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Unidad 1 Buena

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Unit 1

An online world

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This didactic unit belongs to our syllabus design, and it is based on the regional law,
Order 362/2015 passed the 4th of May, which establishes the official curriculum secondary
education in the region of Castilla y León, and it is called “An online world”. We are going
to put in practice this didactic unit long 12 sessions of 50 minutes each one, from 21 st
September to 13th October for our students of the 1 st year of CSE/ESO, in 4 sessions each
week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

The contents of this didactic unit are based on the acquisition of the verb “Have Got”
and the possessives. We are not only going to learn concepts, but we are going to create
the interest for the acquisition of the second language. Afterwards, we will see how our
students recognise the new vocabulary by associating with a particular real concept in the
semantic fields of countries, nationalities, and family words. Finally, we are going to help
them and monitor them in every single moment while they are doing all the proposed

For the development of the different sessions of this didactic unit we are going to pay
special attention to:
1. To develop interest and curiosity for the reading of simple texts participating in motivated
games using the English Language.
2. To express oneself and interact verbally in simple daily situations using familiar
3. To participate in pairs/group activities respecting the oral messages produced by the rest
of the students.
4. To express curiosity towards the new language learning.
5. To produce groups of sounds with meaning, words, or brief oral texts in the second

6. To make an online register and recognise which type of personal information is required.

As we said in the defence our syllabus LOE modified in LOMCE talks about seven
competences, and for the development of this didactic unit we are going to acquire
those competences:
1- Linguistic communicative competence: which means the ability to learn a language in the
same sense as the first language does.
2- Digital competence: using in a real time the ICT, specifically acquired along our sessions
in the English laboratory corner.
3- Learning to learn competence: giving the initiative to the students learning in an
autonomous way through role plays, story-telling’s and TPR Activities.
4- Conscious and cultural expressions in the development of our sessions, the artistic and
cultural consciousness is developed in the British and Culture corner.

One of the basic aspects of the curriculum in Castilla y León are the block of contents which
means that all our students can learn can be taught.

This year we have to develop the essential learnings through which we review the contents
on the last term of the previous year, because of the exceptional situation COVID 19.

(TABLA DE CONTENIDOS) ….por lo menos nos tiraremos 2 minutos…

Block I: Comprehension of oral texts
Comprehension strategies: To know and apply oral
Applies strategies for non-
rhythm, sounds and comprehension strategies
verbal languages

Block II: Production of oral texts

Strategies of production:
To produce short simple oral
comprehension of the Creates oral presentations

Block III: Comprehension of written texts
Use of apply: written To identify sociolinguistic Identifies the orthographic
previous information aspects of the foreign language signs and symbols

Block IV: Production of written texts

Planning: to provide To produce short simple Creates and copies simple
communicative competences written texts texts and oral expressions

As you can see in the chart of the DU (7) of the Syllabus Design, It´s impossible to specify
all the Contents, Assessment Criteria and standards in only 1 sheet of paper, for that reason
we can say that the students will acquire the B1 in this DU, using TPR activities, the B2
participating in simple conversations The B3 understanding written tests (B3) and B4
elaborating short messages in the foreign
language. (esto dependiendo de como vayais lo podeis aumentar)
In the Curriculum of secondary education there is a
concept called crosscurricular elements included in each area and for this didactic unit ours
tudents will….(decir lo que tengamos en el apartado de los crosscurricular de
la sabanita) ..ponerlo en el esquema a seguir.

Now and According to the methodology used for this didactic unit, we can say that it based
on the constructivism and learning by competences, we have considered important to start
from the previous knowledge of the students in order to build a significant learning…

IN RELATION WITH The methodological strategies implemented in this DU are based on

the principles of exposition and investigation. These strategies are repetitive
activities related to daily routines.

Finally, and talking about the Methodological techniques can say that role play and the
Communicative approach are mostly used.

At this point we continue mentioning the timing we use for each corner through the activities

· In The Story time corner, we improve warm up activities during 15 min/session,

The Working time corner, for development of the worksheets ,along 15 min, The English
laboratory for the fast finishers or the one we would like to motivate, in order to review
the vocabulary introduced, for along 5 min, The English corner: and American and British
culture are completely visual and are used when the teacher requires for them to get
familiar with the vocabulary and the cultural features of the target language.(MODELO
· Talking about the material Resources we can say that In our English classes we
promote activities which imply the development of the skills: listening, speaking, reading,
writing, and oral interaction ,and also promoting the non official thinking skill..
· We use lots of recourses such as: books, stories, realia, magic box.
and comics.. . We don´thave to forget the use of internet, the
digital white board ,CDs ,DVDs, tablets and smartphones when we required in order to
provide enough practice of the language.
At this moment we are going to PRESENT all the activities developed for This UNIT
(number X) for sessions 1 and 2 because for questions of time needed it is going to be
impossible to introduce every single activity of all the sessions including all the materials
created mention before.

