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J ournal of
Addiction Science
Correspondence to:
Jochen Straub
Innsbruck University, Austria Many young men have noticed significant personal benefits from abstaining
Tel: +49 1515 6684743
from online pornography and masturbation which has resulted in a large online
movement. This study is a step toward quantitatively exploring these benefits in
Received: April 01, 2022 21 single men who underwent three weeks of pornography and masturbation
Accepted: May 09, 2022 abstinence. When comparing the abstinence group to a control group, we found
Published: May 11, 2020 significantly strong effects of reduced mental and physiological fatigue. Further-
Citation: Straub J, Schmidt C. 2022. A Period of more, medium effects were discovered in measures of increased wakefulness, ac-
Abstinence from Masturbation and Pornography tivity, inspiration, self-control, and reduced shyness. Participants who additionally
Leads to Lower Fatigue and Various Other abstained from sex showed even stronger effects in reduced mental and physio-
Benefits: A Quantitative Study. J Addict Sci 8(1):
logical fatigue. The effects found suggest energizing and performance-enhancing
potentials in a non-clinical group of single male subjects. These findings could be
Copyright: © 2022 Straub and Schmidt. This relevant to the treatment of a range of clinical symptoms including social anxiety,
is an Open Access article distributed under the
lethargy, and fatigue. A limited period of sexual abstinence might also increase
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
4.0 International License (CC-BY) (http:// personal, athletic, and professional performance. which
permits commercial use, including reproduction,
adaptation, and distribution of the article provided Keywords
the original author and source are credited.
Published by United Scientific Group Pornography, Masturbation, Sexual abstinence, Benefits, Well being
In the last decade, a large online movement has emerged dealing with ab-
stinence from pornography and masturbation (=OM; e.g.,;; The movement
is growing steadily (e.g., with 116,000 mem-
bers in 2014 [1] grew to 906,800 members by December 10th, 2021) and receiv-
ing increasing attention in mainstream media [2].
Within the OM, there are many anecdotal reports of significant benefits
through abstinence from pornography and masturbation (=APM). They encom-
pass mental health benefits, such as reduced depressiveness and shyness. Accord-
ing to the anecdotal reports, APM also has enlivening effects via reduced fatigue,
clearer thinking and increased motivation for different activities. Although a
qualitative study [3] has affirmed these benefits no other study has attempted to
verify these reports quantitatively. This study is a first step in quantitatively inves-
tigating the numerous anecdotal benefits from APM.
To date, there appears to be only one study [3] that has examined the bene-
fits of abstaining from pornography on psychological affect related to the previ-
ously described OM. Their qualitative analysis of OM diaries found that mood,
motivation, mental clarity, self-confidence, and productivity atal dopamine deficiencies experienced more mental fatigue.
had improved through APM. Another team of researchers, Other preclinical studies have shown that striatal impairment
Negash et al. [4], observed that abstinence from pornography (in primates) led to dysfunctional sleep-wake regulation by
led to greater valuation of larger postponed rewards compared reduced daytime arousal and increases the need for daytime
with smaller immediate rewards. In comparison, a control naps. Mesostriatal impairment has similarly been associated
group that abstained from favorite foods did not show these with dysfunctional regulation of mood and anxiety [19].
effects. Pornography abstinence also led to increased commit-
Schmidt et al. [20] published the first study assessing the
ment in romantic partnerships [5]. An endocrine study found
structural neural correlates of compulsive sexual behavior ( =
that three weeks of ejaculatory abstinence could increase tes-
CSB) with voxel-based morphometry. They examined struc-
tosterone release during masturbation [6].
tural neural differences between healthy and CSB subjects,
In clinical studies, positive effects of therapeutic fasting where CSB subjects exhibited increased left amygdala volume
have been observed that are similar to the benefits of “por- which is involved in motivational salience. Further, CSB sub-
nography and masturbation fasting” in the OM. For example, jects displayed reduced functional connectivity between the
dietary fasting was accompanied improved daytime concen- amygdala and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex compared
tration, sleep quality and emotional balance [7]. Another study with the control group. A reduction in this connection has
[8] found that dietary short-term fasting improves mood, been associated with impaired emotion regulation [21]. Fur-
pride and a sense of achievement. We found a study that in- thermore, malfunctional emotion regulation has been associ-
vestigated the positive effects of Ramadan fasting [9] which ated with depressed mood and shyness [22].
