Estimation of Power Generation Potential of Agricultural Based Biomass Spiceis and Coal-Biomass Mixed Briquettes
Estimation of Power Generation Potential of Agricultural Based Biomass Spiceis and Coal-Biomass Mixed Briquettes
Estimation of Power Generation Potential of Agricultural Based Biomass Spiceis and Coal-Biomass Mixed Briquettes
This is to certify that the thesis entitled “Estimation of Power Generation Potential of
Agricultural Based Biomass Species and Coal – Biomass Mixed Briquettes” submitted
by Mr. Karun Kumar Dahariya in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of
Master of Technology Degree in Mechanical Engineering with specialization in
“Thermal Engineering” at the National Institute of Technology, Rourkela (Deemed
University) is an authentic work carried out by him under our supervision and guidance.
To the best of our knowledge, the matter embodied in the thesis has not been submitted to
any other University / Institute for the award of any Degree or Diploma.
It is with a feeling of great pleasure that I would like to express my most sincere heartfelt
gratitude to Dr. S.K. Patel, Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engg. & Dr. M.
Kumar, Associate Professor, Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering., NIT
Rourkela for suggesting the topic for my thesis report and for their ready and able
guidance throughout the course of my preparing the report. I am greatly indebted to them
for his constructive suggestions and criticism from time to time during the course of
progress of my work.
I express my sincere thanks to Prof. K. P. Maity, Head of the Department of Mechanical
Engineering, NIT Rourkela for providing me the necessary facilities in the department.
I am thankful to Sri B. Nayak and Sri K. Tanthi for their co-operation in experimental
LIST OF TABLE……………………………………………………………………….v
LIST OF FIGURE……………………………………………………………………
CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION………………………………………………..…….1
1.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………….……..2
(a) Combustion………………………………………………………………..5
(b) Transesterification………………………………………………………...5
(e) Pyrolysis…………………………………………………………………..6
(f) Gasification……………………………………………………………….6
CHAPTER-2 LITERATURE SERVEY…………………………………………….19
CHAPTER-5 CONCLUSIONS…………………………………………………….42
1.7.1 Renewable Bio-Feedstock in India and their Availability for Heat and 11-15
Power Generation
4.2.1 38
Total energy contents and power generation structure from Pigeon Pea
Figure Page
Figure description No.
With the advancement in technology the power consumption is rising steadily. This necessitates
that in addition to the existing source of power such as coal, water, petroleum etc. other sources
of energy should be searched out and new and more efficient ways of producing energy should
be devised. Power generation from biomass becomes attractive way for energy generation due to
their high energy potential and less pollutants. Present work deals with the determination of
proximate analysis of different components, such as wood, leaf and nascent branch and energy
content of different components of Cajanus cajan (local name-arhar, pigeon pea) and Arachis
hypogaea (local name-peanut, ground nut) shell and their power generation potential and land
requirement for plantations. These biomass components separately mixed with coal sample in
different-different ratio and also their proximate analysis has done and their energy values are
determined to find out the best suitable mixture for power generation. Estimation has been made
for power generation potential of these biomass species and coal-biomass mixed briquettes for a
small thermal power plant on decentralized basis.
As it is evident from result that both the biomass species has less ash content and high
volatile matter when mixes with coal in the ratio of 80:20 and different component of pigeon pea
has higher calorific value as compared to groundnut shell. Components of pigeon pea has higher
calorific value with selected coal, due to that when it mixes with coal calorific value of mixture
increase as the quantity of pigeon pea biomass increases in the mixture of coal-biomass
briquette. In order to meet the yearly power requirement of the order of 73 x 10 kWh for a group
of 10-15 villages, 4315 ha (in case of use of pigeon pea residue) and 5024.84 ha (in case of use
of groundnut shell) land are required for plantation but when coal-biomass mixed briquette is
used as fuel for power generation in the ratio of 80:20 it is found that it requires 197.91 ha (in
case of use of coal-pigeon pea briquette) and 891.33 ha land(in case of use of coal-groundnut
shell briquette) which is more feasible because it reduces the dependency on agricultural residues
and also land requirement for plantation.