Apart from it, In our group there are no significant curricular adjustments, but we have to
consider a list of didactic techniques to respond to diversity. We can find two immigrant
students: one from Ecuador and the other one from Perú. Along the sessions we are going
to individualizethe teaching-learning process through stimulating their integration, paying
special attention to their behavior. Talking about what we do with the ADHD….
These stimulations imply a constant control.
For this reasons It´s important to mention the II Attention Plan to diversity…..
(normativa de atención a la diversidad…en CyL.)

Our units are divided into two types: Common activities, that are going to be made in all
sessions and in the same order to create learning routines that help the students to change
their mood to the English classes and to reinforce content learning; and Specific activities
that are going to be developed just in the session where it is quoted.

We have also created a unit project which is going to be developed along the sessions as
you have seen. Why have we chosen it? Mainly because it brings us the opportunity to use
it for a wide range of activities, methodologies, and concretion of competences:
cooperative, in pair or individual work; traditionally or by means of ICT; written or orally;
normative or creatively; using cross-curricular elements or transversal ones; …

Common Activities:

1st Warm-up activity W.O.T.D (5’) – For this school year we have chosen a particularly conflictive
subject for Spanish speakers learning ESL: false friends. Each day we’ll choose two of the next
ones (in our web/blog you have many examples more) and we will explain their meaning and the
coincidence with Spanish.

2nd Previous Class Review (5’) – This reinforcement activity will help us to consolidate what we have
learnt in the previous class. It should be done quickly and just mentioning concepts, not the whole
explanation, and in case of vocabulary, as a list of words.

6th Summary & Farewell (5’) - Summarize the concepts/words view, the work done and what’s going
to happen in the next class. If there’s any homework, it’s time to make a quick remind.

Specific Activities:

 Session 1: (September 21st)

o 3rd poster review: countries and nationalities (15’) – vocabulary review on
countries, nationalities and languages spoken on each one, making emphasis
on European one. We will support it with a poster (also in our webpage)

o 4th grammar: have got (10’) – Although some of the students may know the
rules that govern the inflection of the verb “To Have got”, we will explain them
as if it was a new grammar concept, making special emphasis on 3rd person
singular, short forms, and interrogative and negative forms as well as its

meaning. We will have the support of a poster, shown in the webpage:

o 5th project introduction (10’) - for this unit students will be asked to make an
interview (ICT option: online interview) obtaining 5 questions about personal
information and 5 about social networking. We will give them some typical
questions but new ideas or questions will be positively taken into
consideration. All students must do it, though will be randomly displayed in
 Session 2:
o 3rd bingo: countries and nationalities (15’) – Using a free webpage,
https://myfreebingocards.com/bingo-card-generator (you can find it in my web-
blog in the “in common” section), we will take some of the vocabulary seen,
will make some bingo cards and play to reinforce the vocabulary learnt. This
cards are provided in pdf ready to be print.
o 4th reading: how Europe was born (10’) – For this part of the unit, we will ask a
student (one different each time) to go to the ICT corner an look for this
information in google and read aloud to the classroom.
o 5th project execution (10’) - First session of execution of the project in class.
 Session 3:
o 3rd wikireview: flags and countries (15’) - review through Wikipedia of some of
the most strange flags, as for example the one from Buthan with a dragon, or
the Nepal one, with a strange shape.
o 4th grammar: possessives (10’) – in this session we will see the possessives,
their order and function into the noun phrase. We will have the help of another
image which is into the unit in our web:

o 5th project execution (10’) - second session to let the students advance in their
 Session 4:
o 3rd curiosity corner: weird countries (15’) – what we are going to see here is
which countries don’t follow the usual conception of country or curiosities
about them, for example using the bbc for kids webpage
o 4th listening: BBC A1 listening (10’) – As the Common European Framework
for language teaching says, we must prioritise the oral skills. We want them to
get used to English accent, so those listenings are ideal for this goal. You
have a link to them in the “in common” section of our webpage.
o 5th project execution (10’) - third block devoted to have some time to prepare
the project.

