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Open Agriculture 2022; 7: 132–146

Research Article

Morgana Weber Macena, Rita Carvalho, Luísa Paula Cruz-Lopes, Raquel P. F. Guiné*

Perceptions and knowledge regarding quality

and safety of plastic materials used for food
received November 13, 2021; accepted January 21, 2022
1 Introduction
Abstract: The objective of this study is to investigate the One of the most important functions of packaging is to
consumer perceptions about quality and safety of foods preserve the food quality, reducing the chemical, bio-
packed in plastic, as well as the impact of plastic materials chemical, and microbiological changes, while increasing
on human health. To carry out the study, a questionnaire the product’s shelf-life [1–4]. Each type of food has a
survey about the consumption habits and knowledge specific degradation mechanism depending on its com-
about plastic packaging was conducted to a sample of position. The choice of package type and size depends on
487 Portuguese adult citizens. The results revealed that properties such as water activity in the food, the amount
most respondents (81%) think about food safety and of dissolved oxygen, the estimated shelf-life of the pro-
quality when purchasing foods. Additionally, it was found duct, the initial level of residual oxygen in the package,
that the consumer’s knowledge about the toxicity of com- the oxygen permeability [2,5], the properties of the food,
ponents possibly migrating from the plastic packaging and the interactions between the packaging material and
to the food is still limited (only 46% of participants). the external environment [2,6]. Thus, the packaging mate-
However, other negative effects of plastics well known to rial must be specific to ensure its compatibility with the
consumers include environmental pollution and marine food, not becoming a contamination vehicle, considering
fauna degradation (67 and 82% of participants, respec-
that it is not totally inert and may transfer unwanted sub-
tively). Thus, it was concluded that the Portuguese popu-
stances to the food [1,7,8]. This is particularly problematic
lation need to be further educated about the toxicity of
under some environmental conditions, particularly depending
some chemical compounds present in plastic packaging,
on the temperature or relative humidity.
which can be ingested by migrating to the food or which
Plastic packaging has replaced other materials in the
can be absorbed from the environmental microplastics
food industry due to its low cost, weight, and density,
resulting from incorrect disposal.
allied to high resistance. Disposable plastics have been
Keywords: food packaging, plastic, food safety, knowl- the most extensive application over the past years [9–11].
edge, human health, questionnaire survey Substances such as bisphenol, antimony, and di-2-ethyl-
hexyl phthalate can be present in the composition of
some types of packaging [11,12], either as additives, cat-
* Corresponding author: Raquel P. F. Guiné, Department of Food alysts, or as residues from initiating monomers or decom-
Industry, Agrarian School, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, 3500-606 position. Usually, these compounds have low molecular
Viseu, Portugal; CERNAS Research Centre, Polytechnic Institute of weight, giving them mobility to interact with food [7].
Viseu, 3504-510 Viseu, Portugal, e-mail: raqueguine@esav.ipv.pt,
When foods remain in direct contact with any packaging
tel: +351 232 446 600
Morgana Weber Macena: Department of Environment, School of
material, small, measurable amounts of the packaging
Technology and Management, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, materials may migrate into food and can be consumed
3504-510 Viseu, Portugal with it [13]. Groh et al. [14] have compiled a database with
Rita Carvalho: Department of Food Industry, Agrarian School, 12,285 chemical compounds intentionally used to contact
Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, 3500-606 Viseu, Portugal
with food, and, although these substances are identified,
Luísa Paula Cruz-Lopes: Department of Environment, School of
Technology and Management, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, 3504-
the risks of exposure are not fully understood and depend
510 Viseu, Portugal; CERNAS Research Centre, Polytechnic Institute on a great number of factors. Azeredo et al. (2017) demon-
of Viseu, 3504-510 Viseu, Portugal strated that the use of plastics has some health risks,

Open Access. © 2022 Morgana Weber Macena et al., published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution
4.0 International License.
Food packaging and health  133

