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Subsection C

UHT-1 Scope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249

UHT-5 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
UHT-6 Test Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250

UHT-16 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
UHT-17 Welded Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
UHT-18 Nozzles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
UHT-19 Conical Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
UHT-20 Joint Alignment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
UHT-23 Maximum Allowable Stress Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
UHT-25 Corrosion Allowance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
UHT-27 Thickness of Shells Under External Pressure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
UHT-28 Structural Attachments and Stiffening Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
UHT-29 Stiffening Rings for Shells Under External Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
UHT-30 Attachment of Stiffening Rings to Shells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
UHT-32 Formed Heads, Pressure on Concave Side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
UHT-33 Formed Heads, Pressure on Convex Side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
UHT-34 Hemispherical Heads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
UHT-40 Materials Having Different Coefficients of Expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
UHT-56 Postweld Heat Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
UHT-57 Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255

UHT-75 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
UHT-79 Forming Shell Sections and Heads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
UHT-80 Heat Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
UHT-81 Heat Treatment Verification Tests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
UHT-82 Welding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
UHT-83 Methods of Metal Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
UHT-84 Weld Finish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
UHT-85 Structural and Temporary Welds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
UHT-86 Marking on Plates and Other Materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259

Inspection and Tests

UHT-90 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259

Marking and Reports
UHT-115 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259

Pressure Relief Devices

UHT-125 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260

UHT-6.1 Charpy V-Notch Impact Test Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
UHT-18.1 Acceptable Welded Nozzle Attachment Readily Radiographed to Code
Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
UHT-18.2 Acceptable Full Penetration Welded Nozzle Attachments Radiographable
With Difficulty and Generally Requiring Special Techniques Including
Multiple Exposures to Take Care of Thickness Variations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253

UHT-56 Postweld Heat Treatment Requirements for Materials in Table UHT-23. . . . . . . . . . . 256


(b) Except when specifically prohibited by this Part

GENERAL [such as in UHT-18 and UHT-28], steels listed in Table
UHT-23 may be used for the entire vessel or for
individual components which are joined to other Grades
The rules in Part UHT are applicable to pressure listed in that Table or to other steels conforming to
vessels and vessel parts that are constructed of ferritic specifications listed in Parts UCS or UHA of this
steels suitable for welding, whose tensile properties Division.
have been enhanced by heat treatment, and shall be (c) All steels listed in Table UHT-23 shall be tested
used in conjunction with the general requirements in for notch ductility, as required by UHT-6. These tests
Subsection A, and with the specific requirements in shall be conducted at a temperature not warmer than
Part UW of Subsection B. The heat treatment may be the minimum design metal temperature (see UG-20)
applied to the individual parts of a vessel prior to but not warmer than +32°F (0°C). Materials may be
assembly by welding, to partially fabricated components, used at temperatures colder than the minimum design
or to an entire vessel after completion of welding. This metal temperature as limited in (1) and (2) below.
part is not intended to apply to those steels approved (1) When the coincident ratio defined in Fig. UCS-
for use under the rules of Part UCS but which are 66.1 is 0.35 or less, the corresponding minimum design
furnished in such thicknesses that heat treatment involv-
metal temperature shall not be colder than −155°F
ing the use of accelerated cooling, including liquid
quenching, is used to attain structures comparable to
(2) When the coincident ratio defined in Fig. UCS-
those attained by normalizing thinner sections. Integrally
66.1 is greater than 0.35, the corresponding minimum
forged vessels, quenched and tempered, which do not
design metal temperature shall not be colder than the
contain welded seams, are not intended to be covered
by the rules of this Part. impact test temperature less the allowable temperature
reduction permitted in Fig. UCS-66.1 and shall in no
case be colder than −155°F (−104°C).
(d) All test specimens shall be prepared from the
MATERIALS material in its final heat treated condition or from
full-thickness samples of the same heat similarly and
A99 UHT-5 GENERAL simultaneously treated. Test samples shall be of such
(a) Steels covered by this Part subject to stress due size that the prepared test specimens are free from any
to pressure shall conform to one of the specifications change in properties due to edge effects. When the
given in Section II and shall be limited to those listed material is clad or weld deposit overlayed by the
in Table UHT-23. producer or fabricator prior to quench and temper
The thickness limitations of the material specifications treatments, the full thickness samples shall be clad or
shall not be exceeded. weld deposit overlayed before such heat treatments.