Fossil fuels are the major source of power generation worldwide. About 87% of the
world’s energy supply comes mainly from fossil fuels. The share of fossil fuels is more than 90%
in case of India. The demand of energy is increasing by leaps and bound due to rapid
industrialization and population growth, the conventional sources of energy will not be sufficient
to meet the growing demand. Consumption of fossil fuel causes to emit large amount of
pollutants such as carbon dioxide, sulphur oxides, bottom ash, fly ash, etc. which are hazardous
for human survival on the earth planet as well as environment. Conventional sources are non-
renewable and bound to finish one day. Due to these reasons it has become important to explore
and develop non-conventional energy resources to reduce too much dependence on conventional
sources and development of alternative sources of energy which are renewable and environment
Power generation from biomass becomes attractive way for energy generation due to
their high energy potential and less pollutants. Sustainable production and utilization of biomass
in power generation can solve the vital issues of atmospheric pollution, energy crisis, waste land
development, rural employment generation and power transmission losses. Thus, the
of the developing nations including India. Unlike other renewable, biomass materials, pre-dried
up to about 15% moisture, can be stored for a considerable period of time without any difficulty.
Besides electricity supply to the national power grids, biomass offers giant opportunities for
decentralized power generation in rural areas at or near the points of use and thus can make
that the decentralized power generation systems reduce peak loads and maintenance cost of
transmission and distribution network. To exploit biomass species in electricity generation,
characterization of their various properties like energy values, chemical compositions, reactivity
towards oxygen, bulk densities, etc. is essential. Present work deals to determine the proximate
analysis, calorific value and energy value of two selected biomass species and mixed-biomass
briquette and to find out the best suitable ratio for power generation and land required for
oldest external source of energy, dating back to prehistoric man’s first use of fire. And biomass
is still an important part of the world’s energy system; the use of traditional biomass-charcoal,
firewood, and animal dung-in developing countries accounts for almost 10% of the world’s
Biomass can also be used in combination with fossil fuels (co-firing) to improve
Biomass is also used in conjunction with fossil fuels for electricity generation in “waste-
to-energy” projects. These are niche applications, which depend on the biomass having
1.3 Why Bio-mass energy?
Biomass is a renewable energy source generated through natural processes and as a by-
It is also more evenly distributed over the earth's surface than fossil fuel energy sources,
climate change.
It helps farmers, ranchers and foresters better manage waste material, providing rural job
Woody biomass -Woody biomass is characterized by high bulk density, less void age,
low ash content, low moisture content, high calorific value. Because of the multitude of
advantages of woody biomass its cost is higher, but supply is limited. Woody biomass is a
preferred fuel in any biomass-to energy conversion device; however its usage is disturbed by its
organic fraction of municipal solid wastes, manure from confined livestock and poultry
density, higher void age, higher ash content, higher moisture content and lower calorific value.
Because of the various associated drawbacks, their costs are lesser and sometimes even negative.
1.5 Energy Generation from Biomass
A brief description of the technologies for energy generation from biomass is as follows.
(a) Combustion
In this process, biomass is directly burned in presence of excess air (oxygen) at high
temperatures (about 800°C), liberating heat energy, inert gases, and ash. Combustion results in
transfer of 65%–80% of heat content of the organic matter to hot air, steam, and hot water. The
(b) Transesterification
The traditional method to produce biodiesel from biomass is through a chemical reaction
called transesterification. Under this method, oil is extracted from the biomass and it is processed
3. Processing the fermentation product to produce fuel-grade ethanol and other fuels.
energy crops (e.g. grass) can be converted by bacteria-induced fermentation into biogas (a 40%-
75% methane-rich gas with CO2 and a small amount of hydrogen sulphide and ammonia). The
biogas can be used either for cooking/heating applications, or for generating motive power or
electricity through dual-fuel or gas engines, low-pressure gas turbines, or steam turbines.
(e) Pyrolysis
Pyrolysis is a process of chemical decomposition of organic matter brought about by
heat. In this process, the organic material is heated in absence of air until the molecules thermally
break down to become a gas comprising smaller molecules (known collectively as syngas).
The two main methods of pyrolysis are “fast” pyrolysis and “slow” pyrolysis. Fast
pyrolysis yields 60% bio-oil, 20% bio-char, and 20% syngas, and can be done in seconds. Slow
pyrolysis can be optimized to produce substantially more char (~50%) along with organic gases,
(f) Gasification
In this process, biomass reacts with air under extreme temperatures and results in
production of producer gas, to produce power (or) react with pure oxygen to produce synthesis
gas for fuel production. The combustible gas, known as producer gas, has a calorific value of 4.5
- 5.0 MJ/cubic meter. A wide range of biomass in the form of wood or agro residue can be used
for gasification.
