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FCN Special Brother Jabril Muhammad

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Minister Jabril Muhammad

1936 - 2023
T H E F I NA L C A L L | M I N I S T E R JA B R I L M U HA M M A D | AU G U S T 8 , 2 0 2 3

An Exemplar in the
Classroom of God,
Elijah and Farrakhan
enough to describe what this man has
by Brian E. Muhammad meant to our Nation, to The Messenger,
and Nisa Islam Muhammad to me, and to the Cause of Islam,” Minis-
The Final Call
@TheFinalCall ter Farrakhan stated in an announcement
regarding his dear brother and helper
“… I will not suffer the work of any (See The Final Call, Vol. 42 No. 41).
worker to be lost whether male or fe- Minister Jabril Muhammad, affec-
male…” tionately referred to as “Brother Jabril”
—Holy Qur’an (Al-Imran) 3:194 served the Nation of Islam faithfully and
tirelessly for decades since the 1950s.
The Nation of Islam and In 1954 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled
in its broadest sense, the on Brown v. Board of Ed-
Original family and all ucation, stating that seg-
truth-seekers in humanity regation in public schools
has lost a valuable treasure was unconstitutional. That
with the passing of Min- same year, the average
ister Jabril Muhammad. cost of a new house was
Although it is a loss in the $10,250, Nat King Cole’s
physical sense of living, Answer Me, My Love is
his contribution was in- a Billboard top hit and
comparable and will con- Bernard Cushmeer, later
tinue to live on. Minister known as Jabril Muham-
Jabril Muhammad was a mad, attended Temple No.
longtime companion, aide 7 in New York City where
and supreme witness to the Most Honor- Malcolm X was a minister.
able Elijah Muhammad and the Honor- “He was just out of high school,”
able Minister Louis Farrakhan. Brother Thomas Jehad told The Final
His Janazah (Islamic funeral service) Call. “He was a very brilliant young
will be held Sunday, July 30 at 11:00 a.m. brother, very inquisitive. 1954 was the
CDT at The National Center, Mosque year after I came in and a year before
Maryam. Brother Jabril Muhammad’s de- Minister Farrakhan came in. Brother
parture from this life was announced July Jabril was always very inquisitive,” said
16. Brother Thomas Jehad.
An axiom ascribed to Prophet Muham- “We got to know each other while I
mad (Peace Be Upon Him) says: “One was in New York. I was living with
learned man is harder on the devil than (F.O.I.) Captain Yusuf Shah. I left the
a thousand ignorant worshippers.” Re- next year for Hartford, Connecticut and
flecting on the life and works of Minister Brother Jabril lived there too. I worked
Jabril Muhammad and his insatiable ac- at Donohue Appliance Store and recom-
quisition of knowledge, wisdom, and un- mended him for a job when I was leav-
derstanding as a student and follower of ing. Even when I went to Hartford to be
Elijah Muhammad, he fits the description the minister we would always talk.”
of such a learned man. The young Brother Bernard was at-
“The Nation of Islam has lost a great tracted to the Teachings delivered by
minister, a great teacher, a great brother, Minister Malcolm X in New York. Broth-
a great friend, and a great helper to the er James (Dawson) Najiy wrote on social
Honorable Elijah Muhammad and to me,
personally. Words will never be adequate Continued on next page
T H E F I NA L C A L L | M I N I S T E R JA B R I L M U HA M M A D | AU G U S T 8 , 2 0 2 3

