English-GB T23257-2017-Polyethylene Coating For Buried Steel Pipeline
English-GB T23257-2017-Polyethylene Coating For Buried Steel Pipeline
English-GB T23257-2017-Polyethylene Coating For Buried Steel Pipeline
table of contents
preface................................................................................................................................................................... Ⅲ
1 range..................................................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Normative reference documents ................................................................................................................ 1
3 Terms and definitions ................................................................................................................................... 1
4. Anti-corrosion layer structure ............................................................................................................... 2
5. Material............................................................................................................................................................ 3
5.1 Steel pipe....................................................................................................................................................... 3
5.2 Material...................................................................................................................................................... 3
5.3 Process assessment test ...................................................................................................................... 6
6. Apply the anticorrosive coating ............................................................................................................ 7
7. Quality inspection ...................................................................................................................................... 8
8 Sign, stacking and handling......................................................................................................................... 9
9 mouth mouth and repair ................................................................................................................................9
9.1 Milling mouth material ......................................................................................................................... 9
9.2 Preparation for filling construction ......................................................................................... 12
9.3 Repair mouth construction ................................................................................................................ 12
9.4 Fill quality inspection .....................................................................................................................13
9.5 repair ............................................................................................................................................................ 13
10 Lower ditch backfill.................................................................................................................................. 14
11 Safety, health, and environmental protection....................................................................................14
12 Submission documents .................................................................................................................................. 14
Appendix A (Normative Appendix) Test method for the curing time of the epoxy
powder ................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Appendix B (Normative Appendix) Test methods for the thermal characteristics
of the epoxy powder and its anticorrosive layer .................................................................. 17
Appendi x C (N ormati ve App endix) Method for adhesio n det ermina tion of the
preserv ative coating .................................................................................................................................. 20
Appendix D (Normative Appendix) Test method for cathode stripping of
anticorrosive layer ......................................................................................................................................21
Appendix E (Normative Appendix) Test method for bending resistance of anticorrosion
layer ...................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Appendix F (Normative Appendix) Methods for the determination of the oxidation
induction period .............................................................................................................................................. 25
Ap pe nd i x G (N or ma t iv e App e nd ix ) Tes t met ho d for th e de te rm i na ti on of wa te r
co nt en t of pl as ti c s .................................................................................................................................... 26
Appendix H (Normative Appendix) Method for determination of indentation hardness ...... 27
Appendix I (Normative Appendix) Test method for corrosion resistance of chemical
media of polyethylene ................................................................................................................................... 28
Appendix J (Normative Appendix) Test method for polyethylene UV aging
resistance .......................................................................................................................................................... 29
Appendix K (Normative Appendix) Method for determination of peel strength of
anticorrosive layer ....................................................................................................................................... 30
Appendix L (Normative Appendix) Test method for impact strength of anticorrosion
layer ..................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Appendix M (Normative Appendix) Test method for heat-resistant water immersion of
polyethylene anticorrosive layer ........................................................................................................... 33
GB /T 23257—2017
Appendix N (Normative Appendix) Thermal shrinkage belt (set) heat shock resistance
test method .........................................................................................................................................................34
Appendix O (Normative Appendix) Test method for the embrittlement temperature of
hot melt adhesive ........................................................................................................................................... 35
Appendix P (Normative Appendix) Test method for filling anticorrosion layer .................. 36
Appendix Q (Normative Appendix) Test method for thermal aging of supplementary
anticorrosion layer ....................................................................................................................................... 37
GB/T 23257—2017
GB/T 23257—2017
1 Range
2. Normative references
The following documents are essential for the application of this document. For all
dated references, only the dated version applies to this article
piece. For undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to
this document.
GB / T1040.2 Determination of the Tensile properties of plastics- -Part 2: Test
conditions for moulded and extruded plastics
GB / T1408.1 Electrical strength test methods of insulating materials- -Part 1:
Test at power frequency
Test method for volume resistivity and surface resistivity of GB / T1410 solid
insulating materials
Determination of vita softening temperature (VST) for GB / T 1633 thermoplastics
GB / T 1725 paint, varnish, and plastic non-volatile content
Test method for environmental stress cracking of GB / T1842 plastic polyethylene
Determination of the melt mass flow rate and the melt volume flow rate for GB /'T
3682 thermoplastics
Determination of the density and relative density of GB / T 4472 chemical products
Determination of the brittlement temperature by GB / T 5470 plastic shock method
GB 6514 Safety regulations for painting operation Painting painting process
safety and ventilation and purification
GB / T 6554 Resin-based reactive complexes for electrical insulation- -Part 2:
Test method, powder coating method for electrical use
Determination of tensile shear strength of GB / T 7124 adhesive (rigid material
versus rigid material)
GB 7692 Safety regulations for painting work for painting pretreatment process
safety and ventilation purification
GB / T 8923.1 Visual assessment of surface cleanliness of steel finishes before
coating-Part 1: Uncoated steel
Rust grade and treatment grade of the surfaces and steel surfaces after fully
removing the original coating
Determination of carbon black content of GB / T13021 polyethylene pipes and
fittings (thermal weight loss method)
Determination of the softening point of GB / T15332 hot melt adhesive
GB / T18570.3 Evaluation of surface cleanliness before coating-Part 3: Steel before
Dust assessment of the surface (pressure-sensitive adhesive tape method)
GB / T18570.9 Evaluation of cleanliness of steel surfaces before coating-Part 9:
Site of water-soluble salts
conductimetric method
Design specification for noise control of GB / T 50087 industrial enterprises
GB 50369 Code for construction and acceptance of long oil and gas pipeline
GB/T 23257—2017
Exuded polyethylene anticorrosive layer extruded polyethylene coating
In the extruder, the polyethylene is continuously coated on the pipe through the
extrusion outlet molding
The graft layer includes longitudinal extrusion coating and lateral wrapping.
Maximum design temperature of maximum design temperature
The highest temperature possible for the anticorrosive layer during pipeline
transportation, handling, construction and operation.
Maximum operating temperature of maximum operation temperature
The maximum temperature reached by the pipeline or pipeline system during
Note: The maximum operating temperature does not exceed the maximum design temperature.
Low temperature coating epoxy powder coating low temperature applied epoxy powder coating
Use as the three-layer structural polyethylene preservative layer specified in this
standard, and can apply epoxy powder coating at less than 200℃.
The break nominal strain is nominal tensile strain at break
Nominal tensile strain corresponding to the tensile fracture stress.
Cohesin disrupts the cohesive failure
The adhesive layer breaks by itself and has an adhesive bond on the surface of both
Interface breaks down the interfacial failure
Visual and visible damage occurs at the interface between the adhesive layer and
the adhesive layer.