1.6 Various Bio-energy Processes and Feedstock
There are so many ways for converting biomass into bioenergy. This bioenergy
conversion depends on type of biomass available like agricultural residues; forest waste,
municipal waste etc. Some of bioenergy processes are given in table 1.6.1
Thermal Conversion
Combustion is a established
technology working on the regular
Rankine cycle
Thermo-chemical Conversion
Biochemical Conversion
Chemical Conversion
Biomass is the third largest primary energy resource in the world, after coal and oil. In all
its forms, biomass currently provides about 1250 million TOE which is about 14% of the world’s
annual energy consumption. Biomass is a major source of energy in developing countries, where
it provides 35% of all the energy requirements. The current availability of biomass in India is
estimated at about 500 million metric tons per year. The table1.7.1 illustrated below shows the
Table 1.7.1-Renewable Bio-Feedstock in India and their Availability for Heat and Power
Casuarina Wood 211.8 25 5.9
Jowar Cobs 5043.5 600 143.3
Paddy Husk 19995.9 2380 568.4
Tapioca Stalks 3959 471 112.4
Total -511041.39 MW
Estimations are approximated for a unit megawatt (MW) power plant
Studies sponsored by the Ministry have estimated surplus biomass availability at about
120 – 150 million metric tons per annum covering agricultural and forestry residues
corresponding to a potential of about 18,000 MW. This apart, about 5000 MWadditional power
could be generated through bagasse based cogeneration in the country’s 550 Sugar mills, if these
sugar mills were to adopt technically and economically optimal levels of cogeneration for
The details of the estimated renewable energy potential and cumulative power generation
in the country have been outlined in Table 1.8.1 (MNRE, 2013), indicating that the available
biomass has a potential to generate around 18,000 MW of electricity. The Ministry has been
biomass power and cogeneration projects aggregating to 2665 MW capacity have been installed
in the country for feeding power to the grid consisting of 130 biomass power projects
aggregating to 999.0 MW and 158 bagasse cogeneration projects in sugar mills with surplus
capacity aggregating to 1666.0 MW. In addition, around 30 biomass power projects aggregating
projects are under implementation with surplus capacity aggregating to 800 MW. States which
have taken leadership position in implementation of bagasse cogeneration projects are Andhra
Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh. The leading States for biomass
power projects are Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and
Tamil Nadu.
Renewable Energy Target for Deployment Total Cumulative
Programme/ 2012-13 during Deployment achievement
Systems March,2013 in 2012-13 up to
Waste to Energy- 13.82 115.57
Urban- 20.00
Industrial - - -
bagasse) 60.00 28.06 88.65 471.15
Biomass Gasifiers- 1.50 - 0.672 16.792
Industrial 10.00 1.48 7.50 141.58
Generators/Hybrid 0.50 0.22 0.46 2.11
SPV Systems
30.00 16.86 34.45 124.67
Water mills/micro
Nos.) - 1.35 (270 nos) 10.65 (2131 nos)
No. of Remote
- - - -
provided with RE
1.9 Aims and Objectives of the Present Project Work
1. Selection of non-woody biomass species and estimation of their yield by field trial.
carbon contents) of their different components, such as wood, leaf and nascent branch.
3. Mixed these biomass components separately with coal sample in different-different ratio.
4. Characterization of these biomass components for their energy values (calorific values).
5. Characterization of coal mixed biomass components for their energy values (calorific
6. Estimation of power generation potentials of these biomass species for a small thermal
7. Comparative study of coal and mixed coal-biomass in different ratio of 95: 05, 90: 10,
Combustion converts coal into useful heat energy, but it is also a part of the process that
engenders the greatest environmental and health concerns. Combustion of coal at thermal power
plants emits mainly carbon dioxide (CO2), sulphur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx),
CFCs,other trace gases and air borne inorganic particulates, such as fly ash and suspended
particulate matter (SPM). CO2 produced in combustion is perhaps not strictly a pollutant (being a
natural product of all combustion), nonetheless it is of great concern in view of its impact on
global warming. The carbon dioxide emitted as a product of combustion of coal (fossil fuels) is
currently responsible for over 60% of the enhanced greenhouse effect (Raghuvanshi et al.,2006).