ASME B&PVC sec81$$u65 06-03-99 07:57:48 pd: sec81 Rev 14.04


(e) Where the vessel or vessel parts are to be hot

formed or postweld heat treated (stress relieved), this
identical heat treatment shall be applied to the test
specimens required by the material specifications includ-
ing the cooling rate specified by the fabricator which
shall in no case be slower than that specified in the
applicable material specification.
(f) All material shall be heat treated in accordance
with the applicable material specifications.


(a)(1) One Charpy V-notch test (three specimens)

shall be made from each plate as heat treated, and
from each heat of bars, pipe, tube, rolled sections,
forged parts, or castings included in any one heat
treatment lot.
(2) The test procedures, and size, location and
orientation of the specimens shall be the same as For Table UCS-1 Materials Having a Specified Minimum
required by UG-84 except that for plates the specimens Tensile Strength of 95,000 psi or Greater, and for Table
shall be oriented transverse to the final direction of UHT-1 Materials
rolling and for circular forgings the specimens shall
be oriented tangential to the circumference.
(3) Each of the three specimens tested shall have
a lateral expansion opposite the notch not less than
the requirements shown in Fig. UHT-6.1.
(4) If the value of lateral expansion for one speci- (1) For plates 5⁄8 in. (16 mm) thick and over, one
men is less than that required in Fig. UHT-6.1 but not drop-weight test (two specimens) shall be made for
less than 2⁄3 of the required value, a retest of three each plate as heat treated.
additional specimens may be made, each of which must (2) For forgings and castings of all thicknesses,
be equal to or greater than the required value in Fig. one drop-weight test (two specimens) shall be made
UHT-6.1. Such a retest shall be permitted only when for each heat in any one heat treatment lot using the
the average value of the three specimens is equal to procedure in SA-350 for forgings and in SA-352 for
or greater than the required value in Fig. UHT-6.1. If castings.
the values required are not obtained in the retest or if (3) Each of the two test specimens shall meet the
the values in the initial test are less than the values “no-break” criterion, as defined by ASTM E 208, at
required for retest, the material may be reheat treated. test temperature.
After reheat treatment, a set of three specimens shall
be made, each of which must be equal to or greater
than the required value in Fig. UHT-6.1.
(b) Materials conforming to SA-508, SA-517, SA-
543, and SA-592 for use at minimum design metal DESIGN
temperatures below −20°F (−29°C) and materials con-
forming to SA-645 for use at minimum design metal
temperatures below −275°F (−171°C) shall have, in The rules in the following paragraphs apply specifi-
addition to the Charpy tests required under UHT- cally to the design of pressure vessels and vessel parts
6(a), drop-weight tests as defined by ASTM E 208, that are constructed of heat treated steels covered by
Conducting Drop-Weight Tests to Determine Nil Ductil- this Part and shall be used in conjunction with the
ity Transition Temperatures of Ferritic Steels, made as general requirements for Design in Subsection A and
follows. in Subsection B, Part UW.


