Final Year Project
Final Year Project
Final Year Project
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Prudhvi Raj
All content following this page was uploaded by Prudhvi Raj on 02 March 2016.
Project Report on
Mr.P.Anil kumar
This is to certify that the project report entitled “PLANT DESIGN FOR MANUFACTURING
ACETIC ACID” is a bonafide work done by T.Prudhvi Raj (10021A2512) Submitted in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the award of Degree of Bachelor of Technology in Petro Chemical Engineering during the
academic year 2013-2014.
The results of investigations enclosed in this report have been verified and found
satisfactory. The results embodied in this project report have not been submitted to any other
University or Institute for the award of any other degree.
Prof. K. V. Rao
Programme Director
Dept. of PE & PCE
J.N.T. University
I would like to express our sincere gratitude to the project guide, Mr. P.Anil Kumar,
Lecturer, Department of Petroleum Engineering & Petrochemical Engineering, University
College of Engineering (A), Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada, for his
timely cooperation and valuable suggestions while carrying out the project. It is his kindness that
made me learn more from him.
I would like to express our thanks to Prof K.V.Rao, Programme Director, Department
of Petroleum Engineering & Petrochemical Engineering, University College of Engineering (A),
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada, for their guidance given to me to finish
this project successfully.
I also like to thank all my friends and well-wishers for their warm and willing
Acetic acid has a place in organic processes comparable to sulfuric acid in the mineral chemical
industries and its movements mirror the industry.
Methanol carbonylation has become the technology of choice in the world market. Production
from synthesis gas is increasing and the development of alternative raw materials is under
serious consideration. Research on fermentative routes to glacial acetic acid is also being
The main objective of the project is to discuss the design of a chemical plant for manufacture of
acetic acid, this project will shows the industrialized processes employed in manufacturing of the
acetic acid.
The objective of the development of new acetic acid processes has been to reduce raw material
consumption, energy requirements, and investment costs. Significant cost advantages resulted
from the use of carbon monoxide and of low-priced methanol as feedstock’s. At present,
industrial processes (commercial process) for the production of acetic acid is dominated by
methanol carbonylation route.
This is the basic and outlined scope of the project that is needed to be carried out:
Fig 1.1. Acetic acid global demand 3
Fig 1.2. Acetic acid supply 3
Fig 1.3. Global acetic acid consumption 4
Fig 1.4. Acetic acid capacities 5
Fig.1.5. Global acetic acid derivatives 5
Fig 1.6. Acetic acid supply and demand 5
Fig 3.1. Flow sheet for acetaldehyde oxidation 18
Fig 5.1. Flow sheet for methanol carbonylation 19
Fig 6.1. Material balance for Distillation column – II 31
Fig 6.2. Material Balance for Distillation column-I 33
Fig 6.3. Reactor material balance 34
Fig 8.1 Equilibrium stages for Distillation column 57
Fig 8.2. Graph for to estimate Capacity Factor 59
Fig 8.3. Graph for estimating Flow pattern 61
Fig 8.4. Weep Point correlation 63
Fig 8.5. Discharge coefficient for gas flow through sieve plates 64
Fig 8.6. Graph for Fractional entrainment 66
Fig 8.7. Relation between weir length , chord height and angle subtended by weir 67
Fig.8.8.Ft parameter versus S correlation 73
Fig.8.9. Shell bundle clearance 75
Fig.8.10. Shell-side friction factors, segmental baffles 76
Fig.8.11. Tube-side friction factors 77
Fig.8.11. Tube-side friction factors 82
Fig 13.1. Plant Layout 119
Table 6.1. Material balance for Distillation column – 2 31
Table 6.2. Material balance for distillation column – I 34
Table 6.3. Material balance for Reactor 34
Table 7.1. A,B,C,D & E constant values for different components 36
Table 7.2. Enthalpy balance for feed out from CSTR 40
Table 7.3. Energy balance for Distillation column – 1 44
Table 7.4. Enthalpy balance for overhead stream 45
Table 7.5. Enthalpy balance for bottom stream 47
Table 7.6. Energy balance for feed stream 49
Table 7.7. Energy balance for the overhead stream 50
Table 7.8. Energy balance for the bottom stream 51
Table 8.1.equilibrium data for distillation column -II 57
Table 8.2. calculations for Relative volatility 70
Table 14.1. Total direct costs 122
Table 14.2. Total indirect costs 123
Table 14.3. Total fixed costs 124
Table 14.4. Total direct product costs 125
Table 14.5.Total general expenses 126
a,at,as Flow area in general, for tube side, and for shell side,
B Rate of Bottom Product
B’ Baffle spacing
Cp Specific heat
C’ Clearance between tubes
D Diameter
De Equivalent diameter
dp,dt Diameter of particle & tube respectively
D Rate of Distillate Product
F Rate of feed
ID Inner Diameter
jH Heat transfer factor, dimensionless
k Thermal conductivity
L Length
Nt Number of tubes
ni Molar flow rate of component i
OD Outer Diameter
P Pressure
ΔP Pressure drop
PT Tube pitch
Q Heat flow Rate
Qc Condenser heat duty
Qr Reboiler Duty
Rd Dirt Factor
ΔT Temperature Difference
U,Uc,Ud Overall heat transfer coefficient, clean coefficient, design
V Vapor Flow Rate in Rectifying Section
Xf Composition of Feed
Xb Composition of Bottom product
Xd Composition of Distillate
v Latent Heat of Vaporization
Viscosity Ratio ( w)
w Viscosity at the tube wall
1.1. Introduction:
Acetic acid is an important commodity used in chemical industries, with about 9 million tons of
world demands per year. The primary use of this chemical is in the manufacture of
assorted acetate esters, fungicide, organic compounds, organic solvents and the preparation
of pharmaceuticals, cellulose acetate that is important in making film and plastic wares,
perfumes and synthetic fiber.
Sharp odor,
Burning taste, and
Pernicious blistering properties.
It is found in ocean water, oilfield brines, rain, and at trace concentrations in many plant and
animal liquids. It is central to all biological energy pathways. Fermentation of fruit and vegetable
juices yields 2–12% acetic acid solutions, usually called vinegar (qv). Any sugar-containing sap
or juice can be transformed by bacterial or fungal processes to dilute acetic acid.
Theophrastus (272–287 BC) studied the utilization of acetic acid to make white lead and Andreas
Libavius (AD 1540–1600) distinguished the properties of vinegar from those of ice like (glacial)
acetic acid obtained by dry distillation of copper acetate or similar heavy metal acetates.
Lavoisier believed he could distinguish acetic acid from acetous acid, the hypothetical acid of
vinegar, which he thought was converted into acetic acid by oxidation. Uses include the
manufacture of vinyl acetate and acetic anhydride. Vinyl acetate is used to make latex emulsion
resins for paints, adhesives, paper coatings, and textile finishing agents. Acetic anhydride is used
in making cellulose acetate fibers, cigarette filter tow, and cellulosic plastics.
A market study on glacial acetic acid discloses a large gap between its demand and
supply. The production of acetic acid is sound globally but recent data shows a
decreasing producing capacity of Asia worldwide. Most of Acetic acid produced in Asia is
consumed internally and the excess is being imported due to its cheapness in the process
A comparison of the demand and supply chart from the 2013 data supports the fact that with the
demand of 12%, Europe producers are able to supply only 8% of it. The rest of the demand is
being imported from producers from other continents.
A study of world consumption of acetic acid in the year 2009 also reveals similar facts
with china being the greatest consumer of acetic acid in the market and united states
being the second most consumer.
1.2.1 CAPACITY OF ACETIC ACID: This section describes about the capacities and acetic
acid derivatives production world wide
Fig 1.4. Acetic acid capacities
With Asia’s growing contribution to the global chemical industry, India emerges as one
of the focus destinations for chemical companies worldwide. With the current size of
$108 billion, the Indian chemical industry accounts for approximately 7% of Indian GDP.
Share of industry in national exports is around 11%. In terms of volume, India is the third-
largest producer of chemicals in Asia, after China and Japan. Despite its large size and
significant GDP contribution, India chemicals industry represents only around 3% of global
The Indian chemical industry could grow at 11% P.A. To reach size of $224 billion by 2017.
The demand for organic chemicals in India has been increasing at nearly 6.5% during
this period and has reached the level of 2.8 million tons. The domestic supply has
however grown at a slower pace resulting in gradual widening of demand supply gap
which was primarily bridged through imports.
Acetic Acid is primarily used for production of Purified terepthalic acid (PTA), Vinyl acetate
monomer (VAM), and acetic anhydride and acetate esters. In India, production of acetic acid
is primarily based on alcohol and its demand has grown at 10% during XI th Five Year
Plan period. At present the consumption is estimated to be 0.6 million tons which would
reach nearly 1.0 million tons by end of XII th Five Year Plan period (2012-2017). The
demand growth is primarily driven by end use demand from PTA which is basic raw
material for polyester and fiber. There is substantial incremental capacity of PTA, driving
demand for acetic acid in this segment.
Acetic acid is primarily produced through alcohol or methanol route. Alcohol route in Indian
context is gradually becoming unviable due to high prices and limited availability of this
feedstock. At present bulk of acetic acid is imported with domestic production accounting for
less than 30% of demand.
Amongst the six major organic chemicals produced in India Acetic Acid contribute to
nearly 2/3rd of Indian basic organic chemical industry. The balance 1/3rd of the organic
chemical consumption in the country is accounted for by other wide variety of chemicals.
Acetic acid is a clear, colorless, corrosive liquid that has a pungent odor and is a dangerous
vesicant. It has pungent vinegar like odor. The detectable odor is as low as 1 ppm. The liquid is
usually available as glacial acetic acid with less than 1 Wt % water and over 98 % purity.
Besides water, the acid contains traces of impurities such as acetaldehyde, oxidized substances,
iron, and chlorides. Occasionally, the acid may be colored due to the presence of ethyl
acetoacetate. The acetate is easily mistaken for formic acid because it reduces mercuric chloride.
Traces of mercury may cause extensive corrosion by reaction with aluminum. Aluminum is a
common material for containers to ship the acid .Glacial acetic acid is very hydroscopic. The
presence of 0.1 Wt % water lowers the freezing point significantly. Acetic acid forms azeotropes
with many common solvents, such as benzene, pyridine, and dioxane. Acetic acid is miscible
with water, ethanol, acetone, benzene, ether, and carbon tetrachloride. However, it is not soluble
in CS2.The presence of acetaldehyde or formic acid is commonly revealed by permanganate
• Though the molecular weight of acetic acid is 60.05, its apparent molecular weight
varies with both temperature and the other associating substances present.
• A zero dipole moment for unsymmetrical acetic acid structure(is explained by the formation
of symmetric dimmers via hydrogen bonding in which the dipole moments cancel).