specifically those plastics containing bisphenol A or phtha- aspects are still under investigated and need further stu-
lates in their composition [15–17]. Migration can occur due dies. For this reason, the present research was designed to
to interactions that take place between the packaging mate- investigate the perspective of Portuguese consumers about
rial and the food. The Commission Regulation (EU) No 10/ several aspects related to the use of plastic materials in
2011 on plastic materials and articles intended to come in food packaging, including safety aspects, convenience
contact with food established the terms for testing plastic traits, environmental impacts, or health effects.
materials with the appropriate food simulators [18]. This research is part of a project that focuses on
Other types of plastic that can pose risks are micro plastic food packaging, including the practices, knowl-
and nanoplastics. Microplastics, which are plastic frag- edge, and concerns of Portuguese citizens, from different
ments [19], are an emerging type of pollutant that may perspectives, from sustainability to human health. This
adversely affect human health through ingestion of con- study focused on the aspects related to consumers’ per-
taminated food and water [20,21] or inhalation of con- ceptions and knowledge about food quality and safety as
taminated air [21]. well as the impact of plastic materials on human health.
The problem associated with plastic pollution has Our objectives were to evaluate the attitudes of Portuguese
been on top of the priorities, and alternative materials consumers regarding shopping practices of food items
are being suggested and already some are in use on a packed in plastic materials, their decision-making factors,
large scale. As a way to diminish plastic pollution, biode- how they perceive plastics in terms of advantages or dis-
gradable polymers have been introduced providing an advantages as food packaging materials, and their knowl-
environmentally friendly alternative to conventional plas- edge about regulations applicable to plastics aimed to con-
tics. These biodegradable plastics can be readily degraded tact with foods and the impact on the human health. These
by microbial action [22–25] and can assume an important aspects have not been investigated so far on the Portuguese
role in the future as commodity “plastics.” One other solu- population and therefore this research assumes an innova-
tion is provided by the enzymatic degradation of common tive nature, expecting to highlight how to better plan edu-
plastic materials, such as polyethylene [26–28]. Some cational policies targeting the Portuguese consumers and
microbial enzymes can act on plastics in their natural help them make better choices.
environment, quickly and efficiently, making it possible,
for example, to revitalize polluted environments like the
oceans or other natural sites [29].
Although there is some research about plastics and
2 Materials and methods
their uses and hazards, the perspective of the consumer
needs to be addressed. The perception of the consumer is 2.1 Questionnaire survey
pivotal to help making informed choices and change
behaviors towards selection of products that contribute To conduct the survey, a questionnaire was designed
for their health, wellbeing, convenience, and to the overall and constructed purposely according to the objectives
safety and preservation of the planet and its ecosystems of the project. The instrument included eight sections
[30–34]. A recent review from Otto et al. [35] addressed the with questions to collect data for different goals: (I) socio-
consumer perceptions about the sustainability issues of demographic variables; (II) buying habits; (III) opinions
food packaging and their relation with the scientific facts. about packaging; (IV) impact of packages on health and
Some studies have shown that most consumers are willing the environment; (V) recycling of plastic products; (VI)
to pay a premium for sustainable food packaging [35]. education about plastic and recycling; (VII) knowledge
Nemat et al. [36] studied consumer behavior of Swedish about recycling; and (VIII) knowledge about the effects of
participants towards sorting of plastic food packaging plastic on health and the environment. This article relates
based on their perception of the value of packaging. Testa in particular to the questions about food quality, food
et al. [37] studied the effect of sustainability issues in the safety, and knowledge about the effects of plastic mate-
purchase intention for plastic packaging for Italian consu- rials or their residues (like for example microplastics that
mers and concluded that the most important factors are enter the food chain) on the human health. Supplementary
attractiveness, perceived quality, and ecological impact. material presents all the questions used in the case of this
These works demonstrate that the research community survey, presented to the participants, and after translation
has been investigating the role of the consumer on several from Portuguese into English.
aspects related to packaging, even though not in Portugal This survey was made on a convenience sample,
and not focusing on the health risks. Therefore, these because of the facility of recruitment and easier
134  Morgana Weber Macena et al.

disposition to participate. Even though convenience sam- sample (KMO), and the Bartlett’s test [46]. The solution
ples have some disadvantages, they are very advanta- was obtained through extraction with principal compo-
geous for exploratory research [38,39]. Calculating the nent analysis (PCA) and Promax rotation. To fix the
sample size, although not designed for convenience sam- number of components retained, the Kaiser criterion
ples, can also be a useful indicator in these cases. For the was used, meaning that eigenvalues ≥1 were considered.
present study, an indicative sample size was obtained The communalities allowed assessing the percentage of
considering a 95% confidence interval, corresponding variance explained by the factors extracted [47], and
to a level of significance of 5% and a z score of 1.96 desirably should be 0.4 or higher [48,49]. To determine
[40,41]. The Portuguese population in 2019 (available last the internal consistency in each factor, the Cronbach’s
year) was 10.286 million people [42]. Considering that we alpha (α) was used [47,50].
targeted 50% of the Portuguese adults, the minimum number The factors obtained by FA were the input for cluster
of participants should be 385 [43–45]. analysis (CA) using the ward hierarchical method. In the
Data were collected through the internet platform first step, the most adequate number of clusters that
Google Forms, and the invitations to take part in the should be formed was estimated based on the evaluation
study were sent by online media: e-mail and social net- of the coefficients obtained in the agglomeration sche-
works. The invitations were sent to personal and profes- dule. Then, in the following step, the ward method was
sional contacts, and the snowball effect was used to used with the fixed number of solutions determined pre-
increase recruitment. There were some inclusion criteria: viously, and this served as the initial solution for the next
(1) being Portuguese; (2) being at least 18 years old; (3) step of the analysis, using the partitive method of k-means.
having internet access; (4) having a computer or other This was selected for being particularly recommended and
device through which they could answer the question- frequently used in CA [51].
naire; (5) being able to understand the questions and The indices for the items used to assess knowledge
express their responses; and (6) disposition to participate were calculated as the mean values among the partici-
voluntarily and anonymously. pants for each variable, and the level of knowledge for
each participant was also calculated as the mean scores
Informed consent: Informed consent has been obtained for all items. Finally, the relative influence of the socio-
from all individuals included in this study. Each partici- demographic variables on the level of knowledge about
pant could only access the questionnaire after agreeing to the effects of plastics on health was assessed through a
participate and expressing informed consent, knowing tree classification analysis. A classification and regression
that no personal identification would be collected. tree (CRT) algorithm with cross-validation was used for
this [52]. The minimum change in improvement was equal
Ethical approval: The research related to human use has to 0.0001 and the minimum number of cases for parent
been complied with all the relevant national regulations, and child nodes was established as 30 and 15, respectively.
institutional policies, and in accordance with the tenets A level of significance of 5% was considered in all
of the Helsinki Declaration, and has been approved by statistical analyses.
the Ethical Commission at the Polytechnic Institute of
Viseu with reference 09/SUB/2021.