ASME B&PVC sec81$$u65 06-03-99 07:57:48 pd: sec81 Rev 14.04


UHT-17 WELDED JOINTS UHT-18.1 sketch (f) where it is the inside radius
of the vessel opening as shown in that Figure, in.
(a) In vessels or vessel parts constructed of heat
tnp nominal thickness of the nozzle, in.
treated steels covered by this Part except as permitted
(2) the design of the nozzle neck at the joint is
in (b) below, all joints of Categories A, B, and C, as
made on the basis of the allowable stress value of the
defined in UW-3, and all other welded joints between
weaker material;
parts of the pressure containing enclosure which are
(3) the slope of the nozzle neck does not exceed
not defined by the category designation, shall be in three to one for at least a distance of 1.5tn from the
accordance with Type No. (1) of Table UW-12. All center of the joint;
joints of Category D shall be in accordance with Type (4) the diameter of the nozzle neck does not exceed
No. (1) of Table UW-12 and Fig. UHT-18.1 when the the limits given in 1-7 for openings designed to UG-
shell plate thickness is 2 in. (51 mm) or less. When 36 through UG-44.
the thickness exceeds 2 in. (51 mm), the weld detail (c) Nozzles of nonhardenable austenitic-type stainless
may be as permitted for nozzles in Fig. UHT-18.1 and steel may be used in vessels constructed of steels
Fig. UHT-18.2. conforming to SA-353, SA-553 Types I and II, or SA-
(b) For materials SA-333 Grade 8, SA-334 Grade 645 provided the construction meets all of the following
8, SA-353, SA-522, SA-553, and SA-645, the joints conditions.
of various Categories (see UW-3) shall be as follows. (1) The nozzles are nonhardenable austenitic-type
(1) All joints of Category A shall be Type No. stainless steel conforming to one of the following
(1) of Table UW-12. specifications: SA-182, SA-213, SA-240, SA-312, SA-
(2) All joints of Category B shall be Type No. 336, SA-403, SA-430, or SA-479.
(1) or (2) of Table UW-12. (2) The maximum nozzle size is limited to NPS 4.
(3) All joints of Category C shall be full penetra- (3) None of the nozzles is located in a Category
tion welds extending through the entire section at A or B joint.
the joint. (4) The nozzles are located so that the reinforce-
(4) All joints of Category D attaching a nozzle ment area of one nozzle does not overlap the reinforce-
neck to the vessel wall and to a reinforcing pad, if ment area of an adjacent nozzle.
used, shall be full penetration groove welds.


UHT-18 NOZZLES Conical sections shall be provided with a skirt having
(a) All openings regardless of size shall meet the a length not less than 0.50√rt (where r is the inside
requirements for reinforcing, nozzle geometry, and noz- radius of the adjacent cylinder and t is the thickness
zle attachments and shall conform to details shown in of the cone), or 11⁄2 in. (38 mm) whichever is larger.
Fig. UHT-18.1 or as shown in Fig. UHT-18.2 or sketch A knuckle shall be provided at both ends of the conical
(y-l) or (z-l) in Fig. UW-16.1 when permitted by the section; the knuckle radius shall not be less than 10%
provisions of UHT-17(a), or as shown in Fig. UW- of the outside diameter of the skirt, but in no case
16.1 when permitted by the provisions of UHT-17(b). less than three times the cone thickness.
(b) Except for nozzles covered in (c) below, all
nozzles and reinforcement pads shall be made of mate-
rial with a specified minimum yield strength within UHT-20 JOINT ALIGNMENT
620% of that of the shell to which they are attached; The requirements of UW-33 shall be met except that
however, pipe flanges, pipe, or communicating chambers the following maximum permissible offset values shall
may be of carbon, low, or high alloy steel welded to be used in place of those given in UW-33(a):
nozzle necks of the required material provided:
(1) the joint is a circumferential butt weld located Section Thickness, Joint Direction
not less than √Rtn which, except for the nozzle type in. Longitudinal Circumferential
shown in Fig. UHT-18.1 sketch (f), is measured from Up to 1⁄2, incl. 0.2t 0.2t
the limit of reinforcement as defined in UG-40. For Over 1⁄2 to 15⁄16, incl. 3⁄
32 in. 0.2t
Fig. UHT-18.1 sketch (f), the √Rtn is measured as Over 15⁄16 to 11⁄2, incl. 3⁄
32 in.
16 in.
shown on that Figure. In these equations, Over 11⁄2 3⁄
32 in. Lesser of 1⁄8t
Rp inside radius of the nozzle neck except for Fig. or 1⁄4 in.









(a) Table 1A of Section II, Part D gives the maximum Rules covering the design of stiffening rings are
allowable stress values at the temperatures indicated given in UG-29. The design shall be based on the
for materials conforming to the specifications listed appropriate figure in Subpart 3 of Section II, Part D
therein. Values may be interpolated for intermediate for the material used in the ring.
temperatures (see UG-23). For vessels designed to
operate at a temperature colder than −20°F, the allowable
stress values to be used in design shall not exceed UHT-30 ATTACHMENT OF STIFFENING
those given for temperatures of −20°F to 100°F. RINGS TO SHELLS
(b) Shells of pressure vessels may be made from
Rules covering the attachment of stiffening rings are
welded pipe or tubing listed in Table 1A.
given in UG-30. Attachments shall be made using a
welding procedure qualified to Section IX for vessels
constructed to Part UHT.


