DC Machines & Transformers (20A02302T) : Lecture Notes
DC Machines & Transformers (20A02302T) : Lecture Notes
DC Machines & Transformers (20A02302T) : Lecture Notes
II -B.Tech I-Semester
Prepared by
Dr. S. Mallikarjunaiah, Professor
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Accredited By NAAC, NBA( EEE, ECE & CSE) & ISO: 9001-2015 Certified Institution
Course Objectives:
Student will be able to
x Study magnetic materials, electromechanical energy conversions, principle and operation of DC
machines and transformers and starters.
x understand the constructional details of DC machines and Transformers
x Analyze the performance characteristics of DC machines and transformer
x Evaluate efficiency, regulation and load sharing of DC machines and transformers Design
Equivalent circuit of transformer
1. P. S. Bimbhra, “Electrical Machinery”, Khanna Publishers, 2011.
2. I. J. Nagrath and D. P. Kothari, “Electric Machines”, McGraw Hill Education,2010.
Reference Books:
1. A. E. Fitzgerald and C. Kingsley, "Electric Machinery”, New York, McGraw Hill Education,
2. A. E. Clayton and N. N. Hancock, “Performance and design of DC machines”, CBS Publishers,
3. M. G. Say, “Performance and design of AC machines”, CBS Publishers, 2002.
Online Learning Resources:
x https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_ee71/preview
x https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_ee24/preview
Magnetic Material Properties
and Applications
The anisotropy is actually induced by an external applied field. When this applied field
aligns with the magnetic dipoles, it causes a net magnetic dipole moment and causes the
magnetic dipoles to precess at a frequency controlled by the applied field, called Larmor
or precession frequency.
As a particular example, a microwave signal circularly polarized in the same direction as
this precession strongly interacts with the magnetic dipole moments; when it is
polarized in the opposite direction, the interaction is very low.
When the interaction is strong, the microwave signal can pass through the material. This
directional property is used in the construction of microwave devices like isolators,
circulators, and gyrators.
Ferrimagnetic materials are also used to produce optical isolators and circulators.
Ferrimagnetic minerals in various rock types are used to study ancient geomagnetic
properties of Earth and other planets.
That field of study is known as paleomagnetism. In addition, it has been shown that
ferrimagnets such as magnetite can be used for thermal energy storage.
Hysteresis Loss
When a magnetic material is subjected to cycle of magnetization (i.e. it is magnetised first
in one direction and then in the other), a power loss occurs due to molecular friction in the
material i.e. the magnetic domains of the material resist being turned first in one direction
and then in the other. Therefore, energy is required in the material to overcome this
opposition. This loss being in the form of heat and is termed as hysteresis loss. The effect of
hysteresis loss is the rise of temperature of the machine.
1. Course Objectives
The objectives of this course is to
1. The constructional features of DC machines and different types of windings
employed in DC machines.
2. Characteristics of generators and parallel operation of generators.
3. Methods for speed control of DC motors and application of DC machines.
4. The Constructional Features of transformers, Predetermination of regulation and
efficiency of transformers.
5. Various tests on single phase and three phase transformers and parallel
operation of transformers.
2. Prerequisites
Students should have knowledge on
1. Engineering Physics
2. Basic Electrical Circuits
3. Syllabus
DC Generators
Constructional details of DC machine, principle of operation of DC generator,
armature windings and its types, emf equation, armature reaction, effect of brush
lead, demagnetizing and cross magnetizing ampere turns, compensating
windings, commutation, emf induced in a coil undergoing commutation, methods
of improving commutation, OCC and load characteristics of different types of
Parallel operation of DC Generators: DC shunt and series generators in parallel,
equalizing connections
4. Course outcomes
1. Apply the knowledge of magnetic material properties and fundamentals of
energy conversion principles.
2. Identify the working principle of Dc machines & Transformers with mechanism
and various operations performed
3. Illustrate the characteristics of various DC machines & Transformers with various
operational conditions to determine efficiency & regulation.
4. Evaluate the performance & losses of Machines with help of various testing
methods like OCC, speed control and OC & SC test.
5. Explain & analyse the parallel operation of DC machines & Transformers, Scott
connections and phase conversions of transformers.
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5. Lecture Notes
Armature Windings:
The slots of the armature core are used to hold the armature windings. It is in the
form of a closed circuit winding connected in series –parallel to increase the
amount of current generated.
A DC generator has the following parts
1. Yoke
3. Field winding
5. Commutator
6. Brushes
7. Bearing
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magnetic pole cores of the generator and acts as cover of the generator.
It carries the magnetic field flux.
2. Poles and pole shoes: Poles are joined to the yoke with the help of bolts or
welding. They carry field winding and pole shoes are fastened to them.
Pole shoes serve two purposes; (i) they support field coils and (ii) spread
out the flux in air gap uniformly.
3. Field winding: They are usually made of copper. Field coils are former
wound and placed on each pole and are connected in series. They are
wound in such a way that, when energized, they form alternate North
and South poles.
4. Armature core: Armature core is the rotor of a dc machine. It is cylindrical
in shape with slots to carry armature winding. The armature is built up of
thin laminated circular steel disks for reducing eddy current losses. It may
be provided with air ducts for the axial air flow for cooling purposes.
Armature is keyed to the shaft.
5. Armature winding: It is usually a former wound copper coil which rests in
armature slots. The armature conductors are insulated from each other
and also from the armature core. Armature winding can be wound by
one of the two methods; lap winding or wave winding.
Double layer lap or wave windings are generally used. A double layer
winding means that each armature slot will carry two different coils.
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Brushes are usually made from carbon or graphite. They rest on
commutator segments and slide on the segments when the commutator
rotates keeping the physical contact to collect or supply the current.
7. Bearing of DC Generator: For small machine, ball bearing is used and for
heavy duty dc generator, roller bearing is used. The bearing must always
be lubricated properly for smooth operation and long life of generator.
1.2.1Additional details:
The function of the field system is to produce uniform magnetic field within
which the armature rotates.
It consists of a number of salient poles (of course, even number) bolted to the
inside of circular frame (generally called yoke).
Yoke is usually made of solid cast steel whereas the pole pieces are composed
of stacked laminations.
Field coils are mounted on the poles and carry the d.c. exciting current.
The field coils are connected in such a way that adjacent poles have opposite
The m.m.f. developed by the field coils produces a magnetic flux that passes
through the pole pieces, the air gap, the armature and the frame.
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The armature core is keyed to the machine shaft (fig.1.4) and rotates between
the field poles. It consists of slotted soft-iron laminations that are stacked to form a
cylindrical core.
The laminations are individually coated with a thin insulating film so that they do
not come in electrical contact with each other. The purpose of laminating the
core is to reduce the eddy current loss.
Fig 1.4 Front View of rotor lamination and final rotor cylindrical structure
The slots of the armature core hold insulated conductors that are connected in
a suitable manner. This is known as armature winding.
This is the winding in which “Working e.m.f. “is induced.
A d.c. machine (generator or motor) generally employs windings distributed in
slots over the circumference of the armature core.
The Fig 1.5 i show a single-turn coil. It has two conductors or coil sides connected
at the back of the armature.
The fig 1.6 ii shows a 4-turn coil which has 8 conductors or coil sides.
that whenever flux is cut by a conductor, an e.m.f. is induced which will
cause a current to flow if the conductor circuit is closed.
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Case1: At position 1
Case2: At position 2
Case3: At position 3
Case4: At position 4
Case5: At position 5
Case 6: At position 6
The cycle will then repeat. Here the emf generated is an alternating one.
The purpose of brushes is simply to collect current from the rotating loop or
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e=dΦ/dt = total flux/total time taken
Induced emf of one conductor is
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Z/A = number of conductors connected in series
We know that induced emf in each path is same across the line Therefore,
Induced emf of DC generator
E = emf of one conductor × number of conductor connected in series.
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Armature core slots are = 51
No. of conductors in one slot = 20
Total no. of conductors (Z) = 51*20 =1020
Flux per pole φ = 0.007 Weber's
Speed N= 1500 rpm
For wave wounded windings, No. of parallel paths are A=2
Eg= (φ ZN/60) (P/A) =((0.007*1020*1500)/60) (4/2) =357 V
3. A 6 pole machine has an armature with 90 slots and 8 conductors per slot and
runs at 1000 RPM. Flux per pole is 0.05wb. Determine the Induced EMF if winding is
lap and wave.
Solution: Poles No. P =6
No. of slots=90
Conductors per slot =8
Total no. Of conductors(Z) =90*8=720
φ = 0.05 wb
i) LAP winding (A=P):::: Eg= (φ ZN/60) (P/A) = 600V
ii) WAVE winding (A=2):::: Eg= (φ ZN/60) (P/A) =1800V
4. A lap wound DC shunt generator having 80 slots with 10 conductors per slot
generates no load EMF of 400 V when running at 1000 RPM. At what speed should
It be rotated to generate a voltage of 220 V on open circuit.
LAP winding, No. of parallel paths A=P ; No.of slots are =80 ;
No.of. Conductors per slot =10 ; Total no. of conductors = 10*80 =800 ;
No-load EMF Eg = 400V; Speed of machine N= 1000 rpm ;
N1 = ? To generate voltage of Eg 1=220V
We know that Eg = (φ Z N/60) (P/A) ....(Eg Directly propositional to N)
Eg/N = Eg1/N1 >>>>> 400/1000 = 220/N1 >>>>> N1 =550rpm
5. An 8 Pole DC generator has 500 armature conductors and has a useful flux per
Pole of 0.065 wb. What will be the EMF generated if it is lap connected and runs
at 1000 RPM. What must be the speed at which it is to be driven to produce the
same EMF if it is wave wound?
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Given data P =8 ; Z=500 ; φ = 0.065 Wb ; For LAP winding A=P=8
N (speed) =1000rpm;
i) Eg= (φ ZN/60) (P/A) =(( 0.065*500*1000)/60) (8/8) =541.67 V
ii) For Wave wound A=2 ; N1 = ? Eg=541.67V
We know ; Eg = (φ ZN/60) (P/A)
N1 = (Eg*A*60)/ (φ*Z*P)
= (541.67*2*60)/(0.065*500*8)
= 250rpm
6. A four pole generator having wave-wound armature winding has 51 slots, each
slot containing 20 conductors. What will be the voltage generated in the
machine when driven at 1500 rpm assuming the flux per pole to be 7.0 mWb ?
For a simplex wave wound generator,A=2
In lap winding, the consecutive coils overlap each other. The first end of the
winding is connected to the one segment of the commutator, and the starting
end of the other coil is placed under the same pole and join with the same
segment of the com The conductors are connected in such a way that the number
of parallel paths equals to the number of poles.
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Consider the machine has P poles and Z armature conductors, then there will be P
parallel paths, and each path will have Z/P conductors in series.
The number of brushes is equivalent to the number of parallel paths.
The one end of the coil is connected to the starting end of the other coil.
The coils are connected in the wave shape and hence it is called the wave
The conductor of the wave winding are split into two parallel paths, and each
path had Z/2 conductors in series.
The number of brushes is equal to 2, i.e., the number of parallel paths.
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Fig 1.8 Types of generators
Ia = IL where Ia is the armature current and IL is the line current.
Terminal voltage is given as V=Eg-Ia Ra
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If the contact brush drop is known, then the equation (1) is written as:
V=Eg-Ia Ra -2Vb
The power developed is given by the equation shown below:
Power developed = Eg Ia
Power output = V IL =VIa
The field winding and armature winding is connected in series.
This is different from shunt motor due to field winding is directly connected
to the electric applications (load).
Therefore, field winding conductor must be sized enough to carry the load
current consumption and the basic circuit as illustrated below.
Ia = IL=Ise ;
Vt = V= Eg-Ia.Ra-2Vb
Power output = V Ia = V I L
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Fig 1.10 Equivalent circuit of shunt generator
In a long shunt-wound generator, the shunt field winding is parallel with both
armature and series field winding.
The connection diagram of the long shunt-wound generator is shown below:
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The shunt field current is given as: Ish =V/Rsh
Series field current is given as: Ise = Ia=IL+Ish
Terminal voltage is given as: V=Eg-Ia Ra –Ise Rse =Eg- I (Ra+Rse )
If the brush contact drop is included, the terminal voltage equation is written
as: V=Eg- I(Ra+Rse )-2Vb
Power developed in armature =EgIa
In a Short Shunt Compound Wound Generator, the shunt field winding is
connected in parallel with the armature winding only.
The connection diagram of a short shunt-wound generator is shown below.
The Generator Circuit is as shown in the figure,
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3. A 30KW,300V Dc shunt generator has armature and field resistances of 0.05 Ω and
100 Ω respectively. Calculate the total power developed in the armature when it
delivers full load.