For every ton of fossil fuels burned, at least three quarters of a tone of carbon is released as CO 2.
It has been found that 0.8–0.9 kg/kW h CO2 is emitted in Indian power plants.
The use of biomass to provide partial substitution of fossil fuels has an additional
importance as concerns global warming since biomass combustion has the potential to be CO 2
neutral. This is particularly the case with regard to agricultural residues or energy plants, which
are periodically planted and harvested. During their growth, these plants have removed CO 2 from
the atmosphere for photosynthesis which is released again during combustion. Biomass materials
with high energy potential include agricultural residues such as straw, bagasse, coffee husks and
rice husks as well as residues from forest-related activities such as wood chips, sawdust and
bark. Residues from forest-related activities (excluding wood fuel) account for 65% of the
biomass energy potential whereas 33% comes from residues of agricultural crops (Werther et
al.,2000).Biomass can supply heat and electricity, liquid and gaseous fuels .A number of
developed countries derive a significant amount of their primary energy from biomass: USA 4%,
Finland 18%, Sweden 16% and Austria 13%. Presently biomass energy supplies at least 2 EJ
year-1 in Western Europe which is about 4% of primary energy (54 EJ). Estimates show a likely
potential in Europe in 2050 of 9.0–13.5 EJ depending on land areas (10% of useable land, 33
Mha), yields (10–15 oven-dry tones (ODt) ha-1 ), and recoverable residues (25% of harvestable).
This biomass contribution represents 17–30% of projected total energy requirements up to 2050.
The relative contribution of biofuels in the future will depend on markets and incentives, on
constraints are not considered significant because of the predicted surpluses in land and food,
agricultural state, Haryana has a huge potential of biomass availability in the form of crop
residue and saw dust. In the agricultural sector, a total 24.697 MTy-1 of residue is generated, of
which 71% is consumed in various domestic and commercial activities within the state. While in
agro based industrial sector, a total of 646 KT y_1 of sawdust is generated, of which only 6.65%
is consumed in the state. Of the total generated biomass in the state, 45.51% is calculated as
basic surplus, 37.48% as productive surplus and 34.10% as net surplus. The power generation
potential from all these three categories of surplus biomass is 1.499 GW, 1.227 GW and 1.120
GW respectively.
In an another case study of Punjab state ( Chauhan Suresh,2012 ) discussed that around
40.142 Mt y_1 of the total crop residue is generated from various major and minor crops, of
which around 71% is consumed in various forms, resulting in 29% as a net surplus available for
power generation. Basic surplus and net surplus crop residues for power generation potential
were estimated in each district.Sangrur, Ferozpur, Amritsar, Patiala and Ludhiana are the major
surplus biomass potential districts, while Rupnagar, Nawashahar, Hoshiarpur, Fatehgarh Sahib,
Faridkot and Kapurthalla are least surplus biomass potential districts within the state. It has been
estimated that around 1.510 GW and 1.464 GW of power in the state can be generated through
interest in their utilization for power generation (Kumar and Patel, 2008), an attempt has been
made in this study to assess the proximate analysis and energy content of different components
of Ocimumcanum and Tridaxprocumbens biomass species (both non-woody) and their impact
on power generation and land requirement for energy plantations. The net energy content in
Ocimumcanum was found to be slightly higher than that in Tridaxrocumbens. In spite of having
higher ash contents, the barks from both the plant species exhibited higher calorific values. The
results have shown that approximately 650 and 1,270 hectares of land are required to generate
20,000 kWh/day electricity from Ocimumcanum and Tridaxprocumbens biomass species. Coal
samples, obtained from six different local mines, were also examined for their qualities and the
results were compared with those of studied biomass materials. This comparison reveals much
higher power output with negligible emission of suspended particulate matters (SPM) from
biomass materials.
Renewable energy sources and technologies have potential to provide solutions to the
long-standing energy problems being faced by the developing countries (Kumar et al, 2010).
