Welfare and ‘ Social Transformation
of the
legislative and administrative preparations, the commencement
86th Amendment is delayed as it is not yet (as on January 2009)
fied in the Official Gazette.
(b) inquire into complaints relating to child’s right to free and compul-
sory education. Grievance redressal scheme is also formulated.
In contrast, the Karnataka Compulsory Primary Education Bill,
2005, which supplements the existing Karnataka Education Act, 1983
that elaborately provides for quality education, has a specific focus
on total enrolment of children and elimination of drop-outs through
the active involvement of NGOs, teachers, parents, local authorities
and Government. It shall be the duty of parent of every child to make
admission of the child to an approved school whether public or private
school and cause the child to regularly attend the school. The duty is
enforceable through sanctions such as withdrawal of state-extended
facilities in case of unjustified failure to perform the duty. This can
be favourably compared with the legislative policy suggested Dalveer
Bhandari, J. in Ashoka Kumar Thakur®. Compulsion to launch pub-
lic awareness programme, creative role of School Development and
Monitoring Committee, NGO's role in assisting census of eligible chil-
dren, Attendance Authority’s supervision to prevent drop-outs, mean-
ingful rapport between school and the Panchayat’s Standing commit-
tee on Education and obligation of teachers and panchayat members”
towards the policy of compulsory education exhibit the policy of con-
certed efforts to be activated by all the concerned. In view of the fact
that right to elementary education is conipulsory, a stringent duty-
based approach is envisaged here.
The Parliament adopted “The Right of Children to Free and
Compulsory Education Bill, 2009” on 4 August 2009, which primarily
reflects the features of RCFCE Bill 2008. The 2009 Bill has envisaged to
provide elementary education, as far as possible, in the mother tongue
of the child. While 25 per cent of seats in every private school would
be allocated for children from disadvantaged groups including differ-
ently abled children at entry level, as far as minority institutions were
concerned up to 50 per cent of those seats could be offered to students
from their communities. The Centre’s move is described by the Union
Human Resources Minister, Kapil Sibal as “a national enterprise to
shape India’s future”, and not to interfere with the State Government's
to provide elementary education. The defects pointed out by some
88 “The current patchwork of laws on compulsory education is
to ensure that Art. 21-A is impleme nted. The
Monetary fines do not go far enough
ion that: (a) provide s low-inc ome parents or
Central Government should enact legislat
that they may afford to send their children
guardians with financial incentives such despite
who receive financia l incentiv es and
to schools; (b) criminally penalises those e
work; (c) penalise s employe rs who preclud
such payment send their children to the
include imprisonment;
children from attending schools; (d) the penalty should
example . The State is obligated under Art. 21-A
aforementioned Bill would serve as an
observed D. Bhandari, J. Ashoka
to implement free and compulsory education in toto”,
India, (2008) 6 SCC 1.
Kumar Thakur v. Union of
Law, Child Welfare and Socia l Transformation
658 ‘
pre-primary educa-
about the Bill include: non-inclusion of right to
rhood of school;
tion; ignoring the principle of access to real neighbou
allowing of
continued differences between public and private schools;
mechanism for
the trend of privatization and commercialization; and
time-bound implementation of the law.
14.6 Conclusions
Children’s inevitable dependence upon others and their vulnerability
have been the immediate causes of their exploitation whereas the over-
all social atmosphere of poverty, illiteracy and helplessness push them
to the wall. For protecting them from private actors, law strives hard
in umpteen ways. The fact that private actors are parents and guard-
ians and the agencies that exploit include employers and flesh trade
racketeers makes the legal task complex. Law’s policy is traditionally
influenced by the instruments of sticks rather than humanised by the
carrots of social benefits. But latest trend is to humanise through benef-
icent actions. Society, both domestic and global, has grown beyond
freeing the child from exploitations of numerous types. Childcare and
child development are the modern mantras for offering to children
the joyous ambience of right to be child. Health, education and secu-
rity are inevitable and interlinked inputs for their development. For
making them available, the private actors need to be cautioned, cajoled
and coerced. Since mere legal framework cannot do that, people’s par-
ticipation and creative leadership of the NGOs and civil society make
tremendous contribution to the success of the legal policy. The whole
legal regime ranging from international human rights instruments to
constitutive laws and down to local administrative circulars, whether
relating to eradication of child labour or streamlining the adoption
and fosterage arrangements or rescuing from sexual exploitation or
effectuating the policy of compulsory primary education, has increas-
ingly relied on this bottom up approach. From the perspectives of law-
society interaction, the signs of healthy development are visible.
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Part IV
MN Memeba Peta aed a
1 Syed Husain Alatas, Modernisation and Social Change (Angus and Robertson,
Sydney 1972) cited in Ram Ahuja, Indian Social System (Rawat Publications, New Delhi
2002) at p. 415. Application of rationality, search for truth, and inventive attitude is its
2 Lloyd Rudolph and Susanne Rudolph, The Modernity of Tradition: Political
Development in India (Chicago University Press, Chicago 1967); see also, Satish Deshpande,
“Modernisation” in Veena Das (Ed.), Sociology and Social Anthropology (Oxford Universit
Press, New Delhi 2003) at p. 63. James O’ Conell identifies following changes
Modernisation and
ee Law
religion-motivated society to individualistic, materialistic and ratio
one is implicit in the process of modernisation? T.N. Madan views
in a deeper sense, modernity means enlargement of human freedom
and enhancement of the range of choices open to a people in respect
of things that matter, including their present and future lifestyle.* But
modernity is not an ultimate point of development. Dissatisfied with
modernity’s contribution and its side effects, going back to some of the
essential features of the traditional, communitarian, natural and plu-
ralistic social pattern has been experienced in post-modernist think-
ing and social action. The pendulum like movement between the two
extremes is one of the forces that compel balancing between change
and continuity and decide the destiny of social progress. As Madan
admits, modernity does not mean total break from the past. Atal Bihari
Vajapayee observed, “Since time immemorial Indian society has rested
on the three pillars of morals, ethics and values. Modernism does not
mean repudiation of what lies at the core of Indian identity. Indeed, a
modern India must also be a moral India. It is only when modernity
and morality combine that we can have a forward looking, forward
moving India, a country whose future would be known for its ‘mani-
fold greatness’.
Exposure of strong traditional India to colonial rule, western educa-
tion and western civilisation had opened up three alternative or com-
posite avenues before her: (i) asserting tradition to prevail over moder-
nity, absorbing or obstructing it successfully; (i) allowing modernity
to prevail over tradition, marginalising the glory of the past; and (i1)
allowing modernity and tradition to coexist.° For Indian multicultural
society, which deeply revered the past and internalised patriarchic and
religious outlook in day to day life, but was awakening with rational-
ism and aspiring for modern values of democracy, the choice of sin-
gle solution for all issues was over-simplification of a difficulty. As
Change in India
7 Ibid, at pp. 66-67; Ram Ahuja, at pp. 416-17; Yogendra Singh, Social
(Har Anand Publications, New Delhi 1993) at pp. 12-13. .
® MN, Srinivas, Social Change in Modern India (California University Press,
1966) at pp. 2-5. a axe
Society in India (Oxfor d Univers ity
9 TN. Madan, Pathways: Approaches to the Study of
press, Delhi 1995) at p.18.
Yogendra Singh, supra, n. 3 at pp. 202-05.
666 Modernisation and Law
to a people in respect of things that matter, including their present and
future lifestyles. This means being in charge of oneself. a .
Gunnar Myrdal finds fault with “soft state” policy of postcolonial
India for extending the phase of modernisation. While the problem
of development required induced changes in the institutional and
social structure owing to lack of spontaneous changes, traditional
institutions and values were insurmountable obstacles to modernisa-
tion, which could not be cleared by “soft state” institution of moder-
nity. With a strong state it is easier to bring big changes rapidly than
to bring small changes gradually. His idea of upward movement of
whole social system through the lever of strong state is representing
“top down” model, which was not envisaged by the Indian approach
of modernisation.”
Indian society’s approach of openness to external influence but
determination to steadfastly fasten itself to the roots is picturesquely
depicted by Gandhiji when he said that he was for keeping all the
doors and windows of his house open to allow gushing in of the wind
of influence but would stand firm lest the winds carry away his feet by
force. It was not the western concept of capitalism, but it was the ideol-
ogy and imperative of welfarism that could shape the Sarvodaya con-
cept as an instrument of modernisation by Gandhiji and his followers.
Jawaharlal Nehru was inspired by Soviet plans to build up social free-
dom and socialist structure without which “neither the country nor
the individual could develop much.” His effort of synthesising East
and the West in formulating the contours modern mind is expressed
in the following observation:
“The modern mind, that is to say the better type of the modern mind, is
practical and pragmatic, ethical and social, altruistic and humanitarian.
It is governed by a practical idealism for social betterment. The ideals,
which move it, represent the goals of the age, the Zeitgeist, the Yugad-
harma. It has discovered to a large extent the philosophic approach of
the ancients, their search for ultimate reality, as well as the devotinalism
and mysteries of the medieval period. Humanity is its god and social
science its religion.”"4
Planned development of the society with above ideology was one of
the most important instruments of modernisation. Creation of open
society and of new institutions, and acceptance of change in the ideas,
"Supra, n. 4.
Gunnar Myrdal, Asian Drama, Vol. I (Penguin Press, London 1968) at pp. 34-35.
See supra, Ch. 1.
Jawaharlal Nehru, Discovery of India (JNM Fund and Oxford University Press,
New Delhi 1946, 1989) at p. 557.
Constitutional perspective of modernisation
institutions and social structures constitute components of
As a means of social transformation, law has been exposed to the
needs, methods and problems of modernisation. Equally has oper-
ated its sway in accommodating social resilience into traditional
methods. Social practice has also experienced resilience to tradition-
alism. Organic farming, communitarian life through Panchayati Raj,
increased focus on traditional knowledge on medicine and bio-diver-
sity, swadeshi, ideals of harmonious family, conservation of nature,
respect for diverse cultures and ancient legal concepts, and recognition
of plurality are some of the features of post-modernist development.
The recent post-modernist thinking and social policy have influenced
legal policy also. Internalising both the modernisation process and the
post-modernist traditionalism in keeping with the basic goals of the
supreme law is one of prominent approaches of law. It is possible to
discern definite policies meticulously built in the Constitution about
the modality of modernisation. The domain of family law has experi-
enced operation of two powerful forces: adherence to tradition sans
perversion and modernisation through inclusion of human rights and
welfare principles in intra familial relations.’* International dimension
of modernisation operates in two contexts: first, expansive influence
of international human rights and modern international principles;
and second, far-reaching impact of international economic policies
and institutions that spearhead the much publicised Liberalisation,
Privatisation and Globalisation. Further, modernisation arising from
technological development is responded or facilitated by law. The
present chapter deals with these issues.
23 Mohd. Hanif Quareshi v. State of Bihar, AIR 1958 SC 731: 1959 SCR 629.
4 State of Gujarat v. Mirzapur Moti Kureshi Kassab Jamat, (2005) 8 SCC 534.
670 Modernisation and Law
ee cee eRe EEN NE NESS
and overruled the earlier position on the subject. The judgment gives
post-modernist critique of green revolution and recognises the holistic
approach of organic farming.
Education as a means of modernisation is greatly realised by the
Constitution Makers when they enacted Article 45 to obligate upon the
state to ensure within 10 years’ free and compulsory education to all
children below the age of 14 years’. By 86th Constitution Amendment,
this is made Fundamental Right under Article 21-A. In cases on right
to education, the Supreme Court has referred to the importance on
education in freeing the society from blind beliefs and prejudices and
equipping the people with ability to enter competitive life with con-
fidence. As noted by the National Commission to review the working
of the Constitution, the extent of achieving access to basic necessities
of life, especially by knowing better health practice or having better
means of-tiving, is more in states having greater literacy rate (like
Kerala) than those without it (like Madhya Pradesh). Modernisation
in some states has assumed the shape of expanding the facilities and
scope for professional and technical education so that the demand for
skilled human resource could be properly met along with augment-
ing the economic capability of the younger generation. The big change
in the economic scene of such individuals and families owing to this
development has the snowball effect. New educational institutions
and technological or management schools have become new economic
power houses altering the face of urban centers. In Islamic Academy case
S.B. Sinha, J. observed:
“Excellence in professional education must be viewed from the eco-
nomic interest in the country. In order to compete with the other devel-
oped countries, GDP of India should be around 15 per cent instead of
present rate of 5 per cent. This can be achieved only by producing stu-
dents of excellence, which can be achieved only by encouraging institu-
tions of excellence imparting professional education to those who are
meritorious. Giving encouragement to the students, having better merit
will, thus, have a direct nexus with the economic and consequently the
national interests of the country. The right of development from the
human right point of view must be construed liberally. When there are
two competing human rights namely human rights for the religious
minorities and the human rights for development, having regard to the
economic and national interest of the country in the matter of admis-
sion of students, the latter should be allowed to prevail subject to protec-
tion of the basic minority rights. The State may have to strike a delicate
balance between these two competing rights.”?5
* Islamic Academy of Education v. State of Karnataka, (2003) 6 SCC 697: AIR 2003 SC
3724 at p. 3785.
Setutional perspe ctive modernisation
IRR ofLRN SR SNS pe ld 671
Along with mushrooming growth of professional and technical edu-
cational institutions, the need to control them from the perspective of
right to equality in access to education, maintenance of quality, pro-
motion of equity and avoidance of abuse has also been addressed and
realised in judicial verdicts and statutory measures.”®
Modernisation through Uniform Civil Code is contemplated in
Article 44. In order to break down the hierarchy within the family aris-
ing out of patriarchic dominance, it was considered that family law
should be restructured. Although personal law’s connection with reli-
gion is remote, due to glorification of its cultural background, reform
of Muslim personal law could not take place to the extent required.”
Reform of Hindu Law through Hindu Code made an attempt at partial
modernisation. But the progress towards accomplishment of reforms
was piece-meal and slow. Christian personal law, which also needs
legal reforms, still remains unsatisfactory. The concept of Uniform
Civil Code as the method of modernisation is practically replaced by
piecemeal reform of specific community’s personal law depending
upon the extent of their preparedness to accept the change, the extent
of infirmities in the personal law and political choice. But the justifi-
cation given to Uniform Civil Code that it is an instrument of social
unity, harmony and national integration is not supported by reality
since the link between the two is not well established.
This reflects again the role of continuity, identity and change as com-
ponents of modernisation. Gender justice within each personal law has
not been superimposed by judiciary as a requirement of right to equal-
ity. But recognition of right to maintenance as a component of right to
dignified life has provided some solace. Judiciary’s repeated exhorta-
tion on Uniform Civil Code and legislature’s unenthusiastic approach
have been the features of modernisation discourse.** The question of
competence to author change—whether it is state or the community's
body like Muslim Personal Law Board that should initiate and intro-
duce change—has also complicated the problem of modernisation.
Modernisation of employer-employee relations by providing vari-
ous types of protection to workers—living wages, just and humane
conditions of work, maternity relief, public assistance in case of unem-
ployment, old age, sickness, disablement and other cases of unde-
served want is also contemplated (Articles 41-43). This has provided
sound guidance for the growth of labour law to contribute towards
social transformation. State’s duty to promote with special care the
Krishnan, J.P.
26 Haryana Financial Corpn. v. Jagdamba Oil Mills, (2002) 3 SCC 496; Unni
v. State of A.P., (1993) 1 SCC 645: AIR 1993 SC 2178.
7 For elaborate discussion see infra, Ch. 16.
8 See infra, Ch. 16.
672 Moderni
in Lu and
sation SE Law
5 CA ee rR Mss tpi SIE
educational and economic interests of weaker sections including SC/
STs and to protect them from social injustices and exploitations (Article
46) has also the objective of modernisation.
Organisation of village panchayat and endowing them with pow-
ers to enable them to function as units of self-government (Article 46)
is reviving the old social institution at grass root level. Continuity of
traditional institution and value along with parliamentary democ-
racy at the State and Union level is a veritable compound of continu-
ity and change. The very use of Panchayati Raj Institution for social
transformation is a healthy strategy borne out of balanced approach
to modernity.”? Respect to tradition is also rendered by obligating the
state to protect monuments and places and objects of artistic, historic
or national importance (Article 49). Thus, the Directive Principles have
used the strategy of combining continuity and change in the process
of modernisation.
Healthy synthesis between continuity and change can be found as
the major pattern of modernisation contemplated in the constitutional
provisions on fundamental duties? They appeal to citizens’ attention
for preserving the loveable past and for projecting a laudable future.
They gain considerable importance as they address to the issues of
modalities and aims of change through conscious and committed par-
ticipation by the citizenry2" Two sets of duties can be noted in this
The first set is about change. Article 51-A(i) prescribes the duty to
develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and
reform. Developing scientific temper entails upholding rational out-
look, shedding superstition, acquiring new knowledge and abandoning
obsolete learning. Humanism is a sense of regarding others as human
beings with empathising warmth of heart. Spirit of inquiry urges for
facts whereas reform enthuses with the zeal for setting things right.
Unusual religious and ritualistic practices devoid of humanism shall
be put an end to with full determination. Supreme Court in Susheel
Murmu and other cases sternly dealt with the acts of human sacrifice
by imposing death penalty against the offender, cautioned against
occurrence of such inhuman acts in future, and upheld the human
values? The Court observed:
#2 bid, at p. 27.
43 bid, at p. 31.
676 Modern isatio
eSca,oe ne Lawaes
n and Ce,
ia eR en see
new happy world. They constitute majority in the General Assembly
and their impact is reflected in the General Assembly resolutions and
declarations that express their fears, hopes and concern. Yet, their col-
lective strength for bargaining is not well demonstrated due to diver-
sity of interests and lack of solidarity.
Modern international law has more frequently pierced the surface
of municipal law and infused into its numerous layers, the message of
humanism, welfare and cooperation. In contrast to the war era where
political diplomacy and race for dominance sidelined the purpose of
law, the post-war scenario witnessed revival of natural law ideology
in the international legal policy and keen interest in the sociologi-
cal aspects of international law especially in the domain of interna-
tional human rights and institutional arrangements for international
cooperation. McDougal’s description of the function of international
legal rules as one to communicate the perspectives (demands, iden-
tifications and expectations) of the peoples of the world about the
comprehensive process of authoritative decision at the international
level and their national application opens up the social vista of inter-
national law.* The search for binding quality of international law in
the ultimate acceptance of world society and the analysis of legitimacy
of international law in transparency, validation, coherence and adher-
ence have refocused the blurring dichotomy between international law
and municipal law.‘* Recognition of new sources of law—state prac-
tice, juristic opinion, acade.nic writings, etc.—has increasingly relied
on social side of international law. The exponential growth of human
rights law through international human rights instruments has a great
humanising and the consequent social transformation dimension. In
the domain of rights of indigenous communities, women, children,
racial minorities, disabled persons and displaced persons, the gradu-
ally evolved tall human rights standards have great transformative
effect.” They have stimulated great many nations to incorporate those
values into the domestic system and bring ameliorative effect benefit-
ing the vulnerable sections of the society. Better human right situa-
tion has been both standard and mechanism for social transformation.
The social side of international law has strongly and convincingly
expressed itself through the brooding omnipresence of human rights
Brushing aside the controversy of monism and dualism, the interac-
tion of norms at both the planes has cast creative impact upon social
“Ibid, at p. 35.
*° M.S. McDougal, “A Footnote”, (1963) 57 AJIL at p. 383.
*° Malcolm Shaw, op. cit., at p. 51.
” See supra, Chs. 5, 6, 10, 12, 13, 14.
a nisation’s international dimensions
Ci 677
life if one looks to the mammoth international human rights
dence. India has travelled beyond specific adoption theory and
in the
Bangalore Declaration of 1994 new avenue for judicial incorporat
of international human rights law has been opened. In construct-
ing new facets of right to human dignity especially in the context of
rights of women and children, and in the matter of positive rights like
right to food, health, environment and security from torture, interna-
tional legal instruments have played a significant role of strengthen-
ing human rights jurisprudence in India.” The ensuing contribution
to the cause of social transformation is also remarkable one. For exam-
ple, law’s silence in the matter of protection of woman at workplace
against sexual harassment could be filled with a new voice of human
rights by referring to international human rights law in Vishaka, whose
social fall out is abundantly expanding its ripples>° A strong consti-
tutional protection of human rights could be visualised and built
through internalising such norms ever since absorbing the influence
of Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the very making of the
Indian Constitution. By providing elegant philosophical input, theo-
retical thrust and practical guidance through supervisory institutions
or energising fora, the modernising function is admirably performed
by international human rights law so as to reach the common man. The
functions of International Labour Organisation, FAO and ECOSOC
have been quite important in this regard.
Another sphere of modernising influence is that of international
environmental law." Problems of ozone depletion, global warming,
climate change, trans-boundary atmospheric pollution require inter-
national cooperation and solution. Depending upon its legal nature,
hard or soft, its legal impact is experienced in national legal system. In
both the contexts, it has been more than mere moral statement or pious
aspiration. It socialises society’s members to behave in a particular
manner with regard to nature. The efficacy of mechanism for recep-
tion for and response to international obligations in the domestic front
counts a lot for this absorption.” India has been enthusiastic party to
48 It provides that the judiciary shall incorporate the human rights guaranteed in
international instruments in the course of adjudication of cases unless inconsistent
with municipal law. The principle is applied in Masilamani, Chandrima Das, and other
49 See generally, P. Ishwara Bhat, Fundamental Rights Eastern Law House (Kolkata
2004) Chs. 8 and 15.
” Vishaka v. State of Rajasthan, (1997) 6 SCC 241.
51 Malcolm Shaw, op. cit., at pp. 585-89.
World Order (West
52 Lakshman D. Guruswamy, International Environmental Law and
1999) Ch. 3; Peter H. Sand, “The Evolution of International
Group, St. Paul Minn
in Daniel Bodansky (Ed.), International Environmental Law
Eacirouiwental Law”
678 Modernisation and Law
numerous international environmental treaties, conventions and pro-
tocols. Some of the norms of international environmental law, which
cast indelible impact upon domestic law and policy in India, can be
perused for understanding the direction and nature of social transfor-
mation. The 1972 Stockholm Declaration on the Human Environment
has quite importantly stated that the States’ sovereign rights to exploit
their resources are so exercisable that activities within their jurisdic-
tion or control do not cause damage to the environment of other states
or of areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. Emergence of
state’s duty to notify and consult with other-systems to prevent harm
to neighbouring countries’ environment when it undertakes any oper-
ation within its own territory is another development. Recognition of
right to wholesome environment as a component of right to life under
Article 21 of the Indian Constitution through judicial interpretation
is one of the positive contribution of international law2? Some of the
landmark legislation like Environment Protection Act, Water and Air
Acts and various regulatory measures framed there under are traceable
to the influence of international law. In fact, India’s subscription to the
conventions provided a source of legislative power. The influence of
catena of principles of international environmental law that got incor-
porated into Indian legal system by judicial receptivity and legislative
internalisation cannot be forgotten when problems of industrialisation
or commercialisation had to be tackled through appropriate policy of
“modernising” by balancins between continuity and change “Polluter
pays principle” “precautionary principle” and “principles of sustain-
able development” and inter-generational equity were elaborated
and applied to provide specific remedies. In Vellore Citizens’ Welfare
Forum case Justice Kuldip Singh gave a detailed analysis of the growth
of international legal concept of sustainable development as part of
customary international law and applied it in giving comprehensive
direction to clean the pollution created by some tanneries in Tamil
Nadu.*State’s duty to anticipate, prevent and attack the causes of envi-
ronmental degradation and duty to act with all promptness have been
carved out from the precautionary principle.
Commercial exploitation of resources resulting in environmental
degradation has been a cause of concern for both international envi-
ronmental law and international human rights law in the contexts
where indigenous people's rights regarding environment are at stake.
(Oxford University Press, Oxford 2007) at pp. 29, 37.
°° Subhash Kumar v. State of Bihar, (1991) 1 SCC 598: AIR 1991 SC 420 at p. 424; M.C.
Mehta v. Union ofIndia, (1992) 3 SCC 256 at p. 257; Virender Gaur v. State ofHaryana, (1995)
2 SCC 577 at p. 581.
* Vellore Citizens’ Welfare Forum v. Union of India, (1996) 5 SCC 647: AIR 1996 SC
e isation’s international dimensions
ss i‘(‘éi‘ 679
As viewed by Shyam Divan and Armin Rosencranz, such exploitations
threaten to undermine the economic and spiritual fabric of their cul-
tures, and often result in forced migration and resettlement, and hence
the struggle to protect the environment is often part of the struggle to
protect the cultures of indigenous peoples Powerful legal tools for the
struggle are supplied by international law. Indian legal response to
receive and accommodate them is highly promising.
In addition to the above socialising impact of international law, the
developments and refinements in other spheres have their own ramifi-
cation upon India. North-South tension in the international resources
law has witnessed sidelining of the concept of Common Heritage of
Mankind because of the commanding position of American super-
power.* America’s isolated position, which arose by not participating
in International Seabed Authority’s working or by not signing Moon
Agreement that intended to streamline and regulate, has harmed the
efforts in developing a cooperative international law. Failure of inter-
national community to develop a strong international law to combat
transborder terrorism through effective institutional arrangements
has put the countries like India into an unenviable position. In spite
of success in forging the law against genocide and in establishing
International Humanitarian Law on sound footing, and even with
International Criminal Tribunal exercising its jurisdiction, the gap in
this front has been problematic.
From the above it is clear that India’s membership of international
community is a big source of ideologies and policies for modernising
its legal systems and socialising its people. The fruits of international
human rights law and international environmental law have a very
welcome effect on India’s saga of social transformation. Tapping the
rich social side of international law will be of comfortable consequence
in future also.
* Ibid, at p. 181. : |
ment: India
Jayati Ghosh, “Employment and Labour under Structural Adjust
since 1991” (1995) 38 The Indian Journal of Labour Economics
” Union of India v. Anglo Afghan Agencies, AIR 1968 SC 718.
684 Modernisation and Law
from India. Power is conferred under Section.3.0f the Act upon
central government for this purpose. The Director General or Forei
Trade appointed under the Act shall advise the central
the formulationofthe export and impart policy. The Director has the
powe r g, suspending
of issuin and cancelling the Importer-Exporter
Code Number. While some features of command and control are still
continuing, the legal environment is favouring free trade. With the
emergence of WTO this policy is strengthened.
The MRTP Act had aimed at non-concentration of material resources
and at nullifying trade
of production ions
and other restrictive
economic reform programme
trade practices. After the adoption of the
in 1991, corporate sector began to press for scrappingof the MRTP Act
with an argument that-the Act had lost its relevance incontex t of
competitive market and that “size” should not be a constraint in global
competition. Upon the recommendations of the Raghavan Committee
Report, the Competition Bill, 2001 was framed, i va was passed by
parlament TREebjectives ofthenewAct that replaces MRTP Act are
to enicommane, competion, to prevent abuse of dominant position, to
ensure level playing field and to protect the consumer. First, its‘control-
ling effect is confined to those between enterprises, which
have an appreciable adverse effect on competition. Since all restrictive
agreements are not anti-competitive and the Competition Commission
considers various factors including structure of the market in deciding
the element of anti-comy etition unlike the earlier law, the new law’s
focus is to wipe off the real evil. Second, it regulates all agreements
causing abuse of dominance whereas the MRTP Act had considered
dominance per se bad. Dominance has been defined as the position
of strength enjoyed by an undertaking, which enable s
it *to“operate
independent of competitive pressures in the relevant market and also
to appreciably affect the relevant market, competitors and consumers
by itsactions, Abuse includes changing or paying unfair prices restric-
tion of quantities, markets and technical development, discriminatory
behaviour, predatory pricing and any exercise of market power lead-
ing to the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition. Thirdly,
it regulates all mergers, which create a position of dominance. Pre-
merger notification is made voluntary. Review of post-merger notifica-
tion is excluded if the combined turn over is less than Rs 3000 crores or
combined asset size in India is less than Rs 1000 crores.
The direction of change in both the legislation—Foreign Trade Act
and Competition Act is towards enabling of liberalisation. But conti-
nuity of the law’s concern to protect national economy’s interest and
consumers’ interest is also clear in the legislation. Repeal of earlier leg-
islation did not mean total reversal of policy. In fact, law was refined to
Privatisation and law 685
SS EEN ae ee Oa ee
meet the new challenges. In the matter of restoration of sick industries,
state began to take hesitant steps. Voluntary retirement was encour;.
aged in public enterprises and banks to downsize the expenditure.
These had impact upon employment situation.
at p. 32.
” G. Ganesh, Privatisation Experience Around the World, Vol. XIII (1998)
SCC 333: AIR 2002 SC
72 BALCO Employees’ Union (Regd.) v. Union of India, (2002) 2
Globalisation, the last but the most important factor in the trio of New
Economic Policy, is a process by which the interconnectivity of the
world is more intensified by increased economic, social, political and
cultural contacts” It has inherent nexus with liberalisation because of
its pro-market policy. Economic rationality, competition and efficiency
are the key factors emphasised by it7°The Human Development Report,
2001 defines it as the free movement of goods, service, people and
information across national boundaries. It denotes acceleration of the
interconnections in tHe global economy and the related phenomenon
of the rise of both institutional financial markets and global corpora-
tions.” It takes the whole world as a single market as a result of which
individual nations, labour and communities lose their bargaining
power and suffer erosion of identities, while they reap the advantage
of globalised market because of availability of products and services
at lower prices* Transnational character of the internet has contrib-
uted towards transforming economic, political and cultural processes.
Global understanding of tne problem of environmental pollution has
evolved international norms relating to environmental security. The
New Delhi
7 Yogendra Singh, Culture and Change in India (Rawat Publications,
2000) at pp. 139-40.
of 1995).
6” UN, The Copenhagen Declaration and Programme of Action (Act 5
sg ET Modernisation and Law
the volume of real income and effective demand, expanding the pro-
duction of trade in goods and services, optimal use of world’s resources
in accordance with the objective of sustainable development, seeking
protection and preservation of environment and to enhance the means
for doing so.*' It is also significant to note the recognition in the agree-
ment that there is need for positive efforts designed to ensure that
developing countries, and especially the least developed among them,
secure a share in the growth of international trade commensurate with
the needs of their economic development. In the light of these ideolo-
gies, the value orientation contemplated in the functioning of the giant
institution towards a welcome social transformation significantly
raises hopes for the best. Aimed at these purposes and also equipped
with fairly good constitutional structure, WTO has great potentiality
in bringing social transformation. Bound by the Most Favoured Nation
and National Treatment principles of equality, the WTO members are
obliged to mutually interact in a level playing field. WTO Agreements
provide for wide ranging policies: removal of tariff and non tariff barri-
ers and technical barriers to trade; prohibition of subsidies and dump-
ing; MFN treatment of trade related aspects of intellectual property
and trade related investment measures; equal opportunity for trade in
services; safeguards through sanitary and phyto-sanitary measures;
and gradual withdrawal of subsidies in agricultural sector.
India as a founder member of GATT (1947) and WTO (1995) has a
track record of participating in progressive reduction of tariff and
opening up of the economy to the operation of market forces. As a lead-
ing developing country, it has joined hands with the block of develop-
ing and least developed countries in recent Ministerial Conferences
to bargain for necessary concessions in the field of IPR, food security,
health and agriculture.* A sea change has taken place in the Indian
legal regime of IPR in response to TRIPs-Agreement’s insistence. Many
of the changes were indispensable in the background of levelling up
of the extent of protection to intellectual property rights. The proc-
ess of change management involved contribution by legislative action
stretched over considerable time, moderating influence of political par-
ties, debates in media and public forum and participation by NGOs. In
the field of copyright, trademark, design and new forms of IPR like
Geographical Indications, Integrated Circuits in Semiconductor chips,
the change brought were largely non-controversial. In the matter of
plant varieties, breeders’ and farmers’ rights, formation of legal policy
was influenced by public debate, NGO demands and agitations by
otherwise the poor will be the worst hit. Its tax policy and investment
measure etc should be geared in this direction.” Expanded mean-
ing attributed to the term “state” under Article 12 would impose
obligations of welfare upon the new power holders. Ranbir Singh
points out the disturbing features of globalisation vis-a-vis the Indian
Constitution such as—ignored capacity of federalism and democratic
control, marginalised position of multilingualism, non application of
judicial scrutiny through PIL and transparency rules—and suggests
for strengthening these mechanisms to make the basic commitment
to people’s welfare under the Constitution, a reality.*” The Court’s duty
as the guardian of the Constitution that proclaims welfare state and
the socialist philosophy should not be detracted with the onset of eco-
nomic reforms. Another method of making globalisation compatible
with aspirations of people is by making it to work with dynamic grass
root democracy and the caring touch of civil society. Local solutions,
many a times, provide best answers to globalisation issues. NGOs have
tried to fill the gap created by state’s withdrawal from welfare task.*
Balancing strategy consists in taking the advantage of the emerging,
integrating, world economy without sacrificing the priorities of build-
ing a just and caring society.” With strong and sensitive Panchayati
Raj Institutions the problems of globalisation could be better handled.
As Muzaffar Assadi writes, “A multi-stakeholder approach involving
the State, market and civil society should be adopted for sustainable
development and social justice.”
Justice Rajendra Babu considers that globalisation increases the
importance of degree and direction of national governance which can-
not compromise with poverty, terrorism, child labour, environmental
devastation and ill health." He traces the roots of globalisation and
human rights in liberalism, finds no contradiction between the two,
and wishes their mutual reinforcement. He observes, “The multiple
and contradictory consequences of globalisation and the new chal-
lenge that they pose for observance of human rights have potential to
%6 Ibid.
*” Ranbir Singh, “Globalisation and the Indian Constitution” (2007) 6 Journal of the
National Commission of Human Rights 22.
*8 Neera Chandhoke, “Governance and Pluralisation of the Sate: Implications for
Democratic Citizenship” (12-7-2003 to 18-7-2003) 38 Economic and Political Weekly at
pp. 1957-68.
” V.S. Vyas, “Globalisation: Hopes, Realities and Coping Strategies” (2002) 37
Economic and Political Weekly at pp. 1109-14.
*” Muzaffar Assadi, “Interfacing Globalisation and Indian Democracy” in Gopa
Kumar, Future of Parliamentary Democracy in India (2007) at pp. 119, 158.
*! Justice Rajendra Babu, “Globalisation and Human Rights” (2007) 6 Journal of
National Commission of Human Rights 1.
Globalisation and law
a 691
undermine the traditional mechanisms for the protection of
rights... The effect of globalisation is that it has miserably failed
prevent widespread deprivation of human rights of the world’s poor.”
He suggests for promulgation of standards, streamlining of proce-
dures, and development of enforcement strategies at the national and
international levels to solve the problem.
The problem of unequal trade itself becoming the root cause of
human rignt violation is looked into by A. Jayagovind in an article.
While free trade is vital for economic development and distributive
justice, that is so by fulfilling the requirement of fair trade. From the
side of developed countries, fair trade requirement is to be satisfied by
elimination of subsidy and other unfair trade practices; and from the
side of the developing countries, by complying with the social clauses
and by making the production process fair and in compliance with
human rights. Use of TRIPs provision for compulsory acquisition of
drug patent is one method of making WTO regime human right com-
pliant. He observes:
“Globalisation has no doubt contributed to economic prosperity, but
the question is: prosperity to whom? While elitist section have benefited
from globalisation everywhere, vulnerable sections continue to be in
a miserable position. Human rights approach to trade requires us to
evaluate the benefits of globalisation from global point of view: how
mankind as a whole has benefited from this phenomenon.”"4
Thus, reforming the existing structure to humanise the globalisation is
very much required in order to realise globalisation of human rights.
In addition to the economic dimension, Globalisation has technologi-
cal, political, ideological, cultural and environmental dimensions. The
non-western societies have faced serious challenges in these spheres
also. As a component of modernity, globalisation has witnessed inten-
sive interaction between continuity and change. The social movements
for ecology, gender justice, dalit protection and cultural revival have
tried to mould the social development. Viewed from the angle of
equity, empowerment, justice and freedom, globalisation has deeper
sociological implications for individuals, communities and their tradi-
tions. In order to ensure social harmony and development with justice,
2 Ibid, at p. 11.
% A. Jayagovind, “Human Rights and Dimensions of Unequal Trade’ (2007) 6
Journal of the National Commission of Human Rights 13.
