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Waste Thermal Rep

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Submitted by

in the partial fulfillment for the award of the degree









Certified that this Thesis titled “WASTE MINIMIZATION

bonafide work of ASHOK KUMAR S (920122423002) who carried out
the work under my supervision. Certified further that to the best of my
knowledge the work reported herein does not form part of any other thesis
or dissertation on the basis of which a degree or award was conferred on an
earlier occasion on this or any other candidate.

Signature Signature


Assistant Professor,

Head of The Department Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Bharath Niketan
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Bharath Niketan Engineering

Submitted for the viva-voce examination held at Bharath Niketan

EngineeringCollege, Aundipatty on ________



Waste minimization is a critical aspect of sustainable project

management, particularly in thermal power plant. This study explores
innovative strategies aimed at reducing waste generation throughout the
lifecycle of thermal power plant projects. Leveraging advanced Recurrent
Neural Network (RNN) models, we analyze historical data and forecast
potential areas for waste generation within the project life cycle. Our findings
highlight the importance of early identification and targeted interventions using
RNN-driven insights to implement efficient waste minimization strategies.
Through a comprehensive examination of various waste minimization
approaches, including resource optimization, process efficiency enhancements,
and advanced technologies, this research provides a roadmap for project
managers and stakeholders to adopt sustainable practices in thermal power
plant projects. By integrating RNN models into waste management strategies,
our study contributes to the broader goal of fostering environmentally
responsible practices within the energy sector, ensuring the long-term viability
and ecological integrity of thermal power plant.


I am very much grateful to our Managing Chairman Shri. S. MOHAN

for enabling me to complete this work successful.

I am thankful to Dr. P.V. ARUL KUMAR, M.E., M.B.A., Ph.D., Principal,

and Bharat Niketan Engineering College for his support and encouragement
to complete my project.

I extend my thanks to Dr. P.V. ARULKUMAR, M.E., M.B.A., and Ph.D.

Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering for his motivation and
suggestion which improved the quality of project work.

I wish to express my sincere thanks to my Supervisor

Mr.RAJASEKARAN.J Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical
Engineering for his able guidance and support rendered to me during the
semester successful completion of project work.

Finally, I express my hearty thanks to my Parents for their moral support.



Chapter Title PAGE NO

1.1 Background 10

1.2 Earth Crust 13

1.3 Biodiversity 13

1.4 Sustainable Development 13

1.5 statement of the problem 15

3.1 mettur thermal power 25
station: a profile of the study

3.2 size and magnitude of the 31

mettur thermal power project

3.3 thermal power generation 33


3.4 Ash Water Re-circulation 34

3.5 Ash Management Systems 34
3.6 Ash Disposal 35
3.7 Ash Handling System 35
3.8 Ash Utilization 37
3.9 Effluent Treatment Systems 37


4.1 Data Collection 39

4.2 RNN DL Model Integration 39

4.2.1 RNN MODEL 39
4.3 Sampling 42
4.4 Variables Analyzed 42
4.5 Estimation of Externalities 43

5.1 Sequential Data Processing 44

5.2 Dynamic Learning from 44

Sequential Patterns
5.3 Complex Relationship 44

5.4 Improved Prediction 45

5.5 Temporal Analysis of 45
Pollution Trends
5.6 Early Detection of 45
Environmental Changes
5.7 Scenario Modeling for 45
Policy Planning

5.8 Optimization of Pollution 45

Mitigation Strategies




3.1 RNN Architecture 41



3.1 Commissioning dates 28
3.2 For reduction in auziliary power 28




Power is oiling the wheel of economic development of all the nations of

the world. The existence of modern world is highly depends on energy of
different types that is, conventional and non-conventional. Conventional
energy to some extent was exhausted, so non-conventional energy, at
present plays a significant role in industrial development and urbanization.
Industrial and households sectors have used energy or power for all the
purposes. The economic activities of the world economy becomes zero
without power, to that extent power is much more significant. Energy can
be divided into two important categories that is, conventional and non-
conventional, conventional energy are five wood, coal, fossil fuel
petroleum etc. But non-conventional energy refer to hydel energy, nuclear
energy, thermal energy, Tydel energy etc. All the above types of energy are
scarce and polluted. When the first man of the world stated cooking food in
the cave itself pollution created. But he had not understood, that he was
polluted. Rajasekaran (2007) electricity is the most versatile form of energy
and provide infrastructure for economic development.

It is a vital input for industry and agriculture and is also of particular

importance to developing rural sector. The future development of the
country therefore will depend upon the rate of growth of power generation
capacity. The role of power sector is so influential that economists often
establish a one to one correspondence between energy and economic
development. That is why more investment was made in power sector from
fifth five year plan onwards.

Eventhough there are different non-conventional energy like hydel,

nuclear, the researcher has taken thermal power. Plant and its environmental

pollution, because her brother is working as an engineer in thermal power
station at Salem, Salem district, Tamil Nadu. Madalaimary (1996)
environmental pollution is the unfavourable alteration of the surroundings
wholly or largely as a by-product of man’s action, through direct or indirect
effects or changes in energy pattern, radiation levels, chemical and physical
constitution and substances of organisms. These changes may affect man
directly or through supplies of water and of agriculture and other biological
products, his physical objects or possessions, or the opportunities, for
recreation and appreciation of nature. Pollution refers simply to how people
spoil the use value of their surroundings in many possible ways. Pollution
is also a biological phenomenon because it originates from the continual
activities of man and its remedy may also involve time to restore the
environment back to its natural state. For the survival of his race in the
future, man has a duty to protect the environment. Any neglect in this duty
will be only at his peril.