had strong similarities with our study in terms of sample size
Studies within meth-amphetamine use [23] have found
(N = 25), variables studied, and study period (in summer).
evidence that abstinence can help neurological reward struc-
Within the Ramadan group, researchers found positive effects
tures recover. The rate of recovery was negatively correlated
in terms of reduced fatigue and sleepiness and better mood.
with the dose and years of use humans [23]. Neurological re-
However, the improvements of the Ramadan group were not
search has identified similar mechanisms between sexual and
so pronounced as to be statistically significant compared to the
substance-induced rewards review [24]. Therefore, it is likely
control group.
that these processes are also relevant for sexual abstinence.
Neurological background
Psychological background
We hypothesize that neurological factors may play an im-
Higher pornography use could be associated with lower
portant role in explaining beneficial effects of APM. Internet
mental health (e.g., Depression [16]; Shyness [5]. A quali-
pornography contains additional arousal-promoting elements
tative analysis of 53 self-perceived problematic pornography
that can cause an even higher levels of arousal than partnered
users [26] found four key effects of use on mental health and
sex. Dopamine is strongly involved in sexual arousal and desire
well-being. Participants reported psychological problems such
and is elevated significantly during sexual activities [10]. In-
as social and general anxiety and depressive symptoms that
ternet pornography has been proposed as a “supernormal stim-
included isolation behaviors, anhedonia, and depressed mood.
ulus,” that is, an artificially enhanced and more stimulating
Another main theme was the inability to focus on complicated
version of a natural reward [11]. Internet pornography offers a
or lengthy tasks. The third sub-theme was decreased energy
nearly unlimited number of novel pornographic videos. Previ-
and motivation, often caused by lack of sleep due to pornog-
ous studies observed that novel explicit material increases and
raphy use. Finally, participants reported that their use nega-
retains sexual arousal [12] and can activate the dopaminer-
tively affected their self-esteem and was often accompanied
gic reward system additionally [13]. Novelty further increases
by feelings of guilt and shame. A study [27] researched the
arousal if it is combined with the anticipation of a reward [14].
relationship between pornography use, moral disapproval of
Surveys on the characteristics of consumption of sexually ex-
it, and sexual shame. They observed that both sexual shame
plicit material [15] have revealed that some viewers gradually
and moral disapproval were associated with an increase in the
tend to watch pornographic content that is no longer in align-
experience of depression. Another study [28] found that indi-
ment with their sexual preferences or orientation. A possible
viduals who frequently used pornography and perceived it as
explanation is that scenes of a more extreme or novel nature
problematic had significantly greater problems (e.g., depres-
may create a "shock effect" that further increases arousal.
sion, lower self-esteem) than individuals who did not perceive
Only relatively few studies have investigated sexual be- their frequent use as problematic. The experience of moral
havior in connection with neural correlates. Kühn and Galli- incongruency is not exclusive for self-perceived addiction to
nat [16] discovered that higher pornography consumption pornography use but can be found in other behavioral addic-
was associated with greater structural impairment in dorso- tions as well [29].
lateral striatal structures (right caudate and left putamen) in a
The effort of sustaining abstinence is sometimes accompa-
nonclinical sample. They found lower functional connectivity
nied with certain psychological changes. This may help explain
between the right caudate and the left dorsolateral prefron-
some of the benefits we saw reported in OM. Successfully ab-
tal cortex. This circuit is heavily involved in exerting cognitive
staining from pornography and masturbation sometimes led
control [17].
