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Occupational Health and Productivity in Noise Exposure and Room Layout - 2

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Occupational Health And Productivity In Noise

Exposure And Room Layout
A. Muhammad Idkhan, Fiskia Rera Baharuddin

Abstract: Comfort at work will significantly affect the level of productivity and personal health of workers or students. Research conducted comparing the
phenomena that occur with the standard values issued by official institutions. The research was in the machine tool laboratory of the Engineering
Faculty, Universitas Negeri Makassar. The research conducted is qualitative and quantitative. The parameters tested in the study are the noise level and
room layout. Primary data obtained from the results of noise measurements with Sound Level Meters on average per 10 minutes later for room layout
through direct measurement and then distribution of questionnaires to see the perception of the workers. Data needed in research analysis take and
analyzed using the IBM SPSS Program. From the results of the study obtained an acoustic level (noise) with a value of 82.14 dB (A), while the ideal
standard for space is 85 – 90dB (A), then the design of the room with the results of 41.48 square meters, while the ideal standard for each work unit
ranges from 64 meters square. From these results it is necessary to check the noise threshold every year so that the comfort and health of the workers
maintained. Room patterns that still tend to be narrow, not following applicable standards will indirectly reduce productivity at work, and there is a
tendency to not pay attention to comfort and safety in the laboratory or workshop

Index Terms: Ergonomic, Human Factor, Pollution, Working in conditions, Work Environment

1. INTRODUCTION [6].Working in conditions that are not ergonomic can cause

Industrialization will always followed by the application of high various problems, one of which is neck muscle pain [7].
technology that is more complex but often hurts both humans Working in a standing position that carried out continuously or
and the environment [1]. In the workplace, there are several for an extended period causes muscle tension and limitations
dangers affect the work environment, such as physical, of neck movements that cause the occurrence of neck muscle
chemical, biological, ergonomic and psychological factors. A complaints become complaints that are often experienced by
right working environment is one of the supporting factors for welding employees when doing welding with standing position
worker productivity, which in turn has an impact on increasing for hours [8]. One effort to increase efficiency productivity is
the level of performance [2].The use of materials and through the application of ergonomics. Ergonomics can define
equipment has become an essential requirement in various as a study of human aspects and the work environment that
jobs. It means that equipment and technology is a necessary reviewed in anatomy, physiology, engineering, and
support to increase productivity for various types of jobs. management [9].Through the ergonomics approach in the
Besides, on the other hand there will be negative impacts if we design of the workplace is to be a harmony between humans
are less alert to face potential dangers that may arise. It will and the work system (human-machine system), or it can say
not happen if it can anticipate various risks that affect the lives that the work system design must make the workforce work
of workers [3]. The various risks are the possibility of properly [10]. It requires expertise in design of tools and
occupational health problems, work-related diseases and equipment, workspace layout, work organization so that
work-related accidents that can cause disability or death. workers can work well and efficiently. Understanding
Adjustments between workers, work processes and work ergonomics is to increase labor productivity in an institution or
environment must carry out as a precaution against events company can achieve if there is a match between workers and
that will result from work.Work environment where workers do their jobs. Moreover, through this understanding it hoped that
their daily work, working environment conditions significantly workers could increase their knowledge about the importance
affect a person's performance at work, where there are several of ergonomics in carrying out their work [11].Chapanis [12],
factors that affect namely physical conditions (lighting, mentioned ergonomics is the science to explore and apply
temperature, noise, vibration, and pollution) and non-physical information about human behavior, abilities, limitations, and
(in the form of psychological conditions of workers, work other human characteristics to design equipment, machinery,
fatigue and tired of work) [4]. Safe working environment systems, work, and environment to increase productivity,
conditions where air quality, light quality, temperature, and safety, comfort and effectiveness of work human. Ergonomics
noise are by established standards so that workers will do related disciplines in workplace design include a study of work
their work comfortably and if working conditions exceed the methods, anthropometry, workspace layout and facilities, work
specified standards can cause illnesses and accidents on physiology and biomechanics, occupational safety and health,
workers. A condition of the work environment to be excellent maintainability, relations of human behavior, and work time
or appropriate if humans who are in it can carry out their management.Ergonomics began in 1949, but research
activities optimally, healthy, safe, and comfortable [5]. activities related to it had sprung up decades before, as done
Suitability of the work environment can have an impact in a by Frederick W. Taylor was an American engineer who
long time, as well as a bad work environment will result in the applied scientific methods to determine the best way to do a
difficulty of obtaining an effective and efficient work system job [13]. Furthermore, in a series of activities related to the
uncomfortable work environment felt by the operators in the
 A. Muhammad Idkhan, Associate Professor, Department of workplace. Thackrah [14], observes posture at work as part of
Mechanical Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering, health problems. At that time Trackrah observed a tailor who
Universitas Negeri Makassar, E-mail: amuhidkhan@unm.ac.id worked with the position and dimensions of chairs that were
 Fiskia Rera Baharuddin, Lecturer, Department of Agricultural not anthropometrically suitable, as well as non-ergonomic
Technology Education, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri lighting which resulted in bowing and visual sensory
Makassar, E-mail: fiskia.rere@unm.ac.id

