Variational Shape Approximation: David Cohen-Steiner Duke U. Pierre Alliez Inria Mathieu Desbrun U. of So. Cal
Variational Shape Approximation: David Cohen-Steiner Duke U. Pierre Alliez Inria Mathieu Desbrun U. of So. Cal
Variational Shape Approximation: David Cohen-Steiner Duke U. Pierre Alliez Inria Mathieu Desbrun U. of So. Cal
David Cohen-Steiner Duke U. Pierre Alliez INRIA Mathieu Desbrun U. of So. Cal.
Achieving efciency in mesh processing often demands that overly verbose 3D datasets be reduced to more concise, yet faithful representations. Despite numerous applications ranging from geometry compression to reverse engineering, concisely capturing the geometry of a surface remains a tedious task. In this paper, we present both theoretical and practical contributions that result in a novel and versatile framework for geometric approximation of surfaces. We depart from the usual strategy by casting shape approximation as a variational geometric partitioning problem. Using the concept of geometric proxies, we drive the distortion error down through repeated clustering of faces into best-tting regions. Our approach is entirely discrete and error-driven, and does not require parameterization or local estimations of differential quantities. We also introduce a new metric based on normal deviation, and demonstrate its superior behavior at capturing anisotropy. Keywords: surfaces, geometric approximation, geometric error metrics, Lloyds clustering algorithm, anisotropic remeshing. Finding a concise, yet geometrically-faithful digital representation of a surface is at the core of several research themes in graphics. Given the excessive verbosity of many 3D datasets (and in particular, of scanned meshes), reducing the number of mesh elements (triangles, quads, or polygons) of a surface mesh while maintaining its geometric delity is crucial for subsequent geometry processing. Ideally, each element should be made as efcient as possible by stretching it locally in order to t a large area of the shape we wish to approximate while minimizing geometric error. This quest for geometric efciency naturally raises the following question: given a 3D surface, a target number of face elements, and an error metric, what is the best geometric approximation of the object that one can nd with this face budget? Or similarly, given a distortion tolerance, what is the smallest polygonal mesh approximant with a distortion lesser than the tolerance? Despite the fundamental aspects of this problem, its NP-hard nature has led most researchers to shy away from the search for optimal meshes. In this paper, we present a novel approach where shape approximation is tackled as a discrete, variational partitioning problem, for which provably-good heuristics are readily available. Many techniques have been specically designed to exploit an objects local planarity, symmetry and features in order to optimize its geometric representation. While most simplication approaches try to provide an -approximation with respect to various metrics, rare are the methods that target a minimum distortion error for a given budget of linear mesh elements. Partitioning A powerful solution to mesh simplication is to greedily cluster geometric elements, creating in effect a partition of the original object. Mesh decimation provides an elegant approach
1 Introduction
Figure 1: Variational Shape Approximation: Through repeated error-driven partitioning (left), we nd a set of geometric proxies (represented as ellipses, center) providing a concise geometric description of an input surface (62K triangles) by efciently capturing the anisotropy of the initial model; notice the presence of disks on near-spherical regions, and stretched ellipses on near-parabolic regions. These proxies are then used to construct an approximating polygonal mesh (right). No user interaction, parameterization, or differential estimates have been used; total processing time: 3s.
to such a partitioning, through greedy and repeated collapsing of mesh elements [Hoppe 1996; Klein et al. 1996; Garland and Heckbert 1998; Lindstrom and Turk 1998]. However, and although some of the metrics used for clustering can be proven asymptotically optimal (i.e., for innitesimal triangles) for the L2 metric [Heckbert and Garland 1999], the greedy nature of decimation leads to suboptimal meshes. A similar statement is true for another (almost dual) family of approaches [Maillot et al. 1993; Kalvin and Taylor 1996; Inoue et al. 1999; Sheffer 2001; Sander et al. 2001; Garland et al. 2001; Grinspun and Schr der 2001; L vy et al. 2002] which gather o e faces in a set of characteristic regions to provide a succinct, higherlevel description of the geometry. Even when this process is iterated to improve the results [Shlafman et al. 2002; Katz and Tal 2003], no attempt is made at minimizing a well-posed geometric error. Global optimization Contrasting sharply with the previous greedy techniques, Hoppe et al. [Hoppe et al. 1993] proposed to cast mesh simplication as an optimization problem. With an energy functional measuring deviation from the input mesh, they showed that optimizing the number of vertices, as well as their positions and their connectivity, captures the curvature variations and features of the original geometry. Although their functional is mostly a point-to-surface Euclidean distance, they report excellent results for mesh simplication. This method was extended later on to also use an image metric, in order to optimize the mesh not only through its geometry, but using its texture and normals [Lindstrom and Turk 2000]. Despite a spring force restricting the anisotropy of the results, such optimization techniques often result in irregular meshes for which geometric efciency (i.e., how many faces are needed to capture geometry) is particularly good. While other methods use some form of local mesh optimization (see, for instance, [Balmelli et al. 2002; Ohtake et al. 2003b]), this subject remains marginally studied to date, most certainly because the mere size of the search space hampers efciency. Anisotropy Remeshing techniques [Turk 1992; Lee et al. 1998; Kobbelt et al. 1999; Guskov et al. 2000] are often much less concerned by approximation efciency than by the quality of the mesh elements. For instance, the new vertices are very often left on the original manifold, resulting in rather poor visual results for extreme
Related Work
simplication. However, when a succinct and accurate geometric representation is needed, a strategic placement and aspect ratio of the mesh elements is crucial, and leads to a strikingly signicant pay-off in terms of the ratio of mesh size to geometric precision [Simpson 1994; Borouchaki and Frey 1998]. This is a consequence of the natural anisotropic nature of most surfaces: as brought to light in recent graphics work [Interrante et al. 1996; Girshick et al. 2000; R ssl and Kobbelt 2000; Hertzmann and Zorin o 2000], the main traits of an originally oversampled mesh can be extracted from a close inspection of the curvature tensor eld. Aligning either strokes (as done by caricaturists) or mesh edges (as done in anisotropic remeshers [Botsch and Kobbelt 2001; Alliez et al. 2003]) along these curvature lines results in a particularly effective way to describe the geometry of a surface by respecting local symmetries and key features that govern lighting effects. Although such a strategy increases the mesh efciency by matching the conditions of optimality for the L2 metric in the limit (see Section 2.1), there is no theoretical guarantee of its efciency of approximation at coarse scales; additionally, local