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Brinjal / Egg Plant

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Brinjal / Egg plant

(Solanum melongena)

Brinjal is the most common, popular and principal vegetable crop grown widely in india for its
varied shape, size and colour of fruits. High productivity, wide adaptation and ease in
availability make the crop to find its place as poor man’s crop. Its fruits are fairly good source
of calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins particularly - B group. Brinjal has cholesterol
reducing properties due to the presence of higher amount of poly- unsaturated fatty acids in
pulp and seeds.


It is a warm season crop and requires a relatively long growing season with plenty of
sunshine and moderate day temperature of 210-270 C. Extreme temperature (below 100 C
and above 300C ) adversely affects fruit setting. Warm and humid climate favours luxurious
growth and cool climate restricts the growth.

It can be grown in all types of soils, but well drained fertile, rich in organic matter silt or clay
loam soils are ideal.. The optimum pH is between 5.5-6.6, although it can tolerate a little soil
acidity. Sandy loam soil is best for early crop and clay loam soil for higher yield.


Long fruited

Pusa Purple Cluster: Purple pigmentation on stem and leaves, Fruits are 10-12 cm. long,
borne in clusters of 4-9. This variety possesses field resistance to bacterial wilt. First picking
starts in 60-65 days after transplanting. Average yield is 250 q/ha.

Pant Samrat : It is a long fruited variety which produces dark purple medium to longfruits
inclusters Plants are tall (80-100 cm) . Young leaves are purplish green. This variety
possesses field resistance to bacterial wilt and phomopsis blight. First picking starts in 70
days after transplanting. Average yield is 300 q/ha.

PH-4 : Plants are bushy, fruits are medium long and thin, deep purple in colour, flesh is light
green. Average yield is 250-300 q/ha.

Round fruited
Pant Rituraj : It is a round fruited variety which produces purple coloured fruits slightly
tapering towards the bottom.Young leaves are purplish green. It is suitable for planting both
in winter and summer season. First picking starts in 60 days after transplanting. Average
yield is 300 q/ha.

BR-112 : Plants are bushy, fruits are round, bright purple in colour and fleshy. Average yield
is 250 q/ha.
Hisar Shyamal : Fruits are round, bright and dark purple in colour. Average yield is 300-325

Seed rate 500 g/ha

Planting time
Zone Seed sowing Transplanting
Sub-tropical Ist Crop January February
IInd Crop February - March March– April
IIIrd Crop May June
Intermediate (Low) March – April April – May
Intermediate (High) March – April April - May.

Land preparation

Prepare the land in well advance with repeated ploughings (At least 4-5 ploughings) to a fine
tilth. Remove all the stubbles and weeds from the land. Add well rotten FYM or compost @
20-25t/ha during land preparation and level the land properly.
 Round fruited cultivars : 90 x 90 cm
 Long fruited cultivars : 60 x 45 cm
Manures and fertilizers
FYM (t/ha) N (Urea) P2O5(DAP) K20(MOP) kg/ha
25 100(206.0) 60(132.0) 30(51.0)
Apply 1/3 N along with other fertilizers as basal application and the remaining N should be
top dressed in two split doses after taking two pickings.

Integrated nutrient management

 Two foliar sprays of 0.5% ZnSO4 and single spray of 0.15% CuSO4 increase yield
and quality of fruits.
 Apply vermicompost @ 4-6 t/ha as broadcasting during final land preparation.
 Apply Azotobactor or Phosphate Solublizing Bacteria @ 800g/ha as seedling root
dip. Prepare a suspension of bacterial inoculants in sufficient water. Dip the
seedlings in bacterial suspension in shade for 2-3 hours and transplant immediately.
Brinjal being a shallow rooted crop needs irrigation at frequent interval.. During summer,
apply irrigation at 4-5 days interval and during winter at 10-15 days interval. About 100-110
cm. total water is needed for successful brinjal crop and in total 14-16 irrigations are needed.
Furrow method of irrigation is the most common method.
Weeding and hoeing
Practice shallow inters - cultivation particularly a few days after every irrigation to remove the
weeds and to conserve the moisture. 3-4 hoeings are normally needed to check the weeds
growth. Earthing up after second top dressing of nitrogen is quite beneficial.. Regarding
chemical weed control, a pre plant application of pendimethalin (Stomp 30 EC) @1.0 kg a.i /
ha is effective.
Harvesting and storage
Harvest the fruits when they develop good colour, marketable size but still glossy, immature
and tender. Generally 15-19 days fruits are optimally matured for harvest. The good
marketable quality fruits are bright, glossy appearance having freshness and optimum size
without any fading or change in original colour. The fruits are harvested with stalk at joint.
Under ordinary conditions, the normal storage life of brinjal fruits is 1-2 days in the winter
months. However, 2-3 weeks storage life can be achieved when fruits are stored in cold
storage at 80-100C temperature and 85-90% relative humidity. For long distance transport,
fruits should be harvested towards the evening hours and thereafter cooled them with
sprinkling of water. Store the fruits in perforated polythene bags or PVC stretch film.