irritation.Gilbreth [15], in the study, also observed and  Check the battery condition, make sure the power is in
optimized the work method, in this case more detailed in the good condition, and make sure the weighing scale.
Analysis of the Movement compared with Frederick W. Taylor.  Adjust the weighting of the measuring instrument response
In his book Motion Study shows how bending posture can time to the characteristics of the measured sound source
overcome by designing a table system that can adjusted up (S for relatively constant sound sources or F for shock
and down (adjustable). Another study conducted by Elton sources).
Mayo, an Australian citizen, started several studies at an  Position the measuring instrument microphone as high as
Electric Company. The purpose of the study is to quantify the the position of the human ear at work. Avoid sound
effect of physical variables such as lighting and the length of reflection from the body or sound source barrier.
rest time on the efficiency factors of the work operators in the  Navigate the measuring instrument microphone with the
assembly unit [16].Workers will work continuously on every sound source following the characteristics of the
workday in the workplace. Therefore, the design of the microphone (microphone perpendicular to the sound
workplace becomes essential because the success or failure source, 70 – 80degrees from the sound source).
of the completion of a job is determined by the optimization of  Select the sound pressure level (SPL) or the equivalent
the workforce. The range of sound frequencies that can hear continuous sound pressure level (Leq) Adjust it to the
by the human ear is approximately 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz in measurement objective.
general amplitude with variations in the response curve. A Sound Level Meter has a weighting or scales A, B, and C.
deafening sound causes damage to the hair cells because For the measurement of noise levels used scale A. This scale
damaged hair cells cannot grow anymore so progressive hair is a noise scale that is sensitive to high frequencies and is
cell damage can occur and hear loss. Noise is a source of best suited to human hearing. Scale B gives a good response
danger from physical factors in the workplace, which sources for low frequencies, while for C scale provides the best
of danger need to control to create a healthy, safe, response to low frequencies. Noise checked by measuring the
comfortable and productive work environment for the sound pressure level dB (A) for 10 minutes for each
workforce [17]. World Health Organization (WHO) [18], measurement.
reported that in 2000 there were already 250 million (4.2
percent) of the world's population experiencing hearing loss 2.3Laboratory Layout
from the effects of noise in various forms.Occupational health The research was in the machine tool laboratory of the
is an activity carried out to obtain the highest degree of health, Engineering Faculty, Universitas Negeri Makassar. The
both physical, mental, and social, for the working community complete facilities and machine tools available at these
and the working environment. Disturbances in health and locations are the reasons researchers set as research
working power due to various factors in work can avoided, if locations. Workshops, laboratories, and workshops are all
there is a willingness from the leadership of the company to available and still function properly. The layout of the research
prevent it. When heat production is out of balance with the location can see in Figure 1 below.
heat released by the body, it will produce uncomfortable
working conditions [19]. Likewise, with the level of noise
caused by machines that operate, if it exceeds the threshold
value of human hearing, it will cause hearing loss.

2.1 Approach of Research
Following the purpose of the study which is to examine the
condition of the lecture room facilities, this study including the
observation field/case studies did not test the relationship
between variables. This type of research is case study, which
generally categorized as exploratory research [20].In the
study, the researcher made a comparison of the status of the
phenomenon with its standard, which is comparing the results
of measurements in the field with the standard and the results
of the calculation following its users. Before conducting
research, researchers must prepare a solid foundation as a
standard reference to measure the extent to which these
measurements meet the standards. Fig. 1. Layout Laboratory Tooling Machine Unit (Research
2.2 Measurement Procedure
Noise measurements made with a Sound Level Meter. This MB : Lathe Machine
tool consists of a microphone, circuit, and reading display. The
MS : Shipper Machine
microphone will detect air pressure that varies, which then,
with a sound, will convert it into an electrical signal. This signal MF/MM : Milling Machine
will then be processed by an electronic circuit. Readings will MD : Drilling Machine
see in decibels (dB) [21].The standard operating procedures MG : Grinding Machine
for noise measurement [22], [23] are as follows: MP : Cutting Machine
 Turn on the noise intensity meter. MLP : Plate Folding Machine

