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Fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites are widely used for reinforcing members, its abilities
like high strength, light weight, corrosive resistant and resistance to aggressive environments provide an
effective solution to problem of deterioration. FRP‘s materials had a significant effect by environmental
conditions like moisture, temperature, thawing etc. and reduce the durability. Of these the most important
environmental factors effecting durability is moisture and temperature variation in surroundings. The
moisture and temperature together impact is called hygrothermal effect. The present paper aims to
investigate the reliability of FRP composites under hygrothermal conditions, since they have a high impact
on degrading effect that needs accurate investigation in evaluating durability of FRP‘s. The mechanical and
physical properties like capacitance, micro hardness, diffusivity also determined, and hygrothermally
exposed specimens are compared with unexposed laminate composites and results are analysed.
Keywords: FRP, strength, light weight, durability, hygrothermal, capacitance, micro hardness, diffusivity.
2. Capacitance test
In order to relate the moisture
absorption rate with capacitance, the capacitance
and impedance readings from RCL meter are
used (shown in figure-2). To create magnetic
field in the specimen copper strips were used as Figure-3. Indent of the specimen
4. SEM(Scanning Electron Microscope)
To find the micro structure of the
specimen scanning electron microscope is used
and polishing is done by gold coating equipment
and microstructure is obtained at magnification
factor of 2000X and 1500X.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on
Design, Analysis, Manufacturing and Simulation (ICDAMS-2016), April 07&08, 2016
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saveetha School of Engineering,
Saveeetha University, Chennai-602105
W-width of specimen
W1 is weight of specimen
more moisture than that of specimens of first
month in almost all the specimens. The reason
behind the decrease in moisture diffusivity is that,
0 Weight gain of specimen increases with time for
0 20 40 60 a given hygrothermal load giving way to
TIME PERIOD moisture. The moisture diffusivity in GFRP is
almost same as shown in fig. 6. The range of
GFRP GFRP 50%loading moisture diffusivity values of CFRP specimens
GFRP GFRP were low compared to GFRP as shown in figure-
0 20 40 60
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on
Design, Analysis, Manufacturing and Simulation (ICDAMS-2016), April 07&08, 2016
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saveetha School of Engineering,
Saveeetha University, Chennai-602105
1.00E-10 capacitance increasing with respect to time
indicating the degradation of the fibre. There is a
marginal increase during early days but with
3.00E-10 20 14.37 16.81 14.22 14.69
1.00E-10 30 14.01 16.34 17.20 17.65
0 20 40 60 40 16.58 16.85 19.35 18.11
50 14.15 20.06 21.62 18.22
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on
Design, Analysis, Manufacturing and Simulation (ICDAMS-2016), April 07&08, 2016
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saveetha School of Engineering,
Saveeetha University, Chennai-602105
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on
Design, Analysis, Manufacturing and Simulation (ICDAMS-2016), April 07&08, 2016
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saveetha School of Engineering,
Saveeetha University, Chennai-602105
20 treatment due to hardening of epoxy with
absorption of water and micro hardness of GFRP
15 specimen is same at the end of exposure duration.
GFRP 30% loading GFRP without load %area %area %area %area
fraction of fraction fraction fraction of
GFRP 70% loading GFRP 50% loading Time period
fibre of fibre of epoxy epoxy
30% loading
CFRP CFRP CFRP CFRP 67.8 57.8 42.2 42.2
Time (month 2)
30% 50% 70% without
loading loading loading load 50% loading
3 14.53 15.84 12.84 12.79 67.3 60.7 32.7 39.3
(month 1)
6 11.70 10.66 11.91 12.22
9 11.35 10.63 11.46 12.07 50% loading
60.9 51.3 39.1 48.7
10 10.66 10.51 11.25 11.23 (month 2)
12 10.59 14.50 11.15 10.94
70% loading
20 10.44 10.31 10.84 10.37 (month 1)
66.2 62.6 33.8 37.4
25 9.41 10.27 9.90 9.96
30 9.39 9.38 9.48 8.75 70% loading
65.8 63 34.2 37
40 8.94 8.49 9.33 8.69 (month 2)
50 8.40 7.11 9.07 8.60
30% loading 70%loading
0 20 40 60 65
CFRP 30% loading CFRP 50% loading
CFRP 70% loading CFRP without load
0 1 2 3 4
Figure-12. Graph of micro-hardness in CFRP TIME PERIOD
30% loading 70%loading
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Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saveetha School of Engineering,
Saveeetha University, Chennai-602105
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Design, Analysis, Manufacturing and Simulation (ICDAMS-2016), April 07&08, 2016
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saveetha School of Engineering,
Saveeetha University, Chennai-602105
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Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on
Design, Analysis, Manufacturing and Simulation (ICDAMS-2016), April 07&08, 2016
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saveetha School of Engineering,
Saveeetha University, Chennai-602105
R.Praveen Kumar1, A.R.Sivaram1, N.Baranitambachyavaradarajan2 Dr.R.Rajavel3
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, AMET University, Chennai.
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SAVEETHA University, Chennai
Professor and Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, AMET University, Chennai.
