This document contains a daily lesson log for an Arabic language class. It outlines the objectives, content, learning resources, procedures, and reflections for five sessions on spelling words correctly through dictation. The objectives are for students to spell words through dictation. Resources include textbooks and materials from an online learning portal. Procedures include reviewing past lessons, establishing the purpose, presenting examples through dictation, discussion, drills, and assessment. Reflections include the number of students who met objectives and needed remediation.
This document contains a daily lesson log for an Arabic language class. It outlines the objectives, content, learning resources, procedures, and reflections for five sessions on spelling words correctly through dictation. The objectives are for students to spell words through dictation. Resources include textbooks and materials from an online learning portal. Procedures include reviewing past lessons, establishing the purpose, presenting examples through dictation, discussion, drills, and assessment. Reflections include the number of students who met objectives and needed remediation.
Original Title
ARABIC LANGUAGE DLL Level 6 1st quarter WEEK 9.docx
This document contains a daily lesson log for an Arabic language class. It outlines the objectives, content, learning resources, procedures, and reflections for five sessions on spelling words correctly through dictation. The objectives are for students to spell words through dictation. Resources include textbooks and materials from an online learning portal. Procedures include reviewing past lessons, establishing the purpose, presenting examples through dictation, discussion, drills, and assessment. Reflections include the number of students who met objectives and needed remediation.
This document contains a daily lesson log for an Arabic language class. It outlines the objectives, content, learning resources, procedures, and reflections for five sessions on spelling words correctly through dictation. The objectives are for students to spell words through dictation. Resources include textbooks and materials from an online learning portal. Procedures include reviewing past lessons, establishing the purpose, presenting examples through dictation, discussion, drills, and assessment. Reflections include the number of students who met objectives and needed remediation.
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ARABIC LANGUAGE School Grade Level
Daily Lesson Log Teacher Learning Area
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter
Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5
I. OBJECTIVES Objectives must be met over the week A. Content Standards The learners can spell the words The learners can spell the words The learners can spell the words through dictation through dictation through dictation B. Performance Standards The learners applies correct The learners applies correct The learners applies correct spelling of the words through spelling of the words through spelling of the words through dictation dictation dictation C. Learning 1. Write words from 1. Write words from 1. Write words from Competencies/Objectives vocabularies learned in vocabularies learned in vocabularies Write the LC code for each correct spelling from correct spelling from learned in correct dictation dictation spelling from dictation II. CONTENT Writing correct spelling of words Writing correct spelling of words Writing correct spelling of words from dictation from dictation from dictation III. LEARNING RESOURCES A. References 1. Teacher’s Guide pages REMC pp.16-17 REMC pp.16-17 REMC pp.16-17 2. Learner’s Materials Arabic Language-6 pp.25 Arabic Language-6 pp.25 Arabic Language-6 pp.25 pages 3. Textbook pages 4. Additional Materials Chart and Pictures Chart and Pictures Chart and Pictures from Learning Resource (LR) portal B. Other Learning Resources IV. PROCEDURES A. Reviewing the Reading a story Reading a story Reading a story previous lesson or Ask motive question Ask motive question Ask motive question presenting the new lesson B. Establishing a purpose Do you know how to Do you know how to Do you know how to for the lesson spell the word correctly? spell the word correctly? spell the word correctly? C. Presenting the Spell some words Spell some words Spell some words examples/instances of learned from the learned from the learned from the the new lesson previous lesson through previous lesson through previous lesson through dictation dictation dictation D. Discussing new Present the previous Present the previous Present the previous concepts and stories then teacher stories then teacher stories then teacher practicing new skills picks some words from picks some words from picks some words from #1 those stories then those stories then those stories then dictate them to the dictate them to the dictate them to the students and spell them students and spell them students and spell them correctly correctly correctly E. Discussing new More drills on the topic More drills on the topic More drills on the topic concepts and to develop the skill in to develop the skill in to develop the skill in practicing new skills spelling spelling spelling #2 F. Developing mastery Enrichment activity by Enrichment activity by Enrichment activity by (Leads to Formative Assessment) filling in the missing filling in the missing filling in the missing letters of the word letters of the word letters of the word through dictation through dictation through dictation G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living H. Making generalizations How to spell the word How to spell the word How to spell the word and abstractions about correctly? correctly? correctly? the lesson Can you give some Can you give some Can you give some points? points? points? I. Evaluating learning Given 10 numbers from Given 10 numbers from Given 10 numbers from the story the teacher the story the teacher the story the teacher dictates, and let the dictates, and let the dictates, and let the students spell correctly. students spell correctly. students spell correctly. J. Additional activities for List all the words List all the words List all the words application or learned from the drills learned from the drills learned from the drills remediation given. Be sure to spell given. Be sure to spell given. Be sure to spell them correctly them correctly them correctly V. Remarks VI. Reflection A. No. of Learners who earned 80% on the formative assessment. B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation. C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson. D. No. Of learners who continue to require information E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?
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