approximations of differential curvatures, known to be arguable on discrete meshes, render these methods more prone to suboptimal results. In this paper, we argue that a direct, discrete approximation technique should exhibit such an adaptation to anisotropy asymptotically (as it is a good sanity check), not be articially guided by it at coarse scales. Although good practical approaches for shape approximation have been proposed in the past, only marginal work has been devoted to global minimization of approximation error with respect to a chosen metric. This is most regrettable given the slew of applications that could benet from an efcient shape approximation algorithmanimation, automatic normal map or geometry image layout (see [Sander et al. 2003]), optimized coarse meshing for multiresolution analysis, remeshing, and progressive compression to name a few. Contrary to most techniques proposed so far that were either based on greedy approaches or guided by results valid only asymptotically, we develop a theoretical and practical framework to help with the difcult problem of nding a provably good trade-off between conciseness and geometric distortion. We propose a new strategy for the design of succinct and efcient shape approximations. Our approach is entirely error-driven, and uses a novel discrete, variational method that does not resort to any estimation of differential quantities or parameterization. To achieve our goal, we introduce novel geometric concepts: we dene geometric proxies as a best-t geometric surrogate to effectively circumvent topological issues (Section 2.2); we then dene proper shape error metrics to measure how well a proxy ts a piece of geometry (Section 2.3.2); nally, we cast the approximation problem as a variational partitioning problem (Section 3.1). The resulting algorithm (Section 3), an extension of fast clustering techniques, generates efcient geometric approximations of arbitrary triangulated geometry. We also introduce a polygonal remeshing algorithm based on our contributions (Section 4), and demonstrate the interest of our discrete, variational approach through multiple results in Section 5.
Figure 2: Lion-vase (400K-face model): Our shape approximation algorithm distributes mesh elements according to local surface complexity. (Right) Flat shaded comparison between original model and its 5Kpolygonal L2,1 -approximation (5 min, no user interaction); notice the good preservation of shape and highlights.
Functional Setting Given a class of functions and a metric (usually Lp or L ), approximation theory has provided strong results on the best approximations with n elements, be they piecewise-constant elements or higher order ones. Such results have given rise, for example, to optimal image encoders that give the Kolmogorov entropy bounds of the problem at hand [Cohen et al. 2001]. However, most of these results cannot be easily extended to surfaces: the functional setting relies on a parameterization when comparing two functions. In the general case of two arbitrary surfaces, with no mapping known from one to the other, the functional metrics cannot be used directly. Height Field Approximation and Notion of Efciency For the special case of height elds where an obvious parameterization can be readily used, a few results are known about the optimality of piecewise-linear approximation at the asymptotic limit when the areas of the approximating elements (typically, triangles) vanish. It has been proven that with respect to the L2 metric, the triangulation that minimizes the error of piecewise linear interpolation for a given large number of triangles must have an optimal triangles orientation aligned with the eigenvectors of the Hessian of the function, and an optimal size in each principal direction given by the reciprocal square root of the absolute value of the corresponding eigenvalue [Nadler 1986]1 . Such an alignment and stretching of the triangles optimizes the efciency of the mesh, i.e., minimizes the error per surface area. Results mostly identical are also proven for an arbitrary Lp metric [Simpson 1994]. A few results are also known for optimal approximation of the gradient error [DAzevedo and Simpson 1991], or for bilinear approximation [DAzevedo 2000], but again, they are only asymptotically valid. These different results are fairly narrow in scope: rst, they are restricted to height elds; second, the triangulations are assumed to be interpolating the height eld at vertices, which does not seem like the optimal way to closely approximate geometry at a coarse level; and third, the asymptotical case does not help in designing a concrete surface approximation for a small number of triangles. Recent progress on concrete bounds for the interpolation error and the gradient interpolation error for a non-innitesimal triangle [Shewchuk 2002] offers much better insights, but still does not provide, to date, a better approach for practical mesh generation. In fact, it is known that nding the piecewise-linear triangulation with a given number of vertices that optimally approximates a height eld with respect to the L metric is a NP-hard problem [Agarwal and Suri 1998].
1 Note that there is a subtle twist on hyperbolic regions, where there is not a unique optimal shape and direction, but a whole family of them; we will come back to this impediment in Section 2.3.1
2 Shape Approximation
In this section, we start with a brief background on approximation theory applied to surfaces, and motivate our new approach to shape approximation through variational partitioning.
Approximation theory deals with the problem of replacing complicated mathematical objects with simpler ones while keeping the primal information content. As we are about to see, a lot of work has been done on best approximations of smooth functionsyet, less is known when it comes to approximating geometry.
Approximation Theory
Arbitrary Geometry Aside from the asymptotic results mentioned above, theoretical knowledge on optimally efcient piecewise linear approximation of arbitrary surfaces is mostly unchartered territory despite the considerable amount of practical work on digital geometry. This lack of foundations and the intrinsic complexity of this problem explains the overwhelming usage of greedy algorithms, that can reduce the number of triangles but at the expense of an uncontrollable approximation error, or conversely, can guarantee a given approximation error criterion but at the expense of an uncontrollable number of triangles (with the noticeable exception of a few computational geometry papers proposing algorithms for convex and bivariate surfaces [Agarwal and Suri 1998], or about optimally-sparse -sampling for accurate surface reconstruction [Amenta and Bern 1999; Boissonnat and Oudot 2003]). The notion of distance between two surfaces is, however, routinely used. Probably the most used metric in graphics, the Lp distance between a surface X and an approximating surface Y is the extension of the traditional Lp metric for the functional setting, and 1 is often dened as: p
Lp (X, Y ) = 1 |X| d(x, Y )
p xX
on average, similar geometric characteristics. Therefore, clustering faces into a partition with k regions appears to be a natural way to efciently resample geometry (see Figure 3). However, clustering is traditionally achieved in a greedy fashion. Although we base our geometric approximation on partitioning through clustering too, we will see in the next section that we iteratively seek a partition that minimizes a given error metric (hence the name variational partitioning). We start by dening our terminology.
