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C172 SOP June 2020

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Cessna 172 (180 HP) Standard Operating Procedures If not familiar with the airport, or if unsure of position,

request “Progressive Taxi” instructions from Tower at a

Revised June 2020 Class “D”, “C”, or “B” airport.


1. S – Seatbelts: Show the location, operation, and Line up on centerline, check Magnetic Compass and
their required use. Directional Gyro
2. A – Air vents: Show the location and operation. Heels on floor (to avoid inadvertent brake application).
3. F – Fire extinguisher: Show the location and Full power, check RPM and oil pressure
operation. Steer with rudder pedals to maintain runway centerline.
4. E – Exits: Show the location and operation. Rotate at 55 KIAS to Climb Pitch Attitude
5. T – Traffic: Ask for assistance in looking for other Climb out, 73 KIAS, check ball centered for coordinated
aircraft and describe the method of calling it out to flight.
PIC with reference to clock. Set trim to hold 73 KIAS.
– Talking – explain the need for Sterile Cockpit Track extended runway centerline, or follow noise
in the pattern and other times when necessary. abatement procedures, as required.
6. Y – Your questions? If remaining in the pattern, turn crosswind upon reaching
700 ft. AGL.
Note: For N3HQ, elevator trim will have to be set slightly
Immediately after the airplane begins moving during more nose up due to the installation of the STOL (Short
initial taxi, pull throttle to idle and check brakes. Takeoff and Landing) kit. See last page of this
Control safe taxi speed with throttle and without document.
excessive use of brakes. Speed should be comparable
to a fast paced walk.
Position the flight controls for existing wind conditions.
“Turn into a headwind; dive away from a tailwind.”
Minimize heads-down time. Always be on the alert for
people, aircraft, and taxi/runway signs.
Refer to an Airport Diagram while taxiing.
Level Off From Climb Once the desired bank angle is established, neutralize
Lower nose to achieve level flight pitch attitude. the rudder and aileron inputs. Maintain back pressure to
Allow airspeed to increase to desired speed. maintain altitude.
Reduce RPM to maintain less than 75% power. Note: Level altitude turns require some back elevator
Trim nose down to reduce stick force. pressure to maintain a constant altitude (more bank,
Verify: flaps up, engine instruments green. more elevator back pressure.)
Check the Ball of the Slip / Skid indicator. Use rudder and aileron together to roll out of the bank to
Note: Start level off approximately 50 - 100 ft before wings level.
desired altitude to avoid overshooting. Release any back elevator pressure.
Neutralize the rudder and aileron.
Straight and Level Flight Check that the ball is centered.
Use outside references to establish and maintain the Note: To roll out on a specific heading, lead the
desired pitch attitude and wings level position. heading by one third the bank angle (example: 30
Note: use instrument panel glareshield position with degrees bank angle, lead rollout by 10 degrees.)
respect to the horizon.
Check the ball of the slip/skid indicator. Climbs
Note: Ball to the left of center requires left rudder Mixture Rich,
for balanced flight, ball to right of center requires Add Full Power,
right rudder for balanced flight. Keep the ball in and simultaneously, raise the nose to the climbing pitch
the middle by "stepping on the ball." attitude.
Trim as required. Adjust pitch attitude to maintain desired airspeed.
Note: Use trim to minimize the force required Note: Vx = 62 KIAS (best angle)
to hold the desired pitch attitude, not to change the Vy = 73 KIAS (best rate)
attitude. cruise climb = 75 - 85 KIAS
Check the altimeter and vertical speed indicator. Keep the ball centered
Make small pitch corrections as necessary to maintain Set trim to hold desired airspeed
desired altitude.