Minister bril put in his hands, he woke up. “And

then the next morning after reading the

Jabril book in the night, (Minister Farrakhan

told Brother Jabril) ‘the operation was a

success, the scales have been removed.’
And from that moment, when I say mo-
ment, I mean, the Minister immediately
Continued from previous page
stood up and began the rebuilding work
media, “I met Min. Jabril in 1954. He of the Nation of Islam and bringing back
accepted that year from the hard-work- the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah
ing Min. Malcolm. Min. Jabril would Muhammad,” said Student Minister Ish-
visit my wife and I often when he was mael Muhammad, National Assistant to
still young as a Muslim. He ate at my Minister Farrakhan.
table and helped me do things around The other witness to this divine en-
the house. After we would take walks counter was Brother Abdul Wahid Mu-
around Mt. Morris Park which is called hammad who was there when Minister
Marcus Garvey now,” he added. Jabril came to see the Minister at the ho-
Nation of Islam Archivist, Student tel in Los Angeles. Brother Abdul Wahid
Minister Abdul Salaam Muhammad had remained in contact with Minister
told The Final Call, “Later in 1955 Farrakhan.
while working in the Temple No. 7 Brother Jabril had a brown paper bag
Luncheonette, Brother Jabril (Bernard) with literature inside that he gave Min.
met Brother Louis (Farrakhan) for the Farrakhan to read, Brother Abdul Wahid
first time and became instant friends.” stated in a previous Final Call interview.
That friendship would later prove piv- On a Sunday, Brother Abdul Wahid re-
otal in the growth and development of Minister Jabril Muhammad and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan in an undated photo in California. turned to the hotel to see the Minister,
the Nation of Islam. however, Min. Jabril was already there.
Brother Bernard Cushmeer (Minister “When they opened the door, I knew
Jabril Muhammad) was an instant suc- something happened because they both
cess in the Nation of Islam. His dedi- had tears coming out of their eyes. His
cation and commitment were rewarded. whole spirit was totally different. I said
He left New York in 1956 and served as he’s a totally different person now,”
Fruit of Islam (F.O.I.) Captain of Tem- Brother Wahid recalled.
ple No. 16 in Lansing, Michigan, under The arduous rebuilding efforts of the
Minister Philbert Omar, a biological Nation of Islam and restoration of the
brother of Minister Malcolm X. name and work of the Honorable Eli-
His next stop was the West Coast in jah Muhammad by Minister Farrakhan
1957. “Malcolm sent him to California. included Bernard Cushmeer—whom
He was in San Francisco, and then he Minister Farrakhan renamed “Jabril”
went to jail for draft dodging the Kore- Muhammad after the angel who re-
an War,” Nation of Islam International vealed himself to Prophet Muhammad
Representative Abdul Akbar Muham- (PBUH)—as a constant companion and
mad told The Final Call. “He would helper. Brother Jabril wrote a weekly
come back regularly to New York to column in The Final Call Newspaper,
teach. His death is the loss of a great “Farrakhan The Traveler,” penned study
Nation scholar. He could always be guides for the believers and crisscrossed
found with his notes on what was hap- the country teaching and helping to rees-
pening in the Nation. His early focus tablish and rebuild the Nation of Islam.
was the impact of Honorable Elijah Over the years he wrote several books
Muhammad,” he said. that delved into the depths of the Teach-
“He was constantly studying and ings of the Honorable Elijah Muham-
sharing everything he learned. We un- mad.
derstood the Teachings better because Those impacted by Minister Jabril’s
of Brother Jabril.” journey reflected on the meaning of such
Brother Bernard Cushmeer traveled a figure whom they described as unique
to San Francisco with a group of broth- and rare.
ers from the East Coast (mainly from From left, Brother Leonard F. Muhammad, Brother Mustapha Farrakhan, Brother Brian E. Muhammad, Minister Farrakhan,
“It’s self-evident, that there’s some-
Minister Abdul Akbar Muhammad and Brother James L. Muhammad with Minister Jabril Muhammad, kneeling, in Accra,
Temple No. 7) and Chicago (Temple thing special about that man,” said
Ghana in 1994.
No. 2). Their goal was to help estab- Brother Cedric Muhammad, economist,
lish new Temples, as they were called years (1965-1971),” Student Minister Ab- During these trying times, the name and an aide and longtime friend of Minister
at the time. He served as the Minister dul Salaam Muhammad said. work of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad Jabril Muhammad. “But he ran from
of Temple No. 26 (San Francisco) and In 1975, the Nation as most knew it was erased from history. anything that will enable people to be-
helped establish other Temples on the fell with the departure of the Honorable However, just a short time later, in come distracted by that, and not see
West Coast. Elijah Muhammad, and the community 1977 as Minister Farrakhan was ago- the leader or that one who it was most
His final location was Phoenix, Ar- was divided. Some went with the new nizing over the condition of Black peo- important that we understood, which
izona. “In 1965 Brother Jabril became Imam Warith Deen Mohammed, a son of ple and the departure of his Teacher, his was the two men, the Father that raised
the new minister of Temple No. 32. He the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, some brother and friend connected with him in him and the big brother who sits in the
lived in the Phoenix residence of the went to other Sunni communities and California. He gave Minister Farrakhan a Father’s seat,” he said, referring to the
Honorable Elijah Muhammad for six others waited to see what would happen. book. “And after reading what Brother Ja- Continued on next page
T H E F I NA L C A L L | M I N I S T E R JA B R I L M U HA M M A D | AU G U S T 8 , 2 0 2 3

From left Abdul Iman Muhammad, Jabril Muhammad, Abdul

Brother Jabril at the historic Million Man March in 1995 in Malik Sayyid Muhammad and Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammad , a An avid and skilled photographer, Brother Jabril takes a photo
Washington, D.C. Photo: Final Call Newspaper day before the Million Man March. Photo: Sherman Muhammad at the Million Man March. Photo: Ruth Muhammad

The Minister and Brother Jabril Photo: Hassan Muhammad

From left, Brother Jabril, his wife Sister Dr. Patina, Chief Ernie Longwalker, Warrior Woman and In this 1989 photo during Saviours’ Day, Brother Minister Abdul Allah Muhammad
Minister Farrakhan. greets Brother Minister Jabril Muhammad. Photo: Final Call