In recent years, Natural fibers being used widely in Engineering and Technological fields. Natural
fibers like jute, sisal, hemp, lufa, coir, banana, oil palm, flax etc., which are derived from annually
renewable resources, are compatible with the environment. In an effort to develop a Superior but economical
composite, a natural fiber can be combined with a synthetic fiber in the same matrix material which gives
well advantage of the properties of both the fibers. This project deals with the mechanical testing of tensile,
impact and flexural properties of alkali treated woven jute natural fiber and woven glass fiber reinforced
epoxy composite has been evaluated experimentally. Hand lap up method is used to fabricate the jute-glass
fiber laminates of hybrid epoxy composite with Iron-Oxide/Ferric-Oxide (Fe2O3) as a filler material.
Specimen preparation and testing carried out as per ASTM standards.
Keywords: Natural Fiber, Epoxy Composite, Ferric-Oxide (Fe2O3)
I. INTRODUCTION combined with a synthetic fiber in the same
A composite is a material which is matrix material which yields hybrid composite
produced by the combination of two or more to attain a cheap price.
different materials with a distinct interface II. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE
between superior to the original. The A. Materials
constituent materials maintain their separate The jute and glass fiber were cut
identities in the composite, yet their into the size of (300x300) mm with
combination produces properties and different stacking sequence of specific
fiber orientation and jute fiber soaked
characteristics that are superior to those of the
in 5% of NaOH for 2hrs. Materials
constituents. One of the constituents forms a
used here is
continuous phase and is called the matrix. The
1. Jute fiber
other major constituent is reinforcement in the
2. Glass fiber
form of fibers or particulates that is in general
3. Epoxy resin (LY556)
added to the matrix to enhance matrix
4. Hardener (Aradur LY951)
properties. In most of the cases, reinforcement
5. Filler material (Ferric oxide –
is harder, stronger and stiffer than the matrix. Fe2O3)
In an effort to develop a superior and 1) Jute Fiber
economical composite, a natural fiber can be Jute (the golden fiber) is a
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on
Design, Analysis, Manufacturing and Simulation (ICDAMS-2016), April 07&08, 2016
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saveetha School of Engineering,
Saveeetha University, Chennai-602105
Deepa A*1a, Naveenkrishna B1b and Sagarnath G1c
School of Mechanical Engineering, VIT University, Vellore, India
Now a days, people have a penchant for luxury, comfort and safety in each and every aspect of their lives
provided money and technology available with the mankind. This project aims towards reducing the physical effort by
humans to lift an automobile by automating the Hydraulic Jack through coupling it with a wiper motor and a radio
frequency (RF) module. It works on the mechanism of conversion of rotatory motion of the wiper motor into the
reciprocating motion of the hydraulic jack‘s plunger. The functioning of the motor being controlled by the RF module and
a remote, through simple push of a button one could lift a heavy vehicle thereby reducing the physical effort considerably.
A prototype illustrating the aforementioned mechanism was designed and fabricated. Also, it was tested and its functioning
can be successfully illustrated.
c 10
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on
Design, Analysis, Manufacturing and Simulation (ICDAMS-2016), April 07&08, 2016
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saveetha School of Engineering,
Saveeetha University, Chennai-602105
Figure-3. Front view of the model subjected to static
stress in ANSYS 14.0 workbench.
Figure-2. Wireframe oblique view of the Solidworks CAD FS
The numerical stress analysis of the CAD model
was performed using Finite Element based software
package ANSYS 14.0 .The equivalent stress developed
was determined and is shown below in figures 3 and 4.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on
Design, Analysis, Manufacturing and Simulation (ICDAMS-2016), April 07&08, 2016
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saveetha School of Engineering,
Saveeetha University, Chennai-602105
within narrow limits, as for structural steel for which Max Height: 270 mm
tests of samples have been made, when load is
entirely a steady one of a known value, the factor of Lifting Height: 120 mm
safety should be adopted as 3.
Net weight: 3.3 kg
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on
Design, Analysis, Manufacturing and Simulation (ICDAMS-2016), April 07&08, 2016
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saveetha School of Engineering,
Saveeetha University, Chennai-602105
Pressure of the hydraulic fluid under the lowered by pressure release valve which is provided
piston should be such as to balance the force applied on the pumping unit.
on the piston. So,
Results from Stress Analysis
The CAD model of the prototype was
20 1000
P 10.18 106 N / m2 generated using SolidWorks and then imported to
0.0196 ANSYS 14.0 for analysis. A static structural analysis
was done on the model. The material selected was
The force exerted on the smaller piston must be
AISI 1045 Cold Drawn Steel. Keeping the base of the
model as fixed support, a force of 20 kN was applied
Fp P at the plunger of the Hydraulic Jack. Secondary
4 forces of 9.2 kN and 60 N were applied at the rocker
arm and connecting link respectively. The model was
10.18 10 6
then meshed and solved. Equivalent stress was
4 calculated and the model was well within the
1800 N permissible stress limits for the desired factor of
safety. Therefore the design was considered safe.
The force desired to be exerted at the handle of lever
should be
Fh 1800 300 N
T 300 0.15 45 N m
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on
Design, Analysis, Manufacturing and Simulation (ICDAMS-2016), April 07&08, 2016
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saveetha School of Engineering,
Saveeetha University, Chennai-602105
Thus, this model is a limelight of its kind
with limited number of links and rather simple
mechanism that could serve mankind by making the
life easier.