Figure 3: Bunny: (left and center) L2,1 -optimized geometric partitioning; (right) Anisotropic polygonal mesh deduced from the partition. Notice the stretching of the elements on the ears.
where . is the Euclidean distance, while |.| is the surface area. The extension of the L metric, called the Hausdorff distance, is naturally expressed as: H(X, Y ) = maxxX d(x, Y ), but can be quite delicate to compute [Aspert et al. 2002]. Notice that these denitions are sided: a true distance measure should add the symmetrized version. However, in the context of surface approximation, the symmetric counterpart increases the complexity signicantly as it contains an integral over the unknown surface. It is thus discarded in practice, as in [Hoppe et al. 1993] for instance. Given the theoretical difculty in nding a piecewise-linear approximation of geometry with optimal efciency, we propose to reformulate the problem of surface approximation by introducing the notions of shape proxies and variational partitions. Removing Topology from the Search A best geometric approximation has no obvious reason to preserve the topology of the input surface. Imagine a square-like 2-manifold at almost everywhere, except for a high and thin n in the middle: a best approximation with two piecewise-linear elements is most likely a nonmanifold surface made out of a quad (for the at part) and a triangle (for the n). Similarly, a nearly at surface with multiple tiny holes is very well approximated with a single quad: the initial object and its best 1-element approximant do not have the same genus. The topology of the approximant should therefore be automatically induced from the best placements of a given budget of elements, possibly producing a non-simplicial, polygonal mesh. Thus, disregarding topological considerations of the resulting mesh seems not only reasonable, but highly desirable. Moreover, the search space gets considerably simplied, avoiding the delicate simultaneous (or alternating) optimization of vertices positions and connectivity at the same time [Hoppe et al. 1993]. However, we now face the issue of dening an approximation quality not knowing the topology of the resulting approximant. Approximation Through Partitioning Agarwal and Suri [1998] mentioned that the problem of functional approximation can be cast as a geometric partitioning one. This idea of clustering points or faces of a 3D objects into a partition to help approximate the geometry has already been used many times in graphics [Kalvin and Taylor 1996; Heckel et al. 2001; Pauly et al. 2002], and particularly for mechanical parts [Inoue et al. 1999; Sheffer 2001], where clear-cut features make the partitioning easier. After all, an approximating face is nothing but a surrogate, linear approximant for a set of original clustered faces that share,
Partition and Proxies Each region Ri of a partition R can be summarily represented to rst order as an average point Xi and an average normal Ni (the word average is here used in a broad sense; it will be made clear in Section 2.3 when we dene a metric with respect to which these averages will represent the best local linear t). We will denote such a local representative pair Pi = (Xi , Ni ) a shape proxy of the associated region. Thus, for any given partition of a surface in k regions, we associate a set P of shape proxies {Pi }i=1..k that approximate the whole geometry. At this point, it is worthwhile to point out that a k-partition, in effect, denes a dual meta-mesh of the original: the proxies dene k dual meta-faces (obtained through clustering of original faces), and the connectivity of the k regions of the partition induces the topology of this dual mesh: as we claimed earlier, focusing on partitioning drastically simplies our task since the nal connectivity of the approximant is handled implicitly. Note that the topology of the approximant and the original one do not have to match: the approximant will automatically lter geometrically-irrelevant topological details, such as the tiny handles often present on scanned meshes [Wood et al. 2004]. Now, for this approximant to be relevant, we need to evaluate the quality of the partitionin order to nd a partition with near-optimal quality. Dening an appropriate error metric is a key ingredient in approximation. As mentioned earlier, the L2 or Hausdorff metrics are often used when comparing two triangulated surfaces. In our case, we want to measure the geometric relevance of a proxy set for a given surface: new denitions of error metrics are thus presented next. It will allow us to score a partition in terms of how well it approximates a surface. 2.3.1 L2 Metric for Proxies We can easily extend the notion of L2 distance to our framework. Given a region, Ri , and its associated proxy, Pi = (Xi , Ni ), we denote i (.) the orthogonal projection of the argument on the proxy plane going through Xi and normal to Ni ; the L2 metric is then: L2 (Ri , Pi ) =
Metrics on Proxies
x i (x) 2 dx.
This formula (from which we have removed the usual square root and area normalization, irrelevant for optimization purposes) measures the integral of the squared error between the region Ri and its linear proxy Pi . Notice that we integrate the real L2 distance over the surface, not just the distance evaluated at the vertices such as
in [Garland et al. 2001]; in doing so, we make the optimization robust to irregular sampling rate of the input geometry (see Figure 4). As we will explain in Section 3.4, nding the L2 -optimal proxy for a given region is fairly simple, since it only requires computing a barycenter and a covariance matrix.
n(x) ni
Figure 4: L2 -optimized partition for a highly non-uniform input mesh (notice the disk-shaped region with rened triangles). The sampling irregularity severely distorts the partitioning if point-based covariance matrices are used (left), while our triangle-based covariance matrices (right) provide the expected polygonal approximation, capturing the true geometry.