Do not fixate on any one instrument.
Primary attitude reference is outside the airplane.
Turns (Level Flight)
Look in the direction of turn before banking!
Use rudder and aileron together to establish the desired
bank angle.
Descents Checklist: Fuel Selector – Both, Carb Heat – ON, Mixture
Carb Heat - On – Rich,
Reduce RPM to desired level and lower nose to the Abeam the numbers:
pitch attitude required in order to maintain the desired Reduce power to approximately 1500 RPM, slow down to
airspeed. flap operating speed (110 KIAS for flaps 10, 85 KIAS for
Note: For a cruise descent, reduce power (to about 2000 N3HQ)), select flaps 10, adjust pitch to maintain 75
to maintain a descent rate of approximately 500 ft / min. Re-trim.
and maintain cruise speed. On Base, (select flaps 20 (below 85 KIAS), if desired),
Trim as required to minimize elevator pressure for estimate whether high or low, adjust power (add power if
desired pitch attitude. low, reduce power if high) maintain a 70 KIAS descent.
Keep the ball centered. (Half way through base leg, altitude should be half of
pattern altitude.)
Level Off From Descent On Final, (select flaps to 30, if desired), adjust power as
Simultaneously increase RPM and raise the nose. required to maintain desired glide path,
Carb Heat – Off Adjust pitch to maintain 65 KIAS.
Trim to eliminate elevator pressure. Airspeed should be 65 KIAS over the runway.
Note: To level off from a descent, lead the level off by Once the runway is made, reduce power to idle.
approximately 50 - 100 feet 15 - 20 feet above runway, slowly begin raising the nose
to flare. Focus eyes at far end of the runway.
Normal Landing Gradually increase back pressure on the control wheel to
10nm from airport, listen to AWOS and / or request try and hold aircraft just off
Airport Advisory. the runway as long as possible.
5nm from airport begin self-announcing your position. Use rudder pedals to point airplane down the runway and
When airport is in sight  Complete the Landing control wheel to
Checklist. maintain altitude and keep it over the centerline.
Enter traffic pattern following noise abatement Once main wheels touch the ground, steer with rudder
procedures. pedals.
As you enter the pattern, reduce power to 2000 RPM to Gradually lower the nose wheel and begin applying
slow the airplane.. brakes as needed.
Downwind leg approximately 2000 RPM, level flight, at Clear runway.
pattern altitude. Make radio call.
Re-trim. Complete After Landing Checklist
Crosswind Takeoff
Summary. Throughout landing pattern: If fast, raise nose;
if slow, lower nose. Begin ground roll with full aileron into the wind.
If high, reduce power; if low, add power. Gradually take out most of the aileron as aircraft
POWER CONTROLS ALTITUDE. Lift nose wheel, then downwind main gear, then upwind
main gear.
Always, be prepared to Go-Around if approach is too After lift-off, establish coordinated crab (ball in middle)
high, too low or if touchdown will not occur in first into the wind.
third of runway.
Note: For N3HQ, elevator trim will have to be set slightly
Note : For Gusty Winds, add ½ the gust factor to more nose up due to the installation of the STOL (Short
approach speed. (Example: Winds 300 @ 15, gusting Takeoff and Landing) kit. See last page of this document.
25, add 5 knots to approach speed.)
Crosswind Landing
Note: For N3HQ, approach speeds can be slightly slower Use less or no flaps in stronger crosswinds.
due to the installation of the STOL (Short Takeoff and Add 5 KIAS to approach speed if runway length allows,
Landing) kit. Also, due to the effectiveness of the STOL especially in gusts.
wing in ground effect, it is important to avoid skidding the Apply aileron into wind to hold aircraft over the centerline
tires when applying brakes. See last page of this Apply rudder to point nose down the runway
Note: Net effect should have the aircraft slightly
Go-Around cross controlled in a side-slip with the wing down into the