• Has a very strong leveling effect on bases and solvolyzes all strong bases to acetate ion,
3. Vapor pressure :
Many useful materials are made from acetic acid. Acetate esters are formed by reaction of olefins
or alcohols with acetic acid. Acetic acid is also used in the preparation of pharmaceuticals.
Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is formed by the reaction between acetic acid and salicylic acid.
This esterification reaction is reversible, however, and the presence of water can lead to
hydrolysis of the aspirin. Thus, an anhydrous (“without water”) reagent could lead to better
yields of product.
Alternatively, the reaction between the acid chloride and a salt of acetic acid (e.g. sodium
acetate) yields acetic anhydride and a salt.
Acetic acid is mildly corrosive to metals including iron, magnesium, and zinc, forming hydrogen
gas and salts called acetates:
Mg + 2CH3COOH → (CH3COO)2Mg + H2
Because aluminium forms a passivizing acid-resistant film of aluminium oxide, aluminium tanks
are used to transport acetic acid. Metal acetates can also be prepared from acetic acid and an
appropriate base, as in the popular "baking soda + vinegar" reaction:
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Minute traces of acetic anhydride are formed when very dry acetic acid is distilled. Without a
catalyst, equilibrium is reached after 7 hrs of boiling, but a trace of acid catalyst produces
equilibrium in 20 min.
Thermolysis of acetic acid occurs at 442OC and 101.3 KPa (1 atm), leading by parallel pathways
to methane and carbon dioxide, and to ketene and water. Both reactions have great industrial
Acetic acid dissociates in water, pKa=4.76 at 25OC. It is a mild acid that can be used for analysis
of bases too weak to detect in water. It readily neutralizes the ordinary hydroxides of the alkali
metals and the alkaline earths to form the corresponding acetates. Other acids exhibit very
powerful, super acid properties in acetic acid solutions and are thus useful catalysts for
esterification of olefins and alcohols.
Nitration conducted in acetic acid solvent are affected because of the formation of the nitronium
ion, (NO2+) Hexamethylenetetramine may be nitrated in acetic acid solvent to yield the explosive
• Over 60% of acetic acid produced goes into polymers derived from either Vinyl acetate (vinyl
• Most of poly (vinyl acetate) is used in paints and coatings or used for making poly (vinyl
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• Acetic acid and acetate esters are used extensively as solvents and in organic
• In the production of white lead and chrome yellow pigments, it is used to make lead available
in a soluble form for further reaction to give basic lead carbonate and lead chromate.
• Also used to provide the necessary acidity in the number of processes carried out in an
aqueous media.
• Dilute acetic acid functions either or both as a preservative and flavoring agent in food
• Also, lower alkyl esters such as methanol, ethanol, isopropanol and butanol are widely
used as solvents for lacquers and adhesives. Other esters form basis for synthetic flavors for
perfumes and bornyl acetate in the manufacture of synthetic camphor.
2.3.2 Acetic acid is mainly utilized in the manufacture of the following products:
2. Vinyl acetate: Vinyl acetate is a basic raw material for Poly vinyl acetate and Poly vinyl
alcohol. Vinyl acetate monomer is used in the manufacture of latex paint, paper coatings,
adhesives and textile finishing.
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3. Cellulose acetate: Cellulose acetate is an important constituent of thermoplastics and fibers.
The textile industry uses cellulose acetate widely for the production of cellulose acetate fiber.
The other uses of Cellulose acetate are the production of film, plastic sheets and the formulation
of liquor.
4. Monochloro acetic acid: Monochloro acetic acid [MCA] is used extensively in the
manufacture of Herbicides, Preservatives, Bacteriostat and Glycine. Mainly it is used in the
manufacture of Carboxy methyl cellulose which is a gummy and strong adhesive powder used in
drilling for oil. MCA is also used for producing laboratory chemicals like EDTA and 2 4 D
5. Purified Terepthalic acid [PTA]: · Acetic acid finds use in the manufacture of PTA as a
solvent. PTA is an alternative raw material for polyester fiber manufacture instead of Dimethyl
terephthalate [DMT]
6. Food Additives [vinegar]: Acetic acid is widely used in the form of vinegar as a food
additive. As vinegar it is used for the preservation of food and also to impart a sour taste to
certain preparations.
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The 99.8% pure acetic acid, sold in the name of glacial acetic acid can be manufactured
by various processes. Each process is discussed in detail in the following sections.
There are mainly three processes that produce acetic acid. They are
Acetaldehyde Oxidation
Methanol Carbonylation
Anaerobic fermentation
Butane–Naphtha Catalytic Liquid-Phase Oxidation
While in the Indian scenario acetaldehyde oxidation process takes the majority of acetic acid
production. Alcohol is used to obtain Acetaldehyde (Alcohol is obtained by the fermentation and
distillation of Molasses).
Species of anaerobic bacteria Species of anaerobic bacteria, including members of the genus
Clostridium or Acetobacterium can convert sugars to acetic acid directly, without using
ethanol as an intermediate. The overall chemical reaction conducted by these bacteria may be
represented as:
C6H12O6 → 3CH3COOH
These acetogenic bacteria produce acetic acid from one-carbon compounds, including methanol,
carbon monoxide, or a mixture of carbon dioxide and hydrogen:
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This ability of Clostridium to utilize sugars directly, or to produce acetic acid from less costly
inputs, means that these bacteria could potentially produce acetic acid more efficiently
than ethanol-oxidizers like Acetobacterium .
However, Clostridium bacteria are less acid-tolerant than Acetobacter. Even the most acid-
tolerant Clostridium strains can produce vinegar of only a few per cent acetic acid,
compared to Acetobacter strains that can produce vinegar of up to 20% acetic acid. At
present, it remains more cost-effective to produce vinegar using Acetobacter than to produce
it using Clostridium and then concentrate it. As a result, although acetogenic bacteria have
been known since 1940, their industrial use remains confined to a few niche applications.
Oxidation of n-butane in the liquid phase is through Chemische Werke Huls process.
This reaction can be carried out in three different ways as shown below:
iii. A liquid phase homogenous catalytic reaction at 160-1800C and 45-55 atm. pressure.
The production of acetic acid by acetaldehyde oxidation has an extensive patent literature. It has
been in commercial operation since 1911 in Germany and 1920 in the US.
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The continuous oxidation of acetaldehyde in the liquid phase is generally carried out by using air
or oxygen in the presence of catalyst manganese acetate. The reaction mixture containing
acetaldehyde diluted with crude acid and manganese acetate solution is circulated upward
through the oxidation tower.
Reaction conditions when air is used are 55-65°C at 70-75 psi (about 5 atm); and when air is
used oxygen is used, 70-80°C at a pressure sufficient to keep the acetaldehyde liquid.
The reaction mixture is drawn off the top of the distillation tower and is diluted continuously in
as many as 3 distillation columns. Now, crude acid is fed into the top of the distillation column
and other volatile components are withdrawn overhead while a residue containing manganese
acetate is removed at the bottom. A low boiling fore –run is taken off overhead in the second
column and 99.6 - 99.8% pure acetic acid is taken off just above the reboiler.
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In Hoechst Process, the oxidation is usually done with oxygen, which operates
continuously at 50-70oC in the oxidations towers of stainless steel (bubble columns) with
acetic acid as solvent. Temperatures of at least 50oC are necessary to achieve an adequate
decomposition of peroxide and thus a sufficient rate of oxidation. The heat of reaction is
removed by circulating the oxidation mixture through a cooling system. Careful
temperature control limits the oxidative decomposition of acetic acid to formic acid,
CO2, and small amounts of CO and H2O. Acetic acid selectivity reaches 95-97%.
Besides CO2 and formic acid, the byproducts include methyl acetate, methanol, methyl
formate, and formaldehyde, which are separated by distillation.
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4.1 THE SELECTED PROCESS: Methanol Carbonylation route
Undoubtedly the methanol carbonylation route has a much greater production when compared to
any other processes i.e. it holds 75% of the world’s acetic acid production technologies.
B.P chemicals came up with a process named as Cativa that used Iridium catalyst with
Hydrogen iodide as the active catalyst in the system.
Henry Drefyus at British Celanese developed a methanol carbonylation pilot plant as early as
1925. However, a lack of practical materials that could contain the corrosive reaction mixture at
the high pressures needed (200 atm or more) discouraged commercialization of these routes. The
first commercial methanol carbonylation process, which used a cobalt catalyst, was developed by
German chemical company BASF in 1963. In 1968, a rhodium-based catalyst (cis−
[Rh(CO)2I2]−) was discovered that could operate efficiently at lower pressure with almost no by-
products. The first plant using this catalyst was built by US chemical company Monsanto
Company in 1970, and rhodium-catalyzed methanol carbonylation became the dominant method
of acetic acid production. In the late 1990s, the chemicals company BP Chemicals
commercialized the Cativa catalyst ([Ir(CO)2I2]−), which is promoted by ruthenium. This iridium
catalyzed process is greener and more efficient and has largely supplanted the Monsanto process,
often in the same production plants.
• Lower water concentration was obtained in the product compared to Monsanto process.
• Iridium is cheaper than Rhodium, hence reducing the cost of production to a large extent.
The Cativa Process is carried 30-40 bar pressure and at a temperature of 150-180oC
Main reaction:
Side Reactions:
The process involves iodomethane as an intermediate, and occurs in three steps. A catalyst,
usually a metal complex, is needed for the carbonylation (step 2).
By altering the process conditions, acetic anhydride may also be produced on the same plant.
Because both methanol and carbon monoxide are commodity raw materials, methanol
carbonylation long appeared to be an attractive method for acetic acid production.
The use of other less expensive catalyst such as nickel, palladium, and ruthenium in
homogeneous systems has also been investigated. In 1996, BP Amoco commercialized the
iridium-based Cativa technology, which operates with reactor water levels that are comparable to
the improved Monsanto process. The new catalyst is most effective when used in combination
with lithium and ruthenium.
The Cativa technology is installed in Sterling’s Texas City acetic acid plant, which has a capacity
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This is the catalytic cycle for the carbonylation of methanol using iridium as the catalyst
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• The selectivity of Cativa process is 99% as compared to the 90% of acetaldehyde oxidation and
• The methanol used as the feed is comparatively cheaper than the feed in other processes.
• Fermentation process which also seems viable in terms of operation involves a greater
upstream and downstream cost for sterilization of equipment to provide an environment for
microbial growth.
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The carbonylation process of methanol is carried out in a continuous stirred tank reactor.
The methanol and carbon monoxide is fed to the reactor from the bottom as feed. The
carbon monoxide is compressed in a compressor to 30 bar before inlet to the reactor to
ensure the reaction is occurs in the liquid phase. The reaction is highly exothermic and
hence a cooling jacket is provided outside the reactor to ensure that the proper
temperature of 150oC is maintained in the reactor. The initial heat required to ignite the
reaction is mainly rough age of steam through the jacket. As the reaction starts, the heat of
reaction is used to continue the reaction and excess heat is removed.