As proven for elliptic areas in the asymptotic limit [Nadler 1986], an L2 -optimal approximation of a surface will tend to create elements efciently taking advantage of local anisotropy by being stretched in the minimum curvature direction with an aspect ratio of |max /min |. This stretching along the minimum curvature direction makes very good use of the local shape of the object. However, in the hyperbolic case, there is no unique optimal shape and alignment. Since we are targeting a variational approach, this non-unique optimality is worrisome: a minimization algorithm can randomly jump around in the null space of the functional, resulting in undesired oscillations. To circumvent this issue, we look for a novel metric next. 2.3.2 Introducing L2,1 as a Shape Metric The L2 metric tries to match geometry through approximation of the geometric position of the object in space. However, the normal eld is fundamental in the way the visual system interprets the objects shape: normals govern lighting effects such as diffusion, specularity, as well as curvature lines and silhouettes; a smooth normal eld denes a smooth shape, and normal discontinuities indicate features. Moreover, there is evidence that our visual perception is actually more sensitive to changes in normals rather than in changes in positions: this remarkable property has been used in compression for instance, where quantization noise can be better hidden in the low-frequency errors [Sorkine et al. 2003]. As already noted in [Garland et al. 2001],a metric based on the error in normal approximation may therefore be more appropriate than L 2 . In addition to these considerations on visual perception, there is also strong evidence that correctly approximating the normal eld is an altogether better approach. In the functional setting, Shewchuk [2002] advocates that one should focus on getting good bounds on the gradient interpolation error, as these are much more difcult to control: the functional interpolation errors can always be improved through renement, whereas such a renement may not improve the gradient interpolation quality. In fact, approximating a function well does not mean that its gradient will also get approximated [Fu 1993]: there are known examples (Schwarzs Chinese lantern for instance) of triangulated surfaces converging to a smooth surface for the Hausdorff metric, but with a surface area diverging, and a non-converging normal eld. However, as hinted by the Poincar -Wirtinger-Sobolev inequality, controlling the upper e bound of the norm of the gradient interpolation error allows to also bound the norm of the interpolation error. Given the cogent body of evidence in favor of a normal-based measure of distortion, we introduce a new shape metric that we
We show in Appendix A that this metric is numerically superior to L2 in several ways: The anisotropy of the surface is better captured, since the asymptotic aspect ratio of an optimal element is in |max /min |, therefore largely superior to the asymptotic L2 behavior. This advantage is already conrmed at coarse scale, as shown in Figure 6. Moreover, we prove that there is a unique optimal shape and alignment in the limit for any (non-isotropic) surface type, be it parabolic, elliptic, or hyperbolic. The difference in results with the L2 metric is very noticeable (see Figures 5 and 16): although the two metrics have their own advantages, L2,1 consistently gives equal or better visual results according to our tests. Further results exhibiting the good behavior of this new metric can be found in Section 5. Finding the best normal proxy is as simple as averaging the normals over the associated region (see Section 3.4). We do not have to compute a covariance matrix, and thus, we save a signicant amount of computations compared to L2 (or even compared to the normal-based metric used in [Garland et al. 2001]). Finally, note that our asymptotical results are in agreement with the optimal case (super-convergence) of the gradient approximation mentioned in [Shewchuk 2002; DAzevedo and Simpson 1991].
Figure 5: Homer: This character illustrates the effect that an error metric can have on approximation. While L2 (left) and L2,1 (right) behave similarly on near-spherical regions such as the top of the head, the belly and mouth regions are very different in each case.
We now have everything we need to dene what we mean by an optimal partitioning of an arbitrary surface: Given an error metric E (either L2 or L2,1 ), a desired number k of proxies, and an input surface S, we call optimal shape proxies a set P of proxies Pi associated to the regions Ri of a partition R of S that minimizes the total distortion: E(R, P ) = E(Ri , Pi ). In other words, the set of proxies is optimal with respect to an error metric if it minimizes the total approximation error over the possible sets of proxies of same cardinality. Of course, in practice we cannot hope to nd the global minimum in a reasonable time. However, we set up our shape approximation as a discrete, variational partitioning of the initial faces such that we can now apply simple and powerful discrete clustering algorithms that achieve very good and on some simple cases near-optimal results. Given an error metric E, a number k of proxies, and an input geometry S of arbitrary size and topology, we wish to efciently nd a partitioning R of S in k disjoint, connected regions and its respective set P of optimal proxies that minimizes (or nearly minimizes) E(R, P ). Because in practice the input geometry is triangulated, we can consider this mesh as a discrete collection of faces: the problem is then cast into optimal discrete clustering, for which simple algorithms have been proven extremely efcient.
and their current respective proxy as Pi = (Xi , Ni ). The distortion error will be referred to as E, and can represent either the L2 - or L2,1 -based error dened in Section 2.3.
Figure 6: Four-ngered hand (left): Polygonal shape approximation using L2 (center) and L2,1 (right), both for 200 proxies. Notice the greater anisotropy in the L2,1 case.
Clustering a set of discrete points involves dividing them into nonoverlapping regions (or clusters), where points belonging to a region are closer by some measure of proximity to one another than to points in other clusters. Every region can be characterized by a single, average center, and the set of all k regions is called a k-partition. The Lloyd algorithm is a deterministic, xed point iteration that provides such a partitioning [Lloyd 1982]. Conceptually, the idea is simple: after dening k random centers, all the data points are partitioned into k regions by assigning each point to its nearest center. Then, the algorithm updates the centers to be the barycenters (centroids) of their associated regions before starting a new partition with these new centers. This process is repeated until a stopping criterion is met. It can be proven that such an algorithm (sometimes referred to as k-means clustering) aims at minimizing a cost function E based on how tightly each region is packed and how well separated the different clusters are: the functional E dened by a set of N points {Xj } and k centers {ci } is: E = i1..k Xj Ri Xj ci 2 . For such a functional, Lloyds algorithm always converges in a nite number of steps, since each step reduces the energy E: the partitioning stage minimizes E for a xed set of centers ci , while the tting stage minimizes E for a xed partition. Notice that the optimal xed point is strongly linked to the notion of centroidal Voronoi diagram [Du et al. 1999] in the continuous case, for which centers are exactly the centroids of their associated Voronoi cell. Because of its simplicity and ease of implementation, Lloyds algorithm is widely used even for higher-order functionals as it manages to nd a very good (though not guaranteed to be global) minima. Moreover, Lloyds technique also suffers from fewer oscillations than other physically-based particle-spreading techniques, explaining why this algorithm and its variants are used in many different contexts, including graphics [Hausner 2001; Ohtake et al. 2003a; Katz and Tal 2003; Surazhsky et al. 2003; Sander et al. 2003]. Therefore, if we are able to adapt Lloyds algorithm and use it as a minimizing tool to drive the distortion error down instead of optimizing compactness, we should be able to quickly produce a low-distortion partitioning and a set of geometric proxies that closely approximate any input geometry. Lloyds method hinges on the two phases of partitioning and tting, repeated alternately to drive the total energy down. Paralleling this process, we present a simple and efcient extension of Lloyds algorithm to variational, geometry-driven partitioning that includes the following steps: Geometry Partitioning In order to create a partition of an arbitrary non-at triangulation, we use an error-minimizing region growing algorithm that will segment the object in nonoverlapping connected regions. Proxy Fitting Once a partition is found, we compute for each region an optimal local representative, the proxy (see Section 2.2). These geometric proxies, that minimize the distortion error for a given partition, are an extension of the centroids in the original Lloyds algorithm. Nomenclature We now describe the algorithm, and will refer to the input surface as S, its current partition as R, its k regions as Ri ,
Figure 7: Half-sphere on plane: (left) random initialization of a 6partitioning; (center) after one iteration of our optimization, the regions self-organize; (right) after 5 iterations, the regions settle.
