Cot 1-Daily-Lesson-Plan - Tle 6 Sy2022-'23
Cot 1-Daily-Lesson-Plan - Tle 6 Sy2022-'23
Cot 1-Daily-Lesson-Plan - Tle 6 Sy2022-'23
C. Learning At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
Competency/ a. identify the different sewing tools
Objectives b. classify tools and materials according to their use
Write the LC code (measuring,
for each. cutting, marking, sewing) TLE6HE-0c-5
c. cite some ways on how to be thrifty
practice orderliness while sewing
II. CONTENT Sewing of Household Linens
A. References
Curriculum Guide/ MELC , p.356
Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR)
B. Materials power point, pictures/cut outs, graphic organizer, real objects Indicator 8: Selected, developed,
organized and used appropriate teaching
and learning resources, including ICT, to
address learning goals.
The teacher selected varied teaching-
learning resources that will cater the
different needs and interests of learners
to have a more meaningful learning
Customary Greeting 1. Greetings
and Health Protocol 2. Attendance Check
reminders 3. Classroom Rules:
a. Listen carefully to the teacher or when
someone is speaking.
b. Raise your hand if you want to speak.
c. Follow given directions.
d. Respect others.
e. Be prepared, always.
A. Reviewing Let us recall our past lesson.
previous lesson or 1. What is family income?
presenting the new 2. What are the two classifications of family income?
lesson Directions: The following scrambled letters are sources of Indicator 6: Used differentiated,
family income. Arrange the letter to form a new word. Write developmentally appropriate learning
your answer on a separate sheet of paper. experiences to address learners’ gender,
needs, strengths, interests and
1. NNPESIO 6. NIOMMICOSS experiences.
Directions: Classify the sewing tools and materials below.
Write them in the box where they belong.
pencil tracing wheel
pin cushion thread
tailor’s chalk sewing scissors
tape measure dressmaking shears
needles meter stick
Give the use of the following sewing tools
1. Dressmaking scissors
2. Tape Measure
3. pin cushion
4. tailor’s chalk
5. Pins
G. Finding practical The pupils will classify the sewing tools using a graphic
application of organizer.
concepts and skills
in daily living
H. Making What have you learned today?
generalizations What are the classifications of sewing tools?
and abstractions
about the lesson Knowing the classification of sewing tools and its uses will
make our work easy and enjoyable. Always remember that the
value of orderliness and cleanliness should be observed while
I. Evaluating I. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter
learning on a separate sheet of paper.
1. It is a measuring tool used to measure length, width and
thickness of short flat object and in sketching straight lines.
A. ruler B. pins C. fabric D. pin cushion
2. It is used for thrusting needles and pins. It sharpens the
and removes rust.
A. emery bag B. pin cushion C. sewing box D. box
3. It is a cotton stuffed cloth cut and sewn in different shapes
keep the pins in place.
A. ripper B. pin cushion C. sewing box D. fabric
4. It is used to transfer measurement in the draft pattern.
A. scissors B. fabric C. L-square D. Thread
5. It is a hard chalk used in tailoring and dressmaking for
A. tailor’s chalk B. pins C. fabric D. ruler
6. The sewing tool that goes on your middle finger tip to protect
while you push your needle.
A. scissors B. teeth C. ruler D. thimble
7. It keeps the fabric in place while cutting or sewing.
A. pin B. thread C. ruler D. thimble
8. They are used to cut the fabric and thread.
A. thimble B. needle C. tape measure D. scissors
9. A tool which is used for sewing.
A. tape measure B. needle C. ruler D. tailor’ chalk
10.It is used to take measurement, mostly on curvy lines.
A. ruler B. scissors C. tape measure D. thimble
J. Additional Directions: Classify the following tools according to their use.
activities for Write M for measuring tool, C for cutting tool, MK for marking
application or tool and S for Sewing equipment’s.
remediation _____1. Needles
_____2. Scissors
_____3. Tape measure
_____4. Tailors chalk
_____5. French curve
_____6. Seam ripper
_____7. Emery bag
_____8. Dressmaking shear
_____9. Tracing paper
_____10. pins