Adobe Scan 13-Aug-2023
Adobe Scan 13-Aug-2023
Adobe Scan 13-Aug-2023
l& gn ev ed p%·
m ni ty an d gu ar an te e ar e a species of the general
Contracts of in de th e general law of contract ar
, th e pr in ci pl es of
contract As su ch pr in ci pl es relating ·to th em are
. Th e sp ec ia l
ap pl i~ le _to th em 4- 14 7) of the Indian Contract
te r V II (S ec : 12
cont.amed ID ch ap
Act, 1872, an d ar e di sc us
se d fallows.
r from
ct by w hi ch on e pa rty promises to save the othe
A contra t of the promisor himself,
a caused to hi m by th e co nd uc
is called a 'Contract of
t of an y ot he r pe rs on ,
or by the co nd uc od
ec . 12 4) . Th e pe rs on who promises to ·make go
. Indemnity ' (S .
d th e in de m ni fie r ·(p ro m isor), and the person whose
the Joss is calle th e in de m nified or indemnity
od is ca lle d
Joss is to be made go of in de ~n ity is really -a class· of
e) . A co nt ra ct
holder (promise
contingent contracts.
m nify JJ agains t the conse~uences of any
' contracts to in de
ay _ ta ke ag ains t ~, in re spect of a certain ·
P,oceedings which C m
II.Un of f 200. This is a co
ntract of indemnity,
l n,l"rnni1
12.2 ~ U11 !<i tlf'l'I!< 111111 Cm ·p ornlr f ,ow ~ '1.
r) a,!tween Sand P, there is a
A con tract ofind cmnit y m ay b e ex pressed oi- impl~cd . An itnpliecl (,., S . h contract 1
in case pay~ ,~ ~ e event of a defau\
contract of indemnity may b e inferred from the c1rcumslances of is not expresse etween the partiec,,,
tJ1c, or fro m tl1e relationship of the parti es.
Example £S•entlal Features of a Contract
A, o n the instruction of T, sold certain cattle b~longing to O. o
made A liable for it., and recovered damages from him for selling C
it Held, A could recover the loss from T as a promise by T to A
from anY. such loss would be implied from his conduct in asking
A to sell the cattle.
Contract o1
- ......
par ties
- Primary ""
liability in
'--some person
- "
Essentials of""
-- valid
act of Guarantee
Fig. 12. 1 Essential Features of a Contr
ntr act of an ee requires gu ar. t •
tees that ifPfails Consent of three parties Th e co · al
· c1p
s to it, viz ., th e pnn
tract o f ~ the co nc urr en ce of all the three partie · ·
d P, the principal debtor, the cre dit or an d the surety.
ary I/a bi lit y In some pe rso n There must be a primary
surety. The wo rd 'liability'
pkeeper, l; "lit liability in so me pe rso n oth er than the
the de fin itio n of gu ara nte e me ans a liability which is
used in
I will." This iu
eing with P, and enforceable by law.
nal An important
Promise to pay must be condeitio is that there must be a
eement whicb requirement of a contract of guarante
na l pro mi se to be liable on the de fault of the principal's
~ and the suretY r. It im pli es tha t the liability of the surety should arise only
the foUowiDI when the principal debtor makes a de
fault. ·
Example ·
· .s·guarantees to C the payment of a bill of exchange by P, the
acceptor. The bill is dishonoured by P. Sis lia~le not only for the
amount -0f the bill, but also , for any interest and charges which
may have becoine due on it' . · .
. :- Umltcttlon of s~rety's liability Although the liability of
.·. the surety is co-e~tensive with th.a t of the principal debtor, he
._ :.·may fu,nit his liability, In this conn~ction, difference between a
~ ·: . ., : guarantee fur a part of the entire debt, and a ~arantee for the
h.:· 'd~-bt_·m~ec.
·_. ··, ..·; .- e~~e f.-.. 1·11n;
b' ·- t. .~a 't · · b .. en· ot__ ed.,
' ' .' - . . ~
2. The paym ent of the pric e of good s sold _Oll; cred it, or
·3. The goo d cond uct or hopesty of a person employed in
a part icula r office. In this case, the guarantee is calle~. a
'fidelity' guarantee. ,
· · . A guarantee may be given for an exi~ting, or afuture qebt o.r
obligation. In the fomier case; it is called 'retro~pective' guarantee,
and in the latter case,. fprospective' guarantee.
A guarantee may be in respect of a single transaction or in
f' respect of a number of transactions. .·
h.l~ 1·i~hh -{\~i\lH~t :
.\ ~t\l'\'t,\ '
I. 1ht" rrt:"1.htor
:J. 1ht" ptindpn l dt'htnr, nnd
3. -tlw C\>,.Sut't'tic~t. ·
Rights aga ins t p 1nc fpnl Dob tor · ' ""'" "'''" ~ 12 .-,
A s u r<' l)' has the folio"v1ng. .
