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Assessment of Long-Term Effects of Irbesartan on Heart

Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction as Measured by

the Minnesota Living With Heart Failure Questionnaire in
the Irbesartan in Heart Failure With Preserved Systolic
Function (I-PRESERVE) Trial
Thomas S. Rector, PhD; Peter E. Carson, MD; Inder S. Anand, MD; John J. McMurray, MD;
Michael R. Zile, MD; Robert S. McKelvie, MD; Michel Komajda, MD; Michael Kuskowski, PhD;
Barry M. Massie, MD; for the I-PRESERVE Trial Investigators

Background—The Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire (MLHFQ) was used in a large, multinational,
randomized, placebo-controlled trial to measure adverse effects of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
(HF-PEF) on patients’ lives and the effects of irbesartan.
Methods and Results—Patients with symptomatic HF-PEF were randomly assigned to irbesartan (up to 300 mg daily) or
placebo. The MLHFQ was administered at baseline (n⫽3605), month 6 (n⫽3137), month 14 (n⫽2904), and the end of study
(median, 56 months, n⫽2205). Baseline MLHFQ scores of 43⫾21 indicated that HF-PEF had a substantial adverse effects.
Estimated retest reliability was 0.80. Baseline MLHFQ scores were associated with other measures of the severity of heart
failure including symptoms, signs of congestion, cardiac structure, and time to hospitalizations or deaths attributed to heart
failure. Slight improvement in shortness of breath or fatigue was associated with significant improvement in MLHFQ scores
(⫺5.9 and ⫺5.0, P⬍0.0001). Compared with placebo, further improvement in MLHFQ scores was not observed with
irbesartan after 6 months (mean adjusted difference, 0.4; 95% confidence interval, ⫺0.8 to 1.7), 14 months (0.5; 95%
confidence interval, ⫺0.9 to 1.8), or the end of study (2.0; 95% confidence interval, ⫺4.1 to 0.01).
Conclusions—The MLHFQ scores are a reliable, valid, and sensitive measure of the adverse impact of HF-PEF on
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patients’ lives. Irbesartan did not substantially improve MLHFQ scores during a long period of follow-up.
Clinical Trial Registration—URL: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT00095238.
(Circ Heart Fail. 2012;5:217-225.)
Key Words: diastolic heart failure 䡲 ARBs 䡲 quality of life

P atients with heart failure often seek medical care for relief
of symptoms, functional limitations, and psychological
distress. The MLHFQ is a measure of heart failure as
functional limitations and affect patients’ lives in similar
ways.4 – 6
Editorial see p 137
indicated by these adverse effects on patients’ lives that has
been widely used in clinical trials of heart failure with
Clinical Perspective on p 225
reduced ejection (HF-REF).1–3 The effects of treatments for The Irbesartan in Heart Failure with Preserved Systolic
HF-PEF on MLHFQ scores have not been studied as exten- Function (I-PRESERVE) trial enrolled a large number of
sively. The predominant cause of HF-PEF, nature of the patients with symptomatic HF-PEF to test whether irbesartan
cardiac dysfunction, and affected population (more prevalent can reduce mortality and cardiovascular hospitalizations and
among elderly women) differ from HF-REF. However, secondarily the adverse impact of HF-PEF on patients’ lives
HF-PEF and HF-REF lead to the same symptoms and as measured by the MLHFQ.7 A cursory report of the

Received August 5, 2011; accepted January 17, 2012.

From the Department of Veterans Affairs Health Care System and Department of Medicine, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN (T.S.R.,
I.S.A.); the Department of Veterans Affairs Health Care System and Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC (P.E.C.); British Heart Foundation
Cardiovascular Research Centre, University of Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom (J.J.M.); Ralph H. Johnson Department of Veterans Affairs Medical
Center and The Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC (M.R.Z.); Population Health Research Institute and McMaster University,
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada (R.S.M.); the Department of Cardiology, Pitie Salpetriere Hospital and Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris, France
(M.K.); the Department of Veterans Affairs Health Care System and Department of Psychiatry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN (M.K.); and
the University of California, San Francisco, and San Francisco Department of Veterans Affairs Health Care System, San Francisco, CA (B.M.M.).
Correspondence to Thomas S. Rector, PhD, Minneapolis VA Health Care System, One Veterans Dr, Minneapolis, MN 55417. E-mail
© 2012 American Heart Association, Inc.
Circ Heart Fail is available at http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org DOI: 10.1161/CIRCHEARTFAILURE.111.964221

