Chir 20770
Chir 20770
Chir 20770
Review Article
Experimental Aspects of Solid State Circular Dichroism
JASCO Corporation, 2967-5 Ishikawa-cho, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo 192-8537, Japan
Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Biotecnologie, Università di Brescia, Brescia 25123, Italy
Dipartimento di Chimica Fisica e Inorganica, Università di Bologna, Bologna 40136, Italy
ABSTRACT The interest of circular dichroism in the solid state is stimulated by sev-
eral needs, such as the desire to get solvent free spectra, the insolubility of the sample or
the intrinsic process in which the sample itself is prepared or manipulated. We approach
the argument on the basis of the sampling technique, since each different case calls for
specific care in getting proper results. Chirality 21:E28–E36, 2009. V C 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
KEY WORDS: circular dichroism; single crystals; Nujol Mulls; pellets; diffuse
reflectance; suspensions; films; absorption flattening; scattering
Nujol Mulls
The Nujol mull technique is widely used in IR and less
often in UV-vis absorption spectroscopies: a thin layer of
Nujol (refined mineral oil) film sandwiched between suita-
ble optical windows is transparent all over the UV-vis
range down to well below 200 nm and in most of the IR
range. Fluorolube (perfluorohydrocarbon) is occasionally
used as Nujol alternative, but is far less transparent in the
UV region.
With some care during sample preparation, finely
ground chiral nonracemic powders easily give fair CD
spectra in Nujol mulls: Figure 1 shows the CD spectra of
Binaphtol enantiomers, quality mirror image spectra can
be quickly obtained, since the finely dispersed sample
may be considered of isotropic nature. The main drawback
of the technique is reported to be scattering, a way to com-
pensate had been proposed in the past22,23 using the Shi-
bata opal glass technique,24 which calls for placing a spe-
cial diffuser just after the sample to homogenize the effect.
A good alternative practice is to put the sample as close as
possible to the photomultiplier tube surface (typically
much larger than sample beam) to increase the solid angle
collection and, in instruments with focused sampling
geometry, to place the sample where the beam size is
large enough to compensate patchy sample distribution.
With both these approaches we have however no way
to correct absorption flattening (AF) coming from
inhomogeneous particles distribution in the mull. As a
consequence the simplest approach is to run several spec-
tra at various sample concentrations, since AF is strictly
related to sample absorbance.25 In any case the real main
‘‘diagnostic’’ point is to collect the absorption spectra to-
gether with the CD data, directly or through the conver- Fig. 1. CD spectra (top) and UV spectra (bottom) of (S) and (R) enan-
sion of the high voltage applied to the photomultiplier tiomers of 1,10 -binaphtols in Nujol in black and gray respectively. Notice
that different absorption intensities correspond fairly to different CD inten-
tube. Any distortion in the absorption spectra will indicate sities. Spectra taken with a JASCO J-815SE at the University of Brescia,
either AF effects influencing also CD intensity or abnor- with 1 nm SBW, 1 sec response and 50 nm/min scanning speed.
mal scattering typically limiting the signal-to-noise ratio of
the CD data. In the absorption spectra the two effects go
into different directions: a larger scattering will produce
apparent higher absorbance, while a larger AF will IR transparent pellets. KBr, CsI and KCl are the most fre-
depress the absorption intensity. These simple rules apply quently used ‘‘inert’’ materials, the latter being more UV
to UV-vis CD experiments, while in the IR range there is transparent than the most used KBr. Pellet preparation
no way to increase the solid angle collecting geometry requires a minimum of practice. Samples must be mixed
given the small surface of the detectors, but in this region with KBr or other transparent salts at a concentration of
scattering artifacts are much lower. Properly obtained few percents and mixed so as to obtain a particle size
Nujol mulls from randomly oriented particulate systems ideally lower then the measuring wavelength. The mixture
allow, in quite a few instances, direct comparison between must then be pressed in an evacuable die (to remove hu-
solid state and solution spectra and several examples have midity and to obtain transparent pellets with minimum scat-
been published in the UV-vis26–29 and IR field.30 tering) equipped with separate anvils (in order not to rotate
An unusual application of solid state CD in Nujol mulls the powder when pressure is applied, since this may ‘‘ori-
has been reported under high pressure,31 these experi- ent’’ the sample). The obtained pellet includes two compo-
ments are however very challenging due to the potential nents diffusing the incoming light: the sample itself and the
induced artifacts. salt, so the Shibata opal glass approach suggested for mulls
is in this case performed by the grinded salt itself.
As in the case of Nujol mulls, pellets should be placed
Pellets in the UV-vis CD spectrometers as close as possible to the
There are cases in which the sample is dissolved or is photomultiplier tube surface; in addition some users rotate
chemically modified when it is put in contact with mineral pellets around the light propagation axis at discrete angles
oil. An alternative preparation method is based on mixing to compensate for non constant pellet thickness/surface
the sample with an inert matrix and for pressing UV-VIS/ parallelism and take the average of the different runs.