Knowing a current set of proxies P , we wish to update the partition R while trying to minimize the distortion error E(R, P ) in the process. We perform this k-proxy clustering as follows. Initial Seeding For each region of the previous partition, we rst nd the triangle Ti of S that is the most similar to its associated proxy. This is easily achieved by visiting each current partition region Ri , and by going once through all its triangles to nd the one with the smallest distortion error E(Ti , Pi ) (computed using Equations 3 or 4 in Appendix B). In order to bootstrap the algorithm, the very rst geometry partitioning picks k triangles at random on the object, and each of these triangles are assigned a proxy dened as the triangles barycenter and its normal. Once these k triangles are found, we assign them to their respective proxies, while we remove the proxy assignment of all the other triangles in order to start a new partition from scratch. Distortion-minimizing Flooding Once these seed triangles are found, we wish to grow a region out from them, in order to nd a new, better partition. Just like in Lloyds algorithm, we wish to cluster together only faces that are close (i.e., with a low error distortion) to the proxy. Therefore, for each seed triangle T i , we insert its three adjacent triangles Tj in a global priority queue, with a priority equal to their respective distortion error E(Tj , Pi ), and we add an additional tag indicating the label i of the proxy they are being tested against (a triangle can therefore appear up to three times in the queue, with different tags and priorities). The regiongrowing process is then performed by repeatedly popping triangles with least distortion until the priority queue is empty. For each triangle popped out from the queue, we check its proxy assignment: if it has already been assigned to a proxy, we do nothing and go to the next triangle in the queue; otherwise, we assign it to region of the proxy indicated by the tag, and push the (up to two) unlabeled incident triangles into the queue along with the same tag. When the priority queue has been emptied, each triangle has been assigned to a proxy: therefore we have a new partition. Notice that our growing process ensures connected and non-overlapping regions as required, and that this ooding procedure is extremely rapid (N log(N ) complexity). Note also that this partitioning method is quite different from previous clustering techniques: we use an integrated distortion error instead of a term based on local geometric criteria such as in [Katz and Tal 2003]. Once we have found a new partition R over the surface S, we now wish to update the respective proxies Pi =(Xi , Ni ) in order for them to be the best representatives of their associated newlyupdated region Ri (iterative partitioning is exemplied by Figure 7). Note that, for the given partition R, this procedure will nd the set of proxies that minimizes the total distortion error E(R, P ). This minimization is easily done using the equations given in Appendix B. For the L2 metric, Xi is simply the barycenter of the region Ri while Ni is the direction (the sign does not matter) indicated by the eigenvector associated with the smallest eigenvalue of the covariance matrix of the regioni.e., the proxy is the leastsquare tting plane traditionally found with Principal Component
Geometry Partitioning
Proxy Fitting
Analysis. For the L2,1 metric, the best t procedure is even simpler. The proxy normal is the area-weighted average of the triangles normals of the region; the point Xi , although irrelevant to the L2,1 minimization, is chosen to be the barycenter of the region for display and remeshing purposes. Several enhancements over the basic algorithm we just described are easily implemented, dramatically improving the efciency and the controllability of our basic technique. Choosing the Number of Proxies In order to make the variational partitioning more exible, we have added a number of possible interactions that the user can utilize if necessary. We let the user not only pick the desired number of proxies at any time, but we also allow interactive, incremental insertion and deletion of proxies. The insertion is done by nding the current region with maximum total distortion, and within it, we pick the triangle with worst distortion error as the initial seed for the next ooding (this is, in spirit, a farthest-point sampling heuristic); this will add a new region and proxy in the most needed part of the object (see example Figure 8). Similarly, we allow the incremental deletion of a region. We select the region to be deleted as follows: for each pair (or even a random set of pairs, if efciency is an issue) of adjacent regions, we simulate a merging of the two regions and compute the resulting distortion with the new best tting proxy; the pair of regions achieving the smallest distortion when merged are then replaced with a single one, deleting a proxy in effect. With these options, it becomes very easy to obtain a good partition in a matter of a few seconds. Region Teleportation It is no surprise that, in the course of nding a lower distortion, the algorithm can nd itself stuck in a local minimum. Typically, this can happen on a very at region: if a region happens to be encircled by other regions with similar proxies, it may be locally stuck in this minimum conguration as this position prevents it to roam on the surface and nd more efcient positions. Yet it is clearly suboptimal to leave this region as is. We have therefore implemented a region teleportation procedure to give a region the chance to tunnel out of a local minima, similar in spirit to [Bossen and Heckbert 1996; Lindstrom and Turk 2000]. At regular intervals during the clustering process, we simply force a region deletion as described above, immediately followed by a region insertion: the effect of this simple two-step operation is to remove a region stuck in a local minimum, and teleport it where it is most needed. In practice, it is better to rst test if the teleportation is worth it: we use a heuristic that tests whether the error added by a (simulated) deletion is smaller than half of the error of the worst region. If this test fails, no teleportation is necessary. These local operations drastically improve the nal quality of our partition. This good behavior is most likely due to the similarity of our strategy with a variant of the Lloyds algorithm [Kanungo et al. 2002], known for having tight bounds on the optimality of the results. Farthest-point Initialization A good initial seeding of the regions goes a long way in getting a good nal minimum fast. Although we have found in all our tests that the nave initializa
Figure 9: Partitioning without (left) and with (right) user-designed areaweighting: the left-hand side of the sphere has been painted to force a much coarser discretization.