to a sense of regained control over consumption and also in
Striatal impairment has been associated with functional other areas of life [3]. As basic research [30] has shown that
depreciation. Lorist et al. [18] found that patients with stri- self-control is strengthened through exerting self-control,
the effort to resist sexual cravings could perhaps strengthen of these participants also filled out T2. The following describes
self-control in other domains of life. the selection process for our statistical analysis. These 44 par-
ticipants were filtered by the question, "How often did you
The present study masturbate during the study period?" Only participants who
The numerous anecdotal self-reports from the OM cite were able to completely abstain from masturbation were eligi-
various benefits, sometimes described as "life-changing" or ble for further analysis. Two participants were additionally ex-
with similar descriptions of marked improvements. Common- cluded from the study as they reported masturbating less than
ly named benefits were, amongst others, reduced depressive- once per week and watching pornography for less than half an
ness, shyness, mental and physiological fatigue and increased hour per week. Thus, their consumption was considered as too
positive feelings, motivation and self-control. As mentioned infrequent. The remaining 21 participants are referred to as the
earlier, Fernandez et al. [3] independently found similar im- APM subgroup in this study.
provements. As such, these specific benefits served as our Another question from T2 asked EG participants if they
research variables. The potential improvements could have a had sexual intercourse during the study period and how of-
positive impact on various aspects of life. To date, however, ten ("How often did you have sex during the study period?").
there are no experimental studies that capture this phenom- This was used to create an APM subgroup with a complete
enon. This study aims to fill this gap and determine, whether sexual behavioral abstinence. Only participants who had not
three weeks of APM can produce improvements in the previ- masturbated and additionally did not have partnered sex
ously mentioned research variables. during the study period were assigned to the abstinence from
sex, masturbation, and pornography (=APMS) subgroup. The
APMS-subgroup consisted of 11 remaining participants.
Twenty-five participants of the control group (CG) com-
Procedure and participants pleted both questionnaires. One CG participant apparently
We had an experimental group (=EG) and a control group did not answer the questionnaire truthfully and was removed.
(=CG). A previous study [31] found evidence that motivation Twenty-four CG-participants were used for comparison with
for an APM is almost exclusively (99%) present in men. For the EG.
this reason, and to exclude gender effects, we restricted our
study to male participants. Sexual intercourse was not restrict-
ed by the study design, but participants of both groups should All questionnaires were sent out using the web-based
not be engaged in an established sexual relationship. Both survey tool "Sosci Survey". All measurements were collected
groups were recruited during summer in 2020. Our study was based on self-reported data. The EG and CG each received
designed without the incorporation of specific diagnoses for the same battery of questionnaires at T1 and T2. These ques-
problematic pornography use, compulsive sexual behavior or tionnaires were used to compare longitudinal changes in the
other clinical categories. values of our research variables between T1 and T2. The ques-
tionnaires we analyzed showed Cronbach`s alpha coefficients
Both groups underwent the following procedure. All
ranging from .83 to .89. These values represent sufficient reli-
participants completed a baseline questionnaire (=T1), the
ability [32].
content of which is described below. The follow-up question-
naire (=T2) was sent after a period of three weeks using a mail Our battery of questionnaires included the following
schedule function. scales. Self-control was measured with the “Brief Self-Con-
trol Scale” (BSCS [33]. It assesses general self-control and the
Participants of the EG were recruited through personal
ability to act effectively and in a goal-directed manner. The
contact, social media or via the email distribution list of an
scale consists of 13 items.
Austrian university. The various recruitment strategies were
used to aim for the largest possible sample size. The recruitment We extracted the “Shyness-scale” from the “Shyness and
process of the CG was done entirely via the email distribution Sociability Scales for Adults” (SGSE [34]. The "Shyness Scale"
list of the same university. All participants recruited through asked six questions about unpleasant feelings and inhibitions
the email distribution list received subject hours required for in the presence of other people as well as social avoidance be-
a bachelor's degree in psychology. The CG was recruited with havior.
blinded intentions. The study was billed as an investigation of The eleven-item “Fatigue Scale” (FS [35] consists of two
changes in various personality constructs over time. We used factors that are physiological fatigue (e.g., tiredness, feeling
the control group to exclude confounding seasonal, situational, weak etc.) and mental fatigue (problems concentrating and
and other possible effects as much as possible. thinking clearly).
