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The Maze of Nuromen

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The Maze of Nuromen

Nuromen the Black was a powerful wizard who actually buildings of a small town. The statues and carvings of
gathered a number of followers to his tower in the the ruins indicate that it was a place of great
wilderness. Here they built a small village known as wickedness, but the town is overgrown with foliage and
Law's End because it lay beyond the reach of all kings. its streets broken. It is still and silent and there is
Nuromen took advantage of an extensive cavern nothing to be salvaged as the goblins of the Misty
network beneath his tower and had it excavated and Peaks have picked it clean though few ever found the
refurbished with stone and woodworks. This way into the Maze from the underground river chamber
underground lair was the abode of he and his until a few days before the party arrived.
guardians and, according to legend, the site of terrible
rituals and experiments. Nuromen finally brought As for the Maze of Nuromen, it is a marvel of
destruction upon himself and the people of Law's End engineering, being made of great stone works and
by tampering with the Forces Beyond. People living in unless otherwise noted ceilings are arched and as high
the nearby hamlet of Camlann saw a terrible fiery light as 20' in the larger rooms. It is dark except in those
over the region of Law's End. An expedition was areas lit by magic as mentioned in the dungeon key
mounted and the folk of Law's End were discovered and the party will need torches, lanterns, or magical
dead in their streets and homes…there was no sign of light. The whole place is filled with skeletons and
Nuromen, and his tower lay in smoldering ruins. From cobwebs and spiders. The doors and wood works of
that day forward the people have shunned the ruins of the Maze are still functional…most can be forced open
Law's End, believing that a just recompense came if locked. The steel traps are a bit rusty but
upon that folk for their evil doings. The wood elves who unfortunately still function unless otherwise noted in the
dwell in the Delvingwood around Law's End set a dungeon key. Nuromen set an array of traps and
watch to make sure that no one ever tries to rebuild the magicks around the Maze before his untimely demse
ill fated town. While stopping over in Camlann on their and some of them reflect the wizard's morbid sense of
wandering through the Eastern Realm, the player humor….
characters hear of the Maze of Nuromen and of the
fabulous treasures said to be there…they decide to Dungeon Key
investigate for themselves.
A. In the ruins of the old wizard's tower lies a deep
shaft. Once a stair that has long since collapsed, the
General Notes on Law's End and the Maze of shaft may be accessed using about 100' of rope.
Nuromen Surprisingly, there are already a set of ropes going
down…they are left by a small party of goblins who
Law's End lies some fifty miles from the hamlet of have recently entered the ruin. An elf or dwarf will smell
Camlann on a mountain in the Delvingwood at the foot goblin about the ropes and recognize them of goblin
of the Misty Peaks. Below the ruins of the town a river make. It leads to a large, moist circular cavern filled
flows out of the mountain's roots, becoming the Misty with stalactites and stalagmites and cut in two halves
River. by a fast flowing underground river. The river is cold
and just deep enough to create deadly rapids.
On the way to Laws End, the party will be met by a
band of elves who, upon learning of their quest (or A1. The underground river. Flows in from iron
surmising it if players are tightlipped) will recount how
portcullis. Ruins of a broken down bridge can be seen
an elf prince approached Nuromen once and tried to in the water. Character with highest dexterity should
befriend him. The wizard killed the elf and took his attempt any crossing first. Anyone crossing must roll a
crown…a magical crown which the elves wish to see d20 and get their dexterity or less on the die or else
retrieved from the Maze. They will bestow the title of stumble, lose hold, or fall in and be swept away
"elf friends" (see Tolkien) upon the party if they do so
through the hole on the opposite end. If this happens,
as well as reward them with gifts (GM imagination). they will be swept through the cave of the Kelpie
(Chamber 0) and a d20 check against their agility
On the flat summit of the hill stands the remains of should again be made to see if they can get out of the
Nuromen's great tower and around this, the fallen down river before being swept out of the mountain. Clever
party members can make use of ropes to try and rig up chests. However, it is guarded by the ghost of
a rescue from Chamber 0. Once a party member Morkainen the Master Thief. He appears as a sad but
crosses with a rope, no d20 check is needed for those human looking figure who greets the party in a
following. seemingly unthreatening way. Thieves and perhaps
fighters will have heard of the famed Morkainen who
A2. Bottomless pit. Things dropped in cannot be heard was reputed to be the greatest thief who ever lived but
to hit bottom, a cold wind issues upwards. If anyone who vanished mysteriously many years ago. Morkainen
explores the pit on a rope or using any long pole, a came to the Maze while Nuromen yet lived and
flock of bats will fly out of the pit and attack. The bats managed to reach the lake isle but here was caught by
do only one point of damage each and have only one the wizard's men. In punishment, Nuromen had him
hit point each. There is nothing else in the pit. killed but used necromancy to trap Morkainen's spirit
here and force him to become the treasure's guardian.