turn around and give me these massive

Minister homework assignments (that I could

never finish by the way). He stretched

our minds to accommodate and under-
stand as much of the deep wisdom of

Allah (God) as we possibly could, then
he made us go even further in our un-
Continued from previous page
Brother Jabril always put our minds
Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Min- on the time, the need to get to our work
ister Farrakhan. and our roles in
Brother Ced- this most import-
ric, who among ant work (the
others aided Min- resurrection of
ister Jabril with the mentally and
his publications spiritually dead,”
like his seminal stated Sister Ange-
book, “Closing la Muhammad on
The Gap: Inner Facebook. “Broth-
Views of The er Jabril’s meth-
Heart, Mind & odological way
Soul of The Hon- of teaching made
orable Minister me want to study
Louis Farrakhan” and wrote the book’s more, be a better
forward said Minister Jabril was “hum- student as well as a better person. He is
ble” and “exquisitely concerned” about a true example of dedication to the res-
nothing interfering with the sight of Longtime brothers and friends, Minister Farrakhan and Brother Jabril greet one another in Memphis in 2009. urrection of Black people and all people
Photo: Hassan Muhammad
Minister Farrakhan, and the Honor- in need of light. He never let you just
able Elijah Muhammad. Minister Jabril ent, more available and more accessible live, though we perceive not. talk. He made us source our words and
would almost hide from any spotlight than ever before,” he added. The impact of Minister Ja- get to the root and meaning of words.
highlighting the power that was pres- “If ever there was a human bril Muhammad will be felt for You had to not only watch what you said
ent in himself, neither broadcasting nor being who could see the fu- generations. Many members around Brother Jabril, you had to watch
seeking a platform for it, he said. sion of the father and the son, of the Nation of Islam shared what you thought around him! There is
When persons of consequence pass the Honorable Elijah Muham- their reflections and sentiments not enough space on this platform to
off the scene through the irrevocable mad and Minister Farrakhan, on this “Angel” among men via express the impact of the Brother and
Will of God, many who were touched and who himself was fused in social media. his true value as a frond to Our Nation.
by their lives often ponder why, and love with both of them—that’s “I thank Allah because Bro. May Allah Be Pleased with our Beau-
why now? him,” Brother Cedric told The Min. Jabril went out of his way tiful Brother. Long Live Muhammad.”
“Now the world will get the benefit Final Call. personally to make sure that The Final Call will continue with ex-
of that in the beauty of a perfect—in my As the Holy Quran informs I had every question I could tensive coverage of the life, legacy and
estimation—witness and expression of the living not to speak of those think of answered,” posted impact of Minister Jabril Muhammad in
sacrifice and love for the Two Messi- who die in the cause of Allah Sister Letitia Muhammad on an upcoming edition. Final Call Staff
ahs, he said. “So his mind is more pres- (God) as slain or dead, they Facebook. “Then he would contributed to this report.
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Glimpse Of A Written Testimony

The ink of the scholar is more precious than the blood of the martyr.
—Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
T H E F I NA L C A L L | M I N I S T E R JA B R I L M U HA M M A D | AU G U S T 8 , 2 0 2 3

Brother Jabril and his daughter. Photos courtesy of the family of Brother Jabril Brother Minister Jabril Muhammad with his wife, Sister Dr. Patina Muhammad at a
Saviours’ Day convention. Photo: Michael Muhammad Brother Jabril with his daughter.

Father, Family Man and Friend

Brother Minister Jabril Muhammad is survived by his
wife Sister Dr. Patina Muhammad. He leaves behind
a loving and devoted family, including his children
with his first wife, Bernique Cushmeer: Naeemah,
Ati Hamid, Bari, Elijah, and Barnar. His stepchildren
with his current wife, Vanteresa Underwood-Mu-
hammad; Isaiah Underwood-Muhammad; and their
children Kalaiah, Isaiah Kai Jr. and TahRyah Prince
Lee. His legacy also extends to his seven cherished
grandchildren; Gabrielle Kaia, Joaquin, Noah, Ehren,
Hassan, Hanif and Emir Nasr Karriem.
Minister Jabril’s legacy will live on through his
works, his writings, his loved ones and a Nation that
A doting and loving grandfather with one of his grandsons.
Brother Jabril with his son and grandson.

Brother Minister Jabril and his son at his graduation.

A caring father with his sons in a 1978 photo.

Brother Jabril was a devoted father to his children. Brother Jabril with two of his grandchildren. Minister Jabril Muhammad with his son and daughter-in-law.
T H E F I NA L C A L L | M I N I S T E R JA B R I L M U HA M M A D | AU G U S T 8 , 2 0 2 3

Brother Jabril’s brother, Robert Moore Brother Jabril and his wife, Sister Dr. Patina

An avid and talented photographer, Brother Jabril was often seen

carrying his camera.

Brother Jabril with his daughter, and his mother Ruby Family photo Photos courtesy of the family of Brother Jabril Muhammad
Anna Mae Parker-Moore.

From left, Sister Wauneta Lonewolf, Mother Tynnetta Muhammad

and Brother Jabril Muhammad.

Brother Jabril with one of his grandchildren. Photo of father and son A family photo with his sons and daughter.
An Instrument of God
to The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad
a n d T h e H o n o r a b l e M i n i s t e r L o u i s Fa r r a k h a n

The Nation of Islam honors and salutes
an Angel Among Men

“Read and thy Lord is most Generous, Who taught by the pen,Taught man what he knew not.”
—Holy Qur’an, Surah 96, verses 3-5

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