1 s2.0 S0925838823035454 Main
1 s2.0 S0925838823035454 Main
1 s2.0 S0925838823035454 Main
Keywords: Solid-state hydrogen storage device using metal hydride have enormous advantages for fuel cell forklifts. In
Metal hydride addition to high volume hydrogen storage density, the solid-state hydrogen storage device can also be used as a
Solid-state hydrogen storage counterweight for the forklift. At the same time, the solid-state storage device has low hydrogen storage pressure
Fuel cell forklift
and safety, and the fuel (H2) refueling is convenient and low-cost. In this paper, a two-dimensional heat and mass
Heat and mass transfer
transfer numerical model has been developed to predicting the performance of the metal hydride tank filled with
Ti0.9Zr0.1Cr0.35Mn1.4V0.2Fe0.05 alloy. The validity of this numerical model was tested by comparison with the
experimental data of the metal hydride hydrogen storage tank with a hydrogen capacity of 1 kg, achieving a good
agreement between all the data. And a solid-state hydrogen storage device with an effective hydrogen capacity of
1.5 kg is optimally designed for 3.5 T fuel cell forklift. The completion rate of hydrogen refueling in the solid-
state hydrogen storage device will reach 97.6 % within 30 min, and continuously discharging over 1.5 kg H2
under flow rates of 150 SL/min and 250 SL/min. The optimized solid-state hydrogen storage device was inte
grated in a power module for 3.5 T fuel cell forklift which allows uninterrupted operation for at least 6 h 8 min
under rated operation.
* Corresponding author at: National Engineering Research Center of Nonferrous Metals Materials and Products for New Energy, GRINM Group Co., Ltd., 100088,
E-mail address: jlj@grinm.com (L. Jiang).
Received 28 August 2023; Received in revised form 14 September 2023; Accepted 18 September 2023
Available online 19 September 2023
0925-8388/© 2023 Published by Elsevier B.V.
J. Ye et al. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 970 (2024) 172242
Nomenclature f formula
△H enthalpy of formation, J/mol H2
Cp Specific heat, J/kg⋅K △S entropy of formation, J/K mol H2
h heat transfer coefficient, W/m2⋅K ρ density, kg/m3
c hydrogen concentration, wt% F completion rate, %
p pressure, MPa
r radial coordinate, mm Subscripts
R universal gas constant, J/mol⋅K eq equilibrium
t time, s e effective
T temperature, ◦ C g gas: hydrogen
K permeability, m2 s solid: metal hydride
μ fluid viscosity, Pa⋅s max maximum
φ porosity fraction of the bed i initial
λ thermal conductivity, W/m⋅K ext heat exchange medium
M molecular weight, g/mol
lower pressure is more convenient and low cost compared with com achieve rapid hydrogen charging and discharging rates under moderate
pressed hydrogen storage option. Previous studies have demonstrated operating pressure. Since the hydrogen absorption/desorption of metal
that the refueling cost accounts for a large part of the total cost of hydride is generally an exothermic/endothermic process, while the
hydrogen fuel for hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles [7,8]. According to thermal conductivity of metal hydride powder bed is usually poor, and
the research and estimation of Frank et al. [9], the hydrogen refueling the metal hydride will be further pulverized after hydrogenation/
cost can be reduced if metal hydride storage tanks are used instead of dehydrogenation, further worsening the heat transfer performance of
70 MPa tanks. They estimated that metal hydride storage tanks scenarios the metal hydride bed. Therefore, the rate of hydrogenation/dehydro
could achieve $0.71-$0.75/kg-H2 savings by reducing compressor costs genation is strongly controlled by the heat and mass transfer of the metal
without incurring the cryogenics costs associated with cold-storage hydride bed [18,19]. A theoretical study on the heat and mass transfer of
alternative. metal hydride bed based on the characteristics of hydro
Currently, the “low-temperature” metal hydrides are the most widely genation/dehydrogenation is strongly needed. Through numerical
used, such as AB5, AB2, and AB metal hydrides [10–12]. The hydrogen simulation analysis of the heat and mass transfer in metal hydride beds,
storage capacities of “low-temperature” metal hydrides is less than 2 wt the optimization design of the solid-state hydrogen storage device is
%, which is usually considered as the major disadvantage of their realized to meet the application requirements.