wind and the fuselage aligned with the runway. (Note:
Apply full power. ball will not be centered in a side-slip.)
Carb Heat – OFF Use more or less side-slip to compensate for any varying
Pitch for climb attitude. crosswind, keeping the airplane on the runway centerline
Retract flaps to 10°. extended and the fuselage aligned with the runway.
Slightly alter heading and fly to parallel right of side
runway. Touchdown first on the upwind main gear, followed by
At a safe altitude, retract flaps to up, climb at 73 KIAS. the other main gear, followed by the nose wheel. holding
Make radio call: “airport name Traffic, Cessna _____, aileron into the wind, maintaining directional control with
Going Around, Runway xx,”. the rudder.
Forward Slips Accelerate back to 105 KIAS, trimming nose down as
Lower the wing in the desired direction (into a crosswind, required.
if crosswind exists). Set RPM to maintain 105 KIAS. (2300 RPM)
Simultaneously, apply opposite rudder such that the track Re-trim.
across the ground is maintained.
Pitch to maintain airspeed. Slow Flight (Full Flaps)
105 KIAS. (2300 RPM)
More wing down and more opposite rudder will steepen 2 clearing turns.
the angle of descent. Look for a distant object to fly toward.
Less wing down and less opposite rudder will shallow the Mixture – Rich
angle of descent. Carb Heat - ON
Reduce power to 1500 RPM.
This is most effective with no power, full flaps, Increase pitch attitude and trim to maintain altitude.
wing down into the crosswind. Below 110 KIAS, extend flaps to 10; below 85 KIAS,
extend flaps to 20, then 30.
Adjust pitch and power (approx. 2000 RPM) to maintain
Slow Flight (Flaps Up) altitude at 50 KIAS.
105 KIAS. (2300 RPM) Maintain coordinated flight with ball in middle to maintain
2 clearing turns. heading.
Look for a distant object to fly toward. Make two 90 degrees turns (left and right) using 15
Mixture – Rich degrees angle of bank.
Carb Heat - ON Recovery
Reduce power to 1500 RPM Full power.
Increase pitch attitude and trim nose up to maintain Carb Heat - OFF
altitude. Pitch for level attitude.
Adjust pitch and power (1700 RPM to maintain altitude at Retract flaps to 10, then to flaps up.
60 KIAS.) Accelerate back to 105 KIAS.
Maintain coordinated flight with ball in middle to maintain Set Power to maintain 105 KIAS. (2300 RPM)
heading. Re-trim.
Full power.
Carb Heat - OFF
Pitch for level attitude.
Power Off Stall (Flaps Up) Power Off Stall (Full Flaps)
Perform two clearing turns.
Mixture – Rich Mixture – Rich
Carb heat - On Carb Heat - On
Reduce power to idle, maintain heading, coordinated
flight, ball in middle. Establish the airplane in level flight at 65 KIAS with full
Slowly increase pitch attitude while maintaining altitude, flaps.
increasing angle of attack, allowing airspeed to decrease Perform two clearing turns.
slowly. Reduce power to idle, and maintain a 65 KIAS stabilized
descent, maintain heading, coordinated flight, ball in
Recovery middle.
At the first sign of the stall: Slowly increase pitch attitude, increasing angle of attack,
Reduce the angle of attack by using forward control allowing airspeed to decrease slowly.
wheel as necessary,
Add full power, carb heat – off, use right rudder to keep Recovery
ball in middle. At the first sign of the stall:
Pitch for climb attitude and climb to and level off at Reduce the angle of attack by using forward control
starting altitude. wheel as necessary,
105 KIAS (2300 RPM) Add full power, carb heat - off, use right rudder to keep
ball in middle.
(For a stall in a banked turn, reduce the angle of attack Pitch to climbing attitude, retract flaps to 10,
before leveling the wings.) Check for 70 KIAS, retract flaps, climb to and level off at
starting altitude.
Note: For N3HQ, stall speeds will be slower due to the 105 KIAS (2300 RPM)
installation of the STOL (Short Takeoff and Landing) kit.
See last page of this document. (For a stall in a banked turn, reduce the angle of attack
before leveling the wings.)