The renewable energy sources like wind energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, ocean energy,
biomass energy and fuel cell technology can be used to overcome energy shortage in India. To
meet the energy requirement for such a fast growing economy, India will require an assured
supply of 3–4 times more energy than the total energy consumed today. The renewable energy is
one of the options to meet this requirement. Today, renewable account for about 33% of India’s
primary energy consumptions.India is increasingly adopting responsible renewable energy
techniques and taking positive steps towards carbon emissions, cleaning the air and ensuring a
more sustainable future. In India, from the last two and half decades there has been a vigorous
of a variety of renewable energy technologies for use in different sectors. In this paper, efforts
have been made to summarize the availability, current status, major achievements and future
potentials of renewable energy options in India. This paper also assesses specific policy
interventions for overcoming the barriers and enhancing deployment of renewables for the
In the present project work, two different types of non-woody biomass species Cajanus
cajan (local name-arhar, pigeon pea) and Arachis hypogaea(local name-peanut, ground nut) shell
has been collectedfrom the local area. These biomass species were cut into different pieces and
there different component like leaf, nascent branch and main branch were separation from each
other. These biomass materials were air-dried in cross ventilator room for around 30 days. When
the moisture contains of these air-dried biomass sample came in equilibrium with that of the air,
they were crushed in mortar and pestle into powder of -72 mess size. Coal sample for making the
blend was collected from Lingaraj mines of Orissa. These materials were than processed for the
Proximate Analysis consist of moisture, ash, volatile matter, and fixed carbon contents
determination were carried out on samples ground to -72 mess size by standard method. The
One gm. (1 gm.) of air dried -72 mess size powder of the above said materials was taken
in borosil glass disc and heated at a temperature of 110 0C for one hour in air oven. The discs
were then taken out the oven and the materials were weight. The percentage loss in weight was
calculated which gives the percentage (%) moisture contains in the sample.
3.2.2 Determination of Ash Content
One gm. (1 gm.) of -72 mess size (air dried) was taken in a shallow silica disc and kept in
a muffle furnace maintained at the temperature of 775 0C. The materials were heated at this
temperature for one hour or till complete burning. The weight of the residue was taken in an
electronic balance. The percentage weight of residue obtained gives the ash contained in the
One gm. (1 gm.) of -72 mess size (air dried) powder of the above said materials was
taken in a volatile matter crucible (cylindrical in shape and made of silica). The crucible is
covered from top with the help of silica lid. The crucible were placed in a muffle furnace,
maintained at the temperature of 9250 C and kept there for 7 minute. The volatile matter
crucibles were then taken out from the furnace and cooled in air. The de-volatized samples were
weighted in an electronics balance and the percentage loss in weight in each of the sample was
calculated. The percentage volatile matter in the sample was determined by using the following
The fixed carbons in the simple were determined by using the following formula.
% FC = 100 ─ (% M + % VM + % Ash)
The calorific values of these species (-72 mesh size) were measured by using an Oxygen
bomb calorimeter (shown in Fig.3.3.1); 1 gm. of briquetted sample was taken in a nicron
crucible. A 15 cm long cotton thread was placed over the sample in the crucible to facilitate in
the ignition. Both the electrodes of the calorimeter were connected by a nicrom fuse wire.
Oxygen gas was filled in the bomb at a pressure of around 25 to 30 atm. The water (2 lit.) taken
in the bucket was continually starred to homogeneous the temperature. The sample was ignited
by switching on the current through the fussed wire and the rise in temperature of water was
automatically recorded. The following formula was used to determine the energy value of the
Gross calorific value (GCV) = {(3922 × ΔT) / (Initial wt. of simple) ─ (heat released by cotton
thread + Heat released by fused wire)}
Where, 3922 is the water equivalent water apparatus and ΔT is the maximum temperature rise.
It is important to determine the moisture contents, ash contents, volatile matter and fixed
carbon of a fuel energy source to know their power generation potential. Thus the study of
proximate analysis of fuels energy sources gives an approximate idea about the energy values
and extent of pollutant emissions during combustion. Agricultural based biomass has large
amount of free moisture. To decrease the transportation cost and increase the calorific value
which must be removed. In the plant species selected for the present study the time required to
bring their moisture contents into equilibrium with that of the atmosphere was found to be in the
range of 25-30 days during the summer season (temp 35 –420C, humidity 12-25 %).