POWER OUTPUT (P) =30KW; Terminal voltage V=300 volts
Ra = 0.05 Ω RSh=100 Ω ; load current, IL = P/V =30000/300=100A (;; P=VI)
Ish= V/Rsh = 300/100 =3A
Ia=Ish+IL =3+100=103A
Eg = V+Ia Ra =300+103x0.05=305.15V (;;Eg-Ia Ra=V)
Power at armature = Eg*Ia =305.15*103 =31430.45=31.43KW
Poles P =4 ; As winding is Lap connected ;A=P=4;
Field winding resistance Rsh = 50 Ω ; Armature winding resistance Ra =0.1Ω
LOAD::: No.of Lamps =60
Wattage of each Lamp=40W.
Voltage of each lamp V=100Volts
Total Load power P = 60x40 =2400 Watts
Terminal Voltage V = 100 Volts
Load current I = P/V =2400/100 =24A
Ish=V/Rsh = 100/50 =2A
Ia =Ish+I =2+24A=26A
Eg =V+IaRa+brush voltage drop+ interpole & compensating Winding drops
Eg=100+(26x0.1)+2x1+4x1+4x0.25 =109.6V
6.Ashort shunt compound wound dc generator delivers 100A to a load at 250V. The
generator has shunt field, series field and armature resistances of 130Ω,0.1 Ω and
0.1 Ω respectively. Calculate the voltage generated in the armature winding.
Assume 1V voltage drop per brush.
Solution: Given SHORT SHUNT DC Generator
Load current = 100A, Terminal voltage =250V
Ra=0.1 Ω Rsh=130Ω Rse =0.1Ω Brush contact voltage drop is = 1V/brush
Ise = IL =100A
Vsh= V +Ise*Rse =250+100*0.1 =260V
Ish = Vsh/Rsh =260/130 =2A
Ia = Ish+I =2+100=102A
Eg =V+IaRa+Ise Rse +brush drop = 250+102x0.1+100x0.1+2x1 = 272.2V
(Or ) Eg-IaRa-brush drop = Vsh >>>>Eg =Vsh+ IaRa+brush drop
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But in self excited generators (series ,shunt & compound wound generators) do not
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have separate source for excitation. In order to build e.m.f, poles should contain
some residual flux.
In separately excited generator, a separate external d.c. supply is used to
provide exciting current through the field winding.
The d.c. generator produces d.c. voltage. If this generated voltage itself is
used to excite the field winding of the same d.c. generator, it is called self
excited generator. Voltage Build up in DC shunt Generator:
Consider a shunt generator to run at rated speed with residual flux in its poles.
A small voltage will induce in the armature which will produce additional small
If the generator is on No-load, all the initial current will flow into field winding to
produce initial MMF with field winding turns.
This additional flux will link with the rotating armature and an additional EMF will
induced across the winding, resulting in an additional flow of current.
It’s a cumulative process as the current increases the flux out of the pole
increased & the induced voltage also increases.
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After saturation of the poles, even though the current increases, flux does not
increase and so build of voltage stops and is constant.
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Fig 1.18 OCC curve at rated speed and given field resistance
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The field circuit resistance line which is tangential to the O.C.C is called the critical
field resistance.
If the field circuit resistance is more than the critical value, the machine will fail to
excite and no voltage will be induced. The reason being no point of intersection is
possible in this case. Suppose a shunt generator has built up voltage at a certain
speed. Now if the speed of the prime mover is reduced without changing Rf, the
developed voltage will be less as because the O.C.C at lower speed will come
If speed is further reduced to a certain critical speed (Nc), the present field
resistance line will become tangential to the O.C.C at Nc. For any speed below
Nc, no voltage built up is possible in a shunt generator.
1.7.1 Definition: The armature reaction simply shows the effect of armature field on
the main field. In other words, the armature reaction represents the impact of the
armature flux on the main field flux. The armature field is produced by the
armature conductors when current flows through them. And the main field is
produced by the magnetic poles.
The armature flux causes two effects on the main field flux.
The armature reaction distorted the main field flux.
It reduces the magnitude of the main field flux.
Consider the figure below shows the two poles dc generator. When no load
connected to the generator, the armature current becomes zero. In this condition,
only the MMF of the main poles exists in the generator. The MMF flux is uniformly
distributed along the magnetic axis. The magnetic axis means the centre line
between the north and south pole. The arrow in the below-given image shows the
direction of the magnetic flux ΦM. The magnetic neutral axis or plane is
perpendicular to the axis of the magnetic flux.
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Fig 1.20 Magnetic Neutral axis
The MNA coincides with the geometrical neutral axis (GNA). The brushes of the DC
machines are always placed in this axis, and hence this axis is called the axis of
Consider the condition in which only the armature conductors carrying current and
no current flows through their main poles. The direction of the current remains the
same in all the conductors lying under one pole. The direction of current induces in
the conductor is given by the Fleming right-hand rule. And the direction of flux
generates in the conductors is given by the corkscrew rule.The direction of current
on the left sides of the armature conductor goes into the paper (represented by the
cross inside the circle). The armature conductors combine their MMF for generating
the fluxes through the armature in the downward direction.
Similarly, the right-hand side conductors carry current, and their direction goes out
of the paper (shown by dots inside the circle). The conductor on the right-hand sides
is also combining their MMF for producing the flux in the downwards direction.
Hence, the conductor on both sides combines their MMF in such a way so that their
flux goes downward direction. The flux induces in the armature conductor Φ A is
given by the arrow shown above.
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The figure below shows the condition in which the field current and the armature
current are simultaneously acting on the conductor.
This happens when machines running at no-load condition. Now the machine
has two fluxes, i.e., the armature flux and the field pole flux. The armature flux is
produced by the current induced in the armature conductors while the field
pole flux is induced because of the main field poles. These two flux combines
and gives the resultant flux ΦR as shown in the figure above.
When the field flux enters into the armature, they may get distorted. The
distortion increases the density of the flux in the upper pole tip of the N-pole
and the lower pole tip of the south pole. Similarly, the density of flux decreases
in the lower pole tip of the north pole and the upper pole tip of the south pole.
The resultant flux induces in the generator are shifted towards the direction of
the rotation of the generator. The magnetic neutral axis of poles is always
perpendicular to the axis of the resultant flux. The MNA is continuously shifted
with the resultant flux.
Because of the armature reaction the flux density of over one-half of the pole
increases and over the other half decreases. The total flux produces by each
pole is slightly less due to which the magnitude of the terminal voltage reduces.
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The effect due to which the armature reaction reduces the total flux is known
as the demagnetizing effect.
The resultant flux is distorted. The direction of the magnetic neutral axis is shifted
with the direction of resultant flux in the case of the generator, and it is opposite
to the direction of the resultant flux in the case of the motor.
The armature reaction induces flux in the neutral zone, and this flux generates
the voltage that causes the commutation problem.
The MNA axis is the axis in which the value of induced MEF becomes zero. And
the GNA divides the armature core into two equal parts.
When the conductor with a magnetic field induced around it, is placed in the path
of these magnetic lines of force, it blocks their path. So these magnetic lines try to
remove this obstacle by either moving it upwards or downwards depending upon
the direction of current in the conductor. This gives rise to motor effect.
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Fig 1.22 Magnetic field
When an Electromagnetic coil is placed in between two magnetic with north facing
south of another magnet, the magnetic lines moves the coil upwards when current is
in one direction and downwards when the current in the coil is in reverse direction.
This creates the rotatory motion of the coil. To change the direction of current in the
coil, two half-moon shaped metals are attached to each end of the coil called
Commutator. Metal brushes are placed with one end attached to the battery and
the other end connected to the commutators.
Commutation in DC Machine
Each Armature coil contains two commutators attached at its end. For the
transformation of current, the Commutator segments and brushes should maintain a
continuously moving contact. To get larger output values more than one coil is used
in DC machines. So, instead of one pair, we have a number of pairs of Commutator
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Let the Armature starts rotating, then the brush moves over the commutator
segments. Let the first position of the brush commutator contact be at segment b as
shown above. As the width of the commutator is equal to the width of the brush, in
the above position the total areas of commutator and brush are in contact with
each other. The total current conducted by the commutator segment into the brush
at this position will be 2Ia.
Now the armature rotates towards the right and the brush comes in contact with the
bar a. At this position, the total conducted current will be 2Ia, but the current in the
coil changes. Here the current flows through two paths A and B. 3/4th of the 2Ia
comes from the coil B and remaining 1/4th comes from coil A.When KCL is applied at
the segment a and b, the current through the coil B is reduced to Ia/2 and the
current drawn through segment a is Ia/2.
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At this position half of the brush, a surface is in contact with segment a and the other
half is with segment b. As the total current drawn trough brush is 2Ia, current Ia is
drawn through coil A and Ia is drawn through coil B. Using KCL we can observe that
the current in coil B will be zero.
position 3
In this position, one-fourth of the brush surface will be in contact with segment b and
three fourth with segment a. Here the current drawn through coil B is – Ia/2. Here we
can observe that the current in coil B is reversed.
At this position, the brush is in full contact with segment a and the current from coil B
is Ia but is reverse direction to the current direction of position 1.Thus commutation
process is completed for segment b.
position 5
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Effects of Commutation
The computation is called Ideal commutation when the reversal of current is completed
by the end of the commutation period. If the current reversal is completed during
the commutation period, sparking occurs at the contact of brushes and overheating
occurs damaging the surface of the commutator. This defect is called Poorly
commutated Machine.
To prevent this type of defects there are three types of methods for improving
Resistance commutation.
EMF commutation.
Compensating winding.
Resistance Commutation
In the figure above the current from coil 3 can take two paths. Path 1 from coil 3 into
coil 2 and segment b. Path 2 from short-circuited coil 2 then coil 1 and segment a.
When copper brushes are used current will take the path 1 due to lower resistance
offered by the path. But when carbon brushes are used, the current prefers the Path
2 because as the area of contact between brush and segment decreases the
resistance increases. This stops the early reversal of current and prevents sparking in
the DC machine.
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EMF Commutation
Induction property of the coil is one of the reasons for the slow reversal of current
during commutation process. This problem can be tackled by neutralizing the
reactance voltage produced by the coil by producing the reverse e.m.f in the short
circuit coil during the commutation period. This EMF commutation is also known as
Voltage commutation.
In the second method, commutating poles are used. These are the small magnetic
poles placed between main poles mounted to the stator of the machine. These are
attached in series connection with the armature. As load current causes back e.m.f.
, these commutating poles neutralizes the position of the magnetic field.
Without these commutating poles, the commutator slots would not stay aligned with
ideal portions of the magnetic field as magnetic field position changes due to back
e.m.f. During the commutation period, these commutating poles induce an e.m.f in
the short circuit coil which opposes the reactance voltage and gives spark-less
The polarity of commutating poles is the same as the main pole situated next to it for
the generator whereas the polarity of commutating poles is opposite to the main
poles in the motor
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This curve shows the relation between the terminal voltage (V or V t) and load
current (IL). The terminal voltage V < Eg due to voltage drop in the armature
circuit. Therefore, this curve will lie below the internal characteristic.
This characteristic is very important in determining the suitability of a generator for a
given purpose.
It can be obtained by making simultaneous measurements of terminal voltage and
load current (with voltmeter and ammeter) of a loaded generator.
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We can see the variation of generated emf on no load with field current for
different fixed speeds of the armature.
For higher value of constant speed, the steepness of the curve is more. is zero,
for the effect residual magnetism in the poles, there will be a small initial emf
(OA) as show in figure.
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This decrease in terminal voltage can be maintained easily by increasing the field
current and thus increasing the generated voltage. Therefore, we can get
constant terminal voltage.
Internal (Eg /Ia ) & External (Vt/IL=Ia ) characteristics of DC Shunt Generator
A shunt generator has its shunt field winding connected in parallel with the
armature so that the machine provides it own excitation.
For voltage to build up, there must be some residual magnetism in the field poles.
There will be a small voltage (ER) generated.
If the connection of the field and armature winding are such that the weak main
pole flux aids to the residual flux, the induced voltage will become larger.
Thus more voltage applied to the main field pole and cause to the terminal
voltage increase rapidly to a large value.
As the generator is loaded, terminal voltage decreases due to
a) The armature winding resistance b) The armature reaction
c) Because above two factors, field current will decrease (V=I f*Rf).
This will intern causes the emf and therefore terminal voltage drop too.
Thus the effects are cumulative and terminal voltage is reduced to a much
When load current increased beyond full load current, due to the effects of
demagnetising armature reaction and voltage drop, further decrease in load
resistance causes decrease in load current and characteristics turns back.
It is used generally for small dc battery charging application and excitation
system in power plant generator (alternator).
