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AUTHORITY: Junta Autonoma do Porto da Horta, Avenida Gago

Azores Coutinho S. Cabral 7, 9900 Horta, Azores. (Postal address:
Apartado 70, 9901 Horta Codex). Tel: ␣351 (292) 208300. FAX: ␣351
GENERAL: (See Plan) (292) 208315. Email: portohorta@mail.telepac.pt Contact: Angelo
Leonardo Andrade, Port Director.
Capital City: Ponta Delgada (Sao Miguel Is).
Nationality: Portuguese. PONTA DELGADA: 37.44 N. 25.39 W. (See Plan)
Population: 350,000.
International Direct Dial Code: 351. 1 Stores List.
Number of Internal Airports: 3. 4 Crew Lists.
Major Languages Spoken: Portuguese, English. 4 Landing Passenger Lists.
ECONOMY: 4 In-Transit Passenger Lists.
Currency: 1 Euro (EUR) of 100 Cents. 2 Manifests of Cargo being landed.
Exchange: (as of July 2002) 1 In-Transit Cargo Manifest.
US$ 1.00 ␦ EUR 1.02 Ship’s Register.
EUR 1.00 ␦ US$ 0.98 Load Line Certificate.
Main Industries: Fishing; tourism; tobacco; agriculture. Safety Equipment Certificates (London Convention).
ENVIRONMENT: Derat Certificate.
Climate: Humid. Shipmaster’s Report: April 1990 (Research Vessel).
2 Stores Lists (Deck, Engine, Catering, Bond) – Form C 132.
5 Crew Lists.
HORTA, Faial: 38.32 N. 28.38 W. (See Plan) 2 Crew Effects Declarations – Form C 142.
PILOTAGE: Good deep approach. Harbour Pilot boards 0.5 miles S.E.
DOCUMENTS: of breakwater. Radio Harbour Master direct or through Agent ETA
3 Crew Lists. 48 hours notice. ETA message to include draft, reason for calling, type
3 Passenger Lists. of bunker required, fresh water required, oil products needed, nature of
For Customs: repairs and what cargo, if any, aboard.
Arrival Declaration. Pilot station with visual signal tower and radiotelephony, at entrance
Manifest of Cargo for Discharge or in Transit. of port installations. Tel: ␣296 (28) 5221/2/3, ext. 144. Pilot’s motorboat
Provisions List. – Pilotos in capital white letters printed both sides hull, as well as flag
Request to Commence Load/Discharge. ‘‘P’’ hoisted during day or 1 red and 1 white light at night.
For Port Health: When necessary, Pilot motorboat will complete identification by
Derat Certificate or Exemption. flashing word ‘‘Pilotos’’.
Health Clearance from Last Port. Besides usual signals of ICS, Pilots’ station, when necessary, will hoist
For Port Captain: on main signal tower the following:
Seaworthiness Certificate. By Day – Flag ‘‘X’’ of ICS – Wait outside Harbour (for Portuguese or
Certificate of Registry. foreign ships regularly visiting Ponta Delgada); Flags ‘‘OG’’ of the ICS
Tonnage Certificate. – Wait outside Harbour (for all other ships);
PILOTAGE: Can be called by 2 long and 1 short blast on the whistle, By Night – Two green lights (one above the other) – Wait outside the
or by International Code flag ‘‘G’’. Radio contact with Pilot Station can Harbour (for Portuguese and foreign ships).
be made by VHF Channel 16; via radio station CUG, or in cases of ANCHORAGES: Outside artificial harbour, in roadstead and off
urgency, through the Horta Naval Radio Station CTH. breakwater, anchorage suitable for all ships whose drafts are too deep
Pilot boat is a small tug, painted black with white and orange for admission into artificial port – over 40 ft. depth. Good holding ground.
wheelhouse. If requested by Master, Pilot will board at entrance of RESTRICTIONS: Vessel considered adversely trimmed when more than
Faial-Pico Channel or Faial-St. George Channel. Otherwise Pilot will 10 ft. ‘‘by the stern’’ or 2 ft. ‘‘by the head’’.