Table 4.1.1: Proximate analysis and calorific values of Groundnut shell, different
component of pigeon pea and coal
80 Moist
70 VM
60 FC
Percentage %
Groundnut Pigeon Pea Pigeon Pea Pigeon Pea Pigeon Pea Pigeon Pea Coal
Shell Stump Branch Leaf Bark Seed Cover
Figure: 4.1.1 Variation of Proximate Analysis of Groundnut Shell, Pigeon Pea and Coal
The proximate analysis and calorific values of different components of pigeon pea and
groundnut shell, coal and coal-biomass mixed briquette in different ratios are presented in tables
4.1.1 to 4.1.7 and variation ofproximate analysis of mixed coal-biomass briquettes are shown in
figure 4.1.1 to 4.1.7 Which shows that both the biomass species has less ash content and high
volatile matter when mixes with coal in the ratio of 80:20.In conventional power plant bottom
ash produced by the combustion of coal is a major problem, so it is always desires to use less ash
content fuel.
Table 4.1.2: Proximate analysis and calorific values of Coal-Biomass (Pigeon Pea Stump)
mixed briquette in different ratios
Proximate analysis wt. %, air dried basis value (kcal
Ratio /kg, dry
(Coal: Biomass) basis)
Moisture Volatile Ash Fixed
matter carbon
45 Moist
40 Ash
35 FC
Percentage %
95:05:00 90:10:00 85:15:00 80:20:00
Figure: 4.1.2 Variation of Proximate Analysis of Mixed Coal-Biomass (Pigeon Pea Stump)
Table 4.1.3: Proximate analysis and calorific values of Coal-Biomass (Pigeon Pea Branch)
mixed briquette in different ratios
Proximate analysis wt. %, air dried basis value (kcal
Ratio /kg, dry
(Coal: Biomass) basis)
Moisture Volatile Ash Fixed
matter carbon
40 Ash
Percentage %
95:05:00 90:10:00 85:15:00 80:20:00
Figure: 4.1.3 Variation of Proximate Analysis of Mixed Coal-Biomass (Pigeon Pea Branch)
Table 4.1.4: Proximate analysis and calorific values of Coal-Biomass (Pigeon Pea Leaf)
mixed briquette in different ratios
Proximate analysis wt. %, air dried basis value (kcal
Ratio /kg, dry
(Coal: Biomass) basis)
Moisture Volatile Ash Fixed
matter carbon
45 Moist
40 Ash
Percentage %
95:05:00 90:10:00 85:15:00 80:20:00
Figure: 4.1.4 Variation of Proximate Analysis of Mixed Coal-Biomass (Pigeon Pea Leaf)
Table 4.1.5: Proximate analysis and calorific values of Coal-Biomass (Pigeon Pea Bark)
mixed briquette in different ratios
Proximate analysis wt. %, air dried basis value (kcal
Ratio /kg, dry
(Coal: Biomass) basis)
Moisture Volatile Ash Fixed
matter carbon
40 Ash
Percentage %
95:05:00 90:10:00 85:15:00 80:10:00
Figure: 4.1.5 Variation of Proximate Analysis of Mixed Coal-Biomass (Pigeon Pea Bark)
Table 4.1.6: Proximate analysis and calorific values of Coal-Biomass (Pigeon Pea seed
cover) mixed briquette in different ratios
Proximate analysis wt. %, air dried basis value (kcal
Ratio /kg, dry
(Coal: Biomass) basis)
Moisture Volatile Ash Fixed
matter carbon
45 VM
40 FC
Percentage %
95:05:00 90:10:00 85:15:00 80:20:00
Figure: 4.1.6 Variation of Proximate Analysis of Mixed Coal-Biomass (Pigeon Pea seed cover)
Table 4.1.7:Proximate analysis and calorific values of Coal-Biomass (Groundnut Shell)
mixed briquette in different ratios
Proximate analysis wt. %, air dried basis value (kcal
Ratio /kg, dry
(Coal: Biomass) basis)
Moisture Volatile Ash Fixed
matter carbon
40 Ash
Percentage %
95:05:00 90:10:00 85:15:00 80:20:00
4.2 Calorific Values of Presently Selected Agricultural Residue
Power generated from any fuel energy sources can be estimated on the basis of calorific
value of the fuel sources due to which calorific values of the fuel energy source is an important
criteria to judging its quality to be used in electricity generation in power plants. It gives an idea
about the energy content ofthe fuel and the entrant of electricity generation.
Comparison of the data presented in Table 4.1.1 to 4.1.7 shows that different component
of pigeon pea has higher calorific value as compared to groundnut shell. Calorific values of this
biomass and mixture with coal has also shown when they mixes in different ratios. Components
of pigeon pea has higher calorific value with selected coal, due to that when it mixes with coal
calorific value of mixture increase as the quantity of pigeon pea biomass increases in the mixture
of coal-biomass briquette.