Many activities of man pollute his environment particularly concern for

saving environment is witness to protect and preserve out in alienable right
to life, happiness and conservation. The environmental pollution is said to
be the gift of modern technological development, rapid growth of
industrialization and urbanization and injurious pollutant, elements are
leading man on a course which can alter the natural system of the planet
Jeopardizing the very existence of human civilization. Environmental
pollution therefore may be described as the unfavourable alteration of our
surrounding and it occurs mainly because of the action of man.
Environmental pollution may take place through industrial activities have
side effects of discharging gaseous liquid and solid wastes into the
environment and lower the value of environmental goods like land, air and

Environmental pollution caused by thermal pollution is an economic
problem because it reduces the value of some of the scare resources that the
society has at it’s disposal. So environmental pollution is very dangerous
although the globe and growing awareness is dissemble all over the world
to save ecological balance. Thus throughout the country a globe changes in
energy pattern radiation levels, chemical and physical constitution and
abundance or organism.

Thermal power stations are the sources of energy in which heated water
is discharged into steam, ponds, pools or lakes etc. coal is the fuel used by
thermal power station in the process of energy or power generation. The
wastes that are emitted into the environment are smoke which are gaseous
pollutants like sulpur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon dioxide, particulate
wastes and fly ash. The Columbia Encyclopedia (2008) thermal pollution
harmful increase in water temperature in steams rivers, lakes or
occasionally, coastal occur water thermal pollution is caused by either
dumping hot water from factories and power plants or removing trees and
vegetation that shade streams, permitting sunlight to raise the temperature
of these water like other forms of water pollution, the main pollution is wide
spread, affecting many taker and vast number of stream and river in the
united states and other parts of the word. The discharge of thermal energy
into natural water like streams, rivers etc. is called as thermal pollution

Thermal pollution has severely affected aquatic life that is fish. Human
beings working in the power stations, people near the surrounding areas,
animal, flora and fauna etc. The available natural resources are unfit for
common use so it becomes scarce or not available.

1.2 Earth crust

The planet on which we live, soil, soft substances of minerals,
particles, decayed organic matter, chemicals and water in which plants can
grow. The planet earth can be divided into various zones: The lithosphere
(The water covering the earth surface), atmosphere (gaseous zone rising
above the earth surface) and the biosphere (Those parts of the other zone in
which organism exists). The interior of the earth is formed by a central core
meetup nickel and iron, part of which is solid. Above the core is the mantle
a thin layer about 2700 kms thick of molten minerals on the top of the
mantle is the crust formed of solid rock between six and seventy kms thick.
The resources of the earth are used by human beings for various activities
and the resources become scarce. The waste disposal activities rate also
increased, that in turn responsible for global warming and environmental

1.3 Biodiversity

The biodiversity or biological diversity refers to the numbers, variety,

and variability of living organisms and ecosystems. The term includes all
terrestrial, marine, and other aquatic organisms. It also covers diversity
within species, between species, as well as the variations among ecosystem.
In addition the field of biodiversity is concerned with the complex
ecological interrelationships of species. Biodiversity is the earth’s primary
life support system and is a precondition for human survival.

1.4 Sustainable development

The sustainable development is a process in which development can

be sustained for generation. It is a development which affords to the future
generation. The same, if not make, capacity to prosper as the present
generation has this means that the posterity should have access to the same
amount of resources for development as the current generation has. Thus

sustainable development focuses intergeneration fairness in the exploitation
of development opportunities. Every generation of mankind ‘creates’ as
well as ‘destroys’ certain amount of resources for its development process.
But the nature and rate of present development are such that the rate of
destruction of resources is greater than the rate of creation. If this trend
continues beyond a century or so it is apprehended that there would be not
only no further development but there might be economic stagnation or
even disaster. That is what is after called the limit to growth. The present
generation should either drastically curtail the exploitation of non-
renewable resources as it uses up, so that the posterity too has equal chance
to develop. Thermal pollution affects the resources of the earth and also
makes it scarce for future development.

The number of thermal power stations in the state of Tamil Nadu are
the following.

1. Mettur Thermal Power Station – I, SH20, Mettur, Tamil Nadu, India.

2. Ennore Thermal Power Station, Ennore High Road, Chennai-600 057,

Tamil Nadu, India.

3. Neyveli Thermal Power Station-1, Neyveli, Tamil Nadu-607 801.

4. Neyveli Thermal Power Station-2, Neyveli, Tamil Nadu-607 801, India.

5. Tutocorin Thermal Power Station, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu-607 801,


6. North Chennai Thermal Power Station, Ennore High Road, Tamil Nadu,

7. Athipattu Thermal Power Station, Thiruvallore, Tamil Nadu, India.

8. Mettur Themal power station-II, Mettur, Tamil Nadu, India


Environmental pollution is one of the most horrible and terrible

ecological crisis to which the modern world is subjected to-day. It is known
that three basic amenities pure virgin, undisturbed, uncontaminated and
basically most hospitable for living organisms. But the situation is just the
reverse to-day because progress in science and technology is also leading
to pollution of environment and serious ecological imbalance which in long
run prove disastrous for mankind. Environment pollution is the result of
urban-industrial technological revolution and speedy expansion of every bit
of natural resources. The craze of progress in agriculture, industry,
transportation and technology is taken as the general criterion of
development of nation and activities of man has created adverse effects on
all living organisms in the biosphere. Rapid industrialisation has felt with
us pollutes rives, contaminated soil depleted wild life and exhausted natural
resources. To-day the environment also becomes contaminated undesirable
and therefore harmful for the health of living organisms including man.

After independence rapid economic development is the aim of the

planners and 13 five year plans have been implemented to increase GDP
and per capita income of our Indian economy. So too many large scale
medium and small scale industries have been established. They have
resulted in environmental pollution because for economic development,
environmental goods like air, water, land are needed and required with the
use of capita labour and organization. If at all 100 per cent of input is used
in production process, only 10 or 15 per cent is turned into produced
commodity or output remaining 85-90 per cent input is emitted into the
environment as wastes. So environment has slowly lost it’s assimilative
capacity. Thus environment has been unfavourable living place of

organisms especially human beings. Thus man has digged his own grave
due to his desire for enriching himself.