Provision for possible deterioration due to the envi- UHT-32 FORMED HEADS, PRESSURE ON
ronment in which the vessel operates is the responsibility CONCAVE SIDE
of the designer. Except as provided in UG-32(e) and 1-4(c) and (d),
formed heads shall be limited to ellipsoidal and /or
hemispherical heads designed in accordance with UG-
32(d) or (f).
(a) Cylindrical and spherical shells under external UHT-33 FORMED HEADS, PRESSURE ON
pressure shall be designed by the rules in UG-28, using CONVEX SIDE
the applicable figures in Subpart 3 of Section II, Part Ellipsoidal, hemispherical, and conical heads having
D and the temperature limits of UG-20(c). pressure on the convex side (minus heads) shall be
(b) Examples illustrating the use of the charts in the designed by the rules of UG-33, using the applicable
figures for the design of vessels under external pressure external pressure charts referenced in Table 1A of
are given in Appendix L. Section II, Part D and given in Subpart 3 of Section
II, Part D.


When hemispherical heads are used, the head-to-
(a) Except as permitted in (b) below, all structural
shell transition of Fig. UW-13.1 sketch (l) or Fig. UW-
attachments and stiffening rings which are welded
13.1 sketch (n) shall be used. When the weld is in or
directly to pressure parts shall be made of materials
adjacent to the tapered section, it shall be finished in
of specified minimum yield strength within 620% of
a manner that will maintain the required uniform slope
that of the material to which they are attached.
for the full length of the tapered section.
(b) All permanent structural attachments welded di-
rectly to shells or heads constructed of materials con-
forming to SA-333 Grade 8, SA-334 Grade 8, SA-
353, SA-522, SA-553, and SA-645 shall be of the
material covered by these specifications or austenitic
stainless steel of the type which cannot be hardened When welding materials with austenitic electrodes,
by heat treatment. If suitable austenitic stainless steel the differences between the coefficients of expansion
is used for permanent attachments, consideration should and the strengths of the base material and the weld
be given to the greater coefficient of expansion of the metal should be carefully considered, particularly for
austenitic stainless steel. applications involving cyclic stresses.


UHT-56 POSTWELD HEAT TREATMENT by a magnetic particle or liquid penetrant method. For
nozzle attachments illustrated as sketches (a), (b), and
(a) Before applying the detailed requirements and
(f) of Fig. UHT-18.2, the exposed cross section of the
exemptions in these paragraphs, satisfactory weld proce-
vessel wall at the opening shall be included in the
dure qualifications of the procedures to be used shall
be performed in accordance with all of the variables
(c) All corrosion resistant overlay weld deposits shall
in Section IX including conditions of postweld heat
be examined by the liquid penetrant method.
treatment or lack of postweld heat treatment and includ-
(d) Magnetic Particle Method. All welds, including
ing restrictions listed below. When determining the
welds for attaching nonpressure parts to heat treated
thickness requiring postweld treatment in Table UHT-
steels covered by this Part, shall be examined by the
56 for clad or weld deposit overlayed vessels or parts
magnetic particle method after the hydrostatic test,
of vessels, the total thickness of the material, including
except that those surfaces not accessible after the hydro-
the clad and weld deposit overlay, shall be employed.
static test shall be examined by the magnetic particle
(b) Vessels or vessel parts constructed of steels listed
method at the last feasible stage of vessel fabrication.
in Table UHT-23 shall be postweld heat treated when
A magnetization method shall be used that will avoid
required in Table UHT-56, except that postweld heat
arc strikes. Cracks shall be repaired or removed.
treatment shall be required for all thicknesses when
(e) Liquid Penetrant Method. As an acceptable alter-
joining the materials with the inertia and continuous
native to magnetic particle examination or when mag-
drive friction welding processes.
netic particle methods are not feasible because of the
(c) Postweld heat treatment shall be performed in
nonmagnetic character of the weld deposits, a liquid
accordance with UCS-56 as modified by the require-
penetrant method shall be used. For vessels constructed
ments of Table UHT-56. In no case shall the PWHT
of SA-333 Grade 8, SA-334 Grade 8, SA-353, SA-
temperature exceed the tempering temperature. PWHT
522, SA-553 Grades A and B, and SA-645 materials,
and tempering may be accomplished concurrently. The
welds not examined radiographically shall be examined
maximum cooling rate established in UCS-56(e)(5) need
by the liquid penetrant method either before or after
not apply. Where accelerated cooling from the tempering
the hydrotest. Cracks are unacceptable and shall be
temperature is required by the material specification,
repaired or removed. Relevant indications are those
the same minimum cooling rate shall apply to PWHT.
which result from imperfections. Linear indications are
(d) All welding of connections and attachments shall
those indications in which the length is more than three
be postweld heat treated whenever required by Table
times the width. Any relevant linear indications greater
UHT-56 based on the greatest thickness of material at
than 1⁄16 in. (1.6 mm) shall be repaired or removed.
the point of attachment of the head or shell [see UHT-
56(b) and (c)].
(e) When material of SA-333 Grade 8, SA-334 Grade
8, SA-353, SA-522, SA-553, and SA-645 are postweld FABRICATION
heat treated, the complete vessel or vessel component
being so heat treated shall be maintained within the UHT-75 GENERAL
permissible temperature range defined in Table UHT-56. The rules in the following paragraphs apply speci-
fically to the fabrication of pressure vessels and vessel
parts that are constructed of heat treated steels covered
UHT-57 EXAMINATION by this Part and shall be used in conjunction with the
(a) Radiography. Radiographic examination for the general requirements for fabrication in Subsection A,
complete length of weld in accordance with the require- and, when applicable, with the specific requirements
ments of UW-51 is required for all welded joints of Type for fabrication in Subsection B, Part UW.
No. (1) of Table UW-12. The required radiographic
examination shall be made after any corrosion-resistant
alloy cover weld has been deposited.
(b) Nozzle Attachment Welds. Nozzle attachment
welds as provided for in UHT-18, Figs. UHT-18.1
and UHT-18.2 shall be radiographically examined in (a) The selected thickness of material shall be such
accordance with the requirements of UW-51, except that the forming processes will not reduce the thickness
that Fig. UHT-18.2 type nozzles having an inside of the material at any point below the minimum value
diameter of 2 in. (51 mm) or less shall be examined required by the rules.