hydrogen storage applications in fuel cell vehicles [13,14]. For fuel cell Many researchers have studied the heat and mass transfer of metal
vehicles, the weight of hydrogen storage system is the primary consid hydride beds during the hydrogenation/dehydrogenation using nu
eration. Therefore, most fuel cell vehicles utilize compressed hydrogen merical models. Based on the different influencing factors considered in
stored in gas cylinders with pressures up to 35 MPa or even 70 MPa to the physical model, one-dimensional [20–22], two-dimensional
reduce weight. For example, the hydrogen fuel cell vehicle “Mirai” [23–40], and three-dimensional [41–46] numerical models for heat
produced by Toyota in Japan is equipped with three 70 MPa hydrogen and mass transfer have been developed. Due to the large computational
storage tanks [15]. But for fuel cell forklifts, they are not sensitive to complexity of three-dimensional models, it requires higher computer
weight requirements, and a counterweight is needed to keep the forklift hardware, stronger computing power and longer calculation time, in
balanced. Instead, the fuel cell forklift requires a compact structure of most cases, the two-dimensional models with allowable accuracy are
the hydrogen storage system. Therefore, the solid-state storage device used.
has greater advantages for fuel cell forklifts. The solid-state storage In this work, the optimization design of solid-state hydrogen storage
device can be used as counterweight in addition to hydrogen storage. device for fuel cell forklift was carried out, and the TiMn-based AB2-type
In 2016, Lototskyy et al. [16,17] developed a 3-tonne electric forklift metal hydride was selected. A two-dimensional heat and mass transfer
equipped with a commercial fuel cell power module with a metal hy numerical model was established to predict the performance of metal
dride hydrogen storage system as an expansion tank to yield a hybrid hydride tank filled with Ti0.9Zr0.1Cr0.35Mn1.4V0.2Fe0.05 alloy. The val
CGH2(compressed H2 composite cylinder)+MH hydrogen storage sys idity of this numerical model was tested by comparison with the
tem, and tested its performance under working conditions. The total experimental data of the metal hydride hydrogen storage tank with a
capacity of the hybrid CGH2 +MH hydrogen storage system is about hydrogen capacity of 1 kg, achieving a good agreement between all the
1.8 kg H2. The metal hydride hydrogen storage system comprises 64 kg data. Then, optimize the design of the solid-state hydrogen storage de
of an AB2-type hydrogen storage alloy with a total usable hydrogen vice through numerical simulation and predict its hydrogen supply
capacity of about 0.9 kg H2. The results showed that the electric forklift performance. The optimized solid-state hydrogen storage device was
use of the fully refuelled fuel cell power module with the metal hydride integrated in a power module for 3.5 T fuel cell forklift. The fuel cell
hydrogen storage system as extension tank allows for uninterrupted forklift can uninterrupted operation for 6 h 8 min under rated operation.
operation for 3 h 6 min and 7 h 15 min for heavy-duty and light-duty The actual vehicle operation results indicate that the optimized solid-
operation, respectively. Then in 2019, Lototskyy et al. [13] further state hydrogen storage device fully meets the operational re
increased the solid-state hydrogen storage capacity to 1.7 kg, accounting quirements of the fuel cell forklift and can maintain stable and long-term
for 95% of the total hydrogen storage capacity, and the maximum operation.
hydrogen supply flow rate could still reach 170 SL/min, and successfully
integrated the solid-state hydrogen storage system into a prototype fuel 2. Numerical model
cell power module for an electric forklift.
Solid-state hydrogen storage device is generally used to load metal In this work, the optimization design of the solid-state hydrogen
hydride in powder state into tank/cylinder with certain pressure bearing storage device for fuel cell forklift was carried out, and the TiMn-based
capacity. A key issue for solid-state hydrogen storage devices is to AB2-type hydrogen storage alloy (Ti0.9Zr0.1Cr0.35Mn1.4V0.2Fe0.05) was
J. Ye et al. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 970 (2024) 172242
The metal hydride is filled into tank in the form of powder to form
porous medium. The mass transfer process of hydrogen in porous metal
hydride bed is calculated using Darcy’s law.
