Dr. Pushpendra Kumar
Assistant Professor
Production Technology of the following crops
French Bean Phaseolus vulgaris
Cluster Bean Cyamopsis tetragonolobus
Cowpea Vigna unguiculata
- Beans is a warm season crops, sensitive to frost and very high
No seed germination below 16ºC. Seed germination takes
place between 16-29ºC but suitable temperature is 16-21ºC.
At higher temperature they do not grow well and drooping of
blossoms at flowering time
The well drained fertile, sandy loam soils
The optimum range of soil pH is 5.5 to 6.5
Hoieng and earthing-up are done mainly in the standing crop
Hoieng is done to remove the weeds and pulerize the soil for proper
Generally, two hoieng are sufficient to keep the field free from
Root injury should be avoided during the operation
Incorporate 200-250 q FYM or compost per hectare in the soil at the
time of field preparation.
Apply 30-40 kg Nitrogen, 80 kg Phosphorus and 60 kg Potash as
besal dose before sowing.
Half N, full P and K are applied as basal dose and remaining N is
applied 25-30 days after sowing.
Stacking is a major intercultural operation of beans.
Indeterminate type varieties need stacking for proper plant stand
and to avoid deterioration of pods by touching the ground.
It also facilitates in pod pickling over different periods a single
bamboo stick of 1.8-2 meter length is fixed near each.
Though a hardy crop, irrigation increases yield. Irrigation at flowering
and fruiting stages is the most critical. For getting high yield in
vegetable types, irrigation may be done at 5 days interval.
B.N- Phaseolus vulgaris
Family- Leguminoceae
2n – 22
Origin- Mexico
Sowing time:-
In plains, it is sown twice in a year i.e. July to Septmber
and January to February.
March april is the optimum time of sowing in hills.
For vegetable purpose the pods are picked when they
are tender, immature and non fibours.
Bush varieties are ready for picking in 45 days after sowing
Where as, pole type start fruiting after 70 days and
continous Up to 6 months.
Generally the green pod yield bush and pole types is 80-100
and 100-140 q/ha
Scientific Name : Cyamopsis tetragonolobus
Family- Leguminoceae
Chromosome number : 2n = 14
Origin : India
Cluster bean is a drought tolerant warm season
annual legume crop grown for its tender fruits
for use as vegetable.
Cluster bean is also known as “ Guar ”.
Goma manjari
Pusa mausami
Pusa sadabahar
Pusa navbahar
Sharad bahar
Sowing time – main season – June –July
Early crop – Feb-March
Green pod yield of 5-8 tonnes/ha.
seed yield of 0.6 to 1.0 q/ha
Southern Plains
December- January
In hills
April May
Seed rate and Sowing
Rainy season : 12-15 Kg/ha
Spring season: 20-25 Kg/ha
Bean thrips:-
Thrips may damage seedling as well as
flowers. they can disrupt pollination in late
Aphid (Aphis craccivora):-
Minute insects suck the cell sap from the tender parts. plant
growth in retarted
Stunting of plants and delayed maturity can occurs in extreme
Lesser corn stalk borer (Elosmopalapus lignosus):-
This is a polyphagous pest.
Plant may be stunted and wilt during hot days because larvae
attack roots and stalk near the soil line.
Pod borer (Heliothes armigera):-
They insect starts to feed on the pods and finally bore into them
and make to the pods unfit to human consumption.