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Leizt Focomat IC

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I 17- 2d /Engl.

The AutomaJic Focusing Mechanism

moves. smoothly and positively over a specia lly hardened cam

and thus ens ures absolute reliability. There is no need to check
The FOCOMAT is supremely quick and efficient.
the focus; once the FOCOMAT® is set for the lens in use it will still
Whether it is a small snapshot or a large exhibition print, yield the same high standard of sharpness after years of handling .
the FOCOMAT will always bring out the finest definition
The automatic focusing range covers 2 to 10 diameters of enlarge-
and detail of the miniature negative, without the need
ment, that is up to lOx15 inches prints. The rate of magnification
to refocus the lens.
is indicated at th e s ide of the enlarging head. With manual focus-
ing even higher degress of enlargements are of course possible.
For 1: 1 copying 2 REPRO extension rings are available.

Amazingly Simple Operation

Two fingers of one hand wi ll move the enlarger head effortlessly

up o r down for the desired size of enlargement. The ope rating
lever at the front of the enlarger head incorporates a locking
device; releasing the leve r locks the enlarger head. The second
han d is therefore free to position the ma sking board at will to
select t he best part of the picture area .
The FOCOMAT I c has a specially adiustab le cam to take care of appreciable
tolerances in the focal length of the lens. Within the range of 2-10 diameters
it therefore ensures perfect automatic focusing with any standard lens . The
amateur can use his 50 mm . lens from his ® LEICA and fit it to, or remove it from
the enlarger as often as he likes. Setting the automatic focusing mechanism for
the lens in use takes a few minutes; it is a once-and-for-all adiustment. There
is no risk of damage to the lens through heat in the FOCOMAT.

When the enlarger is in continuous use a special enlarging lens is of course

recommended. In this case we supply .the ® FOCOTAR f/4.5 50 mm enlarging
lens with click stops.
When supplied with this lens , the focusing mechanism leaves our works fully

® = Registered trademark

1 Centering fining, for 150 watt e Threaded lens mount for 50 mm LEICA
or 250 watt high power lamp. lens or the special 50 mm FOCOTAR
2 Large, well ventilated lamp house. enlarg ing lens.
S Filter slide for colour enlargements. 9 Parallelogram arms controlling the
(I c Color) height of the enlarger head.
4 In height adiusta ble condenser lens. 10 Internally illuminated magnification
S Film stage with removable film guide. indicator (on Focomat I c Color) .
S Focusing cam with focal length 11 Masking board with adiustable
adiustment for automatic focus ing. Scale masking strips and paper stops.
at the side indicates ratio of enlargement. 12 Lever to lock masking board in any
7 Lever for single-hand operating of position on the base board.
height adiustment.

spring catches on the outside
rim. The right hand catch serves
for accurate focusing with the
standard film mask, while the
left hand catch controls the
focusing adjustment with the
single-negative holder.

5 The hardened focusing cam

glides over a precision guide
roller and guarantees maximum
sharpness all the time.

I Filter slide for colour work. 3 The ingeniously designed projected through an orange
6 Enlarging lens with c1ick-
film stage of the FOCOMAT mask so that it does not record
stops: FOCOTAR 50 mm .
2 The lower surface of the effectively prevents scratching on the sensitive paper.
condenser lens holds the film of the film and speeds up 'vork.
absolutely flat; a lever at the The film can be inspected frame 4 The lens is mounted in a '7 Swing-out orange filter for
side lifts the condenser for mov- by frame . With numbered ne- smooth-working helical focusing observation of the image after
ing the film. gatives the frame number is movement, which carries two positioning the enlarging paper.