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[This is electronic file SEC81$$$66 page #255



Nominal Holding Time

Grade Thickness
Spec. or Requiring PWHT hr/
No. Type P-No./Gr. No. PWHT, in. Notes Temp., °F in. Minimum hr

Plate Steels

SA-353 9Ni 11A/1 Over 2 ... 1025–1085 1 2

SA-517 Grade A 11B/1 Over 0.58 (2) 1000–1100 1 1⁄

SA-517 Grade B 11B/4 Over 0.58 (2) 1000–1100 1 1⁄

SA-517 Grade E 11B/2 Over 0.58 (2) 1000–1100 1 1⁄

SA-517 Grade F 11B/3 Over 0.58 (2) 1000–1100 1 1⁄
SA-517 Grade J 11B/6 Over 0.58 (2) 1000–1100 1 1⁄
SA-517 Grade P 11B/8 Over 0.58 (2) 1000–1100 1 1⁄

SA-533 Types B, D, Cl. 3 11A/4 Over 0.58 ... 1000–1050 1⁄ 1⁄

2 2

SA-543 Types B, C, Cl. 1 11A/5 ... (1) 1000–1050 1 1

SA-543 Types B, C, Cl. 2 11B/10 ... (1) 1000–1050 1 1
SA-543 Types B, C, Cl. 3 11A/5 ... (1) 1000–1050 1 1

SA-553 Types I, II 11A/1 Over 2 ... 1025–1085 1 2

SA-645 5Ni–1⁄4Mo 11A/2 Over 2 ... 1025–1085 1 2

SA-724 Grade A, B 1/4 None ... NA NA NA

SA-724 Grade C 1/4 Over 11⁄2 ... 1050–1150 1 1⁄


SA-487 Class 4B 11A/3 Over 0.58 ... 1000–1050 1 1⁄

SA-487 Class 4E 11A/3 Over 0.58 ... 1000–1050 1 1⁄
SA-487 Class CA 6NM 6/4 Over 0.58 ... 1050–1150 1 1⁄