218 Circ Heart Fail March 2012

Table 1. Study MLHFQ Data

Baseline 6 Months 14 Months End of Study
Missing responses, n (%)*
0 3148 (76) 2740 (76) 2508 (86) 1912 (85)
1 (imputed) 283 (6.8) 266 (7.4) 245 (8.4) 191 (8.5)
2 (imputed) 118 (2.8) 90 (2.5) 108 (3.7) 74 (3.3)
3 (imputed) 56 (1.4) 41 (1.1) 43 (1.5) 28 (1.2)
4–20 (excluded) 45 (1.1) 36 (1.0) 29 (0.8) 35 (1.0)
Missing or blank MLHFQ form 478 (12) 468 (13) 699 (19) 1400 (39)
Deaths 0 (0) 58 (1.6) 160 (4.4) 766 (21)
Reason unknown 478 (12) 410 (11) 539 (15) 634 (18)
Distribution† of MLHFQ scores
No. of patients 3605 3137 2904 2205
Total score 42 (28–58) 32 (18–46) 30 (17–45) 30 (15–45)
Physical dimension‡ 22 (15–29) 16 (10–23) 16 (9–23) 16 (8–23)
Emotional dimension 8 (3–13) 5 (2–10) 5 (2–10) 5 (2–10)
Cronbach ␣
Total score 0.92 0.92 0.93 0.94
Physical dimension 0.91 0.91 0.92 0.93
Emotional dimension 0.85 0.86 0.87 0.88
MLHFQ indicates Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire.
*Percentage of the 4128 enrolled in the study at baseline and percentage of the number with baseline
scores (n⫽3605) at subsequent visits.
†Median (25th to 75th percentiles).
‡See Table 2 for definition of dimensions.

MLHFQ data indicated irbesartan did not have a significant Investigators asked participating patients to complete the MLHFQ
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effect during the first 6 months of follow-up.8 When a at baseline, 6 and 14 months after random assignment, and the end
of study visit. Each of the 21 questions asked the patients to indicate
theoretically useful treatment for HF does not improve a how much a possible effect of heart failure prevented them from
patient-reported outcome measure such as the MLHFQ, the living as they wanted during the past month (30 days), using a scale
reliability, validity, and sensitivity of the data need to be from 0 (not present or no effect), 1 (very little), 2, 3, 4, or 5 (very
examined in-depth. The only other major randomized, con- much). The entire MLHFQ and its physical and emotional dimen-
sions were scored by summing responses. Patients were also asked
trolled trial of treating HF-PEF with an angiotensin-II recep-
how much their shortness of breath and fatigue had changed since
tor blocker did not examine its effects on MLHFQ scores.4 starting study treatment using a 7-point scale of markedly, moder-
Therefore, we conducted in-depth analyses of the MLHFQ ately, or slightly improved or worsened or unchanged. Both patients
data from the I-PRESERVE Trial including longer follow-up and investigators reported their global assessment of change in heart
and assessments of the reliability, validity, and sensitivity to failure using the same 7-point scale.
An echocardiography substudy that enrolled 745 subjects in sinus
change in this pivotal multinational trial. rhythm to examine the effects of irbesartan on left atrial size, left
ventricular hypertrophy, and indices of diastolic function provided
Methods several echocardiographic measures of HF-PEF that were analyzed
The I-PRESERVE Trial design has been published.9 Briefly, quali- to help validate the MLHFQ.10
fying patients were ⱖ60 years old with New York Heart Association
(NYHA) class II–IV symptoms and an ejection fraction ⬎45%. Data Analysis
Patients who had not been hospitalized due to heart failure during the First, the number of missing MLHFQ responses was examined at
previous 6 months were required to have NYHA class III or IV each visit, and imputation was used to fill-in questionnaires with
symptoms with corroborative evidence of heart failure, or a substrate ⱕ3 missing responses. Each missing value was predicted by
for HF-PEF, such as ECG or echocardiographic evidence of left regression of questions with missing responses on the best subset
ventricular hypertrophy or, if atrial fibrillation was absent, left atrial of responses to other questions. Other study variables were not
enlargement. Treatment with an angiotensin-converting enzyme used for imputation to avoid biasing estimates of their relation-
inhibitor was permitted in up to one-third of enrolled patients who ships to MLHFQ scores. The prediction error inherent in using a
had specific indications such as diabetes or atherosclerotic single imputed value probably would lead to underestimation of
cardiovascular disease. relationships to other variables. There were no substantial differ-
Patients (n⫽4128) were enrolled in 25 countries. The primary end ences in results when the data are analyzed without the imputed
point was a composite of death from any cause or the first blindly values (complete MLHFQ only). Questionnaires with ⬎3 missing
adjudicated hospitalization for a protocol-specified cardiovascular responses were excluded.
cause (worsening heart failure, unstable angina, myocardial infarc- Distributions of patients’ responses are summarized as
tion, ventricular or atrial dysrhythmia, or stroke). The composite mean⫾SD. Internal consistency of the MLHFQ was assessed by
outcome of the first hospitalization or death due to heart failure was Cronbach ␣ coefficient, a function of the mean pairwise correla-
used to examine the predictive validity of the MLHFQ. tion between responses to all 21questions. Absent repeated
Rector et al Effect of Irbesartan on Patients With HF-PEF 219