B. Hall of Prisoners. Once the holding area for those Even in death, though, Morkainen retained some will
who displeased Nuromen, the occupants of the cells and he will allow the party to pass and obtain the
are now skeletons in irons, except in the last cell. Here treasure if they can answer a riddle he will put to them.
is an old man in irons who seems happy and has no The ghost gives them five minutes to unravel the
desire to leave. He will say gratifying things about answer, at which time he will attack if it is not
Nuromen and warn the party to leave the Maze. He is forthcoming. In the locked and trapped chest (poison
but an illusion, an ancient spell cast in a moment of needle) is kept 300 gold, a magical dagger (+2), a ruby
Nuromen's fancy. He will begin to repeat himself after worth 100 gold, and a potion of gaseous form.
a while, rather like a record skipping. This should be a Morkainen's Riddle: My life is measured in hours. I live
clue to the players. Detect Magic will reveal magic of by being devoured. Thin I am quick. Fat I am slow. The
course and a Dispel magic spell will cause the old man Zephyr are my foes. Who or what am I? The answer is
to vanish. a candle. The party has only three guesses, if the third
guess fails, Morkainen attacks. Normal weapons pass
C. The Old Armory. Here Nuromen's guards stored through him as if through smoke, only spells or
their shields, armor and weapons. There is an enchanted weapons can harm the ghost. If the party
assortment of rusted weapons, old pole arms, shields, answers the riddle correctly, he will bow and gesture
and suits of armor. If carefully searched, a suit of towards the treasure, telling them that when the
magical chainmail can be found (+1 AC). treasure is taken, his spirit will be released from this
plane of existence at last and indeed this will happen in
D. Hall of Statues. Here is a vast hall filled with the a dramatic fashion (use your imagination). He will
statues of Nuromen and his ancestors. This can be speak of nothing else in the Maze.
deduced by the inscriptions on the bases of these
large, well carved statues. Only someone who says F. The Empty Hall. This place has some ruined
they are examining the statues will find that there are furniture and broken statues. It is also occupied by five
two statues of Nuromen here and they are identical. goblins. If the party takes care, they will listen at the
Behind each is a secret door which will open if the door before entering and they will hear the goblins
head of the statue is turned. If anyone states they are cursing and speaking of the general horrors of the
searching the base of the statues, they have a 4 in 6 Maze and the emptiness of its treasures (actually they
chance of discovering a hollow base in one of them are too stupid to find these…). The party can gain an
that contains a rotted leather coffer of gold coins (200). element of surprise or spring some trap for the goblins,
Thieves who declare they are looking will find it who are unable to pass beyond the south door since
automatically. none have found the key from the wizard's
bedchamber and the door is too heavy for them. They
E. The subterranean lake. A small but deep lake lies will fight to the death unless they fail morale check.
beyond the Western secret door. In its center lies a They have 25 gold among them, a bone talisman, and
small island and there can be seen some sort of square their weapons, nothing else. The bone talisman has a
object in the flickering light of the party's torches. The spell cast upon it that makes it's wearer irresistible to
square object is in fact one of Nuromen's treasure any goblin of the opposite sex (you can use this for fun
in some other adventure). The iron door to the stair can Gamosh and if used by a lawful character any damage
only be opened with the strange key form the Wizard's inflicted will be turned upon the user!