4.1 Exextruded polyethylene anti-corrosion layer is divided into two layers and
three layer structure. The bottom layer of the second layer structure is adhesive
layer, the outer layer is polyethylene layer; the bottom layer is usually epoxy
powder coating, the middle layer is adhesive layer, and the outer layer is
polyethylene layer. DN 500 More than the pipe should not use two-layer structure
polyethylene anticorrosion layer.
4. 2 Th e mi n i m u m th i c k n e s s of th e an t i - c o r r o s i o n pr o t e c t i o n la y e r sh a l l co m p l y
wi t h th e pr o v i s i o n s of Ta b l e 1. Th e th i c k n e s s of th e an t i c o r r o s i v e la y e r at
th e we l d si t e sh a l l no t be le s s th a n 80 % of th e va l u e sp e c i f i e d in Ta b l e 1.
Th e gr a d e of an t i c o r r o s i o n la y e r sh o u l d be se l e c t e d ac c o r d i n g to th e pi p e l i n e
co n s t r u c t i o n en v i r o n m e n t an d op e r a t i o n co n d i t i o n s .
Table 1 Thickness of the anticorrosion layer
GB/T 23257—2017
5 Materials
5.1.1 Steel pipes shall meet the current provisions of relevant steel pipe standards or
ordering technical conditions, and shall have the factory certificate.
5.1.2 Steel pipes shall be inspected one by one. The appearance quality shall meet the
current relevant standards or ordering technical conditions, and the unqualified steel
pipe should not be coated with anti-corrosion layer.
5.2 Material kinds of raw materials for anti-corrosion layer shall have factory quality
certificate and inspection report, operation manual, safety data sheet, factory
qualification certificate, production date and validity period. The supplier of epoxy
powder coating shall provide information such as the thermal characteristic curve of the
product. raw materials of anti-corrosion layer should be packed in good condition and
stored according to the requirements of product instructions. The epoxy powder coating, adhesive and polyethylene special material of each
brand (type) number shall be tested by the inspection institution that has passed the
national measurement certification according to the corresponding performance items
specified in 5.2 before use. Only the materials whose performance test results can
meet the requirements of this standard
make use of.
The performance of epoxy powder coating and its coating shall comply with the
provisions in Table 2 and Table 3. Each production batch (not more than 20 t) epoxy
powder coating shall be inspected by the provisions of Table 2 and Table 3
(excluding 65℃, 30 d cathode stripping). Item 3 of Table 3 shall be irregular
recheck. When the steel pipe is required for low-temperature coating, the epoxy powder
coating should be applied, and the performance shall comply with the provisions of Table
2 and Table 3.
Table 2 Performance indexes of epoxy powder coatings
Non-volatile content
≥99.4 GB /T 6554
1.30~1.50 and meet the GB /T 4472
g/cm ³ manufacturer's given value of ±
gel time
12 and meet the manufacturer's GB /T 6554
given value of ± 20%
curing time
≤3 appendix A
thermal appendix B
perform Tg ₂
ance ≥98
Note: The test temperature for the gelatinization time and curing time of the epoxy powder
coating is the coating temperature specified in the product specification. If not specified,
apply the powder at normal temperature
The test temperature is 200℃, and the cold coating powder test temperature is lower than
GB/T 23257—2017
1 appendix C
5.2.3 Adhesive
The performance of the adhesive shall comply with the provisions of Table 4.
Check each batch (no more than 30 t) adhesive on specified in Table 4. When the
second layer adopts hot melt adhesive, the appropriate technical performance should
be determined according to the engineering requirements
Table 4 Performance indicators of the adhesives
0.920~0.950 GB /T 4472
g/cm ³
rate of water
≤0.1 appendix G
tensile strength *
≥17 GB/T 1040.2
The break-off
≥600 GB/T 1040.2
nominal strain"
· Stretch speed of 50 mm / min.
GB/T 23257—2017
5.2.4 polyethylene
The performance of polyethylene special material and its pressing sheet shall
comply with the provisions of Table 5 and Table 6. For each production batch (not
more than 500 t), the coating plant shall re-check the performance of the first 5
items in Table 5 and the first 4 items in Table 6, and other properties when
electrical strength
≥25 GB/T 1408.1
MV /m
mass resistivity
≥1×10¹³ GB/T 1410
Ω ·m
Environmental Stress
≥1000 GB/T 1842
Cracking Resistance (Fso)
GB/T 23257—2017
Table 6 (Renewal)
(23 ℃) ≤0.2
(60℃ or 80℃)* ≤0.3
5.3.1 The selected anticorrosive layer material in the coating plant shall be
subjected to process evaluation test on the coating production line, and the
performance of the anticorrosive layer shall be tested. When the anticorrosive
coating material manufacturer or brand (type) number or steel pipe diameter changes
or the wall thickness increases, the process evaluation test shall be carried out
again. After passing the process assessment test, the coating plant shall apply the
anti-corrosion coating according to the process parameters determined in the process
assessment test.
5.3.2 The performance of polyethylene layer and anticorrosion coating shall comply
with the provisions of Table 7 and Table 8. the polyethylene layer according to the determined process parameters and
conduct performance testing. The polyethylene layer used for performance testing shall
contain no rubber and epoxy powder layer, and the result shall comply with the
provisions of Table 7.
Table 7 Performance indexes of the polyethylene layer
tensile ≥20 GB/T 1040.2
Break-off nominal strain *
≥600 GB/T 1040.2
indentation hardness
appendix H
(23 ℃) ≤0.2
(60℃ or 80℃)* ≤0.3
GB/T 23257—2017
Table 7 (Renewal) Test the overall performance of the anticorrosion layer from the anticorrosion
pipe or the test pipe section applied under the same process conditions
The results shall comply with the provisions in Table 8.
performance index
project experimental
The second three-decker method
peel strength
≥70 100 (cohesin appendix K
(20 ℃±5 ℃)
≥35 destruction)
(60℃ ST, 5℃)
70 (cohesin
Thermal characteristics of
epoxy powder — ≤5 appendix B
Vitrification temperature
change value | △ Tg |
impact strength
≥8 appendix L
Bending resistance (-30℃, There is no cracking of appendix E
2.5°) polyethylene
Heat-resistant water immersion The average warping edge depth is appendix M
(80℃, 48 h) 2 mm and the maximum depth is 3 mm
6.1 The surface treatment of the steel pipe shall meet the following requirements:
A) Before applying the anti-corrosion layer, remove the oil and dirt on the
surface of the steel pipe, and then throw (spray) to remove rust.in hand
Before blasting (spraying), the surface temperature of the steel pipe shall
not be 3℃ above the dew point temperature. The rust removal quality shall
reach GB / T 8923.1
GB/T 23257—2017
7. Quality inspection
7.1 The quality inspection of the surface treatment of steel pipes shall meet the
following requirements:
A) The steel pipe after throwing (spraying) for rust removal shall undergo surface
rust removal grade inspection one by one with the corresponding photos or
standard plates in GB / T8923.1. The surface rust removal quality shall meet the
requirements of Sa 2%; the surface anchor depth shall be measured at least twice
per shift (not exceeding 12h) each time, using roughness measuring instrument or
anchor line depth test paper, the anchor depth shall reach 50 μ m ~90 μ m. The
surface temperature before the surface treatment shall not be lower than the dew
point temperature
The above 3℃.