SERIES GENERATOR (Will be started on LOAD conditions)
The field winding of a series generator is connected in series with the armature
winding. Since it carries the load current, the series field winding consists of only a
few turns of thick wire. (Eg Ia )
At no- load, the generator voltage is small due to residual field flux only. When a
load is added, the flux increase, and so does the generated voltage.
43|D C M T - U N I T - 2
The compound generator has both a shunt and a series winding. The series field
winding usually wound on the top of a shunt field.
The two winding are usually connected such that their ampere- turns act in the
same direction. As such the generator is said to be Cumulative compounded. It
combines the characteristics of both shunt and series.
On No-load shunt field winding provides all the field flux since no current in the
series field winding.
With increase in load on the generator, series field adds flux to the shunt field.
So it has better voltage characteristics then shunt generator & separately
excited generator.
44|D C M T - U N I T - 2
The compound generator are used more extensively than the other type of dc
generator because its design to have a wide variety of terminal voltage
Cumulative compound generator used as voltage source of lighting purpose.
45|D C M T - U N I T - 2
that may be present in addition to the armature winding are the field windings,
inter-pole and compensate windings. P= I2 R ; Vdrop = IaRa and IfRf
2) Iron losses:
As the armature rotates in the magnetic field, the iron parts of the armature as well
as the conductors cut the magnetic flux.
Since iron is a good conductor of electricity, the EMF s induced in the iron parts
courses to flow through these parts. These are the eddy currents.
Another loss occurring in the iron is due to the Hysteresis loss is present in the
armature core.
3) Other rotational losses consist of
Bearing Friction Loss
Friction of the Rushes Riding On The Commutator
Windage Losses
Windage losses are those associated with overcoming air friction in
setting up circulation currents of air inside the machine for cooling purposes.
These losses are usually very small.
Power output = Power developed across armature – Total losses in generator
Efficiency of generator = Power output/power input
Voltage Regulation =Change in terminal voltage from no load to full load.
46|D C M T - U N I T - 2
Solved problem:
The open circuit characteristics of a shunt wound dc generator at 800 rpm gives:
Field current (A): 0 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
Induced EMF(V): 10 50 100 175 220 245 262
Find graphically the critical resistance of shunt field circuit. If the field circuit
resistance is changed to 75 ohms, what will be the critical speed for the machine to
build up?
Draw OCC from given data. Draw the line OC tangent to OCC at the origin.
The slope of the line will give the value of critical resistance. To determine the
slope of the line OC,take any point B on this line and from point B draw horizontal
and vertical lines meeting induced emf axis and field current axis at point F and A
They are used for giving the excitation to the alternators.
They are also used for small power supply.
They are used for supplying field excitation current in DC locomotives for
regenerative braking.
For electro plating
Used to supply dc welding machines.
Here this explains you the parallel operation of dc generators and load sharing among
them for the continuous power supply.In a d.c power plant, power is usually supplied
from several generators of small ratings connected in parallel instead offrom one
large generator. This is due to the following reasons:
If a single large generator is used in the power plant, then in case of its breakdown,
the whole plant will be shut down. However, if power is supplied from a number of
small units operating in parallel, then in case of failure of one unit, the continuity of
supply can be maintained by other healthy units.
(ii) Efficiency:
Generators run most efficiently when loaded to their rated capacity.Electric power
costs less per kWh when the generator producing it is efficiently loaded.Therefore,
when load demand on power plant decreases, one or more generators can be
shut down and the remaining units can be efficiently loaded.
48|D C M T - U N I T - 2
paralleled with the old units.In many situations, a single unit of desired large
capacity may not be available.In that case, a number of smaller units can be
operated in parallel to meet the load requirement. Generally, a single large unit is
more expensive.
In many situations, a single unit of desired large capacity may not be available. In
that case, a number of smaller units can be operated in parallel to meet the load
requirement. Generally, a single large unit is more expensive.
The generators in a power plant are connected in parallel through bus-bars. The bus-
bars are heavy thick copper bars and they act as +ve and -ve terminals.The
positive terminals of the generators are connected to the +ve side of bus-bars and
negative terminals to the negative side of bus-bars.
Fig. (3.15) shows shunt generator 1 connected to the bus-bars and supplying load.
When the load on the power plant increases beyond the capacity of this
generator, the second shunt generator 2 is connected in parallel with the first tomeet
the increased load demand.The procedure for paralleling generator 2 with generator
1 is as under:
(i) The prime mover of generator 2 is brought up to the rated speed. Now
switch S4 in the field circuit of the generator 2 is closed.
49|D C M T - U N I T - 2
(ii) Next circuit breaker CB-2 is closed and the excitation of generator 2 is
adjusted till it generates a voltage equal to the bus-bars voltage. This is indicated
by voltmeter V2.
(iii) Now the generator 2 is ready to be paralleled with generator 1. The main
switch S3 is closed, thus putting generator 2 in parallel with generator 1. Note that
generator 2 is not supplying any load because it's generated e.m.f. is equal to bus-
bars voltage.The generator is said to be “floating” (i.e., not supplying any load) on
the bus-bars.
(iv) If generator 2 is to deliver any current, then it's generated voltage E should
be greater than the bus-bars voltage V. In that case, the current supplied by it is I =
(E - V)/Ra where Ra is the resistance of the armature circuit. By increasing the field
current (and hence induced e.m.f. E), the generator 2 can be made to supply the
proper amount of load.
(v) The load may be shifted from one shunt generator to another merely by
adjusting the field excitation. Thus if generator 1 is to be shut down, the whole load
can be shifted onto generator 2 provided it has the capacity to supply that load. In
that case, reduce the current supplied by generator 1 to zero (This will be indicated
by ammeter A1) open C.B.-1 and then open the main switch S1.
The load sharing between shunt generators in parallel can be easily regulated
because of their drooping characteristics. The load may be shifted from one
generator to another merely by adjusting the field excitation. Let us discuss the load
sharing of two generators which have unequal no-load voltages.
50|D C M T - U N I T - 2
Thus the current output of the generators depends upon the values of E1 and
E3.These values may be changed by field rheostats. The common terminal voltage
(or bus-bars voltage) will depend upon
It is generally desired to keep the bus bars voltage constant. This can be achieved
by adjusting the field excitations of the generators operating in parallel.
(ii) in parallel without an equaliser bar. If, for any reason, the current supplied by
generator 1 increases slightly, the current in its series field will increase and raise the
generated voltage.
This will cause generator 1 to take more load. Since total load supplied to
the system is constant, the current in generator 2 must decrease and as a result, its
series field is weakened. Since this effect is cumulative, the generator 1 will take the
entire load and drive generator 2 as a motor. Under such conditions, the current in
the two machines will be in the direction shown in Fig. (3.16) (ii). After machine 2
changes from a generator to a motor, the current in the shunt field will remain in
the same direction, but the current in the armature and series field will reverse.
Thus the magnetising action, of the series field opposes that of the shunt field.
As the current taken by the machine 2 increases, the demagnetizing action of
series field becomes greater and the resultant field becomes weaker. The resultant
field will finally become zero and at that time machine 2 will short circuit machine 1,
opening the breaker of either or both machines.
51|D C M T - U N I T - 2
When the equaliser bar is used, a stabilising action exist? and neither
machine tends to take all the load.To consider this, suppose that current delivered by
generator 1 increases.The increased current will not only pass through the series field
of generator 1 but also through the equaliser bar and series field of generator
2.Therefore, the voltage of both the machines increases and the generator 2 will
take a part of the load.
52|D C M T - U N I T - 2
6. Practice Quiz
1. The yoke of a DC machine is made of
a) Silicon steel
b) Soft iron
c) Aluminum
d) Cast steel
2. The armature of a DC machine is made of
a) Silicon steel
b) Soft iron
c) Aluminum
d) Cast steel
3. A 4-pole DC machine has .............. magnetic circuits
a) 2
b) 4
c) 8
d) 6
4. The real working part of a DC machine is the………………
a) commutator
b) field winding
c) armature winding
d) brush
5. The coupling field between electrical and mechanical systems of Dc machine is
magnetic field.
a) True
b) False
6. Which type of current in armature conductors of a DC machine
a) DC
b) Pulsating
c) AC
d) None
7. How many poles have a small DC machine generally
a) 4
b) 6
c) 2
d) 8
8. How many parallel paths will have a Triplex wave winding
a) 6
b) 3
c) 4
d) 8
9. High-voltage DC machines use .............. winding
a) Lap
b) CWave
53|D MT-UNIT-2
c) Either lap or wave
d) None
10. Which losses occurs in the armature of Dc machine
a) Stray load
b) Mechanical
c) Eddy current
d) Cupper
11. Hysteresis loss in a DC machine is directly proportional to speed
a) True
b) False
12. A separately excited DC generator is not used because……..
a) Separate DC source is required for field circuit
b) Voltage drops considerably
c) it is costly
d) None
S.N Question BL CO
With neat sketch, explain the construction and working principle
1 2 1
of DC generator in detail
2 Derive the E.M.F. equation in a dc machine. 2 1
Draw a developed diagram of a simple 2-layer lap-winding for a
3 4-pole generator with 16 coils. Hence, point out the 2 1
characteristics of a lap-winding.
A separately excited dc generator with constant excitation is
connected to constant resistance circuit. When the speed is
4 1500 r.p.m, it delivers 85 A at 450 V. At what speed will the 2 1
current be reduced to 40 A? Take armature resistance as 0.3 Ω
and contact drop/brush as 1 V.
Explain briefly about the no load and the open circuit
5 3 1
characteristics of a separately excited generator
Derive the expressions for calculating the demagnetizing and
6 cross magnetizing ampere turns per pole in a DC generator with 3 1
usual notation
54|D C M T - U N I T - 2
1 What is a generator?
Ans. An electrical generator is a machine which converts
mechanical energy (or) power into electrical energy. This
energy conversion is based on the principal of the production
of dynamically induced e.m.f is produced in it according to
“faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction”. 1 1
i/p 0/p
55|D C M T - U N I T - 2
10 Explain the meaning and significance of critical field resistance
of a shunt generator?
Ans. Critical field resistance is the total field circuit resistance
above which the generator fails to build up the voltage. It 2 1
means in case of shunt generator, if the shunt field resistance is
more than the critical field resistance, there will be no voltage
9.Part B- Questions
S.No Question BL CO
1 Explain the construction of DC generator in detail. 1 1
2 Draw the magnetization characteristics of DC shunt generator 2 1
and explain the same
3 Derive the E.M.F. equation in a dc machine 2 1
4 Explain in detail about commutation and list out the various 3 1
methods of improving commutation in detail with a neat
5 Explain about compensating windings and inter poles. 2 1
6 Draw the winding table for a 2-pole lap connected DC 2 1
machine with 12 armature conductors. Indicate the brush
positions and polarity of induced e.m.f.
7 Explain the parallel operation of DC generator 3 1
8 What is the principle of operation of dc generator? 3 1
9 Calculate the emf generated by 6 pole dc generator having 3 1
480 conductors and driven at speed of 1200 rpm. The flux per
pole is 0.012 Wb. Assume the generator to be: (i) Lap wound. (ii)
Wave wound.
10 A 6-pole lap wound dc generator has 600 conductors on its 3 1
armature. The flux per pole is 0.02 Wb. Calculate the speed at
which the generator must be run to generate 300V and what
would be the speed if the generator were wave wound?
56|D C M T - U N I T - 2
1. Course Objectives
The objectives of this course is to
1. The constructional features of DC machines and different types of windings
employed in DC machines.
2. Characteristics of generators and parallel operation of generators.
3. Methods for speed control of DC motors and application of DC machines.
4. The Constructional Features of transformers, Predetermination of regulation
and efficiency of transformers.
5. Various tests on single phase and three phase transformers and parallel
operation of transformers.
2. Prerequisites
Students should have knowledge on
1. Engineering Physics
2. Basic Electrical Circuits
3. Syllabus
Force on conductor carrying current, back emf, Torque and power developed
by armature, speed control of DC motors (Armature control and Flux control
methods), Necessity of starters, constructional details of 3-point and 4-point
starters, characteristics of DC motors, Losses in DC machines, condition for
maximum efficiency
Testing of DC machines: Brake test, Swinburne’s test, Hopkinson's test, Fields test,
Retardation test.
4. Course outcomes
1. Apply the knowledge of magnetic material properties and fundamentals of
energy conversion principles.
2. Identify the working principle of Dc machines & Transformers with
mechanism and various operations performed
6. Lecture Notes
In an industry, DC motor plays important role . A DC motor is any of a class
of rotary electrical motors that converts direct current electrical energy into
mechanical energy. The most common types rely on the forces producedby
magnetic fields. Nearly all types of DC motors have some internal
mechanism, either electromechanical or electronic, to periodically change the
direction of current in part of the motor .