a Lever to raise condenser lens. mit effortless adjustment of mag- 14 Spring fo r setting the fo-
nificatio'it. cusing ring.
9 Lamp house swung open,
exposing the condenser lens for 12 Setting screw for focusing 1S Sp ring catch of the helical
cleaning (A special ring 17652 cam (adjusted at the factory, focusing movement of the lens .
can be fitted over the condenser and of importance only in case
lens to prevent the formation readjustment should become
of Newton 's rings) . necessary) . 1& Click-stop aperture ring on
10 Spring-loaded stop support- 13 Lever for raising and low-
ing the lamp house when open . ering the enlarger head (Re- 17 Orange filter in position for
leasing the spring -l oaded lever observation of the image on
11 Compensating spring to per- locks the head in any position). the printing paper.
The Lighting System

influences the character af the print. Candenser enlargers with a point source of light
praduce contrasty enlargem-ents while completely diffused light yields soft prints. The
FOCOMAT, with a semidiffused lighting system, produces well-graded and well-lit
images permitting short exposures. At the same time, the illumination will suppress slight
scratches on the back of the film . A centering device adjusts the position of the 150 W
opal lamp. The condenser lens collects the light and evenly illuminates the whole area.
The large lamp house and good ventilation ensure maximum lamp life.

For Colour Enlargements

f rom Agfacolor negatives we supply the FOCOMA Tic COLOR. The lamp house of this
model inc;;:porates a filter slide to take the appropriate 7 x 7 cm Agfa printing filters.

For quantity colour enlargements, it is important to know the exact magnification ratio.
The FOCOMAT I c COLOR therefore also has an internally illuminated magnification
indicator mounted on the base board.

For colour work

as well as for enlargements from specially dense negatives the FOCOMAT can be fitted
with a 250 W high-efficiency enlarging lamp. As, however, such a lamp has a life time
of only a few hours at full operating voltage, it is best used with a dimming control and
voltmeter. An automatic timer can also be connected to a built-in socket. The lamp then
runs at reduced voltage during adjustment of the enlarger and selection of the picture
area; the timer automatically switches over to the full operating voltage during the ex-
posure. This prolongs the life of the high-efficiency lamp many times.

For colour enlargements we recommend the use of a dimming control combined with a
voltage stabilizer. Most models can be adjusted to an accuracy of ± 1 %.

For Reproduction

of documents, periodicals, book pages etc.,

w e supply a copying darkslide for a single
exposure on a piece of 35 mm film or a
2 x 2 inches (5 x 5 cm) lantern plate.

The Tilting Device Single Negatives
ore more conveniently held be-
for the FOCOMA T permits extensive correction of converging
tween two gloss plates in the
verticals on the negative.
film stage. Single negative
Such converging verticals arise when the camera is not held perfectly level,
masks are available for this
but tilted, during exposure. This is often unavoidable in architectural and com·
mercia l photographs.
purpose (see illustration) .

This distortion of the image can easily be eliminated during en-

largment by an appropriate tilt of the negative, together with a
tilt of the printing board in the opposite direction .
For this purpose a special tilting device can be supplied.
It consists of a universal tilting negative carrier which is inserted
into the film stage of the enlarger head, and permits accurate
determination of the negative tilt. To compensate for the loss of
sharpness, the printing board must be tilted in the opposite direc-
tion; its dovetail guide underneath is therefore fitted to a base
plate with a tilting joint. When the angles of the negative and
printing board are correctly adjusted to each other, the whole Diagram of correction of converging
image will be uniformly sharp. verticals with the FOCOMAT I e