MPR : Press Machine

MGR : Sawing Machine

2.4Data Collection and Analysis

This research conducted in four stages. The first step is to
determine the area that will use as a sampling point. The
second stage of measuring noise using a sound level meter.
The third stage is the distribution of questionnaires to workers
in each area. The fourth stage is the last stage, which is a
combination of the previous stages, where the measurement
results obtained compiled to obtain the value of noise intensity,
measurement of laboratory space layout, and worker
perceptions. The research conducted is qualitative and
quantitative. Data needed in research analysis taken and
analyzed using the IBM SPSS Program. To get the data, a
sound level meter needed to calculate the average noise
intensity value per 10 minutes and the distribution of
questionnaires to processed using statistics.


3.1 Noise (Acoustic) Fig. 2.Noise measurement (dB) Layout of Machine Tool Unit
Noise occurs when annoying or unwanted sounds are intense Laboratory
and can affect human performance and health. Sources of
work noise include the vibration of buildings, machinery, or In Indonesia there are a number of laws that regulate the
engine components. The results of the noise measurements existence of a threshold value for Noise, namely the Decree of
that have obtained can presented in the table below as the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia of 2004
follows. concerning the Environmental Health Requirements of the
Hospital stating that the noise quality standards contained in
Table 1.Noise measurement results (dB) of the Machine Tool the hospital laundry room has a required value of 78 dB (A)
Unit Laboratory with a condition of exposure time of 8 hours. According to the
Observation Observation Point (dB) Decree of the Minister of Environment of 1996 concerning
Time TP1 TP2 TP3 TP4 TP5 Noise Level Standards states that the noise level standard in
the hospital environment is 55 dB (A), whereas according to
TT 07.30-08.00 83.60 83.20 83.50 83.80 83.90
the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of
TT 08.00-08.30 83.50 83.20 83.10 83.60 83.70 Indonesia of 1987 concerning Noise Related to Health states
T1 08.30-09.00 82.70 82.50 82.30 83.40 82.90 that hospitals are part of the zone A with a maximum noise
intensity limit of 45 dB (A).Then the Decree of the Minister of
T1 09.00-09.30 81.80 82.40 83.70 81.90 83.70
Manpower and Transmigration for the allowable noise
T2 09.30-10.00 82.10 82.40 82.70 82.80 82.10 threshold value of 85 dB (A). If it has exceeded the threshold
T2 10.00-10.30 82.20 82.30 82.60 82.50 82.20 value, it required to use Personal Protective Equipment. This
threshold value uses benchmarks of workplace noise that can
T3 10.30-11.00 80.90 80.80 80.40 79.80 84.40
be accepted by workers without causing illness or health
T3 11.00-11.30 80.50 80.60 80.80 80.90 80.70 problems in their daily work for a time not exceeding 8 hours a
T4 11.30-12.00 80.30 80.10 82.00 80.20 80.00 day or 40 hours a week. The US Department of Labor
Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)
T4 12.00-12.30 81.20 81.60 81.30 81.80 82.80
Regulations on the protection of workers against noise
exposure in factories state a permissible noise threshold of 90
The Irish Occupational Health and Safety Authority (HSA) dB (A). OSHA Occupational Noise Exposure states that
states that if someone has difficulty hearing people speak at workers who pass a certain threshold must protect by
two meters, this indicates that there is noise at the workplace. companies either through engineering or personal protection
Noise can generate by the movement of workpieces that meet equipment [24]. Several countries have made provisions
a cutting tool from a rotating machine. Occupational noise regarding normal noise thresholds in law, such as in the UK,
exposure assessed by measuring the allowable noise level West Germany, Yugoslavia, and Japan, setting a threshold
obtained daily. The measurement point layout can see in value of 90 dB (A), Belgium and Brazilian 80 dB (A), Denmark,
Figure 2 as follows. Finland, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, and Russia 85 dBA.Based
on the analysis of the measurements, it known that the
average noise in the machine tool laboratory is 82.14 dB; this
value is below the standard threshold value. Regulation of the
Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, states that a
value that regulates average noise pressure or noise level
based on the duration of exposure to noise, which represents
the condition of almost all workers exposed to repeated noise