B) The dust surface of the steel pipe shall be tested at least twice per shift (not
more than 12h), with two steel pipes each time. GB / T18570.3
The surface dust shall be assessed by the specified method, and the surface dust
shall not be less than grade 2.
C) The salt content of the surface of two steel pipes shall be measured for each
batch of steel pipes after surface treatment. When the steel pipe is stacked by
sea, seaside or coated and the construction site is in the saline-alkali ground
zone, the salt on the surface of at least 2 steel pipes should be tested per
shift (not more than 12 h). The salt content of steel pipe surface shall be
determined according to the method specified in GB / T18570.9 or other
appropriate methods, and the salt content of steel pipe surface shall not be
Over 20 mg / m².
7.2 After rust removal, the surface defects of the steel pipe should be checked. The
steel surface defects and irregularities (heavy skin, damage, scratch, etc.) should not
be applied without repair.
7.3 The heating temperature of the steel pipe shall be continuously monitored during the
coating process, and the process parameters such as the heating temperature of the steel
pipe shall meet the determined parameters.
7.4 The appearance of the anti-corrosion layer should be visually inspected one by one.
The polyethylene layer surface should be smooth, no dark bubble, no hemp, no wrinkle, no
cracks, the color should be uniform, the anti-corrosion pipe end should have no warping
7.5 The leakage point of the anti-corrosion layer should be continuously checked
according to the on-line electric spark leakage detector, the leakage detection voltage
is 25 kV, and the no leakage point is qualified. When a single pipe has two or less
leakage points, it can be repaired as specified in Chapter 9; a single pipe has more
than two leakage points or a single leakage point along the axial dimension
GB/T 23257—2017
8.1 The qualified anti-corrosion pipe shall be marked with product mark about 400 mm from
the pipe end. Product mark shall include: anti-corrosion layer structure, type of anti-
corrosion layer, anti-corrosion grade, implementation standard, manufacturer name (code),
production date, etc., and move the steel pipe mark information to the surface of anti-
corrosion layer.
8.2 For the hoisting of extrusion polyethylene anti-corrosion pipe, nylon sling shall be
used or other hangers that do not damage the anti-corrosion layer.
8.3 When stacking, the bottom of the anticorrosive pipe should be raised with two
ways of cushion (or more), the support spacing is 4 m ~8m, the minimum width of
the support pad is 100mm, the anticorrosive pipe should not be less than 100 mm
from the ground, and the flexible isolation should be placed between the support
pad and the anticorrosive pipe and between the anticorrosive pipe. During
transportation, it is advisable to use nylon belt binding, and hard objects should be
avoided mixed into the pipe stack during the loading process.
8.4 The number of allowable stacking layers of extrusion polyethylene anti-corrosion
pipes shall comply with the provisions of Table 9.
nominal DN 200≤DN <300 300≤DN <400 400≤DN <600 600≤DN <800 800≤DN ≤1200 DN >1200
diameter <200
Number of ≤10 ≤8 ≤6 ≤5 ≤4 ≤3 ≤2
8.5 The open storage time of extruded polyethylene preservative pipe should not be
more than 6 months. If it needs to be stored for more than 6 months, opaque cover
should be applied
Protect the anticorrosion pipe.
9.1.1 The field filling of extruded polyethylene anti-corrosion pipe can be made by
epoxy primer / radiation cross-linked polyethylene thermal shrinkage belt (set) or
other methods selected by design. When using epoxy primer / radiation cross-linked
polyethylene heat shrink belt (sleeve), should meet the requirements of this standard.
Solsolvent free epoxy primer shall be provided or specified by the manufacturer of
thermal shrink belt (sets), and the supply of primer shall meet the coating
requirements of thickness greater than or equal to 150 μ m.9.1.2 Radiation
crosslinked polyethylene thermal shrinkage belt (sets) shall be selected according
to the pipe diameter, the substrate edge of the product should be straight and the
surface should be flat
Whole, clean, no bubbles, cracks and decomposition and discoloration. The thickness of
the thermal shrink belt (sets) shall comply with the provisions of Table 10.
Circumferential harvest of the thermal contraction zone
GB/T 23257—2017
The shrinkage rate shall not be less than 15%; the circumferential shrinkage
rate of the thermal shrinkage sleeve shall not be less than 50%. The
performance shall comply with the provisions in Table 11 and Table 12.
9.1.3 The thermal shrink belt (sets) of each grade and its supporting epoxy primer
shall be fully inspected at least once per year according to the items specified in
Table 10, Table 11 and Table 12 before use. During use, each batch (no more than 5000)
arrives, with environmental stresses in Table 10 and Table 11
The items and the stripping strength in Table 12 shall be reinspected, and the
performance shall meet the specified requirements.
brittle temperature
≤-65 GB /T 5470
electrical strength
≥25 GB/T 1408.1
MV /m
mass resistivity
≥1×10¹ GB/T 1410
Ω ·m
GB/T 23257—2017
Table 11 (Renewal)
Primer performance
Non-volatile content
≥95 GB/T 1725
shear strength
≥5.0 GB /T 7124⁴
· Except for heat shock, the substrate performance shall be measured after 200℃± 5℃ and 5
min of free contraction, and the tensile test speed is 50 mm / min
The corrosion resistance index of chemical medium is the test tensile strength and the
retention rate of fracture nominal strain.
The tensile speed was 10 mm / min.
The tensile speed was 2 mm / min.
· The thickness of the primer coating is 300 μ m~400 μ m,
Table 12 Performance indicators of the installation system
with thermal shrink belts (sets)
GB/T 23257—2017
Table 12 (Renewal)
9.2.1 Before the construction of the repair procedure, the construction process
procedure (APS) shall be prepared and the process assessment test (PQT)
verification shall be conducted according to the construction procedure.
9.2.2 The filling construction procedures (APS) shall be applied according to the design
requirements, thermal shrinkage belt (sets), standard specifications and filling
Work experience and other preparation.
9.2.3 The filling construction process procedure (APS) shall be verified by process
evaluation test (PQT);
A) Process evaluation test (PQT) shall be carried out on representative pipes, and
should be of the same pipe diameter and the same wall thickness as the actual
engineering pipe
Pipe for the anticorrosion layer,
B) Process evaluation test (PQT) shall be conducted in at least 3 test ports on
the pipe coated with preservative layer of the body. The length of the test
port shall be consistent with the actual filling length. When there is no
circumferential weld path in the test port, a ring that simulates the field
weld shall be added in the middle of the test port
The ring.
