28 July Tue
28 July Tue
28 July Tue
Follow-up / Reinforcement: Lesson could not be conducted and will be postponed due to:
1.1.1 Understand independently the main ideas in simple longer texts on an increased range DOMAIN:
of familiar topics
STANDARD/S: Complementary Skill: Speaking
2.1.5 Express and respond to common feelings such as happiness, sadness, surprise, and interest
Main Listening Written Exercise
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to understand independently
the main ideas in 6 conversations by circling the correct answers based on MORAL VALUES:
the key words underlined and the similar words they heard from the text Politeness
Complementary Speaking
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to express and respond to
common feelings such as happiness, sadness, surprise and interest by
acting out the emotions in the given situations.
ACTIVITIES : FA/ Differentiation Strategies
I. PRE LESSON a. Pupils play a game of who can list the most word related to sports I-Think Map: Circle Map
b. Pupils show their mini white board to determine the winner FA: Starter
II. LESSON c. Pupils read the information in the Exam Close-up box
DEVELOPMENT d. Pupils read the Exam Task and practice the strategies suggested in the FA: Think-Pair-Share
– GIST- TASK Exam Close-up box Differentiation: Organise talk
e. Pupils think about the words they may hear when listening to the text partners or grouping so that a more
proficient pupil can help and
f. Pupils list the words, share with a partner and then discuss in class support a less proficient pupil.
III. DETAILED TASK g. Pupils listen to 6 separate conversations and answer the questions in
the Exam Task Differentiation: To support less
h. Pupils listen again to check answers confident pupils, pause the listening
i. Pupils share answers as a class track at selected intervals to allow
thinking time. Alternatively, read
j. Pupils discuss the words and intonation of the speakers that help them and pause at specific intervals from
get the answers the audio script in the Teacher’s
IV. POST-LESSON k. Pupils practise with their talk partner(s) saying the sentences and Book if it helps less proficient pupils
expressing the emotions mentioned in Activity B on p.74 of the to listen to your voice rather than
Student’s Book that of a native speaker. Play the
track from the CD when pupils feel
l. Selected pupils demonstrate expressing the different emotions more confident.
FA: Wait time
Moral Value: Politeness
FA: Plenary
Attendance: 29 / 31 Number: 29 / 31 pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives.
Absent: /
Truant: /
School Activity: / Only __/____ were not able to achieve the learning objectives. These pupils will be _________
Follow-up / Reinforcement: Lesson could not be conducted and will be postponed due to