baseline administration of the MLHFQ when patients were Table 2. Baseline Distribution of MLHFQ Responses
clinically stable, retest reliability was estimated using a path
model of the correlations between baseline, month 6, and month Response Responses,*
14 scores to account for any changes in what is being measured Question About … ⬎0 (%) Mean⫾SD
during the widely spaced measurements.11 1. Swelling in ankles, legs 76 1.9⫾1.5
Relationships to clinical assessments of HF-PEF including several
2. Need to sit or lie down† 89 2.6⫾1.4
echocardiographic measures were examined by linear regression
analysis with robust standard errors to assess validity of the MLHFQ. 3. Difficulty walking, climbing stairs† 93 3.2⫾1.4
Conceptually speaking, symptoms of HF-PEF should be directly 4. Difficulty with house or yard work† 88 2.8⫾1.6
related to MLHFQ scores. Signs and pathophysiologic measures of 5. Difficulty going places away from home† 82 2.6⫾1.7
HF-PEF should be indirectly related to the MLHFQ scores, depend-
ing on how strongly each relates to perceived symptoms, functional 6. Difficulty sleeping well† 77 2.1⫾1.6
limitations, and psychological effects of HF-PEF. 7. Difficulty doing things with family or friends† 67 1.7⫾1.5
Some MLHF questions may be more or less applicable or 8. Difficulty working to earn a living 51 1.6⫾1.8
important, depending on the patients’ culture, lifestyle, roles, sex,
activities, and so forth. For example, working to earn a living might 9. Difficulty with recreational activities 71 2.2⫾1.8
be less important to elderly retired subjects. The MLHFQ scores 10. Difficulty with sexual activities 42 1.3⫾1.8
were related to the patients’ age, sex, and country, using multivari- 11. Eating less likeable foods 71 1.8⫾1.6
able regression analysis to adjust for any differences in assessments
of HF-PEF and comorbidity. 12. Shortness of breath† 94 3.2⫾1.4
To examine predictive validity, baseline MLHFQ scores and 13. Fatigue, tiredness, or low energy† 95 3.2⫾1.3
changes thereof during the first 6 months of follow-up were related 14. Hospital stay 39 1.1⫾1.6
to times to subsequent hospitalizations or death attributed to heart
failure by fitting Cox regression models. The proportional hazards 15. Costing money for medical care 67 2.0⫾1.8
assumption was tested using standardized Schoenfeld residuals. An 16. Treatment side effects 40 0.8⫾1.3
interaction between MLHFQ scores and follow-up time was tested and 17. Being a burden family or friends‡ 48 1.2⫾1.5
added to model changes in the hazard ratio (HR). Cox regression models
18. Loss of self-control‡ 56 1.3⫾1.5
with dummy variables representing discrete follow-up intervals, and
their interaction with MLHFQ scores were also used to estimate the 19. Worry‡ 81 2.2⫾1.6
variation HRs during follow-up. All Cox models included age and sex 20. Difficulty with concentration, memory‡ 76 2.0⫾1.6
as covariates and were stratified by country. Clinical correlates of
21. Feeling depressed‡ 71 1.9⫾1.6
MLHFQ scores and comorbidities were not included because they could
represent the same variation as MLHFQ scores. MLHFQ indicates Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire.
To further evaluate construct validity and sensitivity to differences *Question was whether the possible effect of heart failure was present and
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between groups, changes in MLHFQ scores after 6 months were prevented the patient from living as they wanted during the past month ranging
compared by ANOVA of groups defined by patients’ or investiga- from 0 (no), 1 (very little), to 5 (very much). Higher scores indicate that heart
tors’ ratings of changes in dyspnea, fatigue, global assessments of failure with preserved ejection fraction more adversely affected patients’ lives.
heart failure, and NYHA class. Whenever the main effect of the †Questions included in the physical dimension.
change categories was significant (all were P⬍0.00001), the ‡Questions included in the emotional dimension.
MLHFQ scores in the “no change category” were compared with
other categories of change, using a Bonferroni adjustment for
multiple post hoc comparisons. Results
Changes in the MLHFQ scores in the groups randomly assigned Table 1 summarizes the MLHFQ data collected at each visit.
to irbesartan or placebo were compared by linear regression Most respondents completed all 21 questions. Questions
analyses that included baseline MLHFQ scores, age, sex, country, about sexual activities (7.7%) and working to earn a living
all baseline clinical assessments that were associated with
MLHFQ scores including several comorbidities (a history of
(5.6%) were most frequently unanswered at baseline (and
stable angina, diabetes mellitus, peripheral vascular disease, throughout the trial). The median (25–75th percentile)
tobacco use, ethanol abuse, chronic obstructive pulmonary dis- MLHFQ score at baseline was 42 (28 –58). Cronbach ␣ for
ease and cancer), treatment with an angiotensin-converting en- the total score was consistently ⱖ0.92. Estimated retest
zyme inhibitor, and hospitalization for heart failure within 6 reliability of the total score was 0.80 (0.80 and 0.71 for the
months before enrollment. Analyses at the end of study also
physical and emotional dimension scores).
included time to discontinuation of the randomly assigned treat-
ment and use of medications typically prescribed for HF-REF. Shortness of breath, fatigue, and difficulty walking or
Each follow-up visit was analyzed separately due to declining climbing stairs had the greatest impact on these patients
numbers of subjects. Confidence intervals (98.3%) were adjusted with HF-PEF (Table 2). Swelling in the lower extremities
for comparing the treatment groups at 3 follow-up times was common but had little impact. Sexual difficulties,
(1– 0.05/3⫽1– 0.0167⫽0.983). In addition, a longitudinal mixed
hospital stays, and side effects of treatments were either
effects regression model of the individual changes in MLHFQ
scores at the 6-month, 14-month, and end-of-study (month 55 on not applicable during the past month (the reference period
average) visits on time, treatment, and their interaction was used for the questions) or had little adverse impact on the
to estimate the overall effect of irbesartan on mean MLHFQ majority of subjects.
scores and rates of change. The intercepts (6-month change
scores) and slopes (linear rates of change between 6 months and Relationship to Clinical Assessments
the end of study) were specified to be random effects with Table 3 shows progressively higher (worse) MLHFQ scores
unstructured covariance.
Stata software (version 10.1) was used for all analyses. Unless with worse NYHA class or peripheral edema. Scores were
stated otherwise, probability values and confidence intervals are higher when signs of circulatory congestion including pul-
reported without adjustment for multiple comparisons. monary rales, jugular venous distention, and an enlarged liver
220 Circ Heart Fail March 2012