Brinjalseed production

An isolation distance of 200 m. must be maintained between different varieties or from same
variety that does not confirm to varietal purity standards. To ensure the production of pure
seed, off type plants, early or late in flowering and those not confirming the genetic purity
should be rouged out before flowering, at flowering and when fruits are at edible stage. The
fruits of the individual plants should be carefully observed for their shape, size, colour and
other characters.

Seed extraction

Brinjal fruits are ready for seed extraction when at least one third of the fruit part turns yellow
in colour starting from the stem end. The mature fruits are cut or crushed into small pieces.
The seed along with fruit flesh is extracted with fingers and the seed is washed free of food
material by washing in water filled tub. The fruit flesh floats over the surface of water. Water
and the floating pulp are removed by hand. The clean seed can be obtained by repeated
washing in water. Seed should be dried immediately after washing. It is very essential that
the seed extraction and its washing should be completed during morning hours so that seed
gets sufficient drying during the day and to avoid sprouting of the seed during the night.

Hybrid Brinjal Cultivation

Pusa Hybrid-5: Plants are vigorous, non spiny with semi erect branches. Fruits are long,
glossy, attractive, dark purple with partially pigmented peduncle, each fruit weighing 100 g. It
takes 80-85 days from sowing to first picking and further pickings continue up to December.
Average yield is 520-540 q/ha.
Pusa Hybrid-6: Plants are vigorous, non spiny with semi erect branches. Fruits are round,
glossy, attractive, violet purple with partially pigmented peduncle, each fruit weighing 200-
250g. It takes 85-90 days from sowing to first picking and further pickings continue up to
December. Average yield is 450-470 q/ha.
Arka Navneet : High yielding F1 hybrid with large (450g) purple oblong fruits .Average yield
is 650-750 q/ha.
Kashi Komal: Plant height is 90-100cm with green stem and leaves. Fruits are light purple,
long, soft textured, avg. length is 13 cm, diameter is 30 cm. The picking starts in 65-70 days
after transplanting. Average yield is 800 q/ha
Kashi Sandesh (VRBHR-1): Plant with green stem and purplish green leaves. Fruits are
purple, medium round, soft textured, average length is 12.4 cm, diameter is 10.2 cm. The
picking starts in 76 days after transplanting. Average yield is 780 q/ha.
MHB-10 (Kalpataru)
MHB-10 has been developed by Mahyco Vegetable Seeds Ltd., Jalna. Plants are erect,
bushy, compact and spiny. Fruits are round to slight oval, shining reddish purple with white
streaks (bicolour), green spiny calyx; weight of 60-70 g; first picking starts on 70-75 days
after transplanting; gives yield of 400-500 q/ha.
This hybrid has been developed by Syngenta India Ltd., Pune. Plants are strong, bushy with
medium height, dense green foliage and sparingly leaves. Fruits are small, oval-round, light
purple with white stripes, less seed and less spiny on large calyx; average weight of 80-100

Spacing 90 x 90cm
Seed rate 200-250g/ha

Manures and Fertilizers

FYM (t/ha) N(Urea) P2O5(DAP) K20(MOP) (kg/ha)

25 200(420.0) 100(220.0) 80(136.0)
Apply 1/4 N along with other fertilizers as basal application and the remaining N should be
top dressed in three split doses at 30 days interval after transplanting.

Yield 600-800 q/ha

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