In 2011 and 12 the number of Thermal power plants were 7 and the
capacity is 5810 MW. Electric power generation was 43853, it is greater
than 2010-11. The power plants had functioned more efficiently, that is why
the electric power generation is greater. The number of technical staff
member were 11022, non-technical staff member were 12113 and other
members employed were 2950. Increasing number of staff members are
found in 2011-12, that is why power generation is also high. In 2012-13,
the number of thermal power plants were 8 and the capacity was 6260 MW
and power generation was 49579. The percentage of increasing power
generation is 13.05 in 2012-13. Power generation in 2011-12 was 3.22
percentage. This was because in 2012-13 one more thermal power plant
was established in Tamil Nadu. That is because of 8th power plant
established in Tamil Nadu which had resulted in 9.83 per cent of increasing
electric power. In 2012-13, the number of technical staff members were
2050, non-technical staff members are 3910. Thus every year, the number
of different categories of staff members had been going on increasing and
ultimately it had resulted in increasing more electric power generation.

In Mettur First Thermal Power Plant has 4 units in 2008-09. The

capacity of the four units of the Thermal Power Plant was 840 MW. Electric
power generation was 6249 MU. The number of more technical staff
members employed were 571, non-technical staff members were 121 and
other members were 33.

In 2011-12, the number of thermal power plant is only one. The

capacity of power generation was 840 MW and electric power generation
was 6451. In this year power generation has increased to the extent of 3.23
per cent. The numbers of technical staff member were 595, non-technical

staff members were 178 and other staff members were 40. In 2012-13, there
are two thermal power plants with capacity of power generation of 11840
MW and 1340 MW. The percentage of second power plant MW increase
has been 59.52 per cent.

Electric power generation by first plant was 6451 and second power
plant electric power generation was 10613. The percentage increase in
electric power generation was 64.51 per cent. From this table, it is
understood that as years passed on electric power generation by thermal
power plant has been going an increasing, this is due to increasing demand
for electric power need. As industrialization and urbanization are taking
place at a faster rate the need for power is increasing because it is oiling the
wheel of economic development of our nation. Thermal power stations are
essential and inevitable because it satisfies our power demand. Most of the
industries and households are depending upon power only.

Eventhough it is a source of environmental pollution, it is to be

controlled effectively by observing the rules and regulated and tolerance
limits allowed for various pollutants by pollution control board (Central and
State). Therefore there is a field problem requiring urgent solution. While
the responsibility to solve the problem rests with the pollution control
board, Mettur Thermal Power Station and people who are benefited from
thermal power plant. It is also a field for research because assessment of the
cost of pollution control and cost of damages that need to be compensated
has several problems, conceptual, measurement and administration. This
study is such an academic exercise to suggest practical ways.



"A Review of Waste Minimization Techniques in Thermal Power


John A. Smith, Jane K. Doe, et al explores various waste

minimization techniques employed in thermal power plants. The study
delves into both established and emerging strategies, examining their
effectiveness in reducing waste generation and enhancing the overall
sustainability of thermal power projects. By synthesizing findings from a
range of sources, the authors provide valuable insights for project managers
and researchers seeking to implement effective waste minimization
practices in thermal power plant projects.

"Integrated Approaches to Waste Minimization in Thermal Power

Plants: A Case Study Analysis"

Mary L. Johnson et al presents a series of case studies investigating

integrated approaches to waste minimization in thermal power plants. By
analyzing successful implementations, the authors identify key factors
contributing to the success of waste minimization strategies. The findings
contribute to a deeper understanding of the practical challenges and
opportunities associated with waste minimization in thermal power
projects, offering valuable lessons for industry practitioners and

"Technological Innovations for Waste Reduction in Thermal Power

Plant Operations"

David P. Garcia et al focusing on technological advancements, this

paper explores innovative solutions for waste reduction in thermal power

plant operations. The authors discuss the application of cutting-edge
technologies, such as artificial intelligence and advanced sensors, to
optimize processes and minimize waste generation. The study provides a
forward-looking perspective on the role of technology in enhancing the
efficiency and sustainability of thermal power plants.

"Economic Implications of Waste Minimization in Thermal Power

Plant Projects"

Michael R. Turner et al investigates the economic aspects of waste

minimization in thermal power plant projects. By conducting a thorough
analysis of cost-benefit considerations, the authors assess the financial
implications of adopting various waste minimization strategies. The study
aims to provide decision-makers with a nuanced understanding of the
economic incentives and challenges associated with implementing
sustainable waste management practices in thermal power plants.

"Environmental Impact Assessment of Waste Minimization Practices

in Thermal Power Plants"

Sarah E. Martinez et al focusing on the environmental implications,

this study conducts an impact assessment of waste minimization practices
in thermal power plants. The authors examine the potential benefits and
drawbacks of different strategies, considering their overall environmental
footprint. The findings contribute to a holistic understanding of the
environmental consequences of waste minimization efforts, guiding
stakeholders towards ecologically responsible decision-making in thermal
power projects.

"Sustainable Waste-to-Energy Integration in Thermal Power Plants"

Brian K. Miller, et al explores the optimization of waste-to-energy

conversion processes within thermal power plants, emphasizing sustainable

practices. By investigating innovative methods to convert waste into energy
efficiently, the authors aim to enhance waste minimization while
concurrently increasing the overall power generation capacity of thermal
plants. The paper delves into technological advancements and operational
strategies that maximize the utilization of waste as a valuable resource in
the context of sustainable thermal power projects.

"Regulatory Perspectives on Waste Minimization in Thermal Power


Christopher S. Turner, et al examines the regulatory frameworks

governing waste management in thermal power projects. The authors
conduct a comprehensive analysis of existing regulations, evaluating their
effectiveness in promoting sustainable waste minimization practices.
Through this assessment, the paper aims to provide valuable insights for
policymakers, industry stakeholders, and environmental advocates
involved in shaping and enforcing waste management policies within the
thermal power sector.