Chirality DOI 10.1002/chir
IR plates
Commercially available alkali halide sample support sub-
strates (International Crystal Laboratories- Garfield, NJ)
have been proposed in NaCl, KBr or KCl variants for fast
qualitative IR analysis for liquids, mulls, film casting from
solutions. These can be used in ECD and VCD too: a few
drops of a regular VCD solution of (2)-Camphor in CCl4
were dispersed on the NaCl surface and solvent was dried
out in a few minutes. The resulting VCD spectra (with Fig. 2. VCD spectra of R-camphor film deposited on ICL NaCl IR plate.
mild baseline correction) is shown in Figure 2. Spectra taken on JASCO FVS-4000 at the University of Brescia with 1000
The last, and sometimes more challenging, solid sam-
pling system is as films. The term film is rather generic
and includes very different types from stand alone thin
sheets, to solutions deposited and dried on a transparent
window, to Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) depositions, to thin
layers between quartz windows . . . .
Depending on the preparation process, the chiral sam-
ple may be more or less oriented and potential artifacts
due to anisotropic structure may be present in the
recorded CD spectra.
Fig. 3. Nujol mull transmission (black) and DR (gray) CD spectra of While cautions on interpretation of CD of aligned film
L-Rh[(S,S)Phbdtp]3 complex collected on the J-810 of the University of had been reported early,68 the problem was properly
Bologna, with 1 and 6 nm SBW respectively, 1 sec response, 100 nm/min
scanning speed. addressed by a article by Shindo in Biopolymers,69 criticiz-
ing a previous article on the same journal70 about the
and spectra have been scanned (Fig. 4). Considering the induced optical activity by Congo red.
experimental limitations (very poor quality of the sample The film technique has particular relevance for CD of
layer, approximate alignment of the prism in the com- biomolecules; in the IR region the obvious advantage is
partment) and the 458 incidence angle used which for removal of the overlapping water absorption in the amide I
Total Reflectance will be mainly measured, the results
are not so bad. Possible reasons of the different inten-
sities are attributed to AF, as estimated and measured in
transmission on the Nujol mull of the same compound.
Liquid Suspensions
Another form in which solid samples may be analyzed is
suspensions in a liquid, which means either insoluble chi-
ral powders or chiral molecules bound to insoluble par-
ticles, aggregates etc. This topic is of wide interest today
since it finds applications in the fields of biocatalysis or
even therapeutics as illustrated in the literature cited
After an early experimental work54 with a manual/non-
scanning spectrometer, an interesting application
appeared using a liquid medium with the refractive index
matching that of the powder.55
The CD in the low UV of immobilized enzymes on silica
gel particles (tens to hundreds of microns large) has been
the subject of a well detailed article,56 with the aim to
obtain secondary structure estimates, with use of short
path cells close to the photomultiplier tube surface, to min-
imize scattering effects. Sample sedimentation had to be
avoided: this was achieved with a motor driven cylindrical
cell holder, continuously rotating the cell around the light
propagation axis. The AF effects were corrected on an em-
pirical basis, but the cited article stimulated a work of
ours57 and another article58 from one of the coworkers of
the original article on the AF subject.
When the particles have a still smaller diameter, as in Fig. 4. Reflectance-CD and absorption spectra of the L and D enan-
tiomers of Co(en)3Cl3 complex in black and gray respectively. Spectra
case of nanoparticles, experimental difficulties are much taken at JASCO Europe, Cremella, Italy on a modified geometry of the J-
less.59–62 815 apparatus. 2 nm SBW, 0.5 sec response, 100 nm/min scanning speed.
Chirality DOI 10.1002/chir
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128. Cao X, Dukor RK, Nafie LA. Reduction of linear birefringence in of an analyzer to set y at an angle where LB 5 0. The
vibrational circular dichroism measurement: use of a rotating half- true CD signal can then be extracted averaging the two
wave plate. Theor Chem Account 2008;119:69–79.
measurements obtained rotating the sample 1808 with
129. Tanaka M, Yagi-Watanabe K, Kaneko F, Nakagawa K. Accurate and
quick calibration method for polarizing-modulation spectroscopy
respect to the vertical axis.
using an ac-modulated polarizing undulator. Rev Sci Instrum 2008; Two recent articles on this subject,125,126 while related
79:083102–083109. to CD in the IR (VCD), make use of other similar sim-
plified approaches. Once again in the VCD field Lau-
rence Nafie proposed intriguing hardware modifica-
APPENDIX: ARE THERE WAYS TO CORRECT LINEAR tions,127,128 but still in line with the previously men-
ANISOTROPIES? tioned ideas (Nafie, personal communication). Similar
It’s well-known that solid state CD spectra measured effects of linear anisotropies have also been considered
with commercial spectrometers using polarization-modu- in VUV polarizing undulator.129 In any case a practical
lation technique may include artifacts originating from way to fully compensate large linear anisotropies does
the interaction between macroscopic sample anisotropies not exist with conventional spectrometers. The best
[linear dichroism (LD) and linear birefringence (LB)] approach requires at least the measurement not only of
coupled with the non ideal optical properties of the CD, but also of LD since similar shapes between the
components used in the current CD spectrometers, two spectra are likely to indicate the presence of arti-
which use photoelastic modulators for phase modulation facts in the CD spectra. Collection of both face and
spectroscopy. Several articles have dealt with these back sample orientation spectra is an additional, simple
aspects using Jones or Stokes-Mueller formalisms.121-124 to achieve, must.