This document outlines the course objectives, content, and outcomes for a basic electrical and electronics engineering course. The course aims to impart knowledge of electrical concepts, analyze circuits, and explain machines. It covers topics like DC circuits, AC circuits, DC machines, AC machines, semiconductor devices, and transistors over 6 units. Students will learn circuit analysis techniques and the working principles of electrical machines and devices. The course intends for students to understand the impact of technology and importance of electronics in modern applications.
This document outlines the course objectives, content, and outcomes for a basic electrical and electronics engineering course. The course aims to impart knowledge of electrical concepts, analyze circuits, and explain machines. It covers topics like DC circuits, AC circuits, DC machines, AC machines, semiconductor devices, and transistors over 6 units. Students will learn circuit analysis techniques and the working principles of electrical machines and devices. The course intends for students to understand the impact of technology and importance of electronics in modern applications.
This document outlines the course objectives, content, and outcomes for a basic electrical and electronics engineering course. The course aims to impart knowledge of electrical concepts, analyze circuits, and explain machines. It covers topics like DC circuits, AC circuits, DC machines, AC machines, semiconductor devices, and transistors over 6 units. Students will learn circuit analysis techniques and the working principles of electrical machines and devices. The course intends for students to understand the impact of technology and importance of electronics in modern applications.
This document outlines the course objectives, content, and outcomes for a basic electrical and electronics engineering course. The course aims to impart knowledge of electrical concepts, analyze circuits, and explain machines. It covers topics like DC circuits, AC circuits, DC machines, AC machines, semiconductor devices, and transistors over 6 units. Students will learn circuit analysis techniques and the working principles of electrical machines and devices. The course intends for students to understand the impact of technology and importance of electronics in modern applications.
Electronics Engineering Course Learning Objectives 1. Impart a basic knowledge of electrical quantities such as current, voltage, power, energy and frequency to understand the impact of technology. 2. Provide knowledge for the analysis of basic DC and AC circuits used in electrical and electronic devices. 3. To explain the working principle, construction, applications of DC machines, AC machines. 4. Realize the importance of electronic devices in the present technology. Course content Unit-I (10 Contact hours) DC Circuits Introduction, Basic definitions, Types of elements, Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s Laws, Series, Parallel circuits, Star-delta and delta-star transformations, equivalent resistance calculation, Mesh and Nodal analysis, superposition theorem, thevenin’s theorem and maximum power transfer theorem. Unit-II (7Contact Hours)AC Circuits Single-phase: Inductive circuits, capacitive circuits, series RL, RC and RLC circuits, resonance Three-phase: star connection and delta connection. Unit-III (7 Contact Hours) DC machines Generator: Principle of operation of DC Generator, EMF equation, types, applications Motor: DC motor types, torque equation, applications, three point starter. UNIT-IV (7 Contact Hours) AC machines Transformers: Principle of operation of single phase transformers, EMF equation, losses, efficiency and regulation. Induction machine: Principle of operation of induction motor, slip-torque characteristics, applications. UNIT-V (7 Contact Hours) Semiconductor Devices Diode: types of semiconductors, P-N junction diode, V-I Characteristics, zener diode, Diode Applications. Rectifiers: Half wave, Full wave and Bridge rectifiers. UNIT-VI (7 Contact Hours) Transistors PNP and NPN Junction transistor, Transistor configurations, Transistor as an amplifier Learning Resources: Textbooks: 1. Kothari and Nagarath ‘Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering’, 2 nd edition, TMH Publications. Reference books 1. V.K.Mehta, S.Chand& Co ‘Principles of Electrical and Electronics Engineering’. 2. Kothari and Nagarath, ‘Basic Electrical Engineering’, 2nd Edition, TMH Publications. Web Resources 1. Prof T S Natarajan, NPTEL-IIT Madras, 'Basic Electronics' URL: 2. Prof U Umanand, IISC Bangalore, 'Basic Electrical Technology'. URL: 3. Prof S Aniruddhan, IIT Madras, 'Basic Electrical Circuits'. URL: Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the studen