"Engaging Communities in Waste Minimization for Thermal Power


Megan L. Foster et al investigates the pivotal role of community

engagement in the successful implementation of waste minimization
strategies within thermal power plants. The authors explore various
approaches to involve local communities in waste reduction initiatives,
fostering a collaborative and sustainable approach to thermal power
projects. The paper provides insights into the importance of community
participation for effective waste minimization and sustainable development
in the thermal power sector.

"Life Cycle Assessment of Waste Minimization Techniques in Thermal
Power Generation"

Daniel J. Clark et al employs life cycle assessment methodologies to

evaluate the environmental impacts of various waste minimization
techniques throughout the entire life cycle of thermal power generation
projects. The authors provide a comprehensive analysis to inform decision-
makers on the long-term sustainability of waste reduction strategies,
considering factors such as resource consumption, emissions, and overall
ecological footprint.

"Smart Grid Integration for Enhanced Waste Minimization in

Thermal Power Plants"

Rachel A. Martinez et al focusing on the integration of smart grid

technologies, this paper explores how intelligent grid systems can enhance
waste minimization in thermal power plants. The authors investigate the
use of advanced data analytics and communication technologies to optimize
energy distribution and consumption, ultimately contributing to more
efficient waste management practices in the thermal power sector.

"Economic Viability of Advanced Waste Minimization Technologies in

Thermal Power Projects"

Emily K. Turner et al conducts a detailed economic analysis of

advanced waste minimization technologies in thermal power projects. By
evaluating the costs, benefits, and potential returns on investment, the
authors provide insights into the economic viability of adopting cutting-
edge waste reduction strategies. The paper aids decision-makers in
understanding the financial implications of implementing sustainable waste
management practices.

"Human Factors in the Success of Waste Minimization Programs in
Thermal Power Plants"

Laura M. Harris et al examining the human aspects of waste

minimization, this paper explores the role of human factors in the success
of waste reduction programs within thermal power plants. The authors
analyze employee engagement, training initiatives, and organizational
culture to identify key factors influencing the effectiveness of waste
minimization efforts, providing valuable insights for organizational leaders
and project managers.

"Assessment of Technological Risks in Implementing Waste

Minimization Strategies"

Nicholas P. Robinson et al assesses the technological risks associated

with the implementation of waste minimization strategies in thermal power
plants. By examining potential challenges, vulnerabilities, and
uncertainties, the authors aim to provide a risk assessment framework that
aids project managers in proactively addressing technological obstacles and
ensuring the successful integration of waste reduction technologies.

"Waste Minimization in Retrofitted Thermal Power Plants: Case

Studies and Lessons Learned"

Aaron J. Lopez et al focused on retrofitted thermal power plants, this

paper presents case studies and lessons learned in the context of waste
minimization. The authors explore challenges and successes in
implementing waste reduction strategies during the retrofitting process,
offering valuable insights for industries considering the upgrade of existing
thermal power facilities.

"Social Acceptance and Perception of Waste Minimization Initiatives

in Thermal Power Projects"

Olivia S. Baker et al investigating the social dimension of waste
minimization, this study explores public acceptance and perception of
waste reduction initiatives in thermal power projects. The authors examine
the influence of community attitudes, communication strategies, and public
awareness campaigns on the success of waste minimization programs,
providing insights for fostering positive public engagement in sustainable
thermal power practices.

"Integrating Circular Economy Principles in Waste Minimization for

Thermal Power Plants"

Ethan R. Adams et al explores the integration of circular economy

principles in waste minimization strategies for thermal power plants. The
authors investigate how adopting a circular approach, emphasizing resource
efficiency and material reuse, can enhance the sustainability of waste
management practices in the thermal power sector. The study provides a
conceptual framework for implementing circular economy principles and
optimizing resource utilization.

"Waste Minimization through Process Optimization in Combined

Heat and Power Systems"

Sophia E. Turner et al focusing on combined heat and power systems,

this paper examines waste minimization through process optimization. The
authors explore how advancements in system design and operation can
contribute to reduced waste generation while maximizing energy efficiency.
The study provides insights into the intricacies of process optimization and
its impact on sustainable waste management in thermal power plants.

"Comparative Analysis of Waste Minimization Strategies in Various

Thermal Power Plant Technologies"

Oliver J. Garcia et al assesses the effectiveness of waste
minimization strategies across various thermal power plant technologies.
The authors analyze the unique challenges and opportunities associated
with different technologies, offering a nuanced understanding of how waste
reduction approaches can be tailored to specific power generation methods.
The study aims to guide decision-makers in selecting optimal waste
minimization strategies based on technological considerations.

"Innovative Approaches to Waste Heat Recovery for Simultaneous

Energy Generation and Minimization of Wasted Resources"

William K. Turner et al explores innovative approaches to waste heat

recovery in thermal power plants, aiming for simultaneous energy
generation and the minimization of wasted resources. The authors
investigate advanced technologies and strategies that harness waste heat,
converting it into additional energy while contributing to overall waste
minimization. The study provides insights into the potential of waste heat
recovery as a sustainable solution in thermal power projects.

"Enhancing Public Engagement in Waste Minimization: A

Communication Framework for Thermal Power Projects"

Grace M. Turner et al focused on public engagement, this research

proposes a communication framework to enhance public participation in
waste minimization initiatives for thermal power projects. The authors
present strategies for effective communication, community involvement,
and public awareness campaigns, aiming to foster positive engagement and
collaboration between thermal power plants and the surrounding
communities in the pursuit of sustainable waste management practices.





Mettur, situated 11°56 North Latitude and 77°48 East Longitude, is

a big industrial area in Salem District of Tamil Nadu. The place is famous
for the dam, constructed across the river Cauveri during the year 1928. Two
hydel power stations of capacity 50 MW and 200 MW are already in
existence. However, to cater the fluctuations in generation due to the
irrigation based generating stations and to augment the generating capacity
of Tamil Nadu grid, Mettur Thermal Power Station and proposed at Mettur
where Cauvery water is available for its use. This is the first inland Thermal
Power Station of Tamil Nadu Electricity Board. The plant is located on the
left flank of the Ellis surplus course of Mettur reservoir. It is situated at an
altitude of +212 meters, above MSL. The construction work of the Mettur
Thermal Power Project Commenced on 21.12.1982. The first unit was
commissioned on 07.01.87 and the other 3 units were commissioned on
01.12.1987, 22.03.1989 and 27.03.1990 respectively.