10-15 villages consisting of 3000 families may be considered for which one power station could
be planned. The electricity requirement of lighting and domestic work in these villages may be
assumed to be order of 6000 kWh/day. In addition to it, a power requirement of 14000 KWh/day
(approximate) may be considered for agriculture (irrigation and small scale industries installed in
the considered group of villages. Therefore a power plant (to be installed in a group of villages)
should have a capacity to generate 6000 + 14000 = 20,000 kWh/day (73 x 10 kWh/year) for a
The design of energy, plantations from pigeon pea and groundnut biomass species for
power plant having a capacity, of 20,000 kWh/day have been presented in Table 4.3.1 The
results indicate that in order to meet the yearly power requirement of the order of 73 x 10 kWh
for a group of 10-15 villages, 4315 ha (in case of use of pigeon pea residue) and 4315 ha (in case
of use of groundnut shell) should always be ready for harvesting, in order to have perpetual
generation of power.
Table 4.3.1: Total energy contents and power generation structure from pigeon pea and
groundnut shell
. But when coal-biomass mixed briquette is used as fuel for power generation in the ratio of
80:20 it is found that it requires 197.91 ha (in case of use of coal and pigeon pea residue) and
891.33 ha (in case of use of coal and groundnut shell) land which is more feasible because it
reduces the dependency on agricultural residue and also land requirement for plantation.
Energy value of 30% thermal generators = 5704 x 10 x 0.30
= 1712 x 10 kcals
= 1990.2 kWh
=4315 hectares
4.4.2 If coal-biomass (pigeon pea) mixed briquette in 80:20 ratio is used as fuel
=6414.49 kWh/t
=1138 t
=1138 x 0.2
=227.6 t
=1.15 t/ha
=197.91 ha
= 4900 x 103kcal/ha
= 1249.70 x 103kcal/ha
=1452.78 kWh/ha
=5024.84 ha
4.5.2 If coal-biomass (groundnut shell) mixed briquette in 80:20 ratio is used as fuel
Calorific value of coal-biomass mixed briquette(kcal /t, dry basis)
=4120.518 x 103kcal/t
Energy value at 30%efficiency ofthermal generators and power generation at 85 % overall
= 1050.73 x 103kcal/t
= 1221.47 kWh/t
= 73×105/1221.47
= 5976.37
= 5976.37 x 0.2
= 1195.27 t
= 1195.27/1.341
= 891.33 ha
In the present work two non-woody biomass species pigeon pea and ground nut shell were
selected. Experiments to determine the proximate analysis, calorific values and ash fusion
temperature was done on each of the components of the selected species such as stump, bark,
branch, leaf and nascent branch were performed. Estimation has done to analyze how much
power can be generated and land requirement for plantation for each of these species. The
following are the different conclusions drawn from the present work:
1. Both plant species (pigeon pea and ground nut) showed almost the similar proximate
analysis result for their components .Pigeon pea has higher calorific value than groundnut
2. Groundnut shell has lower calorific value, ash content and higher volatile matter than
selected coal sample due to that when the percentage of groundnut shell increases in the
coal-biomass briquette calorific value and ash content decreases and volatile matter
3. In case of pigeon pea biomass calorific value and volatile matter is higher and ash content
is lower than selected coal sample due to that when percentage of pigeon pea increases in
the coal-biomass briquette calorific value and volatile matter increases and ash content is
4. The pigeon pea biomass species showed highest energy values for their branch, followed
5. Amongst the four different ratio80:20 gives the less ash content and higher volatile
6. Energy values of coal mixed pigeon pea biomass component were found to be little bit
10-15 villages, 4315 ha (in case of use of pigeon pea residue) and 5024.84 ha (in case of
use of groundnut shell) land are required for plantation but when coal-biomass mixed
briquette is used as fuel for power generation in the ratio of 80:20 it is found that it
requires 197.91 ha (in case of use of coal-pigeon pea briquette) and 891.33 ha land(in
8. This study could be positive in the exploitation of non-woody biomass species for power
1. Similar type of study can be extended for another non-woody biomass species available
2. Pilot plant study on laboratory scale may be carried out to generate electricity from
biomass species.
3. The powdered samples of these biomass species may be mixed with cow dunk and the
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