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SSC CHSL Syllabus 2024, Revised Syllabus for Tier 1 and 2

SSC CHSL Exam has 2 Tiers. In Tier 1 exam, the questions are asked from subjects – Quantitative Aptitude, English Language, General
Intelligence and General Awareness. The questions are asked from topics such as Spot the Error, Synonyms, Indian History, Indian Economy,
Static GK, Venn Diagram, Active-Passsive, Number Series, etc. The SSC CHSL Tier 2 includes Descritive Paper, Skill Test and Typing Test.
Check SSC CHSL Study Material.

Table of Contents

1. SSC CHSL Syllabus

2. SSC CHSL Tier 1 Syllabus
2.1 SSC CHSL General Awareness
2.2 SSC CHSL General Intelligence
2.3 SSC CHSL English & Language
2.4 SSC CHSL Quantitative Aptitude
3. SSC CHSL Syllabus for Tier 2
3.1 Mathematical Abilities
3.2 Reasoning and GI
3.3 English Language
3.4 General Awareness
3.5 Computer Proficiency
4. SSC CHSL Skill Test
5. SSC CHSL Topic Wise Weightage
5.1 SSC CHSL Tier 1 Reasoning
5.2 SSC CHSL Tier 1 General Awareness
5.3 SSC CHSL Tier 1 Quantitative Aptitude
5.4 SSC CHSL Tier 1 English Language
6. SSC Syllabus FAQs

SSC CHSL Syllabus for Tier 1 Exam

SSC CHSL Tier 1 syllabus is divided into four sections. These 4 sections are mentioned below:

1. Reasoning Ability
2. Quantitative Aptitude
3. English Language
4. General Awareness

SSC CHSL Tier 1 Syllabus 2024

SSC CHSL Tier 1 syllabus 2024 has 4 subjects – English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, General Intelligence, General Awareness. The subject-
wise topics are mentioned below in the table:

SSC CHSL Tier-I Syllabus 2024

General Intelligence Quantitative Aptitude English Language General Awareness

Logical Reasoning Simplification Reading Comprehension History

Alphanumeric Series Profit and Loss Cloze Test Culture

Ranking/Direction/Alphabet Test Mixtures & Allegations Para jumbles Geography

Data Sufficiency Simple Interest & Compound Interest & Surds & Indices Miscellaneous Economic Scene

Coded Inequalities Work & Time Fill in the blanks General Policy

Seating Arrangement Time & Distance Multiple Meaning/Error Spotting Scientific Research

Puzzle Mensuration – Cylinder, Cone, Sphere Paragraph Completion Awards and Honors

Tabulation Data Interpretation One Word Substitution Books and Authors

Syllogism Ratio and Proportion, Percentage Active and Passive Voice

Blood Relations Number Systems

Input-OutputCoding-Decoding Sequence & Series -

Coding Decoding Permutation, Combination & Probability

The detailed syllabus for Computer-Based Examination (Tier 1) is given below:

General Awareness Syllabus for SSC CHSL

General Awareness section of the SSC CHSL Tier 1 exam tests a candidate's general knowledge. It also tests their knowledge of current events.
Their ability to observe and experience matters in their scientific aspect.

Important topics in the General Awareness section of the SSC CHSL Tier 1 exam are as follows:

Indian History
Indian Polity
General Science
Current Affairs (National and International)
Environmental Studies
Books and Authors
Awards and Honors
Important Days and Dates
Static GK

General Intelligence Syllabus for SSC CHSL

General Intelligence or Reasoning is an important topic for SSC CHSL Tier 1 Exam. The section carries a Weightage of almost 1/4th of the total
Tier 1 exam.