C) All tools and equipment types used in process evaluation test (PQT) shall be
the same as those used in the actual filling construction.
D) When heating the filling area, visible damage such as foaming or peeling of the
anticorrosive layer of the pipe body should be avoided.
E) The installation time of the thermal shrinkage belt (set) during the process
evaluation test (PQT) shall be comparable to the estimated site filling time.
Process evaluation
When the fixed test is not conducted on the project site, the difference between
the assessed test environment and the actual construction environment and working
conditions should be considered.
F) The inspection items, test methods and acceptance indicators of the process
assessment test (PQT) shall meet the filling construction and inspection of this
The relevant provisions in the.
G) Process evaluation test (PQT), a complete evaluation test result report shall be
9.3.1 Open air fill construction shall not be carried out under any of the following
conditions without effective measures:
A) Rainy days, snowy days, windy and sandy days;
B) The wind force reaches level 5 or above;
C) Relative humidity is greater than 85%;
And d) The ambient temperature is below 0℃.
9.3.2 The construction can be constructed by manual or machine installation.
Pollution-free heating method should be used to add the filling parts of the steel
pipe surface
Heat, large diameter pipe should be heated by machine and tools. Heating should not cause
the surface pollution of the steel pipe, and should not damage the anti-corrosion layer
of the pipe body.
GB/T 23257—2017
9.3.3 The welding joints shall be cleaned, and the burrs, welding slag, splashes and
welding tumor shall be cleaned. The stain on the filling mouth
Objects, oil and impurities shall be cleaned up; when the end of anticorrosive layer has
defects such as warping, rust and cracking.
9.3.4 Before surface abrasive blasting, the steel pipe at the filling part shall be
preheated to the temperature of at least 5℃ above the dew point.
9.3.5 The sandblasting of the filling part should be suitable abrasive, uniform particle
size, and should be dry, clean and free of impurities. For the surface of the patch site,
the rust removal grade shall reach the Sa 2% grade specified in GB / T8923.1, and the
depth of the anchor grain shall reach 40 μ m ~90 μ m. After rust removal, the surface
dust shall be removed, and the surface dust level shall not be no lower than grade 3
specified in GB / T18570.3.
9.3.6 The construction interval between the surface treatment of steel pipe at the
filling part should not exceed 2 h. When the surface is sts, the surface treatment should
be conducted again.
9.3.7 The polyethylene layer of the overlapping part shall be polished to the
surface is rough, and the roughness shall meet the requirements of the operating
manual of the thermal shrinkage belt (set).
9.3.8 Control the preheating temperature according to the product specification of the
thermal shrinkage belt (set). After heating, contact thermometer or infrared
thermometer calibrated by contact thermometer temperature shall be used. At least the
temperature on the surface of the steel pipe and the surface of the polyethylene
anticorrosive layer shall be measured respectively, and the results shall meet the
requirements of the product specification. When measuring the temperature with an
infrared thermometer, the measured data should be corrected according to the
calibration results.
9.3.9 The primer shall be prepared and painted evenly according to the requirements of
the product operation instructions and the thickness of the wet film of the primer shall
not be less than 150 μ m.
9.3.10 Heat the thermal contraction belt, it is appropriate to control the flame strength
and heat slowly, without any baking on the thermal contraction belt for a long time.
During the process of contraction, check the fluidity of the glue by finger pressure
method, and the finger indentation should disappear automatically.
9.3.11 After shrinkage, the lap width of the thermal shrink belt (set) and polyethylene
layer shall not be less than 100 mm; for the thermal shrinkage belt, the fixed piece
and the circumferential lap width shall not be less than 80 mm.
The quality of the filling shall check the appearance, leakage point and stripping
strength, which should be carried out 24 h after the installation of the fill:
A) The appearance of the filling shall be visually inspected one by one. The surface
of the thermal shrink belt (set) shall be flat, wrinkled, bubbles, empty drum,
and charization, and the thermal shrink belt (set) shall overflow evenly around
the adhesive. The slip amount of the joint part of the fixed piece and the
thermal contraction belt should not be greater than 5 mm;
B) Each filling shall be be leakage leakage leakage with for spark each check. The
leak detection voltage is 15 kV. If there is a leakage point, it should be reopened
And leak detection, until qualified;
C) The stripping strength of the thermal contraction belt (set) shall be
tested according to the method specified in Appendix K. The temperature
of the pipe body during the inspection should be 15℃ ~25℃. The
stripping strength of the steel pipe and polyethylene anti-corrosion
layer should be no less than 50 N / cm, and 80% of the surface should be
cohesive destruction. When the stripping strength exceeds 100 N / cm,
the interface can be destroyed, and the primer of the stripping surface
should be completely attached to the surface of the steel pipe. At least
one test for every 100 fill mouth. If unqualified, the test should be doubled.
When the double sampling test is still unqualified, the corresponding
All the 100 repairs shall be repaired.
GB/T 23257—2017
9.5.4 For injuries greater than 30mm, the wound patch can be patched according to 9.5.2,
and then coat a hot shrinkage belt at the repair place. The covering width shall be at
least 50 mm larger than both sides of the wound patch.
9.5.5 For the damage with the diameter not exceeding 10mm and the leakage point or
damage depth not exceeding 50% of the thickness of the anticorrosive layer of the
pipe body, the polyethylene powder or hot melt repair rod matching with the
anticorrosive layer of the pipe body can be repaired in the prefabrication factory,
and the hot melt repair rod should be repaired on the construction site.
9.5.6 The quality of injury repair shall be inspected for the appearance, leakage point and
stripping strength;
A) The appearance of the wound shall be checked one by one, and the surface shall be
smooth, wrinkled, bubbling and burnt carbon; the wound piece shall be glued around
The knot is well sealed. The unqualified shall be replenished;
B: b) For the leakage point inspection, the leakage detection voltage is 15kV. If
it is unqualified, it should be repaired again
Repair and check the leakage, until qualified;
And c) the stripping strength of the wound patch is tested according to the
method specified in Annex K, the stripping when the tube temperature is 15℃
The off-strength shall not be less than 50 N / cm.
9.5.7 Repair injuries in the production process of the coating factory shall be
carried out during the day, and the bonding force of no less than 1 place shall be
tested every day. If unqualified, double spot check shall be made. Double spot check
still appear unqualified, the day of the repair injury all rework.
9.5.8 During the site construction process, for every 20 repair injuries, double
spot check shall be made. When double spot check still appears unqualified, the
corresponding 20 injuries should be repaired.
10.1 Before lowering the trench, the leakage leakage be be with to leakage leakage
detector, and the leakage detection voltage is 15 kV. If there is any leakage point, it
should be repaired to be qualified, and fill in the record.