4 Ibid, at p. 21. b deel
Heiko Schrader, “Globalisation, Fragmentation and Modernity” in PG.
ation and Social Movemen ts (Rawat Publicat ions, New
and S.M. Michael (Eds.), Globalis
Delhi 2003) at pp. 12-29.
692 Modernisation and Law
ne ans UiTiauas Ee
“Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969. Present law is governed by
Consumer Protection Act, 1986 and Competition Act, 2002.
°° P. Ishwara Bhat, “Legal Management of Groundwater for Ensuring Development
with Justice” ILI Souvenir 1994; “Groundwater Law in South India” Journal of Juridical
demanded for change in the legal framework to suit the requirements
of justice. As Yochai Benkler observes, “Technology interacts with
social, economic and legal frameworks to set the basic ‘affordances’
and constraints of human action over time.” He views that law on
communication and IPR has to address to the issues of freedom and
development. Law of copyrights and trademarks got extended to
give protection to creative works using new technology. Recognition
of copyrights in photography, cinema, sound recording, broadcast-
ing, computer software, digital and other database and the Internet
communications emerged as illustrative of legal response to techno-
logical development.’” Trademark has accommodated domain name
and trade marks in services. These developments rendered justice to
the creative workers. While during the transitional period, there was
some situation of injustice, which was tried to be resolved by exten-
sion of existing law, legal development managed the change in due
course by altering the law. As David Bainbridge writes, “There is no
doubting that the new technology stretches the law which is some-
times slow to react, and our problem has been the manner in which
it has been attempted to adopt existing legal paradigms to deal with
the problems posed by technological development.”"* Strengthening
of IPR’s commitment to the goal of justice has been the fit reply of law
to technology.
Technology has deepened the divide between haves and have-nots,
and between the developed and developing countries. The fruits of
information technology and biotechnology reached only to the devel-
oped countries and to the smaller social segments of developing coun-
tries. As Gillian Youngs observes, “For many others—for example, the
majority of the world’s poorest, who are on the wrong side of the ‘dig-
ital divide’-their lived realities are indirectly affected by the ways in
which uses of, and increased dependencies on, the Internet are trans-
forming economic, political and cultural processes. It is clear that both
these dimensions are equally important...’"°? Since exclusion of them
results in disempowerment, making them more active participants in
handling new technology or conferring alternative benefits to them by
elevation of their economic status is more appropriate. The advances
(2005) 1 Indian
1% Yochai Benkler, “Technology, Law, Freedom and Development”
Journal of Law and Technology 1.
107 P Ishwara Bhat, “Historical Evolution and Development of Intellectual |
A Focus on Some Themes” (2005) 1 Kare Law Journal 1.
ion, New Delhi
1 David Bainbridge, Intellectual Property (5th Edn., Pearson Educat :
2002) at p. 190.
Twenty-first century
1 Gillian Youngs, “International Relations as we Enter the e (2nd Edn.,
in Eleonre Kofman and Gillian Youngs, Globalisation: Theory and Practic
Continuum, London 2003) at pp. 3, 11.
696 Modernisation and Law
BPO Fe a —e ee
engineering have
made in biotechnology, plant breeding and genetic
reap the benefit
enabled the technology holders and intermediaries to
have arisen
keeping the rural poor semi-starved. Similar imbalances
when the technologically advanced countries monopolise
principle of
of marine resources or of outer space by denigrating the
sea and
common heritage of mankind. International legal regime on
outer space could evolve some noble principles and mechanism for
equitable distribution of resources on the basis of CHM principle. But
the advanced countries like US, by not being signatory to such obli-
gations, have blocked the development of legal regime on fair track.
Unequal competition amidst nations or individuals has been exacer-
bated by technology to the detriment of the vulnerable.
Security is another factor forcefully challenged by technology but
tried to be restored through legal order by aiming at freedom from
fear and freedom from want. Security of the globe as a whole, or of
nations and individuals, is an interconnected issue, which needs to be
addressed by an integrated approach. Modern warfare has used dan-
gerous technology, like atomic bombs, poisonous gas, bacteriological
weapons and other sophisticated instruments threatening the survival
of mankind. Pointing out the constructive and destructive impact of
technology, Jawaharlal Nehru wrote, “One is the progress of coopera-
tion and reason, and the building up of the structure of civilisation;
the other a destructive process, a tearing up of everything, an attempt
by mankind to commit suscide.”""°
International community has responded to these developments
by establishing League of Nations first, and then the United Nations
Organisation with a total commitment to ensure world peace and by
meticulously developing international conventions on humanitarian
law. Initiated by the International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva
Conventions, 1947 and Vienna Convention on warfare could build an
inspiring legal framework to secure international peace. Realising that
threat to peace comes from lack of development and prevalence of
poverty, illiteracy and ill health, the international institutions like FAO,
WHO, UNESCO have planned and worked for international coopera-
tion in poverty alleviation and developmental activities.
Security at the national level is threatened by cross border terrorism
and internal disruptions. These terrorist activities make use of sophis-
ticated technology as witnessed in the bound blast incidents of New
York (9/11), London, and Mumbai (7/11, 2006 and 11/26, 2008). Legal sys-
tem’s preparedness to prevent, combat and resolve the problem of ter-
rorism has been given great attention, which is manifested in UN reso-
lutions and national legislation. In India, TADA and POTA aimed at
15.8 Conclusions
“Change, yet continuity” is the outcome of modernisation’s interface
with tradition. Modernisation has sensitised the hierarchical tradi-
tional system through the egalitarian values. Transformative aspira-
tions of the Constitution and human/social side of international law
have reflected the modernisation objectives. Environmental protec-
tion, welfare of people, social justice and human rights values have tra-
ditional outlook and inspiring persuasion to humanise the process of
industrialisation and smoothen the process of transformation. Impact
of modernisation is wide, and touches upon various dimensions of life
ranging from family to international trade. Modernisation’s substan-
tive philosophy and methodology have neither been uniform nor con-
stant. The changing patterns of its policies and persuasions have com-
plicated the task of change management. Liberalisation, Privatisation
and Globalisation are the powerful tools that modernisation built in
recent times, rendering the task of balancing between change and con-
tinuity a difficult task. While law has forged new measures to facilitate
the functioning of these forces, its equal concern for safety, welfare,
Conclusions 699
n rights
og 2 storond tia
2% nth ey
- =
ESSE R AEE SPS Saeco herent cana
John Demos, “Image of the American Family, Then and Now” in V. Tufte and B.
Myerhoff, (Ed.), Changing Images of the Family (1979), at pp. 43-60 extracted in Judith
Areen, Family Law: Cases and Materials (3rd Edn., Foundation Press, New York 1992) at
p. 88.
'* Ibid, at pp. 90-92.
Human rights dimensions offamily
16.3 Human rights dimensions of family
Because of the prominent legal interests based on essential human
qualities and urges, which are projected in the context of family, a
human rights discourse of family law has become a rewarding course
of analysis. With the advent of international human rights instru-
ments, this sort of analysis had made a sound beginning. Article 16(3)
of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “The family is
the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to
protection by society and the state.” According to Article 16(1), “Men
and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality
or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are
entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage its dissolution.”
Free and full consent of intending spouses of marriage is required in
Article 16(2). Article 10 of International Covenant on Social Economic
and Cultural Rights, 1966 and Article 23 of International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights, 1966 have reiterated these principles and
obligated the state parties to ensure child protection in case of dis-
solution of marriage. Article 16 of the Convention on Eradication of
Discrimination Against Women, 1979 elaborately lays down the prin-
ciple of equal rights of men and women in the matter of entry into
marriage, consent for marriage, responsibilities during marriage and
at its dissolution, reproductive right, responsibilities with regard to
guardianship, wardship, trusteeship and adoption of children and
in the matter of ownership, acquisition, enjoyment and disposal of
property. Prohibition of child marriage and protection of interests of
children as paramount are also envisaged. Thus, family is an essential
part of any code of human rights, and wishes to preserve personal and
ethical values against the omnipotence of the State."® The ethical con-
siderations of familial responsibilities and the overtones of equality,
liberty and justice in family life arising out of the guaranteed human
rights have common ground and aim at promoting social happiness."
In Gita Hariharan case’, while recognising mother’s equal right in
the matter of legal guardianship of child, the Supreme Court of India
relied on the CEDAW. In Madhu Kishwar'* the dissenting view of K.
Ramaswamy, J. has amply made recourse to CEDAW and other inter-
national instruments to argue that female dependants of the deceased
tribal have equal rights to claim family property. In Danial Latifi® also,
0 J.D.M. Derrett, Religion, Law and the State in India (Faber and Faber, London 1968)
at pp. 117-18.
*! Especially in the form and procedure of marriage.
SAS ous and cultural dimensions offamily
Sa Sa DO LE 707
operation of central statutes upon the tribals in the tribal
area, and
autonomy of Tribal Advisory Council regarding social customs on
marriage and succession point out continuity of indigenous tradi-
tion.* This customary law, which the tribal people cherish with great
pride and unwilling to part with, is product of ethnic identity and dis-
tinct cultural consciousness. Each tribe has its own distinct custom,
although they have common features. The tribal community consti-
tutes 8 per cent of India’s population.
Thus, family law’s traditional basis and social dimension is a reality.
Longevity of marital relation, affectionate treatment of family mem-
bers, concerted actions in mundane and spiritual matters and readi-
ness to help in times of difficulty are the gifts of tradition. But tradition
has also unpleasant features like patriarchic superiority and gender
discrimination. The attempt of modernisation in bringing equality
amidst family members to set right the anomalies has sometimes gone
excessively, challenging other features of tradition. Cutting the roots
of tradition in the name of modernity has caused imbalance between
continuity and change. Going beyond tradition and modernity, the
post-modernist thinking challenges modernisation’s grand scheme
of truth, reason and progress on the ground that it shatters the soci-
ety’s confidence in indigenous and long-followed values.” As a reac-
tion to modernising legal framework, initiated by colonial rule and
continued by post-colonial republic, resilience of past tradition sans
perversion has been supported by post modern analytical approach.
Werner Menski’s highly incisive analysis of the growth of Hindu Law
during last few decades has convincingly disclosed the impossibil-
ity of legislating away fundamental features of Hindu Law ideology.
Other personal laws also exhibit their culture-specific foundations.
Rendering situation-sensitive justice in culture-specific context, by
continuing the good elements of tradition and overcoming the defects
of modernisation has been the principal strategy of post-modernist
approach.” Indian legal development has, by and large, traversed this
path. The task of social transformation that law has shouldered in this
sphere has distinct features about change-continuity relationship. The
debate on Uniform Civil Code has yielded space for thinking about
upgrading the components of justice, fair play and welfare within each
personal law system. For understanding the complexities involved in
22 See supra, Ch. 10, Ss. 5, 6, 10. nee
Universit y
2 See, Werner Menski, Hindu Law: Beyond Tradition and Modernity (Oxford
Press, New Delhi 2003). <8 nia #5
2% Ibid, at p. 24 he observes that in view of impossibility of distinguishing religion
from law in the context of ideals of dharma abolition of Hindu Law is an impossib
> bid.
Law, Moder
Family Ahh nisationht Transformation
and SocialnS
708 aa kn es e SS
of family
the method, direction and limits of change in the domain
may be
law, a brief historical exposition of family law's cultural base
6 Atharvaveda, II-1-3, 6-7, 30. About the analysis of family as a unit of economic,
cultural, social and political life, see, Yogendra Singh, Modernisation of Indian Tradition,
(Rawat Publications, Jaipur 1999) at p. 174.
” Such property need not have been immovable property or an asset of appreciable
value as interpreted in Shadi Lal v. Lal Bahadur, AIR 1933 PC 85; Janakiram Chetty v.
Nagamony Mudaliar, ILR (1926) 49 Mad 98 at pp. 115-16.
8 Karl Marx, On India at p. 391.
29 Mitakshara, i-1-23, 27, 33; V-5-9-10.
Religious and cultural dimensions offamily
welfare of all.”° The towering status of karta was matched by his duty
of honesty and moral commitment to the ideas of justice. The concept
offamily ownership of property projects collectivity desired of a social
life" As Trailokyanath Mitra points out, “The family property was
constituted by families and not individuals. Each family had a.sort
of corporate existence and perpetual succession. The family property
was held in perpetuity by the family, and the members of the family
were entitled to maintenance out of family property.”* The right of
every member of the family including female dependents to live out
of maintenance from family property has a commendable dimension
of dignified life based on collective duty Since the very concept of
property is linked to avoidance of unjust enrichment and undeserved
suffering, and is made to conform to the goal of dharma, the family
law on partition, succession and maintenance had to reflect the innate
The values of collectivism, notions of affectionate filial relations
and the ideals to eschew unjust enrichment and undeserved misery
were carried forward in shastrik texts as core principles. Family bonds
were made strong by religious practice. Continuation of nuptial fire
in kitchen and in sacrifice symbolised joint discharge of familial and
religious duties by husband and wife in their daily life. The concept
of sapinda reflected both religious and biological connections. Respect
to elders with a sense of filial piety and expectations of their blessings,
whether in the form of moral support or economic help, had united
religious sentiments and earthly feelings in inter-generation relations.
The rituals of datta homam and saptapadi at the threshold of new rela-
tionships had both religious and legal dimensions as they establish
solemnity and mindset of divine initiation for enduring relations. The
Smriti approach of prescription of religious duties, imposition of legal
obligations and requirement of expiation for deviance from both estab-
lish an integrated approach. Dharma as a law for righteous conduct
could hardly be compartmentalised from religion. The pro-woman
reforms that Mitakshara interpretation initiated was in reaction to the
»” B.N. Sampath, “The Joint Hindu Family-Retrospect and Prospect” Banaras Law
Journal, 35 at pp. 47-48.
31 1.S. Pawate, at p. 25. .
2 Trailokyanath Mitra, The Law relating to the Hindu Widow TLL (Thacker, Spink
Co., Calcutta 1881) at p. 440.
PV. Kane,
33 Manu, III-72 & IV-251; Mitakshara, 1-224 and 1-175; Baudh Dh S, II-2,48;
at pp. 803-05.
and undeserved misery
4 P Ishwara Bhat, “Protection against unjust enrichment
(2006) Journal of Indian
as the essence of property rights jurisprudence in Mitakshara”
Law Institute.
710 Family Law, Modernisation and Social Transformation
SEE I S ee
social experience about marginalising of woman and realising of the
need to elevate her position both spiritually and materially.
One distinct feature of Hindu Law is that it is not some monolithic
framework “laid down” by a single authority. Smritis were several and
were reflections on ideals of life visualised in Sruti and expressions of
customary practices subject to author’s perception. The geographical
diversity of Hindu Law emerging from different schools of law gov-
erning in different parts of India reflect the component of local social
choice and communitarian acceptance in the matter of family law.
The fact that some of the aspects relating to family law, even stated in
Smritis, have become obsolete in course of time points out superiority
of the general will of the community in moulding the norms relating
to intra-familial relations. For example, confining the legal status of
son only to aurasa putra or son born out of lawfully wed marriage
and to adopted son was the product of social choice by pushing other
forms of sons—kanina, gudhaja, shodhaja, etc.—into the oblivion of
obsoleteness.» Relating to forms of marriage? mother’s right to share
in coparcenery property” and extraordinary right of eldest son’, etc.,
rule of obsoleteness has been invoked and applied. Although the fac-
tor of gender bias was playing its role in the process in some situations,
the social self-determination about personal law was clear in these
Another feature of Hindu Law is that its basic principles relating
to purpose of family life a‘«a methods of human salvation are linked
to religion. Enduring spousal relationship, sense of filial piety, expec-
tation about continuation of progeny for attaining spiritual benefit,
and accommodation of philanthropy for individual and social good
have solid supports of religion. These are reflected in Vedic and
Vedantic literature. Collectivist ideology and liberal humanism were
strong points of this tradition. Smritikaras like Manu, Yajnavalkya,
Narada and others not only emphasised these ideals but also elabo-
rately and holistically treated human behaviour within and outside
the family by exposition of principles governing achara, vyavahara
and prayaschita which meant comprehensive code of conduct for good
life, civil and criminal legal regime determining the rights and obli-
gations of persons, and individual penance for making good one’s
deviance from right path. Blended with morals, social psychology
*° Alladi Kuppuswami, Mayne’s Treatise on Hindu Law and Usage (Bharat Law House,
New Delhi 1986) at pp. 92-102.
°° Ibid, at p. 107.
*” P. Ishwara Bhat, “Hindu Mother’s Right to Share in the Coparcenery Property: A
Critique of South Indian Practice” (1985) 9 The Academy Law Review 187-200.
* The jyeshtabhaga concept has become desuetude. See, P. Ishwara Bhat, “A Critical
Appraisal of the Hindu Gains of Learning Act” (1985) 27 JILI 578 at p. 589.
Religious and cultural dimensions offamily 711
and pragmatic economics, their exposition of family law was reflect-
ing community’s culture, concern for healthy social life and ideals
of home. Commentaries on Smritis, written after several centuries of
social experience, carried forward the growth of law. The individualis-
tic ethics of Buddhism, the popularly spreading advaitha philosophy of
Shri Sankaracharya on individual soul's salvation, the growing social
dissatisfaction about undue controls of patriarchy and loosening ties
of collectivism created an atmosphere conducive for change towards
recognition of at least essential individual rights within the family,
Most important of such recognition is traceable in Vijnaneswara’s
Mitakshara written in 12th century AD Some of the revolutionary con-
cepts projected in this work include scientific explanation of sapinda
relationship, avoidance of unjust enrichment and undeserved misery
as the basis of property right, recognition of son’s birth right in fam-
ily property that could be enforced through partition, and elaborate
delineation of women’s property in coparcenery, in succession and
in the form of stridhan.*° Social acceptance of Mitakshara was far and
wide as it was received as the authentic law in all parts of India except
Bengal where Jimutavahana’s Dayabhaga, a commentary on Narada
Smriti prevailed. Again, Mitakshara was subject to regional influences
of its sub-commentaries like Smritichandrika, Saraswativilasa etc., which
gave regionally acceptable distinct interpretations to Mitakshara. The
above development shows that the process of juristic law finding was
one that involved an informal but creative social dialogue. As Werner
Menski analyses, in spite of remarkable fluidity, internal diversity and
flexibility, Hindu Law was held together by an identifiable underly-
ing traditional conceptual framework." The force of self-rectification
through application of social process and value-conscious ideology
was operating from within.
The third feature is that plurality of tradition and customs has
allowed adequate regional variations depending upon local demands
and preferences. In a vast country like India, legal pluralism has
become indispensable. There are two main schools of Hindu Law:
Mitakshara and Dayabhaga. The latter prevails in Bengal whereas the
former is applicable in other parts of India. The four sub-divisions of
Mitakshara school include Benares, the Mithila, the Maharashtra
the Dravidian school.# The variances amidst these schools range from
the Dravidian
slight differences to drastic deviations. For example,
* Samiul Hasan, Philanthropy and Social Justice in Islam (AS Noordeen, Kuala
Lumpur 2007) at p. 22.
“ M. Hidayatullah and Arshad Hidayatullah, Mulla Principles ofMahomedan Law,
(19th Edn., N.M. Tripathi (P) Ltd., Bombay 2001) at p. 15.
*® Ibid, at pp. 17-19.
** The pluralistic feature is elaborately dealt by Samiul Hasan op. cit.
Religious and cultural dimensions offamily
e e 713
is Islam no longer” was sidelined and reform was favoured in Islami
countries even during medieval period. Thus, diversity, adherence
tradition and openness to peripheral changes became the hallmark of
Mohammedan Law.
Introduction of Mohammedan Law in medieval India under the
Muslim rule brought a change in the state law and its administration.
While the position of non-Muslims had been subdued in their relation
with the state, continuation of Hindu Law amidst Hindus was allowed.
The co-existence of different personal laws reflected sense of tolerance
and participation of communities in culture-specific atmosphere.
47 Warren Hastings initiated such legal measure in 1772: R. 23, stating, “Tn alllsuits
regarding inheritance, marriage, caste and other religious usages and institutions, the
law of the Koran in respect to Mohammedans and the law of Shastras with respect to
Gentoos shall be invariably adhered to.”
pp. 531-33. V.D.
48 See, Hansard, House of Commons Debate, Vol. III, Series, Vol. XIX, at
Kulshreshta’s Landmarks in Indian Legal and Constitutional History (8th Edn.,
Book Co., Lucknow 2005) at p. 251. }
State in India (Faber &
49 See supra, Ch. 2; see also, J.D.M. Derrett, Religion, Law and
op. cit., at p. 168.
Faber, London 1968) at p. 239; see also, Werner Menski,
Family Law, Moder tion
nisation and Social Transformaes
714 Be Fe ee
as in the
the demand for reform came from the specific communities,
Right to
case of Hindu Gains of Learning Act, 1930°, Hindu Women’s
Property Act, 1937 and the Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Applicatio
Act, 1937, laws were enacted to satisfy the social demand. The Caste
Disabilities Removal Act set aside the rules of Hindu Law that penal-
ised the renunciation of religion or exclusion from caste. The Act struck
at the economic sanctions available in Hindu Law and at the collective
joint family’s power over its members," But it was one-sided as it ena-
bled the convert to succeed to the property of Hindu relatives and not
vice versa. This Act and the Native Converts Marriage Dissolution Act,
1866 were passed under the pressure of Christian missionaries who
were interested in proselytisation.”
Even in the busy era 6f codification of criminal law, mercantile law
and procedural law, the colonial government found the task of codify-
ing personal law as not acceptable. The Second Law Commission in
1855 observed, “The Hindu Law and Mohammedan Law derive their
‘authority respectively from the Hindu and Mohammedan religions.
It follows that, as.a British legislature cannot make Mohammedan or
Hindu religion, so neither can it make Mohammedan or Hindu Law...
-We think it clear that it is not advisable to any enactment which would
stand on such a footing.”
The native attitude for far reaching statutory reform was not enthu-
siastic. Gandhiji and others. regarded self-governance for individual's
better conduct, rather than state’s regimentation, as the essence of
swaraj>4 The Government rejected the idea of comprehensive Hindu
Law code in 1920s. The complexity of case law made the text book writ-
ers to suggest codification of law in 1930s. The Hindu Women’s Rights
to Property Act, 1937 brought serious alterations to Mitakshara law
and created a number of difficulties and ambiguities in interpretation.
The changes were sporadic, piecemeal and uncoordinated, and it was
thought that their effect upon other parts of the law was to be set right
by codification. In order to resolve conflicts of authorities and bring cer-
tainty and simplicity, there were suggestions in academic writings for
codification of Hindu Law. The mood of the Hindu intelligentsia was
favorable to change. As MLP. Jain viewed, “The old instrumentalities
*° See P. Ishwara Bhat, “A Critical Appraisal of the Hindu Gains of Learning Act,
1930” (1985) 27 JILI 578.
*! MLP. Jain, Outlines of Indian Legal History (5th Edn., Wadhwa & Co., Nagpur 1999)
at p. 624 citing Rudolph and Rudolph.
2 Ibid, at p. 624.
8 Ibid, at p. 494.
m M.K. Gandhi, Hind Swaraj at p. 6. Tarachand, History of the Freedom Movement in
India (Publications the name of Government of India Publisher (Ministry
of Indormation and Broadcasting), New Delhi 1992) at pp. 209-10.
RE and cultur al
RRS dimen sions
ORE ALLOAoffamil y
Sesh PRN 715
of growth, the processes of interpretation and assimilation
of custom
with traditional written text, ceased to be available with the
tion of the British system of justice. The Hindu society was undergo-
ing, vast socio-economic changes; new ideas, new values of life, new
modes of living were continually affecting the society and imparting
to it a new tinge and changed outlook. In the absence of law keeping
pace with the change, a gap, a dichotomy, had arisen between law and
In 1941, the Government constituted Hindu Law Committee under
the chairmanship of B.N. Rau. The Committee suggested that the wis-
est way for bringing fundamental changes was to enact a code rather
than through isolated Acts, and that in view of the absence of crea-
tive role of commentators and judges, the main agency for altering the
law in future in accordance with changing needs of the community
was legislature>*° The Committee was not in favour of abolition of
diverse schools; but was prepared to make judicious selection of the
best elements of each and keeping the distinctive character of Hindu
Law. Another Committee was constituted (1944) to draft the Hindu
code. The draft report of the Committee was extensively published for
eliciting public opinion. Although met with hostility from orthodox
sections, the Committee viewed that continuous adaptability was the
essence of the Hindu civilisation and that a simplified exposition of
Hindu Law adhering to equality before the law and non-discrimina-
tion on grounds of sex and caste would usher in desirable changes.
The final report was submitted to Government in February 1947-7 It
recognised the existence of certain measure of uniformity in Hindu
Law in different provinces, and the feasibility of the idea of common
code. To make the Code palatable to people, piecemeal legislation was
suggested, although codification at a stretch was most desirable. The
suggested amendments included introduction of monogamy, introduc-
tion of divorce, removal of barriers to inter-caste marriage, upgrading
of woman’s limited estate to absolute estate, introduction of daughters’
simultaneous succession with the son to the father’s estate, and aboli-
tion of Mitakshara joint family system. The draft Code was introduced
in Constituent Assembly acting as the provisional Parliament of India
in the form of a Bill in 1947. It was referred to Select Committee chaired
by B.R. Ambedkar. The Committee’s report, published in 1948, was
taken up afresh after the election. The changes contemplated were
drastic, and aimed at social transformation.
16.7 From Shah Bano to Danial Latifi and beyond: feminist strides
in maintenance law
Ancient Indian law approached the issue of maintenance of members
of family from the perspective of duty.“ According to Mitakshara, aged
parents, wife and minor children are to be maintained even by using
self-acquired property. The Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act,
1956 incorporates this principle under Sections 18 and 20. All depend-
ents of a deceased person are entitled to maintenance from his prop-
erty (Section 22). Whether the wife is living with the husband, or lives
separately in justified circumstances or under Court's order of judi-
cial separation or divorce, she is entitled to right to maintenance from
her husband. By disabling unchaste wife from claiming maintenance
[Section 18(3)], social morality is allowed for continuation. Although
cohabitation with husband disqualifies her from right to maintenance,
courts have held that stray instances of sexual intercourse with the
husband do not deprive her right. While the traditional law imposed
duty to maintain only upon father, the statutory law imposes that
duty upon both the parents [Section 20(2)]. There is a need for applica-
tion of human rights approach regarding recognition of parental duty
towards maintenance of adult married daughter unable to maintain
herself by reason of any physical or mental abnormality, since the
present law does not provide for the same.”
Under Muslim Law, the duty to maintain children, parents and
grandparents is cast upon Muslim males. Husband’s duty to maintain
his faithful wife during the subsistence of marriage is clearly recog-
nised. A divorced Muslim wife is entitled to maintenance only during
iddat period.
Section 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 imposes obliga-
tion w on everyy person having sufficient means, to maintain his child,
SS neA
child must be
6 Manu stated, “The aged parents, a virtuous wife and an infant
cited by Mitakshara,
maintained even by doing hundred misdeeds.” Manu, VIII-389;
II-175. .
6 Alladi Kuppuswami, op. cit., at p. 1008.
6 PS Muthukrishna v. Meenakshi Ammal, (1958) 2 MLJ 82.
(2003) 45 JILI 388 at p. 393.
67 Kusum, “Marital-status based Discrimination”
there are criticisms that the
6 Similar obligation is not imposed upon wife. Hence,
law is paternalistic.
720 n and Social Transformation
Family Law, ModernisatioASHES
i ee ieee hs, ea NEE NS SS
applicable to all without religious distinction. In Bai Tahira v. Ali Hussain
Fidaalli Chothia®, V.R. Krishna lyer, J. observed:
“Welfare laws must be so read as to be effective delivery systems of
the salutary objects sought to be served by the Legislature and when the
beneficiaries are the weaker sections, like destitute women, the spirit of
Article 15(3) of the Constitution must belight the meaning of the section.
The Constitution is a pervasive omnipresence brooding over the mean-
ing and transforming the values of every measure. So, Section 125 and
sister clauses must receive a compassionate expansion of sense that the
words used permit.”
Accordingly, he held that the whole scheme of Section 127(3)(b), which
operates as exception to Section 125 is manifestly to recognise the sub-
stitute maintenance arrangement by lump sum payment organised by
the custom of the community or the personal law of the parties. There
must be a rational relation between the sum so paid and its poten-
tial as provision for maintenance: to interpret otherwise is to stultify
the project. Law is dynamic and its meaning cannot be pedantic but
purposeful, he viewed. He described the provision as a social justice
measure in Ramesh Chander case. He said, “The brooding presence of
the constitutional empathy for the weaker sections like women and
children must inform interpretation if it is to have social relevance.””°
In a landmark case,.Shah.Bano7",.the Supreme Court examined the
question whether..the..obligation-of~Muslim=husband“towards his
divorced wife would be co itined to the period of iddat in accordance
with the Muslim customary
law or whether Section 125 would prevail
over personal law and confer the right during the whole period of des-
tiftition. The Court held that Section 125 was secular welfare measure
operating independent of traditional law for assisting persons who
are not capable of maintaining themselves/? and that it conformed to
the Holy Koran (Aiyat 241) which stated, “For divorced women also
there shall be provision according to what is fair. This is an obliga-
tion binding on the righteous.” The Court
also rejected the argument
that payment of Mehr was absolving the husband from the duty to
pay maintenance. Referring to the parliamentary debate assuring non-
(1979) 2 SCC 316: AIR 1972 SC 362.
” Ramesh Chander Kaushal v. Veena Kaushal, (1978) 4 SCC 70: 1978 SCC (Cri) 508: AIR
1978 SC 1807 at p. 1810.
™ Mohd. Ahmed Khan v. Shah Bano Begum, (1985) 2 SCC 556: 1985 SCC (Cri) 245: AIR
1985 SC 945.
” The Court observed, “Since the Muslim personal law, which limits the husband’s
liability to provide for the maintenance of the divorced wife to the period of iddat,
does not contemplate or countenance the situation envisaged by S. 125, it would be
wrong to hold that the Muslim husband, according to his personal law, is not under
an obligation to provide maintenance, beyond, the period of iddat, to his divorced wife
who is unable to maintain herself.” At p. 950.
From Shah Bano to Danial Latifi and beyond
RN OS SSSR Sea Reta: Sage Rae! 721
intervention with Muslim customary law/} the Court concluded
the legal measure was a fair measure, and did not amount to interfer-
ence. The Court felt that it would be incorrect and unjust to extend
the principle of Muslim Law on maintenance to cases in which the
divorced wife is unable to maintain herself.
Regarding failure to bring Uniform Civil Code, the Court observed
with regret:
“There is no evidence of any official activity for framing a common
civil code for the country. A belief seems to have gained ground that it
is for the Muslim community to take a lead in the matter of reforms of
their personal law. A common civil code will help the cause of national
integration by removing disparate loyalties to laws which have conflict-
ing ideologies. No community is likely to bell the cat by making gratui-
tous concessions on this issue. It is the State which is charged with the
duty of securing a Uniform Civil Code for the citizens of the country
and, unquestionably, it has the legislative competence to do so.’74
An impressive part of the judgment is its convincing reasoning about
welfare dimension of Section 125. Building the uniform block of wel-
fare in family matters even by taking the little support of personal
law jurisprudence was a good effort of balancing modernity with tra-
ditional values. The Court’s plea for UCC, although obiter dicta, was
the point on which public opinion was crystallising. The protest by
the Muslim community against the judgment for interpreting Koranic
verse and for speaking in favour of UCC led to political development
of enacting the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act,
1986. Section 3(1) of the Act provides that a divorced woman shall be
entitled to have from her husband, a reasonable and fair maintenance
which is to be made and paid to her within the iddat period, She is also
entitled to maintenance of children for a period of two years’ from
the date of their birth, to the Mehr and properties given before or at
the time of marriage. As an alternative to remedy under Section 3, her
73, Ram Nivas Mirdha, Minister of State Home Affairs, while discussing S. 125 had
said, “we would not like to interfere with the customary law of the Muslims through
the Criminal Procedure Code. If there is a demand for change in the Muslim personal.
Law, it should actually come from the Muslim community itself and we should wait
for the Muslim public opinion on these matters to crystallise before we try to change
this customary right or make changes in their personal law... the provision in the
Bill is an advance over the previous situation. Divorced women have been included
and brought within the ambit of Cl. 125, but a limitation is being imposed by this
amendment to Cl. 127,... This is a healthy compromise between what has been termed
opinion ...
a conservative interpretation of law or a concession to conservative public
tried to transgress what are the personal rights of
We have made an advance and not
Muslim women.”
SC 945 at p. 954,
78 Mohd. Ahmed Khan v. Shah Bano Begum, (1985) 2 SCC 556: AIR 1985
para 32:
722 Family Law, Modernisatio n and Sacial Transformation
e c SEE ES Se
claim for maintenance from her heirs is recognised under.Section 4.
Application of Section 125 CrPC is possible if the parties opt for the
same. Wakf Board is the last source of help.
The constitutional validity of Sections 3 and 4 of the MWPRDA.was
challéngéd before the Supreme Court in Danial Latifi7> on groundsof
“violating Articles 14, 15 and 21. There were contradicting judgments”
~ by High Courts on this point. The Supreme Court looked to the social
reality and observed, “In our society, whether they belong to the major-
ity or the minority group, What is apparent is that there exists agreat
disparity in the matter_of economic,resourcefulness,
and a woman. Our society is male dominated both economically and
‘socially and women are assigned, invariably, a dependent role, irre-
spective of the class of society to which she belongs...””7 Pointing out
that woman investher s life itself in marriage, Rajendra Babu, J. found
it difficult to compensate her for emotional fracture or loss of invest-
ment. According to him,solutions tosuch societal problems of univer-
sal magnitude pertaining to horizons of basic human rights, culture,
dignity and decency of life and dictates of necessity in the pursuit of
social justice should be invariably left to be decided on considerations
other than religion or religious faith or beliefs or national, sectarian,
racial or communal constraints.
The arguments rested on the issues of reasonable classification, right
to live with human dignity; and propriety of throwing the financial
burden upon entities not connected with the dispute. Following Shah
Bano, the Court made a subtle distinction between the provisions to
be made and the maintenance to be paid. Since the remedy should be
equivalent or alternative to that suggested in Section 125, the factors
of fairness of support contemplated in Koran were to be satisfied and
the requirements of right to equality and dignified life were to be com-
plied, the Court read down the relevant provision and resorted. to pur-
posive interpretation.The Court held, “a Muslim husband is liable to
make reasonable and fair provisionfor the future of the divorced wife
which obviously includes her maintenance as well. Such a reasonable
”° Danial Latifi v. Union of India, (2001) 7 SCC 740: AIR 2001 SC 3958
* A.A. Abdulla v. A.B. Mohmuna Saiyadbhai, AIR 1988 Guj 141; Ali v. Sufaira, (1988) 3
Crimes 147 (Ker); K. Kunhammed Haji v. K. Amina, 1995 Cri LJ 3371 (Ker); K. Zunaideen
v. Ameena Begum, (1998) 2 DMC 468 (Mad); Karim Abdul Rehman Shaikh v. Shehnaz Karim
Shaikh, 2000 Cri LJ 3560 (Bom) (FB) and Jaitunbi Mubarak Shaikh v. Mubarak Fakruddin
Shaikh, (1999) 3 Mah LJ 694: 1999 Cri LJ 3846 (Bom) adopting pro-woman approach
imposing responsibility upon husband and Usman Khan Bahamani v. Fathimunnisa
Begum, 1990 Cri LJ 1364 (AP); Abdul Rashid v. Sultana Begum, 1992 Cri LJ 76 (Cal); Abdul
Haq v. Yasmin Talat, 1998 Cri LJ 3433 (MP); Mohd. Ibrahim Begam v. Ramzan Begum, (1993)
1 DMC 60 (Mad) adopting an approach casting responsibility upon wakf.
” Danial Latifi v. Union of India, (2001) 7 SCC 740: AIR 2001 SC 3958, para 20.
From Shah Bano to Danial Latifi and beyond 723
and fair provision extending beyond the iddat period mustbe made by
ee nmand within the iddat period in terms of Section 3(1)(a) ofthe
ct” Faas ss =
~~ Apart from notable interpretational strategy, the decision deserves
appreciation because of pro-human right discourse, court’s willing-
ness to retain legal pluralism subject to stringent constitutional control,
and creative grafting of Koranic ethics to a statutory piece in order
to make it really a protective law. The way in which it has used the
good elements of Shah Bano and avoided the UCC bogey gives an excel-
lent strategy of law for social transformation. The judgment has estab-
lished that conservative approach of sticking to the male-dominant
proposition in the name of religious principle cannot withstand con-
stitutional scrutiny. The potentiality of constitutional jurisprudence
under Articles 14 and 21 to mould the direction of legal development
in family law is also demonstrated.