Some of the important topics that candidates must prepare for SSC CHSL General Intelligence and Reasoning are:

Semantic Analogy
Symbolic operations
Symbolic/Number Analogy
Figural Analogy
Space Orientation
Semantic Classification
Venn Diagrams
Number Series
Embedded Figures
Figural Series
Critical Thinking
Symbolic/Number Classification
Drawing inferences
Punched Hole/ Pattern Folding & Unfolding
Figural Pattern-Folding and Completion
Emotional Intelligence
Word Building
Social Intelligence
Numerical Operations

English Language Syllabus for SSC CHSL

The English Language section in the SSC CHSL Tier 1 syllabus tests candidates' language understanding. It consists of various topics, including
Grammar, Vocabulary, Comprehension, and Usage of Words in Sentences.

Some of the important topics included in the SSC CHSL Syllabus for the English Language are

Spot the Error

Fill in the Blanks
Synonyms/ Homonyms
Idioms & Phrases
One-word substitution
Improvement of Sentences
Active/ Passive Voice of Verbs
Conversion into Direct/ Indirect narration
Shuffling of Sentence parts
Shuffling of Sentences in a Passage
Cloze Passage
Comprehension Passage

Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus for SSC CHSL

Quantitative Aptitude section of the SSC CHSL Tier I exam tests the numerical ability of candidates. This section consists of questions on various
topics. Candidates must be thorough with the concepts and formulas in this section.

1. Number Systems: Computation of Whole Number, Relationship between numbers, Decimal and Fractions.
2. Fundamental arithmetical operations: Square roots, Averages, Interest (Simple and Compound), Profit and Loss, Discount, Partnership Business, Mixture and
Allegation, Time and distance, Time and Work, Percentages, Ratio and Proportion,
3. Mensuration: Regular Polygons, Circle, Right Prism, Right Circular Cone, Right Circular Cylinder, Sphere, Hemispheres, Rectangular Parallelepiped, Regular Right
Pyramid with triangular or square Base, Triangle, Quadrilaterals.
4. Algebra: Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra and Elementary surds (simple problems) and Graphs of Linear Equations.
5. Geometry: Familiarity with elementary geometric figures and facts: Triangle and its various kinds of centres, Circle and its chords, tangents, angles subtended by
chords of a circle, common tangents to two or more circles, Congruence and similarity of triangles.
6. Trigonometry: Trigonometry, Trigonometric ratios, Height and distances (simple problems only) Standard Identities like sin2 ???? + Cos2 ????=1, etc.
Complementary angles.
7. Statistical Charts: Use of Tables and Graphs: Histogram, Frequency polygon, Bar-diagram, Pie-chart.

SSC CHSL Syllabus for Tier 2 (Revised)

The SSC CHSL syllabus for Tier 2 has Session-I and II. The two session consists of different sections. There are 3 sections in total with 2
modules each. Candidates must look into SSC CHSL Syllabus for Tier 2 in the table below:

Module-I of Session I (Mathematical Abilities)

Module-I of Session-I for the SSC CHSL Syllabus focuses on Mathematical Abilities. The module includes topics like Number Systems,
Fundamental Arithmetical Operations, Algebra, and Probability. This section is a total of 60 marks. Here are some important topics and sub-
topics under the module:

Topics Sub-Topics

Computation of Whole Number

Decimal and Fractions
Number Systems
Relationship between numbers

Fundamental Arithmetical Operations Ratio and Proportion

Basic Algebraic Identities of School Algebra

Algebra Elementary surds (simple problems)

Familiarity with Elementary Geometric Figures and Facts

Geometry Triangle and its various kinds of centers

Mensuration Quadrilaterals

Trigonometry Trigonometric Ratios

Use of Tables and Graphs: Histogram, Frequency polygon, Bar-diagram, Pie-chart

Statistics and Probability Measures of Central Tendency: Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation

Module-II of Session-I (Reasoning and General Intelligence)

The Reasoning and General Intelligence syllabus for Module II of Section I in SSC CHSL Tier 1 includes both Verbal and Non-Verbal questions.
The questions aim to assess the candidate's reasoning ability. This section contains significant Weightage. It has 30 questions of 60 marks in

Some important topics covered in this section are:

Module-II of Section-I (Reasoning and General Intelligence)