3 Results
2.2 Data analysis
3.1 Sociodemographic characterization of
For the description of the data, basic descriptive statistics the sample
were used, such as frequencies. Additionally, to assess
the relations between some of the categorical variables Figure 1 shows the sociodemographic characteristics of
the Spearman correlation was used. the sample at study. The number of participants in the
Factor analysis (FA) was used to analyze some data study was 487, most of them being female (n = 343) and
based on several indicators that allowed testing the suit- living in the central region of Portugal (n = 316). The
ability of the data, namely, the correlation matrix and minimum and maximum ages were 18 and 88 years,
the values of measure of sample adequacy (MSA), the respectively, and the average age was 38 years. For con-
Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin measure of the adequacy of the venience, the variable age was categorized into young
Food packaging and health  135

adults (aged between 18 and 30 years), middle-aged participants thought about the quality or about the
adults (between 31 and 50 years), and senior adults (51 safety of the food it contained. Regarding the quality,
years or older). Most participants had completed univer- a great majority of participants (n = 394, 80.9%) refer
sity graduation (n = 340) and they were mostly employed that they reflect on the quality and inspect the product
(n = 270) or students (n = 134). to confirm if it has the desired quality, while others (n = 75)
do not reflect about the quality because they assume that if
it is on sale, then it always has quality. In what concerns
the safety, the number of participants who do not think
3.2 Shopping practices about this because they assume that the product is always
safe if it is on sale is high (n = 154), while those who reflect
Most participants in the survey (69.4%) are responsible about safety when purchasing a product packed in plastic
for buying the foods they consume, and at the moment of and inspect the product to confirm if it is safe are still
purchasing they tend to think to some extent about the higher in number (n = 315).
negative impact of the plastic package on health, as their When asked about the characteristics that influence
answers reveal: the decision to opt for a plastic package instead of other
• “I think about the negative impact of the plastic package, alternatives for food packaging, aspects such as the
but I buy it anyway” (n = 92) quality of the product, the price or promotions, food
• “I think about the negative impact of the plastic package, safety, and conservation capacity appear as the most sig-
and sometimes I do not buy it” (n = 185) nificant (93, 87, 85, and 80%, respectively) (Figure 2).
• “I think about the negative impact of the plastic package, The 14 characteristics of the package that could influ-
and I look for alternatives” (n = 141) ence the purchase of plastic packed food were submitted
• “I do not think about the negative impact of the plastic to FA, to identify possible grouping structures. The results
package” (n = 51) of Bartlett’s test indicated adequacy of the data to apply FA
since the p-value was highly significant (at the level of
Two other aspects investigated were if in the moment 0.1%), consequently rejecting the null hypothesis H0:
of purchase, and considering the food package, the The correlation matrix is equal to the identity matrix. The

Female 343

Male 144

Centre 316

South & Islands 96

North 75

Young adults (18-30y) 200


Middle-aged adults (31-50y) 173

Senior adults (51y or older) 114

University degree 340


Up to secondary school or CET 147

Employed 270
Professional status

Student 134

Working-student 38

Unemployed 24

Retired 21

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Number of participants

Figure 1: Sociodemographic characterization of the sample (N = 487).