If the thumb, middle finger and the index finger of the left hand are
displaced from each other by an angle of 90°, the middle finger represents
the direction of the magnetic field. The index finger represents the
direction of the current, and the thumb shows the direction of forces acting
on the conductor.
For simplicity, consider that the armature has only one coil which is placed
between the magnetic field shown below in the figure A. Whenthe DC
supply is given to the armature coil the current starts flowingthrough
it. This current develops their own field around the coil. Figure B shows the
field induces around the coil.
By the interaction of the fields (produces by the coil and the magnet),
resultant field develops across the conductor. The resultant field tends to
regain its original position, i.e. in the axis of the main field. The field exerts
the force at the ends of the conductor, and thus the coil starts rotating.
Let the field produces by the main field be Fm, and this field rotates in the
clockwise direction. When the current flows in the coil, they produce their
own magnetic field says Fr. The field Fr tries to come in the direction of the
main field. Thereby, the torque act on the armature coil.
The one end of the conductors are kept under the influence of north
pole, and the other end is kept under the influence of the South pole. The
current enters into the armature coil through the north pole and move
outwards through the south pole. When the coil moves from one brush to
another, at the same time the polarity of the coil also changes. Thus, the
direction of the force or torque acting on the coil remains same.
The torque induces in the coil become zero when the armature coil is
perpendicular to the main field. The zero torque means the motor stops
rotating. For solving this problem, the number of armature coil is used in
the rotor. So if one of their coils is perpendicular to the field, then the
other coils induce the torque. And the rotor moves continuously.
Also, for obtaining the continuous torque, the arrangement is kept in such
a way that whenever the coils cut the magnetic neutral axis of the magnet
the direction of current in the coils become reversed. This can be done with
the help of the commutator.
therefore, Eb 𝖺 N
As per Lenz’s law, the induced flux always opposes the cause of its
production”. Here, the cause of generation of back emf is the
rotation of armature. Rotation of armature is due to armature
torque. Torque is due to armature current and armature current
is due to supply dc voltage V. Therefore,the ultimate cause of
production of Eb is the supply voltage V.Therefore, back emf is always
directed opposite to supply voltage V.
(2) Back emf makes dc motor a self-regulating motor i.e Eb makes motor
to adjust Ia automatically as per the load torque requirement. Lets see
(a) when the motor is running at no-load, small torque ( Ta=KIa ) is required
by the motor to overcome friction and windage. Therefore, a small current
is drawn by the motor armature and the back emf is almost equal to the supply
(b) If the motor is suddenly loaded, the load torque beomes greater than
the armature torque and the motor starts to slow down. As motor speed
decreases, back emf decreases and therefore, armature current starts
increasing. With increasing Ia , armature torque increases and at some
point it becomes equal to the load torque. At that moment, motor stops
slowing down and keeps running at this new speed.
(c) If the load on the motor is suddenly reduced, the driving torque
becomes more than the load torque and the motor starts accelerating. As
the motor speed increases, back emf increases and therefore, armature
current decreases. Due to this reducing armature current, armature
developed torque decreases and at some point becomes equal to the
load torque. That point onwards, motor will stop accelerating and will start
rotating uniformly at this new slightly increased speed.
So, this shows how important is back emf in dc motor. Without back
emf, the electromagnetic energy conversion would not have been
possible at the first place.
... 0 = V - 2IaRa
... Ia = V/2Ra i.e.
IaRa = V/2 Substituting in voltage equation,
V = Eb + IaRa = Eb + (V/2)
When the current carrying current is placed in the magnetic field, a force
is exerted or it which exerts turning moment or torque F x r. This torque is
produced due to the electromagnetic effect, hence is called
Electromagnetic torque. The torque which is produced in the armature is
not fully used at the shaft for doing the useful work. Some part of it where
lost due to mechanical losses. The torque which is used for doing useful
work in known as the shaft torque.
VIa is the electrical power
input to the armature. I2aRa
is the copper loss in the
We know that,
10 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
For a particular DC Motor, the number of poles (P) and the number of
conductors per parallel path (Z/A) are constant.
Thus, from the above equation (5) it is clear that the torque produced
in the armature is directly proportional to the flux per pole and the
armature current. Moreover, the direction of electromagnetic torque
developed in the armature depends upon the current in armature
conductors. If either of the two is reversed the direction of torque
produced is reversed and hence the direction of rotation. But when both
are reversed, and direction of torque does not change.
Shaft Torque
Definition: Thus, in the case of DC motors, the actual torque available at the
shaft for doing useful mechanical work is known as Shaft Torque. It is so
called because it is available on the shaft of the motor. It is represented
by the symbol Tsh. The output of the motor is given by the equation shown
below where Tsh is the shaft torque in r.p.s and the N is the rotation of the
motor in r.p.m. The shaft torque is expressed as
11 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
The difference between the armature torque and the shaft torque (
Ta – Tsh ) is known as the lost torque and is due to the formation of the
In the case of the motor, the mechanical power available at the shaft
is known as Brake Horse Power. If
Tsh is the shaft torque in Newton Meter and N is the speed in r.p.m then,
The output brake horsepower is given by the equation (1) shown above.
12 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
The dc motor converts the electrical power into mechanical power is
known as dc motor. The construction of the dc motor and generator are
same. But the dc motor has the wide range of speed and good speed
regulation which in electric traction.The working principle of thedc motor
is based on the principle that the current carrying conductor is placed in
the magnetic field and a mechanical force experience by it.
As the name signifies, the field coils or field windings are energized by a
separate DC source as shown in the circuit diagram shown below.
As the name implies self-excited, hence, in this type of motor, the current
in the windings is supplied by the machine or motor itself. Self-excited DC
Motor is further divided into shunt wound, and series wound motor. They
are explained below in detail.
This is the most common types of DC Motor. Here the field winding
is connected in parallel with the armature as shown in the figure
13 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
The current, voltage and power equations for a shunt motor are written as
follows. By applying KCL at the junction A in the above figure.
The sum of the incoming currents at A = Sum of the outgoing currents at A.
I is the input line
current Ia is the
Ish is the shunt field
current Equation (1) is
the current equation.
The voltage equations are written by using Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL)
for the field winding circuit.
14 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
in the field.
VIa is the electrical power supplied to the armature of the motor. Series Wound Motor
In the series motor, the field winding is connected in series with the
armature winding. The connection diagram is shown below.
15 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
Ise is the series field current
The voltage equation can be obtained by applying KVL in the above figure
Comparing the equation (9) and (10), we will get the equation shown
16 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
The positive and negative sign indicates that direction of the flux
produced in the field windings.
These are explained below for each type of DC motor. These characteristics
are determined by keeping the following two relations in mind.
i Eb = PφNZ / 60A.
N 𝖺 Eb/ɸ
17 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
Ish = constant
Eb = V – Ia Ra.
Þ Eb & N .
T= Φ Ia (where Φ = constant)
Shunt motor is a constant speed motor. The shunt motor is used i Fans
2) Pumping of water
18 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
3) Lake machines
4) Hydraulic machines
Φ Ia
19 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
3) N Vs Ta:
The speed-torque characteristics can be drawn from the above relations.
Speed increases, Torque decreases and vice-versa. Series motor acts as
Constant Power Drive.
→ In cumulative, sh. + se
→ Under no load, se = 0
20 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
And se . \ ,N
speed .
→ sh - se
Under no load, se = 0
1) N Vs Ia:
The cumulative compound motor runs under no load condition are constant
speed i.e.
Here = sh + se i.e.
constant. Then the speed of
the motor is constant
= sh – se.
21 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
2) T Vs Ia:
T Ia
Þ sh + se T ( sh + se)
sh remains almost constant, but series field flux, se rises. As a result the
motor Torque also rises.
3) N Vs T:
T a
sh + se
T ( sh. + se)
Ia N
22 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
The concept of the speed regulation is different from the speed control. In
speed regulation, the speed of the motor changes naturally whereas in dc
motor the speed of the motor changes manually by the operator or by some
automatic control device. The speed of the DC Motor is given bythe
relation shown below.
The equation (1) that the speed is dependent upon the supply voltage V,
the armature circuit resistance
Ra and the field flux ϕ, which is produced by the field current.
23 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
24 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
By varying the armature circuit resistance, the current and flux both are
affected. The voltage drop in the variable resistance reduces the applied
voltage to the armature, and as a result, the speed of the motor is reduced.
The speed–current characteristic of a series motor is shown in the figure
25 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
26 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
Fig 3.17 Diverter is connected in parallel with the series field windings
27 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
28 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
applied voltage to the armature. This method was introduced in 1891. The
connection diagram of the Ward Leonard method of speed control of aDC
shunt motor is shown in the figure below.
29 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
Hence, with the armature voltage control method, constant torque and
variable power drive is obtained from speed below the base speed. The
Field flux control method is used when the speed is above the base speed.
In this mode of operation, the armature current is maintained constant at
its rated value, and the generator voltage Vt is kept constant.
The motor field current is decreased and as a result, the motor field flux
also decreases.This means that the field is weakened to obtain the higher
speed. Since VtIa and EIa remain constant, the electromagnetic torque is
directly proportional to the field flux ϕm and the armature current Ia.
Thus, if the field flux of the motor is decreased the torque decreases.
Therefore, the torque decreases, as the speed increases. Thus, in the
field control mode, constant power and variable torque are obtained for
speeds above the base speed. When the speed control over a wide range
is required, a combination of armature voltage control and field flux control
is used. This combination permits the ratio of maximum to minimumspeed
available speeds to be 20 to 40. For closed loop control, this range can be
extended up to 200.
The driving motor can be an induction or synchronous motor. An induction
motor operates at a lagging power factor. The synchronous motor may be
operated at a leading power factor by over-excitation of its field. Leading
reactive power is generated by over excited synchronous motor. It
compensates for the lagging reactive power taken by other inductive loads.
Thus, the power factor is improved.
A Slip ring induction motor is used as p prime mover when the load is
30 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
31 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
8. The Initial cost of the system is high as there is a motor generator set
installed, of the same rating as that of the main DC motor
Thus, Ia depends upon E and Ra, if V is kept constant. When the motor is
first switched ON, the armature is stationary. Hence, the back EMF Eb is
also zero. The initial starting armature current Ias is given by the equation
32 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
shown below.
Since, the armature resistance of a motor is very small, generally less than
one ohm. Therefore, the starting armature current Ias would be very large.
For example – if a motor with the armature resistance of 0.5 ohms is
connected directly to a 230 V supply, then by putting the values in the
equation (2) we will get.
This large current would damage the brushes, commutator and windings.
As the motor speed increases, the back EMF increases and the
difference (V – E) go on decreasing. This results in a gradual decrease
of armature current until the motor attains its stable speed and the
corresponding back EMF. Under this condition, the armature current
reaches its desired value. Thus, it is found that the back EMF helps the
armature resistance in limiting the current through the armature.
Since at the time of starting the DC Motor, the starting current is very large.
At the time of starting of all DC Motors, except for very small motors, an
extra resistance must be connected in series with the armature. This extra
resistance is added so that a safe value of the motor is maintained and to
limit the starting current until the motor has attained its stable speed.
The series resistance is divided into sections which are cut out one by one,
as the speed of the motor rises and the back EMF builds up. The extra
resistance is cut out when the speed of the motor builds up to its normal
33 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
34 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
When the motor is overloaded, that is the armature current exceeds the
normal rated value, P is attracted by the electromagnet of the OLC and
closes the contact aa thus, the No Voltage Coil is short-circuited, shown
in the figure of 3 Point Starter. As a result, the handle H is released, which
returns to the OFF position, and the motor supply is cut off.
To stop the motor, the starter handle should never be pulled back as this
would result in burning the starter contacts. Thus, to stop the motor, the
main switch of the motor should be opened.
Drawbacks of a 3 Point Starter
The following drawbacks of a 3 point starter are as follows:-
The 3 point starter suffers from a serious drawback for motors with a
35 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
With the above three arrangements of the circuit, there will be no effect on
the current through the holding coil if there is any variation in speed of the
motor or any change in field current of the motor. This is because the two
circuits are independent of each other.
The only limitation or the drawback of the 4 point starter is that it cannot limit
or control the high current speed of the motor. If the field winding of the
motor gets opened under the running condition, the field current automatically
reduces to zero. But as some of the residual flux is still present in the motor,
and we know that the flux is directly proportional tothe speed of the motor.
Therefore, the speed of the motor increases drastically, which is dangerous
and thus protection is not possible. This sudden increase in the speed of the
motor is known as High- Speed Actionof the Motor.