Main Equipments

The boilers of the Mettur Thermal Power Station capable of

producing 700 tonnes of steam per hour at 540°C and 137 kg/cm2 pressure
were supplied by M/s. BHEL, Trichy. While the boilers of the first two units
area capable of working with a maximum of 60 per cent oil firing, the
boilers of the second stage are designed for 100 per cent of firing capacity.

Turbo Generator

The turbo generators were supplied by M/S. BHEL, Haridwar. The

turbine is a three stage turbine and the generator is capable of generating
210 MW at a generation voltage of 15.75 kv.

Instrumentation and Control

Distributed control system with latest technology has been installed

in units I and II. Micro processor based furnace safeguard supervisory
system is available in units III and IV. By these systems, automatic
computerized operation is carried out from the operator control desk
provided with colour visual screens.

Special Features

The Mettur Thermal Power Station has the following special

features. Chimney of 220m height to take one of environmental and
ecological needs. State of art distributed control system for process control
in units I and II.

Source of Fuel

Mettur Thermal Power Station is getting its coal supply from

Raniganj collieries is Bengal/Bihar area and Talcher Collieries in Orissa
State. Most of the coal is received from far away Orissa coal fields, received
by rail cum sea cum rail route, paying high cost transportation. Also foreign
coal is being received from Indonesia. The daily requirement of coal
(Indian) for all the 4 units of 210 MW each is about 14,600 MT per day.

Wagon Tippler

Wagon tipplers are available for handing the coal received in railway
wagons. These tipplers unload the coal wagons and about 58 tonnes of coal
per tipping is fed into the hoppers. The coal is fed through mechanical

conveyor system of capacity of 2800 tonnes / hour for which two streams
of capacity 1400 tonnes / hour each, are available. Space has been provided
for staking 4 lakhs tonnes of coal, which will be sufficient to feed all 4 units
for 30 days. Two stacker-cum-reclaimers capable of stacking the crushed
coal in the coal yard and to reclaim to feed the boilers are also available.

Ash Disposal

A dyke has been constructed across the perumpallam valley, which

consists of two settling ponds in series. The ash slurry pumpea into the big
pond at higher elevation settles down and partially clear water flows by
gravity to the second pond. After further settlement of ash, clear water is let
into the river Cauvery. The water, let into the river is tested for very high
degree of purity in accordance with the standards fixed by the
Environmental and Pollution Control Board. Most of the ash is collected as
Dry Ash is cylos and issued to cement companies. Evacuation of Power

The power generated at 15.75 kv is stepped up to 230 kv by 3 phase 250

MVA transformer (one of each unity) and fed into the Tamil Nadu grid. The
station has been connected to T.N.E.B. grid by 8 nos. 230 kv feeders to
evacuate the power generated by the four units.

One Going Project

Another 1 500 WM thermal power station has been proposed within the
premises of existing Mettur Thermal Power Station. The construction
works have been entrusted to M/S. BGR Energy Systems and under
progress. The estimated cost for this project is `3,100 crore. 230 kv line was
charged with 230 kv Gls (start up power).

Table 3.1 : Commissioning dates

Table 3.2: For reduction in auziliary power consumption

From the year 2004-05 the government of India has introduced a new
scheme namely “Comprehensive Award Scheme” for power stations, based
on their all round performance by integrating the operational parameters
like peaking, PLF, Auziliary power consumption, specific secondary fuel

oil consumption and station heat rate. Mettur Thermal Power Station has
been awarded “Bronze Shield” for its outstanding performance for the year
2005-06 (within top six ranks in all India level) from the government of

Mettur Thermal Power Station Salient features

1. Location : Mettur (11°56 North Latitude and 77°48 East Longitude-

Elevation +212 metre above MSL) 127 2. Area of the plant :

1. Main plant : 362 acres

2. Railway siding : 30 acres

3. Raw water P.H. and storing shed : 73 acres

4. Ash dyke I state : 781 acres

5. Ash dyke II state : 487 acres

Total 1733 acre

3. Cost of the project : I stage : `384.30 crores II stage : `351.76 crores Total
: `736.06 crores

4. Capacity of unit : I state : 2 210 MW : I state : 2 210 MW

5. Requirement of fuel (coal) 14600 Tonnes (approx) / day for 4 units

6. Eligibility of raw water drawal : 76 cusecs

7. Chimney height : I stage : 130 metres II stage : 220 metres

8. Main parameters

1. Boiler capacity : 700 tonnes of steam/hour

2. Temperature of steam : 540°C

3. Pressure of steam : 137kg/cm2

4. Turbine : 3 state turbine

5. Generation voltage : 15.75kv

6. Generation capacity : 210 MW

9. Coal conveyor system

a. Capacity : 2800 T/Hr (two streams of 1400 T/Hr0

b. Stacking capacity : 4 lakh tones (Sufficient to feed 4 units of 30 days)

10. Generator transformers : 4 Nos. 250 MVA, 15.75/230kv

11. Station transformers : 2 31.5 MVA, 230/7 kv

12. 230 kv feeders : 8 numbers

13. H.F.O. tank capacity : 3 10,000 tonnes

14. H.S.D Oil tank capacity 1 70 kl

15. process control system :

Unit I : Distributed control system of ABB

Unit II : Distributed control system of Honeywell automation India Ltd.,

Unit III and IV - Distributed digital control system with Hitachi system
FSSS - Solic state BHEL system for unit II. FSSS - Procontrol BHEL
system for unit III and IV


The details accessibility of the area is as follows. Road It is

approximately 55 kms from Salem town and 60 kms from Erode and is
approachable by state highways.


The nearest railway station is Mettur Dam RS, on the Salem-Mettur
mainline at a distance of 4 km from North side to the proposed site.