136  Morgana Weber Macena et al.

Quality of the product 93%

Price/promotions 87%
Food safety 85%
Capacity of conservation 80%
General aspect 75%
Environment/being recyclable 74%
Information of the product in the label 72%
Familiar brand 59%
Being disposable 53%
Resistance of the material 47%
Size 46%
Facility to handle 39%
Weight 37%
Facility to open 33%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Influences the decision Does not influence the decision

Figure 2: Characteristics of the package that influence the decision to purchase a food packed in plastic.

correlation matrix showed that all values were higher than • KMO = 0.607 and p-value of Bartlett’s test <0.001
0.5, all being above the acceptable minimum threshold. • Values of MSA varying from 0.518 to 0.787
The lowest value of MSA was 0.528 for the variable “envir- • Number of factors retained = 4, with total variance
onment/being recyclable,” and the highest was 0.844 for explained of 67.2%
the variable “Capacity of conservation.” The values of MSA • Eigenvalues: F1 – 2.561, F2 – 1.554, F3 – 1.432, and F4 – 1.168
reflect some important correlations between the variables, • Percentages of total variance explained: F1 – 25.6%,
which is indicative of suitability to apply FA. However, the F2 – 15.5%, F3 – 14.3%, and F4 – 11.7%
value of KMO was not high, being however acceptable • All communalities equal or over 0.4: lowest for variable
(0.664), according to the classification of Kaiser and Rice “Familiar brand” – 0.429 and highest for “Facility to
[53], also corroborating the suitability of the data for the open” – 0.848.
application of the techniques PCA and FA. Additionally,
since none of the values of the anti-image matrix was Hence, this solution was considered final. The rota-
lower than 0.5, all the variables could be considered tion converged in four iterations and resulted in four
proper for inclusion in the analysis. The rotated solution factors, as shown in Table 1. The first factor (F1) was
obtained explained 53.8% of the total variance and identified as relating to the physical characteristics of
retained four components, for which the eigenvalues and the package (PC), with loadings very high for the weight
percentages of total variance explained were, respectively: (0.892) and size (0.866) and a little lower for resistance
F1 – 2.915 and 20.8%, F2 – 1.742 and 12.4%, F3 – 1.688 and (0.593), meaning that the first 2 items contributed in a
12.1%, and F4 – 1.185 and 8.5%. The variable “Facility to higher degree for the definition of the factor. Factor F2
open” had the largest fraction of variance explained by the was identified as the easiness to use (EU) and both vari-
solution, being 83.7%, followed by the variable “Facility to ables had very high loadings (0.920 and 0.917), indi-
handle,” with 82.2% of the variance explained. However, cating that they contributed equally for the definition of
there were four variables with communalities lower than this factor. The third factor was interpreted as being asso-
0.4: “Price/promotions” – 0.286, “General aspect” – 0.377, ciated with trust (TR) and contained three variables,
“Information of the product in the label” – 0.335, and two of which had very high loadings (0.830 for “Quality
“Capacity of conservation” – 0.317. Hence, these variables of the product” and 0.793 for “Food safety”) but the third
were excluded from the analysis in the second round, had a lower loading, just 0.442. Finally, factor F4 was
whose results were: associated with the discard (DI) of the package and
Food packaging and health  137

Table 1: Results obtained from FA and reliability of the factors

Factor: name (acronym) Variables Loading Cronbach’s alpha

F1: physical characteristics (PC) Size 0.866 0.706

Weight 0.892
Resistance of the material 0.593
F2: easy to use (EU) Facility to open 0.920 0.819
Facility to handle 0.917
F3: trust (TR) Familiar brand 0.442 0.582
Quality of the product 0.830
Food safety 0.793
F4: discarding (DI) Environment/being recyclable 0.835 0.573
Being disposable 0.756