( ( )) ( )
∂(ρH2 ϕ) K ∂c
+ ∇ ρH2 − ∇p = ρs 1 − ϕ , (2)
∂t μ ∂t
where K is the permeability of the metal hydride porous bed, and μ is the
fluid viscosity of the hydrogen. The mass source on the right side of the
Fig. 1. XRD pattern of Ti0.9Zr0.1Cr0.35Mn1.4V0.2Fe0.05 alloy. mass transfer equation depends on the hydrogen sorption/desorption
J. Ye et al. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 970 (2024) 172242
rate per mass of metal hydride (∂c/∂t). function of equilibrium pressure peq(Tr) and hydrogen concentration c
The hydrogen density ρH2 is influenced by temperature and pressure, (wt%) for every two adjacent data. By comparing Eqs. (5) and (6), a
and can be represented by the equation below: mathematical equation for the variation of equilibrium pressure with
temperature T and hydrogen concentration c can be obtained:
ρ H2 = , (3) [ ( )]
RT(1 + αp/T) − |ΔH| 1 1
Peq = f (c)Tr exp − (7)
R T Tr
where R is the universal gas constant and MH2 is the molecular weight of
hydrogen, p is the hydrogen pressure in the metal hydride bed. In this Fig. 4 shows the good agreement between the linear fitting method
equation, 1 +αp/T is the compressibility factor of hydrogen under mentioned above and the test data.
pressure p and temperature T, the value of coefficient α is (2) Kinetic equations of hydrogenation/dehydrogenation.
1.9155 × 10− 6[K/Pa]. In this work, TiMn based AB2 type metal hydride is selected for the
solid-state hydrogen storage device. The kinetics of hydrogenation and
dehydrogenation for AB2 type metal hydride depend on the hydrogen
2.3. Control equation of hydrogenation/dehydrogenation reaction of pressure (Pg), the equilibrium pressure (Peq), the hydrogen concentration
metal hydride (c) and the temperature (T), as described in the reference [34], as
The hydrogenation/dehydrogenation reaction of metal hydride is
determined by their thermodynamic and kinetic properties. The ther 1) For hydrogenation
modynamic properties determine the metal hydride whether hydroge ( ) ( ) ( )[ ( )]n−n 1
nation or dehydrogenation under specific temperature and hydrogen ∂c 9833 Pg c c
= 4.004cmax exp − ln n 1− − ln 1 − ,
pressure conditions, and the kinetic characteristics determine the ∂t RT Peq cmax cmax
hydrogen absorption/desorption rate of metal hydride. (8)
(1) Equilibrium pressure determination.
The pressure composition isotherm (PCT) curves are important
characteristic curve representing the thermodynamic properties of 2) For hydrogenation
metal hydrides. The PCT curves of Ti0.9Zr0.1Cr0.35Mn1.4V0.2Fe0.05 for ( )( )( ( ))
∂c 18433 Pg c
four temperatures (10, 20, 40 and 60 ◦ C) are shown in Fig. 2. The PCT = 94.288cmax exp − 1− 1− 1− , (9)
∂t RT Peq cmax
curves show a strong dependence of equilibrium pressure on tempera
ture and hydrogen concentration. By calculation, the hydrogenation/ where c and cmax are the real-time hydrogen storage capacity and
dehydrogenantion enthalpy are − 21.28 and 26.39 kJ/mol H2, respec maximum hydrogen storage in gravimetry, respectively, n = 0.868.
tively, and the hydrogenation/dehydrogenation entropy are − 93.83
and 115.29 J/K/molH2, respectively. These features can be represented
in the form of the Van’t Hoff equation as follows: 2.4. Initial and boundary conditions
− |ΔH| ΔS
ln Peq = − , (4) The metal hydride bed is assumed as a uniformly distributed porous
medium with uniform temperature, pressure and hydrogen concentra
According to Van’t Hoff Eq. (4), the relationship between equilib tion. Initially, t = 0 s, the temperature, pressure and hydrogen concen
rium pressure Peq with temperature T can be obtained: tration in the metal hydride hydrogen storage tank are assumed to be
( ) ( ) constant:
− |ΔH| ΔS
Peq = exp × exp − (5)
RT R Tt=0 = Ti , ct=0 = ci , Pt=0 = Peqi (10)
At a given reference temperature Tr, the equilibrium pressure Peq(Tr) where Peqi refers to the initial equilibrium pressure of the metal hy
only varies with hydrogen concentration, that is, the equilibrium pres dride bed, which is the function of initial concentration (ci) and tem
sure is a function of the hydrogen concentration, as follows: perature (Ti), and can be calculated by Eq. (7) according to the PCT data
( ) ( ) of the metal hydride at the reference temperature (Tr).