• nght s a . .
principal dc-btor
(I) Rig ht Co be reli eved fi 1 R•Hnst the h ·
and p l"rsu a d c 111s . ron llabi1ity T c sure ty can insis t
. .. pri ncip al d b
h irn from the
hab1hty by payi ng off th e deb t en to~ to relieve
so onl y after the
deb t has bec ome due. Onc e. ut l ~ c~n c..l o
accr ues as a fix ed sum tl1e sure th e pnn c1pa l deb tor's liabi lity
. firom th e hab1 . .1ity. , ty can as·k h'1m to exo nerate
h im
' ' ·
(2) Rig htto ind cmn ity A s d iscu ssed earl·ier, th eter m 'ind emn ity'
mea ns com pen sati on · I n eve ry con trac t 0 f
· 1· · . . gua rant ee, ther e is
an imp 1ed pro mis e by th
to inde mni fy the
sure ty; and the sure ty is e e pnn cipa l deb tor
from the prin cipa l
deb tor, all pay men ts pro ;::e d to ~ec ove r
pay men t und er th Y ma e. Afte r the sure ty mak es
· · al d b He gua rant ee, he bec ome s a cred itor of the
pnn c1p e tor· . e is enti tl e d t O reco ver from the deb tor
all th e amo unt incl udi ng inte rest H owe ver, th e amo unt
. !
h _,· C':1,h ~m-r l) . In the lndiA.n 1 ,Hw. l wh-\.4'{'1\ 11 1('
qHlf•t i('~
the-,'<' i'I <'q11AJ11y nf hurd <'n And l)('n dit.
(A) By Revocation
By Notice ;
By Death of Surety
By Nova tion
Failu re of Co-s urety to
Joint Sulety
(C) By Conduct of Creditors
Release I DifiCharge of
Variance in Terms of Contract Principal Debtor
LolS of Security .
Fig. 12.2 Modes of Discharge of Surety
I utl1 •11111 i 1 Y 11 111 I f ,. 11 ntn 11l 1•r ~ 12 .9
Di sc ha rg e of Su re ty bY Rov oc nt lon
(a) No tk't' of rcvo ..·aH on A
11 t n tr
· • l 1 <'<' m a y IJP rev oke d l,y giv i 0
' ' ~u •u··
a nol l<.' t' of rcv ocu t I· OJl , 'l') I<' ]h i 11'l't
' 1 Y ro m c•s l o nn r nd o n th e
h o n of th e gru • . •
ll' \ oca a1u 11tl 'c A f;.J>l'l 'I'fiIC E,'1.mrn nl cc can no t b e
rcv o k C'd by the su1·nt ·r ·1 .
. '-· y I t l C ] ' h'l1 '1ty }1a~ alr ead y acc rne <l . A
co ntinu ing gru arant C'e may ·atma r l rev oked l,y the
fut ure L
t . ny un c JC
su ret y, as to cre dit or.
· ral~l Sac tto ns, by to the
But the sure ty re-m a ms 1able to r ran sac ~1on s alr ead y ent ere d
iJ1 to. .
(b) Re vo ca tio n by de athar Th e deatl~ of the surety operates as a
rev oc ati on of the continuing
gu ara nte e It gu antee only m respect of the in respect
· me an s lha t rev,ocatio n is effective only
o f fiu t ure transactions. ·
by n ov au· on (S cc. 62) Novation me an s
(c) tio . n
sti tut ion of a ne w co ntr act of guarantee for an old on e
s~ . s,
. ferent partie
eit he r be tw ee n . thP- same pa rt·1es or b etween dif
contract being ·the mutual
~e co de rat ion - for the new
Th e original co ntr act of
dis ch arg e of the old contract.
an end.
gu ara nte e in suc h a case co me s to
uct of th e Creditor
Disc~arge of Surety by the Cond
tract If the cre dit or makes an y
. I (a) By va ria nc e in ter ms of con
na tur e/t erm s of co ntr act ,
ma ter ial (significant) ch an ge in the
tho ut the co ns en t of the sur ety , the surety ·is dis ch arg ed
transactions sub seq ue nt to
fro m the lia bil ity in the case of
ch an ge is no t significant
the va ria nc e. Ho we ve r, wh en the
the surety, the sur ety is no t
or is ma de for the be ne fit of
dis ch arg ed .
ipal debtor Th e sur ety is
(b) Release or discharge the princ
t be tw ee n the creditor an d the
dis ch arg ed by an y fresh co ~tr ac
Ae1819'/~ ; . nc ipa l de bto r, by wh ich the pri nc ipa l _debtor is released .
