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Harvard University, Caltech, Microsoft Research
We introduce multi-chart geometry images, a new representation for arbitrary surfaces. It is created by resampling
a surface onto a regular 2D grid. Whereas the original scheme of Gu et al. maps the entire surface onto a single
square, we use an atlas construction to map the surface piecewise onto charts of arbitrary shape. We demonstrate
that this added flexibility reduces parametrization distortion and thus provides greater geometric fidelity, particu-
larly for shapes with long extremities, high genus, or disconnected components. Traditional atlas constructions
suffer from discontinuous reconstruction across chart boundaries, which in our context create unacceptable surface
cracks. Our solution is a novel zippering algorithm that creates a watertight surface. In addition, we present a
new atlas chartification scheme based on clustering optimization.
Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.5 [Computer Graphics]: Surface representations.
1. Introduction
Regular remeshing is the process whereby an irregular mesh
is approximated by a mesh with (semi-)regular connectivity
[Eck et al. 1995]. The simplicity of a regularly remeshed
representation has many benefits. In particular it eliminates
the indirection and storage of vertex indices and texture
coordinates. This will allow graphics hardware to perform
rendering more efficiently, by removing random memory
accesses and thus improving memory access performance.
Geometry images. The most extreme such method, which
creates the most regular remeshed representation, is the
geometry image (GIM) introduced by Gu et al. [2002]. Their
construction converts the surface into a topological disk using
a network of cuts and parametrizes the resulting disk onto a
square domain. Using this parametrization, the surface
geometry is resampled onto the pixels of an image. As an
added benefit, techniques such as image compression can be
directly applied to the remesh. chartified orig. mesh image 400x160 remesh
PSNR=71.7 dB
However, this extreme approach of mapping an entire surface Figure 1: Example of a multi-chart geometry image.
to a single square has limitations. Models having disconnect-
ed components require a separate geometry image per editing [Zorin et al. 1997] and compression [Khodakovsky et
component, and complicated shapes with many extremities or al. 2000].
topological handles have distorted parametrizations.
This more flexible representation still has constraints that can
Semi-regular remeshing. A less extreme approach is to negatively impact parametrization efficiency. In particular,
create a remesh with the connectivity of a subdivided base each chart (each surface region associated with a triangle of
mesh. Examples of this approach include the methods of Eck the base mesh) is effectively parametrized onto an equilateral
et al. [1995], Lee et al. [1998; 2000], Kobbelt et al. [1999], triangle, which is then evenly sampled. Charts with non-
Guskov et al. [2000], and Wood et al. [2000]. For these triangular shapes are thus distorted by the parametrization;
representations, special kinds of continuous multiresolution charts that are long and skinny are invariably sampled aniso-
basis functions can be derived that allow multiresolution tropically. In addition, all charts, regardless of their size or
© The Eurographics Association 2003.
Sander et al. / Multi-Chart Geometry Images
information content, must be allotted the same number of 2. Previous work
samples. 1 Atlas parametrizations. Some atlas schemes map individual
Multi-chart geometry images. We describe a new atlas- triangles or pairs of triangles separately into a texture [e.g.
based parametrization to define multi-chart geometry images Cignoni et al. 1998, Carr and Hart 2002]. In this section, we
(MCGIMs). Motivated by the atlas approach for texture review more general chart-based atlas constructions.
mapping (e.g. Maillot et al. [1993]), we partition the surface Maillot et al. [1993] partition a mesh into charts based on
into a geometrically natural set of charts, parametrize the bucketing of face normals. Their parametrization method
charts individually onto irregular polygons, and pack the optimizes edge springs of non-zero rest length.
polygons into a geometry image (Figure 1). Such an atlas
parameterization reduces distortion because the smaller charts Piponi and Borshukov [2000] manually cut a subdivision
are easier to flatten and because their parametrized bounda- surface using a network of edges. They parametrize the
ries can assume more natural shapes. Low-distortion resulting single chart using a “pelting” analogy, by stretching
parametrizations distribute samples more uniformly over the out the surface boundary using a collection of springs.
surface and therefore better capture surface signals. Each Sander et al. [2001] partition a mesh using greedy face
chart can be allotted an appropriate number of “defined” clustering (also done independently by Garland et al. [2001]).
samples in the geometry image, separated by “undefined” They parametrize the resulting charts onto convex polygons
samples. Our representation can be viewed as piecewise using geometric stretch. The charts are packed into a square
regular since it is composed of sub-regions of a regular GIM. using a greedy algorithm based on bounding rectangles.