tion with randomly chosen seeds as described above is just ne in practice, we have tailored a specic initialization for non-organic shapes: meshes of mechanical parts for instance can be dealt with in a particularly efcient fashion through a simple alternative initialization. We simply add one region at a time, perform a partitioning, then proceed by adding a new region at the triangle of maximum error with respect to the region it belongs to (again, this is reminiscent of the usual farthest point strategy); no tting between two oodings is necessary, as the proxy values are directly picked from the seed triangles barycenters and normals. This initialization works very well on non-smooth objects, but does not have a signicant pay-off on other objects, particularly if a lot of noise is present. Convergence Although we cannot guarantee global convergence of our variational approach, a very good behavior is observed in practice: the proxies start settling down after a few iterations, or oscillate around extremely similar distortion errors. Note that there is no need to wait for the regions to settle: in a matter of two to twenty iterations, results are already visually pleasing (see the error as a function of the number of iterations in Figure 10). Convergence is, however, guaranteed for convex objects for the L2,1 norm, since it amounts to the well-known k-means (area-weighted) clustering of the discrete normals on the image of the Gauss map. Furthermore, convergence would also be guaranteed for arbitrary surfaces if one was to relax the connectedness of the regions in the partition; however, having proxies that correspond to disconnected patches of surface is less geometrically relevant.
Figure 10: Max Planck: For the two optimized approximations (130 and 300 proxies resp.), we show the associated curves of the L2,1 -distortion error as a function of the number of Lloyds iterations; as expected, a few iterations sufce to reach a much reduced distortion error.
Figure 8: Fandisk: When the user interactively adds a proxy, a seed triangle is placed in the worst-approximated region (left), and the next iteration allows a new region to quickly grow (right).
Tailoring Renements Another valuable interactive tool is to allow the user to paint regions that require more (resp., less) details despite their lesser (resp., larger) geometric importance, as in [Kho and Garland 2003; Pojar and Schmalstieg 2003]. For instance, when approximating a face with very few proxies, the eyes may not be very apparent since they are not a signicant geometric feature: by articially scaling up or down the area of the faces painted, the error metric will weight these regions differently with no change to the algorithm. The effect of such a forced renement can be seen on Figure 9. Smoothing the Normal Field If extreme simplication is desired, it may also be relevant to articially smooth the vector eld for the L2,1 metric, i.e., the normal associated to each face: this helps embellish the nal result at a low costbut is by no means necessary. In order not to introduce a bias in the shape, we use a local non-iterative anisotropic smoothing, easily implemented as it reuses a part of the partitioning procedure. For each face, we initialize a proxy with the triangles barycenter and normal, then launch a ooding algorithm similar in spirit to the one explained in Section 3.3; but we perform the ooding only for this seed, with
additional thresholds on both the maximum deviation angle with the seeds normal (typically, ten degrees) and the maximum number of triangles to collect. A local connected region of most similar geometry is therefore found and spread anisotropically around the initial seed. We then articially change the normal of the seed triangle to the area-weighted average normal, which is a smoothed version of the initial normal. This is very similar in spirit to WENO techniques [Osher and Fedkiw 2002], but for geometry: such an anisotropic averaging preserves normal discontinuities perfectly. Now that we found a nearly-optimal partitioning, its proxies capture the essence of the input geometry. They form a perfect draft for remeshing: if proxies are thought of as local faces (local tangent planes), we already have the blueprint of a mesh. Additionally, the adjacency graph of the partition denes the connectivity of a mesh as well. Therefore, if a mesh output is needed, a set of vertices and edges can easily be added to obtain a mesh that closely approximates the original object, in the spirit of [Kalvin and Taylor 1996]. Anchor Vertices Since the proxies can be seen as approximate faces of the nal mesh, we must put vertices at the intersection of the proxies. Thus, we create an anchor vertex at every original vertex where three or more regions meet. In order to account for every region, we then check whether each region boundary has at least three anchor vertices attached to it; if not, we simply add anchor vertices accordingly as it will guarantee the presence of at least one polygon per region. The spatial position of these anchor vertices is determined as follows: for each neighboring proxy of an anchor, we compute the projection of the associated vertex from which the anchor was created onto the proxy (i.e., its ideal position for this proxy); we then simply average these projections. Edge Extraction Since every anchor vertex has a pointer to its originating vertex on the input surface, it is easy to now add edges between the anchor vertices by simply visiting each region boundary. These so-constructed edges may approximate the regions boundary rather coarsely, inducing geometric inaccuracies later on during the triangulation of the approximant mesh faces. Thus, we use a simple recursive chord-length subdividing algorithm. If a and b are two anchor vertices linked by an edge separating proxy P i and Pj , we visit all the original vertices of the associated boundary arc, nd the largest distance d from these vertices to the edge (a, b), and add an anchor vertex there. However, if the angle between proxy P i and Pj is rather small, even a coarse approximation of the boundary will do: it does not add geometric information on the shape. On the contrary, when there is a large angle in between the two proxies, a more accurate discretization is desirable. We thus proceed as follows: if the criterion d sin(Ni , Nj )/ (a, b) is larger than a given threshold, we recursively add anchor vertices and edges to better approximate the boundary until the criterion is met. Triangulation With the anchor vertices and edges dened, we already have a polygonal mesh. However, when the number of proxies is fairly small, the polygons have no guarantee of being almost at or convex. Thus, we need to triangulate this initial graph in order to be able to truly call it a mesh. This is done through a discrete Constrained Delaunay triangulation (CDT) to make the process robust to any sort of extreme approximation: indeed, we will create Delaunay-like triangles within each region, while constraining the existing anchor-based edges to be part of the nal triangulation. To achieve this pseudo-CDT, we resort once again to a ooding algorithm, very similar to the multi-source Djisktras shortest path algorithm with an edge weight equal to its length, and for which the sources are the anchor vertices: it will, in spirit, construct discrete Voronoi cells from which the triangulation is easily extracted. In a rst step, we only ood the boundary of a region so that every vertex on it is colored depending on the closest anchor vertex: this will enforce the constrained triangulation by forcing
4 Application to Meshing
Figure 11: Discrete Constrained Delaunay Triangulation: Flooding the mesh from the anchor vertices (solid dots) creates triangles (light grey, left and center) whose three corners have different colors. Each of these triangles generates a meta-triangle during meshing. A nal edge-removal pass provides a L2,1 -polygonal model (right, bottom).
