When William & Mary opened the Mike London era on offense on Aug. 31 against Lafayette, offensive coordinator Brennan Marion called a formation and play that consisted of four quarterbacks on the field at once. Ted Hefter took the snap, handed to Hollis Mathis, who flipped it to Kilton Anderson on a reverse. Anderson launched a 49-yard bomb to receiver Zach Burdick for a
huge completion. It was a sign of things to come in Marion’s “go-go” offensive system. The unique offense utilizes some rare formations and different looks that defenses aren’t used to seeing. The tempo, as the name suggests, is largely upbeat. The goal, like most offenses these days, is to find an advantage in terms of numbers or alignment to get an extra hat in the run game, or
create a mismatch on the perimeter in the passing game. Whether it’s a four-quarterback set, or a more traditional shotgun formation, the Pirates (1-2) will have to be ready for just about anything against the 2-1 Tribe heading into Saturday’s 6 p.m. ET contest inside Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium. “It’s a pretty up-tempo offense most of the time,” ECU head coach Mike Houston said. “You
can tell on film, especially last week versus Colgate, that they were going extremely fast just because of the success they were having and Colgate was struggling to get set and stuff like that. They’re going to operate pretty fast. They will change speeds and do some check-with-me stuff at the line of scrimmage. They’re going to use different sets, some things that you don’t
typically see. It really is a lot of window dressing to a degree because you can see what they’re trying to do within a formation, so you’ve got to do a great job of getting lined up, too. But it’s a very solid scheme.” Defensive coordinator Bob Trott, who’s been coaching since the 1970s and going against William & Mary for years as a coordinator at Richmond and James Madison, had
never heard of the go-go until earlier this week. That’s not exactly a surprise, since Marion has only been an offensive coordinator at the college level since 2017, when he joined London’s staff at Howard. “I think it’s just like Coach Houston said, it’s what they name it,” Trott said. “It does have a tempo aspect of it, and a couple of formations that are a little different.” Despite the
unorthodox name and some different looks, the go-go is much more similar to the types of offenses ECU will see the rest of the season. That’s good news for the Pirates, who struggled in last week’s 42-10 loss to Navy against the always-tough triple option. When asked twice about his team’s performance against Navy during Wednesday’s press conference, Trott declined to
comment about the game, quoting Patriots head coach Bill Belichick’s famous, “We’re on to Cincinnati,” press conference. “In this business, you learn to move on pretty quick. We’re on to Cincinnati and we’re ready for the next game. I guess in this league, it actually means something,” Trott said, in a tough-in-cheek reference to ECU’s AAC East Division foe Cincinnati, who the
Pirates will take on Nov. 2. But before the Pirates can truly work on Cincinnati, their focus remains on winning their second game of the season against CAA foe William & Mary this Saturday. And that means preparing for anything the Tribe may throw at them on Saturday, including a potential four-quarterback set, just like it used in the season opener. “We sort of look at it like only
one’s going to get the ball,” Trott said. “Like anytime there’s another quarterback in there, you’re always ready for double pass, or triple pass, or whatever. Usually there’s only one guy behind the center who gets the ball, so that’s what we’re worried about. It sounds good though.” The GoGo Offense is unlike anything you have witnessed in college football. While we know Oregon’s
coaching staff has been introduced to it, whether we fans will see it this season (or ever) remains educated conjecture. But even if we don’t see the GoGo implemented at Oregon, a quick analysis of this emerging trend can only add to our collective football IQ. And if Oregon does manage to slip a few GoGo plays into this COVID-condensed season we will all seem that much
smarter explaining the GoGo to our football-watching buddies.Not Just a Zone/RPO OffenseAs referenced in Mr. FishDuck’s article yesterday, the GoGo aligns twin running backs to the QB’s side. But other than that, the GoGo Offense doesn’t look all that different than the backfield alignments of today’s Zone-Read, option, and RPO (Run-Pass-Option) offenses with multiple
backs surrounding the quarterback. What makes the GoGo unique is its triple run threat that creates even more options for the quarterback and more diversions for the defense, allowing the offense to take even more advantage of vertical and horizontal space.Use of Horizontal SpaceThe first two plays above are Zone-Reads, with the running backs taking off in opposite directions
at the snap. A staple of the GoGo is that it usually includes a read option for the QB to give the ball to the running back or keep the ball depending on the defense’s reaction at the mesh point. The wider back adds a diversionary element that prevents the end and linebackers from collapsing into the box or keying on the QB.The third play above is a Zone-Read option. The GoGo
allows the offense to support the QB if he keeps the ball by dedicating a blocker or providing a pitch option. This forces the defense to assign two players opposite the primary run play; having a player “stay home” or “spy” the QB is no longer an option with most plays. The third play above also illustrates the twin running backs in an offset “i” to the quarterback’s side.(FishDuck
note: the last two plays in the video above look like Oregon’s old Straddled Triple Option a decade ago but from a different formation and blocking scheme!)Use of Vertical SpaceAs Mr. FishDuck pointed out, the GoGo‘s multiple backfield threats create opportunities to stretch the field vertically. A case-in-point is the video above, a Play-Action Pass off the Zone-Read. The
horizontal stretch component of the GoGo creates problems for a defense to account for all options sideline to sideline, often forcing the defense to roll a player down into the box to play the run, leaving only one safety deep. This horizontal stretch opens up access to vertical routes down the field. Here we see a tight end on a vertical post draw both safeties, creating single
coverage on a deeper post by the wide receiver.So many options, so many elements for the defense to defend. Oregon has the dual threat quarterbacks and versatile running backs to make the GoGo go in Eugene. Will we see it? We probably will with other teams, and rumors are that a Playoff-Candidate team has studied this new variation of a Spread-Option offense. (It makes
watching that much more exciting this year.)“Oh how we love to ponder about the GoGo Offense with Our Beloved Ducks!”Coach Jeremy Mosier Geneseo, Illinois Top Photo from YouTube VideoPhil Anderson, the Volunteer editor for this article, is a trial lawyer in Bend Oregon.Longtime Oregon Duck fan with family in Portland. Former Offensive coach at Glenwood
High School in Illinois. Team qualified for the Sweet 16, 3 Elite 8 appearances, and one state championship game in class 6A. Currently an administrator at Geneseo High School in Illinois. Father to four kids ages 9, 7, 4, and 2 years old. Coached former athletes that have went on to play college football at numerous schools such as Clemson, Duke, and Army. NCAA athlete at
Millikin University 2000-2004.Our focus is now on this wonderful Oregon Sports Community, and we will have at least a short article every day to begin the Duck Discussion.You are also welcome to post other current events or items about Our Beloved Ducks in the comments as well.Our 32 rules can be summarized to this: 1) be polite and respectful, 2) keep it clean, and 3) no
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