MCGIMs retain the key advantage of the original GIMs – Lévy et al. [2002] align chart boundaries with high-curvature
rendering involves a simple scan of the samples in stored features of the surface. After locating a set of seed faces
order. And, MCGIMs overcome the distortion present in farthest from sharp features, they grow charts about these
GIMs, at the small expense of assigning some samples special seeds, and merge some resulting charts. They parametrize
“undefined” values. each chart using least-squares conformal maps with free
A serious drawback of a general atlas parametrization is that boundaries. They use a Tetris-like packing algorithm that
its reconstructed signal is discontinuous across chart bounda- searches for best fit over the horizon of pieces packed so far.
ries. Because irregular chart outlines do not align with the Sorkine et al. [2002] grow charts while simultaneously
sampling grid, boundaries between neighboring charts are parametrizing them. The chart growth stops when a distortion
generally sampled differently. For geometry images, such bound is reached or if self-overlap is detected, and a new
signal discontinuities create unacceptable cracks in the chart is started. Their parametrization uses a stretch-based
surface. Even a few erroneous pixels become glaring arti- metric that penalizes both undersampling and oversampling.
facts. To prevent cracks, we present a novel zippering
Sheffer and Hart [2002] cut a surface into a single chart by
scheme that unifies boundaries of the discretized MCGIM
cutting through high-distortion, less-visible surface regions.
charts to create a continuous (watertight) model.
None of these atlas constructions address the problem of
Our main contribution is the MCGIM representation obtained
inter-chart cracks when resampling geometry, as our zipper-
through this zippering scheme. To create accurate MCGIMs,
ing scheme does. Our chartification method is less greedy
we also introduce several improvements to existing atlas
than previous methods, thus yielding better results.
parametrization methods. We develop a new atlas chartifica-
tion scheme, based on general clustering optimization Model decomposition. Shlafman et al. [2002] also develop a
inspired by the work of Lloyd [1957] and Max [1960]. Our clustering-based approach to mesh partitioning. Because
scheme creates compact, roughly flat charts whose bounda- their application is morphing and not parametrization, their
ries align with the model’s creases. We apply the mesh clustering distance metric does not account for overall chart
optimization framework of Hoppe et al. [1993] to refit the planarity.
MCGIM samples to the original surface, thereby improving Zippering. Turk and Levoy [1994] reconstruct watertight
its accuracy considerably. And, we extend the “Tetris” surfaces from scanned height meshes by zippering mesh
packing algorithm of Lévy et al. [2002] to optimize both chart boundaries together. Because the desired surface is unknown,
rotations and overall domain dimensions. With these im- zippering is a challenging operation. In contrast, our zipper-
provements, we demonstrate that MCGIMs outperform both ing task (Section 4.5) is given a reference surface as input,
single-chart geometry images and semi-regular remeshes on and so can be made simple and robust.
example models.
Several algorithms consider the problem of reconstructing
surfaces from contours [e.g. Fuchs et al. 1977]. The simplest
case they consider is that of building a surface ribbon that
spans two parallel contour polygons. This is quite similar to
our zippering algorithm. The difference is that we seek to
unify the vertices across the gap rather than to construct a
This assumes that one wants a remesh free of T-vertices, while ribbon of new triangles between them.
avoiding the indirection-based representations that would
result from adaptive subdivision refinement.
(c) our method (packing efficiency = 75.6%) There are cases when our algorithm can fail, particularly
when the requested geometry image area is small. Some
Figure 3: Our improvement on the packing of Lévy et al. discretized charts could become annuli for coarse samplings.
[2002]. For practical image resolutions this is not a problem.
Semi-regular remeshing
Figure 14: Multi-chart geometry image results. Black squares indicate close-up views used in comparisons below.