Note: For N3HQ, stall speeds will be slower due to the

installation of the STOL (Short Takeoff and Landing) kit.
See last page of this document.
Power On Stall (Flaps Up) Slowly increase pitch attitude, increasing angle of attack,
Mixture – Rich allowing airspeed to decrease slowly. Maintain
coordinated flight, ball in middle.
Perform two clearing turns. Recovery
Reduce power to 15” MAP. At the first sign of stall:
Approaching 73 KIAS, add full power and establish a Reduce the angle of attack by using forward stick as
climb. necessary,
Slowly increase pitch attitude, increasing angle of attack, After recovery, resume climb, 73 KIAS, retract flaps,
allowing airspeed to decrease slowly. Maintain maintaining 73 KIAS (full power), or level off at 105 KIAS
coordinated flight, ball in middle. (2300 RPM)
At the first sign of stall: (For a stall in a banked turn, reduce the angle of attack
Reduce the angle of attack by using forward stick as before leveling the wings.)
After recovery, resume climb at 73 KIAS (full power) or
level off at Note: For N3HQ, stall speeds will be slower due to the
105 KIAS (2300 RPM) installation of the STOL (Short Takeoff and Landing) kit.
See last page of this document.
(For a stall in a banked turn, reduce the angle of attack
before leveling the wings.) Steep Turns
Establish cruise flight at or below 105 KIAS with
approximately 2300 RPM
Note: For N3HQ, stall speeds will be slower due to the Perform two clearing turns.
installation of the STOL (Short Takeoff and Landing) kit. Choose landmark for entry heading.
See last page of this document. Begin roll to 45° bank.
At 30° bank, add 200 RPM, and add some back control
Power On Stall (Flaps 10) wheel pressure to maintain altitude.
Mixture – Rich Continue roll to 45° bank, increasing back control wheel
Perform two clearing turns. pressure as needed to maintain altitude.
Reduce power to 1500 RPM. 15° prior to roll-out heading, begin roll out, reduce
Below 110 KIAS, extend flaps to 10, power 200 RPM, and relax back stick pressure to
Approaching 73 KIAS, add full power and establish a maintain altitude.
climb. Roll out, maintaining entry altitude and on entry heading.
Turns Around a Point Short Field Takeoff

Determine wind direction. Flaps 10°

Select a suitable site. Should have emergency landing Stop aircraft at the very end of the runway
areas, no towers, and not disturb the neighbors. Hold brakes and apply full power, check RPM and oil
Establish cruise flight at 105 KIAS, 2300 RPM pressure
Select four points around the point that are equidistant Release brakes, control wheel centered or into
from the center. These four points are your targets. crosswind.
Enter maneuver at 1000 feet AGL. Rotate at 55 KIAS
Steepest bank should be downwind. Shallowest bank Climb out at 57 KIAS
should be upwind. Above 50 foot obstacle height, pitch for 70 KIAS
Keep object same distance from aircraft by adjusting At 500 feet AGL, flaps up, maintain 73 KIAS, re-trim
bank angle. Steeper brings it closer. Shallower
takes it further away. Note: For N3HQ, elevator trim will have to be set slightly
more nose up due to the installation of the STOL (Short
S-Turns Across a Road Takeoff and Landing) kit. See last page of this
Determine wind direction
Select either Rt 50, Rt 404, or Rt 301. Winds should be Short Field Landing
perpendicular to road. (Talk to ESN tower prior to using Set up final approach at 61 KIAS, flaps 30.
Rt. 50 inside Class D). Establish aim point prior to actual touch down point
Select a suitable site. Should have emergency landing After touch down, retract flaps, apply brakes, steadily
areas, no towers, and not disturb the neighbors. increasing brake pressure, but do not skid the tires, pull
Establish cruise flight at 105 KIAS 2300 RPM. control wheel back.
Select target distance from road.
Enter maneuver at 1000 feet AGL, perpendicular to road Note: For N3HQ, approach speeds can be slightly slower
When over the road begin turn due to the installation of the STOL (Short Takeoff and
Steepest bank should be downwind. Shallowest bank Landing) kit. Also, due to the effectiveness of the STOL
should be upwind. wing in ground effect, it is important to avoid skidding the
Airplane should be wings level only when crossing the tires when applying brakes. See last page of this
road. Adjust bank angle as necessary. document.
Soft Field Takeoff Use minimal braking and keep aircraft moving until
Inspect field condition checking for grass height, holes, Note: Be sure to check NOTAMS that runway is
debris, and wetness. open! Kentmorr closes when it is muddy.
Flaps 10°
Full aft control wheel during taxi. Roll onto runway Note: For N3HQ, approach speeds can be slightly slower
centerline without stopping, due to the installation of the STOL (Short Takeoff and
Apply full power, Landing) kit. See last page of this document.
Full aft control wheel until nosewheel clears surface, then
aft control wheel as necessary to keep nosewheel just Engine Failure
above surface of the ground.
As soon as main wheels leave the ground, lower nose to Establish and trim for best glide speed 68 KIAS. A
level attitude and fly aircraft 5 feet off the ground until 70 – Airspeed 68 KIAS
KIAS. Select emergency landing site and head that way. B
Climb at 70 KIAS to 500 feet AGL, retract flaps. – Best Field
Climb out at 73 KIAS, re-trim. Checklist tto Restart Engine
Carb Heat - ON D
Note: For N3HQ, elevator trim will have to be set slightly – Declare Emerg. to ATC: Fuel Selector Valve - Both
more nose up due to the installation of the STOL (Short 121.5
Takeoff and Landing) kit. See last page of this Mixture – Rich E
document. – Emerg. Transponder 7700
Throttle - Open half way
Soft Field Landing Primer - Locked
Perform low pass to inspect field condition for grass If Prop is stopped, attempt re-start by turning IGNITION
height, holes, debris, and wetness. key to start.
Set up normal approach to landing, 65 KIAS, Flaps 30. IF there is time, call for help giving position
Cross threshold, power to idle, and start flare. Radio 121.5 MHz
Just prior to touchdown, add a little power to cushion Transponder 7700
landing. Secure Engine
After touchdown, power to idle. If engine will not restart –
Keep nose wheel off the ground as long as possible, Fuel Selector Valve – OFF
holding aft pressure as long as possible. Mixture - Idle Cut-Off
Ignition - OFF
Flaps - as necessary Engine Failure Immediately After
Master - Off after final flaps Takeoff
Doors - Unlatched Pitch DOWN for 68 KIAS
Make shallow turns right or left
Emergency Descent Do NOT attempt to return to runway below 1000 feet
Carb Heat - ON Off runway 29 - prepare for ditching
Reduce power to idle.
Flaps up. Ditching
Lower the pitch attitude to increase airspeed until desired Pitch for 68 KIAS
rate of descent is obtained. If air is smooth <158 KIAS, if Head towards a boat or shoreline
turbulent <127 KIAS Radio - Transmit MAYDAY on 121.5 Mhz and Squawk
Banking to 45 degrees. 7700
Trim. Wing flaps – DOWN
Approaching desired altitude, level the wings and Airspeed – 65 KIAS
gradually raise the nose. Approach - Into the wind
Add power and trim to level off, if available. Seatbelt – Secure
Door - Unlatch
Flat Tire Upon Landing Eyeglasses - Remove
Stop aircraft Face - Cushion if possible
Radio call - Notify UNICOM and landing traffic of runway Touchdown - Minimum airspeed
situation Airplane -Evacuate
If able, push aircraft off of runway while keeping as much
weight off of that wheel as possible Engine Fire - Emergency Descent
If unable to reach UNICOM - Call CSP emergency Fuel Selector Valve – Off
numbers Mixture – Idle Cut-Off
for assistance Full throttle
Pitch for highest possible airspeed to try and extinguish
Aborted Takeoff flames. If
Retard throttle air is smooth <158 KIAS; if turbulent <127KIAS
Apply full braking Select emergency field.
Steer as appropriate Mayday 121.5 and 7700.
Note: Grass can be used to slow the airplane down Ignition switch off after fuel is consumed (30 seconds).
Prepare for forced landing (use Engine Failure checklist).
Spin Recovery Loss of Flap Control
Reduce the Power to idle Check Circuit Breaker
Position the Ailerons to neutral (flaps up) If flaps are down, maintain airspeed below 110 KIAS with
Apply full opposite Rudder against the rotation 10 flaps, or below 85 KIAS with 20 or 30 flaps, when
After one-fourth turn, Elevator: move the control wheel returning to airport.
forward of neutral in a brisk motion. If flaps are up, return home and execute flaps-up landing
After spin rotation stops, neutralize the rudder
Begin applying back-elevator pressure to raise the nose Brake Failure
to level flight If you are fast and have half or more of the runway
remaining, go-around and re-approach using short field
Overheating Oil Without Loss of Oil landing technique or go to longer runway
Pressure Land with minimum airspeed
Reduce Power Roll into the grass on the side of the runway if needed to
Lower angle of attack stop the plane
If oil temperature continues to climb, land
Electrical Fire
Overheating Oil With Loss of Oil Master switch - OFF
Pressure Vent fumes from cabin
Select and head towards emergency landing spot Land as soon as practical
Declare an emergency 121.5 and 7700 Remember, you will have no flaps, radio, or electric trim
Prepare for engine failure and use of appropriate control

