Lesson 2
Lesson 2
Lesson 2
Heart Attack Warning Signs
a non-communicable disease (NCD) is a
medical condition or disease that is non- chest discomfort that can feel like
infechous and non-transmissible. uncomfortable pressure, squeezing or
pain that lasts for more than a few
Estimated that 6-10 deaths in the world are minutes, or that goes away and returns
attmbuted to NCDs cardiovascular disease, later;
diabetes, cancer, and risk factors, which Pain or discomfort in the shoulders,
include elevated blood sugar and neck, jaw, between the shoulder
overweight. blades, in one or both arms;
Shortness of breath that accompanies
2010 WHO reported that main causes of NCDs the chest discomfort;
are known: and Light-headedness, cold sweats,
nausea, and/or vomiting,
PHYSICAL INACTIVIT High Blood Pressure or Hypertension
CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE (CVD) refers to a chronic, persistent elevation
of blood pressure. Pressure is created
A group of degenerative condition that when the heart contracts, pump blood
afflicts the heart and the vessel. Includes into the arteries, and blood is forced
coronary heart, strokes, hypertension or against the walls of the arteries as it
high blood pressure and heart failure. circulates throughout the body.
Coronary heart diseases (CHDs) are It is a damage to part of the brain that is caused
caused by a lack of blood supply to the by an interruption of blood supply to the brain
heart muscle resulting from a due to either rupture and leakage (hemorrhage)
progressive, degenerative disorder or blockage (ischemic) of blood vessels. The
known atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis term stroke indicates the sudden onset.
involves a build-up and deposition of fat
and fibrous plaques in the inner lining of Stroke Warning Signs
arterial wall thereby narrowing it.
Sudden weakness or numbness of the
Atherosclerosis Plaque can face, arm, or leg particularly on one
accumulate in an artery which can side of the body.
eventually block the blood flow. This Sudden confusion, dizziness, difficulty
can cause stroke, heart attack, and with speech and understanding.
even death. Sudden visual difficulty in one or both
sudden trouble walking, loss of
balance, or coordination.
Sudden severe headache
Heart Failure
Modifiable factors