Nowadays automatic push button starters are also used. In the automatic
starters, the ON push
button is pressed to connect the current limiting starting resistors in series
with the armature circuit. As soon as the full line voltage is available to
the armature circuit, this resistor is gradually disconnected by an automatic
controlling arrangement.
The circuit is disconnected when the OFF button is pressed. Automatic
starter circuits have been developed using electromagnetic contactors
and time delay relays. The main advantage of the automatic starter is
that it enables even the inexperienced operator to start and stop the motor
without any difficulty.
The losses that occur in a DC Machine is divided into five basic categories.
The various losses are Electrical or Copper losses (I2R losses),Core losses
or Iron losses, Brush losses, Mechanical losses, Stray load losses. These losses
are explained below in detail.
37 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
38 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
The core losses are the hysteresis and eddy current losses. These losses
are considered almost constant as the machines are usually operated at
constant flux density and constant speed. These losses are about 20
percent of the full load losses.
Efficiency is simply defined as the ratio of output power to the input power.
Let R = total resistance of the armature circuit (including the brush contact
resistance, at series winding resistance, inter-pole
39 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
When the machine is loaded, the temperature of the armature winding and
the field winding increases due to I2R losses. For calculating I2R losseshot
resistances should be used. A stationary measurement of resistances at
room temperature of t degree Celsius is made by passing current through
the armature and
then field from a low voltage DC supply. Then the heated resistance,
allowing a temperature rise of 50⁰C is found. The equations are as follows:-
41 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
Stray loss = iron loss + friction loss + windage loss = input at no load – field
copper loss
– no load armature copper loss
constant losses
If the constant losses of the machine are known, its efficiency at any
other load can be determined as follows.
Let I be the load current at which efficiency is required. Efficiency when the
machine is running as a Motor.
42 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
43 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
shunt motor as running machine. Brake test also called as direct loading
test of testing the motor because loading will be applied directly on shaft
of the motor by means of a belt and pulley arrangement.
Test Requirements:
1. DC shunt motor
2. Water-cooled pulley
3. Spring balance
44 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
Supply is given and with the help of a starter, the machine M starts and
work as a motor. The switch S is kept open. The field current of M is
adjusted with the help of rheostat field RM, which enables the motor to
run at rated speed. Machine G acts as a generator. Since the generator
is mechanically coupled to the motor, it runs at the rated speed of the
is slightly higher than the supply voltage. In actual the terminal voltageof
the generator is kept 1 or 2 volts higher than the supply voltage.
When the voltage of the generator is equal and of the same polarity as
the of the busbar supply voltage, the main switch S is closed, and the
generator is connected to the busbars. Thus, both the machines are now
in parallel across the supply. Under this condition, when the machines are
running parallel, the generator are said to float. This means that the
generator is neither taking any current nor giving any current to the
Now with the help of a field rheostat, any required load can be
thrown on the machines by adjusting the excitation of the machines with
the help of field rheostats.
V be the supply voltage
IL is the line current
Im is the input current to the motor
Ig is the input current to the generator
Iam is the motor armature current
Ishm is the motor shunt field current
Ishg is the generator shunt field current
Ra is the armature resistance of each machine
Rshm is the motor shunt field resistance
Rshg is the generator shunt field resistance
Eg is the generator induced voltage
Em is the motor induced voltage or back emf
47 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
Assuming that the constant losses known as stray losses are divided
equally between the two machines. Total stray loss per machine = ½
48 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
Advantages of Hopkinson’s Test
The main advantages of using Hopkinson’s test are as follows:-
1 The temperature rise and the commutation conditions can be
checked under rated load conditions.
2 Stray losses are considered, as both the machines are operated under
rated load conditions.
3 Large machines can be tested at rated load without consuming
much power from the supply.
4 Efficiency at different loads can be determined.
5 This method is very economical.
49 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
50 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
51 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
52 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
the Fig. 3.
At any point C corresponding to normal speed, a tangent AB is drawn. Then
The value obtained from above can be substituted in the expression for
W which can give the rotational loses.
Determination of moment of inertia (I):
Method 1: Using Flywheel
The armature supply is cut off and time required for definite change in speed is
noted to draw the corresponding curve as we have drawn in previous case. This
curve is drawn considering only armature of the machine. Now a flywheel with
known moment of the inertia say is I1 keyed onto the shaft and the same curve is
drawn again. The slowing down time will be extended as combined moment of inertia
of the two is increased.
For any given speed (dN/dt1) and (dN/dt2) are determined same as previous
case. It can be seen that the losses in both the cases are almost same as addition
of flywheel will not make much difference to the losses.
In the first case where flywheel is not there then,
Adding the flywheel to the motor armature in second case we
Method 2: without using Flywheel
In this method time is noted for the machine to slow down by say 5 %
considering the armature alone. The a retarding torque either mechanical or
electrical is applied. Preferably electrical retarding torque is applied and time
required to slow down by 5% is noted again. The method by which electrical
torque can be provided is shown in the Fig. 1 in which the switch S after
disconnecting from the supply is thrown to terminals 1'2'. The machine then gets
connected to a non-inductive load resistance RL. The power drawn by this
resistance will acts as a retarding torque on the armature which will make it
slow more quickly.
The additional loss in the resistance will be equal to product of ammeter reading
and the average reading of the voltmeter (for a fall of 5% of voltmeter reading,
the time is noted.) The ammeter reading is also changing so its average reading
is taken. Thus the additional losses is Ia2 (Ra + R). Let t1 be the time when
armature is considered alone and t2 be the time when armature is connected
across a load resistance, V be average voltage across R and Ia be the average
current and W' is additional retarding electrical torque supplied by motor.
53 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
7.Practice Quiz
2.What will happen if the back e.m.f. of a D.C. motor vanishes suddenly? [ ]
(a) The motor will stop (b) The motor will continue to run (c) The armature
may burn (d) The motor will run noisy
3. The mechanical power developed by a shunt motor will be maximum when the
ratio of back e.m.f. to applied voltage is [ ]
6.As -the load is increased the speed of D.C. shunt motor will [ ]
(a) reduce slightly (b) increase slightly (c) increase proportionately (d) remains
54 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
(c) Differentially compound motor (d) Cumulative compound motor
(a) high starting torque (b) low starting torque (c) variable speed (d) frequent
on-off cycles
13. The speed of a D.C. shunt motor more than its full-load speed can be
obtained by [ ]
(a) decreasing the field current (b) increasing the field current
(c) decreasing the armature current (d) increasing the armature current
(a) low (b) around 500 ohms (c) 1000 ohms (d) infinitely large
(a) these motors have high starting torque (b) these motors are not self-
(c) back e.m.f. of these motors is zero initially
(d) to restrict armature current as there is no back e.m.f. while starting
(a) shunt motors (b) shunt as well as compound motors (c) shunt, compound
and series motors (d) all D.C. motors
18. Speed control by Ward Leonard method gives uniform speed variation
[ ]
55 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
(a) in one direction (b) in both directions
(c) below normal speed only (d) above normal speed only
19. Which of the following motor has the poorest speed regulation ? [ ]
20. The speed of a motor falls from 1100 r.p.m. at no-load to 1050 r.p.m. at
rated load. The speed regulation of the motor is [ ]
S.No Question BL CO
1. With a neat sketch, explain the construction and working of a
1 3-point starter. What are the limitations 2 1
of 3-point starter?
A 4 Pole, lap wound 750 r.p.m. DC shunt generator has an
armature resistance of 0.4 Ω and field
2 resistance of 200 Ω. The armature has 720 conductors and the 2 1
flux per pole is 30 mWb. If the load
resistance is 15 Ω. Determine the terminal voltage.
a. What is the need of starter? With neat diagram, explain the
3 four point starter. 2 1
b. Explain different methods of speed control of DC shunt motor.
A 220 volts DC Shunt motor on no-load runs at a speed of 1000
RPM and draw a current of 6Amperes.The armature and shunt
4 field resistances are 0.3 ohm and 110 ohms respectively. 2 1
Calculate the back EMF induced and speed, when loaded and
drawing a current of 50 Amperes.
(a) What is critical filed resistance and critical speed.
5 (b) Draw different characteristics of shunt, series and compound 3 1
(a) What is an equalizer connection? What is necessity of
equalizer connection?
(b) An 8-pole, DC generator has per pole flux of 40 mWb and
6 winding is connected in lap with 960 conductors. Calculate the 3 1
generated EMF on open circuit when it runs at 400 r.p.m. If the
armature is wave wound, at what speed must the machine be
driven to generate the same voltage.
56 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
57 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
through the NVR coil produceeforce of attraction and retain
the starter handle in ON position against spring force. When the
supply voltage fails or becomes lower than a prescribed value
then electromagnet may not have enough force to retain so
handle will come back to OFF position due to spring force
10 Enumerate the factors on which speed of a d.c.motor
2 1
N= (V-IaRa)/Ф so speed depends on voltage applied to
armature, flux per pole, resistance of armature.
10.Part B- Questions
S.No Question BL CO
1 With a neat sketch, explain the construction and working of a 3- 1 1
point starter. What are the limitations
of 3-point starter?
58 | D C M T _ U N I T - I I I
Single Phase Transformers
1. Course Objectives
The objectives of this course is to
a. The constructional features of DC machines and different types of windings
employed in DC machines.
b. Characteristics of generators and parallel operation of generators.
c. Methods for speed control of DC motors and application of DC machines.
d. The Constructional Features of transformers, Predetermination of regulation and
efficiency of transformers.
e. Various tests on single phase and three phase transformers and parallel operation
of transformers.
Single Phase Transformers
Principle, construction and operation of single-phase transformers, equivalent circuit,
phasor diagrams(no load and on load), Magnetizing current, effect of nonlinear
B-H curve of magnetic core material, harmonics in magnetization current, losses
and efficiency Testing - open circuit and short circuit tests, voltage regulation,
Sumpner’s test, separation of hysteresis and eddy current losses. Parallel operation of
single-phase transformers, Autotransformers - construction, principle, applications
and comparison with two winding transformer.
3.Course outcomes
1. Apply the knowledge of magnetic material properties and fundamentals of
energy conversion principles.
2. Identify the working principle of Dc machines & Transformers with mechanism
and various operations performed
3. Illustrate the characteristics of various DC machines & Transformers with various
operational conditions to determine efficiency & regulation.
4. Evaluate the performance & losses of Machines with help of various testing
methods like OCC, speed control and OC & SC test.
5. Explain & analyse the parallel operation of DC machines & Transformers, Scott
connections and phase conversions of transformers.
4.Lecture Notes
A transformer is ‘‘a static device which is used to transfer power from one
electric circuit to other electric circuit at constant frequency and power”.
Transformer operates on mutual inductance principle.
During the power transfer, the voltages are either increase or decrease
simultaneously the currents are decrease or increase to maintain constant power.
Transformer is a singly excited device and works for time varying field (a.c.),
produces statically induced emf.
It essentially consists of two windings (HV and LV), the winding connected to the
a.c. source is called primary winding and the one connected to load is called
secondary winding.
The single- or three-phase transformers with ratings up to 500 kVA are defined as
distribution transformers, whereas those transformers with ratings over 500 kVA are
defined as power transformers.
Constructionally, there are two types of transformers,
1. Core type transformer
2. Shell type transformer
Whenever a conductor placed in a time varying magnetic field emf in a
conductor according to faradays law of electromagnetic induction. This type of
emf is known as statically induced emf.
The source winding is known as primary winding and the load winding is known as
secondary winding.
A bushing provides an insulated entrance for the conductor into the transformer, it is
made with porcelain.
Conservator tank:
On larger transformers, a reservoir of oil is maintained in a tank at a level above
the cover of the transformer which is connected to the transformer by a pipe.
The conservator tank keeps the main tank completely full of oil at all times,
permitting expansion and contraction of transformer oil.
An oil level indicator with an alarm circuit is provided to indicate the oil level in
the conservator tank.
The conservator tank has a breather to the outside. In order to take care of the
expansion and contraction of the cooling oil external disturbances, prevent the
entry of moisture, snow, etc., into the transformer.
Gas Relay
The gas (Buchhoz) relay is located at the top of the transformer and is used to
detect gas or air in the transformer.
Transformer core made with Ferro magnetic material (silicon) and it should have
high permeability which helps to give a low reluctance path for the flux.
Silicon steel sheets usually used in order to reduce the magnetic losses (hysteresis
and eddy current losses).
In transformer, the magnetic cores are made up of stacks of laminations cut from
silicon-steel sheets. Silicon-steel sheets usually contain about 3% silicon and 97%
steel to reduce magnetizing losses.
Better magnetic properties are obtained by Cold Rolled Grain Oriented (CRGO)
The core is properly staged without any empty space; otherwise there is a noise
present in the transformer due to magnetostriction.