two variables were included, both with high loadings: purchasing decision is negatively influenced by all the fac-
“Environment/being recyclable” – 0.835 and “Being dis- tors related with the plastic packaging of food. Regarding
posable” – 0.756. Since all variables had loadings higher C2, the centers are practically zero for F1 and F3, meaning
than 0.4, this solution is acceptable with all the ten variables that the PC or TR is not influential for them, but they are
included [48]. influenced by the EU (F2) and even more by the DI (F4).
Validation was assessed by Cronbach’s alpha (α), Members of cluster C3 are positively influenced by the PC
which measures the internal consistency within each of (F1) or EU but negatively influenced by DI. Cluster C4
the factors [47]. The values of Cronbach’s alpha for factors groups the members who strongly score in TR when pur-
F1 (PC) and F2 (EU) were 0.706 and 0.819, respectively, chasing foods in a plastic package, while the members of
which are considered good [54–56]. Regarding factors F3 cluster C5 are negatively influenced by the PC and DI, while
(TR) and F4 (DI), the values of alpha were lower (0.582 and being positively influenced by the EU (F2).
0.573, respectively), which according to some authors The cluster characterization is shown in Table 3.
could be acceptable [54–56], although a value equal to While most women belong to cluster 3 (more influenced
0.7 or higher would be desirable [54,55]. by the PC), the majority of men belong to cluster 2 (highly
The cluster variables were suited for CA with the influenced by DI). Regarding age, senior adults belong
ward hierarchical method. The results of the agglomera- mostly to cluster 1 (negatively influenced by all factors),
tion schedule allowed establishing the number of clusters while the other age groups belong mostly to cluster 3.
in five (Figure 3). Concerning residence, for all regions, most participants
The application of k-means CA to the initial solution belong to cluster 3. Cluster 1 has more members with an
obtained with the ward method and 5 clusters converged under-university level of education, while most of the
in 12 iterations and the results are shown in Table 2. For participants with a university degree belong to cluster 3.
all factors, ANOVA test was significant and cluster C3 was Regarding professional status, it is worth mentioning
the one with the highest number of members, while cluster that the highest percentage is in cluster C4 (highly influ-
C4 was the smallest, only with 29 cases. Regarding the enced by TR), unlike for other employment situations,
cluster centers concerning the four factors, C1 has negative while not having any members in cluster C2 (much influ-
values for all factors, meaning that for its members, the enced by DI).

Figure 3: Agglomeration schedule with ward’s method to fix the number of clusters.

138  Morgana Weber Macena et al.

Table 2: Results of k-means CA and cluster centers (N = 470, 17 Table 3: Sociodemographic characterization of the clusters
Variable Group Clusters
Clusters Factors
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
F1: PC F2: EU F3: TR F4: DI
Sex (%) Female 21.9 17.7 36.6 5.4 18.3
Male 24.1 25.5 24.8 8.0 17.5
F = 158.4 F = 142.3 F = 248.9 F = 172.0
Age (%) Young adults 17.8 22.2 30.3 7.0 22.7
p < 0.0005 p < 0.0005 p < 0.0005 p < 0.0005
Middle-aged 17.3 23.7 35.3 6.4 17.3
C1 (N = 106) −1.04 −1.34 −0.34 −0.13 adults
C2 (N = 94) −0.06 0.53 −0.07 1.48 Senior adults 38.4 10.7 34.8 4.5 11.6
C3 (N = 156) 0.93 0.19 −0.21 −0.36 Residence (%) North 27.9 19.1 36.8 0.0 16.2
C4 (N = 29) 0.28 0.29 3.20 −0.05 Central 22.8 21.2 30.3 6.8 18.9
C5 (N = 85) −0.44 0.64 −0.21 ‒0.79 South and 17.9 16.8 40.0 8.4 16.8
C1 to C5 are the five clusters; F1 to F4 are the four clusters; PC – Education Under- 29.3 15.8 27.1 9.8 18.0
physical characteristics; EU – easy to use; TR – trust; DI – dis- level (%) university
carding; F – value of statistic. University 19.9 21.7 35.6 4.7 18.1
Professional Employed 24.0 18.4 36.7 6.0 15.0
status (%) Unemployed 21.7 21.7 34.8 4.3 17.4
Investigating the perceptions about the advantages Student 18.5 22.6 28.2 5.6 25.0
and disadvantages of plastic packaging, 340 participants Retired 35.0 0.0 30.0 15.0 20.0
Working- 19.4 33.3 25.0 5.6 16.7
replied that they believe plastic packages have advan-
tages and 470 replied that they have disadvantages. The

Advantages of plastic package

Easy to transport 172
Being recyclable 148
Food conservation 136
Hygiene 132
Protection 122
Being reusable 121
Cost 112
Visualization of the product 102
Duration 101
Easy opening 64
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
Number of positive answers

Disadvantages of plastic package

Pollutant 440
Not being biodegradable 414
Originate plastic garbage in the oceans 377
Possible change of its physical properties 107
Being of single use 104
Low resistance 37
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Number of positive answers

Figure 4: Advantages and disadvantages of plastic food packaging perceived by consumers.