Study--it cannot be picked by any thief below 10th
level. I. Hall of Sorrows. This long pillared hall looks like it
was once a church of some sort. In it can be heard faint
G. Cave of the Magic Bones. Another treasure hiding wailing and weeping. At the Hall's eastern wall stands a
place. Upon entry, the party will see on the far end of colossal statue of Gamosh. If anyone walks through the
the cave a small clay pot overflowing with precious hall, about midway they will be beset by ghostly
gems…there are at least 400 gold worth as well as a apparitions who will command them to leave the Maze
beautiful golden necklace. Also leaning against the wall or die. If the party advances further the apparitions will
is a scabbard with a long sword in it and on top of the fly at them--weapons pass through the shades but nor
gems, a majestic crown. Here is the elven crown, do the apparitions harm anyone, They pass right
stolen from the elf prince whom Nuromen slew in the through the party and fly around trying to frighten them.
Delvingwood. Lying in the middle of the chamber is a They are only an illusion but anyone seeing them must
single skeletal arm clutching a rusty sword. The arm is make a saving throw against magic or be overcome
enchanted and if anyone approaches it or the treasure with fright and flee the hall for 1 turn. The illusion will
pot, the arm flies into the air and begins swinging the not be here once the party returns from the burial
sword at the nearest character. The magic bones must crypts. The statue of Gamosh has a great red ruby for
be defeated before the treasure can be had. If any an eye. It may be pried loose if a thief ascends the
character wears the elf crown, they will have a vision of statue but there is a trap inside the mouth of the image,
the court of the wood elves, they will have a permanent a tube and spring with a poisoned iron spike. If not
+2 increase to their charisma, and they will feel some detected and disarmed,it will be triggered and a save
spiritual affinity with elves form that moment on, as well vs. dexterity made to see if the character dodges.
as enjoy the special favor of elves. However, failing this, the spike hits and a save vs. poison must
forevermore, dwarves will be disdainful and cold toward be made successfully or the character dies!
the character. The crown will impart this gift but once to
one wearer, only one character can thus benefit. J. Path to Nuromen's Treasure vault. There is a pit trap
with a false floor covering set here. Anyone stepping on
H. Chapel of the Evil God. The door to this room is it must make a saving throw vs. their dexterity (d20, roll
painted with the name and image of Gamosh. Within, their dexterity or lower) or fall into a 10' deep shaft.
the place is permeated with an aura of evil. Here it was Otherwise the room is empty.
that Nuromen paid homage to his deity, a malevolent
northern deity known as Gamosh. There is a giant K. The Treasure Vault of Nuromen. Here is the
stone carving of Gamosh on the western wall--he is chamber where the greedy wizard hid his life's
depicted as a giant baboon with huge teeth, one large treasures. The door to the chamber is of bronze
eye, and eight arms clutching wicked scimitars. Clerics covered iron and can only be unlocked by the special
will recognize the carvings and runes as belonging to amulet key from the main sepulcher in the Burial crypt
Gamosh and will observe that the altar at the top of the (Chamber N). The key hole is a round impression
steps on a dais was most likely used for unspeakable wherein the amulet will fit nicely and when this happens
rites. Two burning braziers lit by magic burn the door will swing inward..otherwise, no amount of
perpetually, one on each side of the altar. If any force, no spell and no attempt at lock picking will budge
character touches the altar or any of the items on the the magical door. When it does open, three small holes
dais, secretly make a saving throw vs. magic for them. in the upper lintel of the door will eject a stream of
If successful, say nothing, but if they fail, they are poisonous gas release from capsules which dissolve
smitten with leprosy. Only a powerful cleric will be able when the dungeon air touches them. The person
to remove this curse. Brother Boroon in Calamm can closest the door must make a saving throw vs. poison
do so but he may lay a quest upon them in the name of or die. If they do not die, they still take d4 damage from
St Cuthbert. If the altar is pushed aside there is a +1 the gas. If they survive this gift of Nuromen, they will
mace below it but this mace has been dedicated to see a room magically lit by burning torches on the wall
which never expire. This 30x30 chamber is cut in half
by a 10x30' pit which is 10' deep. It's bottom is filled M. The Chamber of the Chapel Instruments. In here
with row after row of bristling iron spikes, and it is were kept the robes for the Chapel's devotees as well
immediately evident that some liquid coats the tips of as the musical instruments and incense that
the spikes. On the other side of the pit are gathered accompanied the chapel rituals. There are some old
chests and coffers overflowing with golden coins, stringed instruments which will break to pieces if
jewels, and miscellaneous valuable items . This is all played. However, the incense is still good, it is a
yet another parting gesture by Nuromen…the spiked pit pungent incense from the far east which produces a
and the treasure are both illusions. The real treasure narcotic effect if it's fumes are inhaled. This will result in
lies at the bottom of the "spiked pit"…if anyone falls -1 to all attack rolls or other reaction rolls if used in the
into the pit or climbs into it they will pass through the Maze. It can fetch a high price on the market, perhaps
illusion like vapor and land 16' below and there they will 300 gold. Used in large quantities the inebriant will
find Nuromen's goods. The "treasure' on the far side of experience mild hallucinations somewhat like a vision
the pit is also an illusion…it is really an iron crossbow or dream. There is otherwise nothing of value.