Table 3. Relationships Between Baseline MLHFQ Scores and Clinical Assessments

Clinical Assessment Baseline Distribution* Mean Difference† in MLFQ Score
NYHA class
II 773 (21) Reference group
III 2730 (76) 9.3 (7.7, 11.0)¶
IV 101 (3) 25.8 (21.6, 30.0)¶
Peripheral edema
None 1658 (46) Reference group
Trace 1102 (31) 2.7 (1.1, 4.3)¶
1–2⫹ 762 (21) 7.7 (5.9, 9.4)¶
3–4⫹ 70 (2) 13.7 (9.0, 18.3)¶
Hospitalization in past 6 mo 1603 (44) 0.9 (⫺0.4, 2.3)
Presumed etiology of heart failure
Hypertension 2349 (65) ⫺0.8 (⫺2.2, 0.6)
Ischemic heart disease 868 (24) 2.3 (0.7, 3.9)㛳
Lung auscultation
Clear 2483 (69) Reference group
Wheezing only 924 (26) 4.4 (⫺0.04, 8.8)
Basilar rales 106 (3) 5.8 (4.3, 7.4)¶
Diffuse rales 86 (2) 14.4 (10.5, 18.4)¶
Jugular venous distension 283 (8) 7.0 (4.4, 9.5)¶
Enlarged liver 701 (19) 9.1 (7.4, 10.8)¶
S3/4 gallop 297 (8) 5.3 (2.8, 7.8)¶
LV hypertrophy detected by ECG 1146 (32) 5.4 (4.0, 6.9)¶
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LVEF 59⫾9 ⫺0.3/5%

⬎60% 1780 (49) ⫺1.1 (⫺2.5, 0.2)
NT-proBNP, pg/mL
ⱕ300 1456 (47) Reference group
301–1000 889 (29) ⫺1.2 (⫺3.0, 0.5)
⬎1000 741 (24) 0.9 (⫺1.0, 2.7)
Systolic blood pressure, mm Hg 136⫾15 ⫺0.2 (⫺0.5, ⫺0.02)/5 mm Hg§
Diastolic blood pressure, mm Hg 79⫾9 0.7 (0.3, 1.0)/5 mm Hg¶
Pulse pressure, mm Hg 57⫾13 ⫺0.6 (⫺0.9, ⫺0.4)/5 mm Hg¶
Heart rate, beats/min 71⫾10 0.6 (0.3, 1.0)/5 beats/min¶
Left bundle-branch block 299 (8) 1.4 (⫺1.1, 3.8)
Atrial fibrillation or flutter 598 (17) 0.5 (⫺1.3, 2.3)
Serum sodium, mEq/L
ⱕ135 249 (7) ⫺1.4 (⫺4.0, 1.3)
136–145 3209 (91) Reference group
⬎145 82 (2) 5.4 (0.8, 9.9)§
Serum potassium, mEq/L
ⱕ3.5 70 (2) ⫺2.2 (⫺7.1, 2.7)
3.6–5.0 3111 (88) Reference group
⬎5.0 338 (10) 2.5 (0.2, 4.8)§
Serum albumin, g/dL
ⱕ4.0 1493 (42) ⫺0.2 (⫺1.9, 1.5)
4.1–5.0 1000 (28) Reference group
⬎5.0 1047 (30) 0.6 (⫺1.2, 2.4)
Blood urea nitrogen ⬎25 mg/dL 765 (22) 0.8 (⫺0.9, 2.5)
Rector et al Effect of Irbesartan on Patients With HF-PEF 221

