BEST PRACTICES Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Rev01.1web
BEST PRACTICES Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Rev01.1web
BEST PRACTICES Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Rev01.1web
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1 author:
Karl Kolmetz
All content following this page was uploaded by Karl Kolmetz on 08 September 2023.
Rev: 01
KLM Technology
Guidelines, Consulting and Training
Engineering Best Practices May 2023
SCOPE ......................................................................................................................... 4
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 5
DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................. 10
REFFERENCES ......................................................................................................... 14
THEORY ..................................................................................................................... 15
EQUIPMENT ........................................................................................................... 19
TEST MEDIA........................................................................................................... 20
PROCEDURES OF TESTING................................................................................. 38
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Rev: 01
KLM Technology
Guidelines, Consulting and Training
Engineering Best Practices May 2023
Rev: 01
KLM Technology
Guidelines, Consulting and Training
Engineering Best Practices May 2023
Table 6. Hydrostatic test water volume requirements for standard pipe size. .... 41
Table 7. Comparison of hydrostatic test and pneumatic test. .............................. 58
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KLM Technology
Guidelines, Consulting and Training
Engineering Best Practices May 2023
This Best Practice specifies the major requirements of hydrostatic testing of pressure
piping and vessels, while providing guidelines on some issues that may arise.
Since these systems are responsible for many catastrophic accidents, operations,
design, and maintenance personnel should understand the potential safety
concerns. Failure of an operating piping can result in health and safety concerns,
damage to property and has the potential for significant environmental impact.
Consequently, it is important to ensure that a pipe is free of leaks and can maintain
its integrity at an approved operating pressure in order to limit the risk to the public
and the environment.
Rev: 01
KLM Technology
Guidelines, Consulting and Training
Engineering Best Practices May 2023
It should be followed religiously as after this activity the piping system has to be
commissioned. Typically, water is used as test media in hydrostatic test process.
The name comes from when engineers used compressed air as their hydraulic fluid
instead of water; the term “hydro” meaning water in Greek) and “statikos,” which
means solid (as in static).
Hydrostatic testing involves filling the vessels, pipeline or system (which need to be
tested) with water, then pressurized with a hydraulic pump until the test pressure
reaches (normally 1.5 times design pressure of a system regardless of the service
conditions of a piping system), hold the pressure for a specified time by shutting off
the supply valve and checking for any leakage or pressure drop. The process works
because water will breach any gap between two pieces of imperfectly sealed pipe if
there’s enough pressure applied to force its way through. If the pressure drops
beyond the standard tolerable limit, the test is declared failed.
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KLM Technology
Guidelines, Consulting and Training
Engineering Best Practices May 2023
Although water is most commonly used, other fluids such as oil or hydraulic fluid are
sometimes used based on the materials under test and corrosion considerations. It is
important to understand that water or oil are considered to be incompressible under
the most reasonable pressures used in pressure testing. This is beneficial in that the
test requires less energy to exert the required pressure than if a compressible
medium is used. Less energy in means less energy out in the case of a failure.
Working with a company that offers hydrostatic testing services can be more
beneficial than purchasing and operating the equipment because of cost, time, and
resources. Additional benefits include a faster turnaround time, increased safety for
staff and customers resulting in improved product quality assurance; decreased
repair costs; minimizing risk exposure and liability claims. A team of highly trained
hydro-testers can help chemical, industrial or other companies to stay compliant with
hydrostat specifications.
Hydrostatic testing is a risky process as it involves pressurizing the system with high
pressure which can fail and cause serious personal injury or property damage.
Although testing is performed under the supervision of a competent person, the
following is the risk associated with hydrostatic testing:
Rev: 01
KLM Technology
Guidelines, Consulting and Training
Engineering Best Practices May 2023
Hydrostatic pressure testing is a hazardous activity and poses a risk of serious injury
to persons or property damage. Proper job planning with a permit to work system
and a skilled and competent workforce can minimize the risk of failure and help
prevent accidents. This safety Do’s and Don’ts of hydrostatic testing can be
displayed on the job site to remind the workers about safety precautions. A toolbox
talk must be conducted before starting the daily work to enhance the competency of
involved workforce and also to communicate the safety measures on changing
operational conditions.
1. Follow the permit to work system and communicate the associated hazards to
engaged manpower.
2. Perform hydrostatic test under the supervision of a competent person only.
3. Clearly mark the scope of hydrotest on P&ID and ensure positive isolation of
equipment and piping that are not included in the hydrostatic test loop.
4. Inspect all test equipment and tools, even if they are brand new.
5. Check the design pressure of equipment such as vessel, piping, etc. before
the test.