Recruitment of the EG was performed in an unblinded The Short Depression-Happiness Scale (SDHS [36] con-
fashion. The EG was instructed to attempt to remain abstinent sisting of six items assesses a bipolar continuum with depres-
from pornography and masturbation for at least three weeks siveness at one end and happiness at the other. In our study,
after completing T1. T2 was filled out after completion of scores on this scale were listed under "depressiveness," with
three weeks of APM. higher scores indicating higher depressiveness or lower hap-
Sixty-two participants of the EG finished T1. Forty-four piness conversely.
Table 1: Masturbation frequency and weekly pornography consumption and perceived shame at T1.
less than once a week 0 less than half hour/week 3 not at all 9
Table 2: Mean differences between T1 and T2; Main and Interaction effects from two way repeated measures ANOVA.
Research APM-subgroup APMS-subgroup Control Group Main Effect (F) Interaction (F)
variables T1 T2 T1 T2 T1 T2 APM APMS APM APMS
depressiveness M 2,6 2,3 2,45 2,23 2,25 2,07 10,47 4,50 0,9 0,28
S 0.8577 0.771 0.716 0.677 0.612 0.562 p = .002 p = .042 p = .349 p = -869
Shyness M 2,75 2,52 2,56 2,37 2,97 2,99 3,67 1,92 5,51 3,32
S 0.684 0.726 0.448 0.468 0.512 0.491 p = .062 p = .175 p = .023 p = .080
Phys. Fatigue M 2,84 2,14 2,89 2,09 2,48 2,46 11,91 16,5 10,87 15,22
S 0.851 0.654 0.695 0.637 0.637 0.664 p = .001 p = <.001 p = .002 p = <.001
M 3 2,71 2,9 2,06 2,73 2,54 17,2 28,2 4,9 11,27
S 0.912 0.822 0.91 0.86 0.661 0.752 p = <.00 p = <.001 p = .032 p = .002
Self-control M 2,86 3,25 2,84 3,3 3,08 3,15 11,71 11,46 6,1 6,66
S 0.727 0.564 0.569 0.513 0.555 0.578 p = .001 p = .002 p = .018 p = .015
Motivation M 3,5 3,91 3,62 4,32 3,81 4,1 4,87 6,55 0,15 0,89
(Recreational) S 1,14 1,02 0.961 0.832 1,08 1,08 p = .033 p = .015 p = .697 p = .352
Motivation M 3,59 3,95 3,69 4,15 3,81 4,1 5,57 6,10 0,8 0,34
(Social) S 1,01 0.84 1,032 0.899 1,03 1,09 p = .021 p = .019 p = .779 p = .565
M 3,24 3,62 3,28 3,7 3,3 3.4 5,78 8,89 1,97 3,33
Feelings S 0.731 0.556 0.627 0.561 0.769 0.786 p = .021 p = .005 p = .167 p = .077
S 0.873 0.912 0.707 1,04 0.812 0.978 p = -078 p = .077 p = .014 p = .018
3,54 4,81
inspired M 2,91 3,54 2,92 3,54 3,29 3,19 2,51 4,81 4,81 6,21
S 0.971 0.776 0.76 0.776 0.845 0.981 p = .0121 p = .034 p = .032 p = .018
EG showed increased motivation for social and recreational sults are highly congruent with the findings of a recently pub-
activities at the end of the study, but no interaction effects. lished qualitative study 3] of the OM. They found improved
mood, motivation, mental clarity, confidence, and productivity.
Discussion Although we did not find statistically significant improve-
ments in mood and motivation, we did observe other results
Summary and practical implications that point in a similar direction as Fernandez et al. [3] find-
The aim of our study was to investigate whether the an- ings. Increased mental clarity may equate to reduced mental
ecdotal benefits reported on OM could be found in an exper- fatigue in our results. While shyness and self-confidence are
imental study. We found evidence that APM reduces mental not completely identical, being less anxious and inhibited in
and physiological fatigue and shyness and increases self-con- social contexts can probably be considered part of self-confi-
trol, activity, wakefulness, and inspiration. Intriguingly, our re- dence. Finally, reduced mental and physiological fatigue is also
uational factors, which will be presented later, may have also ries [3] found that key improvements affected the same areas
distorted the findings on well-being. perceived to be affected by problematic pornography use. Our
study could confirm many of the qualitative findings from Fer-
Sexual versus dietary fasting nandez and colleagues [3] with an experimental and quantita-
Food rewards [45] have also been found to stimulate re- tive approach. In summary, our findings are highly congruent
ward circuits. Sexual and dietary fasting both seem to have a with both recent qualitative evidence as well as numerous re-
vitalizing effect on the body and [7-9]. The energizing effects ports from large OMs.