Table 3. Continued
Clinical Assessment Baseline Distribution* Mean Difference† in MLFQ Score
Serum creatinine ⬎1.5 mg/dL 219 (6) ⫺2.5 (⫺5.3, 0.4)
Estimated GFR, mL/min per 1.73 m
ⱕ45 331 (9) 0.6 (⫺1.8, 3.0)
46–60 761 (22) 1.4 (⫺0.3, 3.1)
⬎60 2450 (69) Reference group
Hemoglobin, g/dL
⬍12 336 (10) 1.2 (⫺1.2, 3.6)
12–15 2379 (68) Reference group
⬎15 785 (22) ⫺0.7 (⫺2.4, 1.0)
Body mass index, kg/m2 29.6⫾5.3 1.6 (1.0, 2.3)/5 kg/m2¶
Medical history‡
Stable angina 1465 (41) 3.8 (2.4, 5.2)¶
Diabetes mellitus 958 (27) 5.0 (3.4, 6.5)¶
Peripheral vascular disease 966 (27) 2.0 (0.5, 3.5)¶
Tobacco use 667 (18) ⫺5.0 (⫺6.8, ⫺3.3)¶
Ethanol abuse 399 (11) ⫺8.2 (⫺10.3, ⫺6.6)¶
COPD or adult asthma 328 (9) ⫺2.8 (⫺5.2, ⫺0.5)§
Cancer 200 (6) ⫺4.0 (⫺7.0, ⫺1.0)¶
MLHFQ indicates Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire; NYHA, New York Heart Association; LV, left
ventricular; LVEF, LV ejection fractions reported by each investigational site that used varying methods;
NT-proBNP, N-terminal pro B-type natriuretic peptide; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; and COPD, chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease.
*Summarized as n (percentage) or mean⫾SD.
†Difference from reference group estimated as linear regression coefficients (95% confidence interval). All
other patients are the reference group for all dichotomous variables.
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‡History of some conditions that could have had an effect on MLHFQ scores unrelated to heart failure with
preserved ejection fraction.

were present. On average, MLHFQ scores were higher in the (interaction probability value⫽0.24), or in the elderly (inter-
presence of left ventricular hypertrophy on ECG, an S3 (or action probability value⫽0.24).
S4) gallop, an ischemic etiology, and higher heart rates.
Conversely, MLHFQ scores were lower (better) with higher Relationship to Heart Failure Morbidity
systolic and pulse pressures. The MLHFQ scores were not and Mortality
related to the ejection fractions, circulating levels of natri- Of the 3605 patients who had a baseline MLHFQ score and
uretic peptide, or measures of renal function. median follow-up of 4.3 years, 616 (17%) had an adjudicated
From the echocardiography substudy, left atrial diameter hospitalization or death attributed to heart failure. The inter-
⬎4.2 cm (women) or 4.6 cm (men) was positively associated action between MLHFQ scores and follow-up time was
with the baseline MLHFQ scores (39%; n⫽603; mean differ- significant (P⬍0.0001), indicating that the hazard ratio (HR)
ence in MLHFQ score, 3.4; P⫽0.03) as was the left ventricular decreased over time from an initial value of 1.6 per 5 points
mass to end-diastolic volume ratio (n⫽474; median, 1.8 g/mL; higher MLHFQ score (95% confidence interval, 1.5–1.7;
25–75th percentile, 1.4 –2.4; P⫽0.03), with an estimated mean P⬍0.0001). Estimates of HRs within sequential time inter-
difference in MLHFQ score of 2.5 g/mL. An E/A ratio of ⱕ0.8 vals show the downward trend from the first 6-month interval
(46%; n⫽585; mean difference in MLHFQ score, 0.7; P⫽0.66), (HR, 1.6; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.51–1.65;
isovolumic relaxation time ⬎110 ms (22%; n⫽569; mean P⬍0.0001), to the next 6-month interval (HR, 1.3; 95% CI,
difference, 2.4; P⫽0.22), and lateral E/E⬘ ratio ⬎15 (24%; 1.28 –1.38; P⬍0.0001), to the second (HR, 1.2; 95% CI,
n⫽446; mean difference, 3.7; P⫽0.09) were not significantly 1.14 –1.21; P⬍0.0001) and third (HR, 1.05; 95% CI, 1.02–
associated with MLHFQ scores. 1.08; P⫽0.002) year of follow-up.
Men had significantly lower adjusted MLHFQ scores
(Table 4). Average adjusted baseline MLHFQ scores in Changes During First 6 Months
several countries differed from the United States. Neverthe- Of the patients with a baseline MLHFQ score, 3137 (87%)
less, the estimated effect of irbesartan did not vary signifi- had a score at 6 months. Fifty-eight (1.6%) died before the
cantly by country (interaction probability value⫽0.82), sex 6-month visit, and 36 (1.0%) were missing ⬎3 MLHFQ
222 Circ Heart Fail March 2012