To minimize the use of copper and decrease copper loss, the magnetic cores of
large transformers are built in stepped cores, as shown in Figure.
4|D C M T - U N I T - 5
Advantages of placing LV winding near to the transformer:
1. It requires less amount of insulation
2. Easily placing tapping’s on HV windings.
3. It reduces the cost.
Leakage flux:
The flux which cuts either LV or HV winding is known as leakage flux. If flux cuts
both HV and LV winding known as common flux or useful flux
transformer core so, according to faraday’s law. EMF in HV winding is given by,
e (t)
1 dt
N1 (t) (t) m sin t
e t
N N cos t N sin( t )
1 dt 1 dt 1 m 1 m 2
at t 180
e1max N 1 m ,
N 2f
e1rms 1max 1 m
5|D C M T - U N I T - 5
According to mutual inductance principle, due to (t) EMF induced in LV
6|D C M T - U N I T - 5
d d
e t N 2 N 2 mcost N 2 msin(t )
dt dt 2
N2 (t)
at t 1800 e2 max N2 m
E1 E2 4.44B Af 4.44 f
m m
N1 N2
In case of transformer induced emf per number of turns is constant for both HV
and LV windings.
N1 N2 E1 E2 step down transformer
N1 N2 E1 E2 step up transformer
N1 N2 E1 E2 isolation (or) one to one transformer
Transformer under No Load (Ideal Transformer)
V(t) Vm sin(t )
(t) m sin t
e1 t N 1 msin(t )
e2 t N 2 msin(t )
N2 E2 I1
Transformation Ratio: = =K=
N1 E1 I2
N1 E1 1 I2
Turns ratio: = = =
N2 E2 K I1
7|D C M T - U N I T - 5
Transformer under No Load Condition:
Due to the MMF produces the time varying magnetic field f(t)=Φmsinωt
The secondary current I2 links with N 2 number of turns and the resultant MMF is N 2I2.
This MMF produces the flux 2 which opposes the main field flux according to
Lenz’s law.
The resultant flux in the transformer core decreases, simultaneously reduces the
EMF E1 and E2
But the supply voltage V and E1 both are in parallel. So, need to maintain the
constant voltage, for that reason in order to nullify the flux 2 the primary winding
1 1
I0 noload current
I11 additionalcurrent taken fromsource tosatisfylenz 's law
I1 Pr imarycurrent
I1 I0 I11
Where, I0 =Iμ +Iw ,
R01=R1+R2 = R1+ I R =I R R 2 = 2 = 2
K 2 2 1 2
I1 K
Equivalent resistance referred to secondary winding:
1 2 2 I2 R
1 1 1 2
2 1
R 02 =R 2 +R1 = R 2 +K R1 I R =I R R1= 2 =K R1
1 1 2 1 I2
01 1 2 1 K E E1 2 2
2 K
Equivalent reactance referred to secondary winding:
2 I1X1 I2X1
1 1 2
X02 =X2 +X1 = X2 +K X1 E X 1=K X 1
1 E2
Equivalent impedance referred X 2to
R jX R R2 R 1 1
j X
01 1 2 1 R2 j X1 X 2
2 1
Equivalent impedance
2 referred to
2 secondary: 1
K X R j X X
R jX R R K j X
02 2 2 1 2 R1 2 1
2 1
2 2 2 2
Z01 R X Z02 R02 X 02
Transformer is a static device. Hence there are no friction and Windage losses.
Major losses in transformer are
Hysterisis losses
1. Core losses
eddycurrent losses
2. Copper losses
Hysteresis losses:
This loss occur due to reversal of magnetization of transformer core whenever
its subjected to alternating nature of magnetic core.
Wh Bm f V
When = constant then W =Af
1.6 -0.6
Otherwise Wh =A V f
Eddy current losses:
Eddy current losses are basically I R losses produce in core due to presence
of eddy currents in the core
Because of its conductivity
2 2 2 W
W KB f t
e M e
When = constant then, W =Bf 2
13|D C M T - U N I T - 5
Otherwise W =BV
Finally, when = constant, w =Af+Bf 2
1.6 -0.6 2
Otherwise, wi =AV f +BV
The flux in the transformer core constant irrespective of the load. Hence core
losses are treated as constant losses
14|D C M T - U N I T - 5
Copper losses:
2 2 2 2
Total copper in transformer = I1 R1+I2R2 =I1 R01=I2R02
Copper losses at ‘x’ at load = copper losses
x *
Copper losses depend upon loading condition. Hence copper losses treated
as variable losses.
Per unit resistance of transformer equal to the per unit full load copper lasses.
At maximum efficiency copper losses equal to the iron losses
Minor losses
In case of solid conductor due to the presence of stray currents additional
I R losses present treated as copper stray load losses
Copper stray load losses are reduced by using stranded conductor
Iron stray load losses are occur due to leakage flux present in the inactive
parts. Losses are reduced by using distributed windings on the transformer
Rating of Transformer:
Two types of major losses are present in the transformer these losses are
wasted as heat and temperature of the transformer rises
For fixed cooling system rating of any electrical machine decided by
temperature rise of the machine.
In transformer copper loss depends on current and iron loss depends on
voltage, total loss depends on volt – ampere
That’s why rating of transformers in KVA and not in KW.
15|D C M T - U N I T - 5
2 ,loading for ηmax :X=
i.e X Pcu =pcore pcore
At maximum efficiency total losses equal
two times core losses.
If the power factor of the load is kept
constant and degree of loading of the
transformer is varied, load curve as shown
in figure.
Transformer was operate at maximum
efficiency when it’s loaded to
Fig. 3.9. Efficiency of transformer
S KVA with variation of load
20 V
17|D C M T - U N I T - 5
%R %X =% Z
Value of maximum regulation =%R + %X
%Z %Z
Condition for zero voltage regulation
It’s possible only for leading power
factor loads
Voltage regulation = 0
% R cos % X sin 0
At zero voltage regulation:
%X o
cos = ; load +θ=90 Fig. 3.10. Voltage regulation curve of
18|D C M T - U N I T - 5
Wo sino
Vi I0 2
1 cos
Iw Activecomponent of current I0 cos 0
I Reactivecomponent of current I 0 sin 0
During the open circuit test transformer efficiency is zero, because the input of
the transformer becomes iron losses.
The purpose of the OC test is to calculate iron losses and load parameters R0,
R0 X0
During the OC test neglecting the Copper losses because very small amount of
current flowing in the transformer windings.
Note: why the OC test conducted on LV side by keeping the HV winding open
In order to accurate measures 5 to 10% of full load current during open circuit.
To get the rated flux, OC test requires rated voltage.
Hence in the low voltage winding the no load current is higher value, the rated
voltage is lesser value, that’s why OC test conducted on LV side rather than HV
2 Wsc V cos R
2. R = , Z = sc = 01
Wsc =IscR01 01 2 01 R01= Z2 -R2 sc
Isc Isc 01 01 Z01
18|D C M T - U N I T - 5
2 2
The accuracy of this transformer depends on identity of both transformers.
a1 is the turn ratio of the transformer A
a2 is the turn ratio of transformer B
ZA is the equivalent impedance of the transformer A referred to secondary
ZB is the equivalent impedance of the transformer B referred to secondary
ZL is the load impedance across the secondary
IA is the current supplied to the load by the secondary of the transformer A
IB is the current supplied to the load by the secondary of the transformer B
VL is the secondary load voltage
IL is the load current
Applying Kirchhoff’s Current Law,
Now putting the value of IB from the equation (1) in equation (3) we will get,
20|D C M T - U N I T - 5
The current IA and IB have two components. The first component represents the
transformers share of the load currents and the second component is a circulating current in
the secondary windings of the single-phase transformer.
The undesirable effects of the circulating currents are as follows
They increase the copper loss.
The circulating current overloads the one transformer and reduce the permissible
load kVA.
The current in the equations (7) and (8) is changed into volt-amperes by multiplying the
two equations by the common load voltage VL.
Therefore, we know that,
The total load in volt-ampere (VA) is
21|D C M T - U N I T - 5
Equation (13) tells that the volt-ampere load on each single-phase transformer is inversely
proportional to its impedance.
Hence, to share the load in proportion to their ratings, the transformers should have the
impedance which is inversely proportional to their ratings.
22|D C M T - U N I T - 5
If V1 voltage is applied across the winding i.e. in between ′A′ and ′C′.
Hence, the voltage across the portion BC of the winding, will be,
21|D C M T - U N I T - 5
Hence, total weight of copper in the winding of auto transformer proportional to,
In similar way it can be proved, the weight of copper in two winding transformer is
proportional to,
N1I1 + N2I2
⇒ 2N1I1 (Since, in a transformer N1I1 = N2I2)
Let’s assume, Wa and Wtw are weight of copper in auto transformer and two winding
transformer respectively,
Auto transformer employs only single winding per phase as against two distinctly separate
windings in a conventional transformer.
Advantages of using Auto Transformers
The advantages of an auto transformer include:
1. For transformation ratio = 2, the size of the auto transformer would be approximately 50%
of the corresponding size of two winding transformer. For transformation ratio say 20
however the size would be 95 %. The saving in cost of the material is of coursenot in
the same proportion. The saving of cost is appreciable when the ratio of
transformer is low, that is lower than 2. Thus auto transformer is smaller in size and
2. An auto transformer has higher efficiency than two winding transformer. This is
because of less ohmic loss and core loss due to reduction of transformer material.
3. Auto transformer has better voltage regulation as voltage drop in resistance and reactance of the
single winding is less.
22|D C M T - U N I T - 5
Disadvantages of Using Auto Transformer
The disadvantages of an auto transformer include:
1. Because of electrical conductivity of the primary and secondary windings the lower
voltage circuit is liable to be impressed upon by higher voltage. To avoid
breakdown in the lower voltage circuit, it becomes necessary to design the low
voltage circuit to withstand higher voltage.
2. The leakage flux between the primary and secondary windings is small and hence the
impedance is low. This results into severer short circuit currents under fault conditions.
3. The connections on primary and secondary sides have necessarily needs to be
same, except when using interconnected starring connections. This introduces
complications due to changing primary and secondary phase angle particularly in
the case of delta/delta connection.
4. Because of common neutral in a star/star connected auto transformer it is not
possible to earth neutral of one side only. Both their sides should have their neutrality
either earth or isolated.
5. It is more difficult to maintain the electromagnetic balance of the winding when
voltage adjustment tappings are provided. It should be known that the provision of
tapping on an auto transformer increases considerably the frame size of the
transformer . If the range of tapping is very large, the advantages gained in initial cost is
lost to a great event.
Applications of Auto Transformers
The applications of an auto transformer include:
1. Compensating voltage drops by boosting supply voltage in distribution systems.
2. Auto transformers with a number of tapping are used for starting induction and
synchronous motors.
3. Auto transformer is used as variac in laboratory or where continuous variable over
broad ranges are required.
Basis For
Autortransformer Conventional transformer
23|D C M T - U N I T - 5
24|D C M T - U N I T - 5
Basis For
Autortransformer Conventional transformer
25|D C M T - U N I T - 5
15. The output voltage of the secondary transformer varies when the sliding contacts
are used in the secondary winding whereas the output voltage of the
conventional transformer always remains constant.
16. The autotransformer is used as a voltage regulator, in the laboratory, in the
railway stations, as a stator in an induction motor, etc., whereas the conventional
transformer is used to step-up and step-down the voltage in the power grid.
Similarities: The autotransformer and the conventional transformer both work on the principle of
electromagnetic induction. They used copper conductor for making the windings. The
cores of both the transformers are made up of CRGO steel. The primary and the
secondary of both the transforms are magnetically connected to each other.
1. The open circuit test in a transformer is used to measure
a) Copper loss
b) Winding loss
c) Total loss
d) Core loss
2. The leakage flux in a transformer depends upon the value of
a) Frequency
b) Mutual Flux
c) Load current
d) Applied Voltage
3. Lamination of transformer core is made of
a) Cast Iron
b) Silicon Steel
c) Aluminium
d) Cast Steel
26|D C M T - U N I T - 5
b) reduce hysteresis & eddy current loss
c) minimize eddy current loss
d) Copper loss
27|D C M T - U N I T - 5
15. For a linear B-H relationship, which option is correct?
a) The exciting current is equal to core loss current
b) The exciting current is equal to magnetizing current
c) The exciting current is equal to de-magnetizing current
d) The exciting current is equal to cross-magnetizing current
16. A transformer transforms
a) voltage b) current c) power d) frequency
17. In a given transformer for given applied voltage, which of the following losses
remain constant irrespective of load changes?
a) Friction and windage losses
b) Copper losses
c) Hysteresis and eddy current losses
d) Cannot be determined
18. Variations in a hysteresis loss in a transformer (Bmax)
a) Bmax
b) Bmax1.6
c) Bmax3.83
d) Bmax/2
19. The full-load copper loss is 1600 W. At half-load, the copper loss will be
a) 6400 W
b) 1600 W
c) 800 W
d) 400 W
20. If the supply frequency to the transformer is increased, the iron loss will
a) Not change
b) Decrease
c) Increase
d) Cannot be determined
10. Assignments
S.No Question BL CO
Explain the constructional details and types of single-phase
1 2 5
What are the conditions required for the parallel operation of
2 2 5
two transformers?