The following will be the process flow diagram for methanol carbonylation route.
The unreacted gases are vented out through a scrubber which also works as a preheater
for a part of methanol feed. A part of methanol feed is preheated from ambient
temperature to 60oC as it comes out of the scrubber Another work that is performed by
the side stream is the stripping of entrained liquid in the vent gases and it also ensures
that the loss of product with these gases is minimal. The vent gases generally exit the
scrubber at 50oC to the atmosphere.
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The product stream from the CSTR, is rich in acetic acid and containing small
concentrations of methanol, by-product propionic acid and water is made to pass through
the throttling valve to the flash tank where the product is flashed to a reduced pressure
of 1 atm. The product from the flash tank is fed to the light end distillation column at a
temperature of 52oC. A recycle stream is pumped from the bottom of the flash tank back
to the CSTR.
In the light end distillation column the feed containing acetic acid, water, propionic acid,
methanol and methyl acetate is distilled to separate light ends (methyl acetate and
methanol) from the bottom stream containing acetic acid, propionic acid and little
concentration of water. The acetic acid is generally 87.6 % by wt. which is further purified
in the acid purification unit to obtain the required product. The feed stream enters at a
temperature of about 52oC and the bottom stream leaves the end column at a temperature of
97oC. In the acid purification unit, the stream enters at a temperature of 97oC. The higher boiling
component propionic acid is obtained from the bottom of the distillation tower where a
temperature of 123oC is maintained. Glacial Acetic acid (99.8% by wt.) is obtained from the
top of the distillation tower, maintained at 118oC.
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Material balance is the basis of process design. A material balance taken on complete process
determines the quantities of material required and the products produced. Balance over
individual process unit sets the process stream flows and compositions.
Material balances are also useful tool for study of plant operation and trouble shooting.
They can be used to check the performance against design to check instrument calibration
and to locate the source of material loss.
It is known that 99.8% acetic acid by weight is to be obtained as the overhead product.
= 33400 TPA
Because the total working hours for a plant under operation per a year are 8000 hours so 334
Hence for the 2nd distillation column (acetic acid purification column) the following data is
( – )
B= ( – )
30 | P a g e
= 580.853 kg
Hence, the weight and wt. fraction can be arranged for DC-II in the table as:
The composition for the above components can be known from the tables
Now, as assumed remaining methanol is converted to methyl acetate during the throttling
operation. Hence the amount of acetic acid remains constant and can be used to find the moles
(and thus the wt.) of methanol to be used.
Main Reactions:
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Side Reactions:
x Kmoles of MeOH + x Kmoles of CO 0.9091×x Kmoles of AA
unreacted MeOH = (1-.9091) × x = 0.0909 × x kmoles
Hence, this methanol is used in production of methyl acetate in the flash tank during the
throttling process. But it is known that we obtain 1000 ppm of methanol from the tank output.
= 0.8192 × x Kmoles
But, the kmoles of Acetic acid in the flash tank output = 69.28 Kmoles
= 84.57 Kmoles
Also, total water is produced in propionic acid and methyl acetate reaction.
= 8.37 Kmoles
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Total water in light end distillation column feed = 9.13 Kmoles
Considering overall material balance assuming the reactor, scrubber and flash tank as a
complete system we have,
Mass of gas in vent = Mass of methanol in + Mass of carbon monoxide in
– Mass of feed in light end distillation column
Mass of vent from scrubber = 2709.6228 + 2538.48 – 4945.73
= 296.56 kg
Also, 20% in excess promoter, i.e. Hydrogen Iodide and Iridium Catalyst is assumed to be used
in the reactor.
Hence, weight of catalyst = 20% excess of feed methanol
= 12981.36 Kg = 12.98 Tons
This catalyst is recycled back to the reactor from the flash tank and hence is not required to be
fed again and again.
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Table 6.2. Material balance for distillation column – I
Compone Feed Feed Feed Bottom Botto Botto Overhe Overhe Overhe
nts weight Wt Kmol Wt m m ad Wt ad Wt% ad
(Kg/hr) % es (Kg/hr) Wt% Kmol (Kg/hr) Kmoles
Acetic 4158.8 84 69.26 4158.8 87.6 69.25 - - -
acid 3 3 6
Water 163.45 3.30 9.08 17.835 0.376 0.990 145.62 71 8.09
56 1 6 8
Methanol 1.7133 0.03 0.053 - - - 1.7133 0.839 0.0535
Propionic 570.85 11.5 7.714 570.85 12.02 7.71
acid 7 2 7 4
Methyl 56.88 1.14 0.77 - - - 56.88 27.8 0.7686
acetate 8
Total 4951.7 100 86.87 4747.5 100 77.96 204.217 100 8.912
3 23
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In the process design energy balances are made to determine the energy requirements of the
processes: the heating, cooling and power required in the plant operation an energy audit on plant
will show the pattern of energy usage and suggest the areas for energy conservation & solving.
The process is considered as perfectly steady state and accumulation of both mass and energy
will be zero.
ΔHi = ∫
36 | P a g e
= ∫ ( )
n =
= 84.55 Kmole/hr
Now =∫ ( )
(Carbon monoxide) = ( ) ( ) ( )
= ∫ ( ) ( ) ( )
n = 2538.48 / 28
= 90.66 Kmoles/hr
Now =∫ ( ) ( ) ( )
37 | P a g e
Methanol steam rate =2709.62 Kg/hr
= (2709.62×7536.23)+(13.68×15856.5)
= 20637236.54 KJ/hr
= 10008604.61 KJ/hr
Now we perform the total enthalpy calculations for the feed output from the CSTR at
=n×∫ ( ) ( )
n = 4158.83 / 60.05
= 69.256 Kmoles/hr
Now =∫ ( ) ( )
38 | P a g e
Specific heat of Propionic acid leaving at 150oC will be
=n×∫ ( ) ( )
n = 570.857 / 74.09
= 7.7049 Kmoles/hr
Now =∫ ( ) ( )
=n× ∫ ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
n = 163.4556 / 18
= 9.13 Kmoles/hr
=∫ ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
39 | P a g e
=n×∫ ( ) ( )
n = 1.7133 / (32.045)
= 0.0534 Kmole/hr
Now =∫ ( ) ( )
= 1168825.997 KJ/hr
= -138×103 KJ/Kmole
= 10609440 KJ/hr
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Making overall energy balance for reactor:-
= 20637236.45 + 10008604.67
= 30645841.12 KJ/hr
=38268840.44 +1168825.997
=39437666.42 KJ/hr
= 1817614.7 KJ/hr
We have to assume any random temperature for cooling water which is less than the ambience
∆T = (80-17) ⁰C = 63⁰K
= 1817614.7 / (4.18×63)
= 6902.16 Kg/hr
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Specific heat of methanol entering at 52oC will be
= n× ∫ ( ) ( )
Now =∫ ( ) ( )
=n × ∫ ( ) ( )
n = 570.857 / 74.09
= 7.7049 Kmoles/hr
Now =∫ ( ) ( )
=n × ∫ ( ) ( )
n = 4158.83 / 60.05
= 69.256 Kmoles/hr
42 | P a g e
Now =∫ ( ) ( )
=n×∫ ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
n = 163.4556 Kg/hr / 18
= 9.13 Kmoles/hr
Now = ∫ ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
=n×∫ ( )
n = 56.88 / 74.09
= 0.7677 Kmoles/hr
Now =∫ ( )
43 | P a g e
=n×∫ ( )
n = 56.88 / 74.09
= 0.7677 Kmoles/hr
Now =∫ ( )
44 | P a g e
=n×∫ ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
n = 163.4556 / 18
= 9.13 Kmoles/hr
Now = ∫ ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
=n×∫ ( ) ( )
Now =∫ ( ) ( )
=n×∫ ( ) ( )
45 | P a g e
n = 570.857 / 74.09
= 7.7049 Kmoles/hr
Now =∫ ( ) ( )
=n×∫ ( ) ( )
= 69.256 Kmoles/hr
Now =∫ ( ) ( )
=n×∫ ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
n = 163.4556 / 18
= 9.13 Kmoles/hr
Now = ∫ ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
46 | P a g e
Table 7.5. Enthalpy balance for bottom stream
Component Bottom Kg/hr Enthalpy @97⁰C KJ/hr
Propionic acid 570.857 796.32 454584.8462
Acetic acid 4158.83 747.32 3107976.836
Water 17.8356 2399.71 42800.26768
Total 4747.523 3605361.95
Amount of cooling water used by condenser = Mass of vapor being condensed × Specific
enthalpy of water
= Heat accumulated in the overhead stream
Amount of cooling water used by condenser = mass of cooling water×specific heat of water ×∆T
Mass of cooling water × Specific heat of water ×∆T=Heat accumulated in the overhead stream
= 10722.16 Kg/hr
= 497686.631 KJ/hr
= 6191.6 Kg/hr
=n×∫ ( ) ( )
n = 570.857 / 74.09
= 7.7049 Kmoles/hr
Now =∫ ( ) ( )
=n×∫ ( ) ( )
n = 4158.83 / 60.05
= 69.256 Kmoles/hr
Now =∫ ( ) ( )
48 | P a g e
Specific heat of water entering at 97oC will be
=n×∫ ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
Now = ∫ ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
Propionic acid 570.857 796.32 454584.8462
Acetic acid 4158.83 747.32 3107976.836
Water 17.8356 2399.71 42800.26768
Total 4747.523 3605361.95
=n×∫ ( ) ( )
Now =∫ ( ) ( )
49 | P a g e
And ΔHi at 1180C= ∫
=n×∫ ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
Now = ∫ ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
= n× ∫ ( ) (
Now =∫ ( ) (
=n×∫ ( ) (
50 | P a g e
Now =∫ ( ) ( )
=n×∫ ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
Now = ∫ ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
And ΔHi =∫
= n× ∫ ( ) ( )
Now =∫ ( ) ( )
51 | P a g e
Heat Capacity summary of all Compounds, Cp Value in J/kmol.K
= 69.71 × 1225.632
=85438.806 KJ/hr
=2554.98 Kg
= 255416.773 KJ/hr
Total cooling water requirement = Cooling water in reactor + Cooling water in DC-I
+ Cooling water in DC-II
= 20179.3 Kg/hr
= 484.303 TPD
54 | P a g e
From material balance we have
Feed to the DC-II = 4158.828 Kg/hr of acetic acid + 17.83576 Kg/hr
of water + 570.857 Kg/hr of Propionic acid
= 4747.521 Kg/hr
Top product from DC-II = 99.8% purity of acetic acid
Bottom product from DC-II = 98.279% purity of propionic acid
Total flow = 4747.521 Kg/hr
Molefraction of acetic acid in feed = 4158.828/4747.521
= 0.876
Average molecular weight calculation:
Total no of feed moles = 77.961 Kmoles/hr
Average molecular weight = 4747.521 / 77.961
= 60.895 Kg/Kmole
Total flow rate of distillate = 4166.67 Kg/hr
Mole fraction of acetic acid in distillate = 0.998
Average molecular weight calculation
Total moles of distillate = 69.2478 + 0.46278
= 69.7105 Kmole/hr
Average molecular weight of distillate = 4166.67 /69.7105
= 59.7709 Kg/Kmole
We need to calculate the vapor pressures of acetic acid and propionic acid at 370K
P = 10.8346
P = e10.8346
P = 50746.62 KPa
Vapor pressure calculation for propionic acid
From perry’s handbook
lnP = C1 + (C2/T) + C3 lnT + C4 × TC5
ln P = 54.552-19.322-25.29146+0.00303
ln P = 9.941
P = e9.941
P = 20776.33Kpa
α = vapor pressure of acetic acid at 370K /vapor pressure of propionic acid at 370K
α = 50746.62/20776.33
α =2.4425
56 | P a g e
y = (2.4425×x)/(1+1.4425×x)
Form the above expression we have the following equilibrium data
Table 8.1.equilibrium data for distillation column -II
We have Rmin=0.45030.