Pipes and Tubes

SA-333 Grade 8 11A/1 Over 2 ... 1025–1085 1 2

SA-334 Grade 8 11A/1 Over 2 ... 1025–1085 1 2


SA-508 Grade 4N Cl. 1 11A/5 ... (1) 1000–1050 1 1

SA-508 Grade 4N Cl. 2 11A/5 ... (1) 1000–1050 1 1

SA-522 Type I 11A/1 Over 2 ... 1025–1085 1 2

SA-592 Grade A 11B/1 Over 0.58 (2) 1000–1100 1 1⁄

SA-592 Grade E 11B/2 Over 0.58 (2) 1000–1100 1 1⁄
SA-592 Grade F 11B/3 Over 0.58 (2) 1000–1100 1 1⁄

NOTES: NA p not applicable

(1) PWHT is neither required nor prohibited. Consideration should be given to the possibility of temper embrittlement. The cooling rate from
PWHT, when used, shall not be slower than that obtained by cooling in still air.
(2) See UHT-82(f).


ASME B&PVC SEC81$$U65 04-15-00 10:45:03 pd: sec81 Rev 15.03

[This is electronic SEC81$$U65 page #256

(1) Pieces that are formed after heat treatment at pons shall be so proportionated that tensile and impact
a temperature lower than the final tempering shall be tests may be taken from the same locations relative to
heat treated in accordance with Table UHT-56 when thickness as are required by the applicable material
the extreme fiber elongation from forming exceeds 5% specifications. Weld metal tests shall be taken from
as determined by the formulas in UCS-79(d). the same locations relative to thickness as are required
(2) Pieces that are formed at temperatures equal by the materials specifications for plates used in the
to or higher than the original tempering shall be reheat component to be treated. The gage length of tensile
treated in accordance with the applicable material speci- specimens and the middle third of the length of impact
fication, either before or after welding into the vessel. specimens must be located at a minimum distance of
1 × t from the quenched edge and /or end of the test
coupon, where t is the thickness of the material which
UHT-80 HEAT TREATMENT the test coupon represents. If desired, the effect of this
distance may be achieved by temporary attachment of
(a) Heating Furnace. Furnaces for heating, for
suitable thermal buffers. The effectiveness of such
quenching, for normalizing, and for tempering shall be
buffers shall be demonstrated by tests.
provided with suitable equipment for the automatic
(2) In cases where the test coupon is not attached
recording of temperatures. The temperature of the vessel
to the part being treated, it shall be quenched from
or vessel part during the holding period shall be recorded
the same heat treatment charge and under the conditions
and shall be controlled within 625°F (614°C).
as the part which it represents. It shall be so proportioned
(b) Liquid quenching of flat plates and individual
that test specimens may be taken from the locations
parts shall be done as required by the applicable material
prescribed in (1) above.
(d) Tempering
(c) Formed plates for shell sections and heads may
(1) Attached Test Coupons. The coupons shall
be quenched by sprays or immersion.
remain attached to the vessel or vessel component
(d) Entire vessels, after completion of all welding
during tempering, except that any thermal buffers may
operations, may be quenched by sprays or immersion.
be removed after quenching. After the tempering opera-
(e) The design and operation of spray equipment
tion and after removal from the component, the coupon
and the size of tanks and provision for forced circulation
shall be subjected to the same thermal treatment(s), if
shall be such as to produce a severity of quench in
any, to which the vessel or vessel component will be
the quenched item sufficient to meet, in representative
later subjected. The holding time at temperature shall
test specimens after tempering, the requirements of the
not be less than that applied to the vessel or vessel
materials specifications.
component (except that the total time at each tempera-
ture may be applied in one heating cycle) and the
cooling rate shall be no faster.
(2) Separate Test Coupons. Test coupons which
are quenched separately as described in (c)(2) above
(a) Tests shall be made to verify that the heat shall be tempered similarly and simultaneously with
treatments, and subsequent thermal treatments, per- the vessel or component which they represent. The
formed by the fabricator have produced the required conditions for subjecting the test coupons to subsequent
properties. thermal treatment(s) shall be as described in (c)(1)
(b) One or more test coupons representative of the above.
material and the welding in each vessel or vessel (e) Number of Tests. One tensile test and one impact
component shall be heat treated with the vessel or test shall be made on material from coupons representing
vessel component. each lot of material in each vessel or vessel component
The requirements of (c) and (d) below are to be heat treated. A lot is defined as material from the same
taken as minimum steps toward these objectives. melt quenched simultaneously and whose thicknesses
(c)(1) One or more test coupons from each lot of are within plus or minus 20%, or 1⁄2 in., of nominal
material in each vessel [see UHT-81(d)] shall be thickness, whichever is smaller.
quenched with the vessel or vessel component. A lot (1) Coupons not containing welds shall meet the
is defined as material from the same melt, quenched complete tensile requirements of the material specifica-
or normalized simultaneously and whose thicknesses tion and impact requirements of this part.
are within plus or minus 20% or 1⁄2 in. (13 mm) of (2) Coupons containing weld metal shall be tested
nominal thickness, whichever is smaller. The test cou- across the weld and shall meet the ultimate tensile