with metal wire which fire's three iron spikes. Anyone
who approaches the treasure must save vs. paralysis N. Nuromen's Ancestral Burial Crypt. This dark and
or take d4 damage, others may need to roll as well haunted hall is vast and cold. Pillars line the wall and
(GM discretion or use dice to determine who). the walls are painted with scenes of Nuromen's family
Nuromen's treasure is great indeed: 4500 gold, 10 history going back centuries, interspersed with images
diamonds worth 300 gold, two potions of invisibility, a of Gamosh. There are stone sarcophagi along the
+1 magical dagger which can be thrown and yet north and south walls, fourteen in all…these have
returns to its master's hand, an elvish rope (can attach statues of their dead occupants on the lids. At the east
and loosen itself to things high or low upon command), end of the crypt is a large sepulcher ornately carved.
three potions of healing, a potion of polymorphing Nuromen paid greatly to have his family's remains
(shape change) and a ring of feather falling useable brought to Law's End for he had planned to have a
once per day from any height. If the party is larger, the great kingdom one day. When Nuromen himself died in
GM may increase the treasure and items. the disaster that befell law's End, the cleric of Gamosh
laid him and his wife Zimena to rest in the sepulcher
L. The Priest's Room. Here lived the evil cleric who before taking his own life. Although not a cleric,
once served the Chapel of Gamosh. His skeleton lies Nuromen was devoutly religious in the sect of Gamosh
on the floor, wearing the tattered vestments of the evil and it is for this reason that he did not pass into the
god. There is an image of Gamosh on the rotting table world beyond but has remained as a lich! The lich of
where a small personal shrine once was. The Nuromen lies within the sepulcher next to his wife..he
skeleton's hand clutches a vial of poison that the cleric will be awakened by the party's exploration of the crypt
drank when the end came upon Nuromen and Law's and he and Zimena will emerge, as will four of his
End. A necklace with an image of Gamosh is around ancestors from the stone sarcophagi! Zimena and the
his neck--if taken, characters will sense great evil but if ancestors are mummified corpses but fight only as
they insist they may wear it--(drop to a 3 charisma skeletons--Nuromen will cast spells and fight as a lich.
permanently for anyone who puts it on). There is a He may, if the GM determines it to be dramatically
book called the Rituals of Gamosh filled with terrible appropriate, engage in some verbal exchange with the
rites--if anyone burns the book, they gain +1 wisdom. party before summoning his undead servants.
Should the book be taken out of the Maze, the owner Nuromen's lich speaks in a gravelly, echoing voice as
will suffer -1 to hit against all evil creatures he or she cold as the grave and where his eyes once were burn
fights until the book is disposed of by burning. If any two cruel red embers. Inside his sepulcher there is no
lawful or neutral cleric of 3rd level or higher sees the treasure but around his neck lies the amulet key to the
book, they will recognize it as being cursed and urge Treasure Chamber.
it's destruction...however, evil clerics will pay
handsomely for it. Aside from the rotting bed, there is O. Cave of the Kelpie. If anyone is swept away by the
an iron box and in the box is 100 gold and a jewled ring underground river, they will emerge into this large
worth 300 gold. The ring is not magical. cavern where a saving throw vs. dexterity (d20,
dexterity score or lower is successful) will mean they
can get out of the flood and onto the sandy shore. On spring and several varieties of strange but beautiful
the south shore is the body of a drowned goblin with 5 plants that can grow underground. The plants once
gold and a long dagger. He fell in when his companions adorned stone planters that surrounded the bases of
crossed the river and washed up on shore. On the the pillars of the chamber but, untended, they have all
north shore is an older skeleton, the remains of an died; their rotting remains are now a deadly poison.