w ithout use
of tilting device


Enlargement of the same negative wit h tilting device

FOCOMAT I c Automatic Focusing En larger Cat. No .
w ith 16x21 inches (40x52 em) baseboard and with 10cking ' lever fo r
printing board, switch, and line cord with plug .
Upright co lu mn 32" (80 cm) high, 1'1,.'
(40 mm) diameter.
Lamphouse with 150 W, 110 V opa l lamp, hinged film stage, leve r for
height adjustment of enlarger head, raisable condenser lens, film stage
with side wings and film guide fo r LEICA size negatives, threaded lens
mount to take 50 mm LEICA lenses or special enlarging lens FOCOTAR
f / 4.5 50 mm .................. . ... ... .. ..... ...... .. ... . .. . .. . ..... . .. .. 17601
Coated FOCOTAR f / 4.5 50 mm enlarging lens in special clickstop mount 17581
Enlarging Easel (8 x 10-inch) . ................. .. .. ... .... . ...... ..... . 17585
Orange filter . .. .. .. . ........... . .. . . .. . . ... . ....... . . . .. . ........ .. . . . 17641
FOCOMA Tic complete ....... . ......... .. . ...... . .. ....... ..... ... . .. . 17600
FOCOMAT I c enlarger as described under 17601 but with large base-
board 22" x 25" (56 x 64 cm) and upright 48" (1.20 m) .... .. .. ........ .. 17 625
FOCOMAT I c color enlarger, as d e scribed under 17601 , but with filter
slide for special color filters 2'I,' x2'1," (70x70 mm) and with magnifi.
cation indicator on baseboard . ...... ........... ... .. ... . ... .. ...... . . 17602
FOCOMAT I c color enlarger, as described under 17602, but with large
baseboard 22" x 25" (56 x 64 em) and upright 48" (1.20 m) ...... 17626

Enlarging Easel (8 x lO-inch) with two adjustable masks for the amateu r
da r kroom 17585
Enlarging Emel (12 x 16-inch) .... .......................... .. . . . ....... . 17630

Film guide masks for film strip in the sizes,

8x11 mm 17514 ; 18x24 mm 17516; 24x24 mm 17521; 24x36 mm (spare )
17526; l 'I. " x1'1s" (3x4 em) 17531; l'f."x1'/a" (4x4 em) 17536**
Masks for single negatives : 24-x 24 mm ......... .. ....... . .. .... ... .. 17541
24x36 mm .. .......... .. . .... .. .. .... . .. 17540
Double glass carrier PI. x 4'1, inches (3,5x12 cm) for above .. .. 17545
Masks for single negatives 1'1. x PI, inches (3 x4 cm) .... .... .... .. .. 17555
PI. x PI. inches (4 x 4 cm) .... .. . ..... .. .. 17 560' *
Double glass carrier 2 x 6'1. inches (5 x 16 em) for above .. .. .. 17565

~,,;;~~IYrt~~~t...~ .: ~~~~ . ~:~~~~:~. :~~~~: .i.n. :.I:~ :~~. ~~~n.t. for. ~I i.~i~ati.~: 17652
Auxiliary Condenser for directed light .. .. ... . ... .. . . . .. ..... . . .. ... . . 17629
Slip-on diaphragm ring with stop numbers at the side , to fi t 50 mm
screw-mountil1g LEICA ELMAR® 1/3.5 lens .. . .. ..... .. .. .. .. . . ..... ... . 16620
Bayonet Adapter to use the ELMAR-M lens (bayonet mounting) ....... . 17671
Adapter to use lens unit of Dual-Range or Rigid-mount 50 mm Sum mi·
eron lens .. . . ........ .. . .. .. . .. .. ............... ... ... . ..... . .. . . ... . . . 17672
Perspective Carrector for correcting distortion, consisting 01, film tilting
device, film holder and tilting arm on base .. .. .... .. .... .. ........ .. .. 17655
Film and Plate Holder for single film frames and slides 2 x 2-inch
(5x5 cm) ... . ......... .. . . ....... .. .... . ........................ . .. . .. . 17670

**) The PI . x 1'/. inch (4 x 4 cm) masks cut off approximately 'I. inch of
the corners of the negative .

Design subject to a Iterations with o ut notice .


Subsidiary : Ernst Leitz (Canada) Ltd., Midland, Ontario
U. S. Distributors : Printed in Germany
E. Leitz, Inc. 468 Park Ave., South, New York 16, N. Y.
List I 17- 2d/Engl. I V111/62/AY/L.

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