10.2 The backfilling of the lower trench shall comply with the requirements of GB 50369.
11.1 The safety and environmental protection of coating production shall meet the
requirements of GB 7692.
11.2 The noise generated by various equipment during the production process of steel pipe
rust removal and coating shall comply with the relevant provisions of GB / T50087.
11.3 In the production process of steel pipe, the dust content in the air shall not exceed
GBZ 1.
11.4 In the production process of derusting and coating of steel pipes, the concentration
of harmful substances in the air shall not exceed 8 mg / m².
11.5 The electrical equipment in the coating area shall comply with the national safety
regulations on electrical equipment in explosion dangerous places, and an electric shock
protector shall be installed in the operation part.
11.6 During the rust removal and coating of steel pipes, the rotating and moving parts of
all mechanical facilities shall be protected.
11.7 The safety, sanitation and environmental protection during the transportation and
construction of anti-corrosion pipes shall meet the provisions of GB 50369 and other
11.8 All operators shall wear labor protective articles according to the regulations.
12 Submission documents
GB/T 23257—2017
appendix A
(Normative appendix)
Test method for the curing time of the epoxy powder
The equipment required for this test shall meet the following requirements:
A) Electric heating plate with a temperature accuracy of ± 3℃;
B) Metal plate, size: 150 mm, 150 mm, 25 mm;
C) contact thermometer;
d) calculagraph;
E) Extension plate (the shape is shown in Figure A.1);
A.2.1 Heat the metal plate and maintain the temperature at the specified temperature of
± 3℃.
A.2.2 Spread the epoxy powder on the metal plate with tensile plate and apply
it into a film so that the film thickness is between 300 μ m and 400 μ m,
When the powder on the metal plate begins to melt, immediately start the timer.
A.2.3 Before the film is completely coated, divide the film into 10 strips on
the film with a general knife or scraper, as shown in Figure A.2
As shown.
GB/T 23257—2017
plate metals
A.2.4 After 30s ± 3s, the first coating strip was removed with a universal knife and
immediately quenched into cold water.
A.2.5 Repeat for each 30s ± 3s after A. Operation in 2.4. Attention should be removed
and quenched in the order starting from the initial delay
And put it up in order.
A.2.6 Use a Differential scanning Calorimeter (DSC) to determine the △ Tg (change of
vitrification temperature) as specified in Appendix B
Or transformation percentage C.
A.2.7 Plot the percentage of time versus △ Tg or time versus conversion.
GB/T 23257—2017
appendix B
(Normative appendix)
Test method for the thermal characteristics of the epoxy
powder and its anticorrosive layer
B.1 Range
This test is suitable for the determination of the glass transition temperature (Tg)
and the reaction heat (△ H) of the epoxy powder and its anticorrosive layer.
The equipment required for this test shall meet the following provisions:
A) Differential scanning calorimeter with refrigeration equipment (DSC instrument)
B) Analysis balance, accurate to 0.1 mg;
C) Sample seal;
D d) aluminum plate with cover.
B.3.1 Take 10 mg ± 1mg of epoxy powder or anticorrosive layer as a sample, put it into
the pre-weighed sample dish, cover the lid and seal the sample
Weigh, the quality of the sample is accurate to 0.1 mg.
B.3.2 Put the sample and reference into the measuring tank of the differential
scanning calorimeter protected by dry inert gas.
B.3.3 For the epoxy powder samples, complete the thermal scan by following the
following procedure:
A) The sample was heated at a rate of 20℃ / min, from 25℃± 5℃ to 70℃± 5℃, and
then chilled to 25℃±
5 ℃。
And b) heat the same sample at a rate of 20℃ / min, from 25℃± 5℃ to
285℃± 10℃, and then quench the sample
To 25 ℃± 5℃ .
And c) heated the sample at a rate of 2 0℃ / min, from 25℃± 5℃ to 150℃±
B.3.4 For the test samples of the anticorrosive layer, complete the hot scan
according to the following procedure:
A) The sample was heated at a rate of 20℃ / min from 25℃± 5℃ to 110℃±
5℃ and maintained at 110℃
1.5 min, then chill the sample to 25℃± 5℃.
And b) heat the same sample at a rate of 20℃ / min, from 25℃± 5℃ to 285℃± 10℃,
and then quench the sample
To 25 ℃± 5℃ .
And c) heated the sample at a rate of 20℃ / min, from 25℃± 5℃ to 150℃±
B.4.1, corresponding to the B.3.3, in the program b) and program c) and B. For each
thermoscan line of 3.4, procedure b) and procedure c), the corresponding Tg (midpoint)
value is determined, respectively, Tg ₁, Tg ₂, Tg ₃, Tg ₄, and the Tg value is the
median value of the temperature range of the glass transition process. In addition, the
corresponding reaction heat release △ H can be determined (see Figure B.1 and those
shown in Figure B.2)。
GB/T 23257—2017
heat flow
B.4.2 For the anticorrosive layer, use the formula (B.1) Calculated change in Tg
In formula:
△Tg Change in Tg value in degrees Celsius (℃);
Tga cause B.3.4 Process b) Tg value obtained by scanning in degrees Celsius
GB /T 23257—2017
Tg ₄—— was determined by B.3.4 Process c) Scan the Tg value in degrees Celsius
B.4.3 For the anticorrosive layer, use the formula (B.2) Calculate the curing
In formula:
C —— curing percentage;
△ H —— provided by B.3.3 Process b) Heat in joule per gram (J / g)
△ H ₁—— provided by B.3.4 Process b) the reaction in joule per gram (J / g).
GB/T 23257—2017
appendix C
(Normative appendix)
Method for adhesion of corrosion layer
The test instrument and equipment shall meet the following provisions:
A) Oven or water bath, with an accuracy range of ± 3℃;
B) Electric spark leakage detector: range 0~30 kV;
C) Magnetic thickness gauge: range 0.01mm ~5mm, score below 1mm is 1 μ m; score
above 1mm is
0.01 mm;
D) The heat-resistant container;
e) thermometer;
F) Universal small knife.
C.2 specimens
The specimen size is about 100 mm 100 mm 6 mm, 3 pieces in each group.
C.3.1 Check the leakage point and the leakage voltage is calculated at 5V / μ m to test
before the specimen; put the specimen into the heat resistance container, add enough
water to fully soak the specimen, heat to 75℃± 3℃, constant temperature of 48 h, and
remove the specimen.
C.3.2 When the specimen is still warm, immediately cut a rectangle of about 30 mm 15mm
on the coating with a knife, scratch through the anti-corrosion layer to the substrate,
cool the specimen to room temperature within 1 h, insert the knife tip from any corner
of the rectangular part under the anti-corrosion layer, and pry the coating with
horizontal thrust, continuously
Push the knife tip until the rectangular internal anticorrosion layer is pried away or
shows obvious skid resistance.