without causing hearing loss and understanding normal problems besides hearing loss usually caused by high noise
speech.Noise occurs when annoying or unwanted sounds are energy, which can cause physical effects, such as changes in
intense and can affect human performance and health. heart frequency, changes in blood pressure, and levels of
Sources of work noise include the vibration of buildings, perspiration [36]. Besides, there are mild psychosocial and
machinery, or engine components. Occupational noise psychomotor effects when trying to work in a noisy
exposure assessed by measuring the allowable noise level environment. Noise in the workplace is often a problem for
obtained daily. Uncontrolled and unexpected sound exposure workers. Generally, comes from working machines, moving
can have stress side effects on behavior. Studies on work equipment, contact with metals, compressors, and so on.
noise show that this is related to disturbance, health problems, Unfortunately, many workers use to this habit, and even many
work accidents, and reduced performance efficiency. It is workers do not want to wear protective equipment for the
working with a lathe that makes a loud enough sound, coupled reason: do not understand, heat, tightness, not comfortable to
with the sound of a rotating workpiece and the sound wear, heavy, superiors also do not use. Although not
produced during the workpiece slicing process and the length complaining, health problems still occur in the future.
of time working affect the auditory nerve at work so that it will
create physical fatigue which can ultimately affect student 3.2 Layout Design
performance at work.Uncontrolled and unexpected sound The design of a building or the right environment will cause
exposure can have stress side effects on behavior. Studies on people to feel more comfortable, safe, and productive, and
work noise show that this is related to disturbance, health vice versa, bad design will make a feeling of helplessness
problems, work accidents, and reduced performance efficiency (powerless) and cause stress. The results of the measurement
[25]. Noise effects other than hearing aids felt by workers of the layout (area of space) that has obtained can be
exposed to loud noise complaining about nausea, weakness, presented in Table 2 as follows.
stress, headaches and even increased blood pressure
[26].Malaysia has an estimated 103,000 workers who Table 2. Layout Measurement of the Machine Tool Unit
potentially affected by hearing loss caused by noise (NIHL). A Laboratory
total of 18 industries exposed to noise levels of 86-90 dB (A) Observation Observation Point (m2)
and eight industries in more than 91 dB (A) identified. There is No
Time TP1 TP2 TP3 TP4 TP5
a tendency that 89 percent of male workers exposed to higher
risk compared to women who are only around 11 percent [27]. TT RP-A 41.33 42.23 42.40 41.28 41.25
All industries in Malaysia provide regular training in the TT RP-B 42.30 41.25 41.35 40.00 42.60
awareness of using hearing protection devices to their
T1 RP-C 41.20 41.53 41.28 41.25 41.25
workers, but none of them apply it.Noise has several impacts
on health. In addition to having an impact on hearing loss, high T1 RP-D 42.40 41.34 40.00 42.60 42.30
intensity noise can also result in loss of concentration, loss of T2 RP-E 41.35 40.12 41.25 41.25 41.20
balance and disorientation, fatigue, communication disorders,
T2 RP-F 41.28 40.00 42.60 42.30 42.23
sleep disturbances, disruption of task performance, impaired
physiology, as well as visceral effects, such as changes in T3 RP-G 41.45 41.25 41.25 41.20 41.25
heart frequency/increased pulse rate, changes in blood T3 RP-H 41.34 42.60 41.53 42.40 41.53
pressure and levels of perspiration [28], [29].The main
T4 RP-I 41.23 42.34 41.33 41.35 41.34
negative impacts that arise because of noise, especially on
aspects of health. A sudden, loud sound quickly followed by a T4 RP-J 41.32 41.32 42.30 41.28 40.12
muscular reflex in the middle ear, which will limit the amount of
sound energy delivered to the inner ear. However, in such The types of machines in laboratories and workshops whose
environments it is relatively rare. Most people who exposed to layout is the object of research are as follows:
noise experience long-term exposure, which may be
intermittent or continuous. Such energy transmission, if it is
long enough and sharp will damage the cortical organs and
subsequently can result in permanent deafness. In everyday
life, the average level of human hearing during conversations
is comfortable. The magnitude of this speech intensity level is
60 dB [30]. Usually, the threshold value of maximum noise
exposure or the threshold of human hearing pain is 120 dB
[31].The results of the study stated that people who exposed
to noise tend to have unstable emotions. The emotional
instability will cause stress. Stress that is long enough will
cause narrowing of blood vessels so that the heart spurred to
work harder to pump blood throughout the body [32], [33].
Noise causes various disruptions to the workforce, such as
physiological disorders, psychological disorders,
communication, and deafness disorders, or there are those
who classify the disorder in the form of auditory disorders, for
example, hearing and non-auditory disorders such as
disrupted communication, safety hazards, decreased safety
performance, fatigue and stress [34], [35].Other health