The pro-human right approach on the maintenance law applicable to
Hindus and Scheduled Tribes has definitely yielded comfortable result,
reinforcing the basic ethics that maintenance of family members is the
first duty. In Madhu Kishwar v. State of Bihar’, the constitutional valid-
ity of certain provisions of Chota Nagpur Tenancy Act, 1908, which
excluded the female dependents from inheritance to the property of
deceased male head of the family, was upheld by the majority of the
Supreme Court only after recognising female members’ right to main-
tenance as a component of right to dignified life under Article 21. The
report by the Committee constituted by the Government under the
direction of the Supreme Court conveyed the tribal people’s obstruc-
tion to change the law of succession in view of fear about alienation
of property to non-tribals by the females and the existing protection
available in the form of maintenance. The majority viewed, “In face
of these divisions and visible barricades put up by the sensitive tribal
people valuing their own custom, traditions and usages, judicially
enforcing on them the principles of personal laws applicable to others,
on an elitist approach or on equality principle, by judicial activism, is
a difficult and mind-boggling effort.””7 The Court unanimously held
78 (1996) 5 SCC 125: AIR 1996 SC 1864.
77 The minority opinion by K. Ramaswamy, J. stated, “It would thus be seen that
the customs among the Scheduled Tribes, vary from tribe to tribe and region
prevailin g in the respectiv e regions an
region, based upon the established practice
accepta :
among particular tribes. Therefore, it would be difficult to decide, without
y successio n 1S valid, certain, ancient an
material among each tribe, whether customar
status of law. However, as noticed above,
consistent and whether it has acquired the
in matters of succession
customs are prevalent and being followed among the tribes
marriage, divorce, etc. Customs became
and inheritance apart from other customs like
in their social life and not a
part of the tribal laws as a guide to attitude and practice
final definition of law”. Para 31.
724 nisation and Sacial Transformation
Family Law, ModerEE
0 8
that it is not desirable to grant general declaration that the custom of
inheritance offends Articles 14, 15 and 21 of the Constitution.
K. Ramaswamy, J. in his well-researched dissent interpreted the
term “male descendent” to include female descendent also in the light
of international human rights principles and constitutional provisions
in order to save the constitutionality of the impugned legislation. But
the majority abstained from the equality approach, and found fair
solution in expanded concept of right to life. To the suggestion that
analogy of Hindu Succession Act or Indian Succession Act could be
applied, Punchhi, J. for the majority observed:
“However, much we may like the law to be so we regret our inability to
subscribe to the means in achieving such objective. If this be the route of
return on the Court’s entering the thicket, it is far better that the Court’s
kept out of it. It is not far to imagine that there would follow a bee-line
for similar claims diverse situations, not stopping at tribal definitions,
and a deafening uproar to bring other systems of law in line with the
Hindu Succession Act and the Indian Succession Act as models. Rules
of succession are indeed susceptible of providing differential treatment,
not necessarily equal. Non-uniformities would not in all events violate
Article 14. Judge made amendments to provisions, over and above the
available legislature, should normally be avoided.’”*°
Significance of the judgment consists in serious attempt to infuse
human rights values into the personal law system without supplant-
ing the latter. But the judg nent did not go far enough to confer equal
rights to women. The case demonstrates the difficulty of bringing
social transformation through authoritative legal proposition. Waiting
for favourable public opinion and legislative reform became the strat-
egy of the majority. The case demonstrates the State Policy that there
will not be imposition of personal law reform upon an unwilling com-
munity. It tolerates legal pluralism; but at the same time tries to realise
the human rights values within the existing framework and in accord-
ance with the moral ethos of the society. The attainment of UCC is not
within its immediate agenda.
Judicial social engineering of maintenance law on post-modernity
lines is attempted in some other cases also. Traditional Hindu Law
had not recognised husband’s right to claim against wife whereas
Sections 23 and 24 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 enable the hus-
band to claim maintenance from wife. In no other Indian personal law
husband is given this sort of right. Even in the West such a proposition
is rare. Although not popular, this approach of equality is revolution-
ary. But the judiciary has been cautious in applying this provision. In
% Para 49:
Marriage law, bigamy, divorce and the renewed UCC debate 725
Kanchan v. Kamalendra* the Bombay High Court, in appeal, disallowed
maintenance claim of the able bodied husband against wife, and
observed that to hold otherwise would be to promote idleness and go
against the spirit of the provision. The point that in fit cases like hus-
band’s unfortunate position of disablement due to accident and lack
of means to maintain, his interest shall be protected under the above
provisions was accepted in Lalit Mohan case. Mere factor of indigence
is one to be shared by both the spouses rather than to be compensated
by maintenance. The policy of situation-sensitive justice in culture-
specific context, to which Menski makes frequent reference, has been
applied in maintenance cases. Another development is that criminal
law is applied in cases like Bodhisattwa Gautam*, Vinod Kumar®s and
Mukund Martand Chitnis* to award compensation to women, who were
victims of duping, abandonment and defamatory allegation by the
On the whole, the “quiet reform” through Section 125 and pro-
woman approach in maintenance cases have gone beyond modernist
policy, and tried to integrate the values of human rights and welfare.
Menski writes, “Post-modern Hindu Law in this field now reflects the
realistic recognition of a need for the formal state law to rely on social
support system mechanism from within the family to make up for the
lack of a welfare state system in India.”*”
16.8 Marriage law, bigamy, divorce and the renewed UCC debate
The interaction between tradition and modernity has largely influ-
enced the growth of marriage law especially amidst Hindus. The
characteristic features of traditional Hindu marriage law included the
notion of marriage as sacrament, permanent relation of spouses with
very little scope for separation, permission for polygamy and duty of
cohabitation.®* During the colonial period, the Widow Remarriage Act,
1856 and Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929 brought changes in the
marriage law expanding the ambit of choice and enhancing woman's
dignity. The Arya Marriage Validation Act, 1937 provided for valida-
tion of marriage among Arya samajists irrespective of the fact that the
parties belonged to different castes, sub-castes or religions at any time.
According to S.G. Bhat, “These piecemeal treatments, even though
opposed by the conservatists, came to be accepted by the society as
they were the need of the hour.””
In Bombay, Madras and Saurashtra, laws were enacted in 1946, 1949
and 1950 for preventing the practice of bigamy amidst Hindus. In
Narasu Appa Mali” the Bombay High Court abstained from scrutinis-
ing the constitutionality of the Bombay Act under right to equality on
the ground that personal law was not law under Article 13. The argu-
ment that monogamy law was not applicable to Muslims, and hence
amounted to discrimination, was rejected on this count. The approach
was ad hoc and did not put forward human rights approach. But it gave
free hand for legislature to bring reforms in personal law without
Part III limitations. The fact that fundamental rights scrutiny of per-
sonal laws adds social and gender justice principles to family law was
realised only later. The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 clearly prohibited
bigamy, and brought other important changes. By allowing inter-caste
marriages it has moved from inequality to equality. However, accord-
ing to one view, equality has an unfinished role of effectively protect-
ing the interests of parties entered into marital relation with persons
with unsound mind or impotency.”
Monogamy is an ideal p ‘inciple flowing from the traditional Hindu
concept of marriage as a one-to-one union for life. But as an exception
to this ideal, in limited circumstances polygamy was allowed. Abuse
of this provision was opposed to dharma. But the rulers and the rich,
used to indulge in perversion of polygamy for pleasure. The HMA, 1955
abolished and criminalised bigamy, and the bigamous marriages were
rendered void. Under the Special Marriage Act of 1954, the Christian
Marriage Act of 1825 and Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act of 1936 also,
bigamous marriage is void. Sections 494 and 495 IPC impose punish-
ment on the bigamous husbands.93
Lily Thomas v. Union of India, (2000) 6 SCC 224: AIR 2000 SC 1650 at para 61.
Marriage law,
Sy bigamy i
, divorce and the renewed UCC debate
eatin Dit ee lata 729
But main part of the judgment about the convertee’s links with spouse
under earlier personal law convincingly argues against commoditis-
ing and trivialising religion for escaping from criminal liability arising
from lust.
Another factor that obstructs successful prosecution against biga-
mous husbands is the legal requirements about celebration of marriage.
If a ritual practiced for a marriage is not the one prescribed for valid
marriage under the customs, the marriage contracted becomes a nul-
lity. Applying this proposition strictly, the Supreme Court in Bhaurao
Shankar'" held that departure from the essential custom made the
marriage not performed and that because of non-occurrence of one of
the marriages the accused was to be acquitted. The principle was reit-
erated in Kanwal Ram'*®, Santi Deb Berma’®3 and other cases. Sometimes,
even when the community’s custom does not insist on performance of
saptapadi and homam, courts have held non-performance of saptapadi as
departure. Many of the bigamy prosecutions have resulted in acquit-
tal or imposition of lenient punishment. However, when the second
wife has claimed maintenance or other remedies, the requirement of
compliance with essential ritual is not insisted. In Sumitra Devi'*+ non
performance of saptapadi but performance of other customs was con-
sidered as fulfilling the requirement of valid marriage, and the main-
tenance for the petitioner and her child was awarded. In Obula Konda
Reddy'’® the A.P. High Court considered void marriage as neverthe-
less marriage and granted maintenance from the “husband”. However,
when the first wife sought permission for her husband’s second mar-
riage during the subsistence of her marriage, the H.P. High Court has
rejected such claim in Santosh Kumari’.
The outcome of bigamy law’s development is that judiciary has
looked to the issue from the perspective of criminal law, and went for
strict interpretation. But when woman’s claim is involved, a liberal and
pro-woman approach is adopted to provide some remedies to her. The
judiciary’s concern for upholding woman's right projects modernity,
which is juxtaposed to the conservative approach about strict compli-
ance with customs and tradition.
The traditionalism v. modernity discourse can be carried out
with reference to other aspects of matrimonial law also. Firstly, plu-
ralistic practices relating to marriage have continued in spite of the
' Madan Mohan Manna v. Chitra Manna, AIR 1993 Cal 33.
'S V. Shankar Ram v. Sukanya, AIR 1997 Mad 394.
'© Sunil Kumar v. Usha, AIR 1994 MP 1.
'” Chetan Dass v. Kamla Devi, (2001) 4 SCC 250: AIR 2001 SC 1709.
Marriage law, bigamy, divorce and the renewed UCC debate
She a eR eS le 733
The approach reflects distrust with the modernist and carefree
approach, and adheres to the positive side of traditional approach
about marriage as an enduring tie. Menski considers the development
as one balancing the deficiency in commitment to modernity, and mov-
ing beyond the boundaries of tradition and modernity.'*® The Supreme
Court has recently expressed its anguish and concern against abuse of
the HMA: “HMA has broken more homes than uniting...The growing
number of divorce cases in the country is having a disastrous effect on
children of families which get broken.”"”9 The Court viewed that some
couples have abused the provisions granting divorce on ground of suf-
fering from mental illness or leprosy.
There are decided cases in which courts granted divorce to hus-
bands on the ground of cruelty that the husband is humiliated by
the wife by not serving tea to his guests;° by wearing modern dress
and by participating in dance against his wishes;*" by leaving aside
children of wedlock with husband while going to parental home for
long duration; or by tearing the mangal sutra.’3 On the other hand,
husband's act of calling his wife unchaste, by itself, did not amount
to cruelty when wife sought for divorce. It has been commented by
a scholar that while law on statute book reflected balanced position,
judicial application has tilted the law against women, “Marriage is
viewed, by majority of judges, as an implied surrender of the right of a
woman over her freedom; a sacrifice of her aspirations and desires and
an acceptance of her role as a home maker working to earn the much
eluded satisfaction of her in-laws.”"*5
The Muslim Law on marriage confers upon the Muslim husband
right to divorce unilaterally by pronouncing talak and conveying his
decision to the wife. Some of the unsatisfactory matters relating to
divorce are that talak may be validly pronounced under compulsion
or voluntary intoxication; the right of giving talak may be delegated;
it may be given orally and be subject to future event. The attempts to
bring reforms through judicial intervention have been unsuccessful.’
Under Section 2 of the Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act of 1939, a
"8 Werner Menski, op. cit., at p. 482.
"9 Per Arijit Pasayat, J. in Gaurav Nagpal case, The Hindu, 16-6-2008.
120 Kalpana v. Surendra Nath, AIR 1985 All 253: (1985) 11 ALR 552.
121 Priti Parihar v. Kailash Singh Parihar, AIR 1978 Raj 140.
122 (1997) DMC 377, see also, Poonam Pradhan Saxena, infra, n. 125 at pp. 380-81.
123 Parimi Mehar Seshu v. Parimi Nageswara Sastry, AIR 1994 AP 92.
24 Neera v. Kishan Swarup, AIR 1975 All 337. |
25 Poonam Pradhan Saxena, “Matrimonial Laws and Gender Justice” (2003)
335 at p. 387. |
126 Ahmedabad Women Action Group (AWAG) v. Union of India, (1997) 3 SCC 573:
1997 SC 3614.
734 Family Law, Modernisation and Social Transformation
CO npg a
Muslim wife may sue for divorce on specific grounds. The grounds
are related to situations in which married life is practically impossible
whereas the earlier law had not provided any remedy in such circum-
stances. It has been viewed that Muslim womans right to repudiate
marriage by khula, which is recognised under the 1939 Act, has put
her in a position equal to that of husband and established a rational
The Indian Divorce Act of 1869 had numerous anomalous provisions
discriminating against women. For example, in order to seek divorce
a wife had to prove not only adultery by husband but also incestuous
adultery and bigamy with adultery whereas it was sufficient for hus-
band to establish mere adultery by the wife. Impleading adulterer or
adulteress as co-respondent, getting confirmation from High Court for
divorce and limited availability of the grounds for divorce were unsat-
isfactory factors. Series of recommendation by the Law Commission,
and efforts of judiciary to sensitise the law-makers along with piece-
meal interpretative adventure to make the law more humanist” ulti-
mately led Parliament to amend the Act in 2001 to bring far-reaching
changes. Not only that the anomalies were removed and grounds for
divorce were expanded to fall in line with reforms in other personal
laws, but also the right to maintenance was conferred to wife. While
the parallel English Law on the subject had undergone big change and
the HMA had brought gender equality in this matter, the Christian
community had not vociterously demanded for change, and it is after
a long waiting for consensus that law interfered to bring the change.
Undue concern for not disturbing the minority community’s per-
sonal law was the reason for delay. The Parsi Marriage and Divorce
(Amendment) Act, 1988 enhanced the age of marriage to conform to
the general law, provided grounds of divorce on account of cruelty or
of unsound mind of the other spouse; introduced divorce on mutual
consent; and provided for payment of alimony and in camera trial.
With these changes operating, inequality in personal law is lessened
paving the way for UCC. Universal application of Dowry Prohibition
Act is also a factor that supports UCC venture.
29 Poonam Pradhan Saxena, Family Law Lectures: Family Law II (2nd Edn,
Butterworths Lexis Nexis, New Delhi 2007) Preface to 1st Edn.
130 _P. Ishwara Bhat “Hindu Mother's Right to share in the Coparcenary Property: A
Critique of South Indian Practice”, (1985) 9 The Academy Law Review at p. 187; see also,
Prakash Chand Jain, “Women’s Property Rights under Traditional Hindu Law and
Hindu Succession Act, 1956: Some Observations” (2003) 45 JILI 509.
736 Modernisation and Social Transformation
Family Law,ee
ed to the gains of
recent times. The interests of justice need to be link
learning in order to balance between tradition and mod
al assist-
Coparcenary system operates on the basis of trust, mutu
benefit of
ance and joint venture. The concepts of legal necessity and
for all
estate reflect some of the cultural traits of Hindu family caring
and collectively participating in family’s affairs, both mundane
spiritual. The banyan tree of four generation HUF is rare nowadays in
the era of nuclear family. But its ethos is still guiding the Hindu fami-
lies. Insistence on honesty in partition of family property, sons’ pious
obligation to pay debts, eschewing of avyavaharika debts and such
other principles stand for avoidance of unjust enrichment.” Care for
the old is a virtue meticulously cultivated in HUF to build up indig-
enous social security system based on love to avoid the dependence on
mechanical atmosphere of old age home of modern times. But modern
employment practices and migration of sons to distant working places
have challenged the old pattern of living, and modern social security
system is resorted to in some instances.
The more serious problematic factor about coparcenary is absence of
adequate protection of women’s interests in the family property. While
mother’s right in coparcenary property was uncertain in some areas,
the rights of daughters and other dependents were confined to main-
tenance or any benefit conferred through good gesture of coparceners.
The beginning of change was witnessed with the passing of Hindu
Women’ Right to Property Act in 1937. This Act conferred upon wid-
ows of coparceners of HUF, right to claim partition of family property
and hold the shares that their husbands would have got had the par-
tition taken place. But such right was limited estate i.e. right to hold
the property and enjoy its benefits during their lifetime without the
power of alienating by any means. After their death or remarriage, the
property would revert back to the family. Compared to the miserable
situation of widows who had merely maintenance rights earlier, the
elevation of their status in respect of family property was a welcome
change boldly carried even by making inroad into the doctrine of sur-
vivorship. The Hindu Succession Act of 1956 brought radical change by
converting the limited estate into absolute right of the widow.
Other far-reaching changes brought by HSA, 1956 have greatly sup-
ported the feminist cause. Although it retained the doctrine of survi-
vorship, when any female heir or her successor in Class I inheritors
was surviving on the death of a coparcener, the property was to be
'! P. Ishwara Bhat, “A Critical Appraisal of the Hindu Gains of Learning Act”
(1985) 27 JILI 578.
'? P. Ishwara Bhat, “Protection against unjust enrichment and undeserved misery
as the essence of property rights jurisprudence in Mitakshara” (2006) JILI.
Succession and property rights: towards equality?
S e 737
devolved on the basis of intestate or testamentary succession.
female heirs in Class I included four males and eight females includ-
ing mother, widow, daughter, etc. The concept of notional partition
was used because of which the share of the deceased coparcener was
to be first identified according to the classical law. While interpreting
Section 6 of the Act in Gurupad v. Hirabai'33, the Supreme Court held
that the heir will get his or her share in the interest which the deceased
had in the coparcenary property at the time of his death, in addition to
the share which he or she received or must be deemed to have received
in the notional partition. The case was instituted by the widow of the
deceased who claimed her share under notional partition along with
right of succession. Any restrictive interpretation that excluded her
right under notional partition was, according to the Court, a retrograde
step and putting back as it were the clock of social reform, which has
enabled the Hindu woman to acquire an equal status with males in
matters of property. According to the Court, the provision intended to
remedy the injustice from which the Hindu women have suffered over
the years, and required liberal interpretation. The principle laid down
in Gurupad has been reaffirmed by the Supreme Court in Narayan Rao
Another notable change that favoured women is recognition of
female’s right to dispose her interest by will, gift or sale. However,
exclusion of dwelling house from partition even notionally, and the
operation of testamentary succession as an alternative to intestate suc-
cession were disadvantageous to women. Non inclusion of father in
Class I heirs has been defective, especially when the father is old and
in need of help, and had contributed substantially for son’s education
and career.
Inherent deficiency in the HSA was that it had continued male domi-
nated coparcenary system, which had reduced the shares of daughters.
The justifications for this policy, in addition to compliance with tradi-
tion, perhaps consisted in male members’ contribution for protection
and expansion of family property and absence of female members for
work in the HUF because of marriage for which expenses are incurred
from the family property. In the year 1975, the process of legislative
reform began. The Kerala Joint Hindu family (Abolition) Act, 1975
abolished the system of coparcenary in Kerala. It also abrogated the
concept of pious obligation. The Andhra Pradesh Hindu Succession
(Amendment) Act, 1985 had the avowed policy of promoting equality
before law and dealing with socially pernicious practice of dowry by
positive measure of ameliorating the conditions of Hindu women in
8° According to Julius Stone, the rules of succession should aim towards protecting
the family from disintegration. Explaining the English legal developments in 1938
(Inheritance Family Provision Act, 1938) which introduced limits on testamentary
disposition Prof. Stone observes, “Freedom of testation which favoured family stability
when rules of intestacy fell short, might well become dangerous to this interest when
the rules on intestacy have been made adequate. The discretion given by the Act to
make provision for certain members of the family despite the will, might seen to
promote, by restricting testation the same interests as had formerly to be promoted
by freedom of testation itself.” See, Julius Stone, Social Dimensions of Law and Justice
(1966), at p. 316. See also, P. Ishwara Bhat “Directive Principles of State Policy and Social
ene with Reference to Uniform Civil Code” (1989) 25 Banaras Law Journal at
p: 75.
Succession and property rights: towards equality? 741
ene TE
sisters or nearest kindred get the shares. The Parsi Law of Succession
under the Act of 1925 provides for equal shares among the widow/wid-
ower and children. Widows of male lineal descendents are given rights
so long they remain not remarried. The Act of 1925 had a discrimina-
tory provision (Section 118) prohibiting the making of deathbed will
by Christians for religious or charitable uses. In John Vallamattom the
Supreme Court held this provision as violative of Articles 14 and 15 of
the Constitution. According to the Court, the impugned section dis-
criminated against Christians on many counts.’** The Court referred
to several provisions of Human Rights instruments in support of
non-discriminatory personal law and reiterated the need for UCC.
According to V.N. Khare, CJI, “A common civil code will help the cause
of national integration by removing the contradictions based on ideol-
ogies.” The Court’s application of equality provision for nullifying dis-
criminatory provisions of personal law is a laudable step in upgrading
the quality of personal law to reflect fair position. Compared to Madhu
Kishwar where the Court hesitated to apply right to equality in fear of
beeline of cases, the approach in this case is bold. Perhaps, the dis-
satisfaction by the Christian community against the law based on old
English model, which had been abandoned in England also long back,
was taken into consideration. However, ignoring of the spirit of Section
118 to limit the testamentary power in order for protecting the rights
of nearest relatives requires rethinking. Instead of total prohibition of
testamentary disposition, partial restriction without any distinction
based on religion or purpose of bequest will be protecting the interests
of the dependants.
In Mary Roy v. State of Kerala’* the constitutionality of Travancore
Christian Succession Act, 1992 was challenged on grounds of right to
equality in view of denial of right of intestate succession for daughters
and recognition of limited right of life estate to widows of deceased
Christian males whereas in other parts of Kerala Indian Succession
Act, 1925 had provided for equal rights for women. The Supreme
Court interpreted Part “C” States Act, 1951 to the effect that there was
40 S118 ISA, 1925, which is applicable only to Christians as per S. 58 had stated,
“No man having a nephew or niece or any nearer relative shall have power to bequeath
any property to religious or charitable uses, except by a will executed not less than fi
months’ before his death, and deposited within 6 months’ from its execution in some
place provided by law for the safe custody of the will of living persons.”
141 By unreasonable classification between Christians and non-Christians; between
testamentary and other dispositions; between religious and charitable purpose
not having relative; and
other purposes; between persons having relative and those
. |
between persons dying within 12 months’ and others.
John, “Succession Law in
142 (1986) 2 SCC 209: AIR 1986 SC 1011; See also, Thomas
y: The Experi ence of Mary Roy v.
India and Obstacles in the Road to Gender Equalit
38 at p. 57.
State of Kerala, (1986) 2 SCC 209 Student Bar Review
Family Law, Modernisation and Social eTransformation
742 ee
out deciding
repeal of TCSA and that ISA, 1925 was applicable. With
licable and
the constitutionality of the TCSA, the Court held it as inapp
ensured gender justice.
m age differ-
or where the parentage of the child is not known. Minimu
ence between adopter and adoptee is newly prescribed.
The requirement of holding datta homam, which was essential
adoption among Dwijas, is now removed, and thereby secular
is attributed to adoption. But performance of the ceremony is so com-
mon in particular communities that absence of datta homam has given
rise to legitimate ground of suspicion. Since there is denial of scope
to cancel adoption by any of the parties under Section 15, and hence
enduring relation on expected lines is contemplated, the psychological
support arising from ceremonies like datta homam, in fact, strengthens
the legal intention. Tradition need not be characterised as an enemy of
Further, Section 17 of:the Act prohibits and penalises any commer-
cial transaction in the matter of adoption. However, contracts against
disposal of property adversely affecting the adopted son’s interests
could be there in view of Section 13. Regarding the effect of adop-
tion under Section 12, the Supreme Court has followed a pro-child
approach by holding that the son adopted by a widow would be heir
of deceased husband also. It is significant to note that the interests of
adopted children are protected by enhancing the rights of females. It
has been pointed out by N. Balu that by introduction of the factor of
caste in the matter of effect of adoption, courts have digressed from
the letter and spirit of the adoption law."47
The practice of adoptixn amidst non-Hindus is governed by the
Guardians and Wards Act, 1890 under which guardians appointed by
the courts initiate the process of adoption by approaching the Court
for permission. The Supreme Court, in Lakshmi Kant Pandey‘ laid
down mandatory guidelines to be followed in case of inter-country
adoption in order to eschew commercialisation and ensure maximum
welfare of the child. Aiming at removal of loopholes in the existing law,
the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 pro-
vides that adoptions shall be resorted to for the rehabilitation of such
children as are orphaned, abandoned, neglected and abused through
institutional and non-institutional methods. The Board established
under the Act has power to give children in adoption as per the guide-
lines issued by the government.’ In Muslim Law, the rules relating
to acknowledgment of paternity comes to the rescue of some class of
abandoned children.
'” N. Balu, “Adoption: Some Unresolved Issues” (2003) 45 JILI 537 at p. 552.
“8 Lakshmi Kant Pandey v. Union of India, (1984) 2 SCC 244: AIR 1984 SC 469.
'? See supra, Ch. 14; see also, Vibha Sharma, “Inter-country Adoptions in India — An
Appraisal” (2003) 45 JILI 543.
Children’s rights and welfare 745
The concern of family law relating to the guardianship of children
supported by human right considerations also. Traditional Hindu Law
and Muslim Law reflect male domination in the matter of guardian-
ship of the minor in respect of either person or property. Ordinarily,
mother’s right to custody of the minor until the minor completes the
age of five years’ under Hindu Law, and seven years under Muslim
law, is recognised. Under Muslim Law, minor girl’s custody is vested
with mother until she attains puberty. Section 6 of the Hindu Minority
and Guardianship Act, 1956 provides that the natural guardians of a
Hindu minor, in respect of the minor’s person as well as in respect of
the minor’s property (excluding his or her undivided interest in joint
family property), are:
(a) in the case of a boy or an unmarried girl—the father, and after
him, the mother provided that the custody of a minor who
has not completed the age of five years’ shall ordinarily be
with the mother;
(b) in the case of an illegitimate boy or an illegitimate unmar-
ried girl—the mother, and after her, the father;
(c) in the case of a married girl—the husband.
However, persons ceased to be Hindus or renounced the world are not
entitled to act as natural guardians. Regarding the right of mother to act
as guardian during the lifetime of husband, judiciary had opportunity
to interpret in few cases. Reaffirming the principles laid down in ear-
lier cases and reasoning under the light of right to equality and human
rights principles, the Supreme Court observed in Gita Hariharan:
“In the context in which it appears in Section 6(a), it means ‘in the
absence of’, the word ‘absence’ therein referring to the father’s absence
from the care of the minor’s property or person for any reason whatever.
If the father is wholly indifferent to the matters of the minor even if he is
living with the mother or if by virtue of mutual understanding between
the father and the mother, the latter is put exclusively in charge of the
minor, or if the father is physically unable to take care of the minor
either because of his staying away from the place where the mother and
the minor are living or because of his physical or mental incapacity, in
all such like situations, the father can be considered to be absent and the
mother being a recognised natural guardian, can act validly on behalf
of the minor as the guardian.”*°
Gender justice helping the cause of minor children is a modernist
method of effectuating the traditional ethos of holding the child's right
as requiring paramount attention and consideration.'*' Judiciary has
1999 SC
1590 Per Dr. A.S. Anand, CJI in Githa Hariharan v. RBI, (1999) 2 SCC 228: AIR
51 UC, Banerjee, J. observed, “Though nobility and self-denial coupled
past and the cry for
tolerance mark the greatest features of Indian womanhood in the
746 Family Law, Modernisation and Social Transformation
ie ee
acted with great concern for children when the property belonging to
the minor is put to loss. The human rights approach has made the law
equality and equal status being at a very low ebb, but with the passage of time and
change of social structure the same is however no longer dormant but presently quite
loud. This cry is not restrictive to any particular country but world over with variation
in degree only.”
' P. Ishwara Bhat, “Pandit Nehru’s vision of social transformation through state
power” (1989) 50 Mysore University Journal (Arts) at pp. 25-40.
'8 Tibor Mende, Conversations with Nehru, at p. Si:
'4 The extreme religious reverence which some people gave to their personal laws
was completely misplaced.
UCC debate revisited: what next in the law?
e e » 747
component, the common agenda excluded implemen
tation of UCC in
order to keep the alliance. Thus, political compromises
allowed con-
tinuing the Nehruvian approach.
However, the judicial approach has been activist and
reform ori-
ented one. Court’s appeal to Parliament to enact UCC has been
ously done, and repeated several times. But, instead of creating
a posi-
tive result of changing the law, it gave rise to obstructive postu
re of
limiting the operation of reformative secular measure (Section
CrPC). Compared to this, the Danial Latifi judgment, which is as vital
as Shah Bano judgment, did not provoke the sentiments but protected
the feminist interests effectively by application of human rights norms.
Although there was vociferous voice for UCC raised in Saral Mudgal,
the pressure got subsided with Court's clarification in Lily Thomas case.
The separate and concurring judgment of M. Sahai, J. in Sarala has
been realistic. He said, “The desirability of uniform code can hardly
be doubted. But it can concretise only when social climate is prop-
erly built up by elite of the society, statesmen amongst leaders who
instead of gaining personal mileage rise above and awaken the masses
to accept the change.”"55
Leaving aside the issue of UCC, what the judiciary has done to
enhance the content of human rights and gender justice through inter-
pretative technique has been tremendous. Both the constitutional
provisions and international conventions were creatively applied for
a comfortable situation. It should be remembered that this is a step
ahead towards uniform principle of justice.
The intelligentsia has differing views about UCC. The majority
report of the Committee on Status of Woman expressed dissatisfaction
about failure to enact UCC in spite of laying emphasis on secularism,
science and modernisation, and recommended for expeditious imple-
mentation of UCC. The dissenting members viewed that actualities of
the social situation deviated from the ideologies, which could not be
set right by UCC alone. Werner Menski argues that, the fact that stat-
utes could not wipe off the traditional law speaks about the limits of
legal reform, and the force of tradition and pluralistic practices. In spite
of the difficulties arising from multiplicity of personal laws, plural-
ism has prevailed. Gurpreet Mahajan expressed apprehension about
loss of cultural identity of minorities due to imposition of majoritarian
155 Para 44; He said, “a unified code is imperative both for protection of the
oppressed and promotion of national unity and solidarity. But the first step should
be to rationalise the personal law of the minorities to develop religious and cultural
amity. The Government would be well advised to entrust the responsibility to the
Law Commission which may in consultation with Minorities Commission examine
the matter and bring about the comprehensive legislation in keeping with modern day
concept of human rights for women.”
748 Family Law, Modernisation and Social Transformation
een NO R
law and stated, “The challenge that confronts India today is how to
ensure justice for all while simultaneously retaining its multicultural
identity. And it is this concern that has prompted many, even in the
women’s movement, to argue for gender-just personal laws rather than
16.12 Conclusions
17.1 Introduction
1 Paschim Banga Khet Mazdoor Samity v. State of W.B., (1996) 4 SCC 37: AIR 1996 SC
752 Economic Development, Law and Social Transformati
ee NS
to promot
combating large inter-temporal fluctuations.” In addition
on regard-
ing social equity, respecting the claims of future generati
ing conservation of natural resources and avoidance of envi
pollution is a paramount responsibility of state and society in regul
ing the economic activities. en
Indian legal system has a sound tradition of aiming at, and ensur-
ing fairness in economic activities and distribution of their outputs.
Ancient Indian philosophy of subordinating the human desires and
economic activities/property to just and fair law gave highly humanis-
tic norms for economic transactions. Kautilya’s assertion that economic
factor is of primary importance (artha eva pradhanah) is to be under-
stood as a warning to the ruler to ensure a fair position in that sphere
with utmost concern. A pro-active role of state and law in this sphere
was regarded as appropriate, and that holds good even today. As can
be recapitulated from earlier chapters, collectivist approach in the past
had established a communitarian base for, or control over property
right—its acquisition, holding and marketing—and social control on
varieties of economic processes connected with it? Indian cultural
ethos believed in interests of justice as the basis for property. This nec-
essarily involved distribution, work and sacrifice as the only justifica-
tions for entitlement to property,4 and avoidance of unjust enrichment
and undeserved misery as the duty in its use’ With the colonial legal
system's introduction of intermediary system in land holdings, and
other mercantile practices‘ that aim at profit enhancement, economic
imbalances had a far-reaching adverse impact on capability of the
poorer sections.® The efforts of Constitution Makers to set norms for
controlling abuses of property rights and for expanding opportunities
of economic well-being reflect definite strategies and parameters of
social transformation” The growing concern for environmental pro-
tection has also influenced the patterns of economic development.
In this chapter an attempt is made to identify the legal system’s
approach in the matter of economic development; to assess the param-
eters and thrusts of economic development; to survey the “social trans-
formation” dimensions of law on agricultural and industrial develop-
ment; and to evaluate law’s preparedness and efficacy in balancing
economic development with environmental protection. The suitability
? AC. Pigou, Economic Aspects of the Welfare State in Great Political Thinkers (2nd Edn.,
1956) at pp. 814-15.
> See supra, Ch. 2.
* Ishopanishad, Verse 1.
° P. Ishwara Bhat, “Protection against unjust enrichment and undeserved misery
as the essence of property rights jurisprudence in Mitakshara” (2006) JILI.
° See supra, Ch. 2.
” See supra, Ch. 4.
Theoretical underpinnings of economic development
ei e eeaee mic LU 783
of “conflict”, “consensus” and “integrated” models of social change in
this particular legal regime will be highlighted.
8 Richard Posner, Frontiers of Legal Theory (Universal Law Publishing Co., New
Delhi 2006) at p. 35. 82 25
° Jeremy Bentham, An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation (Ed.),
(Burns and Hart).
” Jeffry G. Murphy and Jules L. Coleman, Philosophy of Law (Oxford University
Press, New Delhi 1990) at pp. 182-86.
and Economics
1 Ronald Coase, “The Problem of Social Cost” (1960) 3 Journal of Law
at pp. 187-07; Robert Cooter and Thomas Ulen, Law &
3 at p. 1; Jeffry G. Murphy op. cit.,
n, 2004 Indian rept. EBC) at pp. 85-91.
Economics (4th Edn. Pearson Educatio
754 Economic Development, Law and Social Transformation
stands for social justice; it promotes the good of all.”"* He
bread labour theory, equal dignity of all types of labour, non-
of money and promotion of charity.? Avoidance of income disparity
‘s the means of eradication of poverty. He did not find the conflict
between labour and capital as something irresolvable, as labour itself
was unit of capital. Harmonious relations between labour and capital,
and between tenant and landlord were essential to avoid exploitation.
The rich, the capitalist and employer had to act as trustees of the prop-
erty or means of production without amassing the whole profit unto
themselves but sharing with others concerned with production or
consumption. Any possession of wealth beyond one’s immediate was
theft. What Gandhiji propounded was reminiscent of Indian cultural
ethos expressed in classic and regional literature. Basaveshwara had
viewed that honest work (kayaka) was a self-reliant and self-respect-
ing means of attaining property, and that sinner’s wealth was fit only
for penalty and not for righteous utilisation.’* He regarded that work
with pure mind replaced greed, and facilitated charity. It was a way to
social treasure."
The idea that economic development’s concern should not be solely
wealth maximisation but should help the society as a whole in eleva-
tion from poverty has been emphasised ‘by contemporary thinkers
and writers also. According to Manmohan Singh, “Development is not
just about our increasing the rates of growth, but fundamentally it is
about translating this into improving the quality of life of our peo-
ple to lead a life of dignity and self-respect. It is about increasing our
people’s access to such basic needs as nutrition, health, education and
gainful employment... Ensuring economic security, food security and
social justice have been the underlying principles that have guided
our development process for many years.” He regards that the rights
approach in the matter of education, employment and information has
great potentialities, which ought to be supported by corruption-free
administration and by the civil society.