The adhesion grade of the anti-corrosion layer shall be assessed according to the
following grading standards:
A) Grade 1 —— coating can not pry;
B) The coating of level 2 —— is less than or equal to 50%;
The c) level 3 —— is greater than 50%, but the coating showed significant skid
resistance to the horizontal force
D) Grade 4 —— coating is easily pried into strips or large debris;
E) Grade 5 —— coating was stripped off into a whole sheet.
The lowest level of the 3 specimens was taken as the adhesion level of the group of
GB/T 23257—2017
appendix D
(Normative appendix)
Test method for anticorrosion stripping
The main instruments and equipment and materials of this test shall comply with
the following provisions:
A) Adjustable DC stable power supply: 0 V ~6V.
B) Constant temperature device: temperature control range room temperature ~100℃,
temperature control accuracy ± 3℃.
C) Magnetic thickness gauge: range of 0.01 mm ~5mm, the value below 1 mm is 1 μ
m; the value above 1 mm is 0.01 mm.
D) Electric spark leak detector: range 0~30 kV.
E) Vernier caliper: range 0~200 mm, accuracy 0.02 mm.
F) Plastic circle and Jane: φ75 mm.
G) Auxiliary electrode: inert materials such as platinum electrode can be used.
H) Reference electrode: it has stable potential value and is suitable for test
temperature conditions. saturated calomel electrode can be used under general
temperature conditions.
I) Sodium chloride: chemically pure.
D.2.1 The specification and quantity of the specimens shall comply with the following
A) The laboratory-prepared plate specimen size is 100 mm 100 mm 6 mm;
B) The size of the specimen is 150 mm 150 mm wall thickness, and which two 150 mm are
axial along the pipe
And circumferential cut width. Thermal shrinkage belt (set) filling test can
use tubular test;
And c) No less than 2 specimens shall be used in each group.
D.2.2 Prepare anti-corrosion layer specimens according to the coating requirements of
the inspected anti-corrosive layer. The single layer epoxy powder is 300 μ m~400 μ m
thick and hot
The thickness of the shrink-belt primer is 300 μ m ~400 μ m.
D.3.1 check the specimen with electric spark leak detector. When the specimen is a
single-layer epoxy powder or thermal shrink belt (set), the leakage voltage is 5V / μ
m; when the specimen is polyethylene three-layer structure, the leakage voltage is 25
kV; when the specimen is thermal shrink belt (set), the leakage voltage is
15 kV。Only the specimens without pinholes can be used for testing.
D.3.2 drill a test hole in the middle of the specimen to penetrate the anticorrosion
layer and expose the base material. The specimen is a single epoxy powder or heat
shrink belt (set) primer
The diameter of test hole is 3.2 mm; when the specimen is polyethylene corrosion
coating or thermal shrinkage belt (set), the diameter of test hole is 6.4 mm.
D.3.3 The prefabricated plastic cylinder is bonded with the specimen with sealant to
form a test tank with the specimen as the bottom. The sodium chloride solution with a
concentration of 3% (mass fraction) is added to the tank to 4 / 5 of the tank height.
The distilled water is added to maintain the liquid level during the test process, and
the pH value of the solution is kept in the range of 6~9.
D.3.4 Connect the specimen to the negative electrode of the DC power supply; insert
the auxiliary electrode into the solution and connect to the positive electrode of the
DC power supply
(as shown in the figure D.1)。
GB/T 23257—2017
Plastic cup
experimental port
D.3.5 Control the specimen potential at 1.5 V (relative to the saturated calomel
electrode). The control test temperature is the specified temperature.
D.3.6 At the end of the test period, remove the specimen and cool it to room temperature.
The cooling time is not less than 1 h. With the knife with the center of the test hole,
the coating shall be exposed to expose the substrate, and the cutting distance should be
at least 20 mm (as shown in Figure D.2)。
D.3.7 Insert the preservative layer under the test hole with a knife, and pry the
coating along the cutting line with horizontal force until the coating shows obvious
skid resistance
D.4. Test results
Starting from the edge of the test hole, the stripping distance of each cut line is
measured and the average value is obtained, which is the cathode stripping distance
of the specimen,
Represented as the arithmetic mean of the cathode stripping distance of two parallel
test specimens, accurate to 0.1 mm.
GB/T 23257—2017
appendix E
(Normative appendix)
Test method for bending resistance of the preservative
The test instrument and equipment shall meet the following provisions:
A) Bending tester: mainly composed of press and bending mold (including convex die
and concave die) with a bending angle of 2.5°. Where the radius of curvature of
the convex mode is determined according to the formula (E.1) Determine:
In formula:
R —— convex radius in mm (mm);
Effective t —— specimen thickness in mm (mm) including the actual specimen,
thickness and any curvature (Figure E.1)。
1 —— Effective thickness;
2 —— of the actual thickness.
B) Low temperature box: the minimum temperature is 40℃, and the temperature control
accuracy is ± 3℃.
E.2 Examples
The size of the specimen is 200 mm 25 mm 6 mm. Cut the specimen from the test
pipe section or the actual anticorrosion pipe and process into 25 mm 200mm pipe wall
thickness, in which 200mm is the cutting length along the pipe axis, and the edge of
the specimen shall be smooth
defect. Not less than 3 specimens in each group.
GB/T 23257—2017
For the epoxy coating, the bending performance of this sample is qualified when
the coating of the three specimens has no cracks.
For polyethylene corrosion coating, in the absence of polyethylene cracking, the
bending performance of the sample is qualified.
GB/T 23257—2017
appendix F
(Normative appendix)
Method of determination of the oxidation induction
The test instrument and equipment shall meet the following provisions:
A) differential scanning calorimeter (DSC): can record the change
curve of heat flow or temperature difference over time, with an
accuracy of 0.1 min, b) Automatic gas switch: can quickly switch high
pure nitrogen and oxygen within 1 min, and can control the gas flow.
And c) Electronic balance: with 0.1 mg precision.
crossover point
time /min
graph F.1 Determination of the oxidation induction
GB/T 23257—2017
appendix G
(Normative appendix)
Test method for the determination of plastic
water content
The test instrument and equipment shall meet the following provisions:
A) Oven with accuracy range ± 2℃;
B) Balance: precision of 1 mg.
G.2 .1 The plates were dried in a 105℃± 2℃ oven for 0.5 h, removed, and weighed
after cooling in a desiccator.
G.2.2 Add about 5 g of sample to the dish and weigh it.
G.2.3 Place a petri dish with samples in a 105℃± 2℃ oven, bake for 3 h, remove, cool
in a dryer, and weigh.
G.2.4 Each sample is determined twice.
G.3 Results
GB/T 23257—2017
appendix H
(Normative appendix)
Method for determination of indentation hardness
The test instrument and equipment shall meet the following provisions:
A) Presentation meter: the pressure head is a metal rod with a bottom diameter of 1.8 mm
or a cross-sectional area of 2.5mm², and the total downward stress after loading is 10 MP
The scale indicator is 0.01 mm.