Food packaging and health  139

Negave impact of plascs on individual human health Negave impact of plascs on public health

160 145
140 127129 125
Number of participants
100 90

80 65
60 52
40 26 24
20 2 3 3 0 3 1 3 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Level of impact

Figure 5: Perceived negative impact of plastics on health.

most cited advantages were easy to transport (n = 172), being human health and public health, on a scale from 1
recyclable (n = 148), and the capacity for food preservation (minimum impact) to 10 (maximum impact). The maxi-
(n = 136), while the most cited disadvantages were being mum score was attributed by 125 participants to the
pollutant (n = 440), not being biodegradable (n = 414), and impact on individual health and by 145 to the impact
originating plastic garbage in the oceans (n = 377) (Figure 4). on public health, representing, respectively, 26 and 30%.
Spearman correlations were calculated between the
sociodemographic variables and the perceived impact of
3.3 Food packaging and health plastic on health, being the results presented in Table 4.
It was observed that the only correlation found signifi-
The participants were asked if they knew whether in cant was between sex and the impact on public health,
Portugal there are any regulations about plastic materials although it was a very weak correlation, with a value very
aimed at contact with foods, and only 37.0% responded close to zero. This reveals that the perception of the nega-
affirmatively. On a similar question, to know if they knew tive impact is not dependent on the sociodemographic
about any restrictions about the materials used in the pro- characteristics of the participants.
duction of packages destined to contact with foods, only The knowledge about the effects of plastic on health
about half were aware of this (50.9%). Finally, to the ques- was further investigated. For this, a number of statements
tion “Do you know if there are plastic materials which can was used and the participants had to express their level
pose a risk for the human health, in case the limits of of agreement with them on a 5 point Likert scale: 1 =
migration of their constituents, established by law, are totally disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neither agree nor dis-
surpassed?” most participants replied affirmatively, i.e., agree, 4 = agree, and 5 = totally agree. Table 5 shows the
74.9% are aware of this threat to the human health. results obtained. The agreement is stronger with items 7
Figure 5 shows how the participants classified the (n = 252) and 6 (n = 135), i.e., about the effects for the
level of the negative impact of plastics on individual human health of the plastics that enter the food chain

Table 4: Spearman correlations between the sociodemographic variables and the perceived negative impact of plastics on health

Sociodemographic variables Negative impact of plastics on individual human health Negative impact of plastics on public health

Sex −0.068 −0.136**

Age 0.089 0.078
Residence 0.002 −0.029
Education −0.015 −0.022
Profession −0.047 −0.009

** Correlation significant at the level of 0.01.

140  Morgana Weber Macena et al.

TD – totally disagree, D – disagree, NAND – neither agree nor disagree, A – agree, TA – totally agree. Indices were calculated as mean score for all participants, on the scale from -1 (very low
0.46 ± 0.43
and the industrial production of plastic materials and

0.42 ± 0.42

0.65 ± 0.44
0.47 ± 0.43
0.36 ± 0.45
0.35 ± 0.43

0.31 ± 0.42
Indices their effects on the planet at a global scale. Regarding
the indices, it was observed that in all cases they were
positive, indicating some general knowledge about the
TA (5)

effects of plastic on health, but the values for practically



all cases were relatively low, just with the exception of
item 7 (0.65 ± 0.44, for a maximum score of 1). Hence, the
A (4)





highest knowledge was for “The plastic that ends in the
% of responses

oceans decomposes and the fragments are ingested by

NAND (3)

the marine fauna, enter the food chain and reach the

humans with consequences for health,” while the lowest




73 knowledge was for “di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate” or DEHP

D (2)

is a plasticizing chemical, usually added to plastics,





which over time turns into toxic components.”

TD (1)

Also, the level of knowledge of each participant was

assessed as an average of the scores obtained for the 7


items, but after transposing the scale to the interval from

6. The production of polymers used to make plastics relies on petrochemical processes, which release toxic substances into the

7. The plastic that ends in the oceans decomposes and the fragments are ingested by the marine fauna, enter the food chain, and
5. Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate or DEHP is a plasticizing chemical, usually added to plastics, which is toxic and may cause health

−2 to +2, to turn to zero the middle point of the scale:

2. Bisphenol is a synthetic organic compound used in the production of plastic, and is considered harmful to human health

neither agree nor disagree. This variable was recoded into

a categorical variable as follows: very low knowledge –
1. The migration of chemicals from the plastic packaging into the food it contains results in a risk for human health

3. The basic components of plastics, such as polycarbonate, when washed repeatedly degrade into toxic products

mean ∈ [−2;−1], low knowledge – mean ∈ [−1;0], high

4. The basic components of plastics, such as polycarbonate, when exposed to heat degrade into toxic products

knowledge – mean ∈ [0;1], and very high knowledge –

mean ∈ [1;2]. The tree classification for the level of knowl-
edge considering the sociodemographic variables studied
has 5 levels, with 21 nodes, of which 11 are terminal
nodes. The risk estimate was 0.452 with a standard error
of 0.023 for resubstitution and 0.5697 with a standard
error of 0.022 for cross-validation. The model prediction
capacity is shown in Table 6, demonstrating a 69.7%
chance of correctly predicting the cases of high knowl-
edge. The tree presented in Figure 6 shows that the first
predictor variable was age, differentiating the senior
adults, and for both age groups, the predictor in the
second level was the profession. In the third level, the
discriminating variables were education and sex, while in
the fourth level they were age and profession, and finally
Table 5: Knowledge about the effects of plastic on health

in the last level they were education and residence. The

results in node zero indicate that for the whole sample
reach the humans with consequences for health

most participants had a high (50.1%) or very high (45.8%)

problem with continued exposure over time

knowledge) to +1 (very high knowledge).