Now R = 1.5×Rmin
R = 0.67545
Now by giving equilibrium data and conditions in the excel VBA Macros
we obtain the following curve
57 | P a g e
Number of stages =15
From the above curve
Slope of the rectifying section line = 0.719
Slope of the stripping section line =1.041
Assuming 80% efficiency
Number of real stages =15/0.8=19
Total feed moles = 77.961Kmoles/hr
Top product vapor rate V = D×(R+1)
= 69.7105×(0.67545+1)
= 116.8Kmole/hr
Liquid rate = V×slope of the rectifying section
= 116.8×0.719
= 84Kmole/hr
Bottom product B = 8.269Kmole/hr
Slope of the stripping section =L’/V’ =1.041
V’ =L’-B
L’ =1.041×V’
V’ =1.041×V’-B
B =0.041×V’
0.041×V’ =8.269Kmole/hr
V’ =201.683Kmole/hr
L’ =1.041×201.683
L’ =209.951Kmole/hr
Top section:
Top densities form perry’s hand book
𝜌V =3.038Kg/m3 ,
𝜌L =934.36Kg/m³
Surface tension, σtop =27×10-3N/m
Bottom section:
𝜌V =3.119Kg/m³ ,
𝜌L =905.246Kg/m³
58 | P a g e
Surface tension, σbottom =32.3×10-3N/m
Uflood = k×√
k = Csb×(σ/20)0.2
FLV = (L/V)×( 𝜌V/ 𝜌L)0.5
= 0.0611
FLV,top = 0.719×(3.038/934.36)0.5
= 0.041
Now estimating the capacity factor From the Graph
General plate spacing would be 24inch
Ktop = Csb,top× (σtop/20)0.2
= 0.09602
59 | P a g e
Kbottom = Csb,bottom×( σbottom/20)0.2
= 0.09676
Uflood,top = Ktop×√
Uflood,bottom = Kbottom×√
= 1.645m/s
Let us assume that we are designing for 85% flooding at maximum vapor flow rate
Uflood,bottom =1.645×0.85 = 1.4m/s
Uflood,top =1.6811×0.85 = 1.43m/s
Maximum volumetric flow rate
Bottom, Qv = bottom vapor flow rate × average molecular weight of bottom/ (𝜌vbottom×3600)
=201.683Kmole/hr×70.24Kg/Kmole / (3.119 Kg/m³ × 3600)
Top,Qv = 116.8Kmol/hr×59.77Kg/Kmol / (3.119Kg/m³ × 3600)
= 0.62m³/s
Net area required bottom(base) = Qvbottom / Uflood,bottom
= 1.2616m³/s / 1.645m/s=0.7669m²
Net area required for top = Qvtop/Uflood,top
= 0.62 m³/s / 1.6811m/s=0.368m²
Downcomer area is equal to 12% of the total area
Column cross section area
Base= 0.7669 / 0.88 = 0.8714m²
Top = 0.368 / 0.88 = 0.418m²
Column diameter:
Base = √
= 1.0535m
Top =√
= 0.737m
So we take column diameter as 1.0535m
60 | P a g e
This is determined by two parameters
1. Maximum liquid flow rate
2. Column diameter
Maximum liquid flow rate = 84Kmol/hr×59.77/(934.6×3600)
= 1.492×10-3m/s
61 | P a g e
Down comer area = 12% of the total area = 0.104568m²
Net area = Ac-Ad = 0.8714-0.10456 = 0.77m²
Active area ,Aa = Ac-2×Ad = 0.8714-0.209136 = 0.66226m²
Hole area ,Ah = taking 10% of the active area
Hole area = 0.1×0.66226
= 0.066226m²
Weir length is generally 76% of the column diameter
=0.76×1.0535 = 0.8m
Since column operating at pressure above atmospheric pressure
Weir height = 50mm
Plate thickness = 5mm
Maximum liquid rate =84 ×59.77 / 3600
Minimum liquid rate at 70% turn down = 0.7×1.394 Kg/s
= 0.976Kg/s
Height of liquid crest over the wear
(How)max = 0.75×(1.394/(934.6×weir length))(2/3)
= 0.75×(0.7756/(934.6×0.8)2/3
= 11.363mm
Clear liquid height =11.363mm
(How)min = 0.75×(.976/(934.36×0.8))(2/3)
= 8.96mm
Clear liquid height
At minimum flow rate,dh
Hw +(How)min = 50 + 8.96
= 58.96mm liquid
62 | P a g e
Fig 8.4. Weep Point correlation
= 6.907m/s
Actual minimum vapor velocity = minimum vapor flow rate/hole area
= 1.2616m³/s×0.7/0.066226 (70% turndown)
= 13.335m/s
Thus,the minimum operating pressure(13.335m/s) lies well above the weep point(i.e.when vapor
velocity is 7.252m/s)
Therefore,our design is safe from operating point of view
The total plate pressure drop is given by
ht = h d + h l + h r
Dry plate drop
hd = K1 + K2× (Vgh)² ×(𝜌V/ 𝜌L)
For sieve plate ,K1=0 & K2= (58.85×10-3)/Cv²
63 | P a g e
Fig 8.5. Discharge coefficient for gas flow through sieve plates
= 12.5×10³/934.36
= 13.374mm
The total pressure drop
Dry plate drop
hd = 51×(Uh/C0)² ×(𝜌V/ 𝜌L)
= 85.28mm liquid
ht = h d + h l + hr
64 | P a g e
= 85.28 + 61.363 + 13.374mm
= 160.014mm
The down comer and plate spacing must be such that the level of the liquid and froth in the down
comer is well below the top of the outlet weir on the plate above. if the level rises above the
outlet weir the column will flood
In terms of clear liquid the down comer backup is given by
hb = hw + how + ht + hdc
hdc = 166×(Lwd/( 𝜌L×Am)²
Aap = hap×Lw
Hap=height of the lower edge of the apron above tray
hap = hw-(5 or 10)
= 50-10
= 40mm
(this height is normally set at 5 to 10mm below the outlet weir height)
Aap = hap×Lw
Lw=weir length
Aap = 40mm×0.8=0.032m²
As Aap<Ad
hdc = 166×(1.394/(934.36×0.104568))²
= 33.8mm
hb = 255.177mm clear liquid
hb < 1/2(plate spacing +weir height)
hb < 1/2(609.6+50) =329.8mm
hb=255.177mm < 329.8mm
This is obvious
Since hb<329.8mm,there will be no flooding at specified operating condition that tray spacing is
Tr = Ad×hb× 𝜌L/Lwd
= 0.104568×255.177×10-3×934.36/1.394Kg/s
= 17s
As residence time is greater than 3 secs therefore it is satisfactory
65 | P a g e
Percent flooding = Uv/Uf
= 1.40m/s/1.682m/s
= 0.826
The percent of flooding is 82.6% and flow parameter at the bottom of distillation column is FLV
= 0.0611. From the above graph Figure by using the above two parameters, the fractional
Entrainment is found out to be ᵠ = 0.058 which is well below the value = 0.1
66 | P a g e
From Figure below, at Lw/Dc =0.8/1.0535 = 0.76
Angle subtended by the edge of the plate will be 180 -99 = 810
Mean length, unperforated edge strips = (column dia – 125mm)×3.14×(angle subtended by
= (1.0535 – 125×10-3 ) × 3.14 × (81/180)
= 1.312 m
Area of unperforated edge strips = (125×10-3 × 1.312) m2
= 0.164 m2
= 0.925 m
Area of calming zones = 0.925 × (125×10-3) m2
= 0.1156 m2
Total area for perforations, Ap = (Aa) – (area of edge strips) – (calming zone area)
= 0.66226 m2 – 0.164 m2 - 0.1156 m2
= 0.38266 m2
= 0.173
Fig 8.7. Relation between weir length , chord height and angle subtended by weir length
67 | P a g e
Number of holes
Area of one hole = 1.964×10-5 m2
= 3375
Design pressure =1atm =1.01325 bar
= 0.101325N/mm
Design pressure, take as 10 per cent above operating pressure
Therefore design pressure =0.101325×1.1 = 0.1114575 N/mm
Typical design stress =145 N/mm2
Cylindrical section:
e = (0.1114575×1.98×103)/((2×145)-(0.1114575)) = 0.76mm
Say 1mm
() ( √ )
Cs = 1.7706
( )
e = 1.3 mm
∴ Thickness of the torispherical head e = 1.3 mm
68 | P a g e
This calculation is done by FUG shortcut method (Fenskey,Underwood,Gilliland)
We need to know the relative volatilities of the we need to calculate the
component vapor pressures.