Bb) Thermostatic device: the temperature control accuracy is 2℃.
After placing the specimen at the measurement temperature for 1 h, land the
pressure head (without additional load) slowly and carefully on the specimen, and set
the scale indicator to the zero bit value within 5s. Then the additional load is
applied to the pressure head, and the indicated value after 24 h of the scale
indicator is the test
The indentation depth of the piece.
GB/T 23257—2017
appendix I
(Normative appendix)
Test method for corrosion resistance of polyethylene to
chemical medium
The test equipment and materials shall comply with the following provisions:
A) Universal test machine or tensile test machine;
B) Constant temperature water bath with accuracy ± 2℃;
C. c) balance, precision 0.01 g;
D) Chemical reagent, chemical pure.
1.3.1 Determine the initial tensile strength and fracture nominal strain of the sample as
specified in GB / T 1040.2.
1.3.2 Use constant temperature water bath to adjust the temperature of the
corrosion solution to 23℃± 2℃; immerse one set of specimens in each part of the
test surface, and the specimen and vessel wall shall not contact with each other.
1.3.3 Shake the container once a day; remove the specimen from the corrosion solution,
rinse the surface with water, and drain the water with filter paper to check any change
in the appearance of the specimen.
1.3.4 Measurement of the tensile strength and fracture nominal strain as specified in GB
/ T1040.2.
GB /T 23257—2017
appendix J
(Normative appendix)
Te s t met hod fo r po lye th yl ene UV li ght ag ing
re s i s t an ce
The test instrument and equipment shall meet the following provisions:
A) Test box: composed of 8 fluorescent UV tubes, heating tank, sample frame and a
system to control and record the operation time and temperature, can
Fluorescent UV and condensation cycles were performed.
B ) T u b e : th e sp e c t r a l e n e r g y is di s t r i b u t e d in th e wa v e l e n g t h ra n g e of 28 0
n m ~ 3 5 0 n m , a n d t h e m a x i m u m i n t e n s i t y wa v e l e n g t h is 34 0 nm
C) Universal test machine or tensile test machine.
J.2 trial
J.2.1 The test samples shall be prepared according to the requirements of GB / T 1040.2.
J.2.2 Test conditions used 60℃, 8h fluorescent UV irradiation with 50℃ and 4h
condensation exposure. Irradiance was 0.89W / m² · nm
J.2.3 Time of test: 336 h.
J.2.4 Test: After test test tensile strength and fracture nominal strain in GB / T 1040.2.
GB/T 23257—2017
appendix K
(Normative appendix)
Method for determination of peel strength of
anticorrosion layer
K.1.1 The test instruments and equipment shall comply with the following provisions:
A) Tensile test machine: accuracy is 1%, controllable speed 10 mm / min;
B) Portable stripping strength determination device: can control the surface of
stripping vertical steel pipe, can control the stripping speed at 10 mm / min, and
can remember
Record the stripping force value, the accuracy is ± 5%;
C) dynamometer: accuracy 1 N;
D) Steel plate ruler: the minimum scale is 1 mm;
E) Cutting knife: it can cut through the anti-corrosion layer;
F) Thermograph: the accuracy is 1℃.
K.1.2 The laboratory stripping specimens shall meet the following requirements:
A) Cut from the anticorrosion pipe or filling, the size of the specimen is about (100
mm~150 m m) (150 mm~200 mm)
Thick, the number of specimens should not be less than 3;
B) DN 168 mm anticorrosion tube can be directly cut into the test tube with a
length of about 300 mm; prepared in the laboratory
The simulated filling pipe section should be installed according to the product
installation requirements.
K.1.3 The peel test shall be conducted according to the following steps:
A) Laboratory specimen stripping strength test should be used by tensile tester, or
by portable stripping strength measurement device or dynamometer.
B) Laboratory test temperature normal temperature stripping control ± 2℃, high
temperature stripping control in the test temperature ± 5℃.
C) Cut the anticorrosion layer along the ring width of about 20 mm, length of at
least 160 mm, cut through the anticorrosion layer,
Ppry one end and pull the preservative layer at the surface of the vertical
specimen at a rate of 10 mm / min.
And d) peel length of about 140 mm and record time-force value curve. If the
time-force value cannot be recorded automatically recorded, read every 2 min
1 peel force value. If the corrosion layer is pulled during the stripping process,
record the force value when breaking.
E) The peel strength at high temperature can be measured as K.1.3c) The marked
anticorrosion layer specimen is heated to about 5℃ ~ 10℃ above the test
temperature, and monitor the root temperature of the strip strip with the
contact thermometer or the infrared thermometer calibrated and corrected by
the contact thermometer
Degree, when the temperature drops to the upper limit of the measurement
temperature and start the measurement before the temperature drops to the lower
K.1.4 The test results shall be calculated according to the following requirements:
The average force value recorded continuously during the determination was
divided by the width of the peeling preservative layer, namely, the peel strength in N
/ cm. If it cannot be recorded continuously, divide the data on 140 mm stripping
length into seven segments (stripping force value read every 2 min) to calculate the
stripping strength
Data for one and last segments, with the arithmetic mean of the upper five dissection
intensities of 100 mm length in the middle as the test result.
K.2.1 The instrument and equipment shall meet the following requirements,
A) Portable peel strength determination device: can control the surface of vertical
steel tube, can control the peel speed at 10 mm / min, and can remember
Record the stripping force value, the accuracy is ± 5%;
Bb) dynamometer: accuracy 5 N;
C) Steel ruler: minimum scale of 1 mm;
GB/T 23257—2017
GB/T 23257—2017
appendix L
(Normative appendix)
Test method for impact strength of anticorrosion
The test instrument and equipment shall meet the following provisions:
A) Impact test machine: composed of base, vertical guide pipe of impact hammer, impact
hammer and regulating mechanism.
B) Vertical guide pipe of impact hammer: diameter 48mm, length 1200mm, scale
score 5mm. The pipe should be smooth to ensure the impact hammer
free fall.
Cc) Impact hammer: mass 2000 g ± 2g or 3000 g ± 2 g, punch diameter is 25 mm.
D) Electric spark leakage detector: leakage detection voltage DC 25 kV.
E) Magnetic thickness gauge: the measuring range is 20 μ m ~5 mm.
L.2.1 The specimen can be cut from the anti-corrosion pipe or filling, and the anti-
corrosion layer can be made according to the actual operation method. The size of the
specimen is about 350 mm 170mm pipe wall thickness, of which 350mm is the axial cutting
length of the pipe. No less than 2 specimens shall be used with 25 kV (repair
anticorrosion layer
15 kV) DC voltage can be used.