strength requirements of the material specifications; in essentially equivalent to that encountered in fabrication
addition, the minimum impact requirements shall be of the vessel or vessel parts including the maximum
met by samples with notches in the weld metal. The total aggregate time at temperature or temperatures and
form and dimension of the tensile test specimen shall cooling rates.)
conform to QW-462.1(d) of Section IX. Yield strength (4) a change in the type of current (AC or DC),
and elongation are not a requirement of this test. polarity, or a change in the specified range for amp,
Charpy impact testing shall be in accordance with the volt, or travel speed;
requirements of UHT-6. (5) a change in the thickness T of the welding
procedure qualification test plate as follows:
(a) for welded joints which are quenched and
tempered after welding, any increase in thickness (the
minimum thickness qualified in all cases is 1⁄4 in.);
(a) The qualification of the welding procedure and (b) for welded joints which are not quenched
the welders shall conform to the requirements of Section and tempered after welding, any change as follows:
IX, and such qualification tests shall be performed on
postweld heat treated specimens when a postweld heat T less than 5⁄8 in. Any decrease in thickness
treatment is used. (the maximum thick-
ness qualified is 2T )
(b) Filler metal containing more than 0.06% va- 5⁄ in. and over Any departure from the
nadium shall not be used for weldments subject to range of 5⁄8 in. to 2T
postweld heat treatment.
(c) For welded vessels, the welds of which are (6) consumables control, drying, storage, and expo-
not subject to quenching or normalizing followed by sure requirements shall be in accordance with the
tempering, the deposited weld metal and the heat af- following:
fected zone shall meet the impact test requirements of (a) due consideration shall be given to protection
UG-84 as modified by the requirements of UHT-6(a). of electrodes and fluxes for all welding processes in
However, all welds made with high-nickel-alloy filler order to minimize moisture absorption and surface
metal conforming to SFA-5.11 ENiCrFe-2; SFA-5.11 contamination;
ENiCrFe-3; SFA-5.14 ERNiCrFe-6; and SFA-5.14 ER- (b) electrodes for shielded metal arc welding
NiCr-3, included in F-No. 43 of QW-432 of Section shall be low-hydrogen electrodes conforming to the
IX, are exempt from production impact tests of the latest edition of SFA-5.5, except that low-hydrogen
weld metal in accordance with UG-84(i) under the electrodes lower in strength class than that of E 100XX
following conditions. shall not be used unless evidence is presented which
(1) All required impact tests shall be performed indicates that for the electrodes used the maximum
as part of the procedure qualification tests as specified moisture content of the electrode covering does not
in UG-84. exceed 0.2% by weight. Electrodes shall be purchased
(2) Production impact tests of the heat affected in hermetically-sealed containers or shall be dried at
zone are performed in accordance with UG-84(i). least 1 hr at temperatures between 700°F (370°C) and
(3) The welding processes are limited to gas metal 800°F (430°C) before being used. Electrodes shall be
arc, shielded metal arc, and gas tungsten arc. dried prior to use if the hermetically-sealed container
(4) The minimum allowable temperature of the shows evidence of damage. Immediately after the open-
vessel shall be not less than −320°F (−196°C). ing of the hermetically-sealed container or removal of
(d) For materials SA-508 and SA-543, the following, the electrodes from the drying oven, electrodes shall
in addition to the variables in Section IX, QW-250, be stored in ovens held at a temperature of at least
shall be considered as essential variables requiring 250°F (120°C). Electrodes that are not used within 1⁄2
requalification of the welding procedure: hr after the opening of the hermetically-sealed container
(1) a change in filler metal SFA classification or or removal of the electrodes from a drying or storage
to weld metal not covered by an SFA specification; oven shall be dried as specified above before use unless
(2) an increase in the maximum or a decrease in evidence is presented which indicates that the brand
the minimum specified preheat or interpass temperatures. of electrode used may be exposed for a longer period
The specified range of preheat temperatures shall not of time without exceeding the 0.2% maximum moisture
exceed 150°F (43°C). requirement.
(3) a change in the heat treatment (Procedure (7) preheat shall be 100°F (43°C) minimum for
qualification tests shall be subjected to heat treatment material thickness up to and including 1⁄2 in. (13 mm);