Table 4. Demographics in Relation to Baseline MLHFQ Scores

and Irbesartan Effects
Mean Effect
of Irbesartan
Difference on Change in
Demographic Baseline in Baseline MLHFQ Score
Variable Distribution* MLHFQ Score† at 6 Months†
Age, y 71⫾7 0.2/5 y
ⱖ65 2956 (82) 0.1 (⫺1.5, 1.8) 0.7 (⫺0.4, 1.9)
⬍65 649 (18) Reference group ⫺0.9 (⫺3.8, 2.1)
Female 2199 (61) Reference group 1.2 (⫺0.4, 2.8)
Male 1406 (39) ⫺4.8 (⫺6.1, ⫺3.4)¶ ⫺0.05 (⫺1.7, 1.6)
United States 224 (6) Reference group 2.9 (⫺3.7, 9.5)
Canada 71 (2) 9.4 (5.0, 13.8)¶ ⫺1.4 (⫺7.2, 4.5)
Mexico 150 (4) 7.1 (2.2, 12.0)㛳 ⫺1.9 (⫺8.2, 4.3)
Figure 1. Mean (standard error) changes in Minnesota Living
Argentina 363 (10) 9.1 (5.4, 12.7)¶ 2.2 (⫺2.0, 6.4) with Heart Failure Questionnaire (MLHFQ) scores within catego-
Brazil 145 (4) 4.1 (⫺0.6, 8.8) ⫺1.6 (⫺7.6, 4.4) ries of patients’ ratings of changes in dyspnea and fatigue dur-
ing the first 6 months of treatment.
The Netherlands 213 (6) ⫺5.8 (⫺9.7, ⫺2.0)㛳 1.2 (⫺2.8, 5.3)
Germany 189 (5) ⫺9.8 (⫺13.6, ⫺5.9)¶ 1.0 (⫺3.4, 5.3)
MLHFQ score in the slightly worse dyspnea subgroup
France 177 (5) 1.4 (⫺2.9, 5.8) 2.2 (⫺2.5, 6.8)
Spain 227 (6) 12.6 (8.2, 16.9)¶ 3.5 (⫺0.6, 7.7) Changes in MLHFQ scores during the first 6 months of
Belgium 131 (4) ⫺3.8 (⫺8.6, 0.9) 0.6 (⫺5.4, 6.6) follow-up were associated with subsequent heart failure
Poland 272 (8) 12.4 (8.3, 16.5)¶ 1.0 (⫺2.6, 4.6) events by Cox regression that included the baseline MLHFQ
Hungary 65 (2) 14.0 (8.2, 19.8)¶ ⫺2.9 (⫺10.8, 5.0) scores. The initial HR for a 5-point increase in score was 1.2
Czechoslovakia 107 (3) 0.5 (⫺4.5, 5.5) 2.7 (⫺5.0, 10.3) (95% CI, 1.1–1.3; P⬍0.0001). The interaction between the
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effect of the MLHFQ score and follow-up time was also

Russia 1017 (28) 10.3 (6.7, 14.0)¶ ⫺0.7 (⫺2.4, 0.9)
significant (P⬍0.0001), indicating the HR decreased during
Other‡ 254 (7) ⫺3.1 (⫺6.9, 0.7) 2.2 (⫺2.0, 6.4)
MLHFQ indicates Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire.
*Summarized as n (percentage) or mean⫾SD. Comparison of Changes in MLHFQ Scores in
†Mean difference (95% confidence interval) between groups adjusted for
Treatment Groups
significant clinical assessments and medical history listed in Table 3 and other
As summarized in Table 5, fewer patients had MLHFQ scores at
demographics. Tests for interaction with irbesartan effect were not significant
(elderly, P⫽0.24; sex, P⫽0.24; country, P⫽0.82). each subsequent visit. However, the number of subjects in each
‡Other countries with ⬍50 subjects including Australia (n⫽38), Denmark
(n⫽1), Greece (n⫽19), Ireland (n⫽9), Italy (n⫽14), Norway (n⫽23), Portugal
(n⫽26), South Africa (n⫽32), Sweden (n⫽48), Switzerland (n⫽1), and The
United Kingdom (n⫽43).