Propounding the concept of development with dignity, Amit
Bhaduri wrote, “...the development process that we must strive for,
is not simply a higher growth rate; nor should it mean simply an
2 Harijan, 9-10-1937.
8 See supra, Ch. 3.
'* Siddayya Puranik, Human values in Vachana Literature (Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan,
Bangalore 1997) at pp. 22-31.
'S IfIsee a doing and donating devotee,
Ifeel I have seen a treasure...Lord of Kudala Sangama Siddayya Puranik, op. cit., at
pp. 24-25.
‘© Manmohan Singh, “Realisation of Human and Legal Rights of the People—Role
of NALSA” (2007) 5 Nyayadeep 7: 1.
ET etica
ae al a
underpinnings of economic development
ae aN cd TOD
elaborate bureaucratic mechanism for income transfer
to improve the
distribution of income in favour of the poor. It has to be
viewed from a
different perspective altogether in which growth and distr
ibution are
integrated into the very same process, while breaking systematic
the social barriers of discrimination and prejudices based on gende
caste, language, religion or ethnicity.” He prefers to find solutions
the efficient functioning of five-layered democracy than either in pri-
vatisation or in patron-client relation between state and citizen.® The
bureaucratic planning and implementation from the top without look-
ing to the suitable local conditions has failed, and local participation is
a must for development with dignity, he viewed.
Amartya Sen has pointed out that distancing economic development
from ethics impoverishes welfare. Development saves from the situa-
tion of “unfreedom” that denies basic necessities of life, and expands
scope for human choice."® Upendra Baxi links development with human
rights and lists the circumstances which influence development: colo-
nial and cold-war exploitation; cultural diversity; demographic factor;
access to natural resources; structure of government; national security
issue; national debt burden; unequal or adverse international trade;
extent of social conflict and collective violence and state’s reaction to
it; vulnerability to super power; scope for free discussion; and spread
of human rights awareness and culture.?? The positive and negative
factors involved in these matters facilitate or obstruct, as the case may
be, the developmental process.
The discourse on economic development raises the issue of economic
justice. The latter connotes fairness in property relations; non-exploita-
tion by use of economic power; and equitable distribution of material
resources of production resulting in reasonable access to basic neces-
sities of life for all. Genesis of property is traceable to embodiment
of economic value in it." It became a convenient method of economic
transaction. Property’s basis in labour, investment, relationship and
expectations of security stimulated the decisions about economic rela-
tionship.” But as a source of economic power, property used to wield
both positive and negative effects upon considerations of human wel-
fare. It is because of social function of property, its use aspects and
7 Amit Bhaduri, Development with Dignity (National Book Trust of India New Delhi
2005) at p. 11.
8 Ibid, at p . 16, 39.
a pe Sen, Development as Freedom (Oxford University Press, New Delhi 2000)
at p. 3. Also see supra, ch. 1. atest
2” Upendra Baxi, Human Rights in a Posthuman World (Oxford University Press, New
Delhi 1997) at p. 104.
21 Robert Cooter and Thomas Ulen, op. cit., at pp. 80-84. a ;
cited and discussed in P. Ishwara Bhat, “Historical Evolution of
2 John Locke,
Intellectual Property: A Focus on some themes” (2005) 1 Kant Law Journal
756 Economic Development, Law and Social Transformati
underwent trans-
power aspects, that the status and image of property
formation in the course of human development.
mative role to
This entails the view that government has an affir
the opportu-
play: that of creating the conditions which will maximise
nity for individual income-security, while at the same time
the responsibility for providing that income security for those
cannot do so on their own. Wilhelm Ropke views that it is the fruit
a process of institutionalisation and collective organisation through
which provision against possible misfortune in the future is shifted
further and further away from the individual and closer and closer to
the public sphere of action.
The constitutional scheme on socio-economic justice has been
already discussed. Some of the judicial and academic observations
about the key concept of socialism can be presented here for under-
standing the type of orientation that economic justice envisages in the
Indian context. In D.S. Nakara v. Union of India» the Supreme Court
pointed out that the concept of Socialist Republic aimed to achieve
socio-economic revolution to end poverty, ignorance and disease and
inequality of opportunity. A socialist State’s objective is to eliminate
inequality in income and status and standards of life. The basic frame-
work of socialism is to provide a decent standard of life to the working
people especially to provide security from cradle to grave. The less
equipped person shall be assured a decent minimum standard of life
and exploitation in any fo m shall be prohibited. There will be equita-
ble distribution of national cake and the worst off shall be treated in
such amanner as to push them up the ladder. The Preamble directs the
centres of power, —legislature, executive and judiciary—to strive to set
up from a wholly feudal exploited slave society to a vibrant, throbbing
socialist welfare society under rule of law though it is a long march. In
Samatha v. State of A.P.2* K. Ramaswamy, J. observed, “A socialistic soci-
ety involves a planned economy which takes note of time and space
considerations in the distribution and pricing of output. It would be
necessary for both the efficient working of socialist enterprises and
the prevention of unplanned and anarchical expansion of private
* P. Ishwara Bhat, “Tracing right to property in the bosom of right to life and
personal liberty: Comparative reflections on recent constitutional developments in
America, Canada and India” (1996) 38 JILI at pp. 13-38.
4 Wilhelm Ropke, Welfare, Freedom and Inflation (1957) at p. 14.
® (1983) 1 SCC 305: 1983 SCC (L&S) 145: AIR 1983 SC 130 at pp. 138-40.
6 (1997) 8 SCC 191. He also observed, “It abhors violence and class war and
hierarchical class structure and pins as faith on non-violence, sacrifice, and dedication
to the service of the poor and as anatural consequence, its implementation is envisaged
through parliamentaiy democracy planned economy and the rule of law rather than
through a violent revolution or a dictatorship in any form. Indian socialism, therefore,
is different fron: Marxist or scientific socialism.”
Theoretical underpinnings of economic development 757
enterprises. The Indian conception of socialism with democracy with
human dignity is by creation of opportunities for the development
of each individual and not the destruction of the individual. It is not
for the merging of the individual in the society. The Indian socialist
society wants the development of each individual but requires this
development to be such that it leads to the upliftment of the society as
a whole.”
The Third Five Year Plan document distils the basic features of the
socialist pattern of society thus:
“Essentially, this means that the basic criterion for determining lines
of advance must not be private profit, but social gain, and that the pattern
of development and the structure of socio-economic relations should be
so planned that they result not only in appreciable increase in national
income and employment but also in greater equality in incomes and
wealth...The benefits of economic development must accrue more and
more to the relatively less privileged classes of society, and there should
be progressive reduction of the concentration of incomes, wealth and
economic power...The accent of the socialist pattern of society is on the
attainment of positive goals, the raising of living standards, the enlarge-
ment of opportunities for all, the promotion of enterprise among the
disadvantaged classes and the creation of a sense of partnership among
all sections of the community.’”7
Jawaharlal Nehru, while participating in the discussion on the
Constitution (First Amendment) Bill, had stated that the Directive
Principles are intended to bring about a socio-economic revolution and
to create a new socio-economic order where there will be social and
economic justice for all and for everyone, not only to fortunate few but
also the teeming millions of India who would be able to participate in
the fruits of freedom and development and exercise the fundamental
rights.?® V.K.R.V. Rao, an eminent economist, has stated that a socialist
society has not only to bring about equitable distribution but also to
maximise production. It has to solve problems of unemployment, low
income and mass poverty and bring about a significant improvement
in the national standards of living.? Socialism, therefore, requires
deliberate and purposive action on the part of the State with regard to
both production and distribution and the fields covered are not only
savings, investment, human skills and use of science and technology,
but also changes in property relations, taxation, public expenditure,
education and the social services. A socialist society is not just a give-
away society nor is it only concerned with distribution of income.
must bring about full employment as also an increase in
SCC 191.
2 Referred in Samatha v. State of A.P., (1997) 8
8 Ibid.
at p. 46.
2 V.K.RV. Rao, Indian Socialism Retrospect and Prospect,
758 Economic Devel opment, LawAEEand Social Transformation
a e nade ake he tS inl
There is also a view that socialist state stands for total state owne
of all properties?° although such version is not realistic about the
position. G.D.H. Cole, one of the leading socialist of UK, has stated that
socialism is a movement aiming at greater social and economic equal-
ity and using extended State action as one of its methods, perhaps the
most distinctive but certainly not the only one needed to be taken into
account3" Socialists seek to reduce economic and social inequalities
not only in order to remove unearned sources of superior position and
influence, but also in order to narrow the gaps between men to such
as are compatible with all men being near enough together in ways of
living to be in substance equals in their mutual intercourse.
Although the above values sound as ideologies that are given low-
key treatment in the liberalised economy, their relevance from the
angle of welfare function of the state can hardly be ignored. They set
standards with which the present economic attainments or pathetic
situations can be compared. In fact, implementation of these ideolo-
gies requires state-initiated radical legal policy executed with all delib-
erate speed and determination, but without loopholes or obstacles. But
consensus cannot be expected for dissolution of privileges.
the GDP contribution dwindled into 25 per cent at present, the popula-
tion dependent upon agriculture is above 60 per cent3+ The extent of
people below poverty line in this sector is considerably high in spite of
the fact that the foodgrain production has shown a big progress from
55 million tonnes to around 210 million tonnes25 There is also expo-
nential development in the production of plantation crops, and in the
sector of dairy and poultry farming. Agri-based industries thrive with
flourishing agriculture. The contribution of law in helping the policy
initiative for land reforms, irrigation, cooperative credit system, protec-
tion against usurious loan and market regulation has been enormous.
The objective of modernisation of agriculture and animal husbandry
on scientific lines is contemplated in Article 48 of the Constitution. In
recent days, seeds law and plant varieties law have also tried to help
the farmer. Law on agricultural marketing has made distinct contribu-
tion. The WTO commitments have also posed tall challenges. National
agricultural policy has guided the state-farmer relation. Waiving of
the farm loan and extension of the rural employment guarantee are
other measures employed to protect the interests of farmers and agri-
cultural labourers. The whole discussion on the subject will be con-
ducted in two broad sections: agrarian reforms (in the present section)
and industrialisation of agriculture (in the next section).
41 : te
i “ a en eae oe Reforms in Maharashtra” in Ghanshyam Shah
and D.C. Sah (Ed.), Land Reforms in India, Vol. VIII (Sage Publications, New Delhi 2002)
at pp. 39, 43.
44 PS. Appu, op. cit., at pp. 53-54.
44. ;
Delhi 1985) at
49 Gunnar Myrdal, Asian Drama, Vol. II (Kalyani Publishers, New
. 1310-11.
(Oxford University Press,
Po Wolf Ladejinsky, Agrarian reforms as U nfinished Business
New Delhi 1977) at p. 362.
. 5
51 PS. Appu op. cit., at pp. 64-70.
Relations (Rawat Publications,
2B: Bale Land Reforms and Changing Agrarian
New Delhi 1993) at p. 48.
764 Economic Development, Lawitand Social Transformatiow
ec LSE TARGA GILLES teh! Dr ee
conferring land ownership to the tiller who was cultivating for more
than six years’? Partly deviating from this policy, the First Five Year
Plan (1951-56) propounded the national policy on tenancy reform on
the following lines: landholders to be allowed to resume their ten-
anted land within five years’ subject to certain limits (3 times the
family holding); and the maximum rate of rent is to be prescribed not
exceeding one fourth of the produce. The Second Five Year Plan (1956-
61) found that large scale eviction of tenants under the guise of “vol-
untary surrender” of tenancy, in addition to resumption of land for
personal cultivation, caused great setback to land reform measures. It
recommended for restricting the right of resumption to small land-
holders. The Third Five Year Plan (1961-66) reiterated that the final goal
should be to confer right of ownership on a large number of tenants
as far as possible by declaring tenants as owners, and requiring them
to pay compensation to owners in suitable installments; or through
governmental acquisition of owners’ rights and transfer of ownership
to tenants subject to payment of compensation in suitable installments.
It set two specific objectives for land reforms: first, to remove impedi-
ments inherent in the agrarian structure that limit higher agricultural
production with high levels of efficiency and productivity; and second,
to eliminate all elements of exploitation and social injustice within the
agrarian system, to provide security for the tiller of the soil and assure
equality of status and opportunity to all sections of the rural popula-
tion. The Fourth Five Yea: Plan (1969-74) proposed to declare all tenan-
cies, non-resumable and permanent; to regulate voluntary surrender;
and to provide for complete protection in respect of homestead land on
which cultivators, artisans and agricultural labourers had constructed
their houses.
The above policies were incorporated by states in their respective
legislation with suitable modifications. The legal regime formulated
by various states has the following characteristics:
1. Regulation of rent was the starting point for a soft approach
adopted in the beginning of reforms. Procedure for calcula-
tion of fair rent varied from state to state. Along with aboli-
tion of tenancy in many states in early 1970s, the provision
became irrelevant in those states.
2. Security of tenure against evictions was another soft approach
that lasted until categorical declaration of the legal meas-
ure to confer ownership right to the tenants. The extent of
is In 1951 the Indian National Congress evolved the agrarian policy. “Land is the
basis of India’s economy. The agrarian system should be so organised that the fruits
of labour are enjoyed by those who toil and land is worked as a source of wealth for
the community.” P.S. Appu, op. cit., at p. 84; for details about Five Year Plan policies
see, at pp. 85-98.
Modernisation, agriculture and law: agrarian reforms
La eS Sk ee
protection available depended upon the type of tenancy,
owners’ right of resumption, land records and definition of
the term “personal cultivation” and opportunity for volun-
tary surrender.
3. Right of resumption was another approach that tried to bal-
ance the conflicting interests, and politically compromised
with the class of land owners. Since they were larger in num-
bers than the Zamindars, overnight extinction of their rights
was not attempted. Although the scope of this right was
reduced drastically later, so long it was there in the statute
book, its widespread use and abuse emasculated the spirit
of land reform law. It was only after resumption had been
made by the dominant class of land owners in innumerable
circumstances that the clause was removed.
4. Personal cultivation, which excluded the operation of tenancy
law, was defined in many statutes in such a way that culti-
vation done without personal supervision or presence was
also regarded as personal cultivation. It is only the law of
Manipur and Tripura that insisted on personal labour as a
component of personal cultivation.
5. Opportunity for voluntary surrender by the tenants was
another loophole that was abused by use of threat, indebted-
ness or show of force. Although law had provided for safe-
guards like supervision by the administrative authorities,
in practice, they were inadequate and inefficient. With the
abolition of tenancy, there could be no scope for surrender in
many states.
6. Inorder to implement the radical law like land reforms, up-to-
date records of tenancy rights contribute a lot. Some of the
state laws built presumption in favour of the land records.
But in some states the system of annual revision was not in
vogue, as a result of which distortion of facts was practiced
7. Conferment of rights of ownership on tenants is a radical
policy incorporated in the laws of Karnataka, Kerala, and
few other states. The tenants getting ownership/occupancy
rights were not entitled to transfer the land for a period of 18
years. But in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, U.P, West Bengal,
and Rajasthan such a radical approach was not adopted. In
Bihar, Punjab and Haryana tenants are not entitled to own-
ership in case the land holding of the owner is within the
ceiling limit.
766 Economic Development, Law and Social Transformation
7 PS. Appu op. cit., at p. 109; C.B. Damle, op. cit., at p. 227. |
5 M.A.S. Rajan, Land Reforms in Karnataka (Hindustan Publishing, Delhi 1986) at
p- 117.
*° P.S. Appu op. cit., at p. 112.
voadhed ibe apou o cit, at pp. 117-18. Also see, Buddhadeb Ghosh, “Land Reforms:
India, Vol.
Lessons from West Bengal” in B.K. Sinha and Pushpendra, Land Reforms in
p. 117 for the view that social transfor mation
V (Sage Publications, New Delhi 2000) at
to be left to the mainstr eam political parties
through land reforms is too important
768 Economic DeveloSApment, ormation
Law and Social TransfIEE
States like Assam, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat,
Maharashtra and Tripura provided for ownership to tenants only with
regard to non-resumable land. Interestingly, Andhra Pradesh and
Tamil Nadu have not provided for conferment of ownership rights on
tenants. The implementation of the Bombay Tenancy and Agricultural
Lands Act, 1948 and 1957 resulted in conferment of ownership on 14.6
lakh tenants over 16 lakh ha of land. Since the Act had permitted sur-
render of tenancies, landowners recovered lands to the extent of 1.8
lakh ha from 84, 668 tenants. Added to this was the problem of con-
cealed tenancy. For the poor performance of land reforms, reasons
such as absence of correct and updated land records, lack of financial
support for land reformprogrammes, non-appearance before tribunals
and non-payment of instalments by the tenants have been attributed.”
In almost all the states, lack of political will was a major contributory
factor for failure of land reforms.
Four decades of tenancy reform did not result in total eradication of
tenancy in many states. In the changed socio-economic circumstances,
where the middle class people migrate to urban places in pursuit of
career or business, the agricultural land is either left fallow or is leased
clandestinely. In both the cases, the productivity of land is the vic-
tim. The National Commission on Agriculture has recommended for
relaxing the ban on tenancy, and introduction of adequate safeguards
against abuse. P.S. Appu considers such a step as realistic and timely
and not a retrograde one.® «
Ibid, at p. 189.
Modernisation, agriculture and law: agrarian reforms
gd ah oo, Ee apace a) Nich. a ed 771
as follows: 7.45 million acres of land being surplus, 5.78 million acres
taken over and 4.33 million acres distributed. According to the 1992
data the total surplus land distributed remained only 1.24 per cent of
the operational area of the states. This is in contrast to the figure of 177
per cent in Jammu and Kashmir, 67 per cent in West Bengal and 5.9 per
cent in Assam. The overall assessment is that ceiling law did not make
any substantial impact. The major reasons for the failure are listed by
the Government of India: additional holding to bigger families; separate
holding for major sons; exemption given to plantation crops; benami
transactions to defeat the ceiling law; and delay in disposal of cases.®
Delay in making of the law, poor quality of land declared to be surplus,
and apathy on the part of potential beneficiaries due to lack of funds
for profitably cultivating the allotted land had also contributed to the
poor performance. As experienced in Maharashtra and other states,
purchase of land in different villages, districts and states escapes from
the notice of government unless it is voluntarily disclosed.© As a result,
large holdings continue hoodwinking the implementing authorities.
Although the ceiling law could not bring revolutionary change of
chopping the surplus holding and redistributing it amidst the landless,
it could play a vital role in reducing the concentration of land. Except
for this, the development remained to be an instance of inchoate policy
being inefficiently implemented. The failure to build up a strong con-
flict model of social change through law is visible in this sphere also.
In all the three spheres discussed above, the inability to bring required
change in addition to the vicious circle of poverty—indebtedness—
crop failure—market failure inflicted disastrous effect from which the
farming community could not come out even at present. The coercive
powers of the propertied class, the economic dependence of the poor,
and the built-in bias of the legal machinery to favour the status quo
have neutralised the conflict instinct. However, the deathblow that
the agrarian reform gave to feudalism in a telling way is one of the
remarkable social achievements equipping the downtrodden with
greater courage and human dignity.”
** Kameshwar Singh v. State of Bihar, AIR 1951 Pat 91. For a discussion see, P. Ishwara
Bhat, Fundamental Rights (Eastern Law House, Kolkata 2004) at p. 511.
® Shankari Prasad v. Union of India, AIR 1951 SC 458: 1952 SCR 89.
7” Kesavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala, (1973) 4 SCC 225: AIR 1973 SC 1461.
”" Waman Rao v. Union of India, (1981) 2 SCC 362; Jilubhai Nanbhai Khachar v. State of
Gujarat, 1995 Supp (1) SCC 596: AIR 1995 SC 142; State of Orissa v. Chandrasekhar Singh
Bhoi, (1969) 2 SCC 334: AIR 1970 SC 398; State of Maharashtra v. Madhavrao Damodar Patil,
AIR 1968 SC 1395; Kunjukutty Sahib v. State of Kerala, (1972) 2 SCC 364: AIR 1972 SC 2097,
Madhusudan Singh v. Union of India, (1984) 2 SCC 381: AIR 1984 SC 374.
” M.L. Upadhyaya, “Agrarian Reforms” in S.K. Verma and Kusum (Eds.), Fifty
Years of the Supreme Court of India (Oxford University Press, New Delhi 2000) at pp.
Industrialisation of agriculture and humanisation through law
e 773
e eee
Some of the liberal views expressed by judges can be referred here.
Hidayatullah, J. had observed in Ranjit Singh, “The scheme of rural
development today envisages not only equitable distribution of land
so that there is no undue imbalance in society resulting in landless
class on the one hand and a concentration of land in the hands of a
few, on the other, but envisages also the raising of economic standards
and bettering rural health and social conditions.” V.R. Krishna Iyer, J.
observed in Gwalior Rayons, “The concept of agrarian reforms is a com-
plex and dynamic one promoting wider interests than conventional
reorganisation of the land system or distribution of land.”7* According
to him, it touched upon varieties of activities ranging from production
to marketing and had a target of solving the problems found in rela-
tion to the life of the agricultural community and attaining welfare of
village man. Agrarian reform is a crucial component of the constitu-
tionally contemplated new order in the background of intimate bond
between poverty and hierarchy in agrarian society and the impact of
the social framework of agriculture on the caste system; it is signifi-
cant strategy in the planned development of our resources, the restora-
tion of the dignity of equality of the individual and the consolidation
of our economic freedom.
“M.S. Swaminathan, “Ending the debt trap and attaining food security
” The
Hindu, 3-3-2008.
*° Key Note speech by Shri P. Chidambaram on 20-7-2007 in the context
of Silver
Jubilee celebration of National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Develo
pment. http//
www. Speech.
Industrialisation of agriculture and humanisation through law
in 1997 got increased to 17,627 in 2005,87 and bit reduced into 17,060 in
Against the backdrop of the agrarian crisis—in the making for at
least two decades and brought about by the neglect of agriculture in
the planning process, an expert group called National Commission
on Farmers under the chairmanship of Professor. Radhakrishnan
constituted by the Central Government analysed the problems in
their entirety and submitted report in July 2007 According to the
Commission, there is an agricultural crisis, characterised by low growth
and declining productivity, as well as that marked by persistently high
dependence of the population on agriculture. On the most obvious
and tragic manifestation of the crisis—the large number of suicides by
farmers in different parts of the country—the expert group has come
to the conclusion that the root cause is not indebtedness alone and
that suicides are only a symptom. Stagnation in agriculture, increasing
production and marketing risks, collapse of the extension system and
a growing institutional vacuum, and lack of livelihood opportunities
are found to be the primary causes. It found that average household
borrowings by themselves have not been excessive; and in the wake
of modernisation and expansion, the credit needs of agriculture have
expanded enormously. Immediate remedial measures recommended
by the expert group include:
(a) better monitoring and implementation of the existing pack-
age of relief measures covering 31 distress affected districts;
(b) rescheduling of loans and waiver of interest burden up to
two years’ as well as grant of fresh loans to farmers affected
by natural calamities. The Centre and the States should share
the burden equally; and
() anone time relief to farmers who are paying exorbitant inter-
est to moneylenders should be provided by banks through
long-term loans. A special fund, to be called the Moneylend-
ers Debt Redemption Fund with a corpus of Rs 100 crore to
operationalise the scheme must be created. Other recom-
mendations included restructuring the Public Distribution
System, promotion of health, sanitation and access to drink
ing water, improving the farm productivity and promotion
of food security.”
A big move of waiving farmers’ loans worth of Rs 60,000 crores with
an estimate of benefiting nearly 4 crore farmers was launched in the
Hindu, 13-11-2007.
87 P Sainath, “Farm suicides worse after 2001—study”, The
Record s Bureau, The Hindu, 31-1-200 8. . ade
8 Report of National Crime
agrarian crisis The
8 For a discussion see, M.S. Swaminathan, “Dealing with the
Hindu, 28-5-2007.
778 Law and Social Transformation
Economic Development, EE
rice en ee See BN
budget proposal by the Union Government in March 2008. The benefit
is available only to marginal farmers (owning up to one ha) and small
farmers (owning one to two he) who have taken loan from scheduled
commercial banks, regional rural banks, and cooperative credit insti-
tutions. M.S. Swaminathan has welcomed the governmental measute
as a recognition of indebtedness of the country to the farming families
and a price to be paid for neglecting of rural India, and has argued
for the extension of the advantage to farmers owning up to four ha
and to those who have borrowed from moneylenders and traders.”
A. Vaidyanathan has commented, “Loan waivers are at best tempo-
rary palliatives to the problems facing rural India. Significant and
sustained improvement in the welfare of the rural population is not
possible without a faster pace of growth in the rural economy and an
improved quality of education and health services.”** He has warned
that by creating an impression that sooner or later they can get away
without making repayment it would reinforce the culture of willful
The direction of legal development in this sphere is towards one of
activist state with proper understanding of law’s competence as well
as limitations. State is not a silent spectator to the havocs of market
forces; but is committed to the cause of welfare of people. However,
the need to avoid the evils of governmental maternalism and to build
innate strength should be properly realised, especially when the state
is withdrawing from interference in other fields.
*' M.S. Swaminathan, “Ending the debt trap and attaining food security”
Hindu, 3-3-2008.
* In an article published in The Hindu, March 2008.
** Owing to introduction of High Yield Varieties between 1966 and 1971
there was
168 per cent growth in food production over the total achievement in 1950
to 1966. See,
Ramesh Chand, op. cit., at p. 21.
Industrialisation of agriculture and humanisation through law
e areata hseem ee ahaha
a lena 779
establishing Indian Council of Agricultural Research for coordinating
research, dissemination of information, training the officers for agri-
culture extension service and promoting agriculture education; effec-
tuating National Agricultural Innovation and Technology Project and
constituting of National Seed Corporation contributed towards greater
competence on the part of agricultural community to grow more food
and commercial crops.** National Seed Corporation performs the func-
tions such as production and supply of foundation seeds, maintaining
improved seed stocks, Inter-State and international marketing of seeds,
coordinating certified seed production by state agencies and providing
training. In order to systematise these activities within the legal frame-
work, the Seeds Act was passed in 1966. The Act provides for compul-
sory quality control of seeds belonging to notified kind, certificating
them and truthful labeling of them (Sections 4 to 6). It empowers the
Central Government to specify the limits of germination and purity of
seeds and accordingly certify in the label (Section 6). It prohibits sale
or offer of seeds that do not conform to the requirements of identifica-
tion with specific variety, minimum limits of germination and purity
and proper disclosure of relevant information (Section 8). Main thrust
of the law is to ensure quality control and to avoid spurious seeds.
Seeds Control Order, 1983 enacted under the Essential Commodities
Act, 1955 required dealers to obtain licence. The National Oil Seeds
and Vegetable Oils Development Act, 1983 was enacted to deal with
the interaction of market forces by devising integrated approach of
production, procurement, marketing, storage and price control. With
the introduction of Privatisation and Liberalisation in late 1980s, large
Indian companies entered into the market in collaboration with foreign
companies and foreign seed companies opened their branches and
subsidiaries. Smaller companies disappeared from the scene in course
of time because of the heavy input for R&D. Seed development was
emphasised in 1988. In 2002, National Seeds Policy was announced:
making available to Indian farmer, adequate quantity of seeds of supe-
rior quality at the appropriate time and place at an affordable price so
as to meet the nation’s food security goal. Economic pricing policy by
both the private and public sector was insisted. Retention of agro bio-
diversity was emphasised. Congenial atmosphere for the growth of
seed industry was aimed.
The Seeds Bill, 2004, which is not yet passed owing to public dissat-
isfaction and protest, intends to replace the present law and provide
Dayanatha Jha, “Agricultural R&D in India: Growth, Equity and Institut
s (Centad, New Delhi
Challenges” in Ramesh Chand (Ed.), India Agricultural challenge
2005) at p . 171-72. :
Edn., Asia Law House,
2B meas Insecticides, Fertiliser (Control) Order and Seeds (4th
Hyderabad 2000).
and Social TransReforma
opment, Lawu
Economic Develoc tion
780 cl dnc alla» aM eS
for drastic measures. It proposes to make registration of all seeds
sale, compulsory. Registration will be for specific duration (15 years
for annual crop seeds and 18 years’ for perennial crop seeds). Imported
seeds also need registration. Regulation of sale of seeds to ensure good
quality is proposed to continue. Accreditation of seed certification is
contemplated. For failure of seeds farmers are entitled to compensa-
tion from suppliers. Stringent punishments are contemplated for vio-
lation of the law. The Central Seed Committee has equal number of
representatives of farmers and seed industry. But adequate procedural
safeguards about the functioning of its sub-committee for registration
are not made. The question of accessibility to seeds by price control is
not addressed in the Bill. The Bill is widely criticised as heavily loaded
in favour of private seed industry, especially the MNCs; as compel-
ling the farmers to give technical proof of genetic purity and health
of their seeds; and as robbing their natural right to barter or sell the
seeds.” According to Gopa Kumar and S. Saxena, “By banning the
sale of unregistered seeds and insisting on compulsory registration
of all varieties of seeds including farmers’ varieties the Bill will effec-
tively push the farmers’ varieties from the formal seed market and
limit its circulation.”” The protests and objections by the NGOs and
farmers’ associations did stall passing of the Bill in the present form.
This success against ruthless commercialisation speaks about interac-
tive model of law making, and not thoughtless imposition from the
above. Similar success of public opinion in the matter of enactment
of plant varieties and farmers’ rights law, which protects the modest
rights and legitimate expectations of farmers, reinforces the belief in
democratic process.
The problem of spurious seeds and adverse consequence of geneti-
cally modified seeds has also contributed to the misery of farmers.
The failure of Bt cotton seeds in A.P, Karnataka and Maharashtra
(Vidarbha) resulted in crop failures in 1990s. The ecological imbal-
ance arising from GM seeds is also a matter of concern.** The remedies
available under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 and other laws do
not have preventive policies.
True to the process of industrialisation, agrarian development has
witnessed introduction of intellectual property claims into the farm’s
*° See, for a critique, KM. Gopa Kumar and Sanjeev Saxena, “Seeds Bill 2004: For
Whom?” (2005) 47 JILI 483; Vandana Shiva, “The Indian Seed Act and Patent Act:
Sowing the Seeds of Dictatorship”; Gupta, “Seeds Bill 2004: A Blueprint for Murder of
Indigenous Seeds” (2005) 6 Peoples March.
*” K.M. Gopa Kumar and Sanjeev Saxena, op. cit., at pp. 500-01.
** Suman Sahai, “Is Ag Biotechnology Suited to Agricultural Production in India”
in Ramesh Chand (Ed), op. cit, at pp. 161, 169-170 arguing for greater control and
extensive education of farmers on Gm seeds.
Industrialisation of agriculture and humanisation through law
a = ARAn VA eis -eee 781
domain with all the complexities of converting knowledge into wealth
by means of monopolisation and diverse commercial consequences
thereof. The Preamble to the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’
Rights Act, 2001 states, it intends to provide for establishing an effective
system for protection of plant varieties, the rights of farmers and plant
breeders and to encourage development of new plant varieties. Under
the Act, breeders are entitled to register plant variety by establishing
the conditions of novelty, distinctiveness, uniformity and stability, and
exclusively produce, sell, market and deal with the registered variety
(Section 28). Although plant breeders include farmers in case they have
bred, evolved and developed a new variety, because of technicality
involved in establishing the necessary conditions it is a rare possibility
that their intellectual labour will be adequately rewarded unless civil
society assists them. Thus, the exclusive rights conferred upon the
breeders to sell, market, distribute, import or export the variety will
be more helping the corporate seed and plant sector than the agrarian
community. There are provisions for compensating the contribution
of the people or local community or for benefit sharing (Section 24).
But these are more in the form of lip service as they involve vagueness
about the way to go about. There is a remedial measure in case the
plant breeders fail to satisfy the reasonable requirements of the public
by providing the seeds at a reasonable price. There is also a notable
provision which excludes terminator gene technology for which the
farmers and NGOs seriously agitated.” An impressive list of rights of
farmers contained in Chapter VI of the Act is highlighted as something
traceable to farmers’ agitation as the provision was not there in the
original Bill but included later due to farmers’ demand. They include
right to register farmers’ variety; right of reward from National Gene
Fund for conserving the genetic resources; right to save, use, sow, re-
sow, exchange, share, or sell his farm produce including seeds without
using protected brand names; right to be informed about the perform-
ance of the protected variety when sold to him; and right to be pro-
tected in case of innocent infringement (Section 39). While these are
welcome features, the possibility of commercial seed companies gain-
ing total control over seed supply can hardly be excluded. seni
The overall development of law in this sphere is toward s facilit ating
the farming activity and protecting the farmers’ rights by recognising
their intellectual property rights. Guarding against the dominance of
the MNCs by concerted action of the community has become a way
°° Vandana Shiva, Captive Mind and Captive Living (Research Foundation, Dehradu
Universi ty
1995) at p. 117. Also see, Jayashree Watal, Intellectual Property Rights (Oxford
Vandana Shiva and Gitanjali Bedi, Sustainab le Agricultu re and
Press, New Delhi 2001);
Food Security—The Impact of Globalisation (Research Foundation for Science,
and Ecology, New Delhi 2002).
782 Economic Development, Transformation
Law and SocialSPAS
a nc e ieee sans aa NTRAaa EE
open against operation of market forces. But, the reality is that there
is increasing tendency of depending upon the seed companies than
on self-reliance; and to embrace monoculture rather than continue the
flourishing bio-diversity. However, there are also civil society move-
ments of seed keeping aiming to revive and conserve the diversity and
traditional knowledge of cultivation. Whether the state of art technol-
ogy is helping the farmers or not is a matter to be addressed from the
angle of sustainable farming which necessarily takes us to other com-
ponents of industrialisation of agriculture.
P. Ishwara Bhat, “Inter-State water disputes and the legal response: Perspectives
Industrialisation of agriculture and humanisation through law 783
i RSG St A Sts ie ict A 2 ie
has enabled constitution of the tribunals for resolving the Inter-State
water disputes. The River Board Act, 1956 that envisages cooperative
efforts and participation of riparian states in the joint management of
resources for multi-purpose use has not been implemented. However,
post-award supervision, effectuation and monitoring of tribunal's
recommendations through river-specific authorities have been used.
An integrated approach based on constitutional values is very much
needed. What is stated by the Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal in its
final report in 2007 is worth remembering, “It would be appreciated
that there is no control of human being on the happenings in nature
and we have only to make an attempt to make beneficial use of the
available quantum of flows in any year and distribute the same for the
benefit of the basin as a whole by integrating the release from different
storage reservoirs."
Relating to water other than Inter-State river water, states have legis-
lative power to regulate. An example of irrigation law dealing with sur-
face water resource is the Karnataka Irrigation Act, 1965. This Act pro-
vides for regulation of water from irrigation works, and gives certain
powers to irrigation officers in regard to survey, investigation, execu-
tion and maintenance of irrigation works. The term irrigation work is
widely defined to include various surface water resources maintained
or controlled wholly or partly by the Government and various arrange-
ments, equipments and facilities. Private persons are prohibited from
providing irrigation service without prior permission of the state and
from obstructing the operation of irrigation works. Wide powers are
conferred upon irrigation officers to regulate the time of letting the
water for irrigation, period of supply, quantity of supply and the area
to be supplied at different times (Section 27). New users are to seek
the irrigation facility by filing application. Justified circumstancesof
stoppage are laid down. Depending upon the quantity of water in each
year, the Irrigation Officer may notify about availability of water for
different crops. The Government has the power to prescribe the kind
of crop to be grown in the irrigation area and the time of sowing. The
statutory involvement of Water Users Society, introduced in 2000, in
controlling, maintaining and monitoring of irrigation works is a sig-
nificant step towards people’s participation in law enforcement. _
Groundwater is an important source for irrigation, concerning
which legal regulation can be found in states of Gujarat, Kerala and
Andhra Pradesh and in Union Territories. Silence of the law regulat-
ing inter-spacing of bore wells had resulted in excessive depletion of
Journal of
of development with justice and strategies for fair future” (1994) SBRRM
Law at pp. 11-29.
fae of the Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal, Vol. V (2007) at p. 214.
