Aca 09
Aca 09
Aca 09
1. Student details
Student number PeopleSoft ID
Surname First name
Cell phone number Qualification
Name of the advisor previously consulted (where known) Current Faculty
Are you funded by NSFAS (National Students Financial Aid Scheme) Yes No
Do you expect to graduate this year Yes No
2. Change request
Note: • Select all that apply and complete the relevant sections accordingly.
• If selecting either section 2A or section 2B, then select and complete section 2C as well.
2A. Change Programme / Specialisation / Major 2B. Change Faculty 2C. Withdraw / Add a course
2A. Change Programme / Specialisation / Major
Programme code Programme / Specialisation / Major Start date
Change to
2B. Change Faculty
Current Faculty
New Faculty New programme code
Approved by Faculty Manager (or Nominee) or Department of new Faculty Yes No
2C. Withdraw / Add a course
Withdraw course Add course
Course code Period Course code Class number Period * Course convener signature
*Note: Course convener signature required only for adding Science/Humanities Postgraduate courses.
3. Declarations by student and advisor
I understand that it is my responsibility:
1. To determine any effects that these changes may have on my timetable, fees, source of funding, eligibility for
graduation and/or readmission and duration of study.
2. To check online and report discrepancies within 24 hours to the Faculty Office.
3. To acknowledge that the effective date is the date submitted to the Faculty Office.
Signature Date
• Complete this form when applying for the following change of curriculum:
o Change of Programme / Specialisation / Major
o Change of Faculty
o Withdrawal or addition of courses
• If selecting either section 2A Change of Programme / Specialisation / Major or section 2B Change of
Faculty, then section 2C Withdraw / Add a course must be completed as well.
• If you are Science Faculty student, then you must complete the ACA09S supplement on page 3 as well.
• Curriculum changes are subject to strict deadlines dates, after which penalties may apply. See: Deadline dates.
• If you are currently receiving funding, ensure you consult with your funder prior to applying for your proposed
curriculum changes, regarding the impact on your continued eligibility for funding. See: Financial Aid / Sponsor
• Your form must be submitted on PeopleSoft using the service-request function. For instructions on how to use
service requests, see: Change Curriculum page on Vula (
• If you cannot upload it to PeopleSoft, you should approach your Faculty Office.
• You do not need to get it signed by an advisor before you upload it. The advisor will approve it in PeopleSoft.
• Monitor your service-requests in PeopleSoft to see any comments from your curriculum advisor.
• The service-request status will be changed to “accepted” when approved.
• Please allow three or four working days for this to take place. Your transcript will then be updated.
• Check your updated enrollment changes in Student Administration Self Service within 72 hours and report any
discrepancy to your Faculty Office immediately.
Deadline dates
The deadline dates for course withdrawals and additions for the current year are listed below. Late changes, if permitted,
are subject to a penalty. See General Rules and Policies handbook (Rule G 14 and G 13.1) or consult your Faculty Office
for deadline dates and fee implications.
Last date to drop a course 2023
Last date to add
Course Get 100% fee Get 50% fee Cancel
a course 2023
adjustment adjustment transcript entry
Whole year courses 17 February 17 February 28 July 04 August
First semester courses 17 February 17 February 03 March 24 March
Second semester courses 28 July 28 July 11 August 01 September
Changing a Programme/Specialisation/Major
Add in the Programme code and Specialisation. For example: CB001ACC04. This is obtainable from the Faculty
Withdrawal and Addition of courses
Credit information can be obtained from the Faculty Handbooks. Class numbers are available from Faculty Office Notice
Boards. Humanities courses class numbers are listed in the Humanities Handbook. Departmental signatures are
required for withdrawal and addition of courses. Course convener/student advisor signatures are required for adding
Science/Humanities Postgraduate courses.
1 08h00
2 09h00
3 10h00
4 11h00
5 12h00
6-10 aft