the boundary to be in it. We then start a ooding of the interior of the region, coloring the vertices also according to their closest anchor vertex. The extraction of the nal triangles is now straightforward. We look at every triangle of the input mesh whose three vertices have distinct colors: each of them corresponds to a triangle in the nal triangulation, emanating from the anchor vertices indicated by the three colors. A nal pass can be done on these newly-added edges: swapping some of them may locally improve the compactness of the triangles in the rare occasions when the discrete approximation of the Delaunay triangulation is imperfect. A simple test followed by a swap if it shows relevant is therefore done on each internal edges. A summary of this process is depicted in Figure 11.
Figure 12: Generation of a polygonal model: triangle mesh obtained via CDT (top-right); creation of well-shaped quads (bottom-right), then polygons (bottom-left) by iterative edge removal.
Polygons Due to the very nature of our partitioning, the newlytriangulated mesh may have useless edges: since every region should result in nearly at geometry, there are sometimes no reason to have edges within these polygonal faces, except to avoid concave polygons, detrimental to the graphics pipeline. We therefore perform a nal pass over the triangulation to remove the edges that do not contribute to the shape. First, we try to make as many nicely-shaped quads as possible: we look at edges that can be safely removed (i.e., that produce no normal ips); we sort them by a score linked to the well-shapedness of every candidate quad [Pebay 2002]; nally, we go down the list and remove the edges creating the best quads rst, until the list is empty. Second, we perform a second pass in order to create larger polygons if possible; for each
remaining edge, we rst test if removing it would not induce a concavity in the mesh, and if it would not change the normal by more than a given threshold (typically, 20 degrees); for the eligible edges, we compute a score based on the area of the potential polygon; we nally go over the edges in order of decreasing score, to create the largest polygons rst. A close-up on the remeshed Fandisk model in Figure 12 exhibits the type of polygonalization we nally obtain. The meshing of the proxies is fast, and never took more than one second on all the meshes shown in this paper. Other meshing techniques could be used, using local parameterization of the regions for instance, but our discrete parameterization-free approach has proved satisfactory.
Figure 14: (Left) Dinosaur model; (Center) L2,1 -approximation; (Right) Results for QEM [Garland and Heckbert 1998] with same number of edges. Note that our approach reproduces the highlights (see neck), with a symmetric Hausdorff error 18% better (as measured by [Aspert et al. 2002]).
Figure 13: L2,1 -Approximation: our versatile framework optimizes the efciency of geometric representations. (Left) Armadillo (300 proxies, initially 346K triangles), (Right) Feline (50 proxies, initially 100K triangles).
the processing time (see Figures 14 and 15). In fact, our tests show that Qslim [Garland and Heckbert 1998] often outperforms our L 2 results if an L2 -optimized mesh with a given number of triangle is sought, as our actual meshing procedure is not error-driven and is intrinsically designed for polygonal outputs. Similarly, we are only handling piecewise-linear 2-manifolds, although an extension to point clouds with local approximation of connectivity is feasible. At the algorithmic level, our meshing technique can still be improved. For instance, we could allow the nal mesh to be nonmanifold, resulting in even more concise meshes for extreme simplications. Indeed, in the case of a n-like feature, we currently create a pyramid-type n during the discretization even if there is only one region for the whole n. Lastly, the Voronoi-like cells obtained on spherical regions (see top of Homers head on Figure 5) indicate that we could locally extract a dual mesh, leading to nicelyshaped triangles in round regions and still elongated elements in anisotropic regions.
We have tested our variational partitioning technique extensively, on geometry varying from organic shapes to mechanical parts, and from toy examples to large, noisy scanned meshes (see Figures 2 and 13). Although the L2 metric provides good approximations in general, the L2,1 results are in agreement with what we would have intuitively expected from a good segmentation of geometry, and often capture more details. In both cases, our variational approach allows the symmetries to be quickly found, the anisotropy to be automatically detected and exploited, and the regions to line up with the features. Finally, we insist on the fact that, while the canons of beauty for graphics meshes usually involve nicely-shaped triangles with a smooth sampling gradation, our concise, optimized meshes sharply depart from the norm; but they gain in efciency by respecting features and symmetries (see Figure 17). The application of this new type of approach are numerous. Such an automatic segmentation/polygonalization of redundant datasets can be, for instance, directly used for reverse engineering [V rady a et al. 1997; Botsch and Kobbelt 2001] and scanned meshes. The proxy optimization also seem to offer interesting alternatives to existing methods, such as the greedy selection of representative e planes for billboard clouds [D coret et al. 2003]. Moreover, using anisotropic ellipses (computed from the eigenvalues of the regions covariant matrices) could further optimize surface splatting. The WENO-type face clustering has been surprisingly effective at smoothing geometry, and could be explored further. Lastly, various optimizations are likely to further improve the efciency of the minimization procedure, such as lazy evaluations for instance. Limitations Being based on iterative optimization, our technique cannot compete with greedy methods such as [Garland and Heckbert 1998] in terms of computational time: improving mesh efciency can be three to twenty times slower when compared with simplex removal. Although it remains fairly interactive (between 3s for Figure 1, to 10 minutes for Figure 17), it should be reserved for ofine computations: greedy approaches perform really well given
Figure 15: Comparison of the Hausdorff error for QEM [Garland and Heckbert 1998] and for our L2,1 technique, for equal number of vertices (a comparison using equal number of edges leads to an extremely similar curve).