784 Economic Devel opment, Law PES formation
and Social TransRA
il e li ea a ee ea ae APSA SS
groundwater beyond the recharge potentiality, a position that contin
ues even now also in states which have not gone for legal regulation.’”
The Groundwater Rules framed under the Environment (Protection)
Act, 1986 have not yet been implemented in the states. These legal
measures have the policy of registration of bore wells, compliance with
inter-well distancing, and features of command and control models.
The Andhra Pradesh Water, Land and Trees Act, 2002 links the con-
servation strategy with Panchayati Raj system, with tree preservation
and afforestation and with the techniques of recharging through rain
water harvesting. The Kerala Groundwater (Control and Regulation)
Act, 2002 creates Kerala Groundwater Authority, a multi-member body
of experts and officials, on whose recommendation areas are noti-
fied for regulation of sinking of bore wells and sanction of electricity.
In spite of the fact that there is fall of water table in some states like
Karnataka, legislative measures have not been made or implemented.
The delay has seriously and adversely affected the ecosystem. However,
there are also administrative measures for dry land cultivation which
greatly help the small and marginal farmers.
In the matter of manure, traditionally, Indian agriculture had relied
on organic farming. Introduction of artificial manure is the contri-
bution of modernity. Fertiliser production is entrusted upon central
public undertakings in view of the central government’s power under
List I Entry 53'°3 of the Constitution and enormous importance of the
material. It was in 1960s t’:at artificial fertilisers became popular in
order to support the high yield varieties. Along with subsidisation it
became cheap and accessible to small farmers also. In view of the need
for fair and timely distribution of fertilisers at fair price, the Fertiliser
(Control) Order, 1985 was made under the Essential Commodities
Act, 1955. The Central Government has the power to fix the maximum
prices at which the fertilisers were to be sold by dealer, manufacturer
or importer. Rule 6 provides, “The Central Government, with a view
to securing equitable distribution and availability of fertilisers to the
farmers in time, by notification in the Official Gazette, direct any
manufacturer or importer to sell the fertilisers produced by him in
such quantities and such state/s and within such period as may be
specified in the notification.” Elaborate provisions are made under the
Order relating to registration of dealers, rules of transparency about
stock, price and issuing of receipts. Mixture and sale of fertilisers
by unauthorised persons is prohibited. Enforcement authorities are
2 P. Ishwara Bhat, “Legal Management of Groundwater to Ensure Reasonable Use
and Development with Justice”, Conference Souvenir ILI (1994) March, at pp. 139-53.
Regulation and development of oil fields, petroleum and petroleum products;
other liquids and substances declared by Parliament by law to be dangerously
Industrialisation of agriculture and humanisation through law
a LG an Ge a_i gm i den i —ileal785
given powers of inspecting, seizing and quality testing of fertilisers.
The licensing system is associated with power of monitoring, control-
ling and disciplining the dealers. The activist state approach to assist
the farming community is clear in the Order. In spite of these legal
measures, occasionally due to lack of adequate preparation, fertiliser
shortages and consequent agitations are experienced. In view of
large amount of fossil fuel being used in chemical fertiliser produc-
tion, high cost of fertilisers triggered by partial withdrawal of subsidy
and poverty of farmers, the problem of shortage needs to be resolved
by a switch over from artificial fertiliser to traditional system of green
Recent governmental policy has been in favour of organic farming
or zero chemical farming. After realising the evil effects of artificial
manure upon the health of the soil and its long term capacity for pro-
duction, there is encouragement to reviving the traditional methods of
cultivation.’” This has the potentiality of making agriculture sustaina-
ble and eco-friendly. As the saying goes, wisdom of farmer is reflected
in the manure he uses. There are 125 bio-fertiliser units established
in various parts of India under National Project on Organic Farming.
Certification of bio-fertilisers, capacity building, financial support for
large scale production and promotion and extension of bio-farming
are the other activities organised under this project.
With a view to prevent risk arising from insecticides to human
beings or animals, the Insecticides Act, 1968 has been passed. This reg-
ulates the import, manufacture, sale, transport, distribution and use
of insecticides. The system of licensing and registration is employed
for regulating the import, manufacture, and sale of insecticides.
Central Insecticide Board advises about the technical matters, and
the Registration Committee scrutinises the formula and adequacy of
safety to human beings or animals. There is prohibition upon all per-
sons to manufacture and import any misbranded insecticides, prohib-
ited insecticides or insecticides in violation of the law or the registra-
tion conditions. If on the basis of report about occurrence of poisoning
or otherwise, when the Central or State Government is of opinion that
any insecticide or any specific batch of it involves such risk to human
beings or animals as to it render it expedient or necessary to take
immediate action, the Government may prohibit the sale, distribution
or use of such insecticide for a period of two months’ pending inves-
tigation (Section 27). After investigation, depending upon the findings,
104 Tn June 2008, in Karnataka, farmers’ agitation occurred leading to police firing
at violent demonstrators and death of 2 farmers.
5 P Sainath, “Fertilising Profit, Sowing Misery” The Hindu, 16-6-2008.
1% This is reflected in budget proposals of Central and State Governments
National Agricultural Policy.
786 Economic
a Developme Law
nt, ee and Social ation
t eer ce tee ~MERR
appropriate orders may be issued. In Ashok (Dr.) v. Union of India’, the
Supreme Court held that the power did not include cancellation of
the registration so long as the insecticide found entry in the sched-
ule and that the power of altering the schedule through amendment
was vested with Parliament. The Court was satisfied about measures
taken by the Union government about the impugned items of chemi-
cals. It acknowledged that broad spectrum of pesticides upset the eco-
system and threatened health. At the state level also, certain enact-
ments have been made. For example, the Karnataka Agricultural Pests
and Diseases Act, 1968 makes provisions to prevent the introduction,
spread or reappearance of pests, plant diseases and noxious weeds
injurious to crops, plants or trees in the State of Karnataka. It author-
ises the Government to notify any area as affected by pests or weeds
and to direct the occupier to remove or destroy infested plants, and
enforce the directions. The administrative measures like Integrated
Pest Management launched by the Union Government and applica-
tion of quarantine measures under the Destructive Insects and Pests
Act, 1914 and the Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import to India)
Order, 2003 also contribute towards pest control. Biological and bio-
technological methods of pest control, which have been proved to be
effective in prevention techniques, are also encouraged by conferment
of adequate intellectual property protection and other state support.
An important post-modernist development in manuring and pest
control is the increased usé of cow dung and cow urine. Regarded ini-
tially as a cultural mark, the policy of protecting cow progeny faced
severe constraints arising from butchery’s business. The ‘balancing’
approach adopted by the Supreme Court in Quraeshi I'8 on protec-
tion of bulls and bullocks on grounds of freedom of business and
occupation had diluted the cow progeny protection programme, as it
had allowed slaughter of unusable draught animais other than cows.
While Qureshi II" continued the same policy, Quraishi III" upheld a
legislation forbidding slaughter of bullocks and bulls up to the age
of 16 years’. State of Gujarat introduced total ban on slaughter of cow
progeny realising vital importance of them for agriculture irrespec-
tive of age in varieties of ways, especially for manure, bio-gas and pest
control. The Supreme Court in Mirzapur Moti Kureshi case" looked into
the aspects of environmental protection involved in organic farming
as Clearly made out in the report of National Commission on Cattle
and other expert reports, perused the enhanced status and content of
"7 (1997) 5 SCC 10: AIR 1997 SC 2298.
08 Mohd. Hanif Quareshi v. State of Bihar, AIR 1958 SC 731: 1959 SCR
Abdul Hakim Quraishi v. State of Bihar, AIR 1961 SC 448.
Haji Usmanbhai Hasanbhai Qureshi v. State of Gujarat, (1986) 3 SCC 12.
"l" State of Gujarat v. Mirzapur Moti Kureshi Kassab Jamat, (2005)
8 SCC 534.
Industrialisation of agriculture and humanisation through law 787
Part IV of the Constitution, referred to the fundamental duty to pro-
tect environment and to have compassion for living creatures, and
upheld the constitutional validity of the Gujarat Act. Since 80 per cent
of farmers in India are small and marginal farmers, and their economy
is based on farm animals, the law is vital for their support. The legal
policy of conservation of livestock has responded to the social needs,
and streamlined the pattern of social transformation. Its application
all over the nation through various state laws will make suitable con-
tribution to sustainable agriculture.
"6 [bid, at p. 3.
"” Ramesh Chandra Lahoti v. State of Karnataka, ILR (2005) Kar 4030.
Industrialisation of agriculture and humanisation through law 791
e e ee e t—“C:‘Ct
in the sphere of horticulture is to be properly and promptly responded
in the background of frequent instances of farmers’ agitation against
unreasonable price for vegetables."
"8 Tn June 2008, farmers of Kolar in Karnataka, dumped into streets tomatoes
in huge quantity protesting against the price of 2 rupees per kg, the Government's
support price was 50 paise per kg. The Government promised to enhance the price.
19 Debasis Chakraborty and Yashika Singh, “Agricultural Subsidy: The Major
Hurdle to free Trade” in Dipankar Sengupta, Beyond the Transition Phase of WTO
(Academic Foundation, New Delhi 2006) at pp. 75-79. .
20 Gopal Naik, “Tackling Agricultural Subsidies in WTO Negotiations” in South
Asian Yearbook of Trade and Development 2005 (Centad, New Delhi 2005) at pp. 41,
schemes of environmental protection like rain water harvesting,
motion of irrigation facilities, flood control, afforestation and drought
That the NREGA has been attempting at transforming the rural
India not only by providing stable economic base to households but
also by directing the capital investment to rural areas and creating
valuable assets is reflecting an appreciable contribution of integrated
model of social transformation where people and the state are part-
ners, and better protection of environment is the outcome. Under the
Act, employment is given to 2.13 crore households by the year 2008;
person days of work being 67 crores; beneficiaries being 28 per cent
SCs, 25 per cent STs, 47 per cent others (women in total 49.5 per cent),
works completed three ‘lakhs and ongoing 11 lakhs. The large scale
permanent assets built orienting towards better conservation of natu-
ral resources in the most backward regions of India have potentiality of
rejuvenating agriculture and rural livelihood and contribute towards
sustainable village development. However, there are also criticisms
that there is no planning at the field level, trained staff is not avail-
able, system of supervision by Gram Panchayat is inadequate and that
intervention by the officialdom is excessive. Mihir Shah writes, “Gram
Panchayats have been designated the chief implementing agency but
they have not been provided with the support structure required to
execute the programme. A bottom-up, people-centered approach to
planning and social aud‘t is spoken of but the social mobilisers and
technical personnel to make this a reality have not been supplied. The
biggest employment programme ever undertaken in human history
faces huge crunch of quality human resources.” There are also com-
ments about misappropriation of the opportunity by miscreants and
frauds through possessing fake BPL cards. The brutal murder of a
social activist of Jharkhand (May 2008) who involved himself in social
auditing of NREGA projects points out the violent opposition of vested
interests challenged by the NREGA provisions. While there is the
need for plugging the loopholes and strengthening the performance,
the law’s remarkable contribution to the welfare of rural populace is
worth noting.
In view of the fact that agriculture is not a singular vocation, but is,
a joint venture, mainly, of the tiller’s family members, some of whom
have to work hard and the others harder still, there is need for protec-
tion of their interest in the context of maintenance, partition and suc-
cession.’*7 Everybody, young or old, male or female, has chores allotted
to perform; a share in the burden of toil. The introduction of reforms
8! bid, at p. 42.
2 Durkheim recognises three types of suicides: the egoistic, altruist and anomic.
Farm suicide falls in the category of anomic suicides, arising out of suicidogenic
impulse growing through restless dissatisfaction in response to the disproportion
between aspiration and satisfaction. Raymond Aron, Main Current in Sociological
Thought (Penguin Books, Harmondsworth 1967, 1976) at p. 43; Also see, R.M. Mohan
Rao (Ed.), Suicides among Farmers (Concept Publishing Co., New Delhi 2004) at p. 13.
83° The Hindu, 31-1-2008; P. Sainath, Farm Suicides Worse After 2001—study, The Hindu,
'* Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Rajasthan, Assam,
Haryana, Orissa, Tripura.
85 Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry, West Bengal, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Goa,
Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat.
Industrialisation of agriculture and humanisation through law 799
Pee Ge ne ee ee
that there is an agricultural crisis, characterised by low growth and
declining productivity, and marked by persistently high dependence
of the population on agriculture. It found that the root cause is not
indebtedness alone and that suicides are only a symptom; and that
stagnation in agriculture, increasing production and marketing risks,
collapse of the extension system and a growing institutional vacuum,
and lack of livelihood opportunities are found to be the primary caus-
es.3° It recommended for immediate remedial measure of reschedul-
ing of loans and waiver of interest, one time relief from interests and
active role of institutional finance. Some of the main reasons for farm-
ers’ suicide identified by other research studies include: inadequacies
in input access (credit, quality seeds, fertilisers, and pesticides at an
affordable price); gaps in adoption of technology (irrational and exces-
sive use of fertilisers and pesticides); failure to ensure remunerative
prices to small and debt ridden farmers; failure of crops due to pests
and drought; and lack of insurance cover.
Literature on farmers’ suicide points out that the suicide is more
amidst farmers growing non-food crops; that slump in global price
for farm products (due to quota free and duty free market condition)
put the farmers into straitjacket; that failure or excess of rainfall and
crop destruction due to pests compelled drastic decisions; that infertil-
ity due to excessive chemical farming made farming uneconomic; and
that change from joint family to atomic family wiped off the assuag-
ing atmosphere at home.” The shattering of hopes about happy life
without feudalistic harassment, sense of alienation from society due
to financial constraints and non-availability of institutional credit,
and failure to create a promising atmosphere due to lack of self-care
skills exacerbated farmers’ misery. Suicide by cotton growers has been
traced to the above factors, which require long term solutions than
temporary aids.
Suggestions to overcome or to mitigate the problem include: con-
tinuation of the state support system and subsidies; debt relief cover-
ing institutional and private loans; strengthening of legal measures to
ensure quality seeds, fertilisers and pesticides at an affordable price;
protecting farmers’ interests in market by establishing crop specific
Boards and Cooperatives. Switch over to organic farming of cultiva-
tion and self-reliant production system and civil society activities of
counselling, confidence-building, and networking for access to inputs
136 M.S. Swaminathan, “Dealing with the agrarian crisis” The Hindu, 28-5-2007
Analysis of Some Causes” 64; A.
37 C.S. Murty, “Suicide of Cotton Farmers:
P. Leela, “Globalisation of
Prasad Rao, “Why the Suicides and what is the Crisis?” 53;
Rao (Ed_), Suicides
agricultural trade and cotton farmers’ suicide” 75 in R.M. Mohan
among Farmers (Concept Publishing Co., New Delhi 2004).
Economic Developm Transformation
ent, Law and Social SS
800 da Pa ce ey
humanising efforts
also would help in reduction of suicide rate. Law’s
should be supported by social policy.
151 Samatha v. State of A.P., (1997) 8 SCC 191: AIR 1997 SC 3297 at p. 3343.
182 Narmada Bachao Andolan v. Union of India, (2000) 10 SCC 664: AIR 2000 SC 3751
paras 88-89. The court further observed, “On full development, the Narmada has a
potential of irrigating over 6 million ha of land and generating 3000 Mw of power.
The present stage of development is very low with only 3 to 4 Maf of waters being
used by the party States for irrigation and drinking water against 28 Maf availability
of water at 75 per cent dependability as fixed by NWDT and about 100 Mw power
developed. 85 per cent of the waters are estimated as flowing waste to sea. The project
will provide safe and clean drinking water to 8215 villages and 135 towns in Gujarat
and 131 villages in desert areas of Jalore District of Rajasthan, though against
only four villages fully due to
only 241 villages are getting submerged artially and
the project.”
93 Para 267.
810 Economic Development, Law and Social Transformation
a a
is criticised for failure to provide effective rehabilitative measures
before eviction. .
The propriety of large dam policy is assessed by an indepe ndent
body, World Commission on Dams, which submitted its report in
2000.54 Referring to numerous large dams constructed all over the
world in 20th century, WCD noted that large dams have made an
important and significant contribution to human development; that
frequently, an unacceptable and unnecessary price has been paid to
secure those benefits; that lack of equity in the distribution of ben-
efits has called into question the value of many dams in meeting water
and energy development needs; and that it has necessitated positive
resolution of competing interests amidst all whose rights and risks are
involved.*® The conflicts of interests amidst different nations or fed-
erating units or different sections of people—urban/rural, upstream/
downstream, agricultural/industrial etc—have called for equitable
solutions based on people’s participation and negotiation. Its assess-
ment of large dams discloses: delay in execution, shortfall of target,
irreversible loss of species and ecosystems, and failure to mitigate
environmental and social costs. It suggested for inclusion of core val-
ues such as equity, efficiency, popular participation, sustainability
and accountability in decision making. Participatory decision making
by use of rights-and-risks approach shifts the center of gravity in the
dams debate to option assessments and improvement of performance
from human rights perst ective.%° According to Upendra Baxi, “This
convergence between human development and human rights ideolo-
gies is significant because it extends beyond mere economic and insti-
tutional analysis of development, to a theory fundamentally grounded
in human rights concepts. Moreover, in underlining the universal
nature of human rights, it progresses beyond the relativistic argu-
ments behind which a great deal of human suffering has been hidden.
It is to be hoped that environmental thinking will also follow.”57 Thus,
consensus based arrangement for sustainable development triggered
158 The Report of the Cauvery Water Dispute Tribunal with the decision, Vol. V
(Government of India, New Delhi 2007). as
‘59 According to one estimate (Walter D’Souza) the evictees numbered 30 millions
by 1999 and only 25 per cent have been rehabilitated. Shyam Divan op. cit., at p. 417.
160 Ramaswamy R. Iyer, Water: perspectives, Issues, Concerns (Sage Publications, New
Delhi, 2003) at pp. 126-29; Shyam Divan op. cit., at p. 417. .
161 For a discussion see, B.N. Kirpal, J. in Narmada Bachao Andolan v. Union of India,
(2000) 10 SCC 664. .
182 TN. Godavarman Thriumalpad v. Union of India, (2002) 10 SCC 606: AIR 2003 SC
16 Rural Litigation and Entitlement Kendra v. State of U.P., 1989 Supp (1) SCC 504; Rural
Litigation and Entitlement Kendra v. State of U.P., 1989 Supp (1) SCC
i M.C. Mehta v. Union of India, (2004) 12 SCC 118: AIR 2004 SC 4016; per Y.K.
Sabharwal, J. para 48.
Economic Developmen t, Law and Social Trans formation
812 ree a a ie PS
tion resources and power projects, etc. including the need to
A balance
employment opportunities and the generation of revenue.
has to be struck. In such matters, many a times, the option to be adopt
is not very easy or ina straitjacket. If an activity is allowed to go ahead,
there may be irreparable damage to the environment and if it is stopped,
there may be irreparable damage to economic interest. In case of doubt,
however, protection of environment would have precedence over the
economic interest. Precautionary principle requires anticipatory action
to be taken to prevent harm.”
It is submitted, the benefit of doubt given to environmental protection
is falling in line with the eco-centric or post-development approach,"®
marking a breakthrough towards restoring the traditional thinking
about center-staging environment in human activity.
169 N.D. Jayal v. Union of India, (2004) 9 SCC 362: AIR 2004 SC 867.
'” Church of God (Full Gospel) in India v. K.K.R. Majestic Colony Welfare Assn., (2000) 7
SCC 282: AIR 2000 SC 2773.
71 M.C. Mehta v. Union of India (Aravalli mining), (2004) 12 SCC 118: AIR 2004 SC
2 P. Leelakrishnan, op. cit., at pp. 194-12. ine :
3 There is considerable body of statutes (about 200) directly or indirectly governing
the field. Indrajit Dubey, loc. cit., at. pp. 66-67. ;
74 P Leelakrishnan, Environmental Law in India (2nd Edn., Lexis Nexis Butterworths,
New Delhi 2005) at p. 192.
814 Economic Development, Law and Social Transfo rmation
Oi oS e ee
touching upon various sites of pollution’ and upholding the value of
sustainable development. Imaginative filling of the gap through rules
has strengthened the balancing approach. In addition to the command
and control model through licensing, inspecting and monitoring sys-
tem, participative approach under Environment Impact Assessment
has added its significant contribution to effectuate happy combination
of environmental values and developmental needs.
Integrated approach has emerged as a key mechanism for sustain-
able development. The very definitions of the terms “environment”,
“environmental pollution” and “handling” have been comprehensive
to cover all the significant areas of human activity vis-a-vis nature.’”°
This has enabled and compelled the Government to tackle the problem
in a holistic manner. Section 3(2) gives a detailed list of central gov-
ernment’s powers to collect and disseminate relevant information, to
establish and provide technological assistance for prevention, control
and abatement of pollution, set standards of quality, inspect and inves-
tigate and avoid accidents. Persons carrying on any industry, opera-
tion or process are prohibited from committing environmental pollu-
tion and from handling hazardous substance without complying with
the safety procedure (Sections 7 and 8). The Water (Prevention and
Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and the Air (Prevention and Control of
Pollution) Act, 1981 adopt an integrated approach of prevention, con-
trol and abatement of water and air respectively. Proper coordination
between mechanisms under these two Acts and also between central
and state pollution control Boards have been contemplated.
Environment Impact Assessment is an objective method of aug-
menting sustainable development. Leelakrishnan views, “It guides
administrative agencies in balancing conflicting social values, and
environmental quality.”"”” Since prevention avoids discomforts, dan-
gers and wastage, EIA has great potentiality, especially when people
and NGOs effectively participate in the decision making process. The
EIA Notification, 1994 requires environmental clearance in respect of
32 types of industrial activities. The 1997 Amendment has recognised
the role of Pollution Control Boards in the EIA process. The Narmada
ruling on mere prospective effect of EIA and limit of EIA only to the
”° The EP Rules, 1986, the Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules,
1989, Noise Pollution Rules, 2000, Biomedical Waste (Management and Handling)
Rules, 1988, Ozone Depleting Substances (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000,
Regulation Zone Notification and Environment Impact Assessment Notification.
"6 EPA, Ss. 2(b) and (0), “environmental pollution” means the presence in the
environment of any environmental pollutant; “environmental pollutant” means any
solid, liquid or gaseous substance present in such concentration as may be, or
tend to
be, injurious to eco-system.
"7 P. Leelakrishnan, op. cit., at p. 277.
Environmental protection versus development 815
SiS Sees, iets atten he panied eaterptn tSie ea anc a atti Geld a
specified activities have the effect of limiting the scrutiny about sus-
tainable development.
In conservation of natural resources like forest, wild life and min-
erals, law’s role has supported the cause of sustainable development.
Depletion and degradation of these resources are dealt under the Indian
Forest Act, 1927, Forest Conservation Act, 1980, Wild Life Protection Act,
1972 and Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development) Act, 1957.
The policy of commercialising forest has yielded place to the policy of
conservation. Protection of wild life through sanctuaries and national
parks with rigid principles and measures relating to non-interven-
tion in those areas has been attempted. In a landmark judgment, T.N.
Godavarman case, the Supreme Court has extensively given guidelines
for protection of the forest cover. Adverse effect of mining in forests
and hills are seriously considered in other cases for providing reme-
dies. Under Section 18(1) of the Mines and Minerals (Development and
Regulation) Act, 1957, it shall be the duty of the Central Government
to take all such steps as may be necessary for the conservation and
systematic development of minerals in India and for the protection of
environment by preventing or controlling any pollution which may be
caused by prospecting or mining operations. Conservation of natural
resource is logical imperative of inter-generation equity and promi-
nent tool of balancing between environment and development.
'*°Hinch Lal Tiwari v. Kamala Devi, (2001) 6 SCC 496: AIR 2001 SC 3215.
" A.P. Pollution Control Board v. M.V. Nayudu, (1999) 2 SCC 718: AIR 1999 SC
812 at
pp. 820-1.
'? Vellore Citizens’ Welfare Forum v. Union of India, (1996) 5 SCC 647:
AIR 1996 SC
Bes MC. Mehta v. Union of India, (1987) 4 SCC 463: AIR 1988 SC 1037 at p. 1115 (Ganga
pollution cases); M.C. Mehta v. Union of India, (1998) 2 SCC 435: AIR 1998
SC 617 (Vehicular
pollution case).
"™ Research Foundation for Science, Technology National Resource Policy
v. Union of India,
(2005) 10 SCC 510.
"© For an elaborate discussion see, Indrajit Dubey, Environmental Jurispru
Polluter’s Liability (Lexis Nexis Butterworths, New Delhi 2007).
Conclusions 817
eee eee Se a es ee i
17.7. Conclusions
From what is discussed above, ample evidences based on empirical
experience could be gathered supporting the notion “Change, yet con-
tinuity” in vital sphere of human activity. Justice as the basis for prop-
erty, economic relations and approach towards nature is embedded
in the mainstream Indian tradition, and has much input to inspire.
Finding solution in similar ideas for modern economy’s problems has
both historic propriety and logical justification. Altering of the unjust
and continuing the just have adequate constitutional support also.
Agrarian reforms and humanisation of the industrialised agriculture
are the efforts that the legal system has put to make the vast country-
side life of India comfortable and fit to be lived. Various stages that
the legal policy and discourse on Free enterprise v. State regulation has
undergone with reference to industries quite importantly support the
balanced approach in which could be found some good strategies to
meet the problems of globalisation. The policy of environmental pro-
tection, by making use of the conceptual tool of sustainable develop-
ment, has again reflected the vitality of the balancing approach. In
view of the fact that in all these spheres , as elsewhere, social trans-
formation is too important a task to be left to the mainstream politi-
cal governance but one in which people’s acceptance and participa-
tion makes its success possible, adequate attention needs to be given to
these dimensions. Since economic lobby is strong and self-sustaining,
law’s role of facilitating reform and regulating the vested interests
requires adequate social support. The frequency of farm suicides and
displacements should stir up the social mind for systematising and
humanising the process and direction of change.
166 Niyamavedi v. Government of India Kerala High Court,
“haeapieJisrete# sot befsivtyage oft qu:
SS itok lat Vows x Seeger
SEAM) ov ivr
nner enn ne es renvennecemneventremernnreeere,
18.1 Introduction
| Ubi jus ubi remedium (where there is a right, there is a remedy). Its corollary is also
true because of the importance of enforceability of the right in actual practice. Ifaman
has a right, he must, “have a means to vindicate and maintain it, and a remedy if
is injured in the exercise and enjoyment of it, and, indeed it is vain thing to imagine a
right without a remedy, for want of right and want of remedy are reciprocal.” Brooms
Legal Maxims (10th Edn.) at pp. 118-19.
at 2579.
2 Dhannalal v. Kalawatibai, (2002) 6 SCC 16 at p. 29: AIR 2002 SC 2572
3 State of Punjab v. Shamlal Murari, (1976) 1 SCC 719: AIR 1976 SC
820 Delivery System, Modernisation and Law
Reforms in the Justice e
Te ie EN e
system also vigorously support the benevolent aim. Thus, legal proce-
dure can hardly afford to be an empty formality.
From the dawn of civilisation to the present day, legal systems have
been experimenting in refining the justice delivery system to make
it more popularly accessible, prompt and effective. The institutions
of nyaya panchayat, guild courts and people’s courts are some of their
manifestations in the past. In the rule of law system, adjudication of
disputes by courts constitutes the principal method of resolving the
conflicts. Growth of the legal system through judge made law and leg-
islative reforms has witnessed emergence of new principles, mecha-
nisms and rights. That the “top down” model ofjustice administration
through modernised techniques does not yield satisfactory result was
realised in the post-internal emergency period with the experience of
gross human rights violations by the system itself because of delay,
formalism, expenses, and lack of communitarian participation. In reac-
tion to this state of affairs, serious attempts were put to enhance the
quality of procedural framework of the legal system. A breakthrough
development is incorporation of Article 39-A into Part IV of the
Constitution for promoting equal justice for all> Rights of the accused,
of the victims and of the parties to civil suits are getting streamlined
as a feature of justice delivery system. The system of plea-bargaining
is introduced by an amendment to the Criminal Procedure Code.
Prison reform is also attempted. There are proposals for strengthening
the rights of victims. Emergence of Public Interest Litigation as a phe-
nomenon and an effective tool has heralded new era of human rights
activism, constitutionalism and environmentalism. The enactment of
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, amendment to Civil Procedure
Code (2002) incorporating compulsory resort to Alternative Dispute
Resolution (ADR), and implementation of the Legal Services Authority
Act, 1987 by constituting Lok Adalat have opened up new opportuni-
ties for restoring people’s confidence in the justice delivery system. As
a mechanism of rendering to each person his or her due, the system
had to evolve just and fair procedure to protect life, personal liberty
and other interests. In spite of its best efforts, legal system could not
mould litigation as a satisfactory method of resolving the disputes nor
has its search for appropriate model reached final destination.
* Justice S.B. Sinha, “Access to Justice and Judicial Reforms” (2006) 1 Journal of Law
and Social Policy 1 at p. 8.
> Art. 39-A, “The State shall secure that the operation of legal system promotes
justice, on a basis of equal opportunity, and shall, in particular provide free legal aid
by suitable legislation or schemes or in any other way, to ensure that opportunities
for securing justice are not denied to any citizen by reason of economic or other
Expanding the rights of the accused persons
. The present chapter examines the prominent aspects of reforms in
justice delivery system. It intends to make a brief survey of trends of
development in this sphere and inquires whether the Indian legal sys-
tem’s basic orientation and mission towards social justice could be sat-
isfactorily assisted by the dispute settlement practice; whether the legal
disputes could be treated with adequate human sensitivity in view of
the fact that disputes have immense human element; and whether the
imperatives of human rights and challenges of globalisation, modern
trade and economic development could be appropriately responded by
the justice delivery system. In the light of legislative and judicial con-
tributions in this sphere and also the reports of Law Commission and
Criminal Law Reforms Committee (Justice V.S. Malimath Committee)
the relevant legal development will be considered from the social
transformation perspective.
* M.H. Hoskot v. State of Maharashtra, (1978) 3 SCC 544: AIR 1978 SC 1548.
" D.K. Basu v. State of W.B., (1997) 1 SCC 416: 1997 SCC (Cri) 92: AIR 1997 SC 610.
The Apex Court laid down 11, guidelines to be followed by police: (i) The arresting or
interrogating official to bear identification badge; (ii) Preparation of memo of arrest
with the witness of a family member or local person; (ii/) Right of the arrestee to have
his relative or friend informed of arrest as soon as practicable; (iv) The details of arrest
to be informed within 8 to 12 hours if the relative or friend of the arrestee lives outside
the district or town of arrest; (v) The arrestee must be made aware of this right to have
someone informed soon after arrest; (vi) Entry in the police diary about arrest and
transmission of information to next friend or relative; (vii) In case arrestee requests
for examination of his bodily injuries at the time of arrest, the request to be complied
with; (viii) Subjection of the arrestee to medical examination by a trained doctor every
48 hours during custodial detention; (ix) Copies of documents to be submitted to
magistrate; (x) The arrestee may be permitted to meet his lawyer during interrogation,
though not throughout the interrogation; (xi) Police control room in District or State
headquarter to notify in the notice board about the fact of arrest within 12 hours from
the moment of arrest.
'' bid, at p. 623 para 34.
'? Nilabati Behera v. State of Orissa, (1993) 2 SCC 746: AIR 1993 SC 1960 at
para 20
where reference was made to Art. 9(5) of the international Covenant
for Civil and
Political Rights, 1966.
Expanding the rights of the accused persons
S RSaslsocean e 823
In Moti Ram v. State of M.P*3 the Supreme Court conceded that the
bail system discriminated against the poor, and accordingly gave rem-
edy against unreasonable surety. The Court viewed that poor men,
young persons, infirm individuals and women were weak categories
and courts should be liberal in releasing them on their own recogni-
sance subject to reasonable conditions. When poverty of the undertrial
and his or her family was the reason for languishing in jail sometimes
even beyond the maximum period of punishment for the alleged
offence, in Hussainara Khatoon while ordering release of such persons
the court observed, “Undeniably, the thousands of undertrial prison-
ers lodged in Indian prisons today include many who are unable to
secure their release before trial because of their inability to produce
sufficient financial guarantee for their appearance... The deprivation
of liberty for the reason of financial poverty only is an incongruous
element in a society aspiring to the achievement of these constitutional
objectives."* The social interest in right to speedy trial was considered
in A.R. Antulay case, “The fact that a speedy trial is also in public inter-
est or that it serves the societal interest also, does not make it any—
the—less the right of the accused. It is in the interest of all concerned
that the guilt or innocence of the accused is determined as quickly as
possible in the circumstances.”
Judicial recognition and implementation of right to legal aid at vari-
ous stages of criminal case has shown difficulties involved in reform-
ing the system through judicial commands alone. Deploring the neg-
ligent attitude of states in providing legal aid, the Supreme Court in
Khatri (II) v. State of Bihar'® observed, “We would also direct the State
of Bihar and, require every other State in the country to make provi-
sion for grant of free legal services to an accused who is unable to
engage a lawyer on account of reasons such as poverty, indigence or
incommunicado situation. The only qualification would be that the
offence charged against the accused is such that, on conviction, it
would result in a sentence of imprisonment and is of such a nature that
the circumstances of the case and the needs of social justice require
that he should be given free legal representation. There may be cases
involving offences such as economic offences or offences against law
prohibiting prostitution or child abuse and the like, where social jus-
tice may require that free legal services need not be provided by the
13 (1978) 4 SCC 47: 1978 SCC (Cri) 485: AIR 1978 SC 1594.
(Cri) 35: AIR
144 Hussainara Khatoon (III) v. State of Bihar, (1980) 1 SCC 93: 1980 SCC
1979 SC 1360 at para. 11 per R.S. Pathak, J.
1701; see also,
15. Abdul Rehman Antulay v. R.S. Nayak, (1992) 1 SCC 225; AIR 1992 SC
4 SCC 578: AIR 2002 SC 1856.
P. Ramachandra Rao v. State of Karnataka, (2002)
components of fair
16 (1981) 1 SCC 627: AIR 1981 SC 928; reading of Art. 39-A into
procedure under Art. 21 had this result.
ation andee
824 Reforms in the Justice Delivery System, Modernis
in holding that trial
State.” In Suk Das the Court went a step ahead
bringing aware-
without providing legal aid was vitiated. Need for
ness about right to legal aid in the context of illiteracy and
t of Legal
about legal aid was emphasised by the Court.7 The enactmen
re for
Services Authority Act has streamlined the development. In Cent
Legal Research v. State of Kerala's, emphasising the importance of
participation in legal aid movement, the Supreme Court observed “It
is absolutely essential that people should be involved in the legal aid
programme because the legal aid programme is not charity or bounty
but it is a special entitlement of the people and those in need of legal
assistance cannot be looked upon as mere beneficiaries of the legal aid
programme but they should be regarded as participants in it.”
Protection against custodial violence and unreasonable handcuff-
ing is a theme consistently carried out in a number of cases starting
from Sunil Batra. Again, the difficulty in humanising the whole system
by minimising the use of handcuffs was experienced because of the
administration’s apathy. The Court in Citizens for Democracy observed,
“We are constrained to say that the guidelines laid down by this Court
and the directions issued repeatedly regarding handcuffing of under-
trials and convicts are not being followed by the police jail authorities
and even by the subordinate judiciary. We make it clear that the law
laid down by this Court in the abovesaid two judgments and the direc-
tions issued by us are binding on all concerned and any violation or
circumvention shall attract the provisions of the Contempt of Courts
Act apart from other penal consequences under law.’"9
Special provisions for protection of women and children in custody
have been insisted in Sheela Barse and other cases.*? Award of compen-
sation to the accused and imposition of personal liability upon police
officers in case of custodial death or physical injury of the detenu
has been the general rule in the approach of judiciary.” The National
Sik Das v. UT of Arunachal Pradesh, (1986) 2 SCC 401: 1986 SCC (Cri) 166.
* (1986) 2 SCC 706: AIR 1986 SC 2195.
CitizensforDemocracy v. State of Assam, (1995) 3 SCC 743: AIR 1996 SC 2193.
Sheela Barse v. Secy., Children’s Aid Society, (1987) 3 SCC 50: 1987 SCC (Cri) 458;
Sheela Barse v. State of Maharashtra, (1983) 2 SCC 96: 1983 SCC (Cri) 353; Upendra Baxi (II)
v. State of U.P., (1986) 4 SCC 106: 1986 SCC (Cri) 381: AIR 1987 SC 191.