4 Discussion
According to the report “Plastics – the Facts 2019” [57], in
2018, global plastics production almost reached 360 mil-
lion tons, and in Europe alone it almost reached 62 mil-
lion tons. The same source refers that in 2018, 39.9% of

produced plastic was destined for packaging, but only

32.5% of plastics were recovered through recycling [57].

From these plastics that were recycled, 81% were

Food packaging and health  141

Table 6: Model prediction capacity

Observed Predicted

Very low knowledge Low knowledge High knowledge Very high knowledge Percent correct (%)

Very low knowledge 0 0 3 7 0.0

Low knowledge 0 0 4 6 0.0
High knowledge 0 0 170 74 69.7
Very high knowledge 0 0 126 97 43.5
Overall percentage 0.0% 0.0% 62.2% 37.8% 54.8

Figure 6: Tree classification for variable knowledge as a function of the sociodemographic variables.
142  Morgana Weber Macena et al.

transformed into new plastic products within the EU, plastic packaging and its effects on the environment than
while 19% were outside of the EU [57]. In 2050, it is esti- the effects on human health.
mated that at least 33 billion tons of plastic will be added Accumulation of microplastics in the body tissues
to the planet [58], generating more environmental pollu- could cause physical stress and damage, inflammation,
tion. The participants in this study have great knowledge oxidative stress, and immune responses [71,72]. There is a
about the environmental impact of plastic packaging, generalized concern about their potential toxic risks on
most of them (n = 470) think that plastic packages have organisms, which could be transferred throughout the
disadvantages, which include being a pollutant, not being food chain [19]. Regarding safety and quality issues, the
biodegradable, and causing pollution in the oceans and number of participants who think about them is high;
seas. Although recycling is not the ultimate solution to however, only a few people look for alternatives or do
solve the problems caused by the use of plastics, it is not buy plastic-packaged foods.
one of the best available at the moment, while we shift Bisphenol A is an industrial chemical used to make
into biodegradable polymers, but this involves a high polycarbonate, a plastic used in many products [13]. A
investment as well as depends on a lot of factors such as great part of respondents neither agree nor disagree
environmental conditions or consumer’s attitudes [59,60]. when questioned about the presence of bisphenol and
The frequent interaction with plastic items leaves us di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate on plastic packaging, which
exposed and susceptible to chemical components that can be means that people did not know about the chemical com-
ingested orally, inhaled, or absorbed through dermal contact pounds that the food packaging can contain. All human
[61–63]. Therefore, when questioned if plastic can pose risk to beings have been exposed to some level of bisphenol A
human health, if the limits of migration of their constituents, contamination in their lives. Detectable levels of bisphenol
established by law, are surpassed, most participants replied have been found in the urine of 95% of the adult population
affirmatively (∼75%), which means that people know that of the United States [73]. When ingested, it can be harmful to
there are toxic components present in plastic materials, which health, causing early sexual maturation, a decrease in male
can contaminate the food they consume. fertility, aggressive behaviors, or disorders in the cardiovas-
Microplastics can contaminate foods and beverages, cular, urinary, endocrine, and reproductive systems, compro-
and environments, and in consequence, they can have nega- mising the metabolism of vitamins and minerals. In addition,
tive effects on human health [58]. For example, oxidative it has the potential to affect gene expression [9,11,12].
stress after exposure to microplastics has been reported in The European Food Safety Agency has recommended
different animal models in vivo [64,65]. Furukuma and Fuji an overall migration limit for chemicals within plastic
[66] reported the in vitro cytotoxicity caused by microplastic packaging of 10 mg/dm2, and the European Commission
particles from the marine environment. Ingestion is the main has established in 2011 some limits for certain plastics
source of microplastics in the human body, and it is esti- aimed to contact with foods [18].
mated that the intake of microplastics is 39,000–52,000 par- The participants were asked if they knew whether in
ticles per person per year, just from the consumption of Portugal there are any regulations about plastic materials
foods [67]. The cumulative effects of human exposure to aimed at contact with foods, and only 37.0% responded affir-
microplastics have not yet been fully investigated [58,68]. matively. When questioned about restrictions in the materials
If inhaled or ingested, microplastics can become toxic to used in the production of packages destined to contact with
organisms by the release of monomers and other chemical foods, only about half of the interviewees were aware of this.
components [69]. Chronic and continuous exposure tends to Cox et al. [67] made a literature review about micro-
promote greater toxicity due to the cumulative effect [21]. In plastics’ concentrations in some aspects of daily life, and
addition, the effects on animals are highly dependent on the they concluded that air, bottled water, and seafood con-
duration of exposure, concentration, shape, size, and type of sumption are responsible for the majority of microplastic
the polymer particles [70]. intake by humans. Mohamed Nor et al. [71] estimated the
This study revealed that the highest knowledge demon- consumption of total microplastics intake by adults and
strated by the participants was about the plastics in the children, which was 553 particles/capita/day for children
oceans and that their fragments are ingested by the marine and 883 particles/capita/day for adults. For an adult of
fauna, entering the food chain, possibly reaching humans. 60 kg who consumes 3 kg of foods and liquids per day,
On the other hand, the lowest knowledge was about the exposure to toxic substances from food packaging
the addition of di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate to plastics as a could be up to 250 μg/kg body weight per day [58,74].
chemical plasticizing, which can be toxic. Thus, it can be The knowledge about the effects of plastic packaging
considered that people are more aware of the toxicity of by consumers is still very limited. Thus, since there are
Food packaging and health  143

