P3 Science Test 2 (CHP 5, 6 and 7)
P3 Science Test 2 (CHP 5, 6 and 7)
P3 Science Test 2 (CHP 5, 6 and 7)
Name : _____________________ Score : Teacher’s Parent’s
Class : Primary 3 Signature : Signature :
Date : _____________________
Subject / Test# : Science / Test 2
Put a cross (x) on a), b) or c) that shows the
correct answer.
1. Study the concept map below.
2. Two similar grasshoppers are placed at the same time in each of the containers shown below.
Which of two grasshoppers will probably survive for the longest time?
a) b) c)
5. Example of animals that help us to plough lands is _____.
a) cow b) oxen c) earthworm
6. Animals that walk and run with their legs are, except _____.
a) deer b) coyote c) millipede
7. The animal that slithers with its body is _____.
a) earthworm b) snake c) millipede
8. Which animals that can provide us with leather to make things?
a) snake and crocodile b) chicken and sheep c) crocodile and fish
9. Hamster is an example of _____.
a) herbivore b) carnivore c) omnivore
10. _____ swallows its food whole.
a) Millipede b) Snake c) Squirrel
11. Some plants that can trap and eat small animals are, except _____.
a) cattails b) venus flytrap c) pitcher plant
12. We take care of plants by _____.
a) giving them a lot of water every day
b) cutting their leaves every day
c) protecting them from pests
13. Examples of harmful plants are, except _____.
a) ginseng b) allamanda c) pongpong fruit
14. Plant that has a bright colour is _____.
a) grass b) moss c) sunflower
15. Example of water plants is _____.
a) hydrilla b) moss c) vines
16. Which of the following plants that has roots that stick out of the mud?
a) mangrove tree b) mango tree c) banyan tree
17. Which part of a plant takes in water and minerals from the soil?
a) leaves b) stems c) roots
18. Which of the following plants grows completely underwater?
a) hydrillas b) cattails c) hyacinths
19. Which of the following objects is come from plants?
a) b) c)
20. Plant that can cause rashes on our skin if we touch them is _____.
a) allamanda b) lavender c) poison ivy
B. Fill in the blanks with the correct answers from the box.
Air Puff balls Water Fruit Stem Bread
Frangipani Mouth Food Caterpillar Ginseng Yogurt
Omnivore Cheetah Mimosa Microscope Chlorophyll Grasshopper
C. Essay !
1. Label these plant parts.
2. Mention the group of living things ! (4)