Lesson Plan Slot Alphabet
Lesson Plan Slot Alphabet
Lesson Plan Slot Alphabet
Step 1 Teach them the sound of the The teacher teaches them the Thinking skills:analysis
(8 Minutes) alphabet. sound of the alphabet ’I’. Value:craft and brave
Teach them the basement things
of the letter ‘I’ such as: intelligence:linguistic
and intrapersonal
I- igloo
I- ice land
Step 2 Activity time The teacher asks the children to Teaching aid: flashcard
(16 Minutes) make the sound of the alphabet and of the alphabet ‘I’
what are those words conducted in Thinking
alphabet ‘I’. skills:Remembering
and Evaluating
Value:Craft and brave
and Intrapersonal
Worksheet sesión The teacher provides them Thinking
worksheets to make sure they skills:Analyzing and
could understand the topic. Evaluating
Step 3 Value:Craft and Brave
(2 Minutes) Multiple intelligence: