Zott and Amit - 2010 - Business Model Design An Activity System Perspect
Zott and Amit - 2010 - Business Model Design An Activity System Perspect
Zott and Amit - 2010 - Business Model Design An Activity System Perspect
Consider the case of FriCSo, a young engineering company that has achieved a significant techno-
logical breakthrough in friction reduction technology.1 Friction is the arch enemy of mechanical
systems - it reduces the power of machines, leads to overheating, and causes wear, breakdown
and seizure in moving parts. Suppose FriCSo’s technological invention can reduce friction by
over 15,000%: surely such a staggering technology - with clear and wide applicability to products
and industrial applications that involve moving parts (such as machine manufacturing, automobile,
shipbuilding, etc.) - will be a sure bet for commercial success? Or will it?
Once a target industry (say, automobile) has been chosen, what kind of company should be built
to commercialize the intellectual property? What ‘model’ or ‘template’ should a firm adopt in order
to embed itself into the existing ecology of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), and the
myriad tier one, two and three industry suppliers? Should it choose to become a machine
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manufacturer, building machines that embed the new technology, and selling them to the OEMs? Or
would it be better to build and operate a factory (a ‘job-shop’) that would perform the surface treat-
ment of moving parts for clients who would outsource that step in their commercial production line
to the focal firm’s factory? Or would it be better to opt for a pure R&D firm model, and simply sell
the technology (e.g., via licensing agreements) to third parties such as machine manufacturers?
Each of these choices involves a fundamentally different business model, that is, implies a differ-
ent set of activities, as well as the resources and capabilities to perform them - either within the
firm, or beyond it through cooperation with partners, suppliers or customers. And each choice
will have implications for the venture’s performance potential - it will affect what capital expendi-
tures are necessary, what prices can be charged and what margins earned, and, perhaps most im-
portantly, which customers and competitors the new firm will deal with. In other words, the design
of the business model is a key decision for an entrepreneur who creates a new firm e and a crucial -
perhaps more difficult e task for general managers who are charged with rethinking their old model
to make their firm fit for the future. Once the template is set, the activities are in place, and the
resources have been developed and honed, that template will be difficult to change, due to forces
of inertia and resistance to change.
Given the vital importance of the business model for entrepreneurs and general managers, it is
surprising that academic research (with a few exceptions) has so far devoted little attention to this
topic. We need a conceptual toolkit that enables entrepreneurial managers to design their future
business model, as well as to help managers analyze and improve their current designs to make
them fit for the future. This article draws attention to the system of activities performed by the focal
firm as well as by third parties (partners, suppliers, customers) as part of the focal firm’s business
model. We believe that improved knowledge about how to describe the architecture of the activity
system, e.g., its key design parameters, will bring the importance of the topic to the forefront of
managers’ and researchers’ thinking, and help them design better business models. In particular,
we suggest concepts that are intended to:
give managers and researchers a ‘language,’ concrete tools and a tight framework for business
model design that can foster dialogue and promote common understanding;
highlight business model design as a key task of the entrepreneurial manager;
emphasize the importance of system-level design, as opposed to partial optimization (for
example, whether a particular activity should be outsourced or conducted in house).
We start by describing the firm’s activity system and explain how it captures the essence of its
business model, and then support this idea with a brief review of the recent literature on business
models. We draw on our own recent work on business models to suggest two sets of parameters
that activity systems designers need to consider: design elements (content, structure and governance)
that describe an activity system’s architecture, and design themes (novelty, lock-in, complementar-
ities and efficiency) that describe the sources of its value creation.2
Interdependencies among activities are central to the concept of an activity system, and provide
insights into the processes that enable the evolution of a focal firm’s activity system over time as its
competitive environment changes.4 These interdependencies are created by entrepreneurs or man-
agers who shape and design both the organizational activities and the links (transactions) that
weave activities together into a system. Such purposeful design - within and across firm boundaries -
is the essence of the business model.5 Some activities relevant to the focal firm’s business model
will be performed by the firm itself, others by suppliers, partners and/or customers. The architec-
ture of the firm’s activity system - shaped by the choice of activities, how they are linked, and who
performs them - captures how the focal firm is embedded in its ‘ecology,’ i.e., in its multiple net-
works of suppliers, partners and customers, as well as defining who are the firm’s potential sup-
pliers, partners and customers (and competitors) in the first place. Thus, if FriCSo (the
technology-based startup noted above) were to adopt the business model of a machine manufac-
turer in order to exploit its unique friction-reduction technology, it would choose OEM suppliers
as its customers, and other machine manufacturers would be its competitors. However, if it adopted
a technology-licensing model, it would choose both machine manufacturers and OEM suppliers as
its customers. These important consequences of the firm’s business model design choice have ob-
vious ramifications for its ability to create and capture value. The stronger the competition implied
by the choice of the business model, for instance, the more difficult value appropriation will be.
The firm’s revenue model also plays an important role in value appropriation. Our previous
work has highlighted how the revenue model - akin to a pricing strategy for specific products or
services - refers to the specific modes in which a business model enables revenue generation. In
that sense, a revenue model complements a business model design, just as a pricing strategy com-
plements a product design. Although the concepts may be quite closely related and sometimes even
intertwined (as with, for example, Gillette’s pricing strategy of selling cheap razors to make cus-
tomers buy its rather expensive blades), business models and revenue models are conceptually
A business model is geared toward total value creation for all parties involved. It lays the founda-
tions for the focal firm’s value capture by co-defining (along with the firm’s products and services) the
overall ‘size of the value pie,’ or the total value created in transactions, which can be considered the
upper limit of the firm’s value capture potential. Again we have noted in previous work that the busi-
ness model also co-determines the focal firm’s bargaining power: the greater the total value created,
and the greater the focal firm’s bargaining power, the greater the amount of value that the focal firm
can appropriate. How much of the total value the firm actually captures, however, depends on its pric-
ing strategy, or revenue model. For example, Loch et al. have noted how the FriCSo executives con-
templated a business model based on licensing, in which they would sell the rights to use their
technology (a combination of proprietary polymer tools with a software-supported process) to ma-
chine manufacturers and suppliers in the automobile industry. But even though they understood how
the necessary activity system would have to be designed, they struggled to find an appropriate revenue
model (to be embodied in their pricing strategy) that would be both acceptable to their automotive
clients, and allow them to maximize their profits. While their business model had taken shape, the
venture’s revenue model - how to charge for each element of the technology - was still uncertain.
When delineating their firms’ activity systems, managers need to bear in mind that identifying
technologically and/or strategically distinct activities can be conceptually challenging because (as
Porter points out) the number of potential activities is often quite large. Santos notes how many
seemingly inseparable activities can be broken down further, especially given ongoing advances in
information and communications technologies. One way to deal with this issue is to define activities
at different levels of aggregation. Davenport, for example, mentions the supply chain operations ref-
erence model, which lays out top-level activities (plan, source, make, deliver, and return), and also
specifies sub-activities that can be delineated at second, third and fourth levels, while Stigler notes
that, at high levels of aggregation, activities could comprise whole business functions, such as
accounting, or human resource management. At low levels of aggregation (i.e., high levels of decom-
position), activities could be as specific as the processing of customer e-mails based on their content,
or the translation of product manuals into a foreign language. In this paper, for simplicity and con-
ceptual clarity, we accept the level of aggregation at which an activity is described as a given.6
Managers often need to make decisions on all these parameters, often simultaneously. For exam-
ple, consider P2P lending companies like Lending Club, Prosper or Zopa, which aim at enabling
direct small, unsecured loans between individuals. Important business model design issues for these
firms founders in their early stages were: (1) whether to include a secondary market for trading
loans in their activity systems or not (a content issue); (2) how precisely to link borrowing and
lending activities - for example, would they provide an algorithm to automatically match borrowers
to lenders, and if so, to whom and to how many (a structure issue)?; and (3) who should perform
the credit risk assessment of the borrower, the P2P firm or the lender (a governance issue)?
For simplicity and conceptual clarity, we have described the design parameters of activity systems
as independent and orthogonal, but they could also be highly interdependent. The founders of the
US P2P lending company Prosper, for example, made the conscious early decision to let lenders
Each of these four sets of examples shows how firms’ business model design has been shaped
according to an overriding design theme, in many cases resulting in models that are significantly
different from their original designs, and that have created new value. Together they amount to
an activity system design framework, as summarized in Table 1.
Second, the activity system perspective encourages the firm in systemic and holistic thinking
when designing its business model, instead of concentrating on isolated, individual choices (such
as ‘make or buy’ decisions about particular products, or outsourcing a particular activity). The mes-
sage to managers is clear: look at the forest, not the trees - and get the overall design right, rather
than concentrating on optimizing details. The fast-growing Spanish fashion retailer Inditex, which
manages global brands such as Zara, has clearly understood and internalized this message and made
business model thinking a corporate priority. Their Annual Report begins by explaining the Inditex
business model and highlighting its innovative elements.19 The company has made many activity
system choices that, viewed in isolation, might seem inefficient. For example, they perform many
generic activities in-house, such as dyeing and cutting fabric, and washing, ironing and ticketing
finished garments. They have also chosen to outsource sewing to small workshops located close
to their Spanish production facilities. Both of these choices might seem questionable: but, taken
as a whole, Inditex’s carefully designed activity system allows it to bring new garments from the
design stage to the shop floor in record time - days as opposed to months - which makes a big dif-
ference in the fast moving fashion business.
Third, a focus on activities allows us to relax several assumptions made in the transaction cost
economics (TCE) literature - for example, that the governance challenges of firms involved in an
exchange will be homogeneous. Focusing on activities allows us to concentrate on the focal firm
that must decide on its business model design, e.g., how to link a new activity into its current busi-
ness model, and who should govern that activity. Indeed, of the two parties involved in a bilateral
exchange, in practice only one - the focal firm - has to make a decision about its business model,
e.g., whether to outsource an activity or not: for its counterpart - a specialized provider of services -
this question is irrelevant. Moreover, much TCE literature assumes homogeneity in firms’ produc-
tion capabilities and costs - assets are assumed to be equally productive in the hands of different
firms, given similar governance arrangements and transaction characteristics. Indeed, in the TCE
analysis of governance structures, production costs are largely determined by transaction attributes
rather than by the attributes of the firms involved in the exchange.20 By contrast, much of the recent
strategy literature acknowledges firms’ differential resource endowments and heterogeneity in the
Christoph Zott gratefully acknowledges the research support of IESE. Raphael Amit acknowledges
the generous research support of the Robert B. Goergen Chair and the Wharton e-Business initia-
tive. Both authors would like to thank the INSEAD-Wharton Alliance Center for Global Research
and Development, which financially supported their research on business models. We also thank
Cesar Guzman-Concha for his research assistance for this article. And, finally, our thanks go to
Charles Baden-Fuller and Ian C. MacMillan, editors of this special issue, for inviting us to contrib-
ute, and for their advice and encouragement during the process.
1. The story of FriCSo is the subject of a case study series that highlights the various steps in the design and
the execution of a business model. See C. Loch, C. Zott, A. Guttman, P. Jokela and D. Nahminas, FriCSo
(A): How to translate a new technology into a business (model)?; FriCSo (B): Designing the new business
model and Fricso (C): Executing The New Business (Model), INSEAD case studies (2008).
2. R. Amit and C. Zott, Value creation in e-business, Strategic Management Journal 22, 493e520 (2001).
C. Zott and R. Amit, Business model design and the performance of entrepreneurial firms, Organization
Science 18, 181e199 (2007); C. Zott and R. Amit, The fit between product market strategy and business
model: implications for firm performance, Strategic Management Journal 29, 1e26 (2008).
Christoph Zott is a Professor of Entrepreneurship at IESE Business School. His research centers on resource
management in entrepreneurial firms; combining resources through business models; the mobilization of resources
through entrepreneurs’ social influence; the acquisition of private equity; and the deployment of resources through
dynamic capabilities. He has published on these topics in top academic journals, as well as in books. He has taught
courses on entrepreneurship, strategy, and private equity at IESE, INSEAD, and the University of British Columbia.
IESE Business School, Av. Pearson 21, 08034 Barcelona (Spain); Tel: +34 93 602 4096; Fax: +34 93 253 4343; E-mail:
Raphael (‘‘Raffi’’) Amit is the Robert B. Goergen Professor of Entrepreneurship and a Professor of Management at
the Wharton School, and also Academic Director of the Goergen Entrepreneurial Management Programs which
encompasses all Wharton’s entrepreneurial programs. He holds B.A. and M.A. degrees in Economics, and received
his Ph.D. in Managerial Economics and Decision Sciences from Northwestern University’s J. L. Kellogg Graduate
School of Management. Dr. Amit’s current research and teaching interests center on the design of business models,
on family business management, governance and finance, and on venture capital and private equity investments.
He has published extensively in leading academic journals and is frequently quoted in a broad range of practitioner
outlets. The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, 3620 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6370 (USA);
Tel: (215) 898-7731; Fax: (215) 573-7189 E-mail: amit@wharton.upenn.edu.