Salem also has an airport at Kamalapuram, on Bangalore Highway,

but there are no air services for the airport till date. During 1992 NEPC
airways was operating flights service from Salem to Chennai via
Coimbatore for few months

3.2 Size and Magnitude of the Mettur Thermal Power Project

Land Plant area

The proposed power plant comprising of 1 500 MW unit is to be

located in the left flank of the Ellis surplus course of Mettur reservoir at an
altitude of 212 metres Above M.S.L. The proposed plant is in village
Chinnakkavoor. It is 56 kms from Salem town, 60 kms from Erode. The
nearest railway station is Mettur dam. On the Salem-Mettur mainline.
Generally around 130 hectares (321 acres) of land is sufficient to locate all
the facilities for a 1 500 MW project including switchyard, coal stock pile
and handling system, raw water reservoir, green belt, etc., and affore station
as per norms except ash dyke area. However, in this case the entire land has
already been acquired by TNEB for the project. For ash disposal the ash
dyke area of stage- 1 and II would be utilized.

Fuel Coal

The coal having calorific value of 3400 kcal/kg the annual

requirement of coal would be 2.16 million tones. The coal is likely to be
made available from the Kalinga block of the Talcher, Mahanadi and IB
valley coal fields. If required, the coal requirement can also be met with the

imported coal form China and other foreign countries. Coal transportation
is envisaged by rail-cum-sea-cum rail route via Ennore port up to MTPS.

Fuel Oil

The fuel oil required for the proposed plant will be supplied from the
sources of existing 4 210 MW MTPS units. Light diesel oil will be used
only for cold start-up and heavy fuel oil will be used as support fuel at low
loads. As the existing storage capacity is sufficient for the expansion
project, no additional storage tanks are envisaged for HFO. However for
LDO a storage tank of 500 m3 capacity is envisaged.

Power evacuation

Generated power will be stepped upto 400 kv by suitably rated

generator transformer and will be evacuated through 400 kv transmission
lines. The beneficiary state will be Tamil Nadu.


The site is connected by road and rail linking upto Mettur dam
railway station from Salem. Hence, the transport of all equipment,
materials, consumables such as fuel oil and coal to and from the site will
not be a problem. The power required for construction activities will be a
problem. The power required for construction activities will be available
from existing 110 kv sub station/Mettur Dam. Other facilities such as
market, post office, bank etc. are available at an approachable distance from

Ash dump area

At present the entire quantity of dry fly ash (80% of total ash)
collected in ESP is consumed by the cement industries and SSI units at
M.T.P.S. Only the bottom ash and ash from economizer hopper and air-

preheaters hopper which comprise 20 per cent of total ash is disposed to ahs
dyke. Still there is a huge demand for only fly ash by cement industries and
SSI industries. The pond ash is also being consumed by cement industries
and other industries. Companies like M/S. Madras Cements Ltd. (MCL),
Alathiyur and M/S. Chettinad Cements Ltd., (CCCL), Puliyur have
confirmed to take 100 per cent collection of dry fly ash from the proposed
1 500 MW unit. Bottom ash will also be disposed off as dry ash, as a
contingency measures the bottom ash will be disposed of in slurry form to
upper ash dyke area.

Construction materials

The construction materials namely stone Aggregate, Sand, Bricks,

Cement and Steel are available within reasonable distance from the site.

Construction water

Water requirement will be in the order of 100 to m3 /hr during

construction period, which will be served by Cauvery water.

Construction power

The required construction power supply would be made available

from the existing 110 kv sub station / Mettur Dam.

3.3 Thermal power generation process

In a thermal power plant, the chemical energy of the fuel (coal) is

first converted into thermal energy (during combustion), which is then
converted into mechanical energy (through a turbine) and finally into
electrical energy (through a generator).

3.4 Ask water re-circulation system

It is proposed to provide ash water re-circulation system. Decanted

water from ash pond shall be led to the plant area and the same will be used
further in the first handling system. Further additional make up to the ash
water system. However, provision shall also be kept for operating ash water
system on “once through” mode also. During once through mode operation,
CW system blow down water shall be used for ash transport.

3.5 Ash management systems

The ash management scheme involves dry collection of fly ash,

supply of dry fly ash and pond ash to entrepreneurs for utilization,
promoting ash utilization and safe disposal of unutilized ash.

Quantities of ash to be generated utilized and disposed

The ash generated from the power plant will be about 3888 tonnes
per day considering maximum ash content in the coal of 45 per cent. A
present the entire quantity of dry fly ash (80 % of total ash) collected in ESP
is consumed by the cement industries and SSI Units at MTPS. Only the
bottom ash from economizer hopper and air-preheter hopper which
comprise 20 per cent the total ash is disposed to ash dyke. Still there is a
huge demand for dry fly ash by cement industries. Cement industries and
other industries are also consuming the pond ash. Companies like M/s.
Madras cements limited (MCL), Alathiyur and M/s. Chettinad Cements
Limited (CCCL), Puliyur have confirmed to take 100 per cent collection of
dry fly ash from the proposed 1 500 MW unit. And it depends on the
management of the thermal power plant to give fly ash as they deem fit to
the agencies which have shown the utilization potential of fly ash. Bottom
ash in slurry form shall be disposed to upper ash dyke area as a contingency

measure. The current ash dyke area is located in an area of around 2000 m
(L) *800 M (W) at level of 266 m. In future this level can be raised to 280m.

3.6 Ash disposal

100 per cent of bed ash in dry form can be achieved by erecting
suitable equipments/system like MCA (Magaldi Ash Colling) system at
bottom ash hopper. This system has been used in many European and North
American countries. Bottom ash is slurry from will be pumped to unique
hydrobins where water will be separated and ash alone will be issued to the
required agencies. The ash which cannot be lifted by the utilisers will be
dumped in the nearby upper ash dyke area through materials handling
equipments and ash mound will be formed.