adventurer who perished here. On the skeleton's finger The fountain still flows and the water is sweet and
is a ring of dark-seeing (can see in the dark as well as good.
full day for one hour at a time).However, this cave is
the abode of a Kelpie, a magical water horse who will R. Passage to the Feasting Hall. Hiding in this passage
attack the hapless character. On the west The Kelpie is a lone goblin who heard the party's approach and
has lived in the river of the underground cave for fled in fear. His name is Snaga and he will beg
centuries and although Nuromen knew of it (he miserably for his life. He offers his five gold and his
explored all of the Maze thoroughly), he did not destroy dagger in exchange for mercy. He is trapped since the
it but set magical wards which keep it confined forever door in the western wall is locked. If threatened he will
to this place. tell what he knows about his friends.

P. Nuromen's Bed Chamber. This ornate and well S. Table of the Harpies. Upon entering this room, a foul
furnished room was the sleeping quarters of the wizard stench will assault the party, as well as the grisly sight
and his family. The cold stone walls are draped with of a banquet table(S1) surrounded by skeletons
long tapestries which depict the life and career of dressed in rotting finery. Some lean back in their chairs,
Nuromen, as well as the funding of Law's End. Anyone others slump forward, and some have fallen from their
examining the tapestries will gather that Nuromen was chairs. Upon the table is an assortment of gold and
a vain and conceited fellow who saw Law's End as the silver serving vessels, chalices, and plates which are of
culmination of his life's work. There is also a depiction a value of up to 300 gold. In addition, the skeletons
of Gamosh (see the key to Chamber H) and an image wear jewelry worth up to 200 gold. There is a good
of a lush garden and fountain (Chamber Q) with a little bottle of wine on the table worth 50 gold in town--it is
girl and a beautiful woman seated on it. There is a over 150 years old. The moldy remains of their final
canopied bed, many couches, a vanity with a mirror, meal adorn the plates. At the north end of the banquet
and many finely detailed toys. In fact, there is a magical hall is a hearth and fire place (S2) whose spout come
toy which Nuromen made for his daughter which can up somewhere in the mountains. An old copper pot
be kept as an item of wonderment by whoever finds it. hangs over the cold ashes. Hiding in the shadows of
It is a finely wrought silver puppet figure which dances the pillar tops are four harpies who found the chimney
and spins by magic when taken form one's pocket and spout and have set up a lair here. The chimney is
set upon the floor. This is lying on the bed next to the befouled with their excrement and is the source of the
skeleton of a small girl and her nanny, The two stench. They will attack when it is advantageous,
skeletons are dressed in fine but rotting garments and shrieking and squawking.
covered with the dust of ages. The girl's bony wrist
bears a silver bracelet which has the name Antha T. The Old Kitchen. Here was prepared the feasts
engraved upon it..in Nuromen's wicked heart if there which Nuromen and his guests took in the banquet
was any ray of light it was the affection he bore for his Hall. There is a large hearth against the North wall.
daughter and wife and in fact, the girl's name is the Rotted cupboards and casks of ancient wine line the
password to the Magical Study (Chamber V). This is walls, as well as a large food preparing area. There are
where the two were sleeping when the calamity of rotting sacks of grain, the bones of old livestock hung
Law's End struck. Aside from the magical puppet, there up for a feast that never transpired, kitchen utensils on
is nothing of value except possibly some old perfumes the wall, and the skeletal remains of the kitchen crew.
that belong to Zimena, Nuromen's wife. There is a Anyone searching the room is likely to disturb a small
wardrobe filled with worn and moth eaten fineries. venomous serpent that has crawled into the Maze from
some unknown fissure. There is a 3 in 6 chance of this
Q. Fountain and Underground Garden. Here Nuromen for each character poking around, if a 1-3 is rolled, the
had fashioned a fountain fed by a small underground character must first save against dexterity (d20,
dexterity score or lower) to dodge the bite. if bitten, the of Nuromen's daughter. if this is offered, the magical
character suffers 1/2 point of damage but must make a face will say "You may pass" and disappear as the door
saving throw vs. poison or die. Even if the character opens of its own accord and swings inward. If the party
saves, the bite will be quite painful for many days. The cannot guess the password, the face will only stare at
serpent has only one venomous bite. It has only 2 hit them unblinking and answer their attempts politely but
points but will fight to the death, it's bite still does 1/2firmly, and occasionally will ask, "Did Nuromen send
point damage. you? I shall tell him you tried to enter here." Should
anyone try to force the door, a lightning bolt will fly out
U. Vast Empty Hall. The walls of this chamber are of the door and shock all who touch it, doing d4
painted with frescoes from the daily life of Law's End, damage with each strike if they fail a saving throw vs.