 Session 5:
o 3rd we-draw: my family tree (15’) – using ICT or traditional methods and once
we have seen the vocabulary related to family names, what we want is that
they apply it to explain to the rest of the class their family tree. Then we can
show them in the classboard. This is the chart we will show them (again,
avalibale in our website):

o 4th grammar: word order (10’) – we will introduce the students to the
sequence. SVOMPT, which is basic both for oral and written productions in
the first stages as this where we are. We can also put a poster with the
acronym in the class as a way to reinforce this concept.
o 5th project execution (10’) - once more, some time to work on the project and
help them.
 Session 6:
o 3rd ICT time: online registration (15’) –
o 4th speaking in pairs: my family (10’) –
o 5th project execution (10’) -
 Session 7:
o 3rd Grammar is fun: capitals, when and where (15’) –
o 4th grammar: interrogative pronouns (10’) –
o 5th project expositions (10’)
 Session 8:
o 3rd Free your tongue: introduce yourself (15’) –
o 4th BBC A1 reading (10’) –
o 5th project expositions (10’)

 Session 9:
o 3rd Trivia time: vocabulary review (15’) –
o 4th grammar: Word order in questions (10’) –
o 5th project expositions (10’)
 Session 10:
o 3rd pronunciation pairs destination (15’) –
o 4th muggle listening: Harry Potter (10’) –
o 5th project expositions (10’)
 Session 11:
o 3rd running dictation game (15’) –
o 4th lyrics training: ABBA – Mamma Mia (10’) –
o Baamboozle (10’)
 Session 12: unit final test; notebook and practice book control.

Unit 1 project: make an interview (ICT option: online interview) obtaining 5 questions about
personal information and 5 about social networking. All students must do it, randomly displayed
in class.

The assessment should imply what, how and when to evaluate in the learning
process and What, how and when to evaluate in the teaching process. According to the
learning process, we are going to evaluate the degree of consecution of the key
competences. It’s going to be initial, continuous, and final. According to the teaching
process, we are going to evaluate the adequation of the procedures according to the
specific vocabulary the simple present tense. We are also going to evaluate if all the
activities have been motivating or not. And finally, we are going to focus our evaluation on
the feedback received.
Our sessions are evaluated through the app “ClassDojo”, where they improve their
English at the same time as they see their own progress.
As you have seen during this defence, at the end of each unit, we are going to
evaluate our students with a test, for the correct assimilation of the competences, while the
oral skills are evaluated all along the unit by using rubrics.

Evaluable item Percentage

Direct Observation 20%

Use of ICT 20%

Homework and classwork 20%

Exams and Projects 40%

Example of an exam with evaluable standards for written comprehension /


Reading: Block 3 – Standard 1 and 5; Block 4 – Standard 2

1 Read the text. Then tick (✓) the sentences T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say). (10 points)

Zainebu and Hannatu are from Niger in Africa. Zainebu is twelve and she’s in Year 6 at school.
Hannatu is nine and she’s in Year 4. They’re half (½) sisters because they’ve got the same
father but they’ve got different mothers. Their family is very big. It’s got eight children – six boys
and two girls. Zainebu and Hannatu are the only sisters, so they’re good friends.
Many Nigerien families have got two houses or more. The family home of Zainebu and Hannatu
has got four houses! Their father has got a house and each mother has got a house with her
1. Zainebu and Hannatu are students at the same school. ...... ...... ......
2. Hannatu is the big sister. ...... ...... ......
3. Zainebu and Hannatu have got six brothers. ...... ...... ......
4. All the brothers have got the same mother. ...... ...... ......
5. Zainebu and Hannatu have got different houses. ...... ...... ......

2 Complete the sentences with words from the text. (10 points)
1. Zainebu and Hannatu haven’t got the same …………………… .
2. Zainebu and Hannatu are good friends because they haven’t got other …………………… .
3. Some family homes in Niger have got two or more …………………… .
4. The nationality of people from Niger is …………………… .
5. The family of Zainebu and Hannatu has got …………………… mothers.

Vocabulary: Block 3 – Standard 1; Block 4 – Standard 2

1 Complete the chart. (10 points)

Country Nationality
1. Scotland
2. Welsh
3. Irish
4. Russia
5. Spain
6. English
7. Morocco
8. Ecuadorian
9. French
10. China

2 Choose the correct answers. (5 points)

1. The parents of your father are your grandparents / children / brothers.
2. The daughter of your parents is your aunt / daughter / sister.
3. Your uncle / brother / grandfather is the son of your parents.
4. Your sister / grandmother / cousin is the mother of your mother.
5. The children of your uncle are your cousins / aunts / sons.

3 Match A to B to make sentences. (5 points)

1. Pierre isn’t Russian. He’s ......a. England.
2. Rachel is from ......b. my parents.
3. My father and my uncle are ......c. daughters.
4. My mother and my father are ......d. French.
5. She’s got three children – a son and two ......e. brothers.

Grammar: Block 3 – Standard 1; Block 4 – Standard 1 and 3

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of have got. (5 points)
1. Mark …………………… (not) a brother.
2. My uncle and aunt …………………… five children.
3. My country …………………… about ten million people.
4. Mr and Mrs Smith …………………… (not) English friends.
5. Oh, no! I …………………… (not) my schoolbag.