L.2.2 Measure the thickness of the anticorrosive layer with the magnetic thickness
gauge or the electronic thickness gauge, and the distance from each edge is greater
than 38 mm on each specimen
Four points were measured uniformly in the enclosure, and the average value of the
thickness of the anticorrosion layer thickness of the sample (in mm).
L.2.3 The specimen should be placed on a rigid and stable horizontal support, and the
impact should be prevented from the secondary impact caused by the punch back.
L.2.4 The impact test machine can impact the surface of the test specimen, and the
impact point can be selected arbitrarily, but away from the edge of the specimen
The distance shall not be less than 30mm, and the distance between adjacent
impact points shall not be less than 30 mm. The spherical stroke should be
turned to one after a maximum of 10 shocks
A new position. The punch shall be replaced after the total impact number reaches
200 times.
L.2.5 The ambient temperature of the impact test of the anticorrosion layer shall be
20℃± 5℃.
L.2.6 Impact the same specimen 10 times, then use L.2.1 The specified DC voltage.
When no leakage point is found in 10 impact points, it indicates that the impact
strength of the specimen is greater than the predetermined impact energy.
GB/T 23257—2017
appendix M
(Normative appendix)
Test method for heat-resistant water immersion of
polyethylene anticorrosive coating
The test instrument and equipment shall meet the following provisions:
A) Oven or constant temperature water bath: the temperature control accuracy is ±
B) Container: container with cover, size suitable for specimen.
Cut off the specimens from the test pipe section or the actual anticorrosion
pipe. DN 76 mm anticorrosion tube, specimen cold cut into 150 mm long tube
DN> 76mm anticorrosive pipe, the specimen is cold cut into 150 mm 100 mm pipe wall
thickness, in which 150 mm is the cut length along the pipe axis
The specimen edge shall be polished with water sandpaper to be smooth without defects.
Not less than 3 specimens in each group.
M.3.1 Place the specimen in distilled water or deionized water with constant
temperature to specified temperature and be at least 50 mm.
M.3.2 Keep the water and specimen temperature at 80℃, 48 h. Remove the specimen, dry it
and cool to room temperature.
M.3.3 Visual inspection of the specimen. Check the bonding of the corrosion layer and
the substrate around the specimen. Not consider the anticorrosion coating stripping
within 5 mm around the corners. For the area of stripping or adhesion decline, a sharp
blade is inserted into the gap between the anti-corrosion layer and the steel substrate,
and lost
Debonded anticorrosive layer and measure the peel depth.
M.4 Results
The maximum depth and average depth of preservative peel were recorded, and the
average depth was expressed as the average of the stripping depth of 3 specimens.
GB/T 23257—2017
appendix N
(Normative appendix)
Thermal shrinkage belt (set)
Cut the specimen from the thermal shrink belt (set), size 300 mm 25mm, with 300 mm
in the shrink direction, and the number of specimens per group
Three pieces.
N.3.1 The cut specimen shall be hung in the electric blast drying box with a constant
temperature of 225℃ for 4 h. The specimen shall not contact the wall of the drying box
or each other
N. The specimen was removed after 3.2 4h and cooled to room temperature. Observe the
specimen for flow, crack or drop. If required, use a 25 mm shaft rod,
Bend the specimen for 360° to check for cracks.
N.3.3 The three specimens are qualified without flow, cracks and vertical drop.
GB/T 23257—2017
Appendix # 0
(Normative appendix)
Test method for embrittlement temperature of hot melt
The test instrument and equipment shall meet the following provisions:
A) Low temperature box: precision 3℃;
B) Stainless steel shaft rod: φ25 mm.
0.3.1 Put the specimen and shaft rod into a low temperature box with constant temperature
and cool it for 4 h.
0.3.2 Bend the specimen for 360° along the shaft rod within 10s ± 2s.
0.3.3 Remove the specimen from the cold box for visual inspection.
The lowest temperature without crack is taken as the embrittlement temperature of the
GB/T 23257—2017
appendix P
(Normative appendix)
Test method for heat-resistant water soaking of filling
anticorrosive layer
The test instrument and equipment shall meet the following provisions:
A) Electric blast drying box or thermostable test tank: temperature control accuracy
± 2℃;
B) Test tank: the size meets the requirements of soaking a certain number of test
pipe sections.
According to the installation requirements of the thermal shrink belt (set), the
thermal shrink belt (sleeve) is installed on the polyethylene anticorrosive pipe
section with the diameter of 89 mm ~159 mm to make the simulated filling test. The
length of the pipe section is about 300 mm, and the edge of the thermal shrink belt
(sleeve) should be about 10 mm from the end of the pipe section
distance. The bare steel surface of the inner wall and end of the steel pipe can be
coated with anti-corrosion coating for anti-corrosion protection.
At least 2 specimens for each group.
Adjust the water temperature to the specified test temperature, with a constant
temperature. Place the undamaged specimen into the test tank and add water to the
completely submerged specimen.
Water should be replenished during the test to keep the specimen completely submerged.
After the specified test time, the specimen can be removed and the peel strength
performance tested according to appendix K of this standard.
After the end of the specified test period, remove the specimen and observe the anti-
corrosion layer without bubbling, stripping and water under the membrane.
GB/T 23257—2017
appendix Q
(Normative appendix)
Test method for thermal aging of filling anticorrosion
The test instrument and equipment shall meet the following provisions:
Electric blast drying box: temperature control accuracy ± 2℃; size can place the
sample vertically without any impact.
Q.2.1 Cold cut the pipe section 300mm long and φ89 mm ~ φ273 mm in diameter (with
factory prefabricated 3PE anticorrosive layer), remove the 3PE anticorrosive layer
about 100 mm long in the middle of the pipe section, and then coat with thermal shrink
belt filling material, and the operating conditions are consistent with the site
construction conditions.
Q.2.2 Number of specimens: 3, each sample is marked as (a), (b), (c), to distinguish.
All specimens were pre-adjusted for 7 d prior to testing. Then test the specimen
at the highest operating temperature + 20℃ as described below
Aging test at the temperature of.
A) Place the specimen (a) at room temperature for 100 d;
BY) Place the specimen (b) in an aging oven for 70d, and then at room
temperature for 30 d;
And c) Place the specimen (c) in an aging temperature oven for 100 d.
After the aging test, within 8 h, all the specimens shall undergo the peel
strength test of the repair parts under the same test conditions as per appendix K of
this test, and the test temperature is 23℃± 2℃. Each sample on the tube body and
Three peel strength testing of the PE anticorrosion layer.
The arithmetic mean of the three dissection intensities was calculated for each
specimen. Then the ratio Pioo / P.
And P / P ₀ , where: P. Is the peel strength value measured at 23℃ without a hot
aged sample (a); Po is a 70 d hot aged sample
(B) peel strength value measured at 23℃; Po is the peel strength value measured at
23℃ for the sample (c) aged 100d.