shameful and sordid displays. The town was full of magic. Without the password, the only way the door
wanton and abandon and the paintings are indicative of may be breached is with a Dispel Magic spell…if this
the pride which Nuromen and his entourage took in this happens the door will shoot a lightning bolt once at the
fact. In the hall itself there is little else save the spell caster before the magic vanishes. It can be
paintings, as with most other areas skeletons lie about. battered down but it has 15 hit points due to its magical
A search of them will yield some jewelry worth 50 gold nature and it will attack with the lightning bolts until the
and 23 gold pieces. very end. If character's take either route the face will
cry out as it fades away: "Nuromen! Nuromen!
U1. A storage area. There are 5 boxes of torches(20 Strangers have breached thy Maze!" This cry will boom
ea.), 3 lanterns, a crate of oil flasks (all still good), a throughout out the Maze in echoing fashion, and it will
box of candles (50), various metal tools such as awls, in fact awaken the lich of Nuromen from his ghastly
hammers, picks, and 20 iron spikes that were all used sleep although he will not emerge from the Crypt
for repairs to the Maze when its occupants yet lived. except in the fashion described in the key for Chamber
N (the Burial Crypt).
U2. The Wine Vault. Here are 20 casks of the best
ancient wine, sealed and in good condition. It has a Once inside the Study, the party will see a wondrous
value of 500 gold if the players can figure out a way to assortment of tables, book cases, contraptions, maps,
transport it back to Camlann. The wine is elvish, a gift globes, jars of small preserved creatures and
from the elf prince who tried to befriend Nuromen and appendages, bottles, lab equipment, astrological
paid with his life and the wine. There is also a ghost charts, bones, feathers and so on. The library is full of
here, the ghost of a drunkard who dwelt with Nuromen historical, alchemical, and scientific tomes. Spiders and
in Law's End. Anyone seeing him will immediately cobwebs are everywhere. On a table lies a Halfling
recognize him a spirit, white and ethereal from head to skeleton, it's bones bear marks of incision and cutting--
toe, smiling warmly as he draws a ghostly cup of wine. an unfortunate experiment victim of Nuromen.
Anyone seeing him (except clerics) must save vs. Intelligent and clever players may ferret something of
paralysis or end up screaming and lfeeing in terror from value from the books, use your imagination, but most
the hall for 1 turn. The ghost does not attack at all--he can only be read by magic users. The contraptions are
will drink from the cup and the party will see the wine quite worthless as they are incomprehensible. If
flow through him and fall to the floor. The spirit will anyone is foolish enough to drink the elixirs the only
proffer the cup to the characters--should any drink, they reward is a saving throw vs. poison or magic as
will turn ghostly white from head to toe and remain in appropriate and a d8 roll on the following table:
this strange state until a Remove Curse spell is cast by
a cleric of sufficient power. Whether the party accepts 1-4. Become violently sick for 1 turn, no movement or
the ghost's offer or not, after this gesture, the ghost will actions other than uncontrollable retching.
vanish and the empty or full cup will fall to the floor.
5-7. Turn into a frog, a bird or small insect (GM choice).