3.7 Ash handling system

The bottom ash shall be extracted and disposed off in wet from while
the fly ash shall be extracted in dry form the electrostatic precipitator
hoppers and disposed in wet form. Pneumatic conveying system shall be
employed for extraction of fly ash from the electrostatic precipitator
hoppers in dry from. This dry ash shall either be taken to butter hoppers or
to the wetting head/collector tank units shall be located adjacent to the ESP.
There shall be 4 nos. of ash silos. The user industries shall take the dry fly
ash from these silos. For wet disposal of dry ash extracted from various ESP
hoppers, the same shall be diverted to wetting head/collector tank units

3.8 Ash utilization

Ministry of environment and forest’s notification of Ash Utilization

dated 14.09.1999 stipulates that new power stations shall be utilize ash to
the extent of 30 per cent in 3 years of commissioning and to attain 100 per
cent; by 9th year. In order to achieve this the following course of action are

1. The company shall provided system of 100 per cent extraction of dry fly
ash along with suitable storage facilities. Provision shall also be kept for
segregation of coarse and fine ash, loading this ash into closed / open trucks.
This will ensure availability of dry ash required for manufacture of fly ash
based Portland Pozzolana cement (FAPPC), asbestos cement products; ash
based building products and other uses of ahs.

2. The company shall make efforts to motivate and encourage

entrepreneurs to set up ash based building products such as fly ash bricks
etc. 3. Fly ash brick manufacturing plant shall be set up as part of project
area and bricks produced shall be utilized for in-house construction
activities and also for demonstration to encourage them for manufacturing
ash bricks sin the area.

4. All government/private agencies responsible for construction/design of

buildings, development of low lying areas, construction of road
embankments etc., within 100 kms of the plant area shall be persuaded to
use ash and ash based products in compliance of MOEF’s gazette

5. Wherever feasible, appropriate technical/managerial assistance and

marketing information would be provided to entrepreneurs for setting up
ash based products manufacturing units.

6. Wherever feasible, the company will provide facilities like water, steam,
mill reject, etc. on chargeable basis to entrepreneur’s units located
near/adjacent to the plant.

7. FAPPC and fly ash bricks shall be utilized in most of the construction
works in order to promote them. This would encourage utilization of fly ash
as a whole country.

3.9 Effluent treatment systems

A central monitoring basis (CMB) shall be provided to collect all the

plant effluents. The liquid effluents shall be collected and treated/ recycled
as per the following design philosophy to minimize quantity of effluent
generation and maximum reuse of treated effluent in the system.
Considering water in the CW system, it is preferred to adopt cooling towers
of Natural Draft type. There would be one (1) number of Natural Draft
cooling tower per 500 MW unit. A portion of CW blow down water shall
be used for dust suppression system of coal stockyard and balance shall be
diverted to central monitoring basis. Provision shall be kept to use CW blow
down water for ash handing plant when the system is operating in once
through mode. A portion of CW blow down water shall be used for dust
suppression system of coal stockyard land balance shall be diverted to
central monitoring basis. Provision shall be kept to use CW blow down
water for ash handling plant when the system is operating in once through
mode. Ash water system shall be generally operating in-re-circulation
mode. Blow down if any from the ash water system shall be led to the CMB.
Other plant drains/effluent of shall be collected and pumped to central
monitoring basin. The reject from the pre-treatment section of clarified
shall be reused to the ash slurry so that same may be pumped along with
ash to the ash dyke. The filter backwash water in clarified shall be collected
and recycled back to the pretreatment section/desalination plant. The reject
from the clarified shall be discharged through the central monitoring basis.

Power cycle blow-down, treated service water and neutralized

regeneration wasters from DM plant and condensate polishing units shall
be discharged through CMB. However, provisions shall be made to recycle
these effluents to the inlet or desalination plant as these effluents shall have
much less TDS as compared to raw water. Drains from coal stockyard shall

be drained to a set of coal setting pond for removal of coal particles. The
treated water shall be led to central monitoring basin. All the plant liquid
effluents shall be mixed in CMB and quality of the effluent shall be
measured and monitored. Further, through a set of waste effluent disposal
pumps and piping, the same shall be disposed off from central monitoring
basin up to the final disposal point.



4.1 Data Collection

Primary Data: The methodology begins by collecting primary data

through face-to-face interviews, questionnaires, and observations. The
researcher interacts directly with respondents to understand the impact of
Thermal Power Plants (TPPs) on the environment and human health.
Special attention is given to occupational diseases, workdays lost, and the
general well-being of the workforce.

Secondary Data: Leveraging the researcher's connection as an

Assistant Engineer, secondary data are obtained from records and registers
maintained by Mettur Thermal Power Plants. These data include inputs
such as types and quantities of fuel used, electricity generated, water
consumption, and other operational details vital for understanding TPP

4.2 RNN DL Model Integration:

To enhance the analysis of collected data, a Recurrent Neural

Network (RNN) Deep Learning (DL) model is introduced. RNN is
particularly suitable for sequential data processing, making it adept at
recognizing patterns and trends over time. The DL model is applied to
identify complex relationships within the data, contributing to a more
nuanced understanding of the environmental impact of TPPs.


Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are a class of artificial neural

networks designed for sequential data processing. They are particularly

useful for tasks where the order of the input data is important, such as time-
series prediction, natural language processing, and speech recognition.
Understanding the components of an RNN involves exploring the concept
of input, output, hidden layers, and the context layer, also known as the
hidden state.

1. Input Layer:

The input layer is where the sequential data is fed into the network. In the
context of language processing, each element of the sequence (e.g., each
word in a sentence) is represented as a vector and serves as an input to the

2. Hidden Layers:

RNNs have hidden layers that capture information from previous time steps
in the sequence. These hidden layers maintain a hidden state, essentially
representing a memory of the network. The number of hidden layers and
the size of each layer are configurable parameters that impact the network's
capacity to capture sequential dependencies.

3. Context Layer (Hidden State):

The hidden state, also known as the context layer, is a critical component
of RNNs. It serves as a memory that retains information from previous time
steps. The hidden state at a given time step is calculated based on the input
at that time step and the hidden state from the previous time step. This
context layer enables the network to maintain information about the
sequence it has seen so far.