− |ΔH| ΔS
Peq(Tr ) = exp exp − = f (c)Tr , (6) Considering the axisymmetric characteristics, there is no heat
transfer through the porous filter, i.e. at r = r0:
The function f(c)Tr is the relationship between hydrogen concentra
− n⋅( − k∇T) = 0 (11)
tion c (wt%). Based on the actual test data of metal hydride PCT under Tr
temperature conditions, linear fitting is used to obtain a multi-stage The convective heat transfer between the heat exchange medium
J. Ye et al. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 970 (2024) 172242
Fig. 4. Numerical fitting and test date of equilibrium pressure as a function as c (wt%) and temperature T for Ti0.9Zr0.1Cr0.35Mn1.4V0.2Fe0.05, (a) is hydrogen ab
sorption case and (b) is hydrogen desorption case.
(such as cooling/heating water or air) and the hydrogen storage tank performance. The hydrogen release flow rate is set to 125 SL/min, the
wall is used as the boundary condition for the tank surface. temperature of heating water is 65 ◦ C, and heating water flow rate is
about 0.8 m3/h. Fig. 6 shows the comparison between the numerical
− n⋅( − k∇T) = h(Text − T) (12)
results and experimental data, and a fairly good agreement between the
where h is the overall convective heat transfer coefficient, Text is the numerical results and experimental data can be observed. Therefore, the
temperature of the heat exchange medium. numerical model of heat and mass transfer in the metal hydride bed
could be used to predict the hydrogen absorption and desorption per
formance of solid-state hydrogen storage devices under different work
3. Validation of the model
ing conditions and efficiently optimize their design.
In order to verify the reliability of the heat and mass transfer nu
4. Optimization design of solid-state hydrogen storage device
merical model of the metal hydride bed, a metal hydride hydrogen
storage tank filled with about 56 kg of Ti0.9Zr0.1Cr0.35Mn1.4V0.2Fe0.05
The hydrogen absorption and desorption performance of the solid-
alloy with the hydrogen storage capacity of 1 kg was designed and
state hydrogen storage device mainly depends on the heat transfer ef
manufactured as shown in Fig. 5. The radius and length of the metal
ficiency of the metal hydride bed. It is necessary to improve the heat
hydride hydrogen storage tank are 133 mm and 1500 mm, respectively.
transfer performance of the metal hydride bed to ensure efficient heat
A jacket is designed outside the metal hydride hydrogen storage tank,
exchange during the hydrogen absorption and desorption process of the
and a coil type flow guide structure is installed inside the jacket to
metal hydride. In numerous heat transfer simulation studies on the
improve the heat exchange efficiency of the cooling/heating water.
metal hydride beds [20–46], the effects of hydrogen pressure, initial
When the water flow speed reaches 1 m/s, the overall convective heat
temperature and pressure of metal hydride bed, the temperature and
transfer efficiency can reach over 1000 W/m2/K. The metal hydride
overall convective heat transfer efficiency of cooling/heating water, and
hydrogen storage tank absorbs hydrogen saturation at temperature of
the aspect ratio of cylindrical tank on the metal hydride bed were sys
5 ◦ C and hydrogen pressure 4.2 MPa, and then tests its hydrogen supply
tematically analyzed. All previous simulation results show that the
entire hydrogen absorption/desorption process occurring in the metal
hydride bed is governed by the heat transfer between the metal hydride
bed and the surrounding cooling/heating fluid. The higher thermal
conductivity of metal hydride bed, smaller cylindrical hydrogen storage
Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of the metal hydride hydrogen storage tank with Fig. 6. Comparison between the numerical results with experimental data of
1 kg hydrogen storage capacity. the metal hydride hydrogen storage tank with 1 kg hydrogen storage capacity.