Semantic Analogy
Symbolic operations
Symbolic/ Number Analogy
Figural Analogy
Space Orientation
Semantic Classification
Venn Diagrams
Symbolic/ Number Classification
Drawing inferences
Figural Classification
Punched Hole/ pattern-Folding & Unfolding
Semantic Series
Figural Pattern-Folding and Completion
Number Series
Embedded Figures
Figural Series
Critical Thinking
Emotional Intelligence
Word Building
Social Intelligence
Coding and De-coding
Numerical Operations

Module I of Section-II (English Language and Comprehension)

The English Language and Comprehension module is a part of Section II in the SSC CHSL Tier II exam. It tests the candidate's ability to
understand and use the English language effectively. The module comprises topics related to Vocabulary, Grammar, Sentence Structure, and
others. Check out the topics for English Language and Comprehension module below in the table:

Module-I of Section-II (English Language And Comprehension)

Spot the Error

Fill in the Blanks
Spellings/Detecting Misspelled Words
Idioms & Phrases
One-word substitution
Improvement of Sentences
Active/Passive Voice of Verbs
Conversion into Direct/Indirect Narration
Shuffling of Sentence Parts
Shuffling of Sentences in a Passage
Cloze Passage
Comprehension Passage

Module II of Section II (General Awareness)

Module II of Section II of the SSC CHSL Tier 1 exam focuses on General Awareness. It helps test candidates' knowledge about Society, and
Current Events. The section also includes questions related to India and its Neighboring Countries. It comprises 20 questions. Check out the
topics for GA section below in the table:

Module-II of Section-II (General Awareness)

History of India and its Neighboring Countries

Indian Constitution and its features
Geography of India and its Neighboring Countries
Current affairs and Recent Events
General Scientific Knowledge and Advancements
Basic knowledge of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Environmental Sciences
Indian economy and its various sectors
Government Schemes and Policies
Important Personalities and their Contributions in various fields.

Module I of Section III of Paper I (Computer Proficiency)

Module-I of Section-III of the SSC CHSL Tier-I exam deals with Computer Proficiency. This module comprises four important topics. It has a total
of 15 questions of 3 marks each. The various topics from which questions are asked to check candidate’s Computer Proficiency are mentioned
below in the table:

Topic Subtopics

Organization of a Computer
CPU, Input/Output Devices
Memory Organization
Computer Basics
Back-up Devices, PORTs
Windows Explorer

Windows Operating System

Software MS Word, MS Excel, PowerPoint

Web Browsing, Downloading, and Uploading

Managing E-mail Accounts
Working with the Internet and e-mails

Networking Devices and Protocols

Basics of Networking and Cyber Security Network and Information Security

SSC CHSL Skill Test

Skill Test for DEO/ DEO Grade 'A' in Department/Ministries
Here the candidates are required to enter a passage of about 3700-4000 key depressions.
A speed of 15000 key depressions per hour within 15 minutes.
The passage to be entered may also be displayed on the computer screen.
Candidates eligible for a scribe will be given compensatory time of 5 minutes, increasing the duration of the Skill Test to 20 minutes.

Skill Test for DEO/ DEO Grade 'A' except in Department/Ministries

candidates are required to enter a passage of about 2000-2200 key depressions.
A speed of 8000 key depressions per hour within 15 minutes.
The passage to be entered may also be displayed on the computer screen.
Candidates eligible for a scribe will be given compensatory time of 5 minutes, increasing the duration of the Skill Test to 20 minutes.

SSC CHSL Skill Test for LDC/ JSA

For other posts such as LDC/ JSA, Part B of the Skill Test is the Typing Test.
The medium of the Typing Test can be either Hindi or English.
The candidates have to opt for the medium in the online application form.
Candidates opting for English medium should have a typing speed of 35 words per minute (w.p.m.)
Those opting for Hindi medium should have a typing speed of 30 w.p.m.
The typing speed will be adjudged based on the accuracy of typing on the computer of a given text passage in 10 minutes.
Candidates eligible for a scribe will be given compensatory time of 5 minutes, increasing the duration of the Typing Test to 15 minutes.

