This document contains rubrics for assessing students in the first semester of the 2023/2024 academic year for the subjects of English and a project in the first grade.
For English, students will be assessed on their ability to name classroom objects, answer questions about objects, respond to yes/no questions, pronunciation of vocabulary, and fluency of speech.
For the project, students will be assessed on independence in completing the project, accuracy of grouping classroom items, and neatness and cleanliness which includes cutting out images neatly, pasting images neatly, cleaning up trash, neat writing, and including their identity.
The final score is calculated by dividing the total score earned by the maximum possible score and
This document contains rubrics for assessing students in the first semester of the 2023/2024 academic year for the subjects of English and a project in the first grade.
For English, students will be assessed on their ability to name classroom objects, answer questions about objects, respond to yes/no questions, pronunciation of vocabulary, and fluency of speech.
For the project, students will be assessed on independence in completing the project, accuracy of grouping classroom items, and neatness and cleanliness which includes cutting out images neatly, pasting images neatly, cleaning up trash, neat writing, and including their identity.
The final score is calculated by dividing the total score earned by the maximum possible score and
This document contains rubrics for assessing students in the first semester of the 2023/2024 academic year for the subjects of English and a project in the first grade.
For English, students will be assessed on their ability to name classroom objects, answer questions about objects, respond to yes/no questions, pronunciation of vocabulary, and fluency of speech.
For the project, students will be assessed on independence in completing the project, accuracy of grouping classroom items, and neatness and cleanliness which includes cutting out images neatly, pasting images neatly, cleaning up trash, neat writing, and including their identity.
The final score is calculated by dividing the total score earned by the maximum possible score and
This document contains rubrics for assessing students in the first semester of the 2023/2024 academic year for the subjects of English and a project in the first grade.
For English, students will be assessed on their ability to name classroom objects, answer questions about objects, respond to yes/no questions, pronunciation of vocabulary, and fluency of speech.
For the project, students will be assessed on independence in completing the project, accuracy of grouping classroom items, and neatness and cleanliness which includes cutting out images neatly, pasting images neatly, cleaning up trash, neat writing, and including their identity.
The final score is calculated by dividing the total score earned by the maximum possible score and
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Rubrik Penilaian Tengah Semester 1
Mata Pelajaran English Kelas 1
Tahun Ajaran 2023/2024
No Aspek Yang Dinilai Skor
4 3 2 1 1 Menyebutkan classroom Mampu menyebutkan classroom objects Mampu menyebutkan 5 (lima) Mampu menyebutkan 3 Belum mampu objects (pen, pencil, dengan lengkap dan lancar. classroom objects dengan lancar. classroom objects saja. menyebutkan ruler, pencil case, book, (pen, pencil, ruler, pencil case, book, rubber) classroom objects. rubber) 2 Menjawab pertanyaan Mampu menjawab pertanyaan dengan Mampu menjawab pertanyaan Mampu menjawab pertanyaan Belum mampu tentang classroom object lengkap dan lancar. dengan lancar. dengan bantuan guru. menjawab dengan pertanyaan (This/it is a……..) (This/it is a……..) pertanyaan. what’s this? 3 Merespons yes/no Mampu merespons yes/no questions dengan Mampu merespons yes/no Mampu merespons dengan Belum mampu questions. lengkap dan lancar questions dengan lancar bantuan guru. merespons. (Yes, it’s a …/ No, it’s not/isn’t) (Yes/ No) 4 Melafalkan kosakata Mampu melafalkan dengan benar dan lancar. Kadang-kadang melafalkan Melafalkan kosa kata secara Belum mampu kosakata yang tidak tepat. tidak tepat. melafalkan kosakata dengan benar. 5 Kelancaran Mampu berbicara dengan lancar dan percaya Mampu berbicara dengan lancar. Berbicara dengan jeda. Berbicara dengan diri. tidak lancar dan banyak jeda. Nilai akhir yaitu jumlah nilai yang diperoleh dibagi nilai maksimal dikali 100 Rubrik Penilaian Tengah Semester 1 Mata Pelajaran English Proyek Kelas 1 Tahun Ajaran 2023/2024
No Aspek Yang Dinilai Skor
5 4 3 2 1 1 Kemandirian Mampu menyelesaikan Mampu menyelesaikan Mampu menyelesaikan Mampu Tidak menyelesaikan proyek mandiri tanpa proyek dengan sedikit proyek dengan cukup menyelesaikan proyek proyek. bantuan guru. bantuan guru. banyak bantuan guru. dengan bantuan guru secara penuh. 2 Ketepatan Mampu Terdapat dua (2) Terdapat tiga (3) Terdapat empat (4) Terdapat banyak mengelompokkan benda- pengelompokkan yang pengelompokkan yang pengelompokkan yang ketidaktepatan dalam benda di dalam kelas tidak tepat. tidak tepat. tidak tepat. pengelompokkan dengan tepat. benda-benda di dalam kelas. 3 Kerapian dan kebersihan 1. Menggunting gambar Memenuhi 4 kriteria Memenuhi 3 kriteria Memenuhi 2 kriteria Memenuhi 1 kriteria dengan rapi 2. Menempelkan gambar dengan rapi 3. Membersihkan sampah 4. Tulisan rapi 5. Terdapat identitas diri Nilai akhir yaitu jumlah nilai yang diperoleh dibagi nilai maksimal dikali 100