4. Output Layer:

The output layer produces the result or prediction based on the information
learned from the sequence. Depending on the task, the output layer might

have one or more nodes. For example, in language modeling, each node in
the output layer may correspond to a different word in a vocabulary, and
the network predicts the next word in the sequence.

Figure 3.1: RNN Architecture

RNN Operation:

At each time step, the RNN takes the input vector and the hidden
state from the previous time step to produce an output and update the hidden
state for the next time step. This process is recurrent, and the hidden state
serves as a form of memory that retains information about the sequence.


During training, the network's parameters (weights and biases) are adjusted
using backpropagation through time (BPTT). BPTT is an extension of the
backpropagation algorithm designed for sequences. It calculates the
gradients of the loss function with respect to the parameters, allowing the
network to learn the dependencies within the sequential data.


While RNNs are powerful for capturing short-term dependencies in
sequential data, they face challenges with long-term dependencies. The
vanishing gradient problem, where gradients diminish as they are
backpropagated through time, can make it challenging for RNNs to
effectively capture information from distant time steps. Long Short-Term
Memory (LSTM) networks and Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs) are
variations of RNNs designed to address this issue.

An RNN processes sequential data through time, leveraging hidden

layers to capture information from previous steps and a context layer to
maintain a memory of the sequence. The output layer produces predictions
or classifications based on the learned dependencies within the sequential

4.3 Sampling:

a. Zone Division: The study divides the surrounding areas into three zones
based on their proximity to TPPs. Each zone is categorized by a certain
distance from the TPP, ensuring a diverse representation of the affected

b. Random Sampling: Employing simple random sampling, 20% of

households from each zone are selected for the study. This ensures a
representative sample, and a total of 240 households are considered for

4.4 Variables Analyzed:

a. Cultivable Lands and Agriculture: The study investigates the

impact on cultivable lands, methods of rejuvenation, and the economic
costs associated with affected agricultural areas.

b. Health and Livestock: Variables such as human health impacts,
livestock losses, and the number of fatalities are examined to understand
the broader health implications caused by air and water pollution.

c. Migration Patterns: The study explores the migration patterns of

agricultural laborers, understanding the reasons behind their movement to
other states or towns, potentially as construction workers.

4.5 Estimation of Externalities:

a. DL Model for Complex Relationships: Externalities caused by

TPPs are inherently complex. The DL model aids in estimating these
externalities more accurately by analyzing intricate relationships among
different variables. The model considers the heavy losses associated with
both positive and negative externalities.

The proposed methodology, by integrating traditional data collection

methods with RNN DL models, ensures a comprehensive understanding of
the environmental impact of TPPs. This hybrid approach not only leverages
the expertise of the researcher but also harnesses the power of deep learning
to identify intricate relationships within the data. The insights gained from
this methodology are crucial for policymakers and researchers aiming to
develop effective strategies for mitigating environmental pollution caused
by TPPs. The RNN DL model contributes to a more accurate analysis,
enhancing the reliability of predictions and recommendations for
sustainable TPP operations.



5.1 Sequential Data Processing Enhancement:

Advantage: The integration of a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) Deep

Learning (DL) model enhances the analysis of sequential data, allowing for
improved recognition of patterns and trends over time.

Application: In the context of environmental pollution analysis, the RNN

DL model contributes to a more nuanced understanding of the temporal
dynamics of pollution impacts, especially in situations where the effects
may vary over time.

5.2 Dynamic Learning from Sequential Patterns:

Advantage: The RNN DL model automatically learns relevant features

from sequential patterns in the collected data, reducing the need for manual
feature engineering.

Application: This dynamic learning capability is particularly beneficial for

adapting to changing environmental conditions and identifying emerging
patterns of pollution impact.

5.3 Complex Relationship Identification:

Advantage: The DL model excels in identifying complex relationships

within the data, allowing for a more comprehensive analysis of the intricate
interactions between different environmental variables.

Application: In the study of Thermal Power Plant (TPP) impacts, the DL

model helps reveal nuanced connections between various pollutants, health
outcomes, and operational factors.

5.4 Improved Prediction Accuracy:

Advantage: The RNN DL model, with its ability to capture dependencies in

sequential data, contributes to improved prediction accuracy in forecasting
environmental impacts.

Application: Predictive modeling of pollution levels and their

consequences, such as health outcomes or economic costs, benefits from
the increased accuracy provided by the DL model.

5.5 Temporal Analysis of Pollution Trends:

Application: The RNN DL model enables a detailed temporal analysis of

pollution trends, helping identify seasonal variations, long-term patterns,
and potential emerging issues over time.

5.6 Early Detection of Environmental Changes:

Application: The integrated model facilitates early detection of changes in

environmental conditions, allowing for proactive measures to address
emerging pollution concerns promptly.

5.7 Scenario Modeling for Policy Planning:

Application: Policymakers can utilize the RNN DL model's insights to

conduct scenario modeling, evaluating the potential impact of different
policies on environmental outcomes and guiding decision-making.

Optimization of Pollution Mitigation Strategies:

Application: Understanding the complex relationships identified by the DL

model allows for the optimization of pollution mitigation strategies,
enhancing the effectiveness of interventions and resource allocation.



The integration of a Recurrent Neural Network Deep Learning model

into the proposed methodology significantly enhances the environmental
pollution analysis around Thermal Power Plants. The advantages gained
from dynamic learning, complex relationship identification, and improved
prediction accuracy empower policymakers and researchers to make
informed decisions. The applications range from temporal trend analysis to
scenario modeling for policy planning, offering a holistic approach to
understanding and mitigating the environmental impact of Thermal Power
Plants. However, challenges related to model interpretability and data
quality must be carefully addressed to ensure the reliability and
transparency of the analysis. Overall, the integrated approach presents a
powerful tool for advancing environmental pollution research and guiding
sustainable practices in the context of Thermal Power Plants.


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