risks associated with plastic packaging for food and bev- tools owing to covid-19 restrictions and a personal inter-
erages, the environmental and health impacts brought by view would have been a more feasible way for the data
the use of plastic packaging must be discussed more. It is collection. Additionally, although the number of partici-
essential to promote a reflection and increase awareness pants was high, nearly 500, the sociodemographic distri-
of the problems caused by the massive use of plastics, as bution was not even, in particular with regards to sex,
well as to encourage changes in human behavior towards Portuguese geographical region, or school level of the
sustainability, to achieve a balanced relationship between participants. These asymmetries could to some extent
humans and the environment [12,75]. influence the results. Finally, we are aware that the ques-
tions used to assess the knowledge could have been more
or more detailed, but on the other hand, it would be still
5 Conclusion more difficult for the participants to answer them, since
we recruited regular people without particular knowl-
This study focused on practices, knowledge, and con- edge about the chemistry of plastics.
cerns of Portuguese citizens towards food quality and
safety as well as the impact of plastic materials on human Acknowledgments: This work is funded by National
health. Some of the results obtained allowed confirming Funds through the FCT – Foundation for Science and
gender differences towards some aspects, such as for Technology, I.P., within the scope of the project Refª
example women were mostly fit into cluster 3 (attributing UIDB/00681/2020. Furthermore, we would like to thank
high importance to the physical characteristics of the the CERNAS Research Centre and the Polytechnic Institute
package), while most men were in cluster 2 (valuing pre- of Viseu for their support.
dominantly the discarding of the package). Another aspect
investigated referred to correlation between sex and the Funding information: This work was supported by National
perceived negative impact of plastics on health, revealing Funds through the FCT-Foundation for Science and
no association with the impact on individual human health Technology, I.P., within the scope of the projects Refª
but a negative significant association with the impact of UIDB/00681/2020.
plastics on public health. Finally, sex was found to be a
factor influencing knowledge, after age or profession. Author contributions: Conceptualization, R.P.F.G.; meth-
In general, most of the respondents tend to think odology, R.P.F.G.; software, R.P.F.G.; validation, R.P.F.G.;
about the safety and quality of the foods they consume, formal analysis, R.P.F.G.; investigation, R.C., L.P.C.L., and
which is a positive attitude. Additionally, most participants R.P.F.G.; resources, L.P.C.L. and R.P.F.G.; data curation,
are aware of the negative effects of plastics. However, they R.P.F.G.; writing – original draft preparation, M.W.M., L.P.C.L.,
are more informed about the environmental consequences and R.P.F.G.; writing – review and editing, L.P.C.L. and
than the health toxicity of plastic packaging materials. In R.P.F.G.; visualization, R.P.F.G.; supervision, R.P.F.G.;
fact, the participants’ level of knowledge on the subject is project administration, R.P.F.G.; funding acquisition,
high or very high concerning the effects of plastic on the L.P.C.L. and R.P.F.G.
environment, but they barely know about the chemical
compounds that plastic packages contain and their effects Conflict of interest: The authors state no conflict of interest.
on the human body. This is a very important alert to official
and governmental agencies to better target the information Data availability statement: The datasets generated during
campaigns at the national level aimed at focusing on the and/or analyzed during the current study are available
health implications of the plastic materials used in contact from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
with foods. Thus, it can be concluded that the aspects
related to food safety and quality, regarding the use of Supplementary materials: The online version of this article
plastic packaging for food, as well as the preservation of contains supplementary materials available at https://doi.
human health, need to be more discussed within the org/10.1515/opag-2022-0066.
Portuguese population. For this, the health authorities
must adequate their public health policies, to provide
more information to the general population. References
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