J. Ye et al. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 970 (2024) 172242
tank diameter, more heat transfer fins, and larger convective heat the hydrogen storage tank is selected based on commonly used stainless
transfer efficiency of cooling/heating fluid, etc. can effectively improve steel seamless pipe specifications. It is noticed that the reduction of the
the heat transfer efficiency between the metal hydride bed and the diameter of the tank accelerates the hydrogen absorption reaction and
surrounding cooling/heating fluid, thus improving the hydrogen can significantly shorten the hydrogenation time of the metal hydride
absorption/desorption performance of the solid-state hydrogen storage tank. This is because the metal hydride bed is thinner, which shortens
devices. Metal hydride hydrogen storage tanks are generally cylindrical the heat transfer distance, reduces the heat transfer resistance, and the
in shape to improve their pressure bearing capacity, and ensure their heat generated by hydrogenation of metal hydride can be quickly
safe use under the combined influence of hydrogen pressure and transferred out, ultimately reducing the hydrogen refueling time. It can
expansion stress during the hydrogen absorption process of the metal be seen from the simulation results in Fig. 7 that when the diameter of
hydride bed. Among the aforementioned methods for improving heat tank is reduced to 70 mm, the completion rate of hydrogen refueling in
transfer, the most crucial one is to design an appropriate diameter for the the metal hydride tank will reach 97.6 % within 30 min. Therefore,
metal hydride hydrogen storage tank. The smaller the diameter, the 316 L stainless steel seamless tube with a diameter of 70 mm is selected
more conductive it is to heat transfer. However, under the same to prepare the on-board solid-state hydrogen storage device for fuel cell
hydrogen storage capacity, a decrease in diameter means an increase in forklift.
the total length of the tank, which increases the overall weight and Fig. 8 shows the schematic diagram (left) and actual photo (right) of
structural complexity of the solid-state hydrogen storage device. Ac the solid-state hydrogen storage device for fuel cell forklift. The solid-
cording to the requirements of 3.5 T fuel cell forklift for hydrogen supply state hydrogen storage device consists of a total of 14 metal hydride
and rapid hydrogen refueling, the optimization design of the solid-state tanks with diameter of 70 mm (optimized as mentioned above), with a
hydrogen storage device based on Ti0.9Zr0.1Cr0.35Mn1.4V0.2Fe0.05 alloy is rated hydrogen storage capacity of 1.5 kg, and a total of 82 kg
carried out. For the 3.5 T fuel cell forklift, the hydrogen storage capacity Ti0.9Zr0.1Cr0.35Mn1.4V0.2Fe0.05 alloy is used. In the same space, the
of its onboard hydrogen storage device is required to be 1.5 kg, and it is effective hydrogen storage capacity using a 35 MPa high-pressure cyl
also required that the time to complete 95 % H2 refueling is controlled inder is only 1 kg H2. Using the solid-state hydrogen storage device
within 30 min. Among them, the requirement for rapid hydrogen refu increased the effective hydrogen storage capacity by 60 %, while also
eling is more stringent for heat transfer conditions. Therefore, firstly, reducing counterweight components. For the improvement of the heat
according the requirement that the onboard hydrogen storage device for exchange efficiency between the cooling/heating water and the metal
fuel cell forklift can complete 95 % hydrogenation within 30 min, the hydride tanks, the solid-state hydrogen storage device adopts a shell and
hydrogenation process of metal hydride hydrogen storage tanks with tube heat exchange structure, and 5 baffles installed inside the device to
different diameters under the condition of 4 MPa hydrogen pressure and improve the flow path and uniformity of the cooling/heating water.
5 ◦ C circulating water cooling conditions is simulated through the above During the hydrogen refueling, the cooling water in the hydrogen
established metal hydride bed heat and mass transfer numerical model, refueling station is connected to the inlet/outlet of the cooling water at
and the appropriate tank diameter is optimized. Then, according to the the front end of the solid-state hydrogen storage device through quick
size of the space used to place the hydrogen storage device, complete the insertion.
design of the onboard metal hydride hydrogen storage device for the fuel For 3.5 T fuel cell forklift, it usually uses an 18 kW fuel cell, and the
cell forklift, and simulate its hydrogen supply performance under the required hydrogen flow rates are approximately 250 SL/min and 150
heavy-duty and light-duty operation. SL/min under full power and half power conditions, respectively. The
Fig. 7 displays the comparison of the hydrogen refueling time of hydrogen discharge performance of the designed solid-state hydrogen
metal hydride hydrogen storage tanks with different diameters under storage device is simulated using the heat and mass transfer mathe
the condition of 4 MPa hydrogen pressure and 5 ◦ C cooling water heat matical model, as shown in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10. During the simulation of
transfer with a total efficiency convective heat transfer coefficient of its hydrogen discharge process, the solid-state hydrogen storage device
1000 W/m2/K. In Fig. 7, F is the completion rate of the hydrogen ab is heated with 65 ◦ C heating water to simulate the circulating water
sorption reaction in the metal hydride tank, F= (c-c0)/(cmax-ci). The temperature during fuel cell working. From the simulation results, it can
thermophysical properties and the initial and boundary conditions are be seen that the designed solid-state hydrogen storage device can
kept constant during the simulation of hydrogen refueling process in the discharge 1.5 kg hydrogen at flow rates of 250 SL/min and 150 SL/min,
metal hydride tanks of all diameters. Among them, the outer diameter of meeting the hydrogen usage requirements of a 3.5 T fuel cell forklift
working at full power and rated power.