2 Complete the questions with Have got or Has got. (5 points)

1. …………………… Martin and Beth …………………… five grandchildren?
2. …………………… David …………………… sisters?
3. …………………… Lisa …………………… a sister?
4. …………………… Steve and David …………………… another brother?
5. …………………… Tom and Susan …………………… four children?

3 Look at the family tree and answer the questions in Exercise 2. (5 points)

Martin Beth

Tom Susan Richard Linda

David Steve Daniel

Laura Lisa

1. .................................................................................................................
2. .................................................................................................................
3. .................................................................................................................
4. .................................................................................................................
5. .................................................................................................................
4 Complete the sentences with the possessive adjectives below. (5 points)
their • my • our • his • its
1. Jim hasn’t got friends from Ireland. …………………… friends are Welsh.
2. France hasn’t got a green flag. …………………… flag is red, white and blue.
3. Alex and Tom are brothers. …………………… house is on Cherry Street.
4. Max and I are in the same class. …………………… teacher is Mrs Jones.
5. I haven’t got …………………… English books today.

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of have got and the correct possessive adjective. (10 points)
1. I …………………… six pencils in …………………… pencil case.
2. Elizabeth …………………… (not) any boys in …………………… family.
3. The dog …………………… a hat on …………………… head!
4. We …………………… (not) a book for …………………… geography lesson.
5. …………………… you …………………… a phone in …………………… schoolbag?

Writing: Block 3 – Standard 1; Block 4 – Standard 3

Copy the sentences and add the capital letters. (5 points)
1. her name is diana.
2. No, i’m not from scotland.
3. The party is on monday, 10th january.
4. daryll and steve are my brothers.
5. My favourite languages are english and french.

Example of a rubric for oral comprehension/production:

Students' name:________________________________________________________________
The student doesn't
The student greets The student doesn't
The student greets greet, the student
and introduces the greet the audience or
Greeting/ and introduces the doesn't introduce
topic to the the student doesn't
Farewell/ topic to the audience. the topic to the
audience. introduce the topic to
The main idea is not audience and the
The main idea is the audience but the
repeated at the end to main idea is not
repeated at the end main idea is repeated
sum up. repeated at the end
to sum up. at the end to sum up.
to sum up.
The speech is
The speech is not The speech isn't
always organized
always organized The speech is organized
sequentially. organized but not in sequentially.
The main ideas are
Organization The main ideas are the logical order: first The main ideas are
shown first, and
normally shown first, the main ideas, and not shown first,
then, the secondary
and then, the then the rest. and then, the
secondary ones. secondary ones.
The student is The student is not The student is
The student isn't
continuously continuously continuously
orientated to the
orientated to the orientated to the orientated to the
audience. The
audience. The audience. The student audience. The student
Body student doesn't try
student tries to keep tries to keep eye doesn't try to keep
language to keep eye contact
eye contact during contact during the eye contact during
during the speech.
the speech. There speech. There aren’t the speech. There are
There are some
aren’t any nerves any nerves some nerves
nerves expressions.
expressions. expressions. expressions.
The student uses a The student uses quite
The student uses
wide range of a wide range of The student tends
some new vocabulary
Vocabulary vocabulary and vocabulary and there to repeat words all
and a few new
there is no is not a lot of the time.
repetition. repetition.
The student uses The student uses good
The student uses the The student doesn't
high quality quality material to
material in the right use the material in
material to support support the speech.
Materials way but it is not high the right way and it
the speech. And the And the material is
quality one and/or the is not high quality
material is used in usually used in the
other way round. one.
the right way. right way.
The pronunciation
The author makes an
is nice and both The pronunciation is
effort for adopting The author does
rhythm and often nice and both
the adequate rhythm not try to match the
intonation rhythm and intonation
Pronunciation and/or intonation but rhythm or the
correspond to those usually correspond to
, Rhythm and it does not often intonation expected
expected in an those expected in an
Intonation match that expected in an interview.
interview, which interview, which
in an interview. Pronunciation must
contributes to it contributes to it being
Pronunciation must improve a lot
being followed followed quite easily.
improve quite a lot.

In conclusion we have organized an innovative and motivational didactic unit,
that joins traditional and new resources for our students of the 1styear of secondary
education specifically designed to acquire the communicative competence. All these
12 sessions in accordance with the regional legislation of Castilla y León pay special
attention to the diversity and the use of ICT as you may see.

A) Textbooks
 Mosaic 1 Student’s book & Workbook Oxford
 Student’s book & Workbook: Solutions (3rd Edition Pre-Intermediate) B1 Oxford
B) Websites
www.educa.jcyl.es (CROL)
https://robertomartinguerra.blogspot.com (our own website)


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