Loss of Radio
If in a pattern at a towered field, look for light gun signals.
If under flight following or in towered airspace with radar,
squawk 7600.
Acknowledge Tower instructions or light signals by
rocking wings.
Otherwise return home or to nearest appropriate airport
Overfly and observe airport traffic pattern
Carefully merge with traffic
Execute normal landing
The Sportsman STOL wing cuff is a state of the art modification designe
increase light plane utility and safety by increasing the wings efficiency a
resistance to stalls and spins. The kit consists of a glove that fits over th
wings leading edge, extending approximately two inches forward from th
original wing, and further drooping the leading edge. The Sportsman ST
not just a lip on the bottom, but is a re-engineered airfoil. The aim of the
Sportsman STOL modification is to improve aerodynamics. The Sportsm
STOL achieves this by streamlining the impingement point for smoother
airflow and less drag. The second benefit is that the airflow remains smo
a greater angle of attack (increased Laminar Flow) and the stall curve is
considerably extended. The Sportsman STOL increases the wing area b
approximately four square feet. There is no other leading edge modifica
that performs as well as the Sportsman STOL.

What will it do for me?

 Nearly double the lift co-efficient
 Increase flap efficiency
 Increased rate of climb
 Eliminate the classic stall
About the Sportsman STOL  Increase glide ratio
The Sportsman STOL modifications itself was originated by Marvin Increase
 Davis, a fuel economy
Lockheed Skunkworks engineer who developed it while studying NASA  Raise service ceiling
 Reduce
technical notes pertaining to airfoil stall and spin characteristics from NASA's landing & take off speeds
Langley Research Center. After finalizing his findings through wind  tunnel
NO reduction in cruise performance
tests, Marvin obtained the rights from Lockheed. Sadly, Mr. Davispassed Reduce stagnation point drag
away before realizing the full potential of this discovery. Since thekit'sMake flying fun again
inception, it has been installed, commonly replacing other STOL
modifications, on over 4000 airplanes, with customers including the Alaska
Added Performance Benefits:
Fish and Game Department, The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, various
 ADDED Wing Area
law enforcement agencies worldwide, and owners in Australia, Canada, New
Zealand, South Africa, South America, England, Mexico, as well as Stall
 all overspeed REDUCTION over stock wing and other STOL mod's
the United States. Tell Me More  Softer stall characteristics
 NO drag penalty
 Enhanced SAFETY

Part Number: SA-170172-40

Approval Basis: Supplemental Type Certificate No SA2256WE

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