Antoine equation ln P =A- (B/(T+C))
From Coulson and Richardson volume 6,
We have the following data of A,B,C
Acetic acid :
A= 16.808,B= 3405.57,C= -56.34
Propionic acid:
A= 17.3789,B= 3723.42,C= -67.48
Methyl acetate:
A= 16.1295,B= 2601.92,C= -56.15
A= 18.3036,B= 3816.44,C= -46.13
A= 18.5875,B= 3626.55,C= -34.29
Now calculating the pressures for the components at temperature 325K
ln = A- (B/(T+C))
= 16.808 – (3405.57/(325-56.34))
=62.33 mmHg
ln = A- (B/(T+C))
= 17.3789 – (3723.42/(325-67.48))
= 2.9201
=18.5438 mmHg
ln = A- (B/(T+C))
= 16.1295 – (2601.92/(325-56.15))
= 6.4515
=633.676 mmHg
= A- (B/(T+C))
= 18.3036 – (3816.44/(325-46.13))
69 | P a g e
= 4.6182
=101.314 mmHg
ln = A- (B/(T+C))
= 18.5875 – (3626.55/(325-34.29))
= 451.55mmHg
= 0.02926
= 62.3/633.676
= 0.0983
= 101.314/633.676
= 0.15988
= 451.55/633.676
= 0.7125
= 633.676/633.676
Table 8.2. calculations for Relative volatility
Components XF XD XB α
1- Gilliland equation:
( )
70 | P a g e
2- Fenske equation:
( )
( )
3- Underwood equation:
( )
Where θ: is a relative volatility lies between the relative volatility of light and heavy
substituting α ,XF, and q=1 (saturated liquid)
Rmin = 0.19
R = 1.5×Rmin
= 0.285
( )
( )
Nmin= 14
( )
71 | P a g e
Shell thickness is given by
= 77.2 mm
= 157.91 KW
Assume the overall heat coefficient = 75 W/m2 K
as it is light organics-water system the overall heat transfer coefficient lies in the range of
75-150 W/m2 K
72 | P a g e
Fig.8.8.Ft parameter versus S correlation
ΔTlh = (( 118-60 ) - ( 70-17 )) / ln (( 118-60 ) /( 70-17 ))
= 45.45420C
ΔTm = 0.7 × 45.4542 = 34.090C
Nr = 2 ×46 / 3 = 30
(hc)b = 0.95 × KL × (ℓL ( ℓL-ℓV ) ×g / μL × Ґh )1/3 ×Nr-1/6
= 0.95 × 0.158 (934.36 × ( 934.36 – 3.038 ) × 9.81)
/ 0.55×10-3×20.217×10-3)-1/3× (30)-1/6
= 162.58 W/m2 0C
Close enough to assumed value of 150 W/m2 0C. So no correction to Tw needed.
Tube-side coefficient:
Tube cross-sectional area = (π/4) × (16.8×10-2)2 × 203 / 4 = 0.0125 m2
Density of water at 43.50C = 993 kg/m3
Overall coefficient:
1/U = 1/162.58 + 1/550 + 20×10-3ln (20/16.8)/2×30 + 20/(16.8×550) + 20/(16.8×437.68)
= 0.012911
U = 77.45 W/m2 0C Close enough to the estimate, firm up design.
= 19.8 m.m
Vapor viscosity = 0.035 mNs/m2
Reynolds number, Re = 3.733 × 19.8 ×10-3 / 0.035×10-3
75 | P a g e
= 21777.3
From this Reynolds number we can calculate shell side friction factors, and segmental baffles
from the below graph in Figure 8.10
Take the pressure drop as 40 % of that calculated using the inlet flow, neglect viscosity
ΔPs = 8 × jf ( DS / de ) ( L / lb) ( ℓV × US2 / 2) ( μ /μw )-0.14
= (2/5) × (8 × 2.9 ×10-2) (1245 / 19.8) (4.88 / 1245) (12.87 × (22.6)2 / 2)
= 3.6psi
Negligible, more sophisticated method of calculation not justified.
Tube-side pressure drop:
Viscosity of water = 0.66 mNs/m2
Reynolds number = 0.057×993×16.8×10-3/(0.66×10-3) = 14458.08
76 | P a g e
By using this Reynolds number we can calculate tube side friction factors from the below graph
in Figure 8.11.
= 7.8 psi
This is an acceptable value.
77 | P a g e
Calculation of heat loads:
Sensible heat load (maximum) = ( 117.87 - 0) × 51.463 = 6065.94 kJ/kmol
Total heat load = (6065.94 + 23670) ×201.683 / 3600 = 1665.89 KW
For light organics-water mixture, we use steam to vaporize the mixture. The range of overall heat
transfer coefficient is in the range of 100 – 200 W/m2 0C
Assume U = 100 W/ m2 0C
Select 56 mm of inner diameter and 60 mm of outer diameter plain U-tubes of nominal length =
9.6 m
Number of U-tubes = Area required (outside)/Area of each pipe
= 935.89/ (60×10-3) × 3.14 × 9.6 = 517.46 tubes
Heat flux, based on estimated area = Q = Total heat load / Area (outside)
= 1665.8 / 935.89 = 1.78 KW/m2
78 | P a g e
This is close enough to original estimate of 100 W/m2 oC for the design to stand.
Myers and Kate give some data on boiling of methanol on banks of tubes. To compare the value
estimate with their values an estimate of the boiling film temperature difference is required.
= (108.6/1018.62) × 17.8 = 1.89770C
Myers data, extrapolated gives a coefficient of around 100 W/m2 0C at a 1.89770C temperature
difference = 4826 W/m2 0C, so the estimated value of 1018.62 W/m2 0C is certainly on the safe
Check maximum allowable heat flux. Use modified Zuber equation.
Surface tension (estimated) = 32.3×10-3 N/m
ℓL = 905.346 kg/m3
ℓV = 3.119 kg/m3
Nt = 518
Qcb = Kb (Pt/Do) (λ) (σg (ℓL - ℓV)× ℓV2)0.25
Applying a factor of 0.7, maximum flux rate should not exceed the value
= 4.985×0.7 = 3.49 KW/m2.
Actual flux of 1.788 KW/m2 is well below maximum allowable flux rate.
79 | P a g e
80 | P a g e
This chapter includes the study of comparison of handmade calculations and computer
simulated results using UnisimTM design software.
UniSim Design offers a high degree of flexibility because there are multiple ways to accomplish
specific tasks. This flexibility combined with a consistent and logical approach to how these
capabilities are delivered makes UniSim Design an extremely versatile process simulation tool.
The usability of UniSim Design is attributed to the following four key aspects of its design:
•Modular Operations
The simulation software UnisimTM which is designed by Honeywell is mostly used in many of
“Fluid Package” is UniSim’s terminology for a collection of data that includes all the
thermodynamic, component, and reaction parameters required to run the model. Select
UNIQUAC as this method provides maximum data for our chemicals.
Having completed the process model we will now take a look at some of the facilities in UniSim
that allow us to generate reports, do additional design tasks, and help with model development.
The following report is being generated from the simulation balance tool
81 | P a g e
Fig.9.1. Flow sheet of simulation of manufacture of acetic acid.