200°F (93°C) minimum for material above 1⁄2 in. this requirement shall apply to fillet and groove welds
(13 mm) to and including 11⁄2 in. (38 mm); 300°F as well as to butt welds.
(149°C) minimum above 11⁄2 in. (38 mm). Preheat
temperature shall be maintained for a minimum of 2
hr after completion of the weld joint.
(e) For SA-517 and SA-592 materials the require-
ments of (d)(1), (2), (3), (4), and (6), in addition to
the variables in Section IX, QW-250, shall be considered (a) Welds for pads, lifting lugs and other nonpressure
as essential variables requiring requalification of the parts, as well as temporary lugs for alignment, shall
welding procedure. be made by qualified welders in full compliance with
(f) The PWHT as required by Table UHT-56 may a qualified welding procedure.
be waived for SA-517 and SA-592 materials with a (b) Temporary welds shall be removed and the metal
nominal thickness over 0.58 in. to 11⁄4 in. (15 mm to surface shall be restored to a smooth contour. The
32 mm), inclusive, provided the following conditions area shall be inspected by magnetic particle or liquid
are met: penetrant method for the detection and elimination of
(1) a minimum preheat of 200°F (93°C) and a cracks. If repair welding is required, it shall be in
minimum interpass of 400°F (204°C) is used; accordance with qualified procedures, and the finished
(2) after completion of welding and without weld surface shall be inspected as required in UHT-
allowing the weldment to cool below the minimum 57(b) or (c). Temporary welds and repair welds shall
preheat temperature, the temperature of the weldment be considered the same as all other welds so far as
is raised to a minimum of 400°F (204°C) and maintained requirements for qualified operators and procedures and
at that temperature for at least 4 hr; and for heat treatment are concerned.
(3) all welds are examined by nondestructive exam-
ination in accordance with the provisions of Part UHT.
UHT-83 METHODS OF METAL REMOVAL Any steel stamping shall be done with “low stress”
(a) Plate edges, welding bevels, chamfering and other stamps as commercially available. Steel stamping of
operations involving the removal of metal shall be by all types may be omitted on material below 1⁄2 in.
machining, chipping, or grinding except as provided (13 mm) in thickness. For the use of other markings
in (b) below. in lieu of stamping, see UG-77(b).
(b) When metal removal is accomplished by methods
involving melting, such as gas cutting or arc-air gouging,
etc., it shall be done with due precautions to avoid INSPECTION AND TESTS
cracking. Where the cut surfaces are not to be subse-
quently eliminated by fusion with weld deposits, they UHT-90 GENERAL
shall be removed by machining or grinding to a depth The provisions for inspection and testing in Subsec-
of at least 1⁄16 in. (1.6 mm) followed by inspection by tions A and B shall apply to vessels and vessel parts
magnetic particle or liquid penetrant methods. constructed of steels covered by this Part.
CAUTIONARY NOTE: The properties of the base metal may be
adversely affected by excessive local heat inputs.
The provisions for marking and reports in UG-
The requirements of UW-35(a) and UW-51(b) shall 115 through UG-120 shall apply to pressure vessels
be met except that for SA-517 material the maximum constructed in whole or in part of steels covered by
weld reinforcement shall not exceed 10% of the plate this Part, except that the use of nameplates is mandatory
thickness or 1⁄8 in. (3.2 mm), whichever is less. The for shell thicknesses below 1⁄2 in. (13 mm). Nameplates
edge of the weld deposits shall merge smoothly into are preferred on vessels constructed of steels covered
the base metal without undercuts or abrupt transitions; by this Part in all thicknesses in preference to stamping.


In addition to the required marking, the letters UHT

shall be applied below the U Symbol.


The provisions for pressure relief devices in UG-
125 through UG-136 shall apply without supplement
to pressure vessels constructed in whole or in part of
steels covered by this Part.


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