2! Rudul Sah v. State of Bihar, (1983) 4 SCC 141: 1983 SCC (Cri) 798; Sebastian M. Hongray
v. Union of India, (1984) 1 SCC 339: 1984 SCC (Cri) 87; Sebastian M.
Hongray v. Union of
India, (1984) 3 SCC 82: 1984 SCC (Cri) 407, in such a writ petition, exemplary
costs were
awarded on failure of the detaining authority to produce the missing persons on the
conclusion that they were not alive and had met an unnatural death... In Bhim Singh
v. State of J&K, (1985) 4 SCC 677: AIR 1986 SC 494, illegal detention in police custody
of the petitioner Bhim Singh was held to constitute violation of his rights under Arts.
21 and 22(2) and this Court exercising its power to award compensation under Art.
32 directed the State to pay monetary compensation to the petitioner for violation
e 825
e Sent || (Be
Human Rights Commission has also adopted similar policies in mak-
ing recommendations for compensation. The immunity against self-
incrimination (No person accused of an offence shall be compelled to
be a witness against himself), protection against double jeopardy (No
person shall be prosecuted and punished for the same offence more
than once) and the safeguard against ex post facto laws (retro active
criminal laws) are important protections against arbitrary and vindic-
tive state actions (Article 20). Right to be informed of grounds of arrest,
right to be produced before the nearest Magistrate, right to consult
a legal practitioner of one’s choice and right to make representation
against allegation are the important due process rights coming to the
rescue of the accused.” These basic principles are supported by elabo-
rate provisions in the Criminal Procedure Code, Indian Evidence Act
subject to exceptions in cases of POTA and preventive detention laws.
18.3 Plea-bargaining
Reform in procedural law for bringing concurrence between truth
and justice in individual cases in an objective and participative spirit
without delay, inconvenience and compulsion is an important devel-
opment that has witnessed balancing of several competing interests.
Introduction of plea-bargaining is one such phenomenon that has
demanded not only proper balancing of them, but also bestowing of
meticulous care in grafting basically a western system into the Indian
socio-legal conditions which pose challenging features of illiteracy,
absence of attitude for legalism and prevalence of police high handed-
they know that they did not commit; (ii) that the outcome of a plea
bargain may depend strongly on the negotiating skills and personal
demeanor of the defense lawyer, which puts persons who can afford
good lawyers at an advantage; (iii) that the system encourages pros-
ecutors to overcharge at the start of a case which leads to caseload
pressures or unusually severe penalties; (iv) that the notion of plea-bar-
gaining is contrary to the purpose of the law in which a specific action
should be associated with a specific penalty; (v) that the constitution-
ally conferred right against self-incrimination, right to know the evi-
dences, right to cross-examine the witnesses on the part of the accused
and the duty of the state to investigate, get its evidences and prosecute
would be disturbed by the plea-bargaining; and (vi) that there is a ten-
dency on the part of government to retaliate against those who opt
not to plead guilty25 The Law Commission has listed the objections
as follows: country’s social conditions like illiteracy do not justify the
introduction of the system; pressures may result in conviction of the
innocents; the poor may be the ultimate victims; crime rate may go up;
and real criminals may slip through the net with impunity2°
Timothy Sandefur argues that plea-bargaining is a contract, and like
all contract making process requires disclosure of all facts and trans-
parency-” Referring to the criticism that plea-bargaining gives incen-
tive to discourage exercise of constitutionally guaranteed due process
right and that because of disparate punishment for the same offence
violates the principle of quality, Sandefur argues that plea system is
_ anecessary consequence of waiver of Fundamental Right and that the
system might be deficient but not unconstitutional. To exclude defi-
ciency, the measure required is avoiding the chilling effect of bargain-
ing tool through transparency, proper counselling and guidance of the
accused by the prosecuting agency. Timothy Lynch does not agree with
Sandefur about existence of freedom of contract or voluntary waiver
involved in plea-bargaining2* According to Lynch, the accused does
not remain in free trade situation because of the burden of charge and
restraint on mobility, and the bargain is between unequal entities. The
39 Moore v. Michigan, (1957) 355 US 155; Lynch v. Overholser, 369 US 705 (1962) at
p. 719; Brady v. United States, 25 L Ed 2d 747.
40 Santobello v. New York, (1971) 404 US 257.
41 434 US 357 (1978). .
2 Timothy Lynch, The Case Against Plea-bargaining, Regulations (2003) Regulati
Fall at p. 24.
830 Reforms in the Justi ce Delivery System, Modernisation and Law
i ie a
in offences against
prosecutorial choices, and scope for bargaining
women and drug offences.”
advance arrangements please everyone except the distant victim, the silent society.
The prosecutor is relieved of the long process of proof, legal technicalities and long
arguments, punctuated by revisionsal excursions to higher courts, the court sighs
relief that its ordeal, surrounded by a crowd of papers and persons, is avoided by one
held out
case less and the accused is happy that even if legalistic battles might have
in the expensive hierarchy of the justice-
some astrological hope of abstract acquittal
system he is free early in the day to pursue his old profession.
832 Delivery System, Modern
Reforms in the JusticeNN Law
isation and rr
Fee eR a are Ae
lusion and as a direct consequence, contribute to the lowering of the
standard of justice.”””
Further, in the Indian social circumstance where illiteracy and lack of
awareness of rights was prevalent, the waiver of right to regular trial
was not generally meeting the legal standards of fairness and reasona-
bleness. In State of U.P. v. Chandrika** the Court continued the policy of
not allowing plea-bargaining in the matter of serious offences under
The Law Commission in its 142nd Report (1991) discussed the desir-
ability of plea-bargaining in the light of Indian social conditions and
also the need to promote speedy disposal of cases with the voluntary
plea of guilt by the accused. Through survey of public opinion and
discussions in seminars and working papers, the Law Commission
found the need to introduce the system with adequate safeguards
and in a limited sphere without affecting the crime control function of
the state. It recommended for its incorporation in offences other than
offence punishable with imprisonment for more than seven years’ or
with death penalty. Further, the request for reduced penalty on the
basis of voluntary confesion of guilt was to be treated by responsi-
ble officer like judge rather than police or the prosecution. By this it
has tried to avoid bargaining, pressure, inducement, and possibility
of too lenient punishment and punishment of the innocent persons.
The Commission elaboratelv discussed about the practice of plea-bar-
gaining in America and Canada and considered the need to confine
its scope to limited circumstances in India and the need to have pro-
tection against abuses. Malimath Committee report recommended for
implementation of the Commission Report.
Since the present law provides for effective protection of the interests
of the accused, victim and the society by operationalising the scheme
under the supervision of the judiciary without any influence of the
police or prosecution, the procedure has element of fairness. In the
Indian context, where illiteracy and lack of awareness of human rights
pose great difficulty, the practice shall be made with great caution. The
growth of law has come to the rescue of persons genuinely intending
to plea bargain. By excluding the application of plea-bargaining in the
matter of charges on offences, punishable with imprisonment beyond
seven years’ or on socio-economic offences the societal interest is not
jeopardised. Since the ideas of victim compensation and mutually
satisfactory disposition are accommodated, it gives justice to victims
and security against abuse. The overall development is not against the
judicial dicta in earlier cases as the reform has responded to the objec-
tions raised by the courts by; providing adequate safeguards.
* Rr. 57 and 58 of the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners and
Related Recommendation, 1955.
tr See, B.B. Pandey, “Human Rights of Prisoners” in K.I. Vibhute (Ed.), Criminal
Justice (Eastern Book Company, Lucknow 2004) at p. 327.
Prison reforms
Sane acaens ao a 835
implementing the social transformation agenda. It is with refinement
of civilisation that finer ideas about prison reforms emerge. Some of
the noble principles about humane treatment of prisoners, as reflected
in the ancient Indian jurisprudence, can be looked into to know the
indigenous values on the subject. Kautilya prescribed that a band-
hanagara (jail) shall be constructed in the capital providing separate
accommodation for men and women, and it should be well-guarded5"
Prisoners were to be employed in useful works like weaving and cul-
tivation; and remission of sentences of imprisonment in special occa-
sions or on considerations of good work, conduct and payment of fine
was to be practiced5?
Continued according to the convenience of medieval rulers, the
prison conditions became miserable during the company rule. The
Prison Reform Committee, 1836 reported about the unsanitary con-
ditions of jail, lack of medical care and absence of separate compart-
ment for women prisoners. The Prison Inquiry Committee, 1864 reit-
erated these points and suggested for appointment of civil surgeon
in each prison. The Prisons Act, 1870 prescribed the composition of
jail staff; provided for separate accommodations for juvenile delin-
quents, women prisoners and male prisoners; and treated criminals
and habitual criminals separately. The offences within the prison were
defined and made punishable. In 1892 an All-India Committee on
Prison Reforms was constituted. Its report was the basis for the present
Prisons Act, 1894. Maintenance of discipline and security within the
prison, better arrangement for women prisoners and improving the
sanitary conditions were the objects of this law. The report of the
Indian Jails Committee, 1919-20 suggested for classification of prison
officials, reform of prisoners through education, socialisation and
humane treatment, and imparting of vocational skills»? For establish-
ing borstal schools, probation of offenders and parole administration,
this report was source of inspiration. In various states jail manuals and
prison rules were brought although a full-fledged enactment was not
the outcome. The Jail Committee was against imposing fetters contin-
uously or without safeguards, and sending prisoners for road making,
canal construction and railway works.
Post-Independence era witnessed formation of Model Jail rules,
enhanced vocational training, scope for jail visit, periodic supervision
and introduction of wage system. On the whole, attempt to modify
51 N.S. Venkatanathacharya, Kautileeyartha Shastram (University of Mysore 1960)
at p. 56 cited by M. Rama Jois, Constitutional and Legal History of India (N.M. Tripathi,
Bombay 1984) at p. 342.
2 Ibid, at p. 343.
53 See, for discussion, M.J. Sethna, Society and the Criminal (2nd Edn., Kitab Mahal,
Bombay 1964) at pp. 294-95.
836 Reforms in the Justice Delive ry System, Modernisatio n and Law
the prison culture by shifting from cruelty to humanism was clear?
Change in the approach relating to objectives of punishment had also
impact upon the method of treating the prisoners. Looking to the jails
as social hospitals, criminals as patients, and punishment as a process
of purification and rehabilitation had also distinct impact upon prison
reform mission. However, it is the human right activism by the judi-
ciary that gave a great fillip to the cause of prison justice during the
late 1970s and 1980s. All India Committee on Jail Reforms (headed by
Justice A. N, Mulla) (1980-83) has studied the issue of prison reform in
great detail and submitted its report.
4 For similar shift in US and other countries see, Edwin Sutherland and Donald
Cressy, Principles of Criminology (6th Edn., The Times of India Press, Bombay 1965) at
p. 509; Donald Taft, Criminology (4th Edn., Macmillan, New York 1967) at p. 427.
Jil Contrel, “Human Rights, Constitutions and Prisoners: A global Perspective”
in K.I. Vibhute (Ed.), Criminal Justice (Eastern Book Company, Lucknow 2004) at pp. 302,
jos a balla A ina Nahee
According to Article 8, “Any person who alleges that he has been
subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment
or punishment by or at the instigation of a public official shall have
the right to complain to, and to have his case impartially examined
by, the competent authorities of the State concerned.” Article 9 states,
“Wherever there is reasonable ground to believe that an act of torture
as defined in Article 1 has been committed, the competent authorities
of the State concerned shall promptly proceed to an impartial investi-
gation even if there has been no formal complaint.” Medical help and
separate accommodation for insane and mentally abnormal prisoners
are also guaranteed. The Convention Against Torture and other Cruel,
Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment, 1984 defines tor-
ture widely to include intentionally inflicted physical or mental pain
or suffering, and obligates upon each State Party to take effective leg-
islative, administrative, judicial or other measures to prevent acts of
torture in any territory under its jurisdiction (Articles 1 and 2). All
such acts of torture shall be offences under criminal law, and shall
be investigated and punished by the signatory states (Articles 4 to 6).
Right to compensation and rehabilitation shall be provided to the vic-
tims of torture under the municipal law (Article 14). Indian judiciary
has developed prison reform jurisprudence by substantially taking
help from the relevant international instruments. After the Bangalore
Declaration this has become part of judicial policy.
The judicial approach to prisoners’ rights is part of human rights
activism. Perhaps, judicial activism got social recognition in initial
years mainly because of judicial intervention to remedy atrocities in
custodial detention. As Y.V. Chandrachud, J., has spelt out, “Convicts
are not, by mere reason of the conviction, denuded of all the fundamen-
tal rights which they otherwise possess.”°* The traditional view that
prisoners do not have rights was rejected through this stance. Article
21 was made available to a prisoner while dealing with the question
of his right of reading and writing books while in jail in Prabhakar
Panduranga’’. Penalogical innovation in the shape of parole to check
recidivism was recommended for liberal use in Suresh Chandra®*. While
56D. Bhuvan Mohan Patnaik v. State of A.P., (1975) 3 SCC 185: (1975) 2 SCR 24 at p. 26:
AIR 1974 SC 2092; In Sunil Batra v. Delhi Admn., (1978) 4 SCC 494: 1979 SCC (Cri) 155,
VR. Krishna Iyer, J. observed, “Conviction for a crime does not reduce the person
into a non-person whose rights are subject to the whim of the prison administration
and, therefore, the imposition of any major punishment within the prison system 1s
conditional upon the observance of procedural safeguards.” See also State of A.P. v.
Challa Ramkrishna Reddy, (2000) 5 SCC 712: AIR 2000 SC 2083.
57 State of Maharashtra v. Prabhakar Pandurant Sanzgiri, AIR 1966 SC 424: (1966)
and Krishan
58 Suresh Chandra v. State of Gujarat, (1976) 1 SCC 654: 1976 SCC (Cri) 145
Justice Delivery Syste
Reforms in theaR m, Modernisation and Law
838 ath e Deis " Siac EE SS
i Sac
resort to oppressive measures to curb political beliefs were not allow
the installation of high-volt live wire mechanism on the jail walls to
prevent escape from prisons could not be complained off, as no pris-
oner has fundamental right to escape from lawful custody.” In Charles
Sobraj® it was stated that the Court would intervene even in Prison
administration when constitutional rights or statutory prescriptions
are transgressed to injure a prisoner. In the matter of solitary confine-
ment, handcuffing, torture and other forms of human right violations,
judiciary has adopted pro-active approach. Court’s response to the let-
ters addressed to it and suo motu intervention exhibit high concern of
the judiciary about prison reform.”
4 Rama Murthy v. State of Karnataka, (1997) 2 SCC 642: 1997 SCC (Cri) 386, para
1988 SCC (Cri) 248-mix up of
see also Sanjay Suri v. Delhi Admn., 1988 Supp SCC 160:
juveniles with convicts due to overcrowding is invalid.
65 Vivien Stein, op. cit., at pp. 298-99.
6 Jil Contrel, op. cit., at p. 322.
(Cri) 155, para 58.
6? Synil Batra v. Delhi Admn., (1978) 4 SCC 494: 1979 SCC
6 Ibid, Charles Sobraj v. Supdt., Central Jail, (1978) 4 SCC 104.
Jawaharlal Nehru and other
6° The writings of Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde and
Admn., AIR 1978 SC 1675.
thinkers have been cited in Sunil Batra v. Delhi
840 Reforms in the Justice Delive ry System, Modernisatio n and Law
We e e e e =
all other prisoners, and shall be placed by day and by night under
charge of a guard, was interpreted strictly in Sunil Batra so as to con-
fine its operation to death convicts whose mercy petition 1s rejected by
the President. Imposition of solitary confinement on other prisoners
requires specific averment in the judgment by reference to Sections 73
and 74 IPC.
Imposing of chains, fetters and handcuffs is also confined to strict
limits of necessity. Under Section 56 of the Prisons Act, 1894 the
Superintendent may put a prisoner in bar fetters (‘) when he considers
it necessary; (ii) with reference either to the state of the prison or char-
acter of the prisoner; and (iii) for the safe custody of the prisoner. Two
basic considerations in the context of prison discipline are the secu-
rity of the prison and safety of the prisoner. These being the relevant
considerations, the necessity of putting any particular prisoner in bar
fetters must be relatable to them. According to the Supreme Court, the
power under Section 56 can be exercised only for reasons and consid-
erations which are germane to the objective of the statute, viz. safe
custody of the prisoner, which takes into consideration the character
and propensities of the prisoner?°It was observed, “Fetters, especially
bar fetters, shall be shunned as violative of human dignity within and
without prisons. The indiscriminate resort to handcuffs when accused
persons are taken to and from court and the expedient of forcing irons
on prison inmates are illegal and shall be stopped forthwith save ina
small category of cases dualt with next below. Reckless handcuffing
and chaining in public degrades, puts to shame finer sensibilities and
is a slur on our culture.” Serious exception is taken by the Apex Court
against non-implementation of the safeguard measures in the context
of handcuffing of undertrials and convicts in a number of cases.’
72, Rama Murthy v. State of Karnataka, (1997) 2 SCC 642: 1997 SCC (Cri) 386.
73 Veena Sethi v. State of Bihar, (1982) 2 SCC 583: 1982 SCC (Cri) 511.
74 Rudul Sah v. State of Bihar, (1983) 4 SCC 141: 1983 Se (Cr) 798:
75 Khatri v. State of Bihar, AIR 1981 SC 928 and 1068.
76 D.K. Basu v. State of W.B., (1997) 1 SCC 416: 1997 SCC (Cri)
746: AIR 1993 SC 1960.
77 Ibid; see also Nilabati Behera v. State of Orissa, (1993) 2 SCC
642: 1997 SCC (Cri) 386, para 40.
78 Rama Murthy v. State of Karnataka, (1997) 2 SCC
842 Reforms in the Justice Delivery System, Modernisation and Law
not conjugal visit is on similar lines. Regarding visit and interview
journalists, the law evolved in Prabha Dutt has progressive posture”?
Rule 549(4) of the Manual for the Superintendence and Management
of Jails, which is applicable to Delhi, provides that every prisoner
under a sentence of death shall be allowed such interviews and other
communications with his relatives, friends and legal advisers as the
Superintendent thinks reasonable. The Supreme Court insisted on rea-
sonable exercise of power by the authorities in view of the freedom of
speech and expression. In Sheela Barse, the Court viewed that a jour-
nalist should have access to information and should be permitted to
visit jails, children’s homes, remand homes, observation homes, bor-
stal schools and all institutions connected with housing of delinquent
or destitute children.” °
” Prabha Dutt v. Union of India, (1982) 1 SCC 1: 1982 SCC (Cri) 41.
"Sheela Barse v. Union of India, (1986) 3 SCC 596: 1986 SCC (Cri) 337.
‘1 D.P. Wadhwa, J. “Here, hard labour is a part of sentence and not of any contract.
Nobody ever said that during pre-constitutional period, sentence of imprisonment
with hard labour was begar or ‘other forms of forced labour’. State of Gujarat v. Hon'ble
High Court of Gujarat, (1998) 7 SCC 392: AIR 1998 SC 3164 at p. 3188.
* 23. Prohibition of traffic in human beings and forced labour.
(1) Traffic in human beings and begar and other similar forms of forced labour
are prohibited and any contravention of this provision shall be an offence
punishable in accordance with law.
(2) Nothing in this article shall prevent the State from imposing compulsory
service for public purposes, and in imposing such service the State shall not
make any discrimination on grounds only of religion, race, caste or class or any
Prison r
o reforms 843
ieee ge SN RS
Constitution upon the matter whether wages shall be paid to the pris-
oners who were putting hard labour and whether Minimum Wages
Act, 1948 would be applicable. The Kerala High Court led the opinion
that the wages given to prisoners must be at par with the wages fixed
under the MWA and the request to deduct the cost for providing food
and clothes to the prisoner from such wages was spurned down.® The
Gujarat High Court adopted this approach whereas Rajasthan High
Court directed the State Government to constitute a Commission to
guide the wage policy vis-a-vis prisoners. The Andhra Pradesh High
Court refused to examine the issue of adequacy of wages under Article
23.°° The Himachal Pradesh High Court also directed to have a decision
based on Committee report and stopped deduction of maintenance
expenses from the prisoners’ wages.** The Supreme Court, in a land-
mark case, adopted a balancing approach keeping in mind the spirit
of Article 23(2), the Constituent Assembly Debates, the comparative
experience in other jurisdictions and the justifications for effectuation
of hard labour. The Court held: (1) it is lawful to employ the prison-
ers sentenced to rigorous imprisonment to do hard labour whether he
consents to do it or not; (2) it is open to the jail officials to permit other
prisoners also to do any work which they choose to do, provided, such
prisoners make a request for that purpose; (3) it is imperative that the
prisoners should be paid equitable wages for the work done by them
after considering the recommendations of wage fixation body; (4) until
the State Government takes any decision on such recommendations,
every prisoner must be paid wages for the work done by him at such
rates or revised rates as the Government concerned fixes in the light
of the observations made above; and (5) the State shall make law for
setting apart a portion of the wages earned by the prisoners to be paid
as compensation to deserving victims of the offence the commission
of which entailed the sentence of imprisonment to the prisoner, either
directly or through a common fund to be created for this purpose or
in any other feasible mode.
K.T. Thomas, J. observed, “It is not only the legal right of a workman
to have wages for the work, it is a social imperative and an ethical com-
pulsion. Extracting somebody’s work without giving him anything in
return is only reminiscent of the period of slavery and the system of
of them.”
3 In the matter of Prison Reforms and Enhancement of Wages of Prisoners, 1983
Ker LT 512: AIR 1983 Ker 261.
4 Referred in (1998) 7 SCC 392: AIR 1998 SC 3164.
85 P Bhaskara Vijayakumar v. State of A.P., AIR 1988 AP 295.
86 Gurdev Singh v. State of H.P., AIR 1992 HP 76.
AIR 1998 SC
*7 State of Gujarat v. Hon'ble High Court of Gujarat, (1998) 7 SCC 392:
ation and Law
844 Reforms in the Justice Delivery System, Modernis
Committee report in
begar.”*® He approvingly cited from the Mulla
of NHRC and the
support of this proposition.” The recommendations
the provisions in
Draft Prison Bill, 1996 prepared by the NHRC and
taken into consid-
international human rights instruments were also
labour under
eration. The Court viewed that the requirement of hard
r Article
punishment came under the purview of public purpose unde
23(2), and that payment of full wages without deduction for
bursing expenses of maintenance was violating the equality princi
ple. Wadhwa, J. in concurring judgment referred to these factors. It
viewed by K.I. Vibhute that the concept of equitable wages is ambiva-
lent and needs to be streamlined through legislative measure.”
2 K.D. Gaur, “Human Rights of Detainees and Prisoners: Suggestions for Prison
Reform” in K.D. Gaur (Ed.), Criminal Law and Criminology (Deep and Deep, New Delhi
2003) at pp. 361, 373.
%3 State of Gujarat v. Hon'ble High Court of Gujarat, (1998) 7 SCC 392: AIR 1998 SC 3164,
para 33.
846 Justice Delivery System, Modernisation and Law
Reforms in theS
tim into insignificance and vanishing point of criminal law.9# Not only
that victim’s right to compensation became precarious but also that his
effective participation with concern for proper outcome in the criminal
trial became uncertain. As against these developments and impact of
modernity, two integrated factors that try to help in restoring the right
balance by focusing on justice to victims are human rights approach
and post-modernist search for traditionalist solution. International
human rights instruments, legislative and judicial contributions and
reports of Law Commission and Committees have been guiding the
growth of the law. But the extent of development in this sphere, as will
be discussed, falls short of the social expectations, thus disappointing
the justice-demanding minds.
According to the UN Declaration of the Basic Principles of Justice
for the Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power, 1985 the term “vic-
tim” includes any person who, individually or collectively, has suf-
fered harm, including physical or mental injury, emotional suffering,
economic loss or substantial impairment of his Fundamental Rights,
through acts or omissions that are in violation of criminal laws.
Rendering of justice to victims consists in recognition and protection
of victims’ several rights. The victims are entitled to the mechanisms
of justice and prompt redress for the harm suffered; right to informa-
tion about such mechanisms; right to treatment and assistance; right
to fair restitution by the offender; and in the alternative, right to be
compensated by the state.'> In the domestic law, by extending the logic
that procedure established by law under Article 21 should be just, fair
and reasonable, and should result in protection of dignified life and
personal liberty not only of the accused persons but also of the victims
of offences and wrongful acts, the Constitution’s support to victim-
* VR. Krishna lyer, J. in Rattan Singh v. State of Punjab, (1979) 4 SCC 719: 1980 SCC
(Cri) 17 viewed, “It is a weakness of our jurisprudence that the victims of the crime,
and the distress of the dependants of the prisoner, do not attract the attention of the
law. Indeed, victim reparation is still the vanishing point of our criminal law!” DP.
Wadhwa, J. in State of Gujarat v. Hon'ble High Court of Gujarat, (1998) 7 SCC 392: AIR
1998 SC 3164 observed, “In our efforts to look after and protect the human rights of
the convict we cannot forget the victim or his family in case of his death or who is
otherwise incapacitated to earn his livelihood because of criminal act of the convict.
The victim is certainly entitled to reparation, restitution and safeguards of his rights.
Criminal justice would look hollow if justice is not done to the victim of the crime.
Subject of victimology is gaining ground while we are also concerned with the rights
of the prisoners and prison reforms. A victim of crime cannot be a ‘forgotten man’ in
the criminal justice system. It is he who has suffered the most. His family is ruined
particularly in case of death and other bodily injury. This is apart from the factors like
loss of reputation, humiliation, etc. An honour which is lost or life which is snuffed
out cannot be recompensed but then monetary compensation will at least provide
some solace”.
*° UN Resolution Number 40/34 November 1985. Principles 4 to 8.
Wtoi victims of crimes
MiM e ne eT e i =| 847 CAE
oriented reforms got crystallised. The justifications for victim-orien-
tation are several: (/) victim is the unfortunate recipient of harm, loss
or injury, especially when crimes arise from deep-seated economic
dissatisfaction and social maladjustment; (ii) state has the responsi-
bility of protecting the life, limb and property of the subjects, and its
failure should be made good by a compensatory system; (iii) victim
needs protection against retaliation by the accused; and (1v) his role in
helping investigation and prosecution is crucial, and to be used with
adequate opportunity for participation, and should not be an object of
harassment and privacy encroachment.
There has been only a belated realisation about the need to equip
the legal system with sufficient victim-orientation. Courts began to
award compensation to the victims of rape and atrocities of the police.
Right to constitutional remedy was also used to carve out restitutive
or compensatory remedy. But this remedy remains an ad hoc meas-
ure, rather than as a consistent practice. The relevant legislative provi-
sions, human right principle, Law Commission report and Justice V.S.
Malimath Committee report have oriented towards rendering justice
to victims.
% “S. 357: Order to pay compensation.—(1) When a Court imposes a sentence of fine
or a sentence (including a sentence of death) of which fine forms a part, the Court
may, when passing judgment order the whole or any part of the fine recovered to be
(a) in defraying the expenses properly incurred in the prosecution;
(b) in the payment to any person of compensation for any loss or injury caused by
the offence, when compensation is, in the opinion of the Court, recoverable by
such person in a civil court;
(c) when any person is convicted of any offence for having caused the death of
another person or of having abetted the commission of such an offence, in
paying compensation to the persons who are, under the Fatal Accidents Act
(13 of 1855), entitled to recover damages from the person sentenced for the loss
848 Reforms in the Justice Delivery System, Modern isation and Law
exceeding one hundred rupees may also be awarded against any per-
son for getting another person groundlessly arrested by the police.
(Section 358)
The Supreme Court in Palaniappa Gounder case adopted 2 restric-
tive approach about award of compensation by observing, Though
there is power to combine a sentence of death with a sentence of fine
that power is sparingly exercised because the sentence of death is an
extreme penalty to impose and adding to that grave penalty a sentence
of fine is hardly calculated to serve any social purpose.” Reducing
the amount of fine (Rs 20,000) fixed by the High Court calculated
on the basis of loss to dependents to Rs 3500, the Court viewed that
more relevant factors to be considered were whether sentence of fine
is called for particularly when death penalty or life imprisonment is
imposed; what was the motive for crime; and pecuniary gain from the
crime rather than mere loss to defendants. In Sarwan Singh the Court
reiterated, “In awarding compensation it is necessary for the Court
to decide whether the case is a fit one in which compensation has to
be awarded. If it is found that compensation should be paid, then the
capacity of the accused to pay a compensation has to be determined.
In directing compensation, the object is to collect the fine and pay it to
the person who has suffered the loss. The purpose will not be served if
the accused is not able to pay the fine or compensation for, imposing a
default sentence for non-payment of fine would not achieve the object.
If the accused is in a positicn to pay the compensation to the injured or
his dependents to which they are entitled to, there could be no reason
120 -R. Gandhi v. Union of India, AIR 1989 Mad 205; Inder Puri General Store v. Union of
India, AIR 1992 j&K 11. .
Justice to victims of crimes 855
a enn
152nd Report for compensating the victims of custodial crimes and the
Tamil Nadu “Victim Compensation Fund” model may be taken into
Acting upon the request made by the Central Government to com-
prehensively review the working of the scheme under Section 357
CrPC, the Law Commission examined from the perspective of victi-
mology, and made the following findings: (i) the efficacy of Section 357
CrPC is doubtful because of its meagre application by the Courts, and
its expanded scope by itself will not be sufficient; (ii) compensation
should not be confined to fines, penalties and forfeitures realised, but
state should assist the victims of crime; (iii) state’s duty to compensate
is theoretically justified because of its basic duty to protect people and
property by enforcement of law, and also because of failure of wel-
fare system that resulted in continuation of poverty, unemployment,
discrimination and insecurity; and (iv) state’s duty to compensate has
constitutional underpinnings because of the provisions in Part III, IV
and IV-A of the Constitution (Articles 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 38, 39-A, 41,
The recommendations made by the Law Commission in its 156th
Report are as follows:
(a) Insertion of a mandatory provision in CrPC, notwithstand-
ing Section 357, imposing a duty upon the criminal court to
award compensation of not less than Rs 25,000 and rupees
one lakh respectively to persons who sustain bodily injury
not causing death during custody and victims of custodial
death with a joint and several liability of the convicted pub-
lic servant and the concerned Government;
(b) Insertion of a legal provision imposing obligation upon
every State Government to formulate, in coordination with
the Central Government, a scheme for providing funds for
compensating the victims of crimes or their dependents
who have suffered loss or injury as a result of the crime who
require rehabilitation;
(c) The said scheme shall be administered by the District (DLSA)
and State Legal Services Authorities (SLSA) constituted
under the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987;
(a) The trial court may, at the conclusion of the trial, if satisfied
that the compensation awarded under Section 357 is inad-
equate for rehabilitation, recommend to DLSA for award of
compensation, if in its opinion is less than Rs 30,000 or may
recommend to SLSA if the proposed amount is more than Rs
30,000; and
856 Reforms in the Justice Modernisation andRELawAE
Delivery System, MS
(¢) Where the offender is not traced oridentified, but the victim is
identified, and no trial takes place, the victim or his depend-
ent may make an application to DLSA or SLSA, as the case
may be, for award of compensation; and .
(f) DLSA or SLSA, as the case may be, may order for immediate
first aid facility or for medical benefits to be provided free of
cost in order to alleviate the suffering of the victim; and
(g) DLSA or SLSA, as the case may be, should have special
consideration while compensating the victims of custodial
crimes, rape, and child abuse; and physically and mentally
disabled victims of crimes.
Efforts have been put by independent agencies to formulate their mod-
els to compensate the victims. The Victim Compensation Bill, 1995
prepared by the Indian Society of Victimology, the NLSIU Bill and
Professor Madhava Menon’s proposal are products of such efforts.
All these models suggest for establishing Victim Compensation Fund
and provide compensation to the victims of crimes who do not have
criminal records and need rehabilitation. The NLSIU Bill proposes
to compensate the victims or their dependent irrespective of the out-
come of trial, establishing of hierarchy of victim assistance authority
and funds at District, State and national levels and suggests method
of computing compensation on the basis of “percentage points of
disability”."** Madhva Menon’s paradigm of Victim Compensation
Fund presupposes sources from governmental grants, court fee, col-
lection of fines on conviction, donation from public (with income tax
exemption), cess on pleadings, punitive damages, bail bond forfeitures
and wages earned by prison labour. He suggests for constituting
Compensation Board for its management with diverse representation
and links with Legal Services Authorities. Compensating the victims
of serious crimes, exclusion of victims who have criminal record or
who suppress facts and its liberal administration to benefit children
have been suggested.
Justice V.S. Malimath Committee observed, “Victim compensa-
tion is a State obligation in all serious crimes, whether the offender
is approached or not, convicted or acquitted” and recommended
for enhancement of fine under IPC by fifty times and for passing
of a comprehensive law on victim compensation with creation of a
Victim Compensation Fund to be administered by the Legal Services
Authority. It was suggested that the proposed law should spell out the
"! K.I. Vibhute, “Justice to Victims of Crimes: Emerging Trends and Legislative
Models in India” in K.I. Vibhute, op. cit., 370 at p. 387.
N.R. Madhava Menon, “Victim Compensation Law and Criminal Justice: A Plea
for victim orientation in criminal justice” in K.I. Vibhute, op. cit., 362 at
p. 365.
Justice to victims of crimes 857
scale of compensation in different offences; point out the categories of
offences in which it shall not be awarded; and the conditions subject
to which compensation shall be awarded. Fines, funds generated by
criminal justice system and public contribution were expected to be
substantial source.
25 Prakash Singh, “Terrorism and the Rule of Law” in N.R. Madhava Menon,
at pp. 147-167.
of Law in a Free Society (Oxford University Press, New Delhi 2008)
26 id, at p. 173.
able and control of
17 Viz., protection, empowerment and facilitating of the vulner
abuse by the strong.
Reforms in the Justice Delive and Law
ry System, ModernisationROS
860 ie cnc it nach t an SES S
released to involve the public in the cause of upholding public good
and of the consequences emerging from the same. — ree
Litigation is essentially a model of conflict. It is a fight for justice
within the legal framework, and also by using the interstices that law
leaves for creative interpretation. But the fight ought to be only on level
playing field. When the aggrieved is weak, empowering of that party
puts the scale on even plane. Whatever is required for carrying the
conflict to its logical end will have to be supplied for its successful pros-
ecution. Introduction of these factors into public law litigation needed
specific changes. Its scope for participative action and inquisitorial
approach may appear as a heresy against Anglo-Saxon heritage. But
it is peripheral revival of the traditional method of adjudication with
simple, cheap and prompt procedure. An effort to balance between
change and continuity in response to the shortcomings of modernisa-
tion can be found in this sphere also.
Kesavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala, (1973) 4 SCC 225: AIR 1973 SC 1463.
' S.P. Sathe, Judicial Activism (Oxford University Press, New Delhi).
Public Interest Litigation
Sekai ents neinnsse_ peantly eared, ee. bie icant, athe ahaaReiaEs Seen eat861
Secondly, PIL was product of social reaction of the people embit-
tered by the experiences of emergency excesses, repressions, gross
violations of human rights and environmental pollution highlighted
by the press and agitated by voluntary organisations or Social Action
Groups.’ The failure of the Anglo-Saxon system to provide protec-
tion against these made the judiciary to search for more dependable
mechanism. There was also effort to overcome the image of subdued
judiciary.’*" According to V.R. Krishna lyer, “It needs no dialectical
materialist to conclude that the social dimensions of jurisprudence
when it makes a quantum jump from dying, imperial order to a liv-
ing democratic order must undergo a people-oriented radicalisation."*
The news about custodial violence, bonded labour, illegal mining, sale
of children in the guise of international adoption and unhygienic pro-
tective homes motivated the public spirited persons and organisations
to take up the matter for remedies.’3> Public participation for restora-
tion of constitutional values is a crucial development that gave legiti-
macy and respect to the PIL cause. In brief, there was democratisation
of judicial process.
Thirdly, flexibility in the language of Articles 32 and 226, the recog-
nition of right to legal aid as a component of fair procedure and manda-
tory duty to enforce welfare legislation gave enough support to build
up the PIL tool initially. A careful use of the tool without antagonis-
ing the legislature or administration had avoided possible obstruction
130 Upendra Baxi, “Taking Suffering Seriously: Social Action Litigation in the
Supreme Court of India” in Rajeev Dhavan (Ed_), Judges and the Judicial Power (N.M.