Explain the procedure to conduct back to back test on two
3 2 5
identical single-phase transformers.
4 Explain the principle of operation of an Auto transformer in detail. 2 5
Explain the procedure for conducting OC and SC tests with neat
5 3 5
Explain the principle of operation of a single-phase transformer
6 when it supplies lagging power factor load. Draw the phasor 3 5
diagram under this condition.
28|D C M T - U N I T - 5
29|D C M T - U N I T - 5
alternating flux there is a mutually induced emf produced in the
second coil. If the second coil is closed, current flows in it and
so electric energy is transferred magnetically from the first coil
to the second coil.
7 Why are breathers used in transformers?
Breathers are used to entrap the atmospheric moisture and
thereby not allowing it to pass on to the transformer oil. Also to
permit the oil inside the tank to expand and contract as its
temperature increases and decreases. Also to avoid sledging
2 5
of oil i.e. decomposition of oil. Addition of 8 parts of water in
1000000 reduces the insulations quantity of oil. Normally silica
gel is filled in the breather having pink color. This color will be
changed to white due to continuous use, which is an indication
of bad silica gel, it is normally heated and reused.
8 A 1100/400 V, 50 Hz single phase transformer has 100 turns on
the secondary winding. Calculate the number of turns on its
We know V1 / V2 = k = N2 / N1 2 5
Substituting 400/1100 = 100/N1
N1 = 100/400 x 1100
= 275 turns.
30|D C M T - U N I T - 5
12. Part B- Questions
S.No Question BL CO
1 (a) Explain the procedure for conducting OC and SC tests with 3 5
neat diagrams.
(b) A 20 kVA, 2500/250 V, 50 Hz, Single phase transformer
gave the following test results:
OC test (LV side): 250 V, 1.6 A, 110 W;
SC test (HV side): 90 V, 7 A, 300 W.
Compute the parameters of the approximate equivalent
circuit referred to LV side.
2 Explain the principle of operation of a single-phase transformer 2 5
when it supplies lagging power factor load. Draw the phasor
diagram under this condition.
3 (a) What are the conditions required for the parallel operation 2 5
of two transformers?
(b) A 300 kVA, 11000/440 V, single phase, 50 Hz transformer gave
the following test results. Open circuit test on LV side a normal
voltage and frequency, input 1300 W, 4amps; short circuit test
HV side with voltage 600 V, input 2800 W, 150 amps.Calculate
regulation for full load at 0.8 p.f lagging and what isthe p.f on
short circuit?
4 Explain the procedure to conduct back to back test on two 3 5
identical single-phase transformers.
5 Explain the principle of operation of an Auto transformer in 2 5
6 a) Derive an emf equation of a single phase transformer. 2 5
b) A transformer with an output voltage of 4000V is supplied at
220V. If the secondary has 2000 turns, calculate the no. of
primary turns.
31|D C M T - U N I T - 5
Three Phase Transformers
1. Course Objectives
The objectives of this course is to
1. The constructional features of DC machines and different types of windings
employed in DC machines.
2. Characteristics of generators and parallel operation of generators.
3. Methods for speed control of DC motors and application of DC machines.
4. The Constructional Features of transformers, Predetermination of regulation and
efficiency of transformers.
5. Various tests on single phase and three phase transformers and parallel operation
of transformers.
2. Prerequisites
Students should have knowledge on
1. Engineering Physics
2. Basic Electrical Circuits
3. Syllabus
Three Phase Transformers
Three-phase transformer – construction, types of connection and their
comparative features, Phase conversion - Scott connection, Tap-changing
transformers - No-load and on-load tap- changing of transformers, Three-
winding transformers- Cooling of transformers.
4. Course outcomes
1. Apply the knowledge of magnetic material properties and fundamentals of
energy conversion principles.
2. Identify the working principle of Dc machines & Transformers with mechanism
and various operations performed
3. Illustrate the characteristics of various DC machines & Transformers with various
operational conditions to determine efficiency & regulation.
4. Evaluate the performance & losses of Machines with help of various testing
methods like OCC, speed control and OC & SC test.
5. Explain&analyse the parallel operation of DC machines & Transformers, Scott
connections and phase conversions of transformers.
1|D C M T - U N I T - 5
5. Lecture Notes
Three-Phase Transformer Construction
A three phase transformer is used to transfer a large amount of power. The three phase
transformer is required to step-up and step-down the voltages at various stages of a
power system network. The three phase transformer is constructed in two ways. 1. Three
separate single phase transformer is suitably connected for three phase operation. 2. A
single three-phase transformer in which the cores and windings for all the three phases are
merged into a single structure. The three single-phase transformers can be used as a three-
phase transformer when their primary and secondary winding are connected to each
other. The three phase transformer supply has many advantages as compared to three
single phase units like it requires very less space and also very lighter smaller and cheaper
in size.
The three phase transformer is mainly classified into two types, i.e., the core type
transformer and the shell type transformer.
1.2 Construction Core Type Three Phase Transformer Consider a three single phase core
type transformer positioned at 120° to each other as shown in the figure below. If the
balanced three-phase sinusoidal voltages are applied to the windings, the fluxes φa, φb
and φc will also be sinusoidal and balanced. If the three legs carrying these fluxes are
combined, the total flux in the merged leg becomes zero. This leg can, therefore, be
removed because it carries the no flux. This structure is not convenient for the core. The
core of the three phase transformer is usually made up of three limbs in the same plane.
2|D C M T - U N I T - 5
This can be built using stack lamination. The each leg of this core carries the low voltage
and high voltage winding. The low voltage windings are insulated from the core than the
high voltage windings.
The low windings are placed next to the core with suitable insulation between the core
and the low voltage windings. The high voltage windings are placed over the low voltage
windings with suitable insulation between them. The magnetic paths of the leg a and c
are greater than that of leg b, the construction is not symmetrical, and there is a resultant
imbalance in the magnetizing current.
Shell type Three Phase Transformer The shell type 3-phase transformer can be constructed
by stacking three single phase shell transformer as shown in the figure below. The winding
direction of the central unit b is made opposite to that of units a and c. If the system is
balanced with phase sequence a-b-c, the flux will also be balanced The magnitude of this
combined flux is equal to the magnitude of each of its components. The cross section
area of the combined yoke is same as that of the outer leg and top and bottom section
of the yoke. The imbalance in the magnetic path has very little effect on the performance
of the three shell-type transformers. The windings of the shell type three phase transformer
are either connected in delta or star as desired.
3|D C M T - U N I T - 5
The choice of connection of three phase transformer depends on the various factors
likes the availability of a neutral connection for grounding protection or load
connections, insulation to ground and voltage stress, availability of a path for the flow of
third harmonics, etc. The various types of connections are explained below in details.
1.4.1. Delta-Delta (Δ -Δ) Connection
The delta-delta connection of three identical single phase transformer is shown in the
figure below. The secondary winding a1a2 is corresponding to the primary winding
A1A2, and they have the same polarity. The polarity of the terminal a connecting a1
and c2 is same as that connecting A1 and C2. The figure below shows the phasor
diagram for lagging power factor cosφ.
4|D C M T - U N I T - 5
The magnetizing current and voltage drops in impedances have been neglected.
Under the balanced condition, the line current is √3 times the phase winding current. In
this configuration, the corresponding line and phase voltage are identical in magnitude on
both primary and secondary sides.
The secondary line-to-line voltage is in phase with the primary line-to-line voltage with a
voltage ratio equal to the turns ratio.
If the connection of the phase windings is reversed on either side, the phase difference of
180° is obtained between the primary and the secondary system. Such a connection is
known as an 180º connection.
The delta-delta connection with 180º phase shift is shown in the figure below. The
Phasor diagram of a three phase transformer shown that the secondary voltage is in
phase opposition with the primary voltage.
5|D C M T - U N I T - 5
The delta-delta transformer has no phase shift associated with it and problems with
unbalanced loads or harmonics.
Advantages of delta–delta connection of transformer
The following are the advantages of the delta-delta configuration of transformers.
1. The delta-delta transformer is satisfactory for a balanced and unbalanced load.
2. If one transformer fails, the remaining two transformers will continue to supply the
three-phase power. This is called an open delta connection.
3. If third harmonics present, then it circulates in a closed path and therefore does
not appear in the output voltage wave.
The only disadvantage of the delta-delta connection is that there is no neutral. This
connection is useful when neither primary nor secondary requires a neutral andthe
voltage are low and moderate.
6|D C M T - U N I T - 5
The phase current is equal to the line current, and they are in phase. The line voltage
is three times the phase voltage. There is a phase separation of 30º betweenthe line
and phase voltage. The 180º phase shift between the primary and secondary of the
transformer is shown in the figure above.
Problems Associated With Star-Star Connection
The star-star connection has two very serious problems. They are
1. The Y-Y connection is not satisfactory for the unbalance load in the absence of
a neutral connection. If the neutral is not provided, then the phase voltages become
severely unbalance when the load is unbalanced.
2. The Y-Y connection contains a third harmonics, and in balanced conditions, these
harmonics are equal in magnitude and phase with the magnetizing current. Their sum at
the neutral of star connection is not zero, and hence it will distort the flux wave which will
produce a voltage having a harmonics in each of the transformers
The unbalanced and third harmonics problems of Y-Y connection can be solved by
using the solid ground of neutral and by providing tertiary windings.
3. Delta-Star (Δ -Υ) Connection
The ∆-Y connection of the three winding transformer is shown in the figure below. The
primary line voltage is equal to the secondary phase voltage. The relation between the
secondary voltages is VLS= √3 VPS.
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By reversing the connection on either side, the secondary system voltage can be made
to lag the primary system by 30°. Thus, the connection is called -30° connection.
4. Star-Delta (Υ -Δ) Connection
The star-delta connection of three phase transformer is shown in the figure above. The
primary line voltage is √3 times the primary phase voltage. The secondary line voltage is
equal to the secondary phase voltage. The voltage ratio of each phase is
Therefore line-to-line voltage ratio of Y-∆ connection is
The Phasor diagram of the configuration is shown in the figure above. There is a phase
shift of
30 lead exists between respective phase voltages. Similarly, 30° leads exist between
11|D C M T - U N I T - 5
respective phase voltages. Thus the connection is called +30 º connections.
The phase shows the star-delta connection of transformer for a phase shift of 30° lag. This
connection is called – 30° connection. This connection has no problem with the
unbalanced load and thirds harmonics. The delta connection provided balancedphase
on the Y side and provided a balanced path for the circulation of third harmonics without
the use of the neutral wire.
Let ,
Where Vp is the magnitude of the line on the primary side.
12|D C M T - U N I T - 5
The Vca is equal in magnitude from the secondary terminal voltage and 120º apart in
time from both of them. The balanced three phase line voltage produced balanced 3-
phase voltage on the secondary side.
If the three transformers are connected in delta-delta configuration and are supplying
rated load and if the connection becomes V-V transformer, the current in each phase
winding is increased by √3 times. The full line current flows in each of the two phase
windings of the transformer. Thus the each transformer in the V-V system is overloaded
by 73.2%.
It should be noticed that the load should be reduced by √3 times in case of an open
connected transformer. Otherwise, serious overheating and breakdown of the two
transformers may take place.
1.5 Scott-T Transformer Connection
Definition: The Scott-T Connection is the method of connecting two single phase
transformer to perform the 3-phase to 2-phase conversion and vice-versa. The two
transformers are connected electrically but not magnetically. One of the transformers is
called the main transformer, and the other is called the auxiliary or teaser transformer.
The figure below shows the Scott-T transformer connection. The main transformer is
centre tapped at D and is connected to the line B and C of the 3-phase side. It has
13|D C M T - U N I T - 5
primary BC and secondary a1a2. The teaser transformer is connected to the line terminal
A and the centre tapping
D. It has primary AD and the secondary b1b2
The identical, interchangeable transformers are used for Scott-T connection in which
each transformer has a primary winding of Tp turns and is provided with tapping at
0.289Tp , 0.5Tpand 0.866 Tp.
The D divides the primary BC of the main transformers into two halves and hence the
number of turns in portion BD = the number of turns in portion DC = Tp/2.The voltage VBD
and VDC are equal, and they are in phase with VBC.