6. Ensure calibration of pressure measuring instruments and tools.
7. All fittings must be rated above the maximum hydrostatic pressure.
8. Ensure the setting and calibration of safety relief valve.
9. Install at least two pressure gauges at an appropriate place so that it is easily
10. Isolate, barricade the test area with safety signages in local and English
11. If possible, perform the test from a remote area.
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Guidelines, Consulting and Training
Engineering Best Practices May 2023
12. Make sure that all pipeline and vessel supports are firm, in good condition and
have been inspected prior to start hydrotest.
13. Start the de-pressurization by gradually opening the vent valve.
14. Open the lowest drain point to remove water from the vessel, pipeline, etc.
15. Always wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPEs).
1. Don’t monitor the pressurization step directly in front of the pressure gauges.
2. Don’t forget to remove the air pockets through the vent line.
3. Don’t attempt to tighten the bolts if the flange leaks during hydrotesting and
system is pressurized.
4. Don’t open the drain valve if the vent valve is closed.
5. Don’t use a pressure gauge with under rated capacity.
6. Don’t allow unauthorized person to enter the test area.
7. Don’t forget to obtain work permit and wear appropriate PPEs.
8. Don’t leave any electrical equipment without adequate protection
9. Don’t leave the remaining/ residual pressure trapped inside the pipeline or
vessel after testing.
10. Don’t forget to provide proper access and egress for work at height.
11. Don’t drain the hydrotest water on the floor, make sure there is adequate
12. Don’t miss to isolate monitoring devices/ site glass.
13. Don’t allow other activities in the vicinity of the hydrotesting work area.
Piping under hydrostatic test contains considerable stored energy. If the piping
ruptures in a ductile manner, it releases this energy rapidly. The resulting jet of water
can cause serious injury to personnel in the immediate area. If the piping fails in a
brittle manner, which may occur at cooler temperatures, pieces of steel may become
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KLM Technology
Guidelines, Consulting and Training
Engineering Best Practices May 2023
1. Only personnel directly involved in the test shall be allowed in the test area, all
other personnel shall remain outside the test area;
2. All equipment which must be attended by personnel during the test shall be
located behind a protective structure such as an earthen berm or be located a
minimum of 15 m away from the test section during the strength test;
3. Visual inspection of the test section shall not be conducted while the test
pressure exceeds 115% of MOP
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KLM Technology
Guidelines, Consulting and Training
Engineering Best Practices May 2023
Corrosion - The wasting away of metals as a result of chemical action usually cause
by the presence of O2, CO2, or an acid. Corrosion allowance - Any additional
thickness specified for corrosion during the vessel service life.
Main line piping - includes those items through which oil industry fluids are
conveyed, which includes pipe, components, and any appurtenances attached
thereto, up to and including the isolating valves used at pump stations and other
NPS - means Nominal Pipe Size, and the NPS system of nominal size designation is
contained in standards prepared by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
MOP - Maximum Operating Pressure expressed in kPa. The MOP shall be the lesser
of the design pressure and 80% of the strength test pressure.
Station piping - includes all pipe, components and any appurtenances at Pump
Stations, Tank Farms and Terminals downstream from the first station isolating valve
or sectionalizing valve within the station.
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KLM Technology
Guidelines, Consulting and Training
Engineering Best Practices May 2023
Flange - A circular metal plate threaded or otherwise fastened to an end of a pipe for
connection with a companion flange on an adjoining pipe. Also that part of a boiler
head (dished or flat) which is fabricated to a shape suitable for riveted or welded
attachment to a drum or shell
Lining - An internal coating that consists of an applied liquid material which dries
and adheres to the substrate, or a sheet material that is bonded to the substrate. It is
designed for immersion service or vapor-space service. A lining can be reinforced or
Pressure Vessel - Any vessel designed to hold contents under pressure; these
include storage tanks, valves, and various types of pipe
Rev: 01
KLM Technology
Guidelines, Consulting and Training
Engineering Best Practices May 2023
Operating Pressure - The pressure at the top of the vessel at which it normally
operates. It shall be lower than the MAWP, design pressure, or the set pressure of
any pressure relieving device.
Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) - The vapor pressure of a fluid at 100 degrees
Fahrenheit as determined by test method ASTM D 323-58. RVP is one of
the important specifications for gasoline and solvents. It is a measure of the
vapor pressure of a sample at 100°F (38°C), in the presence of air. A test is
made in a bomb, and the results are reported in pounds per square inch
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Rev: 01
KLM Technology
Guidelines, Consulting and Training
Engineering Best Practices May 2023
Rev: 01
KLM Technology
Guidelines, Consulting and Training
Engineering Best Practices May 2023