.. y act or omission by ·the
Th e ~urety is also discharged by an
ich is the discharge of the
creditor, the legal consequence of wh
de bto r (Se c. 134). But the surety is no t discharged
pri nc ipa l
by the op era tio n of law.
ac t or om iss ion im pa iring surety's eventual
(c) Cred ito r's
y's re1 nedy' 1ncans
remedy The term 'imp~iring suret
uc ing the rights of a surety. Se c. 13!> of the Contract
ides tha t wh en the cre dit or does an
y act which is
Act prov
MHely or omit~ to cl,, r,. , ')IJ)I ,
• •nt \\ith th~ 1i~ht11 of rlw
nrt w Iurh tu hl th,, Mll't'1Y i8, ,•quln·d of him, nnd t)i,, Pv,,,1111111
n·nwdy of th,, surC'f) hims,.\lf HHa.inst tlu, pdnci pn] clc •l,111 ,. •
, . o 1c
3. \\Then tl1cre ax c co-sur e Lil's 0 . 1 o Ly the t tl'ditor of mw
of tl1cn1 do~ s no t dis dia ··l.: / e cnsers ; nor doe s it ft r.-~
. 1~~ge t ,e ot·h
sut el).,. so rel eas ed ft·o Ill .
(Sec. 138). h.Y lot1,c othct· sur cH t~~
us reS J)O ll st'\ ·t·,
· · · Ji
When does a guarantee become 1nva 11d? A guatantc~
r 11
becomes inv ali d un de r th e 10 . . .
owing circun1sta11ces:
I If .the cre dit or . 111akes ~ •
or ton set tls lo t\.
1sre ~re sen tat ion an d tl1e misrepresentation relates ltl n
ma ten al pa rt of the transaction (Sec.
If ~e cre dit or kee ps sile nt as to the n1aterial tirc uut sta ncc s ht
2. ,
ob tai nin g gu ara nte e (Sec. 143).
on a co nlr ad lhal the
3. \V ben a sur ety gives a gu ara nte e up
the r person h~ts joht~tl
cre dit or sha ll no t act up on it unt il ano
as co-surety, an d the oth er per~on doe
s notjoin (Sec. 14-4),
tl u
Table 13.1 Distinction between a Contract of ft1dm1.1ttity un
Contract _of Guarant~e
~, .. .,,H,(. )
/ t :, ,n o •, t, ,t tn ,t ,t h n h ) ' ~-~Hhn,t o f (
.\ .:\',. ~,,t, , I
J.,, o f ch,· I ht' lt.,h,h,, n f tl1 1 l1 n f II1 ., I J.
t . / n it' lt.,fu
.; .,.-, ,1nh ·
u ,d n rn ,i (i , , ., /H )~ f•N f\H th
,, .lc •f.1q
is· ,1 f" p, H h 1p,·tl ,ft-hr(,,
nn ch,• h.,p)wt1o
' i
C (I IH tn bt 'J \c
') .
}n chM h.n.~tns •h .,l
( ,11\l)c~, l'H<"
:.. '.-\n rndnno t, \I I,)'\ h l hi\ 1hH~ hy thr' P• ll
h ip
t' dd11
it '
., chmf p ,H ,, ck h t•H , th t' \t H ,' f y ~l it' !\ tl
w tl w tr ,~
n ,, n fl.Im,-. hc• ,~•:. , ."..... __ p, inc1p.,_1dd>!nr~
)'!<! Jl.!_~~ !' )~!•f ~ ()u1rw
<•)n tr nn In o <' ()nf r.lft o f
,~ only
- -fi-.~ ~.l lw u \ ft 'l M rn O h 'N \ f h<•t <' a,
r th rt •t•
nlrnft o f rrnns ; 01h~ h t• tw t'( d
in du\<·;•,~ o f <·o t,, rt•n ro n
ind<·mn,,,\ i.r. h
(• n fi p;il d l' h to r an
' rl w p ti
r/,.- in,IN;inili(•r and di< • du~ <reditor, tht' StYond
indemnified. h«-·h\t•rn t.he cr<
'ditor nnd
dw surety a.nd p
ng A n s w e r Q u estions
c ha rg ed fr om th e liability?
rety d is
J. When is a su u ara n te e'. H ow can it be
rm 'continuing g
D isc u ss th e te
2. re v o k e d ?
em n ity an d gu a rantee.
3. Distinguish
between ind
o ntin g e n t c o n tr act. Explain .
tr ac t o f in demnity ·is a c
4. A co n
f a su r~ ty a g aills t the creditor.
.'i. Explain the
rights o
re o f th e su rety 's liability,
6. Discuss the
o f a c o n tra ct o f indemnity?
W h at are th e characteristics
12 .l 3
~' ·Expl ain the right
s of th e indc, , 1111' l y \10 \ <\ t'r.
q· · ..._ itl guara ntee.
Expl ain the esst'n tials of ,._1 v·,\·
JO. Expl ain the cxlcn l of the liability of the ~urct y.
it be