SSC CHSL Topic Wise Weightage

1. General Intelligence
2. General Awareness
3. Quantitative Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic Skill)
4. English Language (Basic Knowledge)

SSC CHSL Tier 1 Topic Wise Weightage - General Intelligence and Reasoning

General Intelligence and Reasoning

Topics 2022 2021

Analogy 1-6 1-4

Coding and Decoding 0-3 1-4

Paper cutting and folding 0-2 0-1

Embedded Figures 1-3 1-2

Arithmetic Reasoning 0-5 0-3

Alphanumeric Series 1-5 1-3

Counting of Figures 0-2 1-2

Missing Number 2-5 1-3

Distance Direction Test 0-1 -

Odd one out 2-3 0-3

Blood Relation 0-1 0-2

Dice 0-1 -

Mathematical Operation 1-3 -

Calendar 0-1 -

Fillers 0-2 1-2

Classification 0-3 -

Statement conclusion 0-1 -

Statement Question - 0-1

Logical Arrangement 0-4 0-3

Mirror Image 0-2 0-1

Logical Venn Diagram 0-2 1-2

Miscellaneous 2-3 1-3

SSC CHSL Tier 1 Topic Wise Weightage - General Awareness

General Awareness

Topics 2022 2021

Current Affairs 5-7 4-8

Static GK 1-5 1-5

Indian Polity 2-4 0-2

History 0-3 1-3

Geography 0-2 0-3

Sports 0-3 1-4

Art and Culture 0-2 1-2

Economy 0-2 1-2

Biology 0-2 0-2

Physics 0-2 0-2

Computer - 1-3

Chemistry 1-3 0-2

Miscellaneous (Environment, Awards, Rivers, Organisations, Books, etc.) 4-5 1-4

SSC CHSL Tier 1 Topic Wise Weightage - Quantitative Aptitude

Quantitative Aptitude

Topics 2022 2021

Data Interpretation 3-5 3-5

Pipes and Cistern 0-1 -

Percentage 1-2 0-2

Time and Work 1-2 0-2

Discount 0-1 -

Algebra 2-3 1-4

Simplification 0-1 0-2

Ratio and Proportion 0-3 0-2

Trigonometry 0-3 1-3

Speed, Distance, and Time 1-2 0-1

Average 0-3 0-2

Profit and Loss 0-2 0-2

Partnership 0-1 -

Mixture and Alligation 0-2 -

Problem on Ages 0-2 -

Boat and Stream 0-1 0-1

Geometry 2-3 2-5

Mensuration 2-3 1-3

Simple Interest and Compound Interest 0-2 0-1

Pipes and Cistern 0-1 -

SSC CHSL Tier 1 Topic Wise Weightage - English Language

English Language

Topics 2022 2021

Fill in the blanks 1-6 1-5

Spotting Error 1-5 1-5

Idioms and Phrases 1-3 1-2

Cloze Test 1-5 2-5

Synonym and Antonym 0-4 3-5

Spellings Check 1-5 1-2

Para-jumbled sentences 0-2 1-2

Sentence Improvement 1-2 1-2

Active and Passive voice 0-1 1-4

One-word substitution 1-3 0-2

Direct and Indirect speech 1-2 1-5

The revised syllabus by State Selection Commission has only two tiers. Earlier, SSC CHSL exam has 3 tiers. The SSC CHSL Tier II will be
conducted in two sessions - Session –I & Session II, on the same day. Session-I will include conducting of Section-I, Section II, and Module-I of
Section III. Session II will include conducting of Module II of Section III.

Relevant Link

SSC CHSL Eligibility Best SSC CHSL Coaching in Delhi SSC CHSL Study Material

SSC CHSL Mock Test SSC CHSL Salary SSC CHSL Exam Date

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.

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