82 | P a g e
Case Name: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\work\prun.usc
83 | P a g e
60 Comp Mole Frac (AceticAcid) 0.502523
Case Name: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\work\prun.usc
26 Distillation: DC-2
30 Inlet Stream
32 Qreboiler Reboiler
33 bottom1 7__Main TS Material Stream bottom1
34 Outlet Stream
36 Qcondenser Condenser
Top Condenser
Bottom Reboiler
41 Specifications Summary
42 Specified Value Current Value Wt. Error Wt. Tol. Abs. Tol. Active Estimate Used
43 Reflux Ratio 0.675 0.675 -2.904e-006 0.0100 * 0.0100 * On On On
44 Distillate Rate 4167 kg/h * 4167 kg/h -2.476e-006 0.0100 * 1.000 kg/h * On On On
45 Reflux Rate --- 1.042e+004 kg/h --- 0.0100 * 1.000 kg/h * Off On Off
Btms Prod Rate --- 580.85 kg/h --- 0.0100 * 1.000 kg/h * Off On Off
49 Column Specification Parameters
Reflux Ratio
52 Fixed / Ranged: Fixed Primary / Alternate: Primary Lower Bound: --- Upper Bound: ---
Stage: Condenser Flow Basis: Molar Liquid Specification: ---
Distillate Rate
56 Fixed / Ranged: Fixed Primary / Alternate: Primary Lower Bound: --- Upper Bound: ---
Stream: top @COL1 Flow Basis: Mass
84 | P a g e
12 Fixed / Ranged: Fixed Primary / Alternate: Primary Lower Bound: --- Upper Bound: ---
Stream: bottom @COL1 Flow Basis: Mass
16 Condenser
17 Degrees of Subcooling ---
Subcool to ---
User Variables
35 Name bottom1 bottom top
39 OK
47 Distillation: DC-1
51 Inlet Stream
53 qr Reboiler
54 FEED1 13__Main TS
55 Outlet Stream
57 qc Condenser
58 top1 Condenser
bottom1 Reboiler Material Stream bottom1
85 | P a g e
Case Name: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\work\prun.usc
17 Column Specification Parameters
Reflux Ratio
20 Fixed / Ranged: Fixed Primary / Alternate: Primary Lower Bound: --- Upper Bound: ---
Stage: Condenser Flow Basis: Molar Liquid Specification: ---
Distillate Rate
24 Fixed / Ranged: Fixed Primary / Alternate: Primary Lower Bound: --- Upper Bound: ---
Stream: top1 @COL2 Flow Basis: Molar
Reflux Rate
28 Fixed / Ranged: Fixed Primary / Alternate: Primary Lower Bound: --- Upper Bound: ---
Stage: Condenser Flow Basis: Molar Liquid Specification: ---
Btms Prod Rate
32 Fixed / Ranged: Fixed Primary / Alternate: Primary Lower Bound: --- Upper Bound: ---
Stream: bottom1 @COL2 Flow Basis: Molar
7 Distillation: DC-1 (continued)
15 Valve: VLV-100
Inlet Stream
22 cstr out
Outlet Stream
87 | P a g e
Inlet Stream Connections
13 Stream Name From Unit Operation
14 methanol
15 CO
Outlet Stream Connections
27 Physical Parameters Optional Heat Transfer: Heating
28 Delta P Vessel Volume Duty Energy Stream
29 0.0000 kPa --- 0.0000 kJ/h
User Variables
46 Name methanol CO lout vout
50 OK
58 Conversion Reactor: CRV-100
88 | P a g e
1 Case Name:Case Name:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\work\prun.uscC:\Documents and
2 Company Name Not Available Settings\Administrator\Desktop\work\prun.usc
7 Conversion Reactor: CRV-100 (continued)
11 Inlet Stream Connections
12 Stream Name From Unit Operation
13 methanol
14 CO
Outlet Stream Connections
17 Stream Name To Unit Operation
18 vout
19 lout
Energy Stream Connections
22 Stream Name From Unit Operation
26 Physical Parameters Optional Heat Transfer: Heating
27 Delta P Vessel Volume Duty Energy Stream
28 0.0000 kPa --- 0.0000 kJ/h
User Variables
33 Reaction: Rxn-1
34 Component Mole Weight Stoichiometric Coeff.
43 Name Rank Specified Use Default Actual Base Reaction Extent
44 % Conversion % Conversion Component (kgmole/h)
45 Rxn-1 0 90.91 Yes 90.91 Methanol 76.88
48 Components Total Inflow Total Reaction Total Outflow
49 (kgmole/h) (kgmole/h) (kgmole/h)
50 Methanol 84.56 -76.88 7.687
51 CO 90.62 -76.88 13.75
52 C3oicAcid 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
53 M-Acetate 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
54 H2O 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
AceticAcid 0.0000 76.88 76.88
89 | P a g e
2 Company Name Not Available
23 Name Rank Specified Use Default Actual Base Reaction Extent
24 % Conversion % Conversion Component (kgmole/h)
25 Rxn-1 0 90.91 Yes 90.91 Methanol 76.88
28 Components Total Inflow Total Reaction Total Outflow
29 (kgmole/h) (kgmole/h) (kgmole/h)
40 Cylinder Vertical Reactor has a Boot: No
41 Volume --- Diameter --- ---
44 Base Elevation Relative to Ground Level 0.0000 m Diameter --- Height ---
45 methanol CO vout
46 Diameter (m) 0.0500 0.0500 0.0500
47 Elevation (Base) (m) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
48 Elevation (Ground) (m) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
49 Elevation (% of Height) (%) --- --- ---
50 lout
51 Diameter (m) 0.0500
52 Elevation (Base) (m) 0.0000
53 Elevation (Ground) (m) 0.0000
Elevation (% of Height) (%) ---
90 | P a g e
62 Mass Flow (kg/h) 2709.6200 * 2538.4800 * 0.0000 5248.0154
63 Honeywell International Inc. UniSim Design (R410 Build 17061) Page 10 of 13
7 Conversion Reactor: CRV-100 (continued)
11 Std Ideal Liq Vol Flow (m3/h) 3.4052 3.1755 0.0000 5.1818
12 Molar Enthalpy (kJ/kgmole) -2.389e+005 -1.104e+005 -2.347e+005 -3.073e+005
13 Molar Entropy (kJ/kgmole-C) 50.71 198.0 254.4 273.7
Heat Flow (kJ/h) -2.0199e+07 -1.0009e+07 -0.0000e-01 -3.0208e+07
Workbook: DC-1 (COL2)
58 OK
7 Workbook: DC-1 (COL2) (continued)
Material Streams Fluid Pkg: All
11 Name Reflux @COL2 To Condenser @COL Boilup @COL2 To Reboiler @COL2 top1 @COL2
12 Vapour Fraction 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
13 Temperature (C) 90.58 102.3 137.8 137.1 62.08
14 Pressure (kPa) 101.3 101.3 171.0 171.0 101.3
15 Molar Flow (kgmole/h) 28.56 44.56 95.05 165.9 8.910
16 Mass Flow (kg/h) 1052 1641 5777 1.014e+004 204.21
17 Liquid Volume Flow (m3/h) 1.027 1.603 5.513 9.691 0.1963
18 Heat Flow (kJ/h) -1.010e+006 -1.422e+006 -4.063e+006 -7.492e+006 -3.585e+005
19 Name bottom1 @COL2 FEED1 @COL2
20 Vapour Fraction 0.0000 0.0000
21 Temperature (C) 97.03 52.00
22 Pressure (kPa) 171.0 1800
23 Molar Flow (kgmole/h) 77.953 86.85
24 Mass Flow (kg/h) 4747.523 4952
25 Liquid Volume Flow (m3/h) 4.178 4.754
Heat Flow (kJ/h) -3.605e+006 -3.466e+006
Compositions Fluid Pkg: All
91 | P a g e
29 Name Reflux @COL2 To Condenser @COL Boilup @COL2 To Reboiler @COL2 top1 @COL2
30 Comp Mole Frac (Methanol) 0.003342 0.003342 0.000000 0.000000 0.005992
31 Comp Mole Frac (CO) 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
32 Comp Mole Frac (C3oicAcid) 0.000000 0.000000 0.052903 0.076757 0.000000
33 Comp Mole Frac (M-Acetate) 0.047989 0.047989 0.000000 0.000000 0.086159
34 Comp Mole Frac (H2O) 0.566490 0.566490 0.000397 0.000284 0.907860
35 Comp Mole Frac (AceticAcid) 0.382179 0.382179 0.946700 0.922959 0.000000
36 Name bottom1 @COL2 FEED1 @COL2
37 Comp Mole Frac (Methanol) 0.000000 0.000616
38 Comp Mole Frac (CO) 0.000000 0.000000
39 Comp Mole Frac (C3oicAcid) 0.098957 0.088722
40 Comp Mole Frac (M-Acetate) 0.000000 0.008840
41 Comp Mole Frac (H2O) 0.012733 0.104465
Comp Mole Frac (AceticAcid) 0.888230 0.797357
Energy Streams Fluid Pkg: All
Case Name: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\work\prun.usc
7 Workbook: DC-2 (COL1)
11 OK
Material Streams Fluid Pkg: All
14 Name Reflux @COL1 To Condenser @COL Boilup @COL1 To Reboiler @COL1 top @COL1
15 Vapour Fraction 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
16 Temperature (C) 119.2 121.0 155.5 155.4 118.0
17 Pressure (kPa) 101.3 101.3 157.3 157.3 101.3
18 Molar Flow (kgmole/h) 170.5 238.7 175.8 178.4 69.712
19 Mass Flow (kg/h) 1.042e+004 1.458e+004 1.299e+004 1.319e+004 4167
20 Liquid Volume Flow (m3/h) 9.955 13.94 13.01 13.21 3.982
21 Heat Flow (kJ/h) -7.733e+007 -1.025e+008 -7.758e+007 -8.449e+007 -3.343e+006
22 Name bottom @COL1 bottom1 @COL1
23 Vapour Fraction 0.0000 0.0000
24 Temperature (C) 123.0 97.03
25 Pressure (kPa) 157.3 171.0
26 Molar Flow (kgmole/h) 8.264 77.953
27 Mass Flow (kg/h) 580.850 4747.523
92 | P a g e
28 Liquid Volume Flow (m3/h) 0.5755 4.178
Heat Flow (kJ/h) -5.183e+005 -3.605e+006
Compositions Fluid Pkg: All
32 Name Reflux @COL1 To Condenser @COL Boilup @COL1 To Reboiler @COL1 top @COL1
33 Comp Mole Frac (Methanol) 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
34 Comp Mole Frac (CO) 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
35 Comp Mole Frac (C3oicAcid) 0.074427 0.074427 0.987706 0.987778 0.000615
36 Comp Mole Frac (M-Acetate) 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
37 Comp Mole Frac (H2O) 0.000138 0.000138 0.000000 0.000000 0.001380
38 Comp Mole Frac (AceticAcid) 0.925435 0.925435 0.012294 0.012222 0.998005
39 Name bottom @COL1 bottom1 @COL1
40 Comp Mole Frac (Methanol) 0.000000 0.000000
41 Comp Mole Frac (CO) 0.000000 0.000000
42 Comp Mole Frac (C3oicAcid) 0.982756 0.098957
43 Comp Mole Frac (M-Acetate) 0.000000 0.000000
44 Comp Mole Frac (H2O) 0.009796 0.012733
Comp Mole Frac (AceticAcid) 0.007444 0.888230
Energy Streams Fluid Pkg: All
93 | P a g e
94 | P a g e
Materials of construction may be divided into two general classifications of metals and non-
10.1.1 Metals
Pure metals and metallic alloys are included under this classification. Some commonly used
metals are discussed in the following section.
Although many materials have greater corrosion resistance than iron and steel, cost aspects
favour the use of iron and steel. As a result, they are often used as materials of construction when
it is known that some corrosion will occur. In general, cast iron and carbon steel exhibit about
the same corrosion resistance. They are not suitable with dilute acids, but can be used with strong
acids, since a protective coating composed of corrosion products forms on the metal surface.
Carbon steel plates for reactor vessels are a good example. This application generally requires a
minimum level of mechanical properties, weldability, formability, and toughness as well as some
assurance that these properties will be uniform throughout.
Stainless steel
There are more than 100 different types of stainless steels. These materials are high chromium or
high nickel-chromium alloys of iron containing small amounts of other essential constituents.
They have excellent corrosion-resistance and heat resistance properties. The addition of
molybdenum to the alloy increases the corrosion resistance and high – temperature strength.
If nickel is not included, the low –temperature brittleness of the material is increased and the
ductility and pit type corrosion resistance are reduced. The presence of chromium in the alloy
gives resistance to oxidizing agents.
The lightness and relative ease of fabrication of aluminium and its alloys are factors favouring
the use of these materials. Aluminium resists attack by acids because a surface film of inert
hydrated by aluminium oxide is formed. This film adheres to the surface and offers good
protection unless materials, which can remove the oxide, such as halogen acids or alkalis, are
95 | P a g e
10.1.2 Non-metals
In comparison with metallic materials, the use of plastics is limited to relatively moderate
temperature and pressures. Generally, plastics have excellent resistance to weak mineral acids
and are unaffected by inorganic salt solutions-areas where metals are not entirely suitable. One
of the most chemical resistant plastics commercially available today is tetrefluoroethylene. This
thermoplastic is practically unaffected by all alkalis and acids except fluorine and chlorine gas at
elevated temperatures and molten metals.
Epoxies reinforced with fiberglass have very high strengths and resistance to heat. Chemical
resistance of the epoxy resin is excellent in non-oxidizing and weak acids not good against
strong acids.
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97 | P a g e
This chapter includes the study of various safety, health and environmental actors along with the
material safety data sheets (MSDS) of methanol, carbon monoxide, propionic acid and acetic
The goal of chemical plant is not only to produce the chemicals, but to produce
them safely. In the plant’s chain of processes and operations, loss of control anywhere can lead
to accidents and then losses of life and property from hazards. Attempts should be made to
prevent troubles from the inspection while designing, fabricating and operating.
Safety generally involves:
1. Identification and assessments of the hazards
2. Control of hazards
3. Control of the process by provision of automatic control system, interlocks, alarm trips, etc.
4. Limitation of the loss, by press relief, plant layout, etc...
11.1. Potential health effects:-
Inhalation of concentrated vapors may cause serious damage to the lining of the nose, throat, and
lungs. Breathing difficulties may occur. Neither odor nor degree of irritation are adequate to
indicate vapor concentration.
Swallowing can cause severe injury leading to death. Symptoms include sore throat, vomiting,
and diarrhea. Ingestion of as little as 1.0 ml has resulted in perforation of the esophagus.
Skin Contact:
Contact with concentrated solution may cause serious damage to the skin. Effects may include
redness, pain, skin burns.High vapor concentrations may cause skin sensitization.
Eye Contact:
Eye contact with concentrated solutions may cause severe eye damage followed by loss of sight.
Exposure to vapor may cause intense watering and irritation to eyes.
Chronic Exposure:
Repeated or prolonged exposures may cause darkening of the skin, erosion of exposed front
teeth, and chronic inflammation of the nose, throat, and bronchial tubes.
98 | P a g e
Aggravation of Pre-existing Conditions:
Persons with pre-existing skin disorders or eye problems, or impaired respiratory function may
be more susceptible to the effects of the substance
Proper ventilation is required to ensure safe working conditions. The type of ventilation
will depend upon such factors as dead air spaces, temperature, convection currents and
wind direction and must be considered when determining equipment location, type and
Above flash point, vapor-air mixtures are explosive within flammable limits noted above. Vapors
can flow along surfaces to distant ignition source and flash back. Contact with strong oxidizers
may cause fire. Reacts with most metals to produce hydrogen gas, which can form an explosive
mixture with air.