of both variants could be caused by the reduced stimulation This study underscores that an APM offers several advan-
of the reward circuits. As already stated in the introduction, tages and can be used to realize more fully one’s inherent po-
one study [9] on fasting during Ramadan is conceptually quite tential. The potential benefits this study also increases scientific
identical to ours. Although both fasting variations resulted in evidence that the benefits of the OM have a real background.
less fatigue, APM suggests more pronounced improvements
than those seen in Nugraha [9]. A possible explanation would What this study cannot answer is the degree to which the
be that the differences are due to the different intensities of observed improvements are due to the omission of pornogra-
stimulation of food and sex, respectively, which has been sup- phy and masturbation and thus recovery from its (potentially)
ported previously [4]. Pornography abstinence led to a shift in impairing influence, and thus cannot make causal inferences
preference from short-term rewards of lower value to deferred about the effects of APM. We thus warrant future researchers
rewards of greater value. This change was not observed in the to examine this in more detail through isolating these effects
control group, which abstained from their favorite food. in an experimental design.
Confounding influences Reports from OM suggest that there are other potential
benefits beyond those examined in this study, such as improved
Reduced depressiveness and increased motivation for so- sexual performance, increased relationship commitment, and
cial and recreational activities were found in both groups (EG, increased creativity and engagement in new hobbies and oth-
CG). This study took place in 2020 during the COVID-19 er activities. Three weeks may be too short a period to reveal
pandemic which caused many restrictions to public life (the the full benefits of APM. Earlier studies suggest that an over-
closing of sport clubs, restaurants, cultural events, and restric- stimulated reward system still shows recovery-progress after
tive social guidelines for avoiding personal contact). These re- multiple months of abstinence [26]. Future studies could thus
strictions loosened up or abated during the study period and research longer periods of APM.
partly restored public life. This may have affected participants’
observations in both groups. In our results we reported only As this study focused solely on a male sample, it would be
significant differences between the two groups. of interest whether women can benefit from APM as well. As
mentioned, more studies examining APM in the context of
Other rewards (substance and behavioral rewards) influ- a specific outcome and setting (e.g., clinical, or occupational)
ence the reward system as well (e.g., excessive internet con- may also yield interesting results. Endocrinological and neu-
sumption [46] social media [47] substances [23]. Participation rological measurements could provide further in vivo informa-
in APM may have led to different patterns of consumption. tion on the exact processes involved in APM at different phys-
For example, some participants may have also reduced con- iological levels of description. Knowledge about the impact of
sumption of other rewards, while other participants may have diverse rewards on aspects of daily life would be enriched by
attempted to compensate for the lack of sexual stimulation studies about other forms of reward abstinence. There are oth-
with other rewards. Future studies could attempt to experi- er abstinence movements or variations that anecdotally also
mentally control for these potentially confounding effects, provide significant benefits. Some examples would be com-
which could impact neurological regeneration processes. plete abstinence from drugs (informally known as "straight
Finally, participants may have had expectation biases about edge"), some variations of Internet abstinence (e.g., abstaining
the effects of the APM beforehand. Expectation effects could from social media or entertainment media), or from (almost)
have influenced the participants and thus the results. Future all sources of instant gratification combined (also referred to as
studies could control for these potentially confounding effects. as "dopamine fasting"). It is quite possible that other or similar
As previously mentioned, the observed effects may have been benefits could be found in conjunction with these different
related partly to the beneficial effects of exerting self-control. reward abstinence variations.
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