responses. There was a notable improvement in MLHFQ

scores in both treatment groups that persisted to the end of the
study (Table 1).
Average 6-month changes in MLHFQ scores within cate-
gories of concurrent changes in symptoms, global assess-
ments, and NYHA class are shown in Figures 1, 2, and 3.
Changes in MLHFQ scores were clearly related to patient and
investigator assessments of changes in heart failure symp-
toms. The MLHFQ scores indicated some improvement when
no change was reported in other measures. The MLHFQ
scores in the “slight symptom improvement” or 1 NYHA
class improvement categories were significantly different Figure 2. Mean (standard error) changes in Minnesota Living
with Heart Failure Questionnaire (MLHFQ) scores within catego-
(P⬍0.001) from the respective “no change” categories as ries of patients’ and investigators’ global ratings of changes in
were the slightly worse categories except the 3.3 higher mean heart failure during first 6 months of treatment.
Rector et al Effect of Irbesartan on Patients With HF-PEF 223

The longitudinal regression analysis found a very small

annual rate of reduction of 0.4/y (95% CI, 0.1– 0.6/y,
P⫽0.01) in the initial 6-month improvement in MLHFQ
scores in the placebo group. Compared with the placebo
group, irbesartan prevented this slow worsening of MLHFQ
scores (difference ⫺0.6/y; 95% CI, ⫺1.0 to ⫺0.2; P⫽0.003).
Averaging over all 3 visits, the difference in changes in
MLHFQ scores between the irbesartan and placebo groups
was not significant (0.8; 95% CI, ⫺0.4 to 2.0; P⫽0.20).
Separate analyses of the physical and emotional dimension
scores found very similar results that are not reported.

The median MLHF scores of 42 (quartiles 28 –58) at baseline
indicate HF-PEF adversely affected the lives of the majority
Figure 3. Mean (standard error) changes in Minnesota Living
with Heart Failure Questionnaire (MLHFQ) scores within catego- of patients enrolled in the I-PRESERVE Trial, of whom 75%
ries of changes in New York Heart Association (NYHA) class. had NYHA class III symptoms at baseline. All 21 questions
were pertinent to substantial proportions of these symptom-
treatment group, distributions of baseline MLHFQ scores, per- atic patients and their responses were highly internally
centages that discontinued the assigned treatment including consistent, suggesting that all responses were related to the
interim mortality, and percentages treated with other medica- same phenomenon, presumably HF-PEF. In the Candesartan
tions that could affect MLHFQ scores were similar. The mean in Heart Failure Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and
adjusted differences between treatment groups in the total Morbidity (CHARM) study of HF-PEF, the distribution of
MLHFQ score were not significant at any visit. scores among NYHA class III patients was 48 (32– 67) and

Table 5. Changes in MLHFQ Scores Within Treatment Groups

6 Months 14 Months End of Study*
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Irbesartan Placebo Irbesartan Placebo Irbesartan Placebo

Subjects, n (%)† 1567 (87) 1570 (87) 1446 (81) 1458 (81) 1102 (61) 1103 (61)
Discontinued study treatment, % 6.7 7.0 13 11 40 40
Adverse event 2.9 2.8 5.7 4.3 15 13
Mortality 1.6 1.6 4.5 4.4 21 20
Concurrent meds, %
ACE inhibitor 22 25 26 23 30 27
␤-blocker 60 61 61 60 65 64
Diuretic 82 87 87 84 86 81
Loop diuretic 62 60 60 61 61 61
Spiranolactone 18 19 19 18 21 16
CaCB 34 39 40 36 40 36
Baseline score 43⫾21 43⫾21 43⫾21 43⫾20 43⫾21 42⫾20
Changes in score ⫺9.7⫾18 ⫺9.7⫾17 ⫺12.0⫾19 ⫺12.2⫾18 ⫺11.9⫾23 ⫺9.6⫾23
Unadjusted mean difference (98.3% CI)
Total score 0.0 (⫺1.5, 1.5) 0.2 (⫺1.4, 1.9) ⫺2.3 (⫺4.6, 0.01)
Physical dimension 0.0 (⫺0.7, 0.7) 0.4 (⫺0.4, 1.2) ⫺0.8 (⫺1.9, 0.3)
Emotional dimension ⫺0.1 (⫺0.6, 0.3) ⫺0.1 (⫺0.6, 0.4) ⫺0.6 (⫺1.3, 0.02)
Adjusted‡ mean difference (98.3% CI)
Total score 0.4 (⫺0.8, 1.7) 0.5 (⫺0.9, 1.8) ⫺2.0 (⫺4.1, 0.01)
Physical dimension 0.2 (⫺0.5, 0.8) 0.5 (⫺0.2, 1.2) ⫺0.7 (⫺1.6, 0.3)
Emotional dimension 0.0 (⫺0.4, 0.4) ⫺0.1 (⫺0.5, 0.4) ⫺0.6 (⫺1.2, ⫺0.01)
MLHFQ indicates Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire; ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; CaCB, calcium channel blocker; CI, confidence
*Median, 56; interquartile range, 50 – 62 months after baseline visit.
†Baseline MLHFQ score included 1795 patients in the irbesartan group and 1810 in the placebo group.
‡Baseline MLHFQ score, age, sex, country, all significant baseline clinical assessments, and comorbidities (in Table 3) and whether the subject was treated with
an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor or hospitalized for heart failure within 6 months before enrollment are included as covariates in the regression model.
224 Circ Heart Fail March 2012