V. The Alchemical and Magical Study of Nuromen.
When character's approach this door, a magical face 8. Die a horrible death as they writhe and scream in
will appear. It will state that none may pass unless they pain for several minutes.
know the password. The password is Antha, the name
If anyone searches for secret doors and specifically Power. It is clasped with a lock, and the lich of
mentions checking the bookcases, they have a 5 in 6 Nuromen has the key though a thief can pick it. The
chance of finding the secret door behind the moveable tome is magic, and of opened and read by elves or
bookcase against the northern wall. The secret door magic users, there is a 75% chance they will be
leads to the hiding place where Nuromen kept his most imbued with the knowledge of 1 spell in the book (pick
valuable magical artifacts. a spell). They permanently add this spell. In any event
the users receive automatically half the number of
On one of the tables is an open book covered with dust experience points needed to advance to their next
and sitting in a conspicuous place--characters will level. The book is very valuable to wizards and elves
notice it. The book is a text readable only by magic who will pay three times book's weight in gold to have it
users or elves. If the dust is wiped away there is an (or else try to take it!). There is also a +1 magical sword
instruction to mix the blue elixir with the green in order in a scabbard on the table. This sword can be used
to transmute stone to gold. Several stones lie beside against undead creatures.
the book and there is in fact a beaker on a metal stand
filled with murky green liquid and beside it a glass cup X. The Chamber of Misery. This room is held fast by an
filled with blue liquid which still bubbles after all these iron door with a view slit. the door cannot be forced, it
years. If anyone should mix these liquids, a can only be opened by a thief or a key from the
tremendous explosion will result that does 1d6 damage Wizard's Study. Inside are ten skeletons chained to the
to anyone standing right by it and d4 damage to walls…there is also a table with moldy torture
anyone within 10', 1 point of damage to anyone farther implements and in the corner an iron maiden. One is
than 10' away up to 20'. The table, book and beakers hanging in an iron cylindrical cage from the ceiling. A
will be destroyed and so will a large portion of books on skeleton dressed in black and wearing a black hood
the shelves. lies on the floor, clutching a rotting whip. In a pouch in
On another table also a frog inside a glass jar and the its cloak is a jewel worth 70 gold. The iron maiden is
frog is alive. If freed from the glass jar, the frog will turn rusty but a character with strength of 14 or higher can
into a demonic shadow that howls and flies out of the force it open. Inside is only a hapless victim. Three
room, striking one character as it passes (roll dice to skeletons are elvish. The skeleton n the cage is clothed
determine who) and doing d4 damage. and managed to conceal on his person a note and a
map of the village of Camlann. According to the note,
If anyone makes a thorough search of the room, they there is a chest of treasure buried below the Chapel of
will also find a backpack containing the personal effects St. Cuthbert below the stones of the altar.
of the Halfling, and a letter which identifies him as
Burberry Quickfoot and tells of the shire form which he Y. The Barracks of the Maze Guard. This is where the
hails. Perhaps this will be an errand for the party later soldiery who patrolled the Maze of Nuromen stayed
on, leading to further adventures, use your imagination. while on duty. There are moldering beds, tables, and in
some of the beds lie skeletons. At a table are seated
Also, hanging on a hook are two large metal keys that four skeletons in rusty armor and helms. Plates and
opens the door in chamber F and the door to Chamber cups lie on the table as do dice from a game. The dice
X. The key to the door in Chamber F, like it's lock, is of are of ivory and worth a bit of money, 20 gold. If
strange make. anyone picks them up, however, the hand of a skeleton
will reach out to grasp their hand lightning quick. All
W. The Wizard's Goods. This small room has a table four skeletons will come to life--they have been turned
and chair and on the table rest several magical into undead by the lich of Nuromen! They will fight to
artifacts. There are three spell scrolls useable by magic the death. One shield in the barracks is distinguishable
users and elves: Dispel Magic, Invisibility, and Charm. from the others as it is not rusted at all--it is in fact a
There is also a potion of ESP and a 2 potion of magical shield (+1 armor class). there is nothing else of
healings. These are all labeled. There is also a small value in the room.
bottle labeled "Anecdote" which can cure a person of
the poison gas in the treasure vault (Chamber K). Also Z. The Underground Courtyard. This hall is littered with
lying on the table is a Grimoire called the Book of several skeletons, some in armor. All died here in the
disaster that befell Law's End. A search will reveal
several silver pieces, and little else. There are sconces
on the pillars for torches Nothing of real import is in this

Z1. The Gallows. Here is where the Wizard's enemies

were hung by the Maze Guard. The gallows are rotted
and if anyone walks on them there is a 3 in 6 chance
they will fall through somewhere and take 1-2 points of
damage. There is one skeleton hanging by its neck
here. It is clothed in rotting rags.

The Chamber of Gamosh

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