Tripathi, Bombay 1985) at pp. 289, 294-6; Bhaskar Textile Mills Ltd. v. Jharsuguda
Municipality, (1984) 2 SCC 25: AIR 1984 SC 583 at p. 802: AIR 1997 SC 2218; Labourers,
Salal Hydro Project v. State of J&K, (1983) 2 SCC 181: 1983 SCC (L&S) 289; People’s Union
for Democratic Rights v. Union of India, (1982) 3 SCC 235: 1982 SCC (L&S) 275; Consumer
Education & Research Centre v. Union of India, (1995) 3 SCC 42: AIR 1995 SC 922; Banwasi
Seva Ashram v. State of U.P., (1986) 4 SCC 753: AIR 1987 SC 374; Samatha v. State of A.P,,
(1997) 8 SCC 191; Nagarahole Budakattu Hakku Sthapna Samithi v. State of Karnataka, AIR
1997 Kant 288; Narmada Bachao Andolan v. Union of India, (1999) 8 SCC 308: AIR 1999 SC
3345 at p. 242. Union of India v. Assn. for Democratic Reforms, (2002) 5 SCC 294; People’s
Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) v. Union of India, (2003) 4 SCC 399.
131 Paramanand Singh, “Protection of Human Rights through Public Interest
Litigation in India” (2000) 42 JILI 263 at p. 264.
82 V.R. Krishna lyer, “Towards an Indian Jurisprudence of Social Action and Public
ty Press, New
Interest Litigation” in Indra Deva (Ed.), Sociology of Law (Oxford Universi
social action
Delhi 2005) at pp. 292, 294. India was waiting for judicial activist and
v. State of M.P.,
133° Khatri (ID) v. State of Bihar, (1981) 1 SCC 627, Neeraja Chaudhary 8
Samatha v. State of A.P., (1997)
(1984) 3 SCC 243: 1984 SCC (L&S) 471: AIR 1984 SC 1099;
2 SCC 244: AIR 1984 SC 469.
SCC 191; Lakshmi Kant Pandey v. Union of India, (1984)
rn Law House, Kolkata 2004) Ch. 7,
134 See, P. Ishwara Bhat, Fundamental Rights (Easte
S.P. Sathe, op. cit., at p. 197.
862 Reforms in the Justice Delivery System, Modernisation and Law
to the process of its growth." Elimination of some of the probl
atic practices like allowing a judge to entertain a letter addressed
him as writ petition had also welcome impact upon the social estim
tion about PIL. The approach of High Courts to entertain PIL gave a
broader base and forum for grievance redressing.’”
Fourthly, PIL gained social sanction and stimulus because of its
consistent and continuous use to get remedy against environmental
pollution and violation of rights of workers, women and children for
more than three decades.3* The early cases on grievances of work-
ers, women, children and prisoners filled public confidence on PIL
whereas later cases on environmental pollution gave a permanent
place to it in the writ procedure.’ In brief, it has withstood the test of
time and has become part of the regular public law litigation. It has
proved to be sustainable because of intelligent use. As observed by
M.N. Venkatachaliah, J. in Sheela Barse."*°
“The compulsion for the judicial innovation of the technique of a pub-
lic interest action is the constitutional promise of a social and economic
transformation to usher—in an egalitarian social order and a welfare-
State. Effective solutions to the problems peculiar to this transforma-
tion are not available in the traditional judicial system. The proceedings
35 In People’s Union for Democratic Rights v. Union of India, (1982) 3 SCC 235: 1982
SCC (L&S) 275 P.N. Bhagwati, J. observed, “Public interest litigation, as we conceive
it is essentially a cooperative or collaborative effort on the part of the petitioner, the
State or public authority and th. court to secure observance of the constitutional or
legal rights, benefits and privileges conferred upon the vulnerable sections of the
community and to reach social justice to them. The State or public authority against
whom public interest litigation is brought should be as much interested in ensuring
basic human rights, constitutional as well as legal, to those who are in a socially
and economically disadvantaged position, as the petitioner who brings the public
interest litigation before the court. The State or public authority which is arrayed as a
respondent in public interest litigation should in fact, welcome it as it would give it an
opportunity to right a wrong or to redress an injustice done to the poor and weaker
sections of the community whose welfare is and must be the prime concern of the
State or the public authority.
136 See, P.M. Bakshi, Public Interest Litigations (2nd Edn., Ashoka Law House, New
Delhi) Sudipt Mazumdar v. State of M.P., (1983) 2 SCC 258.
‘7 Lawyers Initiative v. State of Punjab, AIR 1996 P&H 1; Niyamavedi v. State of Kerala,
AIR 1993 Ker 262; Nagarahole Budakattu Hakku Sthapna Samithi v. State of Karnataka, AIR
aoe Kant 288; Bombay Environmental Action Group v. State of Maharashtra, AIR 1991 Bom
"8 MP. Jain, “The Supreme Court and Fundamental Rights” in S.K. Verma and
Kusum (Ed.) Fifty Years of the Supreme Court of India (ILI and Oxford University Press,
New Delhi 2000) at pp. 1, 79. See also, C.K. Thakker and M.C. Thakker (Eds.), V.G.
Ramachandran's Law of Writs , Vol. I (6th Edn., Eastern Book Co., Lucknow 2006) at
p. 971.
'° People’s Union for Democratic Rights v. Union of India, (1982) 3 SCC 235: 1982 SCC
(L&S) 275; Bandhua Mukti Morcha v. Union ofIndia, (1984) 3 SCC 161: AIR 1984 SC 802.
40 Sheela Barse v. Union of India, (1988) 4 SCC 226: AIR 1988 SC 2211.
Public Interest Litigation 863
So ESTE 2s 610) 25 SR aha a
in a public interest litigation are, therefore, intended to vindicate and
effectuate the public interest by prevention of violation of the rights,
constitutional or statutory, of sizeable segments of the society, which
owing to poverty, ignorance, social and economic disadvantages can-
not themselves assert—and quite often not even aware of—those rights.
The technique of public interest litigation serves to provide an effective
remedy to enforce these group-rights and interests.”
149 Sheela Barse v. Union of India, (1988) 4 SCC 226: AIR 1988 SC 2211 at p. 2215.
150 Rural Litigation and Entitlement Kendra v. State of U.P., 1987 Supp SCC 487, Veena
Sethi v. State of Bihar, (1982) 2 SCC 583: 1982 SCC (Cri) 511; M.C. Mehta (Calcutta Tanneries
Matter) v. Union of India, (1997) 2 SCC 411.
151 TN. Godavarman Thirumulkpad v. Union of India, (1997) 3 SCG'312;
182 As observed by P.N. Bhagwati, J. in People’s Union for Democratic Rights v. Union
legal aid
of India, (1982) 3 SCC 235: AIR 1982 SC 1473, PIL is a strategic arm of the
53 People’s Union for Democratic Rights v. Police Commr., Delhi, (1989) 4 SCC 730; Khatri
(I) v. State of Bihar, (1981) 1 SCC 623; Khatri (ID v. State of Bihar, (1983) 2 SCC 266.
154 Sheela Barse v. Union of India, (1988) 4 SCC 226: AIR 1988 SC 2211 at p. 2215.
of India, (1986) 3
155 Munna v. State of U.P., (1982) 1 SCC 545; Sheela Barse (II) v. Union
Baxi (II) v. State of
SCC 632; Upendra Baxi (1) v. State of U.P., (1983) 2 SCC 308; Upendra
SC 191.
U.P, (1986) 4 SCC 106: 1986 SCC (Cri) 381: AIR 1987
866 Reforms in the Justice Delivery System, Modernisation and Law
remedium). As S.P. Sathe viewed, processual activism ran complemen-
tary to substantive activism.’
162 People’s Union for Democratic Rights v. Union of India, (1982) 3 SCC 235: AIR 1982 SC
1473; Bandhua Mukti Morcha v. Union of India, (1984) 3 SCC 161.
163 M.C. Mehta v. State of T.N., (1996) 6 SCC 756: 1997 SCC (L&S) 49; Gaurav Jain v.
Union ofIndia, (1997) 8 SCC 114.
164 National Textile Workers Union v. P.R. Ramakrishna, (1983) 1 SCC 228: AIR 1983 SC
165 Akhil Bharatiya Soshit Karamchari Sangh v. Union of India, (1981) 1 SCC 246.
16 Lakshmi Kant Pandey v. Union of India, (1984) 2 SCC 244: AIR 1984 SC 469;
v. State of Rajasthan, (1997) 6 SCC 241.
868 Reforms in the Justice Delivery System, Modernisation and Law
a a ee
i te a
'*” People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) v. Union of India, (1997) 1 SCC 301: AIR
1997 SC 568.
‘8 In the circumstances of violation of law relating to minimum wages and
other welfare measures, inordinate delay in trial, blinding of prisoners, lock-up
deaths, corruptions, failure of policing and investigative functioning, violation
s of
environmental rights and such other cases of executive lawlessness and inactions
, the
SS Interest
ictaLitigati on lh ei 869
l palin ieee lal dle, ef tad
Sethi, “What meaning has the rule of law if the poor are allowed to lan-
guish in jails without the slightest justification as if they are the casta-
ways of the society? The rule of law does not exist merely for those who
have the means to fight for their rights and very often for perpetuation
of the status quo which protects and preserves their dominance and
permits them to exploit large sections of the community but it exists
also for the poor and the downtrodden, the ignorant and the illiterate
who constitute the large bulk of humanity in this country.”
The system of participatory justice as developed through PIL has
added content and vitality to constitutional democracy.” PIL has been
conceived essentially as a cooperative or collaborative effort on the
part of the state or public authority and the Court to secure observance
of the constitutional and legal rights, benefits and privileges conferred
upon the vulnerable sections of the community and to reach social
justice to them. Participative justice gives much scope for evolving
consensus in the formulation of policy-based rights. In PILs on envi-
ronmental protection, such consensus has helped in trying to resolve
development v. environment debate.
The very forging of an instrument, strong and dependable, for car-
rying on struggle against unsocial conduct, administrative arbitrari-
ness or callousness and gross abuses arising from law’s silence has
great contribution to make as vindicated in empirical evidence of huge
body of case law on the subject. “We the People” have been empowered
through this weapon to bring the holders of reins of power-political,
administrative or economic—into the legal dock, make them answer-
able for their action or omission, and mend their way if they are wrong.
In a vast and developing country like India with huge population and
features of multiculturalism and orientation for social welfare, devel-
oping this socially acceptable tool has enormous potentiality. The fact
that the device is indigenous and product of social experience is a
heart-warming and confidence—filling development.
PIL scrutiny and remedies are greatly influenced by rule of law norms.
16 Veena Sethi v. State of Bihar, , (1982) 2 SCC 583: 1982 SCC (Cri) 511.
1” The egalitarian and democratic ethos in this approach can be seen in the
observation of Brennan, J. which was approvingly cited in M.H. Hoskot v. State of
Maharashtra, (1978) 3 SCC 544: AIR 1978 SC 1548, “When only the rich can enjoy the law
as doubtful luxury, and the poor who need it most, cannot have it because its expenses
because of
put it beyond their reach, the threat to democracy is not imaginary but real,
so alieetave that
democracy’s very life depends upon making the machinery of justice
every citizen shall believe in and benefit by its impartiality and fairness”.
Justice Delivery System,
Reforms in thee and Law
Modernisation e
870 er e e
The position of PIL as a mixed blessing is highlighted by some
ers'”' and even by judicial brethren.” The major criticism is based
theory of separation of powers. Usurping of the powers of admin
trative policy making and asserting of the law-making powers have
been the objects of complaint. In fact, as exposed through above dis-
cussion, these are not the major features in the day-to-day working of
PIL, but things resorted to exceptionally for saving from gross injus-
tice. Further, such deviation is with adequate reverence to the other
wings of government and without depriving their powers within the
constitutional framework. Judicial self restraint in entry into the gras-
ing yard of policy is a general approach, as can be found in Narmada
Bachao Andolan and BALCO cases. In BALCO BN. Kirpal, J. observed:
“It will seen that whenever the Court has interfered and given direc-
tions while entertaining PIL it has mainly been where there’ has been
an element of violations of Article 21 or of human rights or where the
litigation has been initiated for the benefit of the poor and the under-
privileged who are unable to come to Court due to some disadvantage.
In those cases also it is the legal rights which are secured by the Courts.
We may, however, add that Public Interest Litigation was not meant to
be a weapon to challenge the financial or economic decisions which are
taken by the Government in exercise of their administrative power. No
doubt a person personally aggrieved by any such decision, which he
regards as illegal, can impugn the same in a court of law, but, a Public
Interest Litigation at the behest of a stranger ought not to be entertained.
Such a litigation cannot pr se be on behalf of the poor and the down-
trodden, unless the Court is satisfied that there has been violation of
Article 21 and the persons adversely affected are unable to approach
the Court. The decision to disinvest and the implementation thereof is
purely an administrative decision relating to the economic policy of the
State and challenge to the same at the instance of busy-body cannot fall
within the parameters of Public Interest Litigation.”"7
A note of caution has been expressed by the learned judge in Narmada
Bachao Andolan, “Public Interest Litigation (PIL) was an innovation
essentially to safeguard and protect the human rights of those peo-
ple who were unable to protect themselves. With the passage of time
the PIL jurisdiction has been ballooning so as to encompass within its
"1 Soli J. Sorabji, Judicial Activism: Boon or Bane? (Nani Palkhivala Memorial Trust,
Mumbai 2008) at p. 30; Mahabalehwar N. Morje, “Public Interest Litigation” in Indra
Deva (Ed.), Sociology of Law (Oxford University Press, New Delhi 2005) 310 points out
the positive contribution of PIL by greatly emphasising on compliance with the duty
towards the neglected.
'2 AS Anand, “Judicial review-Judicial Activism—Need for Action” (2000) 42 JILI
149 at p. 156.
'° BALCO Employees’ Union (Regd.) v. Union of India, (2002) 2 SCC 333: AIR 2002 SC
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) System
2) 871
SSS /RISA Misia bleD oN, ineSap pale th S ,
ambit subjects such as probity in public life, granting of largess in the
form of licences, protecting environment and the like. But the balloon
should not be inflated so much that it bursts. Public Interest Litigation
should not be allowed to degenerate to becoming Publicity Interest
Litigation or Private Inquisitiveness Litigation.’”"74
While there has been appreciation about the astonishing reach and
results of PIL, concern has been expressed about its unwieldy character
that may dilute its efficacy. Paramanand Singh views, “ overuse of
PIL for every public interest matter might dilute the original commit-
ment to use this remedy only on behalf of the oppressed classes.”"5
There are also problems of inordinate delay in PIL cases, non-imple-
mentation of judicial directions.’
It is viewed by A.S. Anand CJI:
“Care has to be taken to see that PIL essentially remains Public Inter-
est Litigation and does not become either Political Interest Litigation or
Personal Interest Litigation or Publicity Interest Litigation or used for
persecution. If that happens it would be unfortunate. PIL would loose
its legitimacy and the credibility of the courts would suffer. Finding the
delicate balance between ensuring justice in the society around us and
yet maintaining institutional legitimacy is a continuing challenge for
the higher judiciary."
8 Brown and Marriott, Alternative Dispute Resolution: Principles and Practices cited
‘in R.D. Rajan, A Primer on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), (New Edition, Bharathi
Law Publications, Tirunelveli 2005) at p. 44.
Justice Y.K. Sabharwal, “Alternative Dispute Resolution” (January 2005) 6 Nyaya
Deep at pp. 48, 50.
Cited by R.D. Rajan, op. cit., at p. 12.
81 Smriti Chéndrika, at pp. 40-46.
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) System
eas Seis Sa eee We 2S GR a il 873
King’s court. The practice of panchayat system continued even during
the medieval period."
The establishment of common law system of adjudication during the
colonial period heralded the era of adversarial system. Except in small
area like labour law, this system continued even after the Independence.
Because of the time consumed over procedural wrangles, technicalities
of law and inability of the poor litigants to engage lawyers, the adver-
sarial system proved to be cumbersome to the Indian society which
is primarily an agrarian society without the sophisticated ability to
understand the technicalities and strategies of court system. Backlog of
25 million cases and delay in disposal stretching in some cases beyond
20 years gave a dismal picture. Delay gave rise to other evils including
escalation of cost. It became proverbial that the winner in civil suit
was loser and the loser was dead. All these factors began to lower peo-
ple’s faith in the court system. The constitutional commitment to social
and economic welfare through law got threatened because of proce-
dural injustice. The Law Commission in its 127th Report pointed out
the roadblocks in the access to justice: high cost, geographical distance
and inordinate delay. The 150th and 163rd Reports made recommenda-
tions for extensive amendment to Civil Procedure Code to rely on ADR
in order to overcome the problem.
Commenting on the policy and working of the Arbitration Act, 1940,
D.A. Desai, J. in Guru Nanak Foundation observed, “Interminable, time
consuming, complex and expensive court procedures impelled jurists
to search for an alternative forum, less formal, more effective and
speedy for resolution of disputes avoiding procedural claptrap and
this led them to Arbitration Act, 1940. However, the way in which the
proceedings under the Act are conducted and without an exception
challenged in Courts, has made lawyers laugh and legal philosophers
weep. Experience shows and law reports bear ample testimony that
the proceedings under the Act have become highly technical accom-
panied by unending prolixity, at every stage providing a legal trap to
the unwary.”
The Arbitration Act of 1940 provided for domestic arbitration and
no provision was there to deal with the foreign awards. The increas-
ing growth of global trade and the delay in disposal of cases in Courts
under the normal system in several countries made it imperative to
have the perception of an Alternative Dispute Resolution System,
more particularly, in the matter of commercial disputes. In view of
182 M. Rama Jois, Constitutional and Legal History of India, Vol. II (N.M. Tripathi,
Bombay 1984) at p. 19.
13 Gyru Nanak Foundation v. Rattan Singh and Sons, (1981) 4 SCC 634: AIR 1981 SC
874 Reforms in the Justice Delive ry System, Modernisation and Law
global trend in favour of a speedy resolution of commercial disputes,
the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law in 1985
adopted the UNCITRAL Model Law of International Commercial
Arbitration. The legal systems of a number of countries incorporated
that Model. The Arbitration and Conciliation Act of 1996 (ACA) has
been enacted in India with this purpose. As viewed by the Apex Court
in Konkan Railway, “The 1996 Act limits intervention of Court with an
arbitral process to the minimum and it is certainly not the legislative
intent that each and every order passed by an authority under the
Act would be a subject-matter of judicial scrutiny of a court of law.
Under the new law the grounds on which an award of an arbitrator
could be challenged before the Court have been severely cut down
and such challenge is now permitted on the basis of invalidity of the
agreement, want of jurisdiction on the part of the arbitrator or want
of proper notice to a party of the appointment of the arbitrator or of
arbitral proceedings. The powers of the arbitrator have been ampli-
fied by insertion of specific provisions of several matters. Obstructive
tactics adopted by the parties in arbitration proceedings are sought to
be thwarted by an express provision inasmuch as if a party knowingly
keeps silent and then suddenly raises a procedural objection will not
be allowed to do so.”"*4
The major objectives of the ACA, 1996 are: (i) to comprehensively
cover both international and domestic commercial arbitration and con-
ciliation; (ii) to provide fer arbitration procedure which is fair, effec-
tive and capable of meeting the needs of the specific arbitration; (iii) to
mandate the Arbitration tribunal to give reasons and not to transgress
limits of jurisdiction; (iv) to minimise the court’s intervention and to
provide for enforcement of the award through court decree; and (v) to
encourage ADR and to enforce foreign awards. With the development
of amendment to CPC, these policies have become crucial.
"4 Konkan Rly. Corpn. Ltd. v. Mehul Construction Co., (2000) 7 SCC 201: AIR 2000 SC
2821 at p. 2124.
tive Dispute
Fah suataliat dabacthisiion (ADR)
ins Gochcca System
inhi eae a lad ele 875
provides, “Where it appears to the court that there exist elements of
a settlement which may be acceptable to the parties, the court shall
formulate the terms of settlement and give them tothe parties for their
observations and after receiving the observations of the parties, the
court may reformulate the terms of a possible settlement and refer the
same for (a) arbitration, (b) conciliation, (c) judicial settlement includ-
ing settlement through Lok Adalat, or (@) Mediation.” This compels the
Court to put a serious effort in the direction of ADR. Further, the court
has role in enforcement of the award or settlement also. As stated in
the Objects and Reasons for the amendment, “It is only after the par-
ties fail to get their disputes settled through any one of the alternate
dispute resolution methods that the suit shall proceed further in the
court in which it was filed.” The purpose is to assist the litigants to
avail cheap, quick and effective method of dispute resolution instead
of undergoing elaborate process of court trial.
The Law Commission in its 163rd Report had suggested for refer-
ence of every suit to a Board of Conciliators consisting of local retired
judges and lawyers of high integrity selected by the Presiding Officer
to examine the feasibility of conciliation and give its opinion within a —
time frame. However, the suggestion has not been incorporated. The
legislation such as the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and the
Legal Services Authority Act, 1987 govern these methods of dispute
settlement. In fact, the policy is not entirely new because voluntary
settlement of disputes by parties and withdrawal of cases after pass-
ing the settlement decree has been provided for in the original CPC,
1906 also. The Court passing a compromise decree must satisfy that
the compromise is lawful.
The implication of Section 89 was examined by the Supreme Court
in Salem Advocate Bar Assn. v. Union of India'*> by observing, “It is quite
obvious that the reason why Section 89 has been inserted is to try and
see that all the cases which are filed in Court need not necessarily
be decided by the Court itself. Keeping in mind the law’s delays and
the limited number of Judges which are available, it has now become
imperative that resort should be had to Alternative Dispute Resolution
Mechanism with a view to bring an end to litigation between the par-
ties at an early date.” The Court constituted a Committee to frame
appropriate rules for giving effect to Section 89, and later gave effect
to them."*
"Konkan Rly. Corpn. Ltd. v. Mehul Constructions Co., (2000) 7 SCC 201: AIR 2000
SC 2821.
SBP & Co. v. Patel Engg. Ltd., (2005) 8 SCC 618. For a discussion see, Justice A.K.
Sikri, “Trends and Developments in Arbitration in India and Region” (October 2007)
7 Nyaya Deep at pp. 49, 58.
! For an approach that this is a commendable one see Chidananda Reddy S.
Patil, “Nature of Chief Justice’s power of appointing arbitrators: An analysis” (2008) 3
Bangalore Law Journal at p. 277.
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) System 879
the time being in force, or (ii) the arbitral award is in conflict with the
public policy of India. The interpretation of “public policy” has been
problematic issue. In the ONGC case’ the Supreme Court viewed that
public policy connoted some matter which concerned public good and
the public interest. The award could be set aside if it was opposed to
fundamental policy of Indian law; or the interest of India; or justice or
morality, or in addition, if it is patently illegal. Illegality must go to the
root of the matter and if the illegality is of trivial nature it cannot be
held that award is against the public policy. Award could also be set
aside if it is so unfair and unreasonable that it shocks the conscience
of the Court. Two criticisms leveled against this interpretation can be
looked into: first, that because of the failure to structurise the concept
it is likely to continue as unruly horse opening the floodgate of chal-
lenges and defeat the efficacy of the Act;'3 and second, that evolution
of state-based multiple standards of public policy will produce unnec-
essary pluralism and confusion making the UNCITRAL model dif-
ficult for implementation."
One important development owing to the 1996 Act is that the arbi-
tral award shall be final and binding upon the parties (Section 35) and
shall be enforced under CPC in the same manner as if it were a decree
of the court (Section 36). This avoids dilatory litigation occurring in
court’s review and judgment on arbitration and incorporation of the
award into decree.
From the perspective of social transformation, the 1996 Act is a land-
mark development as it has built a strong mechanism of ADR. Now it
is common practice that in metropolitan and commercial cities large
number of cases having big economic stake or involving technical or
accounts issue is referred to the arbitrators. Commercial agreements
generally include arbitration clause.
18.7.4 Conciliation
18.7.5 Mediation
Mediation is a method of bringing conciliation between parties to the
dispute. Mediator is the neutral person who does not render a decision
on an evaluation. But he facilitates in reaching an acceptable agree-
ment. Mediation is the least adversarial approach to conflict resolution
and encourages the parties to communicate directly. Although there
is interchangeable use of the words “mediation” and “conciliation”,
there are differences between the two. Conciliation restores relation-
ship where mediation may not. Mediation is bit more formal than that
of conciliation. It is a consensual dispute resolution process in which a
specially trained neutral third party helps disputants to identify issues,
clarify perceptions and explore options for a mutually acceptable out-
come. In general, mediators do not offer their own opinions regarding
likely court outcomes or the merits of the case. Instead, mediators offer
the opportunity to expand the settlement discussion beyond the legal
issues in dispute and focus on developing creative solutions, which
emphasise the parties’ practical concerns.
The main characteristics of mediation are: it involves non-binding
procedure controlled by the parties; parties are encouraged to evolve
solution; mediator’s impartial and creative role is expected; proce-
dure’s confidentiality is to be maintained; it is a process that empowers
the poor by providing cheap, effective and quick remedy and accom-
modates give and take; it is voluntary, self-responsible and satisfying;
the element of consensus helps better enforcement. The procedure
for mediation is laid down in UNCITRAL conciliation rules, WIPO
Mediation rules and Jagannadha Rao Committee Draft Mediation
Rules, 2003.” Mediation restores the shattered faith and human rela-
tions, upholds harmony as a social value and removes impediments to
access to justice.’ Its social engineering dimension consists in max-
imisation of choices available for acceptable solutions arising from
mutual empathy and understanding. Justice S.B. Sinha lists the
advantages of mediation: completion of mediation in matters of hours
through a series of one to three conferences; avoidance of cumberso
evidentiary procedure; less cost; and parties’ control over outcome
the case.° In contrast, the disadvantages are lack of formalised
dentiary rules of due process and lack of appeal.
S.B. Sinha, “Mediation: Constituents, Process and Merit” (October 2006) 7 Nyaya
Deep 31 at pp. 36-37.
*! Legal Aid Newsletter December 1995.
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) System 883
As on September 2007 the number of Lok Adalats held was 6.05 lakhs,
cases settled 228.47 lakhs and compensation distributed Rs 6703 crores.
The details of persons benefited: 13.4 lakh SCs, 43 lakh STs, 8.2 lakh
BCs, 9.46 lakh women, 1.55 lakh children, 1.9 lakh persons in custody
and 51.5 lakh general; and total 90.4 lakh people.?”
In Centre for Legal Research v. State of Kerala*3, emphasising the
importance of social participation in legal aid movement the Supreme
Court observed, “It is now acknowledged throughout the country that
the legal aid programme which is needed for the purpose of reaching
social justice to the people cannot afford to remain confined to the tra-
ditional or litigation oriented legal-aid programme but it must, taking
into account the socio-economic conditions prevailing in the country,
adopt a more dynamic posture and take within its sweep what we may
call Aid Schemes or the State Legal Aid and Advice Board, but we may
make it clear that such voluntary organisation or social action group
shall not be under the control or direction or supervision of the State
Government or the State Legal Aid and Advice Board because we take
the view that voluntary organisations and social action groups operat-
ing these programmes should be totally free from any Governmental
18.8 Conclusion
19.1 Introduction
> Vishaka v. Union of India, (1997) 6 SCC 241; Laxmi Kant Pandey v. Union of India,
(1987) 1 SCC 66: 1987 SCC (Cri) 33: AIR 1987 SC 232.
* Declaration of American War of Independence, 1776; according to Bertrand Russell,
“Democracy is intended to make men’s tenure of power temporary and dependent upon
popular approval. In so far as it achieves this, it prevents the worst abuse of power.”
Unpopular Essays at p. 182 cited by M.N. Rao, “Parameters of Indian Democracy and
Dissent” in D. Sundar Ram (Ed.), Indian Democracy: Prospects and Retrospects (Kanishka
Publishers, New Delhi 1995) at p. 137.
° David Beetham and Kevin Boyle, Democracy (National Book Trust of India and
UNESCO, New Delhi 1995) at pp. 3-5; H.R. Khanna, “Democracy—Its Weaknesses and
Strength” in Navin Chandra Joshi, Democracy and Human Values (Sterling Publishers,
New Delhi 1979) at p. 5.
Democracy’s social dimension 889
munity to individual, and endeavors to found society on ethics.° “It
is a constant striving to make life good to live, and to achieve social
scheme in which everyone is assured his due.”” It has instrumental
role for bringing just social order contemplated in the Constitution.’
Government’s competence and compulsion to function for the people
is greatly emphasised by the ideology of welfare state and is demand-
ing functional responsibility. The idea that it should be of the people
and by the people persuades for people’s participation and control’ Ina
constitutionally organised democracy, the governance shall be within
the parameters of constitutionalism. Indian Constitution’s specific
orientation to social transformation obligates the state to implement
Directive Principles of State Policy and to effectuate the Fundamental
Rights. This has made the responsible conduct of the Legislature a fac-
tor of great importance. A distinctive mark of democracy is that power
is made sensitive and responsible.” Irresponsible power is incompat-
ible with democracy.
Deliberative democracy uses the tools such as free and fair election,
competing political parties, and legislature for social choice of policies
and leaders." It gives legitimacy to political life, produces rules and
laws by converting the people’s will into binding policies, and acts as
agent of progress.’* Democracy significantly mediates between state
and society, and puts people’s interests ahead of passions.’? Hence, it
provides clues as to how and why state responses have emerged; it
illuminates a variety of social interests, some of which are effective
in keeping the state committed to the goals of social transformation
while others are ineffective in doing so." It should not shy away for
° Aristotle.
7 MV. Krishna Rao, Organised Democracy (H. Venkatramiah & Sons, Mysore 1952)
at p. 3.
® Art. 38(1); also see, Piloo Modi, Democracy Means Bread and Freedom (Abhinav
Publications, New Delhi 1979) at p. 15, democracy revolts against tyranny, desires
ion that
to share power and demands equal access to basic necessities; for a proposit
go hand in hand, see, A.R. Wadia,
freedom to develop and security to live should
Democracy and Society (Lalvani Publishing House, Bombay 1966) at p. 68.
® Abraham Lincoln’s famous Gettisburg speech.
n. 7 at p. 3.
Carver, Essays in Social Justice cited by MV. Krishna Rao, supra,
and Social Choice” in Jan Shapiro
!! David Miller, “Deliberative Democracy
and Casiano Hocker-Cordon (Ed.), Democracy’s Edges (Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge 1999) at p. 74.
politan Order?” in David
2 David Held, “Democracy: From City States to Cosmo
Univer sity Press, Stanford 1995) at p. 13.
Held (Ed.), Prospects for Democracy (Stanford of
, Tocquiville and the Problem
3 Alex de Tocquiville cited in Marvin Zetherbaum |
1967) at p. 189.
Democracy (Stanford University Press, Stanford
rd University Press, New Delhi
4 Niraja Gopal Jayal, Democracy and the State (Oxfo
2001) at p. 243.
890 Role of Democracy, Panchayat Raj and NGOs
a anmnmunen 017gs i . =
judicial enforcement of social rights as the people would be otherwise
affected by the outcome of threshold disagreement on such policies.
Democracy’s connection with multiculturalism and globalisation is
coming to the forefront in its functioning in modern times. A view for-
mulated in an international forum about democracy’s responsibility in
pluralist society can be considered, “Democracy in today’s changing
world means pluralism; identity and geography are no longer synony-
mous, and ‘majority rule’ must give way to power sharing in socie-
ties with multiplicity of ethnic, religious, racial and socio-economic
groups. Conflict resolution addresses the needs of pluralism—equal
rights, a fundamental principle of democracy””® Participative democ-
racy within the ethnic or linguistic group or unit is complementary to
this goal, which is eminently compatible with globalisation.” In the
context of social transformation in response to globalisation, participa-
tive democracy has both intrinsic and instrumental value. David Held
views that due to globalisation, the locus of effective political power
is shifted from nation to international community; that the idea of
self-determining community located within the boundaries of single
nation state has disappeared; and that criss-crossing of loyalties and
interests has deviated from the traditional understanding of democ-
racy.’® Although compulsions of market economy in global perspec-
tive have shifted the decision-making process in the matter of trade
and other activities to the international community, which is explicit
in changes that are compelled by TRIPS, TRIMS and GATS, the need
to filter them in the process of domestic absorption and to keep other
areas of human activity within the institution of democracy has been
increasingly felt. On the whole, social dimension of democracy calls
for dynamic role on the part of its central institution viz. Legislature,
for peaceful resolution of differences in the national life.79
'° Jeremy Waldron, Law and Disagreement (Clarendon Press, Oxford 1999) cited
and commented upon in Roberto Gargarella, “Theories of Democracy, the Judiciary
and Social Rights” in Roberto Gargarella, P. Domingo and T. Roux, Courts and
Social Transformation in New Democracies: An Institutional Voice for the Poor? (Ashgate,
Hampshire 2006) at pp. 13, 28.
© Steering Committee of the Second Assembly of World movement for Democracy—
Confronting the Challenges to democracy in 21st Century held at Brazil, 12-11-2000 to 15-11-
2000 cited by Sandeep Shastri, “Democracy as Global Entitlement: A Cross national
Analysis of Citizens Perception of Democracy” in D.D. Khanna and Gert W. Kuck
(Ed.), Conflict Resolution, Human Rights and Democracy (Shipra Publications, Delhi 2003)
at p. 100.
” Will Kymlicka, “Citizenship in an era of Globalisation: Commentary on Held” in
Ian Shapiro, supra, n. 11 at p. 120.
" David Held, “The transformation of political community: Rethinking in the
Context of Globalisation” in Ian Shapiro, supra, n. 11 at pp. 84, 103-04.
"Edmund Marshall, Parliament and the Public (Macmillan, London 1982) at p. 134.
Role of the legislature in social transformation 891
carci store eR AUER SEARS SN a eS
” Patanjali Sastri, J. in A.K. Gopalan v. State of Madras, AIR 1950 SC 27; also see, M.C.
Setalvad, The Common Law in India (N.M. Tripathi, Bombay 1970) at pp. 192-93.
human beings, bonded labour and child labour are specifically hinted.
Social reforms through law touching upon religious freedoms are also
referred to. The reformative interstices of Part III provisions are to be
filled by legislative norms. According to Justice PB. Gajendragadkar
legislative works aiming at social justice and welfare confer relevance
to legislature’s existence The extent to which exemption from the
operation of Part III shall be carved out through law in dealing with
military and para military forces or with situations of martial law is to
be determined by Parliament. An impressive output of legislation to
provide for these measures can be found generally, while the zeal for
reformative laws was more in 1985-86.** However, in matters relating
to protection of women against sexual harassment in workplace and
protection of children’s interests against exploitation in the context
of trans-national adoption, the tentative legal framework laid down
by judiciary® through guidelines in the judgment have not been con-
verted into legislative piece with or without modifications. Judicial
guidelines can also be found in the matter of procedural protections
against telephone tapping, public eye camp, blood donation, etc.”
Legislative acquiescence in these matters reflects complacence about
legal development.
The scrutiny of reports submitted by National Human Rights
Commission, Women’s Commission, Minorities Commission and
Commission for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes or Backward
Classes also makes Parliament to delve seriously into the domain of
human rights. Further, the interrelationship between human rights
and other values like social justice, economic development and national
unity demands for a holistic and integrated approach for the handling
of which Parliament is comfortably equipped, Although legislative
contribution is looked largely as a “top down” model, because of prev-
alence of democratic base, continuity of links with people, political
31 Hindu Marriage Act, 1955; Hindu Succession Act, 1956; Hindu Adoption
and Maintenance Act, 1956; Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956; S. 125 of
Criminal Procedure Code, 1973; Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2006 and state
amendments providing equal coparcenery rights to daughters; Muslim Women
(Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986 as interpreted in Danial Latifi v. Union of |
India, (2001) 7 SCC 740. See also Ch. 16.
2 State laws on panchayats and nagarpalikas in accordance with the basic
principles required under the Constitution; Legal Services Authority Act, 1996; State
Education Acts.
33 For example, on compulsory and free primary education the central and state
Bills vary but apply on the same subjects.