It can be observed from Fig. 9 and Fig. 10, in the initial stage, the
hydrogen pressure inside the solid-state hydrogen storage device in
creases and then gradually decreases, and the maximum pressure in
crease values under the conditions of 250 SL/min and 150 SL/min flow
rates are 5.8 MPa and 7.3 MPa, respectively. This is because during the
simulation calculations, the convective heat transfer conditions at the
boundary of the metal hydride tanks are simplified to an ideal state, and
the temperature of heating water is set to a constant 65 ◦ C, with an
effective convective heat transfer coefficient of 1000 W/m /K. There
fore, the heat transfer between the metal hydride tanks and the heating
water is sufficient, leading to an increase in the equilibrium pressure of
the metal hydride in the initial stage. However, in the actual operation of
fuel cell forklifts, the hydrogen pressure inside the solid-state hydrogen
storage device is adjusted by controlling the temperature and flow rate
of the heating water. Fig. 11 shows the experimental results of hydrogen
discharge performance of the solid-state hydrogen storage device at 120
NL/min. It can be seen that the solid-state hydrogen storage device can
discharge 1.52 kg H2 at the flow rate of 120 SL/min, with a total
Fig. 7. Comparison of hydrogen refueling time of metal hydride hydrogen hydrogen discharge of 1.54 kg.
storage tanks with different diameters at 4 MPa hydrogen pressure and 5 ◦ C
cooling water.
J. Ye et al. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 970 (2024) 172242
Fig. 8. Schematic diagram (left) and actual photo of solid-state hydrogen storage device for fuel cell forklift.
Fig. 9. Hydrogen discharge performance of the solid-state hydrogen storage Fig. 11. Experimental results of hydrogen discharge performance of the solid-
device at 250 SL/min (heating water temperature is 65 ◦ C). state hydrogen storage device at 120 SL/min.
J. Ye et al. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 970 (2024) 172242
Fig. 12. Simplified schematic diagram of the integration of the solid-state hydrogen storage device with fuel cell in forklift power module.
Fig. 13. The solid-state hydrogen storage device installed in the fuel cell forklift power module.
conditions, including the hydrogen pressure and water temperature in temperature inside the solid-state hydrogen storage device gradually
side the solid-state hydrogen storage device, as well as the water tem increases to around 50 ◦ C and is maintained until the end of operation.
perature and power generation of the fuel cell. The fuel cell forklift has Meanwhile, the hydrogen pressure inside the solid-state hydrogen
been operating continuously for 6 h 8 min. During operation, the power storage device is maintained between 1 and 2 MPa, corresponding to the
of fuel cell stack is mostly around 9 kW, with a cumulative total power hydrogen storage characteristics of the selected AB2 type metal hydride
generation of approximately 19.5 kWh. At the end of its operation, the (as shown in the PCT curves in Fig. 2).
hydrogen pressure in the solid-state hydrogen storage device still re The actual vehicle operation results indicate that the optimized solid-
mains at 1.4 MPa, and it is expected that there will be about 15 % state hydrogen storage device fully meets the operational requirements
hydrogen remained, which still meets the operating requirements of the of the fuel cell forklift and can maintain stable and long-term operation.
fuel cell forklift for about 1 h. It can be observed that a gradual decrease More than 100 sets of fuel cell forklifts equipped with solid-state
of hydrogen pressure in the solid-state hydrogen storage device, it is due hydrogen storage devices have been mass-produced. The next step will
to hydrogen consumption of fuel cell when it generates power. At the be to accumulate its operational data and further optimize its structure
beginning, the hydrogen pressure rapidly decreased from 4.6 MPa to and integrated control optimization with fuel cells.
2 MPa, because the heat generated by the fuel cell stack in the initial
stage was not provided to the solid-state hydrogen storage device in a
timely manner. However, after working for half an hour, the
J. Ye et al. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 970 (2024) 172242
Data availability
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