Safety precautions:
The low flash point and wide explosive range require facilities to exercise caution when handling
acetic acid.
1. Smoking must be prohibited.
100 | P a g e
2. Vehicle access should be strictly controlled.
3. Ventilation must be sufficient to cope with the maximum expected vapor levels in buildings
4. Storage tank vents to atmosphere should be sized for fire-heated emergency vapor release.
5. Dry chemical extinguishers should be accessible for small fires. An adequate supply of hand
held and types should be available.
7. Small spills should be remediated with sand, earth or other non-combustible absorbent
material, and the area then flushed with water. Larger spills should be diluted with water and
diked for later exposal.
Firefighting techniques:
Flammable liquid, soluble or dispersed in water. For small fire Use DRY chemical powder. For
large fire use alcohol foam, water spray or fog. Cool containing vessels with water jet in order to
prevent pressure build-up, auto ignition or explosion.
101 | P a g e
Waste disposal method:
Burn in a chemical incinerator equipped with an after burner and scrubber. According to all
applicable regulations. Avoid run-off.
An effective spill prevention program will include engineering controls, training and
procedures, and spill response planning.
Effective engineering controls include overfill alarms, secondary containment for tanks,
such as dikes or bunds to contain large spills, and hydrocarbon detectors within dikes. Workers
must be trained to handle methanol in a safe manner. Systems and procedures that protect the
employees, the plant and the environment should be implemented.
102 | P a g e
Overview : POISON! DANGER! Corrosive liquid and mist cause severe burns to all
103 | P a g e
11.5.3 First aid methods:
Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give
oxygen. Call a physician.
DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING! Give large quantities of water or milk if available. Never give
anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention immediately.
Skin Contact:
In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while
removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash clothing before reuse. Call a physician.
Eye Contact:
Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, lifting lower and upper
eyelids occasionally. Get medical attention immediately.
104 | P a g e
Special Remarks on Fire Hazards: Reacts with metals to produces flammable hydrogen gas. It
will ignite on contact with potassium-tert-butoxide. A mixture of ammonium nitrate and acetic
acid ignites when warmed, especially if warmed.
Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards:
Acetic acid vapors may form explosive mixtures with air. Reactions between acetic acid and the
following materials are potentially explosive: 5-azidotetrazole, bromine pentafluoride, chromium
trioxide, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, sodium peroxide, and phorphorus
trichloride. Dilute acetic acid and dilute hydrogen can undergo an exothermic reaction if heated,
forming per acetic acid which is explosive at 110 degrees C. Reaction between chlorine
trifluoride and acetic acid is very violent, sometimes explosive.
11.5.5 Accidental Release Measures
Ventilate area of leak or spill. Remove all sources of ignition. Wear appropriate personal
protective equipment. Isolate hazard area. Keep unnecessary and unprotected personnel from
entering. Use water spray to dilute spill to a nonflammable mixture. Contain and recover liquid
when possible. Collect liquid in an appropriate container or absorb with an inert material (e. g.,
vermiculite, dry sand, earth), and place in a chemical waste container. Use non-sparking tools
and equipment. Do not use combustible materials, such as saw dust. Do not flush to sewer.
11.5.6 Handling and storage:
This material is a corrosive, combustible liquid. Inspect containers for damage or leaks before
handling. Immediately report leaks, spills or failures of the engineering controls. Avoid all
ignition sources. Use in the smallest possible amounts, in a well – ventilated area, separate from
the storage area. Avoid generating vapors or mists. Prevent the release of vapors or mists into the
air. Do not use with incompatible materials .never return contemned material to its original
container. Keep containers tightly closed when not in use/empty containers may contain residues
.never add water to a corrosive. Always add corrosives to cold water. Never perform any
welding, cutting, soldering, drillings or other hot work on empty vessel, containers or piping
until all liquid and vapors have been cleared.
Store in a segregated and approved area. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Keep
container tightly closed and sealed until ready for use. Avoid all possible sources of ignition
(spark or flame).
105 | P a g e
Restrictions on use: Do not use in a confined area without proper ventilation. Contact lenses may
cause further damage in case of splash into eye. Avoid use near heat, flames, sparks and other
sources of ignition.
Hazard Communication: DANGER! Extremely flammable liquid and vapor.May cause damage
to eyes and central nervous system if ingested or inhaled.
Flammable liquid and vapor: Burns with a clean, clear flame, which is almost invisible in
daylight, or a light blue flame. Can decompose at high temperatures forming carbon monoxide
and formaldehyde. Confined space toxicity hazard. Mild central nervous system depressant
following inhalation, skin absorption or ingestion. May cause headache, nausea, dizziness,
drowsiness, and un-coordination. Severe vision effects, including increased sensitivity to light,
blurred vision, and blindness may develop following an 8-24 hour symptom-free period. Coma
and death may result.
Irritant: Causes eye irritation. Aspiration hazard. Swallowing or vomiting of the liquid may result
in aspiration (breathing) into the lungs.
106 | P a g e
11.6.3. First aid measures
Note: Emergency assistance may also be available from the local poison control center.
Eye Contact: Remove contact lenses if worn. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with
plenty of clean running water for at least 15 minutes, lifting the upper and lower eyelids
occasionally. Obtain medical attention
Skin Contact: In case of contact, remove contaminated clothing. In a shower, wash affected areas
with soap and water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical attention if irritation occurs or persists.
Wash clothing before reuse. Prolonged contact with methanol may defat skin tissue, resulting in
drying and cracking.
Inhalation: Remove to fresh air, restore breathing if necessary. Obtain medical attention.
Ethanol significantly decreases the toxicity of methanol because it competes for the same
metabolic enzymes, and has been used to treat methanol poisoning.
Unsuitable Extinguishing Media: General purpose synthetic foams or protein foams may work,
but much less effectively. Water may be effective for cooling, but may not be effective for
extinguishing a fire because it may not cool methanol below its flash point.
Specific Hazards: Methanol vapors may burn with an invisible flame. During a fire, carbon
monoxide, carbon dioxide and toxic gases such as formaldehyde may be generated. Vapors can
accumulate in confined spaces resulting in a toxicity and flammability hazard. Closed containers
may rupture violently and suddenly release large quantities of methanol when exposed to fire or
excessive heat for a sufficient period of time. Vapors are slightly heavier than air and may travel
long distances toward sources of ignition.
Fire Fighting Instructions: Methanol burns with a clean clear flame that is almost invisible in
daylight. Stay upwind! Isolate and restrict area access. Concentrations of greater that 25%
107 | P a g e
methanol in water can be ignited. Use fine water spray or fog to control fire spread and cool
adjacent structures or containers. Contain fire control water for later disposal. Fire fighters must
wear full face, positive pressure, self-contained breathing apparatus or airline and appropriate
protective firefighting clothing as per NFPA. Note that methanol fires may require proximity
suits. Take care not to walk through any spilled chemical.
Small Spill: Dilute with water and mop up, or absorb with an inert dry material and place in an
appropriate waste disposal container.
Large Spill: Flammable liquid. Poisonous liquid. Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources
of ignition. Stop leak if without risk. Absorb with dry earth, sand or other non-combustible
material. Do not get water inside container. Do not touch spilled material. Use water spray to
reduce vapors. Prevent entry into sewers, basements or confined areas; dike if needed. Call for
assistance on disposal. Be careful that the product is not present at a concentration level above
TLV. Check TLV on the MSDS and with local authorities.
Environmental Precautions: Biodegrades easily in water. Methanol in fresh or salt water may
have serious effects on aquatic life. A study on methanol’s toxic effects on sewage sludge
bacteria reported little effect on digestion at 0.1% while 0.5% methanol retarded digestion.
Methanol will be broken down to carbon dioxide and water.
Precautions for Handling: No smoking or open flame in storage, use or handling areas. Use
explosion proof electrical equipment. Ensure proper electrical grounding procedures are in place.
Storage: Store in totally enclosed equipment, designed to avoid ignition and human contact.
Tanks must be grounded, vented, and should have vapor emission controls. Tanks must be diked
as per NFPA or API Standards. A flammable mixture of methanol vapor and air is possible
inside a storage tank or transportation tank, and handlers should take appropriate precautions to
reduce the risk of ignition. Handlers must eliminate ignition sources or purge the tank with an
inert gas such as nitrogen. All equipment must be grounded - bonded when transferring product
in order to avoid static discharge from the equipment, and subsequent possible fire. Avoid
storage with incompatible materials. Anhydrous methanol is non-corrosive to most metals at
108 | P a g e
ambient temperatures except for lead, nickel, Monel, cast iron and high silicon iron. Coatings of
copper (or copper alloys), zinc (including galvanized steel), or aluminium are unsuitable for
storage. These materials may be attacked slowly by the methanol. Storage tanks of welded
construction are normally satisfactory. They should be designed and built in conformance with
good engineering practice for the material being stored. While plastics can be used for short term
storage, they are generally not recommended for long-term storage due to deterioration effects
and the subsequent risk of contamination.
109 | P a g e
Synonym: Carbon oxide (CO), Exhaust Gas, Flue gas, Carbonic oxide, Carbon oxide, Carbone,
Physical state: Gas (colorless gas, may be a liquid at low temperature or high pressure)
Emergency overview: Keep away from heat, sparks and flame. Do not puncture or incinerate
container. Avoid breathing gas. May cause target organ damage, based on animal data. Use only
with adequate ventilation. Keep container closed. Contact with rapidly expanding gases can
cause frostbite.
Target organs: May cause damage to the following organs: blood, lungs, the nervous system,
heart, cardiovascular system, central nervous system (CNS).
Eyes: Contact with rapidly expanding gas may cause burns or frostbite.
Skin: Contact with rapidly expanding gas may cause burns or frostbite.
No action shall be taken involving any personal risk or without suitable training. If it is suspected
that fumes are still present, the rescuer should wear an appropriate mask or self-contained
110 | P a g e
breathing apparatus. It may be dangerous to the person providing aid to give mouth-to-mouth
Eye contact: Check for and remove any contact lenses. Immediately flush eyes with plenty of
water for at least 15 minutes, occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids. Get medical
attention immediately.
Skin contact: In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15
minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. To avoid the risk of static discharges
and gas ignition, soak contaminated clothing thoroughly with water before removing it. Wash
clothing before reuse. Clean shoes thoroughly before reuse. Get medical attention immediately.
Frostbite: Try to warm up the frozen tissues and seek medical attention.
Inhalation: Move exposed person to fresh air. If not breathing, if breathing is irregular or if
respiratory arrest occurs, provide artificial respiration or oxygen by trained personnel. Loosen
tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. Get medical attention immediately.