By breaking away from the traditional approximation paradigm that consists in directly optimizing a piecewise-linear approximant of an original surface, we have proposed a simple and efcient variational shape approximation approach. Through mutual and repeated error-driven optimizations of a partition and a set of local proxies, our method provides concise geometric representations either in the form of local best-t geometric representatives or in the form of a polygonal mesh. We have also presented a novel shape metric, allowing the capture of more subtle details than the traditional L2 metric. The versatility of our framework paves the way to a multitude of future work. We plan to try a Sobolev metric (H 1 ) next, since it would simply consist of the sum of the L2 and L2,1 energies and would only require a low-order polynomial root solver to compute the best t. Other metrics, incorporating color and texture information, can also be easily tried. Variational motion approximation, i.e., a 4D (3D + time) approximation using a space-time metric,
6 Conclusions
Now if we try to optimize, using a Lagrange multiplier , the efciency as a function of a and b under the constraint that the area ab is constant, we get the following linear system: 2 Q11 a b = 3 Q22 b a We then nd that the optimal dimensions of R is: a = , |Q22 | being a constant.
, |Q11 |
b =
Figure 16: Mechanical parts: 50 proxies on the Fandisk using L2 (left) vs L2,1 (center). Notice that the two metrics are adopting two different approximation strategies. Approximating the high-genus casting model with 172 L2,1 -proxies (right).
2|R| For this optimal rectangle, we have: f = 12 Q11 Q22 . However, 2 0 for any . The efciency f is notice that det Q = Q11 Q22 Q12 therefore best when Q12 = 0: Q is then diagonal, which means that H is also diagonal and thus, = 0. As a consequence, the optimal quadrangle is aligned with the principal curvature (since = 0 - see Figure A.3); and has Q11 a side ratio of a/b = = | H11 |, i.e., of ratio |2 /1 | (since H is Q22 H22 diagonal in the optimal conguration). This result is particularly strong as it is valid in all regions, be them elliptic or hyperbolic.
could also be used to simplify large scientic simulation sequences, making the best of both spatial and temporal components. Geometry compression and higher-order proxies are two other obvious avenues to explore. Finally, we wish to study the notion of shape complexity (see [King and Rossignac 1999]) and how it relates to the choice of a metric, as it could help making a few steps towards a sampling theory for shapes.
Acknowledgments We wish to thank Peter Schroder, Zo Wood, and Eie tan Grinspun for early feedback, and Laura Lee-Chin for help on the video. The Lion-vase model (Figure 2) is courtesy of SensAble Technologies, Inc.; the Dinosaur model is courtesy of Michael Garland, and the David model is courtesy of Marc Levoy and the Stanford graphics group.
In this last section, we provide the reader with the equations needed to compute the distortion errors and the best-tting (error minimizing) proxies. Formulas for L2 Let Ti = (v1 , v2 , v3 ) be a triangle of area |Ti |, and let Pi be a proxy (Xi , Ni )here considered as a plane passing through Xi , of normal Ni . Let d1 , d2 , and d3 the orthogonal distances of the vertices v1 , v2 , and v3 to the plane Pi . The L2 distance between Ti and Pi is: (3) L2 (Ti , Pi ) = 1 (d2 + d2 + d2 + d1 d2 + d1 d3 + d2 d3 )|Ti |. 2 3 6 1 As for the minimization, we nd the best-t Xi of the region Ri simply using: Xi = Ti Ri gi |Ti | / Ti Ri |Ti | , where gi stands for the barycenter of triangle Ti , i.e. gi = (v1 +v2 +v3 )/3. The best-t normal Ni of the region Ri is equal to the eigenvector corresponding to the smallest eigenvalue of the following matrix:
where Mi =
2|Ti | Mi 7 72 0 R
7 10 0
v2 v1 v3 v1 0 0 0
0 0 i + |Ti | gi gi t Mt 0
(A.1) (A.2) (A.3) In this section, we prove that asymptotically, an element is most efcient if: (i) the eigenvectors of its inertia matrix are along the principal curvature directions, and (ii) the eigenvalues ratio is equal to the principal curvatures ratio. Although this property holds for arbitrary elements, we only consider rectangular elements for the sake of simplicity. Consider an arbitrary surface S. Let R be a small rectangle of dimension 2a 2b = |R|, and such like R is tangent in its center to the surface S at a point p. The normal n p at p is therefore also normal to R. The only parameters that are not determined are a, b, and the angle between the minimum curvature direction and the side of R (see Figures A.1 and A.2). Then we have [Gray 1998]: x n(x, y) np + H y H is the (symmetrical) Hessian matrix. Since p is the barycenter of R, the average normal N is np . Therefore, the L2,1 -based error E is:
n(x, y) np
dx dy =
R +a +b
(x y) Ht H
x dx dy y
(x y) Q
x dx dy = y
a b
(x y)
Q11 Q12
Q12 Q22
Notice that Q = Ht H = H2 is by denition always symmetric positive, even if H is not positive (like in hyperbolic regions). We now dene the efciency f = E/|R| as the ratio of error covered by area unit [Simpson 1994]. Obviously, we wish f to be minimum. In our case, we can rewrite: f = 1 (Q11 a2 + Q22 b2 ) 3
t |Ti | Xi Xi
Formulas for For a triangle Ti of area |Ti |, of normal ni , and of associated proxy Pi = (Xi , Ni ), the L2,1 error is computed as follows: L2,1
L2,1 (Ti , P) = ni Ni 2 |Ti |. (4) Now for region Ri , the optimal proxy normal Ni is simply equal to the vector: Ti Ri |Ti |ni , after normalization to make it unit.
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Figure 17: David (700K triangles): at two different resolutions for the L 2,1 metric (resp. 5 min, and 10 min), front and back views. Edges inside each region are removed to improve clarity.
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