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The teaser transformer has the primary voltage rating that is √3/2 or 0.866 of the voltage
ratings of the main transformer. Voltage VAD is applied to the primary of the teaser
transformer and therefore the secondary of the voltage V2t of the teaser transformer
will lead the secondary terminal voltage V2m of the main transformer by 90º as shown in
the figure below.
For keeping the voltage per turn same in the primary of the main transformer and the
primary of the teaser transformer, the number of turns in the primary of the teaser
transformer should be equal to √3/2Tp.
Thus, the secondary of both transformers should have equal voltage ratings. The V2t
and V2m are equal in magnitude and 90º apart in time; they result in the balanced 2-
phase system.
Position of Neutral Point N
The primary of the two transformers may have a four wire connection to a 3-phase
supply if the tapping N is provided on the primary of the teaser transformer such that
The voltage across AN = VAN = phase voltage = Vl/√3.
Since the voltage across the portion AD.
15|D C M T - U N I T - 5
The voltage across the portion ND
The same voltage turn in portion AN, ND and AD are shown by the equations,
The equation above shows that the neutral point N divides the primary of the teaser
transformer in ratio.
AN : ND = 2 : 1
Applications of Scott Connection
The following are the applications of the Scott-T connection.
1. The Scott-T connection is used in an electric furnace installation where it is desired
to operate two single-phase together and draw the balanced load from the three-
phase supply.
2. It is used to supply the single phase loads such as electric train which are so
scheduled as to keep the load on the three phase system as nearly as possible.
3. The Scott-T connection is used to link a 3-phase system with a two–phase system with
the flow of power in either direction.
The Scott-T connection permits conversions of a 3-phase system to a two-phase system
and vice versa. But since 2-phase generators are not available, the converters from two
phases to three phases are not used in practice.
1.6 Tap changing in Transformers
It is a normal fact that increase in load lead to decrease in the supply voltage. Hence the
voltage supplied by the transformer to the load must be maintained within the prescribed
limits. This can be done by changing the transformer turns ratio.
The taps are leads or connections provided at various points on the winding. The turns
ratio differ from one tap to another and hence different voltages can be obtained at
each tap.
2. Adjustment of voltage based on change in load.
Types of taps
Taps may be principal, positive or negative. Principal tap is one at which rated secondary
voltage can be obtained for the rated primary voltage. As the name states positive and
negative taps are those at which secondary voltage is more or less than the principle tap.
Taps are provided at the HV windings of the transformer because of the following reasons.
1. The number of turns in the High voltage winging is large and hence a fine voltage
variation can be obtained.
2. The current on the low voltage winding of large transformers are high. Therefore
interruption of high currents is a difficult task.
3. LV winding is placed nearer to the core and HV winding is placed outside. Therefore
providing taps on the HV winding is comparatively easier than that of the LV winding.
Location of Taps
The taps can be provided at the phase ends, at the neutral point, or in the middle of the
winding. The number of bushing insulators can be reduced by providing taps at the phase
ends. When the taps are provided at the neutral point the insulation between various parts
will be reduced. This arrangement is economical particularly important for the large
Tap changing causes change in leakage reactance, core loss, copper loss and perhaps
some problems in the parallel operation of dissimilar transformer. There are two methods of
tap changing.
operate the circuit breakers and de-energize the transformer as soon as the tap changer
handle is moved.
2. On load tap changing
On load tap changers are used to change the turns ratio without disconnecting the load
from it. Tap changing can be done even when the transformer is delivering load. On load
tap changers considerable increases the efficiency of the system. Nowadays almost all
the large power transformers are provided with on load tap changers. The reason for
providing On load tap changer in power transformers are1. During the operation of on
load tap changers the main circuit remains unaffected.2. Dangerous sparking is
prevented. The taps on the windings are brought to a separate oil filled compartment in
which the on load tap changer switch is housed. The tap changer is a form of mechanical
selector switch which is operated by a motor by local or remote control.
A handle fitted for manual operation in case of emergency. The selector switch is a form
of make before break switch and during the transition of the tap changers from one tap
to another; momentary connection must be made between the adjacent taps. This results in
short circuit between the adjacent taps. The short circuit current must be limited by
including resistor or reactor. Hence all forms of on load tap changer are provided with an
impedance to limit short circuit current during tap changing operation. The impedance
may be resistance or a center tapped reactance. In modern designs it is invariably carried
out by a pair of resistors.
Consider a high speed resistor type on load tap changers provided at neutral end of each
phase as shown. The load is now supplied from the tap 1. The selector switches 1 and 2 are
in contact with the taps 1 and 2. Now to switch over to the tap 2, the selector switch
follows the following steps:
2. The external mechanism moves the diverter switch S3 from b, now load is supplied from
contact a through resistor R1.
3. When diverters switch moves further it closes the contact d and both R1 and R2 are
connected across taps 1 and 2 and the load current flows through these resistances to its
mid point.
4. When S3 moves further to the left, contact a is opened and the load current flows from
tap 2 through resistor R2 and d.
18|D C M T - U N I T - 5
5. Finally the contact reaches the contact c and resistor R 2 is short circuited. The load
current flows from tap 2 through contact c.
Now to change the tap from 2 to 3, the selector switch S1 is first moved to tap 3 and the
above steps are reverse. In order to limit the power loss it is necessary that the transformers
are kept in the circuit for as minimum time as possible.
More compact tap changers with high reliability and performance are being made by
employing vacuum switches in the diverter switch.
The most significant advantage of the third winding is are that the harmonic
generated by the primary and secondary winding extinguish by the third winding. The
third winding is connected in delta.
The voltage of the tertiary winding differs than the primary and secondary winding.
Thus, it is used for supplying the power to the auxiliary appliances like the fan, tube
19|D C M T - U N I T - 5
light, etc. of the substations. The tertiary winding is used for following applications.
• The reactive power is supplied to the substations with the help of the tertiary winding.
• The tertiary winding reduces the impedance of the circuit so that the fault current
easily passes to the ground.
• It is used for testing the high rating transformer.
Equivalent Circuit of a Three Winding Transformer
The equivalent circuit diagram of the three-phase transformer is shown in the
figure. Consider the R1, R2 and R3 are the resistance and the X1, X2 and X3 are the
impedance of their windings.
The V1, V2, V3 are the voltages and the I1, I2, I3 are current flows through their
windings. Determination of Parameters of Three-Winding Transformers
The parameters of the equivalent circuit can be determined from the open circuit
and the three short-circuit tests.
Short Circuit Test
Consider the Z1, Z2 and Z3 are the impedances of the three winding transformers.
These impedances are considered as the base for performing the short circuit test. For
the short-circuit test, the two winding is short circuit and the third winding is kept open.
In the first step, consider the winding 1 and 2 are short-circuited. The low voltage
winding is applied to the winding 1 due to which the full load current flows through
the winding 2. The Z12 indicates the impedance of winding 1 and 2 and it measuredas
Equivalent resistance,
20|D C M T - U N I T - 5
In the second step, the third winding is short-circuited with the second winding and the
first winding is kept open. The low voltage source is applied across the third winding so
that the full load current flows through the second winding. The Z 23 represents the
impedance of the winding 2 and 3 and the below equation expresses it
In the third step, the second winding is opened and first and third winding are short-
circuited. The low voltage is supplied to the third winding, and full load current flows
through the first windings. The Z13 is the impedance of the first and third winding.
Solving equation (1), (2) and (3) we get the leakage impedance Z1, Z2 and Z3all referred
21|D C M T - U N I T - 5
Open-Circuit Test
The open circuit test is carried out to determine the core loss, magnetizing
impedance and turn ratios. In open circuit test the voltmeter, ammeter and
wattmeter are connected in low voltage winding. The secondary side is kept open,
and the voltmeter is connected.
Since the high voltage side is opened the current drawn by the primary is no load
current and I0 measured by the ammeter A. The magnetizing impedance may
be found by exciting current winding 1 with both winding 2 and 3 be open circuit.
Then we have,
22|D C M T - U N I T - 5
1.10 Cooling Methods Of A Transformer
No transformer is truly an 'ideal transformer' and hence each will incur some losses, most of
which get converted into heat. If this heat is not dissipated properly, the excess
temperature in transformer may cause serious problems like insulation failure. It is obvious
that transformer needs a cooling system. Transformers can be divided in two types as (i)
dry type transformers and (ii) oil immersed transformers. Different cooling methods of
transformers are -
Air Blast
For transformers rated more than 3 MVA, cooling by natural air method is inadequate. In
this method, air is forced on the core and windings with the help of fans or blowers. The air
supply must be filtered to prevent the accumulation of dust particles in ventilation ducts.
This method can be used for transformers upto 15 MVA.
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This method is used for oil immersed transformers. In this method, the heat generated in
the core and winding is transferred to the oil. According to the principle of convection, the
heated oil flows in the upward direction and then in the radiator. The vacant place is filled
up by cooled oil from the radiator. The heat from the oil will dissipate in the atmosphere
due to the natural air flow around the transformer. In this way, the oil in transformer keeps
circulating due to natural convection and dissipating heat in atmosphere due to natural
conduction. This method can be used for transformers upto about 30 MVA.
The heat dissipation can be improved further by applying forced air on the dissipating
surface. Forced air provides faster heat dissipation than natural air flow. In this method,
fans are mounted near the radiator and may be provided with an automatic starting
arrangement, which turns on when temperature increases beyond certain value. This
transformer cooling method is generally used for large transformers upto about 60 MVA.
24|D C M T - U N I T - 5
1. When does star/star transformers work satisfactorily?
a) Load is unbalanced only
b) Load is balanced only
c) On balanced as well as unbalanced loads
d) Independent of load type
2. Scott connection is used
a) true
b) false
4. The tapping in the transformer are always provided in the low voltage side
a) true
b) false
25|D C M T - U N I T - 5
5. Under balanced load conditions, main transformer rating in the Scott connection is
6. If K is the transformation ratio of main transformer in the Scott connection then the
transformation ratio of the teaser will be
a) K/√3
b) √(3/2K)
c) 2K/√3
d) √(K/2)
S.No Question BL CO
With neat sketch, explain the construction and working principle
1 2 5
of 3-Phase Transformer
2 Explain the phase connection 2 5
Draw the scott connection of transformer and mark the
3 2 5
terminals and turns ratio
Explain the operation of no load and on load tap changing
4 2 5
5 Explain briefly about the cooling transformer methods 3 5
6 Explain the types of three phase transformer 3 5
2 What advantage has the star connection over the delta-
Each star-connected transformer is wound for only 57.7% of line 1 5
voltage .In Hv Transmission this admits of much smaller
transformers being built for high voltage than possible with the
delta connection because of less insulation
3 What advantage is obtained with delta-connection?
When three transformers are connected in delta ,one may be
removed and the two remaining units will carry 57.7% of the 1 5
original three phase load and thus maintain the continuity of
4 What is the angle by which no-load current will lag the ideal
applied voltage?
In an ideal transformer, there are no copper & core loss i.e.
loss free core. The no load current is only magnetizing current
1 5
therefore the no load current lags behind by angle 900.
However the winding possess resistance and leakage
reactance and therefore the no load current lags the
applied voltage slightly less than 900.
5 List the arrangement of stepped core arrangement in a
1. To reduce the space effectively 1 5
2. To obtain reduce length of mean turn of the winding
3. To reduce I2R loss.
6 Does the transformer draw any current when secondary is
open? Why?
Yes, it (primary) will draw the current from the main supply in
order to magnetize the core and to supply iron and copper 1 5
losses on no load. There will not be any current in the
secondary since secondary is open.
27|D C M T - U N I T - 5
12. Part B- Questions
S.No Question BL CO
1 Explaintheconstructionaldetailsof 3 - p h a se tr a n sf or m er, 1 5
with diagr ams
2 Draw the physical connection and Phasor diagrams of 2 5
the following transformer connections
3 Draw the scott connection of transformer and mark the 2 5
terminals and turns ratio
4 A 300 kVA, 11000/440 V, three phase, 50 Hz transformer 3 5
gave the following test results. Open circuit test on LV side a
normal voltage and frequency, input 1300 W, 4amps; short
circuit test HV side with voltage 600 V, input 2800 W, 150
amps. Calculate regulation for full load at 0.8 p.f lagging and
what is the p.f on short circuit?
5 Why are the tap-changing transformers required? 2 5
6 Explain the operation of no load and on load tap changing 2 5
7 Explain the star-delta connection? with d i a g ra m s 3 5
8 Determine the number of turns per phase in each winding of a 3 5
3-phase transformer with ratio of 20000/2000v to work on a 50HZ
network the HV winding is delta connected and the lowvoltage
winding is star connected .each core has a net section
of 504 cm2 assume the flux density of 1.2 wb/m2
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