MAX. SIZE: Up to 10.9 m. draft.
board at port entrance. Vessels waiting for Pilot must remain 1.5 miles HEALTH: The Pilot requests Master to hoist quarantine flag when vessel
from the breakwater with Ponta de Doca Lighthouse in line with Areia comes from an infected port, or when sick people carried on board. Port
Larga Lighthouse on Pico Island. doctor then boards for inspection and nobody allowed to board or leave
ANCHORAGES: The best holding ground is with the breakwater light vessel before completion of inspection.
in line with the tower of San Francisco church bearing 272␥, and with Animals: Importation and transit of all birds and small animals allowed
Ilheu Negro in line with Casa Joao Catita bearing 203␥. Another line of but valid Health Certificate and valid Rabic Vaccination Certificate
good soundings is in the open Channel dos Ingleses. required.
Another good anchorage is with the breakwater light in line with the VHF: Harbour radar covers range of 20-25 sea miles; controls inside
Matriz bearing 310␥, and with Ilheu Negro in line with Casa Joao Catita harbour waters. VHF location – main signal tower. Call sign – ‘‘Pilotos’’.
bearing 212␥. Operating 24 hours on Channel 16. Range 20 to 25 miles.
MAX. SIZE: For berthing, max. draft 22 ft. Depth in the artificial port is Calls must be made on Channel 16 and then shift to Channels 20 or
36 ft. at HW. Depth at buoy moorings: 33 ft. Vessels of any draft can 22 as indicated by Port Operations Station. Channel 14 used for
anchor outside the port. communications between Pilot Station and Pilot aboard, during
HEALTH: If vessel has not touched any contaminated port, Pilot will manoeuvres of mooring and unmooring. It should be understood that
haul up signal ‘‘TO’’ and Health Inspector will give Free Pratique. Master the Port Operations Station is not to be used for ship’s business with
is obliged to send the Maritime Declaration of Health given by the Pilot Agents or Shippers of cargo.
to shore within one hour together with a Crew List and Cargo Manifest. RADAR: See ‘‘VHF’’.
If vessel has suspected case of fever on board or is coming from a port TUGS: Two tugs, 2,600 h.p. and 3,400 h.p., operated by Junta
in a contaminated zone, Pratique will only be given after Health Inspector Autonoma available for assistance during berthing and unberthing.
has boarded. BERTHING:
TUGS: One small tug, 375 h.p. Quay No. 1: For small craft.
STEVEDORES: Gangs are provided by local stevedores syndicate when West Quay No. 2: 1,069 ft. long, min. depth alongside, LW, 20 ft.
requested by Master or Agent. Central Quay No. 3: 678 ft. long, min. depth alongside LW, 27 ft.
MEDICAL: Doctors and hospital facilities always available. East Quay No. 4: 2,023 ft. long, min. depth alongside, LW, 40 ft.
FRESH WATER: Available from 3 hydrants on quay. Cost €1.17/tonne. Quay No. 4: For small craft.
FUEL: Gas oil and gasoline available by pipeline on quay. Quay No. 6: Depth at LW 5.8 m.
CONSULS: France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands and Norway. Quay No. 10: Depth at LW 8.2 m.
REPAIRS: Machinery and small electronic repairs can be effected. Quay No. 12: Depth at LW 10.9 m.
GANGWAY/DECK WATCHMEN: Police Guard or Coast Guard (Policia Mooring buoys in depths ranging from 20 ft. to 30 ft.
Maritima). CARGO HANDLING FACILITIES: Electric Cranes: 1␺25 tons,
OPENING/CLOSING HATCHES: Performed by stevedores. 1␺12 tons and 1␺6 tons.
CUSTOMS ALLOWANCES: Up to 150 grammes tobacco and small Mobile Cranes: 1␺45 tons.
allowance wine or spirits for each man. Forklift Trucks: 2.5 tons – 42 tons.
REPATRIATION: Can be arranged. Reach Stackers: 2␺45 tons.
AIRPORT: Several flights during the day from Faial Airport, 10 km. from STEVEDORES: Available. Early advice to Agent recommended.
the port, to all islands in the Azores and to Lisbon. MEDICAL: Large well-equipped hospital. Santa Casa da Misericordia
de Ponta Delgada and Clinica de Bom Jesus.