size of 8 x 7 meters with several participants (students) of no

more than 40 people to enable all students to move freely, not
overcrowding and interfere with one student. With others when
doing learning activities. In arranging seats and tables, it is
vital to enabling face-to-face encounters so that the lecturer
can control student behavior, also allows students to move
freely. Not only that, ventilation, light regulation, temperature,
and noise levels are essential assets that must considered for
creating a comfortable learning atmosphere [41]. Ergonomic
classrooms must design with an ergonomic approach as well,
namely work attitudes and positions, anthropometry and
dimensions of the workspace, working environment conditions,
economic efficiency of movement and work facility
management, and work energy consumed (Management,
Technical work procedures). Physical working environment
conditions such as temperature, lighting levels, and noise
levels are among the factors that can affect one's comfort
when working in a work station [42].When workers physically
and emotionally have the desire to work, then the performance
of workers will increase. It further stated that by having a
suitable work environment, it could reduce absenteeism and
Fig. 3.Layout Design of Machine Tool Unit Laboratory. ultimately can improve performance, which can ultimately
increase worker productivity. Other studies have shown
Based on the analysis of the measurements, it is known that positive effects when applying adequate work environment
the common area of the room in the school workshop is 41.48 strategies such as the design of placing machines, work
square meters. Regulation of the Minister of National design, environment, and facility design [43]. The design of a
Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 40 of 2008 building or a pleasant environment will cause people to feel
concerning laboratory facilities and infrastructure standards inside it will feel safe, comfortable, which will ultimately make
note that the minimum area for a lathe area is 64 square people more productive, and vice versa bad design will make
meters, and the ratio for a lathe is 8 square meters for one the feelings of people who are in it will be stressed and
student.Workspace arrangements are relevant because they uncomfortable, likewise, with a work environment design [44].
considerably affect the interaction of fellow workers in the A good work environment design will cause students to feel
environment. Workers will often interact more with other comfortable, safe, and productive.Adequate classroom
workers who are physically close. For this reason, the location standardization needs to established. It aims to increase
or placement of machinery and equipment and workplaces comfort in learning because classrooms influence learning to
can influence interactions with one another. Spaces that have achieve goals. Uncomfortable room, triggering the appearance
walls, partitions, or other barriers have more privacy than of density. The density that occurs in the classroom has an
spaces that do not have barriers [37]. In general students want impact that is quite influential [45]. If density decreases,
a high level of privacy in their work. However, there are also physical and behavioral conditions in humans can be
some students who also want opportunities to be able to standard. Meanwhile, if the density increases, causing a
interact with colleagues, which limited by increased privacy. decrease in physical condition resulting in loss of mood.A
The desire for privacy is active in many people — privacy study conducted [46], in the United States workplace
limits distractions, which mainly interfere with the environment regarding work design, job satisfaction, and work
concentration of students in performing complex tasks.The productivity showed that almost 22 percent improvement in
classroom is a room inside a school or campus building, which performance could achieved if their offices were well designed.
serves as a place for face-to-face activities in the teaching and Employees believe that the company wants to reduce costs so
learning process [38]. The classroom is also one of the factors that it results in poor workplace design. They recognize that
that influence the learning process of students in receiving a their performance is affected by the quality of their work
lesson and influences the instructor in delivering a lesson. environment [47]. A functional workspace is a comfortable
Creating a fun classroom will help the learning process. One workspace that meets ergonomic requirements. A good design
element of class management is class structuring. Class for the most widely used workspace is an open model with
structuring requires close attention and planning in the insulation. Between workers limited by a dividing wall that is
learning process. Classrooms arranged well, will make not too high, so that workers can still interact with other
students comfortable, so concentrate on learning. Classroom colleagues. However, the drawback of this form of workspace
structuring needs to done to create a comfortable classroom model is that workers no longer have privacy, experience
by paying attention to existing standards [39].A good concentration disturbances when colleagues next to them
classroom is a room that can use by students and lecturers to speak loudly on the phone. When compared to the closed
carry out teaching and learning activities comfortably so that model workspace where workers are given a separate room,
this process also takes place successfully [40]. The workers will feel faster to get tired and bored, in addition to the
comfortable conditions in question are the conditions of an funds and a large enough place needed to support it. So that
ergonomic classroom. According to the Regulation of the this cubicle workspace model more widely used in offices
Director-General of Elementary and Secondary Education of today [48].
the Republic of Indonesia, classrooms must have a minimum

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