27 (15– 48) for class II patients.4. The distributions of The observed differences between countries in adjusted
MLHFQ scores in the CHARM study of patients with MLHFQ scores may be related to differences in language,
HF-REF and NYHA class II (26, 13– 47) or III (44, 25– 62) culture, translation, and perhaps medical care for HF-PEF.
heart failure were very similar. The distribution of MLHFQ Why women reported their lives were more adversely af-
scores in I-PRESERVE is also similar to other studies of fected by HF-PEF is not known. The difference was not due
HF-REF 12–14 Thus, depending on the patients’ symptoms and to any particular questions. As much as possible, adjustments
functional limitations, heart failure has similar adverse effects were made for any differences between sexes in the severity
on patients’ lives regardless of their ejection fraction. of symptoms and clinical assessments of HF-PEF, comorbidi-
In-depth analysis of MLHFQ data collected by the ties, age, and country. The observed sex difference is consis-
I-PRESERVE investigators did not reveal clinically signifi- tent with other studies of patients with HF-PEF and HF-
cant effects of irbesartan after 6, 14, or a median of 56 months REF.4,12,13 More to the point, the significant unexplained
of follow-up. This result is consistent with a much smaller variation in MLHFQ scores between country and sex did not
open-label study of patients with HF-PEF given lower doses explain the lack of benefit from irbesartan.
of irbesartan (75 mg, n⫽56) that did not see more improve- In summary, irbesartan did not reduce the substantial
ment in MLHFQ scores after 12, 24, or 52 weeks than seen adverse impact of symptomatic HF-PEF on patients’ lives in
with diuretic therapy (n⫽50).15 These are the only 2 studies the I-PRESERVE Trial. In-depth analyses indicate the lack of
we know that used the MLHFQ to evaluate an angiotensin benefit was not due to lack of reliability, validity, or sensi-
receptor antagonist for HF-PEF. tivity of the MLHFQ in this large, multinational clinical trial.
The lack of an irbesartan effect could not be attributed to
the measurement performance of the MLHFQ in this multi- Sources of Funding
national study. The estimated retest reliability coefficient of The I-PRESERVE Trial was funded by Bristol-Myers Squibb and
0.80 was sufficient for comparing treatment groups. Changes Sanofi-Aventis. Dr Rector was supported by the Veterans Health
Administration [Health Services Research and Development grant
in MLHFQ scores in subgroups that had only slightly better HFP-98-001. All expressed views and conclusions are the authors’
or worse symptoms of heart failure or a change in one NYHA and do not necessarily represent the Veterans Health Administration.
class were significantly different from those that did not
change. The baseline MLHFQ scores were related to left Disclosures
atrial enlargement and left ventricular mass–to–volume ratio Drs Anand, Carson, and Zile received consulting fees from Bristol-
that were also independently associated with other study end Myers Squibb and/or Sanofi-Aventis. Dr McMurray received sup-
port from Bristol-Myers Squibb (to Glasgow University) for his
points.10 Baseline and changes in MLHFQ scores over 6 work on this trial. Dr Komajda received consulting fees from
Downloaded from http://ahajournals.org by on December 6, 2018

months were also associated with the end point of hospital- Bristol-Myers Squibb and Servier and lecture fees from Sanofi-
izations or deaths attributed to heart failure. Therefore, the Aventis. Dr McKelvie received consulting fees and lecture fees from
reliability, validity, and sensitivity of the MLHFQ in this Bristol-Myers Squibb and Sanofi-Aventis. Dr Massie received grant
study of HF-PEF were sufficient to detect a treatment effect support and consulting fees from Bristol- Myers Squibb and Sanofi-
Aventis. Drs Rector and Kuskowski have no industry relationships to
and similar to what has been reported in studies of patients disclose. Dr Rector receives royalty payments from the University of
with HF-REF.2,12,16 –18 Minnesota for licensed use of the Minnesota Living with Heart
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Downloaded from http://ahajournals.org by on December 6, 2018

Assessment of quality of life as observed from the baseline data of the with heart failure: SPAN-CHF II Trial. J Card Fail. 2011;17:151–157.

Patients with heart failure often seek medical care for relief of symptoms, functional limitations, and psychological distress
that adversely affect their quality of life. The multinational Irbesartan in Heart Failure with Preserved Systolic Function
(I-PRESERVE) trial enrolled a large number of patients with symptomatic heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
(HF-PEF) to test whether irbesartan can reduce mortality and cardiovascular hospitalizations and secondarily the adverse
impact of heart failure on quality of life as measured by the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire. In-depth
analyses indicated that the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire scores provided a reliable, valid, and
sensitive measure of the adverse effects of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction on patients’ lives. Although the
quality of subjects’ lives was adversely affected at baseline, there was no indication that irbesartan reduced the adverse
effects during more than 4 years of follow-up.

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