4 Arts. 3 and 4 of the Constitution. See also supra, Ch. 6.
896 Role of Democracy, Panchayat Raj and NGOs
a SN a ES CT ee aR
19.4.1 General
Decentralisation and democratisation are the vital processes in politi-
cal systems that bring greater transparency, accountability, respon-
siveness, equity, and opportunity for mass participation in local deci-
sion making for establishing a just social order.4* While multicultural
factors like language, ethnicity and regionalism persuade for some
scope to have self-governance of cultural communities, the geographi-
cal complexion of the vast territory of India# calls for decentralisation
for the purpose of planning and administration of development. After
77 T. Prakasham, CAD, 22-11-1948, Vol. VII, at pp. 521-22.
7’ Rajeev Dhavan, “Design Faults and Failure to Design” extracted in Reading
Materials for Trainees ATI, Mysore.
79 RP. Joshi, op. cit., at pp. 30-32.
% Ibid, at pp. 36-37.
906 Role of Democracy, Panchayat Raj and NGOs
7 i ie
Commission (1984) strongly suggested for activating the PRI. The L.M.
Singhvi Committee (1986) revived the concept of Gram Sabha as a form
of direct democracy, and suggested for constitutional amendment to
include a new chapter on PRI to make its identity, integrity and work
ing substantially inviolate." This became a basis for 64th Constitution
Amendment Bill. With further more discussion and deliberations in
conferences and report of the PK. Tungan Committee (1989) which
recommended for constitutional status for PRI, regular election, and
agency for planning and development, the political climate was ready
for change. The whole development involved gradual building up of
public opinion and consensus to launch a grand constitutional scheme
of PRI to translate the social transformation aspirations into reality.
87 Iqbal Narain, “Gram Sabha 1999-2000: The Year of Gram Sabha” October
Kurukshetra, at p. 22.
8° Cited by Mahipal, “Effectiveness of Gram Sabha” National Herald, 6-4-2000.
8° Rajeev Dhavan, loc. cit.
910 Role of Democracy, Panchayat Raj and NGOs
BEY biwiei se
According to Task Force Report of 2001, State Governments of
Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan have made consider-
able progress in the devolution of functions, funds and functionar-
ies regarding subjects like education, health, animal husbandry, water,
women and child development. In states like Karnataka, Andhra
Pradesh and Maharashtra the devolution has been minimal. While
many states have not constituted District Planning Committees (DPC),
in Karnataka 18 out of 29 districts have constituted DPC. The centrally
sponsored projects like JRY, JGSY, EAS, IRDP, SGSY and PMJRY are
implemented through PRIs.
Important responsibilities are cast upon the Gram Panchayats to
effectuate the NREGA schemes. These include identification of the
projects as per the recommendations of Gram Sabha; taking up of the
projects sanctioned by the Programme Officer; preparation of develop-
ment plan; forwarding of the proposal to Programme Officer; alloca-
tion of employment opportunities among the applicants; and meeting
the required technical standards and measurements (Section 16).
19.5.1 Justifications
By pursuing a common cause, sharing joint enthusiasm and acting as
the “elementary schools of democracy”, NGOs enrich the social life.
They have grown in importance in recent times because of their occu-
pation of the space left out by the withdrawal of welfare state’s func-
tioning either because of state’s inability or compulsions of liberalisa-
tion.®+ Further, as against excessive bureaucratisation in governance,
people’s initiatives yearn for a lung space of participatory forum for
voluntary actions.* They intermediate between state and the market,
ti, New
Rajesh Tandon and Ranjita Mohanty, Civil Society and Governance (Sanskri
Delhi 2002) at p. 21. dies
2002, observes,
National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution,
that mediat e betwee n the citizen
“Civil society consists of open and secular institutions
916 Panchayat Raj and NGOs
Role of Democracy,icBS
fill the informal sphere by numerous social networks, and often, being
rooted in cultural and ideological contexts, emerge as virtual prole-
tariat of cultural pluralism and humanist service providers.” Having
involved in arousing public opinion in support of a new legal policy
or reiterating commitment to the old, they become active social agent
with serious concern for its implementation. They have intimate social
contact, awareness regarding the identity of the aggrieved, knowledge
about the site of injustice and gravity of the problem, and an interac-
tion-based insight about the remedy required to resolve the problem.
Because of their non-bureaucratic character, they are able to muster
more information, develop meaningful contact with the people—both
the aggrieved and aggressor—and persuade the officialdom and the
service agency to comply with the legal measure. They have oppor-
tunity to fill confidence in the minds of the sufferers, stimulate hope
in their heart, and strengthen their hands for struggle. They can also
try to convince the people who are responsible for the wrongs about
their legal, social and moral responsibilities. In this way, they can han-
dle both the conflict and consensus models of social transformation
effectively. The integrated model of social transformation incorpo-
rated in variety of social reform legislation beckons for their valuable
service. People’s welfare is an activity recognised in the Constitution.
Although its execution is sponsored and supported by State, because
of its dominant goal it is also to be supported by performance of citi-
zens’ fundamental duty, which has communitarian base. Since NGOs
constitute a link between people and legal process, formal recogni-
tion of their competence for participation in the law’s implementation
becomes both logical and rewardful. By involving NGOs, indirectly,
the very social energy itself is invoked for sustained efforts.
and the State. In the absence of civil society, the State machinery and civil servants
become the dominant repository of power.” (6.5.1)
°° P. Ishwara Bhat, Legal Environment Governing Third Sector in India (CACOM, Sydney
University of Technology, Sydney 2003) at p. 1.
” Factories Act, 1948, Maternity Benefits Act, 1961, Workmen’s Compensation Act,
1923, Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954; Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act,
1956 and various other legislation.
Legal space for NGO functioning towards social transformation 917
e e
oriented concern of the social organisations. But modern statutes have
carved out special space for the participation of voluntary organisa-
tions in welfare programmes envisaged under them. Matching the
wide range of activities of the NGOs in general, in the matter of imple-
mentation of socio-economic reforms, they are entrusted with tasks
of gathering data, assisting in identification of beneficiaries, initiating
investigation and prosecution, helping in rescuing and rehabilitating
and rendering medical help. They also contribute in formulating of
policy, and in dispute resolution. Being a part of the social system, they
live in the same legal atmosphere as any other providers of services.
Hence, they are amenable to the same law that ensures adequate stand-
ards in services, be it education, health, or medical camp. The rule of
law system also ensures their smooth functioning as against unlawful
interference by other bodies. The following survey looks to the legal
environment that supports or guides the functions of the NGOs. Health
Since some of the NGOs are providers of health service, legal envi-
ronment for their regulations is occupied by statutes like Karnataka
Private Nursing House (Regulation) Act, 1976 Tamil Nadu Private
Clinical Establishment (Regulation) Act, 1997, Delhi Nursing House
Registration Act, 1953, Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994, Pre
Rights” in The
98 See, P. Ishwara Bhat, “The Role of NGOs in Protection of Human
(Bangal ore 2003) at p. 235.
Changing Law, Prof. V.B. Coutinho Commemorative Volume
t Raj and NGOs
Role of Democracy, Panchayae
918 a
1994, law on blood
Natal Determination Techniques (Prohibition) Act,
under Consumer
banks, liability for negligence in medical profession
y Act, 1974, etc.
Protection Act, 1986, Medical Termination of Pregnanc
ns and per-
These regulatory measures are applicable to all institutio
aim at
sons irrespective of their position as third sector bodies. They
ty of
proper accreditation of medical establishments, ensure availabili
adequate infrastructure and facilities and sternly deal with fraudu-
lent and anti-feminist practices. Their impact in ensuring efficacy and
non-exploitation in the health service activities of the third sector is
considerable. Under Section 41-AA of the Bombay Public Trusts Act,
1950 the Charity Commissioner or the State Government may direct
the state-aided public trusts, which run hospitals, to make medical
facilities available to the poorer classes of people free of cost or at con-
cessional rate without discrimination on the ground of religion, race,
caste, sex, place of birth, language or any of them. Similarly, 10 per
cent of operational beds and accommodations might be required to
earmark for the poor. It shall be the duty of the trustees to comply with
such directions. Education
From ancient times to the present, education has been an important
service rendered by the NGO sector. “Education is the single most
powerful tool for the upliftment and progress of the society." It
empowers for development of personality, prepares for better future
and enables socio-economic mobility. While the voluntary associations
and social groups (whether minority or non-minority) have the objects
of conserving and promoting their specific cultural traits or objects of
philanthropy, in view of the need to ensure free and equal access to
primary education and fair opportunity for higher education, the need
for State’s interference has been felt. Further, the necessities of planned
development of educational institution, inculcation of healthy educa-
tional practice, and maintenance and improvement of standards of
education through better institutional discipline have called for legal
environment’s interference. In a multicultural developing democracy,
education is instrumental for ushering in a value based knowledge
society. Hence, its purposive character is to be synchronised with the
purpose compliance on the part of voluntary organisations.
In order to ensure quality education in all educational inst‘tutions,
state laws have opted for extensive controls. Kerala Education Act, 1958
set a trend for other state legislations like Andhra Education, 1972, West
Bengal Primary Education Act, 1983 and Delhi Education Act, 1973. The
Karnataka Education Act, 1983 got the President’s assent after a long
time and came into effect in 1995. In view of Kothari Commission’s
*”” Shyam Divan and Armin Rosencranz, Environmental Law and Policy in India (2nd
Edn., Oxford University Press, New Delhi 2002) at p. 4.
'” B.N. Kirpal, CJ. in ‘T.M.A. Pai Foundation v. State of Karnataka, (2002) 8 SCC 481.
Legal space
efor NGO functi
e oning towardse social transformation
e 921
recommendation, giving a statutory basis and regulative framework
for education was found to be expedient. Education is a subject com-
ing under Concurrent List. State’s duty towards compulsory and free
education to each child upto the age of 14 years’ was contemplated as
a Directive Principles of State Policy. Based on this principle, in Unni
Krishnan, J.P. v. State of A.P.*, the Supreme Court considered right to
education upto the age of 14 years’ as an aspect of right to dignified
life. According to the Court, private educational institutions could be
established by registered societies on non-profit basis.
The Primary Education Bills of the central and state governments
have carved out specific statutory space for the involvement of NGOs,
realising that grass root effectuation of “education for all” policy and
ensuring of school development will be possible through people’s par-
ticipation and the NGOs are the conduit pipe for linking them. The
idea of politically free School Development and Monitoring Committee
(SDMC) is gaining ground in Karnataka.
14 S_ 10(1), “ Subject to such rules as may be made in this behalf, any voluntary
association registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (21 of 1860) or a
company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956) or any other law
the objective of protectin g the rights and interests of
the time being in force with
including providing of legal aid, medical, financial or
women by any lawful means
a service provider
other assistance shall register itself with the State Government as
for the purposes of this Act.
Role of Democracy, and NGOs
Panchayat RajSSA
924 ii cS Rd At eae
to the Magistrate and the Protection Officer having jurisdic-
tion in the area where the domestic violence took place;
(b) get the aggrieved person medically examined and forwarda
copy of the medical report to the Protection Officer and the
police station within the local limits of which the domestic
violence took place; and
(c) ensure that the aggrieved person is provided shelter in a shel-
ter home, if she so requires and forward a report of the lodg-
ing of the aggrieved person in the shelter home to the police
station within the local limits of which the domestic violence
took place [Section 10(2)].
The Service Provider is immune from legal proceedings for acts done or
purported to be done under the Act for prevention of the commission
of domestic violence [Section 10(3)]. Members of Service Providers are
to be considered as public servants within the meaning of IPC (Section
30). The success of the Domestic Violence Act much depends upon the
vigilant, active and reasonable work of the Service Providers.
The approach adopted in the Act is unprecedented and is allowing
wide range of social initiative in support of women. Conferment of
power and vesting of immunity to the Service Providers enable fear-
less support to the aggrieved.
19.7. Conclusions
"08 See, S.P. Sathe, Right to Information (Lexis Nexis Butterworths, New Delhi 2006)
at pp. 19-26.
'° Indian Express Newspapers v. Union of India, (1985) 1 SCC 641: AIR 1986 SC 515 at
527; Union of India v. Motion Picture Assn., (1999) 6 SCC 150.
S 927
gies through specific legislation the output of legislative activity has
vital contribution towards social transformation. The democratic strat-
egy has integrated the consensus and conflict models of social trans-
formation. Vast body of social reform law produced by the Parliament
and state legislatures is reflection of Indian democracy’s planning,
choice and effectuation of social transformation mission inspired by
the Constitution. Legislature has emerged as the central processing
unit of people’s will. With right to information attaining definite legal
base, peoples’ empowerment for social transformation has also taken
Decentralisation of power and regularising of the Panchayati Raj sys-
tem have greatly enhanced the competence for participative approach
in rural development. In order to overcome the problematic features
and shortcomings of individualistic modernisation, rebuilding the
traditional institution of PRI with new orientation of constitutional
values has great advantages. But it requires tremendous social prepa-
ration also. Balancing between change and continuity has unavoidably
faced such responsibilities. Devolution of funds and functions, peo-
ple’s effective participation in Gram Sabha and training to the repre-
sentatives will stabilise its competence for effective social service.
The NGO role has filled the gap in implementation of social reform
law. Recent trend of increased reliance on them has used the con-
sensus model. Definite legal space for their participation as gatherer
of information and provider of service has made their role effective.
Participatory approach through NGO has witnessed significant gains
for gender justice, environmental protection, education and health.
The trend towards establishing and supporting strong norms of cor-
porate social responsibility is emerging in the NGO functioning.
a J — ent (ee
etSyFPN -
- i ale cedesea ehtcncc St IT GI Tn I ™ deceadiersvet ness
siieecketap saan) mre i aes 73 f
Although it is difficult to evolve definite and final conclusions about
India’s experiences about the relationship between law and social
transformation in a wide array of topics touching upon various dimen-
sions of life having varieties of challenges, it is worthwhile to analyse
the major thrusts of developments in their entirety and cross check the
theoretical formulations made in the beginning in the light of social
experiences. The purpose is not to encapsulate some fixed formula
but to understand the extent of complexity that is to be tackled and
the path of caution to be traversed in the task of social transformation
with the help of law. Since social transformation with a commitment
to enlarge the people’s access to human rights and welfare is vital for
a constitutional democracy, the analysis gains immense significance.
The strands of thoughts developed in four parts of the present work
can be holistically considered as they are inextricably interrelated. The
integrated vision arising from the theoretical discussion carried in the
four chapters of Part I will help in examining the propriety and effi-
cacy of the policy relating to factors of multiculturalism, empower-
ment and modernisation discussed in subsequent three parts.
Legal system's position as a purposeful enterprise for promotion of
justice—social, economic and political—logically compels it to play an
instrumental and creative role in the social transformation task. Social
cS et R ERR se rhe Pe ea
transformation itself is a value loaded concept aiming at social com-
forts, harmony and development. The consensus and conflict models,
in spite of their tenability and relevance, do not become complete and
full fledged in themselves. While the former emphasises the domi-
nant role of social participation, the latter believes in state’s power of
initiating and compelling reforms. The integrated model synergises
the combination of these models and invokes the entire social energy
for working towards desirable social transformation. The concepts and
practice of multiculturalism, development and democracy support
this process.
The historical and sociological discourses have established the posi-
tive role of the community’s collective approach matched by state’s
facilitative response to social reforms both in initiating and implement-
ing them. The supporting and limiting factors of culture and balance
between conservation and progress call for a cautious approach. As
Lawrence Friedman observed, “Continuity—and yet change. These are
the constants of life. And the legal system plays crucial role in promot-
ing both continuity and change. It helps bridge generations, but it also
helps direct social change into smooth and constructive channels.”
In the mission of social reforms, the alternatives to law in the form
of ethics and social morality, rather than force and violence, are wor-
thy factors to be relied upon. The eternal relevance of the change of
heart theory of Gandhiji, the imaginative communitarian ideology
and working of sarvodaya support the means of social transformation
through law. The socio-economic problems revealed in the context of
naxalism persuade for systematic societal preparation to deal with
rural people’s maladies.
The Constitution of India, befitting to the legacy of national struggle
for freedom and with high aspiration to build the nation on the pedes-
tal of social justice, has meaningfully centre staged justice in the gov-
ernance. Sensitising and monitoring power-legal, economic and social,
whether individual or collective-in the beacon light of constitutional
values have tremendous potentiality and responsibility. As viewed by
Blaise Pascal, “Justice without power is inefficient, power without jus-
tice is tyranny..justice and power must therefore be brought together,
so that whatever is just may be powerful, and whatever is powerful
may be just.” From this perspective, social legislation is not a docu-
ment for fastidious dialects but a means of ordering the life of the peo-
ple; and for expanding freedoms and welfare of the people.*In a land
' Lawrence Friedman, American Law (Wisley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi 1985) at
p: 12.
> State of Karnataka v. Appa Balu Ingale, 1995 Supp (4) SCC 469: 1994 SCC (Cri) 1762:
AIR 1993 SC 1126 per K. Ramaswamy, J.
Conclusions 931
S eeeR
NSN a ee ae ned
of cultural pluralism, inequality dividing between the strong and rich
and the weak and poor, and facing the challenges of modernisation,
using the approach of justice, human rights and welfare appropriately
streamlines the social transformation task.
Indian experience on multiculturalism has been unique and valuable
because of its multi-dimensional character and competence to hold
the society together with harmony and solidarity in spite of emo-
tional trouble spots and problematic issues. Each component of plural-
ism viz. religion, language, regional diversity and ethnicity has been
approached by the legal system in a manner substantially suitable to
those components. Secularism with social reforms, principles of reli-
gious harmony and protection of minorities have assisted in balancing
between continuity and change. The values of inclusive society yearn
for a firm mindset for co-existence and eschewing of emotional sur-
charge that conflagrate into fundamentalism and terrorism. The root
cause for disharmonies consists in inequity in development and lack
of education for responsible citizenship. A rule of law regime is an
answer to distractions of communal disharmony.
Basic soundness of language policy—equal language rights of all—
has produced comfortable result by satisfying numerous linguistic
interests reflected in the form of territoriality and opportunity in offi-
cial use in various spheres of public life. Equality’s role in combating
language-based discrimination in public employment and economic
opportunities has helped in ensuring social harmony. The tendency of
power holders to play to the galleries rather than abide by the funda-
mental law has posed problems. The need to strengthen rich linguistic
culture and to enhance the competence of Indian languages to meet
the challenges of Modernisation, including Globalisation, should be
realised through deliberate and serious efforts in order to bridge the
gap between people and the legal system’s functioning. Globalisation’s
penetration into the sphere of language in education has been prob-
lematic and got further complicated because of the use of unstructured
concept of parental choice. It is more appropriate to give attention to
the imperative of effective learning process. Language itself being a
social force, has great potentiality of motivating social transformation
through its rich, persuading and enlightening literature. _
Regionalism is another factor that has called for its solution, egali-
tarian treatment and integrated development of all the regions with-
out discrimination. The chauvinistic feeling needs to be suppressed
by positive efforts of equitable economic and social development and
exclusion of grouses and heartburns. Building a mindset of national
932 Conclusions
an aes Ee, enn ee
Empowering the vulnerable is a vital strategy of social transforma-
tion. The discussion on constitutional and legal policies towards
backward classes, women and children has revealed the importance
of state’s activist role. While the strategy is primarily that of conflict
model, its working in human rights system requires proper balancing
with rights of others and community’s preparedness for cooperating
with the change process. Undue emphasis given to reservation rather
than to the whole task of empowerment through capacity building has
perpetuated caste-based reservation in the place of need-based reser-
vation. The expanding domain and reach of reservation, engineered
through constitutional amendments and carried through judicial nods
subject to slender control, has reflected the fact of politicising the strat-
egy. The creamy layer test needs to be applied to identify all the reser-
> Ibid.
S ge s 933
vation beneficiaries so that the benefit will go only to the most deserv-
ing persons. Equitable development of all sections calls for attention
and action as a long term solution and an alternative to reservation.
By building up a strong law against the practice of untouchability, the
social reform mission is made effective.
Experiences about gender justice and child protection have taught
about great relevancy of law in protecting their interests. Judicial activ-
ism made significant contribution in evolving the law against sexual
harassment of women and enhancing the level of legal protection by
pro-woman interpretations of the Constitution and laws. Legislative
efforts also have contributed towards safeguarding women’s cause.
Protection of children’s interests through laws on child labour, adop-
tion and education is another valiant effort of social transformation.
Both regarding women and children law’s efforts were either pre-
ceded or followed by the meaningful activities of NGOs. Their social
and legal advocacy and grass root works have made the strategy of
empowerment, a reality.
What strikes important in the field empowerment is that education,
economic development and eradication of exploitation have to gain
greatest attention and support in practice. Society’s genuine involve-
ment and concerted efforts of NGOs have proved to be possessing great
potentialities in these spheres. Again, it is the human rights principles
that played an inspiring role in the empowerment task; and again, it is
the attitudinal changes on the part of all the concerned that will make
the endeavour, a great success.
Law’s response to modernisation has set the pace of social develop-
ment by its regulatory, protective and facilitative role. Modernisation,
through its emphasis on the values of welfare, secularism, develop-
ment and humanism, has greatly spurred the democracy into concrete
action with new approaches and experiments. But, the adverse effects
of modernisation, reflected in the form of materialism, individualism
and ruthless competition of market economy, have posed challenges
to the continuation of basic values. Its latest facets, Liberalisation,
Privatisation and Globalisation, although expanded the economic
opportunities, have been problematic in realising the constitutional
goals. But the Indian legal system has shown great ability of adjust-
to Soli
ments to reaffirm the fundamental commitments. According
It would
Sorabjee, “Globalisation in itself is neither good nor bad.
necessary to
depend upon what is made of it. Utmost vigilance is
of the
ensure that globalisation does not accentuate marginalisation
1n wealth and
weak and the vulnerable and widen the disparities
934 Conclusions
W a
income. For that purpose globalisation must be subject to the
pline and regime of the rule of law and must conform to the basic
elements of social justice.” Even the technology-related challenges of
modernism have to be tackled by similar approach.
S.B. Sinha, J. has observed in Jeet Bisht, “With the advent of glo-
balisation, we are witnessing a shift from formalism to a value laden
approach to law. In the contemporary scholarship, especially with
the decimation of law as purely an autonomous discipline (with the
emergence of cross cutting realms such as Law and Economics, Law
and Philosophy, Law and Society, IPR), we see that law embody a goal,
which may have its provenance in sciences other than law as well. It is
no more the black letter in the law which guides the interpretation but
the goal which is embodied by the particular body of law, which may
be termed as the rationality of law.’ The efficacies of values of human
rights, welfare and multiculturalism that underly the legal system and
sensitise the social transformation task need to be maximised in pur-
suance of the value laden approach.
The grammar of new age has been that of human rights and peoples’
egalitarian participation as opposed to hierarchical order. Hence, its
impact upon vast areas stretching from family law, economic sector
and justice delivery system to grass root democracy has streamlined
the developments towards appropriate patterns of social transforma-
tion or created tools for its attainment. While the competence of human
rights strategy is proved to be effective for social transformation in
judicial interpretation of family law measures, the difficulty on the
part of legislature to dismantle the pluralism of family law is inherent
in the very fact of multicultural society. Whether culture and tradition
are the factors that dampen the pace and progress of reform or that
redefine the modernist norms by reviving the essential aspects of con-
tinuity and reflect post-modernist approach is an important aspect to
be considered in planning and implementing family law reform. What
has been found more acceptable is a reform that renders justice or pro-
motes human rights rather than a measure that effaces identity what-
ever may be the ultimate advantage. A sober and convincing policy of
enhancing the components of human right and gender justice in each
personal law will elevate its respectability and come nearer to other
personal laws in terms of its worth and content. Thus, the appropriate
strategy or inevitable task consists not in wiping off legal pluralism
* Soli J. Sorabjee, “Rule of Law: Its Ambition and Dimension” in N.R. Madhava
Menon, Rule of Law in Free Society (Oxford University Press, New Delhi 2008) at pp. 3,
° State of 'I.P. v. Jeet S. Bisht, (2007) 6 SCC 586, para 72.
Conclusions 935
or diversity but in upgrading of their inner human right content and
orientation to gender justice.
The goals of economic justice in various spheres of economic life
such as agriculture and industry have spurred the policy makers to
reorient the legal system towards their attainment. The story of agrar-
ian reforms is a mixed bag of success and failure and of slipped oppor-
tunities, telling the morals about need for sternness in conflict mod-
elled legal measures. The legal efforts of humanising industrialisation
of agriculture have also seen ups and downs, and could not ameliorate
the farmers to the required extent. The trends towards liberalisation
of industrial policy have deviated from the goal of economic egali-
tarianism and have their own impact. The meticulous effort to balance
between development and environmental protection through various
sub-principles of sustainable development has been emerging as a key
approach to conserve the natural environment. The integrated model’s
relevance and contribution is becoming clearer through the efficacy of
participative approach of the community.
In equipping the legal system with fair tools of justice delivery
mechanisms and reforming the institutions like prisons, the human
rights and social considerations have made great contribution, thus
giving a concrete and definite shape to social transformation. The vice
versa is also true. Reverting back to the traditional system of arbitra-
tion and other ADRs after experiencing the serious disadvantages of
the ordinary court system's procedure, the society has traversed the
post-modernist lines. Less percentage of convictions, delay in trial
and in-built bias in favour of the accused have weakened the rigour of
criminal justice system and sapped the people’s confidence. The con-
tinuing acts of terrorism and less success in investigation and prosecu-
tion have belied and belittled the constitutional purpose of protecting
the life and personal liberty of all. How a well-planned anti-terrorist
law and its sincere and effective implementation can save the society
from bloodshed and insecurity is well-illustrated in the recent western
experience. This deserves notice and emulation. The reforms like intro-
duction of plea bargaining with adequate procedural safeguards, legal
aid and prison reforms have strengthened the criminal justice system.
As an instrument of social transformation, Public Interest Litigation
has been par excellence because of procedural flexibilities, remedial
varieties and imaginative substantive principles and interpretation to
suit to the requirement of social reform. The heights of finest values
scaled through this phenomenon effloresced constitutionalism and
brought welfare to people. Human rights, justice and equitable and
sustainable development got centre staged to give upward thrust to
the whole development.
936 Conclusions
ee ee ree ee
Centre-staging of justice in the social transformation task is an impor-
tant development that has acted as storehouse of strength in its appli-
cation and impact in all its dimensions. As a perennial social virtue it
has lent meaning and given an appropriate direction to legal regime.
Being a social norm and an ideal, and closely related to both law
and morality by sensitising them, it sets forth a quality which it is
ultimately desirable to realise in conduct and the social relations of
human beings.’ The proponents of social good theory assert that the
origin and basis of justice lies in the good of the society; that is, in a
good greater than individual or private good, achievable only through
human beings acting in common, and one in which individuals can
find their own good? Going beyond the traditional task of rendering
. * Sidgwick, Methods of Ethics (7th Edn., Macmillan & Co., London 1962) at p. 264
cited by Otto A. Bird, The Idea of Justice (Frederick A. Praeger, New York 1967) at p. 13.
” Otto A. Bird, op. cit., at pp. 85-86. Bentham, Mill, Hume, Sidgwick, Ihering and
Rawls are some of the scholars who propounded social good theory.
Conclusions 937
0 ES Ee rr
to each person good or evil according to Desert, it upholds social expe-
diency of benevolence. Historically, legal justice had challenged social
good facet of justice when the rich were rewarded from the pockets of
the poor, labour were bestowed with industrious work and the vicious
were given the means of harming both themselves and others. With
the dawn of republican constitutional values in free India, there could
be no more justifications for these to occur. The brilliant pages of con-
temporary history reflect emergence of activist social reform principles
and devices. The roles of various reformative tools, that is, empow-
erment policy, security, judicial activism, grass root democracy and
social advocacy by the voluntary groups are to be appreciated in the
beacon light of social good facet of justice. It is an impressive achieve-
ment on the part of the Indian legal system and its supportive agencies
in preparing these instruments as effective and balanced ones greatly
able to handle the socio-economic situation obtaining in India. It is the
strength of commitment to the constitutional values that could firmly
anchor the socio-economic development to benevolence in spite of the
thunderstorms of globalisation.
A Holistic picture that we formulate after a long sojourn on multi-
tude of social processes and developments places reliance on inte-
grated model of social transformation, combining best of both the
worlds—evolving from below through people’s consensus and partici-
pation, and persuading from the above through conflict model-and
avoiding the defects of both. Law being only one of the social tools,
although very powerful and authoritative, has to depend upon other
social factors like public opinion, media, and civil society organisa-
tions. Value-promoting education; mindset for low-key treatment of
differences based on race, religion, language and region; attitude of
sympathy towards the vulnerable; exposure to modernist values along
with respect for composite culture; and love towards nature establish
together, an atmosphere for desirable social transformation. These are
not mere ideals of good citizenship prescribed as fundamental duties
in the country’s supreme law but prerequisites of an inclusive and har-
monious society aiming at social progress, equitable development and
human rights for all. They enable emotional integration of communi-
ties, and emphasise on collectivist approach of the people for every-
body’s development. The long history of India has proved the validity
and advantage of the collectivist approach with practical lessons and
| 1
® JS. Mill, Utilitarianism, p. 61 cited in Otto A. Bird, op. cit., at p. 115.
op. cit. at
° David Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature, at p. 579 cited in Otto A Bird,
p. 114.
938 Conclusions
ee e
experiences. Constitution’s role as a rich reservoir of values, guide-
lines, aspirations and institutions/mechanisms for social transforma-
tion has ushered in a new era of free society determined to grow with
people’s welfare.
Approach of integration needs to be there amidst various organs
and levels of government also, if at all social transformation should
emerge as a reality. Law-making, implementation and adjudication
shall be inspired by the spirit of social policy beneath the law. Lack of
coordination amidst the officials, departments and organs and prac-
tice of fragmented approach not only exhibits haphazardness but also
defeats even the most essential reforms. Institutional complementari-
ties enhance the system’s competence for dynamic changes in addition
to control abuse of power.
The Indian concept and practice of cooperative federalism has been
the source of strength in managing the social transformation task by
ensuring decentralised planning and implementation of reforms and
by accommodating unity amidst diversity. The relevance of federal-
ism for Part III and Part IV of the Constitution consists in integrat-
ing the national and regional efforts in translating social justice into
reality. Panchayati Raj Institutions have provided additional tools for
concerted efforts at the grass root level in this direction.
Integrated approach at the societal level relies on, and spurs into
action collectivism. Organised endeavours of civil society have pro-
vided communitarian support to the evolution and implementation
of social reform laws. The vacuum arising from state’s escapist with-
drawal from welfare at the teeth of globalisation is made good by NGO
intervention. Formal recognition of their creative role in the reform-
oriented statutory spaces is a development that uses the social energy
for law’s implementation. Cooperative societies, charitable institutions
and foundations have immense potentialities and responsibilities in
this regard. Modern democracy has a cementing force to build up
social solidarity by bringing the isolated factors together.
All said and done about law’s competence to bring social transforma-
tion, it could be seen that the relaxed moods, complacence and indif-
ference on the part of people and the officers, and widespread prac-
tice of corruption have been the roadblocks to progress. The culture
of legalism—the determined attitude to obey law and to set the legal
mechanism into motion—has not yet been developed as a social force
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ft é Tei in
eG* ee a é
HINDI LANGUAGE, 312 -adoption, 630-35
HINDv FAMILY, 708 -caste and untouchability, 482
HuMAN RIGHTs -child labour, 620-23
-impact on social transformation, 673 -education, 315, 331-44, 651
-international law, 673-74 -environmental protection, 815
HuMANISATION, 773-74 -land reform, 772-73
-language rights, 298, 331-44, 367
-public employment, 492
I -tribal development, 448
IDEA OF TOTAL REVOLUTION, 146 also see, Public Interest Litigation
90 -concept, 845
ILO, 419, 420, 424, 612 -Law Commission on victim compen-
IMporT AND Export, 682-84 sation, 854
INDECENT REPRESENTATION OF WOMEN, -legislative scheme for victim com-
-beauty contest, 46 pensation, 847
-prohibition of, 595 -victim compensation under
INDIA AS ONE UNIT, 382-84 Constitution, 851
INDIAN PENAL CODE, 581-93 -victims right to participation in
INDIGENOUS PEOPLE, 418 -and law, relation, 22
INDUSTRIAL Po.icy RESOLUTION, 1956, -desert theory of justice, 937
800-02 -distributive, 23
-natural, 179
-social, 22-24
-social good theory of justice, 936
-free enterprise v/s regulation, 800-04
CATION, 496-05
INTERGENERATION EQUITY, 812, 815 KarTA, 708-09, 735
WOMEN, 525 KHUDKAST, 762-63
IPR, 688, 695 KoL MUTINY, 408
972 Law and Social Transformation in India
a ———
L MALGuzars, 760
LAND REFORMS, 758-72 MarkKET, 8
326, 331 MEDIATION, 881
298-305 566-67
MITAKSHARA, 357, 714
-in High Courts, 368
-in subordinate courts, 294, 363, 373
- applications of, 29
-in Supreme Courts, 367
- conflict model, 26
- consensus model, 25
NORMS, 372
- Indian approach, 32
- integrated model, 28
TURES, 270-73
- Western approach, 30
Law, 2-7
Mopern INDIA, 94-117
Law AND CusToM, 86-87
Mope_ErRNITY, 663-67
LAW, 674~78
LARGE DAMS, 808-10
Mora ity, 43-46, 247
MRTP, 684
MULTICULTURALISM, 58-62, 249, 895
-bigamy, 725
Lox ADALAT, 882
-divorce, 735
LoxavipvisTA, 84
-maintenance, 719-24
LEGISLATURE’S ROLE -registration, 730
-international policy, 898
-multiculturalism, 895
-national unity, 895
-panchayati raj institution, 898
-promotion of unity and welfare, 894 NaTIONAL AGRICULTURAL PoLicy, 797
NATIONAL CuiLp LABourR Projects, 610,
612, 624
MAINTENANCE LAW, 538, 719-24, 735
Subject Index
Se ene 973
624 - constitutional amendments, 906
- decentralisation, 899
601, 923 - historical; 902
NATIONAL COMMISSION ON REVIEW OF - suitability for social transformation,
NaTIONAL Labour Com ISsSION, 624 PATRIARCHY, 54, 706-07
NATIONAL POLICY ON EDUCATION, 920 PeopLe’s War Group, 1 56
NATURAL LAW, 3 -concept, 825
NAXAL MOVEMENT, 156-60 -Indian development, 830
NAXALISM, 156 -pros and cons, 827-28
NGOs (NPO anp THIRD SECTOR)10, 24, -statutory scheme, 832
57, 625-26915
, PLURALISM, 2, 749, 934-35
-handcuffing, 839
-health, 840
649-50 -historical, 834
OFFENCES AGAINST MARRIAGE, 591 -International Human Rights, 836
-adultery, 992 -overcrowded jails, 838
-bigamy, 592 -prison wages, 842
-fake marriage, 592 -reformation of a prisioner, 844
OFFENCES AGAINST WOMEN, 553 -sanitation, 840
- economic development, 909 ENOUS PEOPLE, 418
- empowerment of SC/ST and weaker Pustic INTEREST LITIGATION, 208, 859
section, 910 - concepts, genesis, growth, 860
- gender justice, 911 - contribution to substantial law, 866
- gram sabha, 907 - future prospects, 868
- local self-governance, 912 - nature, objectives, 863
- social justice, 909 - procedural innovations, 864
- social benefits, 859, 868
- concept, 899 Pusic Trust THEORY, 815
974, Law and Social Transformation in India
ZAMINDARI, 39, 111, 187, 408, 410, 760,
VACHANA, 528 762, 765
| os 2
andCaltvtonicahcn themodem World isscacasd tostupendous change to.
= ‘which Societies -experience, ‘respond .and assimilate with appropriate
~ policicles. Given thediversities. in
nour sealsthe task ofsides transformation |
AS awesome andcomplex. 3 |
inthe present wore Law bag Social Fanumation in india, Dr. P. Ishwara
Bhat expertly puts forward optimistic signs of the indian legal system's
competence to both lead and follow social transformation with an admirable
commitment to multiculturalism, empowerment and sober modernism.
Amidst diverse approaches about relations between law. and. social
transformation, he inclines to adopt a holistic analysis and prefers an activist
role for the State and citizens. Major spheres of pluralism, empowerment
modernisation, are traversed in the course of the discussion where
present work touches upon.a large spectrum of human and social actions.
This work is sure to inspire further thinking about law and societ
y's active
partnership in social transformation. The book will benefit studen
ts and
teachers of law and sociology, lawyers, judges, legislators, social
NGOs, administrators, policy makers in the government and the
public ofthe country.
ISBN: 93-502