TIME: GMT minus 1 hour in Winter. GMT in Summer (See ‘‘Ponta TANKERS: Vessels carrying explosives, inflammable liquid or any other
Delgada’’). dangerous cargoes, before entering port, must hoist International Code
HOLIDAYS: 1st January; 25th April; 1st May; 10th June; 24th June; Signal ‘‘B’’ at foremast during day and a red light at night. Upon boarding
15th August; Corpus Christi; 5th October; 1st November; 8th December; vessel the harbour Pilot enquires from the Master whether there are
25th December. explosives and any other dangerous cargoes on board. Masters
POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Police 112; Ambulance and Fire requested to supply accurate information as to quantity and nature in
Tel: ␣351 (292) 200850. order to enable Port Authorities to select a suitable berth or anchorage
TELEPHONES: Can be connected on board vessels berthed alongside. for vessel.
SHORE LEAVE: Allowed. Constant Readiness: Vessels carrying dangerous cargoes, while
IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Not required. moored, must maintain engines and propulsion machinery in readiness
GARBAGE DISPOSAL: Containers for garbage available on the main to leave the port under full power, if necessary.
pier. FRESH WATER: Available at all quays ex-hydrants.
WASTE OIL DISPOSAL: 200 litre drums are provided by the Port FUEL: Bunkers are readily available but, for their own convenience
Authority. No private companies available. Masters should telegraph Agents quantity and type of bunkers required.
SEAMAN’S CLUBS: No Seaman’s Club available. Long distance In order to avoid possible delays to their own and other vessels, Masters
telephone calls can be made from the Post Office. Churches available. are requested to replenish bunkers at the time suggested by their Agents.

See guidelines on how to compile and submit information to us (page vi). 223
CONSULS: Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Dominican Republic,
Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, NOTES
Turkey and U.S.A.. Please also advise Shipping Guides Ltd.
REPAIRS: Engine or other repairs can be undertaken. Repairs to electric
installations, motors and refrigerating systems can also be undertaken
as well as repairs to wireless stations (including VHF, radio-telephone
equipment, radar, echo-sounders, direction-finders, gyro-compasses,
steering-gear, Sal logs and cinema projectors).
Workshops duly equipped to undertake hull and engine repairs. Divers
and equipment also available for some underwater work. Small tugs,
motor-launches and lighters. Small slipway for vessels up to 200 ft. long.
No dry docking available. A sea-going salvage tug, owned by Junta
Autonoma is stationed in the port.
REPATRIATION: Can be arranged.
AIRPORT: 3 km. from Ponta Delgada. Daily flights to Lisbon and to all
other islands of the Azores, by SATA Air-Azores.
Daily connections with flights to and from Europe and United States
or Canada.
TIME: GMT minus 1 hour in Winter. GMT in Summer from 0000 hrs.
last Sunday in March to 0100 hrs. (local time) last Sunday in September.
HOLIDAYS: 1st January – New Year’s Day, 25th April (Liberty Day),
1st May (Workers Day), June 10th (Portugual Day), Corpus Christi,
August 15th, October 5th, November 1st, December 1st, Monday before
Ascension Day. Government offices close on afternoon of Maundy
Thursday and on afternoon of Christmas Eve. Most firms close on Shrove
Tuesday and Good Friday.
POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Police Tel: ␣296 (28) 2022; Fire
Tel: ␣296 (30) 1313; Ambulance Tel: ␣296 (30) 1301 or 112.
TELEPHONES: Any ship moored alongside can be connected to the
city’s telephone network, upon request through the ship’s Agent.
SERVICES: Fresh and dry provisions available all the year round.
IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Non-EU crew members allowed ashore with
landing cards - supplied by Agents.
REGULATIONS: Ballast: Vessels must arrive with sufficient ballast to
permit safe handling.
Ratguards: It is advisable to use ratguards while moored alongside.
Scupper Covers: Boards or other suitable devices must be used to cover
outlets from lavatory discharges, etc., to prevent fouling of pier or craft
Garbage: It is absolutely forbidden to dispose of cinders, garbage, or
any other refuse inside the harbour or within the territorial waters limit.
Non-compliance is subject to heavy fines.
GENERAL: Visual storm signals are shown on Main Signal Tower.
AUTHORITY: Junta Autonoma do Porto de Ponta Delgada, Rua
Teofilo Braga 1, 9500-247 Ponta Delgada, Azores. Tel: ␣296 (28)
5221/6 (6 lines). FAX: ␣296 (28) 3390. Telex: 82287 Portos P.
Email: jappdl@jappdl.pt Contact: Jose Manuel Pacheco Rego Costa,
Port Director.

224 We welcome all advice, updates and additions to this information.

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