Fire hazards in the presence: Extremely flammable in the presence of following materials of
various substances open flames, sparks and static discharge and oxidizing materials.
Fire-fighting media: In case of fire, use water spray (fog), foam or dry chemical.
In case of fire, allow gas to burn if flow cannot be shut off immediately. Apply water from a safe
distance to cool container and protect surrounding area. If involved in fire, shut off flow
immediately if it can be done without risk.
111 | P a g e
11.7.5. Accidental release measures
Environmental precautions: Avoid dispersal of spilled material and runoff and contact with soil,
waterways, drains and sewers.
Methods for cleaning up: Immediately contact emergency personnel. Stop leak if without risk.
Use spark-proof tools and explosion-proof equipment.
Handling: Use only with adequate ventilation. Use explosion-proof electrical (ventilating,
lighting and material handling) equipment. High pressure gas. Do not puncture or incinerate
container. Use equipment rated for cylinder pressure. Close valve after each use and when
empty. Keep container closed. Keep away from heat, sparks and flame. To avoid fire, eliminate
ignition sources. Protect cylinders from physical damage; do not drag, roll, slide, or drop. Use a
suitable hand truck for cylinder movement.
Storage: Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Keep container tightly closed and sealed
until ready for use. Avoid all possible sources of ignition (spark or flame). Segregate from
oxidizing materials. Cylinders should be stored upright, with valve protection cap in place, and
firmly secured to prevent falling or being knocked over. Cylinder temperatures should not
exceed 52 °C (125 °F).
112 | P a g e
113 | P a g e
This chapter includes the place where the plant is decided to setup and also checking the
availabilities of all the facilities required for the plant.
The location of the plant can have a crucial effect on the overall profitability of a project, and the
scope for future expansion. Many factors must be considered when selecting a suitable plant site.
The principal factors are:
• Location, with respect to the marketing area
• Transport facilities
• Availability of labor
• Climate
The Acetic acid synthesis plant can be located in Vijayawada because of its favorable plant
conditions given below:
The main raw material, Methanol is imported from East India Petroleum Limited (EPL)
12.2. MARKETS:
Most of the methanol produced is mainly consumed in the present markets for the formation of
di-methyl ether and formaldehyde. Methanol produced here is sent to Aldehydes India limited
located in Haryana for the manufacture of formaldehyde. Otherwise the methanol produced here
is exported to countries like Saudi Arabia and Canada which are largest consumers of methanol
in the world.
114 | P a g e
Lanco thermal Power Plant is located nearby and two more gas power station is NTPC power
plant, Vijayawada thermal power Station (VTPS).
Vijayawada is well connected by Rail and Road to all states in India. Nearby Gannavaram airport
is being developed to have both domestic and international flights. Air Cargo facilities are also
catching up. The sea port facilities are excellent as it is one of the major ports in India.
12.5. CLIMATE:
The climate present here is moderate hot. Severe conditions of temperature rise or decline do not
exist in this industrial area.
The water requirement for the process plant will be 20179.3Kg/hr. Krishna River waters are
being diverted from Prakasham barrage to the plant. Then, there will not be any shortage for
Sewage treatment plant (STP) is present in Vijayawada near Prakasham barrage. It purifies the
waste water from coolers and condensers and releases it to the nearby waters.
Skilled, semiskilled and unskilled labors are available in Vijayawada. The City of Destiny is a
hub for primary, secondary and higher education.
The tax rules and legalities are favorable to promote industries. The government gives good
subsidies on the raw materials provided for the manufacture of Acetic acid.
These are good for setting up an industry. The costs are moderate in outskirts of Vijayawada
No flood prone area. It is near to the industrial belt and the plant will be constructed taking
preventive measures to fire hazards and fail safe methods in any eventuality.
All the factors are satisfied to promote community living. Vijayawada area is also known to be
business capital of Andhra Pradesh.
115 | P a g e
116 | P a g e
The economic construction and operation of a process unit will depend on how well the plant
equipment specified on the process flow sheet and laid out.
3. Convenience of operation
4. Convenience of maintenance
5. Safety
6. Future expansion
7. Modular construction
The cost of construction can be minimized by adopting a layout that gives shortest run of
connecting pipes between equipment, and adopting the least amount of structural steel work.
However, this will not necessarily be the best arrangement for operation and maintenance.
All the required equipment have to be placed properly within process. Even the installation of the
auxiliaries should be done in such a way that it will occupy the least space.
Equipment that needs to have frequent operation should be located convenient to the control
room. Valves, sample points, and instruments should be located at convenient position and
height. Sufficient working space and headroom must be provided to allow easy access to
117 | P a g e
Heat exchangers need to be sited so that the tube bundles can be easily withdrawn for cleaning
and tube replacement. Vessels that require frequent replacement of catalyst or packing should be
located on the outside of buildings. Equipment that requires dismantling for maintenance, such
as compressors and large pumps, should be placed under cover.
Blast walls may be needed to isolate potentially hazardous equipment, and confine the effects of
an explosion. At least two escape routes for operator must be provided from each level in the
process building.
Equipment should be located so that it can be conveniently tied in with any future expansion of
the process. Space should be left on pipe alleys for future needs, service pipes over-sized to
allow for future requirements.
In recent years, there has been a move to assemble sections of the plant at the manufacturer site.
These modules will include the equipment, structural steel, piping and instrumentation. The
modules then transported to the plant site, by road or sea.
118 | P a g e
Fig 13.1. Plant Layout
119 | P a g e
120 | P a g e
( )
C2 = 92126190
Chemical Plant Cost Index for the year 1965 = 126
Chemical Plant Cost Index for the year 2012 = 521.6
= 92126190×(521.6/126)
= Rs. 38,13,73,180
Therefore, fixed Capital Cost = FCC= Rs. 38,13,73,180
All the percentage ranges of calculation are obtained from the standard data book: Plant
design and economics of chemical engineering by Timmerhaus.
14.2.1. Direct costs:
Direct costs included all the below costs such as:
1. Purchased cost
2. Installation cost
3. Instrumentation and controls installation
4. Piping
5. Electrical installation
6. Building process and auxiliaries
7. Service facilities and Yard improvements
8. Land
1. Purchased cost: It contains the equipment cost-15-40% of fixed capital investment
Assume 30% of the fixed capital investment = 0.3 × 38,13,73,180 = Rs.11,44,11,954
2. Installation cost: It include insulation and painting costs-25-55% of purchased cost
Considering 40% of purchased cost = 0.4 × 11,44,11,954= Rs. 4,57,64,781
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3. Instrumentation and controls cost-6-30% of purchased cost
Considering 13% of purchased cost = 0.13 × 11,44,11,954= Rs. 1,48,73,554
4. Piping installation cost-10-80% of purchased cost
Assume 45% of purchased cost = 0.45 × 11,44,11,954= Rs. 5,14,85,379
5. Electrical cost-10-40% of purchased cost
Assume 15% of purchased cost = 0.15 × 11,44,11,954=Rs. 1,71,61,793
6. Building process and auxiliaries-10-70% of purchased cost
Assume 40% of purchased cost = 0.4 × 11,44,11,954= Rs. 4,57,64,781
7. Service facilities-40-100% of purchased cost
Assume 70% of purchased cost = 0.7 × 11,44,11,954= Rs. 8,00,88,367
8. Land-4-8% of purchased cost
Assume 6% of purchased cost = 0.06 × 11,44,11,954= Rs. 6864717
Table 14.1. Total direct costs
Type of cost Amount(Rs.)
Purchased cost 11,44,11,954
Installation cost 4,57,64,781
Instrumentation and controls cost 1,48,73,554
Piping installation cost 5,14,85,379
Electrical cost 1,71,61,793
Building process and auxiliaries 4,57,64,781
Service facilities 8,00,88,367
Land 68,64,717
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Assume 10% of direct costs = 0.1 × 37,64,15,329= Rs. 3,76,41,532
3. Contractor fee-2-7% of direct costs
Assume 4% of direct cost = 0.04 × 37,64,15,329= Rs. 1,50,56,613
4. Contingency costs-5-15% of present cost
Assume 12% of present cost = 0.12 × 37,64,15,329= Rs. 4,51,69,839
Table 14.2. Total indirect costs
Type of cost Amount(Rs.)
Engineering supervision 5,64,62,299
Construction expenses 3,76,41,532
Contractor fee 1,50,56,613
Contingency costs 4,51,69,839
Total Indirect Costs 1,54,33,02,85
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4. Rent-8-12% of the rented land and buildings
Assume 10% of building value = 0.1×4,57,64,781= Rs. 45,76,478.168
Fixed charges = 18% of product cost = Total fixed costs = Rs. 83438281 which is summation of
costs present in Table.
Total product cost = Rs. 46,35,46,007
Table 14.3. Total fixed costs
Type of cost Amount (Rs. )
Depreciation 5,44,47,504
Local taxes 2,12,29,824
Insurances 31,84,473
Rent 45,76,478.16
Total fixed costs 8,34,38,281
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6. Operating supplies-10-20% of cost of maintenance and repairs
Assume 15% of maintenance and repairs = 0.15×4,24,59,649= Rs. 63,68,947
7. Laboratory charges-10-20% of operating labor
Assume 15% of operating labor = 0.15×6,95,31,901= Rs. 6, 95, 31,901.091
8. Patents and royalties-2-6% of total product cost
Assume 5% of total product cost = 0.05×46, 35, 46,007= Rs. 2, 31, 77,300
Table 14.4. Total direct product costs
Type of cost Amount(Rs.)
Raw materials 13,90,63,802
Operating labor 6,95,31,901
Direct supervisory and electrical labor 83,43,828
Utilities 6,02,60,980
Maintenance and repairs 4,24,59,649
Operating supplies 63,68,947
Laboratory charges 6,95,31,901
Patents and royalties 2,31,77,300
Total direct product costs 41,87,38,310
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3. Research and development cost-0-5% of total product cost
Assume 3% of the total product cost = 0.03×46, 35, 46,007= Rs. 1, 39, 06,380
Table 14.5.Total general expenses
Type of cost Amount(Rs.)
Administration costs 34765950
Distribution costs 4,63,54,600
Research and development cost 13906380
Rate of return:
Rate of return = Net profit/Fixed capital investments = 36,00,99,679.7856/53,07,45,614= 67.8%
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5. “The Cativa TM Process for the Manufacture of Acetic Acid” By Jane H. Jones, B.P
Chemicals Ltd.
6. United States Patent, Garland et. al. , Processes for the production of Acetic Acid.
10. G.J. Sunley, D.J. Watson. Catalysis Today 58 (2000) 293 – 307
11. Acetic Acid and Its Derivatives Chemical Industries Agreda, V. H. CRC Press.
13. Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers Company Limited 34th annual report (2009-2010)
17. Applied process design for chemical and petrochemical plants by Ernest E. Ludwig.
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